#idk i’m feeling odd
koroart · 4 months
Hi, if it’s okay to ask, what are your thoughts on what’s going on between Lambert and Patricia? Especially considering what’s said in Dimitri and Hapi’s supports
Hm hm hm , this one is definitely a doozy — 🤔
Tbh… I definitely feel their relationship was in some way? Genuine? Not like, true love kinda genuine — it’s more so along the lines of ‘two lost people finding solace in one another’ because I do think at some point, they both cared for one another, especially in the beginning of their relationship. Especially on account with Patricia. But even Rodrigue pointed out in Hopes , that even he wasn’t sure if it was love between them — but it was something. It was enough for them to marry at the very least.
And concerning the things with Hapi and what information Hopes actually gave us— I feel like those small feelings of affection towards one another became gradually one-sided on Lambert’s side. Because Cornelia so often interfered between their relationship and kept Patricia separated from Lambert ( so she could probably be easier to manipulate) and I think Patricia definitely hid things from Lambert too — and wasn’t entirely honest with him, with and without Cornelia’s influence. He probably knew she had been the former consort of Ionius but I don’t think he knew she had a daughter ( after all, Edelgrad didn’t know her mother had fled to the Kingdom either and even when she was there — she was never made aware, otherwise her uncle may have mentioned it and she probably would have too, cuz what child wouldn’t want to see their mother? ) Cornelia probably twisted it in some way later down the line— making seem that Lambert knew and that he was purposefully keeping Anselma away from her daughter, and gradually Anselma began to believe her. ( which also seems to be the conclusion a lot of people in the fandom seem to make too — Intsys did a bad job in keeping the lore together and a lot of misunderstandings happened )
Which is probably why Patricia/Anselma seemed to have no issue in helping arrange Lambert and Dimitri’s assassination later down the line. Do I think she lived long enough to regret it? who can say really — but part of me feels she did regret it at some point but it was too late and she died with those regrets.
I want to take Dimitri’s recounts of their relationship with a grain of salt — in some way it was almost rose tinted because he’s never had a mother in his life, and Anselma being the only female presence in his life and my guess is he wanted to remember his time with her with some fondness despite the reality, and I felt his opinion on it, especially pre-time skip — shouldn’t really be given a lot of credence. Because chances are, he wasn’t privy to a lot of what was going on in the bg, and I’m sure his father wouldn’t want him to worry about such grown up things. What parent doesn’t keep pressing matters away from their children? ( let’s not forget Dimitri only found out Edelgard being his step-sister AFTER she left and AFTER Duscur I believe, so he wouldn’t have been able to get answers from anyone regardless )
Hm hm much to think about methinks
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ninemelodies · 6 months
cause of death: this scene
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theloveinc · 7 months
Not upset at anyone bc frankly I worship work that is body inclusive but I wish there was more chubby reader content that wasn’t like, “you’re bigger than everyone you’re large you’re big and round you’re HUGE but they like it tho :)”
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aveil · 21 days
if i remade again would you be mad at me be honest…..
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literatureisdying · 13 days
being at a different place in your life than your friends is such a weird feeling
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abigail · 9 months
ok.. i might start a youtube channel or are you all gonna boo me if i do lol
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driftingballoons · 2 months
I hope you don't mind me asking two thing back to back, but for the reverse unpopular opinion ask game.
What piece of PMD lore/story just doesn't sit right / doesn't make sense with you?
Not at all! Love getting asks, thank you! :3
The one piece of lore that’s always bothered me a bit is how they handle humans in the series. Imo it’s just a little confusing and odd. Now for the positive! By leaving it vague, it really hands over the lore to the fans—how do humans live in this world? Are they common, or are you one of/the only one left? Do they tend to live side by side with pokemon, or are they more separate than in the main series? Where did Hero come from? What happened to their family? Etc etc. Plus, in Explorers, the idea of there being humans around, but you not seeing ANY in the Dark Future really adds to the oppressive and heavy nature. It helps show it’s such a harsh world that only the most feral of pokemon can truly thrive. 
