#icey originals
icey-writes-stuff · 5 months
Short story from Jan 2021
It was time. I had long awaited this day as it gave me the opportunity to free myself of a horrid curse. I had to be quick as I didn’t even know if I would get another opportunity if I failed tonight. I grabbed the items I would need for my potion; my bow, an ingredient list, a basket and the key to my greenhouse.
I stepped outside my musty cottage into the cold, dark wilderness lit only by a shining crescent moon. I drew in a deep breath and began my task. As I walked I had realized how much I had missed being outside. I had been preparing my plan the past few days and hadn’t really left the house. “I really should get out more,” I thought to myself. I finally had made my way to the river where the first ingredient was located. I pulled out my list and did a quick review. I needed a tumultum fish, a vox flower and finally some succino powder. Luckily for me, tumultum were quite abundant this time of year and this stream was full of them. I pulled out and strung my bow, nocked the arrow into place and found a suitable fish. As I pulled back the bowstring countless thoughts ran through my head, “What if I missed? What if I couldn’t get the fish? Would I lose my precious opportunity to break the curse?”
I could feel my anxiety rise up in me. I was shaking. “No, I can’t afford to worry right now I need to focus. I can’t waste my time here.” I breathed in and let the bowstring go. “Got it!” I breathed out and felt the tension fall from my body. I went to the river to retrieve my catch and then put away my bow.
As I walked back to my quaint cottage I saw my neighbour standing by my door. “I wonder what she wants,” I pondered. “She doesn’t usually come to visit. Well, neither does anyone else for that matter. I’m kinda the town outcast now that I think about it. Doesn’t matter, just get this interaction done with and go back to collecting. “I walked up to her and said, “Hello.” She smiled at me and handed me an envelope that read herb payment on the outside. “Oh,” I thought to myself, “I did grow some herbs for her in the greenhouse a little while ago didn’t I? I kinda forgot that she had promised to pay me.”
“Thank you very much, Ms. Guertena,” I said as I gave her a smile. She gave her head a little nod as if to acknowledge what I said then began to walk home.
“Have a good evening.”
I think she had said something to me. Her lips moved but I couldn’t hear what she had said. There was no point in chasing after her to ask. It probably wasn’t important. I had to get back on track. I wasn’t looking forward to the collection of the third ingredient but it needed to be done. At least I had an hour until I could get it, I needed that time to psyche myself up. I should get the second ingredient ready though, just in case I need to rush with the potion.
I pulled the small silver key to the greenhouse from my basket and inserted it into the lock. The blast of humidity as I stepped in was still somewhat overwhelming but nice at the same time. I grabbed my pruner and made my way to the flowerbed that held my vox flowers. I snipped the healthiest looking flower and gave my other plants water to kill some time. After I was done I put my vox and my other equipment away. I wouldn’t need to bring them when getting the last ingredient.
Succino powder was basically impossible to get. It’s extremely expensive and is usually reserved for wealthy people to gift at weddings or other important occasions. It just so happened that my neighbour got married recently, and has a very wealthy family, so odds are good that she has some. I can’t just ask for it either, she'll think I’m crazy or that I’m scamming her. Stealing it is my only option. I really need the powder. I can’t have any regrets later in life and maybe later I’ll save up to buy her a new jar.
I left my house and started on the way to hers.
She goes out every night around 8 o'clock so I was lucky in that respect. I waited for her car to drive down the dirt road and out of sight before I made my attempt. I walked behind her house and headed for the backdoor. I had to pick the lock, something I was honestly mediocre at as I hadn’t practiced nearly enough. To my surprise, it unlocked pretty quick. I guess I was better at that than I thought. I moved quickly to the living room hoping the powder would be on display. It wasn't though, which meant there was only one other place it could be. Begrudgingly, I headed upstairs and found her room. I couldn’t see it on any of the shelves so I headed for the closet. It was much bigger than I thought it would be; it was basically a room to itself. I had to work fast. I didn’t want to be here longer than I had to be. Suddenly a potent smell of perfume entered the room.
“She’s back!” My mind was racing, “Why is she back? It’s only 8:10 she shouldn’t be back. Maybe she forgot something. No! No! No! I can’t panic, I'm so close! All I need to do is hide and stay quiet.”
