#idk if i like it or not either but we chillin
spookyheaad · 2 years
The whole soul society aging fiasco
Ok, so there is no concrete or fully canon way that souls age. I did some research, and there’s still a myriad of answers.
One consistency that I see is that souls seem to age slower than humans, that’s pretty much a given. Yamamoto is 2,100 years old. Shunsui & Jushiro are both around the 1,000 range, and Unohana is I believe, with estimates, I would say also about a millennia younger than Yamamoto, probably a little older than Shunsui and Jushiro, but that’s an approximation.
I find it very interesting though because some characters look younger than others, but may be older in terms of how old their soul is, I guess. Like Unohana & Kenpachi, or Unohana and even Shunsui. It could be that Kenny and Shunsui look older because they’re more gruff, but Unohana is undoubtedly very battle hardened.
With that, Kenpachi is also at least a thousand years old as well, since when Kenny & Unohana fought it was literally a millennia from when the events of TYBW happened.
Some theories say one ages pertaining to how strong one’s spiritual pressure is, which might make sense for certain characters, like Unohana and Kenpachi, since Unohana still looks the same as she did 1,000 years prior when she fought a young Kenpachi. And obviously we see Kenpachi has grown up, possibly as his spiritual pressure became stronger.
Another theory, that I admittedly haven’t seen a lot about, is that some may just stop aging altogether at a certain point.
I ranted a bit more in my tags, more info there lmao
#I’m also doing this because I’m tired of people saying that there’s an age gap with the KenUno ship#dawg they don’t even have canon ages and the aging system is nonexistent for souls in canon#Unohana looks the same from 1000 years ago and Kenpachi aged - no one knows what’s going on here SKSJDDJ#all I can base it off of is Yamamoto’s age#Yamamoto is 2100 yrs old#Unohana is either shy of 2000 yrs old or maybe mid thousands by the time of TYBW we deadass don’t know#Unohana and Kenpachi are both within the thousands in terms of age tho cause once again their first battle was a millennia before TYBW arc#keep in mind that souls age much slower than humans so it would make sense#unohana could’ve been chillin pre-gotei 13 at age like - 500 or something killing ppl left & right#but once again - the aging system is so bonkers that either way I’m still shipping KenUno#what throws me off is that they look very close in age - with Kenny actually looking a bit older even#maybe that could be from his overwhelming spiritual pressure#that would also make sense as to why Unohana never aged after 1000 years & just stopped#maybe her spiritual pressure plateaued?#and with that the aging process may stop as well#reminds me of when Unohana said ‘I’m stronger than anyone else but you’ to Kenny#idk#there’s so many variables with it#tbh Renji looks a bit older than Rukia#then at the end of the manga I actually think renji didn’t really age - while rukia did#idk in terms of soul society characters and shipping just go for it (within reason) nothing makes sense in terms of age#anime#manga#bleach#bleach anime#bleach manga#bleach analysis#kenuno#kenpachi zaraki#retsu unohana
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socksandbuttons · 10 months
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Did you know there was a drawing i did back in september that was originally gonna be this comic? Yeah, yall were spared some sad sleepytimes. But taking that ... one thing they mentioned once or twice in the show of Lunar just Staring at Sun as he slept. And the fact that this IS still after Eclipse blew Lunar up. Lunar for a good long while was not happy with Eclipse being back understandably.
But for now this was before they just chilled out. I can assure you Eclipse woke up VERY confused. Lunar dipped out real fast. They didn't talk about it.
Bloodmoon was gonna be chillin' but then i realized thats TOO early in the bean timeline. (This taking place before Lunar and Eclipse reconcile.) He comes in later when literally things have Calmed down.
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But considering i drew this comic... like in september its totes fine.
There was also a part 2. which. We either get to or not! Idk.
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lilastromama · 2 years
what i love about different zodiac signs/placements 🍷 [2]
aries lilith: their willpower. it might not always be for the positive, but theyre willing to do everything in order to get what they want, everything. Theyre ruthless. Im not saying thats GOOD, but its not always a bad trait either. go babes
saturn in the 8th house: how the universe doesnt play about them. this has less to do w their personality, and more to do with how inclined they are with spirit. fool them once, youre not gonna be able to fool them twice anyways. The universe always whips out the uno reverse card on you if u make the mistake to hurt them. Just something i have experienced a hell lot
capricorn sun: their balance (?) listen idk how to put this in words the right way, but so many caps ive met have this certain balance. being calm, kind, patient. And then theyre loud, chaotic, angry, funny, make the best jokes and are the most noticeable in the room. U never know what u get, and i like that
aquarius moon: aquas have never been an easy ride for me, gotta be honest. but the one thing i hold them high up for, is how they dont always "fit in" and yet are still chillin. I have always found strength in being (excuse my language) "outcast" like. Its good to have a mind of your own, and not always walk the way others take, or tell u to go. Please keep questioning things, keep doing you. (as long as it doesnt harm anyone) its a great thing to be unique, its a power move. Its actually something we could all have/do a little more of.
virgo sun: their confidence/support level. Ive noticed a lot of virgo suns to be hype-women/men/people. they support u the best they can, give compliments not even models have ever heard, and make u feel like ure on top of the world. and in women (as i am one, and have experienced this ESPECIALLY with virgo women) they give the best instagram comments. U know which ones im talking about. Those "Omg, i hear vogue calling youu already!!" 🎈comments. Theyre the best at it.
cancer mars: its funny bc cancer is in its fall when its in mars, its not specifically a sought out placement to have. But there is something about those individuals that remind me of female rage. LISTEN 👹 it takes a lot for cancer mars people to noticeably lose their shit, they almost never do it in front of others, they keep quiet mostly. But WHEN they show their pent up emotions, its time to call 911. go home and get the gun, NOW.
