#idiot dog owner
dogbook-is-hell · 2 years
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Kwame is still back on his bulldog bullshit
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sidetongue · 1 year
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look at hims dancy legs
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mushramoo · 3 months
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my idiot children moments before walking through the neighbor’s fence and ignoring me, causing me to have to distract their dog and run into their yard (in platforms) to usher them back into MY yard as the owner watched from his deck while eating out of a literal bag of popcorn and laughing as they continued to pretend I wasn’t chasing after them
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The Greek Mythos Project: The Submission Process
Hello everyone, Camila here! Finally have the time to actually flesh out the details of this project so here we are, with the Official Submission Process Post :). Dw, it's absolutely not as formal as the name suggests. This is mostly just a heads up on what will happen once you reach out with your submission (also... art is totally included btw. I need to put this in an official post but now that I've learned how to post art on AO3? Yeah, we're doing this 😂😂).
The Very First Step: How Do You Submit. Submission somewhat varies between whether or not you have an official account on Tumblr/want to stay completely anonymous or if you have a tumblr account you can submit to us through (although you can totally ask to stay anonymous to the general public or even just beyond me, Camila, who is currently and at this point going forward, the only one who maintains this account and therefore will see everything). Here are the two pathways to go through, separated for everyone's convenience :).
If You Don't Have Anything For Us To Communicate Back To Us Through, such as wanting to stay completely anonymous or just not having a Tumblr account, then you can just send us an anonymous ask! Of course, though, when you do this, we would like for you to acknowledge the fact that we will have no further communication with you other than public posts, and so basically when you submit your work, it's a "one and done." Yes, you can absolutely sign off a pseudo-name in your ask as something to keep track of you by and I'll explain that further later in this post, but just acknowledge and know that you're basically "dropping it off" into our hands from then on and we won't be able to offer further resources such as editing, "beta-ing", or even just asking for further clarifications of stuff :(. But! I promise to you that it's not that intimidating. Submitting things anonymously into this project will allow you to test the waters of your particular fixation and build confidence without having any strings attached and, honestly, we'll take good care of your works :). I personally am a writer of over 7 years, have been hyperfixated in Greek Mythology, and I've edited and worked with hundreds of writers over the years, scholarly or at the basic world-building levels. This is a project aimed to bring together a wide audience and just bring content to those niche writers/concepts and so, what's the big deal? We've got you <3.
If You Do Have A Tumblr Blog/Way To Communicate Back With Us, it's the exact same submission process as those without a blog. Just open up the ask box, copy and paste your submission along with any additional information you'd love to give, and send it our way :). You can tell us if you absolutely do not want to hear anything back from us or even have your name attached, or if you'd like to be connected with those similar to your interests :). Either way, the submissions are the same--via the Ask Box--but this just allows for better communication between us and you. There are two aspects of this project: getting people's work out there and building a community, and both ways of reaching out to us accomplish at least *one* goal of the two, if not both :).
The Second Step: What Happens After You Submit Your Work To Us. Well, we review it. Depending on what's going on, I and/or one of my lovely teammates will go through your work to do some basic editing and formatting work to make sure it fits Wattpad/AO3's structure along with making sure that all the triggers are correctly tagged. This is a requirement in your submission process, especially the trigger warning tagging process. As much as this is based on original writing styles, I do want to make sure we maintain a baseline level of conformity between the works as much as possible. Small things such as the space between paragraphs along with how the breaks in scenes are presented are mostly the things we'll be looking at but it'll really depend on the actual fic and it absolutely will not be on you as the writer to do this. Write it how you want to write it and we'll find a way to meet you in the closer-to-you middle :).
[Coming Soon] Here Is What We Ask For In Your Original Submission.
Optional Steps Within This In-Between Process. We provide in-depth editing, worldbuilding, and beta-ing help! Currently, as I am writing this, there are only two of us on the team--me, Camila/ @sleepdeprivationbutitsvaruna along with Leo, He/Him, @pluckedchicken --but I hope to either expand as this project develops further or we just grow comfortable in our roles. I personally specialize in developing worlds/AUs/worldbuiling while Leo has reached out to help with general editing and working with those darker AUs that I'd personally rather not touch. You can even reach out to us before you start your work! I know quite a lot of people with a diverse understanding of the myths that I can either point you to for help or I can even just do my own deep-dive search and help you out directly! This can be done based on request in the original ask submission--for those wanting to stay anonymous--or over DMing with me, my own blog, or Leo's blog. Just feel free to reach out and we'll try to help you out with anything!
