#idk i think a lot of people uwu she's so badass hope and .. she is .. but not always ??
anantaru · 11 months
I don't dislike Skirk's design, but I don't think it really fits her backstory. She was hyped up in the lore to be this seasoned warrior who could beat Tartaglia, known as one of the most dangerous harbingers, with one hand, yet she just doesn't... look the part.
I didn't have any expectations since Hoyoverse has always had a problem with waifu-ifying strong female characters, but I thought that they'd at least give Skirk the same treatment as Beidou in terms of design.
But hey, she's barely gotten any leaks and it's definitely too early to form a concrete opinion on her— I just hope they'll make up for her design by making her a badass like HSR's Jingliu or something.
hello 💓 omg yes nonnie!!!! that's exactly what i mean with uwu aesthetic like they try to waifu-ify the strong characters a lot because obviously the people who spend a lot of money on this game mostly roll for characters such as those, i even heard some players hated how furina seemed to like neuvillette more and didn't give the traveller as much attention which is so 💀💀💀 anyways 🧍🏻‍♀️💓 HAHA what i do believe tho is that maybe she has a foul legacy form too which is all dark and gloomy. for example, childe doesn't look like someone that was in the abyss but his foul legacy form obviously does BUT AGAIN LIKE skirk is said to be dwelling in the darkest corners of the universe so you can't really compare that either. aaa idk i do think she has a foul legacy form that looks like childes or similar since she was the one who showed him that form in the first place🧐
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blackjackkent · 5 months
3, 6, 21, 18, 25 for Karlach uwu
(Character ask game)
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
The fact that she doesn't get an option for an unequivocal happy ending. :P
(TBH I love her Avernus ending and I think it's badass and in the fic I write she will absolutely end up getting a happy ending after battling things out with Zariel. And I'm not entirely mad that Larian only went with bittersweet at best; her story is stronger for it. But deep down I just want her to have the option to be happy and safe. <3 )
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
I like to think that I share a certain relentless optimism with Karlach even when things are crappy, and a desire to see the best in people no matter what. I'm not always as good at this as Karlach is - and given my on-and-off depressive struggles, it's hard to say how I would hold up against the truly horrendous shit Karlach has had to deal with, which goes way beyond my personal experience - but for the most part it is something that I try to cultivate in myself, at least. I always want to see the good in the world even if it's not making itself super obvious all the time.
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
Karlach has such a breadth of tone which makes her a lot of fun to play with; she works equally well in comedic moments and super serious ones, and she's equally earnest and sincere in both. (I think Sky-High turned out as a good example of how she can kind of carry both simultaneously without seeming out of character.) So I would say that I like playing up that breadth and giving her moments to be humorous even in pretty serious situations, and vice versa.
As for what I don't like... idk, man. Hard to think of anything. I guess I could say that I struggle with writing her in any worldstate outside of Hector's because her relationship with him was so fundamental to that worldstate. XD But even then, doing anything else just becomes an interesting challenge.
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
I was gonna say her relationship with Jaheira but tbh a lot of that is my own headcanon as much as what is reflected in canon per se. I do love their canon interactions, though.
I think her best relationship purely based on canon is with Wyll. She calls him her best friend at one point! And the fact that they get along is representative of some of the best traits of both characters - they're good people, and the fact that they started out at odds doesn't change the good they ultimately see in each other.
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
Then> Really hope I like her. None of the other companions so far have really clicked for a romance for Hector. Oh... oh, she's hot. O.O Wait, she is not talking like an evil devil. She seems nice! ...Oh, I like her. 👀
Now> I would give body parts for her to be real and let me hug her. Fantastic character and fully representative of the best parts of who I want to be as well.
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lingeringscars · 4 years
hope is not as in control of her ( physical ) aggression as she likes to believe she is. she tends to repress most of her emotions, filtering them into anger. she then takes her anger out on either the nearest bad guy, a punching bag, and sometimes other people at the salvatore school. on more than one occasion, her repressed emotions have come out in physical aggression, beyond her control. however, there are also moments where she is in complete control and still chooses this path. on more than one occasion, she has asked when she can start punching things, usually as a way of venting her own anger. 
in the musical ep, it’s really important to note that she was angry with landon. she took one look at him and then threw a dodgeball as hard as she could, with all of her super strength at jed, someone who could handle the impact unlike landon. this is a form of displaced aggression, and also a type of physical abuse. her main target wasn’t jed but landon and that’s not okay? i don’t think hope necessarily realizes this though. jed can take the hit, and she doesn’t know any other way to process or manage her grief or anger. it consumes her, and she feels like sparring, training, hitting is the only form of release. while there isn’t anything inherently wrong with this, as long as she’s in a controlled environment, but when other people are involved it can end in unintentional damage (ie: when her grief over her father is bottled up and she ends up accidentally knocking alaric & landon across the room). 
hope has a lot of bottled up trauma & grief that she needs to process and work through; otherwise it leads to negative reactions to stimuli that can further hurt herself and others. she frequently makes decisions for other people in an attempt to have control ( and the school also rests the weight of protection on her shoulders !! it feels like she’s the only one that can do anything because the school has this mindset that hope will always save the day and is their savior. so when hope fails or almost does or doesn’t show up, people either don’t know what to do or hold it against her. none of that is fair or okay either !! ). hope’s fear of losing people, though, does sometimes come out either in isolating herself and pulling away from the people that care, or making decisions for them and taking away their own autonomy ( she does this frequently to landon in an attempt to protect him as she sees fit ). hope is so afraid of losing people and has the weight of being the hero on her, that she oversteps and alienates the people she is closest to.
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just-a-creep-babe · 4 years
Hello, I am here with a request if that is ok, I was thinking about how would Eyeless jack, BEN Drowned, and our three favourite proxies react to an S/O who is very quiet and shy yet out of no where she defends herself easily out in the woods by herself without even knowing her lover was there, then when they ask her about how she did it she says that she got it from watching them
Oki poki so I’m not sure if this is what you wanted, but I hope it’s ok!! Also I changed like,,, the verb tense (is that even what you call it? Idk skdhdkdjdk) but I changed it a couple times n ahhhh I just don’t know, it might read kinda weird, I sowey 🥺👉👈 But I hope you enjoy nonetheless!!
~Requests are closed~
Masterlist: x
BEN Drowned
Is that his s/o he just witnessed??
His adorable little reserved s/o that just beat the crap out of some rando who was bugging her?
Boy’s absolutely amazed
He jumps out of her phone & immediately has a ~shit ton~ of questions because he’s blown away 
“Are you ok? Did he hurt you!? Holy shit, that was sick, (y/n)! Where’d you learn to do that?!”
When she explains herself, he honestly gets kinda flustered & bashful
But then his regular shit-eating grin returns and he tries to play it off like it’s nothing
“Of course you got it from me, I’m pretty badass” he scoffs
Honestly though, he’s super flattered & honored and just??
Like wowie, he doesn’t know what he did to deserve such an amazing s/o
A very proud ghost bf uwu
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Eyeless Jack
Boy was following her scent through the forest so they could meet up & hang out
And, having lived in the mansion for quite some time now, he’s grown to be pretty unfazed by all manners of things that happen around him
But he really wasn’t expecting to stumble in on his shy little s/o pressing her foot into someone’s neck on the ground
And then she gives what sounds like a warning before letting them go, and the stranger scrambles off into the woods
His first instinct is to immediately race over & check her for any injuries—and he’s bIG TIME relieved when it turns out she’s fine
When she finally explains herself after, like, the 12th time of reassuring him she’s fine skdjdkl, his black heart swells with pride
He’s pretty stoic, so it’s hard to read what he’s feeling, but his protective instincts definitely have him sticking closer around her for the rest of the night
And later that evening, when he thinks back to what happened, he gets mad at himself for not being better for his little mate
He knows he can’t actually be there for her 24/7, but he wants to try to put in more effort to assure her overall safety
He’s super proud she defended herself this time, but what if the next creep is much stronger??
The whole thing just makes him stalk follow her around a lot more tbh, even when she might not realize it
He also starts second-guessing himself a lot more than he already did
Is he a bad influence? If she gets used to seeing his eating/hunting habits, will it affect her in the long run?
Boy ends up with lots of existential questions, and she has to reassure him a lot tbh :/
But honestly, homeboy should know by now that she doesn’t want a normal life if it means not being with him uwu
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He sees his s/o pining someone down, and for a split second, he almost gets the wrong idea
Maybe she isn’t who he thinks she is—maybe she’s a lot more brazen and open and… unashamed
But then he realizes that she isn’t, in fact, cheating on him or anything like that, and he’s immediately ashamed of ever even thinking she’d betray him like that
He walks up to them and he is pissed
The stranger doesn’t stand a chance
After he deals with them, he pulls her impossibly close to him and asks a million questions all too suddenly
“Who was that? Where did they come from? How long have they been following you? How did you learn to do that?”
When she explains, he gets quiet for a moment, and again, because of the mask, it’s kinda be hard to tell what he’s thinking
It’s almost,, kinda scary ngl
But he just gets that way because he’s crazy worried for her
And he’s super proud she could defend herself, but he understands the risks of fighting almost better than anyone else
So he definitely wants to teach her more about self-defence—while also lowkey feeling soft that she originally learned from him without him even teaching her in the first place
He honestly feels kinda bad for not teaching her sooner—oop
Overall starts being more protective of her too, while also seeing her in a new light
Guess his cute little s/o is actually pretty damn badass, huh?
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He‘d be trying to find his s/o when he hears someone else in the forest
So naturally, he decides to check it out
And when he sees his s/o kicking the shit out of some shady person, he gets this huge grin tugging at his lips because damn, that’s my babe
Like he’s pretty amused ngl skdjdjsls
He sticks around in the shadows for a while, watching until the creep eventually scrambles away with their tail between their legs
And then he sneaks up behind her & wraps his arms around her to nuzzle into her neck
Almost earning a punch to the gut but, c’mon, what’d he expect? Skdjdkl
When she tells him what happened & how she knew what to do, he offers teaching her more right away
Will arrange plenty of training/workout sessions, no further questions asked
He’s probably the most chill about what he saw tbh
Like he knows quiet people have it in them to be scary, being quiet himself, so it isn’t much of a cause for concern
And he doesn’t stress over it because, hey, they managed to beat them up, so she’s probably already stronger & better at fighting than most
Sprinkle in some extra prep & tips from a skilled stalker/killer?
