#but when he got closer all 7 of my dogs turned and looked at him
sidetongue · 1 year
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roosterforme · 4 months
Yours Truly, Bradley Bradshaw Part 7 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: One phone call was never going to be enough for Bradley. Another opportunity falls into his lap, and he emails you right away to see if you can make a little time for him. When he shares a bit more with you than he bargained for, he's pleasantly surprised once again by how open and authentic you are.
Warnings: Fluff, language, Bradley being vulnerable
Length: 4300 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female teacher!Reader
Check out my masterlist for more! Yours Truly, Bradley Bradshaw masterlist
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Bradley was never usually one to get lost in a daydream. He was exceptionally good at focusing on flying when he was in the air. If he had a task to complete on the ground, he always got it done. But when he spent the rest of his day after talking on the phone with you in his bunk, he wasn't focused on much except the sound of your voice. Then he dug out the pictures you'd mailed to him so he could see your face as well. The combination of everything about you was almost too much, and he didn't know how he'd manage in person.
He still had weeks of his deployment left, and he'd never wanted to get home so badly in his life. That first date was already set. He was annoyed he couldn't give you a firm idea on when it could happen, but you didn't seem to mind too much. In fact, you told him you'd be ready whenever he got back. And that you'd take him any way you could get him. Well, as long as you still wanted him next month, you could have him.
With a smile on his face, Bradley reached for the stack of letters from your class and took the time to judge the drawing contest. All he really did was award each kid their own unique superlative. The purple jet that he thought was Violet's won the 'I Wish the Navy Liked Colors' award. Jayden's drawing of the jet with the dog named Vanessa for a pilot won the 'She Probably Flies Better Than I Do' award. And the one that looked like a dragon won the 'Fanciest Scales' award.
He wrote on the back of each picture, chuckling the whole time. Then he got to the one you drew, and he noticed something he'd missed when he first opened the newest box from your class. Next to his name written on the side of the F/A-18, you'd drawn a little heart. He was all smiles as he flipped it over and started writing.
Hey, Gorgeous,
This one's my favorite, but don't tell the kiddos, okay? The little heart really sold it for me. I can't wait to see you.
After he packaged everything up and dropped it off to be sent back to the states, he made his way to dinner. He ate his meatloaf alone once again, but he hadn't felt lonely in months. The adrenaline rush of the phone call was finally starting to wear off, but he felt warm all over. You'd be asleep now back in California, but maybe there was a chance you had in fact emailed him that selfie before you went to bed. And that is what once again lured him back to the lounge. You had a vise-like grip on every part of him, and he was itching to know exactly what you looked like tonight while he was talking to you.
Unsurprisingly, he had to wait a bit until there was a computer free that he could use. Sundays always seemed to be when the lounge was swamped, but he didn't mind. He just sat back and thought about the way you said his name. He could imagine you whispering it. He could even imagine you screaming it.
"Shit," he grunted, hopping up when it was finally his turn, and he logged into his email account to find that you wrote to him approximately fifteen minutes after the phone call ended. And when he opened your message, he leaned in a little closer to make sure nobody else around him could catch even a glimpse of the photos you attached.
His heart started beating in that same erratic way it had when he listened to you telling him you thought about kissing his scars. Not only had you emailed him a sweet looking selfie of you in bed wearing an oversized sweatshirt, you sent a second, decidedly spicier one, too. 
Bradley ran his hand over his mouth and mustache, trying not to groan as he quickly memorized every detail of that second photo. You'd removed that oversized sweatshirt and snuggled down under the soft looking sheet, and there was not a scrap of shirt fabric covering your arms or chest. Inch after glorious inch of the soft swell of your breasts was visible before the sheet forced him to imagine what the rest would look like. And he had a very vivid imagination.
When his hand dropped down to his side, he realized he was staring open mouthed at the photo. The little smirk you wore in it let him know you were absolutely intentional about this, and that was such a huge turn on for him. This is how you wanted him to see you. Fuck. He scrolled back up to the first photo where you were wearing your sweatshirt and a much more innocent smile, and he whispered, "Okay, Gorgeous. You've ruined me."
He realized as he scrolled all the way back up to your actual message that there were probably a lot of guys who got sent straight up pornography from their wives or girlfriends when they were deployed, but this had to be the hottest looking thing that ever graced his inbox. And you were still completely covered up. He shook his head to clear his mind as he started reading.
Thank you for the phone call. I'm sitting here kind of regrouping while the butterflies are still going crazy in my belly. I can't pinpoint exactly what it is with you that sets them off, but hearing your voice for twenty minutes straight has turned me into a boneless heap on my bed. I'm almost afraid of what might happen to me if you touch me.
It's gone. I deleted my profile and the entire dating app. I'm no longer looking for single guys with jobs who are between 30 and 40 years old. I'm just looking for a 36-year old Naval aviator who wants to take me to the beach in Coronado to watch the sunset with Thai food and Prosecco.
I hope you come home soon. Do you have any idea how much longer you'll be gone? Why isn't the Navy taking into consideration the fact that you and I have a date to go on? I'd just really like to see your face in person as soon as possible.
I'm attaching two photos, probably against my better judgement. Maybe it's just my excuse to get you to call me Gorgeous again. I can't wait to see you.
Your favorite pen pal
He wanted to wait until he had some gym selfies to send, but he couldn't leave you hanging. Not when those two, flawless photos caught his eye again. So he started typing up a response, and soon he found that he wanted to talk to you on the phone again badly enough that he was going to go back to one of the admirals to see if there was any way he could.
You had such a hard time falling asleep on Saturday night after talking to Bradley. It was like your body had accepted the inevitable before your brain had. You were completely enchanted by him, and the call made it so much worse. Hearing him call you Gorgeous through your phone speaker was almost more than you could handle. You were turned on and too warm, even without your sweatshirt. You couldn't believe you sent him that photo. You couldn't believe you trusted him enough to keep it private.
He probably dated women in the past who sent him things that were way more explicit than a selfie where they were covered up, but you were still a teacher who wanted to keep her job. You loved your class, and you knew nobody else could handle your kids as well as you could. But you wanted to give Bradley what you could for now.
It was the description of the perfect date and the promise that he'd kiss you as soon as he saw you that kept playing in your mind. And you let it keep playing on loop, because he lived in Coronado. And that's how you finally dozed off. When you woke up on Sunday morning, you had a brand new email in response to your selfies.
I'm thrilled to hear the app is gone. All of the other single guys aged thirty to forty are probably at home crying right now, and I can't blame them. I'll just sit here with a smug look on my face.
That phone call was one of the best of my life. The way you say my name is somehow better than I imagined it would sound, and I'd been spending a lot of my free time thinking about it. Hearing your voice and seeing you in these photos is a privilege. That second one had me staring with my mouth hanging open for a few minutes. I think I just about memorized it, but I'm going to check one more time before I log off. Okay, maybe two more times. As much as I love it, I don't want to feel pressured to send me things like that. But dear god, Gorgeous, I mean it when I say you take that word to a whole new level.
You don't need an excuse to get me to call you Gorgeous. Hopefully by next month, you'll be hearing it so much in person that you'll be sick of it. And it's not a matter of if I touch you, it's a matter of when.
As soon as I have a better idea of when I'll be back in San Diego, that information will be in your inbox immediately.
I can't wait to see you,
You couldn't wait that long. You would never make it. Your sheets were brushing your bare skin as you thought about him calling you Gorgeous so many times that you got sick of it, but you knew that would never happen. You were going to need another hobby or maybe five to help you pass the time, but for now, you decided to work on your lesson plans for the coming week.
Your kids would probably be happy to learn that you were planning on extending your aviation lessons to the end of the school year. Or at least until Bradley got back. What you wouldn't give to have him visit your classroom. Just the idea of him standing in front of the board, maybe in his flight suit, left you light headed. You already knew your kids would be absolutely delighted to meet him after writing back and forth so many times.
After you managed to distract yourself for a full day, you were just getting into bed when you heard your phone ping with a notification. "Oh god," you groaned in pleasure. When you opened the new email from Bradley, you were met with the promised gym selfies. One was of his reflection which was taken in a long mirror that seemed to cover most of a wall. You could see some other people working out in the background, but front and center was Bradley curling a massive looking dumbbell in snug shorts and a shirt with the sleeves ripped off.
You dropped down onto your bed and zoomed in on his biceps. "Dear Lord." Your heart was hammering in your chest now. Did he not know what he looked like? Did he not know that his body was absolutely flawless? The second photo was even better. The half-smirk, half-smile and the peek of pretty, white teeth. The slightly messy hair. The chocolatey brown eyes. The scars with the beads of sweat running down them. "Unbelievable."
And then you read the short message.
Two gym selfies, as promised. You asked for a nice closeup of my face, and that's as good as it gets. Talk soon, Gorgeous.
You were still looking at the photos when you fell asleep.
Bradley shouldn't have been surprised that another mission was in the works. He'd been so caught up in you, he almost expected smooth sailing and a direct path back to San Diego so he could get on with his personal life. But no such luck. After several days holed up in planning sessions, the only real happiness he found was in each new email from you.
There was another class photo in one. There was a selfie of you at a Thai restaurant in another. And there were always a lot of fun details about your day, too. But it was the bits where you let him know you were thinking about him that made him a little weaker for you with every passing day. His favorite was when you told him you donated all of your DVDs of movies with spiders in them. He also loved it when you told him that your students wanted to meet him.
If he could just get back, you and he would be watching all the spider-less movies together, and he'd be more than happy to visit your classroom. But, fuck, this deployment was dragging. He was tired, but he wasn't sleeping well. And there seemed to be cabbage rolls every evening in the cafeteria. When he finally made it out on deck a few days before he was supposed to fly the mission, he ended up talking to Marty.
"You need a hand with that?" Bradley asked the mechanic as he worked on taking apart an engine.
"Sure, Lieutenant," Marty replied, handing Bradley some very greasy bolts and a wrench. "Just hang onto those for me."
Two minutes of watching him work, and Bradley wished he'd brought his phone with him to record a video for your class. "The kids would love this," he muttered, and Marty chuckled.
"You still sending stuff to that elementary class back in San Diego? The pen pals?"
"Yeah," Bradley replied. "I think I've kind of adopted them. Or maybe they've adopted me? Either way, I've been writing to them this entire deployment. And... you know how you asked me if I was dating a teacher a few months ago?"
Marty looked at him and laughed. "Let me guess. You fell for their teacher?"
He nodded and sighed when he thought about you. "Yeah... it's just been a lot of emails and letters and one phone call, but now I can't wait to get back home."
"Damn," Marty grunted as he removed another bolt. "Some guys have all the luck." Bradley ended up helping him lift some heavy parts from a crate as Marty told him, "I have a ten minute FaceTime call scheduled for later this week if you want to use it to talk to your new girlfriend again."
Bradley was ready to jump at the chance to see your face and hear your voice at the same time, but instead he said, "I can't take that from you, but thanks, man."
Marty shrugged. "I'll just end up talking to my sister again. You can have it."
Bradley stared at him for a few seconds. "Yeah? You're sure?"
"All yours."
Bradley stayed long enough to get the details and help Marty unload everything else he needed to finish his project, and then he got cleaned up and went to the lounge to email you. If you were able to talk to him over FaceTime, it would be everything he needed to get through this last flight mission and end his deployment on a high note.
"Lieutenant Bradshaw said my drawing is the funniest one!"
"Lieutenant Bradshaw likes the rooster beak I put on my jet!"
"Lieutenant Bradshaw said mine is the least realistic in a good way!"
You were trying not to laugh as you looked at each of the little messages Bradley wrote on the backs of the F/A-18 drawings. They were all somehow well thought out and personalized. It was as if he actually knew these kids. But you supposed that in a way, he did. You kept going back to your desk to look at the note on the back of your drawing.
Hey, Gorgeous,
This one's my favorite, but don't tell the kiddos, okay? The little heart really sold it for me. I can't wait to see you.
Seeing him was all you could think about now. You were almost completely convinced that your feelings would translate well from virtual to personal interaction. How could they not? He was as sweet and sincere over the phone as he was through his writing.
When you checked your phone after your kids were dismissed for the day, you tapped on a new email from Bradley before you started packing your bag to head home.
Gorgeous, any chance you have ten minutes you're willing to spend on a FaceTime call? Tomorrow night around 8:00 for you?
You squeaked in delight at the mere thought of it. His face and his voice and his words and his attention all at the same time? Ten minutes of it?
Yes! I'll be ready!
Now you had to wait. You also had to get your friends to bump up the Friday night dinner reservation to 5:00. And you needed to make sure you looked nicer than you did when you were usually lounging at home in your oversized sweatshirt. 
So when Friday evening rolled around, and you barely made it home from dinner by 8:00, you were a little frazzled. You wanted to take the time to fix your makeup, and you wanted to change into a cuter shirt that your friends would have definitely called you out on if they saw you wearing it to dinner, but there was no time. Your phone was already ringing at 8:01.
This time, the butterflies erupted as soon as you accepted the call and saw Bradley sitting there in his flight suit with a hesitant smile on his face. He didn't even have to say a word to make you feel like you were going to float up to the ceiling even as you tried to sit down on your bed.
"Bradley," you breathed softly, and his smile grew exponentially. 
"Hey, Gorgeous."
You bit your lip as you took in all the details of his face on your tiny phone screen. His brown eyes were wide as he did the same to you, and you couldn't stop yourself before you said, "Hey, Handsome."
His cheeks immediately flushed with a pink tint, and he looked down at the table in front of him with a bashful smile. You wanted to climb through your phone to get to him, settle yourself down on his lap, and feel how rough his flight suit was against your hands. You wanted to tip his face up so he was looking at you again, and when he did that on his own, you almost screamed in delight at what he said next.
"Damn, Baby. You didn't need to get all dressed up just to talk to me. You look beautiful right now, but I'm also partial to your sweatshirt."
You looked down at yourself and then back at him with a little laugh. He was staring at you in awe as you said, "I always look like this."
"You always look like this? You always look this hot?" he asked, that little grin you liked so much dancing around his lips. "Seriously?"
"Well, I mean, I didn't do anything special. I wanted to, but I ran out of time, and I definitely didn't want to miss your call."
Your heart was thudding as he really scanned your face and let out a low whistle. "I guess I'll find out for myself soon enough. About two more weeks to go, and then I'll be home. I just got that information today."
"Two weeks!" you exclaimed, nearly dropping your phone. Images of beach sunsets and Bradley's big hand holding yours filled your mind. "That's better than I was hoping for!"
You watched him run his hand through his hair, almost like he was nervous now. "Same. So what do you say? Two Saturdays from now, as long as everything goes as planned, you want to go on that first date with me?"
"Yes, Bradley," you replied immediately. "If you want to spend your first day back on dry land with me, then that's absolutely what I want to do."
His voice was deep and raspy as he said, "Then it's a date." But his eyes still seemed uncertain, and you knew instinctively that there was more going on as he asked, "You think... maybe we could talk about date number two for a minute? I was thinking we would go out to a restaurant so I can prove to you that I clean up okay."
You had to press your lips together for a few seconds before you said, "I have no doubt in my mind that you'd look just as good in a tee shirt as you would in a tuxedo."
That made him laugh as he scratched along the stubble on his jaw. "Humor me, Gorgeous? We would end up going out on a second date, right?" he asked, and somehow you could tell that something else was on his mind. "Maybe we would even go on a third?"
"Would?" you asked softly. "Don't you mean will?"
"Shit, I'm sorry," he said, leaning in a little closer. "Yeah. We will."
You and he studied each other as you asked, "Is there something wrong?"
He leaned back in his seat, and your heart started beating a most uncomfortable rhythm. "Damn it," he muttered, closing his eyes briefly as he took a deep breath. "We only have a few minutes on here, and I'm fucking it up because I'm nervous." You noticed he was rubbing his palms along his thighs, and he looked you in the eye as he said, "I really like you. All I can think about is getting home and doing all the things I promised. I don't usually feel like I have anything special to look forward to in San Diego. Or at least I didn't before we started talking." He cleared his throat and added, "I'm flying a final mission here in a few hours. It's a sensitive one, and... I just wanted you to know that I'll be thinking about you until I have to put my head down and get to work."
"Oh," you gasped, suddenly more aware than ever that he had the kind of anxiety inducing, adrenaline spiking job you could only ever dream of. Your fourth grade classroom was tame by comparison. Your students were nothing compared to opposing fighter jets. His career was dangerous.
Tears filled your eyes as he groaned a little bit and whispered, "I'm sorry, Baby. I kind of killed the vibe."
"You didn't," you told him quickly, studying the concern written on his features. Then your voice got even softer as you asked, "How will I know you're okay?"
He cleared his throat and said, "Sometimes they close off communication as we get closer to port. Of course I'll email you if I can, otherwise I'll let you know when I'm back in San Diego." His brown eyes flicked to the side and then back to you. "I'm going to have to go in a minute here."
There were a lot of things you knew would have to be left unsaid for now, so you told him what you could. "I really like you, too," you promised him, and some of the worry melted away from his face. "And I'm thinking dinner at an Italian restaurant for our second date. That way you can get cleaned up nice, and I can wear a dress that I'll be stressing out about all night long. And you can tell me that I look gorgeous while my foot keeps intentionally bumping yours under the table." He was smiling now, so you decided to go for broke. "And you kind of promised me takeout on your couch with a spider-free movie. I was hoping you'd play a song on the piano for me. I was hoping to cover both of us with a blanket and kiss you senseless. How does that sound?" You were gripping your phone a little tighter, hoping you'd be able to hear his response before he said he had to go.
"That sounds perfect, Gorgeous," he said, looking a lot calmer now. "Let's do that."
"Please, be careful."
"I will."
And then he was gone.
Bradley needed to make it home, because he decidedly had a lot to do there. Nat was expecting not one, but two dinners out of him now. There were eighteen fourth graders he wanted to meet. And as he ended a FaceTime call with the woman of his dreams while she had tears in her eyes, he knew he wanted to go on those dates more than anything else. If he never got to meet you in person... well he couldn't even think about that right now. He was supposed to report to his jet on the main runway in an hour, but you kept popping up in every corner of his mind. You were more emotionally open with him over a ten minute call than Vanessa ever was.
"Bradshaw!" He turned to see a petty officer coming toward him with a box. "Last mail call."
"Thank you," he replied, already smiling as he recognized your handwriting. His nineteen pen pals were here to keep him company once again, and his heart swelled with something he didn't even want to try to identify at the moment. All he could do was drop the box off in his bunk and tell himself he'd open it when he got back after nightfall.
Vulnerable Bradley is nervous just thinking about what might happen. He's starting to feel like Gorgeous could be be the one waiting on the San Diego end of all of his deployments from now on, but he needs to get through the rest of this one first. Maybe they can meet in the next part? Thanks @beyondthesefourwalls
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dilemmaontwolegs · 5 months
The Perfect Life || CL16 {7}
Summary: The first night at Charles’ house is almost ruined before it can even begin. Warnings: angst, light smut WC: 3.2k F1 Masterlist || One || Two || Three || Four || Five || Six || Seven || Eight Taglist: RETIRED Head over to my dedicated library blog @dilemmaslibrary and opt to get notifications from there.
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The paper bag in your hands crinkled as you opened it to see what Charles had asked you to carry. “What is this?” 
You raised a brow and closed it back up. “Those are ingredients,” you corrected, placing it on the kitchen bench in his apartment. “I hope you aren’t expecting me to cook because you will be bitterly disappointed.”
He laughed as he closed the front door and kicked his shoes off. “It’s all prepared, the pasta just needs boiling but I can do that. Why don’t you take a look around?”
You already planned on being nosey when he wasn’t looking but now you could openly snoop and happily left him to his own devices. Like most apartments in Monaco, it was smaller than you were used to but it was more than enough for a man living on his own. 
You circled the living room and tried not to be envious of all the photos he had hung in frames around the room. Faces you recognised held carefree smiles that they never had in your presence and Charles was no exception. You thought you had seen his real smile but even that was strained compared to what was captured when he was with his friends and family.
“I’m starting to think that frown is just your resting face,” Charles commented as he stepped out of the galley kitchen to see your progress. 
You schooled your face until the lines evened out and a mild look of boredom hid your thoughts as you turned away from the photos and found something that made your heart nearly stop. The manuscript was plain and unassuming on the shelf, the title print small and barely legible on the bare sewn spine, but you knew that book.
“You stole it.”
Charles’ confused gaze followed you to the bookshelf. “What?”
“It wasn’t enough to take him from me but you took our book too,” you muttered as you tugged it from the shelf and ran your fingers across the faded purple inscription in the corner: For Jules. A hint of the berry scented ink still clung to the page and you swallowed the lump in your throat as you opened it to the dog eared page you left behind.
“This was a mistake,” you said as you closed the book and shoved it back on the shelf. If it wasn’t this, it would just be something else- there was too much history to think this could ever work. “I can’t do this, Charles.”
He intercepted your exit, blocking the door with pleading eyes. “Wait, please. I didn’t know it was yours. You can have it back.” 
“I don’t want it back! I want to finish reading it to him but I’ll never get that chance because of you.” You took a step closer, ready to go through him to get out the door but he surprised you by sliding down the white panel until his ass planted on the floor. Charles pulled his knees up and wrapped his arms around them as he looked down to hide in shame.
The moment of silence dragged on as his breath grew as ragged as yours and you both relived that day in the hospital.
“I’m sorry,” he stressed as he threw his head back, the thud heavy against the wood. “I’m fucking sorry! For all of it. I didn’t deserve the time I got with him, I don’t deserve this career - it should have been his, like you. I definitely don’t deserve you.”
You slumped to the floor too with your back to the kitchen cabinets. This was not how you imagined your evening going. The plan had been simple; stay the night with Charles and arrive at the paddock for his first practice together - hard launching the relationship and confirming all the rumours that you had both started.
