#im not sure. i had a whole chapter about chopping someones head right off. like twice
avocado-frog · 10 months
Happy STS! You get to sit down with the version of yourself most obsessed with reading. What do you talk about? Do they like what you're writing? Would you let them read it?
I think the age I was most obsessed with reading was all the way back when I was like ten. I had piles of books around my bed and my mom literally got mad at me because I'd start books and never finish them lol
Baby ten-year-old Isaac would LOVE it. so much. I know it in my soul. I liked books where the Violence happened (??? little me was weird) but only like hunger games level. The first book I ever read involved a decapitation. so. anyways no I would not let kid me read it. Kid me would WANT to read it because it's totally something I would've absolutely devoured but I was also a baby about swearing. I thought curse words were the worst thing in the world. I didn't say something sucked until I was actually eleven years old. I grounded myself for a week because I came downstairs while south park was on because I heard the word crap. So baby me would've been APPALLED at the amount of swears. HORRIFIED. look at me now
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illfoandillfie · 4 years
A Different Kind of Education: V Is For Vanilla (Chapter 1)
Pairing: Professor!Roger Taylor x Fem!Reader
Summery: After being broken up with for not being kinky enough, Reader seeks out her professor to give her some private tutoring so she can win her boyfriend back.
Warnings: Modern AU, smut (18+), slow burn romance, light dom/sub dynamics, light dom!roger and sub!reader, professor x student sex, protected sex, vaginal fingering, light breast/nipple play, nipple sucking, light biting, i think thats it, honestly this chapter is (as the title says) pretty vanilla. But things will get more intense in later chapters. 
Words: 7,128
A/N: ahhhhhh it’s finally here. This professor Rog idea has been kicking around my head for months now and finally I’m actually doing something about it lmao
This series is going to be LONG (like in my plan it’s 15 chapters) because I have So Many kinks I want to squeeze into it. Some were chosen by me and some were chosen by everyone who voted in the poll I put up a few weeks ago and i am seriously so excited about what’s coming.
Smut scenes in this and all future chapters will be marked with stars so that if there is a kink you’d like to avoid you can skip over it and still enjoy the rest of the series. 
Also, I know the chapter title doesn’t super make sense since he’s a university bio sciences professor which doesn’t have a lot to do with the alphabet but 🤷‍♀️ that was the working chapter title and it kind of stuck. Plus, ya’ll know I love chapter titles that have a theme lmao. Anyway, no more stalling. Enjoy the filth and start preparing yourselves for it to get so much filthier.
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(the ultimate hot professor rog moment tbh)
@atomic-watermelon @kellypenac @labessieisallama​​ @deakyclicks​​ @jennyggggrrr​​ @drowseoftaylor​​ @hannafuckingsucks​​ @i-cant-hangout-im-drumming​​ @queenmylovely​​ @ilovequeenmorethanyou​​ @johndeaconshands​​ @borhapbois​​ @stardust-galaxies​​ @cherries-n-rocknroll​​ @rogersslave​​ @scorpiogemini  
His office door was open when you got there which didn’t give you much time to hesitate or rethink your decision to ask your Professor for help. He would have seen you approaching or stalling in the doorway and invited you in anyway to query you about your reasons for being there. So, instead, you raised your fist and rapped a pattern on the door frame with your knuckles. “Professor Taylor? Can I have a word?” “Miss Y/L/N,” he seemed surprised to see you, his eyes widening behind his spectacles, “come in. What can I help you with?” You closed the door behind you and took a seat, fidgeting with your fingers as you tried to remember how you’d planned to broach the subject. Professor Taylor – Roger, as you’d been told you could call him – waited patiently. “It’s tricky, Professor. Umm, see, well um,” “Is this something to do with the coursework? If you’re worried about the last assignment, you don’t need to be. It was really good, what you handed in.” “Really?” “Mmhmm. I was going to give you all feedback next week but if it’ll help put your mind at ease I can show you the comments I have for you early,” You were half a second away from asking to see them when you remembered that wasn’t what you’d come to ask about, “A-actually that’s okay Professor.” “Oh? So was it something else you wanted? I know that this Masters course is more work than previous classes you’ve had with me but you seem to be keeping on top of it all. I’m very impressed by what you’ve accomplished so far.” “Thank you Professor, but, um, that’s not really what I’m here about,” “No?” He leaned forward resting his chin on his hands, “You know, there’s no need to be nervous about talking to me, I’m not going to fail you,” he chuckled as he sat up straight again, clearly trying to lighten the mood though his expression became more serious as he said, “if you’re having trouble with something, or someone, please tell me and I will do what I can to help, whether it’s pointing you in the direction of someone more able to support you or talking to people on your behalf.” You nodded, feeling marginally calmer though still nervous, “I was actually hoping for some private tutoring,” “Oh? Well if you’d like to put your name down as a tutor I have a form here somewhere, if you fill it out I can pass it on and have your name added to the database,” Roger rifled through a stack of papers on his desk, only stopping when you spoke again. “No, not, uh, not tutoring work. I more meant tutoring from you. In an area that this Uni doesn’t provide classes in,” “Miss Y/L/N I’m going to have to ask you to explain because I’m not quite sure what you’re after,” You took a breath and resisted the urge to speak to the floor, “My boyfriend dumped me last week.” “I’m sorry to hear that but I don’t see how-” “He dumped me because apparently I’m not kinky enough. I don’t know, he always wanted me to be super obedient in the bedroom but I never really understood it.” Roger shifted in his seat, “Miss Y/L/N I don’t think this is app-” “I want someone to explain it all to me, teach me how to be what he wants so I can get him back. If I can show him that I can learn, that I can submit in the way he expects, then we won’t have to break up. I love him and I’d do anything to get him back and I’ve been thinking about it and I think you’re the best person to teach me.” “I’m not sure I understand why you would come to me with this. I am very sorry to hear you’re dealing with that but it’s not really appropriate for me to be discussing such matters with my student.” “Just…” you held your hand up to try and stop him from standing and opening the door for you, “You must realise that you have a, um, a reputation.” Roger was taken aback by that, throwing you a confused expression as he settled back into his seat. “Surely you’ve heard the rumours about you. About what you like to get up to with women.” “I can assure you I haven’t,” “Seriously? Everyone talks about it. I mean part of it is probably just because you’ve got that whole DILF thing working for you so like half the students here have crushes on you. But then you throw in the gossip about how you like to tie women up and all the rest of it,” Roger closed his eyes as if he couldn’t quite keep up with everything you’d just said, “How- I mean, those rumours have no bearing on- on anything and they aren’t even- what I mean to say is-” “Professor, it’s okay. It’s just gossip, nothing serious in it. But if you do like that sort of thing, I could really use your help. I won’t tell anyone, all I want is my boyfriend back,” Roger pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, “This is insane, what you’re asking is insane.” “No it’s not,” “Okay, lets, Miss Y/L/N, just for a moment, let’s imagine that, hypothetically, I say yes to this. What then?” “Well, I’d expect we’d meet up once or twice a week, you’d teach me the basics of kink, anything you thought I should know. Then in four months’ time I can talk to Dylan and show him what I’ve learnt and he’ll take me back.” “Why four months?” “Oh, we’re pretty much guaranteed to see each other then. Two of our mutual friends are getting married and we’ll both be at the wedding. So will you do it?” “Miss Y/L/N, I don’t know that this is a good idea,” “Why not?” “Well our ages for one thing,” “So what? You’re mature and experienced and that’s what I need. Plus, surely having someone half your age throw herself at you is a bonus.” He smiled slightly, “All the same, it’s wrong. I’m your teacher.” “Exactly, who better to teach me?” “The ethics of this- and the rules of this university. If anyone found out I’d lose my job, you’d lose your place at this school so you wouldn’t get to complete your degree. Not to mention I’m sure you have family and friends who would chop my bollocks off before they ran me out of town.” “It’s not like I’m underage, I’m doing a bloody Masters. And no one would find out. We can meet in secret.” “It’s still so risky, Ms Y/L/N,” “Look, Professor, I wouldn’t tell anyone, you won’t tell anyone. As long as we’re careful about when and where we meet no one will find out. Please, Professor. I need this,” you thought you could see his resolve cracking but decided to give him a final push, “But if you really don’t want to then I’ll find someone else. I’m sure I can meet someone online. Fetlife? That’s a website for this kind of thing, right?” “Fine, I’ll do it.” He said suddenly, “But we do it my way. And certainly not on campus.” “Okay,” “Are you free tonight?” “You wanna get right into it?” “I want to discuss this further, off campus, to set some ground rules, and I think we’ll both be more comfortable discussing it over dinner.” “Dinner? Like a date?” “A business deal. Miss Y/L/N, if you can’t take this seriously,” “I can, I promise. Dinner where?” “Well, public places are out of the question. So you can come over to my house. Be there by Seven and make sure no one knows. Here’s the address,” “Thank you Professor,” Roger grunted as he scrawled his address on a scrap of paper, holding it out to you, “Go, out of my office before I come to my senses,” You nodded and scurried off, taking heart from the bemused tone behind his snippy words. In a matter of a few short months you’d be able to put this breakup behind you and show Dylan just how much he meant to you.
A few minutes before seven o’clock you rang Roger’s door bell, looking around at the long driveway and the tidy garden beds at the front of the house as you waited. He opened the door quickly and hurried you inside glancing around the front yard as if someone were spying on him. “I brought wine,” you said, holding the bottle out, “You’ve got a nice place,” “You sound surprised,” he said as he took your jacket from you and hung it on a coat rack to the side of the entrance before taking the wine with a gracious nod and examining the label, “Y’know being a university professor doesn’t actually pay too badly.” “Yeah but this place is massive,” He chucked, “I inherited a little from my Nan and Pop and then there was the album. That was enough to buy this place.” “Album?” “Oh, I was in a band in my youth, one mildly successful album and a couple of writing credits on the singles set me up nicely. Not nicely enough to retire on but still.” He shrugged as he led you through his sizeable house, up a set of stairs and towards the back balcony, “Plus, this place didn’t seem so big when I was sharing it with my ex-wife and our kids. Uhh, but that’s not what we’re here to discuss. Now, make yourself comfortable out here and I’ll just go check on the food.” You nodded, still trying to wrap your head around the sheer number of rooms and hallways you’d passed as well as the fact that your old Biology professor had once been in a band. It was hard considering you’d only ever seen him presenting lectures to an audience of tired and often hungover students but you supposed he did have a kind of magnetism that would have been at home on a stage. Still, you’d have liked to see pictures.  
Roger returned a few moments later with two plates of food, a couple of wine glasses tucked in the crook of his arm. You quickly reached to relieve him of something, before one of the glasses could shatter and put an end to all your plans. Though perhaps a broken glass would have helped break the ice. It wasn’t the most comfortable dinner you ever had. You found it hard to swallow, hard to sit still, torn between wanting to jump right to the main topic and wanting to let Roger bring it up in his own time. The last thing you wanted was to come across as just trying to get a leg over the hottest professor on campus as if for a dare or a joke. Him retracting his agreement was a very close second last. Instead, you gulped down your drink and tried to focus on the reasonably nice meal Roger had prepared for you. Finally, after watching you top up your glass for the third time, he put you out of your misery. “Why me?” “What?” “Why did you approach me with this idea of…tutoring?” “Like I said before, the rumours abo-” “Okay but there must have been something beyond that. There could have been rumours about any staff member. If the school gossip had said Professor Richardson had a sex dungeon where he tied up women and spanked them, would you have approached him?” “So you have heard the rumours,” “Of course I have. Answer the question,” You stalled by taking another drink, though only a sip that time, “No, I wouldn’t have.” “So, why me?” “You’re hot?” Roger gave you a look you’d seen in the classroom – his stop fucking around look, usually reserved for first years who still treated dissection and cadavers as a joke. You shrugged, “You’re one of the best teachers I ever had. You always said we could come to you with any problems we were having and whenever I took you up on that offer to go over the coursework you were encouraging and supportive and knew how to push me in the right direction without giving me all the answers. I guess I felt like I could trust you. Like you’d take me seriously or at least hear me out before shutting the door in my face. And if the rumours happened to be false then you seemed like the sort of person who wouldn’t be offended by them or my proposition.” Roger smiled to himself, but it was only for a few brief seconds and then his professional demeanour was back in place, “Alright, well, I’m listening now so why don’t you tell me about this ex and the sort of things he requested of you. And then I’ll decide whether to kick you off my property or not.” There was a twinkle in his eye that told you he wasn’t serious about throwing you out, but it didn’t stop you from feeling timid about the conversation, “Umm, okay. His name is Dylan. We were both in your Bachelor bio class, that’s how we met. Or kind of. We were aware of each other but went to different parties and hung out with different people. It wasn’t until last year that we actually met and got chatting and started seeing each other. I thought it was the real thing, like proper love, soulmate stuff. So when he broke up with me it took me completely by surprise. Everything felt perfect with him. Except for the sex.” You paused, feeling a little self-conscious about speaking so frankly about your personal life, and with your professor no less. Roger removed his spectacles and wiped them on the bottom of his shirt, “Ms Y/L/N, you’re going to have to be able to talk about sex with me if you actually want this to work.” “The sex was fucking great okay? Especially at the start. But the longer we went out the more he pushed for me to be submissive to him. He’d joke around about wanting to fuck me while I was asleep or mostly asleep, and he’d dirty talk by calling me his toy or saying that he owned me or sometimes about pimping me out to his friends. I indulged some of his ideas like when he wanted to be especially rough with me, pushing my head down into the mattress, pulling my hair, slapping me, things like that. And it was fun, but I never enjoyed it the same way he did and whenever he brought up the sleep stuff or if he tried to bend me over while I was cooking dinner I always stopped him. He’d laugh about it and say he was just joking but I guess he meant it more than I thought he did.” Roger remained quiet, watching you thoughtfully until he was sure you were finished, “If we did this what limits would you want in place?” “None. I want to be the perfect submissive for Dylan, I want to prove I can be whatever he wants.” Roger shook his head and put down his glass, “What was it you told Dylan when he suggested using you while you were in the middle of something or if he brought up the sleep stuff?” “I just told him no, I wasn’t into it or I was busy.” “Then that’s a limit. If you don’t want to do those things, that’s okay. Everyone has limits.” “But that’s the point. I need to learn how to be into those things so he’ll have me back. My limits are what made him leave.” Roger exhaled heavily though his nose, “Okay then, is there anything you would consider a turn off?” “I don’t know,” “Well I don’t believe that. I’m sure you have at least some idea of what you like and what you don’t.” “Yeah I guess I do but if I’m the submissive one then it doesn’t matter what I want. This is about Dylan and doing what he wants.” “Personally, I’m not big into feet stuff – toe sucking, foot jobs, anything like that – it just doesn’t appeal to me, whether I’m acting more dominant or more submissive, and I’ve made sure to tell every one of the women I’ve been with who hinted that they’d be into doing that kind of thing. A lot of women, in my experience at least, don’t like anal or things like knife play or scenes that feel violent or menacing.” He paused, watching your reactions, “From what you’ve just told me, it sounds like Dylan might be into free use and consensual non-consent so if either of those things sound like a turn off to you, you should let me know. Dylan will have limits of what he’s comfortable with and comfortable doing to others, I guarantee it. You need to make your limits known too. It’s all part of being in a D/S relationship and playing with any kind of BDSM type kink. The main rule we follow is safe, sane and consensual, and believe me, I will make sure we follow it during our lessons. So, is there anything you would consider a turn off or anything you wouldn’t want to do, even for Dylan?” “Can I think about it and get back to you?” “I suppose so. If it helps I can give you an idea of things I could teach you and you can tell me if any of them don’t feel right.” “Yeah, I think that would help,” “Alright umm, obviously because this is about what Dylan likes we should address consensual non-consent and free use at some point, but they would come later. Somnophilia too. I’d probably start with something easier or more common anyway. Spanking is nearly guaranteed, basic bondage methods – cuffs, ropes, that sort of thing – maybe some more extreme bondage too depending on how much you enjoyed the basic bondage. Ummm, choking, maybe some gags, tease and denial for sure. Any of that sounding too scary or intimidating or just not fun?” “They all sound okay I think, although some of them I haven’t heard of before.” “It’s a start at least. Of course, I would begin with the smaller kinks and work our way up to the more intense ones, and hopefully by that point we’ll both be more familiar with your limits and what you are interested in taking further.” “So, does that mean your agreeing to tutor me?” “I can definitely work with this.” “You mean it?” “Yes. Apparently I do.” He trailed his gaze over you for a moment, “How would you feel if I suggested we move this to the bedroom?” Your heart skipped a beat and you hoped your shock hadn’t shown on your face, “You want to start now?” “Sort of. What do we do at the beginning of a science experiment?” “Measure a control group,” “Exactly, you do a control before you mess with variables so you have something to measure them against. In this case, I think we’ll be able to tailor kinks to you better if I have some idea of what you enjoy during sex and what it takes to get you off. Is that okay?” “Yeah, of course, yeah. Makes sense.” “If you want to wait a couple of days we can,” “No, now’s as good a time as any. And the sooner we get into it all the better really.” Roger chuckled and stood, holding out his hand to help you out of your seat, “You’ve always been an enthusiastic student.”
Leaving your plates and glasses on the balcony table, Roger led you towards his bedroom. You wished you’d had a little more to drink, just to dull the sudden wave of nerves that had risen up. You were about to fuck a professor. Professor Taylor. It was a bizarre scenario you’d got yourself into and in an effort to distract yourself a little and calm down, you focused on his bedroom wall as he busied about closing curtains, eyes trained on a framed watercolour of a lake under some cherry blossom trees. “You like it?” “Huh? Oh, yeah, it’s pretty,” “I got that while I was in Japan a few years ago.” You nodded, not sure what to say next. “Are you okay?” You turned and found Roger much closer than he had been a moment before. “Are you sure you want to do this?” “Yes, sorry, just a bit nervous I guess. Feels kind of odd now that I’m actually here. If I’m being honest, I didn’t really expect you to agree to this.” “I did tell you your idea was insane. But that’s okay,” he slowly reached forward, his hand settling on your hip and gently tugging, encouraging you to step in closer, “It’s kind of weird for me too. So, we’ll go slow. And if you want to stop at any time we can.” You nodded, eyes glued to Roger, and let your tongue wet your lips. His eyes followed the movement, “Does that mean you want to kiss me?” There was a playfulness to his voice, teasing almost, and you found yourself relaxing and agreeing that you did. And for the first time you realised just what it meant for those rumours to be true. “So then kiss me.”
A kiss you could do. Pushing aside the realisation that this was your first kiss since Dylan left, you leaned in and pressed your lips to Roger’s, though you pulled away quickly. Roger didn’t say anything, just waited, lips lightly parted. Your heart was racing with excitement and uncertainty, but you wanted more. He welcomed your lips the second time they met his, his hand gripping your hip harder now that he was certain you were going to stay. It was almost needy the way he kissed back, something you’d not have expected from your Professor. His nose bumped yours and yet he didn’t seem to care, leaning further into you, his tongue tickling your lip seconds before you felt it slide against your own tongue. Familiar but entirely different from the kisses you were used to. His hands didn’t move like Dylan’s did, not grabbing but gently squeezing, reassuringly firm. His leg was suddenly between yours and you took a step back in surprise. Roger followed so you took another and another until you felt the edge of the bed behind you. Dylan and your nerves almost entirely forgotten, you reached for Roger’s belt. He let you unbuckle it and pull it loose before he grabbed the hem of your shirt and lifted it over your head, kissing you between looks heavy with desire. He broke away for a moment and toed off his shoes, bending to take his socks off too, “So, is there anything you particularly like, any positions?” You copied his movements, kicking your own shoes just under the bed, “Not really. I can work with whatever.” “Stop trying to please me and tell me what you like Ms Y/L/N,” he said, reaching for your hips again so he could push your jeans down. “I mean I guess I like being on top, riding, whatever you want to call it.,” you quickly unhooked your bra and let it drop to the floor, “But Dylan tended to like me under him.” “New rule,” Roger said, kicking his own pants off his ankle as you tugged his shirt from his shoulders, “No talking about your ex when we’re this close to being naked. Okay?” “Yeah, sorry, good rule.” “Y’know I could have taken your bra off too,” “Faster this way,” “I’ll let you have it this time. But next time I unwrap you myself.” You shivered at the implications of the statement as Roger resumed the kiss and pressed you backwards onto the mattress, quickly climbing on top of you, his hands braced on each side of your head as he leaned down to kiss you once more, hungrily.
He didn’t stay there long though. A few seconds later he’d shimmied down your body, creating a trail of kiss warmed skin, until his face was positioned directly above your breasts. You raised your head and watched enraptured as he his eyes met yours, the hint of a mischievous grin lighting up his face, and then he lowered his lips to the top of your left breast. You let your head drop back to the bed and ached your back a little, pushing your chest towards him. “Yeah, you like that?” he asked, voice rougher than you’d ever heard it before, “what if I do this?” slowly he let his teeth sink into you, just for a second. It was enough to pull a small hum of appreciation from you so he repeated the action on your right breast. “Feels good?” “Yeah,” you breathed out, softly. “Yeah?” he asked, pushing himself up so he was straddling your waist, “What about this?” You felt his warm breath surround your nipple before you felt his tongue lap against it or his lips enclose it, letting your eyes slip shut as you drew your lip between your teeth. He seemed to appreciate the response and made sure to repeat the action a few times against each nipple, sucking on one as his gently flicked the other with his thumb. You tingled at the sensation of his warm saliva cooling and gently squeezed your legs together. “Don’t be shy,” he said, sitting up again and laying a hand over each of your breasts, “I can tell you enjoy it when I play with your tits,” You pulled in a shaky breath as he squeezed your breasts, “Mmhmm, yeah,” “Do you want some more?” “Yes, Professor,” He made a short clicking sound with his tongue, “I think we’re past Professor by now, you can call me Roger. And you can tell me what you want,” “I want more,” “More what?” You hummed again at the feeling of him massaging your boobs. “More what? Should I keep sucking on your perky fucking tits? Jesus they’re so fucking soft,” he cleared his throat and shook his head a little, “Or, should I give some other part a bit of attention? Your pussy’s probably feeling a bit left out, huh?” You’d expected him to boss you around, make demands, and you’d expected a bit of dirty talk (the kind where he’d tell you how sexy you looked or that he couldn’t wait to fuck you). But the reality surpassed everything you’d considered likely. You certainly hadn’t expected to get wet just from his tone and his words. And you definitely hadn’t expected to be doing what he asked, agreeing with everything he said. But that’s exactly what was happening, and it felt good. “Please touch my pussy.” “It would be my pleasure,” he smiled softly as he climbed off of your waist and pulled your underwear down, “and yours.”
The change of position gave you a moment to catch your breath but also to take in Roger’s appearance properly. You had to admit you liked what you saw. Of course, you already knew he was attractive. More than once you’d found yourself distracted in class, mind on what a cute bum he had or how shapely his hands were or else on his fluffy hair, light blonde but with streaks of grey blended throughout. He was the epitome of the hot teacher really, especially with his gravelly voice and the youthful sparkle of his eyes, magnified by his usual pair of glasses. What you hadn’t seen before, and what you were revelling in now, was his naked torso. There were muscles in his arms, not Hollywood style bulging biceps and you’d certainly never have noticed them under the sleeves of his work shirts, but they were revealed as he shifted his position and you had the sudden urge to reach out and squeeze them. A light fuzz of hair covered his chest, though it was so light it was barely visible, and a marginally thicker thatch of it trailed down into his underwear. And in between was his stomach, the years of fatherhood evidenced by how it softly protruded out over the hem of his underwear. Once, a few years ago, someone had found a photo of Professor Taylor taken in the 90s when he was twenty-something and, thanks to the university meme facebook page and a few students with near influencer levels of followers, just about the whole school had seen it and had wet dreams about it. He’d been stick thin then, eyes ringed by dark grungy eyeliner, long messy hair falling about his face, and his plaid shirt unbuttoned. The Roger settling beside you now was miles away from that boy but you liked his current look, from his shorter hair to his rounder body, though he seemed to have the same skinny legs. “What are you thinking about?” he asked as he propped himself up on his elbow to look you over. “This is…better than I thought it would be,” “Thanks for the vote of confidence,” “No, that’s not what I meant. I don’t know, I just...I could never picture it before, actually being with you. But you’ve made it feel easy and, well not normal, but y’know, not too strange either.” “So you’ve been liking it so far?” “Mmhmm, it’s felt really good,” “Good, that’s what I want to hear. But,” your breath hitched as you felt his fingers stroke between your legs, “experiments not done yet.” He watched his hand as it moved, his fingers sliding between your lips, spreading the wetness that had begun to pool with his earlier attentions. Each shift of his fingers pulled soft sighs and small ohs from you as the pleasure began to slowly build and you pulled him down into another kiss, wanting to feel him closer. He eased the first finger into you gradually, whispering questions about how it felt and if you were ready for more. You’d have expected his constant quizzing to be annoying but he peppered them between comments about making you feel good and dirty talk about getting you ready for his cock as he pulled your hand over to his crotch to give him some small relief. And somehow everything just seemed to turn you on more, his obvious desire to make sure you were comfortable included. You barely registered when he added the second finger, pumping both into you rhythmically as he delicately sucked at your pulse point, though you knew the third was coming, a response to your pleas for more. You’d meant his dick really, ready to move things along but he’d been adamant about making sure you were properly stretched out, not relenting until he’d fit four fingers inside you. “Fo-four?” you whimpered as he pressed the last one into you, “Three not enough?” “Just to be on the safe side. My cock is about average length but its girthy,” “I – oh Roger – It feels huge to me,” “Please, I’m 46, I know it’s not the biggest thing in the world. But I also know it doesn’t need to be to fuck you so right.” You weren’t sure how to reply though he didn’t give you many options, jerking his fingers inside you and making you moan. “I know there are nerves involved which can impact how wet you get and I don’t want to do anything that would cause you pain or discomfort, so I’m going to finger you until I’m ready to stop. You can beg all you want but I won’t fuck you until I decide you can handle it.” Even that was hot though you weren’t exactly sure why, but whatever it was you found yourself nodding in agreement, staring at him through eyes half lidded with pleasure.
When Roger was satisfied that you were ready for more than his fingers, he pulled them from you and got to his knees, shuffling around to rummage through his bedside cabinet. A moment later you realised why as he kicked off his underwear and tore open a condom. You watched as he rolled it down his shaft, noting he’d described himself quite accurately. “Sorry,” he said as he caught your eye, “did you want to do that?” “No, that’s okay,” you chuckled, “just that Dylan never liked to wear them,” “Hey, we have a rule remember. And this is the first time I’m fucking one of my students, I’m not doing it raw, are you kidding?” “Sorry. And yeah, you’re probably right to use one.” “Hey, this is just the control remember. Condoms are a variable we can change later.” You laughed at that and nodded as Roger squirted some lube into his palm and began stroking himself, letting out small groans at the contact. “Are you going to fuck me yet or is there something else I have to wait for?” “Careful Ms Y/L/N, you know I don’t tolerate that kind of attitude.” He smiled as he crawled over you again, catching your lips quickly before he sat back on his heels and pushed your legs wide. With a final look, as if to give you a chance to end things before they went any further, he lined himself up and pressed himself into you. You gasped as he filled you easily, bottoming out. “God you feel good,” he panted, “are you okay? Can I move?” “Yeah,” you nodded, “please move.” He breathed out a small sigh as he pulled his hips back and snapped them forward again, finding a rhythm. As he got more comfortable in the moment, Roger leaned over you again, pushing his face between your breasts and laving your skin with his tongue. He rediscovered the spots he’d found earlier, humming around your nipples and squeezing your boobs as he thrust into you. “Feel good?” “Yeah,” “You close yet?” “Not really.” “That’s alright,” he said softly as he readjusted his position, sitting back and lifting your legs over his shoulders. You felt the angle change as he fucked into you harder than before, his pace a little faster, “Play with your tits for me.” You didn’t hesitate to do as he asked, panting in sync with his thrusts as he dropped his fingers to your clit, rubbing in tight circles, forcing more moans and whines from your throat. “That’s right, tell me how good it is to be spread out under your professor, full of my hard cock. Christ you’re so fucking tight. Why didn’t I fuck you sooner?”.” You let your moans pick up a little as he ploughed into you, willing yourself to reach your climax. “Yeah? You like that. Are you close now?” “Uh-” “So no.” “Sorry, i-it just takes a while usually. I could f-fake it if you wa-nt to stop.” “No!” his voice sounded strained as he stilled inside you, “This is about getting you off and I will keep fucking you even if it takes all night for you to cum. I just need to readjust again.” Your laugh became a small whine as he pulled out of you and rolled you over so you were on top of him, “what are you-?” “Ride me. You said you like being on top so ride me,” You smiled and pressed your lips to his quickly before settling yourself over him and carefully sinking down into place. As you took him as deep as you could you halted a moment to enjoy the sensation of being full again, gently rocking your hips as you braced your hands on Roger’s chest. He held your gaze as he slipped two fingers into his mouth, pulling them out when they were dripping with saliva. He pressed them together with his thumb before bringing the wet digits to your right nipple, massaging it until you arched your back and tilted your head backwards. There was no way to resist any longer and you raised yourself on your knees before sinking back down, grunting as he hit just the right spot. “Better?” he grunted. “Mhmm,” you managed to get out before a moan, once again lifting and dropping yourself. You settled into the flow of it, the movement of your hips and the way you pulsed around him as you took him harder and faster, feeling the pleasure build and build and build. Until Roger’s voice, cracking with the effort, broke through your concentration. “Fuck, I’m close, I’m close. I’m gonna cum,” “Okay,” you said, not sure what else you could say, a little disappointed that it was going to be over before you could finish. So much for all night, though you supposed he’d only said that to help you relax and finish faster. At least it was hot watching him unravel beneath you, his grunts and groans loud and shameless, his hips spasming under yours. You waited until he was done, eyes closed and chest rising and falling rapidly as he tried to regain control of his breathing, and then lifted yourself to dismount him. Or you would have, except you felt his hands grab you by the hips and press you down again. “Your turn,” he said it so earnestly, no hint of the dominant teasing from earlier or any egotistical overconfidence, that you found yourself agreeing immediately, shocked into doing what he was guiding you to. You raised your hips again, let him pull you back down hard and before long you’d found your rhythm again. He let go of your hip, moving the hand to messily rub your clit as you shifted a little, changing the angle by a fraction. It was enough to have you careening towards the edge, even as Roger pulled air through his teeth as the extra stimulation. “So close,” you muttered before he could ask, eyes shut, intent on your mission. “C’mon, cum on my cock, show me how good it feels,” You nodded unthinkingly as he encouraged you, feeling it just out of reach until finally the familiar warmth washed over you, a long moan slipping from between your lips as you swivelled your hips, prolonging the orgasm as long as you could. “There you go, good girl.”
