#idk if that's appropriate for 10 year olds but little me liked when people died in books
avocado-frog · 10 months
Happy STS! You get to sit down with the version of yourself most obsessed with reading. What do you talk about? Do they like what you're writing? Would you let them read it?
I think the age I was most obsessed with reading was all the way back when I was like ten. I had piles of books around my bed and my mom literally got mad at me because I'd start books and never finish them lol
Baby ten-year-old Isaac would LOVE it. so much. I know it in my soul. I liked books where the Violence happened (??? little me was weird) but only like hunger games level. The first book I ever read involved a decapitation. so. anyways no I would not let kid me read it. Kid me would WANT to read it because it's totally something I would've absolutely devoured but I was also a baby about swearing. I thought curse words were the worst thing in the world. I didn't say something sucked until I was actually eleven years old. I grounded myself for a week because I came downstairs while south park was on because I heard the word crap. So baby me would've been APPALLED at the amount of swears. HORRIFIED. look at me now
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the-exiled-comic · 2 years
When fishpaw gets older will she look even more like her grandma? Her design looks pretty solid tho so maybe not plus she’s already old enough to be a warrior which brings up my other question: have you thought about how old is fishpaw or the others in cat years? How old in cat years are apprentices when they are made warriors? Do you have like a sheet of how old the cats would be if they were humans? And if you don’t no pressure of course I’m just curious lol
She would look a little more like her grandma as she gets a older yeah! Her design is pretty solid but I like to think she would look a little different post-comic
Fishpaw and Rockfall I would put at close to 2 years old, maybe like 20-22 months. And Petalsong is only 2 months younger than them I'd say it depends on the peer group when apprentices are declared done training, since it may be more appropriate to give the group more time to train or less time if they are ready early. Somewhere around 18-20 months would be a standard new warrior age
As for human age equivalents that's difficult to me since cats age really quickly at first and then like, nothing really changes typically as they age when theyre well cared for. The age guesstimates is something I think I've said many times but idk where, so hopefully I don't contradict myself. For Fishpaw and her brother I would age them at 19 maybe eeking onto 20, and Petalsong only a year younger.
Fallenscar and Doveheart would be like late 20s Cloverfall and her siblings + Halfshadow would be early 30s. Sandywing and Coralclaw I'd say late 30s/early 40s. Pebblerun, Springflower, and Firespots would be in their early 50s Crowstar and Whisperleaf would be around 60s And then Emberpelt is the oldest in her 70s
I kind of imagine its a fast jump up to 20 due to the very quick maturing and then they start to age more slowly from there. Like for example, Cloverfall trained Fallenscar. She wouldve been like 19 taking him on, but I can't logically age her at 40 because she's just... not. Cloverfall was still really young when she died.
Again, its very difficult to age them very accurately due to the nature of cats having such wide lifespan ranges. Indoor only cats can easily live past 15 no problem if they are healthy, and I try to base clan cats lifespans more on indoor cats due to their advanced society where they care for each other and have medicine.
It bugs me that in canon warriors the cats are like geriatric at age 10 or earlier, i've literally never seen a 10 year old cat be the equivalent of an 85 year old person. Cats dont really age like that, usually when they die younger it's because something killed them or bc they had a disease/ailment that likely has little to do with age. In my comic, cats can choose to retire if they want to after they've served many years but theyre still active and can clean and feed themselves much like real life retired people often do. It's kind of like a "you earned the right to take it easy, you've served your community well" thing.
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bard-llama · 3 years
The Taint of the Common Man (Meve/Reynard/Gascon)
Okay, so I finally tried to play Thronebreaker again and it turned out that my comptuer/steam/whatever had actually kept my save!!! So I didn’t have to start over, which was good, because the beginning was kinda boring, which is why it took me so long to continue. But it’s also kinda bad, because now I do not remember anything about Gascon’s introduction beyond “they fought, Meve won and threatened to hang him next time”. Which like... I could probably make it work, but knowing the details seems important for writing Meve’s feelings and reactions to Gascon. 
Anyway, this is a continuation of the thoughts that this lovely post inspired, and because I’m me, those thoughts grew a plot. Both the link and the rest of the story involve a VERY dubcon/noncon premise, so please engage only if you can. Also, spoilers for Chapter 1 of Thronebreaker (aka major plot things that happen once you reach Lyria’s capital).
Okay, once again: HUGE WARNING for Dubcon/Noncon stuff. Like, it’s how the story starts and it’s gonna be something dealt with through the whole story. My idea is basically a story that starts with Meve losing EVERYTHING, and then, through her quest to reclaim her throne, she learns how to be a better queen to ALL of her people, not just the noblemen. End game is intended to be Meve/Reynard/Gascon, but tbh, idk how they get there. Like, at first, Meve and Reynard hate Gascon A LOT, so they have to learn to love him and that takes time.
I’m kinda still learning about these characters as I think this through, so apologies if you find them ooc or if I contradict canon (without meaning to. Sometimes i do it gladly lol)
So we start with Meve returning to the Lyrian castle, only to find that her son and the Council of Peers (read: ruling council that advises the monarch and consists entirely of peerage aka nobility) have betrayed her and surrendered to Nilfgaard. She’s thrown in a dungeon and though her son orders that she is not to be harmed, she knows enough about reality to know they’d never let her live. 
She’s on guard, waiting for the guards to come and kill her - only when footsteps approach, it’s not the guards at all, but the fucking Duke of Dogs, the leader of the Strays of Spalla, a gang of bandits that plague merchant caravans and noblemen alike. Gascon, the proclaimed Duke of Dogs, opens the cell door and steps in and tells Meve that he’s freeing her, because the Council of Peers used him and his men and he can’t abide betrayal. But there’s one condition - Meve has to ask him, all nice and polite-like.
Meve, of course, refuses, because she’s nothing if not prideful. So Gascon closes the cell door and leans back against it and says something like, “guess we won’t be leaving, then. Unless, of course, you’d prefer to do something else on your knees,” or some sort of implication like that that makes it clear he’s suggesting that she blow him in exchange for release. And Meve is furious and her pride cuts at her, but dammit, she has no hope of freeing Lyria from Nilfgaard’s grasp while stuck in here. So she goes to her knees. And Gascon is surprised - from his view, she could’ve just begged him??? - but like... the QUEEN is on her KNEES for HIM, a (decidedly un)common bandit who she’d threatened to hang not a week prior. 
Also, I think there’s also a part of Gascon that blames Meve for the massacre of his family. According to the wiki, the year before King Reginald (Meve’s husband) died, Gascon’s family revolted against the king and were soundly squashed, with Gascon at a mere 8 years old the only one to survive. From there, he fell in with the Strays of Spalla and eventually became their leader. Remember this bit, ‘cause I’m definitely gonna come back to it. But anyway, Gascon doesn’t like Meve. He’s doing this because it’s the right thing to do and a little because having the queen indebted to him feels awfully good. Also, Meve is good with her mouth.
So good, in fact, that she drives him crazy, taking him to the edge and teasing him and teasing him and teasing him until his legs are shaking and the cell door is all that’s holding him up. I don’t think he actually begs, because his men are around the cell watching this, but he has to bite his lip hard to keep from doing so.
For Meve, there are many complicated feelings happening. On the one hand, this is humiliating and degrading and it’s shameful that she’s fallen so far as to be forced to service a fucking bandit and even worse that his men are SEEING this happen.
On the other hand... look, Meve was widowed 8 years ago. Somewhere in there (or before?), she comes to love and trust Reynard - who her husband, upon his deathbed, told her that he alone could be trusted. But she hasn’t made a move, because it wouldn’t be appropriate and she doesn’t want to ruin things between them. 
Point is, it’s been 8 years since she’s had sex and she has had cause to desire some sex. Queens can probably get amazing sex toys, but like, an actual cock? it’s been AGES since she’s been able to play with one and she kind of missed it. 
Additionally, in an effort to combat her shame and humiliation, she decides to flip the script on them. Gascon wants her to blow him? Fine, she’ll blow him so well that he utterly falls apart. And maybe she’s a little of practice, but Gascon is young anyway, he probably doesn’t even know better lmao. (But later, she’s oddly grateful that she had this chance for ‘practice’ before it actually mattered)
Eventually, she lets Gascon come - or maybe he uses his grip on her hair to pull her onto him? (She may decide to make it a good blowjob, but that doesn’t mean he’s earned deepthroating) - and the Strays, who have gone from hooting and hollering over the queen’s humiliation to flushed and aroused at the skillful way she destroyed their boss, let them out of the cell. 
Next, they go to the city jail to release Reynard, who was arrested as soon as the coup happened because everyone knows that Reynard’s loyalty to the crown is absolute. Reynard is sitting against the wall and he smiles brightly at the sight of her, so Meve strides into the cell to unshackle him. So of course Gascon, who now stands in front of the door once more, suggests something like, “such faithful loyalty deserves ample reward, does it not?”
And Meve is conflicted. Because AGAIN, the Strays of Spalla are watching them and Gascon is trying elicit sexual favours from her. But also, it’s Reynard. She’s wondered for so long what Reynard’s cock would be like and how he would treat her. And, she justifies to herself, she was already forced to give a piece of filth like Gascon a blowjob. Reynard most certainly deserved better.
So she orders him to stand and goes to her knees and is almost eager to get him in her mouth. And Reynard is caught entirely off guard here, because he was ready to skewer Gascon for the mere suggestion, and then she’s ACTUALLY DOING IT!!! And it’s not like she’s alone in having thought about it, but he always assumed that he would be the one on his knees. So for her to do so... he’s awed and a little horrified that he is party to degrading his queen in this way. And also aroused. REALLY fucking aroused, because Meve is on her knees for him! And unlike Gascon, he has earned deepthroating. Fortunately, he’s already leaning against the wall, so he doesn’t collapse. 
If Gascon hadn’t had the most intense orgasm of his life like 10 minutes previously, he’d definitely try to see if he could join in, even though they really don’t have the time for that sort of thing. But suffice it to say, Gascon remembers each and every moment Meve spent on her knees vividly.
