#iconic confessional spot
mikeholloway · 6 months
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HUNTER MCKNIGHT in Don't Touch the Oven ∙ S46E04
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Why do people make such a big deal about Heather getting idoled out in All Stars? They say it’s another example of All Stars’ “derailment” (exaggerated and untrue BTW) yet her getting the idol stolen from Alejandro makes perfect sense.
Heather wears nothing but a tight tube-top, booty shorts, and sandals. Not very much clothing in the way of hiding bulky stone statuettes of Chris’s head. Her confessional even proves this ineffective wardrobe (“I can’t hide the idol. Someone will see it for sure!”)
Her plan to hide the idol after finding it was very smart. How was she to know that she was being stalked while fighting a monster deep in Boney Island, and while finding the idol in the egg? It was a matter of bad fortune for her, being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Her hiding spot wasn’t bad either (a crack between rocks), but Alejandro sneakily watching her was her unknowing downfall.
Yes, our original mean-girl fave and Total Drama Villain icon got 10th place, but she had an okay run, but it’s not one of the reasons to criticize All Stars. She got outplayed, plain and simple.
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Round 1 poll 31: Mary Lou Maloney from Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night 2 vs Joachim Valentine from Shadowhearts
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Propaganda under the cut:
Mary Lou Maloney:
Mary Lou is like a 1950s era slutty, petty, mean girl prom queen who is accidentally gets killed while she’s getting her Prom crown in a Carrie style prank gone wrong. She comes back as a vengeful ghost at the height of the 80s slasher and absolutely RUNS the next two movies. Like every line is quotable every kill is insane. She, after an insane gay moment, and bare naked, and terrifying, uses psychic powers to crush a girl in a locker to the tune of some 50s rock tune. Her heaven monologue is iconic her writing For A Good Time Call Mary Lou on the confessional is inconic her using a nail file to escape hell is iconic her saying It’s A Big. Free. Country! Is iconic while she has cheating on her boyfriend sex on top of an American flag in a CANADIAN movie there’s no better. Like I like a lot of slashers and especially forgotten ones but it doesn’t get better than Mary Lou, mean girl in life mean girl in death
Joachim Valentine:
He is a hundreds of years old vampire, but also a superhero wrestler. He tends to spot random large objects, holds philosophical monologues about them and picks them up to use as a weapon in combat. This includes a locker, a mailbox and a giant frozen tuna which he uses to beat up all sorts of otherworldly monsters and historical figures.
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lowpolylobotomy · 1 year
what are your top 3 fav seasons in the entire drag race franchise? :)
well canada 3 out of raw disgusting bias. i find it very comforting in that it’s something that is now kinda shared between me and my friends. like, it’s very much helped me connect w people :) also the cast is s tier. so many different styles of drag from all over canada (and beyond !) miss fucking fiercalicious ? kimmy couture ? lady boom boom ? gisèle lullaby ? bombae ? chelazon ? irma ? do i even have to mention the obvious
i have a very very very big soft spot for uk2. it’s what got me absolutely hooked on drag race and , as everyone can agree, iconic. joe black’s gothy charisma, cherry valentine’s gorgeous runways 💗, asttina mandella’s incredible confidence, ginny lemon’s utter insanity, veronica green’s radiant kindness and singing talent, tia kofi’s magnetic personality and humour, sister sister’s perfect dryness, a’whora’s dumb crude confessionals, ellie diamond’s amazing looks, bimini’s talent, everything about tayce, how fucking funny lawrence chaney is. likeausggh g m y god
ok number 3 is the original season 1. of US. if you want a time portal back to 2009 when the world was covered in vaseline , and the only social media backlash the queens had to worry about was on myspace, do yourself a favour and watch season 1. shannel in the words of vivian vanderpuss “having a level of delusion that defies medical science”. akashia “every competition needs a bitch and that bitch is me”. rebecca glasscock going “i can’t let frienfship get in the way” like she’s a fucking disney villain. the insane talents of bebe, ongina, nina and jade. tammie brown
honourable mentions: season 14 (bosco, jasmine getting in fights w everyone and still being a total darling). all stars 6 (just solid overall). down under 2 (spankie nicest person to ever live. yuri guaii. beverly kills. kween kong. minnie cooper).
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ellavaday · 2 years
this week's dose of sandra screaming into the void was a bit delayed bc my brain turned into literal mush this weekend (i blame the vids of carmen performing at dragcon and the migraine i've had since sunday evening) but we are here, with puppets and roasting the dres1 top 5
sethlas mirror message is a callback to the musical challenge and him singing about meat subs (🍆), but it doesn't actually say 'sandwich of terror/bocadillo de terror', keeping up with the dick euphemism, teror is a town in canarias known for their chorizo, so if you go there and ask for a bocadillo de teror (or teró in canarian accent) you get a sub made with chorizo from that town... It's also a meme bc this vid went viral; in a funny coincidence, or funny for me bc i'm easily amused, this year teror has decided to make the longest bocadillo de chorizo in the world for el día de canarias (announced a day before the episode went live)
juriji and marina saying in confessionals that they don't know where their relationship is going with each other is hilarious now after the twitter thing, welp, i guess we know how that one turned out
three cheers for venedita not keeping the blonde and not wanting to work ever again, what a mood
okay i wrote this one down when the migraine was at it's worst and now i'm doubting it but estrella says something about movies and i immediately thought of this jukebox musical of raffaella carrà songs in spanish called explota explota (i don't think she's referencing it, but it's the first thing i thought of... oh and i missed the reference to the 'rumore rumore' song last week but i am in no condition to edit much more than this today so i'm writing it here and moving on)
the next day they enter the workroom room talking about friends of la veneno (sandra la camellona, la tonisha, la valkiria and rocío de sevilla) which she talks about on a show about the dangers of back alley surgeries, here's a thread
the mama wolf has five little cubs is a lullaby (that reminds me once again how much i hate the idea of having children myself)
i did agree with the phone call thing in untucked coming off a bit arrogant... and that sethlas had a point, only a poorly expressed one bc it was untucked and emotions fly high (sorry juriji te quiero)
there's a tiny dif between what estrella says and the subs (and what juriji understands)... she did not say juriji was dramatic or arrogant, she was saying that juriji doing the dumb call thingie did not come off like she was trying to turn down the drama in the situation at hand, and instead came off as arrogant [also in the situation at hand], not that she was dramatic/arrogant in general
when supremme shows up in the rumail (supremme mail? mail de luxe?), marina quotes this song by raphael and estrella says ja ho tenim which they don't translate in the subs in spanish, for those of you unfamiliar with catalan, it means ya lo tenemos (not quite 'here we go' but def the same sentiment)
draguiñoles = drag + guiñoles (if you speak spanish and also wonder why spaniards call títeres/marionetas/puppets like that, bc i did, it comes from guignol)
porque a todo el mundo le gusta meter la mano ('cause everyone likes pulling their hands inside' in the subs) is a joke on the expression meter mano in spanish (to cop a feeling)
this is one of my favorite mini challenges jsgh my theory is that vene is funny but only when no one is looking, like the confessionals, or being a little bitch like violet or sagi but only when you don't expect it; juriji killed me with that recreation of vene's singing bc it was spot on; and ofc sharonne destroyed it imitating estrella
hello dres1 top 5💖... this is only tangentially related but after seeing dovima and ariel together in the official viewing party and talking about how everyone says they're identical, i rlly can't unsee it now
anabel alonso, the guest judge, is a well known actress, comedian and gay icon (like marina said she's amparo in almodovar's kika, she's also diana in 7 vidas and the voice of dory in the spanish dub of finding nemo... basically our cultural analogue to ellen degenres but with none of the controversy, thankfully)
idk if pupi called estrella venus bc she reminded her of the venus of willendorf but it was the first thing me and spanish twitter thought of and estrella agrees shejsh also likely a reference to venus xtravaganza, now my question is how did vene turn into marta when assigning people
when killer hugs juriji and says go get 'em and eat them all up, in spain the expression is comérselas con patatas (eat them with potatoes) hence why juriji adds 'and with mayo' which i love bc it feels extremely belgian of her (potatoes with mayo are not as common in spain as they are in european countries that are located a bit more up north... we do have patatas alioli tho)
the way i almost did believe sharonne was going to make marina go last 💀
venedita thank god you're pretty fbkhfdn when she and juriji are talking about juriji's grandma and how she met queen fabiola, it's fabiola de mora y aragon, the consort queen of belgium (the aunt of the current king there)... and belgium is definitely not in central europe
speaking of grandmothers, this is mostly an observation in first gen immigrant (and from the pov of someone that didn't actually have grandparents around while growing up) but the comment of vene loving her grandma too reminded me that now that i have friends with kids (that also don't have immediate family with them) i find rather interesting how reliant spain is of grandparents for childrearing? like sure there's daycare, it exists, but it's definitely not normal to just drop your kid at one of them and come pick them up by dinner every day of the week bc kids are usually minded by grandparents after school (or it seems to be the case of most of my friends), it's probably no more or less common than in the rest of southern europe (i have no clue), but it didn't even occur to me how would it be to not be raised on daycare and back to back club activities till my friends with kids here were starting to fret about how to align their own work schedule with their kid's bc many of them don't have immediate family to rely on
another random observation, this time in multilingual, i am fascinated by how juriji adapts expressions that aren't as common in spanish because they make sense in other languages she speaks (i don't even bother most of the time, you deal with spanglish when talking to me or you die), when she says 'going around like a headless chicken' it strikes me in spanish as something rather old-fashioned? it's definitely correct, just not something you'd hear often (i have never heard anyone say it in conversation at all neither here nor in latam)
the story about juriji coming out recently explains a lot to me bc when i was googling the queens i didn't know about when the mtq dropped i could find some things about her work as a musician and some interviews but literally all of them used her dead name and old pronouns (her stage name was still juriji tho)
mainstage time
when supremme is introducing the roast with 'it will burn some flesh' she actually says that when she smells a roast she gets goosebumps (literally what she says is that her skin opens up, which yes ofc it's innuendo)
when supremme welcomes anabel alonso, anabel answers with bienvenida perez which is the name of a spanish tv personality better known for being the ex-wife of anthony buck (a former tory member of the british parliament), cheating on him with peter harding, the ensuing scandal thus making harding resign, divorcing him too and then marrying a rich russian count (i have managed to avoid every single trash tv show she's ever been on so far but i have to admit i'm a little impressed)
supremme introduces the theme of the runway, spanish women, by saying 'women that have changed history, an in heels' in the subs but she actually says con dos ovario 'with two ovaries'; the expression con dos huevos/con los huevos bien puestos (with two balls/with the balls firmly in place) means to do something with bravery; the distaff counterpart of those expression change balls to ovaries
how pretty do all of the dres1 girls look here?