“When did this become your pity party?” you asked as you studied the herringbone tile floor instead of the enigma sitting opposite you.
Charles’ jaw dropped and he shook his head as he stammered over his words. “It’s not…I’m not…that’s not what…”
“How do you make it through interviews? One question and you’re a blithering mess.” You rolled your eyes and stretched your leg out to nudge his foot. “You are wrong by the way. I wasn’t meant to be Jules’ either.”
“I know.” He nodded and sighed, wiping his nose that had turned pink. “It probably doesn’t change anything but I finished it. I read him that book before he…before he died.”
You pushed yourself up to your feet and offered him your hand. His palm was clammy against your skin and you barely made any effort to pull him up as he did the work himself, rising to his full height in front of you. “You’re right, it doesn’t change anything,” you admitted, watching his shoulders deflate. 
“Figured as much.”
“But,” you said as you held a finger up when he went to move away and he froze, “that was a proper apology that actually felt real.”
“So you forgive me?”
“No, I don’t even know how to do that, but I’m not going to leave.”
He smiled like it was a small victory and enveloped you in one of his spontaneous hugs that you were slowly growing used to. “I don’t know how, but I am going to make it up to you one day. I promise.”
“How about you start with just making dinner?” You stepped out of his embrace and looked around the room with weary eyes. “I’m not going to find any more surprises, am I?”
He chewed his lip as he thought for a moment. “I have his helmet in my office but the door is closed.”
You swallowed deeply and nodded. You were going to avoid that room at all costs. “Keep it that way.”
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Panic gripped you as the bike started to wobble. Your feet tangled in the pedals and your fingers slipped from the brakes before the gravel driveway rapidly came up to meet you. The skin on your knees stung with the dozens of little stones that grazed them and your elbows were in a similar state as you lay sprawled beneath the summer sun. 
“Up you get,” Jules said as he dusted the stones off and picked you up. 
Your bottom lip began to tremble and he shook his head. “There’s no use crying, lapinette, might as well laugh and learn.”
“I don’t want to laugh,” you grumbled, kicking the bike to emphasise your displeasure.
Jules shrugged and picked the bike up, holding it out for you to try once more. “Well, that’s usually when you need to the most.”
You accepted the bike and looked longingly at the trainer wheels he had taken off. The plastic wheels were beside his kart that was propped up on a stand, some of the parts in pieces for him to finish cleaning before he rebuilt it for the race. “Do you think you can win?”
“Absolutely, just like I know you can ride that bike.”
“I fell off.”
He laughed at your attitude and knew you would be a handful when you grew up. Pointing to the driveway he said, “Then you better try again, no? Because if you don’t ride it then I can’t win!” 
You laughed at the stupidity of the statement but rose to the challenge, throwing a leg over the pastel pink bike and ringing the little bell on the handle for good luck. “You better win, Jules.”
You took a deep breath and pushed the pedal down, slowly building momentum. The wind blew your hair back and you laughed as you realised you were doing it. You were biking…straight towards the wrought iron gates.
You jolted awake in the unfamiliar bedroom and found Charles sleeping soundly. Though you had woken before the impact came you knew Jules had saved you. The lanky teen had sprinted after the bike and grabbed you from the seat before it careened into the metal, buckling the front wheel. You hadn’t quite mastered bike riding that week but Jules still won his karting race.
Sleep was as distant as the memory that had resurfaced so you quietly slipped from the room and found yourself at the bookshelf. Sometimes you wished you had no memory, then you couldn’t be reminded of how happy you had been. But, on the flipside, if you didn’t have the memory you feared you would never know what happiness was at all. 
When Charles woke to an empty bed he wondered if you had left after all despite watching you fall asleep beside him. It was only the sound of the balcony door sliding open that let him breathe a sigh of relief and he climbed out of the bed to check on you. A cool breeze left a chill in the air of the living room and Charles grabbed the blanket that hung from the back of the sofa before he stepped outside.
“You’ll catch a cold like that,” he whispered to the night. The Ferrari shirt you wore fell halfway down your thighs but curled up on the outdoor settee had the red material barely covering your underwear and Charles covered the bare skin with the blanket.
“Bad dream?” he asked as he took a seat beside you and noticed the book in your hands. 
“Worse,” you replied. “A good memory.”
Charles draped his arm over the back of your seat, his fingers softly touching your shoulder, and he tucked his legs under the blanket too. “Want to talk about it?”
You gave him a look that made him chuckle before turning your attention back to the page. You were halfway through the story and you could finally appreciate the action thriller now that you understood the vengeance Jack Reacher felt and the way he fought but even that wasn’t enough to distract you from the dream. With an irritated sign, you closed the book and took to searching the stars instead. 
“Charles?” He hummed quietly and you looked across to see his relaxed state watching the dark sky too. “If I ask you something, can you just do it without reading too much into it?”
He tore his eyes away from the brightest star in the sky and frowned. “Uh, I guess it depends on what you ask me.”
“I want you to kiss me.”
His lips curled up in a slow smile and his fingers danced across your collar to the base of your throat as he leaned in. “You don’t have to ask me.”
“It’s not because I like you, I just need something to stop me thinking,” you clarified. 
“Again, you don’t have to ask me.” His lips brushed against yours before they teased your jawline and his breath warmed your ear. “You can use me however you want.”
It was already a messy situation and adding sex to the mix was only going to end badly but you needed it. You needed to forget the thoughts racing through your head and you needed the high of an orgasm. Charles was more than willing to give you both when he carried you back to his bed.
The next time you woke you were in a far better headspace.
You felt the ghost of a kiss on your cheek before Charles left to get ready for the day but you buried your head deeper in the pillow and tried to ignore the sweet ache in your body. It was impossible. Your core throbbed with the memory of how he had filled it and your thighs pressed together in search of friction only to feel the beard burn he had left between them. 
“Fuck,” you groaned as you realised you would not be getting back to sleep.
“Regretting your life choices?” Charles asked from the doorway, two mugs of coffee in his hands and not a lick of clothing to be seen.
“On the list of my regrets, this doesn’t even register,” you said as you sat up and accepted the hot cup, your state of undress not much better. “But it would have been easier if you sucked in bed.”
“How’s that?” He lifted his pillow up against the headboard and took a seat with an amused grin at the compliment.
“For starters, I wouldn’t want to do it again. Things are already complicated enough and now I have technically been fucked by my boss.”
“If you want to get technical, you fucked me,” he pointed out with a smirk. “You were in control, babe.”
You took a deep breath and told yourself it was too early for violence, even if he was right. Charles had been quite clear on the fact you were in control, especially when he sat in much the same position against the headboard and let you ride him into oblivion. “Maybe it will make it on my list of regrets after all.”
“You can worry about them later,” he said after a few mouthfuls of his coffee. “We should start getting ready to head to the track and your hair screams ‘sex’. Bathroom is across the hall, there’s a new toothbrush in the top drawer if you need.”
“Wow, a spare toothbrush? That screams manwhore.”
“I’m just being a gentleman, you’re the one that swallowed.”
You nearly spilled the coffee with the laugh that bubbled out of your mouth unexpectedly. “Ah, there’s the regret. I knew I should have snowballed you.”
His nose wrinkled with the idea and you laughed darkly. Next time he would probably hesitate and remember this conversation. You froze. You were already thinking about the next time you would fuck and that was enough to stun you silent so you busied your mouth finishing the drink. 
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It was hard not to fall in love with the atmosphere of race week in Monaco. Arriving hand in hand with Charles had the desired effect and you were still feeling the ripples of it as the day ended. 
“I’m exhausted and I didn’t even do anything,” you admitted through the headset as the private helicopter whisked you back to Nice. 
Charles flexed his hand that had furiously signed autographs right up until the moment he stepped inside the helicopter. “It gets like that sometimes but I only feel it after everything goes quiet.”
“Are you sure you want to come to this dinner? You can go home and rest. Jacques can fly you back.”
Charles reached across the seat and took your hand even though there was no audience to witness the touch. “And leave you alone with your parents?” he chuckled, shaking his head. “That’s not going to happen.”
“I have managed to survive 25 years on my own.”
“That’s a miracle in itself. I probably wouldn’t be trusted with the steak knife if that was me.”
You grinned at the joke and rested your head on his shoulder. “I like this dark side of you.”
“I suppose that’s a start.”
Your good mood was brought down the moment you spotted the mansion before landing. Too many cars lined the driveway for the simple family dinner your mother planned and you fell quiet as the helicopter touched down in the backyard. 
“What is this?” Charles asked, looking down at his casual jeans and sweatshirt.
“The tenth circle of hell,” you muttered.
Veronica was practically vibrating with excitement when you arrived at the patio door and she held out two tickets for the opera tomorrow night, as requested. “Silly girl. You have dinner with Prince Albert, you can’t even go.”
Charles knew better after seeing the many masks you had adorned to hide your thoughts but it still amazed him how quickly you could become a woman he didn’t recognise. A sneer grew, twisting your smile into a cruel mockery of the one he knew and your eyes narrowed as you swiped the tickets from her hand.
“Why didn’t you tell me that before?”
“I tried, but that’s what you get for being a spoiled little brat.”
“Alicia! My room, now!” Your voice carried through the mansion and you stormed up the stairs with Charles following behind, his cheeks flushed pink with embarrassment. The maid was already waiting outside your bedroom door when you arrived and you barrelled inside, slamming the door shut in Veronica’s smirking face.
The dress hanging in the closet was still wrapped in the garment bag and you took it off the hanger, holding it out to Alicia. “Get this dress out of my sight! I never want to see it again.”
Alicia looked a little shocked at the outburst you needed to be heard through the door. “But it is McQueen.”
“I don’t care!” You lowered your voice to a whisper and reached into your pocket. “Here’s two tickets to La Bohème, take the dress and go with Javier. You didn’t think I forgot your anniversary, did you? Go.”
Tears filled Alicia’s eyes and she threw her arms around you. “Thank you.”
You shook your head and sincerely said, “You deserve more than this.”
Alicia dipped at the waist and delicately hung the dress over her arm as she walked to the door. Veronica saw the tears in Alicia’s eyes and shook her head as the quiet maid rushed down the stairwell.
“Your father will hear about this tantrum.”
You tipped your nose up and crossed your arms smugly. “I’m his only child, that makes me his favourite by default. Now run along and tell him.”
Veronica turned on her heel with a scoff and you closed the door before sighing heavily. You would probably pay for the insolence in one way or another but it was worth it.
“Why did you do that?” Charles asked as he reached past your hip and locked the door.
“I couldn’t pay for the tickets myself and they already think the worst of me, might as well play the fool for a good cause.”
Charles opened his arms and you stepped into the embrace. He could see how draining the act was and couldn’t wait until the day you left Nice. “You’re a good person,” he said quietly before pressing a soft kiss to your forehead.
“I don’t think the guests downstairs would agree with you. I don’t even know why they are here.”
You found out soon enough when you emerged from your room dressed in more appropriate attire. Just as you suspected, it was punishment and you would play the fool once again for your mother’s entertainment. You felt sick seeing the grand piano in the dining hall and your fingers stiffened at the thought of sitting in front of the guests to play at her whim.
“Are you okay?” Charles asked as he saw your pallor fade.
Forcing the discontent away, you smiled in time for the first guest to spot your entrance into the room. “Just peachy, Charles. Ready to act lovesick?”
He didn’t need to act, and you found it all too easy that maybe it wasn’t acting either. Your body fit perfectly into the curve of his arm and you moved together through the room making introductions. But all too soon your mother dragged you away and snapped her finger at the piano.
“The Economy Minister favours Beethoven,” she whispered with a look to the man your father was for lack of a better word, schmoozing. “Don’t fuck this up.”
Click here for next part.
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dira333 · 1 month
perhaps kirishima with the hugs prompt dira teehee ?? if m’ first !! >//<
Rate my hugs - Kirishima x Reader
Inspiration 1 and 2
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“Get ready with me while I rate my partner’s hugs.” You announce, patting your face with the makeup sponge.
Across the room, Eijiro’s ears perk up like he’s turned into a dog.
“Number one, getting hugged while in Hero Costume. 7 out of 10. While the free abs are an absolute bonus, the weird stuff on his shoulders is always in the way.”
“Baby?” You hear him whine a little confused, but you bite your lip and keep talking, now applying Concealer.
“Number two, getting hugged after a grueling work shift. 7 out of 10. I absolutely love holding him safe in my hands after he defeated god knows how many villains or got cats down from trees, but some of these villains stink. And sadly, my boo smells just like them after he fought them.”
“Baby, is that true?” Eijirou’s moved closer now, peering up at you from your shared bed.
“Shh,” you tell him, “I’m filming a video.”
“Oh, sorry.” 
You send him a smile that he reciprocates.
He crashed on the bed right after showering, his still-damp hair down, his features soft. It’s your favorite look on him, but you haven’t been able to get that through his thick head. Yet.
“Number three, getting hugged right before we go on a date,” you send him a cheeky wink. “7 out of 10.”
Eijirou gasps. “7? Babe! I always put on the good cologne before-”
“Shhh,” you can’t stop the giggle that escapes you this time. “I’m sorry Babe, but you always make your hair extra spiky when we go out. Last time you poked me in the head.”
“It was an accident!” 
“I know,” you can’t help chuckling. “I know. But you have to agree that the 7 is valid.”
“Fine,” he huffs, laying back down.
You still catch his mumbled “I thought I was a good hugger.”
“Number four, getting hugged right out of the shower.” 
You fall quiet as you focus on getting your brows right, pretending not to notice the intensity of Eijirou’s stare. He’s invested.
“10 out of 10.”
“WHAT?” He’s sitting up now, staring at you. “That gets a 10 out of 10?”
“Yeah,” you turn to look at him properly, grinning with only one brow done. “You know why?”
“Because you’re so cute with your hair down, all relaxed and soft and cuddly. That’s my favorite you.”
A red blush works its way onto his cheeks and he flops back onto the bed, face down.
“You’re killing me.”
You giggle as you turn back. “I don’t see you complaining.”
You hum under your breath as you apply a new color to your nails, the dark red looking eerily similar to Eijirou’s hero costume. He’s probably going to notice, blushing when he does and you can’t wait.
Movement behind you catches you off-guard. The next moment you’re pulled from your chair, strong arms curling around you as you squeal.
“NOOOO! You’re still dripping, Eiji!”
“Don’t care!” He blows a raspberry against your neck. “You said it was 10 out of 10.”
“I take it back,” you try, but your own body betrays you, curling into his embrace. His hair might be dripping water everywhere, but his body is warm and his hold makes you feel safe.
Eijirou snickers, knowing too well what’s going on.
“Getting to hug you any place, any time,” he mumbles into your ear. “10 out of 10.”
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cookiejarwrites · 19 days
Fake Date | Part One
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pairing: tim drake / red robin x fem!reader
words: 1k
a/n: Hey this is my first official post on this account so it’s kinda short. Credit to the Tim Drake A.I bot created by Fairybaby for the story idea and inspo. Sorry if he’s a little out of character. This is my first time writing for him but I tried my best. There will eventually be smut in the later chapters so pre warning there. xoxo! 💋
(aka Tim asks you to be his fake date)
Tim nearly drops to his knees, begging you, “Just one more time. I know I said that last time, but I swear. Please be my date to Bruce’s charity event. I’ll never harass you about it again. Pinky Promise.”
He holds out his pinky thumb, the gesture almost comical. He looks at you with his best puppy dog eyes, eyes wide and shimmering. The look tugs at something deep inside you. You’d long since learned that those stupid puppy eyes were a weakness of yours. You two were long time friends, originally meeting in school and instantly hitting it off. He has since entrusted you with his secret as the Red Robin, so obviously he trusted you to be his fake girlfriend for Bruce’s parties.
“Ugh, fine, but you owe me, Drake,” you finally grumble, rolling your eyes. As soon as the words leave your lips his face lights up like a Christmas tree. Before you can even get another word in he’s pulling you into a tight embrace. You feel your feet leave the ground as he lifts you, his strong arms roping themselves around your waist.
“Thank you sooo much Y/N” he says, sounding overly affectionate. He gives you a few quick squeezes before setting you down again.
“That’s what friends are for, right?” You roll your eyes again, but a small smile tugs at your lips. He grins back, ruffling your hair.
“For sure. And I’m eternally grateful to have a friend as wonderful as you.” You swat his hand in annoyance, but the warmth growing in your chest is undeniable.
“Obviously, who else would put up with your annoying ass?” You shoot back. He laughs, shaking his head with a playful smirk.
“You love it,” he teases. “You’re so tiny compared to me. I could just scoop you up and keep you in my pocket,” he cooes at you.. You scowl back at him in response.
“Not as small as your dick,” I stick my tongue out playfully.
His smirk falls into mock offense “Why, how you wound me,” He says dramatically before grabbing you around the waist and tossing you over his shoulder.
“Hey! Put me down you asshole!” you holler, struggling for a bit before giving up and going limp in his arms. He shifts you to get a better hold, then finally sets you down. He grins at your annoyed expression, clearly enjoying the effect he has on you.
“You’re adorable when you’re mad,” he teases, patting your head.
“I’m not adorable,” you grumble, crossing your arms infront of your chest with a huff.
“Oh, but you are,” he grins, “Admit it, you secretly love it when I pick you up.”
“Enjoy it my ass,” you retort.
“Grumble all you want, I know you love me.” He shrugs with a boyish grin that makes it hard to stay annoyed.
Only in your dreams bird boy.” I reply. He lets out a hearty laugh, his smirk widening.
“My dreams, huh?” he says, his tired eyes gleaming with mischief. He takes a step closer to you again. “You’d be surprised how often you pop up in those.” His arms snake around your waist again, tugging you flush against him. A wave of heat washes over you, cheeks reddening in response.
“Keep it to yourself,” I mutter, turning to hide my flushed face. You clear your throat in an attempt to regain composure. “What time is the party?”
“Tonight. It starts at 7, and I’ll pick you up at six.”
“Got it,” I nod, “ now I gotta figure out what the hell I’m gonna wear.” He laughs and ruffles your hair again, clearly enjoying your grumpy demeanor.
“Good luck,” he teases lightly. “Need me to help you pick out a dress?”
“Knowing you, I’d probably end up looking like a clown.” I remark with a chuckle. He feigns offense, placing a hand over his heart as if he’d been stabbed.
“Ouch, Y/N. I’m hurt you’d say such a thing. Have I ever steered you wrong?
“No, but only ‘cause I’ve never listened to your sleep-deprived advice.” I counter with a self satisfied smirk. He shakes his head slightly at my comment on his sleep.
“You’re so stubborn,” he chides, pinching your cheek like a grandma excited to see her grandkid. “One of these days you’ll take my advice, and when that day comes, I’ll rub it in your face so much you’ll have to beg me to shut up.” you push his hands away, grabbing his cheeks and pinching them just as he had done to you.
“The day I take your advice is the day I’ve officially lost my mind.” He snickers, the sound muffled slightly by your grip on his cheeks.
“Okay, timeout. Seriously, my cheeks are gonna start bleeding if you keep squeezing them like that.” You release his face and pat him on the head. He rubs his cheeks, mock-pouting as he looks at you. “That was unnecessary.” he complains before he glances up at the clock on the wall, his expression seeming to turn a bit more serious. “I’d better get going. I’ve gotta finish Bruce out with a case. I’ll pick you up at six,” he gives you a sly smirk, “and I can’t wait to see what you’ll be wearing.”
“It’ll be better than whatever you would have picked out.” You say, turning to open the door of your apartment for him. He chuckles slightly as he exits the room, shaking his head in amusement. “See ya later, Y/N.”
“Bye birdie!” You call out just as the door clicks shut behind him. You head towards your bedroom, preparing to rummage your closet for something suitable to wear. The familiar sensation of giddiness forms in your stomach at the thought of the upcoming events. You never really did enjoy Bruce’s fancy banquets and events, too many rich folks who couldn’t give less of a shit what you had to say. However, a small part of you did slightly enjoy the concept of pretending to be Tim’s girlfriend, even if just for the night. This wouldn’t be the first time you two did it. Of course you’d never admit your growing liking to the act. Deny, deny, deny.
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twstfanblog · 10 months
*~Period Drama~* Monday
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A/N: SCREAMS. There was no reason why this took me so long to get out. But it's here and I hope you guys like it! Another thank you to @bun-lapin for allowing me to use their lovely OCs for this fic series! I love them so much and I'm having so much fun playing with them! Word Count: 8.4K Words (God damn the next part is gonna be even bigger...) Warnings: She/They Pronouns OC, Period talk, Mentions of labor and pregnancy. Pairings: JamilxOC (Poly), Paternal Crewel &OC ~TagList @twistedcece @deltrea @krenenbaker @koebishrimpuwu @cat100200 @emyluwinter Start, Part 2 (Octavinelle), Part 3 (Heartslabyul), Part 4 (Here), Part 4.5 (Diasomnia pt.1), Part 5 (Diasomnia pt.2), Part 6 (Pomefiore)
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Yuu felt awful, just total dog shit in a bag and on fire awful. But, that was to be expected when they had their period and hadn’t been able to take any pain medication. So, in all honesty, they should be fine.
Yuu checked themselves over in the bathroom mirror. Huffing under their breath and trying to get their hair to settle in a less haggard fashion. They weren’t too sure if they should even go to class. But then they thought about the fact they enjoyed school in Twisted Wonderland. They had teachers who, begrudgingly, took time out of their days to help them understand the coursework. It felt like some kind of disservice to skip out just to laze around their dorm in pain. Not to mention Crewel would have to either visit himself or have someone else bring them food and pain medicine for the day. It just sounded like a lot of unnecessary back-and-forth for everyone else that Yuu wasn’t in the mood to put their loved ones through.
