songfawn · 9 months
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asked in the moonkitti server for people's stoneclan cats to draw and what they're doing! here are the characters and the prompts, listed in order i drew them: Ravendrop reading a book [Bottom right] Mothpaw throwing boulders [Middle bottom] Antlerthorn sleeping [Bottom left] Squirrelmask doing anything. i made them explode!! [Third row right] Rosefoot reading books [Third row middle] Twistleap eating bugs [Third row left] Houndpaw singing last rizzmas [Second row right] Icebrook stealing [Second row middle and left. i had to draw icebrook going super sonic] Foxpaw committing a devious crime [Top right] Echokit flipping a rock like a pancake [Top middle] Appleheart talking with someone, Bramblefawn asked to be included. last one i did, so crude lighting and bgs go!!! [Top left]
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How do you fight against distraction? 🎯
Prowling the northern Frozen Wastes of Odi'am, the Frostfang Clan strike fear into the hearts of men. Sworn enemy of the human Kingdom of Icebook, Den Chief Bloodmaw marshals his savage wolfpack to attack vulnerable settlements around the kingdom, hoping to provoke all-out war. As desperate villagers flee into the fortifications of Icebrook, how much longer before the beleaguered kingdom itself falls? Who are they to call for aid?
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0carkki0 · 2 years
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If only we could enter Joon’s Manor in the Living World... 
Now I’m obsessing over TaiViv again, so... Now I shall ask bunch of questions, and then press shuffle on iTunes. The songs are the answers. I decided that the songs have to have lyrics. Otherwise they are ignored. ^^
It’s kind ofa  way let the fate decide what the NPC thinks, since I can’t ask the ArenaNet directly. They don’t know my Commander. He’s one of the thousands and thousands of Commanders. ^^ 
Little brackground for those who don’t know: in my mind Taimi is a reincarnation of Vivs’ progeny sweetheart who died when they both were 7 years old. She was born again in that same year by the prayers of Dwayna’s Priests, and yes, Vivs went to ask for them to help. First he asked the Grenth’s Priests to bring her back to life, but they refused. So, the Priests of Dwayna offered their help, and since Dwayna is more about healing and life, instead of being brought back as an undead, she was reincarnated. 
Anyway... Let’s start... 
What did Taimi think of Vividatt before the Personal Story? Hold On by Imperia
At Personal Story? The Brave/Agony Applause by Deadlock
What did Taimi think of Vividatt in the season 2? We Had Everything by Delain
Heart of Thorns? Nights of Ecstasy by Acting Lovers
Season 3? Where the Light is Bleeding by Sleeping Romance
Path of Fire? Beautiful With You by Halestorm 
Season 4? Bobby Bodybuilder by Acting Lovers
Icebrook Saga? Vampire’s Kiss by Acting Lovers
End of Dragons? Dehumanized by Disturbed
Hmm... There is a lot of song from Acting Lovers... ^^; Well then... Let’s try to break it down... 
I did already ask wat did Taimi think of Vivs at the time they met. The song was Burn to Cinder by Epica. 
Taimi 11 years old. Vividatt 18 years old. Before the Personal Story the song would make sense only if Taimi actually knew the Commander already. But why would she? Did she just happen to see him and get the feeling she had seen him somewhere before. Did she actually start supporting him from the shadows after Vivs got out of prison? Maybe she saw Vivs when she was still a small kid, and Vivs was a teenager? Perhaps she has caught Vivs hesitating in committing a suicide. But along the way got really interested in Scarlet after hearing what all she had done in this time. 
Personal Story: Taimi was 12 years old. Vividatt was 19. Taimi heard the stories about the Commander, and somehow knew that Vivs more like just went along with the happenings, although he was clearly not alright. 
