#icons krist novoselic
warznymph · 1 year
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boizandgurlzinthehouse · 11 months
𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐚 𝐛𝐚𝐝 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦.
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kurt cobain x fem!reader
summary: after breaking up with courtney, kurt can breath beside his beloved y/n. his soul is free, but y/n's dreams aren't. trigger warning: knives, bad dreams, baddy written fluff (?), courtney is evil in that one word count: 1.169k
it could be a peaceful night, after days of fight –divorcing from courtney, y/n wanted to be beside kurt, supporting him by taking care of frances at home, or taking a confession on court, admitting to them that courtney in fact, were not okay. hanging out with them, it was y/n, who got a call from him when he locked up himself behind doors, when courtney called the police that he was trying to murder himself with a gun. getting there at the same time as the cops, she was the first witness the law called. after the sentence that kurt and courtney was no longer a couple, kurt and y/n went home. their romance started under his marriage, but it wasn't real cheating, y/n was too freaked out to do anything before their divorce. she didn't want to be a homewrecker, and plus, courtney frightened her until the end.
as courtney collected her leftover clothes, y/n turned to make some tea. she wished that the other woman could get away quickly, and the kettle boiled for too long.
"you know, i always wondered why kurt wanted you. i mean, you are truly beautiful, i can't take that away from you, it's just... you are so fucking dumb."
"...sorry, what?" y/n turned around. courtney leaned on the doorframe, smiling.
"you re so fucking dumb, really, really dumb if you think he's not gonna leave you. you are boring for him, yes, your... secrecy can be hot for awhile, but it's not enough to keep him."
"i'm sorry, but... why can't you accept the situation?" y/n barely whispered.
"why are you saying always sorry?" courtney's face was suddenly closer, her mouth grew bigger, and claws crawled on her fingers as she began to get closer to her. suddenly, grabbing y/n's shoulders, she grabbed her, tossing on the bed where usually she and kurt slept. something gleamed in the low light; a knife –courtney was holding a knife, pointing it to her. "sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry! you should apologize for being a whore and taking away my life!"
"i can't to anything, it was your fault!" y/n cried, trying to free herself, but courtney was too strong. way too strong, she draw blood from y/n's wrist.
"OF COURSE YOU CAN!" it wasn't her sound, it was like an animalistic scream, from the deep of her throat, her soul. "YOU CAN'T GET AWAY AFTER ALL OF THAT! YOU STOLE MY LIFE!"
"no!" y/n tried to scream. no, no, no, no!
"y/n, y/n..." courtney pointed the knife at her skin, slowly pulling it. she didn't felt pain, but it was terrifying.
"no, please, please no!" shaking, it was no help. no way out, she's gonna die here–
–in this stupid dream.
"y/n, please, wake up." it was kurt, but for a moment, and as he turned over her, she thought it was still her dream... or worse, that it was in fact, reality and that crazy psycho-bitch came to murder her. screaming, she looked at her wrists, almost hitting her lover in the head.
"courtney, kurt, what... what?" a single thought couldn't form in her mind as she fought her tears, catching her head from side to side to check that she wasn't in danger. "she's... where... she was, i don't, i'm sorry, just..."
"y/n, please, listen to me!" kurt pleaded, holding her face between his palms. "it was just a dream, just a dream, love."
"a dream? my wrists..." she murmured, looking at her hands. kurt held them, kissing it as they explored them together.
"see? nothing happened to you. your wrists are alright, just as your lovely body."
"yeah..." y/n nodded, inhaling and exhaling, kurt did it with her. tilting her forehead to his, seeking comfort from him. she still couldn't believe what she dreamt, it was so... real. but she didn't want to tell it to him, because it would just rile him up, and he deserved a good sleep after tiring days.
"or should i make some tea? it may help you to calm down." he asked, ready to stand up from the bed, making y/n whine like a baby cat and claw after him.
"please don't, just... stay here with me."
if you go away, maybe you never come back. she knew it wasn't true, but still, it was better to be safe than sorry.
"okay, then i'll just hug you until you're alright." he said, touching her chin, making her nod.
"yes, please." y/n ducked herself under his arms, not daring to close her eyes. the warmth of his body calmed her down, grabbing the back of his t-shirt, she didn't want to see him cry. stroking her back with his fingers, kurt kissed the crown of her hair.
"do you want to talk about it?" y/n shook her head. "no problem, babylove. you'll talk about it when you're ready."
"just some nasty things happened to my wrists." she murmured, making him look down to her.