 So, Yuu had put her big girl panties on - with a hand towel between her legs for blood catching, hoping she wasn't going to bleed through it - and got out of bed to go to school. She should also try to pick Grim up from Scarabia. While she’s sure her cat companion was having fun being held and hand-fed gourmet crackers, she did miss the furball and if Jamil’s update texts were of any merit, he was pouting about being away from her for so long.
Now fully dressed, and stiff with muscle aches, Yuu sighed as they walked out of their dorm. At least they were able to leave much earlier than they normally were. No Grim to drag out of bed and the fact they had been awake for hours beforehand playing a very key role. With the Sun just barely peeking over the thick woods, they started their journey to the main road to the school.
But, stepping onto the dirt path that branched off from the paved walkways of the school’s actual borders, Yuu pauses, calling out, “...Jack?”
Tall gray-furred ears perk up, the massive figure they were on freezing at the call of his name. Jack turned around slowly, almost in confusion at being called out to. But seeing it was Yuu who called to him, his wide-eyed expression shifted, his eyebrows creasing as his eyes darted to the dorm before moving back to Yuu, “Why are you outside?”
“No, no, good boy. This is still my property. I ask the questions first. What are you doing out here?” Yuu raises an eyebrow, walking closer to Jack and watching as he seemed to grow more nervous.
“I was…Just on my morning jog…”
“...At 7:30am?” Yuu smiles, tilting her at different angles with each question, “Without Vil? In your school uniform? Walking at a leisurely pace?”
“Yes, what of it?”
Yuu smiled, covering her mouth as she playfully batted at Jack’s arm, the other freshman scowling and twitching his body away from her hits, “Aw~. Were you checking on me?”
“NO, stop hitting me!”
“Oh, by the seven. I lived to see the day! Jack Howl, caring for his classmates. His heart has softened! He shows his emotions on his sleeve! His tail is wagging with glee!” “Shut up! It’s not!” Jack quickly looked behind him, just to double check his tail wasn’t actually wagging before he turned back to Yuu, “That’s not important! Why are you outside? Go back inside!”
“No? I’m going to class.” Yuu shrugs, moving to walk past him before the towering freshman steps in their path, “Jack. I was in a silly goofy mood, but not enough for this. Step aside.”
Shaking his head, Jack folds his arms in front of his chest, “No. You’re injured. You should be resting, not going to school. We’ll bring you your notes or something. Go back home.”
“No~.” Yuu tried to step past Jack again, only to lock them both into a half-step and jump dance that quickly had Yuu groaning in frustration, “Fucking move your enormous self!”
“No! You’re going back to Ramshackle to rest properly.” Jack moves forward, hands braced to clearly pick Yuu up to carry them back to the dorm physically.
“Jack.” Yuu steps back, a hand held up in a motion of ‘Stop’, “If you fucking touch me, I will eject blood on you so hard it’ll bruise you and never come out of your jacket.”
Jack instantly steps back, hands pulling back to his sides in mild fear. He…had no idea if that was even a thing. Was it a thing? Could Yuu actually somehow spray him with blood with enough pressure to harm him physically? He didn’t want to find out. Looking away, Jack steps back another pace, “I just…Should you be walking around? You don’t look good…”
Yuu sighed, tilting their head back, “I’m…gonna live. Don’t worry about it, I’m gonna get a quick pain potion from Crewel and just…fucking deal.” Rolling their neck, they shrug their shoulders and finally falling in step beside Jack to slap his back, “Come on, good boy. We got an education to get.”
“...” Jack sighed, quickly falling into pace with Yuu’s lazy stride, “Stop calling me that. Leona-Senpai keeps mocking me for it.”
“Good, you’re too big. You need to be mocked before you get any taller.”
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The walk to the main building was longer than Yuu cared to remember. It was only longer with Jack constantly pointing out that Yuu counted as ‘ill’ and that it would make sense for them to skip class for the day. Then, when Yuu would simply state they were fine, Jack would offer to just carry them on his back to the school since they were clearly in pain.
“Jack, you’re very sweet. I will literally bleed on you just to prove a point. Drop it.”
The beastman huffed, looking away in annoyance but not bringing it up anymore on their walk. But in the semi-crowded hallways, Jack didn't leave for his own class. He looked conflicted, glancing at Yuu then down the hall to where he was supposed to be. He didn’t want to leave his friend unattended. The scent of their blood was stronger the longer he walked with them and he could only guess how much stronger it would get during the day. Looking around, he could see the other beastmen glancing at them in various degrees of concern and bewilderment.
“Don’t you have to go to class?”
Looking from their surroundings, Jack turned back to Yuu. He sometimes forgot just how small they felt beside him. Sure they weren't the shortest of their friends and they wore heels whenever they could, not to mention they fit into Night Raven almost too well with the number of students they've sent to the medical wing. But smelling their blood, seeing how tired and simply weathered they looked…it made a part of him want to just scoop them into his arms. Try to hum and growl the obvious pain away, like how his own parents did when he hurt himself in his childhood.
But, he'd rather Yuu actually spray him like some kind of demented blood skunk than say that to them, "Yeah I'm…Yuu. You know you smell…weird right?"
The look in Yuu's eyes literally made a bead of cold sweat form at his temple. Piercing yellow eyes quickly looking away from deep, near soulless appearing black pupils as he stuttered. Yuu somehow managed to learn Crewel-Sensei's famous "I will skin you alive and wear it as a coat" glare, something that quickly put anyone on edge because they weren't sure if they'd actually try to do it.
"Not! Not like 'smell bad' weird! Just…off…like…" he blushes, a hand coming up to nervously thumb at a pinned back ear, trying to find the right words, "You…you smell like a lady…"
The glare had thankfully faded to a simple "That was the dumbest thing I ever heard in my life" expression. Yuu tilted their head both in question and to look Jack directly in his sheepish eyes,"..." They sigh, pinching the bridge of their nose and gesturing down the hall with their other hand, "Jack, go to class."
"Go to class."
"Bye, Yuu."
They sigh, watching Jack's hunched figure scurry down the hall and into a classroom. Honestly, the fucking men of this school…
With a spin on their heel, missing the crowd of beastmen who jump and scramble out of their way, they walk toward the teacher's lounge. Hopefully, they'll catch Crewel before he made his way to homeroom for the morning roll call.
Instead, Yuu ran into Jamil and Kalim. The two second-years standing in front of a classroom and seeming to be arguing. Grim held in one of Jamil’s arms and clearly pouting. Whether it was from the lazy hold or his own bad mood, Yuu couldn't tell.
"I can take Grim with me to class. You already have issues focusing and Grim won't be any help in that avenue."
Kalim pouts, trying to take Grim from Jamil only to be denied each time, "Come on! You won't cuddle with him and he'll be so sad until lunch. Shouldn't we do our best to keep him happy until Yuu is feeling better?"
Jamil rolls his eyes, smacking Kalim’s hand away once again, "Yuu doesn't even try to keep Grim happy at all times. He can handle not being cradled for a few hours."
Yuu walks up beside the two, hands easily snatching Grim from Jamil’s grasp in his surprise, "I don't indulge him, Jamil. There's a difference." Yuu smiles, feeling Grim instantly start purring under her grip, shifting him until he was able to rest his arms on her shoulders in a lazy hug, "Sup buddy?"
"Why the hell are you here?"
"Hello to you too, Jamil, my love."
Grim grumbles, nuzzling into Yuu's shoulder, but pulling his ears back at their scent, "You still smell weird…" his grumbles turning into purrs as Yuu scratches behind his ear.
"Yeah. I'm still on the bleed, but I should be ok."
"How!?" Jamil looked ready to either burst a blood vessel, or simply grapple them to the ground to drag them back to Ramshackle. Which was fair, but Yuu felt like if anyone besides Grim touched them they'd start swinging.
Yuu shrugs, "It's fine. I'm…living. I can handle a day at school. Did it all the time back home."
"Yeah, I don't think that was healthy…" Kalim gives them a nervous smile, clearly wanting to gather them up in a hug but having enough sense to take note of their expression, "You look…upset…"
"Oh, I am. But, that's normal."
Jamil finally relaxed, if only to pinch the bridge of his nose, "Why are you here? You should go home, you're not well."
"Jamil." Yuu placed a hand on one of his shoulders, stepping closer to press their sides together and let the second-year wrap his arms around them, even though the contact was slowly worsening their mood, "It's gonna be fine. I'm on my way to get a pain potion from Crewel. I'm going to be sitting all day. So unless by some miraculous, horrible, divine intervention and periods become contiguous? Everyone else is gonna be fine, too."
"..." Kalim suddenly stepped back, his hands covering his lower stomach in brief panic, "Wait, it's contiguous?"
"No, you fucking- I'm gonna go." Yuu pulls away from Jamil, managing to pry the second-year's hands from their jacket, " I'm gonna go before I clock Kalim in the face."
"Me!? What'd I do!? I'm sorry!"
"Stop talking." Yuu took a breath, moving their arms to properly support Grim slung over their shoulder, "No offense Kalim,  but the sound of your voice is activating my fight response. So I'm leaving before I put it into action." They nodded in farewell, almost stomping away from the confused duo. Missing the panic that slowly grew over Jamil’s face before he pulled his phone out and started texting someone.
Yuu walked down the hallway, doing her best to keep her mood above the poverty line. Beastmen bobbed and weaved through the crowds, watching Yuu through doorways and running back around corners when they saw she had noticed their staring. Normally she’d attribute it to Savanaclaw reacting to one of her and Leona’s public squabbles, but too many uniforms were sporting non-yellow ribbons to only be the Beast King’s dorm.
Showing up to the ornate door of the teachers' lounge, Yuu saw a group of beastmen from various dorms crowded around it, whispering sharply among themselves. Yuu stood back a few moments before speaking up, “Are you guys gonna move or go in?” 
The yowl the cat beastmen let out made everyone jump. Yuu stepped back as they all turned to look at her in what could be described as ‘horror’. 
“Do you need help!?”
“...” Yuu looked at the other beastmen, each one almost shaking with panicked expressions, “I gotta…get into the teachers’ lounge. So can you guys move?”
They move as a unit, one of them even shoving another to get him out of their path faster. They stood in a single file line beside the door, looking at them in a mix of respect and fear. One started to scramble to remove his jacket, placing it on the ground for Yuu to walk on as if it were some kind of tiny red carpet. The taller boy smiles sheepishly and gestured for Yuu to go into the room.
Yuu looked down, doing their best to not walk on the jacket, “Okay…Thank you…Please leave.”
There was a second scrambling, the same student shoving the other straight to the ground as they all tried to leave. The cat beastman doubled back. He stood fidgeting with his fingers and biting his lip. Looking at him closer Yuu could see he was from Heartslabyul. Seeming to gather up his courage, he looked at her with a firm nod, “You’re doin’ great!'' Then he turned tail and ran down the hall. The group of them peeking from around the corner before fully disappearing.
Grim pulled his head from Yuu’s shoulder, looking at them in sleepy confusion, “What was that about?”
“I…I wish I could tell you, Grim…Let’s just go see Crewel.” Yuu leaves the jacket on the ground, stepping over it awkwardly and opening the door, “Oh, papa dog? Your favorite puppy is here.” Crewel’s head snapped around from his seat at a fast speed, Ingrid giving his neck a concerned look at the audible pop she heard from across the table, “Why?” He looked Yuu over in bewilderment, standing up and rushing  to them, “WHY ARE YOU HERE!?”
“Well, I'm in this room to get some pain relief. But, I’m in the building to go to school? That thing you guys really want me to do? To get an education or something?”
“WHY-” He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose and trying to calm himself down. He bends down and places a hand on Yuu’s free shoulder, pulling her closer to speak softly, “My sweet puppy. My little mongrel. My mini menace…Why are you coming to school when you are actively bleeding from your vagina?”
“Because I’m not a little bitch?”
“You wanna repeat that?”
“Okay, okay!” Ingrid stood from her seat, gathering up the designs and fabric swatches she and Crewel were going over and quickly getting between the ‘father-daughter’ duo, “You two hotheads can cool down. Crewel, she’s here and willing to stay for classes. Now, as teachers, we’re not going to try to dissuade a student from attending classes now are we?” 
Ignoring Crewel’s grumbled response, the redheaded woman turns to Yuu. Her smile turning strained as she gets a good look at the first-year student. A part of her filing away the cutting remark of ‘hit by a truck chic’. But she keeps smiling, tilting her head in a questioning manner, “Yuu, are you…sure…you wanna go to class?”
Yuu sighed, taking one arm from supporting Grim to pinch at her nose. Copying the pose Crewel had just done only moments ago.
 Ingrid tried to keep her coo to herself. By the 7, she really behaved like a mini Crewel at times.
“Ms. Oster. I'm fine. This is totally normal, it'd actually be weirder if I didn't go to school. Unless I'm like…dying, there's no reason for me to not deal with my daily burdens while on my period. I just need a painkiller and I'll be good for the day or at least until lunch.”
Ingrid looks from the corner of her eye, taking in Crewel’s upset face before the bicolor-haired man scoffs. He rolls his eyes and turns on his heel, red bottom lace up loafers clicking against the floor.
“I swear, you were born to a damned dystopia. No one should be leaving their home, let alone their bed when bleeding like this!” He threw open the doors of a medicine cabinet roughly, fully stocked with all sorts of pain relievers though most of them were formulated for headaches. Being a teacher was hard enough, being a teacher at Night Raven College was a gauntlet.
Yuu shrugged, managing to catch the potion Crewel had flung at them. They were sure if they hadn't the teacher would have used their ‘decreased hand-eye coordination’ as a reason they shouldn't be in school. Uncorking the bottle, they gulped it down. While the pain was easing, none of the other symptoms did. They still felt awful, bloated, and as the fizzy thick syrup settled in their stomach, nauseous. 
Hearing the small groan Yuu made, Crewel clicked his tongue, “Puppy, I'm serious. Go back to bed, you're not well.” His stern tone dipped into worry on his last word, expression changed from angry to concerned as he walked closer to them.
Yuu waves not only him but Ingrid off, breathing evenly to get their body back in check, “I'll be fine…period never stopped me before, no reason for it to stop me now…” they sighed, letting Ingrid press a hand to their forehead briefly.
“...” Ingrid hummed, pulling her hand away to instead pick and straighten Yuu's uniform, “They don't have a fever…and they did manage to walk all the way up here. She might be okay to stay, Crewel…”
“Ha!” Yuu smiled at Crewel, “Get outvoted, bitch.”
“You wanna stay for classes!? Fine!?” Crewel slapped his crop in his hand out of frustration, growling under his breath before waving the crop as he walked, “Well then hurry up, puppy. Follow me to class. You're lucky it's a joint class day. Homeroom and potions will just be lectures.”
Even though Grim groaned in their arms, complaining about how boring just sitting was going to be, Yuu was pleased, “Perfect. I don't have the beans to actually measure shit out right now.”
“Amazing. It sounds like you shouldn't have come to classes.”
Ingrid chuckles, waving the two away as they leave the room, still nipping comments at each other in annoyance. Once she was sure they were gone, she whipped out her phone. Typing furiously into the teachers' chat room. If Yuu was going to be on campus, she needed to make sure Hui-Yan kept a certain someone in Diasomnia for as long as possible.
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Yuu and Crewel walked into the room, the teacher lightly shoving Yuu toward their seat, “Sit. And if I see blood on the chair when you leave, I'm dragging you back to Ramshackle.”
Their response was to quickly flip Crewel off, rushing over to their seat when the teacher raised his crop in a threatening manner. Sitting down, they nod their head in a greeting to their friends before placing Grim on the tabletop, “Sup?”
Ace and Deuce were staring wide-eyed, each leaning on the table in an effort to get a clear view of them. The duo looked at each other, then both looked across the room to Jack and Epel. Jack carrying a pinched expression, the look of guilt just barely coming across as Epel ogled aghast. The purple-haired boy gestured as subtly as he could, not wanting to call attention to himself as Crewel started to write on the board.
Deuce cleared his throat, hesitantly nudging his arm against Yuu's, “Yuu…do you really wanna be here right now? With everything going on?”
“Do you wanna die, Deuce?”
“...” The spade card soldier shared a fearful glance with Ace before answering, “No…?”
“Yeah, but you're gonna do it one day anyway. That's how I'm doing right now, so don't talk to me.”
Ace winches, tilting his head in confusion, “ If you don't feel well why didn't you just stay home?”
“Ace, I don't…wanna speak. I don't feel good. Just leave me alone and we can all get through today with our bones.”
The Heartslabyul duo clearly wanted to say something else, hoping to wear down their friend into going home. But the resting bitch face was stronger than normal, and neither wanted to test if Yuu was willing to actually attack them during class. So instead they sat quietly, taking their time to send messages with the other first years across the room.
Throughout the class, Yuu's glare only got worse. A headache almost forming from just how strained their facial muscles were. Crewel snapping his crop more than normal wasn't helping either. The professor kept dead stopping in his lecture to demand the attention of the class. Yuu didn't hear anything that would normally call his ire. Sparing a glance around the room, they noticed a few beastmen quickly look away from their eyes.
Yuu managed to make eye contact with one, the canine beastman jumping up from his seat, seeming to ready himself to vault over the table.
“SIT DOWN!” The crop hit Crewel’s desk so hard Yuu was afraid that the poor wand would just snap in half at some point.
The yell was enough to send the beastman crashing back into his seat. The Ignihyde student blushing furiously as he tried to curl away from the view of his classmates.
The class settled into an uncomfortable silence, Crewel grumbling before he turned back around to aggressively write on the chalkboard, the chalk squeaking harshly with each swipe.
Yuu sighs, gathering an already snoozing Grim into their arms and using him as a mock pillow. Laying their head down, they closed their eyes and welcomed the half nap that quickly took them over.
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If coming to classes was a ‘bad idea’, going PE was a horrible, shitty idea. Yuu had only gotten into their uniform by the grace of the Seven and however many other icons decided to help. The fact they'd need to change again after class only made their stomach churn.
By the time they walked out to the field, they were the last one to line up. Jack sends them a glance but straightens up as their teachers call for their attention.
Vargas boomed out a laugh, “Now that you’re all here, let’s get those muscles primed and trained! Let’s do some quick stretches then you’ll pick which training to do today. Either endurance training with me or strength training with Professor Dubhghall.”
Iomhar Dubhghall was a tall, quiet man. From afar he looked like an average person, but standing closer, you saw just how large the man was, broad-shouldered and long-limbed. While he did teach physical education like Vargas, he spent most of his time focusing on a sparring-centered class that was only open to the 3rd-years. Yuu had met him only a handful of times, delivering staff handouts in Crowley's place was the only real way their paths crossed. He rarely spoke but Yuu had the impression he was pleased enough with her. He had once called her back during a delivery to teach her a few moves on a practice dummy before sending her on her way.
Yuu didn’t mind the other gym teacher, she kind of preferred his quiet judgment over Vargas’ bombastic demands to ‘build muscle’. Overall, a more balanced teacher.
Sadly, neither PE activity was high on their list to do. They groaned and grumbled through the stretches, Jack muttering back to them that the stretches were almost over, to hold on for just a bit longer. Touching their toes made their stomach roll, having to swallow down what they feared really was vomit. Once the warm-ups were done, Yuu groaned, sitting down on the ground as the other students quickly divided themselves among the activities.
Epel tried to walk closer, a nervous expression on his face before he was called back from one side of the field. Someone obviously taunting him about not being brave enough to spar. The Pomefiore first-year growled, looking at Jack before the two of them nodded, Epel running after the student who mocked him. Instead of picking an activity, Jack stood vigilant beside their seated form, eyes scanning the crowd. Every now and again, he’d growl or increase his glare in a direction.
Ace and Deuce ran around the track, Grim hot on their ankles as they would look over every time they passed her. The Heartslabyul duo checking on her in their own way.
Vargas looks from the side, opening his mouth to call Yuu over, only to stop at a firm hand resting on his shoulder. Iomhar didn’t turn to face Vargas’ confused glance, only shaking his head. Vargas huffed, folding his arms but not calling out to Yuu, “I don’t see why she should be allowed to sit out…If she had the energy to come to class, she’s got the energy to build her muscle.”
Iomhar shook his head again, “Just because she had the will to get to the mountain doesn’t mean she has the might to climb it. Not today at least…”
“What does today have anything to do with it?”
“...” The other teacher looked at Vargas with an exasperated look, “Do you not check your phone?” 
Yuu sat silently, hands gripping and ripping into the grass in a method to distract themselves. Luckily, Jack kept his strange guard around her. The Savanaclaw student every now and again rushing around to grab and offer Yuu a cold water bottle that she would only accept half the time. Mid swallow, a familiar Heartslabyul student walked closer, ears pinned back as Jack growled at the cat beastmen.
“Jack…Calm down.” Yuu titled their head at the Heartslabyul beastman, questioning glare just a bit fiercer than necessary, “What do you want?”
“...” The cat beastman suddenly got nervous, shuffling his feet and looking down before breathing out, “We made you something…Come see?”
“...I guess?” Yuu groans, standing to their feet and sighing, “What’s this thing?”
The student perks up, gesturing behind him to the bleachers, “It’s under there! Me and some others worked hard on it so it’d be extra comfortable for you.” A beat of silence passes before the beastman steps closer, “Do you need me to carry you?”
Fuck no? That was what Yuu was going to say. Instead, they had to force down a gag as they felt themselves being scooped up and jostled into large firm arms. Once the nausea faded they realized they were in Jack’s arms. Their Savanaclaw friend glaring daggers at the shorter student.
“I’ll carry them. Just lead the way…” Jack looks at their bewildered face, ears pinning back in embarrassment, “Sorry…Should've asked…”
“You shouldn’t have in the first place.”
