#idk if ill share them we'll see
ambersky0319 · 7 months
gonna work on some new year resolutions <3
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sparklecarehospital · 1 month
do howie and ally have kids in the future?
They do 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞 I've already designed them, they have two kids :]
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starfolk7 · 1 month
Oh my god I dug my makeup out after months because I almost never wear it, but I'm going to drag bingo later today so I wanna put on some fun eyeshadow for once!! Neon colors AWAY
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jonny-b-meowborn · 8 months
Just letting you know that technically I think I finished my therian fic, now I'm just going through it, fixing mistakes and all that, but like. It's done
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
#me for like 22yrs of my life: god. get me tf outta the midwest. i hate it here#me flying home after 3yrs living in the desert: oh fuck. HOLY FUCK. its fucking green yall!!!! im losing my mind. HOW SO GREEN????!!!!#literally everytime i fly home im like: holy shit every town is like. in the woods. im gonna cry. that so beautiful#bc im a sap lol. its true tho! its crazy. and it's so fucking green here its beautiful#im so desperate to leave the desert. i really wanna go to school somewhere in the Appalachian mountains tbh#god its so nice to be home. we'll see if i acutally post less bc i might actually b happy for a bit haha. or i might post more nature#stuff bc ill be like: yo look how awesome the world is. ya kno?#my mum is super into rock collecting so i come home and shes like: yo lets watch YouTube vids of ppl rock collecting and im like omg i lov#this. ppl sharing their lov of geology and pretty rocks 😭 and my parents r like hey if u get the summer off bc ur funding runs out and ur#between programs u can come home and we can do some traveling in our camper! we can go to the UP and down to the gray fossil site. bc i#cant shut up abt paleontology lol. my parents r so good 😭😭😭#im so excited to see the lake and go to the museum and we're gonna visit my old prof in my college town and he does quantitative models so#like he doesn't get a ton of students enthusiastic abt his work and he really started me out on my path. so like. im paying my respects 🙏#hopefully all goes well lol. im also gonna snipe some samples from a state park and mail them back to school. which should be neat#sigh... anyway im just happy for now and theres so much cool stuff in the world#and yet for some reason i canoot sleep. despite the fact i woke up at 3.30am yesterday so that i could travel for like 11hrs#im too awake now#i want it to be morning!#also shout out to my nose that apparently does not work. like thr dogs got sprayed by a skunk yesterday morning and i do not smell it#its so weird. i dont kno why. i can smell other things. i just cant smell this? idk ive long suspected my sense of smell is awful#and i guess this confirms it. everytime my boss is like: do u smell this??? im like: lol no. what r u talking abt?#that's prob why im so picky. everything is bland 😵‍💫 bc i cannot taste that much#unrelated#lol i slept like 3hrs and now my brain is like hmmm that enough of that lol#also wtf not that many ppl were wearing masks in the airport. u hate to see it
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the worst part in being able to write sentences is that nothings stopping me from writing fics yk
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masonsystem · 1 year
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smallboyonherbike · 2 years
just started zoning out and thinking about my relationship with my mom and the wounds that don't heal and some shit my sister told me my mom said about how she felt like i'm mad at her all the time which i didn't think i was feeling or portraying and then i moved on to ruminating on ex friends from high school and like can i just chill out lol
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mschimdt · 1 year
what some avatar characters would do if you were on your period
i need help sprrading my work and i would appreciate if you reblogged my post
i dont know if naavis have periods but for the sake of this post lets just say they do
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jake sully
you were laying in both you and jakes bed, we'll atleast thats what you considered it because you had no idea what the naavi call it, you were having severe cramps, worst than you had ever experienced, jake was on his ikran, bob, looking for food
he came back about 2 hours later and you were still suffering from period pains, just much worse, now your lower back hurt aswell as your abdomen
jake had a concerned look on his face when he saw you in a fetal position shivering, "hey y/n you okay?" he said while rubbing your shoulder in attempt to comfort you, since you were both living as naavis, it meant you had no technonoly to solve this pain or any medicine
the only thing jake could do was lay by your side while rubbing your lower abdomen in attempt to sooth your pain, it worked for the least and you fell asleep in eachothers arms
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colonel miles quaritch
you were laying in your shared bedroom back in bridge head, quaritch was on a mission and should be back in a few hours, you just started your period and you werent having any of it, so you skipped a day of work inorder not to approach annoying colleagus that were just going to make you worse, you were in pain anyways, its a valid excuse to stay in your room for thr day
you were looking forward to seeing quaritch, hes the only person that doesnt annoy you, its gotten to the point where even lyle makes u mad when he spits out a single word (not saying hes not annoying)
the door to your shared bedroom clicked amd quaritch walked inside, your face lit up in joy and you spoke " someones back early " quaritch smiled whike locking the door
suddenly your happy expression turned into one of pain, quaritch gave you a concerned look "you okay, sweetheart?"