Reynard comes (and Gascon is reluctantly pleased to have a companion in the wait-you-want-me-to-fight-after-how-hard-I-came!? club) and they all leave the dungeons - and get found by a patrol of guards. They have to fight their way out and Meve thinks Gascon managed to slip away - right up until he comes to their aid with his whole crew. With Gascon’s help, their motley crew flees the capital of Lyria (largely by traveling thru the sewers).
That night, they set up camp somewhere and instead of the royal supplies she’s used to, all they have is whatever the Strays of Spalla had, which means stolen and/or threadbare, ‘cause they’re not exactly living the high life. And Meve knows she should get some rest, but she can’t stop thinking about what happened in the prison(s) and she decides that, as long as Reynard was willing, why shouldn’t she pursue the man she loved? 
So she goes to the mess tent and it’s predictably full of drunken soldiers - well, drunken warriors. This rabble didn’t deserve to be called soldiers - and clusters of people playing dice and cards. She spots Reynard at one of the card tables - but sitting across from him is none other than the motherfucking Duke of Dogs. Half-formed plans to kiss Reynard drown under the flood of fury she feels and she summons Reynard to her, ignoring Gascon, who definitely tries to flirt with her. At this moment, she has VERY conflicted feelings about Gascon and most of them are negative. But also, they need him. She is very much aware that his men are the only reason she has any chance at all of taking back her home.
Anyway, Meve confronts Reynard, who explains that he doesn’t trust Gascon as far as he can throw him and whatever mischief Gascon is up to, whatever he thinks he can gain from helping them, Reynard is ready for the doublecross. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer is very much his philosophy, compounded by the way he has learned not to reveal - well, much at all. People probably find him very... is softspoken the word? Not like he speaks soft, but like, he doesn’t say a lot. He learned to keep his mouth shut after he managed to survive insulting the king, so he plays things pretty close to his chest and people find it hard to guess what he’s thinking. 
Gascon, for his part, is helping Meve because it’s the right thing to do (and a little because again, queen indebted to you? Very handy). He’s probably aware that Reynard doesn’t like him, even if Reynard acts friendly enough? Like, literally Reynard is so loyal to Meve that he was imprisoned and she was sure of his fealty. And Gascon has found ways to rationalize what he did i.e. raping Meve - she could’ve just begged! She had a choice! - but even though Reynard got a blowjob out of it, I’m sure Gascon would assume that Reynard would want him dead for the blowjob that he got.
I don’t precisely know what Reynard and Gascon’s relationship is like during this, tbh. I think it’ll be Meve’s POV, so she may have a limited view, but I think it’s definitely complicated. Made worse, of course, by both Meve and Reynard beginning to see the redeeming qualities in Gascon. But that comes later.
For now, Meve accepts Reynard’s explanation and knowing that he would do anything to protect her soothes some of the ruffled feathers from a very trying day. So she decides to subtly ask him something like, “come to my tent?” that like, isn’t blatant ‘cause they’re surrounded by drunk men, but also is pretty clear. And Reynard’s eyes widen and it hurts so much to do, but he tells her no. She’s had an intense fucking day - betrayed by her son and court, imprisoned, forced to give multiple blowjobs and work with lowly bandits and shit. Like, she’s been through a lot and he knows that she’s not able to be in her right mind. So he says no, part of him hoping that if she actually means it, she’ll try again in the morning.
But what Meve hears is no, not interested. Which makes this the third time today that she gets to be humiliated in front of the fucking Strays of Spalla, because not only is the man she loves rejecting her, but like... is he rejecting her because she’s tainted now? How is she supposed to interpret him enjoying a blowjob from her one hour and rejecting her advances the next? 
And the taint... I think that’ll be a theme in this fic (thus the title). Like, at the height of her power before the fall, Meve was “pure” - which in this case means firmly assured that she was right in everything, as she was always destined to be. There’s no questioning of the world order or if she’s qualified to lead. She simply knows that she is.
But now she’s been betrayed, her nobility and her title ripped from her grasp. And not only that, but she’s demeaned herself with a common thug! She even says it in the game - “look how far we’ve fallen, to be surrounded by peasants and deserters and bandits”. For her, this entire situation is almost like “being common” is reaching for her, trying to pull her in, and she wants to resist, because she’s always been taught that the nobles are BETTER than the common people. But as she works with her army of thugs and commoners, she starts to learn that poor people are people too (gee, who’da thunk it?)
That journey takes time, though, and we’re barely at the start of it! 
So, Meve gets rejected. She’s hurt and humiliated and at the moment doesn’t have a kind word for ANYBODY. She maybe cries herself to sleep and hates herself for being weak.
Then morning comes and she has her regular strategy meeting with Reynard, as she did every morning. And it’s awkward and Reynard is as silent as usual, always so deliberate about every word that leaves his mouth. And she wants to ask, but yesterday’s humiliation was enough. She can’t repeat it.
So even though they SHOULD’VE gotten together, they fail to, because Meve is stubborn and prideful and Reynard is closelipped and proper. And Meve kind of hates even the sight of Gascon, but since he IS the leader of the army that is currently only at her disposal because of him, she invites him to join the strategy meetings every morning. If Gascon helps provide a buffer between her and Reynard, so much the better.
Okay, I don’t actually know how everyone ACTUALLY gets together, BUT as they travel through the countryside of Lyria towards the Aedirnian border, a couple of important things happen.
1) Meve sees the real conditions of the people living in her realm. Even in areas that the lords had reported prosperous, people were starving and dying. She starts to learn that these are her people too.
2) Meve and Reynard get to know Gascon. Not just over their strategy meetings, but as they observe him and the Strays of Spalla they (Meve especially) begin to realize that their judgements were all wrong. Because yes, the Strays of Spalla are bandits. They steal from wealthy merchants and even wealthier nobles. That had always been enough to know before.
But now they come to know that that stolen food and blankets and supplies and coin went to the starving peasants in these lands. Hell, most of the Strays are from these areas. These are their people, even if Meve hasn’t figured out that they’re hers too.
Anyway, idk how they get together or how the story ends - is it with them getting together? Getting to Vengerberg to ask for help to reclaim their home? Ousting Villem and taking Lyria back? idk, I haven’t even gotten that far in the game yet lol.
So yeah, here’s a very long synopsis of a story that manages to have almost no porn and lots of angst, despite being inspired by a purely porny post lmao.
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wigglebox · 3 years
I don't think it'll insult anyone but I'll x the name in case :) :
I just was reminded by this, I remember at least 10 years ago (I feel old, I only turned 25 the other day), I had a big crush on RDJ, and ofc I had a friend who was like ew because he's essentially the same age as my mum (this was before I even had a tumblr - which is where years later that it's totally normal to have crushes on men twice your age, and low and behold I would continue crushing on elder celebrities, the youngest being Taron Egerton - I like to joke to people that someday I'll marry him, but that's a story for another time.
ANYWAY my friend her parents and my dad were going to see a movie and they were like (idk who said this) why don't you have a crush on X or something since he's apparently closer or more appropriate to crush on considering he's a lot younger (he was 11 years older than me) (also I just realised that Misha Collins is like 11 years younger than RDJ, who I co-crushed on - I say co-crushed because I was also crushing on Jensen and Misha after crushing on rdj).
I think my point is, after thinking about that incident with one of the adults saying I should have a crush on x actor instead, it can age like milk cause you didn't do your research or you're just crushing on someone because everyone else is - and then suddenly it just something happens.
I guess also in another aspect had I crushed on any sort of celebrity just because everyone else would be doing it, it would be masking of some sort because I would be trying to fit in (I am on the spectrum after all and movies/actors was/kinda is, although has died down a bit one of my special interest)s Don't blindly crush on a celebrity just because someone says you should have a crush on that person instead because it's more 'socially respectful' without doing your research. Also masking is a big issue amongst the autism/aspergers community, especially women. I think that's what is so good about fandom in a way because you realise it's actually normal to have such crushes on actors that are that age e.g. Jensen Ackles is like around the same age as my aunt.
I should probably say that said actor got ‘cancelled and in a tonne of controversy years later so in a way lesson is don’t crush on a celebrity just because everyone else is, crush on a celebrity if your judgement is telling you that that person is a good person
sorry nonny you dropped this then i had two work meetings lol.
but yeah i remember getting some weird looks from friends or my mom when i said i had a little crush on alan rickman like man i loved that man! but he was older than both my parents at the time.
i also had a crush on danrad but i also really liked him! i always gravitated to having a crush on an older actor. never feel like you have to stoop down to your own age group just because you're pressured to.
adhd folks mask too, i do it a lot, so i completely get it. to me it's like, crushing on timothy chardonay without any kind of connection, but just doing it because everyone else thinks the guy is cute or whatever.
we don't really form 'crushes' in my opinion, we just admire 1) talent 2) obviously whatever attractiveness they have and not all of them are conventionally pretty which is actually more of a bonus for a lot of us and 3) what they present to us about their life is something we connect to.
sometimes we just don't find that with actors or public figures our own age. i had THEE biggest crush on charlize theron when i was younger and it was before i realized that being gay was an option, but since then, i don't really have a crush on her, I just think she's pretty and very talented.
with the SPN cast it's an extra layer of "something" because those actors and cast and crew are rather forward with us and there's a level of communication that you can really only find in a show like this that's lasted for so long, has their own conventions, and interacts so much with fandom. Misha does this the most — but we also have to remember they only show us what they want and that there is always another life BTS 98% of which we don't know anything about haha.
And it sucks when, young or older, you get to really liking an actor to support them and then they turn out to be scumbags — i hate that it's the worst feeling in the world.