Whew, boy knows his precious little s/o will become a force to be reckoned with
And he’s damn proud of it, too
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Ticci Toby
Boy sees shit going down & immediately rushes over to knock the other person tf out
He acts on impulse cause not only is that what he’s used to doing—but also how dare someone even think of harming his perfectly adorable little s/o??
He has to stop himself from chopping them up right then & there
The only thing stopping him is his s/o, who he doesn’t wanna end up traumatizing :/
Like BEN and EJ, he asks a shit ton of questions while frantically looking her over for any kind of injuries
“Oh my f-fucking God, are you alright?! What ha—what happened?! Jesus, (y/n), y-you know I love you—I love you so fucking much, right!? Holy shit, you—you fucking kicked ass!!”
She earns the biggest bone-crushing hug ever combined with an excited squee! when she explains where she learned moves like that
He’s so damn proud that he has to resist smothering her in countless bouts of affection
Definitely finds some kind of way to celebrate later on that evening :3
And it’s only after his initial rush of joy that he realizes it could’ve ended badly
He’s lost a lot of people throughout his life & he doesn’t want the same thing happening to his s/o, so he’d ask around for advice on how to protect them better
He ends up teaching them more self defence stuff while also watching them a lil more closely too
But he’s sO damn proud, it honestly gives him a happy high for a good few days ngl <33
It’s like he’s your hero!!
The thought alone motivates him to keep treating you better because you really are one in a million uwu
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charmspoint · 3 years
Hello hello, what are your thoughts on the newest JJK chapter?
I’m standing outside of Gege’s home, its 4 am, I’m holding a knife. He wakes up and sees me through a fogged up window. I mouth: ‘bls continue the Maki vs Ogi fight next chapter I’m begging’
ngl i feel a bit let down how quickly Ogi got her but i’m hoping this isn’t the end of that fight. I’m also kinda bad at reading action in manga so i’m not really sure what happened I JUST WANT HER TO GET UP. Also cant believe she was in the same room as Naoya n didnt crack him like a glowstick, WHEN WILL WE GET OUR RIGHTS
But also there was so much i loved about it aaaa
1. It’s a Maki chapter
2. I love the whole bit with Megumi n Maki talking about Megumi becoming a zenin clan head. I like how Maki is v much taking charge of the situation, like Megumi doesn’t want it but he’s doing it because he trusts her to maneuver them in the best situation zenin wise. It honestly gave me a lot of hope for Maki becoming clan leader like, Megumi is SUPER against the idea of him being the leader and is only doing it because they need an in and Maki doesn’t think they are in the right spot for her to take the lead (which, she’s right, others are already kicking up a fuss about it being Megumi, Maki would stand no chance cuz nobody respects her as a sorcerer, n also she doesn’t have Gojo protection like Megumi does, makes her an easier target). Like to me it really felt like she was basically telling Megumi to keep her seat warm until she can take it. Though at this point....i feel like zenin clan as a whole should just be thrown out lmaooo Maki get their asses.
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The sibling stuff in this chapter AH
So on Todokugou twitter wrote this thread and my god I’m emotional. Like i got emotional as soon as we got
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But reading that thread really got me
The relationship between Maki and Mai was what first really gripped me in JJK. I love good sibling dynamics and they are actually remarkably rare in anime. Like think about it, most anime siblings either have a weirdly sexualized relationship, are weirdly distant like acquaintances and not siblings, the older sibling acts as a parent to younger or they just hate each others guts beyond measure. Like, siblinghood is such a close and special bond, one of the closest ones we’ll ever have in our life. Growing up together does that to people and siblings can be their rawest and weirdest around each other and they can care about each other immensely and they can still be 100% ready to throw down on moments notice just cuz one did something mildly annoying. Honestly, for one of the closest relationships a human can have, we do a remarkably poor job of showcasing it. Jjk comes very close to what I want out of siblings. This is why i love Choso so much, this is why i love Maki and Mai so much. This feeling of closeness and care for each other and ‘you might be a huge bitch but you are MY huge bitch’. The fact that Maki doesn’t want to take over and remake the zenin clan just for herself but for her sister too, the fact that Mai v much seems to be one of her core reasons for doing so I’m just ;-; i’m emotional about well written siblings okay. N Maki n Mai have such a complex relationship god that twitter thread REALLY made me hope we’ll see them have a proper conversation eventually and that they’ll team up and slowly figure out how to live with each other and that it will be a long road to be okay with each other again because they had hurt each other, but its a road they can travel together.
And then they can break all of zenin men like glowsticks together
Anyway idk will the next chapter be the continuation of the fight cuz like that CANT be all, no way, but i’m looking forward to it!
Also we got to see Maki’s arms scars i liked that uwu shes so badass
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outropeace · 4 years
elotito tagged me on this so i’m gonna do it for her <33333
1. describe how you first started writing and when you first posted
i began to write in general since i was around 14 like any other emo kid kdjdjsks and o began to write fics when a friend asked me for one as a birthday present. it was written in a hurry and it’s not my favorite but i really enjoyed doing it. i posted that exact same fic on their birthday
2. which of your characters do you typically resonate most closely with? do you base any characters off of yourself?
it depends the fic i guess. and not really, i think the closest i’ve been to do that is in the rockstar au (coming to the @bottomlouisficfest very soon), i put one or two of my old insecurities in h so he could connect better and wouldn’t be persieved as just an asshole-y dude cause i don’t like that and louis don’t deserve that uwu🌸
3. where do you often find inspiration?
music, movies, tiktoks (DONT JUDGE KDKDKS)
4. has quarantine helped or hindered your writing process?
before the quarantine i had around 3 wips, now i have 8
5. do you listen to music/noise while you write or do you prefer silence?
i listen lofi youtube playlists shjdkld
6. what is your biggest writing pet peeve in your writing or in general?
me repeating “Oh...” over and over again through tall my fics, it shouldn’t be legal
7. describe your ideal writing setup
rainy day, good coffee, comfy sweater, my cat besides me, arely sending texts about teeth/imessage games, snacks
8. favorite time of day to write?
nights (it’s usually when i have time)
9. favorite genre to write + one you’d like to try writing in the future?
i’d LOVE to write a thriller
10. do you struggle with writer’s block? how do you typically overcome it?
i just leave the fic for a bit, i don’t really like to push myself about this cause i’m just doing it for fun
11. what is the easiest part of your writing process and the most difficult?
the easiest is the dialogues, i could write pages and pages of just dialogues in hours and the hardest is the smut dhjdd
12. how do you come up with original characters? (if applicable)
it depends, is the antagonist? i ask myself how’d i feel if i were them, like a third party just trying (and usually failing) to get in between
13. what is your favorite and least favorite word?
i like “wet” i just... yeah.... and least favorite i don’t really know tbh
14. what is one thing about your writing that you’re really proud of and one thing you hope to continue working at?
i like that people conect with the characters because i always put a lot of effort in making them realistic (as much as i can), i make them flawled and sometimes even messy but with good hearts and intentions, all of them are (even the antagonists). and my grammar OH MY GOD MY GRAMMAR
15. what work of yours has your favorite ‘verse/world building? how did you come up with it?
hands down the ice prince fic. and funny thing is, i already had my prompt for the fic fest but i just couldn’t stop thinking about one particular prompt about a bratty prince and an alpha who hated omegas and the amount of POSSIBILITIES that had. two days later or so, the mods of the fest gave us the opportunity to pick another prompt if we wanted and the rest is HISTORY
16. what font and size do you write in? single spaced or double?
11 and single
17. what is a typo(s) you find yourself making consistently?
baby do we have TIME FOR THIS ONE?
18. (if applicable) do you separate fic writing from fandom?
yes, always 100000000%
19. what emotion is your favorite to write? which is the most difficult?
angst, sadness, anguish, sorrow, jealousy, i love to hurt hearts. and it’s not an emotion but after they get together it’s really difficult to me to actually keep going (oh god dkdkdkkdd)
20. what is one thing you hope readers always take away from your works?
that that’s okay to fuck up, that no matter the circumstances you have to respect your partner and TALK WITH THEM and that a person can be successful, independent and a badass while being soft and a c*mslut
21. what is the best and worst writing advice you’ve ever received?
i think “write whatever you like, you’re not being paid for it anyways” is the best and only advise i’ve actually listened to
22. which one of your works would you most want to see turned into a film/television show?
it’s complicated cause my two favorites are abos and idk how that would work dkskkss but the ice prince and the alpha/alpha fic
23. do you write scenes chronologically or out of order?
chronologically but i have a document apart where i write everything that comes to my mind at the moment, that one is A MESS
24. how do you handle criticism?
i think good, if it’s respectful
25. what is the advice you would give to someone who is looking to start writing?
trust yourself, have fun
26. what kind of feedback on your work always makes your day?
ANY type of positive feedback makes my day tbh
27. which fic ‘verse of your own would you most like to exist in? which fic’s characters would you most like to befriend?
none tbh dkdkks and louis, obviously
28. what do you always enjoy getting asks about/wish people would ask about more?
about my stories, i love when people just come to rant to me about certain things the characters did and ask me why they did it
29. what has writing added to your life? how has it changed you?
it relaxes me a lot. i just can write for hours and hours and it just feels nice and in some way exciting
30. why do you write?
refer to question 29 kdkdkxk
boost yourself + tags!
1a. share the last sentence you wrote
from the exes to lovers au:
The second hiccup of the night came in the form of his ex smiling to a boy sitting next to him on a couch. The boy had gorgeous, dark and wild hair, clear hazel eyes and a pretty pouty mouth. Their body language screamed attraction and that they both were ready to devour each other. Louis was familiar to the smile Harry was giving to him, bright and seductive, ready to give anything you asked for.