Roger gasped as you climbed off him and carefully removed his condom to throw it out. “I could have done that,” “You did enough.” He was smiling when you turned back to face him and beckoned you over to join him on the bed once more, pressing a kiss to your jaw and the corner of your mouth before he found your lips again. You sighed against him, lost in the blissful warmth of the moment. “I’ll do it. I’ll tutor you,” Roger said after some time, his arm draped over your side, your faces inches from each other. “You mean it?” “Yes.” “Because I’m a hot shag?” He let out an exhale of laughter, “Because I would rather you learnt about that kind of stuff from someone like me than some random on the internet who thinks that being dominant means being cruel or causing pain. At least I can make sure you approach things from a healthy angle with your own enjoyment in mind as much as your ex’s.” “Thank you. So…when do we start?” “Give me a few days to plan out some lessons, put together a curriculum.” “Oh, so it’s going to be like proper tutoring then.” “You’re the one that came to a teacher about this.” “Fair enough.” You would have happily stayed there longer and you later wondered if Roger would have let you had an alarm on his phone not gone off, a reminder to put his bins out for collection in the morning. He frowned as he realised the time and glanced at you. The piercing melody had brought the reality of the situation back to both of you. “I guess that means I should leave, right?” Roger sat up and scooted a little further away from you, “Yes, you probably should.” He paused for a moment, “No one can know about this.” “I know, I understand. It’s our secret.” He pulled in a breath, “Exactly, our secret. Do you need me to call you a cab?” “No, it’s fine, I drove here.” “Okay. Well, why don’t we get dressed and I’ll walk you out.” “Are you okay with this? If you really don’t want to teach me, I’d understand.” “No I want to. More than I should.” “That’s okay. No one will know and we’ll do things your way, whatever you think is best.” “My way,” he muttered to himself, “Yes. Exactly. Okay. Um, tell you what,” he swung his legs out of the bed and bent forward to retrieve the underwear he’d discarded earlier, pulling them up under cover of the corner of the bed sheet, “I will grab my things and go collect our dishes from dinner. You can stay here and get changed and then when you’re ready to go, come find me in the kitchen, okay Ms Y/L/N?” “Sounds great, Professor Taylor.” He nodded at you once more before he left, bending to collect his pants and shirt on his way. You waited a minute or so, mind racing with the events of the evening and the promise of what would be coming, before you too stood and began to redress.
When you felt sufficiently tidy you stepped out into the hallway and headed in the direction you hoped led to the kitchen. Roger was there, redressed and hardly looking like he’d just got out of bed, leaning against the bench, eyes out of focus. When you arrived though his head jerked around towards your movement. “All good?” he asked, “got everything?” “Yeah, think so.” “Well,” he said, leading you towards the front door, “it was great having you. Over. Having you over. I’m glad we could come to an agreement.” “It was great for me too Professor.” “I will see you in class on Monday, don’t forget about that reading you’re meant to do.” “Got it. Um, can I ask about my next tutoring session, when would that be?” “I will talk to you about it after class on Monday if that’s okay.” “Absolutely, whatever works for you Professor.” He opened the door, standing on his side of the entrance as you stepped outside, “Right, well. Goodnight Ms Y/L/N,” “Goodnight Roger,” you said, quickly leaning in to kiss his cheek, “and thank you.” He still looked a little stunned as you got into your car, wondering just what you’d got yourself into.
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lawssword · 4 years
Day: One Affection
Word Count: 1.8k
Luffy slipped his hand into Law's, lacing their fingers together as they walked through the grocery store. Law tried not to pay it any mind. Tried not to pay attention to the second glances thrown their way.
"What do you want for dinner?" Law asked. "There's still cilantro left, it would go well with tacos."
"Oh!" Luffy's voice hitched with excitement and he hugged Law's arms to him. "We can make those chicken tacos that Sanji made on New Years'."
"I think we could make it work," Law said with a small smile. "I think we'd need sour cream, lime, and chicken."
"Can we get rum and orange juice too?"  Luffy asked.
"Captain Morgan's?" Law asked.
"Yep, the pineapple one!" Luffy agreed.
"Deal," Law said.
"You're the best Torao!" Luffy smiled and kissed Law's cheek. That definitely caught some second glances of people passing by. They gathered everything they needed for dinner and headed for the checkout.
"Oh, the rum!" Luffy said.
"I know, I'm going to grab it, you get the groceries and I'll meet you at the car," Law said. Law couldn't exactly get it with Luffy with him.
"Shishi, okay," Luffy said. "Oh, can we watch Pirates of the Caribbean when we get home?"
"Of course," Law said with a small smile. He let go of Luffy's hand and disappeared around the corner. Law found the rum that Luffy wanted and went up to the counter to pay. He set the two bottles he got in the back seat and leaned against the car, waiting for Luffy.
Luffy was coming out the automatic doors of the grocery store with the cart full of groceries in no time. Luffy propelled himself down the parking lot towards Law, standing on the cart.
Law shook his head as Luffy went horribly off course. He stepped out in the lane that Luffy was the middle of now. Law caught the cart and Luffy came to a halt, doubling over on the cart.
"I think you missed the turn," Law commented, he pulled the cart towards the car and opened the trunk.
"Maybe," Luffy said, smiling all the same. "But I knew you'd catch me."
"How corny," Law muttered as he started getting the groceries put away. Luffy grabbed a couple bags and got them put in the car too. Once the cart was empty, Luffy wrapped his arms around Law.  
"Dinner is gunna be so good!" Luffy exclaimed, looking up at Law with a smile that made his eyes disappear. "I can already smell the chicken."
Law tilted Luffy's chin up just a bit and leaned in to kiss him.
"Oh," Luffy muttered, he stood on his toes and met Law halfway. Law pressed his hand to the small of Luffy's back and hugged him close. With his other hand, Law closed the trunk and they slowly parted.
Law smirked and looked at Luffy in that way that made Luffy curl his toes. "Get the cart put away and I'll start the car." Law's voice was quiet. He only spoke as loud as he needed to for Luffy to hear him.  
"Okay," Luffy said. Law's hand fell from his back. Luffy spun the cart in the direction of the cart return and propelled it and himself forward with his foot. The car tipped back with Luffy's weight but Luffy took it in stride and took the chance to steer the cart into the return. Law chuckled to himself and got into the car.
Luffy hoped in and Law pulled out of the parking spot. As soon as they were on the road Law took Luffy's hand in his. He kissed the back of it as he drove and rubbed circles on Luffy's hand with his thumb.
It was only about ten minutes before Law pulled into his assigned parking space that was labeled the same as his and Luffy's apartment. Luffy's bike was parked in the spot next to them.
"Im so hungry I could eat 12 whole tacos!" Luffy exclaimed, jumping out of the car. "No, 14!"
Luffy started heading up the stairs.
"You're not getting even a tortilla if you don't help me with groceries," Law threatened.
"Oh!" Luffy gasped. "I forgot!" Luffy backtracked all the way to the back of the car and helped Law carry in the groceries. They for everything up to their apartment in one go. Luffy called it a win.
Law started putting the groceries away as soon as the bags hit the ground while Luffy got the movie ready.
"Torao," Luffy called. "Which one is the first?" Luffy asked.
"Curse of the Black Pearl," Law replied.
"It's not on Netflix!"
"Disney Plus."
Luffy let the intro play out but paused it before the actual movie started.
"Do you need help?" Luffy waltzed into the kitchen as Law got the last of the groceries put into the pantry.
"Nope," Law said.
"Oh, that was fast."
"Mhm." Law already started unwrapping the chicken they had bought. Luffy stood by Law's side and ran his hand up Law's back.
"Can I help you make dinner?"
"Well, that depends, are you actually going to help, or are you going to eat everything when I'm not looking." Law glanced at Luffy as he poured seasoning over the pan.
"I wanna help you cook!" Luffy insisted.
"Hm, alright then," Law turned on the stove to heat up the pan and turned to Luffy.
"Promise you won't eat anything until all of dinner is ready and we're watching the movie," Law said.
"I promise!" Luffy assured.
"Ah, so I have your word," Law smiled like he had Luffy caught in a corner. "And you can't break your promise."
"I would never!" Luffy insisted.
"Alright, then," Law grabbed the onion and tomato he had left out to cut up for the tacos. "Cut these up for the tacos."
Luffy stood on his toe and kissed Law's cheek, he took the vegetables and set them on the counter next to the stove. Luffy dug out a cutting board and knife before he stared with the tomato.
"Am I supposed to cut it like little squared or like it's going on a burger?" Luffy asked.
"Squares." Law laid the meet onto the pan in front of him.
"Uhh," Luffy cut the tomato in half and chopped off the leaves. "I don't know how to do that. "
"Hold on," Law said. Law turned to the sink that was behind him and washed his hands before coming up behind Luffy.
"Hm?" Luffy looked over his shoulder at Law while Law put his hands over Luffy's, guiding the knife.
"Cut it in half like this," Law said. Luffy turned the knife sideways with Law and cut it down the middle.
"Oh! I've seen Sanji do this," Luffy said.
"Still need my help?" Law asked.
"I got it!" Luffy said with confidence. Law brought his hand from Luffy's to Luffy's waits and kissed his cheek.
Law turned his attention back to the chicken it wasn't cooked enough for Law to break it up for the tacos yet. Law opted to take care of the cilantro in the meantime. He cut off the stem and separated out all the leaves.
The knife Luffy was using slipped and Luffy jerked his hand away. The knife clattered against the counter.
"Did you cut yourself?" Law asked, he took  Luffy's hands in his, checking Luffy's fingers for damage.
"No, it just slipped," Luffy said. There were no cuts on Luffy's hand to contradict the statement.
"Be careful," Law muttered, turning his attention back to the cilantro while Luffy finished up the tomato. Law set the cilantro aside and checked on the chicken, he flipped it and put more seasoning over it.
Luffy started on the onion, cutting it up the same way he had with the tomato. The onion was a lot easier since it wasn't so soft. Or at least that's why Luffy thought the tomato was hard to cut.
"You gotta peel the outer layer," Law said.
"What?" Luffy had no idea what Law was talking about. Law came over and took the onion.
"The outer layer is all dried up, we can't eat it, so you take it off," Law explained and he pulled off the outer layers.
"Woah!" Luffy watched in amazement. Law set half of the onion back down before doing the same to the other half. Luffy set back to cutting it.
In movies whenever someone cut onions, it made them cry, but that wasn't happening at all. It must be one of those things that aren't real. Or at least that's what Luffy thought before his eyes started to sting.  Luffy squinted to ease the stick as he brought the knife down.
Onto his finger.
"Ow! Son of a bitch!" Luffy yelped. The noise made Law jump.
"Luffy-ya," Law sighed, though part of him knew that They'd end up like this. Law fond the cut on Luffy's hand. It wasn't too bad but Law wasn't going to give Luffy another chance to cut himself. Law reached past Luffy for the faucet and turned on the tap.
"Let the water run over it, I'm gonna grab the first aid kit," Law said.
"Oh," Luffy muttered, sticking his hand under the running water. "It stings!" Luffy yanked his hand away.
"Leave it, you were handling food, we need to make sure it's clean," Law said, he brought Luffy's hand back under the water. Luffy winced. "I'll be right back."
Law grabbed the first aid kit from under the bathroom sink and returned to Luffy in the kitchen. Law set it on the counter next to the sink and popped it open.
"You can turn the water off," Law said. Luffy did just that while Law grabbed some alcohol wipes and band-aids. Luffy let Law take care of the cut, watching him put Neosporin and finally the bandaid over it.
"How long until you're a doctor again?" Luffy asked.
"At least four years," Law said.
"I dunno, I think you could be a doctor now," Luffy said with a grin.
Law chuckled, "Maybe a nurse in another year.
"But look at how well you patched me up," Luffy said.
"It's a bandaid," Law countered.
"Still," Luffy said.
"I don't think a hospital would agree with you," Law said.
"I don't care." Luffy stuck his tongue out at Law just as Law looked up at Luffy.
"You're so childish," Law muttered with a small smile.
"Shishi," Luffy grinned, "I'm just fun, Torao!" Luffy leaned forward and kissed Law. Law wrapped his arm around Luffy and tilted his chin up just a little to get a better angle. The smell of the chicken starting to burn made Law pull away.
"You made me forget about the food," Law sighed and turned to the stove.
"Save the food!" Luffy leaned over the counter, with his head over the pan.
"You're in the way," Law muttered. Luffy moved as Law flipped the chicken, it was a little scorched but otherwise fine.
"YAY!" Luffy cheered. "You saved it!" Luffy hugged Law, wrapping his arms around Law's neck. "I love you! You're the best!" Luffy kissed Law's cheek.
"Love you too," Law murmured.
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haro-whumps · 5 years
Box Boy Plurality: 02
Second whumpee won the poll. Be warned, this chapter’s a longer one
CW: Dehumanization, slavery, creepy + intimate whumper, brainwashing, manipulation, illegal business practices
Tag List: @thatsthewhump​ @whump-it​ @ashintheairlikesnow​ @fairybean101​ @finder-of-rings​ @comfortforthepain​ @shameless-whumper​ @that-one-thespian​ @burtlederp​ @castielamigos-whump-side-blog​ @raigash​ @im-not-rare-im-rarr @spiffythespook​ @whumps-the-word​ @frnkieroismydaddy​ @whumpity--whump--whump​ @michelleswhumpyreblogs​ @jo-castle​ @newandfiguringitout​ @lumpofwhump​ @infested-with-blood​
Ren looked up from their work computer, eyebrow arched. It wasn’t time for Yanni to come in and complain about the broken clasp on her phone charm, which Ren would ever-so-generously offer to replace for her. She wasn’t due to notice it until her midafternoon coffee break, since she wasn’t overly invested in checking the thing during work hours. 
It wasn’t Yanni, unsurprisingly, but it also wasn’t anyone Ren could say they recognized. Oh, sure, they’d seen the man’s face around before, but they’d never spoken with him, and they weren’t even sure what department he worked in.
“Mx. Pavlish, is it?” he said with a friendly, though nervous smile. He was an okay actor, though. They could only discern his nerves due to their practice at it.
“Hello,” Ren said, carefully, pleasantly neutral. “I’m afraid I can’t recall us ever meeting.”
“Ah, we haven’t spoken,” he said, taking the somewhat-cramped office chair they kept available for visitors and dragging it over to their desk. “My name is Mike.” 
He offered his hand for shaking, and Ren inwardly cringed at the feeling of his sweaty palm against their own. They took a squirt of hand sanitizer immediately after, and Mike chuckled with a self-conscious little rub to the back of his neck.
“So, Mike, what brings you here?”
“I work in security,” Mike said, and Ren felt every nerve in their body become immediately alert. “I know, uh, about your little ploy.”
Blackmail, then. He was here to blackmail them. They very, very carefully sized him up. 
“And what ploy, exactly, is that?”
“You unplug the ethernet cords to Jasmine’s and Cassandra’s computers just so you can be the one to fix them,” Mike stated, and Ren’s eyebrows shot up.
“You’ve been sitting on this for a while,” Ren mentioned, “I haven’t done that in going on three months now.”
“Wait have you been doing something else?”
“Is that relevant to this conversation?”
Mike chuckled again. “I guess not. But hey, listen, I get it. We all want to impress pretty ladies, right?” He gave Ren one of those nudge-nudge wink-wink kind of smiles, and Ren tilted their head consideringly. Maybe not blackmail? His tone and mood weren’t exactly right for it, but Ren couldn’t rule anything out. “Look, my cousin’s friends with Jasmine, I could have her set you two up on a ‘blind’ date, if you want.” Mike even made the little airquotes around the word. Precious.
“And why would you do that?”
“Because I’ve kinda got a favor I’d like to ask you?”
Hm. Wishy-washy. The threat of tattling on Ren for the sabotage hung, but distantly, left on a backburner that Ren could be aware of but neither would necessarily acknowledge, while Mike offered a perceived reward instead. Ren lifted their finger to their lips, pressing it horizontally along the line.
“I’m listening,” they stated evenly, curious.
“So, I saw you on the news. And your box boy has been, ha, everywhere. And you’re kinda like, the model citizen of whumpee-ownership, yeah?”
Ren blinked slowly, and said, “I might be.”
“God, ha, kinda cagey aren’t you?”
“I prefer to know what I’m dealing with. Continue.”
“Right, so,” Mike shifted in his seat, hands moving from the armrests to scratch at the side of his nose and then back on the armrests, “the law states that pets cannot be held legally accountable for crimes they committed under past owners. The idea is that the new owners will discipline them better, yada yada, behavioral psychology babble, you get the drift. Anyway. I am in possession of a particularly… let’s say, criminal box boy. Defiant and loudmouthed and it turns out he’s been getting into trouble while I wasn’t looking. Ha, pretty embarrassing for a security guard, huh?”
Yeah, no way in hell this guy hadn’t been using his pet to do the things he was too chicken-shit to do himself. It was a smart move, though, Ren would give him that.
“So basically, I need to do some... let’s call it whumpee-laundering. Change hands before the cops get the dna work back. He’s a good lad, y’know, don’t want anything bad to happen to him, much less for him to get locked up. So, howsabout you, oh model pet owner, take him for, what, a week? Two weeks? Just long enough for things to simmer down. I’ll take him right back off your hands as soon as this whole mess blows over, and I will definitely get you a date with Jasmine. Yeah?”
Ren stared at him contemplatively. Definitely not blackmail, this guy was in a bad way, and didn’t want the cops to have custody of a defiant whumpee that would talk the moment it was taken in. He needed Ren to say yes to this deal. But contemplative silence on a man already squirming in his seat worked wonders to sweeten the deal.
“And hey, I mean, he’ll be legally yours, right? So, like, whatever you wanna do to him while he’s at your place, you can do it. I mean, as long as you don’t kill or sell him, I do want him back. But like, if you wanna, fuck, I dunno, chop off his arm or some shit? Be my guest. As long as I get him back alive I don’t care, no restrictions, right? It’ll be fun, he’s got a pottymouth but if you gag him he’s not a bad looker, all things considered.”
Ren hummed, tapping a finger up and down against the back of their own palm, hands clasped loosely in front of their chin, elbows on their desk.
“Say, Mike?”
“Yeah?” he answered eagerly, body jumping lightly in the chair, sitting up straighter.
“I appreciate the offer to set me up with Jasmine, but I actually have no interest in dating her. You’re right; it is the simple act of showing off that I like the best.” Mike visibly began to panic, and Ren took a small mercy on him. “But there is something you have that I would be deeply appreciative of receiving.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“I want full access to company surveillance cameras and audio recorders, on my devices, and no record of my permissions.”
“Oh.” Mike blinked, and then grinned. “Oh! Oh, yeah, of course, easy as pie, I can so do that for you. So you’ll take him? Tonight, ideally?”
“When I meet him, I will assess him,” Ren stated. “If I perceive that he is any threat to my own box boy, the deal’s off.”
“Oh, oh no, I’m sorry, I gave the wrong impression!” Mike said with a much more relaxed laugh. “He’s got a defiant mouth but he won’t act up. His bark is way worse than his bite, don’t worry, he isn’t a fighter.”
“I’ll see that for myself, but very well. Bring all of his paperwork with you,” Ren said as they wrote down their number on a notepad. “Text me. I’ll send you my address. Meet there at 5:30, and no earlier. Bring any disciplinary tools you own along with him.”
“Not gonna use your own?” Mike asked with a glance at Ren’s hand sanitizer. 
“Don’t own any. I have the blindfold and sensory deprivation hood that came along with my pet’s box, but I haven’t used the blindfold since unboxing him and I’ve only touched the hood to put it away somewhere in the basement.” Actually, where had they put that thing? “My pet is too well behaved for such things.”
Mike whistled. “Nice. You get an expensive model?”
“Well, he wasn’t cheap. But he was exactly what I wanted.”
“Ooo, custom?”
“In training. His appearance was already precisely suited to my desires.”
Mike laughed and extended his hand again, before seeming to think better of it and he shot Ren a two finger salute. “I’ll see you tonight then.”
Ren nodded in return with a pleased little. “See you tonight.” Ren thought of one last thing. “Oh, and Mike?”
“Have you told him that you only plan on selling him temporarily?”
“Ah, no, just recently came up.”
“Don’t tell him this isn’t a permanent arrangement. He’ll be easier to mold, that way.”
“You’re the boss,” Mike said with double pistols, and left their office.
The moment the door closed behind him, they pulled out a notebook and began jotting down a list of pros and cons. Their agreement had been deeply tentative, not that they’d let Mike know that. They would thoroughly scrutinize the concept, and then rigorously test the box boy himself once he was brought over.
The idea of having someone to yank around, though. To punish, perhaps with some of the tools Host had listed in their disciplinary video… Ren swallowed, their mouth watering. Skin that they could pinch and cut and bruise, not deeply, nothing permanent, nothing too mean. Someone they could sink their claws into and throw away in a week or two, leaving their home unblemished and perfect, just Soren and them. Just a quick little fix. Just a nice little treat.
The potential cons outnumbered the pros, but the potential pros were of a much higher quality.
They drove home quickly that night, bidding Yanni a very short goodbye, citing business that needed attending, and they weren’t even lying.
“I bet you just wanna get home and cuddle your boy,” she teased them, sticking her tongue out.
“And I bet you’re going to do the same to your babe,” Ren teased in return, wiggling their eyebrows at her. Yanni giggled and admitted to being guilty as charged, and didn’t whine or cling any longer. See? Convincing her to get her own pet had been such a wise decision. So useful. 
“Soren!” they called the moment they walked in the door.
“Exalted!” Soren called back, and they noted the sound of a hair dryer cutting off. “You’re home earlier than usual!” Soren said as he rushed down the stairs. His hair was still a little damp, they noted, as they pulled him into a hug.
“I am. I have a big evening ahead,” Ren stated, handing him their lunch bag and prying off their jacket. 
“What’s on the agenda, Exalted?” Soren asked, hanging up their jacket for them and following them into the kitchen.
“Tonight, depending on how introductions go, we will be adding a new box boy to the house.” Ren snorted, pulling down a glass and opening the fridge, digging around for their ginger ale. “Well, a used box boy. I’m taking him off a coworker’s hands.” They “casually” glanced over their shoulder to see Soren’s reaction, and he was white as a sheet.
“E-Exalted? I, I don’t…”
“Soren, baby?” they asked sweetly, pretending not to understand.
“If-If I haven’t,” Soren stuttered shakily, eyes wide and vacant, staring somewhere far past the kitchen tile, “If I’m not, pl-pleasing you, if this, is,” he raised a shaking hand to his hair, a front lock, one of the beautiful portions he might have turned into bangs, “is about, what I almost did, I’m sorry, I can do better, I can be better, please, I don’t--I can’t--please, Exalted, I just need to know, just tell me and I’ll do it, I want to, I, I need to, please, just tell me, tell me anything I’ll do anything Exalted please, please, I can be good, I want to be good! I want to, I want to be good, I want to, Exalted, I want to be good for you just tell me please I’ll do anything, I’ll do anything!”
Ren sipped idly at their ginger ale, not bothering to mask their face with concern or pity when he clearly couldn’t see them anyway. God, he sounded so pretty like this. Tears budding up in his eyes, his hands shaking so visibly, his body trembling in a more subtle, yet equally delicious way. It was all so perfect to watch, to listen to as he broke down. They knocked back the rest of their drink and set the glass down on the counter.
“Soren, angel,” they crooned, face twisted up artfully and voice sweet as honey. They gently pried Soren’s hand from his hair and placed it on his collar, which made him gasp, eyes blinking rapidly, immediately grounding him. They caressed his face, then tilted it up. Petting at the lock of hair he’d just been tugging at, they smiled pityingly. “My sweet little bird, no no. You haven’t done anything wrong, pet. I’ve forgiven you for hurting me so badly, it’s in the past my darling angel, weeks in the past. My precious, sweet Soren, shush now, shush. Nothing bad is happening to you. This will be a good thing! Just because I’ll have a new plaything doesn’t mean I’ll neglect you, Soren, sweetheart. And you’ll have someone lower than you on the pecking order! Won’t that be nice?”
“Shhhh, Soren, shhhhh, shush now. It’s okay, it’s alllllll alright. You’re my favorite, darling, you’ll always be my favorite plaything, don’t worry.”
“Th-thank you, thank you Exalted, thank you.”
“There, there’s a good boy. So well mannered, saying exactly what you’re meant to.” Ren hugged him tightly, too tight, but only just a little. “Don’t forget, my pet. You will belong to me forever. You will kneel at my feet only, you will eat only when I am the one to give you food, you will never set foot outside this house without me and you will never belong to anyone else. You’re mine, mine alone, and mine forever, Soren.”
“Yes,” Soren said, sounding grateful and relieved, just like he was meant to. “Yes, Exalted, thank you, thank you so much.”
Ren grabbed a fistful of hair and kissed him, and he kissed back eagerly. 
“Soren, tell me you love me,” they ordered sweetly, and Soren beamed. 
“I love you, Exalted! I love you, Ren!” He leaned against them and they let him. “I won’t ever love anyone as much as I love you, Ren.”
“I know you won’t, my angel, you’re so good.”
And that was when the doorbell rang.
“Right on time,” Ren mentioned with a glance at the kitchen clock. “Come along, pet, let’s go interview our new potential plaything.”
“Yes, Exalted.”
Mike looked no less awkward standing up than he did sitting down, Ren thought, as they opened the door. He held himself like an adolescent trying out for theater who had no idea how to act and was in possession of limbs too long for his body. Behind him and to the side, a box boy carried his box on his back, looking very much like he was about to be crucified or somesuch.
“Come in,” Ren welcomed, “Take off your shoes.” Not that it mattered. The boy was filthy and bloody. Every room he set foot in would need to be thoroughly cleaned. Honestly, Mike couldn’t have even given him a bath before bringing him over? He really was in a rush.
“Set the box down; let me get a look at you,” Ren ordered. They observed the box boy, a young man with short (ugh) brown hair, too short to even grab efficiently. Nothing to yank him around by, and no time to grow it out. Whatever, they'd just have him wear a leash or somesuch. Brown eyes, tan skin, ambiguous ethnicity. Somewhat muscled, but half-starved and visibly exhausted, so he moved with a weakness. He let the box thunk down on the carpet, and when he raised his eye he met Ren's boldly. 
“Position two,” they said with a snap of their fingers, and they heard a pair of knees hit the floor before they saw the new boy kneel. They turned with surprise and saw Soren kneeling, which prompted them to laugh. 
