#idk i fall in love with every sim i make im realizing this now
gothoffspring · 2 years
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my 15 minute sim surpassed my expectations to say the least
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gamerwoo · 4 years
Wonwoo: Atlas
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Characters: Wonwoo x female reader
Genre/warnings: mafia au, angst, little bits of fluff here and there but it just adds to the angst tbh, alcohol, smoking, Woo being depresso
Word count: 2,632
Summary: Atlas shrugged his shoulders, said he'd drop that boulder. Call me in the morning when I'm sober, find me in the corner in a coma.
a/n: this was inspired by the song atlas by keshi (and if u like sad boy vibes i highly recommend his music!!!). things in italics are flashbacks (also i didn’t even listen to atlas for half of this i just listened to call me kevin play the sims lmao) ALSO im doing 2 other keshi songs (probably for mingyu and hongseok but idk) and while this technically is a mini series using keshi songs, they won’t be a continuation of this fic. they’re going to be their own lil things. ok that’s it goodbye
2 soon | the reaper 
Limping down the street, the streetlamps being the only source of lighting, Wonwoo’s mind couldn’t help but wander. There were no cars going by at this time of night, not even a cool breeze to listen to the shaking leaves in the trees. The street was dead silent other than his heavy footsteps as he tried to make it home on his own. He was sure God or whatever higher power out there was out to get him lately since on top of everything else, his car had broken down and he was left to walk the rest of the way after calling Mingyu to make sure someone would get the car.
Had anyone been walking around this time of night, they’d probably call the police seeing Wonwoo awkwardly walking down the street with his hurt leg. Despite the nice suit, it was unbuttoned, slightly torn, and stained with splatters of blood. His white shirt underneath was half undone and splattered with blood as well, his tie was hanging loosely around his neck, his hair was disheveled, his right eye was beginning to bruise, and the left corner of his lip was caked with dried blood. There was a trail of dried blood going from his nose to his top lip as well, and his tired expression only added to his awful appearance. 
“Oh my god, Wonwoo!” you gasped when you spotted him from the window, Joshua and Minghao rushing out behind you.
It was one of the first times he’d come home beaten up. You didn’t know about his line of work when you’d first started dating, but when it began to become more serious, he had to break and tell you. Finding out your boyfriend was in the mafia worried you for obvious reasons, to a point where for a while, two of the men he worked with had to stay at the house with you to make sure you didn’t go off trying anything stupid. But you did often pace the kitchen, checking out the window that faced the street to see when his car pulled in. And one night, you saw him be helped out of the car by Seungcheol because Wonwoo was so beaten up.
“It’s okay, baby,” he reassured you as you rushed to him.
“Careful, careful,” Seungcheol warned, not wanting you to throw yourself into him or anything. Jeonghan had just stitched up his gunshot wound, but Wonwoo made him swear not to tell you that much.
“What happened?” you asked, looking him over. He looked about as messy as his clothes, and that was saying something since he was missing his jacket he left the house with, and his shirt was barely hanging onto his body by thin threads. You moved to Wonwoo’s other side, putting his arm around your shoulders. “I’ve got him.”
Seungcheol carefully leaned your boyfriend’s weight onto you, letting you practically carry the poor man inside. Wonwoo managed to smirk at how worried you were. He knew it just meant you cared, and that meant the world to him.
“You’re so cute,” he chuckled, which then turned into coughing that only worsened your anxiety about his injuries. “Let the boys handle it, okay? I’ll be fine.”
You scoffed, “Not a chance.”
Wonwoo pulled a carton of cigarettes from his pocket, taking a cigarette and a lighter out from the pack. He put it between his lips and lit the end before taking a long drag and letting the smoke waft out from his mouth. His eyes locked on the driveway of his house as he recalled how many times you’d dragged him inside, sat him down on the couch or leaned him up against the sink in the kitchen and patched him up. He smiled fondly, remembering all the times you’d scolded him for so long until you were just repeating yourself, only to sigh and say, “You know I love you, right?”. 
But now, he walked up the driveway alone. Despite his limping, there was nobody to carry him home. He had to push himself up the steps, pausing on each one to brace himself for the next. He walked into the house, expecting the echo of his footsteps that he was used to even during your relationship, but not used to the emptiness he felt in the house. At least when his shoes would hit the hardwood as he walked to the bathroom to clean himself up, he knew you were upstairs. But now, he knew he was the only one in the house, and that was a new feeling. A new but vaguely familiar feeling of being alone. He was alone before you, but he was so accustomed to your presence that he forgot what it was like to not have anybody there when he came home.
“Go back upstairs,” Wonwoo huffed, trying to get to the basement while Junhui and Mingyu helped him.
This time it was worse. You were used to him coming home later, so you no longer wasted an hour or two pacing by the kitchen window, but instead waited until you heard the heavy sound of his boots against the hardwood in the hallway, going toward either the kitchen or the bathroom. He wasn’t always hurt, but this time, he was in worse shape than he’d let you know. That was why there were more men with him.