But so long as that for the most part, if you just know what you're doing, who cares if you have a crush on Tim the Twink [affectoinate] or Ganalf the Grey it really doesn't matter so long as it's someone you believe in, think is talented, want to support, etc etc. That always comes first. You don't want to blindly follow someone just because you connect more in age and you wanna get railed by them. That's a whole different thing IMO.
but like you said in your second message: crush on a celebrity if your judgement is telling you that that person is a good person
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maariarogers · 4 years
flash review for episode 13
where can i start? i absolutely adore it
i felt like, in all honesty, the k-drama got much better towards the end for some reason? like everything started coming together; each of their personalities seemed to mash well and idk, i love the later episodes (hopefully i wont retract these statements in the future)
suho is so dedicated, so loyal, so loving like,,,, can this man get the boyfriend award of the year or....
i love LOVE the parallel between jugyeong running for suho in past episodes being played again by suho being the one to run after jugyeong. absolutely breathtaking
when suho was running and he remembered jugyeong wanting to commit suicide? please just end me right now
seojun was superb all throughout
i feel like it’s so appropriate, yet so fitting, that suho mainly goes to care for jugyeong and seojun steps back, understands this, and decides to handle things at their school instead
like maybe it’s their bond as friends doing its work and seojun becoming increasingly respectful of his friend’s relationship, but it’s so *chef’s kiss* to see seojun doing the aggressive work
like, i talked abt this in my meta, but seojun’s short-tempered personality worked so well especially in events like this and it shows. he’s a fucking boss throughout and he aint takin no shit
what a damn man 👏👏👏
seojun, gowoon, and juyeong aren’t the trio i expected to like so much but jesus i’ve proven wrong!!!!!!
juyeong 👏punching 👏someone 👏 who talked 👏 shit 👏 about 👏 jugyeong 👏
gowoon 👏 throwing hands 👏 over the 👏 same 👏 fact 👏
i was fucking crying laughing at mr han throughout the whole time like,,, dude,,, pls,,,, this aint about u my guy 😭😭😭
ppl can come at me for this but i actually really like jugyeong’s mom. yeah, she has her worser moments and shes not winning any awards for best mom soon but??? i feel like??? thats the point??? thats how most asian moms are??? and i relate to that so much???
like, there’d be moments where they put so much traditional expectations on children that it can become burdening and/or unhealthy, just like jugyeong’s mom consistently displayed (and then she mentioned “do u wanna be like me” like god that fucking hit me), but u can tell they dont fuck with u if u fuck with their family or people they care about and thats just it
like idk how to even properly explain it but i guess we just built different is all lmao
when jugyeong was crying and then her make up faded and all her acnes popped up, like bitch,,,, i felt that SO BAD 😭thats me every day at work
jugyeong’s dad camped a whole ass smol kitchen in front of jugyeong’s room just so she’d eat 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
again when will the lim family not win in an episode WHEN
“the one who uploaded the video” “i know” FUCKING ENDED ME!!!!
can we just talk about the absolute grace jugyeong and suho have in the face of knowing sujin did this to them? like they didn’t slander her once. they didn’t start shit. they just take care of their own damage.
ppl are also gonna come at me probs but ............. sujin and seojun look so good next to one another,,, like if park yuna and hwang in yeop is ever in a drama together? pls call me, have my soul
suho having juyeong’s phone number,,, suho and juyeong bonding,,, juyeong comforting suho even tho he couldn’t do much and convincing suho to go to school,,,,, babes i love found-family trope that is all
when suho admits that taehoon is his friend, i just. died. webtoon suho would kill for a friend like taehoon and i know it
nope still not fucking with the mr. lee jaehoon being innocent at least not over the affair, sir get out of my face
also not fucking with suho being interested in MUSIC, my guy he is gonna be a CHEF (webtoon reference)
legit i was fucking yelling at jugyeong to “defend his mans” during that toilet scene because i just felt like suho had done so much for her, especially given recent events, and then she did??????????????
“from now on come and talk to me in person. i’ll answer your question one by one” I DIDN’T KNOW YOU HAD IT IN YOU????? YOURE SO BEAUTIFUL BABE 😭
suho already worshipped the ground u walk on now he’s probably thinking about kissing u under a willow tree with one knee on the floor and a ring in one hand smh
feel a little bad for the food her mom made tho ngl
overall: i feel like its an 8/10, im probably deducting the marks because of suho’s dad cause i still feel it’s a bit unfair if they want to reverse the fact that his dad did have an affair and lied to him and selena (in the webtoon he did) cause even the first affair like, the one 8 year old suho caught him in? i feel like theyre gonna probs reverse that too BUT IM NOT TALKING ABOUT THEORIES NOW point is i love nearly all aspects of it, can’t wait for more soft suhoxjugyeong content before the writers fuck us all up xoxo
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doyoungdelrey · 5 years
all of them uwu
This is my contribution to the soft k-pop ask. 
1. What k-pop songs make you feel at home?
A song I think of home is “Coming Home” by JJ Project (the subunit with JB and Jinyoung from GOT7). It gives me an urban vibe since I am from a major city myself. 
2. What idol(s) do you associate with kindness?
Bang Chan from Stray Kids. I think he’s a little too kind and humble at times, but that’s another story for another time. Another idol I think of is Jeongyeon/Jihyo from Twice; they are sassy but also caring for their members. 
3. Has a k-pop song or group helped you through some difficult times? If so, and if you feel comfortable, share how.
A song that’s helped me get through my jobless drought was “That’s Okay” by D.O (Kyungsoo) from EXO. I was going through a time where I was receiving literally no job offers and having money issues with school, so this song consoled me in telling me that there is something better ahead and that everything will be alright; all will be resolved. I had moments of jumping off a building because of the lack of progress in my life (also because my grades sucked ass), yet never doing so, but this song assured me that I will be okay, no matter what happens. After all, we are all in this world for a reason. 
4. What idol would you star-gaze with? Why?
I don’t know, maybe Sungjin from Day6. He seems quiet and really cool to talk too; he also looks like he likes to read and learn about the stars. Or Suga from BTS lol. 
5. What’s your favorite ballad?
“Shall We?” by Chen from EXO. It makes me reminisce of falling in love all over again. Any Chen song makes me think of the past; they’re so dreamy. “Hurt Road” by Day6 is also another favorite. 
6. What was your first k-pop group that you stanned? Why did you stan?
GOT7 because of a music video that popped up on my family’s YouTube recommendation on our TV. My first bias (in both K-pop and the group) was Jinyoung because he has a good sense of style and he was exactly how I imagined a k-pop idol to look like; now it’s Youngjae lol. They’re also funny and have killer tracks I would have never considered listening to until recently (February 2019). 
7. Would you rather give or receive a gift from your bias?
I would rather receive a gift. 
8. What are some cute nicknames you have for your biases?
Baby boi/Baby girl (depending on the gender of the idol)
9. What idol(s) would you go to an arcade with? Why?
Youngjae (GOT7), J-Hope/Jin (BTS), Dahyun/Sana/Nayeon (Twice) and Lucas (NCT). They’re all so loud for no reason and would cheer for me even if I lose. 
10. What are some things you associate with your bias?
Hair dye, tattoos, contact lenses, Italian perfume and fire. 
11. What idol(s) would you bake cookies with? Why?
I would like to bake cookies with Rosé from Blackpink. She would be a good friend who I could confess my secrets to. Or Wendy from Red Velvet. 
12. What idol(s) would you like to share comfortable silence with? Why?
Mina from Twice. She’s a beautiful human being and I would want to just look at her without saying anything just to admire her poise/grace. 
13. What idol(s) would you like to share your favorite food with?
I would pull a Joey Tribbiani* (see bottom for reference) on every other idol with the exception of Momo from Twice. She loves to eat different so I would want to share my food with her. 
14. What idol, when they come to mind, makes you feel warm, fuzzy, at home?
Johnny or Bang Chan. IDK they radiate paternal energy and are like father figures in their groups. 
15. Which idol would you like to have a long, deep hug with? Why?
Bang Chan (Stray Kids), Baekhyun (EXO) or Seulgi (Red Velvet). They look like they give good hugs. 
16. What’s your ideal day with an idol(s)?
Walking around the city and having a nice conversation with them about anything (but it was PG). I had a dream about this lol. 
17. What idol(s) would you watch the sunrise with?
Jaehyun from NCT. I don’t know why lol maybe because he looks like a morning person?
18. What idol(s) would you watch the sunset with?
RM from BTS. Same reason as 17, except he looks like a night owl. 
19. Has an idol or group said anything that has stuck with you?
Not said, but has done as time progressed. Suho from EXO manages to deal with his crackhead members (*beagle line*) so well by being cool and calm. Additionally, he and his group have managed to be extremely humble in award shows despite being known as one of the best-selling groups in Korea. 
20. What idol would you like to spend a rainy day in with? What would you do? (please keep it appropriate lmao)
Ten from NCT. We’d watch romantic comedies, listen to music, clean my house and talk. If it stops raining after a while, we would go shopping.  
21. Talk about why you love your bias so much.
I don’t know. He’s loud, super talented, sweet, funny and very clever; he cares so much for his fans to the point where he got a tattoo for them. I didn’t want to follow his group at first, but he’s become my favorite human beings in k-pop because of his radiant personality, visuals and ability to do many things at once. Also, we both have big ears (#bigearsgang). 
22. Would you rather go to Disneyland or Everland with your bias? What would you do there?
Disneyland. We’d ride roller coasters, take pictures and eat. I’ve never heard of everland
23. What do you imagine your bias to smell like?
Cologne, specifically something like that Chanel Bleu one guys are wearing, Acqua Di Parma or Versace Eros. 
24. What do you wish for your bias group or idol in the future?
I wish that PCY gets all the rest he needs. I wish for his group mates (specifically Jongin/Kai and Baekhyun) to get rest; they don’t need to work all the time for our satisfaction. I remember seeing Suho slowly falling asleep at an award show, so they need rest. Same with GOT7 (@/Jackson)
25. What season do you associate a group or idol with? Why?
BTS, Spring. IDK if it’s because of the fact that they have a song called “Spring Day” or their songs give me an overall spring vibe. Them as people, as well as their songs are fresh, like flowers blooming for the first time in the year. 
26. What idol would you like to share childhood stories with?
Honestly, maybe Sorn from CLC. She’s funny and seems like a person who enjoys old stories.
Well, I’m boring b/c I got redundant with the groups. However, here’s my answer to all the questions. ENJOY! 
*Joey Tribbiani: In an episode of “Friends”, Joey is telling Phoebe the story of a date he went (who happens to be a friend of Phoebe’s) on and he professes he will not go on a date with her again. He was upset that she (Joey’s date) had take a piece of his food, which tuns out to be fries. Rachel happens to walk in and Phoebe tells his story; Rachel confirms that Joey is like this and has even gotten upset with Rachel’s young daughter Emma because she had taken a few of his grapes, thus his immediate, slightly pathetic yet very iconic: “JOEY DOESN’T SHARE FOOD”. 