2a. describe the wip you’re most excited about
right now i’m very excited for the happiest season au, my “cliche story” au and for my exes to lovers au dksks i’m excited about a lot of my wips i’m so sorryjdjd
3a. share the piece of dialogue from one of your works you’re most proud of
from the alpha/alpha au:
“I’m not giving up on love,” He softly touched the hand that was still grabbing his thigh. “To me, love is like flowers. Each one needs a special treatment, if you give an orchid the same treatment you give to an iris, the orchid will die. Same thing with love. I’m not giving up on love, I’m just changing the treatment. We might not be an orchid, but we could make such a pretty iris.”
4a. share the best first and last lines from your work(s)
favorite first line from the sugar baby au:
Powerful people only end up with powerful people. The rest are just playthings in their lives. Louis Tomlinson was many things, but he wasn’t anybody’s plaything.
favorite last line from the ice prince fic:
“Who would have guessed…” Harry whispered after a while, smiling against Louis’ lips. “the dragon finally got to keep the princess.”
5a. link the last fic you read
6a. link the last work you published
that’d be the ice prince fic
7a. link to your ao3 (if applicable)
8a. someone that inspires you
louis teheeee
9a. a comfort fic/work that you’ve been grateful for this year
god, again, there’s so so many of them, like the amount of authors i’m so grateful for, the list is infinite but these are a few that comes to my mind
all elote’s (@defencelesst) fics makes me really really happy and never fails to give me a cozy/wintery feeling, her louis IS THE MOST PRECIOUS THING ON EARTH AND HER HARRY IS JUST PERFECTION, i’m in love with her descriptions and how she just takes you THERE. hanis @loulicate-recs always makes me smile so fucking hard. ris @falsegoodnight fics NOW.... well.... ris fics they make me smile but also make me want to throw my phone to the other side of the room BEST OF BOTH WORLD IG. MAR’S FICS (loubellies on twitter, idk their @ here i’m sORRY) ARE LITERALLY ONE OF MY FAVORITE AUTHORS AT THE MOMENT, such a pretty louis IM SO IN LOVE WITH MAR’S LOUIS ITS UNFAIR
10a. other writers that you’d like to tag!
omg i’m probably so late to this and idk how many of you have actually done this so here goes nothing @allwaswell16, @runaway-train-works, @greenfeelings, @kingsofeverything, @thepolourryexpress, @larents
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italian-pastry · 4 years
Rambling about the Family Tree
Here’s the Family Tree!
And under the cut is all my rambling about designs or whatever! (this ended up not being about designs too much. Hm)
OK WE NEED TO BE ORGANIZED HERE I’ll be going generation by generation, from left to right. Everyone will be here, just for organization sake. Of course, some people are more important than others, so be warned for long rambles (in generation 2 especially) OK LET’S GO
Generation 1: Iida Parents: Idk man. They don’t even have designs. They’re probably cool Enji: He doesn’t deserve to be drawn well :) That and he doesn’t deserve to meet his grandkids :)) Rei: She deserves to be pretty and be a cool grandma. Her grandkids adore her. Hisashi: This mans is kinda wildin’ in my universe. Whatever he’s up to, it’s not being Inko’s husband. Inko: Soft grandma!!!!! We love her and she loves her grandkids and husband. Toshinori: He deserves to retire and settle down and be happy with his family and be adored by his gandkids. Emiko’s Father: He and Yukie got married (and Yukie got pregnant with Emiko) almost right out of highschool. He expected Yukie to give up her career to care for Emiko, but that didn’t gel with Yukie, so she divorced him when Emiko was little. Idk where he is now. Yukie: We love her. I love her. She’s super sweet and super cool and super short and that’s all you need to know. She also looks a lot like Eijirou (or, at least I tried to make them look similar) Crimson Riot: I subscribe to the Dad-Crimson theory, so here we are. After Emiko started elementary school, Yukie tried to get her career back together, but after meeting and having a thing with Crimson Riot and getting pregnant with Eijirou, she gave it up to be able to care for her kids. Nadie: An American journalist who moved to Japan for work! She and Yukie met and got married when Eijirou was 9-10. She has 3 kids from her previous marriage (that ended in disaster). Christopher Skyline: (Yes, THE Christopher “Captain Celebrity” Skyline. We’re just ignoring the Vigilantes canon over here.) Nadie’s ex-husband and the father of Hanae, Etsuko, and Suzume. He was a serial cheater, and the kids was a desperate attempt made by Nadie to try to make him stick around. Sperm Donor: Just a sperm donor. Mitsuki: Still looks SUPER young. She doesn’t like it when her grandkids call her “Grandma” or anything like that because it makes her feel old. Masaru: Loves being called “Grandpa” or whatever by his grandkids. He loves them, and likes to visit them a lot. Mika: Still quiet and chill. We love her. Kyotoku: Still loud and fun. He’s a cool dude, and he got them smile lines Beru: Her head is weird. I’m sorry queen, but it freaked me out. Ganma: He freaked me out even more. He was my least favorite to draw. Sorry bro. Uraraka’s Parents: Her dad reminds me of my dad (vaguely). They don’t have names, but they’re cool. Also, Ochako was able to get them a nice house, so good for them. Shouta: Just go look at @nartothelar‘s Silver Fox AU that was my main inspiration. He a grumpy old man who only likes his kids and grandkids and family. Hizashi: Same thing as Shouto. I like to think that all of his hair has grayed, so his hair is like Platinum Blond now.
Ok! Gen 1 done, and it was mostly me rambling about Eijirou’s parents. Maybe one day I’ll dedicate a post to them.
Generation 2: Tenya: I had him grow his hair out because 1.) I thought it was cute and 2.) it represents him loosening up a lil’ after school. He wears contacts during Hero Work, but wears his glasses casually. Tensei: Literally just the same dude. He’s Tensei and he’s chill and he’s cool. Dabi: I gave him an eyebrow piercing and a fun new cut. (Fun fact: That’s his Fantasy AU fairstyle) Fuyumi: I hope her hair looks very Teacher-y and Motherly. I think she looks super cute. Natsuo: A simple dude. He finds a cut that works and sticks with it. Although I did give him sideburns and a lil’ touch of beard. Shouta: Instead of shaving his red side, he combs the white side over it. Also, I hc that in his left eye, he’s half blind. Izuku: Yikes. He got the wound early in his hero career. He went blind in his right eye, so he and Shouta together are like 1 and 1/4 blind. Emiko: Eijirou’s older half sister. I would say she’s Girlboss and Natsuo is Malewife, and I think that’s accurate - even if only a little. She’s a social service worker, and met Natsuo in college. I had an old design before, but I like this one A LOT more Eijirou: I am a simp for long hair Eijirou, so here we are. ALSO freckles!!!! I love freckley eijirou. Also stubly beard and cool new scar. He is very dad. Hanae: The chill little sister. Probably a lawyer or professor or something smart like that. Etsuko: The crazy sister. She works in the hero field! If as hero support or as an actual pro, idk yet! Suzume: The ex-crybaby sister. She’s prolly doing something fun and artsy. Also, HUGE demigirl vibes Kane: The energetic little brother! He has most certainly gone pro, since he’s like very early 20s now. Fun Fact!: He was 6 when Mieko was born, so a lot of people thought they were siblings. It only got worse when Akio rolled around. Katsuki: hehe Undercut Bakugou. Also, hearing aids! I put his eyebrow scar there so he and his hubby are matchy matchy. Actually, both of their scars are pretty matchy matchy.... huh. Also, I’m totally not saying he was invloved in the fight that gave Izuku his scar, definitely not. Mashirao: STOP SAYING HE’S PLAIN AND ORDINARY. HE’S BEAUTIFUL DAMMIT. Every time I draw him I think about how darn pretty he is and that he could be like a KPop star or smth Tooru: It’s tooru! Super fun lil’ lady. What a queen. Mina: Look at that kick-ass scar I gave her. It’s what she deserves. Although, that eye may be a lil fucked up. Ah well, at least it looks cool. Yuuga: LOOK AT HIS HAIR. I am so happy with how it turned out! He so pretty. He and Mina are DEFINATELY Girlboss and Malewife. Hado: Also a simple lady. Prolly also needed to stick to her brand of long hair. She still super pretty tho. Lowkey disappointed I didn’t give her the stereotypical Anime-Protag’s-Mom hairstyle Haya: Completely shaved her head, and got more piercings! Like, 100% more Punk Rock. Itsuka: FRECKLES FRECKLES FRECKLES. And short hair!!!!!! Sigh, I love her. Tetsutetsu: I tried to make him look like Ejirou, even if just the face structure. I like how his hair and scar turned out tho. What a lad. Mezo: What a cool dude! Got a sick nasty scar, but covers it with his hair. I think, even with a majority of his face covered, he is still very handsome Miya: She has a name now!!!!!! What an icon. She’s a Hero Costume Designer, and she has a spider mutation. Wolf Spider, specifically (I think). She is so adorable and spunky I love her. Momo: Short hair!!!!!!1!1!1!11! God, what a goddess. We love her so so so much. Also, she gets to have a cool scar, too Kyouka: While she’s in UA, she straightens her hair, but after she graduates, she doesn’t care abt it. Momo rlly likes it curly. She also has that thing going on where you shave all of ur head except for ur bangs (and the side thingies). Oh! And eyebrow piercing! Satsuki: Pretty! Also, I made sure that all the girls who would’ve been 6-7 during the current time all had ponytails now (Satsuki, Etsuko, and Eri) Samidare: He’s super cool, and I decided to give him long hair to make him cooler. Also, Demiboy vibes, anyone? Tsuyu: A queen!!!!!! I love her so much!!!!!!! When her hair is down, it reaches to her shoulder blades. Ochako: SHE LOOKS SO BADASS I AM SO HAPPY. Look at her, with those cool scars, and that cool hair! What a queen! Mirio: Classic Mirio! Tbh, idk if I’ll give Mirio his quirk back. Like a lot of the stuff in the recent arc I’ve ignored, soooo......... Tamaki: He has SO MUCH HAIR. It ridiculous. Since growing it out, he uses it to hide behind if it’s left down. So Mirio likes to do stuff with his hair and make it look cute. Nikko helps, too! Eri: A queen!!!!!!!!!! Idk if she’ll be a Pro Hero or doctor that specializes with pro heroes, but I want her to be happy and help people! Hitoshi: Hanta and Denki weaves flowers into his hair a la Rapunzel all the time. The braid is really loose and shitty a lot of the time tho. Ah well. Denki: Because I moved his black stripe to down the center of his hair, my little sister keeps calling Denki and Race Car. And I agree. He got those scars because he was able to train himself to really not fry his brain anymore, but that means if he overloads, his electricity escapes some other way, so through his ears and into his face. Hanta: That scar was very strategically places because I am a firm believe that Sero will uncannily resemble Shouta when he gets older. I hadn’t done a really good job at that tho....... hm.