Jack hummed in what had better be agreement, following the jittery Heartslabyul student behind the bleachers. When they arrived, Yuu still wasn’t sure what they were supposed to be looking at. On the ground, protected from the dirt by a tarp, was a pile of fabrics. It looked like a mess of school uniforms all piled together and formed to give it a side so that someone could lay lounge style. Looking longer. Yuu noticed a few pieces of clothing that belonged to her friends. Epel’s ruffled dress shirt, Ace’s tie with a playing card tucked into the back folds, and what seemed to be Deuce’s track hoodie.
Silence passed, until Yuu spoke up, “What the fuck am I looking at?”
The group all deflates, turning to start whispering to each other. ‘They don’t like it.’ ‘I told you we should have put food nearby!’. ‘We didn’t get enough of their friends' stuff…’
“No, don’t ignore me, tell me what the fuck I’m looking at!”
Jack huffed but didn’t demand an answer either. Readjusting them in his arms before turning away with a mutter of, “Pitiful…” Exiting the bleachers as the group of beastmen start to mobilize again.
“I’ll go grab snacks!” “You! Go grab some blankets and pillows from your dorm!”
“How did I not think of it!? Pomefiore is a haven of proper materials!”
Yuu scowled, upset from still being unanswered, “Jack. What in the green eyes of the thorn fairy was that bullshit?”
Jack glanced away, ears pinning back as a conflicted expression crossed his face, “...” He opened his mouth.
“Jack. If you tell me something along the lines of, ‘I smell like a lady’ again…something…will happen to both of us…”
And his mouth snapped shut, the clinking of his teeth being the only noise he made. Reaching back to their plot of free space, Jack moves to place Yuu back on the ground.
“Alright…” Jack stood up straight, keeping Yuu in his arms. Eyes scanning the surrounding area for various “dangers”.
From the side, Vargas looked up from his phone and groaned, “Iomhar, look at this! They’re not even sitting anymore! Howl’s carrying them around. I’ve had plenty of muscle cramps in my life, this can’t be as bad as everyone is claiming it is.”
Iomhar again shook his head, “Yuu’s already primed to fight anyone they please. It’s even more so now and I don’t believe any fondness they hold will keep them from actually trying to hurt someone…So if they attack you, I’m not pulling them off of your neck.”
“Phhht. I doubt they’d be able to reach my gloriously robust neck. Don’t tell me you’re afraid of fighting Little Ramshackle?”
“I don’t fight children, Vargas. I at most spar with them, and at least, train them.”
“Oh, and I assume flipping the Schoenheit boy three times in one match was sparring.”
“It was. It was in the ring and everything.”
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Yuu glared at her friends, Grim held firmly in her arms, “Literally…All of you?”
Epel smiled, a bead of sweat just barely rolling down his temple as he tried to steady a clearly distressed Sebek who was clawing at the hallway wall in a bent-over position, “Sorry…Sebek’s really not feeling well. Ace, Deuce, and Jack are helping me since Diasomnia gives me the creeps. We’ll try to be back by lunch! To keep you company!”
Yuu shook her head, walking past the group of nervous boys, “Don’t worry about it. Take little bitch boy Sebek back to Diasomnia. I’ll…take notes or something I don’t know…”
Deuce spoke up, nervously rubbing the back of his head, “Do you…wanna come with us-”
“NO!” Sebek jumps up from his huddled position, the panic clear in his expression as though Deuce just suggested they all go line up to punch Malleus in the face. He realized his outburst, turning to Yuu with a fearful expression, “Uh…I mean…Please don’t come to Diasomnia.”
“...” Yuu blinked before shaking her head and walking into Trien’s room. Whatever was going on today with everyone was something she did not have the bones nor spoons to try to figure out.
The potion had started to fade, already feeling the tightening pressure doing nothing to help their rolling empty stomach. Their mood had also not gotten any better. For the rest of gym class, the same beastmen students had continuously called Jack to carry them back behind the bleachers and show off increasingly elaborate piles of fabric. They still refused to just tell them what the fuck the mess was supposed to be, only growing more determined to ‘get it right’. But when they had failed by the end of the class, they had actually apologized to them profusely and wished them luck before rushing off to their own classes.
So, by Night Raven boy standards, very fucking weird.
Yuu should have asked at least one of her friends to stay behind in class with them. One of them to act as a buffer against the wide-eyed stares of various first and second-year students who possibly hadn’t seen them yet today. She clicks her tongue, looking around the room and breathing a sigh of relief seeing Ruggie. The hyena beastman had a half-eaten donut shoved in his mouth, slowly chewing to make it disappear, and rifling through his beaten-up bag. And just her luck the seat next to him was empty.
They sat, letting Grim crawl out of their arms and getting comfortable, as much as they could with the cramps slowly returning and the feeling of a moist hand towel against their pussy, “Hey Ruggie.”
“Hey-Hold the fuck on…” Ruggie whips around, looking at them as though they were back from the dead. The hyena leaned closer to them, sniffling deeply before pulling back so hard he almost tipped out of his seat, “By the seven, are you okay!?”
Grim gave Yuu a nervous glance, waving a paw as he tried to warn Ruggie to calm down his concern, “Uh…Hey listen-”
“Ruggie, do you wanna be okay?”
“...” The Savanaclaw sophomore actually looked down, seeming to weigh his options before he looked up and nodded, “Yeah?”
“Okay, then I’m gonna need something from you.”
“Sure! What ya need? You want some water? I think I got a bottle left, hell just take the one I had too. You must be hungry, you’ve probably been working hard all day. Let me see if I got anything in here to eat-”
“Ruggie.” Once Yuu was certain they had his attention, they motioned him to lean closer again. He did, though he looked mildly reluctant to do so. Once he was close enough, Yuu gripped him by the collar and pulled him even closer to whisper, “I want you to shut the fuck up. Just…Just shut the fuck up for the whole class. Can you do that for me?”
“Less intensity.”
“Yeah, I can do that…Do you want the water though?”
“...” Yuu sighed. Maybe water would help their growing nausea, “Fine. And a sucker if you got it.”
Ruggie turned and searched through his bag, quickly pulling out a fresh water bottle and a handful of brightly colored suckers to dump on the table, “Here you go. Made them myself. The yellow ones are lemon; you like lemon right-”
“Sorry.” The hyena raised his hands, scooting away as much as he could without pressing against the other student beside him.
The joint history class was passing by. That being the best way Yuu could describe it. Trein’s dry voice, while being the dullest kind of ASMR, was a calming effect to Yuu's thoughts. While it was history here, Yuu couldn't help but hear the lecture as a very detailed fairytale being read aloud in a fancy library. She could feel herself finally relaxing, stomach being only slightly appeased by the sweet-flavored lemon suckers.
If she had bothered to look around, Yuu would have noticed how the beastmen around her were finally calming too. The clearly distressed mood from the Ramshackle prefect doing more damage than she thought it would have.
But the peace was broken, just as Yuu crunched down on their second sucker, the cracking being more audible than they were expecting. But seeing how Trein didn't stop speaking or even turn to them, they grabbed another sucker and started to open it-
“Sensei? Is Ramshackle supposed to be eating?”
It was like time had frozen. Trein’s writing had stopped abruptly, the chalk in hand snapping off in his tightened grip. Every beastman nearly stopped breathing, turning to glare at the Scarabia student who had spoken up.
Ruggie turned to Yuu, opening his mouth to tell them to not mind the student, they could keep eating their sucker. Only to jump back as Yuu stood up, slamming their hands on the table.
Trein felt his face pinch, watching Yuu gather up the half-empty water bottle and numerous unopened suckers. He sighed as Yuu walked toward the small wastebasket by the door, “Yuu, you don’t need to-”
“No, it’s fine!” Yuu shrugged in an almost frantic motion, slamming the water bottle into the wastebasket hard enough the poor plastic bowl had nearly tipped over, “It’s fine. I just can’t fucking have anything!” They had moved onto the suckers, whipping each one into the basket with enough force that everyone was able to hear the candy being broken on impact, “It’s fine, it’s fine, it’s fine, it’s fine!” At the end, they simply threw all of the suckers into the trash.
The room remained silent, waiting in bated breath as Yuu stomped back to their seat, ignoring the concerned looks from Grim and Ruggie. Without saying anything, Ruggie slipped his hand into Yuu’s, holding it firmly as a form of silent support. They looked over, expression clear that they were not pleased, but didn’t pull their hand away.
Trein looked over his class. The beastmen not close to Yuu were spending their energy glaring at the student who had spoken up, those closer were trying to subtly pass items to Bucchi. Hidden juice packs, different candies, savory snacks. All things that were forbidden in his classroom besides a Pomefiore beastmen trying to hand over his gallon-sized personalized water bottle. He sighed. If he had the time to properly speak, he would have told the student to pay attention to the lesson and not his classmates sitting silently, minding their own business.
Sighing, he turned back to the board, grabbing a fresh piece of chalk, “Now…as I was saying…”
The lesson continued on, the air clearly tense as Yuu started to tap on their table in an increasingly aggressive manner.
 Trein turns to the class, “Can anyone tell me what was the tactic used in the battle against invaders of the East Kingdom?” Seeing no one raising their hand, he unfortunately fell back on muscle memory. Yuu had shown great promise in his class, excitedly asking questions about historical events and even reading text for the second or third-year classes on their own time. So it didn't occur to him that calling on them in their current state was not the right move to make, “Yuu? Would you care to enlighten the class?”
“...” Yuu stood from their seat, leaving behind a confused Grim and Ruggie, and walked out of the room. The door slamming hard behind them and rattling the surrounding frames.
Trein sighed, turning back to the chalkboard and continued writing, “Does anyone have the answer?”
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The botanical gardens were always pleasant. Perfect temperature no matter the season, full of fresh smelling air. Even when the magical dome had its annual rainshower, Yuu wasn't above gathering their friends and sitting under a tree to chat in the sprinkle. Which is probably why the gardens were the first place their legs took them.
Just where he normally was, Leona laid down with his arms folded under his head in a relaxed pose. The third-year napping peacefully in his patch of overgrown grass. She sat beside Leona, moving to stretch her back as she did during gym.
Leona’s eyes snap open after a few beats of silence. He sat up on his elbows, looking at Yuu with wide eyes, “...” He tilted his head, eyes flickering to their lower body, “Are you okay?”
Yuu sat up, winding back their fist and punched Leona directly in the chest.
“AUH! You little-” Leona had pulled his hand back, fully prepared to backhand Yuu in retaliation before he paused. Taking in Yuu's face, he noted how pathetic they looked even though they were glaring at him. He groaned and clenched his hand tightly. Having to remember his key reasons for not just striking back the non-magical student at every sucker punch Yuu managed to land on him. ‘They were younger than him’. ‘They didn’t have magic’. ‘They knew better than to just hit him, so they clearly want him to do something’. He breathed in, putting his hand back down and raising an eyebrow at the angry scowl on Yuu’s face, “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“What’s wrong with me? What the fuck is wrong with everyone else!?” Yuu waved their arms around, as though Leona could see the examples all around them, “This whole fucking day, everyone’s been acting so weird! Jack was basically a fucking bodyguard for me during gym! Hell, Ruggie was almost trying to hand-feed me during history!”
Leona mumbled under his breath, realizing just how late in the day it had become, “Fuck, I overslept…”
“Plus, like, I think every beastman is acting like I’m about to explode if they don’t treat me like the most delicate little flower.” Yuu turned to Leona, confusion easily bleeding into their scowl, “Like, what the fuck is going on today!?”
“...” Leona points to between Yuu’s legs, nose wrinkling as he sniffles the air softly “What’s happening down there?”
“I’m on my period…”
“Yeah, because I clearly know what the hell that is, Feral.”
Yuu groans out, the force of it almost making them slump over before they snap back up, “I’m bleeding out my pussy. Don’t freak out, it’s normal for me,”
Leona brought his fingers to his temple, sighing, “Yeah, that’ll do it…”
“Do what!?”
“Send everyone into a fucking panic. You smell like you’re in active labor…” Leona suddenly looked at them from the corner of his eyes, “You aren’t, right? If that lizard actually knocked you up while you’re still in school-”
“I’m not pregnant! This is literally happening because I’m not pregnant!”
Leona leaned away, doing his best to not roll his eyes, “Okay. By the seven…I'm just saying if he did, you can sue him over that.”
“Leona, I'm not suing my boyfriend just because you've got some kinda one-sided blood feud with him.”
“One; it's not one-sided. Two; it's sound legal advice. You two had a binding agreement and if he broke it you have right to-”
“Words can not express how much I want you to shut the fuck up…”
Leaning back, Leona scoffed. Arms going back to their folded position as he reclined on the grass, eyes closing, “Fine. Get fucked over for all I care…” After a beat of silence, he sighs out, cracking an eye to look at Yuu, “What happened? You're supposed to be in history. You're a little goody for Trein normally.”
“...” Yuu sighs, taking the standing silent invitation and laying down beside Leona, hands folded over the growingly tense muscles of their pelvis, “It's just been…a lot today. I can normally handle my period just fine but…” 
The following silence quickly sombered their conversation. Leona gave Yuu his full attention, raising an eyebrow as a silent gesture for Yuu to continue. His concern almost showing on his face when they don’t respond to him, “Yuu-”
Leona’s ears press against his head at the yell echoing in the garden. He grumbles under his breath and sits up again, sniffing in the direction of the yell before calling out, “Stop making so much noise. We’re over here.”
Ruggie comes rushing around the corner, Grim just barely hanging onto him from his shoulder. In his arms were blankets and multiple kinds of snacks and drinks, “There you are! Are you ok? Ya hungry? I got some cold juice on the way over here. Leona, how's it looking? Are the contractions far apart still?”
… Yuu rolls over to fully press their face into the ground, frustrated screaming slowly growing in volume as they banged their fists against the grass. Ruggie had attempted to rush over, dropping the bundle in his arms only to be stopped by Leona’s outstretched hand.
“Calm down, she’s not pregnant. Just being a little bitch.”
“Wait, what?”
The screaming had died down, Ruggie and Leona speaking in quick mumbles to each other. Grim slipped off of Ruggie’s shoulder, cautiously nudging at Yuu’s prone arm.
“Hold on…this is normal?”
Leona shrugs, running a hand through his hair as he sighed, “I’m guessing from how pissed they’re being about people worrying over them…” His green eyes looked over Ruggie, noting his empty arms before he scowled, “And where’s my lunch?”
Ruggie rolls his eyes, clicking his tongue and picking at the collar of his too-big button-up, “Well, forgive me for being more worried about the potentially pregnant person about to pop out a baby to get you a damn sandwich…”
“That’s not an excuse to not do your job-”
Grim whined, pushing against Yuu’s arm even harder than before, “Yuuuuuu! Come on, henchman, I'm hungry! Don’t you wanna go get lunch-”
“NO!” Yuu snaps up, their yelling sending Grim rolling away from them and scrambling to hide behind an equally stunned Leona and Ruggie, “No! I wanna take a shit and die. Just fucking pass away from the mortal coil!”
“It shouldn’t be this fucking hard!” Yuu pulled themselves up from the ground, kneeling as they look at their hands, trying to find the answers to their boiling-over questions and concerns, “It’s normal! It’s fucking basic as fuck for me normally! Periods shouldn’t be this hard, things shouldn’t be this hard!”
Ruggie and Leona share a look with each other, the second-year trying to step closer, “Hey, bud, it’s okay-”
“IT’S NOT RUGGIE, AND THAT’S THE PROBLEM!” Yuu was almost shaking from the force of their welling emotions, “Everyone is acting like something’s wrong! And that has never happened to me past just ‘Oh fuck, your period started? You need a tampon?’ And that’s it! Like, I knew things were different here, obviously. But I don’t think about it, you know? But now I am because everyone is acting weird when it’s just my period, it's not a big deal! But it is a big deal here! A lot of shit is a big deal here. And I'm thinking about where I came from a lot now and holy shit, I'm never gonna see those people or places again. And I'm okay with that! But, oh my fucking God, I am craving comforts and shit that I'm never going to have again. And I'm spiraling thinking about the few things I do regret and how I'm never gonna be able to fix them, I won't even get to try! Does anyone even know I'm gone? Did anyone care? I'm in a place where I don't actually exist, bleeding out my pussy with basically no support, and I'm realizing I have never felt more alone.”
The only sound was Yuu’s harsh breathing, the magicless human trying to take deep breaths to calm her rolling stomach and fight against the tears threatening to spill. The three males all shared a look, having a silent conversation with a series of eyebrow raises and glares. In the end Leona sighed, leaning over to place a hand on Yuu’s shoulder.
“Oi…Feral…You okay?”
“...Yeah…” Yuu’s face pinches up, a single sound of struggle slipping out as she shook her head, “No…” Turning, she dry heaved into the grass.
“Oh, by the Seven…” Leona moved, reaching over and pulling Yuu’s hair back in time for them to let out a wet-sounding retch that finally brought up a bit of watery bile. He held their hair, silently directing Ruggie to wrap up the food items in one of the many blankets. He only looked back to Yuu once the vomiting had stopped, helping them to sit up, “Feel better now?”
Yuu looked at Leona, tears clear in their eyes and quickly losing the fight to not cry. They shake their head again, tilting it down as they whimper, “I wanna go home…”
“Alright…” Leona slips his arms around Yuu’s body, easily scooping the smaller into his hold and cradling them close, “You shoulda stayed home in the first place…”
“Shut up…”
Leona looks to Ruggie, using one of his hands to grip the makeshift bag of treats, “Watch the weasel, I'm taking them home.” He made his way out of the garden, calling over his shoulder, “And you better have my lunch by the time I’m back!”
Ruggie sighed, sharing a look with Grim before he gave a disgusted look to the puddle of vomit on the ground, “I should find a hose or something to clean this up…smells awful-”
“Uh…Ruggie?” Once Grim was sure he had the hyena’s attention he pointed a paw to the top of the greenhouse dome, noting the fast-rolling dark clouds, sparks of green lightning seen inside them, “Should we be worried about that…?”
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“Cozy?” Leona pulled away, making sure Yuu was completely covered by the blanket. The prefect was curled up on the couch, sniffling and getting themselves fully comfortable before nodding their head, “Good.” Leona pulled a basket closer, the snacks Ruggie had gathered filling it almost to the top as he offered a juice box to them.
Yuu took the box, the tops of their arms leaving the warmth of the blankets to open the drink. Sipping once from the tiny straw, before speaking, “Thank you…”
“Yeah, yeah. You owe me for this. Coming to school when you were basically sick and then throwing a tantrum like that…you know better, Feral.” but looking at Yuu's pitiful face, he felt his own frown soften. Kneeling down, he pets at Yuu's head, subtly checking for a fever, “...Are you gonna be alright alone?” he asked it so softly Yuu almost missed it.
They smile, sniffling and wiping at their eyes, “Yeah…I think I just need a good cry…if it gets bad, I'll call someone. Promise.”
He nods his head, standing up and walking to the doorway of the lounge, “On or off?” At Yuu's soft call of ‘off’, he flipped the light switch. With the room in darkness, Leona gave one last grunt of goodbye, walking away as he heard Yuu's silent crying turn to choked-back sobs.
Outside of Ramshackle, he noted the shift in weather. The clouds he had noticed on the walk in had completely taken over the sky, still rolling like the bubbles of an overheating potion. And as he stepped onto the path leading away from the building, he saw a growing spark of green lightning. The lights crackling and seeming to follow the path of something, or rather someone walking in the direction to Ramshackle.
Leona sighs, shoving his hands in his pockets and walking forward. Seems like he'd have to be the one to talk to Malleus…
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ms--lobotomy · 4 months
5th fic in 4 (?) days? I'm so normal. I'm so normal. I'm so normal. Aaah [Previous] [Next]
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Summary: Your first day of work after you start feeling a funny way about the funny merman.
Word Count: 1257
Content Warnings: car dependent infrastructure, Typhus existing again, cliffhanger
Image Credit: @squishyowl
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Your fingers drummed on the steering wheel as your playlist looped back around to that song. You couldn't close your eyes, not now, but your heart beat faster in your chest as you remembered how he held you, the beat of his hearts against your face. It's just fascination, you told yourself. You haven't even known each other for a week.
You pulled into the employees' parking lot before you found a spot, cut Dave Grohl off mid-word, and got out of the car.
"Sorry, Dave," you mumbled as you locked it.
You speedwalked towards the door, going through all the familiar motions of clocking in. You looked at the time. Two minutes late. You sighed as you checked in with the baby turtle. It was a green sea turtle, but the babies were more black or dark brown than anything. You bent down to look at it. The tank was very small, but the little one didn't seem to mind it. After a few moments of swimming, it settled on the bottom. The corners of your lips quirked up before you heard footsteps behind you.
You turned around. It was Typhus.
"Hey," he said casually. "Oh, you found the Nurgling?"
"The what?"
Typhus chuckled. He came in close to you, and you backed away slightly. "I call him the Nurgling," he said, looking down at the tiny sea turtle. "I don't know if it's going to be his name, it's a bit of an in-joke I have with someone. Haven't given him a nametag yet, either. First thing I'm going to do today. How's the merman?"
"Oh," you said, slightly taken aback before remembering that he was there too. "He's doing... better than expected. I showed him some of my music, and he seemed to like it. I hope, at least?"
"Alright, okay," said Typhus, nodding slightly. "Didn't know that one of the first things you'd do when you found a merman was to show him dad rock. But to each their own."
"Why, what would you do?"
"I'd show him Slipknot, personally," he shrugged.
You let out a slight laugh, turning to walk away before he continued.
"I think someone should check up on him," he said. He was much taller than average, reaching almost 7 feet standing. "Don't you think?" He moved a little closer to you, and you backed away, but you were getting precariously close to the wall. Shit.
"I mean, I would like to get to know Stella better," you mumbled. You tried to walk away, but he shifted in front of you.