“Oh no, no, Soren, angel, sweetheart, no. Both of you, position one. Soren, now, listen--haha! You just stand there and look pretty okay?” They pet his hair, admiring the way he flushed with embarrassment over his mixup. “You just stay put right here and watch. I'm interviewing the new boy and testing his behavior, alright? You stay put.” They kissed him and turned back to the boy. He was, at the very least, standing in position one, his chin tilted up just a little too high for submission but that was something that could be beaten into him. “Position six,” they ordered, and he held out his wrists with a silent glower. But, ah, to listen to his breathing, was that fear they could detect?
He was bruised and bloody and tired, in all ways just in a horrible state of disrepair. He would require so much fixing, and honestly that thrilled Ren. They took his barcoded wrist and read off the numbers tattooed underneath it. 843-902. 
“02, huh?” Ren mused aloud. “I think that’ll make a fine nickname for you.”
“Oh, his name is--” Mike started, but Ren cut him off. 
02’s nostrils flared. “If I'm going to buy him, and I think I will, then the creature he was before coming into my service is entirely irrelevant.”
“Oh, good, you'll take him then?” Mike asked, sounding nervous and relieved. Ren delighted in how much control they had over him, at that moment. 
“I'm not done deciding yet.”
Mike’s flash of nervous panic was so delicious, really. As was 02’s confliction. He didn’t know if he wanted to stay with Mike or be taken by Ren, aww, how cute.
“State your type,” Ren ordered, and 02 snarled. Honest to god snarled. Ren had to swallow, salivating at the thought of how much fun it would be to break that.
“Fff-” 02 choked on his own word, conditioning clearly warring with whatever it was that he was trying to do, and Ren arched an eyebrow. “Fuck you.”
They saw Mike twitch agitatedly in their peripheral, but didn’t pay him any mind.
“Position five.”
02 dropped like a rock, his forehead actually hitting the floor, and Ren chuckled. His Processors had done well with him, whoever they’d been, but not quite well enough. The image was all too clear now. Mike had bought himself a box boy, discounted for his bad mouth, and used his excellent behavioral obedience in order to commit whatever crimes he’d forced the boy into, while tolerating his naughty little words as nothing more than a background nuisance. Or, given the bruising, knocking him around for the disobedience, but never bothering with legitimate training.
“State your type,” Ren repeated, their tone taking a special quality that meant firm disappointment. Soren eeped behind them, and they got to watch 02’s chest seize.
“Combination, Ren.”
“Oh no, darling,” Ren said with a laugh, “You don’t get to call me by name.” They nudged his temple with the side of their foot and stated, “Position two.” Once within range, Ren gripped his chin and forced him to look at them. “You will refer to me exclusively as Exalted, or, if you feel I am in a particularly good mood with you, you may call me Honored One. My name is not to come out of that filthy little mouth of yours. Not until we’ve cleaned it thoroughly. Understand?”
They released his chin but he continued to hold their gaze. “Yes,” he stated, “Honored One.”
“Aww, Mike,” Ren cooed, turning to him. “He thinks he’s cute,” they intoned, sounding very much charmed, like a child had just fallen over while dancing. 
“I know he’s got a big mouth but he really does obey,” Mike assured.
“I can see that,” they said airily. “Come join me in my office, we’ll discuss price and the paperwork. 02, take your box down into the basement and stow it in the back corner of the laundry room, on top of the other one there. Take Position two in the center of the room when you are done, and wait. Soren, heel pet.”
They led Mike and Soren away from the foyer, not checking if 02 was obeying and not needing to. He might hesitate or linger, but Ren knew with full confidence that by the time they were done signing the papers and lightly harassing Mike for the evening, 02 would be exactly where they’d told him to be. 
“Actually,” they said at the door of their office, turning with raised index fingers. “Soren, baby, why don’t you go ahead and get started on dinner for us, mm?” Ren kissed him and patted his cheek sharply, twice. He nodded, worrying his lip, but scampered off to do as he’d been told.
“He’s beautiful,” Mike commented, before Soren was entirely out of earshot. “Even prettier in real life than in the ads, and I mean, wow,” he said with a chuckle, “you know?”
“I do know,” Ren said, gesturing for Mike to take a seat as they closed and locked the door. They pulled up their surveillance cameras on their computer, turned away from Mike, and got their scanner ready to make copies and digital files of the documents. “Did you bring the tools I requested?”
“Sure did,” Mike said, patting his backpack. “Retractable cane, whip, two different gags and a muzzle, which, heh, he hates so much, let me tell you. Handcuffs, too, those too.”
“And the documentation,” Ren prompted, watching him pull them out of the bag.
“You are, heh, quite the presence, you know that Ren?” Mike said as he pulled out a manilla envelope, a cheap blue folder, and some--GOD--loose leaf papers. The fucking audacity, really. The messiness, the lack of professionalism. He couldn’t have haphazardly shoved them into the cheap folder? He really had to go around carrying official legal documents loose leaf? Their BLAW405: Filing and Organizational Systems professor would’ve made a five minute ordeal of tearing this poor, poor fool a new one. Ren tried to make themself pity Mike’s incompetence, because it was just about the only thing preventing them from feeling an unseemly amount of rage.
“Like really, I’m a security guy, you know? I’m kind of hired because not a lot of people intimidate me but you’ve just got this, uh, aura, I guess? Just sorta the way you talk and hold yourself and--oh, yeah, you just, yeah go ahead,” he cut himself off as they took the papers from him and skimmed over them, sorting them into some semblance of a reasonable order to be holding these files in, and read over them quickly but carefully one by one. They were familiar with most of this--they did, after all, possess a box boy of their own--but it never hurt to be thorough.
“I have a certain way with people, it’s true,” Ren commented idly as they shifted through the papers. “Sign here. You’re quite fortunate I am in possession of a notary’s stamp and can forge an impressive signature, you know that Mike?” Ren asked, pulling the stolen (well, illegally purchased. Their mama was a persuasive woman in her own right, and there was little on the black market she could not or would not acquire for her child, at their asking) stamp from one of their locked drawers.
“Oh, fuck, we gotta get a notary for this?”
“Some countries do not require it, and I hear the American legislation on transfer of ownership even varies from state to state, but our homeland is a little more meticulous in these matters. But like I said,” they took the signed paper from Mike and aligned the stamp carefully, before bringing it down with a satisfying thunk, “you’re in luck.”
“You are,” Mike said, chuckling nervously, kind of breathy and rather high, “really something, huh Ren?” They loved his discomfort.
“Mm,” they hummed, pleased, preening a bit, but hey, they deserved to. “Sign here.”
Four signatures later, Ren tapped the stack of papers against their desk, bringing them all nice and neatly in line, and then set them into their copier. “Now, the access files I requested?” Ren prompted, extending their hand. He unzipped an interior pocket in his windbreaker and produced a thumbdrive. “Perfect. You’ll have 02 back as soon as you’re ready for him.” Their copier whirred to a halt and they took the stack of copies from the tray, then slid all of them into the manilla folder, rather than breaking them up like a moron. They held it out for Mike and flashed him a darling smile. “It’s been a pleasure doing business with you.”
“Yeah,” he said, sounding a little dazed, taking the folder like it might get up and start moving. “You, you too. Ha, wow, you are efficient.”
“It’s why I have the job I have, and why I lead the life I live.” Ren stood and ushered Mike out of their office, then out of their home. “See you next time.”
“Yeah, thanks again!” he called, and they waved with a bright smile.
“Exalted?” Soren said behind them once they shut the front door, “Dinner will be ready in 40 minutes.”
“Perfect, Soren. I’m going to go greet our new addition, you may come if you want to.”
“Yes, Exalted, I would like that,” he said, wringing his hands anxiously. They placed their palm on top of that worried movement, and Soren stilled instantly.
“Shhh, pet. Remember, you’ll always be my favorite, alright?”
Soren nodded rapidly, but did not appear soothed. Hmm. “A-are you,” Soren hesitated, searching for the words. “Are you going to punish 02 for his defiance, Exalted?”
“I am,” Ren admitted easily. Soren twitched, distress increasing. “Oh, sweetheart, you’re worried for him?”
Soren nodded. “You’ve always been so good to me, Exalted, I don’t want, um, I don’t--I…” Soren pulled on a lock of his own hair, and they shushed him again, caressing his cheek.
“He’ll only get what he deserves, my precious angel. I can treat you well because you’re a very good boy for me, Soren. I’ve rarely had to punish you; you only occasionally fuck up. But my coworker clearly hasn’t given 02 the structure or discipline he needs in order to make him good, so I’m going to have to fix him. And fixing him will require punishing him. Don’t worry, though, pet, I won’t be cruel. The punishment will fit the crime; he won’t get anything done to him that he doesn’t deserve. I promise. He’ll deserve everything that happens to him, baby, sweetheart, I promise, I promise, absolutely all of it.”
Soren nodded again, gripping his collar and relaxing, a little. It was so nice to see him keyed up and anxious. It was so nice to make Mike squirm and sweat. It was so nice, knowing that their own personal chew toy was kneeling painfully on the concrete floor of their laundry room, just waiting for them to go down and bloom a few more bruises across his skin. Perfect, perfect, all of this, perfect. Exactly what Ren deserved.
“Yes, Exalted.”
“Come along, pet,” Ren beckoned, and Soren followed them down the stairs.
02 greeted their arrival by spitting on the floor at Ren’s feet.
“Oh, disgusting little bug, aren’t you?” Ren asked mildly, stepping over the splotch. They gripped his chin again and he glared up at them. “Tell me, 02, which do you consider to be worse? Death, or refurbishment?”
02’s eyes went wide, suddenly struck with fear. Ren of course would do neither, this was a temporary arrangement, after all. But 02 didn’t know that.
“...Exalted?” 02 asked in a voice that was very very very small.
“Answer the question. Which is worse?”
02’s chest began raising visibly, rapidly. Hard to miss, with how thin he was. “D--”
“And don’t even think about lying to me, slave.”
02’s breath caught, a delightful little gagging noise escaping him. “Refurbishment, Exalted.”
“Hm. Then allow me to make something very clear to you, 02. Soren outranks you in every capacity. You will not eat until he has eaten, you will not sleep unless he has first gone to bed, you will not so much as speak if he has something to say. And if you decide that that makes you jealous, or angry, or if you just decide you don’t like my precious boy for some miscellaneous reason, allow me to make it entirely understood that if you harm so much as a single strand of hair on his head, I will personally instruct the Processors to make sure you beg for death before they put you up for resale.” They released his chin with a small flick of their fingers into the soft underside, and were gratified by the little jerk, and the way his eyes stayed on them. “Do you comprehend?”
“You--you’re warning me to keep my hands off your pet?” he asked, fearful and yet still incredulous.
“Of course,” they said, placing a hand on the front of his close-cropped hair and slowly stroking his skull, cradling his head. “Soren is my precious little bird. And you?” Ren moved their thumb sweetly, back and forth, against his prickly hair. “You’re nothing more than some worthless mutt.”
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the--blackdahlia · 5 years
The Hunters Chapter 6
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Title: The Hunters Chapter 6
Summary: What happens when four idiots get together? Nikki's looking for his dad. Tommy's trying to get out of his mom's shadow. Vince is along for the ride. And Mick is just trying to keep them alive. Which is harder than it sounds when then Winchesters join the fray.
Warnings: Language, violence, m/m smut, canon divergence, character deaths (temporarily), wincest if you squint (may add more tags as I go)
Check out my Patreon for more chapters!
Nikki left the alley not long after Tommy did, his thoughts drifting back to the mysterious other hunter. Bobby had introduced him to some other hunters, but outside of the two or three times he had seen Dean Winchester, most hunters he had met were older, gruffer, and sure as hell weren’t hunting in Atari t-shirts and ponytails.
And fuck, he didn’t even have his name. With a groan, Nikki headed back to the payphone to call Bobby.
“Hey, you’ll never believe what just happened,” Nikki told him when the older man answered.
“What did you do? You’ve only been there like two hours,” Bobby sighed.
“I didn’t do anything, but there was this kid and he took out the vamp I was after,” Nikki explained. “Like, he had some sword and I thought he was dead but he chopped the head off like it was butter. It was so fucking awesome Bobby.”
“Got a name?” Bobby asked.
“He wouldn’t give me one,” Nikki explained. “He was younger than me, but a little taller. He had long hair and, he was so awesome.”
“Well, I only personally know two hunters out there, and neither of them are a young boy,” Bobby explained. “Voula is a woman, and Rufus hasn’t been young in a hundred years.” Bobby chuckled some.
“Well, I only came out here for that one vampire, but I think that I might stick around a little bit,” Nikki told him. “Could be interesting.”
“Do you ever think with your upstairs brain?” Bobby laughed. “Just be careful. Check in with me later.”
2 Months Later
Nikki had gotten himself a rat trap apartment just off the strip. It wasn’t glamorous, but he was right in the heart of the action. He could go see bands at night, play in a few if he wanted to, and he could hunt around the Los Angeles area.
But, most importantly, he was on the lookout for the mysterious Atari t-shirt wearing hunter from before. But he never saw him again.
Nikki had been playing in a band with some guys on and off, making sure to take time to do some hunts if Bobby sent them his way. He had just gotten back from band practice to his phone ringing.
“Hello?” Nikki answered.
“Hey Nikki,” Bobby replied. “Look, you know John Winchester?”
“Yeah. Asshole who might know something about my dad,” Nikki grumbled. Bobby chuckled a little. That was the nicest thing he had heard about John in awhile.
“Yeah, well, he’s missing. And his boys were supposed to check in and haven’t. Last I heard, they were around the Sacramento area. I want you to meet up with another hunter by the name of Mick Mars to go look for them.” Bobby explained.
“Mick Mars? What kind of name is that?” Nikki asked.
“Says the guy who changed his name to Nikki Sixx,’ Bobby pointed out.
“Touche,” Nikki shook his head. “Where am I meeting this Mick Mars at?”
“He said to meet him at the Troubadour. He said he’s playing tonight and will meet you after,” Bobby explained. “You two can go over the info he has and go find the boys.”
“Any chance John will be there?” Nikki asked, looking out the window of his apartment.
“At the Troubadour?” Bobby asked with a bit of a laugh. “No, I don’t think he’ll be wherever his boys are. Dean lost track of him in Jericho.”
“And then you lost track of Dean in Sacramento. What is it with California?” Nikki asked.
“Big state. The government won’t release their top secret inventions. Like, I have a cousin who told me that they have a car that runs on water but they won’t release it because…”
“Bobby,” Nikki sighed.
“Right, sorry. Anyway, California is the place to go if you don’t want someone to find you. That’s what I have you for,” Nikki smiled a bit. “I’ll talk to you later.”
“Okay Bobby. Talk soon.” They both hung up and Nikki got ready to go to the Troubadour.
Tommy had just come into his room after Voula had him do some research. His eyes were hurting and he wanted a long, long nap. He closed the bedroom door shut when he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. He turned around to see a shadowy figure in his room. He launched himself at it, prompting a small fight that ended up with Tommy on his back, and his friend Vince pinning him down.
“Easy tiger,” Vince said with a laugh. “You sure you’re some good hunter?” Tommy growled and flipped them over, knocking Vince onto his back. “Or maybe you are.” He laughed as Tommy got up and offered him a hand.
“What are you doing here?” Tommy asked.
“Looking for a beer?” Vince shrugged. “Look man, Rufus sent me to get you since you hadn’t been answering your phone.”
“Rufus?” That’s when his bedroom light turned on. Vince and Tommy looked towards the door, where Voula stood, leaning against the doorframe.
“Well, hey Mrs. Bass,” Vince smiled at her. “Long time no see.”
“Well, if you’d come in through the front door like a normal human being, you might see me more often,” She shook her head. “So, why are you here?”
“I…” He looked to Tommy, who just waved for him to continue.  “Rufus wants me and Tommy to come meet him. He’s got a thing for us.”
“I see,” Voula looked at her son. “What are my rules?”
“If I’m going to go out on a hunt, make sure I tell you where I’m going, make sure I check in, and if I can’t check in, try to leave a  trace of where I may be so if you have to come find me, you can,” Tommy sighed. “Mom, I’m 19. I’ve been hunting without you since like 17. I think I got this.”
“And he won’t be alone on whatever Rufus is sending us on Mrs. Bass,” Vince wrapped an arm around Tommy’s shoulders. “He’s got me.”
“That’s what worries me,” Voula shook her head. “Okay. Just be safe.”
“I will mom,” Tommy kissed her cheek. “Aren’t I always?”
“Not last week when you burnt a wendigo only to turn around and walk straight into a tree branch,” Voula pointed out. Vince started laughing.
“That’s how you got that bruise on your forehead?” Vince wheezed. “That’s hilarious.”
“Shut the fuck up man,” Tommy shook his head. Voula left so Tommy could pack up some things.
“Dude, I ever mention that you’re mom’s hot?” Vince asked.
“Dude! That’s like saying my sister is hot,” Tommy shuddered a little.
“I mean…” Vince smirked, knowing that would piss Tommy off.
“Dude, let’s just go,” Tommy said as he finished packing some clothes and got his weapons bag, making sure his sword was in there.
“Get a gun man,” Vince whispered to him as they headed downstairs, past David who was sitting in his chair, watching TV, and Voula and Athena who were in the kitchen. “Hey Athena.” Vince winked at the younger girl, who blushed and quickly had to find something in the pantry.
“Bye guys,” Tommy called out.
“Okay, hold on, where are you going?” David asked, causing Tommy and Voula to share a look. “And where did Vince come from?”
“He came from a landfill, and we’re going to…” Tommy glanced at Vince.
“An apple orchard up north,” Vince smiled. “They make a killer apple pie.”
“Okay then…” David eyed the two boys. “Call us when you get there.”
“Will do,” Tommy said quickly. “Bye mom, bye dad, bye loser!”
“Asshole!” Athena filled Tommy off from the pantry. Tommy and Vince headed out the door as David could be heard telling Athena to cool it. Tommy headed towards the van he got from his uncle. He had tried to clean it, but it still smelled like shit.
“No way, uh uh,” Vince shook his head.
“What?” Tommy asked.
“We are not taking your creepy van,” Vince told him. “I’ve got my car. We’ll just ride in it.”
“What’s wrong with the van? We can store more stuff in it,” Tommy told him.
“One, it smells like a mix of BO and piss, two, it looks trashy, and three, I’m driving,” Vince smiled and dragged Tommy over to his orange, 1975 Dodge Challenger.
“And how did you get this again?” Tommy asked as they tossed their bags into the trunk and got in.
“I know a guy who knows a guy,” Vince shrugged. “Shotgun just needs to shut his mouth.” Tommy rolled his eyes as Vince fired up the car, AC/DC coming from the speakers as they drove away, and Vince singing along the whole way.
Forever Tags: @anathewierdo​ @dekahg​ @marvel-af-imagines​ @feelmyroarrrr​ @nanie5​ @imboredsueme​ @gemini0410​ @aiaranradnay​ @babypink224221​ @mogarukes​ @xxwarhawk​ @sandlee44​ @shatteredabby​ @caswinchester2000​ @supernaturalwincestsblog​ @lauravic​ @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk​ @teller258316​ @horrorpxnk​ @tommyleeownsme​ @marvelismylifffe​
Supernatural Tags: @bandobsession98​ @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester​ @fangirlsencyclopaediaofweirdness​ @ilovetardis​ @missihart23​ @cloudyskylines​ @sams-serialkiller-fetish​ @theas-bedtime-stories​ @huntingfreewill​ @ocholove​ @princessofthefandomrealm​ @getbackhonkycatt​ @flamencodiva​
Motley Crue Tags: @primal-screamer​ @waywardprincess666​ @twistnet​ @saint-of-los-angeles​ @vader-kai​ @motleyfuckingcruee​ @sharon6713​ @kawennote09​ @2dead2function​ @nikkisixxwiththebass​ @iamtiber-andtiberismusic​ @jayprettymuchomw​ @charlyallise​ @you-know-im-a-dreamer​ @sweet-dreams-on-butterfly-wings​ @estxxmotley​ @arianareirg​ @the-normal-potato​ @nikki-sixxtynine​ @jjjjjjjoshdun​ @just-a-normal-fangirl18​ @stella20131991​ @tarahell​ @wowilovenikkisixx​ @i-want-to-shoot-myself​ @motleycrueee​ @sams-serialkiller-fetish​ @getbackhonkycatt​ @are-you-reddie54321​ @flamencodiva​ @deacyduck @scarecrowmax​ @major-tom-is-a-junky​ @anyasthoughts​ @bandaids-not-groupies​ @ilovetomkeiferslips​ @kaitieskidmore1​
The Hunters Tags: @rock-n-roller-coasters​
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Part 01: Tainted Hero Chapter 11: A Proper Grey Warden “How do you feel?” Duncan’s face hovered over her own, his expression neutral. A small hint of relief reflected in his eyes. “Like I’ve been trampled by a Gurn . . . And that nightmare . . .” “What did you see?” “The horde . . . Thousands of nightgangers . . . And . . . And a huge dragon . . . The Archdemon.” Duncan nodded. “Now you understand how we know this is a Blight. I’ve arranged a meeting with King Cailan and General Loghain at mid-morning. I want you and Alistair present.” “Me? I’ve only been a Grey Warden for a few minutes.” “I can’t discuss it now, but there’s an important task you and Alistair are best equipped for.” Duncan turned on his heel and left. Brina glanced back at Jory and Daveth. At some point after she passed out, Alistair and Duncan had wrapped the bodies and draped blue flags with the Grey Warden’s silver griffon sigil over them both. Such a waste, but I understand now. Thank you, Korth, for delivering me from such a fate. Alistair sighed heavily. “Two more dead . . . At my Joining only one of us died, but it was . . . Horrible.” They stood in silence for a time. Brina couldn’t erase the images of their deaths from her mind. Without warning, her stomach growled loudly. Sudden hunger brought cramps to her stomach. “By-the-way, you’re going to be very hungry for a few hours. It was a surprise to me too.” Brina shot him a look of irritation. “Thanks . . .” A broad grin spread across Alistair’s face. “Don’t mention it!” “You could have warned me sooner.” “Where’s the fun in that?” Alistair unbuttoned a pouch on his belt and took out a slice of bread wrapped in cheesecloth. “Here, it’s not much, but it will get you between here and the breakfast fire at the Warden’s Camp.” The hunger prompted Brina to snatch the bread from his hand and devour it in two bites. After she swallowed the last mouthful, her eyes grew in embarrassment and horror. She covered her mouth. “I’m so sorry! I don’t know what’s come over me.” Alistair laughed. “I told you! Go get some food. I’ll take care of everything here.” Brina nodded and went down the steps. She turned at the bottom. Alistair had knelt between both bodies with his head in one hand. This . . . This is only the beginning, isn’t it? Brina, what have you gotten yourself into? She followed the scent of food; eggs, sausages, flatbreads, various roasting meats and fish from the Wilds. Vegetables were somewhat scarce with winter so close at hand. As long as the battle was soon, what food remained would last the journey home, however far it might be. So long as they won. Brina found herself back at the infirmary. It had become familiar. Sister Paulette greeted her with a smile. “Good morning, Sister . . . Ah . . . May I have some of that?” Over the central fire were several pans. One had sliced sausages and scrambled eggs. Brina’s mouth watered and her stomach growled again. “Of course!” “My thanks.” Paulette handed Brina a full plate. She then went to a nearby table and sliced a chunk of bread and spread some butter on it. “Here. A shipment from Rainesfere came in just before you arrived. They haven’t sent soldiers, but at least they are helping . . .” Brina struggled with her food. She wanted to eat it in a single gulp, but she forced herself to eat slowly, one bite and a time. “What is your name, Sister?” Paulette’s face turned red. “I’m sorry, I never introduced myself! My name is Sister Paulette.” “Where are you from?” “Edgehall, originally. I lived in Honnleath for a time when I was little. Then my family moved to Denerim. It was there I joined the Chantry. Being the youngest of six with few prospects, it made the most sense. What about you? I know you’re Avvar . . . But that’s it.” Brina swallowed a particularly large bite. Her appetite was getting the better of her. “My hold is the- was . . . The Black Wolf Hold. I am called Brina Ulriksdotten, daughter of Ulrik Brynjolfsen. He was the Master of Hunt. Considered the best in our region even among the other holds. He was such an expert, the Thane depended on him during war times for organization. My Ma was Aela Caldansdotten O Stone Bear Hold.” Brina laughed to herself at the thought of a story she was once told. “You know, my Da was so good at hunting and tracking, he managed to sneak into Stone Bear, steal my Ma, and sneak out without even leaving footprints. What makes it even more impressive was the fact he had announced he would sneak in that night and challenged the Thane into doubling the guard and having them watch for him.” Paulette nearly dropped her cup. “He stole her? I don’t understand. That’s so . . . That’s so-” “Barbaric?” Brina raised her brows. Paulette blushed again. Brina laughed. “‘Ts all right. I know how it sounds. That’s how it’s done.” Brina paused and took a drink of water, noting that Paulette was listening very intently. “She was willing and even helped. The Thane of Stone Bear was so impressed that he pledged a blood oath to our hold . . . If only they had known we needed help . . .” “What do you mean?” “Do you know how Duncan recruited me?” “The Warden-Commander?” “He was visiting the hold when I underwent my ritual to become a shaman . . . The hold was attacked by nightgangers. Darkspawn. It happened so fast, during the night. No warning. No time to react. Too many for my hold to take.” Paulette's hands were over her mouth. “Oh . . . I- I had no idea . . . I'm s- . . . I'm so sorry, Brina.” Brina shook her head. “I will not rest until every last one of those bastards is dead. It may not bring back my hold, and I'm sure there are too many nightgangers for me to take alone, but I'm going to try.” “I . . . I think I would too . . . were I in your place.” Brina finished off her stew and bread. “Thank you again, Paulette. How are Carver and Aveline? The injured soldiers from yesterday?” “Aveline's fine. Senior Enchanter Wynne completely healed her. She'll go back to the main camp today. Carver-” A commotion broke out. A large man with messy jet black hair and blue eyes tried to force his way between the guards at the entrance. His armor bore no sigil. In fact, it appeared his armor was pieced from multiple sets and were ill-fitted for someone as burly as he was. “I need to see my brother! I need to see Carver!” “Ser, you cannot just barge in here! The patients here need rest to heal.” From across the infirmary, Wynne approached calmly. She placed a hand on one guard's shoulder and the other on Carver's brother's arm. The men stopped struggling. “Ma'am, are you in charge here? Please, how is Carver? I only just heard. When the soldiers didn't report back this morning, I thought he was dead! But he is here . . . I must see him. Please.” Wynne turned to the guards. “It's all right. Let him in. I will take him to his brother.” The guards released him. “Thank you. Where is he?” “This way. What is your name, Ser?” “Garrett. Garrett Hawke.” Wynne and Garrett approached a tent, where Brina assumed Carver was being kept. “What? What are you doing here?” That was Carver's voice, I think. “What do you mean, 'what am I doing here?' I thought you were dead and then found out you were here. I came to see if you were okay!” “I'm sure you did. You came to gloat because you came back from your scouting mission unscathed.” “Well . . . I- . . . No. All right, maybe. Did you at least get the bastard that did that?” “Do you really care?” “Yes. I need to know you aren't going to go on a revenge rampage.” “Yes, I got him.” “Good. You won't be able to participate in the main battle tomorrow.” “What? They said I'd be good to go!” “I say you're not.” “That's not fair! You're not Mother. You're not Father either!” “Carver . . .” “No! Say it. Say I'm going to be at the battle!” “I just don't think you're ready.” “I'm going. I don't care what you say.” “You-” Garrett cut himself off before growling. He was silent for a moment. “Fine, but you will be at my side the whole time. Mother can't know. Or Marian . . . Or Bethany for that matter. This is between you and me.” Brina couldn't see them, but Carver's voice dripped with sarcasm. “Yes, Mother.” Garrett sighed loudly. “How do you feel?” “Fine.” “I'll . . . I'll let you rest . . .” Garrett emerged from the tent, rubbing his face. Under his breath, as he passed Brina and Paulette, he muttered, “Fucking little shit. He's damn lucky I love 'im.” Brina glanced at Paulette. “Well . . . That answers that . . . I must be going.” “Oh! All right.” Brina made her way to the Grey Warden Camp to find Alistair. At the entrance, another guard stood watch. At first, he eyed her suspiciously but seemed to recognize her. “Warden Brina?” “Aye.” “A messenger was just sent to find you. Report to Warden Constable Amaya. She has some equipment for you.” “Where is she?” “Follow this row. Third on the right.” Brina followed the row and stopped at the third tent on the right. The flap was tied open. She bent to glance inside. “Well don't just stand there. Come on in.” “Oh!” She entered the tent but was unable to stand upright. The tent was too short for her. As her eyes adjusted to the dimly lit tent, Brina was surprised. Warden Constable Amaya was a dwarf. Her hair was shoulder length and mostly grey. Half of it was pulled back into a ponytail. What was surprising to Brina, was the fact that most female dwarves she had encountered kept a clean-shaven face. Amaya had thick mutton chops on her cheeks and a long braided goatee that was tucked into her belt. This dwarf was obviously a warrior. Her armor was made of thick plate. The few bits of visible leather and cloth were dyed blue, matching the Grey Warden sigil that decorated most of the tent's furnishings. Inside the tent sat a cot and a table covered in maps and messages. A gigantic, very thick two-handed hammer was propped against the bed. A large number of mugs laid about as well. It was then Brina realized the air smelled heavily of liquor. It was almost enough to make Brina feel warm and fuzzy. “So, I see you survived the Joining. Good thing, too. We lost every single recruit in the last three groups.” Amaya never once looked up at Brina; instead she was focused on one particular map in front of her. “Be prepared for nightmares until the sodding Archdemon is dead. Then get used to it. Drinking helps sometimes. Drowns it out.” Amaya looked at her. “Until then, you need better gear. You can keep your staff . . . Or whatever that is, but we have armor that will better protect you from melee and ranged attacks. And, as a Warden, you're expected to bear the sigil.” Amaya gestured at Brina, and they left the tent. Brina was relieved to stretch upright again. She blinked at the bright light. “Normally, I'd tell you that you'll be kept to the back, up high so you can strike at a distance, but the Warden-Commander told me he has a different job for you. So your gear has some modifications.” They walked all the way down the row and stopped in front of a blacksmith. “Hey! Jerome!” The man stopped hammering. “Yes, Warden Constable?” “Is the new recruit's shit done?” “Eh? Oh, yea. It's here. Just got it back from the Tranquil about ten minutes ago.” Blacksmith Jerome went to a chest and pulled out several armor pieces; several layers of chainmail and padded leather, a metal breastplate, bracers and shin guards, a set of rerebraces with griffon-shaped pauldrons, and cuisses. Lastly, she was handed a helmet with griffon wings adorning the sides. “Oh, Sweet Tyrrda's Tits . . . I've never worn anything like this before . . .” Warden Constable Amaya blinked at her. “That's right. I forgot you're a savage. Come, I'll take you to Warden Lorrel. She was one of the last recruits who survived before you. She's also a mage. She can show you how to put on your shit. This way. Thanks, Jerome.” Jerome grunted and resumed hammering. Brina followed Amaya two rows over and back up the direction they had come. They were about seven tents down from the entrance. Both flaps were tied back. “Hey! Lorrel! Help this new Warden.” Amaya turned on her heel and left. Brina stood looking back and forth between the tent and the dwarf. An elf appeared from the darkness. “She's a bit much, 'in't she?” “Ah, aye . . .” “Ya never worn armor before, have ya?” Brina shook her head. “A'ight, com'on. First, take off your outer layers, but keep your small clothes on . . . Trust me. Chaffs less . . . then put this on.” Lorrel tossed one of the chainmail layers at her. Brina noticed it had a soft cloth layer on the inside and had straps that went around her feet and hands to keep the sleeves and legs from riding up. Gaps on the inside of her elbow and knees for improved moving and comfort were also present. Brina noted the flap tied between her legs. And here I thought I'd have to worry about bathroom breaks. “Okay, now this layer.” Lorrel tossed another layer of chainmail. This draped over her like a tunic with straps at the sides. It went down to her knees. Lorrel threw the padded leather. It also hung like a tunic and was about the same length as the chainmail tunic. It was striped blue and white with a black belt around her waist. “I'll help ya with everything else. They're tricky the first couple times.” Lorrel slid the breastplate over Brina's head and tightened the straps. The bracers had leather gloves attached. Brina got them on, and Lorrel tightened the belts. The rerebraces and pauldrons were trickier, but soon they were strapped to her upper arms and shoulders as well. Brina slipped her boots on. The shin guards covered the front of her knees and part of the top of her foot with tiered plate. The cuisses attached to her belt. When it was all on, Lorrel helped her connect them together. “There now! A proper Grey Warden ya are!” “Thank you.” She glanced outside, and a realization hit. Brina's eyes grew wide. “Hakkon's balls, I'm late! I'm sorry, I must go. I need to get to a meeting. Thank you, again!” Brina ducked through the opening of the tent and dashed out of the camp back toward the old temple. On the way out, the guard at the entrance yelled after her. She didn't hear most of it, but managed to catch the words “Alistair” and “war meeting.” She waved behind her.