“_____,” he growled, his eyes glancing up at the stairway you were now frozen on. He’d used this voice before -- only a handful of times to show he was serious and didn’t want to fight you on whatever it was -- but it always made you freeze completely where you were. “Go.”
Mingyu and Jun continued to help him to the basement, Seungcheol and Soonyoung following behind them. You waited until you heard the basement door close before dropping your head and going back up the stairs to your room.
Glancing away from the staircase, Wonwoo continued down the hall to the kitchen. He grabbed the bottle of bourbon he left unfinished on the counter before going for the basement door. He threw it open, not bothering to close it behind him because there wasn’t a point to anymore. He was lucky he managed to get down the stairs without falling down them before he went over to his little corner where his desk was. They’d used the basement for plenty of things before, but it was mostly where he kept his ‘business things’. That’s why you weren’t to go down there -- not that that didn’t stop you from checking on Wonwoo from time to time when he had locked himself away down there.
Wonwoo flopped down in his chair, opening the bottle and taking a swig. He stared across the room, trying to grasp the reality that he was alone in the house. He wasn’t sure when it would finally sink in, but it hadn’t yet. It had been a month and he still had himself thinking he could hear your footsteps as you tried to sneak downstairs to check on him, or the shower running with your soft singing drifting from under the door. But the harsh truth was that you were gone an he was just imagining these things.
At first when he got home, you were the first thing he would check on. He wanted to know about your day, what you did, how you were feeling. He was grateful when you had dinner made for him -- even if it was cold by the time he got home -- and loved relaxing on the couch or in bed with you when he got home. But he slowly started seeing you less and less. He didn’t see you most days at all, so you looked forward to the nights. But more often, he started politely turning down dinner to go the basement -- that eventually turned into straight-up ignoring it to go do more work at his desk. Instead of checking up with you, he started going straight to the bathroom to clean himself up before silently grabbing a small snack and retreating to the basement until you were already fast asleep and he was crawling into bed for 2-3 hours of sleep. It got to a point where you barely saw Wonwoo at all.
And as Wonwoo took another drink right after letting out more cigarette smoke, he knew it was all his fault. He got too caught up in his job. He loved you, but he didn’t realize he wasn’t showing it like he should’ve. He made you feel unloved and forgotten and overlooked. It wasn’t a 50/50 situation, it was 100% his fault that you left him.
He put out his cigarette in his ash tray and eyed the bottle before he put his feet up on his desk and took a longer drink this time.
“Wonwoo,” he heard your voice in his ear, trying to shake him awake after another late night. But he had the day off today, and you were excited to spend every moment with him that you could. “Wonwoo, wake up!”
A smack to his cheek had his eyes shooting open as he let out a gasp.
“Jesus Christ, Wonwoo,” Mingyu breathed, sitting back as he realized the older man was awake, “I thought you were fucking dead. How much did you drink?”
Considering the slap Mingyu gave him didn’t hurt as bad as the metaphorical slap that his awful reality gave him, clearly not enough.
“None of your business,” Wonwoo slurred as he struggled to keep his eyes open, definitely hung over from drinking until he passed out -- again.
“You need to stop doing this,” the younger boy sighed, giving Wonwoo a stern look, “not even just because Seungcheol’s fed up with it, but because it’s not healthy.”
“What does it matter?” he grumbled, refusing to get up. Instead, his hand searched the floor for his bottle of alcohol.
“Will you stop with that shit? Come on, Wonwoo, _____ leaving doesn’t mean the end of the world!”
“Have you ever been in love?”
When Mingyu was silent, Wonwoo scoffed, “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”
“Well it was still your own fault she left you,” Mingyu stated, rolling Wonwoo onto his back with his shoe. “You said it yourself, so you can’t say it’s not true. You neglected her and now you’re throwing yourself a pity party when you did it to yourself.”
“Get out of my house,” Wonwoo groaned, deciding to cover his ears instead of search for the bottle of bourbon. 
“You’ve been pulling this shit every fucking day for a month,” Mingyu spat, ignoring how obviously annoyed Wonwoo was getting. Everyone was annoyed with Wonwoo’s behavior so this was only fair. “Someone always has to waste their time and come here to make sure you didn’t drink yourself dead.”
“Then stop checking!” Wonwoo shouted, finally peeling his eyes open to glare up at Mingyu. “Go the fuck away!”
“Leave me the fuck alone!”
As soon as the words were out of his mouth, he wanted to take them back. You stood in front of his desk, your own angry expression dissipating and being replaced with hurt instead. The two of you had been arguing because he’d been so distant, and while you understood that the basement was where he got more work done, you didn’t see the need for him to continue working when he was away ‘working’ all day. But his anger bubbled over and now he’d crossed the line.
“Wait, _____--”
You just shook your head at him, eyes filling with tears as you rushed to go back upstairs. Wonwoo called for you to come back, but you just ignored him, slamming the basement door closed. Wonwoo groaned and sat down in his chair, rubbing over his face with his hands.
