#idk I feel like these tags are a bit too mainstream but it helps me organize
wayward-banana · 5 months
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you accept her boon and just start doing a little dance nothing else is changed gameplay wise
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whereforarthur · 26 days
I Didn't Know Punk Girls Blushed
Request: Can you do a Chrismd imagine where he’s into an edgier girl? Like maybe she has tattoos and piercings and is the complete opposite of him? Idk how i want the story to go so you can have free range lol
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Pairing: ChrisMd x Reader
Category: Fluff
Word Count: 3k
Chris sauntered into the dimly lit vinyl record store, his eyes immediately drawn to the wall of albums that seemed to breathe the very essence of London's vibrant music scene. The sweet, nostalgic scent of old records filled the air, a stark contrast to the bustling street outside. He was on a mission to find the perfect gift for Arthur Hill's birthday, something that would make his old pal's face light up like a Christmas tree.
Behind the counter, a girl with a shock of different streaks of colored hair and a smattering of tattoos peeked out from under her beanie. She was the epitome of edgy, with a piercing gaze that could cut through the fog of a London evening. Her name tag read 'y/n', and she looked as if she'd rather be anywhere but here, serving customers in a store that seemed to be a relic of a bygone era.
Chris approached, a smile playing on his lips, "Hi, I'm looking for something special for my mate's birthday. He's into some old school stuff, you know?"
Y/n nodded, her expression unchanged. "What's his taste?"
Chris thought for a moment, "Arthur's a classic rock kind of guy, but with a bit of a twist. Nothing too mainstream."
Y/n's eyes narrowed as she surveyed the rows of records. "I've got just the thing," she murmured, slipping behind the counter and disappearing into the labyrinth of vinyl. The sound of her boots tapping against the wooden floor echoed through the store, and Chris couldn't help but feel a twinge of excitement. There was something about her that was different from the usual girls he encountered at games or in the pubs.
When she reemerged, she held a vintage-looking album with a faded cover. "This is 'The Dark Side of the Moon' by Pink Floyd. It's a classic, but it's got that edgy vibe to it." She placed it on the counter with a gentle thud. "Your mate Arthur might like it if he's into something with a bit of depth."
Chris's smile widened. "Perfect! I think he'll love it." He watched as she pulled out a dusty record sleeve and slid the album into it with a practiced ease. Her hands were adorned with rings that glinted in the soft light, hinting at a hidden creativity beneath her tough exterior.
As she worked, y/n spoke up again, "What's your name?"
"Chris," he replied, watching her closely. "ChrisMD."
Y/n looked up, a flicker of recognition crossing her face. "Ah, the football YouTuber," she said, her tone flat.
Chris's cheeks flushed slightly. "Yeah, that's me," he said, trying to keep the conversation going. "What's yours?"
Y/n rolled her eyes and tapped her name tag. "It's right there."
Chris felt a twinge of embarrassment and leaned in closer. "Oh, right," he chuckled. "So, y/n, do you work here often?"
Her eyes met his, and for a brief moment, he saw a spark of something—amusement, perhaps? "It's not the worst gig," she replied, sliding the record into a paper bag with the store's logo stamped on it. "Keeps me in vinyl and coffee."
Chris felt his heart flutter in his chest. He wasn't usually one to get flustered around girls, but there was something about y/n that threw him off his game. Her edgy allure was like nothing he'd ever encountered before, and he found himself desperately trying to think of something to say that wouldn't make him sound like the cheesy, over-eager fanboy he feared he was coming across as.
He took a deep breath, willing his cheeks to return to their normal color. "So, y/n, do you like football?" He cringed internally, knowing it was a cliché question, but he was desperate to find some common ground.
To his surprise, she looked up at him with a smirk. "You know, I've been known to kick a ball around," she said, handing him the bag. "But I'm more into the indie scene myself."
Chris raised an eyebrow. "Indie music and football? That's an interesting mix."
Y/n shrugged. "Life's full of surprises."
Their conversation was interrupted by the jingle of the shop door as it opened, letting in a gust of cool air. A customer walked in, and y/n's demeanor shifted, her eyes focusing on the new arrival. "I've got to get back to work," she said, turning away from Chris.
Chris felt a pang of disappointment but nodded, understanding. "No worries. Thanks for the help." He took the bag from her outstretched hand, feeling the warmth she had transferred to it. "Maybe I'll see you around?"
Y/n glanced back at him, a hint of curiosity in her gaze. "Maybe," she said noncommittally before returning her attention to the new customer.
The next few days passed in a blur for Chris. He found himself counting down the hours until he could return to the vinyl record store, hoping to catch another glimpse of y/n. He'd never felt this way about a girl before—his usual type was more of the cheerleader variety, not the edgy, tattooed girl who seemed to see right through him. But there was something about her that drew him in, a challenge that he couldn't resist.
On the third day, he mustered the courage to return. The bell above the door chimed as he stepped inside, and y/n looked up from the stack of records she was organizing. Her expression was unreadable, but there was a flicker in her eyes that made his heart race. She didn't look surprised to see him, just… resigned, as if she'd been expecting his return.
"Back again?" she asked, her voice holding a touch of amusement.
Chris felt his cheeks warm, but he held her gaze. "Yeah, I had to come back. That Pink Floyd album was a hit."
y/n nodded. "Thought it might be." She paused, her hand resting on a nearby record. "So, what are you looking for today?"
Chris shrugged, playing it cool. "Just browsing, really."
y/n raised an eyebrow, her piercings glinting in the soft light. "You're not here to see me, then?"
Chris's heart skipped a beat. "Well, that's not entirely true," he admitted, a grin spreading across his face. "I just wanted to, you know, say thanks and maybe get to know you a bit better."
Her expression remained neutral, but he could see the corners of her mouth twitch. "What's there to know?" she asked, a challenge in her voice.
Chris took a step closer, leaning on the counter. "Everything," he said, his eyes scanning her tattoos, trying to decipher the stories they held. "You're like a walking mystery, and I'm a curious guy."
Y/n's smirk grew into a small smile. "Alright, what do you want to know?"
Chris's mind raced with questions, but he decided to start simple. "How did you get into vinyl?"
Y/n's eyes lit up, a softness coming over her features. "My dad," she said. "He had a collection that was his pride and joy. When he passed, I inherited it all. It's how I keep him with me, you know?"
Chris nodded, feeling a sudden kinship with this girl who had, until now, been a complete enigma to him. "That's really cool," he said, his voice earnest. "I bet he had some amazing records."
Y/n nodded, her eyes misting over slightly. "He did. Some of the best." She paused, then took a deep breath, as if deciding whether or not to let him in further. "He taught me to appreciate the artistry of music, beyond just the sound. The feel of the vinyl, the smell of the sleeves, the way the needle hits the record… It's all part of the experience."
Chris found himself drawn into her world, a place where the music wasn't just background noise but a living, breathing entity that connected people in profound ways. "That's beautiful," he murmured, genuinely moved by her words.
Y/n's eyes searched his, as if looking for signs of mockery or insincerity, but all she found was genuine interest. "You get it," she said, sounding slightly surprised.
Chris nodded, unable to tear his gaze away from her. She looked so pretty when she talked about something she was passionate about, her features softening and her eyes lighting up with an inner fire that made his heart race. He'd never seen a girl transform so completely when discussing something she loved. It was mesmerizing.
"I do," he said softly. "I think that's what's been missing from my music experience. Just playing it on my phone or computer doesn't quite capture that… magic."
Y/n leaned closer, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "Exactly! That's what makes vinyl so special. It's not just about the music; it's about the connection to the artist, the history, the culture."
Chris nodded, feeling more at ease now that they had found common ground. "So, what's your favorite record?"
Y/n's eyes sparkled as she thought. "It's hard to pick just one," she said, scanning the shelves. "But if I had to, it'd be 'The Queen is Dead' by The Smiths."
Chris nodded, scribbling down the name in his phone. "I'll have to give it a listen," he said, his thumb hovering over the screen. "You know, I've got a turntable at home that's been collecting dust. Maybe it's time to put it to good use."
The conversation flowed easily between them, a dance of shared interests and laughter. Chris found himself drawn to her sharp wit and her ability to challenge him. He'd never felt this way about a girl before—like he was discovering something new and exciting, something that made his heart race just a little bit faster.
Finally, as the shop grew quiet and the last rays of sunlight streamed through the dusty windows, casting patterns on the floor, he took a deep breath. "So, y/n," he began, his voice casual but his heart hammering in his chest. "I was wondering if you'd be up for grabbing a coffee or something, maybe show me around some of the local indie music spots?"
Her gaze remained on the records she was sorting, but her hand stilled. "Why me?" she asked, her tone teasing.
Chris felt a thrill run through him. She was playing hard to get, but he could see the curiosity in her eyes. "Because you're the vinyl whisperer," he said with a grin. "And I've got a feeling you know all the hidden gems of London's music scene."
Y/n finally looked up, meeting his gaze. "Flattery won't get you far," she said, but her voice held a playful note. "But okay, I'll bite. How about tomorrow night?"
Chris felt his heart soar. "Really?" He tried to keep the excitement out of his voice, not wanting to scare her off.
Y/n nodded, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "Yeah, really. But don't get your hopes up, football boy. I'm not going to make it easy for you."
Chris chuckled, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. "Fair enough," he said, trying to play it cool. "Where should we meet?"
Y/n thought for a moment, her eyes scanning the ceiling as if the answer were written there. "How about The Lock Tavern?" she suggested. "It's got a decent selection of records, and the coffee's not too bad either."
Chris nodded eagerly. "Sounds perfect. What time?"
"Eight," she said, her eyes finally meeting his. "Don't be late."
Chris couldn't believe his luck. He'd scored a date with the edgy vinyl goddess of his dreams. "I'll be there," he promised, trying to keep his voice steady.
The following evening, Chris found himself pacing in front of The Lock Tavern, his heart thumping in his chest like a drum. He'd chosen his outfit carefully, aiming for a look that was casual but cool—a nod to her indie style without completely abandoning his own. He glanced at his watch. 7:58. Two minutes to go.
As if on cue, y/n appeared around the corner, her hair a riot of color in the streetlight. She was wearing a vintage band tee and a leather jacket that made her look like she'd just stepped off the set of a music video. She spotted him and raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on her lips.
Chris took a deep breath and walked over to her. "Hey," he said, trying to sound nonchalant.
"You're early," she said, sounding slightly surprised.
"I didn't want to be late," he replied, his cheeks reddening. "So, shall we go in?"
The Lock Tavern was a cozy, dimly lit pub with a distinctly vintage vibe. The walls were lined with shelves of records, and the air was thick with the scent of beer and good music. The jukebox in the corner played a mix of indie hits and obscure tracks that made Chris feel like he'd stumbled into a secret club.
They found a table in the back, the light from a flickering candle casting shadows on y/n's face. She ordered a black coffee, and Chris went for a pint, hoping it would calm his nerves. They talked about music, her favorite bands, and the history of vinyl. Chris found himself hanging on her every word, her passion for the subject contagious.
As the night wore on, the conversation grew more personal. y/n talked about her life growing up in London, her love for the city's underground music scene, and her dreams of becoming a music journalist. Chris shared stories from his childhood, his love for football, and his journey to becoming a YouTube sensation. Despite their differences, they found common ground in their shared love for the art of storytelling—whether it was through music, videos, or the written word.
Their laughter grew louder with each shared anecdote, and the tension between them grew palpable. When the topic of tattoos came up, y/n leaned in, her eyes locked on his. "Do you have any?"
Chris felt a shiver run down his spine. He'd never considered getting inked before, but the way she said it made him want to show her something only she knew about him. "No, I don't," he admitted. "But I've always been curious."
Her smirk grew. "Well, if you're going to keep hanging around these parts, you might want to get one," she teased. "It's practically a rite of passage."
Chris swallowed, his heart racing. "Maybe I will," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "But only if you come with me."
Y/n's eyes searched his, and for the first time, he saw something other than amusement or challenge in them—there was a softness, a hint of vulnerability. "Alright," she said, her voice just as soft. "But only if you let me choose the design."
Chris nodded, feeling a strange thrill at the idea of letting her mark him in some way. It was a bold move, but he was ready to step out of his comfort zone for her.