"only in your dreams, darling. i'd never let anything happen to your precious wrists."
he helped her peeling off her sweated t-shirt, giving her a new one. offering her to bath, she declined. she was too scared to stay away from him even for a moment, so he just opened the window, the noises of the city always calmed her down since childhood.
"sorry for waking you up, baby." she whispered, facing him as he kept her lose by keeping his hand on her back and her hair, twirling her locks around his fingers. "i wanted you to sleep, to get rest."
"don't you dare to say sorry, love. i'm here to help you, just as you helped me these days, didn't you?" kurt asked, not even waiting for an answer, because he knew she did it. "we're here to help each other, and as long as i see that you're alright, it's worth everything."
y/n tried to say something, but kurt hushed her as he kissed her eyelids, her eyelashes.
"and what does matter a couple of hours? i missed you in my sleep either way. these days were tiring for all of us, but it's over now. tomorrow we gonna see bean, she's so happy for you every time she sees you."
"i'm glad." she smiled, brushing his short, blonde and angelic hair.
"i'm glad that you take part in my life. i know it's not a triumph, but..."
"it's the best thing that ever happened to me to be in your life." she whispered, giving him a longing, slow sweet kiss. resting her head on her pillow, inhaling his scent, she fell in love with him again.
"i love you, kurt." i love that you heal unconsciously the things you've never caused.
"i love you too, y/n. i'm never gonna let those ugly bad dreams get to you anymore."
and it was true. they never came again.
a/n: sorry if it wasn't that good, i'm just tryna get used to kurt's soft personality. but anyway, i like domestic fluff so maybe there's gonna be more like this.
if you want to see more of these, send me a req by comment or here
bye bye babiez
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memobread · 1 year
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im actually gonna cry bc of how fine this man is
i am so unbelievably HORNY FOR THIS FUCKING MAN. i swear to god i'd let him do absolutely anything to me. i am merely an object of his pleasure. holy fucking shit i need this man so so so so so bad i'm gonna cry. DAVE FICS COMING DAVE FICS COMING DAVE FICS COMING FUUUUUUUUUUCCCCKKK
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release-the-mccracken · 7 months
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m123m · 2 months
《 ★ Kurt Cobain 1993 ★ 》
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beewithtwoes · 1 year
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popculturebaby · 6 months
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Nirvana and RuPaul at the 1993 VMAs
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rockingxicons · 2 years
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dave grohl icons
like/rb if you save or use please!
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cyarsk52-20 · 7 months
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grungeprincess2 · 1 year
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Kurt Cobain, Paramount Theater 1991
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myraisinlungs · 1 year
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bandfreak · 2 years
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never saw this before
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warznymph · 1 year
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Kurt Cobain, 1987.
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Tarot Lyric Analysis: Heart Shaped Box - Nirvana
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She eyes me like a pisces when I am weak...
The Hermit
... I've been locked inside your heart shaped box for weeks ...
King of Pentacles Reversed
Deck : Rider-Waite-Smith
So, a lot of peopke only view this song as sexual and whilst it has that possible interpretation I always felt it had some sort of deeper, hidden meaning when I listened to it.
So to get better and push myself with a few weird readings and spreads I decide to try and use tarot for a bit if lyric analysis. Depending on how I feel I might end up doing the rest of the song plus other songs.
The first line came up as the hermit which I found a bit weird because it's so obviously about two people. However when I thought about it from a different angle, I realised that there is this sense of Kurt/the narrator (considering he didn't always write from his own poing of view) being cornered or trapped, which given the hermit's possible interpretations to do with isolation, makes perfect sense. He's kind of being eyed up by the other person (Courtney Love?) . Pisces can be interpreted as a fish or to eye someone like a fish, and that in itself can mean to give someone a shifty look. But there's also the idea that Pisces, Kurt's sign, can be a super emotionally vulnerable sign, so that definitely backs up the sense of being isolated as well.
All this kind if gets confirmed by the cards' interpretation of the next line. If the King of Pentacles is all abundance and security in one's assets, the reversed King shows somelne with a severe lack of that, going hand in hand with the idea of being locked up. The she/your dynamic is also interesting. Are there two different love interests involved? It's kind of hard to say, but the whole reading has a sense of insecurity, especially male insecurity with a female interest who is more confident or somehow in a stronget position.
Given Kurt often played with gender and was an outspoken feminist, the idea of portraying the presumed male narrator as the weaker one is definitely an interpretation which fits - especially within the context of the scene, which had close creative exchange with the riotgrrl movement and often liked to invert traditional gender roles. The idea of the King as a masculine archetype is also pretty interesting in this context, too.
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beewithtwoes · 2 years
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gun-beats-rock · 1 year
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