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thehalfworld · 7 years
Fanfic MST: Forbiden Fruit: The Tempation of Edward Cullen, a Twilight fanfic [part 3]
I have to warn you all that this chapter has a rape scene in it. It’s completely ridiculous, and I really don’t know if that makes it better or worse. Proceed with caution.
Recap: Edward gave into tempation and tried putting the moves on Tiaa. She went along with it at first, but then pushed him away because they were in public and Edward already has a girlfriend. Edward seems to think Tiaa is a vampire, even though she doesn’t appear to be and his thinking she is doesn’t really make sense. 
Chapter 1 Previous chapter
AN - hi guys hope u like this one im quite proud of it! 
That’s a bit worrying.
thanx for the suport from my frends love u girls!glad u like it! oh an VINCENT ur so dumb of course tiaa didnt go to math in only her bra shes not a total ditz! 
Hey, you never said she put her shirt back on! Actually, you also described Edward ripping it off her, and we know it’s made out of fishnet, so… I kinda doubt she still has a shirt left to put back on.
one more time...DONT READ IF U DNT LIKE IT!
I can’t imagine not liking this story. I’m being serious. It’s a masterwork. It’s right up there with “My Immortal” in my eyes.
NO frickin flames what is the POINT of flamin ppl there is NO POINT so f off!
I think the point is to annoy the author. Which appears to be working.
Capter 3 – uncle larry
Wow! Really looking forward to the capter!
I sa t alone watching tv at dave and maries house. I couldnt stop thinking about my encounter with Ewdard Cullen earlier that day. He was so beuatifull and sexoy with such amazing hair and eyes I could hardly believe he had notice someone like me! 
Just me or is she a tad fixated on his hair?
Also… Tiaa isn’t the sort of girl who blends in, and she knows it. She’s aware that she’s pretty and she’s used to getting attention — both positive and negative — because of her looks. She’s also loud (she yelled at Edward when he bumped into her), and she dresses in a manner that… well, let’s just say most small-town high school students don’t dress like Tiaa. This girl isn’t ordinary and she’s well aware of it. Why the false modesty?
But I was angry at how he had made me feel, how I'd burnt like crimson hot flame wean he touched me and how he'd not listened to me when id' told him to fring off, and how he dared to touch me at all when he had a GF anyways, even if she was a mean girl with an ugly heart and not that hawt. 
Not only has she not met Bella yet, she hasn’t heard anyone talk about Bella either, so I don’t know how she came to the “she’s a mean girl with an ugly heart” conclusion.
But nomatter how much I try to hate him, I simply couldn't. Suddenly the phone range
"hello "
"hey, is that altantiana?"
"yah who is this?" I aksed.
"its Mike nooton from your class! 
She hasn’t met Mike yet either, unless that happened in the deleted scenes or something. I guess, if he called her house phone, that he could have got Dave and Marie’s number out of the school directory… but this seems a little weird if they’ve literally never met.
I was wondering if your wanted to go to La Plush with me too morrow night maybe? 
To clarify, he is talking about a beach. He means La Push. Stuffed animals are probably not involved.
Theres a party on the beech with whole crowd of us going and I thought you seemed relay nice so I thought maybe youd want to me my date please? -
I can maybe buy that a high school boy is desperate enough to ask a random pretty girl to a party with him in the hopes that maybe it’ll kindle some sort of romance, but this is a really bad way to go about it. Asking out a girl you’ve never met is… not the best plan. Why not just frame it as inviting her along because she’s a new student and it would be a good opportunity for her to hang out and make friends? You don’t have to be explicit about your crush before you’ve even had a conversation with her.
Also I think Mike is already dating Bella’s friend Jessica, but fuck her, I guess.
"arent you the guy who hangs out with all the pathetic chearleaders and stuff?" I asked
"you mean bella and jessica's gang? 
I’m gonna wait a bit to talk about how weird it is that Bella is hanging with a “gang” of cheerleaders, but like… why does Tiaa know Mike hangs out with them? Again, this is their first conversation, and (as far as we know) the first time she’s even heard of him.
Sometimes I guess but theyr'e way shallow and not as hot as you. 
He’s maybe undermining his own point there.
And they can be mean sometimes.-"
So… like anyone, then?
"then why do hang out white them then you shallow CREEP!and why are you askin me out when you harely no me mike! Cos u think im' hot? Why cant you see your just as shallow if you want to date someone just cost of what they look like - I'm not THAT pretty anyways! 
Oh, Tiaa, you and I were on the same page until you pulled the fake modesty card. Besides, isn’t this a bit of an overreaction? He asked you to hang out with him at the beach, it’s not like he’s proposing marriage or anything.
And even if i was, I'm SO screwed up in the bran you cant even imagine! u would no want to date me if you new how screwed up I was!"
What exactly does she mean by “screwed up in the brain bran”? Like, are we talking legitimate mental illness, or is this just teenage angsting? And, in either case, what exactly is her problem that makes her undateable? This is about the vaguest possible rejection, and I don’t know if she’s implying something is actually wrong with her or that she’s just Not Like Other Girls.
"I would, tia, beleive me I would! Your so beautiful you cant even imagine. Your so pretty people lose there minds when your around and forget there names and forget to brethe! 
That’s your only reason? She’s pretty? Weren’t you saying something about cheerleaders being shallow a minute or two ago?
How can't you have noticed that? 
Decent point, actually. If your character is dropping jaws and turning heads with her beauty, either she’s aware she’s beautiful or there’s a reason she doesn’t realize. Like… maybe Tiaa thinks the people staring at her are doing so because of how she dresses, not because they think she’s pretty. Tiaa has actually seemed pretty aware of her effect on others throughout, though, so unless she’s just playing modest around Mike for some reason this scene doesn’t make any sense.
And I don't CARE how screwed up you are! It only maked you more interesting! 
He’s not even gonna ask for clarification on that?
Your cool and different and you are honest about stuff! you are right to be angry with me. I'm sorry for benign shallow and dumb just give me a chance to show you how much I care, please? "
The argument he’s making would probably be way more convincing if this wasn’t, you know, their first conversation ever.
"well...ok maybe ill go along if I dont have anything else to do" i said, not believing a word he said about how pretty i was.
Oh, come on.
"thank you altantiana thank you so much!" he sounded so happy I couldnt help but smile as I put the phone down but my smile faded as I return to my thoughts. Mike Nooton was kinda cute and seemed like an ok guy but he was nothing next to Ewdard Cullen. 
Yeah, I guess when compared to the weird dude who tried to fuck you in a locker room and threw a shirt at your head Mike really isn’t worth a second thought.
Even though I was anger with edward than I have ever been with anyone in my life and part of me wanted to chop his head off with a sore, a part of my soul would all ways remain in that coridoor where we had kissed so hard and passionably. 
My mistake, they were in a hallway, not a locker room. Not sure if that’s better or worse, but, depending on how busy that hallway normally is, it’s probably worse.
I creamed myself. 
Didn’t need to know that.
My heart had soared that day like never before, and i new that no one else would ever make me feel like that again, then I thought how he was a cheater and a bastard and my face burnt with shame. I couldn't beleive I had behaved like such a hore. 
I mean… she didn’t, really. She went along with his advances up to a point, and it doesn’t really show good judgement on her part, but he was the one acting like a “hore” in this situation. Putting the moves on a random girl in a public space when you’ve already got a girlfriend? Keep it classy, dude.
I was scared of the affect he had on me.
Effect. “Affect” is a verb. Nice sentence otherwise.
(Okay, if you’re a grammar pedant, “affect” isn’t always a verb… it can also be a noun, when we’re talking in a psychology context, which Tiaa isn’t.)
"bye tiaa! We'll be back on Thursday ok?" mari put her head rind the door suddenly
"Ok then, have fun" I wispered clammily..dave and marie where visiting relatives for a few day.
Convenient. Two less characters for the author to have to deal with.
Wait, no, oh my god, I just remembered what happens in this chapter.
"you look so pretty" she says, smiling -your the prettiest gril i've ever seen!”
I… okay, that’s some natural dialogue.
"omg whatever" I reply. I hated it wen people say that. 
Come on, girl, it’s just a compliment! Not like she’s hitting on you! At least I hope not.
I pulled my blond hair over my face. I was wearin a short hot pink dress cut low with black lace frills at the bottom and black lace stocking.
I kind of like that Tiaa is a goth girl who likes bright pink. There are plenty of real-life goth girls like that, but you pretty much never see them in fanfiction.
"daves brother larry will be looking after you wile where gone you'll be ok when where gone wont you tiaa? I hate to leaven you alone like this!"
You know “leaven” is what you do to bread to make it rise, right?
"i don't need a freakin babysiter u no!" i was so embarasing, I could look after myself!
Freudian slip? I mean, she is pretty embarrassing.
Marie smiles and leaves the house.
Marie doesn’t give a fuck, it seems.
"greeting a;latnaniana my names uncle larry" said uncle larry, he came in threw the door he was fat and bald with tiny black eyes and a red face
You know he’s a bad guy because he’s ugly. That’s how it works!
"Hey - i said
"your the orphan arent you" he says "is it true you kiled your mother when she gave birth to you?”
Nice to meet you too, Uncle Larry.
"Wat!" I cry, my eyes filling with tears
"your an evil bich arent u? Go outsite and wash my car" he shouts angerly
I’ve just thought of a fun game. There are five more chapters left. Let’s all place bets on which chapter Uncle Larry will get horribly murdered in.
I stood up and left to wash his car. I got soap and a bucket, afraid of what he would do if I refuzed. I went outside and started to wash hush car it was a red porche. He came outside and wached me and I new he was waching me! 
I know the implication is he’s watching her in a pervy way, but if I was making someone wash my car and I didn’t particularly like them I’d keep an eye on them too.
After a minite he came over and hit me hard across the face
"wft!" i shouted
What Fuck The?
He poored the bucket of water all over me and hit me again,. I was wet and crying and he started to rip my dress and bra of me and rip my clothes. He touched my naked breats and I try to push him off me I screamed at him to stop but he did'nt. He bent me over the bonet of his car and spanked me on the ass for half an hour then he pulled my panties down and started to rape me!
I really don’t want to be laughing at a rape scene, because rape is one of those things that’s just inherently unfunny, but… this is testing me. I mean, an entire half hour of spanking? The dramatic announcement that he began raping her after he forcibly stripped her naked and spanked her for thirty minutes, as if this is a surprise? The fact that all of this is happening in plain view of any neighbors Dave and Marie might have? Good lord. I truly do not know how to react.
I also have to wonder why Tiaa makes little attempt to fight back here. It’s pretty reasonable to freeze up when you’re violently attacked, but Tiaa has proven that she’s both capable and willing to fight off anyone she perceives as a threat (kung fu babie!) previously in the story. Is Uncle Larry too physically powerful for her to win against? We don’t really know how big he is compared to her, and Tiaa has been described as strong and fast previously. Both of them are unarmed, and, if there are neighbors, the noise should alert someone to what’s going on (Tiaa has been shouting/screaming throughout). Why is he getting away with all this? Oh, right, plot reasons.
"stop raping me!" I cry but he didnt stop! 
The pain was terrible even tough his manhood was small. 
Didn’t need to know about his dick, thanks!
I cryed and cryed but he didnt stop for hours and when he finally stopped he left me on the floor and spat in my face and left me there. 
Wait… hours? This guy has impressive stamina.
I pulled on my clothes and cryed madly and ran off into the seething darkness of the midnight street. I ran and ran un till I came to some woods and then I fell down in the woods and cryed.
“Seething darkness of the midnight street” is a pretty good phrase, actually. I mean, super cheesy and doesn’t really mean anything, but if this was lyrics some alt-rock band wrote I’d accept it.
Suddenly a blast of white light exploded in head and my mark on my hand burned like a flame. I closed my eyes and saw the face of a tall white man looking over me with no expression, his eyes were burning red and his face glimmered cold and bright as the moon,. 
I fell back from the brightness of his body, his hair was dark as night,.
"atlantiana?" he whisperd in a voice softer than clouds -my daughter?-
Well, we all saw that one coming a mile off.
"omg" I whisperd as my mind went blank and the world went dark.
I hope she whispered the acronym instead of saying “oh my god.” Her dad will be totally confused! Old people don’t know how acronyms work!
Next chapter
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animmania · 7 years
Bendy and the ink machine sorta review.
bendy and the ink machine. alot of people have props been seeing its name going around lately and might not know what it is. sum up. its a horror indie game about a cartoon chacater coming alive though ink and you the player have to find out why everything thats happening is happening. thats the basic sum up.
i very much like this game alot and im really happy  to see it getting so much love. but alot of people dont like it and seem confused on why its getting so much praise . and i think thats an intersting point. one day it just showed up and got populaor. but why is that?? well i think its for a few reasons but ill get to them. ive been wanting to make this for a bit so im bascally going to cover as much about the game as i can. from story to game play. so lets start with a better look at the story. note the game is in chapters and i will be spoiling most things in the game so just a heads up to stop reading now if you dont want to be spoiled
CHAPTER 1 MOVIING PICTURES your name is henry a cartoonist who is coming back to his old animation studio after getting a letter from an old friend saying he wants to show you something you look around and find an ink machine. not knowing what it dos or what its for you of course decied you need to turn it on and see what it dos. after finding some iteams to "sacrafice to the gods". once you get them and turn on the machine the place starts to flood with ink and bendy appears. an old cartoon character that used to be famous. think mickey mouse and such. but someone trying to bring him to life made him into a inky black monster.. you run away and make it to the exist but you fall for the floor. after finding an axe you break some boards then reach a demonic circle and pass out after seeing some images.
CHAPTER 2 THE OLD SONG After passing out you wake up and and pick back up your axe. after some more wood chopping you find your way to the music department of the animation studio.here you find another exit but since the ink machine is going the exit is flooded and you cant get in. afetr some exploring and puzzle solving you eventually find out about sammy. the head of the music department and how the exit flooding was something that happened alot becuase of the ink machine. so they installed a ink pump in the exit that would get rid of the ink in the exit. you go to his office press the switch and as your about to leave your hit on the head and knocked out. turns out its good ol sammy. after being locked down there for so long and trapped by the ink machine he has gone mad. he wishs to be free and he thinks giving you as a saccrafice to bendy will do it. he ties you up and is about to sick bendy at you when suddenly bendy turns on him and off screen kills him. you get loose and grab your axe and start running until you run into the ol fool him self BENDY. he gives chase and you outrun him locking him the door. so now your safe but just as things get calm you hear a noise around a conor and behold. its boris another cartoon character that was made for bendy but he is more finished and not as monsterish looking as bendy thos in the game. then it cuts to black and it ends
and thats it for now. no other chapters are out.
now the story isnt anything ground breaking yes but its also not horrible. its a basic plot and it gets the job done. there are a few more characters i could have mentioned but they really dont matter all that much to whats going on. they are mainly for lore and to make it seem like this place used to be well run. ill let you guys find out about them if you decied to get the game your self
ok with the story done lets talk about the look of the game which i think is the best part about bendy and the ink machine.
given its about cartoons and such every thing has a very old cartoony look to them. from the walls to projectors every thing screams classic cartoons and its great they did a great job mixing the cartoony style  with 3d objects making it all seem natural. the lighting is also very good. using alot of yellows i noticed and using it to highlight things like doors or places that you might want to check out. the game also has a bunch of posters every were of bendy the main character and other cartoon characters. now there isnt alot of them so your most likly going to see alot of the same ones alot which isnt the best but it dos have a plus side ill get to later . the only thing id say is an issue with the look of everything is. stuff like the floors while do look good are pretty flat. most of the ground is made out of floor boards and it all looks flat. i think having some stick up from the ground slitghy would have been a bit better but its only a nit pick
but now what would a good looking game be without good looking characters to such as bendy. a small lil demon cartoon character. he was the face of the whole animation studio and boy it shows. his desgin is really simple yet really nice to look at and from an artist stand point very fun and easy to draw. he also has all the classic cartoon things. the big cloves. the dot eyes with the cut in them and  a bow tie. something else to note is he has no neck. not really sure why that is but its honestly nice. makes him stand out honestly which is good for a main character
the next character is boris. very goofy like being a doog person...thing. hes very cute and you see him from time to time in the game in full 3d. his model is very nice and he fits very well into the look of everything else.
finally we have the new cartoon character that was added in chapter 2 alice angle. her disney is meant to be a sorta oppiste of bendys i think. being an angle instead of a devil she has a slightly different look and is actually a human instead of a cartoon animal . her disgn seems very betty boob and minny mouse inspired. having some boob but still maintaining her cartoon look.with bendy arms and gloves and all. its worth to note she has a hole in her hand which i dont really understand but sure it looks nice
every other character in the game dosnt have a look besides from sammy. sammy being a person covered in ink wearing a bendy mask. there isnt alot to say about him other then i think he needs a bath.
now were onto game play. this is where i think most people start to spilt into the two groups of loving this game or hating the game. each with good points
the game is first person with the basic controls walk and look around. its worth to note that in chapter 2 they added a jump button and a sprint button. dont know why they didnt have them in chapter one but what ever. also on a short note the jump in this game dosnt really do much but it dosnt have alot of sound which makes it seem off. you dont need to jump so its not a big deal but its something that bothered me . you also have a attack button which is for swinging your axe at things in your way and enemys which is where issues start to come in. swinging the axe is fine but hitting things is another story. when ever i swing it i can never tell when im going to hit something. ive been right next to objects and swinging and it would not break and id have to start aiming at them in different angles till i found the hit box. i havent played chapter 2 but after watching a few people play it it seems the same goes for the enemys but not as much. now the enemys i think are the weakest part about the game so far. for 1 they arent really scary and dont really fit in with the world. they are just geniric looking sludge monsters  with no real features. and fighting them seems really unsatisfying. they go down with one hit and the sound effect sounds like your stepping in a puddle. also they arent really something you have to worry about. it takes like 12 of them to be able to kill you and even still as long as you dont run head first into them they will never kill you. but do be careful becuase if they do kill you you gotta start the chapter all over again . that is pretty bullshit.
then we have the other part of the game play which is looking for iteams and solving some puzzles. now alot of people hate these and i do understand. looking for iteams isnt that fun  but i dont think its all that bad. you get to look at all the details and find some secerts along the way. plus the areas you have to look in arent even that big so it wont take very long to find what you need.
now thats pretty much all the game play but theres another thing i want to talk about which is the music. now for as much as id love to say buy the soundtrack i really cant. besides from one track which i liked called *Hellfire Follies* all the songs seem like genirc horror music youd find anywhere. Hellfire Follies is the best mainly becuase its so different from the rest of the songs and also fits really well into the cartoon aesthic thats going on. the only other song id say is really good is the one that plays when your next to the projector playing a small animation of bendy in chapter 1. but its not in the soundtrack for some reason and i cant find its name any where.
so thats bendy and the ink machine. so what after all that is said and done those bendy desver to get all the praise it gets?? or is it just a over hyped game that isnt that good. me persnoally i really like. despite all its issues i still had fun playing chapter one and looking at all the detail and watching all the play thoughs of chapter 2 just made me love it more. if you came into the game with high expctaions thinking your going to shit your pants in fear your going to be dissapointed. a common issue ive seen come up with the game from people is that theres no real looming fear . no monster constally chaseing you or enemys that really make you scared. and those are fair complaints. but i think thats not all that bad of a thing. bendy and the ink machine is more of a game that wants you to get sucked into its world and wants to scare you with its tone and setting rather then with monsters or the fear of dying. i think the best way of looking at bendy and the ink machine is. dont think of it as a action horror game. but more as a puzzle horror game.
also despite it not being that scary its such a unique horror game. a game with such a cute cartoony style clearly taking insipation from old school disney. not alot of horror games like that out there which is way i think people like it so much. its just so nice and new. plus it not being that scary i think opens it up for alot of people.
its sorta like a lite horror game. something i think which could be a good start for people that want to get into horror games or horror genra as a whole but cant handle big things like lets say outlast or something.
but i think the best part about the game and what made me so in love with it is the commmuinty. the meatly the maker of the game trys so hard to be active in the community and dos so much for people who enjoy his game. even to the point in letting them chip in with art contest for the chance of getting thier art in the game with posters or so many things. and even reaching out to youtubers who have taken the time to write whole songs for the game and added them into the game as easters eggs which is just so cool. taking part in it is honestly is nice and seeing all the nice cool people in it makes it such a joy to be apart of . if i played the game and never even looked at fan art or all the community events id  honestly not be that intersted in this game and would have worte it off.
if you dont really care about that kinda stuff then it wont really matter and the game might not leave that much of an impact but for me it makes me want to get more into it because its just fun.