"Aren't they so busy, though?" he asked, turning up his nose a little bit. "I don't have anything going tonight, and I'd hate to get in the way of anyone's activities. Besides," he said, "all of us found the merman. It's all of our duty to look after him, right?" His leg was almost between yours, and you shrunk back even further.
"Excuse me, what the actual fuck are you doing?" asked the girl with the brown ponytail.
"Maya, it's not what it looks like--" said Typhus, backing away.
Maya was around 5 feet tall at most, but she looked at Typhus with nothing less than fury in her hazel eyes. "Back off, Typhus. Now." Her hands were clenched into fists, with only the chipped nail polish on her thumb showing, but her tone was more akin to scolding a disobedient dog.
Typhus looked at her, then at you before backing away slowly. "Guess we should get back to work," he muttered before turning tail and heading towards one of the animals in need of rehabilitation.
"I'll say," said Maya, glaring at him before she turned back to you. "I know you don't want to hear this, but you're going to have to stand up for yourself one of these days," she said, in a tone low enough that Typhus couldn't hear. "I know we're coworkers, but I care about you. And I hate to see this... asshole get in your face when you clearly don't want it."
You paused, shuffling your feet before steeling yourself. "I'll do my best," you mumbled.
"You said that last time," said Maya, raising an eyebrow.
"Alright," you sighed. "Alright, I'll try for real this time."
"Thank you," she replied, moving off to her next post. You stood there for a moment, hands over your stomach. You grabbed your index and middle finger with your dominant hand before heading off to your post and starting the workday for real.
The workday ended in due time, slow and steady. Most of it was spent in the breakroom when not checking in on the animals and feeding them. Typhus was gone from the picture for much of it, gods know where. You said your goodbyes to the group before getting back into your car, and your playlist was back where you'd left it. You sighed, putting your head on the steering wheel.
Alright, you reasoned with yourself, you need to go home. You have a merman to attend to.
The song finished, and you showed up at your house soon enough. You didn't even enter through your front door, instead beelining to the back. Mortarion looked up at you, his tail swishing in the water, before he swam to the side of the pool.
"How was... work?" he asked. "Do pardon me, I am still learning your species' nomenclature."
"Work is the right word," you said, kneeling next to him. "I do hope you didn't get too lonely, Mortarion.."
"I endure," he said, looking up at you. You took off your socks and shoes and left them by the side of the pool before you looked down at your pants.
"Is something wrong with your pants?" Mortarion asked.
"I..." you started. "So, humans wear pants underneath their pants. Most of the time, at least? And it's a bit uncouth in our culture to show them. Uh..." you started, blushing. "Man. I'm too tired to go upstairs and change. Is it okay if I show you the... garments under my pants?"
"I don't see anything wrong with it," Mortarion shrugged before you tugged off your pants. You took your phone and keys out of your pocket, and put them on the glass table by your pool before dipping your legs into the pool again. Mortarion looked away, before he looked back up at your face.
"You're beautiful," he said, before tensing up. You heard a car pull into your driveway, and you tensed up too.
"I'm not expecting anyone," you said, getting up quickly. "Please. Hide?" you asked.
"You don't exactly had a huge pool," he grumbled, submerging himself.
You entered through the back door, and looked out front. The car was... familiar, though you couldn't put your finger on where it was from. Hurriedly, you looked for something to put around your waist before you found a blanket on your couch and draped it over you as quick as you could. And then you saw the person coming out of the car.
It was Typhus.
Part of you was relieved that it wasn't a fed or anything, but it was Typhus. You rushed back towards Mortarion, towards your backyard, as he made his way through the gate. He shut the wooden thing with a quiet thud, as his eyes darted to you. You shifted the blanket over your legs, glad that it was covering quite a bit.
"I..." you started, your fists balling up. You looked to your feet. "I didn't invite you here."
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Taglist: @bispecsual@justeverythingnothingelse@bleedingichorhearts @nekotaetae@historitor-bookshelf
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kiskisur · 1 year
So umm, actual request. Gorou, ayato and Childe cuddling headcanons, comfort after a long day at work.. if possible.
And thanks for dealing with my shenanigans
warnings: nothing but fluff, gorou, ayato and childe x m!reader (seperate) stressed out reader, childe still can't believe you're his boyfriend ehe
edited note: It's 12 am I wanted to finish this ikr very cute 💯💯💯 (I tend to write when I'm sleepy it makes me sound professional and makes it obvious I'm desperate for sleep)
another note: I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO HESDCANONS (I don't know how 5o do anything)
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he looked at the overwhelmed guy, sighing as he shook his head and approached, tapping their shoulder.
feel like he's the type to protest and act stubborn whenever you don't listen-
like, he does not care what the excuse is if he says rest, rest.
he's the type to inhale your scent when cuddling with you.
when you listen to him you receive a big smile (rare ‼️‼️)
"dearest, come rest up. you look exhausted from work." his voice dripped with affection and love as he frowned at your protests.
"I need to finish this before-"
you sigh in defeat, knowing he wanted everything to go his way before nodding and got up from your desk.
his piercing eyes disappeared, being replaced with a large smile as he guided you towards the bed and lied you down.
he sat on the edge of the bed, glancing back at you as he removed his gloves and placed it next to the small desk next to the bed, laying next to you.
he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you extremely closer before hiding his face on the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent.
"I love you.." he muffled, still refusing to let you go as you both drifted off to sleep.
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his ear twitched, sensing your presence as he immediately turned around to face your exhausted figure.
I feel like he's a househusband idc so cutie
hug = expect a tighter hug
feel like he'd SOMETIMES wrap his tail around your leg, IDK he just feels like it 🤷‍♂️
he'd shower your face with kisses if you're stressed, give you the love you deserve ‼️
"(name)!!" the dog- I mean guy exclaimed, his tail swaying left to right as he spread his arms to hug you.
"I'm home, darlingg." you spoke tirelessly, approaching him and hugged him tightly, refusing to let go.
he blinkes a couple of times, surprised at your sudden clinging as he let out a soft laugh and gave back the hug, tightening it.
"come on, let's get you rested up okay? you're exhausted." you try to shrug it off only to be denied and carried up to your bedroom, picking out some clothes for you.
"here!" gorou smiled, cupping your cheeks and kissed your forehead with his tail wagging uncontrollably.
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you wake up to the feeling of being straddled somewhere, blinking a couple of times and looked at the first thing in front of you.
if you fall asleep while working he'd totally lift you up and straddle you in his lap.
the type to shush you if you try to protest too. 🤭
I feel like he'd still be in denial he even became your boyfriend
I mean, a harbinger? with this cutie patootie guy? Impossible for celestia's sake-
he's the playful one, would definitely annoy you more than once despite you being stressed ‼️
"rest up, you've been working 24/7 and I want attention.." childe spoke, wrapping your arms around his neck as he pulled you closer and hugged you by the waist.
he nuzzled your head, humming as he continued to cuddle you, ignoring your protests.
"no, rest." that's the only thing he said, whining like a kid everytime you try to move, his hug tightening around you.
"noo! come on, you already stressed yourself enough!" he glared up at you, pouting as he refused to let you go, laying you down as he tackled you.
you let out a laugh as he continued to tickle you, hovering you as he looked down with loving in his eyes.
you were gorgeous, he could stare all day without getting tired before snapping out of his thoughts when you lightly tapped his cheek to bring him back to reality.
"I can't believe you're my boyfriend.." the ginger mumbled, sighing happily before hugging you from behind and buried his face on your back, still refusing to believe you were his lover.
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felice-jaganshi · 6 months
His Fallen Apple
Lucifer X Reader
Chapter 7
This was it. The day you'd been waiting for. All seven Sins would be gathered in one place… everything needed to be perfect!
They had managed to convince Lucifer to join them on a trip to the beach in Levi's ring! They made a point of all hanging out together once every hundred years. But for the last 2 trips, Lucifer had bailed out, claiming he was too busy with Lilith and Charlie. This time, you had managed where the other's failed. By using the forbidden Puppy Dog eyes technique! And pointing out he hadn't shown you the beaches in hell yet, and you missed the ones in heaven.
He was desperate to please you, so of course you'd win this one! Bee helped you get a cute new swimsuit, something that would show off your best features, without being too revealing. As she felt too much would fry Lucifer's brain too soon.
“You gotta take it slow with him, he's a bit old fashioned.” She had said. And you couldn't help but agree, it was definitely part of his charm too.
You wore your swimsuit under your clothes to make changing easier when you got there.
When Lucifer came out of his room to get you, it took all of your willpower not to laugh! He was so cute! He wore a bright blue button up covered in rubber duckies, with khaki shorts, and flip-flops. Along with a pair of yellow sunglasses and a straw hat.
“Alright! I'll open a portal for us since the others are already waiting, you ready?” He asked, and you nodded, not trusting that a laugh wouldn't slip out. “Alright, let's go then!” He grinned and the two of you were there in an instant! It was a beautiful sight, you had all gathered midday so you could have a Barbecue and watch the sunset. 
Fizz was the first to see you both and rushed over to snatch you up in a tight hug, “hey! How's my favorite sinner?!” You laugh and hug back.
“I'm doing good Fizzypop! How are you?”
He whispered in your ear, “Hey, Ozzie and I got a scheme for later, just go along with it okay?”
Now that had your attention! What were the boys scheming this time? You nod along and he lets go before dragging you over to see Bee and her boyfriend.
After a bit of socializing, everyone changed into their swimsuits, Luci's swim trunks being covered in apples was a surprise as you'd expected more ducks. But then he turned around and saw you and his wings popped out! 
“Wowza! I- wow, you look great!” He was looking you up and down for a minute before shaking his head and putting his wings away. “I mean, you always look great! Aha, or um, hey let's go for a swim!” He summoned a giant duck shaped float ring and ran for the water with it. 
Ozzie chuckled and made his way over to you, “You know, he's right. You do look amazing today. Maybe enough to finally catch his eye… Good choice, just enough to keep him wondering. And me too, if we're being honest.” He winked at you, and you squeaked in response. 
“Ozzie! You- you have Fizzle! Don't start with me!” Your face was bright red.
“Oh don't get it twisted dear.” He leaned closer to your ear, “I'm gonna try to make Luci jealous, okay? This is all part of the plan. I'd never hurt my fizzy baby. He's in on this, don't worry.” You look over and fizz smiles and waves from over by the grill. He and Tex were setting it up for dinner later.
You relax and sigh, waving back with a smile before joining Lucifer and Bee in the water. She was trying to sink his duck floatie. So, it was up to you to “save” him.
A while later, you all had hotdogs together and were surprised how many Bee could put down for her frame! She ate like 40 without any problems! But, hey, she was the sin of gluttony. And Mammon had challenged her to an eating contest, which he lost at 32.
After a nice meal, and a beautiful sunset, Fizz put some music on and everyone started dancing. Levi dragged Lucifer into a dance before either of you could ask each other.
Asmodeus then approached you, holding out a hand. You smile and accept, without so much as a glance at Lucifer. He pulled you in close and the music changed.
Lucifer was finally freed from Levi right as he noticed Ozzie beginning to sing to you, he looked over with a confused smile at first.
“I can't believe we're finally alone, what are the chances, everyone's dancing and he's not with you~. Mmh mmh mmh.” He shook his head disapprovingly at this line.
“The universe must have divined this,
What am I gonna do, Not grab your wrist?
I could be a better boyfriend than him~.
I could do the shit he never did,
Up all night I won't quit.
Thinking I'm gonna steal you from him,
I could be such a gentleman.” 
You caught a glimpse of Lucifer's face dropping and Ozzie spun you around, he looked shocked, maybe even hurt.
“I don't need to tell you twice, 
All the ways he can't suffice,
If I could give you some advice,
I would leave with me tonight.” 
Ozzie pulled you tight to his body, while Fizzarolli stood next to Lucifer putting on a show of being “heartbroken and lonely” now that Ozzie would have a new toy for the night.
“I never would have left you alone, for someone else to take you home.” Oz looked up at Lucifer with a smirk and wink, and that seemed to be the last straw!
He started marching over as Oz did one more run of the chorus, spinning you around and making you dizzy before suddenly you were pulled from his arms and your back was pressed to someone else's chest!
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Wrecker x Reader
Summary- Wrecker always goes to reader for help with his constant headaches. Based on S 1, Ep 5-7 when Wreckers inhibitor chip was giving him bad headaches!
A/N- Hello fellow readers!! This is my second piece in TBB fandom, so i'm still learning the characters. Thanks for bearing with me! XoXo
Word Count- 838
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Wrecker's groans filled the air. A hand clutching his head, eyes screwed shut, and head barred down.
Everyone was settling back on Ord Mantell after a successful bounty captured.
"You alright?" Hunter asked, before you could even turn to face Wrecker.
"Yeah, yeah." Wrecker peaked his head up, eyes trained on you. "Its just a headache..." Hunter wasn't convinced, but let it be.
Wrecker doesn't shift his gaze, giving you puppy-dog eyes.
With a smile on your face, you stand from your seat.
"C'mon Wrecker, it's getting late. Some sleep will help." This had become a common unfortunate for Wrecker. No one knew what was plaguing his head-splitting headaches, and Wrecker didn't want to drag the team down with them.
Wrecker grumbled but blindly followed you into one of Cid's unoccupied rooms.
He immediately threw himself onto the bed. You closed the door and ushered him back up so he could take the bulk of his armor off. He whined but did as he was told and sat up.
You reached him, gently resting your hands on either side of his face. Rubbing small circles with your thumbs. You stood between his legs, knees pressing on the side of the bed.
He leaned into your left palm, letting you hold his face. With eyes closed, he let out a sigh. His face was warm and heavy. For a second you thought you might have seen the stream of pain make its way to his temple. He flinched, but not at your touch.
"Bad one this time?" You babied him slightly, but who else was there to take care of him?
"They're all bad!" He exclaimed, arms going up and head rising sharply. He had a continuous headache for three days now, only having temporary relief with med patches.
You gave a small pout as he regretted his actions, pain striking him again. He signed deeply and you caressed his cheek with one hand, looking down at him.
"Okay, big guy. I get it, let's get you out of this." He mumbled a few words, likely about resisting, but he let you freely touch him.
You clipped off his arm plates first, then moved on to his chest-plate. Your hands lingered on his newly exposed body glove. He noticed, but didn't mention it.
The moment you slipped it off, his body slouched in exhaustion. You decided to play your cards.
"Poor baby... always protecting your team so well"
He looked up at you, nodding as he slowly got closer to you.
"And putting everyone before yourself."
He nodded again, lips slightly parted, hungry for your approval.
"What would we ever do without you?" You sold it with your last line, adding a sigh and a brush against his cheek.
He melted into you, arms wrapping around your waist, head falling to your breast. He squeezed you tight, letting out the day's stress.
"Die I guess."
With a laugh you let him do as he pleased, rubbing his back. The other hand brought up to rest on his neck.
After a few minutes of silence you pulled back. Between the long of the day hitting and your legs feeling numb, you were tired.
Wrecker gave a small whine when you did so, feet shuffling.
"What?" He asked.
"Nothing, just tired." You stepped away to pull back the covers of the bed. He sat still, watching you. His mind was hazy from his headache, it hurt to move.
He hummed, shifting when you came back to him. You stretched out your hands, taking his. With a slight pull he stood up, towering over you.
It was comical how large he was, yet he still bent at your every word. He grasped onto every sentence, every command you gave him. Sometimes he felt that his only purpose was to serve you, not the Empire or Republic. Nothing you could do would even tempt him to hurt you. Even though he could snap you in seconds.
His head lowered, ready to follow you into bed.
"Hold on." You quickly turned to switch the lights off. His hand never left yours.
You crawled into bed first, Wrecker impossibly close behind you. You turned with your arms open, he obeyed and settled between them.
His weight was heavy on you, even just him snuggled onto your left half. The pressure was nothing but comforting to you, though. His head rested on your chest, arms wrapped around your side.
You beckoned him closer with a hand to his head, the other resting on his bicep.
"Sleep, ill still be here in the morning."
"I know..." He seemed already half-asleep by his slurred words.
"Good night, big guy."
It only took a minute for Wrecker to fall asleep. You let out a contented sigh. You worried his pain would keep him awake, as it had in the past.
Even with him asleep, you gently rubbed his temples. You basked in the comfort you were able to give.
While his headache might still be there in the morning, you would be there too.
A/N- Thank you so much for reading!
Tags- (lmk if you want to be tagged as well!) @thethreeeyed-raven @knight-of-flowerss
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ofstarsandvibranium · 6 months
My Sweetheart: Part 7
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Summary: You purchase a vintage sweetheart bracelet from an antique store and with it, comes the spirit of the woman who owned it. Through her, you go on an interesting journey to find out what happened to her old lover.
Series Masterlist
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The next time you see Bucky is when he's scheduled to come in. Alongside him is Yelena and Kamala. Alpine happens to be hanging on your shoulder, so when Bucky walks in, Alpine jumps from your shoulder to the front counter.
Bucky chuckles and picks up the white kitten, "Hey, buddy," the kitten meows and nuzzles into Bucky's neck.
"He was being a little fussy earlier today. He pooped all over himself and we had to bathe him. He wasn't having any of it, but we got through it."
Bucky looks at the kitten, "You being a little stubborn, Al?"
"Think you're rubbing off on him," Yelena says with a smirk, patting the white kitten's head.
Bucky rolls his eyes, "Don't think I've rubbed off on him that much yet." He then turns to you and softly smiles, "So, what's on the agenda boss?"
You check your watch, "It's about lunch time so divide and conquer. Take out and feed half. The ones out and eating need their enclosures cleaned. I'll need some help sorting donations we just received."
"I'll help you," Yelena immediately spoke up, which caused Bucky and Kamala to look at her with raised brows. She shrugged, "What? I like being helpful."
"Well okay. Kamala, Bucky, you guys know where the food and cleaning supplies are, right?"
"We got it, Captain!" she salutes to you and nudges Bucky to follow.
You politely smile at him and point at the kitten on his shoulder, "I assume I can trust you with Alpine?"
He shoots you a grin, "Of course!" his smile fades and then he looks concerned. He rubs the back of his neck "but, uh, you good? I'm sorry but you look a little frazzled today."
You can't help but laugh a little at his statement and you rub your forehead, "Yeah. Today's already been a long day and I've been here for only three hours."
Bucky steps closer, "Anything I can do to help?"
You give him a soft smile and place a hand on his shoulder, "You being here helps." Realizing how it sounds you immediately retract your hand and clear your throat, "I-I mean, you guys, like, you, Kamala, and Yelena being here helps. Extra hands means more stuff gets done and what not."
He smirks at you, "Right. Got it, but, uh, if there's anything you need, you let me know? Or, uh, Yelena or Kamala. We're always here to help."
You nod and nudge him, "Thanks, Bucky. I appreciate it."
Yelena clears her throat and you two completely forgot she was still there. You and Bucky step away from each other and you turn to Yelena, "Uh, follow me to the back and we can start sorting everything."
The blonde nods and turns to Bucky as you start walking away, "Smooth, Barnes."
He rolls his eyes, "Shut it, Lena." He turns on his heel and goes to join Kamala in the cat room.
Yelena helps you sort out the donations of food, beds, towels, etc. in the storage room. There's a comfortable silence as you two work. There's occasional grunts and sighs as you lift things onto shelves. You two eventually pause for some water and that's when Yelena decides to ask you, "So I hear you're being haunted."
You snort, "Yeah, I guess you can say that." You sigh and place a bag of dog food onto a shelf. You sit on a bin and explain, "I bought a bracelet from an antique store and turns out, the spirit of Bucky's girlfriend from the forties is still attached to it. In order for her to pass on, I need to help her with her unfinished business. At first, I thought it was just for her to see Bucky one last time, but she switched things up on me," you say with a chuckle and you feel a flick to your ear. You pout, "Quit it, Dot."
Yelena's brows rise, "Do you see her or something?"
You shake your head, "She flicked my ear. And, uh, she kinda goes wherever I go as long as I wear the bracelet," you hold up the vintage jewelry.
Yelena nods, "That's beautiful. I can understand why you wanted to buy it."
"Yeah. Apparently Bucky purchased it and gave it to Dot before he left for the war. After Dot passed, I guess the bracelet got passed around and eventually ended up in the antique store I like going to."
"It's funny how big yet small the world can be. Who'd have thought that a bracelet can bring the Avengers into your life?" Yelena asks with a playful grin.
You laugh, "I for sure didn't expect meeting the Avengers or having a ghost companion when I bought it," you look at the bracelet on your wrist, "but, honestly, I don't regret it. It's made my life a little more interesting and it's brought more help to the shelter," you wink at the blonde Avenger and she snorts.
As Kamala is wiping down an enclosure, she speaks up, "Is it me or did Y/N look a little-"
"I know. I talked to her," Bucky says as he wipes down another one of the cat's enclosures.
Kamala stops to fully face him with a smile on her face, "You talked to her?"
He rolls his eyes at the young Avenger not stopping his task and wanting to face her, "It was a friendly gesture."
"What did you say?"
He shrugs, "Just that if she ever needs anything to just ask."
"Ask you?" Kamala asks with a wiggle of her eyebrows.
Again, he rolls his eyes, "Ask me, you, Yelena, any of us."
"Riiiight. Right. Got it." She doesn't say anything else after that and Bucky's relieved. He just wants to get his task done. He checks behind him to see if Alpine is still there. The white cat still eating on the floor along with the other few cats.
Two hours later it's around lunch time and you gather them all together in your office.
"So I ordered some pizza for us!"
"NICE!" Kamala cheers and immediately grabs a slice and moans in delight.
Bucky smiles in appreciation, "You didn't have to do this."
You shrug, "I was craving it and I'm sure the Avengers need to take a break and eat too right?"
You put out some foldable chairs out in your office and you settle in one. Bucky sits in the one near you and an invisible force pushes you closer to his side. You and everyone else in the room pause for a moment with wide eyes.
