#ice vault
usernoneexistent · 3 months
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After practising her spells, Juniper is ready to enter again the ice vault and this time with more help yet it seems to get worse.
Warnings: violence
The Scottish highlands couldn't seem to get any colder, but throughout February, they did. While Juniper was antsy about getting the ice vault sooner, she also wanted to be prepared. She couldn't afford to go through it and have another friend hurt because of her and another trip to the hospital wing.  
A visible mist emitted out of Juniper's mouth as she grew breathless. She had been finalising and perfecting this spell for the past two hours. The practice had gone on for weeks.
A brief moment of warmth spread to her face as a large burst of fire emitted from her hornbeam wand. The flame hit the square on the red target. Scorch marks marred the training dummy, slowly covering the metal in black. Juniper found producing a flame easy but much more challenging to control and direct that spell.
Bill clapped proudly, "I think it's safe to say you've mastered the fire-making spell."
"And you've managed to increase the span by an estimated fourteen centimetres, making it a total of seven metres and two centimetres now." Rowan analysed the grass where the frost had melted away and any burn residue with a measuring tape. She has been meticulously noting her progress.
Juniper started bringing Rowan along to her and Bill's spell practice to 'help improve her fire-making casting'. While this wasn't a lie, it wasn't her main intention either. Was the young Ravenclaw playing matchmaker for her friend? Perhaps, however, Juniper couldn’t overlook her friend’s crush when here was a chance that she could help to get them close in proximity to one another. The introduction was awkward and stiff. Rowan could barely peep out a word to Bill, but he was kind about it, and slowly, Rowan has grown more comfortable around Bill. He often engaged with her, asking questions and even jokingly asking if she could monitor his progress, turning it into a friendly competition.
She wiped away the beads of sweat from her forehead.
"I think it's time to break into the cursed vault, then," Juniper determined. It had been long enough of a wait. Juniper had been impatient and has more or less neglected her studies to practice her spells and incantations. She was falling behind on assignments and receiving detention at times to catch up on work plus more. Professor Snape was the primary source ready to dish out punishment for any slip she presented.
"I agree. We'll probably have to sneak out at night-time." Bill suggested. "I know how to get past the patrol squad."
"Luckily, we are also night-time sneaker experts," Juniper smirked.
Bill grinned, "sounds like a plan then."
"You better dress warmly," Rowan warned, as she would know firsthand. She suffered from chills and has adapted to wearing multiple layers. Madam Pomfrey monitored her condition and said she was progressing better.
At quarter past ten, Juniper came running down the corridor with her blue and bronze scarf tailing behind her. The fourth year was waiting for her near the forbidden corridor, carefully watching his surroundings.
"Sorry! I had a lot to catch up on homework that I forgot and last minute practise, and then I lost track of time-"
"It's okay, Juniper. You can stop flapping about." Bill found it comical that Juniper was more worried about being late.
"Sorry, it's just...this matters to me. A lot."
"I get it."
Bill gave Juniper a reassuring pat on the head as they headed off into the corridor. She hid a small smile as she reminisced about Jacob. That chilly wave returned as she revealed the stairs again pulling her thoughts to the present. There must have been a reset timer for the wall to cover again. Afterall, whoever designed the cursed vaults must have thought about teachers and other students discovering it. Juniper was suited up in her two jumpers and scarf as they ascended the stairs. It was exposed, like from the last time she and Rowan had entered.
"I get now why you and Rowan warned me about the cold. I should have worn the wolly mitts my mum made." Bill rubbed his hands together.
Juniper somewhat used the sleeves of her jumper as a makeshift glove covering the palms of her hands.
"Too late now." She found her teeth chattering. Even with the additional layers, it was still just as freezing as last time. More ice ridges formed, and icicles threatened menacingly above their heads. Right in front of them was the latest addition to the room. A wall.
Literally an ice wall.
"Um, was this here the last time you went?"
"Nope, this is brand new."
Juniper breathed into her hands to keep them warm, but it didn't stop the fingertips from turning blue already.
"Guess it's time to put your training to practise then."
Bill wiggled his fingers to keep them warm before he prepared his wand. Juniper had to readjust with her stiff fingers to hold her wand correctly. They pointed to the giant glacial formation.
"Ready?" Bill looked over.
"Better do it now before we freeze to death."