"y-yea just a cramp" you said while it looked like you were fighting for your life, quaritch walked over and said "you're on your period?" with a little smirk
"oh i know something that'll help with your cramps" you knew exactly what he was talking about, theres a study that shows that sex while on your period relieves cramps and pain, you hesitated at first but you decided to agree
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recom Lopez
you and lopez were out eating in the cafeteria, he knew you were on your period and he didnt want to bother yoy because he didnt want to be the reason your mood switches
you were both having a conversation about how you think lyle and quaritch have something between them, it was late so no one could hear you
this topic was pretty funny to you and lopez, but theres no doubt that its true
suddenly you stoo talking and you gain a angry look on your face
ofcourse lopez decided you guys have been down here for enough "we've been here long enough, we should probably get ourselves some sleep, we really need it" "yea lets go" you replied
you made your way up the stairs and threw yourself onto the bed, you started crying, you didnt know why
lopez heard your sniffles and layed down next to you, carrying you into his lap "whats wrong baby?" then he started blabbing cute spanish names, you didnt reply you just cried, he held you in his arms for what seemed like hours till the sobs finally stopped and you were sound asleep on his chest
ill make a part two soon, itll include
lyle,mansk, ja ,prager
but for now youre stuck with this
would anyone like to see human jake sully x human reader?? idk i just find human jake attractive ash ngl
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intheholler · 4 months
I'm finding myself having less and less patience with people who make fun of Southerners and Appalachians (and rural people in general, though I do find it interesting how they always use our accents to mock all rural Americans...)
I follow a few Appalachian creators on tiktok who post recipes and the comments on their videos are always full of people making fun of their accents. "Um, where can I find 'oll'? I went to the store and all they had was oil 😂" or "'Worsh' must be some new technique I've never heard of!" Or even just basic insinuation that the creator isn't smart and that the food looks gross. It's annoying. I always wanna shake these people and make them remember that making fun of someone's culture is shitty! Just because they've been taught not to respect our culture doesn't mean it's not one.
I do also see lots of comments from the other side, though! Things like "You sound like my mamaw! 🥰" or "As soon as I heard you say 'cast iron' like that I knew the recipe was gonna be good' or "Ooh, nobody can make cabbage taste good like someone from the holler!"
I love seeing the kind of pride that comes from leftists like me who grew up there. I love living outside of Appalachia and making the people around me hear my accent and eating my recipes. I love thinking about the gifts that our home has given to people all over the world: foods, technology, music, inventions.
Basically, thanks for your blog. I love the perspective you bring to Tumblr
"as soon as i heard you say 'cast iron' like that i knew the recipe was gonna be good" YES that's what we wanna see when it comes to comments on our accent 🤩
speaking of, i maintain that the best way to change minds is doin exactly what you yourself are doin--sharing the food, culture & the overall beauty of appalachia complete with its inherently leftist ideals... in a thick ol fuckin accent.
dizzy em with cognitive dissonance until they have no choice but to accept they may actually be wrong! back when my accent was virtually undetectable, i used to love dropping the "oh btw, im from the south" bomb on em after they got to know me and respect me
but unfortunately, yeah, it's too easy for those kinds to just keep being ugly. takes far less effort to crack stale jokes, speak ill of us and call us stupid at every opportunity than, idk, confronting bias and growing as a person. i wonder if we'll ever stop being the butt of their jokes. probably not. fuck em.
anyway, amen to all you said. i have exactly zero patience for it now honestly, especially after getting to know yall and having this little community that has cropped up around my humble lil blog. i feel more protective of our home than ever before and i been gettin loud about it
thanks for sharing your thoughts and for being here <33
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been bit by the poetry bug lately. and ive been looking into local opportunities to share my poems and improve. but im realizing if i share poems ive already shared here then people can just look up the poem and find my tumblr. or people here might even be able to look up the poem and find my full name. idk. i could delete them from here but reblogs could still be found. idk. may be a risk ill have to take. or i could only share poems locally that i havent shared here. but ive already shared the ones im most proud of here lol. eh whatever we'll see what happens i guess. worst case scenario is that a distant family member finds my tumblr and sees how much of a cool tranny dyke genderfuck i am
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princesssmars · 2 years
something new
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a monet de haan x reader
your first gala in the upper east side, and a certain princess catches your eye...