The night grew late, and the pub began to empty out. They lingered over their drinks, the conversation never waning. It was as if they'd known each other for years, despite their stark differences. But as they sat in the warm glow of the candlelight, sharing stories and laughs, it was clear that they had a connection that was more than just skin deep.
When y/n suggested they head out, Chris couldn't hide his disappointment. But as they stepped into the cool London night, the buzz of the city seemed to energize them both. They strolled down the cobblestone streets, the sound of their footsteps echoing in the quiet. The stars above were obscured by the city lights, but the magic of their evening was undiminished.
As they approached the tattoo parlor, y/n's hand slipped into his, and he felt a jolt of excitement. The shop was small, nestled between a vintage clothing store and a tattooed bakery, the neon sign flickering in the dark. The walls were lined with flash art, a kaleidoscope of images that seemed to pulse with the rhythm of the punk rock playing in the background.
The artist, a burly man with a gentle smile, took one look at the nervousness etched on Chris's face and gave him a reassuring pat on the back. "Don't worry, mate," he said, his voice gruff but kind. "You're in good hands."
Y/n whispered the design into the artist's ear, and he nodded, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "You're sure about this?" he asked, turning to Chris.
Chris looked at her, her edgy beauty illuminated by the neon glow. "Yeah," he said, swallowing hard. "I trust her."
The process was surprisingly painless, the needle a gentle hum that seemed to sync with the rhythm of his racing heart. As the artist worked, y/n held his hand, her grip tight and reassuring. When it was over, he looked down at the fresh ink, a simple but meaningful design that represented their shared love of music and their blossoming friendship.
They stepped out into the night, the cool air soothing the sting of the tattoo. y/n turned to him, her eyes shining. "So, what do you think?"
Chris smiled, feeling a sense of belonging he hadn't felt in a long time. "I think it's perfect," he said, squeezing her hand. "Thank you."
Their walk back to the tube station was filled with a newfound ease, the awkwardness of their first meeting a distant memory. As they parted ways, the promise of future adventures hanging in the air, Chris couldn't help but feel like he'd found something special in this edgy, pierced girl who'd turned his world upside down.
In the weeks that followed, they explored the city's hidden music venues, discovered new bands, and shared quiet moments that felt like secrets whispered between friends. With each passing day, their bond grew stronger, the lines between fan and crush blurring into something more substantial.
Chris found himself looking forward to their meetups with an anticipation that was both thrilling and terrifying. He knew that the girl who had once seemed so unattainable was now someone he could see himself with, not just for a fleeting romance but for something real.
The tension grew with each shared smile, each brush of their hands. And when y/n finally leaned in and kissed him under the glow of a streetlamp, the music of the city fading into the background, he knew that he was falling for her—for the girl who had shown him that sometimes, the most beautiful melodies were found in the most unexpected places.
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good-to-drive · 10 months
The fact that people have romanticized or even sexualized your childhood trauma is disgusting. I'm genuinely so sorry that happened.
Can I tell you why I think it's important that talking about Paul McCartneys childhood trauma and it's effects on him become just as mainstreamed as talking about John Lennon's childhood trauma and it's effects on him has always been in Beatles fandom?
First, on a personal level. Have you heard of Ruby Franke, the Mormon momfluencer who has been charged with child abuse? My parents were A LOT like her and though my friends always recognized that we were "one of those" Mormon families, what they did was very normalized and justified. So, naturally, I don't like seeing abuse normalized or justified.
But more importantly on a public level. If we don't get comfortable talking about the truth of Paul's childhood and the effects of it on his thought processes, behaviors, and traits, and therefore him as a person and artist, we are going to have a flawed understanding of the Beatles music, group dynamics, and story.
Obviously none of it should be romanticized or sexualized. It needs to be taken seriously.
Yeah, I feel like that's my point.
Aside from the "it is your moral duty to hate John and if you don't you're as bad as he is" camp most people are capable of talking about John's experiences in a reasonable way, but with Paul there's a lot more resistance. I think that's partly because Paul has received a lot of undeserved criticism and hate over the years so (some of) his fans are a bit hypersensitive to anything that smacks of negativity, completely ignoring the fact that acknowledging someone's pain and trauma is not, in fact, negative or insulting (and it's arguably insulting to say that it is). And it's also probably that Paul's issues in particular are cartoonishly vilified in pop culture right now, to the point that it's almost impossible to even have a conversation about them (try talking to the average internet user about narcissism and you'll see what I mean).
But, frankly, it's also to do with deep misconceptions about the cycle of abuse and what it means to exist within it (which sounds like something you understand as well) and the savior complex a lot of people have about their faves that makes them really, really want Paul to be a poor precious kitten who just needs lots of cuddle sessions and weepy sex to fix his "issues." Which, like I originally said, is basically fine if that's what you want to do. It's essentially fiction, after all. But I wouldn't consider romanticizing abuse or infantilizing survivors to be the same thing as raising awareness around abuse, and I don't honestly think it helps us understand the group dynamic either. (I do agree that we'll never understand Paul and John's relationship if we can't accept that Paul is a human being with a past and a complex inner life just like John. That's something I've been bitching about for ages.)
I hope this isn't too nosy, but I've noticed you saying in tags that people jump on you and accuse you of "woobifying" Paul sometimes. If you're just trying to acknowledge that Paul faced trauma and deserves actual compassion and understanding then of course those people are out of line and I'm sorry that's happened, but if your idea of acknowledging this is "oh poor precious baby let me kiss it better" then, well.... You do you, but I don't think you can fairly claim there's any value in that. Yes, it's talking about abuse, but not in a way that I think we can reasonably claim is compassionate or productive.
No hate, though -- I haven't seen the posts you're referring to so idk what people are criticizing you for.
This is a really thoughtful and interesting take and I really appreciate you sending it to me.
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woozi · 2 years
henlo yza beloved <33
oh my god <//3 love the way you put it honestly, the way you're so smart <3 the answer was right there and i managed to miss it 😭 i was lichrally like " ok so river dried up no thoughts head empty " and now it's as if the last missing puzzle piece finally fit itself in my mind jdjsksks that really explains whys and hows of haku ending up there, btw the importance of names and home in this movie was so heartwarming 🥺
also that's so sad to think about though, haku not having any place outside of the spirit world also means he might never get to meet chihiro 😭😭😭 ( unless he found a little something like home in chihiro ( yk home being a person instead of some house ) then idk he can become a water body anywhere she lives, if or when he decides on meeting her. like you know there is someone out there calling out his name or missing him which gives acknowledgement to his existence thus making a tiny place available somewhere where he is wanted even if as just a visiting guest) ok but honestly i'm also kind of okay with them never meeting hddjdj like even though it's sad there's still some kind of comfort in knowing the fact that some people only come into your life to help you grow in good way!/ intentionally or unintentionally helping e/o through tough times and then moving on )
also honestly same 😭😭😭🥺 i feel like we've been talking since ages, thank YOU for even taking out time to listen and reply to my nonsense fr, i'm so glad i sent that ask to tell you, your " im skydiving with vernon " tag was funny 😭🥺 i really enjoy talking to you
SPEAKING OF VERN how excited are you for his mixtape? would love to hear your thoughts!, i feel like he's gonna come out with some emo rock/grunge banger tbh, basing on the artwork and his love for avril lavigne songs hdjdjdkd whatever it is i know i'm gonna eat it up bc i live for his verses in hhu songs
hope you're doing well yza 🤍, and you too after 21st take some time out for yourself and recharge, you deserve it <333 love you 🥺 thank you for hanging out with me as always, bestie <333
(honestly had nothing extra to add 😭 dec is kicking me fr. days are just going by i have had no idea about which day it is this whole month 💀 also i haven't forgotten about the movie i'm gonna dm you details after i send this, feel free to check after 21st! )
NAURRRRRRRRRRR i am not smart i'm just one for obsessing over details fjkfjdkfjdk AND I KNOW </3 it was such a good concept esp considering how our identities are so tied up with the names given to us by birth and the names with which we choose to present ourselves with!! AND UR MIND HELLO???????????? also agreed <33 i'm fine w the bittersweet ending (i… love them actually 😭)
ALSO PLS NOOOOOOOO i should be the one thanking u fr </3 lich rally where would i be without ur lil ask </3
AND URE SO REAL FOR THIS PLS FKJDFJFDJKFDJK i also find myself gravitating towards his verses we r besties fr 😋 and u r right once again omg it gave early 2000s <3 WHAT DO U FEEL ABT IT!!! i personally like the band ver more, it feels a lot more raw!! think the way mainstream kr companies (honestly cant be said for the indie ones theyre going IN on it there) produce rock music is so… tame for lack of better word, but the band ver ate fr tbh <33 IM KINDA SAD SOME OF THE SCENES OF HIM IN THE BLACK TANK TOP DIDNT SHOW UP ON THE MV THOUGH </3333333 HE LOOKED SO GOOD
i've been getting to rest a bit until i received an e-mail from one of my professors today 😭 now it's a sign for me to get back to work, i still have more finals and more deadlines for january, but after that i'd be FINALLY getting a real break 😋
AND NO PLS FDKJDFJ I FEEL U!! i hope ure getting to rest as well and that you've had a great time this holiday season <33 love u thank u for always being here 🥰 MWAH
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birthdaysentiment · 3 years
I agree so much! I think Sander likes the show and indulges in Robbe making them watch it together but I think to him it’s just a nice show and once it’s done he doesn’t think about it anymore but I can imagine Robbe referencing it’s and thinking about it a lot more. I can imagine them laying on the sofa, Sander sitting against the arm rest and Robbe leaning with his back on his chest. I think they both have a soft spot of Wilhelm and think he’s a babie they want to protect
ahhh anon! oml... if you know how i feel, why would you do this to me! i agree with everything. i think sander likes the show (maybe a bit more than he lets on), but i think sander prefer more artsy and idk indie or alternative shows, where young royals is just a little too 'mainstream' for him. but sander really likes that it's in swedish, and it gets a lot of point for that! robbe... he loves the show so so much! not that it's his favorite show necessarily, but i think he follows the actors on instagram and maybe checks the tag too once in a while to see if there's any new details or edits to watch. robbe is definitely a romantic, i think he likes seeing people fall in love (especially two boys, because he can relate to that), and it just makes him feel things you know... and yeah robbe is a thinker and young royals made some kind of impression on him, that makes him attracted to it in a way, that he just can't quite explain... but idk lol hehehe
and yes! wilhelm is definitely someone they want to protect, and simon too! i think they talked about what happened to them, with the video etc., and how it would have made them feel if it was them, and yeah... just setting their situation in relation to their own
also, robbe leaning against sander.... his back to sander's chest is just the softest thing ever! they're probably continuing heir rewatch of it tonight, robbe's head is resting on sander's shoulder too, at an angle where he can place small kisses on sander's jaw and cheek when he feels like it. sander has one of his hands in robbe's curls, running his fingers through the slightly damn curls from their shower earlier in the evening. and sander can't help but lean down to place a kiss in robbe's curls, just (or not jus) so he can breath in the fresh sent of honey, sunflowers, robbe and just... home. and here they're just resting and relaxing after a long day of work and school, just enjoying being together, holding each other and just... become one. it's the most amazing feeling for the both of them, the thing they look forward to the most, to be together <333
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seijorhi · 4 years
alright i’m compiling these because today was a lot 
i dont think there was even any negative stereotizing of black men bc all of the men in your fics do dark things??? pls ppl be looking for crumbs to hate 😭😭😭
i mean that’s kind of my view. if you’re writing like mainstream fics and characterising aran (and aran alone) as somebody who’s aggressive and rapey and all of that, absolutely, that’s a real red flag, but everybody is equally as awful in my fics. i don’t do fluff or any kind of safe, sane and consensual so??
 Who is aran? And what fandom?
aran is from haikyuu, he’s an outside hitter for inarizaki :)
Please bb write that Aran fic! That man is sexy af and there is not enough content out there for daddy Aran! Please! I’ll give you my whole heart if you write it out of spite!
haha i’m honestly tempted 👀