marina's roast
based on the puppet show i feared for marina (specially after being paired with dovima of all ppl) but oh my god? it was so good?? the rioplatense accent murdered me
the character the hada marina (marina's fairy) is a pun on hada madrina (fairy godmother)
for carmen: carmen flores, the sister of lola flores, was also a known flamenco singer and actress; carmen follala (fuckher) sounds really funny (i doubt that argentinian people use the word follar for fucking but said with the rioplatense accent it's definitely is a great pun for farala); i am probably losing the plot bc migraines are not supposed to last this long but misterios a resolver (mysteries yet to be solved) sounds like a reference to something but i just don't know what right now
the read to sagi about having a personality that 'stands out on the side of a milk cartoon missing' in the subs, in spanish is brilla por su ausencia (lit. shining for their absence) which normally in english would be translated as 'conspicuous by it's absence' (it would definitely fit marina to use a word like conspicuous bc whoever says tesitura anymore for situation? but idk how many people would find that funny enough for a roast)
stop i deadass sent killer a DM once saying she should run for presidency of the community of madrid back during her season bc it was also electoral season in madrid 🤣 (she did answer saying she would)
the thing about dovima being called la zorra del infierno is bc zorra (lit. fox) colloquially means slut/bitch
there's just one actual typo in the subs for her set when she's reading pupi, when it says 'what a shame, what a shame... two runways' it should say 'your runways', that one's also in the spanish sub for some reason
sharonne's roast
for a second i fully forgot anabel was there and i thought she was calling ana anabel from the horror movie
that read to dovima about not saying anything and letting twitter keep doing that for her, jfc that was 💀
for carmen naranja- i mean farala; she makes a reference to naranjito, the official mascot of the football cup of 1982 celebrated in spain; she calls her honorary daughter of valencia bc oranges are a typical product of that part of spain; tener caspa or ser casposo (lit. having dandruff) is how you call someone with rancid ideas and bad taste (we don't think carmen is rancid but her brand is old school spanish beauty and old school is a lot of what can be considered casposo in the hands of unpleasant ppl if anything, carmen is reclaiming it for the gays)
estrella's roast
i kind of didn't expect estrella to be this manic when she's nervous? she's manic for sure when it comes to comedy but it's really notorious on this episode; oh well... her character is estrellita 'ayquete' castro (estrellita [im going to] castrate [you]) and she's basically playing... off brand paquita salas (only andalusian) ((estrellita castro is also the name of a famous flamenco diva from the 30s))
she said on twitter they didn't show it but she had props for all of the girls, they just showed the glue gun for killer and pupi's mp3
guys did you know killer was a doctor?
for pupi she calls her pupi veneno (poison) bc it's close to poisson (fish in french and her actual name) which eh... those jokes are a bit trite tbh pupi is usually a good sport but even she's said online she is bored by the lack of originality and ppl constantly getting her name wrong; pupi's putón reggaetonero remix came out in january this year and i can only guess she told estrella bc this was filmed in december ((it's funny cause it's true tho .. there is a christmas version of putón verbenero)) and pupi's filmography as a guest is astronomical but as a contestant she's only done drag race, spain's got talent and who wants to marry my mom? (a spin off of who wants to marry my son)
for carmen patata- i mean farala, she mentions carmen de mairena, a trans singer and friend of la veneno
and then we have sagittaria diazepam (sagittaria valium bc diazepam is the name of an anxiety medication here) and dormida nurmi (drowsy nurmi bc, again, dovima is the living embodiment of go girl give us nothing)
venedita's roast
that joke about dovima liking things said to her the same way she likes semen: to her face is a direct quote from s1
salida is wordplay bc it can mean exit/departure but ser salido/a means to always think about sex
for dovima she calls her a lladró doll which is a brand of collectable figurines that are stupid expensive and usually found in the houses of grandmothers (onyx doll look was based on this)
pupi started doing drag bc she worked as a cast member in the amusement park of madrid playing the girl from the exorcist and someone that did drag saw her and introduced her to drag in the gay neighborhood of madrid (it's in her mtq vids)
she calls killer a catechist bc killer came from a deeply religious background and used to be a youth pastor and the joke on killer's goodness being easy to tell on her face is a read on how everyone kept talking about how unsettling her face looked in confessionals for s1 which 😬 vene ilu but that one is a tad cruel if you know what the mean gays were saying online about her back then
for carmen's true foundation, idk what is bethune of judea in english (i couldn't find a name for it) but it's a petroleum based tint used to make wood and ceramic look older/darker 💀 later when she says that her roast and juriji's were a la altura del betún de judea it's because a la altura del betún is an idiom for a humiliating situation
juriji's roast
chachi piruli, the expression juriji uses for having a good time is rather old fashioned and usually considered childish, like attempting to look cutesy on purpose (juriji playing dumb didn't work as well for her as it did with carmen last season on the roast... personally i don't love how much she tries to play dumb in challenges because she's shown she is actually much more intelligent than the brain dead bimbo brand she likes to portrait often)
runway time
juriji explained very well the 13 roses, half of them women from the socialist youth party that were assassinated by the franco government (half of them were also minors bc some were 18 and majority of age in spain back then was 21) in a purge his government did four months after they won the civil war called la saca de agosto, they were tortured and humiliated in an overcrowded jail known for inhumane conditions and were killed by firing squad behind a wall of the cemetery of la almudena in madrid; julio romero de torres was a spanish symbolist painter from la generación del 98; leticia sabater was indeed in the movie about the 13 roses, she is however better known bc she was a tv hostess in the 90s and she's now a reality tv personality with questionable music
MARINA🥰. when calvo says that's how he feels on the subway, tocada (touched), it's another joke on being felt up by people, and tocada y hundida is the name of a song by melendi (estar tocada can also mean to be sad/affected by something, that's the meaning of the song title)
i have no clue if this is actually what calvo is referring to but exclusiva is indeed a book, from 2012 (a fictional story whose main character is a journalist); the women estrella mentions, luisa carnes and carmen de burgos were both journalist and writers from the 20s and 30s that history has left forgotten; anabel quotes isabel pantoja, a popular singer, that came out of her house once when the paparazzi were waiting for her like vultures to fight them screaming no me vais a grabar más (you won't film me anymore!) ((she even destroyed a camera, honestly iconic, the way la pantoja is still harassed by the media here i can only compare to the way the early 00s treated britney, so the fact that she was ready to break some knees makes me v happy))
i have nothing for sharonne that was v straight forward
i have no clue what supremme and anabel are quoting with ella es el lienzo sobre el que escribe su historia, only that it has to be a quote the way they deliver it but ole for venedita bc women that worked in art are one of my favorite subjects (hers in particular was based on the surrealist painters maruja mallo and remedios varo, not her best recreation but just the fact that it's inspired on them is great for me)
i was talking about this w @myhusbandharryhamilton but knowing almost all of the concepts of the eliminated queens for this runway, i am legitimately furious this runway theme was not set earlier on; idk marisa's nor samantha's looks for this one (yet) but for the rest of the girls: ariel's was inspired by cleaning ladies (her mom was one and she's extremely proud of her, she also remembers very bitterly how many got sick for being deemed essential workers during the pandemic but not essential enough when vaccination started); jota hasn't published a picture but you can see her homage to gitana women in the whatcha packing with ana locking with the 16-spoke red dharmachakra and the colors of the romani people flag; like venedita, onyx theme is women in art but this time not painting, her concept was of three female artists in specific she worked with and are in 3d art, design and photography (and ofc it looks fucking stunning and i'm still mourning her not being in the show); diamante's look was a homage to migrant women (yes that hit me where i live thank you very much) and last but definitely not least, sethlas look was a homage to women that have been victims of domestic abuse and gender violence
that bottom two is the most heartbreaking one for me yet and i wish i could sue a3m for emotional distress but congratulations to marina who fucking killed it this ep
i know i keep repeating this but whoever timetabled this season has my entire heart, they've made references to mothers on mother's day, sant jordi for day of the roses, had the eurovision guest judge + raffaella runway the week before eurovision and, to quote @janeyjacke fuego by eleni as a lipsync song on eurovision weekend? poetic
and that's it, if you made it this far ole tu and thank you, i'm going to get another paracetamol and to watch derry girls 💖
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frankieking · 3 years
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Frankie’s Confessional 2.18.22
Mentions: @penned-cbarbosa, @thomas-meier, @antony-malinowski, @baileyballs
“Are we...are um, having a staring contest?” the producer shifted in his seat, patiently waiting for Frankie to speak. 
“Why? Is it making you uncomfortable?” 
“A little, yes. But I think this is your tactic. So we’ll continue.” He chuckled, smiling at the cast mate. 
“My tactic? So you think I have tactics? You think I have tactics because you have a situation that may need someone with tactics, hm?” 
“Well, no. I just...you look like you’re brewing something.” 
“Maybe you’re brewing something. Maybe you’re breaking me down to like you and this show.” 
“Do you? like me?” 
“That’s besides the point. I like most people.” 
“Right. Do you like the show? 
“I’ll plead the fifth.” 