Gen 2 is done!!!!!! It was my fave generation to draw UwU. I’m not sure what to say with Gen 3, since I’ve already talked about them a lot. Jeez, idk. I’ll think about something to ramble about later.
@questionableholidayreally Tozen rlly said “I am literally just vibing ;)”
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ambidextrousarcher · 4 years
Sarcastic StarBharat Reviews- Episode 20: Sarcastic StarBharat Reviews-Episode 20: In which there is a fake war, and Ms. Melodrama becomes angsty.
The review is under the cut. 
Tagging @milesbianmorales @mayavanavihariniharini @medhasree @shaonharryandpannisim @ambitiousandcunning @jigyask @allegoriesinmediasres @hermioneaubreymiachase @avani008 @ratnas-musings @whydoyoucareaboutmyusername @bleedinknight @justahappyreindeer @iamnotthat @chaanv and @ruminationsofaraven
This episode begins with Glitterwash. (I can already tell I’ll rant, like, A LOT) He’s climbing something to the tune of badass yet really irritating music, his bow and arrow in his hands. He touches his bow and arrow to his forehead and then throws the both of them into the river. What is this unnecessary drama for…? There comes a peacock feather and Krishn is picking up the bow from water that’s also populated with lotuses. This lecture is about parents wanting their children to be happy. Scene switches to Ms. Melodrama, clearly the precap scene. Priyamvada’s voice echoes in her mind as she flashes back to her friend telling her that as long as the thread is tied around her wrist, she must not reveal the truth to her husband. Ms. Melodrama thinks that she must be wholly devoted to her husband, and hiding secrets lessens it. (Ah. They are turning even Kunti into a doormat, I see. I thought it was just for uwu Glitterwash’s sake they did that, but no, they are ruining her whole character) She resolves to tell him the truth. Honey Boy enters the chambers as she unties the thread. She twists the thread in her hands as the camera pans on Honey Boy as he walks to Ms. Melodrama. “Kunti,” he says, smiling and taking a brooch out, “This choodamani symbolizes her husband to a woman, by wearing it in her hair, she assigns her husband the highest position in her life,” He pauses, “but I do not approve of this. I’ll put it in your hair as a symbol of love and trust.” (Erm, experienced people, please tell me whether this choodamani thing existed in real life or not.) Also, uh, why is Honey Boy so soft? IDK. StarBharat universe, I guess. He struggles to put the brooch in her hair. “Handling a women’s hair seems to be harder than running a Kingdom,” Dude. You haven’t run the Kingdom yet. The one meeting I saw, your Drama Queen brother walked out on you, and your Tathshree did what else he could. That’s it. “You have the aid of your ministers to run your Kingdom, Maharaj,” she says. “But my hair is yours alone to decorate.” Ahhh. Help! Anyway, he manages to set the hairpin right. “May I say something?” he asks. “I really liked the question you asked in the Swayamvar.” Uh, what canon fail was the Swayamvar again? Let me check…ah, yeah. Canon fail #33. “I was lost. I wished that moment itself that my answer to your question should be the right one.” Okay, non-existent questions aside, let’s move on, or so I hope. Obviously, we can’t be that lucky. She says, “The moment I saw you, I too wished that you would answer my question from your heart.” “Did you want to test my intelligence or my heart?” Oh, my, Lord and Lady of Cheesy Lines! “A person tests only that he wishes to acquire,” she replies. “You’re amazing, you managed to test my heart and win it with merely one question!” “A king should not lose his heart so quickly. The worth of the person asking for the King’s heart must also be tested.” “Are you doubting my selection, or are you flaunting your talent?” Okay, I have a question. Just who wrote such cringe lines, dude? “I was just telling you something. Justice should be decided by you.” “My married friends say that a man testing his wife is himself tested.” Er…how do I make sense of this? “So I am give another test? Tell me. What is the matter?” “I wanted to say…” starts Ms. Melodrama, starting to drop the black thread on the floor. Just at that moment, drums start beating. Both of them turn. “What is this?” asks Honey Boy. “Whose message is it at this time?” “What is it?” asks Ms. Melodrama. “The beat of the drums conveys a message. I’m sure it’s a serious matter. I should go to the sabha.” Ms. Melodrama looks forlornly as he leaves. Scene switches to the sabha. “You cannot go for a battle immediately! You have just been married.” Satyavati clearly wants to protect her grandson. “My duty comes before personal pleasure.” Ladies and gentlemen, here’s an example of ‘it’s easy to say, hard to do,’ as this guy literally dies because he pursues his pleasure AFTER BEING TOLD EXPLICITY that nope, dude, you’ll die if you do. I’m sure this isn’t canon, either. But if it is…well, he actually does die pursuing his pleasure. The dialogue continues. “If there is an opportunity for war, then it is my duty to take it.” “I can deploy the soldiers for war. For a King, no battle is his last” This is Bhishm. Um, a question? What if a King dies in battle? Maybe that doesn’t happen in the StarBharat verse. Mr. Drama Queen intercedes here. “However, the first battle remains the first.” (Wait, this is Pandu’s first war? His sons were way younger, then…when they warred for the first time.) “The people would be doubtful about the caliber of the new King, Taathshree. Pandu has to exhibit his strength as soon as he can. Forgive me, Taathshree, but I believe so. For all that I might be blind, I know how to fight a battle.” You know, I think canon Dhritrashtra may be as whiny as this guy, but not so publicly. And that’s where they failed his character. “I’ll go myself.” He finishes. Honey Boy, not to be outdone, says, “Jyeshth Bhraata is right, Taathshree. To help the King of Madra is our duty. Whoever has warred on Madra has done thinking that I am a new King, and newly married. Hence, I would have neither the courage nor the inclination to help Madra. The enemy wants to test me, and I will definitely give that test.” This is said to the sweeping BGM of the title song. Hang on, this seems suspiciously like canon fail #44. I don’t recall Madra needing to be rescued, in fact, I actually recall something along the lines of Bhishm paying Shalya Madri’s bride price and bringing her home. (Correct me if I am wrong.) Also, here we come to canon fail #45. Er…aren’t Madra and Kururashtra separate? I don’t think they both fall under Pandu’s jurisdiction. Nor do they seem exactly allied yet. Kururashtra is hardly the samrat of a Rajasuya right now, that honor goes to Indraprastha very late in the future. “Have you thought about Kunti?” interjects Satyavati. “She will be heartbroken! What answer will you give her?” Everyone looks tense. Scene switches to Ms. Melodrama, pacing her room anxiously. She whirls when Honey Boy enters, striding to him. “What happened, husband? Is it grave news?” “The same news that delights one can be grave for the other.” Why is this guy pontificating right now, really? “A husband and wife are not two different people, they are one. What is good news for you is good news for me, too.” Oh, this I expected from Ms. Melodrama. “An allied Kingdom has been attacked. I have to leave for war, right now. Rajmata and Taathshree said that someone else can go with the army but I told them that this duty is the King’s. I will go on war myself. I should have asked you for advice before I took this decision, but…” “No, husband. You have taken a decision worthy of a King. If the King of Hastinapur took any other decision, I would have lost hope.” “I know that the Queen would be happy, but I want to know my wife’s heart. If you are angry at me, then you have the right, Kunti.” She turns away from him. “A lunar eclipse happens only to the full moon. Yet, after the eclipse, the same moon is brighter and more beautiful. I will wait for you. When will you leave?” Um, you’re not supposed to be that poetic! “Right now. This instant. If I so wish, I could spend the night with you, Kunti, but that would be myself succumbing to a weakness. And when one succumbs once, he is weak for the rest of his life.” High sounding words for a guy who literally dies of his weakness for Madri. But hey, perhaps he has no idea of that weakness.
“I want to be your strength, husband, I will not be your weakness. I too am a Queen. You will return victorious, I believe in you.” She does an aarti of him, but halts before she applies the tilak. “Do you want to say something, Kunti? Tell me if there is anything in your heart.” “No, husband. My heart only carries prayers for you. May you always be victorious. I will be waiting for you.”  Damn. This much sweetness…I can’t. He leaves, yet turns back once to look yearningly at Kunti, this is giving me Arjun/Draupadi vibes, but no, they are not like that, Pandu and Kunti, as far as I know. They nod at each other with smiles. This reminds me of the whole scene where the Pandavas are arrested in the future, and Arjun tries to convince Panchali to leave for Kampilya, but she shakes her head and he nods, both near tears. (Okay, this is Nila being Arjun-mad as usual, but it is kind of a foil scene.) He leaves. Outside, the army waits, crying out “Har har Mahadev!” Kunti and Pandu lock eyes for a moment as they exchange nods once more and he says “Depart!”, leaving with the army. Ms. Melodrama, of course, is crying. The scene flashes forward a few months. Ms. Melodrama is waiting for Honey Boy to return, of course in tears. Ms. Always Patnidharma touches her shoulder, giving her a lecture in Patnidharma. “Forgive me, sister, I did not want to hurt any of you by my behavior.” “Why have you stopped eating then?” What? This is canon fail #46. Kunti is a warrior maiden, a mother of warriors. She does not do shit like this, I’m sure. This is meant to be a Mahabharata retelling, not yet another abala nari thing. “What else can I do? Before, we got messages, now even that is not coming.” “If there is no news, it means that there is no news worth giving, that’s all. But it also means that there’s no bad news.” “I thirst to hear the sound of the drums.” Ah! So much sappiness, even I can’t deal with it. If you want to write angst, write believable angst, guys, please!  “Believe in the King,” says Ms. Always Patnidharma. Of course, at that exact moment, because this serial is the most clichest ever, the drums start beating. The episode ends to the tune of dramatic BGM. Precap: “Maharaj Pandu has triumphed over his enemies in the war.” Vidur announces, while Honey Boy himself is galloping towards Hastina in a chariot. “Rajmata,” continues Vidur, “The King of Madra has made Maharaj Pandu his son-in-law.” Canon fail, this, remember? Scene switches to Ms. Melodrama standing in the entrance of the palace to welcome Honey Boy, as Madri makes her entry from behind the King. Oh, and if anyone was wondering why the unexplained hiatus happened yet again, it was because I kept dropping off at how boring this episode was, really. Maybe things have the potential to look up soon, let’s hope.