Lol maybe the aran anon sent to the apology to the wrong creator 😂 
I don’t think it’s nice to tell people to delete their fics cause that uncomfortable. Also it’s not your only JUST writing Aran fics 😂
yeah idk the ask felt very half cocked but it’s whatever
I’m sorry there are people being mean to u :( is there anything I can do to help? Is there a way for you to blog that aran anon?
it’s okay, i’m not really bothered by it – mostly because it doesn’t actually apply to me but anyway lol
Anon, if you don’t like dark content then use the content AND tag filter to block it. I don’t think you understand how both HATEFUL and RUDE it is to demand a writer to delete their fic. If you really dislike their content, then block it. Every single writer does not exist to cater to YOUR preferences. Sorry you’re getting this rude and ridiculous anon Rhi! Thank you so much for writing amazing pieces 💕
it’s all good, bby, but i do agree. tumblr has a blocking system, people should use. also i would never delete a fic just because somebody came to complain to me about it
What’s a moot? Sorry i should know this
a mutual - somebody who you follow and who follows you back :))
Did anon think you were just writing yandere fics for Aran or smth👀 Did they ignore the entire masterlist full of other characters
i don’t think they bothered to think about it, just went straight to jumping down my throat after making an assumption over blindsided
To Aran Anon, don’t you think intentionally excluding the black characters of haikyuu in fanfic writing is inherently ✨ r a c i s t ✨?
I think anon needs a pair of glasses, cause I don’t think they see the bigger picture of this issue.
i understand where they’re coming from i just think that their viewpoint (at least in this case) kinda doesn’t make sense, but hey, they’re entitled to feel how they feel, i’m more irritated that they came up and asked me to delete a fic over it
first time sending something in but i gotta bc wtf is that aran anon on?? like i get that it can be seen as demonizing black men but does anon not know that literally almost every other character is asian lmao dont pick and choose which group of poc can or cant be in dc fics its all in good fun and horniness at the end of the day ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ also i love you youre one of the few haikyuu dc creators thatll always have me entertained keep it up babes <3
yeah, it’s just all a bit ??? but what’re you gonna do. 
also i love you too thanks for this bby!
Pretty sure I just bombed my Math exam 😢
Please send one good vibe my way it would be appreciated (also big fan of your work, please never stop being great!!!)
aw i’m sorry bby, i’m sending you all the good vibes and love 💕
I’m writing for Oikawa rn and I need help because your yandere Oikawa is so...amazing. What nicknames do you think he uses with reader? Like darling, cutie, sweetheart...anything?
sweetheart, cutie & babe/baby are my go-to’s for oiks :) but darling works too!
hello this is the anon who u made simp for oikawa even tho ive never having seen haikyuu dropping by to say you are my favorite writer!! i picked this flower for u ✿
omg i would love a second fic for final girl! the whole story and concept is super interesting ALSO i love bo kuroo and akaashi 🤍 (i love your fics and ideas in general ily)
well it’s currently winning with 354 votes so :))
So I voted for Final Girl but I'm sure whatever fic wins it will still be a masterpiece but what fic are you rooting for Rhi?
honestly i think i could go for a blindsided part 2 or et tu part 2 efbhjvkl i just wanna write more manager au’s
don't mind me, just coming here say that y'all are really sleeping on Good Girl 😟 It's a total chef's kiss 1000/10 fic.
fdhcbjiewrkoviwhrtj my first hq fic 
Do you read manga or watch anime? 🥺 Where do you watch you’re anime (if you do), I can’t find anywhere to watch after kiss anime was shut down 😭
i watch animes across crunchyroll, hidive and netflix. manga’s i just google but i’ve only read a few
Istg the way you write these fanfics are
We love you!
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afoolforatook · 4 years
On fandom and tragic romance tropes, from someone who's lived it.
Okay, this is kind of…. Idk a very specific vent and tbh one I feel kinda bad about because I genuinely don’t want to make people feel bad for liking reading/writing romantic angst or tragedy and it’s really less of an individual issue than an overall attitude in fandom.
Like, it’s absolutely okay to like not happy endings, and angst doesn’t have to just be for cathartic relief. Angst isn’t only acceptable if it’s to process trauma, you’re allowed to like it just because that’s your taste.
But at the same time…. I can’t help but have very personal feelings about how a lot of fandom spaces treat tragic romance tropes…
(this got really long but... it's something I've wanted to address for a long time)
I'm far from secretive with the fact that when I was 20, my girlfriend Emma (19) was killed in a car crash, along with her younger brother, mother, and aunt, and that a lot of my art and writing is purposefully about processing and accepting that grief. Fandom has been a very important part of how I’ve gotten through the last five years, which I’ll get into a bit more in a minute, but tbh it’s also been a lot harder navigating fandom and especially anything ship-related since Emma died, because of how people tend to romanticize a character tragically losing a partner.
And honestly, it’s not just fandom, it’s media in general. And mainstream media focus on tragic sob stories, shock factor, and BYG tropes is definitely a big part of the problem.
But as much as fandom pushes against mainstream overuse of such tropes, there is a good portion of fandom that falls into the same type of issue. And not just ‘fandom’ in the usual sense, but literary communities, poetry, etc…
The amount of times I see stories or prompts about characters tragically losing their partner, and that being the climax of the story, and then next to nothing about that character actually navigating their grief or being able to eventually start a new relationship or just be happy is just…. It makes me feel physically ill.
Like, people saying how tragic love stories are more interesting than happy endings. Or seeing a post about tragic pairing prompts and people saying things like ‘or they think it's unrequited but then A dies and B finds a letter confessing and they really loved each other but now it's too late’ and more people being like ‘YES YOU GET IT THAT'S THE GOOD STUFF’
Just… really, honestly. It's okay to like angst, even really tragic angst. I’m not trying to guilt anyone out of that.
I just….. Most of the time people just talk about it like ‘oh yeah I love some of that good tragic love story shit’ and the stories focus on the build-up and the shock/trauma of the death as it happens and then the excruciating reaction of the survivor and then maybe a time jump to show them happy again.
But very rarely do people take the time to actually handle the grief. People like the good cry of a character mourning their partner, but the vast majority of creators and fans rush through or skip over everything after the initial drama and aftermath. The ‘tragedy’ is the only part they focus on, and then the story ends and they move on.
And like. Shit. I liked that stuff too, I wrote some of it, years ago. And I’m not saying you can’t ever just leave it there, or that if you want to write tragic romance you always have to explore all the long-term emotional consequences.
But try to have it in mind, to consider what message countless grief narratives that end after the funeral, or maybe a few weeks or months later, teach people about real-life grief. This goes for any kind of grief narrative, but the one I see most, the one I used to ‘enjoy’ most myself, is romantic.
But, after having actually lived it? And knowing I'll have to live the rest of my life as the part of the story that usually isn’t told? It turns my stomach the way it’s often handled.
Like seeing people gush about how angsty a fic/idea is, and ‘OH MY GOD SO SAD CAN YOU BELIEVE HOW TRAGIC HOW DARE YOU. I LOVE SEEING/PUTTING THEM THROUGH SO MUCH PAIN’ gets a bit uncomfortable.
Not because there’s something inherently wrong with ever reacting like that, but because most often I can turn around and have the same people not know how to react when I tell them about Emma, not know how to handle the same grief they were just gushing over in fiction, when it’s real.
Grief is isolating enough on its own, but then it just doesn’t feel great when the worst thing to ever happen to you is a huge trope that people gush over, while very rarely fleshing out the actual reality of what it feels like to go through that or how to respond to someone actually dealing with grief, and eventually having to deal with your own grief.
Tbh it’s why I really just kinda have an aversion to the word ‘angst’ in general, and don’t really like to refer to my own writing as angst, even though I know plenty of people might think of it as such. So much of fandom's handling of ‘angst’ has come to feel like voyeuristic tourism of the grief I deal with every day, and will for the rest of my life.
Just, I know people are always going to like tragic angsty romance, and that’s fine, and honestly, it's not even an issue of individuals, but of how fandom in general treats it.
And again, I really don’t want to make anyone feel bad for liking it, and it has its purposes. And even when it’s not for catharsis, it's okay to just like sad stories just because.
I just… I wish more people would keep in mind that it’s not just a tearjerker story trope. People really go through this. And they then often end up feeling very isolated because people around them don't know how to react to their grief, because their grief makes things awkward and a mood killer.
Like, if you love this kind of angst (and not because you personally relate to it or find it cathartic, but just because, just for fun) but then feel awkward around people talking about their real-life grief, maybe spend some time with that, and think about the topic as a real-world trauma and not just a dramatic story trope. (this doesn’t just go for grief. Any kind of trauma you don’t personally deal with, if you love reading/writing it but avoid actually listening to people talking about their real-life experiences with it, think about why that is.)
I just hate seeing loss and initial dramatic grief responses being this shock factor/tearjerker trope, without ever really seriously addressing long-term grief. Especially when it doesn't even do a time jump or anything, and just ends on the surviving character being forever destroyed; when it focuses on the idea of how sad it is for your favorite character to have to spend the rest of their life alone.
And that’s not even folding in any kind of BYG/queer tragedy tropes in canon or fandom spaces.
And like… on a much more individual, less practical point, I just… there’s nothing wrong with angst but honestly (and especially for characters whose canon is in no way tragic) every time I see it I just want to scream WHY…. Why do that to them!? I’m not saying you have to stop, or that you’re not allowed to write trauma you don’t deal with personally. But I will never not cringe a bit at the ‘painful enjoyment’ of a character going through the traumatic loss of a partner. And it’s a sentiment I don’t really see people being okay with in regards to any other kind of trauma.
I don’t have actual numbers, but it sure feels like fandom treats stories about romantic grief very differently than most other traumas. Other trauma, even other kinds of grief, like a close friend or a sibling or parent, etc. tend to at least try to touch on a theme of recovery, or that the emotional turmoil being covered isn’t just a fun angsty trope to spend a little time in and then move on. And of course, this isn’t universal and plenty of people don’t handle these other traumas respectfully or as anything more than dramatic fuel, but this is the trend I’ve personally seen in over 10 years of tumblr fandom. And to that point, even when traumas aren’t respectfully handled I’ve at least seen people try to bring attention to that, with posts about how to respectfully handle disability or addiction or mental health or abuse. I can’t remember off the top of my head a single post like that about grief, let alone specifically romantic grief. It seems to be commonly accepted that while most kinds of trauma can be explored, but still handled respectfully, the death of a partner can just be done for the Drama. People tend to try to learn about abuse or addiction experiences before attempting big angsty stories addressing that. But doomed romance and a grief-stricken lover (it feels like, in my experience) are much more likely to happen on a whim.
Generally, it feels like other kinds of trauma, while still part of ‘angst’ also keeps a sense of awareness of how that narrative reflects real people’s experiences. It’s not just heavy because it’s big dramatic fictional angst, but because it’s grounded in real-life trauma that everyday people who come across it might relate to. Like... I just feel like a lot of fandom spaces treat ‘major character death’ and tragic romantic trope tags as just filters, like they’re needed because ‘not everyone likes angst, it’s just not their thing’ without really acknowledging that it’s a real trauma that everyday people deal with, where (again, often, but of course far from always, and certainly not in mainstream) other tws and tags like assault or substance abuse, people understand that people they interact with might really deal with those issues and they try to not just use them as dramatic fodder and to portray them respectfully.
But grief, especially romantic grief, seems different. The number of people who will come across a fic or edit or piece of art about a tragic love story, and will have had that personal experience of losing a partner, is much lower than people with real experiences with abuse, or addiction, or mental illness. That’s not a bad thing. I wish none of you ever have to know what that feels like.
But because of that, tragic romance ends up seeming like this distant thing. Like it’s only in dramatic tv shows or movies or literature, or lives solely in angsty fandom spaces as a way to get out a good cry. It seems grand and Tragic, off in its own world of dramatic emotional story tropes.
It’s solely pretty dark edits put to song lyrics, or striking art, or beautifully written prose that rips your heart out. It’s Tragic Romance.