The large red fires produced by the tip of their wands quickly melted the ice wall. As they tackled it individually, more ice walls greeted them; they appeared like hydras. One icicle was melted before two more appeared.
"There seems to be no end to them."
"I promise we will reach a door soon enough."
"I hope so for both of our sakes."
As the final ice wall melted to a giant puddle soaking through their winter boots, that menacing snowflake remained, protecting the door from the intruders.
"That snowflake is the most dangerous thing here. I hope your ducking skill is as good as your casting." Juniper grimly warned Bill. "Rowan was badly hurt by it because of it."
"Okay. What's our plan? Use a mix of incendio and flipendo?" Bill suggested.
"And that should overwhelm the snowflake and open the door," she continued. She took the first step forward to reach the snowflake's blasting zone. She wondered if the entity was alive and could sense them out. Whoever designed the vaults knew what they were doing and protecting.
Juniper made the first cast. Bill was attacked by a blast of fire spitting out. The door refused to melt. The spells had the opposite effect; they made the snowflake angrier as it spat out cursed ice.
"Why is it no working?"
"We have to work harder. Keep casting." Bill said.
Another ice attack narrowly scratched her, brushing against her cheek. Her finger brushed against the scratch, and she noticed the red on her fingertips.
"You okay?"
"Aye. Just focus on the snowflake."
That moment of distraction was fatal; Juniper could barely acknowledge the flying ice spit as it targeted Bill's foot. The little time Bill had to move rendered him stuck in an ice formation that magically shot up.
"Blimey, i-i-it's c-c-cold." Bill managed to say through chattering teeth. "U-u-use incendio o-o-on m-m-me."
Juniper remembered Professor McGonagall's words about how it was dangerous to use it while a person was present. Her fire-making was powerful, so she would need to control it carefully.
"I'll get you out of here."
She looked around for another solution. Something that doesn't require fire. Bill shook his head.
"T-t-there is n-n-no time!" With his free hand, he tried to move, but with half of his body frozen stiff, there was little else he could do.
Juniper took in a shaky breath. She used her other hand to steady the trembling of her wand hand. Her wand aimed closer to the feet and as far away from Bill as possible so that it would have a slight graze if she did injure him.
She took a deep breath, keeping her nerves at bay before barely whispering incendio.
Her flame was controlled, much smaller than her previously loud and bombastic casting. The fire melted the ice, reducing it to a puddle. Bill was shivering and looked ready to collapse to the ground. Juniper managed to support him and bring him upright.
"Bill! Bill! Are you alright?" Juniper couldn't hide the shakiness in her voice.
"Yeah, I just feel like the ice sucked the energy out of me and I don't even have a scratch." His voice was hoarse and tired. "But I can keep going."
"Are you sure?"
"I think." Bill said uncertain. His eyes seemed to have haze over his bright blue. 
Loud and heavy metal started to echo around them, heavy footsteps drawing closer.
"Is there something else you haven't told me about here?" Bill dryly chuckled, though his wide blue eyes said otherwise.
"No, this is new to me, too." Juniper could feel her stomach drop. She didn't feel good about this. "We have to go like right now! I’m no risking it!!" Juniper slung his arms around her shoulder.
The major height difference made it slightly awkward. Still, at that moment, they only cared about escaping the situation with their skin. With Bill slung over her shoulder, she brought him to the hospital wing. Well, it was more like she handed Bill outside to the matron.
"I couldn't agree more." 
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"You're not going in?"
"Me and hospitals don't like each other," Juniper said, shivering. Madam Pomfrey tutted at her latest case of the curse ice affliction.
Frost lined her jumper and trousers. She needed to change them and get back to her bed before Chester would be the wiser. The fireplace slowly warmed her, but those sudden chills caught her off guard.
Rowan was awake, and her wand rested behind her ear as a makeshift reading light. The girl was ready to jump out of bed.
"You're back!" Rowan said without realising that they were not alone.
"Shh!" Juniper hushed her. She could sense Rowan's embarrassment with barely illuminating light. "I need to get change."
"Right, I'm glad your alright. Tell me everything when you wake up, okay?"
"I will."
Juniper changed and hid the evidence of her late-night adventures. She and Rowan shared her bunk as she whispered about everything that happened, including the door opening and the strange and heavy sounds.
"Could it possibly be the ice knight?"
"The ice knight?"