“Frankie, this isn’t---” 
“The Spanish Inquisition? I knew you’d say that. Predictable.” Frankie’s gaze remained on Louis who ended up laughing in return. 
“You’re fun at parties.” 
“A blast. Yes, I like it here. Everyone seems nice. Raj has some steal from the rich vibe which yesss please because eat the rich, am I right? Unless you’re rich. I like you.” 
“Aren’t you ri--”
“Shhh. I also like Celeste. Good call getting icons to come to the show. And Tony. Cute guy. Everyone’s cute. Again, pretty sus.” 
“But you’re on the front page of a lot of magazines next month.” 
“Frankie, you’re part of the cute population, no?” He was wondering how they got here but it was comical so he continued. 
“Aw. You have a soft spot for me. ppreciate it but I’m taken.” 
“Oh you’ve found someone, then? We noticed you talking it up with Bailey.” 
Frankie grinned and leaned back, looking out the small window. “Nah, I was letting you down easy and I like Bailey but it’s only been like four days, calm your horses. What do you think I am? Seb and Tony? Love them by the way.” 
“Right? You can’t possibly think they’re plants.” 
“Huh. Who said I did? I’m on to you. Louis aka Chad aka something else because we all know your real name is like Bradford. anyway, I gotta go. No love yet but fingers crossed and I’m rooting for Thomas and Celeste if there’s some vote we gotta cast or something! byyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeee!” 
“Frankie, wait...oh boy.” Another laugh fell from his lips thinking that was the strangest yet most delightful conversation he’s ever had. 
“Oh and Bradford?” Frankie popped their head in again. 
“See! Bradford! Anyway, I’m supposed to be in therapy weekly so can you hook me up? Like show me the way to get my head shrunk?” 
A small laugh broke out between them. “Sure. Let’s go, Frankie.” 
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otakween · 4 years
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07-Ghost - The World (Part. 3)
Episodes 21-30 of the 07-Ghost radio show! Aww man, I’m really sad it’s over. I had a lot of fun listening the whole way through. It definitely made me a Namikawa Daisuke fan. I look forward to spotting him in another role!
Episode 21
Kuroyuri VA’s second episode. Honestly, she was kind of annoying (sorry!) She wouldn’t stop cracking up at everything and it made the whole episode very chaotic. They started out by discussing: their ideal birthdays and nicknames they’ve had in their lives. They then played a “what would you do?” game where they had to pick the most popular reaction to various scenarios. This time the punishment was to speak like a servant/butler. The loser was...Namikawa of course (lol every time!)
Namikawa failing at keigo was honestly the highlight of the episode for me because, same. Apparently this episode came out close to the end of the anime. Funny that the show would go on for so long after the show was already over. I guess because the manga was ongoing and they still had DVD sales to boost? 
Episode 22
The first no-Namikawa episode in a long time (another scheduling issue). This time though we got two guests: Castor and Lab’s VAs! Saiga called it a “church special” lol. It did feel like a mini reunion. The opening discussion was “what do you do to calm down when you feel stressed.” Lab’s VA said he likes to be alone/have alone time. Castor’s VA said he likes to eat sweets lol. Maybe it’s because Namikawa wasn’t there to react, but they barely read any fan mail. 
For a game, since Lab’s VA was there they played a “flower language” game where they had to guess what each flower signified. Somehow the flowers were also connected to birthdays? I tried to Google this but couldn’t find much. I want to know my birthday flower! Anyway, the final corner was a “Last Supper” where they ate something that was supposed to taste like chestnut and another thing that was supposed to taste like sweet potato. For once, both experiments were yummy. 
Episode 23
In this episode Namikawa comes back and so does Lab’s VA (sorry, I should probably learn his name). I was honestly pretty relieved to hear Namikawa again because he’s really the heart of the show. They discussed their blood types and caught Namikawa up on what he missed in the last episode. I finally looked up what the heck “Namikawa ga Kamu” means (the name of one of the corners) and I think what they’re going for is that he snaps at the listeners who send him ridiculous mail lol. Kamu has a bunch of different meanings so it took me awhile to get that.
They played another flower-themed game. This time they had to guess which flowers out of a bunch listed were currently blooming. They kept saying “ah that one blooms in winter, huh?” and I was like “wtf? Nothing blooms in winter!” Damn you Japan and your higher temps! This time Saiga and Lab’s VA lost and their punishment was to speak like a maiko (I didn’t even know maiko had a unique speech style). The final segment was responding to listeners worries but I honestly struggled to understand what they were saying and spaced out a little, oops! Lab’s VA said he wants to come back, but was disappointed in the lack of food this time around lol. 
Episode 24 
Wow, a Bastien episode, how unexpected. I honestly forgot what Bastien sounded like because he was in so little of the anime, but he has a nice, deep voice. Probably second deepest after Ayanami. It cracked me up how he and Namikawa bonded over how they both voice dead guys. The started the episode out by discussing what kind of food they like to eat in November and then talked about how popular/unpopular they were in their younger years. One fanmail asked what they would give Teito as a birthday present and no one really knew what to say LOL (it is a hard question). Namikawa said a camera and Bastien’s VA said “Mikage” loool. 
I thought the game they chose for the Bastien episode “find the impostor” was clever, but it was hard to play along. It was another game where they had to pick “which one of these doesn’t belong” out of a list of 07 Ghost things, but they didn’t clearly read out the options so it wasn’t super interesting to listen to. Bastien’s VA lost and his punishment was to talk like a country bumpkin for the next segment. They ended the episode by doing the confessional-like corner and listening to listener’s sins. Amen. 
Episode 25 
Another Kuroyuri episode! I guess she was really available lol. This one was recorded around Christmas time so it was slightly Christmas themed. They talked about sock fetishes (for some reason lol) & read some more chaotic fan mail. One girl that wrote in claimed to be from Namikawa’s elementary school and they freaked out. 
The game they played this time around was “what do you want for Christmas” where each person listed a bunch of things they might want for Xmas and then the others had to guess what the correct answer was. Kuroyuri asked something along the lines of “what cup size boobs do most women want?” I’m used to boobs coming up a lot in stupid anime so I was kinda surprised to hear real people have that conversation lol. Namikawa was clearly uncomfortable and gave the “I think size doesn’t matter” speech haha. (By the way, the answer was C cup). Namikawa lost as usual and had to use “reindeer speech” for the following segment. His interpretation of this was to add “tona” at the end of every sentence (because tonakai = reindeer). 
The final segment was Last Supper and they ate things that are supposed to taste like melon when you eat them together (white chocolate + apple juice, cucumber + honey). Apparently neither hit the mark but at least they weren’t too gross this time. 
Episode 26
Jun (Hakuren’s VA) returns! They call him “Jun Jun” which is way too cute. I think he’s one of my favorite guests, just cuz he’s so iconic and has great energy for radio. In this episode they discussed what color each person would be (Namikawa = orange, Jun = black, Saiga = blue). They also discussed New Year’s resolutions because this was recorded around January. They played an 07-Ghost themed version of karuta which was fun to play along with. Guess who lost? (It was Namikawa lol). I totally didn’t get what his punishment was. He had to talk like “maro/daimaro” and I couldn’t figure out via google what the heck that is.
In the final segment they gave advice to listeners. One listener asked what they should do about a mouse problem. Namikawa at first said “move” but then changed his answer to “get a cat” lol. Very inspired. Only 4 episodes to go~!
Episode 27
A rare no-guest episode. Namikawa seemed very fed up and low energy in this one lol. This was recorded in January so they discussed new years again. It’s kinda cool hearing time pass in these. Oh how innocent times were back in 2009/2010. The only thing that really stood out in the beginning of this episode was that one listener called Namikawa “Namikawa D-Cup-san” and Saiga and Namikawa died laughing. This was in reference to a past episode where Namikawa called himself that but he acted like he never said that loool. Honestly, the best part of this show is just hearing everyone laugh at dumb jokes.
The game they played this time around was pretty creative. Basically while one person was blindfolded the other had to help them draw a picture of a 07 Ghost character with verbal instructions. As they did so, they had to stay in-character. It was really funny hearing Saiga switch from polite Japanese to Teito’s feral speech style. You don’t really realize how cartoony anime character’s are until you hear natural speech right next to it (or maybe that’s just me lol). Namikawa lost again (I felt bad for him this time cuz he sounded genuinely disappointed) and his punishment was to stay in Mikage-mode until the end of the episode. He said acting so “pure” was exhausting. 
Episode 28
Another Haruse episode. He was really cute in this one, he admitted that he was nervous about doing radio and was worried his voice would shake haha. They again talked about New Years and New Year’s resolutions. They also took some kind of “psychology test” where they had to describe what color/pattern handkerchief they’d want to receive from a girl. The color handkerchief = the color of panties they like or something stupid like that lol. 
For the game, they had to put 07-Ghost characters in the correct order. Saiga had to order the ghosts, Haruse’s VA had to rank the Black Hawks, and Namikawa had to organize a bunch of characters in the order they’re introduced in the manga. Pretty difficult. Everyone did about the same so they had to do rocks, paper, scissors to decide the loser. The loser was, of course, Namikawa. His punishment was to sing everything like an opera singer for the next segment.
The final segment was giving advice to listeners. One person asked for advice on dating someone older than you and another person asked about giving “the talk” to their younger brother lol. At least I think that’s what they said. These advice portions have some tricky Japanese. 
Episode 29
The first Konatsu episode, it’s interesting to see them bring in new guests at the very end. Konatsu was one of my favorite characters so it’s unfortunate that I found his VA really annoying lol. His style of humor was to just repeat the same obnoxious thing over and over again and I found it really grating. This was recorded in February so they discussed how much you should spend on Valentine’s day chocolate. They also asked Konatsu’s VA what kind of character Konatsu is and he basically said “I had like no lines, so I dunno” lol. Too true. I forgot Konatsu was even in the anime.