And there’s nothing wrong with that inherently. But for many people, it seems like that is what it becomes: fiction. An angsty trope.
I genuinely hope that’s all it ever is for all of you. I wish I could ensure that that good angsty hurt will only ever be a trope you visit when you need a good cry.
But it’s not just fiction.
It's not just angst for sake of drama or fun or poetic storytelling. It’s not grand or romantic or beautifully tragic.
It’s unbearable. It’s physical pain.
That’s not exaggeration or metaphor. It sneaks up on me out of nowhere and it literally feels like someone is crushing my chest. I’ve nearly broken my hand punching a wall because I needed to make something hurt more than this thing in my chest that isn’t even actually there but it hurts so much.
Tbf I think a lot of my attitude towards this really stems more from fandom trends from when I was younger, and I think a lot more people actually try to flesh out grief more these days. But I just remember so much tragic romantic fic and fandom love from when I was a teenager that didn’t go deeper than ‘look how heartbreaking this is it’s so sad, I wanna make everybody read it and cry and it’s just fun and a story, oh my god I couldn't live with that’
no, of course I don't have a few specific old fics or posts from like superwholock days in mind, that I used to gush over too, and now just the idea of makes me feel actually sick
Idk… like I said. I don't at all want to make anyone feel bad for liking that type of angst, and I feel kind of bad for criticizing it. It just…
It hurts seeing basically your exact situation on angsty prompt lists with people gushing about how good it hurts. Especially when the same people would be (and have been) deer in headlights when they find out you’ve lived the same thing. (Again, this goes for any kind of trauma trope, but most others I’ve seen at least some kind of discussion about before)
Just please, try to be mindful of not just how you write stories about grief, but how you talk about death angst in general. (again, certainly not everyone, but more and more) People know to not just romanticize abuse trauma or addictions or mental illness, and to research, and ask for advice to try to be respectful.
And it’s much more common for someone in fandom spaces, in their teens or 20s or 30s to deal with those sorts of trauma than having experienced losing a partner.
But we exist. And while there is plenty of media out there showing tragic young romance, there is very little (in my experience, after nearly five years of desperately looking) real-world acknowledgment and support, or proof that you’ll be able to survive that kind of loss and still be happy, and even less so if they’re queer.
In a couple of months, it will have been five years since Emma’s death. From day one I have not been private about my loss, whenever possible.
And in five years of saying “When I was 20 my girlfriend died.” to new friends, classmates, potential dates, fandom spaces, therapists, grief support forums, etc… do you know how many other people have told me that they also lost a partner as a young adult, whether queer or straight, by accident or suicide or illness?
No one. I’ve had people say how they lost a best friend or a sibling or a parent. And those losses, those kinds of grief are certainly not any less traumatic than the loss of a partner. But even in real life, they’re different. Losing a partner, especially at a very young age when it’s likely your main romantic experience, has different emotional effects, and can be harder to find people who directly relate.
Five years. Zero people dealing with the specific facets of grief as me.
The ONLY times I have ever heard about stories like mine in real life are either the rare article or essay or celebrity story, of which I can probably easily count on two hands.
All the other representation I’ve found is in mainstream fiction and fandom.
And of those stories, those fics, that art, the vast majority have had the partner die in the last half, probably closer to the 75% mark, of the story or arc.
If I’m lucky, that last 25% will focus on the immediate aftermath and grief (especially in fic, while a lot of media might give you a few scenes, and then move on to other character arcs).
If I’m really lucky they’ll show some kind of time jump, to say ‘see, they’re still haunted by their lost love but they’ve tried to move on or can pretend to be happy’.
And so much fandom reception is centered around ‘it’s soooooo SADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD MY POOR HEART IT HURTS SO GOOD. LOVE ME SOME ANGST’, or romanticizing the idea of being unable to live without them, and if they can, it’s often never really putting focus on all the pain it took to process their grief.
Again, I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with this individually, or that you shouldn’t gush and scream over fic or art or prompts that hook you because of angst. But it adds up really quickly, especially when, even when getting good genuine support from people, you still see no one else actually living with that feeling like you. The only place you find it is stories, and then you see people mostly excited over just how beautifully sad it is.
And that just feels… I can’t explain it honestly.
Just, think about how you react to or talk about fic or prompts or art about a character crying over their partner’s body, or attending their funeral, and think about whether you’d feel appropriate doing the same if instead, they were dealing with abuse, or addiction, or self-harm.
Again, that’s not to say you can’t ever gush or key smash or such, but is it all you do?
You don’t have to stop enjoying angst and tragic romance. But think about how I just said that.
Do you only ever act like you ‘Enjoy’ it (and yes, this includes the ‘I’m such a masochist I just love to cry over them, it’s emotional release that doesn’t trigger me’ reaction), and romanticize it?
It’s fine to, sometimes. But do you also appreciate it, and try to understand the real-world weight of it? Do you know what you’d say to a friend if they told you they’d lost a partner?
That ‘love me some good angst’, Dramatic grief, being the main fandom attitude doesn’t just hurt me or others who have lost people close to them, partners or not.
A big part of fandom, and of just society, has no idea how to deal with grief, their own or others. It’s not a light conversation topic, it makes people feel awkward, or walk on eggshells around you, or tell you how they can’t possibly imagine having to go through that (btw, y'all don’t say this to people. About grief, or trauma, or disability or anything like that, just don’t. I’m begging you. And a rant about that kind of thing is for another day but... )
And then, when people inevitably face some form of major grief themselves, they feel ashamed for not handling it ‘right’.
It hurts, to try to find some acknowledgment of your grief, and only ever see stories that show just the first few weeks or months; the feeling of it never possibly being anything but constantly excruciating. Stories that end on ‘they were alone and sad and that is what their story, their love, will live on as; Tragic’. Or, that skip all the work and the doubt and the backsliding, and just show years down the road, when they’ve got a whole new life, and that grief, that love, is just a sad memory that they have ‘moved on’ from. Just a tiny trinket call back.
It feels impossible to survive, to ever be happy again, when you never see grief being treated as more than a tragic story point. And then, as you try your hardest to keep going, to process and heal, and connect to new people, while not forgetting the person you love, not letting them just become your tragic backstory, you see people gush over tragic love stories, over how romantic it is, over how characters loved each other so much they couldn’t live without them. (Thankfully a good bit of fandom seems to be pulling away from this, but it’s still common)
And, if that’s what it is to lose a partner, your soulmate… then… then how am I able to keep living? Even as painful as it is? If true love means not being able to live without the other person, does that mean I didn’t, I don’t, actually love them enough? Am I selfish for still actually wanting to live the rest of my life, even with this pain of the person I love being gone?
Would people read my, our, story and ‘enjoy’ it? Would they find this romantic? Would they scream over a prompt based on the worst event in my life, and have a good cry, and then move on, thinking how sad and beautifully tragically romantic that story would be? Would this person I love and miss more than anything, become just a Tragedy? Just an angsty sob story to gush about how wonderfully painful it was? Would it become about only my pain and heartbreak, and not about the cruelty of this other complete, unique, independent person who was robbed of their entire future?
Maybe that seems melodramatic or putting too much weight on tropes, or fandom. But remember.
Five years.
Zero real people saying ‘I’ve been there too’.
The only places I have seen my grief reflected (beyond a rare celebrity interview, or article) is in fiction, and mostly in fandom.
For over a decade I’ve seen people key smash and gush over angsty ships in fic and art, and I was one of them for a long time.
And then, when it became real life for me, all too often (not always, of course) people wouldn’t know how to handle my real grief. Even when I didn’t want to grieve, but wanted to remember all the reasons I love Emma. My real-life moments of ‘fluff’ that I cling to, become uncomfortable when they know the ‘angst’ to come.
And I don’t blame them. I’m not angry at them for not knowing what to say, for walking on eggshells. They’re not cruel for that, they’re not unsympathetic, it’s not that they just don’t try.
Because, if I’ve found so few real-world stories about this kind of grief, after looking so hard for so long, how can I expect them to have had much more luck?
If the only places I find stories about grief never focus on the reality of life after the funeral, and the process of not moving past, but learning to handle grief, then how can I expect broader fandom to know how to be comfortable around the ugly, boring, repetitive, not at all romantic parts of that grief?
Just, yes. Write, read, love your angst. But please just remember that ‘tragic love story’ happens to people, and while plenty of people might not want to read it because it’s just not their thing, or too depressing, there are those who see those dramatic prompt scenarios, and personally relate to them (I quite often say the events around Emma’s death read like a heavy-handed soap opera, or Queer Tragedy movie, and had had plenty of people agree, even before hearing all the details. And I have literally seen multiple prompts of ‘best friends secretly have feelings for each other, and then finally confess, only to get a short bit of happiness before one dies tragically’)
Write, read, love your angst, your tragic love stories, just please, be as respectful of grief (in any form, but this is mostly a shipping issue in my experience) as you would be (or should be) of other major trigger warnings. Gush and scream about the big dramatic ‘romantic’ tragedies, but don’t then ignore the raw, uncomfortable, vulnerable, cathartic explorations, or the real people dealing with real loss.
Because damn y’all, I’ve seen ‘I just love a good romantic tragedy trope, yes please rip my heart out’ said so many times, with the same tone as saying ‘That fake dating trope, that’s the good stuff’.
I’ve seen people gush over how much more interesting and beautifully cruel it is for young love to end tragically.
And I promise you. It’s not. It just fucking sucks. It’s not romantic or tragically beautiful or poignant. It’s devastating. And it goes on for so much longer than that last quarter of the story.
My grief is more than an angsty prompt. Our relationship, my love for her, is more than a dramatic sob story, more than just awkward sadness that kills the mood. Emma’s life, her memory, is more than my tragic backstory.
I want to be able to find my story in more than just fiction, I want to be able to get support from people who live with similar grief.
But I also want to see grief in fiction, in fandom, become more than a final character arc or Tragic love story; used for dramatic effect; grand and huge for a moment and then never fully processed, or mentioned again; just tragically romantic and heartbreaking and soooo good and angsty.
Grief is one of the only things we will all have to face throughout our lives.
I’m not just asking you to respect my grief or the grief of those around you. But your own future grief. I don’t want you to get there and feel like your grief is wrong, or means that you didn’t love someone ‘enough’ because it doesn’t manifest in a certain way.
Learning to accept grief; to be comfortable around raw, unpoetic, grief; to not hold up certain expressions of grief as Romantic or Poetic, but just honest, will eventually be personally useful for all of us, as much as I wish it wouldn’t.
I want my grief, everyone’s grief, to be seen, and understood, not just romanticized and dramatized.
My love story, Emma’s love story, isn’t beautifully tragic. It isn’t more interesting or poetic than a happy ending. The pain that I will carry with me for the rest of my life is not romantic.
But it is important.
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17 Questions 17 People
Tagged by @interstellarbookofflowers​! Thanks! : D
Nicknames: I don’t have that much really, but a frequent one is “bruha” (which really just means an ugly woman/witch) from my parents because my hair is naturally wavy and frizzy, but it kind of loses the waves after a while when my hair dries, so then it just becomes this giant, p o o f  ‘:)
Zodiac: Virgo
Height: 5′ 1″
Last thing I googled: The Tea Party Movement bc of my U.S. Government and Politics class
Song stuck in my head: Dazzle Dazzle by Weki Meki, I watched through the dance practice a couple days ago and it’s just, really catchy
Number of followers: 121
Amount of sleep I got: Okay this morning it was two hours but that’s only because I was working on a thing for this one class and I didn’t wanna half ass it and I actually wanted to make it nice... so I underestimated how long it would take me, and I ended up sleeping at 6 am and woke up at 8. Usually it’s like a solid 7-8 hours tho I swear ‘’: )
Lucky number: I’d like to think 2 or 8, but idk how real that actually is