9th house individuals: Their minds. Yes, yes, yes. If u like deeptalks, like to spiral down the rabbit hole and back up, talk to these people. they make amazing teachers, leaders, people which are there to guide and learn you. They have incredibly fast minds, they analyze and calculate QUICKLY. those are the people which u go to when ur ex posted a new pic and u wanna know whos in it. Give them about 3 seconds and they will find out, including where their great grandfather lives. A pleasure <3
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i think i figured out why ROR songs feel so...un-descendants
its all ONE genre? i suppose? like its either rap, trapp, or pop, meanwhile the first 3 descendants movies had like-20 different music genres in just the first movie-they had kinda a dubstep vibe for the opening song 'rotten to the core', then a broadway musical type song for 'evil like me' because how were they not going to use Kristin chenoweth's vovcals? , if only was a ballad, then be our guest was a fun throwback/callback song that they made...a cheesy white boy rap for some reason, they had another ballad with the if only reprise, and then set it was the big finale pop song, like-as a whole descendants music is considered pop apparently but they had like-hundreds of different type of songs in just the first movie, like they all sound simular but in a good way.
D2 starts off with a full pop rock song, ways to be wicked, and goes into whats my name which google defines as 'pop, R&B, electrohop, and pop rap', then into a -kinda old stylish pop song 'chillin like a villain', then into the ballad space between, which goes into the finale song 'you and me' which is my personal favorite of the finale songs which gives kinda...musical finale vibes-which is great!
D3, starts off with Good to be bad which honestly, years later-is such a banger song, i love it, i did the 'confused head nods' to it at first but now i love it, its grown on me, and its a pop song, of course, but its got such a big energy to it that it feels like its a broadway musical song, then of course-the powerful 'queen of mean' which google describes as a trap-pop song, but it feels so different from good to be bad in the best way, then we go into 'do what you gotta do' which is a pop-rock duet between Mal, a pop singer, and Hades, a washed up rock star-and it gives kinda...80s-90s jazz/rock vibes, it feels different from the rest of the songs but still fits within the line up, then night-falls; this ones practically full rap with sung verses, mainly from Evie, Mal and Uma, with the boys only rap-singing-i think this is the weakest song of D3, but it still sounds right with the rest of the sound track, then Evie's solo-one kiss, which ofc is a pop song, but then comes the big song-Mal's ballad, once upon a time. no autotune, pure genuine music; just Mal and the lyrics and the music, honestly-i loved once upon a time, still do, i think its a good song theory wise-story wise? it flumps on actually making Mal take accountability for her actions-like it tries and it fails, low-key sounds like Mal is trying to gaslight herself XD(joke) anyway-strong ballad, its followed by 'break this down' which is-wowza-you can FEEL this is the big finale song of the series, it goes all out on choreo, the singing, the set, the music-all of it. again it feels like a musical finale song you'd see on stage-its so fucking good.
and then ror...opens with...idk pop? then...goes into pop-trap-rap....then another pop-rap song...then a pop song...then a pop song....then ...k-pop-rap esqe song? and then like a kinda...ballad reprise of the earlier pop song? the songs of ror all sound the same, there's no proper-change in any of the songs, they all sound the same and put too much emphasis on telling the story with the SONGs instead of the songs HELPING tell the story, there's no ballad, there's no big 'fun musical stage type' song, there's not even a finale song, it feels so separated/wong because it doesn't follow the guidelines the first 3 movies put in place. the songs are hardly fun too, like-the chorses are good, the verses all needed several more drafts, and the choreo is weak sauce-they're just trying to make tik tok dances, not musical dances
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sadie-bug345 · 5 months
could you write either hcs for the gang getting their wisdom teeth removed, or a mini one shot fic of soda after he gets his out? <3
(I love ur blog btw)
yesssss OML i love you sm🫶‼️
just so wacky istg
lowk thinks he’s in a book so starts talking in the third person and narrating everything that’s happening
darry struggles to get him back in the car after the appt but once they finally get back home pony stumbles through the door
”ponyboy feels peaceful as he walks through his humble abode” yells pony while darry chases after him
dally is chillin on the couch and pony sits RIGHT next to him
”dally has an elfish face and is anything but handsome, idk what cherry saw in him” and dals just like🧍‍♀️
he refrains from “knocking his block off” just cause he knows he’s on anesthesia
pretty quiet afterwards ngl
but he’s just in awe of absolutely everything
😲 24/7
he just has his jack skellington moment like “what’s this? what’s this?”
by the end of the couple hours everyone’s just so done 💀
but no one takes it out on him cause i mean it’s johnny
who could be rude to that face🤨
people try and baby him a bit and he’s just like
”lay OFFA me🙄”
similar to johnny he just asks SO many questions
but it’s just “why” OVER AND OVER
just so goofy
darry and steve are riding from the dentist with him in the car and darry gotta stop for gas
so sodas like “why”
and then steve goes off abt car mechanics and how car engines work and everything
so sodas like “why”
steve’s just like “uhhh cause that’s how the world works”
so sodas like “why”
and steve goes into an existential crisis and darry’s just like “cmon soda we gotta get you home”
this is bouta be so chaotic i’m sorry😭
cause he had a group talk abt who he wants taking care of him when he’s on the anesthetic
can’t be two bit cause hed just goof off, dally would commit three felonies and one war crime in the space of an hour without the threat of darry punching his skull in, steve just goes along with soda and hypes soda to do dumb shit, pony can’t even drive, so johnny is the only remotely responsible one
and dally chooses to invite himself along🙄
dally drives darry home after flirting with a girl waiting in the doctors office. she’s kinda crying and he’s like “what’sa matter baby😏”
and she’s like “i just got diagnosed with crippling anxiety” or smth (i know people get their wisdom teeth out at an oral surgeon/ dentist office but ITS JUST FOR THE JOKE)
and dal is OUTTA THERE
johnny sits with darry in the backseat and darry just kinda lets loose on the both of them
like “dally, yk you’ll never amount to anything at this rate right?😀” and “johnny, do ya think your troubled home life will affect the way you’ll live as an adult for decades to come?”