For the game they had to pop some balloons and the more hearts they got the better their score was. (I guess they put heart on pieces of paper and stuffed them inside the balloons?) For once the loser was the guest and Konatsu’s VA had speak in a Kansai dialect for the final segment. The episode ended with “The Last Supper” and they ate avocado with vanilla ice cream, which apparently is supposed to taste like mango.
Episode 30
The grand finale! They actually called it that too. I wasn’t sure if they were going to acknowledge this as the last episode but they made it special. They did a lot of reflecting on how far they’d come and how the show seemed long and short at the same time. This was an hour long episode but they basically spent the entire time reading listener mail (which is my favorite part anyway). No games, no guests. Namikawa’s “kamu” corner got special background music for the first time. Most of the listener mail was people saying their goodbyes and being sad that the show was ending. 
At the end of the episode some staff person came into the studio to thank Namikawa and Saiga for their hardwork and to give them chocolate. Very cute. The depressing part is that both the hosts and the listeners were talking about “if season 2 happens...” which obviously never did. Pooor 07-Ghost :’( 
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whatiwillsay · 4 years
i hate derek but he gave us the iconic dianna karlie interaction so we can give him a spot at keeping up w the kushs, maybe he will fess up lol
oh he’ll get drunk and spill everything in the confessional only to be interrupted by melania who’s looking for a place to hide from trump
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WARNING: The following programme contains chaos of an obscene nature. If you’d prefer to watch something that’s more organized and less confusing, we recommend watching Spelling Your Household with Katie-Lee Circus
The final week in the Amortentia Island villa was the wildest yet on record. After four weeks of a rousing game of musical partners we’ve had quite a few surprises in this last stretch, when it finally seemed everything had been solidified. With last week being the final re-coupling, we expected those pairs to stick together. We were wrong, and you’ll see why. 
Grace and Terry - NO one, and we mean NO one expected (though maybe we hoped) virginal Amazing Grace would—in a cinematic display—both metaphorically and literally remove her shared promise ring with Colm to, you guessed it, be the fourth girl in the villa to rumble and tumble Terry. And only on their first night sharing a bed, too! The entire house was shocked or awed, but no one more so than Colm who suffered a chair throwing, lilo-hexing, foul mouthed tirade in the wake of finding out his long-term girlfriend and “waiting until marriage” partner had slept with Terry. Terry! Well, Terry remained, as we could all expect now, smug in his perceived victory. Yet… unlike with girls prior he did not seem to move on right away. In fact, the next morning he was spotted brewing Grace her morning tea and bringing her breakfast. Could this be something real sparking for Terry in his last week in the Villa? We hope so. 
Dottie and Ivan - We’re afraid Dottie got the short end of the stick yet again, and has not found love with Ivan. Maybe things could have worked out between them, if not for how he mugged her off for… Doc?! That’s right, folks. A few too many drinks and hot on the tail of his argument last week with Heidi, Ivan forsook his not-so-sacred vows with partner Dottie for a drunken hookup with Doc. He might have been adamant the next morning that it was just the alcohol, but you can’t fool us, Ivan. We saw who kissed who first. 
Mary and Doc - If you expected this couple to come to blows after Doc stepped out on Mary for a tryst with the retired quidditch icon, you’d be disappointed. In fact, several people in the confessional expressed their shock at how well Mary took the news. Was that… pride we saw in her expression? We want us a relationship like that! Doesn’t make for very good TV though, does it?
Jess and Brando - Which is alright, because Jess and Brando—our longest running and most surprising monogamous couple in the villa—certainly made for some thrilling episodes this week. Between playing monkey-in-the-middle with their baby boy, Bong Water, and starting a slip’n’slide with vegetable oil that landed Brando in a neckbrace until we could portkey in a Healer, Jess and Brando kept things lively. 
Heidi and Colm - Perhaps the reason for Mary’s nonchalance to her boyfriend hooking up with Ivan was because “Hot Lips” Heidi had already spit fire around the villa when she found out. Maybe we should start calling her the Heidi Hornback instead, for her dragon’s rage. It seems like Colm picked right at the re-coupling last week after all: there is no better suited couple in the villa than the two people who got absolutely brutally pied off in the least suspecting ways. Ivan, going for a man, and Grace going for… well, Grace going for anyone would have been a shock. 
Milan and The Butler - Do we have to talk about them? We don’t actually want to. Benjamin is as dull as his name suggests, and while Milan brought the drama initially, we didn’t hear more from her since. While we were rooting for him and Milan to make things work, some things just aren’t meant to be. All we know is, get this man away from women with locations for names. We’re looking at you, Sierra Leon AKA The Duchess. Next time we run into Benjamin, let’s just hope he has an upgraded nickname, one less wife, and a more interesting personality.
Tonight, we find out which couple has stolen your hearts and is taking home the prize money. All week you’ve been voting, and now without further ado we announce the winners… well, after some ado. We’d never make it that simple. 
Coming in dead last with a devastating fifty votes: Dottie and Ivan. We aren’t surprised, considering Dottie is still madly in love with Terry even after the three other girls, and Ivan… well, he’s clearly more interested in other players. Just not his girlfriend or his partner in the villa. 
Our penultimate couple, Milan and The Butler, still at least massively trumped Dottie and Ivan. They managed to scrape up a thousand votes. We only wish they could have won first place, as compensation to The Butler for being called The Butler. It would have been nice to send him away from the villa knowing he could afford to change his name, his address, and get a divorce so he might never have to see his long since voted off the island wife, The Duchess, again. 
Heidi and Colm scraped by into the middle position with five thousand pity votes from the viewers, and hot on their tails were Grace and Terry with seven thousand. It’s a shame they took until the last week to find each other—we have a feeling they could have stolen the show. Everyone’s a sucker for a bad boy going soft for a good girl.
Our final two couples then are Mary and Doc, then Jess and Brando. We’ve laughed with them, cried with them (done a bit of both likely, at Doc’s reaction to the baby), and now it’s time to announce our winners. Will it be the goofy, understanding duo or our batshit bonkers trashy two? 
And the winning couple, with only a hundred more votes, is… JESS AND BRANDO! They say they’re going to use the money to buy a trampoline. We didn’t have the heart to tell them that trampolines are, like, maybe fifty galleons at most. They’ll have to be more creative than that if they want to spend the remaining 9,950.
Thus concludes our 1979 season of Amortentia Island. Thank you, the viewers, for tuning in each week so we can keep bringing you entertainment in the form of throwing a bunch of idiots into a house together and seeing what happens! See you next year for more love, lust, and lunacy. 
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Drag Race UK ep 1 recap
Okay, so I’m not really active on tumblr (I prefer to observe, like, and reblog, rather than post something original), however.... I’m still waiting for my friend to catch up with DRUK... And I need to went... Aaaand there’s not many post about DRUK. So I will write these recaps for myself, but maybe someone will want to enter discussion (feel free)?
Entrance & Main Stage Looks
(I’m keeping the alphabetical order because I suck at rankings)
Her entrance look was... meh. Really unimpressive... I was looking forward for Vivienne Westwood inspired one.... And I was quite dissapointed. It looked messy, like she wanted to put too many ideas in one look. A pity... On the other hand Hometown Queen (HQ) look was polished and quite nice but predictable.
Asttina Mandella
The entrance and HQ looks were okay... She seemes like a look/fashion queen. But the Gay Icon (GI) look was truly awesome... the resemblance! She showed some acting skills, too! She’s really pretty but too overconfident for my taste...
Bimini Bon-Boulash
Okay, so this one is not my cup of tea, at all. I truly can’t say that I liked any of her looks. Maybe the GI wood be okay but the hair looked bad. Okay, I know, I liked killer heels from HQ look. But that’s all.
Cherry Valentine
Oh! Great entrance look and GI <3 Who doesn’t love Freddie? And both looks were executed do wellllll! In the HQ I would change two things - shoes and makeup, but overall i’s really interesting. The details!!
Ellie Diamond
Entrance and GI looks are meh... But the HQ... oh, that’s something else. And here I can see really nice hair and makeup skills. And I think she is the one with the greatest change between in and out of drag looks. I was shook.
Ginny Lemon
Again, not my cup of tea in terms of drag style. But I can recognize unique style and consequence in her (their) style (yellow, quirky makeup and shoes). In the confessionals I still think of Ginny as of ‘Elton John during his middle-age crisis’. What? Don’t you see the resemblance?
Joe Black
Oh, I was instantly intrigued! And to know that’s a cabaret queen! And I loved both main stage looks! The Bowie look was dead on! Really nice inspiration. And even if I don’t know much about Brighton the look itself was very chic and opulent. And I’m still mad about Joe leaving... What the fuck???? It looks like something pre-planed, you know...
Lawrence Chaney
Oh, I love my Scottish queen <3 But I think the narrative is too much in her favor, so it could be working against her in a long run. I was impressed by her GI look - the siluette!!! And HQ look was really nice and cohesive. But in her case I’m hooked because of her personality, accent (I love it, but I’m fed with Ru pronouncing it in this particular way), and of course her statements. 
Sister Sister
Another one of the ‘meh’ group. But I loved her hair in the entrance look and this particular feature of her makeup. Okay, and her interprentation of HQ look. But aside from that, I can’t say much about her.
Okay, she’s definetely the Trade of the season. These eyes! I liked her entrance look - very fashion-y. The GI was a little meh, but the HQ was again quite nice. Definetely a body queen but I would like to see her in a ‘hair-o-graphy’ challenge with her love of long hair.
Tia Kofi
Oh, Tia... she reminds me of Shangela’s first steps in the RPDR. Like, she’s still growing and finding her style? But her makeup is lovely and she seems fun. And while I appreciate choosing Mr. Turing as her hay icon, I didn’t get it from her look. Pity.
Veronica Green
Meh to the entrance look. The Boy George look was spot on but more as a cosplay than drag look. In this case, I thing that the best gay icon-to-drag interpretation was made by Joe (I’m still not okay with her gone). The HQ was pretty... Yeah, not much to say. 