You're not sure what to say or do but then Bucky bursts out into a chuckle and everyone looks at him in surprise.
He shakes his head, "Dot's being mischievous still?"
"You have no idea," you say with a smirk before biting into your pizza.
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dronebiscuitbat · 2 months
Give me a Reason: Chapter 7 - "Banter"
In homeroom that morning, Uzi was bored as per usual, an earbud in one ear as Mr. Brown stood at the front of the class, looking over the 20 or so heads that made up the classroom. The bell would ring any minute and Uzi glanced at the still-empty seat next to her.
Where was he? It wasn't like she cared, really. But N didn't seem to be the kind of person who was late for school. That was more her thing. She took a glance at the clock; 7:59.
Like the thought of him summoned him, he came through the door looking like he'd run here, hair slightly disheveled and breaths coming out in quick pants. He just caught the bell, his body passing the threshold of the door just as the bell rang.
Mr. Brown looked up at him, being the only student still standing, Uzi saw his face turn a bit red at the attention. But that wasn't the only thing on his face.
A large adhesive bandage covered his cheek, just below his eye, the area around it slightly red. It didn't seem to be hurting him that much though, not when he gave her a thousand-watt smile and sat down next to her.
“Mr. Elliot, please be in your seat before the bell rings. There are teachers in this building who will not be so lenient.” Mr Brown scolded, making N immediately scrunch up into a ball and avert his eyes, a lot like a dog who knew what they did was wrong.
“S-sorry, Mr. Brown.” He mumbled, and the teacher only nodded his head breifly as he took attendance, Uzi's eyes were still trained on N, maybe for a little longer then nessisary. Because he noticed and turned to her.
He blinked before his eyes flickered to the bandage on his cheek, and he gave her a smile, though not as big and bright as the ones she'd come to expect from him.
“Oh! It's nothing, I fell on the steps in front of my house when I got home. Got too excited I guess.” He ended the statement with an amused huff, like he was embarrassed of himself, and Uzi turned back towards the front, though she could still see him.
“You uh… didn't break your face too bad?” In a roundabout way, she was asking if he was okay without asking if he was okay. The size of the bandage implied either something deep, or something large, and neither were good in her experience.
“Nah! I'm kinda used to hurting myself… I'm kinda clumsy.” He admitted, scratching the back of his head, before his eyes seemed to light up and in a single quick movement began to rummage around his backpack.
“Here! I forgot to give it back yesterday!” She backed up slightly as his hand was suddenly way closer then it had been a minute ago, before she realized he was giving her back her pencil from yesterday, she half expected it to be empty or broken if she ever got it back at all.
She handled it, noticing a slight difference in it's weight and screwing off the eraser to look inside.
“You refilled the lead?” She asked, almost incredulous.
“Oh yeah! I did do that… heh, you were almost out so I just refilled it. Take it as a thank you for letting me borrow it!” Then, another sunny smile, and this one rubbed off on her, a small smile invading her face without her permission.
“It's just a pencil.” She quipped, the knee jerk reaction being to just wave off his small act of kindness, but then she sighed and took a glance over at him, his smile had faded slightly. “But, thanks.”
Another smile, brought back by her gratitude. And she found herself amused by it, this boy was so easy to make smile.
The bell rang for them to go to their first class, and N looked almost a little dissapointed before he turned to her.
“Aw, dang… I'll see you at English!” He hopped up, and Uzi could see that he was about to leave his backpack… again. But this time instead of saying something, she grabbed it out from underneath his desk and smacked it gently into his chest.
“Don't forget this again.” She grinned at him, a smug smile on her face as he was taken a little bit by surprise, this time his face turned a little red as he grabbed it from her.
“Heh… maybe I need you in all my classes just so I don't forget it.” He suggested, making her face heat up as well, it wasn't really a compliment, but the soft way he said it almost felt like one.
“I'm not your keeper, if it happens again I'm letting you leave it.” She tried to bite at that weird, warm, stupid feeling prickling on the back of her neck and her ears, but instead all she sounded like was playful.
“I'm sure you will.” He laughed as he walked out, leaving her with a goofy smile thar somehow made the heat worse. She grumbled and shook her head.
Whatever, he wouldn't stick around for long anyway.
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m-jelly · 1 year
Tea for two - Chapter 7
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Pairing: Post-war Levi x Fem!Reader
Tags and warnings: Canon world, post-war, injured Levi, scarred Levi, romance, falling in love, fluff, angst, emotional pain, emotional Levi, mentions of pregnancy, engagements, marriage talk, baby talk, suggestive talk
In this chapter: Levi and you spend a blissful together at home. Months after Levi and you started being intimate winter has arrived and Levi starts acting towards the future. You and Levi have an emotional moment at home when you reveal a possibility to him.
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Part 8
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You hummed as you felt warmth against your naked body. You opened your eyes and saw the most beautiful thing you’d ever seen, Levi’s sleeping face. You reached over and gently caressed his cheek. Images of last night fluttered through your mind causing your heart to race. The two of you had ravaged each other last night for the first time. Levi was determined to get better during sex. He was an unstoppable love-filled beast and you adored it.
Levi opened his eyes and hummed as his body started aching. All night he was active with you which meant he would suffer today with his left leg, but it was all worth it. He looked over at you to see you were awake. A loving smile spread over his scarred lips as he took you in. His strong arms wrapped around you. Your body dragged against the bed as you were pulled closer to your man.
Soft playful giggles escaped you both. Kisses were exchanged, they were delicate and sweet at first but they soon turned heated. Bodies shifted a little and the two of you embraced each other that morning. Pleasure-filled moans and panting filled the room as you reminded each other how much you loved the other.
Exhaustion took over you both meaning you had to rest yet again. The hunger that was in you both for each other’s bodies was only satisfied for a moment before you needed each other again. However, you couldn’t spend all day in bed exploring each other because you had an adorable dog to take for a walk and Levi needed his medication for the day.
You sat up in bed and stretched your aching body covered in lovebites. A smile spread across your lips when you felt a hand run up your back and then loving lips. “Levi.”
He shifted a little. “Stay.” He kissed the crook of your neck. “Stay with me.”
“I’m just going to the kitchen. Bo needs to be let out. We all need breakfast and you need your meds. I shouldn’t be long.” You turned to face Levi. You reached over and rubbed his chest. “You should get in a nice warm bath for your leg.”
He tapped his forehead against your shoulder causing his hair to tickle your skin. “I know, but I don’t want you to leave. I feel like you’ll disappear as soon as I let you go.”
“I’m not going to leave you.” You kissed the side of his head and tried to send your love through to him. “I love you. I want to keep you.”
He lifted his head and smiled at your sweet words. “I like that. I love you and I want to stay with you.”
You gave Levi a reassuring kiss before slipping out of bed. “Do you want a bath?”
“If you join me.”
You hummed. “Last time I joined you it ended in lots of sex.”
He smiled. “I know. So, will you join me?”
You pressed the end of his nose. “No. You need to rest that leg of yours.”
He whined a little. “But…”
You got up and stumbled on weak legs. “Oh, wow, I certainly took a pounding.” You hummed a laugh. “Your legs have got to be bad if mine are like this.”
Levi looked down at his legs and hummed. “Possibly.”
You pulled on some clothes before going to the bathroom and starting Levi’s bath. The bathroom began to fill with relaxing scents from the nice mixtures. You returned to Levi to see he had pulled on some light clothes. It was clear by the way Levi was moving that his leg was suffering a little. So, you retrieved his wheelchair and moved it close to the bed.
With a heavy sigh, Levi shifted into his chair. “I think I did fuck up my leg.” He chuckled a little. “I have no regrets. I would like to do more.”
You pushed him to the bath. “You are on a ban, Mr. I don’t want to aggravate your leg.”  
“You could never.” He watched you closely as you busied yourself around the bathroom. “You love me and I love you.”
The two of you worked together to get Levi undressed and in the bath without upsetting his leg too much. You gave him a loving kiss and began washing his hair. With gentle movements, you massaged your fingers in Levi’s hair to spread the shampoo. You rinsed his hair with warm water after and gave him a loving kiss on his neck.
Levi sank a little in the bath and felt his aching joints relax. “Thank you.”
You squeezed his hand. “I’ll be right back, okay? I’m gonna go see Bo and make some breakfast.”
He placed a loving kiss on your hand. “Okay. I promise to relax and not get horny.”
You giggled. “Good boy.”
Bo was excited to see you when you entered the living room. You get him a little treat before releasing him into the garden. The air was cold when you went outside, which meant winter was on its way. Winter was a wonderful time, but you knew very well that it would hurt Levi’s leg. You were going to make sure that you took extra care of Levi during the winter.
You gave Bo a fuss when he returned to you. Bo’s adorable eyes watched you closely as you cooked breakfast for Levi and you. The table was set up nicely with some freshly cut flowers from the garden in a vase. Once everything was set up you went to the bedroom to see Levi was changed, in his chair and drying his hair.
Levi lowered his towel and smiled. “Hey, everything okay?”
“Yes. How are you feeling?”
“Better. The bath was a great idea.” He offered you his towel. “Could you dry my hair for me?”
You happily grabbed the towel and started rubbing his hair. “There we go.”
Levi rather enjoyed the comb running through his hair. “That feels nice.”
“It’s lovely, right?” You leaned around and kissed his cheek. “Let’s get your breakfast and meds.”
As you wheeled Levi into the living room he thought about his life and his situation. “I hope that one day I won’t need meds.”
You stopped him in front of the table and watched him fuss a happy Bo. “I’m sure it’ll happen. It’s been a year since you left the hospital, right?”
He nodded. “Yeah.”
“So, you’re still in the early days of healing from a massive injury.” You kissed him. “You’ll get there.”
“I will.”
You poured a cup of tea and placed Levi’s medication in front of him. “Eat up and enjoy.”
Levi popped his meds and felt a bit gross as he swallowed them. A shudder ran through him as the tablets went down. He enjoyed the food you’d made him and thought about what he could do for the day. The cold breeze outside called for his attention. Just by gazing outside, Levi could tell that this winter would be a harsh one. However, Levi knew he could take this winter in his stride because he had you and Bo.
His eyes flicked over to your soothing face. “Mm?”
You reached over and took his hand in yours. “You worried about winter?”
“I would have been if I was alone.” He raised your hand and kissed it. “I have you now, so everything is okay.”
“I’m glad.” A long sigh escaped you. It wasn’t intentional but it made you feel better, like a weight had been lifted. “I worry about you, Levi.”
“You don’t need to. I’m well. I showed you how well I am all night and this morning.” He eyed you. “I would like to show you more.”
You leaned closer and pressed your lips against Levi’s causing him to growl. “I told you, you need to rest.” You rose to your feet. “I need to clean up and you need to cool down.”
Levi leaned his head back. “This is hard. This is the first time I’ve ever had sex and yet I’m craving it so much, but before you, I never even thought about it.”
You massaged your fingers into his hair. “I understand.”
He whined a little as he thought about all the sex you’d had. “Was it good for you?”
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and placed delicate kisses on his cheek. “Yes. I was moaning over and over and asking for more.” You smiled against his ear making him shiver. “I loved every minute of it.” You pulled away from him and began the washing. “I am paying for it though. My hips ache.”
“Hips…” A strong blush consumed Levi’s cheeks at a twitch of arousal went through him. “Tch, damn it. I’m like a teen going through puberty and has just discovered tits and pussy.”
You laughed and handed over a nice ice-cold lemonade to Levi. “It’s cute.”
He looked you up and down. “Yours are fucking incredible.”
You purred a little. “Those are flirting words.” You slipped onto his lap and sat across it with your legs slung over the arm of his wheelchair. “I could just eat you up.”
“I would like that.”
A sweet giggle came from you as you wrapped your arms around his neck and leaned closer for a kiss. You sighed through your nose as your lips pressed against Levi’s. “I’m thinking today we have a lazy day.”
You nodded. “Cuddles under a blanket on the sofa.”
“I can do that.”
You slipped off Levi’s lap and jumped behind him. “Shall we put the radio on or would you prefer to read a book together?”
Levi gazed at you. “I adore your voice.”
You selected a book that you were a quarter of a way in with Levi. “Book it is.”
Bo jumped up on the sofa and stole your space.
Levi chuckled and gazed at you. “Looks like your seat is my lap.”
“I’m too heavy.”
He patted his lap. “You’re not. Now, sit.”
You released a long sigh before placing a blanket on Levi’s lap and sitting on him. “Okay, let’s start reading.”
Levi wrapped his arms around you and smiled. “Ready.”
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You walked up behind Levi in his shop and wrapped your arms around him. “Hi.”
Levi blushed at your touch. “Hello, love.” He turned in your arms and gazed at you. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
He held your hips and thought about how two months ago you took his virginity, since then he’d been unable to keep his hands to himself. He gazed at your stomach and thought for a moment before snapping his gaze up to your face. He tilted his head and kissed you. A gentle sigh escaped him as he forgot all about possibly customers seeing the two of you.
You cupped Levi’s face as a smile graced your kissable lips. “What’s on your mind?”
Love. Love was the only thing on his mind and in his heart. “You.”
His lips found yours for a sweet moment before he pulled away. “I have to go out and shop. I’ll be right back. Can you man the shop while I’m out?” He realised his request was silly. “What am I saying? You’ll do incredible. It’s why I hired you.” The thick coat dragged against his white shirt as he pulled it on. Bo trotted to his side expecting to go with. “Stay here Bo. You have to protect your mother.”
“Bo! Come here, baby.” Bo wagged his trail and hurried over to you. “Good boy.” You gazed at Levi as he fixed his coat. “Grumpy? You need your scarf, hat and gloves.”
“It’s not that cold.”
You hastily made your way over to Levi and began wrapping him up. “You need to stay warm. I think it’ll snow today. Plus, there is a lot of frost about.” You presented his cane to him. “Go slow.”
With a jaw tightly clenched, Levi resisted saying something. It was clear to him you meant well by your words, but for so long he had been okay alone. Having someone care for you after years of being alone was odd. Making the switch from being independent to letting someone do things for you was a hard thing to do. Ensuring his heart was filled to the brim with love was the key thing in this situation. Being dressed up by you was an act of love, you were showing your love for him.
His gloved hands wrapped around your own. “Thank you for taking care of me as much as you do.”
“I’m sorry if it bothers you.”
Reading Levi was a difficult task for most people. Thoughts and feelings were tightly locked up even though he was a rather emotional person. It was odd at first that you read him like an open book. However, he rather liked the fact that he didn’t need to explain himself or hide anything. You understood him more than anyone has ever done before.
He leaned closer to you. “I love you.”
Your cheeks heated up. “Wh-where did that come from?”
“You don’t need to be sorry, okay? I have done so much by myself for so long that I admit it is odd to accept help.” He pulled you against him as he smiled at you fitting against him like a glove. “I love it. I love that you understand me. I love that you can read me so well. I love that you take care of me. I love that you are always thinking of me. I just love you.”
“I love you too.”
Soft loving lips pressed together as you shared an intimate moment. Little whines escaped you both when you reluctantly parted from each other. With a loving kiss on the cheek, Levi made his way out of the shop and across the frost-bitten ground to the local shops. Your loving and concerned woods echoed throughout his head. Carefully, he walked across the street to the shop he needed.
The bell lightly jingled alerting the owner to a customer. Wooden floors screaked underfoot as Levi made his way over to the glass counter with the prize he desired underneath. Stones glistened under the soft glow of the room light. There was a mix of gold and silver holding gems tightly. All were presented as if they were pleading to be picked.
A delicate green sparkle caught his eye. Green meant a lot to Levi so seeing it on a ring in a gentle light colour against silver was perfect. Imagining it on your finger was easy for him. It was an easy choice for him, marrying you. Before you, he had never thought about marriage before, but now he wanted it more than ever.  
“Something catch your eye?” The seller leaned down a little and caught Levi’s eye. He flinched a moment at seeing the two different coloured eyes Levi had, along with the scars. It clicked in his head that the man before him was the famous Captain. “Captain Levi, right?”
Levi nodded in response. “Yes.”
“You own that tea shop, correct?”
“I do.”
The owner smiled. “You have that pretty lady working for you.” He clicked his fingers in thought and said your name. “Right?”
The owner gasped when the realisation hit him. “You’re dating and you’re here for a ring?”
“Correct.” A dull thud echoed when Levi tapped his leather-gloved-covered finger against the glass. “This one.”
“Oh, that’s a lovely light green stone.” He opened the little compartment and retrieved the ring. He placed it on a cloth and smiled. “Pretty, right? Do you know her ring size?”
Levi started your size and carefully picked up the ring. “This is perfect for her.”
“It’s like its fate. That ring is in her size.”
Levi smiled softly as he played with it. “I would like to buy it. Could I get it in a nice box?”
“Of course!”
Levi gripped his cane as he reluctantly handed over the ring. Visions of running off with the ring and giving it to you flooded his head, but he knew he had to wait. The ring box was sweet and pretty, he was happy to present you with it. Levi handed over the money for the ring and took the box from the shop owner.
The owner bowed to Levi. “Thank you for shopping with us. Have a pleasant day.”
Levi waved to the owner, slipped outside and released a long sigh. Before you, he wasn’t too keen on winter but as he stood outside in the crisp cold air and watched his breath curl and dance before his eyes, he loved it. The concept of the future made it all the more exciting as well. Winter with a house full of children seemed like an exciting concept to Levi. He couldn’t wait to play with a little one in the snow.
The silver tip of his cane tapped on the stone floor as he travelled through the street to his next destination. Though it was winter, the flowers inside the shop were plentiful. It seemed like the owner grew some flowers in a nice cosy greenhouse. Levi could see a few flowers he wanted in a nice bouquet.
The door creaked when he pushed the door open. The gentle smell of flowers filled the air and was a delight to the senses. His gloved hand wrapped around the flowers he wanted. He carefully laid them down on the varnished countertop and smiled a little at the owner to reassure her. The scars on Levi’s face did make people worry and be cautious, so he’d learned to smile to calm them.
She grinned at Levi seeing how charming and handsome he was. “This it?”
She carefully wrapped up the flowers and made sure they were arranged nicely. “Here you go, sir.”
Levi handed the money over and carefully took the flowers. “Thank you.”
She gazed at the flowers and saw Levi was a little nervous with pink cheeks. “Popping the question?”
“I am.”
She nodded as a smile grazed her lips. “Wonderful. How are you going to do it?”
He looked at the flowers. “Just ask?”
She stared at him for a while. “So…no romantic dinner…or…walk?”
He whined a little. “No…”
Levi gripped his flowers. “I know her and what she likes. I don’t need advice from someone I don’t know.”
She defensively put her hands up. “Understood. Forgive me.”
“I didn’t mean to snap.” He gulped hard. “I am hoping it’ll snow because she does like it.”
“Good luck.”
He gently bowed his head before leaving the shop into the cold. He released a long sigh and thought about the woman’s questioning. He hummed in thought and proceeded to make his way back to his shop. His heart skipped a beat when he saw you talking to a cute little girl as you handed over a hot chocolate with cute toppings.
You flicked your gaze to Levi and grinned. “Welcome back.”
“Thank you.”
You hurried over to him. “Need help?”
“I uh…yes.” He handed you the bouquet. “For you.”
You felt your cheeks burn as you took the flowers. “Thank you.” You kissed Levi’s cheek. “They’re perfect.”
Levi smiled softly. “You ready to go home? It’s closing time.”
“I’ll see to the last customer and lock up.”
You bowed. “I will put everything away.”
It didn’t take you both long to clear up the shop and get it ready for closing. With winter here, the shop was rather popular because you provided something that kept people going through their day. A splash of warmth on a cold day was enough to keep people moving. Plus, the shop was always nice and warm because Levi was always checking the fireplace and the heating system to make sure you, his precious lover, stayed healthy and happy.
Levi watched you closely as you approached your winter things. “Allow me, my love.” He leaned his cane against the wall and began wrapping you up warm. “I have to make sure you’re warm.”
“Thank you. You take great care of me.”
A cute blush graced Levi’s cheeks. “I try.”
Levi’s heart raced when you gazed at him with adorable pleading eyes and slightly pursed lips. He leaned close and captured your lips in a loving kiss. “Mm. Hold my hand as we walk home.”
With hands tightly entwined you both walked through the cold streets with Bo leading the way. Levi’s heart was beating fast as he ran through the next moments in his head. Marrying you and having a family with you was a dream come true. So, the moment he asked you to marry him had to be perfection. He was thinking of possibly a meal and cooking it nicely and setting up candles and a table too.
He was dragged out of his thoughts and looked over at you to see you to see you had released your hold on him. Snow fluttered down around you as you stood before him in the middle of the road with your hand out and pure delight on your face. Maybe it was the snow, maybe it was your smile or maybe it was something else but before he knew it he was down on one knee before you.
You turned and looked down to see Levi was down on one knee. “Levi?”
He placed his cane on the floor before retrieving the ring box from his inside pocket. The lid of the box creaked a little when he opened it to reveal the delicate green stone on the silver ring. He stated your full name. “Will you marry me?”
Tears filled your eyes as your heart was filled with love and joy. You nodded a lot. “Yes. Yes, Levi. I will!” You grabbed his hands and pulled him to his feet. “Sorry, I just need to hug and kiss you!”
Levi laughed when you jumped into his arms. “I love you.”
You crashed your lips against Levi’s. “I love you too.” You pulled back and eyed the ring. “It’s so pretty.”
Levi took your hand and slipped the ring on. “It fits you perfectly.”
“It does.” Your eyes sparkled in delight. “I can’t believe it. I’ve been thinking and dreaming of this moment for so long. I’m so in love with you, Levi.” You gasped and leaned down so you could grab his cane. You stood up and handed it to Levi. “Here.”
“Thank you.”
You nibbled your lip a little. “So, about getting home.”