Season 1: Taimi was 13 years old etc... I asked earlier already this question, and the answer was Burn to Cinder by Epica. I think when Taimi met the Commander now face to face, the strong nostalgia hit her again. This was one of the motivations to join the group of the Commander. Other reasons were that, she realized she could never reach out to Scarlet by herself. But this group clearly wanted to stop and fight her and was going after her, so Taimi thought it my increase the chances of getting closer to Scarlet if she joined them. And she could probably also learn more about this Commander that seemed so familiar to her. 
Since Braham was closer to her age, she made friends with him, instead of the Commander. 
Season 2: Taimi probably acknowledging her crush on the Commander, and feeling a bit upset (teen crushes on older people is quite normal (it’s another story if the adult responses which I assure you, Vivs did not, not in that way anyway.) by it as well, since she didn’t show interest in him earlier, perhaps he would have taken her under his wing, instead of Zojja. Not that Taimi’s wasn’t grateful to Zojja for that... And the Commander’s and hers age gap is quite big. And now they have to also concentrate on the strangely acting sylvari, magic Ley-Lines, Thorny Vines, Phlunts and Dragons. Not that Taimi wasn’t excited and interested in it all (except Phlunts), but now they were going to be super busy in solving this Elder Dragon mystery. How dare Phlunt humiliate her in front of everyone, let alone steal legally her invention?! 
Heart of Thorns: Of course seven years age gap doesn’t matter, if they were both grown ups, and Taimi like everyone else was growing up. How about meanwhile prove to the Commander how invaluable she was for the group? And show what her mind could do. Problem was how people still treated her like a progeny... Did Taimi just catch the Commander watching her and then suddenly turning his head? YES! ... Hormones... amiright?
Season 3: I think here Taimi learns more about Vividatt’s dark little secrets, simply because Vivs at times forgot that he was carrying a communicator and wasn’t being careful of what he was saying or doing. So, at one time Taimi was hearing yelling, threats and then fighting sounds. After all that, some questionable sounds were heard. Taimi, even if her golem was still not entirely fixed, went to investigate, and found an Inquest Lab full of asura body parts and the Commander doing something unmentionable to an armless, legless and headless body on top of a stairs. When he heard Taimi mentioning his name, he got shocked too, that Taimi had to see that side of him. Taimi decided to escape, but Vivs went after her. Gladly Vivs had already come to his senses so they ended up just talking, and he told her his unfortunate past. And now, even if Taimi knew about this, when she had made the overlooks on the Dragon destruction research she felt like she had done even worse, since this wasn’t just about one evil group, but about the entire world. One mistake can cause world destruction. To her surprise, though, the Commander just told her that he wasn’t upset by the overlook, but more like what could have happened if they proceeded with the plan of making two Elder Dragons fight each other. 
At this point, Vivs has already started to grow feelings for her. The only reason he didn’t even hint anything to her was that she was still under-aged. But... she was going to be a grown up one day... 
I personally view the season 3 as the season where the Commander and Taimi get a bit closer. I mean, Taimi is all the time supporting them via the Communicator, and at the end of the season it’s only Taimi and the Commander of Dragon’s Watch trying to do something about the coming up problem. Braham was making his own guild and was angry at Commander, for who knows what reason. Rox was with him. Caithe has always walked her own path... I’m not even sure if she was a member yet... Rytlock was dealing with his people about the Mists incident. Marjory was injured and Kasmeer had a meltdown. So... it was just Taimi and the Commander. Of course, there does join the Queen’s advisor and her... friend. But they are not in Dragon’s Watch guild... 
Path of Fire: No matter how crappy Taimi felt about herself, the Commander always had made her feel good. And she felt useful, even if the Commander was far away and the Communicator didn’t work well. Vivs found the high areas to talk to her when he could and listen to her take of the situation. Also, in my head they almost kiss at the end after the night the group meeting again face to face. 
Again, in my mind, Taimi and Vivs actually do kiss at the night of new years, even if Taimi is STILL under-aged. Vividatt just happens to be very drunk already, and when he sees Taimi just sipping out of her drink, he decides to go and drink it from her mouth. Afterwards Vivs feel really guilty of it, when he remembers it. Of course Taimi doesn’t say anything to anyone. 