"Yes, remember the message from the ice room last year? It said 'The ice knight stands guard past the vanished stairs.'"
"I do sorta remember it," Juniper said vaguely. She was so busy preparing for the snowflake that she barely remembered the Ice Knight's message.
Unfortunately, the following day, her adventures were shared like wildfire, and she was the talk of Hogwarts by lunchtime. Penny was the first to inform her. It won't be long until the professors likely hear about her late-night outing, though they weren't her main worry.
Later, she went to visit Bill. Her heart was racing as she grew closer to that dreaded hospital wing, but to her luck, Bill was at the entrance with Madam Pomfrey.
"I swear, Mr Weasley, I hope when your younger siblings come to Hogwarts they don't into such foolish troubles." The matron's voice was firm.
"Don't worry about that, Madam Pomfrey," Bill cheerfully assured her. "They're well-behaved angels—every one of them."
The matron didn't look convinced at his statement but left him nonetheless.
"Hey Bill," Juniper approached the older boy. "How are you doing?"
Bill bared a wide grin, "Thanks to Madam Pomfrey, I can feel my fingertips again."
His optimistic and happy attitude didn't put the young girl at ease. She still felt guilt for his injuries.
"Are you sure you're okay? I hope I haven't put you off from the vaults." Juniper sighed.
"Are you kidding? I've never felt more alive, Juniper!" Bill looked eager. We must go back, use incendio to break the cursed vault."
"Aye, but you saw what happened with just the two of us. And the other time I went with my friend, she got badly injured."
Do you need more people to help? Bill suggested. He was right, but the fact that others could be endangered still weighed her down.
"But I can't get anymore friends hurt because of me."
"Look, Juniper." Bill placed a firm grip on her shoulder. His warm blue eyes stared intently at her. "You saved me because you trained hard to ensure that wouldn't happen to me."
"But, I-"
"No, but look, you managed that. I don't even have a cool scar to show off." Bill grinned, putting the second year at somewhat ease. Bill was right; she could ensure her friends' safety with practice and training.
As if reading her thoughts, he added, "And if your friends get trained, then they are better prepared to deal with the cursed vaults."
"I guess so. Will you train them?"
"I think it's actually best if you train your friends. It's the next step from being trained." Bill explained proudly.
"I see, thanks, and I'm glad you're doing well."
"Oh, you wouldn't happen to know what that sound was?" Bill inquired.
"Rowan thinks possibly it's the ice knight from a message we found last year," Juniper mentioned. 
"I see we have more surprises aheaded our way," Bill said. 
"Aye, I guess we do."
Juniper left him with that. Now that she was the trainer, she needed to prepare a few things. She joined Rowan in the library and started researching spells and potions that could help. Penny was already good at potions, so the fire-making spell would be appropriate to help expand her repertoire. It's the opposite for Ben; he's good at spells but not so much potions.
In the advanced potion edition, she found a burn heal paste. That's perfect for Ben, who wants to avoid being more involved with the ice. She'll have to ask Penny to help her practise, but she'll manage.
Juniper walked hurriedly towards the quidditch field through the green grass as she managed to be late. Afternoon dew covered the grounds from the morning shower. Spring was slowly coming upon them.
A chill ran down her spine when she reached the quidditch changing room. A familiar cold raised goosebumps on her arms.
"What's happening, professors?" Juniper gulped as a lot settled at the bottom of her stomach.
Madam Hooch was outside with Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick. All turned to stare at the latecomer.
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"Cursed ice has entrapped the Ravenclaw quidditch team, Miss Moss." Professor Flitwick's worry lines increased.
"You wouldn't happen to know about it?" Professor McGonagall gave a stern look.
"No, I don't," Juniper fiddled with her hands. "But if there's anything I can do to help-"
"You've done plenty enough. Go back and let us sort it out, Miss Moss." The professor guided her back.
Her whole team was swallowed by the cursed ice. Did her and Bill's attempt cause the ice to spread? Juniper doesn't have a month to train her friends; she must do it within weeks or even less.
Juniper rushed back to inform Rowan, Ben and Penny of the situation. The large figure of the half-giant waved her down as she tried to scurry past in the corridor.
"Ah, Juniper. Thank goodness yer alrigh'," Hagrid rushed up to the young Ravenclaw.
Juniper immediately recognised the wrought look on his face.
"Eveything alright, Hagrid?"