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stephhannes · 3 years
I Was a 23 Year Old Widow & Here’s Where I Went From There
a friend sent me a link to a refinery29 article today (I’m A 31-Year-Old Widow, & I Don’t Know Where To Go From Here) and it felt exactly like something i would have written three years ago, when i was in my first year of widowhood. it basically is something i’ve written three years ago. i remember all of those same feelings, am i doing this right? how do i navigate being hot and young but also a grief-stricken widow? 
the most important lesson i’ve learned in the last three years is this: the world doesn’t revolve around me. 
every time i start freaking out about the nuances of grieving i remind myself, the world doesn’t revolve around you, dummy. and nothing has been more freeing. 
everything in my life revolves around my grief, but there is no one else around me that’s thinking about it as much as i am. so much of my anxiety was defined by if i felt like i was grieving appropriately, in a way that society would approve of- but society isn’t thinking about me and my grief. and if they are, who gives a shit? talk to me when your partner unexpectedly dies at the age of 23. 
when i came back to social media after nathan died, i remember getting comments on photos like “oh, it’s so nice to see you smiling!” that made me so self-conscious. is it too soon to be smiling? is it ok to be having fun with my friends right now? 
i returned to dating apps within a year of nathan’s death, and i kept it secret for a very long time. i didn’t want people to think i was moving on. i wasn’t moving on, i was lonely! i was afraid that people would see me on tinder and be like “oh, she’s not that sad i guess” i was that sad! that’s why i was reverting to the ol’ faithful coping mechanism of entertaining gentlemen callers! 
as someone forced to live in my own grief, of course i was out here catastrophizing every situation possible. i stayed awake at night stressing over ok so when i do eventually date again: when do i tell him that i’m a widow? (literally just whenever it comes up in conversation) is it weird to talk about nathan all the time? (not really, is it actually any different than when someone talks about their ex? if anything, it should be less uncomfortable, my ‘ex’ is dead, there’s no threat there) do i take down the pictures of nathan before inviting someone to my house? (no, it’s my house).
in the piece i wrote 20 days after nathan died, this is what i was panicking about:
And I know that it’s only been a few weeks since Nathan died, but I feel the weight of the 21st century coming down on me already. Theoretically, he and I were so lucky to have found each other so early, not having to navigate our 20s with awkward dates and rifling through dating apps. But in reality, now that’s where I’m going to have to find myself again. I don’t know how to date someone that I haven’t already known for 10 years. When do I tell someone I’m a widow? How much is appropriate amount to mention my dead fiancé during a blind date? When is the appropriate time to update my Facebook relationship status to ‘single’? When am I supposed to take off my engagement ring and show my face on 6th street?
What’s an appropriate tinder bio?
“Hi, I’m Stephanie. I used to be engaged but now I’m not! Hit me up!”
How do I navigate a new relationship with someone when I know that they will never know me as well as Nathan did? I can spend all day talking about who I was in high school, I can explain with detail every moment of my collegiate years, but no one will truly know who I was during those times because they weren’t there.
and here’s the update on that, 3 years later:
as previously mentioned, i’ve had success just bringing it up whenever it happens to come up. i played around with immediately being like “hey i’m steph i’m a widow what’s poppin?” but i think it’s a little more palatable to lure someone in with my insufferable personality and then be like “oh btw im a widow lol” 
i went through a phase where i would tell stories about my time in new york, but omit the fact that the reason i lived there was because of my fiance. or i’d tell stories about “an ex” without being like “well the ex is actually my dead fiance” but that felt weird, so i transitioned to just literally talking about nathan, my dead fiance, whenever i want to. and shockingly, it’s gone over pretty well. men are a lot more receptive to hearing about your ex that you’re still kinda in love with when your ex is dead.
my facebook relationship status is still not updated to single. but i did take it off my profile altogether after about two years. 
i took off my engagement ring about 6 months after nathan died. it was a whole thing. i was tired of people seeing it and assuming i was engaged, and asking me about it and then being forced into being like “oh haha well i’m not engaged anymore” i showed my face on 6th street and hated it, not because of my status as a widow, because i’m 26.
i’m banned from tinder, but my bumble bio is “self made hundredaire / used to work on broadway / never eaten a grape before / very passionate about the monster mash and sparkling water” people seem to like it.
if i could go back in time and whisper to myself “shhh you sweet summer child it literally doesn’t matter” god, i would. i sucked in high school, thank fucking god no one knows what i was actually like then. i was unbelievably depressed in college, we don’t need to re-live that in detail. i’m literally so cool now, and that’s really all that matters. like, i’m fun and a boss babe and smart and hilarious and mysterious (but let’s not focus on the mystery just yet) so does it really matter if someone doesn’t immediately know the nuances of my 15 year old psyche?
when talking about my relationship with nathan, i’ve always framed it as “i know it’s not the end all be all of relationships” and i still firmly believe in that. like the ann druyan quote- “we knew that we were the beneficiaries of chance. we found each other in the cosmos, and that was wonderful.” we had a dope relationship, it ran its course, i learned a bunch of shit about myself and what i need moving forward, and now it’s time to move forward. 
and in moving forward, i have to keep reminding myself that accepting relationships as they come into my life is a fun and exciting experience. it doesn’t have to be daunting and serious and terrifying. part of that has been just forcing myself to get out of my head, stop overthinking everything, and remember that the world does not revolve around me. there’s something about being able to just take what i need, leave what i don’t, for as long as it lasts and being fine with things when they eventually end. 
it’s been kind of hilarious finally going through scenarios i used to agonize over in the middle of the night. everything that i imagined to be a huge deal has been actually, not a deal at all. i had a conversation with a friend a couple of months ago where i was like “i just want a toxic relationship to pass the time,” and she was like “are you saying that because that’s actually what you want, or are you saying that because you’re afraid of being genuinely intimate/vulnerable with someone that’s not nathan?” and i was like, ok first of all i didn’t come here to get dragged like that and secondly…yeah, maybe. 
the vulnerability thing is still tough for me- very much not a fan of talking about my feelings without masking it with comedy. but every step i’ve made in that direction, i’ve been able to do without guilt or questioning myself. 
the first time someone other than nathan slept in my bed, i was worried that i would end up upset- it was fine. i was like “oh, i forgot how nice it is to wake up not alone.”
when i found myself in a vaguely toxic relationship i realized “yeah ok, that’s definitely not what i want.” the last time that person left my house, my first thought was “i miss nathan.” and it wasn’t even necessarily nathan that i missed. i missed being around someone that made me feel like they idk…..cared about me as a person and like…..respected me. 
i spent a lot of time seeking out people that i thought were similar to nathan, and then i realized that the qualities i was attracted to were just the bare minimum of human decency.  the things that i loved the most about my relationship with nathan weren’t necessarily qualities that were exclusive to him (they were things he was very good at, but so are a lot of other people). his willingness to listen to me tell the same stories over and over, his patience with all of my anxiety, how much he loved just spending time around me, the way he valued and respected my opinions, his ability to remember very tiny details, our effortless rapport. 
and at the same time, i’m recognizing strengths in other people that fill in where nathan had some weaknesses. the fact that none of my friends liked him, his inability to cope with my depression, all of the times he’d ask for forgiveness rather than permission, his unwillingness to accept criticism when i was upset with him, or the way he’d continue to push buttons i’d repeatedly asked him to leave alone. 
so maybe it’s the zoloft, or maybe it’s just growing up a little bit- but letting go of all of that anxiety has really allowed me to feel a lot lighter. it feels good to finally be present in all of my relationships, not concerned about how anything looks- rather, just concerning myself with shit that feels right. i’ve always been a pretty solid judge of character, and as soon as i stopped doubting myself, the quality of person that came into my life was immediately a lot better, weird. it’s almost like the only opinion that truly matters....is my own. 
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5hfanfiction · 7 years
Rewind - Ch 3
A/N: Personally, I don’t know what happened in Lauren’s family life. So IDK.
When my grandma first died, I didn’t understand it.
I was confused.
How could a person as pure as her die when she just started teaching me about life?
She was smart. She taught me how to love myself first before loving others. She taught me how important it was to be in my own skin. That it’s doesn’t matter if I’m beautiful or not, because before I know it, she said, I’ll be old, wrinkly and the only worry I have is whether I’m gonna poop on my pants or not.
No, what matters is that I should be beautiful inside. Because when you are, it doesn’t deteriorate. It doesn’t get wrinkly in time and it’ll stay that way until I die.
She also taught me how to love. And this time, to love people. When I was confused about my sexuality, the first person I came to was to her. And for someone so conservative, she surprised me when she hugged me and said that she didn’t care the gender of that person, what really matters is their heart and not the skin.
She was so proud of me.
So when she died, I couldn’t understand. I didn’t want to.
But if I was already that hurt, I couldn’t imagine how it felt for my grandfather.
Yes, I’ve known her all my life, but compared to his and her life, mine was short.
They’ve known each other since they were teenagers, and according to the stories my grandma told, they fell in love instantly and married each other soon after.
So they were basically together all their lives; more than 53 years if I was counting.
It was hard to see him the day of her funeral. He looked strong, putting a good front for the sake of us. But when he thought that no one was looking, I saw him breathing shakily with his hand wiping the small tear that seemed to flow down without his consent.
And day by day, he started to change. He was always full of life when she was still alive. Always around doing things that people his age shouldn’t do anymore. But that changed when she was gone. Gradually, he began to lose himself. The man I knew began to slowly change and he turned into a man who was just waiting death to do his deed.
It’s not like I could blame him really. That was basically what I did when Camila killed herself.
Camila was my grandma to my grandfather.
And I know what you think, what the fuck is she talking about? She’s only known her for 10 years. I know it’s stupid for me to even compare their love to ours.
But she was.
I loved her. Hell, I still do.
But how I felt for her was so intense   that I couldn’t feel anything but that.
The butterflies in my stomach never truly flew away when I was around her. I just got used to it and eventually, I was able to manage it well without making a fool of myself.
But now, getting ready for our night out for the first time again, the butterflies were now morphed into what I can only call a zoo.
I felt nauseous, everything inside me screamed that I wasn’t ready to see her again.
I’ve seen her before this of course, when we were in the airplane, when we were in the hotel, even breakfast today.
But it felt different. This felt like a date.
And I had to.