Season 4: Taimi probably did notice Vivs starting to workout and take more care of his appearance. This is simply because of the parasite minion died in his pants and didn’t satisfy him anymore. He have had it since he was 15, and it ate anything Vivs let out of his system. But because pooping and peeing happen only once in a while, the minion began to keep Vivs’ thing ready to... shoot out ‘milk’ whenever it was hungry. In return Vivs got more power. But because in Path of Fire he was killed, the minion died as well, but didn’t return when Vivs did. Instead, now Vivs suffers from priapism. He has to satisfy himself now, which has lead to him to try to look attractive to lure people to him to have little fun with him. And he needs it to keep the psycho side, that earlier took out the whole Inquest Lab full of Inquestians, under control. 
Now Taimi was 18, and Vivs didn’t have any excuses anymore to keep his hands to himself. 
‘...looks sexy in his thong.’ XD 
Icebrood Saga: After going to the areas that rarely had any sun there, Vivs lost his tan and became again very greenish pale. Taimi could tell that Vivs was in his element, while dealing with creepy stuff at the snowy dark areas. 
At the beginning, when Taimi was writing her thesis about the Elder Dragons, Vivs was dealing with the strange happenings in the far Shiverpeaks. He thought that he could concentrate into dealing with the problems better now that Taimi was safe back in Rata Sum, but no. Vivs noticed himself missing her, and his mind wasn’t fully in the battle present, which probably lead to him being shot with a bow that was created to battle the Elder Dragons. Vivs could concentrate 100% again, when Taimi was in sight (or in earshot, even if vie communicator) again. 
Taimi herself was just glad she could concentrate in peace to her writings, not having anyone disturbing her line of thought. ^^ Well, till she got it done and especially when the Elder Dragon minions began to appear in Rata Sum. She gladly called the others to where she was... And thought to give piece if her mind about the happenings to the Commander. Let’s say Vivs didn’t mind being lectured by her. To him it was like hetero male getting a half naked woman dancing in front him. XP 
End of Dragons: Taimi can sense Vivs feeling bad for having to kill Ankka, that was clearly suffering from a deep depression, and the mother of all Elder Dragons, especially because of Aurene. Also, Taimi feel a bit bad herself, not just for the same reason, but her acting at the beginning probably did hurt Vivs a bit. She also saw that Vivs was already giving up at the fight against the void creatures. Taimi feared that Vivs actually did die, but Aurene brought him back. Taimi was VERY relieved. 
Now: I asked this also earlier (what would Taimi think of him now that it was all over) and the result was Poet and the Pendulum by Nightwish. I take that like Taimi knows Vivs suffers from depression, which is caused by guilt, which was caused by his psycho side doing horrible things to innocent people, which was caused by this Professor messing with his mind when he was still a toddler, and later his mind being messed with by the parasite minion. And yet, he keeps on fighting and in the heat of the battle and exploration has this need to save people. As much as possible. Taimi wants to support and help as much as she could and can. 
What Taimi respects in Vivs: Remedy by Waldo’s People. With this song, I think that is what Taimi really respects about Vivs, is that instead of putting his head under the dirt, he decides to go and help people, even if it was just for the reason to ease his guilt. Taimi knows that Vivs knows that if no one did anything, they all were going to die. So, they should at least try to fight back, or die trying. Because if they didn’t do anything, they would die anyway.
That he was being this guide to people to get them to fight together, despite his own personal struggles. 
I think that Taimi thinks that without the Commander, they all most likely would have died. 
Vivs himself thinks that anyone could have easily taken his place. Someone like Caithe, for example. 
Overall in my head Taimi and Vivs are pretty much in love with each other. But being asura, they easily cast aside tender feelings, and tend to think more logically. Taimi’s current state is uncertain, so she doesn’t really care to get involved with family life. Vividatt would not mind that, but he wouldn’t mind just being with her either. They do it at times, but they often think that it’s just to keep Vivs’ psycho side in control, although, their feelings get involved with it very much. They will never admit it, though. 