flirting way too much with literally everyone
”i may not be able to feel anything in my mouth but YOU sure will tonight 😏”
and two-bit is just standing like 🧍‍♀️
EWEWEW i’m actually throwing up that made me cringe sm but it’s funny so idc
the whole gang is there cause they gotta make sure dally doesn’t run away and become a drug lord overnight
pony buys him an ice cream cone and he just breaks down crying like
”this…this is the nicest thing anyone’s ever done to me 🥹” and it’s probably true
making the MOST non-sensical jokes ever
he’s just talking the ear off this old lady nurse like
”and THEN a poodle walks into the bar holding a *wheeze* a frying pan‼️”
BUT two-bits delivery is so on point that it’s actually funny cause no one expects it
just the epitome of wacky
tries to jump out of the car while they’re driving
he thinks it’s the funniest thing ever when everyone freaks out
in general just thinks everything is so funny
dally will make his usual threats to anyone in the car and two-bit will be like
”remember when dally threw up at the christmas party we had cause ponyboy bet he couldn’t drink a gallon of eggnog in two minutes💀‼️”
and dally just sits there silently for the rest of the car ride
actually thinks he’s invincible
SPRINTS and parkours his way through the doctors office
two and dal are just egging him on
sodas dying
sticks his head out the car window
TOTALLY passes out once they get home
lowk just keeps sleeping everyone thinks he died cause it’s been 12 hours since the appointment and he’s just out of it
TYSM for requesting @obsessedwithyouxx‼️
and my inbox is always open!!
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vivi-snow · 6 months
Heyaaa! I was wondering if you could do headcanons about geto and reader who hates each other but they eventually fall inlove (it's the enemies to lover trope:3)
Thank you, and have a good day! 🫶
tysm anon! Idk if this is exactly what you had in mind but i hope you like it!
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Bane of my Existence
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Geto Suguru x f!Reader
word count: 1k+
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You hate him.
every fibre of his being causes your blood to boil.
Heck, just by being in his direction alone makes you want to vomit.
you almost forget how this even happened, but luckily just one look at him and you remember.
It was a Wednesday afternoon.
you went to your classroom to pass your reports from your missions, but unfortunately, a familiar trio gathers together on the side of the classroom observing you… with a snickering expression on their faces.
the air begins to feel cold, and your hairs stand up in anxiety.you open your bag to get your report, but when you open it, you feel nothing inside.
you turn to the trio and immediately hear laughter. annoying, loud laughter.
“Where is it?”
“Where's what?”
“My report.”
the three begin to separate to different corners of the room. You look to each of them to guess who has your report, but a hysterical laughter from behind you confirms who has it.
Satoru fucking Gojo.
“Haha,” you laughed sarcastically, “Fun's over, give me my report.”
The ash haired boy only pulled his eye and stuck out his tongue in response, before throwing your report to his friend.
Now, he is not as annoying as the other one, let's get that out of the way, but he's really good at acting the good guy.
He caught the report, he looked at you with a warm expression.
He held the report and handed it to you.
but did he give it to you? no.
Instead, he threw it to the girl with the bob cut.
how disappointing, really.
you were getting fed up with them.
“Satoru!!! Catch!”
he in fact, did not catch it. and now, papers are floating down as if it was confetti.
you roll your eyes and begin picking up the scattered pages. The two begin to walk out of the classroom.
“Suguru! You coming?” Questioned Gojo.
“Yeah, in a minute.”
the two continued to walk out, and you continued to pick up the pages. when you thought you picked up all of the pages, you too, walked out of the classroom.
As you proceed to walk to Yaga's office, loud and fast footsteps chase you.
“Hey dum-dum! you forgot some of your reports”
It was Geto.
He stopped towards you, hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath. He handed you some papers.
*huff… huff* “You forgot some.” *Huff*
you can't believe it. he,of all people in the school, actually did something nice to you?
“Thanks” you smile.
you put the papers on top of the ones you arranged, but to your disappointment, the papers were scribbled.
Wow, real mature there, don't you think?
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Present Day
You and Geto were tasked to take down a curse in a countryside village.
The trip there was quiet.
even the assistant caught on.
“It's gonna be quite far from Tokyo, so we'll be staying in a guesthouse for now, okay?”
You sigh and mind your own business. Suguru tapped on your shoulder.
“Hey… Hey!”
You look at him with an annoyed expression. “What?!”
he points at something from outside the window. You look at where he's pointing but you see nothing that interests you. When you turn back to Suguru, he pulls one of his eyes down and sticks his tongue out.
“Ughhh,” You scoff. “So annoying.”
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you were chilling on your own in the onsen of the guesthouse when you heard heavy footsteps towards you.
Geto stood right across where you were in the onsen. with nothing on, except a bath towel tucked on his waist.
“What are you doing?” you ask.
“What do you think I'm doing? I'm trying to get in the onsen.”
“But i'm here too!”
“ So what? you can't be the only one chillin like this princess”
“why don't you go to another onsen?”
“this is the only one the guesthouse offers. either you get out, or we bathe together.”
You have no response. He was right after all.
In your state of defeat you turn to the other side as you hear his bath towel fall on the ground and splashes of water from him entering the bath.
“Okay, you can look now.”
you turn to him, and you catch yourself admiring his physique.
you looked at him from top to bottom, taking a long time looking at the bottom.
“what? you like my dick or something?”
you snap. “W-What?!”
“What? you were looking down for a while so i thought you were looking at it.”
“What the heck Suguru! I didn't know you were a pervert.”
“Me? a pervert? you were the one looking at my-”
you cover your ears with your hands as you make noises to cover his words.
After an hour of bathing, you decide you're done. as you try to move out of the onsen, you notice Suguru was looking at you.
“Suguru, i'm trying to go out.”
“What do you mean ‘and’? turn around! I'm trying to cover myself!”
“you don't seem to mind when you're IN the water.”