Because every second counts and I want mine to be filled with memories of her.
It’s unhealthy but it’s true. I already felt how it was to lose her. Truly lose her. And not spending her last days was the biggest regret I’ve ever made.
Once I was finally somewhat composed enough to walk around without feeling like vomiting, I sauntered out of my room and over to hers. But when she opened the door though, I suddenly became nauseous and vomited outside of her door.
Not a good impression.
It felt weird. I don’t know. Maybe it’s the fact that life has been treating me nicely for a change or that I’m basically seeing a dead girl alive and well, that made my stomach hurl to the point that it couldn’t take whatever snack I took before I came here.
“Oh My God, Lauren. Are you okay?” She asked, ignoring the fact that I made a mess on her front door.
“I’m sorry,” I said, grabbing a few tissues from my purse and wiped my mouth clean with it.
“No it’s okay. Why don’t you come inside first? I’ll call the hotel service to clean the mess up.”
I walked around the pool of what is equivalent to shame and inside her hotel room.
It looked like the exact replica of my room except that it was inverted. We had the same floor but our rooms were quite far from each other.
“Do you want anything?” She asked, walking around to the small kitchen to the refrigerator to take out a bottle of water and handed it to me.
“Aside from a rope to kill myself from embarrassment, nope.” I immediately cringed when I finished that sentence. That was certainly not an appropriate joke to use, especially with her now.
But she just laughed lightheartedly, like it was such an absurd thing to do. My chest constricted at how different she was now compared to how she.. was? is gonna be?
She seemed so relaxed right now. And I wonder, could I convince her that it would be better if she didn’t go through with this. Should I be crude and just say what it without a filter? Would that be weird?
Of course it would.
So I decided against doing that and instead, I would just use everything in me to just hold onto her so she’ll feel love.
The littlest things you do can change a person’s life, that was what my grandma said.
“Just let me call the hotel for a minute,” she said.
I walked over to the foot of the bed and sat down, watching the TV in front of me while Camila called the hotel.
A few minutes later, the bed squeaked and I looked over to see Camila sprawled on one side of the bed, now changed into a red hoodie I first saw her in and shorts, showing her smooth skin a little too much.
Not that I’m complaining though.
“Why did you change?” I noted.
“You’re sick. Obviously it’s better if we just stay in. I also ordered room service already. I hope you like sushi cause that’s what I ordered for you.”
“But, how about our night? I was gonna bring you to this fancy restaurant and everything.” It just destroyed the night for us and it’s merely 7pm.
“Oh, come on. It’s not the end of the world. It’s not like I’m gonna die anytime soon,” she said jokingly, making me cringe once again at the mentions of death.
I know she meant no harm when she said that, it was just a joke. But it was just a little to much for me to bear. Just a few days before this, I was in 2022 and she was dead so it’s gonna take a little more time for me to grasp at the idea of it.
After all, this could all just be a dream.
“We’ll do it some other time,” she added comfortingly.
She turned on the TV and leaned on the headboard, sighing contently when she did.
“Come on Lo, relax.”
We spent the whole hour eating while she complains how absurd sushi tastes.
“For real though, they’re just basically a burrito with the word fillings ever,” she said as she ate her dinner.
“Oh, and your bread filled with bananas and nutella is any better?” I argued, narrowing my gaze at her food. I can’t even grasp the conversation she might have had with the worker in order to get these things.
“Are you insulting my great creation, my friend?” She dramatically gasped. “At least I’m creative enough to make this on my own.”
“They don’t even mix, babe.” I said without realizing the pet name that just seemed to spill out of my mouth.
Thankfully, she didn’t think it was weird and just laughed.
“You have to cook for me one day,” I continued.
“Oh God, no. I don’t wanna burn a house. I can’t cook to save my life.”
“How about I cook for you?” I offered, desperately in need to hang with her some more.
“Sure,” she smiled softly before realization hit her. “Wait, did we just made 2 more plans to hang out?”
“I guess so, why is there a problem with that?”
“No! It’s just that I’m not a really an outgoing person. Besides, people in my school don’t really wanna hang with me.” She seemed weak and insecure.
“Well, they don’t know what they’re missing out on. Because Camila,” I trailed off, making a dramatic pause. “Since I’ve known you, I don’t wanna not hang out with you.”
She smiled softly, happy with my answer.
After eating and teasing each other’s tastebuds, we sprawled on the bed with our full belly. We were watching The Notebook, holding onto each other as we cried along with the characters portrayed by the two actors.
My tight dress was drenched as the brown-eyed girl hid her face inside the crook of my neck.
“Fuck, I’ve watched this since forever and I still cry everytime,” she said, sitting back up. Her eyes grew wide when she saw wet spot on my dress. “Fuck, I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s okay,” I said as she walked to the closet to take out an oversized hoodie and shorts.
“Here, change.” I would decline politely but I started to feel uncomfortable in the dress. Not to mention the fact that the wet spot were now sticking to my body.
I took the clothes from her extended hand and went to the toilet, washing my make up off in the process.
By the time I came out of the room, Camila was bending down to take a few things from the floor, her ass right in front of me.
My cheeks burned as I looked at her. More importantly, her assets. “Why are you staring at my butt?” she asked. If that didn’t make me embarrassed, this did.
She laughed it off and crashed back to the bed. Not knowing what to do next, I folded my dress and laid it on one of the chair, slumping down beside Camila after.
“Do you wanna sleep here?” she whispered, turning to face me.
“Do you want me to?” I asked honestly.
“Yeah..” She breathed out, smiling softly then looking up to the ceiling.
We stayed silent, listening to nothing but to our breaths. The TV was still on but it was muted.
I turned over to her as I watch the different rays of colored lights from the TV illuminate her face.
She smiled over to me and without a word, we moved closer until we we were back to cuddling to each other.
“This is still weird,” she whispered, causing me to laugh softly. “I mean, what the hell is this?”
“This is whatever you want it to be,” I breathed, kissing the crown of her head affectionately.
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nerbert · 8 years
This is like, months late I’m sorry please forgive me
This was a questions tag thing that went around like a month ago, and it’s been sitting in my drafts waiting for me to finish it
I forget the rules, and I think everyone has answered these already, so I’m not going to bother tagging more peoples, but if you haven’t done this yet, and want to, answer any 11 of these questions!
3 people tagged me, so this is long
@thecrazyexfangirl tagged me for these:
1. What are you studying or what is your profession? 
I’m studying economics! I’ll graduate with an honours undergrad degree next year, and then I want to complete a masters in economics, a masters in public policy, and a phD in economics, then spend my career writing macroeconomic policy for governments. Basically I want to run the world 
2. I read a lot of opinion about FMAB and FMA03 Mustang, but what is your opinion about FMAB and FMA03 Edward?
I have opinions, and I am going to start on that essay post soon! 
3. Where are you from? 
I grew up in Victoria BC 
4. What is your favourite film/book and why? 
Across the universe is my favourite movie, because I love Beatles music, and I think the movie is just so well done. and Harry Potter is my favourite book, because, well, why does anyone like Harry Potter? It’s the first book I read all the way through, because it came out when I was a smol, the first book that had enough diverse characters that I could identify with, and rereading it it’s feels like catching up with an old friend❤ 
5. If you get a role in the FMA live action, which role would you play? 
I would love to play Major General Olivier Mira Armstrong, but I think honestly, I would want more of like an extra role, because I’d be too busy fangirling to actually act, plus, acting isn’t really my thing 
 6. FMA03, FMAB or FMA manga? 
Good golly, that’s tough. I haven’t read the manga yet, I have a processing disorder that makes it hard to read black and white manga. Between 03 and brohood, brohood is definitely a better series, but 03 is important to watch. I really love Ed’s character development in 03, and I LOVE satan Tucker’s fate. Death is too merciful for him, I love that he sufffeeeerrrrrrrrrsssssss 
7. If you get an opportunity to meet with an author who would you choose? 
I think Arakawa would be a really cool person to meet. From the little that I’ve read/heard about her, I feel like we’d get along 
 8. Which fictional character would be your best friend? 
I think Mai from atla would be my saltmate for sure 
9. Favourite fandom? 
Definitely fma 
10. When did you join to the tumblr community? 
I think I made a tumblr in like 2012, but didn’t really get into it, then after watching fma, I started looking at fanart, and found royai fanfics that soothed my soul, and then I started using Tumblr, so mid 2016. 
11. Do you make fanarts, fanfictions, amv etc.?
I wish. I am an artist, but I paint impressionist landscapes, so fanart isn’t really my domain. And I’ve never really been a writer.
@queenxolivier tagged me in these:
How did you get into fandom? What was your catalyst to finding the tumblr community?
This was kind of answered with when did I join Tumblr. But I got into fma after my brother nagged me to watch it. I got into fandom back in the days of My Immortal and the Harry Potter fandom, but I didn’t have a tumblr back then, so it was more looking at hp fanart on deviantart and MySpace, and googling fanfics, but I was never part of a fandom community until I found fma
What’s your favourite part about your favourite fandom?
I love that the fma fandom is still thriving, like, brohood ended 6 years ago, and people are still joining the fandom, making new art and fics, it’s awesome!
If you could spend the day with any fictional character, who would it be and why?
I’d love to spend a day with Katara, she’s so incredible, and I think I could learn a lot from her, like just how to be a better person in general
What fictional character has had the biggest impact on your life or has inspired you the most?
Hermione was the first character to have an impact on me. And it was because I have gigantic teeth just like her. Seriously, my front teeth are like twice the size of my husbands, and I’ve had these teeth since I was a tiny 8 year old. So I latched onto her character, and started to find more similarities between me and her, and she taught me it’s ok to be smart and a girl
Talk about your favourite book (I KNOW IT’S HARD but if you had to pick one).
Lol hp fo sho. It's just so perfect, like even now, there's still more I'm learning about the Harry Potter universe, and so many more headcanons I can get behind...and more reasons to hate Snape 
Do you have any accomplishments or anything in your life you feel the most proud of?
Ha, way too many. I have a super interesting back story, but that will take to much to talk about here
Tell us about a project you have going on! Or if you don’t have one, maybe something you’ve always wanted to write or draw?