Uh, that’s all... Overall, during this episode I had two favs - Lawrence and Joe... I’m stuck with one... But what I think interesting is a different vibe of these queens - they are more down to earth, more friendly, blunt, and (I hope) honest. Yeah, this is the one thing I definetely like about DRUK.
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thesinglesjukebox · 4 years
A collaboration of two raining pop stars...
Wayne Weizhen Zhang: When was the last time you felt queer joy? a friend recently messaged me. It's not the only message that I've gotten like it, coming from someone reflecting on how hard it is to find love in our queer identities when the spaces and support networks we've spent our adult lives creating are no longer easily accessible. Lockdown is hard for everyone, but queer people have it especially rough. I have friends who chose to stay alone rather than return to uncomfortable family situations; friends who chose to find shelter in other countries rather than go home; friends in nominally progressive, loving environments who still feel constantly micro-aggressed against. Due to COVID, I've been forced to live with my parents for four months now, during which time we've managed to avoid a huge confrontation about my sexuality--but I still feel so lonely and unseen. "Rain on Me," however, sees me. This song is big and dumb and flawed, and probably designed as fan-service, but it is so, so gay. The more-is-more sound, the delightful camp aesthetic of the promos, the millions of memes, the outrageous Chromatica merchandise are all as extra as I wish I could be. For God's sake, at one point, Ariana literally sings the words, "Gotta live my truth, not keep it bottled in." Two of the biggest gay icons in the world coming together to sing about their traumas in the pouring rain would have been cathartic pop under any circumstances, but under these, it feels like nothing short of triumphant, torrential queer joy. [9]
Tobi Tella: For the Gay Event of 2020, that beat drop is cribbed right from 2013. The two work well together, and the result is hard not to like, but I'm also finding it hard to love. [6]
Will Adams: "Stupid Love" worked as a return to form for the maximalist Gaga of yester-decade. "Rain On Me" works even better for the sweet surprise at how much energy she injects into filter house, a genre whose recent re-emergence has often felt lifeless. The growl she adds to the "RAIN on me" that punctuates the instrumental break does plenty on its own. The presence of Grande and the alternate chorus at the very end implies that there could have been more but what was left on the cutting room floor doesn't really matter when the final 3-minute product is this electrifying. [8]
Joshua Lu: At times "Rain on Me" feels like two separate dance tracks spliced together: one with Lady Gaga's hefty vocals serving as the backbone for a groovy instrumental, and another with Ariana Grande's lithe voice adroitly dancing on the pounding synths. Either can succeed on its own, but when they mix, they hamper one another. It's most evident on the bridge, where Ariana's breathy delivery clashes with Gaga's campy deep voice, which shouldn't be used there regardless -- hearing it for an entire section makes it less powerful when it pops up as the pre-chorus. [5]
Edward Okulicz: This Lady Gaga single is okay to pretty good, but the chorus is basically just "Rain Over Me" by Pitbull. [6]
Scott Mildenhall: Not everything has to be "Telephone," but Gaga's statements about "Rain on Me"'s personal significance hit home how run-of-the-mill the song feels compared with something so conceptually walloping. The deep personal connection Gaga felt with Grande is sadly inaudible, and the boldest it all gets is with her spoken delivery of the title, an appreciably camp touch in a song that is content and perhaps correct to colour within the lines, however brightly. [7]
Katherine St Asaph: Did not expect my first thought upon hearing a Gaga song to be Shut Up Stella. This shrinks a bit after hearing Chromatica, which has more massive tracks. [6]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: Gaga and Ari are pop music's two greatest theater kids. Every note, every line on "Rain on Me" is perfectly calibrated to demonstrate this, to make clear their skill at acting out the role of the pop star. The musical frame of the song is sturdy enough (it's not "Fade" or "Electricity" in terms of '90s house pastiche, but it grooves deeply enough to not seem lightweight), but "Rain on Me" is driven by their performances. It's most obvious on the song's bridge, where the combo of Gaga's imperial declarations and Ari's upper register meld together in kitschy glory. "Rain On Me" isn't a perfect song-- it's a bit underwritten, and the water metaphors don't fully come together-- but it's a near-perfect performance. [8]
Ryo Miyauchi: "I'd rather be dry, but at least I'm alive." It's a hook that's surely, and most likely unintentionally, informed by post-COVID life, but it also reminds me of the apocalyptic pop that flourished about a decade ago when dubstep was in full swing. That subgenre's structure still lives on at a elemental level, with the chorus devoid of lyrics, just now swapped for a chic, Justice-style electro-house. While any hint of doom might be more the beckoning of the current time, Lady Gaga and Ariana Grande's eager sense of abandon taps into now as much as it does to a recent past, and I hope it will speak to us in a similar way in the future when our world seems to be collapsing again in whatever context. [7]
Jessica Doyle: The more I listen to this the less it hangs together. Is the rain heartbreak or guilt? Is Lady Gaga the victim of it or using it for her own destructive ends? (Rain can be healing; tsunamis never are.) Why does she throw that cold, commanding "Rain. On. Me." refrain into a song that's supposed to be about vulnerable acceptance? And why isn't it "I'd rather be drunk, but at least I'm alive"? (Darn it.) I'll cede some power to the image of Gaga and Ariana Grande, both wounded and relatably self-aggrandizing, stomp-dancing around together in the rain, but stripped of pop-gossip context the song won't stick around. [5]
Leah Isobel: Lady Gaga is pop Jenny Holzer. She doesn't write lyrics, she writes slogans. I'D RATHER BE DRY, BUT AT LEAST I'M ALIVE isn't quite on the level of I WANT YOUR WHISKEY MOUTH ALL OVER MY BLONDE SOUTH, but the contrast between her severe consonants and Ariana's airy open vowels provides enough scaffolding that it works anyway -- and it doesn't hurt that the bass hurtles around that line like a Ferrari. If Gaga's oeuvre is a monument to the power of sheer determination, "Rain on Me" is what happens when she wills her sadness into release, her trauma into mere prelude; it's American pop myth-making at its purest. In that sense, it's an old-fashioned kind of triumph. [8]
Oliver Maier: Lady Gaga is too much of an auteur to really relinquish control. This is why her me/us-against-the-world cowboy songs suck, because she is at her best when she rules the reality that the music inhabits. On the strongest of her imperial-era singles, desperation and desire are either crystallised into museum exhibits or performed with such dark melodrama that they feel more like elaborate theatre for which she plays both director and lead role. "Rain On Me" is about giving in and letting herself cry, but the drop hinges critically on the spoken command that opens the floodgates; it's catharsis issued with total precision. Ariana, the reigning pop queen of emotional honesty, is at home on her confessional verse and then, having run out of stuff to do, sticks to ornamentation (it's funny that she gets a "with" credit for what is very much a "feat."). There are smart decisions -- the compact runtime, the way that the aqueous filtering drives the imagery home -- and then there's the simple, house-beats-go-brrrrr monkey brain joy of dance music that sounds this sure of itself; what it's doing, where it's going, how hard it slaps. [8]
Alex Clifton: Was this designed to get me through my next run? Through the next time Louisville is pelted by rain for days at a time? Through the pandemic? I'm not sure, but I've sold my soul to Gaga and Ariana for the above reasons and am more than happy with the results. [8]
Jackie Powell: I didn't really understand how this collaboration was going to work until I remembered the similarities that Grande and Gaga share. Besides the obvious that both are Italian, both have witnessed trauma in real-time and in front of the world. "Rain On Me" is a conversation that manifests in the music itself but also in all of its accompanying media, such as promotion its Robert Rodriguez-directed video. The moment when Lady Gaga pulls the knife out of her leg is purposeful Right as Gaga forcefully hauls the knife out of her thigh, Grande begins her verse. We can't move through pain and trauma alone; that invitation into conversation and togetherness is part of the healing. The melody of "Rain on Me," which I'm assuming was written mostly by Grammy-winning Nija, was orchestrated as an internal battle-cry that is designed to be spouted out. Gaga begins singing as we expect her to, with a deep darker belt in her sweet spot. But once we hit the pre-chorus goin into the chorus, she switches into bright head voice, which is where we expect Grande to be. Ari then sings deep in her chest, around the pre-chorus and into the chorus. There's a pattern. During the bridge, they switch again, and then again in the outro. As to what's going on with Gaga and her vocal fry in that bridge and the last phrase of the chorus, some say it's just classic Gaga, The Fame Monster Gaga. While that's correct, she uses it as a tool with multiple functions. It serves as a "c'mon let's go to #Chromatica" statement, but it's also a transition that facilitates the journey. It sets up the glorious bassline that not only explodes into the ears, but was directly interpolated from Gwen McCrae's "All This Love That I'm Giving." But back to the pre-choruses: They give the listener the track's thesis and its heart. In the first pre-chorus when Gaga belts that she's ready for the rain, she's not fighting it anymore. All of that emotion is happening. The second pre-chorus is the reformation of the feeling. It's not comfortable, but we need to just let it out, let it fall, and let it be felt. "I'm ready. Rain on me." [10]
[Read, comment and vote on The Singles Jukebox]
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cafedisco3 · 5 years
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Before sharing his story with the world and becoming one of the most important artists of our time, Frank Ocean was a high school graduate in New Orleans scouring for jobs to pay for studio time to record his potential projects. In August 2005, Hurricane Katrina wreaked havoc across the region, provoking Ocean’s move from New Orleans to Los Angeles, California. It was in California that Frank eventually found his opening into the music industry. Landing a songwriting deal, he began ghostwriting for many of the biggest artists we know today: Justin Bieber (“Bigger”, 2008) and Beyoncé (“I Miss You”, 2009). In 2009, he started working with Odd Future, specifically Tyler, the Creator - one of his best friends, who played a pivotal role in encouraging him to continue writing songs, but for himself. Through Odd Future, Frank was able to meet Producer, Tricky Stewart who eventually introduced him to an American Record Label: Def Jam Recordings. Though this deal was meant to serve as his platform for releasing music, out of frustration he released his first mixtape, nostalgia, ULTRA, for free download on Tumblr. Frank explained that he was frustrated with the label for not being supportive of his efforts after signing. Regardless of the heightened tension in Frank’s relationship with the label, this mixtape ignited the spark of his fame to follow. Frank’s pilot success with this mixtape allowed his standing to grow tremendously, eliciting feature requests from A-listers such as Jay-Z and Kanye West, but for the most part, Frank remained highly selective with his craft and unwaveringly loyal to Tyler and Odd Future. 
