#icy road
theinteriorwarrior · 2 years
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ghostshipglamour · 3 months
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This comic panel still has a hold on me
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canisalbus · 7 months
It's unexpectedly cold in coastal Canada right now (it's raining and snowing very hard and fast, and before the sun set it was also very sunny) and the floors are cold, so I find myself concerned for your warmth. Are you doing alright?
Aw, that's very sweet of you to ask, I'm fine! Here in Northern Finland it's slowly getting warmer, the temperatures seem to stay at around 0°C during the day so the snow has started to melt. Then it gets a little colder at night and those wet slushy roads freeze, and when it warms up again the next day there's a layer of water on top of the melting ice and as you can imagine it gets extremely slippery. I cycle everywhere throughout the year and even with winter tires it's kind of precarious. Other than that I'm enjoying the increasing amount of natural light and the birds have started to sing again.
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bellarkeselection · 2 years
Yellowstone ryan
Reader is driving on icy roads to the yellowstone shes on the phone with ryan when she crashes
Reader hears ryan say " hold on sweetheart I'm coming ! "
Ice Sends A Cowboy
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I should’ve just stayed at the ranch instead of going out for drinks with Beth. Especially since the temperatures were dropping and most places were preparing for a cold night. So we could have just had drink back home. She told me she had a fight with Rip and couldn’t be around him for a few hours and she ended up getting taken home by Rip. I insisted on driving myself home since I had only two drinks so I was okay to drive. Picking up my phone in my right hand I dialed my boyfriend Ryan figuring he needed to know if he had to come get me or not. “Hey Ryan. I just thought I should call you and let you know I’m on my way home.” I explained resting one hand on the steering wheel.
“Y/n, it’s not safe out tonight. Why didn’t you letRip take you home?” He asked through the phone. I could hear the concern is his voice and it warms my heart. He is always worried about me even when it’s over do I want the last cookie. Because he’ll give it to me which causes the others in the bunkhouse to tease him about it. “Babe, I’m fine. Plus when Rip picked her up he had that look in his eyes. The one saying they might not make it home…because they’re probably sitting in the truck in the driveway back at their house already. If you know what I mean.” Ryan sighed back through the phone right as I felt the car swerve a little. Sitting my phone I didn’t get the chance to stop the truck from hitting a patch of ice and launching itself off the side of the road.
The truck does a flip but thankfully it landed upright in the end. Hitting my head on the steering wheel I groaned seeing some blood on my forehead in the review mirror. “Hang on sweetheart. I’m coming!” Ryan hollers through the phone as my vision blurs and I passed out on the steering wheel. The next time I struggled to open my eyes feeling someone carrying me bridal style. Lifting my head up I saw Ryan as he helped sit me in the passenger seat of the Yellowstone truck. “R-Ryan?” I croaked out watching him move hair out of my face with a weak smile seeing I am sort of okay. “I told you I’d come and get you darling. Let’s get you back to the ranch. It’s too cold to be out here alone.” Laying my head against his shoulder as we drove home I snuggled into his warmth already feeling safe.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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simplepotatofarmer · 7 months
my partner got into a car accident ;__;
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whereifindsanity · 1 year
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alteredstatesstuff · 1 year
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snowy field
field blanketed by snow
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morbimoth · 11 months
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Drew pinboy
bought pinhead cuz of the halloween sale, gameplay pretty fun ngl
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emma-d-klutz · 10 months
you know one time a guy tricked me into sending him tit pics by telling me he just wanted to see the poorly healed breast reduction scars, because I said they're probs ugly, and he was like, "No!! I bet they're cool! I bet you look so sci fi I wanna see what the freaky scars look like," and I TOTALLY bought that straight face value because like if someone told ME they had some fucked up weird scars I'd be dying with curiosity too and then when he started dirty talking about how he was jacking off to the pictures I felt so BETRAYED but looking back I can see how given the situation there was no reasonable way he could expect that we were not on the same page about what was going on
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welldigger62 · 9 months
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It’s not snowing now but the stuff out there is wet and heavy. The power lines should be okay but the roads are icy as hell. I had to go to the store for a must-have item, otherwise I woulda never have gone anywhere.