first | previous | next
a/n: need her bad idk.
warnings: maybe a little bit of monet being ooc? idk ill set it up in the future 😭. neglectful or just kinda a hole parents bc all these kids are messed up. enjoy .
wc: 1.731
when you're parents told you they were moving the company's main office (and essentially your whole life) to new york city, its safe to say you were more than just a little upset. like, upset enough to crash one of your dads cars, but you managed to hold yourself back from doing that. barely.
granted youre family had moved around a bit when you were younger, but youd been in maine for 3 years now and had finally settled in and made actual friends. and the scenery wasnt half bad either.
but as you ride in your parents limo down the streets of manhattan, you cant help but feel isolated. cold. like the citys skyscrapers are mocking you. and dear old dad lecturing you on proper gala etiquette is not helping.
"and remember, everything you do and say reflects on us and the company. be smart about your actions and choose your words wisely. especially to your new peers. none of that sarcasm you oh so love."
ah, yes. the students of constance billiard. the children of the powerful and rich, the next great minds of our future...
a glorified description instead of calling them all a bunch of annoying privileged assholes. granted you were also privileged, but you knew how to at least act like a decent person.
the limo eventually rolls to a stop outside of a grand building, the flashes of paparazzi cameras slightly blinding you. you put on a fake smile anyway.
once inside your parents leave you to mingle with potential new business partners. or a new social circle. same thing.
so here you are, wandering the halls and rooms of the museum, eventually making youre way to the open bar and grabbing yourself a drink. non-alcoholic of course, wouldnt want drunken you causing a scandal and ending up in the gossip blogs by the morning.
"sure you dont want something stronger?" a voice sounds from your right. it comes from a man, or a boy rather, probably around your age. hes tall with pale skin, tired eyes, and sunken cheeks. "trust me, around these...vultures, youre gonna need it."
you laugh through your nose, tipping your head and glass torwards the stranger. "believe me i would if could but uh...expectations and all that. you know how it is."
"hm, sounds familiar. but uh, no, my dads are more the "we'll always support you and ignore the stupid shit you do" type. which i guess works out great for me." he says, taking a long sip of his drink.
he seemed a bit troubled, but then again, every kid here was. comes with the cash.
"try having your parents be both overbearing and absent at the same time. mindfuck isnt even the word." you sigh, smiling when he chuckles after you.
sharing this much with a stranger isnt the smartest move, you know. but youre feeling reckless.
as you both continue witty conversation, you feel eyes burning into your side. you glance to your right, and you luckily manage to keep your eyes from widening as a pretty pair of brown eyes connect to yours.
the boy (whos named you learned is max) follows your line of sight. his eyebrows raise and he wears a sly smile.
"ah, see you've caught monets eye. wish i could say shes harmless but..."
monet. you repeat the name a few times in your head. you like it.
you're brought back to attention when you feel a cold hand on your shoulder. max smiles at you and nods torwards the other side of the room.
"cmon, let me introduce you"
"who is that?"
"hm?" luna hums, too busy on her phone to pay much attention to what her best friend is speaking. she needs to pick the best pictures of julien tonight to post, after all.
monet sighs, tapping the dark-haired girl aggressively on the shoulder and pointing to where max sits at the bar, indulging in what seems like a pleasant conversation with an attractive stranger.
luna squints her eyes and hums. "hm...they do look familiar... let me check." she goes back on her phone, quickly tapping before showing the screen to her best friend.
"her name is y/n l/n, daughter of edmund and marianne l/n, renowned for their investments in colleges and college funding. family is in between old and new money. only recently moved here to new york. she's most likely going to go to constance so we should see her around..."
the girl trails off her sentence as she notices the other still staring contemplatively in your direction. she realizes and laughs lightly. "i see youve picked your next prey."
she tries not to laugh louder as monet's head whips torwards her, an unconvincing scowl on her face. "no, its because shes new and already talking to max. we need to make sure shes not a threat. thats all."