This origin story is only the tip of the elusive iceberg that is Frank Ocean. Since before the days of nostalgia, ULTRA, Frank has been selective with his public interactions. Once a ghostwriter for pop stars and then a secret weapon among Odd Future’s large roster, playing the background seemed to come naturally to him. However, the star within him proved too bright to contain. Still, since his rise in stature, rather than outwardly embracing the fame that was guaranteed, he chose instead to remain guarded with his art and protective of his image. Over time, this has allowed him to meticulously reveal himself on his own terms, using his art as a way to give insight into his identity. It was only when speculations about his sexuality began to circle through the hip-hop and pop community prior to the release of his debut studio album, channel ORANGE, that the once-guarded artist decided to become candid in a way he never previously attempted; on his Tumblr, through an open letter to his fans titled Thank You, Frank went on to reveal his bisexaulity:  
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Credit: http://frankocean.tumblr.com/post/26473798723
I don’t think I’m exaggerating in the slightest when I say that this letter was a beautiful, poetic exemplification of love. In typical Frank fashion, it wasn’t an overt admission of anything, because there isn’t anything to admit. We are who we are, and according to Frank, that is “human beings spinning on blackness”. According to Frank we are a lot more alike than we are different, regardless of our race, cultures or sexual identity. He chose to focus on what makes us all similar as humans, and if he revealed or confirmed something about himself that wasn’t clear to you in the process, then so be it. His sexuality wasn’t the point of the letter. The letter was about empathy and love. The letter was about being human. In an era were child-suicide rates were increasingly linked to homophobia and transphobia, especially in black and latino communities, Frank used his story to humanize those who had been historically demonized. 
This letter birthed a chapter for Frank’s influence. When channel ORANGE arrived that following summer, these feelings of self-discovery through heartache and unrequited love reverberated all throughout the tracklist. The album itself was named after the summer detailed in his letter, the summer during which he first fell in love with another man. Frank dropping this album and his Thank You letter was powerful, valiant move. He cut through the lingering homophobia of the time and crafted a tale of perseverance and acceptance. This album allowed me, someone with completely different experiences, to appreciate his journey. He successfully detached himself from the increasingly materialistic world of the music industry and turned his art into statements that effectively captured the current state of the human condition.
There are two songs off of channel ORANGE that I believe are worth highlighting. The first is “Bad Religion”: 
Taxi driver Be my shrink for the hour Leave the meter running It's rush hour So take the streets if you wanna Just outrun the demons, could you He said "Allahu akbar", I told him don't curse me “Bo Bo, you need prayer,” I guess it couldn't hurt me If it brings me to my knees It's a bad religion This unrequited love To me it's nothing but a one-man cult And cyanide in my Styrofoam cup I can never make him love me Never make him love me Love It's a bad religion To be in love with someone Who could never love you I know Only bad religion Could have me feeling the way I do
This is a story of longing, of internal conflict and crippling self-doubt. With no one to turn to, Frank resigns to confessing his deepest, most closely guarded truths in the backseat of a taxi, and his thoughts betray the confidence that many of his fans may have prematurely branded him with. These confessional thoughts instead show him in his most fragile state, one in which he seems internalize years of homophobic rhetoric. The stigma that homosexaulity or sexual fluidity is a sin, is amoral, and requires prayer and absolution is so deeply ingrained in society that Frank doesn’t even flinch when the taxi driver basically tells him to pray away his desires. Instead, he chooses grasp onto the suggestion, wondering if maybe he should find a way to detach himself from the unrequited love that has brought him so much pain - whether through religion or drugs. This song is a heart-wrenching discussion of the internal struggle felt by Frank throughout the journey detailed in his letter. Frank’s lyrics expertly navigate self-hate and heartbreak, and his execution features a stunning vocal performance that evokes a deep, soulful pain that feels universally applicable to all humans. 
The second song of importance would be “Forrest Gump”: 
I wanna see your pom poms from the stands Come on, come on My fingertips, and my lips, they burn From the cigarettes Forrest Gump you run my mind boy Running on my mind boy Forrest Gump I know you Forrest I know you wouldn't hurt a beetle But you're so buff, and so strong I'm nervous Forrest Forrest Gump My fingertips, and my lips, they burn From the cigarettes Forrest Gump you run my mind boy Running on my mind boy Forrest Gump I saw ya game, Forrest I was screamin' run 44 But you kept runnin' past the end zone Oh where'd you go Forrest Forrest Gump
If “Bad Religion” - and “Thinkin’ Bout You” before it - were subtle allusions to his bisexuality, “Forrest Gump”, the penultimate track on channel ORANGE, would be the unabashed coming out party. In this song, Frank beautifully covers the timeless love story from the film, Forrest Gump, but through Jenny’s perspective - one that he clearly relates to on a visceral level. In the movie, Jenny and Forrest don’t end up together - but neither did Frank and his love at 19 years of age. In a very literal sense, Forrest Gump is used as a metaphor for a man running away from Frank - referring to the different paths taken by him and the man he fell in love - and this story is another example of unrequited love. But it’s uptempo nature and Frank’s equally light singing paints it in a much different light than “Bad Religion”. Here, there is no self-doubt and he seems to believe the experience of the fling was worth it. It’s the bright result of having grappeld with his emotions throughout the album’s more dark spots. This is essentially Frank fully submerging into his new lifestyle that he explains in his letter as being “a free man”. Similar to his letter, Frank is grateful for the man he fell in love with, regardless of the outcome. 
Despite this album being such a bold statement on his part, highlighting him as an artist that will stand the test of time, I’ve always felt as if its slow and melancholic vibes represent a shyer, younger Frank Ocean. Since releasing his letter and reinventing himself as a free man, the outward projection of his confidence has considerably escalated. Four years after channel ORANGE the fans were finally given a second and third album, simultaneously: Endless and Blonde. I personally cherished these albums, not expecting any new music for yet another few years, but just as I was getting used to the idea of no new Frank music, he released a single on his Beats 1 radio show, Blonded Radio: Chanel. Chanel was released in March 2017, and I can’t think of any way to describe the start of the song, besides epic:
My guy pretty like a girl And he got fight stories to tell I see both sides like Chanel
See on both sides like Chanel
 The Undefeated’s online music review of this song describes these first few lyrics in the following manner: “The boastful first few bars of Ocean’s new song might be the coldest, gayest, and most securely masculine flex in the history of rap. Elegant and mellow, the song’s lyrics read as a deliberate ode to duality and non-heteronormative binaries - an ambition, that since the death of Prince Rogers Nelson, is sorely missed in black music”. Whether I’ve convinced you or not, I truly believe Frank Ocean is an icon. He has made tremendous strides through his music and personal life and his consistently made choices that have positively influenced millions. As a visionary and genius, he’s stood out not only as a singer, but as a writer, a visual artist, and an activist. 
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Credit: https://www.gq.com/story/frank-ocean-is-peerless
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driftawayonceaday · 4 years
Baby Blue
May 24th
There were a number of songs from Badfinger that caught my ear back in the early 1970s.  They all just seemed so pleasant to listen to.  They had rock and roll guitar, harmonies, and a melodic flow to their songs.  As the first band signed to the Beatles’ Apple Records, you can definitely hear the Beatles’ influence.  Paul McCartney wrote some songs for the band, including the first one I remember liking: “Come and Get It”.  Some of their other hits that I enjoyed were “No Matter What” and “Day After Day”.  One song from their 1970 album No Dice became an iconic ballad of the 1970s after it was recorded by another artist, Harry Nilsson, who had a huge hit when he covered the band’s “Without You”.
In 1971, Badfinger released the album Straight Up, which included the hits “Day After Day” and “Baby Blue”.  Lead singer and guitarist Peter Ham wrote “Baby Blue”, which is about a man who lost his “special love” through neglect and now regrets it.
Guess I got what I deserve
Kept you waiting there too long my love
I love the guitars in the song, which complement each other well, and the flow of the tune.  The harmonies, as usual with Badfinger, are spot-on.  Throughout the song, an acoustic guitar plays subtly in the background while an electric guitar (that sounds like the strings are purposely just a tad loose) emphasizes each line of the song—usually with one note in the middle of the line and then a familiar descending riff after the line.  As the narrator tries to convince the woman how strongly he feels, there’s a short transitional guitar solo that leads to my favorite part of the song.  The guitar used for the solo is smoother and lacks the scratchy grit of the “loose-stringed” guitar.  
As the narrator tries to wrap up his confessional plea, he seems resigned to the fact that he’s lost her—but he remains convinced that she cares (or he’s trying to convince her that she cares).  The gritty, descending guitar riff plays after each line.
I guess that’s all I have to say
Except the feeling just grows stronger every day
Just one thing before I go
Take good care, baby, let me know
Let it grow
The special love you have for me
My Dixie dear
It’s the musical transition for that part, the way he gives his entreaty a conclusion, the way the words are delivered, and the guitars that combine to bring the appeal for me.  Let this one grow on you.