Also, Taimi getting jealous over Gorrik also raised Vivs’ eyebrow, although Taimi has all the reasons and right to feel how she feels. Especially since Vivs himself tends to sleep around, even if it is to not let out his dangerous side. 
Relationships are complicated. 
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bluefox-den · 4 years
End of Year 5 Updates
Took me a while to write this up, whoops. It was a very hard year for the pack, so there’s quite a bit. Anyway, it’s here now!
Sitka Hailstorm passed away at the beginning of summer. Her loss was very hard on the pack, as she was the only one who really stood up to Marion.
Nettle Littlecreek died not long after, leaving Sortia Stormheart to take his place as herbalist.
Two loners, Stella Icebrook and Dune, joined around the same time.
The mystery pup continued being... well, mysterious. The pack named him Fisher.
Breeze Winterborn had one pup, Hoot. His father is unknown.
Honey and Cedar Lostwood also had a litter. Two pups survived: Maple and Pinecone.
At the end of summer, a wildfire temporarily scattered the pack. No one was badly injured, and several of the wolves were guided back by strangers from neighboring packs. Fisher helped save some of the wolves, and joined the pack after.
After the fire, Ryker and Amara Lostwood’s relationship hit a rough patch, as they got into a fight about survival strategies for future disasters and how to keep their packmates safe. They have been avoiding each other.
On the other hand, surviving the fire gave Magpie Hailstorm the courage to confess her feelings to Finch Elkhunt. They are now mates, keeping Finch’s surname.
Morgan Beaverpelt died. Her role as a chaser was filled by Sequoia Hailstorm.
Hawthorn Greymist died as well. Stella took his role as a pupsitter.
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If we’re going to bring up Pokémon moves as warrior names I raise you Blueflare. Also some names from my OC story include: Talonscar, Leafface, Bubblenose, Brokenshadow, Flightpetal, Coldflower, Moonwater, Waterblaze, Softpetal, Fennelshine, Sunwatcher, Lakesight, Icebrook, and Lilysplash.
YES blueflare and i raise youMuddywater also yes, all good names, i like lakesight, icebrook, and lilysplash they sound like riverclan
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willowmossbeauty · 4 years
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Rocking my icebrooks Monako chain!! Omg I love it... wait till you see the others I’ve bought off the site too ❤️❤️ absolutely in love 🥰 @icebrookss (at Liverpool) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIOOenDgwMG/?igshid=w2w4gejtmbxr
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lynxblossom-blog · 7 years
So here is a summary about the first Alpine Clan, RidgeClan! It’s a long post, so I’ll put it under a readmore. 
RidgeClan's territory consists of the mountain tops. It is bordered in the north and west by higher mountains, in the south by a steep cliff under which LakeClan lives, and in the east by the forest of ForestClan, which is only accessible by a small ridge. Here is also the entrance to Stonecliff the gathering place of the cats. There is snow throughout the whole year there, except in Greenfields, where the snow melts in late spring and comes back early autumn. They are named for the many ridges, dangerous to other cats but RidgeClan cats have such a good balance and experience with those that they don't have a problem. Due to there being snow throughout most of the year, the RidgeClan warriors have thick fur to keep them warm at all times. There is one brook which is frozen over most of the time, called Icebrook, which leads to Rockfall, a waterfall that goes over the cliff at the edge of Greenfields down to LakeClan territory. Even when it is not frozen, the cats will not use Icebrook to fish or swim. At the far edge of their territory there is a cottage, where people will sometimes stay when they go through a walk in the mountains. Usually the cats are not bothered by these humans, as they have good hiding skills. There are several caves scattered throughout the mountains, where the ibex and chamois will sometimes stay. One of those is their camp, protected from enemies and the weather by a large rock in front of the entrance with only a space at the side where the cats can slip through.