That was definitely the biggest push for you to leave.
And now here he was, in the same room his life started falling apart. Why couldn’t he wake up to you like he thought he was? Better yet, why couldn’t he wake up and have everything just start over? He wanted to go back to when things were good and he wanted to keep them that way. But life didn’t work that way. It couldn’t just reset, it just kept going.
But Mingyu had to be a nuisance and interrupt Wonwoo’s dreams where everything was actually going well and he was happy.
Mingyu sighed, taking a seat in Wonwoo’s desk chair. He rested his elbows on his knees, running his hands through his hair. Why did Seungcheol have to send him to check up on Wonwoo? Why not Seungkwan or Seokmin? Somebody who had people they loved and could relate to Wonwoo? No offense, but Mingyu didn’t give two shits about Wonwoo’s broken heart.
“Look,” Mingyu said a bit softer, trying to be more level-headed about this, “I get you’re upset and you’ve never had to deal with heartbreak so you don’t know how to cope. But with this kind of...lifestyle, you should really need to come to terms with the fact that nothing will ever really go the way you planned it to.”
“That isn’t good advice,” Wonwoo sighed, not even trying to sit up. His eyes had even closed again, so Mingyu knew the older man didn’t plan on going anywhere anytime soon. “Just go.”
Mingyu stood, rolling his eyes and fixing his suit jacket, “Seungcheol’s going to be pissed, y’know.”
“Good for him.”
“Whatever,” Mingyu sighed. “I’ll send Seungkwan tonight to make sure you haven’t slipped into a coma or something.”
Wonwoo only hummed in response, waiting until he heard the Mingyu’s footsteps go up the stairs before closing the basement door. Then he finally pushed himself up off the floor, stumbling the whole time. But it was only to retrieve the bottle of bourbon with only a little left at the bottom. So he took the bottle, wobbled his way up the stairs to the kitchen to get another, and then carried on to the living room, finishing off the first bottle.
“Well, well, well,” you grinned seeing Wonwoo emerge from the basement. He was still in his ‘work’ clothes, but everything was undone to make it a little more comfortable for him since he was at home, “look who decided to show up.”
“What’re you watching?” he mused as he wandered into the living room and glanced at the TV. “Wheel of Fortune?”
You shrugged, “It’s 2am.”
“Eh, it’s not the worst show,” Wonwoo sighed as he let himself drop back onto the couch beside you. He normally would’ve scolded you for staying awake so late, but it was a Friday night so he couldn’t give any excuses as to why you needed to be in bed. Besides, he wanted to hang out with you for a bit before he was way too exhausted. “Did you eat?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, shifting so you were leaning into your boyfriend’s side.
You kept your eyes on the TV, playing along like you had been before. You still continued to say your answers out loud despite Wonwoo sitting right there, but he merely chuckled. He thought it was kind of cute.
You were so immersed in the show that you didn’t even feel his gaze on you for the last five minutes.
You turned your head to look at him, seeing him smiling at you with so much fondness.
“I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
Wonwoo opened the second bottle as he stared at the TV, his reflection in the black screen reminding him that he was alone -- not just on the couch, but completely, utterly alone.
He put the bottle to his lips.
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himbosims · 4 years
uh complaining under the cut dont read if you dont wanna know potentially tmi stuff or dont wanna read anything triggering towards mental health and alcohol/drugs
im just SO FUCKING DONE. I work full time, not by choice, but because I have yet to be put on a part time schedule. I also am a full time student. This means the 168 hours I have in the week, 80 go to work and school, potentially more depending on the week. But im also trying really hard to take care of myself because last year when the last thing happened i fell into a really really really bad depression, relapsed, turned to alcohol and pot to cope, which i mean, isnt a bad thing, nothing wrong with a drink or two or having a blunt, but it became more of a every weekend kind of thing. I didn’t want to be sober because everything was just too hard and too much and it seemed alcohol made it better. I was really in one of my worst places in my life around October of last year to February of this year and I really don’t want to fall into that place again, so im trying hard to take care of myself. Im going to therapy, taking my medicine, caring for my health as much as I can, but its just, so hard sometimes. I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety earlier this year, which I already knew, but now that Ive started therapy and treatment I’ve been diagnosed with BPD (or at least, semi diagnosed, she didnt have time last session to give me a proper diagnoses, but she says it is highly likely thats my main “issue”) and idk. Im having a hard time coping with it I guess. I mean, ive kinda known for awhile. I could go into papers full of the shit thats happened in the last year to make me think this was a possible diagnoses, but theres a difference between just thinking it to yourself and being told “hey this is what is wrong with you.” (im just now realizing some of you dont know what bpd is so uh, if you dont, think hot and cold, thats how i am about everything, if you wanna learn more just send me an ask or a message, ill share what ive learned based on what my therapist told me). And right now is a really triggering time for me based on past trauma and current things happening in my life, that plus the fact that my depression gets worse in the winter, im really just straight up not having a good time. 