so thats my kinda review of bendy. hope i made some sense haha. and meatly if this some how finds your way. thanks for making such awesome games. keep up the work man
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
them vampire feels yo
Jeje: "...I still suggest a flamethrower. Or decapitation. Or torture. I have some awful enka music that would drive this monstrous soul into pure insanity..." metsu: perhaps. Jeje: *pulls out a brown paper bag, ready to drop PlushFix into it...opens the box--* PlushFix: *ROWR!* *latches onto Jeje's face* Jeje: "...Well, this didn't work." metsu: *grabs the doll and unlatches it, being careful not to tear jeje's bagmask* PlushFix: "Let go of me, you stupid fuck!" Jeje: -______- metsu: *glaaaaare* behave yourself, please~? PlushFix: ._.;;;;; "...Yikes." metsu: *locks him back in the box* Jeje: "Thank you...Strange creature." metsu: hopefully the good doctor hadnt heard that.... Jeje: "Hmph. He still playing with those chemicals?" metsu: evidently... what he plans to do with them is what concerns me.. Jeje: "Ugh, drugging people?" metsu:...he startles me. Jeje: "No kidding. Keep your guard up around that freaky doctor." metsu: noted. -elsewhere- Konro: "How are the children, Kabuki?" kabuki: doing well. kirei's kept a close eye on them. if she does chose to have a family one day, im certain she'd be an excellent mother. Konro: *amused chuckle* "I'd say so! Glad to hear it! How are you? I imagine with what has happened..." kabuki: i've been doing fairly alright... say, is it true, that you were once head of asakusa? Konro: "..." *nods* "I was...before the Young Master." kabuki: ah. Konro: "..." *remembers the Demon, the battle...other events...* "Our village needs strength...Benimaru can provide that to us. I...cannot." kabuki: *he nods* Konro: *pats Kabuki's shoulder* "And Benimaru will need people like you, to be the foundation for important changes." kabuki: understood. -elsewhere- naho: *looking around the plaza* Black Star: *walking through plaza, doesn't notice Naho, carrying groceries* naho: !! *follows* Black Star: *arrives at hot spring* "yo!" tetsu: hey. come on in. naho: *sneaks around to the back* Black Star: "How's everyone doing?" tetsu: doing good. naho: *sneak sneak sneak sneak* *peeeeps through a hole in the fence* Kuro: *bathing* ("Thank goodness I can get some alone time to relax--") Lily: "Hello there~" *enters in a towel* "Mind some company?" Kuro: -_-; naho: O/////w/////O *snapping pics on her phone* Lily: *slides into the water* "This is quite relaxing, is it not~?" Kuro: "Please stop talking. I want quiet." Lily: "Want me to wash your back?" Kuro: *grunts, turns* naho: *nosebleed*... !! (thinking: focus naho!) *sneak sneak sneak* Black Star: "??? You hear something, Tetsu?" tetsu: ?? probably a raccoon or something, they're common around here. tsubaki: *humming as she relaxes in the water in the other room* naho:....(thinking: not interesting at all) Black Star: "Yeah, I guess so. Where are Tsubaki and Tiny Vamp?" tetsu: well, you're girlfriend is taking a bath right now, and hugh is in the other room with some of his subclass.... apperantly sagami has a girlfriend now, and hugh wants to know the details. Black Star: *small twitch, sweating* "Oh..." *tries to change the subject* "Sagami has a girlfriend, huh? Interesting..." Kuro: *small moan* *grunts* "Don't scratch behind my ear..." Lily: "But you're such a little kitten!" naho: *sneeeek* !! lilac: *sitting on the porch* Black Star: *inching into the hall...leading towards the porch...and the girls' bath, as he keeps eye contact with Tetsu* "So...Where's Lilac?" uzuki: on the porch. Black Star: "Well...I'll go check on Lilac..." *starting walking...* uzuki: *glare* you trying to get a peek? Black Star: o____O "Um...no?" uzuki: *judgmental face* Black Star: o________O ("Uzuki is going to rip my balls off if I try anything...I better skip this...") "Um...Want to chat with Lilac for a bit?" *nervous smile* kaori: he's on the porch, like tetsu said. naho: *throws a pebble over the fence, trying to get lilac's attention* Black Star: "O-Okay...Guess I'm chatting with Lilac alone, then..." *walks stiffly, directly to Lilac on the porch* ("Jeeeeeeeez!") lilac:..... naho: TnT *she tries again* Black Star: "Yo, Lilac! How's it--" -badoink- Black Star: *twitch* "...The hell?" *picks up the pebble, holds it to Lilac* "...Has it been raining rocks around here?" lilac: i-i dont know... naho: O___O Black Star: "..." *shrugs, tosses the pebble over his shoulder...back towards Naho* naho: *dink* Q-Q Black Star: "So, Lilac, what you been up to?" lilac: not much....sleeping mostly... Black Star: "Well, can't get any better rest than in a hot spring! These knuckleheads letting you sleep in peace?" lilac: y-yeah... Black Star: "..." ("Man, so much like Crona...") "...You like desserts? Or snacks? I got you a boatload of them at the grocery store!" lilac: im...not really hungry... Black Star: "You sure? You look all like skin and bones..." *sits beside Lilac* "...Got any favorite foods?" naho: .... naho: >n< *tosses another pebble* *The pebble lands next to Lilac and Black Star* Black Star: "???" lilac: ????!!!! naho: OnO; Black Star: "...Okay. WHO IS THROWING STONES AT US?!!" *stands up* naho: (thinking: aw nuggets) Black Star: *runs and leaps over the fence--* "Where are you, stone thrower?!!" naho: O___O um..... hi? Black Star: "...Naho? The heck you doing here?" naho: um...i....uhh.....i-i-i-is tetsu in? Black Star: "...Yeah? Why?" naho: ineededtotalktohim! (thinking: nice distraction me!) -inside- naho: I REALLY LIKE YOU A LOT, WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME?? tetsu:....do i know you? naho: ....... QwQ;;; Black Star: -_-; "I knew I should have spied on Tsubaki instead." Kuro: *exiting the bath with Lily* "...Huh?" tsubaki: black*star! D:< *tiny chop* Lily: "We had a very relaxing bath of comfort, camaraderie, and bonding! Very intimate!" *spots Naho* "Oh. Hello!" *tiny wave* naho:... OwO hiiii. *wave* Black Star: *unfazed* "...Old habits die hard. And you're hot." Kuro: -_____- "Why is she here?" tsubaki:.... =/////= naho: me? tetsu: she tried to ask me out, but i've never met her. should i go? Kuro: "...I think that this is such a load of--" Lily: "Divine intervention! She came to bring love into your life! Say yes!" Kuro: "...I was going to say a steaming load of--" tetsu:...ok. you wont mind if i bring my 'cousin' right? naho: it's...perfectly fine! little kids are adorable! Hugh: > : ( naho: hey little guy, what's your name? Hugh: "How dare you not know my name! I am the embodiment of the most extravagant parts that this vast universe has to offer! I am--" tetsu: it's hugh. Black Star: *studying Naho* "...Hey. How about we make this a double-date?" naho: and he is THE CUTEST THING EVER! double date? sounds....nice! (mentally laughs as she digs her own grave) Hugh: "And you look like a teeny-bopper! You have the wandering eye of a Trollope!" Black Star: .____. *hides behind Tsubaki* Kuro: "..." *struggles to hold back a chuckle* naho: .....eh? mahiru: *sweatdrop* misono: total commoner. she's perfect for you. Lily: o\\\\\\\o "Hugh, that's not a nice thing to say about a lady..." uzuki: *chop* old-school or not, be respectful dammit. -_-; Hugh: Q~Q Black Star: "...So, um, where you want to go for a date? Any dining recommendations?" naho: how about higanbana's? (thinking: WHY AM I STILL TALKING?!) Black Star: "Sweet! I could work up a healthy appetite there!" ("...And keep an eye on this girl...what Lilac said...") naho: great! see you then! this saturday? Black Star: *thumbs up* Hugh: >___< naho: later~ *exits* (thinking: lilac is definintly here....) -and so- naho: i maaaay have dug myself way too deep QwQ Mr. Tsubaki: ⊙ ⊙ "...Did your brain stop working?" Shamrock: *facepalm* Higan: "...It could have been worse." lavender: at least lilac's alive, so that's good news. Mr. Tsubaki: *smiles* "Yes...Naho, did Lilac seem okay?" naho: i think so. they didnt seem to be hurting him....how do we get him home? Mr. Tsubaki: "While you have Hugh and his eve on a date, Higan and I will initiate our next step...Wait...You said this was a double date?" naho: yeppers, at higanbana's. the really fancy place! otogiri: seems like shamrock's dream of becoming a waiter will finally come true. Shamrock: *shiny eyes* "I will do my best!" Mr. Tsubaki: *serene smile* "And who exactly is _on_ this double-date with you?" naho: OwO;;....the ninja boy and.....his.....weapon? *trembling but smiling* pleasedontkillme. Mr. Tsubaki: *serene smile* "Of course not. You are the messenger only...Excuse me for a moment..." *marches into Higan and Lavender's bedroom...loud crashes are heard* lavender: O_O; what is he doing? Higan: "Um, I think he's trashing--" *A dresser flies through the door and out of the room--and hits Higan in the head* Higan: X_____X Mr. Tsubaki: "AND WHY IS THERE A SCHOOL GIRL UNIFORM IN HERE?!" lavender: >____>;;;;;;;;;; naho: QwQ;;;; Shamrock: -_-; "Belkia, let's tend to injuries..." belkia: righty then! sakuya: trust me. you. do NOT. want to know. Mr. Tsubaki: *exits the room, looking composed and calm* "Ah, how cathartic...Well, we have to make sure Naho has the cutest outfit ready for her first date!" lavender: on it! naho: *pout* all my outfits are totes cute though... Mr. Tsubaki: "But I want the best for you~" naho:....thanks sir! ^^ Mr. Tsubaki: *small hug* naho: hehe~ ^w^ Shamrock: *pouts* Higan: *flies buzzing around him* lavender: *takes him into the shower* i better revive him. sakuya: ick. Shamrock: d: belkia: *blows a kiss* gooood night everybody~! -elsewhere- Relan: [i never saw someone burn a meal like that...] shinra: [you thought _that_ was bad? try burning the whole stove haha! no really, she nearly burned the whole kitchen to a crisp.] tamaki: screw you, shinra! D:< Relan: [o_o jeez. thank goodness hibana refurbished the 8th. careful she doesn't hear you say that...] shinra: [^^] Relan: [you're the better chef ^^ ] -a few days later- naho: hey guys~! tsubaki: *wave* tetsu: hey. *in a suit that had been special ordered by hugh* Black Star: "Yo!" Hugh: >_< "I cannot reach the table!" tetsu: waiter, a toddler's seat please. naho: hehe~<3 Hugh: D: < tsubaki: hehe~ -what they dont know, is naho's corsage has a one way communicator- Mr. Tsubaki: *listening* ~_~ "My camelia flower's delightful laugh..." otogiri: *rolls eyes* good grief. sakuya: where did he even get those communicators? Mr. Tsubaki: "Now, to hear what happens next..." Shamrock: "Perhaps a spy store?" belkia: *whistling* Shamrock: -____-; "Really?" naho: so, what do you guys do for a living? tetsu: im the heir to the hotsprings, so that's there. Black Star: "NINJA ASSASSIN!" Mr. Tsubaki: *screaming at the radio* tsubaki: black*star and i work together fighting monsters. we're hoping to gather the souls of 99 evil humans and 1 rogue witch to make me a death scythe. naho: oooh, what is that? Black Star: "It's what Tsubaki is going to be: the most powerful, most badass weapon out there!" naho: neato! Hugh: *struggling to reach the breadsticks* D: tetsu: *hands him one* Black Star: "What do you do, Naho?" Hugh: *nom nom nom* naho: well, i'm studying at the school in an art major, with a minor in supernatural history. i also do cosplay~ Black Star: "Art, huh? You any good at it?" naho: yeah, mostly just doodling right now, but i have done some cool stuff for projects too! Hugh: "Show us on your tiny telecommunications contraption!" naho: um...owo;;; tsubaki: ?? belkia: uh oh. Black Star: "??? I think he meant your cell phone..." Hugh: *nod nod* naho: oh! my batteries kind of low right now, so i dont want to waste it ^^; (thinking: if he sees my background, i'll be found out for sure! darn you purikura booth app!) Hugh: "Hmph. Invest in a portable external power source!" [translation note: he means portable battery] naho: i'll keep that in mind ^^ otogiri: cue the waiter? Shamrock: "Hello, I am Samuel, and I will be your waiter this evening. How's everyone doing? Are you ready to place your drink orders?" naho: bubble tea if you have any~ tsubaki: matcha tea please. Black Star: "Matcha tea for me, too." tetsu: kelp tea. Hugh: "Cola!" Shamrock: *nods* "Very good. I'll be back for your meal orders~" Black Star: "Jeez, that dude is working for that tip..." naho: he must be reeeeally dedicated to his job! (thinking: and mr tsubakin~<3) Black Star: "Hmm...I'm pretty hungry...What do you recommend, Naho?" -elsewhere- otogiri: seems everything is going well.. *she looks at mr tsubaki* about phase two...? Mr. Tsubaki: *nods* Higan and I will depart, then..." belkia: you gonna get piano boy and his hedgie? Mr. Tsubaki: "...After what Lawless did...I want revenge..." otogiri:...understandable... Mr. Tsubaki: "Let us go, Higan." Mr. Tsubaki: *looks around* "...Where is he?" -the door opens- lavender: damn, that was good. *rebuttoning her shirt* Higan: "Hee hee...Yeah..." *pulling up his pants* Mr. Tsubaki: "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" otogiri: =_=; good grief. belkia: mission time gramps, come on! Higan: -___-; "Right..." *dons his shirt* "I am ready." Mr. Tsubaki: *nods* "Good...We depart." belkia: i'll be sure to help plant our 'in'. Higan: *thumbs up* -and so- kranz: be safe at your part-time job! licht: dont let the door hit you in the ass on your way out, shit rat. Lawless: (highfalutin) "All the world's a stage--" (frowns, normal voice) "Yet I'm still barely making minimum wage. Jeez, I could sell a pound of my flesh for better cash..." *slumps away...* julian: will he be ok? romina: he'll be fine, he's had worse days, ya'll. -elevator voice: going down; ground floor- Lawless: *listening to elevator music* "...So a flat tune." -on the ground floor, a female figure is walking out the building. a familiar figure- Lawless: "!!! O-Ophelia?" ???: *she turns and smiles, leaving the building* Lawless: "Wait! Come back!" clerk: oh, good after.....*she watches him run out* -noon? Lawless: "Ophelia!" clerk:...my name's andrea, you dumbass. -ophelia walks down the street, leading down to a secluded vacant lot- Lawless: "Ophelia! Where are you going?" -a fox follows them into the lot- -ophelia is lying in the center of the lot...as a bloodied, crumpled heap- Lawless: "!!!! No!" *runs to her, to cradle her in his arms* "No no no!" -there is no reply- Lawless: "Wake up! Come back to me! Please, don't die!" -nothing more than silence- Lawless: *shaking, cradling her...* "Thou know'st 'tis common; all that lives must die, passing through nature to eternity. If I must die I will encounter darkness as a bride, and hug it in mine arms. To die...the heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks." *Fox approaches* Lawless: "..." *sobs* -clack- Lawless: "!!!" Fox: *behind Lawless, in the distance...eyes shining red...and grins* Lawless: *shudders* "N-No...No!" Higan: "Yes." Lawless: "?!!!" *CRACK* belkia: *griiiins* Lawless: *clutches his head* "Ah!" *stumbles, trying to run* belkia: *throws blades at his legs* oh no ya dont! -clack- -clack- -clack- Lawless: *sliced* "Ahhh! How did you--?!" belkia: i have my methods~ hehehe~ Lawless: *curled along floor, howling in pain* Mr Tsubaki: *walks up to Lawless, stands over him* "...Pick up this trash. We depart." -ophelia's lifeless form stares back at him- Lawless: *sobs, reaches out for Ophelia* -no response- Lawless: "O...Ophelia...OPHELIA!" -to an onlooker, there would be nothing there- belkia: hmm? who dat? tsubakyun, he must be seeing things, musta hit his head reeeeeal good! Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *smiles* "His eyes are but pearls now..." belkia: whatever you made him remember musta been paaaainful~ Lawless: *sobbing, uncontrollably* Mr. Tsubaki: "Yuck...Higan, pick him up." Higan: -_-; belkia: one down, then one later today~! Mr. Tsubaki: *sneers* “Isnt it painful? Losing the one you care for? Do you understand the pain I felt when you slaughtered my subclass?” Mr. Tsubaki: *sneering...his eyes are wet* Higan: *puts Lawless over his shoulder* "...Sir?" Mr. Tsubaki: *wipes his face* "We go." -elsewhere- Black Star: *nom nom nom* naho: super yummy~<3 tetsu: *nom* tsubaki: this is...quite a lot of food. ouo; will we be able to afford all this? Black Star: o___O *mouth full* "Um..." naho: my uncle's going to be covering it for us~ Black Star: "..." *swallows* " 'Uncle'?" naho: *she nods* he works for an acting troupe, 'carmine entertainers'. Black Star: "Oh, cool. What plays?" naho: all kinds of stuff, from magic shows, puppeteering, even illusion arts! tsubaki: how varied. naho: actually, i think my uncle mentioned having talent scouted here in death city. i bed you'd make a great actress! tsubaki: oh goodness, me? *flustered* naho: we're also looking for musicians and theater majors to join us too. if you know anyone like that, let us know~ Black Star: *weary* "Well, we know a few musicians..." *then imagines Tsubaki as an actress* -\\\\\- Hugh: "MORE BREADSTICKS!" tetsu: yes please. Black Star: "More meat and rice!" Shamrock: Q____Q "Y-Yes..." ("Kill me...") -elsewhere- kranz: ehhh?! what do you mean 'he didnt show up'?! *on the phone with lawless' boss from his part time job* boss: he just didnt show up. is he sick or something? licht: that damn shit rat. he's probably at the movies or something. i'm going to find him, beat him to a pulp, and drag him to work. later. Guil: "???" kranz: keep your phone on so i can call you! licht: yeah i hear ya. Guil: *whale noise* kranz: i know, but he's more than capable of handling himself...but still... -and so- licht: *tries to call lawless again* i swear to christ, if this is leads to another elaborate voice mail- Lawless: *voicemail record* "Yet here, Laertes? Aboard, aboard, for shame! The wind sits in the shoulder of your sail, and you are stay'd for. There- my blessing with thee! And these few precepts in thy memory look thou character. Give thy thoughts no tongue, nor any unproportion'd thought his act. Be thou familiar, but by no means vulgar: those friends thou hast, and their adoption tried, grapple them unto thy soul with hoops--" licht: get on with it... -_-; Lawless: "Leave your message after the beep!" *BEEP* licht: *ready to smash the phone* you dirty piece of shit. i'm going to put chlorine into your food if you dont pick up for real you demonic shit rat. Higan: "I'm afraid he is not available to take your call." licht: ?!?! *he turns around* who the hell-? Higan: *puts an arm around Licht's shoulder* "Hello, Eve of Greed..." licht: !!!!! Higan: "Been looking for you--after having a delightful conversation with Greed..." licht: how would you know where that shit rat is? Higan: "Because we let him have a little reunion with someone..." *jabs Licht in the ribs* licht: !!! grk- w-what are you-? Higan: *picks him up* "We have a trip to take..." licht: !!! -elsewhere- mahiru: i think that's everything... *looks at kuro*...... Kuro: "I hope so...What's the next step?" -BOOOOOM- mahiru: ?!?! -a pillar of fire is seen in the park- mahiru: what the?! Kuro: "!!! Oh no..." mahiru: i have a bad feeling about this... Kuro: -_-; "We're going to have to go there, aren't we?" mahiru: there's no sign of the blue stripes, thinking simply, it should be us! come on kuro! *runs towards it* Kuro: *follows* "Ugh..." -at the park- belkia: -observing the scene from the trees- oooh get 'em higano! whoop his butt! Higan: *sweeps his leg under Licht* licht: !! *kicking at his face* die already gramps. Higan: "?!!! Hey, show a little respect for your elders." *seizes Licht's wrist* licht: !! *kicks him in the stomach* tamaki: what the heck is that?! shinra: a flame human? Arthur: "We better check..." shinra: right! -when they arrive, no flame human is in site, all that is there is a scorch mark, mahiru, and a black orb- mahiru: *stunned into silence* shinra:....what the hell...? Arthur: "...What is this?" tamaki: there isnt a flame human? shinra:....hey....you ok- mahiru:....k...ku....ro? -officers from the 5th brigade appear on scene- Hibana: "What's going on?' Kishiri: *covered in dog bite marks* tamaki: we saw a pillar of fire in the distance, but when we went to check it out, no flame human...just this guy and a ball? Hibana: "???" *approaches Mahiru* "You. What is that ball?" mahiru: *holds it close to him* kuro...h-he.... Hibana: "???" *gets down closer to him* "Hey...Who is 'Kuro'?" mahiru: *silent* gabriella: ....no heat signal coming off it.... Hibana: "...Kid? Are you okay? You look..." mahiru: ....... tamaki:....what the hell happened to you, bubble-dumb? Hibana: "..." Kishiri: T__T "I'm doing part-time work for a relative's dog kennel..." tamaki: must hurt like a bitch...get it? get it? because dogs?...........screw you, i thought it was funny. Kishiri: -____-;;;; "You'd get together with them like cats and dogs..." -later- misono: damn....this is bad.... both greed and his eve captured? sayaka: jeez, this is really bad. Hugh: ("How is this possible...?") Lily: ("...") mahiru:...... lilac: ........... *The ball stays still...* ???: *groan* sayaka:....hmm? a phone? *she picks it up* what a cute charm. mahiru: ?? *The phone explodes with a loud ringtone* misono: what the hell is with that suggestive ringtone?! Hugh: -____-;;; Lily: oh my~ sayaka: *looks at the phone*....... O////////////////////////////////O -it's a picture of lavender in the school girl outfit- misono: LILLY DX< Hugh: D: Lily: *speaks* "I think it is quite alright." tetsu: ?? misono: DONT LOOK! IT'S NOT FOR CHILDREN TO SEE! sayaka: who's gonna answer-NOT IT! Hugh: "No!" misono: mahiru's too out of it to do anything, so i'll do it. *answers* *ahem* yes? tsubaki: ....... Mr. Tsubaki: "Hello there. I am afraid one of my associates lost his phone~" misono: !!! belkia: and we are in baby! Higan: Q~Q "But I had so many photos saved on that phone..." Mr. Tsubaki: "Hello, all! Happy to speak with you!" *serious* "And I trust you have Lilac safe and sound?" misono: !!! how did you- otogiri: im certain you'll get it back soon, dont worry. Mr. Tsubaki: "I know, because I can see. I think you know this standard approach, yes? You return Lilac to me, you receive Greed and his Eve. I think that's fair: Lilac is worth two persons..." misono: ....they're being kept in distance limit, correct? lilac: ...... Mr. Tsubaki: "Yes." misono: ....then we shall return your subclass unharmed. lilac:...*weak smile* Mr. Tsubaki: "Good..." Mr. Tsubaki: "And you will have my camellia deliver Lilac back to me." misono: !!! Black Star: "?!!!" tsubaki: !! Mr. Tsubaki: "Do we have a deal?" misono:....*thinking*.......deal. Black Star: "???!!!!!" Mr. Tsubaki: *hearts fluttering* "Yay! Happy to hear! We will text you the location and instructions..." misono: understood. Black Star: "What makes you think this is your call to put Tsubaki at risk like this?!!" misono: *finishes the call* before you get angry at me, calm down. i have a plan in mind. and if all goes according to said plan, she'll be fine. Black Star: *glare* tsubaki: ......if it's the only chance we have, then i'll trust you. all of you. Black Star: >_< "...Fine." sayaka:....we should go back to the inn.....*looks at mahiru, concerned* -back at the hotel- belkia: two birds with one knife! Mr. Tsubaki: *hangs up, returns the phone to Lavender* lavender: thanks~ and dun worry higan, i had otogiri back up those pictures for you~ Shamrock: "How can we be sure they won't pull a trick?" otogiri: i say we investigate it- Higan: *big smile--then--" o_o "She saw them?" Mr. Tsubaki: " 'Investigate'?" otogiri: *looks at higan* yes, and i'm erasing them from my mind now *looks back to mr tsubaki* yes. if it is a trap, then- Mr. Tsubaki: "If it is a trap, then we need to have a response ready..." *taps a finger to his chin* "And if it is _her_ returning Lilac...No. They'll have someone else trying to locate the Eve and Greed..." naho: what do we do? Mr. Tsubaki: "...Separate the Eve and Greed. It'll make it that much harder for them to retrieve both of them. My camellia is not a vampire, so we will need some options for resisting the attacks of a weapon...Naho, what do you know about her weaknesses?" -back at the inn- sayaka:.....he's been really quiet... Lily: "He's been staring at that black ball..." misono: it's unfortunate, but there's not much we can do at present. for now, our objective is recovering greed and his eve. Lily: *nods* "Ideas?" uzuki: maybe there's pics on his phone? anything to give away their location? Lily: "!!! I'll look! I'll check!" misono: -_-; lilly goddammit... phone: AHAHAHAHAH! YOU HAVE A TEXT! AHAHAHAHAHA YOU HAVE A TEXT! Lily: "Eep!" *leaps into Hugh's arms--who is crushed* uzuki: GAHH! O__O;; sayaka: *answers; there is a picture of belkia and tsubaki using forced perception to make it look like their about to eat a tiny sakuya* tsubaki: that's...an interesting photo... misono: hmmm... !! wait...that building in the background....lilly, make a call to dodo for me. Lily: "??? 'Dodo'?" Hugh: *screaming, waving arms* "I CAN'T BREATHE!" misono: did you seriously forget our valet's name?! sayaka: why dont you just call him yourself? misono:....i dont know how to use the phone 7///7; Lily: *fu fu fu* *dials Valet* "Hello? We will be needing your services~" -later- sayaka: so the world tree hotel, huh? misono: this could be a trap... we'll need to be careful. Lily: "Is this the best approach to get in?" sayaka: we just need an in- mahiru: *opens the door* guys! kuro! h-he...he's alive! misono: ?! -and so- sayaka: can he really hear and see us? heeeey kuroooow, if you can see me, how many finger's am i holding up? Kuro: -_-; "As many brain cells as you have..." mahiru: kuro, jeez. sayaka: what did he say? Kuro: -____-;; "Three." mahiru: 3. sayaka: yay! how do we get him out of there? misono: no clue. Kuro: "..." *taps on the ball* mahiru: there! did you see that?! Lily: "???" mr sendagaya: tetsu, we have visitors. there's a guy and 3 whales here? mahiru:...whales? kranz: THEMOSTHORRIBLETHINGHAPPENEDLICHTSGONEMISSING!! romina: *smack* calm the heck down, kranz! Guil: *whale noise* -elsewhere- Lawless: *groans* -silence- otogiri: ......... Lawless: *opens an eye* "What is this...?" otogiri: .....seems that you passed out.... Lawless: "...Guess so. You one of his cabal?" otogiri:...yes. Lawless: "Hmph. So, where's lich-tan at?" otogiri: somewhere in the building. that's all i will say. Lawless: *grunts, looking at bandages* "...'Swounds. Could you not have bandaged me a bit more tidily?" otogiri: ..... Lawless: "...The magpie's tongue grows cold?" otogiri: .....do you know? why tsubaki despises you? Lawless: "...I think the bones, muscles, and blood I'm still cleaning off my boots may have something to do with it." otogiri: ..... -elsewhere- Shamrock: "How is he?" belkia: girioto's checking up on him now....oooi tsubakyun, any updates? Mr. Tsubaki: "I don't sense them yet...Where are they?" -elsewhere- Black Star: *grumble grumble* tsubaki: .....i know you're worried... Black Star: "Damn right! Freaky vampire guy already..." *grows quiet* "I know you can kick his ass. But I'm still scared." tsubaki: i'll be ok... i dont think he'll try to kill me... even so, i'll be ok. mahiru: so, we're going to be going to this antique shop in a van? sayaka: yeah....it's gonna look sketchy, but.....just hold on tight to something. Stein: "..." *shifts into park, hits the gas hard--van speeds forward* mahiru: GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!! sayaka: IM OK IM OK IM OK IM OK IM OK IM OK!!! Q____Q Kuro: "Don't drop me!" Black Star: *crashes against the inside of the van* mahiru: HOW DOES HE STILL HAVE A LISCENCE?! Stein: *humming along to the song* "Highway to Hell..." Black Star: *jerked around in his seat, despite seatbelt* -after one hellish ride, they arrive at the shop, sayaka and mahiru went out to scope things out- sayaka: hmmm... 'land of nod'....welp, better go on in. *reaches the handle* Stein: *follows Sayaka* Faustus: "WELCOME BACK!" *shakes beaker at her* "DRINK THIS RIGHT UP TO-- ... Wait...Who are you?” sayaka: !!!! mahiru: uhhhh.... O-O; why does that doll not have a head?! sayaka: O_______________________O Faustus: "I boiled it down for head-juice! I can't wait for him to drink it all up!" *slurp noise* "...So, want to buy something?" sayaka: D8 mahiru: uhhhhhh..... Faustus: "We got a lot of varied items! Clothes, candies, dolls, umbrellas, tea sets, dolls, puzzles, dolls, dolls, dolls..." Stein: "..." sayaka: how....nice. OwO;;; mahiru: .......uhhh doc? Stein: "Who are you, and why are you stealing the True Cross headmaster's act?" Faustus: "I am Johannes Mimir Faustus--" Stein: "And his name--" Faustus: -_-; Stein: "And my look? And mannerism?" Faustus: "...May I have your screw?" mahiru: uhhh sayaka: QwQ *screaming internally* Stein: "...No. Why are you here? Who are you?" Faustus: "Proprietor and devotee of discovery and science!" sayaka: Q___________________Q this is my hell. Faustus: *gazes at Mahiru* "...Have we met?" mahiru: um...i dont think so? sayaka: this is my first time here so-....