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Zelda & Zach
ihatemyguts: Good thing you told me how bubble boy posi Robyn’s ‘rents are
ihatemyguts: ‘cos that felt like such a brush-off
ihatemyguts: I feel kinda bad, it’s low-key just upset her with no shopping trip pay-off 😬
inandout: your first date was today
inandout: the insane jealousy must have forced me to forget
ihatemyguts: Obviously
ihatemyguts: moping and staring out of open windows would be bad for your health
ihatemyguts: probably
ihatemyguts: can’t have that
inandout: mope hard enough and fling myself all over the house, they’ll call it exercise
ihatemyguts: I’d let Rob know but her parents would probably sue me
ihatemyguts: I did some research
ihatemyguts: and yeah, flare-ups fucking suck, but if she was struggling that bad rn she’d be in hospital getting her 💉 on
ihatemyguts: makes me ⁉️ if the meetup will happen
inandout: makes me wonder if her brothers are allowed out
inandout: if they are maybe they can help us smuggle her to the meetup
ihatemyguts: not just a pretty face
ihatemyguts: that’s a damn good idea
ihatemyguts: I can slide in their DMs
inandout: Cranking up the jealousy metre to give me a full work out, I see, are you gonna be a PE teacher when you grow up?
ihatemyguts: *prays they aren’t like 12*
ihatemyguts: imagine if that was my life’s ambition
ihatemyguts: wear unflattering sportswear and give kids complexes
ihatemyguts: even without the potential life-shortening illness, I’d reconsider that
inandout: it tracks that you’d wanna make them 💩 and bringing back the bleep test could work
ihatemyguts: okay I’m not 🦹‍♀️ or 🐯 levels of sweet but is that what you really think of me? 😏
inandout: I think there’s only one rebel teacher coming to mind and I haven’t watched that film so all I know is they stand on desks
inandout: probably not a perfect fit for you
ihatemyguts: I could force you to watch it for our first date
ihatemyguts: and ask you, what your dream job would be
inandout: Netflix and chill or cinema screening of the ‘classics’?
inandout: we could do a drive-thru
ihatemyguts: hmm 🤔
ihatemyguts: there are pluses to ‘em all
ihatemyguts: cinema, we could laugh at all the snobs and 🤓s
inandout: Cool, reach out to me with the time + date when it’s showing
inandout: Are you allowed 🍿?
ihatemyguts: oh hell no
ihatemyguts: have to find another way to hold my hand
inandout: 🦸‍♀️ said she was gonna look up ice breakers and stuff, hopefully it was a fruitful search and she won’t mind sharing the info
ihatemyguts: do you think she legit didn’t realize how thirsty that boy was for her
ihatemyguts: or is it all uwu coy-ness
inandout: It’s hard to tell
inandout: but if I remember my glasses I’ll do my best to decode her body language from 6 ft away
ihatemyguts: aside from hospital, have you ever met someone else with cf?
inandout: Nope
inandout: jokes aside, it really is discouraged
ihatemyguts: that’s a hard one to get your head around
ihatemyguts: far as adjustments go
inandout: getting Robbie at this meetup won’t be easy
inandout: separate ones mean we might not have her there
ihatemyguts: I reckon we can trust you and Kara to keep the teen love story fictional
ihatemyguts: for all our sake’s
inandout: She’ll get her man
inandout: it’s not like bad advice and dating pitfalls are just a click away
ihatemyguts: cosmos never steered ANYONE wrong
inandout: Yahoo answers neither
ihatemyguts: might be confused as to why they’re not related
inandout: [I like to think he’s just sending his fave yahoo answer answers now for the lols]
ihatemyguts: [meme back and forth lads]
ihatemyguts: if she gets her date we could go into the matchmaker business
ihatemyguts: start at home
ihatemyguts: 🤖 don’t last forever
inandout: Rob’ll need to be next or she won’t forgive us
inandout: and we’ll soon get tired/guilty of seeing the amount of 😿💔 spam the chat
ihatemyguts: we’ll have to liberate her first
ihatemyguts: in a literal way
ihatemyguts: not the pretentious, free your 🧠 type of vibe
inandout: Kidnap’s playing into her parents’ fears but we don’t have a better option
ihatemyguts: now it’s my turn for a potential 💡
ihatemyguts: what if that is exactly what she should do
inandout: jump scare them?
ihatemyguts: if she did some actual wild shit to show them they’re being suffocating, ‘scuse the mention, then they’ll have to compromise and let her do normal kid things and everyone will win
ihatemyguts: I realize getting her to wild out might be a problem
ihatemyguts: catfish it though?
inandout: 💡⭐️
inandout: getting her to agree to do it for real would take longer than we have but you’re right, faking it wouldn’t take any time at all
ihatemyguts: get Lauren to picture whatever the hell she’s up to
ihatemyguts: sorted
inandout: + there’s your next photo challenge ready to be accepted, dressing as if you were going on a date with 👵🌈✨ instead
ihatemyguts: hold my neon
ihatemyguts: and think, do we clue Rob in on this plan now or do it on her behalf first, ‘cos we could hit up her house phone with some madness to get ‘em sus now and when she’s like wuuuuut it’ll sound even more
ihatemyguts: or is that a bit evil genius instead of 🦹‍♀️
inandout: Does she even have a house phone? We don’t
inandout: you’ll have to find another way to trick my parents into believing I’m a badass
ihatemyguts: I bet they do
ihatemyguts: can’t trust a mobile
ihatemyguts: and I bet they don’t have a microwave, they’re that sort
ihatemyguts: obvs I’ll just direct them to Lauren on your friends list with a 🤔
inandout: We should probably warn her, in case she takes it the wrong way
inandout: or decides to stand up to them for her YA movie moment
ihatemyguts: yeah, you’re right
ihatemyguts: if she doesn’t go for it, her brothers might be of use still
ihatemyguts: have to focus my evil energy elsewhere
ihatemyguts: such as…
ihatemyguts: 🥁
ihatemyguts: [one of the crazier lewks from babyteeth for the photo challenge]
inandout: 🤞🏻 one of them is old enough to drive the people carrier
inandout: Uhh… that was a suspiciously fast transformation
ihatemyguts: didn’t know you was challenging a pro?
ihatemyguts: and someone with a lot of time on her hands
inandout: I do now
inandout: and I’m guessing it’s not every day you get stood up based on what else I know about you
ihatemyguts: it’s a first
ihatemyguts: not that I constantly ask people out
ihatemyguts: but that is what I’ve put across so fair enough
ihatemyguts: what am I interrupting for you?
inandout: I’m waiting on friends
inandout: this could end in both of us being stood up
ihatemyguts: am I a drag you down with me type?
ihatemyguts: hmm
ihatemyguts: nah, I’ll cross my fingers that your friends aren’t flaky
inandout: Late, but I’d be too if it wasn’t my house
inandout: What are you gonna do now shopping’s off?
ihatemyguts: life is one big photo challenge, right
ihatemyguts: yours is ‘whatever will make your friends double-take when they open the door’
ihatemyguts: it’s a good question
ihatemyguts: we’re going to virtual shop tomorrow but she wasn’t up for it today
inandout: Wait for it and their faces
inandout: + you’re virtually invited to watch movies and play games, you won’t be the only one who isn’t here in person
ihatemyguts: 👍
ihatemyguts: cool
ihatemyguts: meeting new people is my new thing, as long as your mates are down/not the level of nerd that they might get a nosebleed if a girl is about
inandout: Some of them are girls if that helps
inandout: and my brother won’t be there to bring down the cool
ihatemyguts: low-key a shame
ihatemyguts: have to meet him before the first date though
inandout: I’ve got a father you can ask for permission if you’re feeling old-fashioned
ihatemyguts: full set
ihatemyguts: fun
ihatemyguts: mines in scotland so we’ll let you off that trek
inandout: But a road trip is a coming of age movie staple! 😫 Has Netflix aired any YA without one + are you willing to take that risk?
inandout: mine’s a workaholic but we’ve got years to catch him
ihatemyguts: forget the meds, see who gets fucked up first
ihatemyguts: it’d be a journey, for sure
ihatemyguts: do you know what he does? ‘cos so’s mine and I couldn’t tell you, tbh
inandout: Or mix them up and see what happens when you take the ones for my 💩
inandout: He’s a sales manager, he says, but why so vague?