Tumblr also hasnt been great for my mental health, and this is where it gets to the part where you are going to judge me so please just dont because i will probably just cry and log off for months again. All of those posts that go around that are like “sim stories to read” or “blogs I love” really fucking did me in this week because i kept waiting for someone to add me and everytime i saw a reblog where i wasnt on it i felt terrible. I hate that part about myself but i cant change it, i told my therapist about it and she said, again, its the bpd, but its just very annoying. I always find myself so fucking sad on this platform because i never feel appreciated, which is stupid because i know I am, but my brain cant turn off for five seconds just to be happy with what i have. Instead i have to convince myself no one actually cares about me and soon everyone will forget about me and my characters and ill go back to what my blog was when i started it four years ago getting one note per post while my mutuals just get more followings. I hate this. I hate this so much and if there was a way to change this part of me I would because its bullshit. 
That plus the fact that I havent felt good today (i have chronic digestive/stomach issues and have since I was a kid, yeah me) so i worked all day basically just being in pain because i ate something new and my body had a very negative reaction to it.  Which made me in a terrible mood since I got to work. 
I really wanna work on stuff. I got in such a big mood to write yesterday but i was too tired to actually do anything and thats basically been my entire life recently. I sleep all night and as much of the day as possible and when im not asleep im tired and in a shitty mood and i know theres not much i can do about it because im not in control of really anything. Basically im just vibing, but not the good kind, more of the “i hate everything and life isnt fair but im too spiteful to die” kinda vibing. 
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paint-pilot · 3 years
hormone/gen transition journal bc it’s been...[sigh] awhile
under readmore bc ramble but for those who are keeping up, this is just past 11 months on t
idk if it’s typical for anyone else on im injections but it’s gotten more. difficult lately? like the needle used to just sink all the way to the cap with no resistance but now it tends to get stuck halfway and be painful when i try to push it further. i genuinely don’t know if this is a tension issue or a muscle tone issue or what, but it is painful and annoying and i might bring it up next time i go to the doctor.
as for other transition stuff, i have paperwork in hand for a legal name change so...fingers crossed? i need to get my doctor to spell my name correctly on her letter (lol) and go get fingerprints done, but other than that i should be clear.
my mom also wants me to get a top surgery consult scheduled - she seems to think i could do it in june before my internship starts but im doubtful. i keep...just pushing it off. i really don’t know why, and it doesn’t help that my mom put a bug in my ear about my cousin (also trans) putting off their surgery and then realizing they didn’t want to keep transitioning. i know i want this. i know i can’t keep binding. why am i so damn bad at keeping the momentum going? every time something starts to happen i just. stop.
of course i know, it’s a combination of being deeply exhausted by everything going on around me and that little remaining voice in my head that reminds me that i don’t Really want to transition this fast and i’m just doing so to avoid putting myself in danger and, honestly, i don’t know how false that is
but enough negativity! i wish i had more good things to say, but i honestly just haven’t noticed many changes of note. my voice seems like it might be solidifying slightly, but it’s still hella nasally (as i recently learned) so hopefully it has a ways to go yet. i sadly had to shave off all five of my beard hairs for a headshot, but the stubble came back impressively fast. i’m very stable, it honestly seems - i think most of what im waiting on is muscle growth, facial hair, and the rest of my voice change. i should start working out again.
to be honest i haven’t been nearly as focused on gender shit as i have my sexuality lately, which is...funny to me, because it’s been the other way around for as long as i can remember. but like...i dunno. i thought i was bi for awhile, and then maybe just straight, but someone in a server im in mentioned things that just made me confused. like, approaching this from a purely pragmatic perspective, i do not see actions like hand-holding/kissing/cuddling/sex/etc as inherently romantic, personally, and i don’t experience desire to do any of those things with people i don’t already consider myself friends with. and like, i was watching some shitty dating sim let’s play last night, and my roommate went something like “i would never want to get hit on in a supermarket,” and i honestly held myself back from saying “i would never want to get hit on anywhere.” i don’t even care if i get married or in a long-term partnership or whatever - i’d be just as fine sticking with a friend all my life, and if said friend wanted to get married for like. tax purposes it would make literally no difference to me. and like, some would say that makes me ace, some would say demi, and some would say i just have trust issues which is not untrue
i don’t know. i feel some attachment to the “ace” label, but that scares me, too. i know im personally fine never falling in love or w/e, but i know the world at large might not agree. beyond that, i Do experience some powerful desire for the actions i mentioned above with certain people, but is that romantic attraction if i don’t see those actions as romantic necessarily? do i experience sexual attraction or just my hormones doing what they do best? do i really fit in anywhere in the ace/allo framework if i just fundamentally don’t get the friendship/romance distinction as a concept?