"Yeh haven't heard?" He looked at her with surprise. "The cursed ice has spread through all of Hogwarts. Professor Sinestra an' her students are frozen in astronomy class. The Ravenclaw quidditch team is trapped in the changing rooms."
"Aye, I ken that. I was just there earlier for practice," Juniper explained, but she was shocked that the ice had spread so far and at such a rapid pace.
"And that's just the start," Hagrid continued. The professors are doin' their best to help everyone, but there's only so much they can do, what with Dumbledore off searchin' fer that curse-breaker and all."
Hagrid realised he had said too much, but Juniper was curious about who this cursebreaker was.
"Is that where Dumbledore has been all this time?"
"Shouldn'ta said that, should not have said that..."
"Don't worry, Hagrid. I don't tell anyone you said that. Besides, I'll help." Juniper assured. She never specifically said how, but the groundkeepers didn't need to know the details.
"It's too dangerous, Juniper." Hagrid warned, but the girl was no stranger at this point. "Yeh should leave it to the professors."
"But I have to help, Hagrid."
The giant caught on to her meaning.
"Alrigh' but stay safe, yeh hear." He grumbled.
Juniper sent an owl to Penny and Ben while she grabbed Rowan and gathered them to meet in the artefact room. Juniper informed Rowan of what happened earlier as Penny and Ben rushed in together.
"Is this about the cursed ice?"
"I heard about the cursed ice spreading at Hogwarts."
The Hufflepuff and Gryffindor said simultaneously.
"Aye, I only found out when I was late for quidditch practice when the cursed ice trapped the team inside," Juniper confirmed.
Ben paled as he started fighting with his fingers. "The cursed ice has spread so far already."
"Aye, and I'm going to stop it with Bill, but you can help, too," Juniper confidently assured. She may not have the time, but as long as her friends were equipped, they could beat the dam door and the ice knight to stop the ice.
Rowan and Ben looked uncertain about it, but Penny was eager to help. "What will you have us do?"
"I'm teaching you and Rowan, incendio and Ben, the fire burn paste."
"Oh, I know, incendio," Penny said, laughing a little at Juniper's astounded face. "A fourth year taught me when I saw light up the fire place but I think she was showing off."
"Right," Juniper quickly searched her brain for an alternative spell. "What about Flipendo?"
"That's perfect, I remember seeing you use it in the duel with Merula."
"What if we split the work?" Rowan suggested.
"Aye, Ben and Penny teach each other. You know how to make the burn healing paste?" Juniper turned to Penny, who was nodding. "If we split the work between us, we can have more time to practise whatever that may be."
"Now you're thinking more like a true Hufflepuff." Penny quipped, eager to help.
"Then what are we waiting for?" Juniper allowed a grin to form on her face. The situation may be urgent, but that doesn't hide how exciting this adventure will be. As long as her friends were prepared, it would be fine.
After dinner was provided, the usual shepherd pie, Professor McGonagall had all students gathered for an announcement.
"As many of you are aware, Hogwarts has been afflicted with cursed ice."
As she had said that, many heads turned to Juniper. She swears that she could feel Professor McGonagall's staring at her.
"We, the staff want to assure that we are doing everything we can however due to the multiple interferences, classes and any extra curricular activities are all cancelled. Any senior students who are skilled with charms and potions will be asked to help with riding the cursed ice. Madam Pomfrey would also be happy for any volunteers helping in the hospital wing too. That's is all, please remain calm and stay safe. Do attempt to be a hero if you don't have the skills. Ask a member of staff or a senior student instead to help. Thank you."
With that warning, the students erupted into chatter. Juniper heard many whisper her name, but the fact that even an announcement had to be made meant the cursed ice was everywhere.
The most they managed was a week. A chill had encapsulated the castle grounds as the professors tried their hardest to destroy the ice. Juniper, Rowan, Ben and Penny helped where they could with the ice. Classes were cancelled, and naturally, the quidditch matches, too, based on Professor McGonagall's announcement. As students and staff fought off the cursed ice, everything else stood at a standstill.
Naturally, the ice fought back. Anytime someone was freed, another area was frozen with more vicious and venom. Corridors have become jaw-bearing fangs of sharp icicles. Supplies were brought to students, and teachers were trapped. Older students were paired with younger students to ensure their safety. Prefects performed head counts and crossed off names on a register to ensure everyone was accounted for. The hospital wing was slowly overflowing with more victims of the cursed ice every day.