I tucked myself in the back corner of the room and covered my mouth. I could feel my heart beating. “What would happen if she found me snooping around in her closet? What would I do? What can I do?” Then she opened the door and I felt my heart stop. “I’m done for,” was the only thing that entered my mind. I felt every excruciating second pass by. Every second was a second where I could be discovered. It felt like I was going to die and I was just sitting around waiting for it to happen. Then a miracle happened. She picked up a pair of gloves and left. I waited for a good 5 minutes before I even dared to move. She was gone.
Despite how shaken up I was I moved on with the investigation of the room and finally after a good half hour in a small box there it was. Succino powder. I quickly grabbed the jar and fled the house. It was time. I got the pot ready and slowly put in the ingredients. I carefully put in the tumultum fish and waited for the mixture to bubble. Next was the vox flower I had so carefully raised. Last was a whole jar of succino powder. The mixture stewed and turned a bright purplish colour. I let it cool and grabbed a glass of what would hopefully be a cure. I put the pungent smelling liquid to my lips and then...
A cacophony of noise hit my ears.
The small ticking of my watch.
The loud gusts of wind.
The creaking of the floorboards.
The sound of my own unsteady breathing.
It was almost too much. I had to wonder, “Was the world this loud before?”
There was something I had to do. Something I had to hear. I pulled out my old worn headphones and played the song that was written for me. This gift I never got to experience would finally be enjoyed. As I hit play I was finally reintroduced to the beautiful world of sound.
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Gullfoss Waterfall
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Winter's Dusk
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legendofice · 4 months
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alelathedragon · 10 months
Icey Dragoness
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Saw some Cookie Run OC stuff and decided to draw my own Cookie OC , Scaley Speckle Cream. A Cookies and Cream Icecream Dragon that wares corpses on her body very iconically
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Tell not thorn nor lie
Speak to me o murder child
Trouble's in your eye
Speak to me o murder child
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It's under the cut! Bc ofc it'd be a bit long lol
• Mary
A normal girl who loves video games and anime. She has a rather bold personality, whereas she's quick to take action instead of sit and think of the outcome first. Jonathan is her good friend.
(She's the one who has destroyed everything. She's the one to blame.)
• Jonathan
A quiet boy who has a hard time socializing with others.....until Mary came in. He has a deep fondness for gardening and floral things in general, so it's pretty obvious why he'd be in the school's gardening club.
(He's the one who has always been so serious over things like jokes and pranks. He's the one who made his relationship with his sister in shambles.)
• Rey
A girl who's pretty chill and friendly......if she's not around Finn. If she IS around Finn, then she'll be acting like a complete tsundere towards him. She doesn't exactly know that he can't exactly tell her scolding and overall tsundere-ish act towards him that well. She secretly feels bad for acting mean to him, though.
• Finn
An upbeat and energetic boy who's really good at any sports possible. He stops acting so happy once someone acts mean towards him or scolds him for whatever wrongdoing he does. Nobody exactly knows why, though. He's good friends with Rey and Kai, not knowing that the two are....basically fighting for his love....?
(He's the one who kicked them out just because of his own foolishness. He's the one who had to witness their best efforts in bringing hope back to their world fail just like that.)
• Kai
A boy who's pretty serious and not that approachable at first sight, but is actually a kind person somehow. He's not much of a pessimist, but when it comes to the possibility of his feelings being reciprocated by his dear friend Finn, he immediately could tell that day would never come. He's well aware of Rey having feelings for him, and despite him knowing that Finn would never feel the same way about him, he still somehow fights with Rey over his love.
(He's the one who tried to stop him from kicking them out. He's the one who had to witness their best efforts in bringing hope back to their world fail just like that.)
• Berry
A girl who may look cute appearance-wise, but moral-wise? Fuck no. She's somewhat of a prankster, whose pranks are a bit....too extreme for everyone else's own liking. But even so, despite the teachers' scolding, she still pulls these pranks either way, finding them funny, when in reality, they're not funny to others at all.
(She's the one who pulls pranks that are too extreme for her sister's liking. She's the one who made her relationship with her sister in shambles.)