ihatemyguts: sounds like something they’d do at cool parties
ihatemyguts: and that sounds suspish
ihatemyguts: they should have this 🤓 but with a moustache instead of the buckteeth
ihatemyguts: dads are elusive creatures… conspiracy time, what are they all up to
inandout: Not sure that’s the topic Rich has been watching vids on but I’ll ask
ihatemyguts: he can always tactfully ignore you if he’s 😳
ihatemyguts: like he does with 👵🌈✨ when she’s extra
ihatemyguts: more than usual
inandout: Be harder to do that in person
ihatemyguts: I think everyone will still get on
ihatemyguts: unless fibrofog shows, then that’ll be teen show worthy drama, of course
inandout: I think he’s genuinely blocked, he’d need a 2nd account to find out about it
ihatemyguts: hope he’s seen catfish too
inandout: He’d be a fan of the one where the man refused to believe it wasn’t Katy Perry
ihatemyguts: it does seem like the sort of thing she’d do
ihatemyguts: poor bastard
inandout: 😂
ihatemyguts: ultimate photo challenge, catfishing everyone and then going for the ruveal
ihatemyguts: might need more than just a wig 🤔😏
inandout: Dressing like her would make my friends do a double-take
inandout: [pics of some of her outrageous lewks with his head put on]
ihatemyguts: 😂😂😂
ihatemyguts: you suit the 🍦🧁🍭🍩✨
inandout: We’ve probably got a can of squirty cream lying around for hot chocolate
ihatemyguts: inhaler but make it ~sExxxIii~
inandout: [a lil video of his failed attempt to re-create that in her insta DMs or wherever because idk if they can send stuff like that here]
ihatemyguts: Katy dat you 😍😍
inandout: I’ve agreed to only string you along for 4 years not 6 and I don’t have any savings to spend 25% of on a 💍
inandout: looks like the comparison starts and stops with our black curls
ihatemyguts: not much of an orlando bloom clone myself so it’s alright
ihatemyguts: pirate is always an excellent disabled-friendly costume though so add that to the ideas board we should start
inandout: If we decide the next meetup is fancy dress, Lauren will never go back home
ihatemyguts: that’s the mood
inandout: [sends her whatever he did for the photo challenge and his friends reaction to it because why not say they’ve arrived and there’s a similar feral mood here]
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kingofcurses · 5 years
harry watches the witcher
episode 1 thoughts:
the monsters look cool af
this bitch really drowning huh
intro is kinda cool?
assassin’s creed vibes from the hood
how is he a mutant
oof who is this woman she’s a badass and nice shutting down of her dumbass husband
she’s very uwu
“more and more i find monsters wherever i go”
she sold him her dog when it died oof
you ever been to hell?
wheres jaskier
oooooooooh magicccccccccccccc dooooooooooor
this is not what illusions are meant for
do witchers murder? think thats against the witcher code tbh
wait is this ciri?
she’s babie also literal fav
geralt is a himbo, also cavill looks weirdly non-human, also geralt reminds me of an npc.
internal m u t a t i o n s
god this is so confusing cos people have confusing names
geralt really feels plastic idk why
“evil is evil stragabor, lesser, greater, middling. it’s all the same. if i have to choose between one evil and another, i prefer not to choose at all.
“pretty ballards hide bastard truths”
“As in life, it is impossible to be fully prepared for battle. Keep your sword close and keep moving.”
ciri looks so uncomfortable
bruh the woman from earlier is renfry? or whatever her name is, but she has sick design
jesus fucking christ stregabor you fucking horrible dickhead
hope she kills him
“so i keep getting told”
please tell me she kills him
thats a lot of bad guyss
this looks like such a futile battle
people keep gettting killed very quickly
ciri continues to be my fav, also she looks like she needs a hug
wow people getting cleaved
top tip: dont shout we’re losing
well shit he just got headshot, also such a shit way to die
thats really sad
wait she made it back????? how????
how tf did they get into the city
ooooh magic
geralt is so fed up at this rate
“thats sad”
dont kiss, please
please dont kiss
like seriously i cannot bear this
bouncy wall
these guys really believe in destiny huh
more people getting cleaved
woah lion thing
im going to cry
find geralt
fair enough i guess
wait they’re all drinking poison wtf
thats really sad :(
why didnt they save everyone else?????
please don’t fling yourself off the tower
oh shit he stabbed himself
oh fuck she flung herself off the tower
high speed horse chase
guess thats the life of a witcher; an outcast
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sunflowershayne · 5 years
mortal kombat au
bc i’m a dumb thot that’s severely attached to MK and smosh so.... uwu
ian hecox: liu kang. one of the most recognizable characters, generally considered the “hero” of the MK universe, one of the most powerful human characters, has fire magic and idk i just strongly relate ian to fire sometimes. also very fiercely protective of those he cares about, and will do whatever he can to help others. stubborn and vengeful, even when it can be petty.
noah grossman: ermac. has probably stolen at least 1,000 souls in his lifetime, has an unspeakable aura, has green magic (weed), has that one fatality where he takes out your stomach and noah is v picky so it fits i think. currently has free will and chooses his battles in self-preservation, and wants what’s best for his home and the world he grew up in. has a very strong connection to family due to having the former outworld king’s soul inside of him.
olivia sui: skarlet. is a very strange little creature with an obsession for others’ blood, one of the most powerful girls in the MK universe due to her magic, has the potential to take everything over but just wants approval. is also incredibly brutal but in a subtle way, has an ethereal and almost elegant way to her. basically i just see them both as weird gremlin women with insane amounts of power.
keith leak jr.: kung lao. very close with liu kang, iconic hat, is one of the more mundane humans due to not having a power, but is just as formidable as other kombatants due to his rage and his sheer knowledge of fighting. has a legacy he wants to live up to (the great kung lao is kinda like kung lao sr. right?), and is protective of his family (the shaolin monks). is generally more pissed off than liu kang.
courtney miller: cassie cage. sassy wlw (cassie’s not a confirmed wlw but like... come on, she’s. not straight), has latent magic within her, strong ties to her family, doesn’t rely on her power to fight with others despite being able to. strong badass woman that supports others, literally could kill a man by kicking them in the nuts. uwu-loving, selfie-taking, snapchat-filtering, ass-kicking lady that takes no prisoners.
shayne topp: johnny cage. muscular blond actor that is not-so humble about how they perceive themselves, very jokey and sarcastic, REFERENCES REFERENCES REFERENCES, pop culture, will flirt with anyone if it means he can be out of danger. consistently shirtless, but also incredibly loyal and steadfast, and has a very good heart. will do ANYTHING for his family and friends, including defeat a literal elder god in combat.
lasercorn: scorpion. fire man made of vengeance and anger, loves his clan more than anything, literal hellspawn, has a thing for sub-zero, is actually just a skull under a ninja mask, has actual flame hair, impulsive and has a short fuse. wants nothing more than to avenge his family and clan, and does absolutely anything he can to make sure that he gets what he wants. becomes besties with sub-zero (more than besties but like.... i’m not gonna say it Out Loud lest Ed Boon come murder me in my sleep!!!!!!!!)
jovenshire: erron black. gunslingin’ rowdy boy that tries to flirt with unsuccessful results, has his own interests and goals in mind when he makes decisions, chooses battles based on how much he can gain from each possibility. listens to country music and unironically does the boot-scootin’ boogie, has strong beliefs that people are allowed to make their own decisions and do what they want. a strangely coy and erotic cowboy.
mari takahashi: kitana. ethereal princess of an entire realm, goes from wanting to please others to making her own decisions and being loyal to herself, can kill a man with just a kiss, is besties (i mean in canon they’re dating but like. Not Here!!!!) with liu kang. has hopes for the future, will do whatever it takes to prevent bad things from happening, surprisingly very violent despite being so nice.
sohinki: sub-zero. generally a chill guy that will kick your ass mercilessly when given the chance, may or may not be lasercorn’s true enemy, initially was kind of a strict dude but now he’s just chill and wants to have a good time. always seems to show up whenever others need him, and basically just takes things in stride. all around good addition to a team, but can be stubborn and unmoving.
wes johnson: mileena. very giddy at first, but calms down a bit later on, desperately wants to be considered part of a family, has a strong temper and craves some sort of control, wants stability and prosperity for themselves. proud of their accomplishments and are always looking for people to acknowledge them, big eaters. is like a younger sibling that pesters you for candy. more powerful than they know.
boze: sonya blade. no-nonsense, won’t hesitate bitch, will kill you within a moment’s notice if you cross her, strong and independent with a soft spot for her friends, idk i just really associate boze with army green, was almost definitely a very emo teen. expects a lot from cassie but loves her with all her heart, is ride or die, ambitious and knows what she wants. go-getter through and through.
damien haas: kenshi. is almost definitely a psychic, values honor, besties with shayne, is a GOOD DAD!!!!!!! (fuck mkx’s portrayal of kenshi as a father tbh!!!!!!! takeda deserves better and SO DOES KENSHI!), is 1000% a cat person, has telekinesis probably, kitanas. knows a lot of shit, is lowkey shady af, helps scorpion in the new timeline (which... damien and lasercorn are... mind brothers), helps the Kombat Kids train bc they need it
flitz: kotal kahn. sun god, can and will turn into a lion at any moment, probably just glows sometimes for fun, is real into jade (which. aren’t we all.), is less interested in conquering and more into internal affairs and uniting people, proud of his body (bc kotal’s always shirtless, y’know.), would definitely drink blood for youth and sustenance. is able to teleport and has telekinesis, but it’s just w/e y’know!
rhett & link: raiden. the protector(s) of earthrealm and savior of the MK storyline, all-powerful immortal gods, are like WAY too fucking tall, did i mention that raiden is an elder god and that rhett & link literally saved our asses? gods, truly.
defy executives: shang tsung. old-ass, musty-ass, soul-stealing bitch, is liu kang’s arch-nemesis, brought sindel back to life which literally almost killed everyone in the MK timeline until they were brought back due to the time shenanigans. fuckin’ dusty soul-grabbing bastards that don’t even have good fatalities smh.