...whew, okay, i knew there was a lot there but it’s still longer than i expected. this kinda is the only place i have to vent about this sort of thing without worrying about anyone i know personally seeing it, so sorry. if you’ve put up with the irregularly-scheduled rant sessions up until this point, i appreciate you
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daturanerium · 5 years
i just finished season one of the magnus archives (here’s my livetweet thread) so here’s my discordant thoughts on the characters
annoyingly stubborn
was definitely That One Emo Theatre Kid in whatever britain's version of high school is
wants to know. everything.
fatal flaw: pursuit of knowledge. he can’t let a mystery go unsolved
please get some sleep baby you can solve the mystery in the morning
he’s so serious and awkward i adore him and i hope he remembers to take care of himself
baby boy.....baby
consistently underestimated and underappreciated. give him a raise please elias he’s gone through hell
so full of love, even for people who don’t seem to love him back
i want to hug him
so intelligent, so thoughtful! always coming up with answers that no one else can think of
fatal flaw: self/preservation or fear. altho in his line of work i’m giving him a break
he’s got some big things ahead of him, i can tell. i hope that he gets some bomb ass magical powers or something because he really deserves it
ive known sasha for a week and a half but if anything happened to her i would kill everyone in this room and then myself
speaking of........what the hell happened during the finale i’m Worried
she’s so caring and protective. i feel like she’s the “hold my flower” member of the archive (jon or tim is the “kick his ass baby i got your flower”)
fatal flaw: curiosity. at least she’s aware of it?
i literally love her
looks like a cinnamon roll, is a cinnamon roll (but will also kill you)
so strong. so smart. 
im love her and i hope she’s okay
okay shifty capitalist motherfucker i see you
i don’t actually think he’s gulity of anything tbh, just a victim of circumstance trying to do his job and keep it
fatal flaw: submissive towards authority. spill the secrets buddy we gotta know
“but the funding”
i think his heart’s in the right place. i just hope he realizes there are bigger things than rich people and even the archive.
pure of heart, dumb of ass
frat bro!!!!!
super friendly
EDIT: i made a joke about tim having cishet energy but i’ve since been informed that he’s canon bi which is awesome! 
just doing his job, man
hey jon the boys and i are gonna go crack open a cold one later, wanna join? you’ve been stuck recording in that office for hours mate you need to get out and do something
he really genuinely cares about his friends and he’s so sweet
fatal flaw: inability to read the room. bro i love u no romo but u gotta learn to Read The Signs
such a dork
definitely going to get possessed at some point
jane prentiss
it is every sapphic’s duty to fall in love with an eldrich horror and jane is mine
her monologue/statement was so good that i’m doing it for speech this year. thank you irl jonathan sims for being a fantastic writer
so spooky......so curious........so dark.........so endearing
please tell me about the song and the nest and the itch. i’m so genuinely interested in her story and i hope we hear more from/about her because i still have Questions
every time i picture her it’s in the style of the scary stories to tell in the dark illustrations
ugh god such a good antagonist.....this is so good
mary and gerard key
during the first description of mary i was so impressed with her lifestyle and general presentation.....she was really living her best life. until it was revealed that she was not actually alive. but still
gerard you little shit, planting all these things for the archivists to find. who are you
side note but i thought his name was “jared”. i’m trying to not picture another famous gerard but i’m seventeen. what can you do.
they’re definitely working for some outside force, or maybe they Are the outside force? either way i’m intrigued
(predictions for season two and beyond under the cut)
general predictions for season two and beyond:
i’ve managed to avoid spoilers a lot better than i usually do, but i think there may be something to do with avatars for gods or something? anyway jon’s god is knowledge-based and sasha’s is strength-based. elias may be conman/trickery-based? martin is his own seperate being entity thing, i can’t see him fitting into any typical categories yet. 
oh actually it would be really cool if martin was tied in with the god of death? it kind of fits him, idk how tho. he’s just so sweet and kind and that matches the casual comforting neutrality of death.
actually maybe not because we’ve already met death and it’s just a bunch of reapers that were dumbasses in life, oh well (i’m still gonna keep it in on the off chance something happens with it)
jon takes a nap (unlikely, but i can dream) 
that shipping company that keeps popping up definitely delivered that lighter to jon. don’t know what the lighter means but i’m excited to figure it out
jonmartin endgame
sasha is either possessed or has been completely erased by a copy. my guess is that she’s stuck in a time loop that was created when she touched the hypnotizing table, although how that happened is just about anyone’s guess.
gertrude was killed by gerard key, who, in his Infinite Knowledge of Plot and How The World Works, knew that jon needed to be the head archivist for things to work out the way he and his mother want it to. the keys are beyond time.