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I just crashed my car AGAIN because I slipped on black ice on the way to work, I wasn’t even in shock or scared once the car hit a wall of ivy on its side, I was just mad that I crashed on the same road again
I was so mad in fact, that I said, “Oh, hell no,” and chucked the car into first gear, spun the tyres, and rocked it as I floored the engine
Miraculously, the car zoomed out of the ditch and shrub it was stuck in and onto the road — the power of not wanting to be known as the person who crashed their car twice in the same week, since all my coworkers take the same road to work 😭😂
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darkwood-sleddog · 9 months
great little run with zombie and slash today as sigurd heads into his last week of vet mandated rest, road was rough riding and the dogs were even jumping over the potholes which i found pretty funny.
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neonscandal · 4 months
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Is it obvious that I become obsessed with silly details?
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He Was Never in on The Joke: Todoroki never really caught on to everyone's use of turn-of-phrase or even outright jokes that people tended to make in school. He probably truly thought "Icy Hot" was an endearing nickname from one of his dear friends... needless to say, they all came in handy when it was time for his first Pro-hero brand deal. 👌🏾
Progress is slow but steady (I hope??) but feel free to check things out here.
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scarsound · 2 years
some winter driving tips from your Friendly Neighbourhood Canadian who has driven in temperatures below -40:
• if you don’t have winter tires and they’re available where you live, GO GET SOME ASAP. EVEN IF THEY’RE USED, so long as they’ve been driven for less than a couple of years. CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH
• practice threshold braking when on ice OR snow (lightly apply pressure to the brake pedal, then gently let go, lightly apply more, then let go, and so on until the car stops) - it’ll prevents the wheels from locking or slowing down TOO quickly and you losing control
• also practice threshold accelerating too (literally the same as threshold braking - gently apply pressure then release until it’s safe to apply more gradual pressure); most people wanna just push on the gas as normal when driving in the winter. This is not a good idea - your wheels will likely spin out and you’ll fishtail (even with winter tires), so practice accelerating gently. If some douche behind you honks, LET THEM. Better to be honked at than making an insurance claim
• if you hit a patch of ice while braking and your car is just NOT STOPPING, jam the car into neutral, gently go along with whatever direction your car is skidding (no i am not kidding) and threshold break!
putting the car in neutral will decrease the amount of power going to the wheels so they don’t spin as much and you’ll have a bit more control
• here’s why you wanna GENTLY go along with wherever your car is skidding: if you hard turn in any other direction or floor the brakes, you WILL spin out and either end up in the ditch or hitting another vehicle. As hard as it sounds, don’t panic - release your foot from the gas (do not immediately brake - ESPECIALLY ON A HIGHWAY), put the car in neutral if you can and allow yourself to momentarily drive in the direction the car is sliding first before braking or going in the other direction or whatever you have to do
• DO 👏🏽 NOT 👏🏽 SPEED 👏🏽 OR 👏🏽 TAILGATE 👏🏽 PEOPLE. Heck I’d even say proceed with caution if you wanna drive at THE maximum speed limit on a given road.
• When the roads are this dangerous, you need to swallow your pride and relinquish your right to go as fast as you want in the “fast lane” (or any lane), because a busy highway + icy roads + some ass who wants to drive up too close behind other vehicles in places where people are not used to these road conditions is recipe for a horrible crash
• Plan to go to wherever you need to go early enough (at LEAST 45 minutes ahead of schedule if it’s quite a ways away) so you’re not tempted to speed
I’m here if y’all need any other tips. Please be safe this Christmas and New Years!!
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Baby’s first car accident 🕺🕺🕺
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send-me-a-puffalope · 8 months
Chapter 3 of my Vanessa and Elizabeth AU is up!
The plot finally picks up now that Vanessa is out of the hospital ;)
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