"whatever you say, hun." luna sighs, texting a blunt message to the afromentioned boy.
come over. bring that girl with you.
there werent many times in your life you were nervous - enough that you could count them on one hand. but now, being led over to some of the hottest most intimidating people you've seen tonight by a boy youve know for 10 minutes, its safe to say youre a little on edge.
"y/n, i, regretfully and against my will," he starts, whispering the last part under his breath making you purse your lips trying not to smile, "introduce you to my group of friends."
the next few seconds of silence makes you feel like a 7-year-old introducing themselves to their new class. luckily, one of the girls, with light brown skin and buzzed down hair gives you what seems like a genuine smile. "hi there, y/n, im julien. this is obie, luna, and monet. its nice to meet you."
she introduces herself and her friends that sit to her right; a boy with curly brown hair and an abnormally large forehead, a tall girl who wears a pretty but almost...scheming? smile, and then the most gorgeous girl youve seen tonight with brown skin and brown twists.
you meet the gaze of the last one. monet. shes staring you down with lidded brown eyes that watch your every move like a hawk. you stare back challengingly. the corner of her mouth raises with a smile.
"sit down. we dont bite." there was a glint in monets eyes as she spoke, hoping you pick up on what she wants to say. unless you want me too.
you unwillingly break eye contact when you sit down across rom her and next to max. he slightly nudges you, and laughs when you see his expression and roll your eyes.
"so y/n, are you new around here? how are you liking ney york so far?" the one called obie asks.
you squint your eyes as you think over your answer. "yeah, my parents just moved here for their business. and the city is fine. a little...duller than what i had in mind."
"maybe you just arent looking in the right places." monet speaks up, moving her hand from propping up her face to reaching over her leg.
"really?" you ask, resuming the charged eye contact between you two.
"shes right, most generic tourist shit is worn out by now," max speaks up, lifting his drink up in the air to you. "us natives would be happy to show you around to all the truly unique spots."
you dont show it but his enthusiasm to include you makes you feel warm inside.
"i'd...really appreciate that. thanks. but only if its alright with the rest of you. wouldnt wanna intrude in your little social circle."
you turn towards the other four, waiting for their responses. julien and obie look inviting enough, luna looks indifferent yet intrigued. monet is wearing a blank expression.
luna whispers into her ear.
she smiles.
"we'd be happy too."
max smiles and claps his hands.
"fantastic. welcome to your own little circle of hell."
the night continues and so do the conversations. occasionally throughout the night you go back into the habit of observing people and direct it to your new acquaintances.
how obie doesnt look quite that comfortable around his so called friends since childhood.
how luna and monet stick together like the creepy ass twins from the shining.
how juliens side of the conversations sometimes go stale.
how max drinks and drinks.
rich kids with rich kid problems.
eventually the night ends and you say your goodbyes after exchanging information. you smile and laugh with max, whos not quite hammered but does have the slurred speech and looseness in his body of someone who does, who is glad to have a friend who "doesn't have a pogo stick far up their ass" and eager to show you around the city in the forthcoming weeks before school starts up again.
as you wait outside on the curb waiting for the valet to bring your car back around and parents to stop smooching up to the other business people that went to the gala, you spot a figure slowly coming up to your left.
"ive gotta say, youve made quite the little introduction tonight, l/n" her smooth voice directs to you, staring out ahead of her before she looks to you at your slight chuckle.
"i barely did or said anything, max was the one to introduce and talk for me most of the night."
"you didnt need to. you're fresh meat. everyones going to be intrested in you regardless."
you smirk. "is that why you were staring holes into me all night?"
she moves her mouth to speak before who you assume to be her mother walks up beside her and tells her their car is here, the girl nodding as her mother leaves yet again.
"you're lucky you met us tonight, l/n. we'll knock you into shape soon enough." she tells you before walking after her mother. it sounds like a promise and a threat wrapped into one.
you meet eyes before she gets inside her car.
you feel the tap of fathers hand on your shoulder, urging you to get inside your vehicle.
as you sit inside the car, your parents conversation dulls as you watch the city streets pass you by.
they all seem a bit brighter, you think.
ooo the way i had to force myself down and finish this. i feel like the way i wrote this and y/n in general flip flopped but idk i'll fix it. thinking of making this a series but dont wanna get ahead of myself. sorry this took so long 😭😭
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peachjagiya · 19 days
i’m kinda sick of waiting around to find out if tkk is real or not. i want to know. deep down ik they will probably never come out even if they are together but still. i just want to know or at least have seen interactions that make me feel 100% sure they are together. i hate this back and forth are they or aren’t they bullshit. ik they don’t owe us anything and it’s their private life but im rlly going to be so upset if it comes out at some point down the line that jk and tae are straight or dating other ppl. like how long am i going to be compelled to keep track of their every interaction/movement to confirm or refute my beliefs ? i just wish things were clearer.