Right now I’m doing an econometric analysis on whether minimum wage increases have impacted the CPI in British Columbia for the last 30 years, and I’m also writing about how Canada’s economy wouldn’t have developed without the help of the Indigenous Peoples
How do you feel about AU’s?
Meh. I like the funny au headcanons, like the one @izumiicurtis proposed, where everyone wears period clothing, except ed still looks like he robbed hot topic in the dark (that is the best joke in the fandom I swear) but I never really got into au's
Do you have any favourite composers or soundtracks?
I really love the Rent soundtrack 
In your opinion, what is the best Disney movie to come out since Disney’s Golden Age?
Wreck it Ralph
Fangirl about something, really go wild.
Major. General. Olivier. Mira. Armstrong. that woman is a goddess and could kill me and I’d be ok with it. She’s so powerful and doesn’t take any crap and she’s so smart and always plans ten steps ahead of everyone and she’s not afraid to admit she doesn’t know everything and she loves her brother so much and does so much to protect her family plus she’s absolutely beautiful like her hair is made of silk I swear and the way she fights with a sword instead of guns I just love swords
@haganenobeato tagged me in these
1. Would you wanted Solf J. Kimblee perish a deserving death on that train? Yes or yes? 
Yes. He should have died RIGHT THERE 
2. Is there fanart or fanfiction you feel needs to be made but doesn’t exist yet or w/e? FMA or otherwise? 
There should be more RizBecca (Riza and Rebecca) fics/ art, and more Marier (Maria Ross and Olivier Mira Armstrong) fics/art. Just more wlw content in general in the fma fandom 
3. What do you think Hayate’s Cream Shiba’s name is? 
well, I think that dog must be Roy’s, and Roy is a nerd, so he probably named her similarly to how Riza named Black Hayate
4. Knowing the FMA baddies masterplan, what would you have tried to do to stop Father? 
lol I’m 5 feet tall and I’ve never been in a fight in my life, If I tried to stop them, I’d somehow trip and accidentally press the big red button that sets the plan in motion (oh there’s no big red button that does that? surprise, when I’m around, there’s suddenly a big red button that does The Bad Thing(tm) )
 5. Which is your favorite AU? 
Idk, I’m not really into AU’s
6. What fictional character would you have a comfortable silence with? 
Riza. I feel like she’s the type who doesn’t do small talk, but when she gets to know you she starts like, making puns and when she has a topic to talk about, she really gets into it. And she doesn’t seem like the type to be awkward with silence
7. Which fictional character would you introduce to your family? 
Riza. I think she’d have a lot of fun with my family, and I think my family would like her. I would say Olivier, but she doesn’t seem like the ‘meet the parents’ type of person to me
8. Which fictional character deserved better? 
Katara in legend of korra, they really did a horrible job with her character 
9. Which FMA character (assuming they don’t know alchemy, even if they do in canon) would you rather be stuck on an island with? 
10. What scene brings a smile to your face each time? 
the EdWin proposal, it’s just so cute, and so awkward, and so appropriate for how Ed/Winry propose to each other
if you read this all, you’re my new best friend
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chaoticpanenergy · 4 years
ksdfghjkl @agnesandcecilia​ tagged me so here goes!!
Rules: answer 17 questions and tag 17 people you want to get to know better
Nickname: on tumblr i go by peregrin! after peregrin took from lord of the rings, my favorite character from my first serious fandom. <3
Zodiac Sign: virgo! i know nothing about the zodiac! what does virgo mean! one time i did the birth chart thing and like the first 4 or 5 things were all virgo and i showed one of my friends who’s actually a zodiac person and they just stared at me in horror and said “are you OKAY???” which, absolutely not but i doubt the zodiac has much to do with it, why do you ask, botany my pal. [for the record, please don’t get worried anyone, i am fine. mostly. enough. would be more fine if my parents would let me go to therapy but we’ll work on that one i guess.] 
Height: 5′5″ (i was 5′4″ for the longest time and for some reason was super salty i never hit 5′5″ and then i went to college and somehow grew an inch my first year??? idk how that worked but regardless i hit 5′5″ and it matches and i’m happy now!!)
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw. people are never surprised to learn this. i think this means i am doing ravenclaw right. 
Last thing I googled: “how many people zoom” - i was arguing with a classmate over the max amount of people our college’s plan can fit on a zoom call + i didn’t want to bother with enough words to make sense when i knew those words would get me the result i wanted. (for the record, i was right.)
Song stuck in my head: rn it’s gotta be “go the distance” from hercules. probably bc it’s one of the only ones on the roman sanders playlist thomas just released that i already knew. i am but a simple nonbinary that only listens to like 3 kinds of music and disney is one of them. 
Following and followers: following 208, 58 followers! huh they both end in 8 rn that’s random and cool. 
Amount I sleep: hhhhhhhng probably not enough lol. the last couple of weeks i was staying up until about 2-3am and then sleeping in until between 10 and noon, but now school is running again i’m heading to bed between midnight and 1am and getting up at 8:30. so. i don’t know how to do math i’m a humanities gay but,, however much that is? minus the like hour it typically takes me to fall asleep once i go to bed.
Lucky number: 29! it’s a prime number and also pippin from lotr turns 29 during the course of the book & he’s my fave character. plus i just think it’s a neat number. 
Dream job: hmmm this is tricky. okay, dream life situation is to be a parent of some kiddos, be able to write my stories & hopefully publish them, and hopefully do graphic design work too—designing book covers is the ideal. so a job that involves/allows for those elements. idk lol. 
Wearing: a red t-shirt with the logo of a writing club at my college that i’m an officer for, a red leather jacket i bought from the thrift website thredup last week, and black high-waisted jeans from american eagle (the only brand i have so far found that consistently fits me well). also socks and a green barrette (i have a side part in my hair on the left and it makes my hair fall in my face unless i clip it back) and gray fingerless gloves bc i get cold + overstimulated easily & the gloves help w/both of those things. i own like 5 pairs of these exact gloves it’s great. a watch on my left wrist with a mother-of-pearl type watch face & a narrow pink leather strap, which my parents gave me for christmas. my pocket is full of fidget toys. 
aaaand bc i’ve been working on and off on this it’s now a whole different day! i’m now wearing a gray heathered tee with a big old heart on it in the nonbinary flag, a light pink & dark blue flannel from costco, and the same black jeans with a pocketful of fidget toys. also the same gloves & watch. my barrette is purple today! & i’m wearing dark gray slippers to keep my toes warm. 
also i wear glasses every day, purple frames in a shape kiiinda similar to canon logan & patton’s from sanders sides. 
Favorite song: ksdfghjkl this is harddddd uhhh “the wizard and i” from wicked never fails to make me have happy feels and a lil bit of like, good angsty feels, ya know? also “show yourself” from frozen 2 is a gem and queer anthem bc i’m queer & i said so.
Random Fact: i’ve been a vegetarian my entire life! meat as a concept seems very gross to me personally lol. i don’t really care about others eating it, though. not my body, not my choice (which is a great phrase in many contexts) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  
Favorite Authors: I’ve been a fan of Tolkien’s work since I was 5 years old. patricia c wrede is really great. the only works by leigh bardugio i’ve read are the six of crows duology but those were PHENOMENAL and contained the first straight ship a YA book has managed to make me ship in quite a long time (i would die on the spot for inej ghafa), so definitely would count her as a fave. i’m a pretty big harry potter fan but,,, ah,,,,, not so keen, let’s say, on jk rowling herself. tamora pierce is fantastic for whenever i’m in the mood for some classic Good Old FantasyTM. also a bunch of fanfic writers!! especially @/tulipscomeinallsortsofcolors [i am too shy to tag]​!!!! laoft is INCREDIBLE and i’m a huge fan and i get SO EXCITED every time a new extra comes out. so much talent!!!!!
Favorite Animal Noises: ooh. hm. my parents are not pet people so i haven’t always been exposed to a lot of animals and can be shyer than i’d like to be of critters. kitties are very good. the lil “mrow” noise specifically. also birds can be fun. 
Aesthetic: pastel blue, pink, purple, with silver accents and teal, aqua, and dark purple as secondary colors. space & dainty things, w/a little bit of soft nerdiness thrown in. essentially if ravenpuff didn’t have a specific color scheme associated with it. (fun fact, i wear so many bright clothes that one day i wore all black just for funsies and a friend of mine saw me and literally assumed a family member of mine must have died and i was in mourning. bc she was so surprised to see me not in brightly colored clothes. i could not make this shit up if i tried. if ur reading this, love u moon mom.)
aaaaaand i currently have too much anxiety to tag people & i’m gonna say that’s okay for now <3 but totally message me if u wanna be friends!! i will reply when i have appropriate levels of social energy <3
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wishingfornever · 6 years
1/10/2018 – No Contact:  Hitting the Polls
So, I ended up asking a question to my fellow nations and I got minimal communication out of it.  Lol, I’m really bad at being responsible. I ended up watching several movies yesterday.  And by yesterday I mean it’s almost 1am and I watched three movies as well as ordered a large pizza and ate it at one sitting.  I’m a terrible person.
Three movies, all animated and almost all French.  The Angry Birds Movie (which was better than I thought it’d be), Avril and the Extraordinary World, and The Long Way North.  The last two were the french ones.  I watched these after binge watching CellSpex who I started watching due to her Zero Punctuation styled portrayal of herself.  Not to say she’s ripping it off or anything, she just uses a very simplistic way to illustrate herself being her outline. Expression is done with a simple outline of eyes rather than using a facecam like other channels.
The Angry Birds Movie… as mentioned, better than I thought it was going to be.  I relate with the angry main character because I too have large eyebrows.  Oh, and I might have anger problems.  CellSpex mentioned how it was an allegory for Trump being right, but the way I saw it was… anti-American.  The pigs represented the United States as evident with their boats and greedy pigs with Southern Accents. The eagle was the outdated throes of liberty, coming back to aid a less advanced people to overcome their enemy who is a western power. In the end, they sing praises of “Red” which is communism!
I guess my point is, if you look for something you’ll find it.  I don’t think it’s trying to push a Communist message but everything can be open to interpretation.  That’s what makes everything so challenging.  When you take a religion and you determine your interpretation is the only correct one, then you end up with Protestantism and Catholicism with all these little heresies in between.