“That's different from getting OUT the water!”
“It's just the two of us,”
you gave him a big splash.
“Turn around!”
he sighs and turns around. You get out of the water and quickly cover yourself up.
“No peeking!”
“I'm not like Satoru. I am a gentleman.”
“Gentleman, my ass.”
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The next day
You two made exorcising curses easy. except, if you were careful, you wouldn't let the curse get near you, but you did. and it hit suguru as he protected you, it hit him quite badly.
you were outside Shoko's clinic. Holding a bowl of hot soup as you waited for her to announce her update.
Shoko went outside to see you standing there anxiously.
“he's okay now, but he needs some rest before he joins missions again.”
“can i see him?”
“maybe you should.”
She opens the door wide and you see Suguru on the bed with bandages wrapped around his chest. You feel your heart beat faster as you approach him.
“I got you some hot soup. Drink it before it gets cold.”
You place the bowl on the bedside table. as you walk out of the room, he begins to speak again.
“Where are you going?”
“i have some things to do.”
“what about the soup?”
“I put it on the bedside table!”
“But i'm injured.”
“So you have to feed me.”
You stopped in your tracks. Really? He's gonna act childish now?
“Ughh…” you scoff at his words.
You took the bowl and grabbed the spoon to feed him his soup but hejust turns his head away.
“It's too hot. blow it for me.”
you get annoyed,but you have to do it.
Blowing the soup, you fed it to him again, to which he opened his mouth wide.
“It's good.”
you spoon-fed him for a while until the bowl is empty.
“thanks for the soup.”
“No problem.”
“Why did you make an effort to cook me soup? Do you like me or something?”
your face turns red. You gently slammed the bowl on the bedside table.
“Me? Like you? as if that would happen.”
He lets out a chuckle.
“Whatever you say, princess.”
“Hmph! you return the bowl when you can walk!”
You stomped your feet as you walked out of the clinic.
Obviously, you don't like him. He's definitely not your type. Him protecting you was a common move, and you only made that soup because you feel bad for him. Yeah, you don't like him. He's the bane of your existence.
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Tysm for reading!!! Likes and reblogs are appreciated! Please feel free to request some ideas!!!
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years
Heyo, Idk if you still do sagau but I hope you do 🙏🙏 anyway, this is lowkey wholesome but imagine one of acolytes were trying to communicate with a child but then they realize the child is deaf but reader so happened to be nearby. So then, whatever the character is saying the reader translates into sign language and its just a wholesome sight to see. Btw srry if this isn't what you usually write 😓 add anything to this if you want
(*update: im so stupid i thought ur sunglasses pfp was a anon and didnt look any closer💀i aint livin this one down)
(Spoiler: i do plan to do imagines for other fandoms bc i have such niche AUs or ideas for them, a lot like this whole language stuff for Genshin Sagau :D )
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Also srry its kinda short i just could only think of this cute little scenario- 😗
Rest in peace bc i have a whole fat post i wanna make about neurodivergence + general accessibility issues in Teyvat and their countries
Like where r the ramps babe
Where r the non-narrow ass doors
Why r we just constantly made to hike up mountains when we dont have to
And dont come at me with that,
"Theyre in their medieval age! They cant make stuff like that!"
Yeah, u right, they cant.
If they dont be ✨️creative ✨️and they dont use their fucking ✨️magic ✨️
Liyue got floating rocks and they cant make a goddamn disability elevator?? Bitch tf?
Literally almost no one gets sign language in Teyvat
(despite the fact that in my perfect teyvat, sign lang. is superior bc everyone could make it the universal lang. ESP if we go by the cool AU of diff countries have diff languages, like Germanish lang for Mondstadt, Frenchish for Fontaine, etc.)
Off topic again srry-
But you took a class once!! Or even checked out the alphabet and casual convo on ur own time :D
So u just chillin with Kazuha, Thoma, Sara, Gorou, and Kokomi (they vistin the main island to see u!! :] )
Meanwhile a little girl is walking around nearby, and is kinda going in circles
Almost like shes scared to go too far one way or the other,
So being the caring soul he is, (rlly all these boys here rn would notice and help lol)
Thoma comes up to her and squats down trying to talk to her :)
Yeah, she didn't say anything, just kinda,,
Motioned with her hands??
She looks like shes doing some kind of code to them..
Thoma finally recognized this, its that hand language!! lmao hes got the spirit
so he asks Kazuha to try and see if he knows it or can even figure it out-
Nope. Nada de nada.
Then Kokomi, Sara and Gorou (whos a sweatin nervous mess he doesnt know how to act around kids esp kids in distress he seems like the type lol)
They all fail, Kokomi looks concerned bc she thinks the kids lost, but there no frantic parents nearby, Sara is trying to slowly understand what motions mean what i.e. points to a rock = learn sign from child etc,
Kazuha is trying to get the wind to help locate upset guardians nearby, and Gorou...
... is just 🧍‍♂️
So after a minute of this (bc u had originally been away at a street food vender, hey those dango were rlly good dont judge urself)
U come back, and see this mild flavor of chaos-
And are just like
"Oh ffs- just shoo, i got it guys"
And just, slowly, go thru some signs with the little girl to get the keywords at least
She lights up and is like bouncing, she goes hella fast at first but slows down when she gets ur hearing
Either way, she looks a lot happier now
U explain for her to the others to confirm her parents got seperated from her
She got lost and where she last saw them
u finally help escort her to the street she last saw her parents on :] !!