*notices stein has left* eh? doc? DOC?! sayaka: D8 he stranded us here......... *gulps* oh no. Faustus: *sniiiiiiiiiff* "...Oh! You know Misono?" Stein: *driving van back to lab* "Motherfuckermotherfuckermotherfucker--" Black Star: WARK! sayaka: O____O um... yes? he's a friend of ours. mahiru: yeah. im mahiru shirota, and this is sayaka miki. sayaka: so you're the owner of the shop then? owo;;; Faustus: "More or less..." *shakes beaker* "Was waiting for someone to return...I made this juice out of something interesting. Quite funny!" sayaka: do i want to know? Faustus: *shakes headless doll* "I made it out of one of his doll's head!" *giggles* sayaka:....greeeeeat.... mahiru: *gulp* hmm? holy water? Faustus: "Oh, come now, that can't be all that you want! If you buy a doll, and I'll throw in--" "..." "Did you say...'holy water'?" *stare* "...Who are you? Really?" mahiru: well, *pulls out the orb* kuro's kind of stuck in here.....he's a servamp and- Faustus: "..." *smirks* "Well, then, better get you to my secured location!" mahiru: wait wha- sayaka: should i go or- Faustus: *seizes Mahiru by the wrist* Faustus: *shoves Mahiru into Sayaka, and they both fall through a false wall, down a shaft, and into the basement* sayaka: ow! *she sprained her ankle* owie! mahiru: *landed beside her* ow...ah! kuro?! Kuro: "Stop shaking me..." mahiru: thank god you're alright. sayaka: *using healing magic on her ankle* *inhaaales* haaa.... Faustus: "Woo! Fun ride, yes?" sayaka: not for my ankle Q-Q *still healing it* Faustus: *shiny eyes* "Oooooh...Do you do magic?" sayaka: um...yes? OwO;;;;; (thinking: oh god what does he plan to do to me?!) -sayaka's thoughts begin to go....in a rather risque direction- *SCREAMING ON THE INSIDE* Faustus: "??? Healing magic? Is that your thing?" *thumbs at her, looks at Mahiru* "What's with her?" mahiru: *shrug* sayaka: yes? yes it is. long story. very long. *tries to back away to the exit* Faustus: "Wait! Where are you going? I have so many things to show you!" *holds up a voodoo* "Special dolls! Elixirs! Artifacts!" *holds up a shrunken head* "Famous people..." sayaka: how....niiiice.... *trembling but forcing a smile* mahiru: wait, can you help me? kuro got trapped in this orb, and i dont know how to get him out.... Faustus: "Huh...Well, I've got theories on that--" metsu: what's with all the ruckus down here? *she's in her usual nurse outfit* doctor mimir, are you bothering the customers again? -_-; Faustus: "...Just having a light conversation..." *pouts* "These two are quite fascinating..." sayaka: *hides behind metsu* salvation! QwQ hide me please. metsu:....what did you do to them? Faustus: "..." *jiggles beaker of doll-head* "A little liquid, asked about her magic..." metsu: oh? sayaka: i dun wanna be part of a snuff film Q-Q metsu: dont worry, i'll make sure he doesnt harm you. sayaka: thank you so muuuuch miss! Faustus: -_-; "No one shows me any respect here..." *smiles at Mahiru* "Hey, you like tea?" mahiru: sure, my mouth is kind of dry. Faustus: "Was brewing some..." *passes the beaker of tea to him* mahiru: um......thanks? Faustus: *smiles* "You're welcome!" *taps his own beaker to his* "Bottoms up!" mahiru: *drinks* tastes...kind of weir...d....*and he is out* sayaka: GYEHH!! D8 Faustus: "Hmm...I guess I put too much chamomile in it..." *shakes a beaker at Sayaka* "Thirsty?" sayaka: Q^Q *shakes head violently for no* Faustus: *shrugs, sips more* "...So, you can heal any part of yourself?" sayaka: yeah. i can heal others too. Faustus: "Really?! That's fascinating! I'm all about discovery! So, if I smashed my fingers in the drawer, you could heal them?" sayaka: dont be reckless!! D : > Faustus: *pouts* "I just wanted you to heal me...FOR SCIENCE." sayaka: OWO;;;;;; er.... Faustus: "Is that a yes?" sayaka: i can give you a soft maybe? Owo; Faustus: *pouts* "Fine..." *inflicts a minor papercut on his finger* "Ouchie!" sayaka: !! jeez... *she heals the wound* -there is a cool feeling, almost like dipping your hand into water- Faustus: "Awwwww~ So cool..." sayaka: o-o; Faustus: *smiles* "Thank you...That is quite...relieving~" sayaka: O_____________O;;;;;;; *screams internally* Faustus: "Careful, Metsu--this one may give you competition as a nurse~" sayaka: ehh..... *sweats* metsu: -.-; *putting mahiru in a patient bed* Faustus: *spots Mahiru* "Hmm...That ball..." *looks at Sayaka* "What is with the ball and that guy?" sayaka: the ball is his cat....vampire...servant thing.... also a long story. very long story. ._.; Faustus: *shrugs* "That actually answers most of it...I could hang onto the ball and that boy for observation until I figure out a solution..." sayaka: should i tell the others then? Faustus: "I would suggest it--can't have them worrying about you..." sayaka: thanks. *she sends a message to them* -thump...thump on the door- sayaka: hmm? *she goes upstairs to see* eh? hitomi? Hitomi: *she manages to get into the shop, stumbling towards metsu* ....... Faustus: "???!!!" metsu: !! sayaka: hitomi?! what's gotten into you?! Faustus: "..." *squeeing* hitomi: *she is trying to reach metsu* f...feed.... *she's removing her scarf* metsu: ....i may as well... sayaka: hitomi snap out of it!! what are you doing? Faustus: *taking notes, popping up around Hitomi and Sayaka* "So fascinating!" sayaka: do you know what's going on? what's gotten into her? Faustus: "JEE-JEE! ... I mean Jinn, Jinn...It's the stuff inside vampires, and it got all on your friend--" *squee* sayaka: WHAT?! D8 Faustus: "I haven't seen such exposure last so long!" *approaches Hitomi* "Hello. I'm Johannes--" hitomi: ......*trying to reach metsu still* sayaka: i dont think she can hear you.... Faustus: *frowns, pulls out a megaphone* "HELLO! I'M JOHANNES--" metsu: i wont kill her, but i may as well accept the offer... *pulls out a sryinge* sayaka: X-X loud... Faustus: "Hmph...Get me a sample?" metsu: *drawing blood from hitomi* im not certain how to remove the jinn, we'll just have to wait until mikuni returns.... for now, we should get her downstairs so she doesnt injure herself further.... *drinks the blood* sayaka: O___________O Faustus: "Very good--we can monitor her condition..." metsu: -_-; -elsewhere- lilac: ...... tsubaki: it'll be ok. *she smiles* lilac:....*he nods* -the park is eerily quiet.....a light rain begins to fall- *Small clicking sound* tsubaki: *tenses, but stands her ground* lilac:....*rubs his arm a bit* *The Fox appears* tsubaki: here he is. he's ok, see? lilac: *walks over and stands behind the fox* t-...thank you for looking after me miss... Fox: *inspects Lilac, walking around them...then transforms into Mr. Tsubaki, hugging Lilac* lilac: *teary eyed and hugs back* tsubaki:...*she smiles* Mr. Tsubaki: *looks at Lilac* "Ready to go home?" lilac: y-yeah.... tsubaki: *she turns to leave* Mr. Tsubaki: *calls to her* "Thank you." tsubaki:....!! wait....greed and his eve....where are they? Mr. Tsubaki: "..." Mr. Tsubaki: "...World Tree Hotel." tsubaki: ....thank you. i'll go there now. Mr. Tsubaki: "I hope the next time we meet, it would allow us to talk more..." tsubaki: .....i want to know....why did you capture them in the first place? Mr. Tsubaki: "...Greed...took them from me..." *a gentle hand along Lilac's shoulder* tsubaki: ..........lilac was right. i dont think you're completely evil. lilac:....*whimpering* Mr. Tsubaki: "!!!" *speechless* "..." *pats Lilac's shoulder, bringing them in for a hug* lilac:.....*hugging, not saying anything* tsubaki:.....^^ Mr. Tsubaki: "Let's get home..." *leads Lilac around, into the fog of rain...* tsubaki:.....*she turns and begins to leave* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." lilac:...mr tsubaki? Mr. Tsubaki: "Yes?" lilac: are you....going to be ok? Mr. Tsubaki: "...Time is supposed to heal all wounds...I don't know if there is enough time in the world for that." lilac:...... *looking down at his wrists* ...... Mr. Tsubaki: "???" *looks at Lilac's wrists* lilac: n-nothing...just...just thinking.... Mr. Tsubaki: *pats on the shoulder, as they walk through the rain...he summons an umbrella for them* lilac:....thank you..... -elsewhere- Black Star: "..." *pacing* -knock knock knock- Black Star: "?!!!" tsubaki: they are at the hotel. Black Star: *nods* "Okay...Are Shorty and Tetsu on their way?" tsubaki: i havent called them. *she dials the phone* Shamrock: "Yes?" tsubaki: !!!!! *her heart practically dropped to her stomach* misono and the others....where are they? misono: UNHAND US THIS ONCE BASTARD! DX< Black Star: "?!!" Shamrock: "Held where Greed's associates cannot get to them." tsubaki: .......why? we returned lilac safe and sound! Shamrock: "I'm afraid the Master does not take kindly to persons intending to sneak behind his back...Nor is he forgiving of what Greed has done. Justice must be done." tsubaki: isnt there any way to let them go? Shamrock: "Once Mr. Tsubaki has eliminated Greed, your friends will be released." tsubaki: .......let me at least speak with them first. Shamrock: "Fine...Do you wish to speak with the tall one or the short one?" tsubaki: both of them.... in person. Shamrock: "...Are you proposing we let you into the hotel?" tsubaki:....yes. i want to resolve this as peacefully as i can. Black Star: "..." Shamrock: "Very well. You know the location. When can you arrive?" tsubaki: *she gives him a soft smile, telling him she'll be ok.* tonight. Shamrock: "We will await your arrival." Black Star: <:( tsubaki: understood...... *she hangs up and hugs black*star* i'll be ok. worst case scenario, i know you'll be by my side to help me. Black Star: *nods* "Always..." *hugs back* -back at the shop, after mikuni had dispersed the jinn possessing hitomi- mikuni:.....GYAAAAAAAH WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO VIOLETTA?!?! Faustus: "..." *offers beaker* "Violetta Head Juice?" mikuni: D8> sayaka: still creepy Q-Q metsu: are you doing well, jeje? *pets the snake's head* Jeje: ^^ *snake tongue slither* metsu: *she smiles* mikuni: *pouts* jeje~ you're closer to your subclass than your own eve, how ruuuude~! Jeje: *scowl* "Return to your dolls..." mikuni: i need to dig violetta a proper grave... sayaka: this guy is so weird.... mikuni: oh? who's this? Faustus: "A magic girl!" sayaka: technically the term is 'puella magi' ^^; oh! my name's sayaka miki. mikuni: mikuni alisuin, a pleasure. sayaka: alisuin- do you know misono? mikuni: oh, so your friends with my baby brother? sayaka:....UEHHH!? Faustus: "DUN DUN DUUUUUUN" sayaka: owie my ears! Q-Q mahiru: nnngh.... *coming to* nghuh? Faustus: "Morning, specimen!" mahiru:....GAAAAAH! Mikuni: "Howdy! Sorry about Faustus--he gets a bit excited, what with his experiments, drugs, xylophone playing..." mahiru: uhhhhh........ O_____O; sayaka: (thinking: he really is like stein.... but on every single drug known to humanity....and maybe a few household cleaners.) Faustus: *huffing paint cleaner* "Oh, yeah!" metsu: please stop doing that. -_-; Faustus: "..." *offers some to Metsu* Mikuni: "Say, want to see my doll collection?" metsu: you're almost as bad as that teddy bear. thank god we sold him today... mahiru: um.... sayaka:.... Q_Q i wanna go back in the van now... *Tires screech outside* sayaka: OH THANK GOD! *she runs upstairs* DOOOOOOOOC!!!! -bwoof- marie: O///O; sayaka:....o///o OHMYGODIAMSOSORRY! >////<; marie: easy there sayaka. *dusting herself off* Stein: "Hmm. Excited, then?" *looks around* "Where's that clone--DOCTOR? Where's that doctor? Yes...That's what I meant to say..." sayaka: downstairs. save me. Q-Q marie: i thought it was a false alarm? Faustus: "Bonjour! Care to stay for drinks?" Mikuni: *holds up a doll with an eyepatch* "I have just the doll for you!" marie: eh.......EH?.....EHHHH?!? *marie.exe has stopped responding* hitomi: *waking up* nnngh...where...where am i? Stein: "...There can be...only one..." Mikuni: "Oh, your other friend woke up? Want a plushie?" sayaka: woah there, let's try not to do anything hasty! -elsewhere- tsubaki:.....there it is.... Black Star: "..." tsubaki: if anything goes wrong, i'll send a distress signal.....*she kisses him one the forehead and steps out of the vehicle* Black Star: "Tsubaki...I'll be waiting to see you back at our home..." tsubaki:....*she nods and goes inside to the clerk* Clerk: "Yes, ma'am, may I help you?" tsubaki: yes. i have a job interview with 'carmine entertainers'? Clerk: *looks on computer...* "Ah! Ms. Nakatsukasa?" tsubaki: yes. *she nods* Clerk: "Okay, let me see your identification..." tsubaki: *shows the card* Clerk: *nods* "Right this way..." *leads her to a private elevator...* tsubaki:..... Clerk/Higan: *looks at her* "He has been excited to see you again." tsubaki: ......*she doesnt answer* elevator worker/otogiri: going down? Clerk/Higan: *nods* -they go down to the very bottom floor- tsubaki:......*tense, but keeping calm* -the pathway to a room is lit with red lights...flickering like candles- Clerk/Higan: *gestures for her to follow...alone...* tsubaki:.....*she nods and walks down the path too a large door....she inhales, and breathes, opening the door to the room beyond* *Inside are two chairs and a table. Atop the table are two empty glasses. Mr. Tsubaki is seated in one chair* tsubaki:......*she takes her seat* Mr. Tsubaki: *gestures to a bottle* "Wine?" tsubaki:..... i dont drink, thank you. Mr. Tsubaki: *snaps his fingers--the wine turns into water, as he pours two glasses for them, sets hers near her* tsubaki:....you know why i'm here...dont you? Mr. Tsubaki: "Yes...Your friends, who entered my home." tsubaki:....i would like them to be let free. all of them. Mr. Tsubaki: "...Including Greed?" tsubaki:...yes. i understand, he did something terrible to you...but.... Mr. Tsubaki: "...But what?" tsubaki: i just remembered something....werent _you_ the one who sent them to attack him first? im not trying to imply you sent them to their own deaths, but why did you make the first move? Mr. Tsubaki: "...Have you ever been in someone else's shadow?" tsubaki: ........ Mr. Tsubaki: "To receive no acknowledgement. Be walked over. Ignored...Hurt." tsubaki: ......*there is a solemn look to her face* Mr. Tsubaki: "...I intend to make myself known." tsubaki:.....the others....where are they? Mr. Tsubaki: "In a room..." *sips his water* "I want to speak with you first." tsubaki:....*she sips her drink*......what did you want to discuss? Mr. Tsubaki: "...You are a very quiet person. You are so beautiful, so kind, so powerful. Yet you seem to be overlooked. How do you stand not being ignored?" tsubaki:...because i know i'm not. even though i serve as a weapon. my partner and i are equals to each other... and in regards to my family, i am anything but ignored. *sad expression* Mr. Tsubaki: "...That look on your face suggests otherwise." tsubaki:....i was born into the nakatsukasa family, a family of demon weapons with ancestry dating back to the very beginning of their existence. my brother, masamune...he was going to be head of the family....but he fell down the path of darkness...of madness.......i ended up having to put him down.... Mr. Tsubaki: "...I'm sorry." tsubaki: ....even so, i know he is still with me...because i will always remember the good times. -in the other room, the prisoners can hear the conversation- misono:.................... Shamrock: T_____T tetsu: *not saying anything* licht:.....*glances over at lawless* Lawless: *glaring at everyone* tsubaki: it's my duty as heir to the family to try and resolve conflict peacefully, no matter what it takes. Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *small laugh* "I have spent some time settling squabbles among my own...my family." tsubaki:..... Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *sits back* "When I have to settle disagreements, usually compromise is involved." tsubaki:.....what is it you want? Mr. Tsubaki: "How do I know that when I let your friends go, they will not harm my family again?" tsubaki: ......we wont kill any of them. i'll try to convince them to know who you are. is that all that you want? *concerned tone* Mr. Tsubaki: "...I want one other thing...an answer to a question..." tsubaki:.......*tense* what is it? Mr. Tsubaki: "That loud young man with you...Do you love him?" tsubaki: ............*thinking carefully*.......yes. Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *sits back in the chair* "...I propose the following: I will retain Lawless and his eve a bit longer. You may take home the two other eves." tsubaki: !! what are you going to do to them? Mr. Tsubaki: "...Reach consensus." tsubaki: .....you wont hurt them...will you? Mr. Tsubaki: *sharp inhale* "...I want to. So badly." tsubaki:...even then...it wont bring your subclasses back...i understand your hurt and angry...but if you hold on to that anger, then it wont help anyone! Mr. Tsubaki: "I cannot forgive him for what he has done! A price must be paid!" tsubaki: .......isnt there any way to convince you to spare them? lilac: m-maybe we should...let them go? s-she did ask nicely......*wince* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *waves to Lilac* "Let them go." lilac: *opens the door as otogiri releases her puppet strings* licht: about damn time.... Lawless: "Wh-What the hell?" misono: we're being let go...just like that? Mr. Tsubaki: *stands, glares at Lawless* tsubaki: are you all ok? tetsu: yeah, a little scratched up, but ok... Mr. Tsubaki: *glaring at the departing group* Lawless: *glares back* -in lawless's mind, her image appears to be overlapped by ophelia's- Lawless: "!!!" misono: i still dont trust this....its too fishy.... \why? how dare you remind me of her...you arent her....you'll never be her....\ lavender:.....so....what now? Mr. Tsubaki: "...Higan? Did you ask to see her ID?" Higan: *nods* "Memorized all information I could see." Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *small smile* lavender: what do you plan to do? Mr. Tsubaki: *smiles* "Wait..." -outside- kranz: thank you so much! we'll reward you quite handsomely for this! TTwTT tsubaki: oh, you dont need to- kranz: but i insist! TTwTT misono:...still, i say we keep our guard up, in case this is a fluke. Lily: "Misono!!!!" *hug* Lawless: *side-eyeing Tsubaki* Black Star: T____T misono: 7///7; tsubaki: see? im ok. *she hugs black*star* dodo: oh thank god you all got out safely. i'll drop you all off then. Black Star: *tight squeeze* "I knew you would be..." Black Star: "...Let's go home." tsubaki: *she smiles and nods* -elsewhere- marie: that was.....an experience. sayaka: Q___Q thank you for saving me stein. hitomi: im confused, what was i doing just now? and why do i have a bandage on my arm? Stein: "...It seems you got an infection that had you pass out..." hitomi: ehh? i dont remember anything about it though....c-could you just take me home mr strange person? sayaka: so what's new with you hitomi? is kamijou doing well for you? -elsewhere- Relan: (playing with Buttons) buttons: ^w^ Relan: "Has Commander Giovanni been treating you well while I was at school today?" buttons:.... .___.; Relan: "...That bad, huh?" *offers cheese* "May want to put security cam up..." Giovanni: ("Just want a new specimen...") -back at the apartment complex licht, kranz, and lawless are staying at- tsubaki: see you in school tomorrow i guess? licht: yeah yeah... kranz: thank you again so much! romina: jeez kranz, dont overdo it. Lawless: "..." ("That behavior...") tsubaki:....sir? are you ok? \stop it...\ Lawless: "Yes, verily! Enough with your queries!" tsubaki: ok then. have a good night. *small smile* Lawless: "!!!" -////- "Good night." tsubaki: *she gets back into the car and they drive away* \you arent her....you'll never be her....\ Lawless: "...Why now...?" licht: oi, shit rat, you've been awfully quiet the whole way back. the hell is wrong with you, got vampire flu or somethin? Lawless: "..." *DEATH GLARE* licht: !!!....*doesnt say anything* romina:....you ok? Lawless: "...To sleep, to dream...that is all I want right now." romina:...ya'll get rest then.... Lawless: *begins to walk...then stumbles* romina: !!! hey, need us to help ya'll out there? julian: you didnt lose too much jinn, did you? Lawless: "...I have been vertical too long. Now I must be horizontal. Lay me down in a bed." romina: right.... ally oop! *she and julian carry him upstairs* Lawless: -_-;;; -at black*star and tsubaki's house- Black Star: "...I am so glad you got out of there..." tsubaki: *she nods, silent.* Black Star: "...Want to talk?" tsubaki: anything you had on your mind? *sitting on the couch next to him, holding his hand* Black Star: "...Did you want to talk about what happened? Or take your mind off it?" (Small squeeze of her hand) tsubaki: yeah.... -she tells him about all that happened- Black Star: "...Why did he let them go? You must have done some awesome convincing." tsubaki: maybe....but misono is right, we shouldnt let our guard down...just in case. Black Star: "Yeah..." *hug* "For now, just celebrate this..." tsubaki: *she nods* Black Star: *looks at her...* tsubaki: *she snuggles into him* Black Star: *holds her, kisses her forehead * "...Tsubaki?" tsubaki: hmm? Black Star: "I love you." tsubaki: i love you too. *smooch* Black Star: *smooch* *holds her...* tsubaki: ^^ Black Star: *kisses her cheek, cuddles* -elsewhere- belkia: WELCOME HOME LILA<3 lilac: is...all this for me? naho: yep~ bel and i worked suuuper hard getting the decorations set up! Shamrock: "We hope you were not harmed during your time away from us." lilac:...t-thank you...*tearful smile* Higan: *smiles* "We even have cake." lavender: *she smiles* Shamrock: *takes out cake knife* "You'll have the first slice, Lilac..." lilac: t-thank you! otogiri:.....hmm? tsubaki? you've been awfully quiet. belkia: what-cha sakuya-ing about? sakuya: you're seriously using my name for a verb? -___-; Mr. Tsubaki: "...She said she loved him." otogiri:.... belkia: that's rough buddy... Shamrock: "S-Sir? You do realize such love is fleeting--" Mr. Tsubaki: "MY LOVE IS ETERNAL!" Shamrock: o___o;;; "I-I just meant _her_ love for that loud, immature child may be short-term--that you have to play the long game!" Higan: "...I mean, we did get her info. No point wasting it, right?" Mr. Tsubaki: *crosses his arms* "Hmph. I know that. Stupid. I'm just venting--stop criticizing me." Shamrock: *whispers* "Lilac, offer him this..." *offers another plate of cake to Lilac* lilac:....*hands him the cake* ouo; belkia: who knows, maybe he might have a little.....*pulls out swords* 'accident'~? Mr. Tsubaki: *munch munch munch* "...My agreement was not to hurt the vamps, right? Did I say anything about the ninja?" belkia: >83 Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *smiles, as he licks the frosting* "We will begin planning in the morning..." -morning- Black Star: *small groan, turns in bed* tsubaki: zzzzz...... Black Star: *hugs her from behind* tsubaki: =w= Black Star: *kisses the back of her neck* tsubaki: ah... Black Star: "Tsubaki..." *kisses her cheek* -at school- Black Star: *looking around the hallway...* ("...Is someone watching me?") ???: hey black*star- Black Star: "???" stocking: !!! woah, easy there, buddy! Black Star: "Oh! Stocking...Um, hey?" soul: you alright? you seem tense...more so than usual. Black Star: "...Just on edge after an encounter..." soul: ah.... sayaka: *uneasy* Black Star: "??? Sayaka? What's up?" sayaka: IGOTMACE!!!! D8 oh...its just you...sorry...just...a bit uneasy after.....*shudders* i didnt sleep well last night. Q_______Q Stein: *appearing behind them* "Perhaps you should hurry to class..." sayaka: AH! right! *runs* Black Star: "???" Stein: -_-;; "Darn clones..." soul:...eh, learn not to ask. -in class- Kid: (reviewing history books) "Hmmm...Does this person look familiar?" (Points to photo) stocking: *she examines* hmmm.... *It is a statue of a beautiful woman* stocking: pretty. Kid: "The princess in a middle of a war...So sad." stocking: hmmm.... tsugumi: anya, isnt that country just down the coast from yngling? Anya: *nervous at the photo* "Yes..." Anya: "The war was awful..." ao: oh, so you know about it then? Anya: "Local legend tells of the princess who gave up her life to stop a war..." tsugumi: how sad Q-Q mio:.....?? *she glances over at lawless.* Lawless: *struggling not to scream* mio: yeah, im nervous for the test too. Lawless: *growls at Mio* mio: !! alright, jeez.... Lawless: *tear falls* tsubaki: ?? Lawless: *realizes she is watching* "!!! What?" tsubaki: nothing. *slightly concerned* marie: mr kranz? is something wrong? Lawless: "Yes! Enough inquiries into my very soul, the torment that lies within it! Look not into me with thy one eye, and see only the superficial, Odin!" marie:.....what? kirika: english please? shinra:....care to translate, arthur? Arthur: *sigh* "He said, 'Yo, cyclops! Stop psychoanalyzing me and get back to teaching!'" marie: *pouts* -elsewhere- Kishiri: *holds a thin box before Vivian* *still has dog bites* vivian: awww torry~ *smooooch* Kishiri: -/////- "I worked at a family job for extra cash for this..." *inside is a necklace in the shape of a Phoenix, made of fire rock* vivian: it's so beautiful! *SMOOOOOCH* Kishiri: *smiles* "Awesome! I had hoped you'd like it!" *hug* "Worth those dogs chomping on my liver..." -during lunch- Relan: Q_Q "That new student yelled at me." shinra: what's with him?...i should kick some decency into him. iris: i dont think that's going to help. Relan: "He could bite you! And not in a good way." ._. iris: beside....you'll have to make your way past the hoard *sweatdrop* fangirl 1: LICHT BBY OMG! fangirl 2: SIGN MY FACE! fangirl 3: DO YOU LIKE TURTLES?! Lawless: "Back, back, you weird sorority of fanatics!" licht: *poker faced* Lawless: *rolls up a newspaper, whaps girls* "Back!" -elsewhere- belkia: so today's goal is rebuilding our subclass ranks? Shamrock: "Yes, so we may assassinate the assassin." belkia: ayyyyyy! otogiri: we have the vials? *in her fanny pack is several vials of mr tsubaki's blood* Higan: "Where best to seek new ranks?" otogiri: perhaps the shadier ends of town. what with all the murders and other such debauchery. belkia: can i stab some of them? 8D otogiri: ....if that's the best option you have. belkia: YAAAAAAAAAY! Higan: " 'Debauchery'?" otogiri:...........*excalibur face* lavender: >w> Higan: *smirks...* otogiri: ...lets just go. -_-; Higan: "Right behind you~" sakuya: *cringes*..... lilac: m-mr tsubaki? will you be ok? Mr. Tsubaki: "Of course!" *smiles, as he finishes work on his Black Star voodoo doll* sakuya: you sure? you did give a lot of blood... Mr. Tsubaki: "I'm okay, Binky! Now, if you excuse me, Sir Ferdinand and I have tee time at 1..." *gurgles, collapses from blood loss* sakuya: yikes. lavender: he's fine....mostly. naho: SHAM! TSUBAKI PASSED OUT!!! Shamrock: "Master! Quick, bring cookies and orange juice!" -elsewhere- Emine: "The small one then said 'Dada' to the kappa." lin: aww, how cute. Emine: "...I suppose many small humans are." -elsewhere- ???: *opening plushfix's box* lets see if this purchase was worth anything... PlushFix: "Zzzz...No, Yohei, not in that hole..." ???: eh? yohei? you mean yohei nanami? PlushFix: "Huh? Who's asking?" ???: does the name 'Hina Adashi' ring any bells? PlushFix: "...Oh, shit. I didn't kill you last time I saw you?" hina: -_-; i faked my death, remember? we had an agreement that you could murder my squad just as long as i could watch. PlushFix: "Oh, excuse my poor memory WHEN I'M NOW STUFFING FOR BRAINS!" hina: ...welp, i got you now, so now what? PlushFix: "...Need a plushie to cuddle?" hina:...eh. busy night tonight, so may as well rest up. PlushFix: "...Sweet..." *hugs her wrist* hina: *crashed out on the couch* zzzzzz.... PlushFix: "..." *smirks, lies on top of her chest* hina: zzzzz.... PlushFix: *squeeze squeeze* -elsewhere- misono: *in the bathhouse* ..... Lily: "How are you?" misono:....fine.... Lily: "...Peaceful, is it not?" *lies back* misono: .....i guess..... *seems something is on his mind...or maybe heart?* Lily: "...What troubles you? You can tell me." misono:...... that kaname girl..... Lily: "...Oh. The kind girl!" misono: ...... 