• Natsu
A boy who loves summer and free time, but hates school and work. He's lazy and only really does his work once the deadline is near. Even so, he's a bit mean sometimes, but in reality, he just wants to at least be free from the stress of school.
• Nozomi
A genuine fantasy lover ever since she was young. She'd always gush to others about any fantasy-based media she's obsessed with at the moment, and she even dresses up like a character from a fantasy show themself. People find her weird, but not Kurayami, who decided to stick with her despite everything.
(She's the one who wanted to bring hope back to the world. She's the one who miserably died failing in the end.)
• Kurayami
A girl who hates positivity and hope, but still decided to be friends with the hopeful and positive Nozomi either way. Why? She doesn't exactly know either, but she'll just brush it off as "feeling bad for Nozomi". She's negative and has been driven to despair long ago, and is quite pessimistic too. Secretly, she wishes she could bring only despair and darkness into the world.
(She's the one who decided to join the enemy's side. She's the one who died because of betrayal.)
• Kaito
A student council member who loves helping others when he gets the chance to do so. No matter what the issue is, he'll wholeheartedly help you with anything. It's his hobby and favorite thing to do, after all! He's pretty good friends with Eijiro too.
(He's the one who worked so hard to live through life to the fullest. He's the one who had to get killed off in the end.)
• Eijiro
A boy who doesn't exactly have too much hope for his life, but somehow found light in the dark once Kaito offered to be his friend. He's a bit anti-social, but not exactly around Kaito. Kaito's his only friend too, so nowadays, he feels like his life depends on Kaito the most. Kaito, Kaito, Kaito, Kaito, Kaito.......Damn, Eijiro really needs to get a life, and he's fully aware of that.
(He's the one who's jealous of him for his wonderful life. He's the one who felt guilt in the end.)
• Mayu
The school's so-called 'Monochrome Princess'. She's quiet, anti-social, and is somewhat of a mystery to the other students. None of the students know much about her, not even the teachers, and yet here she is, roaming around the halls of school like a normal student would.
(She's the one who treated her servants like garbage. She's the one who lost her color because of it.)
• Akira
A quiet girl who has always been curious about her world around her. Curiosity always plagues her mind somehow, to the point where she has to admit, her brain felt like rotting everytime she thinks about a possibility.
(She's the one who she didn't need anymore. She's the one who discovered another her in the end.)
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littlestlilies · 2 years
I'm not dead!
Mini update: I've been off the internet for the past like 3-4 months because of university and work. It feels like it's been a year.
The Frans Compilation is still coming along. I'm hoping to have at least five piece done before I start posting. If you would like updates on your submitted piece please let me know.
Other than that...not much I can think of.
Lily out! Peace!
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photowalkmyworld · 2 years
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22 Jan 23
Iced pond
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icey-popp · 2 years
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made myself a new icon!
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icey-writes-stuff · 5 months
Original short horror story
All day I sat with my head bowed in prayer.
“I seek a holy man’s life. One of virtue and righteousness. I wish to have forgiveness and compassion flow through my soul. I fear the devil invaded my soul. As all I feel is hatred and fear towards all those creatures who claim to be civilized. Please help me to heal as I have become far too civilized myself.”
I sat still and silently awaited a response to my pleas. I felt nothing. I heard nothing. I saw nothing. The hours of nothingness were making me distraught. I could see no other answer. No other reason or rationalization besides "The lord has abandoned me". In my distress I once again tried to contact the lord.
“I then pray for death. I wished to see the angels choir and harmonize in worship to the good lord. Now I know that I will never see such a sight. Lord if you are listening grant my wish for death that is all I ask.”
There was only stillness. The typical tumult from cotters and vexatious prattle of the clergymen were no longer invading my walls. It was only deafening overbearing silence. There was no lord to listen. No guidance to seek. I lifted my head and stared dejectedly out the window.
It only took a glance to see that my prayers were answered after all.
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Frosty mornings ❄️
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icepackgod · 9 months
saul,, man
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blacked out and drew new shit for my art fight profile good LORD my old ref pictures are ass ☠️
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legendofice · 8 months
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Story scene :]
The golden one belongs to my friend
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