Meanwhile the whole allogene group, shopkeepers, and Inazumans around you:
Kokomi is holding back a squeal, shes gotta keep up her image, ahem-
Sara is like,, minutely vibrating?? Lmao
Kazuha is watching u like a fireworks show, intensely and yet fascinated
And Thoma just looks like a puddle of affection, just absolutely melted (he loves kids + he secretly loves you = dead Thoma)
Other people look weirdly, proud? Like theyre like "yeah thats our god, fuck yeah, knowing diff languages, go off, Your Grace 💅 " LMAO SORRY COULDNT RESIST and also some fascination
Anyway, 2 very stressed looking dads see yall and the girl and one of them run up to hold each other
She starts rapidly signing, explaining to her dads the adventure she had and the cool people she met <3
The dads look at u and r like 🤔😶😱 "YOUR MAJESTY??!!" (VIGOROUS HAND MOTIONS)
They sign like,
"We're terribly sorry about you seeing us like this, we usually are much more together than this, a crowd just swept her off, its very busy today. Thank you so much for helping our girl, my Lord!! 😭😭"
Theyre like almost crying, oh geez, u reassure them and sign back that it happens to any parent at some point and that is matters more that they tried to get her back :]
Meanwhile the rest of the group and the citizens are just watching yall like its the most amazing Olympic level tennis match in the world LMAO
Heads all in sync, watchin yall like 👋👍🙏LMAO IM SORRY
🎵 Hi, it's me. I'm the problem, it's me. 🎵
That is to say none of yalls asks r eaten up, at least im pretty sure? Dw abt it im chugging along having the time of my life hehe >:)
Hope yall r having a good weekend and have no hw if ur in school, or i hope ur shift goes good tomorrow! :]
Love yall!!
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
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whhyyynottt · 11 months
Okay I have this idea for someone to write a fic where reader is dating either WandaNat or Bishova or whomever and their partner gets a from an unknown number saying “we have y/n come get them when you are ready” and their partners freak out trace the number go in guns blazing but it was just nat or yelena on one of their many burner phones … they have them ready to go to the movies or something and they charge jn just to see reader chillin watching tv like “hey babe what’s up?”
Idk thought it was a funny idea 🤷🏽
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dilfl0v3rss · 1 year
ian no lovey dovey ass bitch, but this nigga got me feeling a little different🌚🌚
he came to my house to talk since i was “being weird all day” with snacks and shit😩. we actually did talk which is weird bc ion even remember the last time i sat down and actually talked ab myself wit a nigga, but then he was asking why i kept calling myself ugly, which was a joke bc ik damn well ian ugly i just be saying that when i send a picture doing a crazy face but he ain’t know that. and i told him i was just playing but he was like how he still didn’t like it and that he wanted me to stop saying it bc it’s not true😪. i said whatever bc ian think it was that deep but hey🤷🏽‍♀️ THENNN when i went to lay down he was like “we gotta talk ab that bitch word too. ion like that either” so me being me, i told that nigga i would chill bc i be pussy in person y’all ngl LMFAOOOO, but not even 20 minutes later i called him a bitch by accident bc it’s dead in my vocabulary like idk how to stop it, but he clearly ain’t fw that bc he paused the whole movie and stared at me like “😒” and i was like “my fault bro, i be saying that shit to everybody” and he sat up and went “so i’m everybody?” YALLLLL I ALMOST FOLDED RIGHT THEREEEEE, but i kept my composure bc ian no “give it up” ass bitch so i was like “nah we chillin” and he laid back down and played the rest of the movie. we was laid up and shit, little kissing here and there. he was hard but i was acting like ian see or feel it bc it’s big yall like ian even gon cap and i dead be running from dick😭
mots: idek i fw this nigga he’s niceeee, but tf i look like dating a nigga that live in a whole other state like huhhh??? if i need head or sum how ima get it??? through the phone??? i think not!
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nikolaidelphiki · 9 months
my not-necessarily-romance opinions on all the romanceable palia villagers in no particular order:
Elinar. Bruh I want to get to know you but I suck at fishing. So theoretically we should spend more time together but you just keep calling me fascinating and tipping your hat. I'm not trying to flirt. I NEED legitimate help.
Nai'o. Good manners. Supposedly hard working but we all know you are slackalackin' and just taking your shirt off for the ladies. Do the math, we know who you're showing off for, and it ain't me.
Tish. City girl that came to the country. So sweet. Please come over and decorate my house. I mean that in the most wholesome of ways.
Reth. What can I say? He's at soup. Funny, charming. Can't sleep because he either has a shady job on the side or he killed a man. Maybe both. Also I was really hoping "Reth" was short for something like Rethignald or whatever.
Jel. Living under crushing expectations and secret insomniac. Gotta check our compatibility chart because idk if I mesh well with the youngest sibling of SIX. He's my type tho. And Fashion? Yes. We talk every day about the crushing existential dread for sure.
Jina. She's the first person you meet! I LOVE her! Left her family in the pursuit of knowledge and I respect that. Also as a fellow mushroom fanatic, I could see us chillin' together.
Hassian. Mn. Yeah. So. First of all Rude. Second of all Rude. But all the juicy gossip and lore from his mom and others makes me want to get to know him, and also the fact that he's an archer. I need my bow and arrows ok, nobody else is selling these recipes. Kinda want to punch him in the face tho (affectionate).
Kenyatta. Girl you need help, but that's okay. We all do. Secretly well read if only because there was nothing better to do which I can respect. Let's go egg your house together.
Hodari. Ok. Look. I legally can not romance this man even if I wanted to. That's my dad?? Like so many aspects of his backstory from being a single father to the back pain. Y'all might want that but I'm built different.
Tamala. Have y'all met her? Amazing in theory, but long distance in practice. She don't even get mail from Auni. IDK how we are even supposed to make it work if she can't be bothered to come to town. This is a two-way street lady.
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xxmaddyxx · 1 year
Hi!! I love your writing so much 💕 and I had a request, I was wondering if you could do kenma comforting the reader after she lost all her saved game data?