The Third Step: What Happens When This Is All Published. Currently... absolutely no clue. It's only like a Month into this thing and I haven't even written the first sentence of my own submission, so this answer is really only going to come with time. Half of this post in general contains stuff that I came up with on the spot, and don't think that we (or at least I) have all the answers over here just because we have a fancy and cool blog. It's 2300 rn and I've literally written over a thousand words in one sitting while having spent the entire day luring out my motivation kitten and only managing to get it an inch closer and nowhere near out from under the bed, so. Yeah. We're figuring it out over here too.
As for a literal answer to this very real question: my current thoughts is that, at some point in the sooner or later stages (probably when I get the "What We Ask For In Your Original Submission" post posted), we'll come up with a general template to go off of, showing the submitter's name, socials, where to find them, additional information they want to give, author's notes, TWs, etc. in an easy-to-navigate way for both us and the reader.
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abbey-abdominal · 9 months
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Ragatha convinces the gang to let her keep her dog in the tent for the night
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makedamnsvre · 7 months
these places banning bully breeds of dogs bc theyre sooo scawy when really they should be banning doodles
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segretecose · 2 years
had a close encounter with a pitbull that set me back approx 10 years in my journey toward a dog phobia free life <3 love that for me
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hoths · 2 years
hate dog videos that are like “brought my dog to a fair and no one came up to pet him because he’s a pittie and they’re scared of him 💔” random strangers are going about their business and arent taking time out of their day to pet your dog or avoiding petting it because it looks scary? 🤏🎻😢
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sidetongue · 1 year
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scene118 · 2 years
many people ask me. rae why are u a farmer. its a dying art. and well the answer is that i get to see so many random ass dogs on my adventures .... 🫶
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alphacrone · 7 months
Ranking animals i’ve had to move out of the road
deer - 1/10
you’ve heard of ‘deer in the headlights’ but have you heard of its much more deliberate cousin, ‘deer who are grazing on fallen acorns in the middle of the road and know you’re there and don’t give a fuck about your murder machine or how loud you honk at it’?
neighborhood dogs - 4/10
i love random surprise dogs as much as the next person but not when i’m driving. not when they’re muddy and wet and want to get into my car but won’t let me read the number on their collar. not when their owners don’t answer and now i’m just responsible for keeping their idiot golden retriever alive when i just wanted to go home.
turtles - 7/10
if you know how to pick ‘em up proper then it’s kinda fun to zoom a little guy over to where he’s trying to go like he’s just minding his business and now he’s flying
snapping turtles - 0/10
you want for that motherfucker to cross at his own speed. dni
baby owl while all his siblings and very scary mother watched - 10/10
i’ve never felt more alive. lil idiot kept hissing at me but would move to i kept having to scooch him over with a shoe in place of a stick or shovel. genuinely thought mama owl was gonna attack me but seemed to realize i was helping her dumbest son over to where she was. scariest minute of my life tbh. he was nothing more than an angry ball of feathers and i fell in love instantly. sky cats indeed.
tarantulas - 0/10
i’ve never tried to move one i just wanted to remind everyone that they’re big enough to see on the road lmao
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anxietycalling · 1 year
do you guys ever get like. irritated that you find someone irritating? and like, YOU get to keep thinking about their bizarre behavior and THEY just get to keep being the worst?
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onlythebravest · 1 year
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fishandskygremlin · 1 year
Me walking my reactive ass f… dog tonight.
Two dogs come near me, without a leash.
I yell at the people to get the dogs and I get ready to push a dog that came near mine with my feet. Cause it’s safer for me and I’m controlling both of my dogs.
The people: you should be in a psychiatric hospital, you are cruel to animal, you shouldn’t have dogs.
Note that I never touched their dogs. The act of pushing my feet near the dog repelled him.
Me: would you rather your dog get bitten by mine, or kicked away ?!?!
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asexual-levia-tan · 2 years
still watching this dude play the medium and he comes across this dog that he immediately names after his own dog (rintaro mark 2)
and im like. does this guy not know what typically happens to dogs in horror games. and then the dialogue turns ominous and his first reaction is "uh oh! run, mark 2!!" before anything has even actually happened yet
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sneefsnorf · 2 years
there are people that will be so ignorant of a dogs boundaries and then get mad at their owners when the dog bites them. like girl.
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