Juniper knew she couldn't leave it any longer as much as she wished she had more time to prepare. It was up to her and her friends to defeat the cursed ice once and for all. So, she sent an owl to Bill to meet her at the clockyard tower at night.
"You're the only person I know who's always late to their own meeting."
Juniper recognised the smirk even in the dark.
"You'll get used to it eventually," Juniper smirked back before it shifted back to a more severe look. "I think it's time."
"I agree."
Previous chapter: chapter 17
Next chapter: chapter 19
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A digital vault helps store/organize data in any form; it provides safe storage and sharing options.
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taylornation · 1 year
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Oh wait, you thought we were done meeting at midnight? 🤭🕰️
Midnights (The Til Dawn Edition) is out TOMORROW night at midnight ET and includes…
🧊🌶️ Karma (Feat. Ice Spice) ❄️🏝️ Snow On The Beach (Feat. More Lana Del Rey) ❤️‍🩹🥊 Hits Different (we won)
Plus, Midnights (The Late Night Edition) CDs will be available for Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour East Rutherford ticket holders this weekend starting at 12:30pm ET in Lot E all three days and includes… 🧊🌶️ Karma (Feat. Ice Spice) ❄️🏝️ Snow On The Beach (Feat. More Lana Del Rey) 🥲💔 You’re Losing Me (an unheard Midnights vault track)
Pre-order Midnights (The Til Dawn Edition) now!
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concidineart · 2 months
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I've been watching Martyn play on the Vault Hunters smp, but all I keep thinking about is Vault Hunters Joe Hills and his death cloud AOE strategy.
I decided to take a swing at a cartoony Bunny Joe. The flowers in the fur are a reference to the flower wand Joe used. The chain on the hammer is a nod to Beetlejhost. The clock represents the timed nature of the Vaults.
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junkverse · 5 months
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tried to find some art of the boys due to The News and found I haven't drawn them all that much, despite them having a death grip on my brain for eight years now??
anyway. enjoy this silly comic I did awhile back
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checkadii · 2 days
mfs do anything but finish their wips . like startign another, for example
#trigun sky au. because i can.#light-guide (mainly) vash . usually assumed to be either isle or valley born. witnessed the fall#realm-guide wolfwood . isle born. very fond of moths/sparrows#vault scribes(?) meryl and milly . both vault born but people sometimes assume milly to be of prairie. they document spirit tradition-#slash seasons slash events idk anyting to do w preservation im thinking#knives and vash are light twins...#eden-guide knives... people assume hes vault born or somethinf. also witnessed the fall and is not very fond of spirits#hes a huge fucking fan of both creatures of light and darkness though#slander a dark dragon near him he will jump you . slash jay. . slash not j#angry at the whole industrialization thing that turned forest to what it is#see the fun thing about taking a game that doesnt have very very deep lore sans concept art (WHIHCH IM STILL SO FUCKING SAD ABT. ITS SO???)#is that you can just throw whatever at it to your liking#FOR EXAMPLE. SHARD RAINS? THAT WAS PART OF MY SKY UNIVERSE WAY BEFORE SHATTERING . THAT WAS WHAT CAUSSED THE FALL PARTIALLY SHFJHFHG#anyways s more or less implied that there was some form of mineral extraction in forest#and the rain there has literally no reason to drain your light . waters fine and everythnig. so something happened#and the trees looking so dead etc presence of crabs and gloomy skies in contrast to the brighter ones of previous areas#vash and knives occasionally do eden guiding together#iuhhhhhdk . i think wolfwood would but specifically for skykids who are going through their first run#milly and meryl at the season of remembrance..#meryl fond of valley races in secret milly big fan of tournaments they both ice skate at the dreams village and visit performance theater#because i SAY SO#brad luida home. vault born mostly vault dwellers see season of remembrance. uh idk big on trying to understand and improve technology#and contraptions left behind by spirits#“wow mr vash mr knives . you both sure do know the ins and outs of the realms!” and they both give eachother looks like WE WERE THERE WHEN#THE KINGDOM IN THE SKY FELL#rems a spirit beeteedubs .#twins thought they were the first skykids. stage whisper tesla#mhhhhhh vash loses his arm to a shard....#think. the plant trio all have like... a higher concentration of light than even creatures of light themselves#gate equivalent ig?