That said, Avril and the Extraordinary World.  I was a little let down.  I thought the art was something.  The animation was well done, I like how each individual person sort of moved on their own accord.  Gives a lot of life to the world in a very subtle way, I felt.  The opening scene with the police was just stellar.  However, I did feel the second half of the movie was somewhat weaker.  The ideas I came up for were WAY cooler than what actually happened.
I really wanted to see it in French, however.  I would have preferred subtitles.  Especially when the talking cat (who is actually quite charming, btw) requests Avril explain something simply by saying, “In English, please.”  That actually pissed me off.  They’re French. They’re in France.  They should speak French.  Even if the movie is in English, they should have said, “In French, please.”
I also thought the villain creatures were kind of… cute.  I mean, I didn’t like the idea behind them and sort of felt that they didn’t fit that well in a supposedly steampunk setting.  I was hoping for more politics and thought that they’d be a rival nation like Prussia or something.
Which reminds me, they (the French) were at were with the American League, for some reason… and they built a bridge to connect themselves with Britain.  Um… why?  They’re the BIGGEST rivals.  In fact, France had plans to invade Britain prior to WWI (if it came to that, of course).  And considering a Napoleon sat on the throne…  Not that it mattered.  The entire political system was sort of just background noise.  The Emperor wasn’t really important except that the original Napoleon III died.  Even then, he could have totally been replaced with a government stooge and it would have been fine.  I don’t know why they wanted France to be a monarchy when it was pretty unneeded.  If there were more politics in the movie, then yeah.  That’d be important.  But… it’s not, really.  It’s just kind of there.
There is a lot that I didn’t like now that I think about it.  I was expecting… A LOT more.  And I dislike how the Alternative History got the real history… wrong.  Like certain things wouldn’t have been able to happen due to what they proposed.  That’s always been a pet peeve of mine.  And I also dislike how they just selected a group of famous or relatively well-known scientists from the early 20th century just to be sort of… cameos.  I mean… Tesla.  That’s the only one people really would care about.
Regardless, I liked the animation, even though the noses and ears were really big.  The cat was great, as mentioned, and the grandfather wears spats.  That’s nice.  Fashion hadn’t changed much, it seems, as they still had late victorian wear.  It’s steampunk, which is sort of underplayed in media.  It’s charming.  It’s just… eh.  I was hoping for more.  I felt disappointed.  Like, if it were a pizza I’d have eaten it all and still feel like I hadn’t eaten enough.  And it’d have mushrooms which I dislike but I’ll eat anyways because it’s still good pizza.
Finally, The Long Way North.  This was my favorite of the night.  It was GORGEOUS.  Just beautiful.  The artwork wasn’t as detailed as Avril and blah blah blah but it was still very inviting.  What I liked most about it is that it didn’t use a lot of black outlines.  Really, it had very few outlines.  Samurai Jack did this, sort of.  The eyes are simple but they were beautiful.  The motion was just… refreshing.
The story was fine, though I did have some quips about how they’re supposed to be in Russia.  Only ONCE did I see Cyrillic.  The rest of the writing was mostly in French, which admittedly would have been a thing for Russian Aristocracy to know… but not Norwegian sailors. At least, I assume they’re Norwegian.  They have Scandinavian names and the ship is called the “Norge.”  I don’t really know what they do, either.  Like, they’re not whalers and they’re not transporting goods.  What do you do?!
They make plot happen, I guess.
I found how they did feet to be weird but also kind of… cute.  It had a childlike spirit but was still captivating.  There were some dumb cliches here and there and some more questions that I’d like answers for, but for the most part?  It’s a movie I want to suggest to Ariel.  I think she’d like it too.  :D
Time for bed.  Going to be a busy day tomorrow.  I intend to finish my tax plan tomorrow.  Or… today.
Well, that was a waste.  Current time is 10.  I didn’t have a lot of time today.  I was called in for work.  Drat.  I posted a poll asking about “What we should do!” and what should be taxed.  Irrelevant, really.  Just buying me time.  I didn’t have the chance to pick up honey mustard or anything else, not that it matters.  I was too tired from work.
I ended up watching videos and streams when I got back.  I can’t recall what I really did today, which is weird.
I’m watching an old movie.  Troy.  It came out 14 years ago.  An old story but I don’t like how the narration begins with, “Will they remember us in 2004?!”  Golly, I don’t know.  Will they remember us in 6018?  It’s dumb.  And they keep doing it.  “They’ll tell our tales thousands of years from now!”  Shut up!  Stahp it!  No! Stop bragging about how we remember an ancient story!  Stop it.  You don’t see modern stories about snipers talking about “In 300 years, they’ll remember me.”
Dumb.  So dumb.
Still, I quite enjoy troy.  Not a lot of ancient movies that aren’t overtly religious or mythic.  Like… it’s somewhat similar to what France considered art while Rembrandt was doing his thing.  He had stark contrasts with sublime imagery as did other Dutch artists while to the French, this was not art!  Art must be old, depicting historic events or mythological events!  That’s why there is SO much art depicting ancient kings and whatever and not much of the actual normal every day from that period.
Like, cool, but for real though.  Branch out.
In the 60’s and 70’s all Ancient movies were just… meh.  Ben-Hur. Romans.  Jesus, also.  Dumb.  I hated Ben-Hur.  Jason and the Argonauts.  Also dumb but impressive for its time.  Then The 300 Spartans or whatever movie.  Also dumb.  Haven’t seen it, but it’s dumb.  Of course, that one isn’t religious but I’m sure it’s got some religious undertone.  Most American movies did, probably in an effort to combat Communism.
Anyways, I’m trying to think of a good movie about Rome or Ancient Greece… idk.  There is a lot you can do, I’d personally like to see something involving the siege of Syracuse during the second punic war.  Which reminds me.  Why is Hannibal not in any movies?
Of course, Hannibal would perhaps be cast by an African American gentleman if they made a movie about it.  Really, they should get an Israeli to do it as the Carthaginians were a Semitic people.  Of course, that might not be enough because the modern Israeli can be sort of white at times. Perhaps an Arabic character would be fine.  Just a Middle-Eastern sort of appearance physically.
Regardless, going to watch my movie.  I like the outfits because they’re not the greek armor you know and love.  Breastplate, corinthian helmet, bracers… honestly, you had to supply your own kit back then.  So, there wouldn’t really be a uniform.  What I described?  That’s expensive and I’m fairly certain they didn’t have bracers.  Just didn’t.  Not sure why, may have been a waste of armor to them.
That said, the armor takes some inspiration from this old boar tusk helmet from the Mycenean period.  They were basically early Greeks which is appropriate for the… well, Greeks in the movie.  A lot of detail and design.  Sometimes too much design, but still.  It was clear that “These aren’t the Greeks we see from pottery.  These Greeks are even MORE Ancient!”  Except for Achilles who has a Corinthian helmet… with a very open face.  And somewhat modern armor for the time.
Regardless, I always felt good costumes help sink you into the feel of the movie. When I was younger, this all looked perfect to me.  Now?  Not so much, but it gets a pass.
Oh, Christ.  The costumes are worse than I remember.  Non-Greek items on supposedly Greek men.  They mentioned a lot of places in Greece, too. Not sure how powerful they would have been at this time but they didn’t sound very… well, powerful.  In fact, I think it’s kind of redundant.  Thessaly also looks like a desert.  It’s in greece so I THINK it should be green but I’m not sure.
The capital A without the line in the middle.  That’s a popular thing on shields.  Called a Lambda.  It’s basically the letter “L” for the Greeks.  Spartans never really used the lambda until AFTER the battle of Thermopylae which is YEARS after.  I say that because I noticed a random lambda at Achilles’s yurt.  Very ancient if they’re using yurts instead of housing.  Almost nomadic.
They say Thessalonian again.  I think he’d be identified more by his city rather than region.  Thessaly isn’t a city but a region.  I guess it’s not wrong, just unusual.
Army shots.  A lot of extras.  Thing is, uniforms are very important in movies because you can recognize them versus us!  We’re the good guys, we wear white while… eh.  Yeah, there was a lot of individuality in the militaries back then.  Armors would look different, shields would DEFINITELY be different, colors would be different, or whatever.  As mentioned, you brought what you had.  If you had a yellow shirt then you wore it.  Your friend would wear a blue shirt.  The idea of uniforms being an important thing to have wasn’t really a thing until quite recently.  Even in Ancient Rome when they had a professional army, you’d still see a few different effects here and there.  Mostly with officers, mind you, who could afford it.  But still.
I LOVE how they have to convince Achilles to stay because their army is scared.  Like, dude.  They’re scared because Achilles fights all the battles for them.  If he leaves, then they have to fight.  And they’ve probably never fought a battle because Agamemnon says, “Best fighters fight only!” all the time.  It’s a miracle the Greeks ever conquered Troy.
Oh, shit.  They have that weird helmet thing with a super circular crest. Didn’t notice it.  The guards at the table during a feast. Guarding… a portion of important wall?  Hrm.  Regardless, I’ve seen that helmet before.  Also seems to be a Saracen helmet adorned by someone at the table… for reasons?
Sparta is the most fucking overrated city state ever.  Just a thought.
Poseidon? I’m fairly certain the Trojans had different gods than the Greeks because they weren’t actually Greek.  I’m not entirely certain, however.  Just fairly.
The Greeks wear red and the Trojans wear blue.  Hrm…  Weird thing to notice.
Paris loves Helen… thing is, love wasn’t really an acceptable reason for marriage back then.  Funny thing, that.  You see someone talking about how in Greek mythology, humans had 4 arms and 4 legs and Zeus separated them so they’d have to forever find their soulmate, you look them in the eye and call them a liar.
Country wouldn’t really be the term.  City-State.  So City.
Whenever someone says, “Poetic” my ears perk like my name is being called. Hector said “Nothing Poetic” and I’m like, “Eh?!”  First half of my screen name.  ;)
Proved.  That’s a word, yeah.  Sounds weird.  I think I would have said, “Proven.”
Every day wear costumes are… weird.  Costumes in general are getting weirder.  Sean Bean, what?
And Odysseus references his wife.  Lel.  Odyssey easter egg.  And then he talks about how remembered it’d be… oof.  Stahp it.