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onestowatch · 5 years
The Wombats' Matthew Murphy on Picasso, “Black Mirror,” and Solo Project, Love Fame Tragedy [Q&A]
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After 17 years at the helm of the English indie rock band The Wombats, Matthew "Murph" Murphy decided it was time for a change. In a two year span, The Wombats toured with The Rolling Stones, Weezer and The Pixies, released their fourth studio album Beautiful People Will Ruin Your Life and made sure to hit up all the spots on the festival circuit this summer. When he wasn't on the road, Murph was spending time in Los Angeles – ultimately moving there from London – and working on new material that didn't quite fit The Wombats' mold. He played a little of what he calls "contact list roulette," recruiting musical collaborators to work with him in the studio on some new songs. And that's where Love Fame Tragedy was born – the solo project sees Murphy exploring different musical avenues and creating an entirely new sound. "I just wanted to try something new," Murphy said in a statement. "Something that didn't involve any politics." He found inspiration for the name after visiting a Picasso exhibition at the Tate Modern in London. "It triggered a lot of things," he said, "and a lot of songs flew out after that." Love Fame Tragedy finds Murphy joined by a cast of companions, including The Pixies' Joey Santiago, Alt-J's Gus Unger-Hamilton and former Soundgarden and Pearl Jam drummer Matt Chamberlain. The singles had been trickling out slowly all summer, but, at long last, we have the full EP.
I spoke with Murphy over the phone a few days before the EP dropped. We chatted about the project, as well as drawing inspiration from the likes of Picasso, moving to LA and Black Mirror. Get a look inside Murphy's solo project, Love Fame Tragedy, and make sure to check out his debut EP, I Don’t Want To Play The Victim, But I’m Really Good At It.
OTW: Let’s talk about the name “Love Fame Tragedy." I understand you saw a Picasso exhibit and were inspired by one of the paintings. What in particular inspired you?
MM: Whenever I have days off, I go to museums or try to get some inspiration in some form. I saw this Picasso exhibition and it was so hilariously dark because, you know, the whole premise behind “Love Fame Tragedy” is him painting his mistress out of town whilst his wife is in Paris and he’s in the countryside… it’s pretty dark shit. I was also looking for something that had, like, a looping kind of comic feeling, which I think “Love Fame Tragedy” does. I think [the paintings] are kind of linked, and one leads into another. I just liked it. Before I knew it, I’d completely ripped off a Picasso exhibition and that was the name of the band.
OTW: When I first saw the name, I couldn’t help but think of The Wombats’ debut, A Guide to Love, Loss, and Desperation. You certainly have a thing with threes.
MM: Yeah, I do. Well, three’s a very powerful number, apparently.
OTW: Both the sound and the music videos have been pretty experimental for this project. What was the songwriting process like?
MM: The songwriting process for me is the same as it’s always been. It’s just me trying to excite myself. For this project, I’m working with this one guy Tyler Cunningham. He lives in LA. He and I are doing the videos and doing all the artwork together. It’s exciting to be creating this long thread, which I’ve never really done on an album before. It’s always different directors for this, the label wants to do that, whereas this is very much streamlined. It just means I can be a bit more creative and clever with artwork, videos, and general content.
OTW: LA is such a creative hub; almost everyone there is a transplant. What are some things you’ve gotten from immersing yourself in the city? 
MM: LA’s been such a special place for me. I met my wife and had a baby there. The essence of collaboration that’s running through the water there is important. I’ve been inspired by that. That’s why I’ve had other people guest on this record, and I just feel 10-15 percent happier there. It’s a very New Age-y place, and that kind of rubs off on you. I just feel like happiness and sadness are really conducive to creativity, but happiness even more, so I’m really thankful for LA for providing me with that.
OTW: You mentioned all the different guests on the record. You’ve worked with some iconic names like Joey Santiago (The Pixies) and Matt Chamberlain (Pearl Jam). How did having all those different minds working together impact your thought process?
MM: It was all pretty chilled out. Me and Joey played golf beforehand; we kind of bonded on the Weezer/Pixies tour and I said, “Do you want to come to the studio?” And that’s what he did. There wasn’t too much overthinking. Collaborating with people and making new friends all the time is a much better existence than locking yourself in a room in London and writing for ten hours a day like I used to.
OTW: I loved how you let the songs trickle in slowly, kind of building the anticipation for the full EP. MM: I didn’t really decide to do it that way (laughs) I wanted to make a Love Fame Tragedy album, and all I’ve been doing is writing the songs, getting them recorded and being happy with them. But I am excited about the way it’s coming out. It’s exciting for me. There are going to be two EPs and then an extra handful of songs, which will all make one big, pretty long album at the end of it, next year. But it is fun doing EPs because you can treat everything like a mini album; everything’s got its own title, its own artwork. It’s kind of a cool way of doing it and a way I was happy to go along with. It just seems like a much more exciting way to do things.
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OTW: You performed some of the new songs at the Reading Festival. What was that experience like? MM: It was horrendous! (laughs) Everything went wrong. It was a baptism of fire. It was kind of amazing that that happened because every show since then has been so great and so strong and exciting. I think we got all of the bad juju out. It wasn’t that bad a gig, I just had no guitar for the whole thing so it was just really weird. The other guys were great. We had the voice and we had the rest of the band. We just didn’t have my guitar, which was pretty interesting. But people seemed to like it.
OTW: I feel like sometimes happy accidents like that help you grow as a band.
MM: I think so. I mean, I’d met the guys way before that, but it was definitely a real bonding experience.
OTW: What do you hope your fans will get out of these live performances?
MM: Same reason I write music: I just like to make a connection with someone, and want them to feel something. That’s kind of all I do. There’s no dramatic or political statements or anything I’m massively pedaling. They’re just confessional songs and I hope they hit people the way some of them have hit me.
OTW: I think the subject matter in the songs resonates with a lot of people. Like in “My Cheating Heart,” I noticed themes of self-indulgence, materialism, temptation… love, fame AND tragedy all kind of combined into one explosion of a song. “Backflip” kind of reminded me of modern dating. 
MM: “My Cheating Heart” is about a state of anxiety, really, and a lot of things that I felt when I first moved to Los Angeles and how I dealt with it… or didn’t deal with it. And “Backflip,” I guess, is about modern dating. I feel like that’s more so because of the video and the visuals and things.
OTW: Very Black Mirror-ish.
MM: Yeah, it’s completely ripped off from “Metalhead!” I had the idea for all these shifting shapes, or whatever, which apparently is an idea people had a few years ago. I just said to the director, Watch ‘Metalhead’… can we just make it look like that?” I think we did a pretty good job.
OTW: Hey, Quentin Tarantino says he steals from every movie ever made, so don’t feel bad.
MM: (laughs) Oh no, I don’t feel bad!
OTW: What other themes do you think you’ll explore with this process?
MM: A lot of the songs are barking up the same tree I’ve always barked up. Problems with relationships… maybe relationships are like a metaphor for me having problems with the outside world? I don’t know. When I find them, I’ll be sure to explore them.
OTW: Before we go, who are your Ones to Watch?
MM: I really like Emily King. Me, my wife and daughter listen to her every morning. I think she’s pretty special.
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survivor-rotuma · 5 years
Ep. 1: “She reeks of minions” - Apollo
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My dumbass almost put my real name into the confessional link so we are off to a great start!!! So beginning of the game we have to pick a leader. Thomas kinda automatically pushed it to be Apollo which was funny. But then Apollo asked me if I wanted it bcuz he didn’t want it and that’s a no-no. He was scared people would be intimidated that he got an idol clue so I told him to just share the clue with everyone and take the leadership position which he thought was a good idea....for some reason. Lol. Hopefully he doesn’t screw up the immunity challenge for us and I get an idol clue without having to be the leader :P peace out ✌️
Getting to know some of my tribemates has been fun and I definitely feel like we've been clicking well so far. I don't have any bad first impressions.
So I am getting some good vibes off of Flint and Joey. I think they're pretty cool and match my vibes. Cassie is alright, but she doesn't seem to be the talkative type. Finally there's the two that haven't talked. All I'm saying is that if we HAVE to go to tribal then we know who it should be. Also I would never volunteer myself as leader. What do I look like? Responsible?
I just got to the island and am still a little apprehensive. This is all very new to me. So far, my tribe seems very nice and go with the flow. But, I think that will change as the game progresses. I am definitely trying to just get an idea of people, but, it is very early in the game. We got the clue that "Idols are forged in fire.” Not completely sure what that means yet. Once we know what the challenge is, that will help! I’ve been reading about the other tribes and am curious about how they are all doing. Are they getting closer than mine is? Is my tribe on the right track?
I’m getting along really well with Kathleen, she is definitely my number one right now and I’d love to work with her!
The first night has gone better than I had expected. As a somewhat introvert I was nervous about getting to know my tribe but the other players made it easy. Felix and I hit it off really quick, I would consider him my closest ally thus far. Joey and Cassie both talked about being pro-pineapple pizza so that may blossom into an alliance down the road as well. Suzy and Charlie have been quiet so I can see them being an early target if we lose immunity.
I feel like signing up for this game was a bad idea for my mental health, but I love Jay more than I love myself so who cares?
First impressions? Thomas suggests me as leader, and I'm shook. I wish I didn't have the name of a Greek God, why couldn't I be ""Steven Smith"" lol. Anyways I got the idol clue and shared it with the whole tribe since I don't need a giant target on my back to start with. Hopefully I can use this leader position to start a team that can work cohesively for the beginning of this game. Ope! The challenge has been posted. I've gotta run! Hopefully I won't be first boot!"
So the tribe has been formed!! The leader is Marie and thats cool! I was then put into a potential alliance chat with me, Marie, and Kathleen! Lets see how this goes! I also chose to participate in the shells challenge and its going great so far, except for the fact that all the numbers are confusing me. Is there a thing for dyslexia but with numbers?? Also I love Jay wtf.
I can't believe you put me on the same tribe as Karen again, and I don't know why the hell she thinks Boris is a funny name, but the cat icon, has me living. I didn't know it was her since she wasn't on at the beginning but when she started talking and dragging the midwest I couldn't help but confirm my suspicions. She reeks of minions. Also pretty sure the new zealand person is just Stephen, bless his Soul. As for the rest idk them but being put in the leader position really helped i suppose. Thomas and Zest seem to respect me and Brianna and I are working on the flash game so hopefully we can bond over that. I would love for us to win immunity the first round but at this rate, If Bradley doesn't come on at all tomorrow, we might not even need to go to tribal, it just might be med evac, which would come in handy if we lose, but be a shot in the foot if we win. A little part of me was hoping for some ungodly reason Camilla would come back, but if she is, its not on my tribe :'). I'm imagining that Sam is somewhere but not on my tribe. I can't wait to get on with this game and to see how well I can do with a fresh start.