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alexturner · 1 year
reading that taylor swift post like
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magnusmodig · 2 months
𝐋𝐎𝐊𝐈 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐒𝐀𝐘𝐈𝐍𝐆 . . . something . but thor would be REMISS to say that he was paying attention. FOUR DAYS had passed since they had first laid foot in this realm , and it only ever grew curiouser and curiouser.
clouds had begun to gather in the distance , and with them : A BELL TOLLED . most of the aercon continued about their way as they all shouldered between the haphazard streets of ragtime way , nary paying the skies any heed. and so it was that loki had continued speaking whilst thor's mind had begun to wander far - afield .
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this : A NOT - SO - RARE OCCURRENCE. truly and in many ways , thor echoed the young prince of days of old as his steps slowed. his eye skimmed the clouds upon the horizon. the winds picked up , GUSTING past loki's shoulder in a burst of wary , restless energy.
@mischiefmodig / campaign .
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i miss ctommy and i miss cwilbur and i miss cjack and i miss ctubbo and i miss cniki and i miss cquackity and i miss cpuffy and i miss cponk and i miss csam and i miss cranboo and i miss cbad and i miss cfundy and i miss cfoolish and i miss cboomer and i miss cslime and i miss ctechno and i miss cphil and i miss cantfrost and i miss caimsey and i miss channah and i miss ckarl and i miss ceret and i miss ceryn and i miss cpk and i miss cmichael mcchill and i miss cskeppy and i miss cpurpled. not cdream tho he can die <3
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kinglivv · 1 year
Seventy Years
Missy x Reader
Summary: Missy and the reader used to run together, wreaking havoc across the universe. But since Missy’s entrapment in the vault, they haven’t had an ounce of contact…
Warnings: Swearing, generally threatening behaviour from both parties
A/N: I haven’t posted a fic in a year and half, but today I sat down and forced myself to write after Missy popped up in a dream of mine very briefly. I’m not sure if there’s still even an audience for it, and my writing skills are a bit rusty as well as my Doctor Who knowledge. Enjoy!
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Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuckity fuck.
This was bad.
You grab the TARDIS leaver for what must be the hundredth time and slam it down to no avail. The ship creaks slightly, but as you desperately press buttons and turn knobs, it doesn’t budge. Why, why, why had you never got the Doctor to teach you how to fly it properly?
Catching your breath, you slump against the console, it’s edge digging into your lower back as you stare at the wall blankly, racking your brain for a solution. Psychic link? No - you hadn’t done that in years and you weren’t in the mood for a migraine. Search for a manual? No - you’d spend days just searching for it. Ask the ship nicely? Definitely no - she was a bitch.
There was simply no one but the Doctor who knew how to fly the TARDIS, and when the Doctor was stranded on another planet in another time zone, there wasn’t a whole lot you could do to get back to him.
And then another idea spawns. It makes your guts twist and your stomach crawl and you grit your teeth. You were smart, even for a human, and you knew there was really no other solution.
There’s silence from the other side of the door and you almost turn back. This is a bad idea.
“This is an unusual place to find you, dear,”
The Glasgow accent cuts through tension like an ice pick, so clear, crisp and steady, just as it’s always been. You swallow.
“I need your help.”
More silence. And then the voice is right there on the other side, so close.
“Ah. Should have known you’d only come down here if you wanted something.”
“The Doctor’s on Mars,” you power on, squeezing your eyes shut and pretending you’re speaking to anyone but her, “sometime in the 1800s. There’s Ice Warriors and Victorians, and I was in the TARDIS and it just - it just dematerialised and it won’t go back to him. I don’t know what to do.”
There’s a pause as she contemplates your predicament. You haven’t uttered the question, but she knows exactly what you’re asking.
“Have taken any readings?” She finally asks.
“Yes,” a hurried hand pulls out the piece of paper you’d scrawled over, “Eye of harmony’s at 260 degrees Celsius. Oils at 350. Pressure’s at 7.”
“Good girl,” you can hear a smile in her voice and your cheeks flare up.
“So do you know what’s wrong with it?” You almost snap.
“You’re not gonna be able to fix it, I’ll tell you that much,”
“So what do I do?”
“You let me out.”