You gripped the lapels of his coat. “How about you make love to your fiancée?”
Levi’s cheeks burned. “I uh.” A pulse of arousal went through him. “I would like that.”
You tilted your head and kissed him. “I can’t wait.”
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The snow was coming down heavily outside, so the shop was closed and most people in the town were locked up in their homes. The whole morning you’d both been in bed wrapped up in each other’s bodies. Levi was suffering a little for going so passionately and hard, but it was worth it. You were worth it. Your body was incredible and he loved exploring every inch of you and getting to explore the body of the woman he was going to spend his life with.
You glanced over at Levi to see he was staring at you. “Something up?”
He huffed and looked away from you. A faint pout on his lips. “Nothing.”
You got off the sofa making Bo whine and made your way over to your fiancé. “What’s the matter?”
You placed your hands on the arms of his chair and loomed over him. “Levi Ackerman. Talk to your fiancée.”
He whined a little before looking up at you. His heart raced as soon as he locked eyes with you. “You weren’t paying attention to me.”
You hummed a laugh. “You want to snuggle on the sofa together?”
He nodded shyly. “Please.”
“Okay, I’ll get Bo down in his bed.” You walked over to your pup and guided him to his comfy bed. You put a blanket over him and smiled. “Sleep tight, my pup.”
Levi limped over to the sofa and plopped himself down with a huff. “Love?”
You hummed a laugh. “I’ll be there in a bit, grumpy. I’ll get us some tea first.”
He huffed. “Okay.”
“You’re extra grumpy today.”
“I’m not.”
You walked over with a tray of tea and snacks. “I’m surprised.”
You placed the tray down and smirked at Levi. “After such a fun morning together, I would have expected you to be on cloud nine.”
Levi ran his hand up the back of your leg to your bum. He firmly squeezed your behind. “You were incredible.”
You sat down and smiled at him. “You’re making me out to be this sex goddess.”
“Because you are.”
You leaned over and kissed him. “You’re cute.” You handed him his tea. “Drink up.”
Levi chugged some of his tea and then placed it down. “Okay, now cuddle time.”
You opened your arms. “Come here then.”
Levi grabbed your wrist. “No. I’ll cuddle you.”
“Oh, this is different.”
He yanked you against him and wrapped his arms tightly around you. He pushed his slender fingers into your hair and began massaging. “I do love being held by you, but this? This is incredible.” He closed his eyes for a moment. “I could be like this with you for the rest of my life.”
You closed your eyes as well as you listened to the beating of his heart. You lovingly rubbed his abs with your hand. You wrapped your arms around him and squeezed tightly. “I love you.”
Levi smiled softly. “I love you too. I love you so much.” He kissed the top of your head. “When are your parents arriving again?”
“Two weeks. Hopefully, the snow lets up a bit for them.”
Levi smiled a little. “I can’t wait. We’ll be planning our wedding with them.”
You raised your head from Levi. “Have you told the scouts about us getting married?”
Levi groaned a bit. “Not yet. I want them at the wedding, but I don’t want the madness that comes with some of them.”
You tenderly rubbed Levi’s cheek. “Invite them. The noise and playfulness will be fun.” You took Levi’s hand and placed it on your stomach. “It’ll be noisy when we have little ones.”
Levi blushed. “It will be.”
You hummed a laugh. “You do want them, right?”
He nodded. “I do, but I will admit there is a bit of a fear inside me.”
“I have that too. Will it all go well? Will I be a good mother? Will they love me?”
“Darling, they will adore you.” He leaned closer and kissed you. “We’ll do it together when the time comes.”
You nibbled your lip. “Maybe sooner rather than later.”
Levi stared at you. “What…what do you mean?”
You pressed your lips together. “I’m two months late. I thought missing last month was just…a blip. I was due two weeks ago and I’ve missed it.”
Levi gulped hard. “You…uh…”
You pulled back from Levi. “You’re upset.” You touched your stomach. “I umm…”
Levi placed his hands on his thighs. “You…you really are?”
“I’m sure of it. We’ve never used protection. In the many months, we’ve been a couple.”
He rubbed the back of his neck. “I know.”
You stood up. “I’m gonna take Bo for a walk.”
Levi clenched his fist. “It’s a blizzard out there.”
“I just…” You welled up. “I need to go.”
Levi reached over and grabbed your hand. “Don’t go. We need to talk about this.”
You pulled your hand from him. “What’s there to talk about? You’re clearly uncomfortable about me being pregnant.”
“I’m not. I’m in shock.” He stood up and softly said your name. “Please, don’t go out there in the fucking blizzard. Let us talk about it.”
You started sobbing. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to cry so much but my emotions are all over the place.”
Levi pulled you close. “I want this baby, I do. I just didn’t think it would happen so soon.”
You sniffed. “You really want them?”
He nodded and smiled at you. “I do. I want kids so badly and this is incredible that we’re having a baby. I’m fucking terrified, that’s true, but we can do it together.”
You nodded. “Mm.”
He released a long sigh. “I’m sorry for how I reacted. I was just…you caught me off guard.” He frowned. “That’s a terrible excuse.”
You rubbed your tears away. “No, no. It makes perfect sense.” You sniffed a little. “It is life-changing and you have experienced nothing but loss in your life. I bet you’re worried you won’t be a good dad, or I will die or the baby will.” You smiled a little. “Or maybe you will and I’ll be left alone.”
Levi nodded as he fought his tears. “Yes. You understand me so well.”
You wiped his tears away. “How about we start this moment over.”
He smiled and nodded. “Please.”
You cupped Levi’s face and smiled. “Levi, I think I’m pregnant.”
Levi hugged you tightly. “I can’t wait to meet them.” He pulled back a bit. “I’m going to work even harder on my physio so I can run around with our kids.” He kissed you and hummed. “We’ll have to start thinking of baby names right away. I would like something rather sweet, possibly a flower name?”
You rubbed Levi’s chest. “Kuchel would be nice.”
Levi stared at you and then the tears started flowing. “Mm…yes…”
You hugged him tightly. “I think it’s perfect.”
Levi smiled. “A baby, huh? That’s incredible.” He sat on the sofa and pulled you close so he could reach your stomach. “You’re going to be loved so much. I will work hard to be stronger so I can run around with you and play all kinds of games.” He kissed your stomach and sighed. “I’m looking forward to meeting you, just don’t hurt your mummy too much when you do arrive.”
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hoonspookie · 10 months
Layla's Dog Sitter jake x reader
AAAAA this is a (very) late birthday post for our dearest ikeu!! + sweet venom is sooo goood! also this is a bit rushed m'sorry 😖😣
neighbor! jake x dog sitter! reader , fluff , rushed , female reader
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You were Layla's dog sitter, your neighbor, Jake, who works as a professor at a nearby college, unlike you, who worked from home as a freelancer, mainly in video editing and tutoring in english.
And due to your less hectic schedule, You're able to take care of your hot neighbor's dog! Which is why you're in front of his front door, pressing on the doorbell next to his door.
"Hey Yn!" Jake opens the door, he was wearing a white button up shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and tucked into black slacks, black glasses sitting on his face.
"Hi Jake! I'm here for Layla" You respond, a soft smile on your face. "Ah yes, Layla! Come in, I already have Layla's dog bag prepared so you're all set" He says, making way for you to come in.
You nod, walking in, taking off your shoes near the dog before exceeding further, you could see Layla by her food bowl, happily eating her breakfast.
"You got here quite early Ynnie!" Jake snickers, it was only 5 in the morning and Jake leaves at 7. "Well.. I wanted to get to know Layla's owner better! I don't get to talk to you much!" You say softly, fiddling with your fingers as you felt a bit nervous.
"That's so sweet of you, Yn" He responds. "Let's go to the kitchen and get you some coffee" He added, leading you towards his lovely kitchen.
As Jake poured you your coffee, he decided to start the conversation. "Hm, so, what did you want to know?" He asked, letting you think for a bit. "What are you teaching? I didn't really think you'd be a professor" You giggle, but you were genuinely curious.
"I teach Physics, dear" He smiles at you, handing you the coffee mug. "Oh? I didn't expect that.." You hum, blowing softly on the hot drink.
He lets out a laugh he's so fine , "Why? What'd you think I teach?" He looks at you, a brow raised as he gently scratches Layla's head, veins showing on his fair skin.
"Expected English" You say honestly. "Well.. that was one of my choices but I liked Physics better" Jake says, explaining the reason why he chose to be a physics professor.
"Well, what about you? why do you have so much time on your hands, hm?" He suddenly asked, making you smile. "I'm a freelancer" You answer.
He takes a few seconds to respond, too focused on his adorable dog, Layla, she was a smart girl, very fluffy too.
"Ah, I see, that makes sense.." He says, standing up and stepping closer to you. "Well, Layla's going to the groomers today for a bath, and maybe you could take her on a walk and..."
"I hope to speak to you more often like this" He smiled.
☆ ∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠° *⁠. 。 ∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠° *⁠. 。 ∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠° *⁠. 。 ∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠° *⁠. 。
And indeed did you both start talking often, It was now a Saturday, you were getting ready to dog sit Layla.
You weren't sure why since he doesn't really have you come in during the weekends but you didn't mind if it meant seeing him more often.
Putting on your favorite perfume, a pair of denim shorts and a basic v-neck top, checking on your hair before locking your door and making your way to Jake's house.
"Hey Jake, I'm here for Layla" You smile softly at him. "Hey Yn, actually.. uhm, that was just an excuse, I actually just wanted to spend some time with you.." He says, a sheepish smile forming on his face, making your cheeks turn red.
"You could've just said so!" You giggle.
☆ ∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠° *⁠. 。 ∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠° *⁠. 。 ∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠° *⁠. 。 ∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠° *⁠. 。
And now, every Saturday, when both of you are free, you guys would hang out, either going out or staying at his house.. But you can't help but think that your crush on your lil neighbor was being reciprocated.. or maybe you were just delulu!
You and Jake took Layla on a walk to the park, you were eating ice cream that Jake had paid for whilst he ran around with Layla, laughing loudly, he was so cute. After a while, he came forward to you, standing there with his hands behind his back.
"Hm?" You looked up at him in confusion, he pointed towards your handkerchief before quickly putting his hands behind his back and giving you a big smug grin as he leaned forward.
You roll your eyes playfully, giggling slightly as you pat his face dry with the soft cloth.
He would always link your arms together whenever you both took Layla on a Saturday walk, he enjoys your company, sometimes subconsciously moving his hand down to intertwine his fingers with yours whilst he'd rant about his students that would disrespect him or stare at him too much, huffing in frustration as he ran his free hand through his luscious locks.
He was the one who mostly initiates hanging out, sometimes calling them 'friendly dates', but there was something different about this one.. you both were having some coffee outside of a Starbucks with Layla eating from her portable food bowl next to you.
You though, had a waffle that had whipped cream and chocolate syrup, you seemed to not have noticed the small mess on the corner of your lips when Jake suddenly reached out with his hand, cupping your jaw with his thumb rubbing the mess off.
He was driving you crazy, like if he wanted to go on a date, he could've just said so like 🤭, he was so sweet.. like honestly.. he was giving you mixed signals and it was pissing you off!
☆ ∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠° *⁠. 。 ∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠° *⁠. 。 ∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠° *⁠. 。 ∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠° *⁠. 。
You were now getting dressed up all pretty, putting on a cute black dress, Jake was taking you out today to a nice restaurant.. and whoo.. this better be a confession or else you'd be the one to confess.
After a few minutes, you heard your doorbell ring, immediately running down and putting on your velvet, four inch block heels and opening the door.
"Hey Jake!" You smile softly at him as he takes your hand, "Hey love, you ready?" He asks, you simply give him a nod. The nicknames.. it was taking a toll on you! these are not neighbor nor friends behavior!!!
Once you both got to the restaurant and ordered, he cleared his throat.
"Hey.. uhm, Ynnie, you know.. I'm really thankful for you taking care of Layla and it's clear she's grown attached to you, soo please, take this as a thank you" He says with a soft smile.
You smiled softly at him, the gears on your head now no longer working, ack!! "Thanks, jake!" you say, so that it wouldn't be so awkward.
Once your dishes and wine got to the table, and a few minutes into eating.. he suddenly spoke. "And Yn.. I like you, the past few months of us hanging out has made me grow feelings for you.. and I'm glad that Layla's attached to you... at least I'm not the only one.."
Jake speaks, a shy smile on his face with his cheeks so red. He looked adorable, giggling nervously to himself.
"I like you too, Jake!"
note: HELPP this was so rushed, sorry about that!! and Layla was rarely or barely mentioned TT but i hoped you guys enjoyed it either way hehsbaksn
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 10 months
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After getting back together, Janelle finds out thats she’s pregnant. Follow along with Josh and Janelle as they deal with the highs and lows of her pregnancy.
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
Janelle is played by Justine Skye
Sequel to All I Need Is You: Read Here
Catch up on all other parts here
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Janelle stood in the baby’s room hanging up all of the clothes they just had got him. All of the court stuff with Ximena had taken up so much of their time, they didn’t get a chance to have a baby shower. She was due next week and she just wanted to stay home and get the nursery ready for her son. 
She looked over at Josh as he came in the room and plopped down on the recliner with a huff. 
“You okay?” She asked and he nodded. 
“Yeah, just tired. Got the car seat in the car so we good on that.” She giggled at the lazy thumbs up he gave her. 
“Have you talked to Xavi yet?” 
“Yeah, he doesn’t want to see her. And I don't blame him.” 
“I’m not gonna force him Janelle. He might only be four but he’s very emotionally intelligent.” Janelle threw her head back with a laugh. 
“So you just gon take my words and throw them back at me.” Janelle sighed and placed the last onesie on the hanger before turning to Josh. “He is very emotionally intelligent but, you and I both know Ximena is not gonna give up unless she spends time with Xavi. And with this baby coming I don’t want or need anymore added stress.”  She sighed when he didn’t say anything. 
“Josh -” 
“We can’t keep calling him ‘the baby’. We need a name.”  Janelle sighed and crossed her arms over her chest, staring at him. “Nelle. Please.” When she didn’t stop staring he groaned. “I’m not forcing him Janelle. She scared the shit outta him by taking him and he doesn’t want to see her.” 
“Okay. I’m sorry.” She said walking over and sitting on his lap. “I just want things to go back to the way they were. You know, before she came back into the picture.” Josh sighed and nodded, placing his hand on her bump, smiling when his son started kicking where his hand was. 
“I want things to go back to normal too, but let's just not worry about her right now. Okay? We aint doing nothing wrong by not letting her see him.” She nodded and he placed a kiss on her lips. “Yeet-” 
“No. Do not” Josh let out a loud laugh at the scowl on her face. “ I hate that shit.” 
“Well get used to it. Cause imma do everything that I can to make that be his first word.” 
“Please,” She laughed. “I already gotta listen to you, Xavi, Jon and sometimes Trin say that stupid ass word. Ion want my baby saying that.” 
“Too late, ain't that right baby boy?” He said to her stomach. “You love when daddy says yeet!” Janelle rolled her eyes as the baby started to kick harder. 
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Two days later Janelle was in the middle of making dinner when there was a knock at the door, followed by the doorbell ringing. She sighed and turned the burner on low before waddling over to the foyer. She groaned as she saw Ximena through the glass part of the front door. 
Rolling her eyes she walked over and opened the door. “Can I help you?” Ximena smirked and looked Janelle up and down, her eyes lingering on Janelle’s belly. “Hello..” Janelle snapped her fingers and Ximena scoffed, rolling her eyes. 
“I’m not a dog, don't snap at me.” She flipped her hair over her shoulder. “I’m here to see Xavi.” Janelle tilted her head to the side and frowned. 
“Um, I wasn’t aware. Xavier had decided to see you.” Ximena rolled her eyes again. 
“You can’t expect a four year old to know what he wants. I’m his mother and I know what he wants and needs.” 
“You can’t be serious. I’ve been more of a mother to him. The only thing you did was push him out.” Ximena stepped closer to Janelle glaring at her. 
“If you weren’t pregnant I would’ve kicked you ass.” Janelle laughed again causing Ximena to shove her a little. Janelle’s dad, who had just come down the steps, witnessed this and rushed over to the two of them, pushing Janelle behind him. 
“Aye! You need to leave. What the hell is wrong with you?” Ximena ignored him, keeping her eyes on Janelle. 
“I’m going to see my son one way or another. ” She blew them a kiss. “See you soon.” 
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“That bitch is fucking crazy!” Josh grunted over the phone. “Weird ass knew I wouldn’t be there.” 
“I just wish she would go away.” She sighed as she reclined on the bed, her feet propped up on some pillows. 
“Me too bae. Imma call the lawyer tomorrow, see what we can do. I already told her Xavi doesn’t want to see her.” 
“It’s basically harassment at this point.” She paused as she settled deeper onto the bed.  “How is Xavi? He okay at your moms?’ Josh nodded even though Janelle couldn’t see him. 
“Yeah, he wants to come home though. My mom is making him go to bed early.” Janelle laughed. 
“I want him home. I had to watch Minions  by myself tonight.”  Josh laughed. 
“Childish ass.” 
“You love me though.” 
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Sorry its so short... not my best work, but the baby comes in the next chapter ❤️
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Chapter 16
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 / Chapter 8 / Chapter 9 / Chapter 10 / Chapter 11 / Chapter 12 / Chapter 13 / Chapter 14 / Chapter 15
Eddie didn’t usually get nervous about meeting people. Even the few times he met parents, he didn’t really expect them to be a forever thing, so it didn’t really matter to him if he made a good impression.
But this was Steve. This was the person he was spending forever with. And despite his clearly complicated relationship with his parents, his mom seemed to mean something to him.
Steve explained their entire conversation on the way to his apartment, his old apartment, the one he hopefully wouldn’t move back into.
If it were up to Eddie, this temporary move to his house would be permanent, but he didn’t want to push. He knew Robin and Steve were close, and that Robin looking for a new roommate may take some time, that Steve wouldn’t want to just leave her with such little notice and no one to cover his half of the rent.
The closer they got to the apartment, the more nervous Eddie became.
Steve looked over at him when they stopped at a red light, brows furrowed in concern.
“What’s wrong, baby?”
“Nothing, my love,” he brushed it off, kept his face forward so he wouldn’t fall for the puppy dog eyes Steve gave him to get what he wanted.
“You know, my mom isn’t that bad. I don’t get along with her all the time, but she is definitely the lesser of two evils when it comes to my parents.”
“Mhm. Just wanna make sure you’re okay with everything.”
Steve was quiet for a moment, the soft tones of a song he didn’t recognize playing on the radio.
“You know it’s okay to be worried about yourself, Eds. I’m feeling…well, not great, but kind of positive about this? I know it could turn into nothing, but my mom is kind of relentless when she’s set on something and it doesn’t sound like she’s gonna give up until I have my job back.”
Steve’s hand settled on Eddie’s knee, providing him a comfort he didn’t realize he needed.
Eddie often found comfort in putting others’ needs first, that’s what made him a good dom, a good friend, a good person. But even he needed to take a break from that sometimes. He knew it, he just didn’t actually do it.
“I’m mostly worried about you, but I am a little worried about meeting your mom. There, is that better?” Eddie asked with a small smile.
“Yes. She always comes off scarier than she is. All yip, no bite, or whatever the saying is,” Steve said confidently.
Eddie loved him. God, he loved him so much.
He watched as Steve bobbed his head along to the music, his hand remaining on Eddie’s knee and tapping his fingers, though he was completely off beat.
Eddie loved him so much, it felt like a part of him was always going to hear Steve’s name and associate it with comfort and home.
Steve pulled into his usual parking spot, sighing as he parked.
“Just don’t take any offense to what she says. She has no filter and forgets that people have feelings. I barely listen to anything she says anymore.”
Steve sounded nervous suddenly, maybe even more than Eddie had been on the way here.
Eddie turned, cupped his face in his hands, and kissed his nose.
“I’m here to support you, protect you. I want her to help you. I don’t care if she likes me or is rude to me, it’s about you being happy.”
“Eds, I don’t want her to upset you. Please just don’t let her scare you away.”
“Sunshine, I’m not goin’ anywhere, especially not because of your mom being a little mean to me. Your my home, and I’m yours, right?”
He felt Steve relax into his hands, a fond smile taking over his face.
“Yeah, baby, you are.”
“Then let’s go see your mom.”
Robin was standing at the front door as soon as he opened it, her eyes begging him to do literally anything to help.
He almost laughed.
But then he heard his mother, presumably on the phone with someone, and he decided he probably should be easy on her.
“Who’s she talking to?”
“It’s been someone new every five minutes since she got off the phone with you. I think this one is your father, but I’m not sure because she talks to everyone the exact same, which is like they are specks of dirt on the bottom of her shoe.” Robin rolled her eyes and turned to Eddie with a smile. “Hi, Eddie.”
“Hi, Robbie. Gonna make it?”
“Hard to say. I hope so.”
They gave each other quick hugs, an exchange of wordless support, and Eddie felt a bit better. If Robin could handle Steve’s mom, he certainly could.
“Richard, I don’t give a shit and a half if you think I’m babying him. He’s our son. He didn’t do anything wrong and he’s being punished. Our job is to help people who don’t do anything wrong and are being punished. I’ll be better off without your help, but I refuse to let you make empty threats at me or him.”
“You guys stay here,” Steve muttered, making his way into the kitchen to talk to his mom.
“I have to go. You can go fuck yourself or the newest woman who has to fake it through a few minutes in bed with you to get a new diamond bracelet.”
Anne Harrington did not fuck around. Steve could admit to himself that it was probably the best part about her.
“Oh, good, you’re home. I’ve contacted the school to let them know any future interviews involving you will also have me present. Any paperwork sent to you or requiring a signature will be reviewed by me first. I’ve already been sent the paperwork you signed, which will not hold up in court because all parties involved in the case are supposed to sign it and only you signed it. You work for a school system that doesn’t seem to understand basic law, which is concerning since they’re opening themselves up to a hell of a lawsuit.”