The RidgeClan camp is a bit further into the cave. Due to the lack of plants in that area, there isn't much moss to make nests with, so they instead sleep on the hard ground. They do not mind, as that has been the way it is since they were kits. The entrance of the cave leads up to two rooms, the smallest one of which is used by the queens and their kits, the other by the rest of the Clan. Besides that all different ranks sleep together in one big pile to keep warm. In the entrance of the cave they spend their daily lives when they're not out in the territory. There are several boulders attached to the walls, and the highest is used by the leader to speak to the Clan. This one is called Tall Rock.
Culture and personalities
Due to their harsh living environment, these cats highly praise survival skills, especially hunting skills. Agility and balance is also important here, considering the territory has many dangerous cliffs and ridges a cat could fall down from. They also have a very strong bond with each other due to them relying so much on each other, though they are oftentimes hostile to others. They do not have to worry often about being attacked; their territory is so dangerous for other cats that they hardly dare to come up there. They also don't meet many different other animals, since not many want to get into the snowy colds, except for the bats and goats that live in the caves, as well as some birds and hares. These cats are very practical, as shown in their suffix system which uses body parts, instead of the more metaphorical systems of the others.
The white gene runs in this Clan, which is useful during their hunts in the snow, as their coats make it harder to see them. That is also why white cats are seen as very beautiful. Dilute cats also appear a lot here. Darker cats are seen as the least pretty of all, mostly because they are very easily seen in the snow, though they are not seen as ugly, since those cats, too, have their strengths. They are treasured because of their skillful hunting in the summer, as Greenfield prey is fatter and tastier than prey from the snow.
These cats are also very lean, with strong but thin legs and triangular faces. They have thick coats to protect them from the cold.
The cats are experts in hunting in the snow. The white cats and most dilute cats are fine here since their fur doesn't stand out against the snow or the rocks, but cats who do stand out will often cover their bodies with snow. Due to the risk of this they are not able to do this often, and so these cats, unless they are exceptionally good at hunting, are not often sent out in the winter. In the summer, however, they will hunt in Greenfields, where they bring back the juiciest pieces of prey, and as such, those dark-furred cats are also highly valued in the Clan. Due to the prey being scarce there they don't waste energy when they hunt in the snow and are likely to lay in wait in front of a den, until its inhabitant comes out. They have also learnt the technique from the foxes, where they listen for prey under the snow and then dive in. Sometimes, when they are lucky, the cats may come across a carcass of a kill made by a lynx, or perhaps a wolf, and of course they won't hesitate to eat that, even risking their lives in order to snatch a piece of meat. These cats are smart, though, and will often lay in wait until the other predator abandons their kill, even for a moment. They are especially able to snatch from wolves, using their skills at climbing to do so. In Greenfields the prey is more flourishing, and here they either hunt through method of stalking through the high grass, or the same sort of method they use in the snow, where they lay in wait for the prey to come out of their dens.
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What are you willing to fight for? 🛡️
Lieutenant Cróga Sanderson was born premature into a frozen village under assault. Barely escaping the frost giant siege, his family found refuge in the neighboring Kingdom of Icebrook. Swearing to protect his family from threats present and future, his persistence earned him special permission to enlist in the kingdom's military at the young age of 17. Demonstrating honor and determination, he quickly rose in the ranks, and was nominated to join the elite Order of Oathsworn Knights. He humbly accepted and began his righteous training alongside his new best friend Juram. His cheeks flushed red when he finally met Juram's beautiful sister Nadia. Instantly enamored, he and Nadia began a charming romance of letters sent from the fields of combat. Hearing of Nadia's abduction, Cróga swore to return her safely home, no matter the cost. What will his journey yield?