Favorite song: Jjfkls idk there’s a lot I wanna mention, but I guess the first that comes to mind is Time of Our Life by Day6 
Favorite instrument: Drums only bc I’m trying to self teach using my brother’s drumset and while I’m only decent, it’s pretty fun
Dream job: Something revolving around my major..? Like I would think maybe interior design or landscape architecture or maybe even something technical theatre (that’s a bit of a stretch tho I think) I honestly don’t know though, it could be anything really, as long as I’m enjoying it right :D
Aesthetic: Gosh idk I feel like I’m too everywhere to really have an aesthetic
Favorite author: I honestly haven’t actually read, like not including school required/related readings, in a while... but my mind goes to Rick Riordan bc PJO/HoO from like middle school was pretty great
Favorite animal noise: Cat purrs :‘D
Random: I’m glad that Haikyuu is really mainstream now and pretty popular, but I can’t help but be a bit salty to see so many people liking it because when I started watching it in middle school, these kids made fun of me for watching a dumb anime about sports and they thought it was just really stupid, so I kinda stopped watching it and never got back into it... I’ve been trying to bring myself to watch the show again, but idk I just always feel so kjdlfsjklfks... so idk maybe I’ll try reading the manga instead so I don’t exactly relive the event ‘’: )
I tag @hallahella @melody-studyblr @ewwwitsfaed @i-am-fluffs @stvdyhoe @broke-stem-student @puddlestudies @ellie-in-wonderland and anyone else who wants to : D I know it says 17 but I just, could not I am sorry
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deeplyuninterested · 4 years
30 Question Ask Game
@bvrgundybxtch tagged me to answer 30 questions! Thank you for tagging me!
Favorite Baby Names - Literally no idea. Idk, Bobby? lol Definitely not Bobby.
How People Perceive You – Snub and cold.
Switch Friend Code - Buy me one and I ll put any nickname you tell me too. 
Describe Your Style – Mostly serious and conservative but I promise that’s probably one of the very few things I am conservative. Also I avoid colorful stuff. Oh and I love sweaters in winter.
Best Fruit Flavor For Candy – Watermelon I suppose.
What’s Under Your Bed – My bed has it’s own drawers. Mostly underwear, bedsheets, light blankets and stuff.
Best Disney Princess   Villain. Definitely Maleficent like @bvrgundybxtch but I also like Ursula.
Baudelaire Sibling You’re Most Like - Probably Violet, but not really I guess.
Magical Element You’d Want To Wield – Hard one. Probably wind and water yeah.
Weirdest Celebrity Crush – They are all pretty mainstream I think, I m boring like that lol.
What Reminds You Of Home – Sunny weather and jasmine scent?
Share A Bit of Wisdom – Devote yourself to some sort of art and try to help others. Life is much simpler than we think.
Cover Songs Better Than the Original – There are many but nothing compares to “Hurt” by Johnny Cash imho. And although “I need a hero” by Bonnie Tyler is legendary on its own, Nothing but Thieves did an awesome cover too, so it’s worth mentioning.
Guilty Pleasure Song - Nah I don’t feel guilty, I support everything with all my heart lol.
Best Book(s) You Read Last Year – I started reading Homer’s Iliad, so yeah, that’s the one probably.
Best Game(s) You Played Last Year - Europa Universalis 4 for sure.
Coffee Order – I don’t drink coffee :/ I am a tea person.
Favorite Fictional Couple – I rarely like couples lol I can’t think of any.
Favorite Superhero Movie – X-men the Last Stand and Avenger’s Infinity War. Guardians of the Galaxy were also really cool.
Unpopular Opinion –  I am an atheist, left-wing, vegetarian in Greece. Even my very breath is an unpopular opinion around here (especially the vegetarian part lol).
I Hate – Capitalism, disorder, unpunctuality, uncertainty.
Scars – I removed a mole from my back and the scar is still kinda fresh. Also my big toe nail seems like broken in the middle as long as I can remember myself.
Last YouTube Video - A meme brought me to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWDDVuxFboI .
Last Netflix Show – Brooklyn 99 and I must say I m a little disappointed by season 6
More People Should – start listening to experts in each field.
Common Skill That You Don’t Possess – I can’t whistle
Can You Pick the Mean Dialog Options In Games – ....what?
Favorite Video Game Cast - no idea too.
Pokemon That Deserve More Love – Venomoth for sure! Beedril and Muk also belong here.
Next Thing You Plan To Buy – Little ancient greek gods statues for my new bookcase
I tag... no one. I d like to tag some people but they might not be in the mood for it so... yeah. However, anyone reading this can say I tagged them and I ll confirm it!
If you don’t have an answer to a question, just make up a question of your own! Also, feel free to skip doing it altogether. That works too!
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berrymeter · 3 years
heyyy perth it’s tt anon i saw u tell everyone to listen to onf’s music so i listened to onf’s music!! and bro... actually amazing. onf are making some of the best and most interesting kpop rn. don’t get me wrong oneus is also making some of the best kpop rn but their songs are simply also uninteresting <3 but onf... sukhumvit swimming is ofc top tier and i also really like my genesis, why and ugly dance (yeah why wasn’t in ur recs and u thought ugly dance sounded like an nct reject YEAH I KNOW we seem to have different music tastes lmao) the dreamer/realist connections were fun to listen to although i feel like the ~ending song swap~ was smoother in the dreamer than in the realist. and a lot of their voices.. i think emkay and etion and jayus? all have this high, airy, bit nasal voice whichhh isn’t really my thing but on the other hand HYOJIN’s voice.. the hyoice.. underrated and deserves more hype forever. and they do so many little interesting compositional/instrumental choices like electric guitar or sax or weird synths or chromatic scales! so even if the song itself is p mainstream there’s enough there to keep u guessing. which is just cool!
TT ANON GOOD TASTE CONFIRMED YET AGAIN!!!!! i didn't think anybody would listen to that post tbh AKSJSJDJ i just expect ppl to be annoyed by me & blacklist onf 😭 but as usual u deliver... i feel trusted... and cared for like u just placed a blanket on top of me after i fell asleep on the couch 💕💕💕 (i haven't slept in almost 24 hrs don't mind the comparisons... and i swear i tried to sleep for 10 hours just now... very boring)
and hey why was in my recs i said listen to the title tracks 😔 i only removed her from my faves playlist recently bc i didn't wanna get tired of it bc it's so good but it'd been there for a year KSJSNSJJS. it's just a solid song and i like it better than we must love on most days (onf performing wml with yooa on rtk kind of... not ruined it but... eh. she didn't sing, only danced, but STILL...). i think my big problem with ugly dance is not only that the song is a bit messy (that would be fine on its own) but that it was pretty much... marketed as a followup to beautiful beautiful in some way? i mean it's a repackage and onf have been doing those storyline mvs since we must love (and maaaybe complete? i forgot the mv i just know the song makes me cry like a baby and the choreo is fun), and since beautiful beautiful, which fucking bangs, was connected to why (& possibly sukswim but look i'm still trying to work out what that mv means KAJZNWJSJ) i expected ugly dance to follow... but no it was just a dance mv in a completely different tone 😔 and i still think my genesis should've been the title track had they followed up from bb but they didn't so... ksjxsmdnsj
yeah it is smoother in the dreamer but i feel like it works well with the songs? like oh fuck thinking about it made me tear up i have a problem KAJDNSNS but like i was gonna say i feel like the realist is (obviously) thematically darker than the dreamer so the abrupt cut into something lighter makes sense imo, like the way you don't remember when you fall asleep - you're thinking (if you're like me i think about oc storylines while i fall asleep) and then suddenly you're in your dreams (if you're like me i remember my dreams very often). meanwhile the dreamer would be more like, an attempt at convincing yourself things are good, and at the end the reality slowly creeps up on you while they keep saying "let's dream"... and i legit teared up while typing all of that help 😭😭 i'm just Passionate about music KAJSNSNSKS but this is ridiculous. but yeah that's how i feel about those songs without going too much into the lyrics and i feel like the way both transitions were done really fits each song!
HYOJIN'S VOICEEE YES HE'S SO FULL AND POWERFUL. i have a post out there where i described all four of their voices with flavours bc it's the easiest way for me to describe high voices and hyojin was a fruit like a peach or passionfruit iirc meanwhile etion was the taste of pistachios/almond milk i think? emkay is sweet like candy but not sour candy or something super gummy, more akin to cotton candy if anything (or those very industrial drinks) so even when he sings loud he sounds soft. something that also applies to taemin btw, he isn't sweet in that same way at all but even when he's loud he just doesn't sound as powerful as key or jinki, and that's the same thing with hyojin and other onf vocalists - he's the powerhouse! jayus... i might've compared his voice to something light like vanilla... i'll look for the post. but yeah if u like hyojin's voice i recommend checking out even of day's performance of you were beautiful guest starring hyojin he sounds beautiful (i link it bc i personally struggle to find it on youtube idk why??), and of course onf's everybody cover on rtk... it did Not please everyone but that's quite literally what got me into them. my favourite shinee title track? with hyojin's vocals? (we ignore wyatt) ofc i was gonna like it.....
also this talk of voices reminds me i forgot to recommend secret triangle :/ so loud for no reason near the end but top 10 songs i listen for jayus' airy tone KWJDMSJSJ. but tbh i can't really pick a favourite vocalist in onf they're all really good at what they're doing... my beloveds... their songs truly are Mainstream But Good these days (ugly dance is still a bit of a letdown but it's on my faves playlist for now so... we'll see how long this lasts) but what i also really like with them are the mvs. they're very cinematic a lot of the time especially why that doesn't even have a single dance shot i still don't know what the choreo is LMAO... umm so yeah this was onf promo hour i guess sorry mutuals i'll tag this long post 😭😭
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powermetalhag · 4 years
Digging Deeper
 @alienfuckeronmain​ tagged me in this massive tag meme (Thank you!! I love doing these things). If I tag you, feel free to ignore this if you don’t feel up to doing it/reading it. If you aren’t tagged and want to be, feel free to just say I tagged you ❤
I tag: @flowerkitten @meemimajima @darlingdear @wizards1977 @violet-tea @lickthatbattery @lusamine @misfit-on-a-journey @lampshroomomg @cyrsed @wooden-duck @wildbayou @curse-you @ghostly-rowlf​ @icedchailatte​ @oni-lover​
1. Do you prefer writing with a black pen or blue pen? black
2. Would you prefer to live in the country or city? City
3. If you could learn a new skill what would it be? I’d love to be able to sing and metal-scream really well. I’m trying to learn but I practice pretty inconsistently and it’s an uphill battle bc I don’t have much natural aptitude for it. Also it would be really cool to be a contortionist. 
4. Do you drink your tea/coffee with sugar? I don’t drink coffee. Sometimes I sweeten tea, sometimes I don’t.
5. What was your favourite book as a child? I didn’t like reading books much as a child. When it came to reading novels, my reading comprehension was pretty below average (I think I posted about this ages ago, but when I tried to read Harry potter when I was 7 I couldn’t follow it at all. I somehow thought that Harry and Hagrid were the same character and that Hagrid was just the name for Harry’s Wizard self. My concentration just wasn’t there). I read a lot of manga though. I think my favourites were fushigi yuugi, saint tail, and miracle girls.
6. Do you prefer baths or showers? showers.
7. If you could be a mythical creature, which one would it be? Hobbit
8. Paper or electronic books? I prefer paper books, but I mostly use electronic ones.
9. What is your favourite item of clothing? my cloud-print long sleeved mesh shirt
10. Do you like your name or would you like to change it? I used to want to change it, I don’t anymore. 
11. Who is a mentor to you? I don’t think I have one
12. Would you like to be famous and if so, what for? I like the idea of creative projects of mine becoming a little bit known, but I’d never want to be famous.
13. Are you a restless sleeper? Not really
14. Do you consider yourself a romantic person? I’m probably less romantic than the average person, but in the right situation I can be.
15. Which element best represents you? I associate myself with fire (bc I'm a leo) but in some ways water or air might better represent me. Idk.
16. Who do you want to be closer to? Honestly? Pretty much all of my friends. My life is complicated and the severity of my ocd makes me keep everyone at a distance more than I’d like to.
17. Do you miss someone at the moment? Everyone who I haven’t seen since quarantine started.
18. Tell us about an early childhood memory. As young kids my sister and I hated Tracey Sketchit from pokemon so passionately that we would draw his face on the bottom of our feet before going to jump on the trampoline so that we could feel like we were jumping on him
19. What is the strangest thing you have eaten? When we were little my sister and I would sometimes eat raw dried spaghetti dipped in vegemite when there was no other easy snacks in the house. We called them cardboard sticks. (The food situation in my house wasn’t dire or anything, we were just too lazy to make a sandwich or something lol)
20. What are you most thankful for? I am thankful for the people I have in my life and for the amount of stability i’ve been able to have in my life in recent times.
21. Do you like spicy food? I do, but if I eat it often enough to increase my tolerance to it I get bad reflux. So I remain a spice wimp who can only have mild.
22. Have you ever met someone famous? Zakk Wylde, Chris Lilley, and some guy who was on Blue Heelers. Also I spoke to Tracy Grimshaw on the phone once. Meeting Zakk Wylde was funny because I was REALLY weird and embarrassing.