Larissa? Wait, what?  That’s IN fucking Thessaly!  Achilles fought other Thessalians?  Seriously?  And the king of Thessaly didn’t know who Achilles was?  Achilles just happen to be a POWERFUL mercenary, born locally.  In fact, he’s from what is probably your main city.  I mean, he’s bumped elbows with OTHER kings like Odysseus.  And now they’re talking about being remembered again!  Christ, this is like the prequel to Coco.  -,-
Priam has a voice like deep velvet.  Oof.  Powerful.  Wasn’t expecting that from such a narrow figure.
Thinking back, I think in the Iliad the Gods were on both sides because they felt split about the issue.  I can’t remember, I read it in high school and it was sort of difficult to read through.  So, maybe they did worship the same gods?  Or maybe Homer assumed they did.  It’s possible.
What accent does Hellen have?  Everyone is English but she sort of sounds… well, drunk.
I hate when extras have their gear slightly to the side like it doesn’t fit correctly or something.  Dude, straighten your helmet.  Do what you need to do.  Everyone should be passed around a handheld mirror or something.  -,-
Oh, those archers have the most worthless helmets.  You could have a band of metal wrapped around your head that will get hot and eventually start cooking your flesh in the nice, Mediterranean sun… or you could wear a straw hat.  Both will protect you about the same.  The stray hat may actually be better, considering it won’t melt your forehead.  If the sun exists and can get hot, you don’t want to be touching metal.
Something I do remember is whenever someone who had awesome armor fell in battle in the Iliad, people fucking lost their shit and rushed to loot the body.  Strip them of their armor.  Random fact.  May remember it wrong.  So, a lot of those people who are fighting would have a shield, a helmet, and a spear with nothing else.  The myrmidons would be decked out because they’re badasses and they’d have collected armor from previous encounters… but the run of the mill warrior wouldn’t.
I want to see a movie where the armor isn’t a suggestion.  I want to see it actually save someone’s life.  Preferably, someone who isn’t a main character.  Something else I’d like to see is more people who are just… wounded.  Not killed but just wounded.  This may surprise you but most casualties in a battle weren’t really fatalities.  Well, not immediately… wounds could be fatal but they didn’t die instantly.  I dislike seeing the aftermath of a battle and it’s a field littered with corpses.  It wouldn’t be that static.  There would be crying, people huddled in a ball, people writhing in pain.  It’s actually kind of hard to kill a person. But no.  Everyone must die instantly.
Oh, look.  D-Day.  Lelelelelelel.
Random thing to note.  The Romans believed their people were originally Trojans.  This is probably untrue.  However, I do think it’s a possibility that their neighbors to the north may have been Trojan. They were the Etruscans and not a lot is known about them.  The Romans had a tendency to adopt customs and cultural ideas from other cultures, look at their gods.  Basically reskinned Greek gods.  The Etruscans being Trojan?  Perhaps the Romans adopted their neighbors’ history and some of their identity.  Just a thought, of course.
“I spoke with two farmers today.  They saw an eagle with a serpent clutched in it’s talons today.  This is a sign from Mexico.  They will pay for our wall.”  I make myself laugh.
I’m not sure they’d be kissing.  I believe kissing was a Roman tradition.  Was very unusual in other cultures.
Looking at the extras for the armies, I’d say this may have been filmed in Turkey.  If so, they used the Turkish army as extras.  That’s a common thing to do.  You pay the government rather than the extras so it’s cheaper.  Then again, they may have filmed somewhere else.  I assumed Turkey because that’s where Troy is supposed to be.  But the Trojans aren’t Turks.  Remember that.
Lol, they look like my cousins actually.  I think I see one of Adela’s brothers.
Hrm, maybe they aren’t entirely from an army. If they are, then they allowed the soldiers to grow beards just for the movie.  I’m curious where it’s filmed now.  :o
...is this Mexico?
HOLY FUCK, IT MIGHT BE!!!  I just Googled it.  They filmed in Malta and Mexico.  Mexico was where they filmed the gates and wall of Troy. Whoa.  The extras probably are Mexican.  Certainly a lot of CGI.  And it makes the idea that the eagle with the serpent thing represents a sign from Mexico even better.  I wouldn’t have guessed Mexico but the guy with Agamemnon looked like one of my uncles.  Interesting. :D
Hector has a very handsome actor playing him.  More handsome than Brad Pitt I feel.
There is a nose guard on the helmet of Paris.  When we see through his perspective, however, it’s sawed off.
He spits out a lot of blood for what looks like SUCH a weak punch.
Apollonians… they look like every other soldier.  It probably would have been cheaper if their costumes were more realistic.  Minimal armor for the average soldier while the Apollonians would have actual armor.  That way, they’re unique and can be identified quickly.  Also, archers are op please nerf.
The Hittites are mentioned.  That’s pretty neat except the Hittites are on the other side of Turkey, almost Armenia.  I can’t remember if it were them or the Assyrians but one of their cultures relied on conquest.  Either their civilization conquered or the world would end.  They had to win EVERY battle… well, they lost a battle. World didn’t end.  Then their civilization collapsed.  The lesson there is push for victory but allow defeats.  You can lose every battle in a war but that doesn’t mean the war is lost.
I feel the scene where Achilles rescues the priestess is cliché.  So cliché.  :/
They’re listing off gods now.  Eh…  There were literally hundreds of gods in Greek culture.  Like, I touched on this back with Hercules.
Sean Bean actually has a rather soothing voice.  I never noticed that until now.  I remember in the Sharpe series, he pissed me off.  Even then, I think it was less to do with his character and more to do with Anglophilia.  As well as blatant classism.  And horrible cliches, again.  And inaccurate historical portrayals.  Then again, I guess the books may have been better.  Not sure.  It was suggested to me back when I played vidya gams.
Patroclus is a terrible actor.
“Attack at daybreak!”  *attacks in the middle of the night WITH FUCKING NAPALM!!!*
Really, if you could get so close to their camp without setting off the alarm, why not just go in and stab everyone quietly.  I mean, you’re already attacking at night.  Just… come on.  Wouldn’t Apollo have better watch over you when the sun is out?
I love how they march in the sand.  Like, they look like they’re running SO slowly.  Fun times.
The armies stop fighting to watch the best fighters fight.  I’m not sure how true that is but I’ve heard it’s happened on medieval battlefields before.
One of the extras in the back, shaking his head.  I love it.
“There are no turns, so you can’t get lost.  I know you too well.  Got lost in the fucking hallway… dumb bitch.”  I shouldn’t poke fun.  I get lost easily as well.
Archery. Ah, yes.  Warfare for the cowardly.
Good fight between Hector and Achilles… except Achilles forgot his helmet, shield, and spear head.  D’oh!
King Priam snuck into the Greek encampment.  Really?  If some old dude could do it then the Trojans could have snuck at least Hector in there.  Killed a few people, slit a few throats of sleeping Greeks and then flee.  Cause chaos or something.  Didn’t have to turn the beach into the Vietnam War.
Wait, Priam knew Achilles father?  And the king of Thessaly never even heard of Achilles?  The guy who is literally two yurts down from his palace?
CGI soldiers… huh.  I wonder why CGI movies aren’t more common.  I think they did something like that with Beowulf but it was just… weird.  Not a good movie.  There was a movie called Beowulf and Grendel which was interesting.  Not the best, either, but they had historically accurate armor.  Always nice.  Was true to the original lore, as well.
CGI might be cheaper than live action in terms of large battles and historical accuracy.  And if you’re doing a series, maybe you can reuse assets.  Then again, it might be more expensive due to… well, CGI taking time to do.  Time is literally money.
Oh, Aeneas has a part in this?  I was under the impression that he was a cousin of Hector and Paris.  Paris doesn’t know him?  Huh.
“We’ll be together!  In this world or the next!”  Erm…  The River Styx isn’t a very romantic setting.
Lol, this dude just bounced his shield.
There is a lot of impalings in this movie.
Oh, Agamemnon died.  Weird, I thought he survived the war.  I guess he was basically the antagonist in this movie… though I don’t think there really was an antagonist in the Iliad.  Every story nowadays needs someone to personify evil, I guess.  Where Achilles is honorable, Agamemnon seeks power.  They clash, thus they’re opposites.
Eh…  I prefer the idea of not having antagonists.  We expect the bad guy to lose.  To die.  To be punished.  In reality, this couldn’t be further from the truth. It’s not that life is tragedy, it’s just what you make of it. Those who do what they must ensure a better world for themselves and those they care about.  Behind every pair of eyes is a story.  And in every story, they will be their own hero.  And each story… each hero.  They’re all flawed.
That’s what makes a good character.
Geez, Achilles.  I bet you wish you didn’t forget your armor in front of the gates of Troy.  Dumb ass.
If I recall correctly, Achilles doesn’t die in the Iliad.  I’m not sure I remember the ending at all.  However, it’s suggested that Paris’s shot was guided by Apollo himself… because Paris is a coward and isn’t allowed to be credited with defeating Achilles. Poor, poor Paris.
Of course, I’ve heard a lot of things.  My dad told me about how Achilles was on his chariot, dragging Hector’s body and Paris prayed to Apollo to guide his arrow and it hit Achilles’s heel.  He falls off his chariot and his head hit a rock.  That’s what my dad told me.  I don’t actually know how he died but the way I heard it sounds dumb.  Also conflicts with the Iliad, which probably isn’t the most ACCURATE of sources, but I like the idea of Achilles finding a bit of peace by returning the body of Hector.
Alright. Movie is over.  Not as good as I remembered but it was decent.  :D
Current time is 2:30.  I did the thing I thought was probably annoying.  The movie thing.  Not really a review, more a walkthrough.  If you just read it while not watching the movie then I just describe dumb moments.  I said I wouldn’t do it again because it’s annoying. But I started and I couldn’t stop.  My weakness is historical facts in movies.  D’oh!  And I told Adela I’d do the dishes before I went to bed!  Also D’oh!
I’ll do them… it’s just really late.  I’m irresponsible.  A good reason to not document my movie viewing experience is because of this crap right here.  I started watching a two hour movie at 11.  Maybe before.  And I just finished it.  I did a lot of writing with the occasional stop by google to check where the movie was made and who died when. Btw, I was right.  Agamemnon survived the war.  -,-
Anyways, time for bed.  But first, dishes.  Night.
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