7////7; y-yeah, her... Lily: *smiles* "A little crush, huh?" misono: O/////////////////////////////////////////O s-shutup! >///n///< Lily: *claps his hands* "Yay!" *puts an arm around his shoulder, pulls him closer to him* "Then I, your humble servant, will help you find true love!" misono: lily-...it's...more complicated than that. 7/////7;;; Lily: "Oh?" misono: she's dating that okamura guy.....it wouldnt be right of me to burden them with my feelings.....but...if that punk really makes her happy....then i should be too....right? Lily: "..." *nods* "That is mature...but may I offer another point of view?" misono: ?? Lily: "Have you considered polyamorous relationships?" misono:.....i feel like i should be shocked....but coming from you....its not surprising.....and besides, i dont think they'd be interested... Lily: "Well...I suppose being their friend is a start~" misono: but i get nervous talking to her! Lily: "...Why? She's just another person...Here, pretend I'm her! Talk to me!" misono:....*imagining her in lily's place*.............*SCREAMING* Lily: "??? Oh, dear..." *goes to embrace him* "It's alright..." misono: Q//////Q; -elsewhere- otogiri: i managed to recruit some new subclass from the hospital... Mr. Tsubaki: *munching on a cookie* "Oh?" otogiri: ERs are one hell of a thing. Mr. Tsubaki: "Hmm..." *swallows cookie* "Well, let's meet them!" -a few individuals are present- girl with large sleeves: .....*observing* Mr. Tsubaki: "Hmm...Quite a variety: some big, some tall, some short, some small..." -a small child hides behind otogiri- small child: *nervous* Mr. Tsubaki: "??? Hello, there." small child: .... *she hides slightly* otogiri: it's ok..he'll take care of you. Mr. Tsubaki: *knees down, smiles* "My name is Tsubaki. I'm happy to meet you." small child: .....a....ame.... Mr. Tsubaki: "Ame...I can imagine this is a lot to take in...Do you like fruit juice?" ame:..... *nods* Mr. Tsubaki: "I do, too. We have quite a number. Would you like orange juice? Or apple juice? Grape? Carrot?" sleeves: sake. lavender: dang. Mr. Tsubaki: -_-;;; "I'll get Ame some juice...Belkia, make sure this newbie doesn't drink too much sake." belkia: got it! Mr. Tsubaki: *offers a hand to Ame, smiles* ame:..... *small smile* Shamrock: *studying Sleeves* sleeves:....what? Shamrock: "..." *offers his hand* "I am Shamrock, one of the Master's most trust assistants. Welcome!" sleeves:......Saku. Shamrock: "Good to meet you. Shall we share a drink?" -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "Any update about that Creepy Chameleon Guy?" fang-hua: nothing currently....for the most part, everything has settled down.... Tsukiyo: "That's a relief...especially in the winter holiday season." *squee* "So exciting!" fang-hua: i'll be heading home for the winter break. it'll be nice to see my parents and brothers again. Tsukiyo: "...Oh." *looks around* "I'll be staying here, holding down the fort." fang-hua: .....at least you have the commanders looking after you. and hopefully keeping you out of trouble. Tsukiyo: *feigned shock* "What? Li'l old me? I'm innocent~" fang-hua: ...... -elsewhere- Akitaru: "Any ideas for the Christmas season? Anyone traveling? Anyone on leave?" tamaki: i'm gonna stay here i think. shinra: dont have anywhere else to go... Arthur: "I will defend the castle!" -elsewhere- sachiko: ugh....what a day.... Spirit: *finishing cooking* "That rough, huh?" sachiko: yeah.... a 6 year old leukemia patient just up and vanishing...the news will be all over that... Spirit: "...That child...their parents..." sachiko: if something like that happened to izumi i-......*she tenses* Spirit: "Hey..." *hugs her...* sachiko:...*she hugs back* Spirit: "Izumi is safe...Just have to...hope." sachiko: yeah.... -elsewhere- Kid: *lifts up Shiori* "Let's get the tree topper on!" shiori: >u< *place* ^o^ Kid: "Yay!" *hug* "Great work!" shiori: hehehe~ Kid: "Ready for all the Christmas gifts?" shiori: *nod nod* Kid: "That's good! And we have a good gift for Mother and Father from you, Kirika, and me." shiori: ^^ Kid: *smiles, as he sits down with a picture book* "Want to hear a Christmas story?" -elsewhere- kranz: ta-dah~ *has a picture of licht on top of the tree* marvelous~! licht: ....nice. *thumbs up, poker face* Lawless: "..." *loud guffawing* "How ostentatious!" romina: pretty dang classy! julian: it's good to see you're doing better now. Lawless: "??? Um...Yeah, sure." romina:..... Lawless: "...So...Um...I got things to wrap or...something." romina: Lawless: "..." *takes a roll of wrapping paper, scissors, and tape...goes into a room...* julian:....should i keep an eye on him or should guil? kay, ya'll do that then! Guil: *nods* julian: you'll check on him? Guil: *salutes, nods that they will keep an eye on Lawless* -in lawless' room- Lawless: *grumbling, as he tries to lay out the wrapping paper* "Cursed uncooperative mess of parchment and shiny colors!" -elsewhere- Black Star: "...You seem happy." tsubaki: well, the holidays are on their way. Black Star: *smiles* "Yeah...How's the shopping been?" tsubaki: quite well. i've had a lot more to get now...*she smiles* Black Star: "Need any help with that...Maybe to ask me what I want for Christmas~?" tsubaki: *she giggles* anything in mind? Black Star: "Good food, some weights...You under the mistletoe." tsubaki: hehe~ oh you~ Black Star: *hugs, kiss on the cheek* "Wait 'til you see the gift I got for you..." tsubaki: ^^ Black Star: *sways a bit with her* "Something that smells good, something that looks good, something that will make you smile~" tsubaki: aww... ^////^ Black Star: "...I love you." -\\\\\- tsubaki: *smooooch*~<3 Black Star: *smooch, hugs her* -elsewhere- Relan: "...What are you all up to for winter?" shinra: i was considering meeting your family...i-if thats ok with you. Relan: *fervent nodding, sweating* "Y-Yes..." shinra: you ok? *worried* Relan: *slight shake* "I-I-I just...My parents are...Um...Odd." shinra: *he nods* i'll keep that in mind. Relan: "..." *grabs onto him in a tight hug* shinra: *pats his back* ^///^ Relan: "...It's going to be awkward...a little scary...And don't stare at Mother..." shinra: r-right. -elsewhere- Rino: "Gabriella...Do I get a winter break? Or is the 'princess' going to over-work me then, too?" gabriella: you'll be getting winter break, dont worry. Rino: T___T *hug* "THANK YOU!" gabriella: no problem....i was able to convince her.... 7///w///7 Rino: "...???" -elsewhere- Gopher: *dressed as a turkey* kirika: do i even want to know? kotone: ...... Gopher: "...I wanted to do something Christmas-y, like an angel outfit...but I wasn't able to pull it off because the store only had a turkey suit, so..." *nervous laugh* "Here I am!" -\\\w\\\\- "...Please like me." kirika:.... 7///7 its cute, if a bit corny. Gopher: "!!! Thank you!" *smiles broadly* sayaka: dont you mean corn_on the cob_-y? kirika:........................................................ Gopher: "...OH! Now I get it! Um...Ha?" sayaka: owo -sayaka was tossed out a window- -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *stretches* kim: seems we got a patrol tonight... Jacqueline: "Yes..." *brushes her hair past her ear* "...Do you want me to transform?" kim: later tonight... we'll be checking the park area... Jacqueline: *nods* "Let us go, then...and be safe out there..." kim: right. Jacqueline: *walks with her* "...Thought about what you want for Christmas? Aside from something expensive..." *small laugh* -at the station- kyouko: *eating her taiyaki* nothing yet, you? ox: not really....chilly out though. Harvar: "Told you that you should've worn that scarf." -in the park- -a scream is heard- kim: !! in the wooded area! Jacqueline: *transforms* "Let's go!" kim: *she flies over to a clearing in the woods* ...!! -a young woman stands unconscious in the arms of an older male, blood dripping from her neck- Jacqueline: "Oh my God...What the hell?" kim: !!! *landing in a tree, observing* what? woman: ........*unconcious* nnnh..... Jacqueline: "Kim! I think...I think he...bit her?" kim: *tense* .....*she charges forwards* HYAH!! JACKIE! FIREBLAST! Jacqueline: *FIRE BURP OUT THE BOTTOM OF HER LANTERN* Higan: "???!!!" kim: who are you, and what are you doing to her? Higan: *hit by flames* "Yikes!" *tries to leap back, getting singed* "Owie owie owie! Hey! I was dining, here!" kim: dining?.....!!! so then...you're one of those vampires that have been appearing around town?! Higan: *blowing the flame off his shoulder, before patting it out* "Oh...Um...Heh. I guess I outed myself, huh? Um...Do I have blood on my face?" kim: ?! well, the unconscious woman bleeding from the neck kind of gives it away. Higan: "...I guess so...Um...Look, I'm kinda full, so I'm going to leave now..." *tries to calmly walk away...* Jacqueline: -_-;;;; kim: oh no ya dont! *tries to swing the lanturn at his head* Higan: *seizes her wrist* kim: !!!! Jacqueline: "Kim!" -le kick- Higan: .___________. "...Owie." *collapses* Jacqueline: "Nice shot!" Higan: *high pitch* "...That lantern is talking." kim: *heals the injured woman's neck* Higan: "H-Hey! I wasn't done drinking!" kim: let's get her out of here! Jacqueline: *reverts to human form, helping hold the woman* "Right..." Higan: "NO!" -he attacked them- kim: *dodge, but loses a sleeve* D8< Jacqueline: "Shit!" *foot-lantern--that burns across Higan* Higan: "GAAAAAAAAH! HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT!" kim: seems like you....just got burned old man! *high fives jackie* Higan: "..." *sits up, his skin burnt* "Wait...If you were a few years older...you would look just like..." o_______o;;;; "Oh...shit. Please tell me I'm not your father." kim:.........wait.....what? O___________O;;;; Higan: "Kinuta's daughter?!!!!" kim:.............................................................................. KILL HIM BEFORE HE TALKS MORE!!!!! D///8< Jacqueline: "Wh-What?!" Higan: "...You're not related to me. You're of-age, right?" Jacqueline: "..." *MASSIVE FIRE BLAST* Higan: "AAAAAAH! AAAAH AHHHHH AHHH oooooooh, yeah AAAAAAAAH!!!!!!" *charred* Jacqueline: "..." *ONE MORE MASSIVE FIRE BLAST* kim: EW GROSS OLD MAN! Higan: "..." *just a skeleton...* "Heh...I have a boner." Jacqueline: "..." *STOMPS ON HIS SKULL* kim: *picks up the lady and flees* Jacqueline: *follows* "...Old men like him are disgusting." kim: frickin old geezers.... Jacqueline: "No kidding...Hospital isn't far from here..." Higan: *flies buzzing* -kim and jackie leave with the woman- belkia:...*poke poke* higano? you alright? Higan: "...Sorry, I need to pull myself together...Ha." Higan: "But seriously, no, I am in incredible pain." lavender: easy there. Higan: "I just need blood...maybe a bandage..." belkia: cant you just turn into a doll like i do? -elsewhere- Konro: *groans* kabuki: *putting the medicine on him* ..... kirei: how's he doing? Benimaru: "...The ash spreads." kirei:...... Benimaru: "...He puts on a brave face, every day." kirei: i cant even imagine the pain he's in... Benimaru: "...Sleep. Movement. Everyday activities. The difficulty of all multiples." kirei: ......commander? are you ok? you're tearing up... Benimaru: "..." *rubs his face* "...I don't...want to..." kirei:....*she wipes away a tear from his eye* i understand, you want to be strong. but even then, it's ok to have moments of weakness. it's just what makes us human... Benimaru: "..." *weak nod, tears falling from his stoic face* kirei: .....*soft, somewhat uncertain hug* Benimaru: "!!! ..." *awkward hug* -elsewhere- otogiri: he's resting for now... belkia: jeez, these DWMA brats dont play around... Mr. Tsubaki: "...We cannot afford to risk the deaths of more of us...Be more cautious out there. Belkia, why did Higan get so injured?" -belkia explains what happened- otogiri: i blame it on him drinking before feeding. -_-; Mr. Tsubaki: "...Ween him off alcohol for the next few days...I want him to be more alert..." otogiri: understood. Mr. Tsubaki: "...How are the new members acclimating?" ame: *watching cartoons with lilac* Mr. Tsubaki: *smiles at Ame* saku: *leaning up against the wall all cool anime anti-hero style.* Mr. Tsubaki: (looks at Saku) "???" saku:..... <what is it?> Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *smiles* <I am curious, that's all. How is everyone treating you?> saku: ....<fine.> Mr. Tsubaki: *nods* <If you have any difficulties, feel free to approach me directly.> saku: <understood.> ame:...... Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *sits near Lilac and Ame* "How is it?" ame:....i miss mommy and daddy.... Mr. Tsubaki: "..." Mr. Tsubaki: "...I can understand that feeling. I'm sorry." ame: .....are they scared? i was really really sick, but im not anymore.... Mr. Tsubaki: "I cannot imagine any parent who would not be worried for their child..." ame:....*sniff sniff* lilac:...................................................... sakuya: *GLARES* otogiri: *aHEM* Mr. Tsubaki: "!!! Um..." *pats Ame's shoulder* ame:....*hug* Mr. Tsubaki: "!!! ..." *pat pat hug* lilac:....*leans in* .......zzzzz..... Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *supports Lilac and Ame* -elsewhere- Patty: *lounging in the hot tub* "Aaaaaaaah..." liz: feeling better? Patty: "Muuuuuuuuuuch. So warm~ How 'bout you?" liz: good. *washing patti's hair* Patty: *sighs* "So nice~ Sis...You're looking really fit! Great work out!" liz: thanks. Patty: "What's been your routine?" *flexes arm, showing off muscle* "I've been lifting like a motherfucker!" -elsewhere- *Text alert on Vivian's phone* vivian: *she checks it* Kishiri: [yo. what're u up to winter break?] vivian: [visiting fam =3= ] Kishiri: [yeah, i'll be roped into some work w my fam. keep texting during break?] vivian: [sure <3] Kishiri: [good. here's something to make sure u text me back] *pic attached...* vivian: *she checks it* *He's come out of the shower...holding a washcloth over his bits, as he gives a peace sign* vivian: [<3 <3 <3 <3] o///////////o Kishiri: *smirks, looking at the text* "Awesome..." [ <3 u 2] -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "Any update on her condition?" nurse: we're giving her a transfusion as we speak. Jacqueline: "..." *nods* "Thank you...That poor woman..." nurse: it's a good thing you found her when you did... Jacqueline: "W-We did what we could do..." kim:.... Jacqueline: "..." *pats Kim's shoulder* "M-My meister did it all." kim: jackie helped save her too! Jacqueline: "!!!" o\\\\\o "I-I don't feel like I did as much as you h--" *was about to say "healing"* "..." kim:...*pats her shoulder* Jacqueline: *nervous smile* -\\\\\- -morning- Kid: *kitten yawn* stocking: zzzzz.... Kid: *cuddle* stocking: mmmm~ Kid: "Sweet Angel..." stocking: *her eyes flutter open* Kid: *smiles* "Morning~" stocking: morning babe~ Kid: "Sleep well?" *his hand slides along her arm* stocking: yeah... Kid: "Have you had dreams of sugar plums dancing in your head yet?" stocking: hehehe, oh you~<3 *smoooch* Kid: *smooch* "Mmmm~" -later at school, after some early morning love making- lilac: ...... Lawless: "!!!" lilac:.... !!! *walking quickly to class* Black Star: "Yo, Lilac! Wait up!" lilac: h-hey...b-black*star...m-miss.... tsubaki: hello lilac. *she smiles* Black Star: "What's up? Doing okay?" lilac: y-yeah......y-you arent...angry at me? even after- Black Star: "Nope." *pats shoulder* "Put it behind us..." lilac: o-o-ok.... Black Star: *smiles widely* "...You up to anything after school?" lilac: i-i-i dunno.... *mutters* im gonna just tell him everything anyway...s-sorry! im just- tsubaki: its ok, just breathe... Black Star: "???" lilac: i-its nothing....sorry... Black Star: "Well...See you for lunch at least?" lilac: o-o-ok..... Black Star: *laughs* "See you then!" lilac:.......(thinking: i dont want them to hate me....but mr tsubaki wants to kow what they're doing.....what do i do?) mami: oh, hey lilac. did you want to walk to class with us? lilac: EEP! Crona: "!!!" *hides behind Mami* mami: ^^; its ok chrona. *hug* Crona: -\\\- *hug* lilac: ......i-i guess...it'd be fine... Crona: "..." *smiles* "Um...This way, then..." -elsewhere- PlushFix: *squeak squeak squeak* *moan* hina: still at it, i see. -_-; PlushFix: "Yep! Some benefits of being a plushie now: everything looks bigger! Including your tatas!" hina: im honestly conflicted. im one part disgusted, one part amused by how a stuffed animal is trying so hard to f*ck me. its baffling. PlushFix: "...So, you're amused by me, huh?" *eyebrow wiggle* "All you got to do is put a vibrator in me, and I could be your special toy~" hina: *a bit weirded out* ...where the fuck would i put it? PlushFix: "Simple--just hold me against your clit! Or tits! Or wherever you want a good vibration! Come on, you got a mini-vibrator somewhere, right?" -what happened next will be left up to your imagination- -elsewhere- Yohei: o______o "I feel a bad energy circulating in the universe..." chie: *shudders* Shinoda: "??? What? Is it too cold for you two?" chie:..... -elsewhere- Takehisa: "Hmm..." *adjusts a painting in the refurbished 8th* maki: hey takehisa~ Takehisa: "Oh...Hello. How is this day starting for you?" maki: good. you? Takehisa: "Hmm...Ready for winter break?" maki: just about. how about you? Takehisa: "...Not sure. A lot of work to finish over the break. Reading to catch up on." maki: i see. i heard iris was going to be visiting her sister during the break. Takehisa: "That will be good for her. Are you traveling?" maki: i might be visiting my cousin's family during the break. Takehisa: "That also will be good for you..." *finishes adjusting the painting* "...Is this straight?" maki: it looks good! -elsewhere- metsu: thank you for your patronage. *waves* Jeje: "Hmph." Jeje: *glances at Metsu* metsu: hm? are you ok? Jeje: "...Just out of sorts." metsu: *she nods*.....any updates from the doctor? Jeje: "Chemicals should be ready by the end of the week...Today, if he would stop fooling around." metsu: *she sighs* .....mikuni hasnt bothered you too much today, has he? Jeje: "...He wanted a tea party for his dollies." metsu: *sweatdrop* Jeje: "I distracted him with a web site full of collectible dolls..." metsu: that is fairly classic him. Jeje: "Indeed...Is he ever going to grow up?" metsu: who knows.... Jeje: "Hmm...How many hours 'til closing?" metsu: it's still morning, so... Jeje: *grumbles* "So long..." metsu: *she smiles and holds his hand* Jeje: -\\\\\\- "Yeah..." -elsewhere- Gopher: *glaring at Licht* o^o "You're wings look ridiculous..." licht: you just cant grasp their beauty. because....*pose* im an angel. kirika:........i wanna beat him up. Gopher: "I want you to beat him!" -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *yawn* kim: mornin jackie. ox: rough night? Jacqueline: *nods* "Encountered a crime in progress...Had to take *yawn* the injured to the hospital..." ox: yikes. and the criminal? kim: its....complicated. Jacqueline: "Very...What is happening in this city?" kim: even with the constant changes it undergoes.... -bin bon ban bon- intercom: attention students. an mandatory announcement in the auditorium is about to take place. Jacqueline: "A mandatory meeting? About what? A mission?" -in the auditorium- Spirit: "...Please be seated..." lord death: thank you everyone. as you know with the recent vampire attacks, the city will be issuing a curfew by sundown. those who work night shift will be escorted by DWMA officials. Black Star: "?!!!" Kid: "..." Jacqueline: *small squirm* lord death: if you are not in your homes by sundown, then wherever you are at will be providing a place to spend the night until morning. if you are caught outside, get indoors as soon as possible. soul: *tenses* (thinking: it's just like the murders all over again.....) Spirit: "This curfew will be strictly enforced. If you are caught outside without proper DWMA clearance, you will be arrested. Repeated offenses will require more severe punishments--" Stein: *waves at the students* "Hello." Spirit: "...Him. That's your severe punishment. HIM." sayaka: ....after what happened at that antique shop. that would be just fine by me! Black Star: "...You _want_ Stein to punish you?" sayaka: i didnt mean it like that D:> its just....... *Excalibur face* it would be a better alternative after the incident... madoka: sayaka's been really on edge recently.... Black Star: "...A lot of that going around..." *glances at Lilac* lilac: *looking down at his feet* Black Star: "..." Lawless: *feet kicked up on seat* -at lunch- Kid: "...This puts a damper on the holidays...especially nighttime Christmas light displays." stocking: yeah....but we shouldnt let it keep our moods down. we can always watch the lights from outside the window... Kid: *nods* "It's just...different." -after school- Black Star: "...What you want to do?" sayaka: how about the arcade? kilik: sounds good. Black Star: "Yeah, take our mind off some things..." soul: sounds good... Black Star: "...Soul? You okay with all this?" soul: yeah. bet i can beat you in DDR. Black Star: "..." *smirks* "Fat chance!" soul: you are so on! haha! Black Star: *laughs, starts racing him to the arcade* sayaka: hehe~ *phone dings* !!!! *she checks* Text: [hiya sweet pea! how's it goin?] sayaka:.... O______O;;;;;; *goes to next message* Text: [yo, honey-child. wanted to see how your day has been] sayaka: O______________________________O;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; *next message* Text: [WRITE ME BACK I'M WORRIED FOR U] sayaka: <____________> *SCREAMING INTERNALLY* Black Star: "Yo, Sayaka! Move your ass!" sayaka: OKIMCOMIN! *runs to the arcade at mach speed* Black Star: "...You alright? You look all sweaty..." sayaka: FINE! OWO;;;; Black Star: "...Oh! I get it! You're worried about how badly you're going to lose in the arcade! I could go easy on you..." sayaka: yeah, please go easy on me! ^^;;;;; Black Star: "Ha ha ha! Awesome...Soul, which song on DDR?" -elsewhere- mahiru:...... Kuro: "...What are you feeling?" mahiru:.....i want to help...but i dont know how... Kuro: "Give that weirdo doctor some time...He'll think of something. Or not, and I'll be stuck here for all eternity, while you die and your remains decompose in the ground--" mahiru: that's not helping. -_-; Kuro: "I wasn't trying to help. I was just listing all possible options. There's also the option the doctor gets me out of here...but I come out different." mahiru: ..... -elsewhere- PlushFix: *sigh* hina: hey, you up for something fun? PlushFix: "!!! Most def!" hina: about that mimeca kid you mentioned, you know where she's being held? PlushFix: "...Yeah, should be in that school's jail." hina: how about we sneak in and bust her out? PlushFix: "Sweet! It'll be good to have some of the old gang back!" hina: i might give you a little something special to help out~ PlushFix: "...Heh heh heh...Sharp..." -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "Vampires, chameleon people, witches, werewolves, fire people...Jeez, what a weird world." fang-hua: yeah, whats next, zombies? Tsukiyo: *groans* "And I have to be on the look out for all of that? You know, I remember when vampires were just some sexy character type in crappy romance novels, not a reality...Hey...you see the Commander around?" fang-hua: *sweatdrop* i think he's out in the garden... Tsukiyo: "...What's up? You look nervous." fang-hua:...im ok. (thinking: but vampires arent a romance novel staple...like....at all.) Tsukiyo: *stretches* "I'll go check in with the boss to make sure he doesn't have any other surprises for my work tonight." *gets up, starts walking towards the garden* Benimaru: *tending to small plant...* -elsewhere- Kepuri: -_-;;;; "Stupid curfew." akaderu: 'least your home safe.... Kepuri: *sighs* "Yeah...after another dull, exhausting day at work..." *falls into his arms* akaderu: -//////- *pulls her close* Kepuri: -\\\\- *kisses his cheek* "I missed you at work." akaderu: missed you too.... *rubs her back and removes her hair ties, letting her hair go down* Kepuri: *small moan of pleasure, as she leans against him, clutching his shirt* "Do you...like my hair down?" akaderu: ./////. j-just thought you'd....be more comfortable.... Kepuri: "..." *smirks* "Very comfortable...Let me make you a bit comfortable..." *slides a hand down his shirt, towards his belt...* akaderu: *blushing* chie: *aHEM* ... Kepuri: o\\\\\\\o "...WHY ARE YOU HERE?!!!" chie: um. 1, i live here, 2, if you're gonna do _that_, please do it in your own rooms, and not the couch. akaderu: oh...right...shit. Kepuri: "Hmph..." *gets off Akaderu--and picks him up in her arms* "Fine!" *starts walking...* -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "Update, please." sakuya: the school issued a citywide curfew by sundown... belkia: booo that's lame! Mr. Tsubaki: "Hmm...That compromises our ability to operate among the population...and limits our resources." otogiri: what now? Mr. Tsubaki: "We will have to be more careful, having our more responsible members, um, 'chaperoning' our less responsible members." otogiri: understood. *glares at higan* lilac: i-i'll just stay here.... Higan: *still mostly exposed muscle and bones* "...What?" Mr. Tsubaki: *pats Lilac's shoulder* "Understood. Please keep an eye on the new members." lilac: o-ok.... lavender: still taking a while to heal, i see... Higan: *smiles, a tooth missing* "I'm resting so that I am back to 110 percent full health to best please you~" otogiri: while you have quite a lot of strength physically and in abilities, you are rather lacking in mental capacity. Higan: -_-;;; "I simply operate on instinct, rather than over-thinking." otogiri: what instinct? your sex drive? belkia: OOOOOOH TOASTED!! Higan: -_______-;;;;;; "I get more action than either of you." sakuya: *about to be sick* Shamrock: "..." *rips a bandage off Higan's arm* Higan: Q____Q otogiri: its a good thing ame went to sleep already... Mr. Tsubaki: "Agreed." otogiri: so young...she shouldnt be hearing or seeing any of this... Mr. Tsubaki: "Then we need to be on better behavior...or keep it to ourselves...and soundproof Higan's bedroom." sakuya: *muttering* and you need to chill about that nakatsukasa girl. Mr. Tsubaki: *temper twitch* "What did you say, friend?" otogiri: -_-; Mr. Tsubaki: "SHE WILL BE LOVED! SHE WILL BE CARED FOR! SHE WILL BE MINE, AND WE WILL HAVE THREE WONDERFUL CHILDREN!" belkia: why three? naho: *poker faced and looks at shamrock* Shamrock: "Sir...Um...Should you, um, perhaps calm down and let out some tension--" Mr. Tsubaki: "I AM NOT TENSE!" Shamrock: "You seem tense." Mr. Tsubaki: "NOT. TENSE." naho: *intent staring* Mr. Tsubaki: "...Naho. Don't judge me." *glares at Belkia* "Three is a perfectly good number! Youngest, middle, and oldest! It has harmony to it! Stability!" naho: <n>; Mr. Tsubaki: "...I have to go now." *runs into his bedroom, shuts the door* otogiri:.....*siiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh* Shamrock: Q____Q "I offended our master!" belkia: chill man, its not like you're dying or something. Shamrock: *hyperventilating into a bag* Mr. Tsubaki's room: *THUMP THUMP THUMP* belkia: *SMACK* Shamrock: "!!! How dare you!" *removes glove--and slaps Belkia with it* belkia: OW! >3< lavender: *films the slapfight on her phone* sakuya: *steps out to walk around the hotel building* ???: "And the food isn't even cooked all the way through! Fix it, or I'm calling your manager!" sakuya: ?? *peeks around the corner* *A very angry musician is yelling at a bellhop* ???: "And I told you to pick out the yellow Skittles from the bowl of candy!" sakuya: ??? ???: "Do you have any idea who I am?! I am the seventh biggest rock star in all of Nevada--Big Jack! Of 'Big Jack and the Jokesters!" *scratches under his arm, burps* sakuya: *goes back upstairs* saku: .......*grabs big jack by the back of his shirt and tosses him through the doors* Big Jack: "AAAAAH!" *crunch* "My arm!" saku: *leaves a check at the front desk paying off the damages, and returns upstairs* Big Jack: *crying* "HOW WILL I PLAY GUITAR NOW?!” Big Jack's drummer: "...Good. You suck." Shamrock: *pulling at Belkia's hair* "Take it back! Take it back!!!" sakuya: .... belkia: tag-out! tag-out! Shamrock: "There are no tag outs!" Higan: "Hit him with a folding chair!" lavender: punch him in the balls! Mr. Tsubaki: *THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP* Shamrock: "SUPLEX...FINAL MOVE: VAMPIRE STAAAAAAAAKE!" *body slam* sakuya: ........*puts in his earbuds* belkia: *doll* dat's weawwy mean sham! Q-Q Shamrock: *pant pant, stands* "Well...You got on my nerves." Mr. Tsubaki: *small gasp...then a smile of relief* naho: O.O Mr. Tsubaki: *collapses back in bed* "Mmmm~" -later in the night- naho: ........ Mr. Tsubaki: *exits his bedroom to get a drink...