(Long story ahead, feel free to skip) Basically, my friend and I were 16 and wandering through the city high on acid. We saw Zakk standing near Hungry Jacks and became completely captivated by him. We had no idea he was some big famous rockstar, we thought he was just some random guy. I cannot convey to you how intense his presence felt at that time. It was like he was everything that is and ever will be metal but congealed into a human being and magnified by 2000x. (in case you don’t know him, he looks like this)
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We were so high that we were very in our own world and felt like we were the only ones who really existed and that everything else was just kinda there for us to observe. So we started following him and discussing him as if he couldn’t hear every word we were saying. 
I remember us being like “He’s the most metal thing i’ve seen in my life” “He’s like Neptune, king of the sea, but a brutal version” “He’s the raw original concept that all other metalheads were disseminated from. He’s the true, the original.” It made sense at the time that he could be the origin point of metal and the first ever metalhead because time and space felt like it existed in a looser way than usual. We were really fixated on the idea that metal was invented through his very existence as a direct expression of self, then people copied him, then people copied those people and so on. The further they got from the source (Zakk) the more diluted the essence became. That’s why being around normal metalheads wasn’t as viscerally overwhelming as being in the presence of the raw undiluted concept. We concluded that no metalheads were actually expressing themselves through their subcultural identity. Unknowingly, they’re just expressing him. And we were saying all of this while walking maybe a metre and a half behind him while he ignored us.
Eventually some of the people he was with noticed we were following him and started talking to us (they may have been members of Black label society or they may have just been friends of his, idk). They were friendly and said that they used to do acid when they were younger too and invited us to get drunk with them. We said yes and walked with them for a little. I don’t think Zakk said a word to us the entire time. He probably found us annoying. But we kept staring at Zakk and getting overwhelmed by how intense it was just to be in his presence. Then me and my friend abruptly turned and left without saying anything because being around Zakk was getting to be too much. It was like a sensory overload. As we walked away we barely heard them yelling back to us “something something something ZAKK WYLDE!”. I was familiar with the name but I’d never known how he looked. I googled him a few days later and learned that it was indeed Zakk Wylde who we met and that he’d been in Brisbane with black label society.
And that’s the story of how I passed up the once in a lifetime opportunity to get drunk with Zakk Wylde because his vibes were off the charts.
23. Do you do you keep a diary or journal? No. Kinda wish I could, but the habit doesn’t stick.
24. Do you prefer to use a pen or a pencil?  Pencil
25. What is your star sign? Leo sun (Virgo cusp), Scorpio moon, Sagittarius rising.
26. Do you like your cereal soggy or crunchy? Crunchy
27. What would you want your legacy to be? I’d like to have a positive effect on the people in my life and leave art behind that people might enjoy or relate to (I use the word art loosely, I mean any kind of creative project). I think I've become more aware recently of how important that is to me, which is why I've been so uncharacteristically dedicated to finishing my comic.
28. Do you like reading, what was the last book you read? I like reading books but I don’t always have the attention span for it. I tend to read more non-fiction than fiction. The last book I read was Nothing Feels Good: Punk Rock, Teenagers, and Emo. A really great book if you want to learn about emo history. The only downside is that it was published in 2003, before emo really took off in the mainstream. Had some insightful things to say regardless.
29. How do you show someone you love them? Idk I can’t think of a concise answer for this. I think it varies depending on who it is and what our dynamic is. When I took that love language test it said my love language was quality time.
30. Do you like ice in your drinks? I don’t like it in water. It’s fine in most other drinks.
31. What are you afraid of? I don’t think I can answer this without oversharing or getting too bleak
32. What is your favourite scent? I like tropical scents like mango and coconut
33. Do you address older people by their name or surname? By their name
34. If money was not a factor, how would you live your life? I’d buy a house with my sister and I wouldn’t have a job but I'd volunteer and do freelance creative work. I’d donate a lot more and help people out more. I’d learn lots of new skills and make lots of art. I would have an amazing wardrobe too.
A kinda sillier dream is that I'd start a cheerleading team where our routines are exclusively to metal songs. As well as entering competitions, we would also be an opening act for bands (in this dream i’m much better at cheerleading than I currently am). It would be cool ok
35. Do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean.? Ocean. I miss going to the beach so much
36. What would you do if you found £50 on the ground? See if someone dropped it. Then idk, would depend on my financial situation at the time.
37. Have you ever seen a shooting star? Yes
38. What is the one thing you would want to teach your children? I’m not going to have children. I’d like to be a good influence in my friend’s children’s lives though.
39. If you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it? Probably some old-school gradient style neopets art (maybe an aisha) or 90s tamagotchi art or a cool wizard. I’d get it on my thigh. I’m very unlikely to ever get a tattoo though
40. What can you hear now? The hum of my computer. It’s old and loud and on its way out
41. Where do you feel the safest? In my bed at home with my cat Luna or hanging out w my sister
42. What is the one thing you want to overcome/conquer? Once coronavirus is less of an issue (which may be in the near future where I live), I’d like to try and push myself to start dating again. I haven’t done that in a long while. The limitations that ocd causes me makes it hard for me to imagine a relationship-- even a casual one--being workable. But I ought to at least try before I decide that. Sometimes things turn out to be easier than I think they’ll be 🤷‍♀️.
43. If you could travel back to any era, what would it be? This is so hard!!
If this is purely for enjoyment and not to change the past, i’d probably just want to see all my favourite bands live while they were in their prime and like, cry the whole way through because I am so moved.
44. What is your most used emoji? :) or :/ 
45. Describe yourself using one word. I’m really bad at questions like this
46. What do you regret the most? Eh, that’s a bit personal. I feel like i’ve overshared enough in this thing.
47. Last movie you saw? Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days
48. Last tv show you watched? Degrassi the next generation
49. Invent a word and it’s meaning. Idk
If you’ve read this far ty!! Here’s a little sheep for your trouble
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lcnguor · 4 years
fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
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My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless /
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO.
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
Are they underrated?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant for the main character?  YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG.
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO.
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL.
How strictly do you follow canon?  — Since she is an OC with her own lore I would say pretty much . Of course there are some heres and theres and she changed a lot from the first time I dragged her out of the void of my head . I originally wanted to make more of a gag character but ended up taking too much of the screen if I’m honest . but of course , since there is many other lores and crossovers are a must , some things change once or twice .
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  Nora is a mentor character , supportive and most likely to be the ace under the sleeve like a Kisuke Urahara from Bleach or Sinbad from Magi --- you know there’s something fishy but there is a charm that even thought they are slidding in the background for the main character , their relevance is vast . As a mentor characters , she would often help with insight , understanding of complex things , giving moral lessons and giving others a sense of security whilst also making sure to throw hints about a doubious nature . Keeping a character around her to keep their feet on ground while never shooting down their hopes and dreams .
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  —  She is not approachable unless you have enough guts to -- perhaps even looks intimidating or hard to come up with something plausible to make the meeting more natural . And honestly , she looks like a mainstream angst character at first glance --- even I myself believe this and start having second thoughts ... :laughs:  
What inspired you to rp your muse?  —  An old project I had archived in my closet of memories (?). She was the main , nameless character of a journal about , well , her and the emotions she had to deal with in the everyday . I will be seriously honest ... it was a self insert :blushes: after all it was like a personal journal I was doing on my darkest days . But after that , she became Sable -- the first character on her own -- who also served as a mentor ( but the story was much more dark , seriously ) and then just came to this . I even used the pre-prototype name lol . The idea was to put the whole story into a RPG pixel game or a short comic series where she ( Sable ) and the protagonist would wander around a city called “Nobody’s Home” , a place were people with “thats” ( what now are called Stalkers ) got dragged into and either confront their emotions and solve / comes in terms with them or get eaten by them ( a metaphor for suicide or dead by mental illness ) . The story was more or less about Sable teaching Nona ( the genderless protagonist ) about different mental states , issues and others and helping people solve them so they can return to the real world . Needless to say , the story ends with Nona returning after coming in terms with their condition ( funnily enough , the protagonist had a bunny shaped emotion ) while on the other hand Sable stayed behind along with her closest friend , who she question why he keeps being around if he could return himself , to what he replies he doesn’t want to leave her alone esp since she can no longer return --- hinting Sable committed suicide but by sheer will power remained there to help others to deal with what she couldn’t . Voez , the friend I mention , is even Victor from her current lore . Haha , I like recycling I guess . When I came with Nora , it was mostly to kill time and altered her base story a bit since the original plot was way to close up to make an interaction .
What keeps your inspiration going?  —  How well received she became , I know it sounds a bit ... uh , bad . But I honestly never expected people to like her . heck I even have my doubts about myself liking her haha . plus I know it’s not easy to deal with a character with a somewhat meta power ... I still struggle from time to time but I’m managing and having the support I have atm is something that keeps me going . I love plot a shit lot . I love to come up with ideas with others . To expand what I already have . besides , there is so much I haven’t write down yet that is about her lore but I’m a bit insecure yet . I guess I’m too used to forums where everyon follows a general plot haha ... old habits die hard .
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO / EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO / 50-50
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO, I HATE DRABBLES.
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day?  YES/ NO.
Are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO / .... UHHHH
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / HAHA NO.
Are you a sensitive person?  YES VERY MUCH A LOT / NO.
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  —  I haven’t got any so far --- which honestly surprises me because well ... there is so much that can bother people . as I said , I received a lot of support and praise , which also surprises me haha ... I won’t deny I would love to hear what people think , even if I later end up riding the anxiety train to the moon but it’s also a way to grow up , I believe . god ... I sound like nora Uu
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  —  I absolute love this and need this . It comes easier for me to make a 20 word pages of information about stuff if I’m asking specifically about it . even add explanatory drawings with it lolol since I’m kinda bad with words . besides , showing me interest on a character would just fire the heck out of me to keep going . I mean , everyone likes to get some curiosity and a chance to develop more their characters , canon or not .
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  —  I would for sure . I’m not smart and I actually do a shit ton of research --- but even so I can miss a lot of shit people would say <nah that’s not how it works> and that would be helpful as heckie . but of course , needing the why also would tell me if the person disagreeing is doing it with a solid ground or just because they are being a piece of crap . I’m really tired of tumblr mentality and shitty people who aren’t mature enough to act decently .
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  —  you cannot like everyone or have everyone like you either . I don’t really care much ... esp since nora is an original character . if it constructive critisism , okay -- I will take it , but gimme a solid reason other than “ your character is / is not ... “ and then give a crappy critique because she doesn’t fit your agenda or standards .
