powertaco · 5 months
Like No One is Watching 1/5 - An unexpected question
Deciding to take the Nightmare Grimm situation as a warning to treat their training, and bonds seriously, RWBY and JNPR strive to be the best huntsman they can be, but the heart can be a fragile thing, and when Ruby, and Pyrrha overhear Weiss ask Neptune to the dance well, things can happen.
Only time will tell if it'll be for the better or not.
Updates weekly.
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art by the mega awesome @it-me-butts
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yacchannanamin · 11 months
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Happy birthday Ruby Rose - October 31st
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kasan-art · 11 months
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Happy Birthday, Rose!
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Neptune Vasilias
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Race: Human
Nationality: Atlas (Argus colony)
Ethnicity: Mistrali
Weapon: Salacia
Gender: Man
Sexuality: closeted homosexual
Starting Age: 17
Birthday: Winter 88th
Aura Color: Blue
Handedness: Left
Complexion: Tan
Eye Color: Blue
Semblance: Ebb & Flow (A Domination type semblance, Neptune's Aura causes all water it comes into contact with to stick to his body. Neptune can then make any water under his Aura's control to flow outwards from himself. With enough training, this could be used to control water, but Neptune refuses to use his power.)
Occupation: Haven student, Boy band keybord player
Previous Occuppation: none
The Vasilias family is to the Argus colony what the Schnee family is to Atlas. That is to say, a never ending source of easy tabloid drama with a darker source hidden from the cameras. This week it's Jupiter was caught cheating on his girlfriend, next week its one of the triplets are doing something crazy online, that week it's abuse allegations against Saturn. But one person the paparazzi just can't seem to catch is Neptune, 2nd son of the Vasilias family. Well, Pluto also, but no one even in the family cares about that guy.
Normally, the reports that are just begging to see "the truth" are just grasping at straws, but this time there really is a hidden truth. When Neptune was just 6 years old, his family took him on a swimming trip just like Saturn and Ops used to do before they had children. It was just supposed to be a nice day at the beach, teaching their children how to swim. But Neptune, always being the cautious child, opted to stay away from the shore line.
That was when Jupiter, then 8 years old, came up with an amazing idea. He lured Neptune to the edge of the pier, and pushed him into the ocean. Just to teach him how to swim. If Neptune was anyone else, he would have drowned in the water. But Neptune was a Vasilias, a family of warriors with Aura levels naturally at 1000. When the water began to enter Neptune's lungs, he developed his semblance Ebb & Flow. Neptune automatically pushed the water out of his body, formed a water bubble around his body, and shot back to the shore.
His parents, who were begging to wonder where Neptune went, saw their sun walk onto shore covered head to toe in water glued to his body. Before they could even begin to realize what they were seeing, Neptune accidentally moved the water onto Jupiter, who immediatly developed his own semblance that vaporizes water. The brothers were never the same since, Jupiter accused Neptune of killing him, and Neptune became a hydrophobe and refused to use his power. So is the secret tale of Neptune Vasilias.
Oh yeah, he's also secretly gay, but everyone knows that.
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rubyrose2014 · 2 years
I promise you grandpa Nicholas I will
I miss you dearly grandfather
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kaedeichinose · 2 years
At the very least Lindsay seems to thankfully be starting to branch out from just RT. Apparently she got a role as a major character in Freedom Planet 2.
literally anyone who works there should be fashioning as many safety nets as they can theres no way warner wont shut their asses down like. reallllly soon.
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neocrows · 2 years
Its been a while so I understand if you've moved on from her a bit rn but- Penny Polendina for the bingo char thing!
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I HAVE NOT Shes still my fav or 2nd fav RWBY character. I cry about her once a month
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mooncpone · 8 months
When you are so familiar with salem’s monologue in 1.1 that you can remember the words even in a foreign language:
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the-gray-maiden · 2 years
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Breif rundown of the panel:
Talked about the DC Crossover (and that Yang and Weiss have a Type)
How different it is voicing a dub of your character who is in a lot of ways you helped create (about IceQueendom)
The actors being aware of the passage of time and that some fans started watching RWBY when they were in elementary school
Biggest growth: Weiss - identity outside of her family. Blake - trusting and rebuilding relationships. Yang - abandonment and learning people leaving isn't about you, it's about them (and a "Sorry!" From Arryn). Ruby - trusting and choosing herself, not just following roles placed on her.
Barb and Arryn thought the bees were beautiful, of course, and well paced even if Arryn was impatient having to wait 10 years.
Fave volume to voice: immediately for Lindsay and Arryn 9, Kara 9 and 4, Barb 9 and 5
Don't remember specific question (hardest scene maybe? Or hurt them the most?): Lindsay said the tea party was hard for them to voice from an acting standpoint and getting into those emotions. Kara said talking to herself and making sure the right emotions were coming through was hard. Arryn got distracted and talked about how dark it was for Neo to have nothing left and that Hawker died. She did mention the acting with Apthy was hard (and her long monologue in V5 after burning her house down). Lindsay pointed out it didn't have to be dark and that they knew the bees scene was hard because they wanted to make sure it was right. Barb said it was that no one gave her a high five. Truly, the worst thing.
They all loved Weiss's "mature" line, and joked about daddy issues, but Barb mentioned Weiss is used to dealing with things herself and would need someone who could match her.
Arryn HATES Sun's line "I knew you'd look better without the bow". "Bees are canon now, baby! Back off!"
Lindsay said Ruby helps remind her to get out there and meet more people. Barb said the love the fandom shows them and playing a confident character makes her want to be more confident.
When asked about switching bodies with characters Lindsay said Weiss so Ruby could run around the Schnee mansion. Arryn was going to say Blake and Yang but "they'd just be touching the same parts" (and she lost it). Barb suggested Zwei for her cause cat and dog switch. Barb said Raven because mommy issues and so they both could learn about each other.
Crack ships: Lindsay said Sncheekos, Arryn just likes the name Pussy magnet, Barb insisted Yang isn't straight, but Solarflare would be the ultimate bromance.
And all of them love Nora and Zwei
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powertaco · 1 year
Waking a Nightmare ‘What you are...’ Final chapter
A choice is made and the tale for our pair and their team has only just begun...
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yacchannanamin · 2 years
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kasan-art · 8 months
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Yang Xiao Long: Baywatch outfit / swimsuit
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pilot-boi · 3 months
They wouldn’t hype us up this much if it was just IQ Season 2. They know we’ve been waiting for good news for months, CRWBY wouldn’t do that. They care about the show as much as the FNDM does
That being said, I would still be psyched if they did announce IQ Season 2. I fucking loved that show
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didyoutrydynamite · 1 year
How would neo and cinder react to icequeendom bunny jaune?
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Cinder: *Holding Bunny Jaune* This... this is too much. How can anything ever be this adorable!? This must be the work of an enemy Semblance, and if it is, please don't let it stop.
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rubyrose2014 · 2 years
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