Basically my ps4 decided to try to off itself this week and I had to factory reset it, which ended with me losing all of my saved data, for every game I've ever played on there (including 500+hours in just one of those games 🥲)
Anyway I was just thinking who else would understand this pain better than the pro gamer himself <3
Thank you!
oh no :( im sorry you lost all your data ive had that happen and it's lowkey depressing. i gotchu with the headcanon though don't worry
Kenma x reader who lost her game data! masterlist
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one day you were chillin and playing your ps4... nothing strange happening at all
your ps4 just powers off
and the woman was speechless
you sat there for a second looking at the black screen lowkey confused
me personally my ps4 is on life support so this is normal but anyway
you leaned forward and powered it back on
a few minutes later literally none of the games were working
it either had the "internet connection loss" message when you were literally right next to the router
or it just closed the game -_-
you texted kenma and asked what you should do
babe i think my ps4 died
wdym died?...
like it's not working
did you power it off and back on
it shut off by itself...
you might have to take it down to factory settings...
i can't do that do you know how much time i have invested in these games
babe idk what else to tell you
and so with a heavy heart, you opened the setting and took your ps4 down to factory settings
hundreds of hours of gameplay gone... because the mf ps4 decided to fuck up
you faceplanted on your bed
when you heard a soft knock at your door
you already knew who it was so you got up and opened your door to see Kenma with a dollar store bag in his hand and a dq blizzard in his hand
"babe, what're you doing?" you smiled at him
"losing your game data sucks, it's happened to me plenty of times." you and him walked to your room
he set the bag on the bed and handed you the blizzard as he went on his phone
you dug through the bag and saw candy, chips, and your favorite drinks
"omg Kenma, how much did you spend?" you picked up the receipt that read-
he snatched it
"dont worry bout it." he showed you his phone
it was one of his past streams
"chat, what should we play next, kinda bored."
you could see he was reading the chat and sipping on an energy drink
"babe what did i tell you about the energy drinks"
on the stream you saw the screen go black, like yours did
"oh shi-" he choked on his drink
"kenma what did you do." you could hear kuroo's voice on the discord call they were on during the stream
"my ps4 just decided to not work."
"huh, that makes no sense."
"shut up and let me try to power it back on"
kenma skipped at couple minutes of the stream and you saw that his games were all glitchy too
"kenma you good?" kuroo asked
"bro i gotta take the system down to factory settings."
"are you sure? that's a lot of progress that you'll lose."
"yeah i know it's gonna suck."
sure enough, he did it on stream and all his progress was reset
kenma put his phone down as you fed him a bite of your blizzard
"see babe, it happens. it'll obviously take you longer to get your progress back bcs you play a lot less than i do, but we can have little gaming dates maybe?"
you kissed his cheek, "sounds great ken"
thank you for the request!! feel free to request more <3
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seriousbrat · 8 months
hi i'm really curious to hear your opinion on this post: https://www.tumblr.com/oxydiane/693952155206500352/honestly-people-who-are-insufferable-about-the?source=share
well first off idk what they mean by people being insufferable about the prank exactly but i think it's just common sense to hold Sirius responsible for it. like it was his fault lol. I don't know if recognising that your favourite characters (and Sirius is one of mine) have flaws and did bad things sometimes counts as "crucifying" them rather than just enjoying the characters as they are, so I'm not sure what they're referring to. they do say in the tags that they don't think Sirius was in the right to be fair, but I think it's somewhat disingenuous to claim that Sirius wasn't expecting Snape to go down there when there's no evidence for that and even if true it wouldn't change the outcome.
I think there's a tendency in fandom to think you can only like characters if they're understood as 100% good flawless people whose every action is justified somehow. to me not only is this boring it's just kind of ridiculous. I think there's no way around the fact that Sirius did something that was objectively extremely fucked up not only to Snape but also to Remus, and then later displayed little remorse for it as far as we know ("‘I’m bored,’ said Sirius. ‘Wish it was full moon.’") and like... who cares? In the sense that to me, that just makes him an interesting character. And I don't think it erases his good qualities, it just makes him complex.
As far as Snape, like I said in another post I do think that he had some responsibility in the matter. And as a Snape fan this is worth discussing imo and the same exact thing goes for him as it does for Sirius. I think his obsession with discovering what the Marauders were up to went past the point of reasonable and that's why he was so easily manipulated into going down into the willow (for someone so intelligent, walking into an obvious trap is not his greatest moment lol) and we're shown in canon that this obsession was also interfering with his ability to be a good friend to Lily. If I absolutely had to choose then yeah, I think Sirius is more at fault than Sev but that's not as interesting to me as exploring the different motivations at play in the situation. Either way it's kind of a dishonest reading to try and make excuses or handwave rather than accepting that Everyone Is Terrible and just being okay with that.
I guess my point is, are you really a fan of a character if you have to overlook their flaws and weak moments in canon? it's a question worth asking. I love both Snape and Sirius because they have flaws but also admirable traits and I'm chillin feeling absolutely no need to defend anyone lol
edit- oh also I agree with your replies to that post, I've just seen them :)
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detroitbecomeonline · 2 years
I have Connor & Tina friendship thoughts that I may write into a short fic or something:
After the demonstration, deviant Connor [give realistic reason for him to be still working at the DPD].
Tina Chen asks to talk with him privately and they sit in her car in the staff carpark. Connor must think it's super serious because this is like, a super private space? She apologises for the times that she didn't help Connor when he needed it (aka Gavin) and she gets kind of teary at how regretful she is. Connor believes and forgives her and they shake hands
Tina says good morning to him more often until she greets him every day
He shows her a picture of Sumo
Tina starts sending him videos and photos of cute animals she finds on the internet. Connor smiles at his desk, but Tina is cooing at her phone on the other side of the room. Connor doesn't need to look at a device for her messages, he receives them in his computer brain.
It then divulges into memes and Connor 'randomly' starts snorting at his desk and Hank (give realistic reason why he'd get his job back) would just look at him like wtf is wrong with you
Gavin (give realistic reason why he'd stay in Detroit tbh) is a jerk to Connor and Tina finally has the gut to stand up for the android, even though Connor says it's okay.