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  —  you are fucking free to unfollow me and ignore me for the rest of your life . I really don’t get the point of hating on the internet just because and keep promoting your hate just to be a pain in the ass .
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  —  I fucking wrote in my rules that people are even fricking free to fix my grammar and english because holy heck , even to this day I still do some ugly shit . I’m dumb , help ...
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   —  ehhhhhhhhhhhhh, kinda . I take everything with water . whenever it’s of ideology , people as it is , characters ... I am quite tolerant and try to keep the “okay this person thinks this way , fine .” but as long as nobody crosses the line where they try to spoil it for me or others , I get super bitter . I love OOC , getting to know the one behind the character makes me feel more secure about coming to them and just rambling about plots and hcs and whatever idea got in my mind . but if I see someone and , forgive me god for misjudging , see them as a person that will put me on my nerves -- I won’t even try . as for the friends I have and those who don’t know me as much ... I am obnoxiously sporadic and have a lot of ups and downs very often . one day I could be talking 100 words per second others I will just take a fucking week to respond . honestly , I had mined my social skills for two years plus several other irl stuff previous to that , so I’m always a bit too anxious around people , esp people I REALLY like . I’m insecure as heck , if someone is vague ( just because , idk , it was a lazy day for them ) I think at least 10 different reason why probably that person hates me now . I’m a bit dumb 26 year old baby .......... but I’m very aware that is completely on me . I’m a mess.......  so , what was the question again ??? ... I , yeah ... it’s a kinda . but I try , at least haha.
That’s about it, congrats for filling out!
Tagged by:  @skyvar​ herself Tagging: y’all , cowgirls and cowbois . i hate tagging bc i forget urls :finger guns:
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pransesdp · 5 years
Would Kwan/Sam work?
How do much do I ship it?: Never heard of it/ Notp / Dislike / used to ship / neutral / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / IS IT CANON YET? 
What non sexual activities do they like to do together?Working out, playing sports/videogames together, chillin’ at the park, practicing their poetry together, etc.
Who does chores around the house?Both do their equal share of the housework, with Kwan covering the yard/trash duties and Sam doing more of the dusting/dish-washing (and gardening if she’s got a good backyard for it)
Who’s the better cook?Sam, though Kwan would at least like to try a bit of baking now and then (if Sam’s there to help with instructions, mind you lol)
Who’s the funniest drunk?Again, Sam lol good thing Kwan would be there to like, carry her and such if she’s feeling too tipsy :p
Do they have kids?I would think they do in an AU scenario ;p Don’t really have any concrete kiddos right now but I did make a son for them as part of a contest awhile back, if that counts~ ;p
Do they have any traditions?Probably to have some occasional double-date sessions with their friends and such, but other than that idk tbh
What do they fight about?Hm, probably just some minor stuff like Sam wanting Kwan to stand up for himself some more on certain things, and Kwan wishing Sam wouldn’t be so stubborn at times
What would they do if they found their paring tag on tumblr? (If they have one)Kwan would feel pretty touched about the fan support while Sam’s kinda confused/flustered (but deep down flattered too ;p)
Who cried at the end of Marley and me?Kwan, though thankfully Sam’s there to give him the comforting hugs~
Who always wins at Mario kart?They’d be a bit more evenly matched in this area, since Kwan would know a thing or two about handling shell power-ups lol
One thing I like about this ship?How Sam was able to find the heart to give Kwan another chance to hang out during “Lucky in Love” (which was pretty notable considering her usual dislike for the popular crowd), leading me to get intrigued by the potential of their little dynamic 😊 so many directions they could’ve lead with Kwan possibly helping her lighten up about the “mainstream” stuff and Sam helping Kwan nudge away from Dash’s influence to show his softer side more often… idk, I just can’t help but find it cute y’know? :3 
One thing I don’t like about the ship?Lack of any closer canon interactions post-”Lucky in Love”, especially with Kwan returning to Dash’s circle and dating Star at the end ^^; 
The song I would say fits them?“Crush” by David Archuleta, since I can imagine it’d fit into a theme of Kwan starting to feel some “deeper” feelings for Sam the more they get friendlier together~ (even if it might be considered “wrong/weird” by their respective peer groups)
Another headcanon about the paring? (Free space)Kwan develops a secret crush on Sam after “Lucky in Love”, even though he’s dating Star and back with the popular crowd he just can’t help but think about the cute lil’ goth girl who cheered him up during the time when he was down… so if she were to ever look his way and connect with him again, who knows where things could lead between them~ ;3
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briannafrostgirl · 5 years
1-25 cause i'm an asshole girlfriend XOX
Love you baby ❤️
1. what is your gender? Can I say Amazon?
2. what are your pronouns? she/her/hers
3. what is your gender presentation like? Hmm... IDK. I think I’m more of a femme, but my dress style is a little butch
4. what is your Gender Euphoria Outfit? Cute crop top and short shorts
5. what makes you feel validated? Being complimented on my hair, clothes, makeup, ect. Tbh, it doesn’t happen nearly enough and it really helps.
6. top five favorite parts of your body (n why you love them)? Hmm... my legs - I’ve always kind of liked the shape of them. My hair - it’s a mess a lot of the time, but it’s a beautiful mess. My lips - they’re probably my most feminine feature and I’m very fond of them. My eyes - don’t know why, just like em. Can I say my breasts? They’re really cute, lol
7. favorite trans meme/bit of trans humor? A few good options I can’t quite remember, but probably this:  https://samael.tumblr.com/post/146212141815/khatoblepas-there-they-are-the-two-genders
8. how did you pick your name? To be honest, i got it from a Lonely Hearts Club doll and then it became the name of my first Wizard101 character. Yes, I was that girl growing up. Then it was an account name/gamer tag. By the time it was time to pick a name, I kind of had always known what it should be.
9. what does your name mean? It’s celtic (like me lol) and it means strong. 
10. do you have any trans pride merch? A trans flag sports bra, a trans flag hat, and a trans flag shirt that I designed myself. I love them all very much
11. recent happy trans moment? This is pretty depressing, but I’m struggling to remember something very recent. I can remember a time a while ago where I was taking pictures of myself naked and I felt very feminine, so maybe that
12. favorite trans headcanon? Black Widow
13. favorite canon trans character? (alt: 2nd favorite trans headcanon?) Going with a 2nd headcannon because I keep not watching the few shows with good trans rep in favor of watching the same cis-centric shows and movies again and again, because I hate starting new shows.
I’ve been headcannoning Ryder from Mass Effect Andromeda as a trans woman for a while now, but lately I said fuck it and now Shepard’s trans too. Whoops ;)
14. favorite trans blog(s)/trans blogger(s)? Oh no! There’s so many!! Aaagh! I follow a lot of really amazing trans bloggers, so no shade at all to anyone not on this list. You’re all amazing and I value you all. 
Now, onto the list. I mean, obviously @sagaofsarahrose  ❤️ She’s incredible and if you’re not following her, you should be. @skylightsofmylife @latex-tiddettes @thefiresontheheight @casey-is-a-jazzpunk and @themaddahlia are all super cool folx who do lots of funny/inspiring/really fucking neat stuff. And like, a million other cool trans people I follow here and on Instagram (less than subtle instagram plug)
15. favorite trans celebrity? I have a soft spot for Teddy Geiger, cause a) my girlfriend loves her and b) I feel like I don’t see enough trans wlw rep in the little mainstream rep we do have, so it warms my heart to see her and her fiance so happy together. Also I just found out she co-wrote one of my favorite One Direction songs, so...
16. song that gives you Big Trans Feels? Can’t Trust the News and Lived a Life by Enter The Haggis 
17. something you wish you could tell your younger self? That being a girl is something you can just do. You don’t have to keep living like this just cause no one ever told you there’s another way. Like hell, that fucked me up so bad growing up. Cause I wanted to be a girl, but I didn’t think there was any way I could. Fuck...
18. what would your Ideal Fashion Look be? Somewhere between lesbian Irish farmhand and lesbian cowgirl. Lesbian
19. (how) does your gender relate to your sexuality? Hmm... kind of a hard one to answer TBH. I think I knew (subconsciously) that I was a lesbian before I knew that I was a woman. But, because at the time I thought I was a straight man, I didn’t feel great about how much I was interested in lesbians. Even now, as a lesbian myself, I still grapple with some guilt and shame when seeking out wlw content (something terfs do not help with in the slightest)
So I guess, I would say they’re intertwined. I don’t know what it would be like to have one without the other and I’m glad I don’t have to (no disrespect to cis lesbians or straight trans people, y’all are valid as fuck. I just personally am very happy with how my gender and sexuality intersect) 
20. do you have a comfort item? I have an emotional support mermaid. Does that count? Her name is Helena
21. what makes you feel euphoric? When my girlfriend says I’m beautiful ❤️/ any time I’m out w/ my mom or sister and some one says “you ladies”
22. what genre of media would you love to see more trans characters in? Superhero movies, video games, Disney princess movies, and Star Trek. Specifically as protagonists and love interests in all of those. Basically just all the things I enjoy (which are all coincidentally absurdly slow with any kind of LGBTQ rep)
23. claim something as trans culture. Someone else has probably done this, but D&D. D&D was one of my favorite things to do growing up, but I’ve only allowed myself to come back to it as a woman and sorta... reclaim it, I guess. So yeah, D&D is now a trans thing (tm) and everyone else has to ask our permission to play (but like, just don’t be a transphobic, queerphobic, homophbic, racist, ableist, sexist, exclusionist dick and we’ll probably let you in)
24. give some love to your trans friends/mutuals (alt: give some love to the trans community in general) Hmm.. I’m not entirely sure what this one means. But if you’re trans (offer not valid for transmeds cause why you gate-keeping? The cis (tm) don’t need our help babe) I love you  ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
25. what's your favorite part of being trans? Getting to be me
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ed89 · 2 years
I don’t know anymore what to ask ‘how you fell about something’ yet.
new random question s:
why are you an anarchist
how much weed do you smoke in a week
what’s your favourite color
how do you like to yawn
do you like alex g
what’s your favourite film
which main character in st do you dislike the most 😒
who’d you rather meet from st cast🥱
what’s your fanfiction tags😂
what’s your favourite book
which color do you dislike
what’s your favourite holiday
what’s your hobbies
where are you from😛..
do you like fast food
do you like fish
how much hours do you sleep
uh how do you feel about homestuck😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤨
which superpower would you like to have
what’s your favourite food
do you like smell of cigarette smoke
do you smoke 💨
how would do you feel if Noah Schnapp or Finn Wolfhard broke your leg
I wanna be your white bread boyfriend I want to be your mainstream man
what’s your favourite animal
do you drink water
who’s better Jesse or Walter
how would you react if Trump became president of your country
who’s your kinns 🥱 from st and not from st
I forgot the question WTF
I remembered. what’s your favourite meme
what’s your favourite animation meme
what weather do you like
who are your favorite music artists I love music
i hate the government its ruined humanity
either 1-4 cones a day or sometimes i just dont smoke at all for a bit
anything neon and eyehurting
i like to open my entire face and yawn so i successfully regain some lost HP
alex g is pretty cool (i think)
oooooohh uhhhhhh i love movies too much i cant choose but i really like scream and hereditary
billy or brenner probably they're assholes
i love will but id love to meet finn bro
hurt/comfort or splatterpunk
idk i dont read anymore sory
that shitty braass colour between yellow and green
writing, video games and working out ig
fish are cute
7 or 12 hours tbh
haven't heard anything good abt it
shapeshifting so i can do and be anything i want
chocolate or bagels with cream cheese and salmon
yes i actually like the smell of cigarette smoke JIFDSBNF unless its my dad's
i smoke yes
id be pretty upset that they ruined my track record of not breaking any of my bones
i drink so much water mmhmhmhmhmhh yummymy
hi 👹
kill myself
i dont kin but will and mike are way too relatable help also benrey from hlvrai they r so me
remember then
rn my fav meme is. uh. impact font with a completely incomprehensible selection of images and words
this one
rainy or cloudy
my chemical romance, tyler the creator, glass animals, johnny goth, urban heat, 3teeth, queen, powerman 5000, oingo boingo, andrew hulshult, kmfdm, igorrr, author & punisher, carnifex, freddie dredd and ghost
thank u anon i love questions
0 notes
the-casbah-way · 7 years
Here’s a Tag :3
I was tagged by @donttalktomewhenimreading thank u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ik this is so long but cba putting a read more in soz
rules: answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
im not tagging twenty bc fuck the police but i always tag the same ppl so just do it
1. drink: idk im in my room but i cant leave bc i have so much work to do and if i do i’ll get distracted pls send help ive forgotten what liquid is 