The vault doors open with a hiss and there she stands, silhouetted in the dim blue light and cutting the most dashing figure. There’s a tap tap tap of her heels as she approaches you, a smug smile on her face. She’s changed since you last saw her, maybe seventy years ago now. Her make-up’s softer, her hair less tamed, and her smile is somewhat half hearted. The mania’s still there though, in the whites of her eyes and down the line of her cheek bone.
She reaches you and takes a brief glance around the hallway. It’s the most she’s seen of Bristol since her entrapment in the vault. And then there’s a click and she looks down in time to see a handcuff slotting around her wrist. The other side is on yours. She looks to your other hand and sees a… pencil and she grins. She’d taught you decades ago just how easy it was to kill a Timelord with even the smallest of sharp objects - just one nip at the back of the neck and they’re forced into their next regeneration. The sight of it in your hand makes her heart flutter and her stomach sink.
“I see how it is,” she fakes the bravado and you see right through it.
Without a word, you give the chain a yank and she follows you silently.
“No funny business,” you instruct her as you approach the TARDIS console, although you know it’s a useless sentiment. She could pull the leaver and shove you into a black hole within seconds if she so pleased. But she’d allowed you the luxury of obediently walking up to the Doctor’s office without so much as a word, save for the moment when she’d grabbed your hand as someone passed by you in an effort to hide the handcuffs. Your heart had caught in your throat and you’d hoped she couldn’t feel it hammering away.
Now, stood in the TARDIS, she looks at you with an eyebrow raised.
“As if I’d ever!” She mocks offense. “Mars 1810, you said?”
“Yes,” you reply, and your arm is forced to move with her as she reaches for different buttons. You’re uncomfortably close. “Coordinates 29487 by 74,” you say unprompted when her hands hover over the keyboard expectantly, and it makes your stomach twist with how easily you fall back into this routine after seventy years of virtually no contact. Memories surface of you decades ago, pressed up against her as you whisper all the places you wanted her to take you.
She types in the coordinates and twists a vast variation of knobs and presses buttons you’d never had thought needed pressing. Just before she pulls the leaver, you say “Wait.” and pull the monitor over, double checking she’s taking you exactly where she’s promised. You neglect to notice how she’s looking at you.
“You really don’t believe I’ve changed,” her shoulders have slumped slightly and you glance at her.
“Is that supposed to make me feel something?” you say passively, attention shifting back to the monitor.
Missy’s jaw clenches.
“Seventy years,” she states.
“Seventy years is nothing compared to the hundreds you’ve spent wreacking havoc.”
“I seem to remember you were present for quite a bit of that,” she retorts, “you could have visited me at any point. I know you’ve been living in Bristol,l.”
You ignore the thinly veiled accusation and scroll through the monitor. She was right though. You’d been here this whole time, posing as a student (you’d acquired almost thirty degrees in your decades spent here with the Doctor) and living a normal human life, avoiding the Mistress and waiting for her to change.
And then she yanks the cuffs and you’re dragged into her with an “oof!”
“You know what I think it is,” she hisses, “I think you like to pretend we’re different, like those years we spent together didn’t happen.”
“Missy, stop!” You struggle against her but she holds you fast.
“Does it never occur to you that I might be trying? And that your ignoring me for seventy years might be having a detrimental impact on that?“
“I wanted to know if you’re serious about this,” you snap back, the threat leaking into your voice and there you are, she almost wants to smile with glee. You were never really scared, least of all of her and you still had that bite in you. “Me and you are no good for each other if you’re really going cold turkey from being bad. Civilisations have burned because we’ve egged each other on, and the fact is that you can’t get better when I’m in the picture. Not when you could persuade me to break you out, or teach me how to force the Doctor into his next regeneration. We’re not good for each other and that’s a well known fact - I’ve not been avoiding you, I’ve been waiting.”
Missy’s face softens in surprise and you wonder if maybe you’ve gone to far. Maybe she’ll really sling you into a black hole now. Her mouth opens but before she can say anything, you’ve snapped off the cuffs and yanked the lever down. The TARDIS wheezes and you storm off to stand at the doors and wait whilst she’s left to pilot to a safe position on Mars.
You’re in trouble with the Doctor, you’re well aware. You’d apologised profusely when he’d stepped on board and his ever expressive eyebrows had knotted so deeply in her direction. There was a silence as he’d quickly dropped a shaking Bill home, and now he’d stepped out to drop Nardole off in his office - they had been out there a while and where presumably having an argument about the current predicament.