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
Nothing has made me more confident in byler endgame than reading milkvan fan fiction set post-s4.
To be clear this is no hate to fanfic writers living their life!! This has nothing to do with the quality or anything like that! I actually do get a lot of entertainment out of this and give kudos when I’m left especially like WOW that really happened.
Initially, I did it just out of curiosity recently, bc I needed to know how some of them think or just simply want to imagine in terms of how the show will handle that early s5 interaction between Mike and El, and every single time it feels wrong. It feels like the most regressive direction the show could possibly go.
It’s often somewhere along the lines of El reminding herself she needs to live up to Mike’s claim that she’s his superhero and Mike telling her that Will made him realize it’s hard to open up but that once he did he finally realized he loved her ever since he met her…
I could not be more confident nothing along those lines is going to happen… 🤣✌️
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ziggy0-o · 3 months
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me every time i open r/PinkFloydCircleJerk
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acrobattack · 6 months
i think it’s fun that blossom and buttercup butt heads the most vs brick who targets boomer and more or less gets along swell with butch
#once again this is just me stating the obvious but i think about it a lot anyway#like with buttercup it’s a general refusal to follow the given instruction#vs boomer whose issue with brick tends to be incomprehension or lack of capability#and like. the difference between a leader who wants a Good Clean outcome vs one who just wants to have fun at all costs#butch has no reason to oppose brick because their goals basically align similar to how bubbles and blossom function#whereas buttercup Wants to be reckless under the instruction of someone who simply is Not#and boomers situation is a bit different because he really doesn’t oppose Brick much at all#he’s just a bit slow to catch on and will tend to speak out of turn out of excitement to contribute to a situation#vs butch who quite literally just parrots a lot of what brick says in a lot of his dialog#boomer is just ‘soft’ enough to be an easy target#it also Is just really fitting of brick to aim that kind of attitude at someone who’s less likely to do anything about it#whereas blossom generally has a real point she wants to drill into buttercups head so the resulting fight is. kind of the goal#idk where i’m going with this i just saw a post that made me want to organize these thoughts somewhere#bubble journal#editing to add more#like alright boomer is. undoubtedly a part of their group#i don’t think he’s a true odd one out he Isn’t#he scraps with them and likes the same things they do and generally likes to participate with them#he just so happens to be the ‘worst’ relative to the other two at being a Rowdy/ruff Boy#at least in the way they perceive one ought to be#so when he gets a bit too obviously naive he’ll get singled out#but it’s clear he can generally keep up with them anyway#if only for the fact that brick and butch can instantly tell when bubbles wasn’t able to#does this make sense i feel like i lost the plot
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theamazingannie · 8 months
Very confused why they made it that the solstice already passed. Like I hope they have a reason behind it but it really makes no sense to me making him fail the quest
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otrtbs · 1 year
good morning 2 the dash! i am in a wonderful mood today and i am on the hunt for coffee this morning!! hope u all are well!! ☺️🌸☀️
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babyfairy · 7 months
i’m ngl i’m kind of tired of talking
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purplepenntapus · 8 months
Im sorry I love the Zoro Mihawk Perona dynamic but the fandom trend of turning it into “Mihawk adopts Zoro and Perona as children and raises them” makes me want to die
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crybaby-bkg · 9 months
been feeling v frustrated n a little scared recently bc I’ve genuinely had no desire whatsoever to write fics lately and. I’m not used to that. maybe it’s burnout?? I’ve experienced it with different things but never fic writing so it just feels really weird and oddly disappointing ☹️
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banghwa · 1 year
there’s just this quality to yoongis music and his work in general that is so raw and intimate that makes me totally unable to talk abt it bcs like. it’s all so real and vulnerable and cathartic that it feels almost intrusive to do so. but i just hope he’s proud of himself. i just hope he knows we’re proud of him too.
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