Tina complains to Connor about how she was going to go out on a date that night but her date cancelled, so she's complaining about having to buy dinner that night (jokingly of course). Connor is determined to help a potential-friend out and he promises that he'd get her a date and a free meal by tonight if she put in a *very specific* set of criteria on her dating profile. "Trust me. I know what I'm doing. I'm an android designed to manipulate."
She gets 3 matches that all want to take her out even though she finds them all unattractive as hell
She still goes on the date though and has a great (free) meal. Terrible company tho
Connor's all like "I told you so!" with a wink
Tina complaining about night shift and Connor asking Fowler to fill in either for her or her partner so she can have the night off or they get to hang out. "We don't need a detective out in the field--" "Yes you do let me hang out with officer Chen it's going to be great"
They watch dog videos when they have a spare 5 mins.
Tina sulks at Connor's desk one morning. Connor asks what's wrong and she explains that her best friend got the flu and is basically bedridden and can't go to the show tonight :( She can't get refunds for the tickets she booked a month in advance. "What show?" Tina and Connor get dressed up in fancy clothes (Tina in a slinky red dress yes girl)(and Connor in a black collared shirt that isn't a business suit or something idk) and they go to a burlesque.
Tina posts on her Facebook or Instagram a pic of her and Connor chillin out and Gavin is FURIOUS (even though Tina asked Gavin first but he had work that night).
Connor asks Tina if she has read [a book] and Tina absolutely has Not, that's from the 18th century Connor come on now. This keeps happening.
Connor sits down at home with Hank's laptop on-hand as he speed-watches whatever TV show Tina is obsessed with so she can talk about it with him.
Cue the break room, where Tina is enthusiastically talking about the TV show with Connor.
Tina starts attending pro-android protests and signing petitions.
Tina invites Connor to her house party. It goes OFF. Connor kisses 17 humans including Gavin but that's because they're all so drunk and it became a strange novelty to kiss Connor for no reason??? Connor was fine with it in the party scene and will haunt Gavin forever about it.
Connor and Tina go out clubbing with the friends who remain and he is on babysitting duty.
Connor helps drunk Tina get home safely (after also carrying drunk Gavin home)(they had to break into Gavin's house and Tina has it all filmed on her phone)(you can hear her voice gasping for air behind the camera)
Connor literally doesn't get into work until 5 minutes before his shift starts. Still on time, but late for him. He's covered in glitter and wearing a Hawaiian shirt that isn't his. Tina's like oh that's my friends shirt they need that back
(Connor has a spare white shirt folded in his desk drawer I think that would be really funny but also practical)
Tina and Connor greet each other with increasingly perplexing phrases
Connor can paint Tina's nails so well bc of his steady hands
In a cop situation like getting called out to deal with something, they turn on Work Mode and they're super serious and snap information at each other.
Gavin warms up to Connor through Tina somehow.
Tina defends Connor's honour as a few rowdy humans on the street start calling him names, and she has memorised the new android laws to spit back "you're infringing on XYZ by saying that [android-racist term] and you're going to get arrested if you don't BOOK IT" and they scatter.
Connor comforting Tina after a break-up :(
Tina helping Connor find new interests and stuff he likes
They like to dance together, like,, ,,, tango or whatever. And it surprises Everyone because Tina had been doing it for some time now since her teen years but Connor??? He just downloaded a program so she could practice more often.
Tina (maybe) at one point does develop a crush on him but he elegantly swerves himself out of that zone over a few weeks without her noticing, and before she knows it, she doesn't have feelings for him anymore. Master Manipulator
Connor votes for Tina in an employee of the month thing
Tina has to beg Connor not to watch the entire movie *before* they arrive at the cinema. Connor complies. He enjoys the community his human friends bring.
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raspberrysmoon · 2 months
ima give you polycule hcs but you have to give some back okayyyy
Max and Kai were the first to "start dating". they were just chillin when they were like "yk i feel like i love you not platonically but not romantically either yk???" "yeah me too dawg" *searches up qpr* "HOLY SHIT THATS US" "YOOOOO"
Kyle and Jason just fell into place soon after
i think they like springing dates onto kai yk. just pull up outside pauls apartment "GET READY BITCH WE'RE GOING OUT" "don't call me a bitch man" "SORRY IM REALLY EXCITED"
kai plans out little anniversary dates. they are. v cute
i think kyle is the goofiest w/ it. tied with kai. he likes making her/them laugh
jason meanwhile is the most "romantic" with it. nicknames, usually the one whos like "hey we should go on a date", he likes taking care of them, etc
max is just. max. yk how it is. i think the qpr polyamory does fix him tho
kai's love language is physical touch and quality time. she is a clingy bitch. she is either with one or all of her boyfriends at all times. she does not like being alone. maybe a bit of words of affirmation. she has self worth issues
kyle i think is quality time. idk why. maybe physical touch too. maybe hes like kai.
jason is acts of service. he is a caretaker i fully believe it
max's is, suprisingly, gift giving. he likes making them stuff. its all slightly crappy, but its made with love.
kai likes dressing up. her "boyfriends" are her own personal hypemen.
i think they've been around kai to know when her hearing aids are off. "yeah. yeah. mhm. yeah." "kai turn your hearing aids back on" "goddamnit"
SPEAKING OF DEAF!KAI i think they all learned sign language for her. order of who's the best at it: jason, kyle, max
and i feel like when kai has a fibro flare up they all try to take care of her. jason is actually decent, kyle is. freaking out. and max does not know what to do and feels really bad about it.
also kai falls asleep on them a lot. shes an eeby little gal.
when they watch movies, the boyz sit side by side and then kai just stretches across their laps like a cat.
the lords get defeated by the power of love and friendship /j
kai has one plushie from each of them. max has a plush he won her at watcherworld (NOT BLINKY), jason made her one (that man sews...), and one is a build a bear she and kyle made together (they call it their child)
kai doesnt ever wanna get married but if she had to get married she would get married to her boys
she wants to spend the rest of her life with them lmao
idk i think kai deserves to have good "boyfriends"
ohhhhhh they make me insane. i have. zero brain power to offer anything back. i think they deserve to be happy forever and ever. do you think jason ever takes them shopping and buys them whatever they want
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Harley Quinn x Reader: Girls Wanna Have Fun
Someone explain why Birds of Prey is my comfort movie rn?