also the two of them constantly being in dating rumors w girls is not helpful at all. i feel like there is so much that should be convincing me that they are dating other ppl but i just can’t shake the belief that there’s something more between them. but maybe im projecting my own desires. like i keep seeing this shit abt winter and jk and jk w the girl in the leaked apartment vid. and i do believe that apartment video was completely real. so ive just convinced myself it wasn’t a romantic interaction and hes just physically affectionate w all of his friends. but i honestly know that sounds like utter bullshit and it probably was a girl he was hooking up with. and then tae w jennie which i feel pretty strongly was pr but ig it could’ve been pr at the same time as them actually dating? like their companies used their actual relationship for pr purposes? idk i just feel like most of the general public accepts both jk and tae as straight and the general public does tend to typically be right ? like how many times has it been that an artist who is widely considered straight and is a heartthrob to so many girls turns out to have been into men all along ? idk i think i just wish i didn’t believe in tkk bc life would be easier but i love them so much and i can’t just stop believing. but i have so many questions and im not a patient person lol so i want to know the truth. but ill most likely never get it.
I've had days like this.
But I think we really do need to get used to the idea that we'll probably never know and reframe accordingly.
If they're straight, or have gfs or just confirmed not dating, what factually changes? They're still close, still share a deep bond. They're still enjoyable and sweet as a duo. My enjoyment of them isn't dependent on them smooching.
I love Taekook as a couple, I love Taekooking. But more than all of that, I love Tae and I love Jungkook. The idea there might be more to them is nice and quite convincing but ultimately, I can enjoy them as a non-romantic pairing and I'd probably continue to post about them as such.
It's worth remembering you can never be 100% sure without a confirmation. I'm like 95% sure there's a romantic element but I've also allowed myself to become comfy with that 5% so I'm at peace with it. This is why I tend not to post in certainties but more like "here's why I think it is" or, more often than not, "here's why I don't believe that debunks them"
You're not necessarily asking for advice but that's mine.
Thanks anon 💜 I'm sorry you're getting tired of it but this stuff all still happened whether or not they're boyfriends and you can still think it's lovely.
Or..... You could assume they're in love and they just don't know. 😂
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youremyheaven · 21 days
Take this as constructive criticism or just me sharing my views. ITS NOT AN ATTACK
But I would really won't rely on doctors saying Lyme is just bunch of bs, I don't have it but I have 5 doctors at home and about pain , Man doctors are such sadist according to my sister who is a practicing doctor , she says if a doctor says you will be in mild discomfort it means it will hurt like bitch but if he/she says it won't hurt it means it will hurt but will be tolerable . My personal experience with medical professionals have also not been good I have been gaslighted so many times my symptoms were normal till I ended up in ICU so, no doctors/medical professionals are not always right.
Secondly, Andrew huberman is a piece of shit for what he did but supplements/probiotics do make a difference. Probably some supplements won't do things companies say, as companies often reach with thir claims like saying green tea will help you with weight loss, no for that you will have to drink a lot but saying green tea is not beneficial for health is false. As someone who was on very extended period of antibiotics, probiotics and yogurt has helped me immensely and it's still something that helps me when I have gut issues.
Anyways not an attack , I enjoy reading your work ✌
First of, I agree, doctors are shady as hell and esp as a woman, navigating the medical system and getting someone to take you seriously IS a challenge
I had already explained how Lyme disease is a legitimate illness caused by tick bites and "Chronic Lyme" is a separate "condition" that's unrelated to it.
Lyme disease is not a severe or life threatening condition btw. It's literally a very minor, completely treatable and fully curable condition that will go away with 2 weeks of antibiotics
Manyyy doctors have commented upon Bella's illness and how it makes no sense she has been suffering for 10+ years from ...a tick bite???
Also she has literally posted her medical history and it's all fake 😭😭
So yes, I stand my ground that whatever Bella has, isn't a real condition that can be verified by actual medical professionals :/
Another thing is that Chronic Lyme's symptoms are hella vague and not at all specific to cHroNic lYme, like if all your symptoms can be experienced by an average person, then how tf does one determine who is sick??