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huangfilms · 6 years
School Pres!Donghyuck & Secretary!You
summary: you and i work as a team and before our last year of high school we didnt really talk much outside of our meetings and preparation plans but now that we have i think i have a big crush on you
requested by: this lovely anon!! <3
(A/N) here it is bubs ! im sorry i made you wait so long :( BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR REQUESTING ! this trope really pulls at my heart strings cause i really b in my feels LMAOO but i hope you enjoy ! <3 (ps,,, she is unedited)
school pres!donghyuck
thats cute wow i love this already although idk how its going to turn uout because i always: wing it HAHAKDJSF
okay well!!! donghyuck being the school president would be a shocker to most because he doesnt seem like the person to go for a position like that
but hes actually really good at what he does
and thats scheduling all of the student council meetings, planning fundraisers, school dances, all the Great Stuff
but he honestly couldnt do it without his trusty secretary
which is you
youre his secretary
you write down all of his ideas cause he trusts you like that also cause he has no physical stability to do it himself smh
even though you guys are like,,,, attached to the hip in student council, outside of it you guys barely talk LMAO
but people seem to ship you guys
youve been the secretary for 3 years of high school and donghyuck was the pres for 2!
so you guys have a good dynamic
it was kind of awkward at first because you admired him from afar,, so like a crush,,, and you didnt really know how to act around him
 and you were used to the old school pres ,,, it was weird to just have a shift and a big change so quickly
but it was okay cause donghyuck had a great work ethic
before you two became the secretary and president, donghyuck had a lowkey crush on you too
i think thats why he has been just a bit awkward with you at first as well but both of u are oblivious
but then he got used to having you around and used to having 1 on 1 meetings with just the two of you guys
he saw it as an opportunity to get to know you but you??? you didn’t really talk much about your personal life
all he knew was that you hung out with that one sophmore and one junior, jisung and chenle
oh and one person from your grade, jaemin
donghyuck never really bothered with you after your first encounter LOL
like !! youre nice and all but you just talk to him for work purposes! but thats okay! cause its better than not talking at all no?
so you guys have one of those 1 on 1 meetings at the library about an upcoming fundraiser to fund prom (cause its a new year and u need to think quicc abt ideas so people can vote on the theme)
you guys talk for hours on end about preparations and what you guys want to sell
you guys decide on doing a bake sale because who doesnt like baked goods !!
so you and donghyuck set out a date to bake EVERYTHING 
and after the meeting hes just like, ‘its lunch now, do you wanna go somewhere with me to eat?’ and he smiles so sweetly 
this is the first time youre really looking at him too
he looks,,,, really good
and his smile? the sun cant compete n e x t
and youre like wow this boy handsome
but you agree on getting lunch with him because youre pretty hungry and idkmaybeyoucouldgettoknowthisfineman
SO you guys walk to a nearby food joint and on the way you guys are just chatting away and youre finally opening up to him
!! wow hyuck: head over heels his headass prolly in love by now LMAOOO
and then you get into the topic of how you guys came to be the secretary and president
hyuck says ‘i wanted to prove everyone wrong,,, they always say im a trouble maker or whatever so honestly i started out of spite but i love being the school president’
all you said was ‘oh’ but you nodded up at him cause its cool that he likes being it but its badass that he proved everyone wrong and Still Loves What He Does
so you guys get to the food place and you guys just joke around th e majority of the time
it feels like you guys have been actual friends since forever
when you guys go back to the library u guys forget about what u 2 were supposed to b doing
and then you open up your notebook and then-- oh yeah Prom Preparations and Fundraising
so then you and hyuck plan ahead that every other sunday you guys are going to mass bake a lot of sweets so you can try and sell them all on monday
and everyone has tasted your baking before,,, so they usually sell a l o t
so the following sunday, you meet hyuck at his friends cafe,,, cause it has a big kitchen
and then you guys get cracking cause you have a l o t to do 
half of the time you guys are throwing ingredients at each other but you guys Get Shit Done
you get to know hyuck more and you now understand why a lot of people have a crush on him
hes the sun!!! hes charismatic!! hes funny!!! hes got everything omg
his only flaw? he can’t frost a cupcake to save his life
youre just laughing at all his attempts but anywho
its the next day! so the first monday to sell sweets
you and hyuck made a schedule of who would be selling the cupcakes during what lunch period
you assigned jeno, jaemin, and mark for 1st lunch, then you, hyuck, and chenle, for the second lunch, and then for anyone who wanted to buy after school would buy from renjun and jisung
interesting that u guys would be selling together and have poor chonlu third wheeling 
the whole bake sale was a success,,, you sold every cupcake and chenle was honestly just gagging the whole time when he was with you guys cause you two sat really close to each other and being r e a l l y friendly
chenle swore he could see u guys heart eyeing each other but whatever
‘just friends,,, okay y/n’ ‘shut up chinlin’ ‘hello??? yes, can i get some new friends’
so over the course of id say a few months??? you and hyuck are literally everywhere together
you guys plan together, you guys eat together, you guys do everythin g together
people are starting to think that you guys are dating cause,,, yall sure act like it
and i dont know maybeyoulikehimalotnowthatyouvegottoknowhimmore
but you guys are just pining over each other and the dreamies are so s i ck of it
so they tell you guys that hey!! emergency council meeting in five lets all meet in the board room!!
you guys are just laughing on the way there about a stupid meme or something and when you walk in the dreamies are quiet and Looking At You Guys
‘what?????’ ‘nothing. absolutely nothing.’
you and hyuck are just like,,, well whats this meeting about???
so the dreamies are just quiet for a second, they all look at each other and nod their heads like they have some secret code
and they all stand up and renjun says, ‘we know u like each other,,, so we’regoingtolockyoutwointhisroomuntilyouconfessyourloveforeachother BYE’ and they all run out
you hear a click,,, you couldnt comprehend what the heck renjun said but now you did and youre both just frozen
so you just clear your throat and then you say, ‘i mean we might as well get some work done’ and you sit down
and hyuck just deflates a bit cause?? do u not like him??
and then he goes, ‘haha right.’
and you could hear the shift in his voice cause hes a bit upset
and then you stop what youre doing and go,
‘listen hyuck, i like you more than a friend,, but i thought it was obvious? we were pretty much acting like a couple already so i didnt realy understand why i have to spell it out for you? i mean i understand if you dont like me like--’
and he kisses you
right on the lips
what a dream amirite kids
you could say that you just got,,,, sunkissed LMAOOOO IM SO LAMEKJGFJHSG
but you kiss him back cause you like him so much this means he likes you too!!!
when you guys pull back hyuck is just shyly grinning up at you and its??? adorable wow
and the dreamies all have their ears up against the door
so they hear everything
and chenle says ‘my parents!! finally!! are!! together!!’ and hes just so l o u d omg
and you and hyuck just burst out laughing and then it dies down after a bit an d hes just like,, ‘will you be mine : )’
‘course i will !! : )’
and so you guys just walk out of the room hand in hand
okay but your 1 on 1 meetings?? not a lot gets done
you know why?? hyuck is always staring at your face and is trying to kiss you 25/8
‘hYuck we need to actually do work thi-- Will You Stop Throwing French Fries At Me.’
and he just l a u g h s
‘oh yeah?? youre laughing now but how about when i say no kisses for a Week.’
and he just stops and sits up straight cause you give him The Look
‘suddenly i love doing work lets talk about our next fundraiser’
and you just chuckle and hold his hand
‘i think im in love with you.’
and hyuck freezes
he squeezes your hand and then he says, ‘im in love with you, too.’ and you guys just break out into big smiles
oof okay wow uwus: officially gone
school pres!donghyuck is a whole ass hard working sweetheart
im going oto end it here before my uwus spill out some more
hyuck! existing! in this trope! sign me up.
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fefairys · 6 years
What’s your opinion on each of the alpha+beta trolls, or your opinion on each of the alpha+beta kids?
EACH oh my god... oh my god bless you....
BETA TROLLSAradia - WIFE I LOVE HER I WOULD DIE FOR HERTavros - he used to be my favorite when i thought i was straight lmfao. now i think hes an asshole if im being honestSollux - love him. such an asshole but a lovable one. he has so many lines that make me laughKarkat - thats my BOY my CRAB SON Nepeta - she was my favorite from the start because cats. i fucking love cats my dude holy fuck. Kanaya - beautiful. i love her. useless lesbian but so fucking valid. she’s part of the sexiest scene in homestuck so...Terezi - OH ANOTHER WIFE?? ?? She’s my phone lockscreen rn. god i would fucking die for terezi in a heartbeatVriska - oh, me? a bitch. i used to actually fucking hate her a lot lmao but now. oh. you know. actually not gonna lie i still hate her but like also love her? idk lmao. she’s awful lmaoEquius - mmmmmsweat. ok but for real i do not much care for the fellow! i appreciate his love for horses but hes an asshole creepo! i dont hate him thoGamzee - i would sell him to satan for one cornchipEridan - hate him. would kill if i had the chance. ok but he’s written VERY well and his story is very interesting and i’ve written paragraphs about this before so yeah.Feferi - OH, ME?? yeah that’s um. that’s me. 
ALPHA TROLLSDamara - i love her. she a straight up bitch but that’s why i love her tbh.Rufioh - fuck that guy. only likable characteristic is that he’s based on rufio from hook. Mituna - yuckie. HATE how the fandom treated him as a poor innocent babbu uwu he just need to be wuved uwu hes my babbuuuuuu  lmao he nastyKankri - ive been sitting here for two minutes trying to think of the correct words to describe my hatred for this man but i just don’t know how. just... someone make him shut up, pleaseMeulin - love her! i think youll notice a trend in my opinions and its “i love every single girl in homestuck” anyways. yeah! i feel bad for her tho she should drop kurloz’s ass lmao. but i think the fact that they both sign is v coolPorrim - OH. HOHOHOOOOHOHOH. ... .. OH HER.. . .. OH. I LOV HER. ok but for real people need to like reread her fuckin dialogue when they try the whole “ummm actually the boys are oppressed on alternia” shit cause actually they fuckin aint!!! i could explain but that is not what this post is for uwu and porrim literally explains it already. porrim is perfect and i love her.Latula - a mood, honestly. i feel like i used to BE her like the whole IM A GAME GIRL YEAH THATS RIGHT IM A GIRL AND I GAME! WATCH OUT, BOYS!!! and on the inside i was suffering with crippling anxiety :) Aranea - again, a bitch but i love her. thats sort of the Serket thing. lovable bitch. like she literally fucked EVERYTHING up but shes a cute alien girl so.... :/Horrus or is it Horuss i literally never know - big sweat. im honestly not quite sure about him... he’s not as bad as equius but he still gives off yuck vibes, yaknow? i lowkey feel bad for him when hes all like ‘i just realized i was in love!’ and rufioh is like ‘uhhhhhhhhhh we should see other people’ and he didnt even FUCING hear cause his EARS WERE TOO SWEATYKurloz -  i don’t trust like thatCronus - dieMeenah - love her! i love how her character was uhhhhhhh im trying to think of a word i cant think of it so ill just say developed instead. i love how her character was developed with the whole (vriska) thing like oh shes more than just Punk Fish Bitch like she’s actually like a whole person. neat.