martin lives in the archive because he actually kind of likes it there??? even tho he had a traumatic event with worms and jane and finding the dead body of his old boss in the basement
i’m really interested to know what jon was up to before he worked as the head archivist. i feel like that’s kind of important and relevant? if it’s not now it will be in the future
elias has to pick a side: jon and the truth or the “funds” and the government. i hope he makes the right one, but plot and conflict is also important and i can totally see him becoming the Imposing But Apologetic Lawful Antagonist
idk what the gods thing is (if it even is something?) but i’m pretty sure one of them has to do with eyes/watching, and my guess is that it’s the one having to do with knowledge. and while i’m here i’m also going to go out on a crazy limb and say that gerard and mary work for it, whatever the watching thing is. that’s how they know where to be at the right time.
there’s another group of people that work on things like the archive does--they’re just a little more....casual. idk if you all are/were supernatural fans but i’m thinking that the magus archive is the men of letters to this other faction being hunters. they split off after elias’s rules became too stifling, and they sometimes get there before the archive knows about the situation (like in ep 36, taken ill, or episode 8, burned out. altho ep 8 was with gerard, so maybe he works with them sometimes? idk)
sasha gets better but a sacrifice has to be made to save her. martin, to everyone’s surprise, offers. 
i’m so excited to listen to season two oh my god this show is fantastic
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shyysims · 6 years
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Oh dear God
SO I WAS TAGGED BY @enismald THAAANKS I’m tagging these kids (idk who’s done this already but pfft take it) @sourpeachess @priismik @omg-puddingpie @sim-borg @humanitys-shortest
Rules: You have to make a simself and put whatever you wish like traits or anything about you. Then answer +100 freaking questions I feel like a star why are you interviewing me
So uhh yeah here
Traits: shy, gamr gril, book reader, loner, trash panda, horror lover(:
What is your full name? Maryssa
What is your nickname? Shyy
Birthday? May 27
What is your favorite book series? Goosebumps bitches
Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? I REALLY want to
Who is your favorite author? R.L. Stine or Stephen King
What is your favorite radio station? What is a radio
What is your favorite flavor of anything? Vanilla or green apple
What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? cool beans, lit (im sorry)
What is your current favorite song? UHHHHHHHHHHHH THIS ONE
What is your favorite word? Cunt (im not sorry)
What was the last song you listened to? That one up there
What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch? Castle Rock BABY
What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? Sweeney Todd or Rocky Horror Picture Show
Do you play video games? Yiss
What is your biggest fear? HEIGHTS (i.e falling from said heights)
What is your best quality, in your opinion? ....PFFFTTT
What is your worst quality, in your opinion? Insecure af
Do you like cats or dogs better? .......CATS
What is your favorite season? Fall/Autumn
Are you in a relationship? What’s a relationship
What is something you miss from your childhood? Having friends lol
Who is your best friend? Uhhhno
What is your eye color? Dark brown
What is your hair color? A mess of dark brown and auburn
Who is someone you love? MY MOTHER
Who is someone you trust? MY MOTHER
Who is someone you think about often? A stupid boy(:
Are you currently excited about/for something? Probs GF tbhhh I want it
What is your biggest obsession? Owuwatch
What was your favorite TV show as a child? COURAGE THE COWARDLY DOG
Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? Like three of my online friends(’:
Are you superstitious? Nahh fam
Do you have any unusual phobias? A massive amount of ants (it’s gross)
Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? Behind
What is your favorite hobby? Used to be writing...now it’s vidya games(:
What was the last book you read? A Sherlock Holmes book
What was the last movie you watched? Hills Have Eyes 2 (don’t judge me ok)
What musical instruments do you play, if any? I tried to teach myself the piano...didn’t turn out too great
What is your favorite animal? BEARS they attac but they so cuddly lookin’
What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow? UHHHHH theones I tagged hue 
What superpower do you wish you had? The power of self confidence (ooh edgy)
When and where do you feel most at peace? My room(:
What makes you smile? Sombra POTGs((:
What sports do you play, if any?  What is a sport
What is your favorite drink? Coffeeeee
When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? What is this sorcery you speak of
Are you afraid of heights? Uh heckin’ yes
What is your biggest pet peeve? Hypocrites(: (spoilers: I am one)
Have you ever been to a concert? Nahh
Are you vegan/vegetarian? Nahh
When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? An author
What fictional world would you like to live in? Tbh? A dystopian future. Preferably with death and destruction everywhere
What is something you worry about? Life
Are you scared of the dark? Not really
Do you like to sing? YES but the real question is CAN I sing? ‘Cause that’s a big FAT no 
Have you ever skipped school? Uhh yes
What is your favorite place on the planet? MY BED
Where would you like to live? Forests. Trees. 0 population.
Do you have any pets? Yes! A doggo and a spawn of satan
Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? Night owl fo sho (its currently 4:22 am what is sleep)
Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? Sunsets
Do you know how to drive? No :c
Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? Earbuds
Have you ever had braces? Nahh
What is your favorite genre of music? Uhh music
Who is your hero? My MoThEr
Do you read comic books? I’ve read a few..but I really want more
What makes you the most angry? Superficial cunts
Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? Real shit all day err day
What is your favorite subject in school? English!