I'm pretty happy with my tribe! Everyone seems kind and levelheaded. I'm kind of worried that I missed out on bonding with them though, since I wasn't around for the first meeting!
"I seem to have formed bonds with a couple of tribe members pretty quickly, I might be wrong but it seems like most of my tribe hasn’t really started playing the game yet so it’s good to get a one up just in case. Our leader, Marie, was someone I suggested because we’d been talking and I thought it would be good to have someone that was starting to trust me as leader.
Also this puzzle is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do and I have like 500 mental illnesses so that’s saying something."
OK SO LYSANDRE IS DOING EVERYTHING TIM COULDN'T. Their goal in the challenge is to get atleast 101 bundles but a bitch is getting tired. Also queen Jay posted her idol search which I thought was cute! I like how it works but my problem with it is that the idol can be found so fast.  It can be found in say... under an hour on your first prompt submission... LIKE HOW I DID. I have an idol yall!!! My first ever Idol!!!! I am so proud of Lysandre, they are doing amazing.
Having the idol feels a little surreal. I am aware that I have it but it is sooooo early in the game that it feels like a joke. I am going to tell no one about the idol moving forward in the game and I'm going to try and save it for no one but me.
Look who found an idol on their first hunt! I now have a safety net to fall back on just in case any of these people want to be snakes in the grass! We love me being an icon!
Me not reading the rules? It's more likely than you think. So now I just got to hope that everyone else is able to pull through in this challenge. God this sucks. At least if I am the worst on my team then I can use my idol to protect me. But that would be a waste of an idol so early in the game.
"HELLO. so the game just started yesterday and honestly?? I'm having so much fun.
playing as a different identity lets me separate myself from the game and play in a way I typically wouldn't. I'm already playing much more socially than I would in a typical game. My tribe sees pretty good! Everyone showed up at least, we're not the MOST active but everyone seems so nice, it'll be pretty easy to get along with everyone
totally off subject but this IDOL HUNT? WHEW. literally iconic. It's so fun to explore the different paths and see what happens. it took me forever to reach an outcome (and it was a negative one, at that), but I just had fun doing it anyway.
I volunteered to do the endurance portion of immunity, and I'm lowkey kinda regretting it. Like, I don't have anything else to do, but I just barely have the motivation to sit and type for hours on end. Oh well, I feel safe enough that even if we don't win I should be safe! hopefully!!"
"it's been a hot second since i've played one of these things and whew i forgot how exhausting it is getting to know people! i think everyone's in a weird spot because we're trying to remain hidden so we can't release real information about ourselves, so all the conversations i've had have mostly been about food. i've told two people i'm a fan of pineapple on pizza, which is a total lie, but whatever it takes  to make connections right?
i put my name out there for the leader role, but quickly gave it up to cassie. i think people are going to gravitate towards her, and i wanted to get in her good graces in case she is the key decision maker here. i feel like a lot of these people don't work as much as i do, which might put me at a disadvantage in the social portion, but what more can i really do?
i volunteered for the flash game because that seemed like the least annoying/time consuming section of the bunch, and on my fourth try i had a really lucky run and got a pretty decent score that i haven't gotten close to since. i think my strategy is going to be to pretend i'm struggling with the challenge, and at the last minute pretend i got my good score to show how hard i worked and how i ~persevered~ or whatever."
13 votes? Mama you gotta know more people than that
We're safe! I'm so shook that even though I submitted by accident XD
Gigi didn’t help with the challenge at all! Like wth pitch in? Tribal tonight should be an easy vote
I feel pretty confident about how I did in the challenge for my tribe. We didn't come first, but I believed in my team that we'd still be safe and we were. We can only improve from here to overtake our competition and I still believe in my tribe. Go Tuai!
Early days, everyone seems really nice so far, think I have gotten a good team!
Honestly nothing particularly juicy atm, everyone is really nice and we are just getting to know each other. Theres a few people I'm vibing with more then others however...maybe a potential alliance in the future?
David Penn
Everyone seems way to chill and i'm waiting for the game to start getting heated. Also our tribe leader kinda dipped and everyones leader.
Well. Sumi kind of...demolished that challenge. And I was starting to think we weren’t doing enough lol. It’s nice to see the first challenge results and put everything in perspective for the whole game. Not really any new updates. Bradley appeared for the first time today. Then shortly disappeared soon after. A missing person alert has gone out and he will be in our thoughts and prayers.
Wow! I am so emotional about our first win. I got really anxious about the puzzle and was worried I’d let my tribe down. Luckily, we all were really supportive of one another. Everyone has a really positive attitude and I am happy with Apollo's leadership. In terms of getting to know people, it is still really early. I have spoken to everyone on my team individually except Bradley.
OK so we lost the motherfucking challenge. I was the only person on my tribe to actually win their category. One of my "allies" Kathleen FLOPPED in the challenge. Luckily Gigi literally does not exist in this plane of existence. Maybe she got snapped by Thanos and she'll come back in 5 years... who knows?? What I do know is that I'm voting for her to go!! Also David approached me with the idea of voting Kathleen. I tried to play it off as if I'm stuck in between voting those two and I hope he bought it but Im obvi not gonna do Kathleen rn because she communicates with me. But we LOVE being the first tribe to go to TRIballlll.
Suzy witters
Im getting on with Felix a bit, and Charlie, I like charlie more though and can see myself working with him throughout the game
Lowkey can’t believe David actually called Kathleen out in the public chat, not a good move buddy. Let’s just say, he’s lucky that we want to get rid of Gigi or else Kathleen might have made the vote him!
I did HORRIBLY at the challenge and it seems that David was coming after me before some of my alliance members talked him down. We’re going for Gigi tonight so we only have people left that will actually try in challenges, but if we end up at tribal again I might just have to try and convince my alliance members to go for David to save myself.
"my tribe? Did that. We are a tribe of WINNERS. We dominated the first challenge!
But in less fortunate news, my dumbass needs to stop jumping into pits and volcanoes in the idol hunt. Search 1, I jumped in a lot and everyone was notified of my search. Search 2, I jumped across a volcano and now I can't participate in the next immunity. Which is an endurance! Which im really good at!! And the tribe knows I can do it because I did endurance last round!!!
So now I'm in a position where I kinda have to sit out (luckily our tribe needs to sit someone out anyway) BUT I'm stuck between coming forward and telling the truth, that I fucked up while searching, or make up some excuse for them to let me sit out anyway.
I think the former is smarter. Surely everyone else is searching too, and and maybe they'll respect my honest??? But if not, it could be my downfall. If they know Im searching every day they might be more inclined to vote me off before i find anything, since now they know I have nothing. "
Wtf why am I stressed, i don't even have to go to tribal
So. The next immunity comp is an endurance challenge. And we have boris saying he won’t be able to be here for it because of a family thing. Apollo works til 12. Bradley probably won’t be here because of his disappearing trick. And I work til 10. I’ll hopefully still be able to participate because it’s not constant...but. We are already down three people and the comp hasn’t even started yet oh lord please help us.
The first Immunity Challenge was tougher then I had expected! I was assigned the seashell necklace making portion which sounded fairly easy but once I got going it was easy to get tripped up in the numbering. Once the results were announced I was glad to see our tribe got second place because I was one of the weaker ones in the challenge performance. Time to step it up!
I need to really step up my social game since we won immunity. So its going to be a mess but i want to try and make some connections.
Not sure if I'm paranoid or not, but I am idol hunting right now! And got a disadvantage instead. Just my luck!
Things are weird especially with the whole alias thing but ya know we march on the tribe is kinda quiet so we'll see I haven't seen a target emerge but it'll probably me to be honest
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antmrankingskd · 6 years
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2. Raina
My call-out average: 3.27
Panel call-out average: 3.9
It’s certainly a tight race for the top spot of Cycle 14! I ended up putting Raina in second because I don’t think she was quite as well-rounded as Krista. The primary reason for that is her walk. While it’s not awful she definitely needed to work on it, mainly her pace and not being so clompy. Her speaking abilities were solid, but I think Krista had her beat in that area as well since Raina sounded a bit over-rehearsed at times. All that being said, Raina had an outstanding portfolio. Other than a couple of disappointing moments (Dance and Ugly-Pretty) her photos were consistently stunning. She had quite a few shining and/or iconic moments, my favorites being her Hair Dress, first CoverGirl shot, Vampire, Black Dress, and of course her mind-blowing Perfume Ad. I gave her 3 FCOs, the most of any girl. Raina’s face is undeniably amazing and the main reason why her portfolio is so terrific. Her features are so striking and translate perfectly onto film. She just born for beauty shots and makeup campaigns, and even in her weakest shots her face still photographed well. Raina’s athletic body wasn’t the best for runway, which was especially apparent at go-sees, but she usually posed well on set and she nearly always looked fabulous on film. Her look was more suited for high fashion editorials but she still could work well with commercial briefs, as shown by both of her CoverGirl shots. Raina would’ve been a completely worthy winner and if she had a stronger runway walk and spokesperson abilities she would be in my number 1 spot without question.
I can’t really say if I liked Raina or not. Her optimistic outlook and general friendly vibe made her endearing to me at first, and it was cool how she never seemed to let anything get to her. However, at times her personality could be a little forced and her constant “Oh My Lanta” exclamations got on my nerves. She acted like she never talked about other girls but when caught red-handed by Alasia during the confessional incident, Raina just immediately put up her fake/friendly facade (and kept up that fake nice facade around everyone but Jessica/Brenda). Overall she wasn’t a perfect angel or anything, but she wasn’t completely unbearable the whole time either so I was pretty indifferent towards her.
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