BETA KIDSJohn - oh, John Home Stuck? yeah i know him. he’s pretty fun. pretty neat. pretty cool. a good boy.Rose - a lesbian icon i would die for her in a second. only thing i dont like abt her is she’s incredibly hard for me to write cause i have like NO fucking vocabulary and shes just droppin these fuckin crazy ass smarty pants words all over the place!!! shes fuckin so pretentious and i love her so much.Dave - a friend and boy. love that guy. one of the most developed characters mayhaps?? very good.Jade - I FUCKING LOVE JADE HARLEY. I WOULD FUCKING DO ANYTHING FOR JADE HARLEY. OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. and listen it’s not just cause ima  furry and she is too she’s just the best fucking girl okay? ? ? ok.
ALPHA KIDSJane - underappreciated! i love her very very much! she had to put up with so much shit from those nasty boys she’s so tough and i love her so much. she has done nothing wrong ever in her life.Roxy - BEST GORL!!!!! im so proud of her... she could literally do anything shes such a fuckin badass and id die for her. i hope she comes to my home and punches me in the face.Dirk - hm. he sure is In Homestuck isn’t he? haha :) Jake - a good boy. very mistreated he deserved better! he went through so much FUCKING SHIT! god ! 
the dirk thing was a joke i actually like him a lot and all his character development is fuckin wild like he grows so fuckin much throughout the comic it’s so great. 
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moonlitalien · 7 years
Okay so, here’s my own tiny review (more like a rant lmao) of TLJ, don’t read if you haven’t seen the movie obviously!
Because it’s a Star Wars movie, and because I’m a SW nerd, obviously, I HAD to see it on the first day, and I was so excited I barely even slept the night before. The thing is, in the end, I was oh so heavily disappointed. Now don’t get me wrong, I love SW and obviously I will see episode 9. And even that crappy Han Solo sequel, probably. Disney knows exactly what they’re doing, and of all the people I’ve talked to who have been so disappointed by TLJ as well, 99% of them said the exact same thing as me: “I used to love the old trilogies, and the EU - therefore, I will see any upcoming SW movie, even if I know it’s gonna be bad”.
I think that sums up my opinion of SW as a whole ever since Disney bought Lucasfilms. I don’t like Rebels, I don’t like the new trilogy, I don’t like how stupidly childish, sweetened down and cheesy they are, but I’m a victim of my own initial love for SW, so... :’)
...My biggest issue with the entire movie is that it didn’t feel like a Star Wars movie at ALL. I spent the entire movie being like, “Who the fuck are you?? What the HELL is this? Where the hell are you going??!”
Nothing felt like SW. It was an outrageous insult to every single old fan of Star Wars - they made up new species, new planets, new characters, and as soon as Leia and Chewie die in (I suppose) the next episode, there will be nothing left of SW at all. It’s gonna be a cheap, childish universe that has nothing to do with Lucas’ SW. Going to a casino planet? Oh, better make it a NEW boring, ugly planet that felt like something out of MASS EFFECT instead of SW, instead of making everyone happy and making them go to Nar Shaddaa. Same for that dumb crystal planet at end - why not make them go to a new ~old Resistance base planet~ instead of oh, idk, Hoth or Yavin, AKA some REAL Resistance planets from the old trilogy?
And the worst part? I spent the ENTIRE casino arc (and the entire movie, in fact) staring at the background and the extras, and.. I couldn’t spot a SINGLE alien I knew. No Twi’lek, no Togruta, no Devaronian, no Pantoran, no Chiss, NOTHING. It was either a bunch of ugly humans in ugly costumes or some unknown cheap-looking alien species. I THINK I saw something that looked vaguely like a Dug at some point, but that’s... literally it. I was so sad and so fucking disappointed.
Now, for a list of pros and cons for the rest of the movie:
PROS: - The scene where Leia uses the Force to bring herself back into the ship was absolutely incredible and brought tears to my eyes. The visuals were beautiful, it was just... perfectly executed. - LOVED all of the Kylo/Rey scenes, I’m honestly biased because Daisy and Adam are some of my favorite actors, and they were absolutely incredible in their roles. The hand touch was just... beautiful. When Rey feels the rain and Kylo does too because of their Force bond... It gave me chills. It was beautiful and so sad.  - Rose was easily the best developed human character in the trilogy and I think that says a lot considering she’s been here since, well, the beginning of TLJ only. Also, she was beautiful and adorable and really badass. - The space battles. Incredible visuals again. The moment where Holdo drives the ship into hyperspace straight into the Imperial destroyer was just so beautiful. - Yoda’s Force ghost. So beautiful and so sad, and I was so happy that they used the same model that they used in the first trilogy. - Luke’s death. Not the ACTUAL death, which was super badly executed IMO, but the final scene where he becomes one with the Force, with his theme song playing in the background - it made me tear up. It was SO beautiful and so good. As Rey said, there was no sadness, he passed away feeling whole again. - The last scene with the little slave kid telling the other slave kids about the Resistance and the Force, and that tiny moment where he uses the Force to grab his broom, and the last scene where he looks at the sky, it gave me so many prequels/original trilogies feels. 
CONS: (oh boy) - The really terrible conclusion to all the Kylo/Rey scenes, where they decided to just... kill off Snoke and make Kylo the big villain. Broke my heart. Really terrible writing, so predictable, again a representation of how stupid Disney’s view of the Force is: everyone is either black or white, and if there’s a SINGLE doubt about their alignment, it WILL be made clear at some point that they’re either super evil or super nice. Kylo was nothing but a sad boy, I was heavily disappointed that Disney chose to make him kill Han, and SO happy when he decided not to kill his mother in TLJ. I was almost starting to believe he could get a redemption arc, but no, it would’ve been too complex and interesting for the kiddy audience obviously. - Luke’s... entire arc?? Entire character?? Disney absolutely destroyed and burned down everything about Luke and the entire movie was just a fucking fiasco because of this. They turned the loving, friendly, ever hopeful little boy into a bitter monster who, for a second, would have been ready to execute a CHILD, his own NEPHEW, in his sleep. Into a stupid Force user who, after witnessing what the Jedi and the Jedi code did to his father, turning him into the galaxy’s most hated man, STILL chose to keep using the Jedi code and to teach it to his students. Ridiculous, completely OOC. - Whatever this mess of a story arc Poe got. Hundreds of people died because of him, including Rose’s sister. It was so OOC and such terrible handling of his character, I’m honestly speechless. - Whatever this mess of a story arc Finn and Rose got...? What was the POINT of this entire arc since it led to absolutely nothing except more pain and suffering? Ridiculous. - WHERE. WERE. THE. ALIENS. Seriously, FUCK OFF DISNEY. I’m so tired of all these humans. SO TIRED. The galaxy is NOT MADE OF A MAJORITY OF HUMANS, FFS. The casino was full of humans, the Resistance was full of humans EXCEPT THREE characters that I spotted in the background on top of admiral Ackbar (who fucking died too??), and even Phasma was also a human. When her helmet shattered, oh boy, I had this faint hope that she would be a Chiss, but NOPE. ANOTHER HUMAN. - Those marketing-driven scenes with the ugly birds (’Porgs’) and the uwuwu cute crystal foxes uwu like lol, go ahead, just buy plushies and figures of them, that was the only purpose of their appearance in the movie anyway. - Leia’s lack of love and empathy for her son. Luke’s unshakable need to remind everyone he needs to murder Kylo for the greater good. It was so OOC for both of them and CAN DISNEY JUST GIVE KYLO A BREAK LMAO. They turned what could have been one of the most interesting twist on a kid falling to the Dark side into a ridiculous evil puppet. Also, Leia has ONE child, and she would never hate him. OOC as hell. Next. - That dude from the casino whose name I can’t even remember, who helped Finn and Rose with the Destroyer and etc. Who the fuck. What the fuck. I just?? Why?? What was the purpose of this ugly drunk hobo besides making me hate Finn and Rose’s arc even more lmfao??? AND WHY WAS HE HUMAN AGAIN PLS REMIND ME? - NONE of the theories/questions were answered. Who is Snoke? Don’t know, don’t care, boom he’s dead. Thanks Disney. Rey is so strong in the Force because she’s related to Anakin? Lol no, she’s a random character with random parents. I was facepalming so hard.
I just. Oooh boy. This movie was a disappointment, It was exactly everything I knew it would be because Disney is bad at storytelling and likes to make everything easy and simple to understand for their stupid goddamn kid audience. Like go away lmao. I’m gonna sound like an old bitter harpy but the EU > Disney. SW was never supposed to be so easy to understand, it’s supposed to be complex, full of mysteries and theories. My mom and I regularly debate about Anakin and Padme and Obi-Wan and Luke and it’s been YEARS since these trilogies ended. That’s not going to happen with TLJ.
What I’m looking forward to in the next ep, even though I know it has 99% chance of not happening: - Leia getting a beautiful death, because she’s a queen, a mother, a legend and deserves the best death ever. - Hopefully a last goddamn chance for a Kylo redemption arc. Like lmao I know it won’t happen and Disney will just keep ruining his character but a girl can still hope. - More Kylo/Rey scenes since they were some of the best parts of TLJ. - More Rey/Finn/Poe scenes because we got nothing at all in TLJ except a hug between Finn and Rey at the end and like a two-word exchange between Rey and Poe. - More cool space battles. - MORE FUCKING ALIENS. FFS. JUST GIVE ME ONE TWI’LEK AND I’LL BE HAPPY. - An Obi-wan and/or Anakin Force ghost. - An interesting ship that isn’t necessarily straight (just saying this because I can FEEL the Poe/Rey happening even though they have 0 chemistry and it’s making me sad :’)) - PLEASE just tell me who the fuck Snoke is and tell me he isn’t really dead. Please. The ~supreme leader~ can’t possibly have such a retarded death with 0 background for his character. It makes no sense.
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