2. phone call: my pal big daddy dave 

3. text message: i think the same person 

4. song you listened to: no clue lmao 

5. time you cried: yesterday but a guy gave me a permanent marker to do eyeliner with so it didnt smudge but i only did a little bit bc i was scared but its all good bc it came off 

6. dated someone twice: i guess but idk what my life is

7. kissed someone and regretted it: YES lmaoooo
8. been cheated on: not that i know of lmao but probs
9. lost someone special: it’s my entire villain origin story so yes ?

10. been depressed: have you met me
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: who do you think i am  3 FAVOURITE COLOURS
12. PINK 13. yellow 14. idk man
15. made new friends: yea! fuck knows how tho!
16. fallen out of love: u avin a giggle
17. laughed until you cried: yea like every five seconds
18. found out someone was talking about you: yea but not in a bad way..im sure they have been tho lmao

19. met someone who changed you: big daddy pollitt
20. found out who your friends are: i already knew bc im woke
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: yea tryna work my way thru the lot feel
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: like almost all of them
23. do you have any pets: i used to :(((((

24. do you want to change your name: kinda but i dont use it as much now so idm

25. what did you do for your last birthday: i genuinely cant remember but im sure it was wild
26. what time did you wake up: no clue probs bout 7/8 

27. what were you doing at midnight last night: praying of course

28. name something you can’t wait for: i could use this opportunity to make a really edgy joke but im not going 2 be that gal 
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: like five seconds ago she threw a melon at me
31. what are you listening to right now: the sound of time running out god i will die in this place
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: i had a dream i was on a train w tom jones can i count that thks
33. something that is getting on your nerves: literally everything woops

34. most visited website: idk 
35. hair colour: blonde boyz rule the world
36. long or short hair: BOY she long (i need 2 get it cut urgently its becoming an issue)
37. do you have a crush on someone: cringe lol
38. what do you like about yourself: next question lol
39. want any piercings: i was gonna get my seconds done but our school r being right crazy about it and sending ppl home who have more than one piercing lmaooo.....i also kinda want to get an eyebrow piercing bc my cousin has one and it looks killer but my doctor said i shouldnt get piercings bc of my skin/allergies and i ignored her and my ears were infected for a year lmaoo
40. blood type: idk i asked mabel but she didnt say
41. nickname: big bopper how many times do i have to tell you
42. relationship status: mentally dating james spader, irl repulsed by everyone
43. zodiac: aries
44. pronouns: big/bopper
45. favourite tv show: all of them! :) 
46. tattoos: none but i want one....but like....a rlly small one...a little star or anchor or sth cute...no biggie....but i wanted it on my ankle and we wear tights 2 school so they’lll see and kick me out and i need ma grades lmao
47. right or left handed: right bc im mainstream

48. surgery: WHAT ABOUT IT
49. piercings you have: just earrings
50. sport: im rlly sad bc the only sports im actually good at are tennis and badminton and kinda golf and football and the weather is too shit for most of that

51. vacation:what
52. pair of trainers: why do ppl call them trainers theyvee not trained you in anything don t give them credit for sth they havent done
MORE GENERAL 53. eating: pussy (insert laugh track)
54. drinking: i drink 2 forget but i always remember
55. i’m about to: nut
56. waiting for: a reason2 be ablive

58. get married: i love weddings and dresses and pretty things but like getting married?? no lmaoo fuck outta here 

59. career: i literally want to do everything
60. hugs or kisses: please do not touch me girl
61. lips or eyes: eyes but when u like someone then u look @ their lips youre like hey there
62. shorter or taller: taller
 i guess
63. older or younger: depends what we talking bout

64. nice arms or nice stomach: personality am i right ladies
65. hook up or relationship: nothing fills the void

66. troublemaker or hesitant: dont b hesitant its boring

67. kissed a stranger: dk

68. drank hard liquor: NEVER GAIN

69. lost glasses/contact lenses: i lose them every day lmao

70. turned someone down: turn down for what
71. sex on the first date: ive only been on a date once i think...like a proper date...and no
72. broken someone’s heart: yes but its the price you got to pay for looking this fly

73. had your heart broken: i break it myself. in lots of mundane little ways. my dad taught me if you want something done right do it yourself 

74. been arrested: talk to my lawyer bitch
75. cried when someone died: yeaboy
76. fallen for a friend: idk i dont understand feelings at all and it scares me
77. yourself: who he 

78. miracles: you sexy thang
79. love at first sight: no 
80. santa claus: why would u ask that he real
81. kiss on the first date: u do you

82. angels: i didnt til i saw steve buscemi
83. current best friend’s name: idk i dont categorise my friends
84. eye colour: like bluey grey i think but idk i dont look into my own eyes
85. favourite movie: dont ask i’ll die
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