Description: Reader is at a Halloween party and is miserable. The city's crazy lady criminal takes an interest in her.
Gender: neutral. Slight lean toward fem but doesn't have to be.
WARNINGS: drunk!Harley, gun, drinking, idk like strongly BOP themed
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You sit in a corner of this ridiculously crowded bar your friends dragged you to for a halloween party.
Your costume is a Flash t-shirt that you cut short to make it "sexy," as your friends asked you to do. So now you're uncomfortably holding your arms around your ridiculously overexposed stomach, crammed into the only free corner you found.
Everyone else had abandoned you to go hit on some guys. You decided to play it easy this evening, you're already a nervous wreck and talking to new people would probably make you combust.
"What're you doing in the cerner?" A very drunk voice interrupts your thoughts. "Cernor. Cornor. Corner. Yeah, that's the one."
You look up to see none other than Harley Quinn, a criminal. Oh this is just great. Still, despite the fact that she is a murderer (which is such a bad mindset to have), she doesn't kill innocent people. So you find her pretty.
She trips trying to sit in front of you on the floor. "Corner?"
"Oh, um," you look around to see if there's a way out of this. Physically, there is not. "I'm just chilling."
"Chillin'?" She laughs. "Why aren't you partying?"
You shrug.
"M'kay." She grabs your arm and without a warning, harshly pulls you to your feet. "I'm gonna dance with you."
It is a stumble to the dance floor where her grip on your arm never releases. She accidentally flings you into an embarrassing number of people.
If only you'd picked a different corner.
Suddenly, Harley whips you around, throwing her arms over your shoulders, literally falling into you. She violently starts swaying—more like launching herself—and you awkwardly try to figure out what to do with your hands.
Harley pulls you into a tight hug-ish thing, bringing your arms over her shoulders now. "You're rlly- rrrlley- rreaally pretty."
"Thanks," you can feel a blush heating up your cheeks.
"You like girls or just guys?"
For a moment, you have to process what she just asked. ". . . either, I guess."
"Mm, good. Caussse I like you." She puts her head on your shoulder. "You got a boyfrriend?"
"No," you almost giggle. "Thought you did."
"Nah," she stands herself upright (kinda). "I decided it was time to moooove on. Puddin's real sad though."
"Do you still love him?" You don't know why, but curiosity strikes in your mind. The power couple of the city broke up? If the Joker really is upset, that could mean a bad crime spell for civilians.
"No!" Harley shouts loudly, laughing when people give her mean looks. "I wanna date you. Whas your name again?"
She never asked for your name. "Y/N."
"Yeah, that's a nice name." She giggles. "You having fun?"
"Not really," you admit with a shrug.
"Lez go get pizza."
She doesn't give you a choice, dragging you out of the club and to the pizza place next door. You send your friends a quick text, not that they're concerned where you are anyway.
She is a strong but really clumsy drunk. That's a great combination right there.
"Do you like olives?" Harley asks as she pulls you up to the counter.
"Yeah," you fish around in your purse for your wallet.
"You actually like olives on pizza? No waaaaay!" She tries to jump but kind of just trips. "Can we getta olive pizza, like a small one?"
The cashier looks miserable while he takes down the order. You pull out your wallet.
"I got it." Harley pulls a gun from her waistband.
"Harley, no!" You pull the gun from her hand. "Oh my god. I'm so sorry. Here's my credit card."
The cashier leans over the counter. "Are you safe?"
You laugh ironically. "Should be."
"Pizza's on me." They whisper. "If you're sure you're okay."
"I'm fine." You give them a smile.
They shrug, taking the order slip to the back and you lead Harley to the safety of a booth. She falls onto her seat.
"I like your costmume. No. Costuuuuume." Harley gives you a big smile.
"Oh," you compare your t-shirt to her grand, sparkly outfit. "Thanks. You look nice, too."
"Mm, I know." She closes her eyes as she smiles again.
"Here's your pizza." The cashier calls to you. You go grab the box and give him a huge, grateful smile.
You open the box and Harley squeals. You can't help but smile a little bit. No one else on Earth would be that happy over a pizza.
The pizza is oily and gross but Harley eats it like its a gourmet meal. You both eat in total silence, you're not sure why Harley is suddenly so calm. Well, calm for someone who fell in a vat of chemicals.
"Gimme your number." Harley pulls a marker from her pocket and offers you her arm. You hesitate for just a moment but then realize she's not going to care about marker on her arm.
She then stands up, having eaten her half the pizza.
"Mind if I take the leftovers?" Her voice is very slowly sounding a little less drunk.
"Oh, are you leaving?" You feel just a bit hurt but her sudden abandonment.
"I gotta go feed my hyena."
"Hyena?!" You actually yell, but she never turns around to explain.
Idk what that was. Anyway don't steal. Like & save for later. Happy fluff/spooktober day 2.
Buy me a coffee?
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pumpkinsy0 · 1 year
kinda fucked up hc so cw for talk about idk dead bodies ig its not graphic but yknow just in case, srry to sadden yall on this great morning w an angst hc
SO as we all know the curtis parents got their ass handed to em by a train, and idk if yall have seen trains smash into shit but it aint pretty cause everything gets smashed into bits SO
i dint feel like going into depth about it so ill wrap this up quick
1) chances r darry had to b the one to identity the bodies so last memory of his parents aint a pretty one
2) the curtis parents body was unviewable to say the least so there either was a closed casket funeral (which im sure is pretty much canon) and then they were cremated so theyre in the house chillin in a urn lolz
srry to traumatize darry yall (im not sorry at all :3)
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