It's not like there hasn't been medical research done into this super rare disease and the entire medical community has been unhelpful to Bella. It's that, it's absurd and insane for this condition to persist over a lifetime??? Like that's not how it works???
I completely agree that doctors can be wrong but Chronic Lyme not being a real condition isn't some doctor's personal opinion. It's a medically disproven condition aka SCIENCE has proven that its not legit??
Obviously even science can be wrong sometimes, so maybe in the future we'll know about how Chronic Lyme is a super rare and advanced condition or whatever idk
Now about probiotics, research has shown:
"The majority of studies to date have failed to reveal any benefits in individuals who are already healthy.” The bacteria seem to help only those people suffering from a few specific intestinal disorders. “There is no evidence to suggest that people with normal gastrointestinal tracts can benefit from taking probiotics,” says Matthew Ciorba, a gastroenterologist at Washington University in St. Louis. “If you're not in any distress, I would not recommend them.” Emma Allen-Vercoe, a microbiologist at the University of Guelph in Ontario, agrees. For the most part, she says, “the claims that are made are enormously inflated.” (from an article published by Scientific American)
Even with vitamin supplements, unless somebody has a serious deficiency, I don't see how taking supplements is prioritised over consuming actual vitamin rich food??? It's literally just a capitalist technique to make people buy shit they don't need. Imagine brainwashing people into thinking they should take vitamin c pills instead of yk... eating oranges or whatever???
Probiotics help those who have intestinal issues, which as per your description, I think you do. Majority of people already have gut bacteria and don't need to take probiotic supplements for it??? Or they can consume probiotic enhancing food like yoghurt (which I love 🤤)
I'm not attacking the concept of probiotics, just the way they're marketed and sold to the public to be some miracle cure when it's just as easy and convenient for people to eat food meant to help with healthy gut bacteria instead of yk paying for unnecessary supplements.
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citrusandsalt · 3 months
I really relate to your posts and reblogs about chronic fatigue and practicing self-love. So if you’re willing to share, what are your specific disabilities?
Hi anon!
I have been really lucky to have a PCP who has gone with "well, you have the symptoms of fibro, and a family history of fibro, so let's throw some fibro treatments at you and see if they help and if they don't, we'll do something else" and they did!
So one way to look at my suite of disabilities is that I have chronic fatigue, chronic pain (especially through the top of my back and my neck), and chronic migraines with and without aura. That profile could fit a few different things, but I've gotten pretty far just by treating the symptoms and muddling through that way.
Additionally, I'm not clinically immunosuppressed, but I do get sick very easily - noticeably to my friends levels of easily, regularly hovering near my max allotment of sick days just because of having colds easily, buying and finishing the biggest boxes of DayQuil and NyQuil multiple times per year easily - and when I get sick I tend to stay sick for longer, especially coughs.
Another way to look at it is: something autoimmune is probably going on. I have a family history of RA, other arthritises, AND fibro. The symptoms I've had for a long time map to fibromyalgia, but newer symptoms also map to spondyloarthritis. So probably some combo of those! Testing is a slow process and nothing has yet come back definitive, but also nothing has come back ruling out either of them (or both of them!). Autoimmune diseases are poorly understood - especially fibromyalgia which many people suspect may "actually" be several different diseases we've dumped in the "girlies' bodies hurt, idk" bucket, so uh, stay tuned I guess.
Additionally, some people count mental illness under disability, and I have severe depression, moderate-severe cPTSD, and mild-moderate generalized anxiety.
And there's a lot of comorbidities in there! Many people who experience trauma also have autoimmune disorders because your brain and your body are actually the same thing and putting one under chronic stress puts the other under chronic stress. And many people who are chronically ill have depression because hey, when your body can't do things, it makes you sad about what you can't do. Being in pain sucks. cPTSD basically always comes bundled with depression and anxiety so that's basically a BOGO special.
A thing that I do think is interesting is the comorbidities I don't have. As far as I can tell, I don't have EDS, autism, or ADHD, and I'm not trans.
So! tl;dr: got the back-and-neck hurts disease, the heady hurt disease, the sleepy bitch disease, the bad childhood disease, and the sad bitch disease. I'm like a beautiful flower where each petal is "huh, that's kinda fucked up but not like, SUPER fucked up, so you can pass for normal enough most of the time. Good luck champ!"