Missy however, sits unbothered by it all, tucked into a little alcove off one of the upper walkways circling the console room. She’s reading a book on TARDIS maintenance.
She glances up when you sit down opposite in the alcove.
“You’re right,” you announce, “and I’m sorry.”
Usually she’d retort with an “I’m always right!”, but today she just watches you, waiting, her cheekbones hollow in the soft light of the TARDIS, her eyes so blue. It occurs to you that you haven’t really seen her in a long time. Sure, the Doctor had occasionally showed you a photo of her, updated you on her progress, but this is the first time you’d really looked at her since you’d gone cold turkey from your friendship.
“I’m sorry I haven’t visited you,” you say, “and I should have. I guess I’ve just been… scared. And after I went so long without seeing you it was just easier to pretend none of it never happened.”
She nods, gaze shifting to the pillar in the centre of the TARDIS. “I am trying,” she confesses, “some days are better than others, but in whole… I think I really am trying,”
“I know you are.”
You lean over and press a kiss to her lips. A proper one, and it strikes you how familiar it is, how easily you fall back into your old pattern. You’re made for each other really, in body, mind and soul and you hold her jaw as she kisses back eagerly, not daring to move her hands from her book, frozen in the moment.
And then the door swings open - the Doctor’s definitely seen it, and the Doctor’s definitely not happy, but you turn away from Missy and push past him. A new chapter seems to be beginning.
(Will add my old taglist when i can find it)
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indiegone · 4 months
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Heli, Pax, and Helion and Pacificus
[I still have to figure out how Pacificus functions at all considering what he was made for, andddd his Submarine/Warship earth altmode. His former one is a Starship so....]
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p-perkeys · 5 months
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Let loved ones access ICE Vault during emergencies| Emergecy Vault
Safely store critical information to be available in case of emergencies in Clocr’s Emergency Vault.
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taylornation · 1 year
Karma takes all my friends to Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour in East Rutherford.
Make sure to get your Midnights (The Late Night Edition) CD featuring You’re Losing Me (From The Vault) available exclusively for ticket holders starting at 12:30pm ET in Lot E at all three shows! 🏙️ While supplies last, purchase limits apply.
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divide-by-zer0 · 1 month
The problem with these gaming events is how, after a while, it truly can become suffocating when on the same floor as the fans. Mitch is only here as yet another Hinobi employee meant to keep an eye on things and be on guard for any possible glitches. Instead, he's become an unofficial attraction - something he had insisted to Phil in advance he wouldn't mind and be able to handle perfectly. Mitch loves the attention, after all! ...But how is he supposed to enjoy anything else about it with a small crowd watching his every move? Thankfully he spots a fellow employee in the distance. Eyes locked onto the masked individual - certain that despite the fullbody cosplay, Mitch knew exactly who this was. "Oi!" He waved towards the other, starting to push through the handful of people - one gets a wink, one gets a hand to gently(believe it or not) push the other away, a spoken "let me through if you won't mind, thanks!" - and then jogs over towards the other. "Joan know you're here? I wouldn't think Phil to call on her or any of you losers from Dabney for a few extra hands." His bracelet's screen glows green as he talks, playing a few small beeps - a warning that it is detecting a glitch. It goes unnoticed as Mitch continues to speak. "Of course you would take the day off today to hang out in Bailley - after all when do you ever hear about your Hinobi sending out the party invites!"
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Zer0 wasn't even supposed to be here. One moment, they were at Sanctuary's fast travel unit, and the next--
Well. They weren't intending on being thrown into what appeared to be a gaming event. Their HUD was glitching - their minimap failing to produce even a basic graphic of their surroundings. That's fine though. At least this teleportation failure didn't strand them in the middle of nowhere.
And people, somehow, recognize Zer0 here - which they're interpreting as a positive sign. Sure, most of it is just their fans, to which they don't mind posing for photos.
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When someone appearing to be event staff approaches Zer0, they see it as an opportunity. But.. Then the person starts talking, mentioning names and acting completely unlike their usual fans.
❛ Hold on. ❜ A distinctly four-fingered hand is held up, followed with a [ ? ] from their helmet. ❛ What are you talking / about? You're mistaking me for / another person. ❜
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dndtreasury · 1 year
Frostfang by Timmi's Treasure Vault
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