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How far would you go to save the ones you love? 🌍
Brave commander Juram was born in Icebrook Kingdom, growing his stalwart constitution south of the desolate Frozen Wastes of Odi'am. He and his sister Nadia were raised by their father Samson to protect the downtrodden and seek justice through wisdom. When their mother Charis fell ill, Juram and Nadia were compelled to travel the world for a cure. Nadia journeyed to the floating city of Sa'nubis to seek an arcane solution, while Juram sought the holy Pact'um Monastery for wisdom. Strengthening in faith, he returned to miraculously heal his mother's malady, and vowed to continue his training as a holy Oathsworn templar knight. Now a mighty force for righteousness, how much longer until the darkest forces of Terrath see this new young champion as a threat to their schemes?
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willowmossbeauty · 4 years
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Woohoo just purchased my icebrooks monako 14mm Gold chain... I’m so excited 😆 thanks guys ❤️❤️ (at Liverpool) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHs3mrXg9zz/?igshid=62qrxg7gbk4o
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lynxblossom-blog · 7 years
Here the final clan, LakeClan! 
LakeClan territory is somewhat similar to StreamClan's, with their land mainly existing out of grassy plains with some trees. The biggest part of their territory, however, consists out of the Great Lake, where they fish and swim. The Great Lake is fed mainly by Icebrook, especially the water from the melting snow from Greenfields in RidgeClan territory, which leads towards the waterfall Rockfall, which pours down into Rockpool. From there, a stream leads into the lake. The water exits it by the waterfall Fishfall in the east, which feeds the River in StreamClan territory. The territories of these two clans are connected by a slope called Rockslope, next to which are holes in the rocky wall where marmots hibernate: the Marmot Caves. At the far southwest corner of the territory are the remains of an abandoned house, that was killed by fire. In the rocky walls on top of which RidgeClan lives there are several holes that make home to many animals, especially birds and bats. This rock wall borders LakeClan in the north, in the east it is bordered by the cliff separating them and StreamClan, in the south there are higher mountains, and in the west the territory looks down upon a valley, with in the distance a village.
The camp is also at the northern rock wall, near Rockpool. Part of it is inside a hole in the wall, where the more vulnerable cats like elders and queens, and the healer and their apprentice have their dens. These dens, much like StreamClan's, have soft grass and moss to cover the ground to make them soft and comfortable. The other part of the camp is outside, where the other ranks sleep, usually under the open sky, though there is a big tree that may give cover when it rains, either by its branches or by the roots. This tree is also where the leader speaks to their clanmates, with the branch from which they speak being called Highbranch. The camp is bordered by a carefully crafted wall made of brambles and other thorny plants. Since these plants are not often found in their own territory, they will ask ForestClan cats to give these to them and build them, in return for fish. Especially in winter, ForestClan will gladly agree.
Culture and Personalities
The LakeClan cats are very calm and friendly towards others, like StreamClan, but more wary of humans, since they do not have as much relations with them. Their most prized skills are caring for others, swimming, fishing, and keeping watch, especially over the lowland in the west part of the territory. Many cats have also expressed interest in exploring, and they are always curious to learn more. It isn't rare for a cat to leave the Clan to travel into the valley, but oftentimes they'll return quickly, as they are not used to taking care of themselves without a Clan to fall back on. These cats are very creative, as seen with their idea to trade with another Clan. They are usually good at thinking of solutions, and, as such, when there is a disaster that threatens all the Clans, they are often quick to look at LakeClan for answers. LakeClan is also the Clan who is most concerned about the safety of other Clans, whereas the others think their own Clan always goes first.
In this Clan you'll find many colourpoints, sepia, and mink cats, as well as cats with folded ears. They also do not care much for colour, and more for skills. The cats of these Clans tend to be tall and large, and they might appear as intimidating to other cats due to this, which is, funnily enough, a stark contrast to their personalities, which are often kind and caring.
These cats mainly catch their food by fishing, though they may occasionally catch a rodent or something similar in the grass or among the trees. They have two methods of fishing: they might either sit at the sides of the lake and fish with their paws, or they might actually swim and catch their prey with their mouths. They will also hunt frogs and toads both in and around the lake. On top of that they might catch water birds, though they do not always succeed in catching them, unless they are going after the chicks, which they rarely do.
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