Do you have any siblings? Four, three bros and a sis
What was the last thing you bought? Fekkin’ Cheetos Puffs
How tall are you? 5′8
Can you cook? I don’t wanna brag but I make a mean ass mac n cheese and I burn popcorn
What are three things that you love? Stories, my parents, FOOD
What are three things that you hate? Cunts, my lack of motivation, the color pink 
Do you have more female friends or more male friends? Dudes (girls hate me and idk why)
What is your sexual orientation? I like dick
Where do you currently live? 'Tucky
Who was the last person you texted? A stupid boy(:
When was the last time you cried? A few weeks ago
Who is your favorite YouTuber? CallMeKevin
Do you like to take selfies? Only when I make really stupid faces
What is your favorite app? ......Youtube?
What is your relationship with your parent(s) like? They’re cool beans, I love them, but sometimes I really wanna punch them in their throats
What is your favorite foreign accent? Aussie baby
What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? Literally anywhere but ‘Tucky (Besides Ohio, Indiana, Tennessee, and Texas)
What is your favorite number? Anything even
Can you juggle? UHHH I can juggle with two but not three
Are you religious? Lolno not really
Do you find outer space or the deep ocean to be more interesting? Outer space BOI
Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? Absolutely not
Are you allergic to anything? Nahh
Can you curl your tongue? Heckin’ yes
Can you wiggle your ears? Wtf no
How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? As soon as I realize I am (unless I’m arguing with my brother, fuck him)
Do you prefer the forest or the beach? FOREST
What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? Advice pfft what
Are you a good liar? Mehhhh
What is your Hogwarts House? You really gonna make me take a test and find out (I got Ravenclaw)
Do you talk to yourself? Lol you don’t?
Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Introvert def (though I’m trying to change)
Do you keep a journal/diary? Kinda, sorta (I only write bad things in it((: )
Do you believe in second chances? Yeah, sure
If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? Turn it in? Idk
Do you believe that people are capable of change? Yes and no
Are you ticklish? Fuck you
Have you ever been on a plane? Hell no
Do you have any piercings? Double ear piercings(:
What fictional character do you wish was real? Oh a lot
Do you have any tattoos? Not yet
What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? Quitting my retail job((:
Do you believe in karma? Heckin’ yes
Do you wear glasses or contacts? Glasses ‘cause I can’t see shit(: Contacts are weird don’t touch my eyeball
Do you want children? Some day maybe
Who is the smartest person you know? ME DUH (lol no im a fuckin’ idiot) MY MOTHER
What is your most embarrassing memory? Thinking the toaster ran on batteries because I was unaware of the crumb tray (My family brings it up every time we get together, fyi)
Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? All the TIME
What color are most of you clothes? Black (like my soul) ((im sorry))
Do you like adventures? Yess
Have you ever been on TV? Once
How old are you? 22 (i totally forgot lol)
What is your favorite quote? “Are you suggesting that coconuts migrate?”
Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? Food
if you read all of this you’re a real trooper and i love you <3
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spiicemarket · 7 years
1-117 , 117 is Apple or Samsung?
You guys are almost as annoying as meOkay speed roundLet’s start with a tricky one; what is the real reason you are confused right now? I mean you have to specify what kind of confused I'm confused on all levels possible at all times 2: Do you ever get “good morning” texts from anyone? Lol no 3: If your significant other smoked pot, would you care? Lol no as long as it were legal and they didn't smell like it all the time 4: Do you find it easy to trust others? No 5: What were you doing at 11PM last night? Live streaming on instagram with my friend lol 6: You’re drunk and lost walking down the road; who is with you? No one 7: What would you do if you found out you had been cheated on? break up with the person? : Are you close with your dad? I mean no 9: I bet you kissed someone last night, right?Lol no 10: What are you listening to? Im in the car so sounds of a highway?11: You can only drink ONE liquid for the rest of your life - what is it? w a t e r (shocking, right?) 12: Do you like hickeys? Ew no wtf I'm a child of God 😩😩😩 13: What time do you go to bed? Depends on the day 14: Is there someone who continuously lets you down? Yes15: Can you text as quickly with one hand as you do both? No16: Do you always answer your texts? I mean yeah17: Do you hate the person you fell the hardest for? Yes actually I fell face first in front of this annoying kid while playing soccer when I was 8 18: When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends? Idk yesterday 19: Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them? My doggo!!20: What was your last thought before you went to bed last night? (Already answered)21: Is anyone else in the room with you? Im in a car lol 22: Do you believe what goes around comes around? ???23: Were you happier four months ago than you are now? No 24: Is there someone you wish you could fix things with? Mmmm no 25: In the past week, have you cried? I mean probably 26: What colour is the shirt you are wearing?It's gray and mint 27: Do people ever call you by your last name? Lol no 28: Is anyone ignoring you right now? No29: Do you have a best friend? If you count internet friends then yes 30: Would it be hard seeing someone else kiss the last person you kissed? I haven't kissed anyone lol 31: Who was your last call/text message from? My mom lmao 32: Are you mad at anyone? No33: Have you ever kissed someone older than you? I HAVEN'T KISSED ANYONE DHEIOW34: How old will the last person you kissed be on his/her next birthday? STOP RUBBING IT IN MY FACE 😩😩😩😩😩35: How many more days until your birthday? It was 5 days ago so 360? 