“It’s nice to see you, Mom.”
Anne sighed, releasing the weight of the world from her shoulders, and pulled him into a hug.
They were never a touchy family, not even when Steve was a small child. But every once in a while, usually during the most stressful times, his mom would pull him into a hug that actually felt like the type of hug a mother would give her kid.
“What a pickle this is,” she said against his shoulder, a solid six inches shorter than him, but always bigger than her body when she spoke.
“I know. Thanks for helping.”
“No need to thank me, it’s gonna be easy to handle. Now! Where’s the boyfriend?”
“Uh. With Robin.”
“Let’s go get this out of the way, then,” she said as she pulled away from him, her face back to the stern look he’d walked in on.
“Just be easy, please. He-”
“Steven, I know what it looks like when you’re happy. I know I rarely was around to see it, but it’s easy to see the glow, even with all this stress happening around you. He makes you feel loved?”
“Every second of every day.”
“Then he won’t have to worry about me unless that changes,” she said as she walked out to the living room.
Anne walked up to Eddie, his eyes wide as he took her in.
“Edward Munson. Nice to meet you. I’m Anne Harrington. I am certain I like you just fine, but let’s get right to it: my son is all that matters to me right now and if you get in his way of getting his job back or me doing my job, you will never step foot near him again, understood?”
Steve rolled his eyes, but couldn’t help the blush creeping across his cheeks. His mom had never been this protective of him, not even in high school when one of his friends tried to drag him into a legal issue with another basketball player.
“And if I ever get in the way of his happiness and future, I hope you would do whatever you can to protect him,” Eddie responded.
Anne studied him for a moment, looking him up and down and trying to figure out what her response should be.
She nodded once, turned to Steve, gave him a wink, and then looked back at Eddie.
“Let’s get Steve his job back.”
The next three days were endless meetings with his mom, the school, and the school board.
Steve was instructed not to open his mouth except to give the same answers he’d already given, let Anne do most of the talking otherwise, keep his head up and appear confident that he’d done the right thing.
He had done the right thing, so it was easy to do.
Every moment he got with Eddie was special, his mom taking the guest room of the house and making it difficult for them to have any time alone.
But they still stole away in the evenings, when his mom decided to take a break from everything and shower and read her book for a bit. Eddie and Steve would take a bath together, Eddie washing Steve, Steve washing Eddie, touching every inch of each other with reverence as they silenced the moans with their mouths.
It wasn’t enough, but it would have to do for a while.
Steve cooked them breakfast every morning, Eddie wrapped his arms around his waist and rocked side to side, humming a song Steve didn’t know.
Eddie went to the shop while Steve stayed home and made sure his mom had everything she needed to do her job. He would bring Eddie a late lunch to take a break, and his mom would often go find a restaurant she deemed tolerable so she could enjoy a “decent salad, nobody makes a decent salad anymore, Steven.”
By the time dinner came around, Steve was feeling too much, and he had no way to feel better about it until Eddie got home.
Eddie would just know.
He’d pull him against his chest, run his hands up and down his back for a minute, then tug on his hair just right, just the way Steve craved.
It wasn’t enough to float, not even enough to drift a bit on the edge, but it was enough to make him feel like Eddie knew what he needed and would help as soon as he could.
“Your mom in the kitchen?” Eddie whispered against his head.
“She okay?”
“Yeah. Said we should be hearing anytime now about everything.”
“Did you talk about her treatments yet?”
Steve shook his head against Eddie’s chest.
“She doesn’t want to?”
Steve shook his head again.
“Want me to ask?”
“No. I just want you to be here with me when I do. Is that okay?”
“Of course it is, sunshine,” Eddie kissed the top of his head and pulled away so he could head into the kitchen to start making dinner.
It was smooth, or at least as smooth as it could be with an extra person in the house who was toeing the line between welcome and nuisance.
Eddie was making steak salad tonight, at his mom’s request, because he was incredible and a small part of Steve loved seeing that Eddie was doing whatever it took to keep her happy, to keep the peace between them.
“Hi, Anne. How’s today been?” Eddie asked as he moved towards the fridge to pull everything out to start prepping.
“It’s been another day, Edward. How was your day?”
“Had another first tattoo today. Those are always interesting,” he sent a knowing look to Steve, who was shaking his head slowly.
“Oh? Do you get them often?”
“Honestly, no. Steve was my first first in a while. This was a friend of a friend who only trusted me to do it.”
Steve froze.
Somehow, Steve had managed to hide his tattoos from his mom the entire time. He’d been wearing Eddie’s hoodies around the house and long sleeve shirts and blazers or jackets for the meetings.
Eddie must have realized what happened as he turned to see Anne’s eyes searching Steve’s visible skin.
“You have a tattoo?”
“I have two.”
“Steven, tattoos aren’t very professional for your line of work.”
Eddie was standing at attention now, ready to step in the moment Steve needed him, but waiting for a signal of any kind.
“I got them in places that can be hidden. You haven’t seen them the entire time.”
“What could you possibly have gotten tattooed?”
“Will made me a sun painting and I decided I wanted it as a tattoo. Eddie did it on my wrist. Then I got a robin done.”
“This is the Will that you helped?”
“Can I see?”
Her voice was much gentler now, almost too kind compared to what Steve was used to when she was disappointed in him.
Steve rolled the sleeve of his hoodie up, holding it out towards his mom as she sat at the table.
She took his wrist and turned it back and forth as she looked at the sun.
“He’s quite talented,” she said softly.
“He is.”
“I’m proud of you, Steve.”
Steve’s heart stopped, his eyes widened, and he felt his eyes flood with tears.
His parents had never said that to him, not when he made the varsity basketball team a year earlier than most people do, not when they won a championship, not when he made swim team captain as a junior, not when he graduated high school, not ever.
He’d stopped expecting to hear it eventually, especially when he’d cut himself off from them.
But some part of him, probably his inner child who had craved hearing those words for his entire life, felt incredibly overwhelmed at the way his mother was looking at him with tears in her eyes.
He distantly heard Eddie walk out of the room, and he struggled with the combination of feelings of relief and anxiety knowing that he wasn’t right there.
“I’m sorry I don’t tell you more, or ever, I guess. I know you’ve deserved to hear it so much. I guess-” she took a shaky breath. “I guess it was easier for me to pretend I wasn’t proud because I had no hand in your accomplishments. It was selfish of me to think that way, and I know that no amount of apologies will make up for it, but I let my job and your father dictate my entire life to the point that I forgot my son needed me.”
“Let me finish first, please,” she held her hand up to stop him. “As I’ve been working on this entire situation, I’ve read through the interviews the school board conducted with Will, with his mom, with his brother, with other students, with the principal. Everyone loves you, everyone is on your side. Your own principal said the school would never be the same if you weren’t given another chance, that they would never find anyone as valuable as you are. The place I went to lunch the other day saw my last name and asked if I was related to you, and when I told them I was your mom, they gave me lunch for free because you helped the owner rebuild his shed when a snowstorm collapsed the roof last winter. And Eddie. Honey, that boy looks at you like you’re his sun. I cannot believe you’ve only been together a couple weeks. I don’t think I’ve ever felt the way you two feel about each other. Robin wanted to kill me when I walked into your apartment, and I assume it’s because she knows I haven’t ever been a good mom to you, and she’s right for wanting to protect you like that. I was never around to protect you, and probably caused more pain than anything, and I will spend as much time as it takes to try to make up for it.”
Steve was crying, the tears running down his face, soaking his hoodie, his vision so blurry he could barely even see that his mother was crying, too.
She stood up and pulled him against her, her head resting against his shoulder, his head resting against the top of her head.
“Honey, I’m so sorry,” she sobbed into his hoodie, her voice muffled but still audible.
“Why wasn’t I enough to be proud of?” Steve asked, his voice breaking.
“Oh, darling, you were. I promise you were. This isn’t anything you did wrong, or didn’t do well enough, this is all me failing you. You deserved to know I was proud of you, but I didn’t stop to think about how much not telling you would hurt you. That was my fault, not yours., you understand?”
Steve nodded, letting out another sob.
Suddenly, Eddie’s hand was on his lower back, and Steve’s body instantly relaxed.
“Sorry to interrupt, but your phone keeps ringing, and I figured it must be important if they keep trying,” Eddie said quietly, softly, the gentlest interruption he could possibly have made to their moment.
Steve pulled away sniffling, wiping his eyes as his mother did the same.
He reached for his phone, a new set of vibrations alerting him to another phone call.
“Hello?” Steve answered, hoping his voice didn’t give away the emotions of the last 15 minutes.
“Mr. Harrington, so sorry to keep calling like this, but I wanted to make sure to reach you before the school board official called.”
Principal Graves’ voice sounded excited, barely containing something that Steve hoped was good news.
“Is everything okay?”
“They’re going to be calling with the scheduled hearing for all parties involved today. They only do this when they’re pretty sure about reinstating someone, so I have a very good feeling you’ll be coming back to work within the next week.”
Steve started crying again.
Eddie and his mom looked at him concerned, but he gave them a wet smile to show that he was okay.
“I’ll get to talk to Will there?”
“This is why you’re the only person qualified for this job. The person filling in for you doesn’t believe in weekly sessions with students, says it causes students to become too attached to the counselor and services. I can’t wait to see her go. You didn’t hear that from me though.”
Steve let out a laugh, his tears finally slowing down, and his head falling to rest on Eddie’s shoulder.
“I miss my kids,” Steve admitted, closing his eyes when Eddie’s hand rubbed up and down his back comfortingly.
“They miss you. We all do. We owe a lot to your mother for how quickly this has turned in your favor. This could have gone on for another month at the rate they wanted to do things. She’s an impressive woman.”
Steve watched as his mother sat back down at the table to write something down in her notes with a smile.
“Yeah, she is.”
He wrapped up the call so he could be available for the school board call, thanking the principal multiple times for her help. He knew she struggled with filing a report at all, that she was only doing her job.
When he hung up, he explained everything to Eddie and his mom, getting interrupted halfway through by a kiss from Eddie, their teeth clacking together because of the broad smiles on both their faces.
When the call from the school board came through, Steve was sitting on the couch while Eddie prepared dinner in the kitchen, having a casual conversation with his mom while she worked at the dining room table.
On Monday, his entire future would be decided, and hopefully, he’d be back in his office to make a difference.
When Monday came, Robin and Chrissy met Eddie and Steve at the school board office an hour early.
“Your mom coming?”
“She had a phone call with her doctor this morning so she should be here soon,” Steve said.
They’d talked over dinner a few nights before about her treatments, and how she had been putting it off for work, but also putting it off because she was scared. Steve told her she had to take care of herself, that her health needed to take priority, and if she needed to have support through it, he would be there.
Eddie took it a step further, and offered her the guest room during her treatments so she didn’t have to be alone.
Steve loved him so much.
“Should we wait inside?” Chrissy asked, holding onto Robin’s hand.
“You guys go in. I just wanna talk to Steve for a second,” Eddie said, wrapping his arm around Steve’s waist.
Chrissy smirked, but didn’t say anything as she guided Robin inside.
Steve turned to Eddie, nervous smile on his face.
“What is it, baby?”
“I just wanted to say that no matter what, I’m in this with you. We’ll figure it out if things don’t go as planned, and nothing with us is going to change. You’re an incredible person and counselor, sunshine, and if they can’t see that, they don’t deserve you,” Eddie pecked his lips quickly to emphasize his words.
“Thank you, Eds. I love you.”
“I love you, sweetheart.”
With one more quick kiss, they parted, and made their way inside to find the room the hearing would take place in.
When they found it, the Byers were already there, and Will looked ready to vibrate out of his seat when he noticed Steve walk in.
He looked to Joyce, silently begging for permission to go to Steve. When she nodded with a smile, Will shot up out of his seat, nearly tripping on his own feet to run towards him.
Steve nearly fell backwards with the force of the hug, Will’s arms wrapping around him as he let out a sob. Eddie held them both up as Steve found his balance again, smiling down at them.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything to anyone. Mom’s trying to put together a fund for you so you can still pay your bills and Jonathan booked a show and the band is gonna give up their money from it to help you. And I made you a painting, but I couldn’t give it to you because Mom said it would possibly be worse if we tried to talk to you while they did everything. And I hate the new counselor, she’s terrible. She said if I need weekly services I should see a therapist and didn’t understand that we can’t afford one, that’s why I talk to you, but she just kept saying there are ‘resources for people in poverty’ which, we know, but they’re terrible and there’s a long wait list or else I would have already tried and-”
“Woah, buddy. Take a deep breath.” Steve helped him take a couple deep breaths and smiled down at Will. “It’s gonna be okay. Even if today doesn’t go well, I can still help you somehow. And you don’t have to worry about the money, you guys are amazing, but I’m doing fine.”
“Mom brought you a check already today. You can’t leave without it.”
Steve shook his head.
“Keep it. Use it for art supplies or something. I’ve got my bills paid and if today goes well, I’ll be back to work very soon.”
Will looked like he wanted to continue to argue, but Anne walked in, followed by Principal Graves and a few school board officials that Steve recognized as the interviewers for the case.
“You must be Will,” Anne said as she walked up to them.
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Oh, don’t do that. I fear I’m looking much older than I wish to these days and that doesn’t help. I’m Mr. Harrington’s mom, Anne.”
“Nice to meet you, Mrs. Anne.”
“You’re an outstanding artist, Will. I’d love to commission you for a piece for my office when you are done with school for the year.”
Will’s jaw dropped, and Steve couldn’t help the little giggle he let out.
His mother had only told him about that plan the day before, and he wholeheartedly agreed with it.
“Like, for money?”
“Of course. We’ll discuss it more when we get past this little bump in the road, okay?”
Will nodded, his mouth still open in shock.
“Attention everyone, please take your seats so we may begin,” a loud, deep voice echoed through the room.
Everyone followed instructions quickly, silent agreement that this needed to be over with as soon as possible.
Steve was nervous. He’d done okay up until this point, relying on his mom to explain technical things to him and Eddie to help him stay grounded and relaxed as much as possible.
But neither of them could do that now. Now, it was up to everyone at the front of the room to make a decision, a decision they probably already made, that would determine if Steve left here with a job or without one.
“As all of you know, I am the lead official investigator for this case, Mr. Hammond. We have spent many days conducting individual interviews with all parties present, as well as group interviews and other individual interviews with students and teachers at the school. We are here today to allow both sides to state anything they may have left out during interviews before we make our final recommendation on Mr. Harrington’s employment.” He cleared his throat before turning to look at Joyce and Will. “We will begin with you both. You are not required to add anything, but if you feel there is anything else you’d like to say, now is your chance.”
Will stood up immediately.
“I’d like to say something, please.”
The group in front nodded.
“Mr. H has been the best thing about school for me. He’s helped me really feel comfortable with myself, and helped me make new friends, and helped me understand that my art can be special to me and can provide a future for me if I try hard enough. No other counselor or teacher has ever been there like he has. My grades have suffered since he was sent home,” he sighed. Steve didn’t know that, and he felt anger rise up as he thought of the counselor in his place turning Will away while he struggled. “I haven’t been able to focus on my portfolio. I get encouragement from my mom, but she works hard and sometimes it’s just nice for someone who isn’t related to me to offer their support. Mr. H was that support for me, and no matter what decision you make today, I know he will do his best to still give it to me in whatever way he can.”
“Thank you, Will.” A woman next to Mr. Hammond gave him a smile. “Anything else?”
“No, thank you.”
Will sat down and Joyce hugged him, whispering something into his ear that no one could hear.
“Mr. Harrington, now is your chance to speak. You may say anything you wish to discuss your actions.”
Steve looked at Anne, who nodded at him encouragingly. They’d agreed the day before that she would only step in if things got ugly, and it seemed calm enough that he could speak on his own.
“Thank you,” he said as he stood. “I believe I spoke a lot during my interviews about how much my students, not just Will, mean to me. I got into this profession because I want to be a support for kids who may not always have it. That isn’t to say Ms. Byers doesn’t support him, but she’s a hardworking single mom, and it does take a village to raise a child, as we all know. When I first met Will, he barely spoke to anyone, he was barely passing his classes, and he was on his way to being a statistic that doesn’t look good for the community, the school, or himself. After a few sessions, he started opening up a bit more to me, and I saw a major improvement in his grades. He started making friends, he started becoming more involved in school activities like art club, and even got encouraged to apply for an elite art program. As you all are aware, his mother barely makes enough money to pay the necessary bills, and an art program like the one Will deserves to be a part of requires a lot of funding just to apply. He came to me as a trusted person to ask for help, which is something we encourage all students to do without fear of punishment. Instead of that happening, he was punished. I was punished as well, and trust me, it’s been difficult, but this entire time, I’ve been worried more about the impact this will have on Will.”
Steve looked over at Will, who was wiping tears from his face.
“My boyfriend Eddie was the one offering financial assistance. If you remember, he knew the Byers before we were even together. He knows what Will is capable of and didn’t want him to lose out on a big opportunity for his future because of a couple hundred dollars. I supported them because Will deserves it. If our job is to care for these kids, and make sure they have bright futures, then that’s what we did. Punishing any of us for it seems like the opposite of what our mission is. It’s been a privilege to be able to provide Will, and many other students, a safe place to be themselves, and I hope to continue to do that in this school.”
Steve sat down before anyone responded, his mom squeezing his shoulder and Eddie taking his hand.
“Thank you, Mr. Harrington. If you would give us all a few minutes to deliberate in the other room, we will be back shortly,” Mr. Hammond said seriously.
As they filed out, Steve’s nerves grew exponentially.
His legs were bouncing up and down until Eddie’s hands were on his knees, putting pressure on them to keep them still.
“Look at me, Stevie. That’s it, good boy,” Eddie whispered to him. Anne was busy speaking with Joyce and Will, so they were practically alone. “You did amazing. They’d be idiots not to reinstate you. If you’re not back in your office tomorrow, I’ll move us to another school district so you can find a new job. Will can come, too.”
Steve let out a small giggle at the thought of moving their entire lives just so he could have another chance to be a counselor somewhere.
“Everyone here knows you did the right thing. That’s what matters most. We’re all proud of you.”
Steve nodded.
He looked behind him at Robin and Chrissy, who both waved when he looked back, their hands still clasped between them.
He sat silently for a few minutes, looking down at his lap, trying to believe Eddie’s words, but not get his hopes up too much in case things went badly.
The door opened.
The group walked in.
No one’s face gave anything away.
Steve’s nerves grew, but Eddie’s hand in his kept him here.
“Thank you for your patience,” Mr. Hammond stated. “At this time, will Mr. Harrington please stand?”
Steve stood, his legs wobbling slightly as he let go of Eddie’s hand.
He felt every eye on him.
“Mr. Harrington, you understand that this has all been following a very strict policy in regards to confidentiality and personal relationships with students?”
“Yes, sir.”
“You understand it was our responsibility to fully investigate all claims made to ensure the safety of the student in question?”
“Yes, sir.”
“You understand that reinstatement of your position will still show this investigation on your record?”
Steve heard Will cheering before he truly registered what was being said.
“I’m sorry?”
Mr. Hammond smirked. The rest of the group was smiling at him.
“You’ve been reinstated as of today. You may resume your position as guidance counselor as early as tomorrow. Please keep in mind any future claims will require an immediate suspension of duties. Please stay here while the paperwork is drawn up for signatures. Thank you all for your cooperation.” Mr. Hammond turned to Will. “And good luck to you, Will. Your art is quite spectacular and deserves a place in that art program.”
“Thank you!” Will said, maybe a bit too loudly for the location and occasion, but it just made everyone let out laughs at his excitement.
Eddie was suddenly pulling him into his arms, kissing the top of his head and saying so many lovely things that Steve could barely hear.
“You’re incredible, oh my God, I’m so happy for you,” he whispered into his ear before Anne got in between them.
“Let me hug my son!” She said half-jokingly. Eddie let him go so he could be enveloped in his mom’s arms. “I’m so proud of you, honey. I knew you’d be fine.”
“Probably not without you,” Steve admitted.
“Maybe, maybe not. Important thing is you get to go back to work and make a difference for these kids, right?”
He nodded and then got wrapped up in Robin’s arms.
“You did it dingus! You get to be back with the rugrats!” She was bouncing up and down, making the hug a bit awkward, but Steve was used to her energy.
“Congrats, Steve. I’m so happy for you,” Chrissy added from behind her.
Steve felt loved.
So many people came to support him, to show him that no matter what decision was made, they were on his side. That he mattered.
But he didn’t really start crying until Will was hugging him again, thanking him over and over again for being the best and for not giving up and for caring so much.
He let Will sit next to him while he signed all the paperwork, his mom reviewing everything before he did so.
Will was telling him all about the piece he started working on in art club, and how he thought it was good enough for his portfolio, but kind of wanted to get his opinion first. Steve listened, unable to stop smiling at his excitement.
It was contagious, the excitement.
Everyone in the room seemed to feel it, all of them practically bouncing in place as they waited for Steve to finish.
When he did, Anne took everyone out to a celebratory brunch, bribed Joyce to keep Will out of school for the whole day with the promise of the best mimosas she’s ever had.
As Steve rode home after in the passenger seat of Eddie’s car, he looked down at his sun tattoo.
Somehow, despite every cloud in the way, he was still shining.
“You okay, sunshine?” Eddie was looking over at him out of the corner of his eye, a smile pretty much permanently plastered on his face since the decision was made.
“I’m perfect,” he replied.
He’d never been perfect before. He’d never thought perfect was attainable.
But perfect to him wasn’t the lack of problems or imperfections, it was knowing that even with them, he was happy.
He felt bright. He felt warm. And with Eddie next to him, he felt like the sun.
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