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ballplayersxo · 6 months
i came across this ask which ill give my first shot at answering in my own way cause im a spurs fan! and girl all i can say is i wish there was more tea to report on 😭😭 not to say that theres zero drama going down in san antonio.. ive always asked myself: theres so much nba tea floating around but so little on my guys?? but now i understand that drama doesnt happen as regularly bc gregg popovich has more control over these niggas off the court than you would expect. in other teams its not really a common thing for coaches to hold players accountable for non basketball related things but id compare pop/the organization to a teacher/school because in a way they operate as figures of authority (similar to college-style basketball). its tougher to find spurs drama since he keeps the younger guys on a tighter leash after learning the hard way from tim duncans messy ass divorce/tony parkers cheating scandal but i assure you tea is there even tho its harder to find. i do agree with anon that sochan and vassell look like hoes but idk if we'll ever get to know that (unproven rn) side of them aside from speculation by who they follow on insta. including jeremy whos the most active on socials, all of them trained to move in silence + being a small market + tight pr means less reports but yes there is some tea and hottakes id like to spill although its not much
speaking of primo hes an ex spur but josh primo signed a new contract after joining the clippers and proposed to his (white) gf (story in attachment above). congrats her ig he has the face of a child whos balls havent dropped yet AND is a sex offender 🤷🏾‍♀️
context for everyone who doesnt know: primo was waived (even after he signed a contract extension apparently) because he flashed his ugly d*ck to a team staff member and then claimed he did it bc he had mental health issues. after primos babyface was sued by his psychologist (the woman he flashed) he was waived without so goodbye to his creepy ass. (on a personal note i really hate how "mental health" is used as some excuse for these sorts of things. like this nigga seriously thinks theres any valid excuse for flashing his tiny pp at women?? especially the woman whos job was helping out his "mental health" shit in the first place?? foh). it had way less info than an event like the kpj case but i think the lack of it is a testament to the spurs pr so there could be other stuff in the bg we as the public simply dont know abt
on a more positive note ik julian champangie has a gf. shes makes frequent cameos on his insta and vice versa and have been together since high school. also i dont have the link but i clearly remember another anon in an old post here claimed that sochan is bi and follows trans women but ill put that to sleep since its false. being bi isnt 100% out of the question obviously (literally anybody can be bi without us knowing. looking at you dwight.) but theres no real evidence besides: omg look he dyes his hair and has an aesthetic he must be bi!!! i think people see a nigga who has an eccentric sense of style and instantly wanna jump to label him but nawww ive seen his following on insta 😂😂 anon was confusing "trans women" for TONS of polish/british/american (all white) insta thots. hes a cutie but it wouldnt be farfetched to assume hes not into black women. yall he aint bisexual hes biracial 😂😂
unrelated: sochan rookie hazing wembanyama during the offseason was kinda funny tho
dejounte and jaina are always on and off afaik lmfao girl secured some big bags. anyways dj talking about his experience with the spurs was insightful for me. i wasnt aware before there was alot of clash between ghetto behavior and how the organization wanted him to behave but frankly im not surprised by it
not really gossip related but stories of irl players ive encountered:
(retired spur) i met david robinson at church when i was really young. i remember being scared of him at first cause he was so tall lol but i remember him sitting down to shake my hand and my parents taking a picture of us. its kinda embarrassing since it has the vibes of a baby crying on santas lap but funny nonetheless 😂😂
got an autograph from demar a few years back. it was quick and we didnt talk much since he had to leave after but he was cool when i asked
the only current spur ive met is devin vassell in a random encounter at the gas station (this was last yr). i recognized him but wasnt sure how he was gonna react to being approached for an autograph/photo but he was really sweet w it. i asked him where he was headed to & he said the gym but joked after that, a nap at home with his dogs lol. the names of his two dogs, iirc he told me: donovan and ace. very warm, he has a pleasant voice and smile too, if hes a longtime spur he should join our broadcast team once he retires lmao
thank you for coming to my sas analysis despite my team lowkey tanking right now. have a great day owner, ill go back to lurking now, god bless you.
lmao anon thank you for this, i appreciate when you guys send long asks about things you care about!! but the josh primo case was definitely something that never made much sense to me. like why would he do that? i just can’t comprehend the thought process. it was a thing here in canada and a bunch of people were talking about it cause i know people who used to play with him. it’s getting weird. idk where to start with dejounte and jania but they’re both very annoying and belong with each other tbh. & gay/bi allegations are everywhere it’s crazy. lmao this was interesting overall though
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