36: Do you have any summer plans yet? LOL NO EXCEPT MAYBE PLAYING SIMS ALL DAY 37: Do you have any good friends of the opposite sex? yes38: Are you keeping anything from your best friend(s) now? mmm idk 39: Do you have a secret that you’ve never told anyone? Yes40: Have you ever regretted kissing someone? hdjeowosjfjc41: Do you think age matters in relationships? I MEAN IF IT'S A CHILD AND AN ADULT THEN YEAH 42: Are you available? what like as a date I mean sure man44: If you had to get a piercing (not ears), what would you get? Ew I hate piercings I guess nose45: Do you believe exes can be friends? I mean maybe46: Do you regret anything? Tons47: Honestly, what’s on your mind right now? (Already answered) 48: Did you ever lose a best friend? Yes 49: Was your last kiss a mistake? OMG50: Why aren’t you pursuing the person you like? I don't like anyone.. 51: Has the last person you kissed ever seen you cry? OMFG DJIEOWKSJ 😩😩😩52: Do you still talk with the person you LAST kissed? ... 53: What was the last thing you ate? A roast my dad made that I microwaved for lunch54: Did you get any compliments today? No id think so at least 55: Where are you going on your next vacation? Idk?56: Do you own anything from other countries? Hmmmm no 57: Are most of your friend guys or girls? Girls58: Where have you lived most of your life? Florida 59: When was the last time you took a long drive? Yesterday 60: Have you ever played Spin the Bottle? No wtf man that fizzes up my soda 61: Have you ever TPd someone’s house? Lol no 62: Who do you text the most? My mom lmao 63: What was the last movie you saw? (Already answered) 64: What’s preventing your current boyfriend/girlfriend from going back to their ex? .... 65: How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have in 2011? Okay im starting to realize maybe this wasnt good questions for me 66: Is the last person you kissed younger than you? 😩 67: Do you curse around your parents? Yes 68: Are you happy with where you live? Yes 69: Picture of yourself? Hahahahahhaha. No.70: Are you a monogamous person or do you believe in open-ended relationships? Monogamous 71: Have you ever been dumped? No 72: What do you most like about making out? *audible sigh* 73: Have you ever casually made out with someone who you weren’t seriously involved with? *louder sigh*74: When you kiss someone for the first time, is it usually you who initiates it or the other? *fucking helicopter propeller loud sigh* 75: What part of a person’s body do you find most attractive? Uhh idk76: Who was the last person you talked to last night before you went to bed? My friend because we went live on her instagram then FaceTimed for a while 79: What makes your heart flutter and brings a big cheesy smile to your face? When people send me asks !80: Would you get involved with someone if they had a child already? No81: Has someone who had a crush on you ever confessed to you? Lol no 82: Do you tell a lot of people when you have a crush? AHAHAHHAHAHA no 83: Do you miss your last sweetie? Yes I had a lollipop this morning it was really sweet 😩😩84: Last time you slow danced with someone? *slowly dabs* you, bitch 85: Have you ever ‘dated’ someone you’ve never met? ...86: How can I win your heart? Give me food plz87: What is your astrological sign? Capri I think 88: What were you doing last night at 12 AM?Probs going to bed 89: Do you cook? Ramen? Cuz yeah man 90: Have you ever gotten back in touch with an old flame after a time of more than 3 months of no communication? ?no?91: If you’re single right now, do you wish you were in a relationship? Lol no 92: Do you prefer to date various people or do you pretty much fall into monogamous relationships quickly? The second one 93: What physical traits do you look for in a potential interest? Idk 94: Name four things that you wish you had!1. My new laptop 2. Ice cream 3. I really want salad rn don't judge man 4. Um just basically every type of food please 95: Are you a player? Monopoly player? Cuz yeah96: Have you ever kissed 2 people in one day? Lol no98: Ever meet anyone you met on Tumblr? Yes I have meet a person I met on tumblr.. (??) 99: Have you ever been deeply in love with someone? Lol no 100: Anybody on Tumblr that you’d go on a date with? Yes on simblr actually but I won't put any names 👀👀👀🤞101: Hugs or Kisses? Neither I hate touching people102: Are you too shy to ask someone out? Sure let's go with that 103: The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Their hair 104: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you babe? Ew no 105: If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was in relationship, would you go for it? No 106: Do you flirt a lot? Hahaha no110: If you could kiss anyone who would it be?(I got rid of 111-115 bc they were just the things I've been saying this whole time) 116: Are you happier single or in a relationship? Single 117: Your own question that you want me to answer. Just write it. Samsung!
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