* "...Naho?" naho: oh, good evening sir! Mr. Tsubaki: "You are still awake?" naho: yeah...is sham awake? i was hoping to talk to him... Mr. Tsubaki: *nods* "I could hear him speaking in his room." naho: ok, i was hoping to talk to him about love stuff ^^ Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *pulls out a box of condoms...* naho:....eh? thanks? *she goes into his room* hey sham~ *she closes it behind her* Shamrock: "Hmm? Yes, may I help you?" naho: i wanna ask you something....you love mr tsubaki, dont you? Shamrock: O________________o;;;;;;;;;;;;;; "...What?" naho: i see the way you look at him! the pain on your face when he talks about that girl! Shamrock: o_________________O;;;;;; "..." *covers his face* "...Why are you doing this to me?" naho: *shiny eyes* i ship it SO HARD~! Mr. Tsubaki: o___o Shamrock: "?!!! I am not here to satisfy your fanatical devotion to some relationship! My love for Tsubaki-sama is not a joke!" naho: im just here to show my support Shamrock: "I don't want your support! It's not like I said GET UP IN MY BUSINESS!" Mr. Tsubaki: *hears GET UP IN MY BUSINESS* o_____________________o naho: how can you not see it? i can tell when you look at him you're thinking 'PLEASE PUNISH ME MASTER~<3' =///w///= Mr. Tsubaki: D: Shamrock: "...What kind of sick fantasies do you have? What, ARE YOU INTO BONDAGE, TOO?!!" Mr. Tsubaki: *angry twitching* "...That...monster..." naho: too? owo Shamrock: "...I-I am not comfortable talking with you about this! My personal feelings are none of your business! And if you ever ask me again, i will SPANK YOU SO HARD!" naho: >////< you'd do those sort of things to a cute girl like me? Shamrock: *picks her up by the back of her shirt* "Get out of here, and don't COME back!" Mr. Tsubaki: "...That...is the last straw..." *marches up to the door...* naho: EEK! >.< Shamrock: *kicks the door open--and it crashes into--* Mr. Tsubaki: *door smacks him in the face* "!!!" *falls back* Shamrock: *tosses Naho...who lands...* -faceplant to the floor- naho: X-X owie. Mr. Tsubaki: "??? Naho! What did that awful Shamrock do to you?! Where did he hurt you?!!" Shamrock: D: "S-Sir?!! What happened--Did I--...Oh no..." naho: he threw me through a door, the meanie! >3< Mr. Tsubaki: *holds onto her, picking her up* "There, there. I'll protect you from the meanie..." *glares at Shamrock* Shamrock: D: "B-B-B-B-But sir! I didn't--I didn't mean to--She was--You! Her! ..." naho: doing such cruel things to an innocent girl like me, for shame sham! >3< Mr. Tsubaki: *pats her back* "I will protect you..." *carries her* "And Shamrock will be severely punished." Shamrock: o\\\\\\\o naho: OwO Mr. Tsubaki: "Do you feel safe in your room tonight? And how should I punish Shamrock?" naho: *whispering into his ear* Shamrock: "???" Mr. Tsubaki: "...Really?" naho: *she nods* Mr. Tsubaki: "...Very well. Shamrock, disrobe." Shamrock: o\\\\\\\\o "WHAT?!!!" naho: O////w////O Mr. Tsubaki: "Do I have to repeat myself?!" *pushes Shamrock into his room* Shamrock: *pushed back into the room...* "...Very well, sir..." *unbuttons his shirt...* naho: *peeeeek* Mr. Tsubaki: *arms crossed, as Shamrock undresses to his boxers* Shamrock: "...S-Sir?" Mr. Tsubaki: "I said disrobe. All of it." Shamrock: 7\\\\\\7 "...As you wish..." *pulls down his boxers* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." ("Holy shit.") naho: *nosebleeding* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *shakes his head* "Anyway, against the wall: I'm going to tie you to it." Shamrock: "WHAT?! Sir, I must--" Mr. Tsubaki: *death glare* Shamrock: "..." *whimper* "Yes, sir..." *backs up to the wall...* Mr. Tsubaki: *rope appears in his hands* "Just stand still..." naho: *nosebleeds as she snaps pics on her phone* Mr. Tsubaki: *ties his wrists up to the wall...* "Shamrock? I never realized you..." Shamrock: "...What, sir?" Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *finishes tying his wrists, then works down to his ankles...as he looks at his groin* "...You are quite endowed." Shamrock: o\\\\\\\\\o "...Thanks?" naho: O////////////////////W//////////////////////O Mr. Tsubaki: "...You were quite rude to Naho...I think you need to be punished." Shamrock: "...Is this not already punishment?" Mr. Tsubaki: *smirks* "Given how you look, it doesn't seem like it?" *points to Shamrock, who is growing erect* Shamrock: o\\\\\\\\\o "Wh-What?!" Mr. Tsubaki: "Do you want me to let you go?" Shamrock: "...No." Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *his hand slides down Shamrock's chest...* naho: *NOSEBLEEDING* >///////////////////< Mr. Tsubaki: "I'm going to punish you..." *his fingers slide down his chest towards his groin* "With long...agonizing...barely-there...touches..." *his fingers just grace along his growing length* Shamrock: "!!!! Wh-What?! S-Sir? A-Are you sure?" Mr. Tsubaki: "Is that a problem?" Shamrock: "...No." Mr. Tsubaki: *his fingers slide along Shamrock, so lightly, that the chained man is shuddering in anticipation* naho: O/////////////////////////////////////////O Shamrock: "S-Sir? Th-This isn't...I mean, you're just..." *groans lightly* Mr. Tsubaki: "You've wanted this, haven't you?" Shamrock: "..." *meek nod* Mr. Tsubaki: *slight increase on his grip along Shamrock* Shamrock: *shudders, growing harder* "Sir...I...I want..." naho: O////////////////////////////O Mr. Tsubaki: "Shh..." *continues stroking him, as he climbs up to get close to his ear...* "Do you want me to continue until you orgasm?" Shamrock: *meek nod* Mr. Tsubaki: *smiles, as he leans closer to his ear, quickening his strokes* "Good..." naho: *passed out from nosebleeding so much* uehuehuehuehue~ Shamrock: *small moan* "Tsubaki..." Mr. Tsubaki: *smirks, stops stroking, and pulls his hand away* "Then I'm finished here." Shamrock: "...What?" Mr. Tsubaki: "Night!" *twirls, skips away to the door, opens it, and shuts it behind him* Shamrock: ._. "...Fuck." Mr. Tsubaki: *spots Naho* "...Naho? You know I can't replace your blood that quickly..." naho: =//////= Mr. Tsubaki: "...Let me wash my hands, then I'm putting you to bed, with juice and a cookie..." naho: heuhueeee... -in sakuya's room, he lay away, screaming on the inside- Shamrock: "...Hello? Master? Naho? ...Someone?" -elsewhere- metsu: *nuzzling close* mmmm.... Jeje: "Is this okay?" metsu: y-yeah... Jeje: "...Where would you like to be touched?" metsu: i...i'd just like to be held close for now.... Jeje: *nods, hugs her* "...Thank you." metsu: *she smiles and gently strokes his cheek* Jeje: "Uh..." *slinks back a bit* metsu: s-sorry. Jeje: "It's...Sorry. Not used to...that." metsu:....*hug* Jeje: "...Am I okay? Am I good?" metsu: y-yeah... *small blush* you're doing good... Jeje: "...Did I offend you?" metsu: no..im ok. Jeje: "I can be...private about many things...But I think I can still be intimate." metsu: *she nods* did you...want to hold hands? Jeje: *nods...tentatively offers his hand* metsu: *gently holds it* this is nice... Jeje: "Yes...because you are so nice." metsu: *blushing* Jeje: "...I...I feel...good with you." metsu: *she smiles* did you...want to kiss? Jeje: "..." *nods* "I...Should I...Do I lift the mask or...?" metsu: if you dont want to remove it, you dont have to... *small kiss on the lips* Jeje: "Mmmm..." *holds her* -morning- Shamrock: *still tied to the walls, groggy* "Ugh..." belkia: morning sham-....goooodnight everybody! *slams the door* Shamrock: "GET BACK HERE AND UNTIE ME, YOU BASTARD!" lavender: is he up? belkia: he's a bit.....tied up. Mr. Tsubaki: *snort* Higan: *stretches* "Hmm...Almost back to full health..." ame: *yaaawn* *still tired and holding her blanket* Mr. Tsubaki: "Good morning, Ame." *smiles* "What would you like for breakfast?" lavender: *pats her head* sleep ok kiddo? ame: pancakes please....*yaawn* Mr. Tsubaki: "You got it." *pulls out the flour and mix...* Shamrock: *gnawing at his ropes...* lavender: *lets ame sit on the couch next to her* ame: *looks at higan* Mr. Tsubaki: *makes smiley face pancakes* "And we'll have tasty syrups..." naho: neato! lilac: *smiles* Higan: *waves* "Good morning. I hope you slept well." Mr. Tsubaki: *whistles as he finishes pancakes, serves them on plates to everyone* "Chocolate chicken, banana bread, peanut butter..." ame: *she nods and wraps herself in the blanket* thanks mr higan... -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *sleeping...in Kim's jacket* kim: zzzzzzz....... Jacqueline: *turns over in bed, muttering in her sleep...* "Kim..." kim: *yaaaawn* Jacqueline: *still muttering in her sleep* "I feel so safe...with you..." kim: ?? Jacqueline: *still asleep* "Please don't leave..." kim:...*holding her hand* Jacqueline: "..." *calms down, smiles, small squeeze back* -elsewhere- tsubaki:...*rubbing her neck* Black Star: "Hey...Sore?" tsubaki: just....just had trouble sleeping.... Black Star: "..." *hugs her from behind* "I'm sorry. Want to take today easy?" tsubaki: yeah...good thing it's the weekend... Black Star: "..." *his hands slide along her shoulders, slowly and carefully massaging* tsubaki: *soft sighs* Black Star: "This okay?" tsubaki: yeah... Black Star: *nods, as he leaves a soft kiss behind her left ear* tsubaki: ahh~ >///< Black Star: "Should I stop...?" *kisses lightly along the side of her neck...* tsubaki: *flustered* Black Star: "..." *pulls back, smiles* "Sorry." tsubaki: it's ok. Black Star: *takes her hand* "How about...you tell me where you'd like to get breakfast...and I'll pay." -at the shopping plaza- naho: *reading some of the raunchier mangas* 0w0 sakuya: *sweatdrops* Takehisa: "Maki? You here?" maki: yeah, im over here! *peeking at naho's book* OwO niiiiice! naho: i know, right?! Takehisa: "Ah..." *walks over* "Find the remaining gifts you had wanted to purchase?" maki: yeah. just about. Takehisa: *spots the book she and Naho are looking at* -_-; "Evidently..." sakuya: no kidding. Takehisa: "Well...I have the remaining books ready to take to the cashier...I'll meet you at the front of the store." maki: ok~ Takehisa: "..." ("At least I have an idea what else to buy her...in the future...") -elsewhere- Emine: "...No, I have no idea what gifts to buy." mana: how about getting her a stuffed animal? she seems to really like those. Emine: "...Yes, she did like that stuffed mad scientist..." mana: yeeeeahh.... 7.7;; Shotaro: "Lin will love what you get her, Emine! And I'm just about done with gifts--except for Kepuri..." -elsewhere- Kid: "..." stocking: you ok? Kid: *nods* "Just...nervous." stocking: about what? Kid: "...Another curfew. A feeling like I'm not doing enough." stocking: .....you could always help with the late night crew. Kid: *nods* "I want to." stocking: *she smiles* i'll help out too. Kid: *smiles* "We watch each other out there?" stocking: yeah. Kid: "..." *holds her hand* "Partners." stocking: hehe~ liz: dont forget about us too, kiddo. Patty: "Yeah...You've been getting all mushy-gushy in love again." -_- Kid: o\\\\\\o "I-I know! I mean, I know I can trust on you two--my weapons. The best weapons!" *nervous laugh* stocking: ^^ Patty: "GROUP HUG INITIATED!" *bear hug lifts all three of them* liz: ah! >.< stocking: haha! Kid: "...Um...You've gotten stronger." Patty: "I work out!" liz: taking lessons from takeru? Patty: "Intimately." liz:........do i need to teach him a lesson? Patty: *giggles* "Nah, it's cool." -elsewhere- Arthur: "...Tamaki?" tamaki: yeah? Arthur: "...Any plans for the break?" tamaki: gonna be staying here. Arthur: "Oh...I'll be seeing family for a little bit..." tamaki: well, be careful, ok? Arthur: "..." *nods* "...Tamaki? I...still owe you a date." tamaki: y-yeah... 7///7 Arthur: "...The mission to the 7th got in the way, now this vampire scare...but I know one thing for certain: I love you." tamaki:..........*she kisses him on the nose very quickly* >////< Arthur: "!!!" o\\\\\o "...Thank you." tamaki: no problem... Arthur: "..." *takes her hand, holds it, kisses lightly* tamaki: -/////- y-you dork... Arthur: *smiles* "Your dork, who is chivalrous to a fault..." tamaki: *chuckles* Arthur: "With a laugh befitting a princess...I look forward to seeing you when I return." tamaki: me too. Arthur: "...Well, I'll return to getting my overnight bag ready...I suppose one sword will be enough." -elsewhere- Kishiri: "There it is...my family's dog shelter." vivian: wow. Kishiri: "A lot of taking care of abandoned and abused animals, puppy care...Bite marks." vivian: they're all so cute! Kishiri: *watches Vivian* -\\\\\- "Y-Yeah..." *points to some puppies* "I work to take care of them, feed them, keep their medicine up...Get them adopted." -elsewhere- Lawless: *looking at the trees in winter* "..." romina: *in whale suit* chilly out today. Lawless: *tightens his scarf* "Bitterly so. When will it end?" romina: spring. Lawless: -______-;; "Winter of my discontent." romina: HAHAHAHAHA! that was funny. Lawless: "...I wasn't trying to be funny." romina: well, while i didnt FALL on my face laughing, when it comes to puns, SUMMER better than others! julian:......*facepalm* Lawless: "...I will bury you in the snow, build a snowman on top of you, then stab the ground repeatedly... romina: rude. Lawless: "I'm grouchy." julian: is something bothering you? is it the cold weather? Lawless: "...The past." julian: oh? Lawless: "...I lost so much. Now, to have my life spared, out of...what?" romina:....want to go get some crepes? Lawless: "..." *meek nod* romina: awesome! Lawless: "Don't get too excited--you're paying for your own." -elsewhere- Kepuri: *lying in bed* *snore* akaderu: zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.......... (thinking: thank fuck it's the weekend...) Kepuri: *snorts--waking up* "H-Hu-what?" *spots Akaderu* "...Is it still morning?" *tries to see clock...* akaderu: it's the weekend, you have it off. Kepuri: "...Oh." *adjusts strap on her pajama tank top and...slams head back into pillow* "Zzzz..." akaderu:...*kisses her forehead* cute... Kepuri: *smiles...* "Love you..." akaderu: love you too... Kepuri: *pulls him towards her in her sleep, practically clinging to him* akaderu:....*rubs her back* Kepuri: "...Akaderu? Was I good...?" akaderu:...you did great. Kepuri: *smiles* "Same to you...Been needing that..." *yawn* "Work...tired..." akaderu:....i think....that may have been the most effort i put into anything... Kepuri: "..." *sits up* "...Really? I'd say that...well, I think...when you were trying to find me, you did put in a lot of effort..." akaderu:.... 7//////7; i guess.....you've always given me a reason to keep going... Kepuri: "..." *pushes his shoulders down onto the bed* "Hey...Look at me." *sits on top of him* "Whatever happens...Keep going. Okay?" akaderu:.....*holds her close* t....thank you..... Kepuri: *smiles, holding him close as she pushes him back down onto the bed, kissing his cheek, down to his neck* "I love you..." akaderu:.....thank you....back then i was so close to......*whimpering* Kepuri: "Shhh...None of that...I am here. You are here. And I'm not going anywhere. Right?" akaderu:...right. Kepuri: "..." *pulls off her tank top, tossing it behind her, and cuddles* "I am with you--for the long haul, you adorable dork." akaderu:....*rolls her onto her back* Kepuri: *giggles* "Akaderu..." -elsewhere- Relan: *flexing in the mirror* buttons: zzzzz.... Relan: "..." ("I never thought I would be in a Fire Brigade, especially without flame abilities...I'm still the slowest here, the weakest here...But...") *pulls up a pic of himself when he first joined* "..." ("I look like I'm in some better shape...") -elsewhere- Benimaru: "I want you to be safe on your travel to your family, Fang-Hua." fang-hua: i understand. i'll bring you a souvenir when i come back. Benimaru: "I know you will...It will not be the same without you, to keep so many of us on our toes, Kohana." fang-hua: 7////7; y-yeah...but you still have konro and sister kirei here, right? and of course you... Benimaru: *takes her hand* fang-hua: ah...c-commander- Benimaru: "Be safe. We will be waiting for your return" fang-hua: *blush* o-of course. Benimaru: *small smile, as he pats her hand, nods, and lets go...* -elsewhere- PlushFix: "So, you got the floor plans?" hina: right here. got the tunnel layouts all set. PlushFix: "Sweet! Best of all, no one would expect a cute plush toy as much of a threat..." hina: *grins* cant wait to turn a few heads tonight....and by that i mean snapping their necks. PlushFix: "Oh, fuck yeah. That's so freaking hot, girl..." hina: i think thats why we get along so well, mutual love of murdering people and ruining their lives. PlushFix: "Much! The red just spraying out onto the walls! The music of screams, torn flesh, broken bones. And your shapely figure doesn't hurt, either~" hina: maybe i might take you up on that vibrator offer, a hell of a better lover than that little b*tch akira. PlushFix: "Oh, fuck yeah, that would be awesome..." *vibrates with excitement* "I'll make you proud, Killer." hina: *grins* PlushFix: "Well, better wrap up preparations...You look like you could use a shower. With me watching." -elsewhere- Stein: "...So bizarre." valentine: what is? Stein: "...When looking into these vampires...I encountered an odd person." valentine: oh? *she is sorting medical files* Stein: "...He reminded me of myself, in many ways. Ways I do not like." valentine: ...... Stein: "...He looked like me. Was obsessive. The stereotypical mad scientist. I've held onto that persona for so long...I can't tell whether it is a role I'm playing for other people...or if I really am that mad." valentine:.....*she holds onto his hand* i can tell for a fact that there's more to you thank you realize.....you did save me and aya from our own monsters, even if just a little bit. Stein: "..." *his hand is limp in hers* "I don't see more to myself. I see each day, just trying to get through it." valentine: ......did you want marie to come over and comfort you, or should i...? Stein: "...'Should'? 'Should' what?" valentine: make you feel better? Stein: "...Could you...sit with me for a bit? Just be close. Be there. To talk. Or just sit in silence. Just to have someone here with me right now?" valentine: *small smile* of course franken. Stein: *a slightly tighter but still gentle hold of her hand, as he leads her to a couch near his files where they can sit* valentine: *she lays down and lets him lay on top of her as she rubs his head and back*..... Stein: *his breathing settles...he lets out a small groan* "Thank you...Val?" valentine: yeah? Stein: "...May I...?" *his face is over hers...* valentine: if you need to... *small blush* Stein: "..." *small kiss on her cheek* "Thanks." -elsewhere- Hibana: "I don't suppose I could entice you to take a trip with me..." gabriella: what did you have in mind? Hibana: "The Alps?" gabriella: sounds fancy! Hibana: *smiles* "Good...I already booked us! And I have most of our packing done to travel soon...Ready on Tuesday?" gabriella: *she nods* Hibana: "Good. How are you at skiing?" gabriella: last time i went was when i was 7. Hibana: "I guess a minor refresher at least would be in order...How were you at 7?" gabriella: alright i think? Hibana: "Then I'm sure you'll be even better now..." *small laugh* "I bet you were adorable at 7." gabriella: .////. Hibana: "Any photos?" gabriella: i'll have to call my parents up. Hibana: "...Gab? ...Your parents...do they know about...us?" gabriella:....*she nods* Hibana: "...Are they okay with...this relationship? With me?" gabriella: its...they told me its taking a bit of getting used to, but they said if im happy, then so are they. Hibana: *sighs, pats Gabriella's hand* "That's...something, at least. I'm sorry." gabriella: you didnt do anything wrong, hibana... Hibana: "I just feel badly about the situation...and I'm not exactly the most popular person..." ("Darn social media.") gabriella:...*she hugs her* Hibana: *holds her* "...I love you so much...You've given my life so much order...brightness...happiness." gabriella: i love you too....you saved me...and gave me purpose in life... Hibana: "..." *slides a hand along her cheek to her chin, coaxing her to look up at her* "..." *kisses lightly on her lips* -elsewhere- Kepuri: *pant pant* "S-So...So..." akaderu: f-fuck....*pumping a little more quickly* Kepuri: "A-Akaderu...S-Spank me..." akaderu: .///. *smack* Kepuri: *howl* "Harder!" *SMACK* Kepuri: "A-aaaaaah!" *collapses* "Fuuuuuck..." *panting* akaderu: *crashed out* -elsewhere- chie: mmm...*laying in yohei's arms* Yohei: *kisses her cheek* "How do you feel, now?" chie: nice....*rubs her stomach* just a little more ways to go... Yohei: *places his hand over hers* "I still can't believe it..." chie: *she smiles* Yohei: "..." *serious face* "I want him to be safe..." chie: so do i.... Yohei: "..." *holds her* "We have to...I never imagined that I would be a father...be willing to give up anything for this little guy..." chie: *she smiles* Yohei: "Chie...You make life so good." chie: you too... Yohei: *smiles, cuddles* "...We may not get good sleep for a while after our son joins us..." chie: little sacrifices. Yohei: *small laugh* "You going to say that when he's screaming at us in 3 in the morning?" *hugs her* "...I promise, when he wakes us up, I'll change his diapers each time." chie: thanks hun *smooch* Yohei: -\\\\\- "Anything for you..." -elsewhere- Black Star: "I'm back!" tsubaki: welcome home! Black Star: "Hee hee...I got you a surprise..." *holds up a grocery bag with some ice cream* tsubaki: aww, thank you! Black Star: *smiles...blushes...* *small smooch* tsubaki: ^////^ Black Star: "..." *hugs her* "Hey...I love you." tsubaki: i love you too... Black Star: "...When I put this ice cream away..." tsubaki: ?? Black Star: "...How about we wrap up dinner, sit on the couch, take in a movie?" tsubaki: sounds good. Black Star: *smiles, as he pulls back, goes to the fridge* "How was your afternoon?" tsubaki: it went well. i got some mail from my family, they're doing well. Black Star: "Awesome." *puts ice cream away, turns back* "Your dad keeping busy?" tsubaki: *she nods* Black Star: "What's he up to? Meeting anyone with your mom?" tsubaki: i think so. Black Star: "..." *sets out plates, pulls out some leftovers...* "You going to do that when you get older, their kind of work for the Nakatsukasa?" tsubaki: *she nods* Black Star: *heats up leftovers* "..." *smiles* "You're gonna be so good at that diplomacy stuff." tsubaki: ..... -elsewhere- Konro: *slowly walking on patrol...* katarou's wife: good evening, commander. Konro: "Ah, good evening! How are you?" katarou's wife: getting by. Konro: *nods* "...And your son?" katarou’s wife:...he misses his father every day....but he's doing better... Konro: *nods* "It is difficult for both of you...Maybe I could help." katarou's wife: how so? Konro: "You've been working...I'm not the best cook, but I know a few things...I could make a meal for you both." katarou's wife: ah...i suppose it wont be too much trouble. Konro: *smiles* "Good. What are some of your favorite dishes?" -elsewhere- Emine: *has tape and bits of wrapping paper stuck on himself* "...I finished wrapping gifts." setsuna: good job, son. Emine: -\\\\\- "Thank you...Mother." setsuna: ^^ Emine: "...Are there any extra candy canes that were not put onto the tree?" -elsewhere- Akitaru: "Gonna be okay visiting Relan's family?" shinra: yeah. Akitaru: *pat pat* "You're a good man, to give him some back-up." shinra: right. *he nods* Akitaru: "Everything else okay? Got your gifts ready?" shinra: *he nods* Akitaru: "...I. Don't." ^^; "Um...I thought of getting everyone weights, but that seemed corny." shinra: you'll think of something. Akitaru: "Hope so. Been beating my head against the wall but no luck." *points behind him...to an Akitaru-face imprint in the wall* shinra: yikes. Akitaru: "...I'm stressed. When I'm stressed, I head-bang...Don't tell Takehisa--" Takehisa: "COMMANDER!!!" Akitaru: "..." *runs* shinra:..... O.O; Takehisa: "GET BACK HERE AND SPACKLE THAT MESS!" *runs after Akitaru* -elsewhere- Stein: *small sigh* "...Thanks." valentine: no problem. Stein: "..." *holds her hand* "...A lot of this is new to me." -elsewhere- heibito: *in his playpen, teething on someone’s severed arm* Asura: "D'aw...He'll be getting his permanent teeth before we know it." mikan: *she smiles* *she decontaminated the arm and properly amputated it so it was safe for chewing on.* Asura: "...Could you capture an image of this?" mikan: *she takes her camera and snaps a picture* Asura: "...Our bundle of joy..." mikan: *she smiles* Asura: "Heibito..." *waves* "Father loves you." heibito: ^o^ mikan: im...so happy. Asura: "..." *holds her* "I love you. I love our son." -elsewhere- Yumi: *holding Shiori* "It's okay...You're okay..." shiori: zzzzz..... Yumi: *smiles, as she places Shiori into bed...* lord death: *smoooch* Yumi: =\\\\\\\= "...You adorable reaper..." lord death: hehe~<3 Yumi: *hugs, holding him close* "Death..." *kiss on the cheek* -morning- Black Star: *turns over* *yawn...* tsubaki: good morning. Black Star: "..." *smiles* "Beautiful." tsubaki: hehe~ aww.... (thinking: he's becoming quite the handsome man...) Black Star: *hugs her* "...Is it Sunday?" tsubaki: looks like. Black Star: "Any plans for today?" *another small kiss on her cheek* "Errands?" ("I do have some working out to do, as usual...") -elsewhere- Kid: *tossing in bed* "N-No..." stocking: mmmn...hmm? kid? Kid: *muttering in his sleep* "No...Get your hands off me...Your bite marks are not symmetrical!" stocking: kid? *she reaches for his hand* Kid: *panting, trying to awaken* "Cursed vampire!" stocking: kid.....*she holds him close* Kid: *pants...his eyes open...* "...Stocking?" stocking: *she smiles and kisses his forehead* it's ok kid...im here. Kid: "..." *holds onto her* "It was so frightening..." stocking: *she rubs his back* i know.... Kid: *sighs* "...I'm sorry..." stocking: it's ok. you didnt do anything wrong... Kid: *shudders* "It still...weighs on my mind. I...feel like I failed you." stocking:....*she kisses him softly* Kid: *stays in her arms, slowly calming down...lets out a small cry* stocking: its ok kid, just let it out... Kid: "..." *cries more* "I still dream of it." stocking: ...... Kid: "Stocking...It's so scary, still follows me...I'm sorry." stocking: *rubs his back* Kid: *cuddles against her, calming down, wiping away his tears* stocking: i love you, ok? Kid: "I love you, too, so much." *holds onto her* "Thank you." -elsewhere- -at the hotspring, the phone rings- sayaka: yeah? Johannes: "Hey, ducky!" sayaka: *SCREAMING* Hugh: "What is with this yelling?" Johannes: ._. "...Do I have the wrong number?" mahiru: *takes the phone* hello? this is mahiru shirota. who is this? Johannes: "Johannes Mimir Faustus! A pleasure to speak with you, Mickey Sheehan!" mahiru: its mahiru shirota. -_-; is there a reason you called? is it about kuro? Johannes: "Yes! I found what you need to get to your buddy! Get down here, now! (Feel free to bring others~)" mahiru: ah! right. i'll be there soon. -and so- sayaka: Q-Q *she and mahiru took sayaka's scooter down.* Jeje: "...Oh. It's you two." Johannes: "Gutentag!" *waves at Sayaka* "Hey again, Marlon Sirota!" sayaka: *hiding behind a trashcan* mahiru: mahiru shirota. *he goes in* sayaka: Q-Q (thinking: please dont find me please dont find me PLEASE DONT FIND ME PLEASE DONT FIND ME!!) Johannes: "Okay, 'Mahiru Shirota,' 'Shiru Marota'...*sniffs the air* "...Honey Boo? You here? Behind that trash?" sayaka: Q_________________________Q *SCREAMS INTERNALLY* Johannes: *lifts the garbage can* "FOUND YOU!" sayaka: OHGODNOOOOOOOOO!!!! DX> Johannes: "??? Um...Okay. Say, you like comic books?" sayaka: <-> (thinking: SOMEBODY SAAAAAAAAVE MMMMMEEEEEE!!! Q-Q) mahiru: *sweatdrop and heads downstairs* Jeje: *seizes Johannes by his skull* "GET DOWN STAIRS. NOW." *tosses Johannes through the hidden entrance* Johannes: "Be right baaaaaaaaaaaack--" *crash through the wall, down to the basement...* Jeje: *looks at Sayaka* "...Yo." sayaka: Q-Q thank you mr tall man. metsu: my apologies. the good doctor, and i use that term loosely, doesnt have the best social skills... sayaka: DOES HE REALLY?! OwO Jeje: "...Ha." Johannes: *slides down fun-slide into the basement--and...* mahiru: ow......!!!!!! Johannes: *peeps up* "Oh. Hey, Kasanoda!" mahiru: mahiru shirota. Johannes: "Right. I'll just need to think of a way to remember your name..." *pulls out a Sharpie* mahiru: O-O;;;;; Johannes: *pushes Mahiru down into an electric chair--whose straps immediately clasp down on Mahiru's wrists and ankles* mahiru: O_O;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; he-he-hey now!! Johannes: "Just sit still..." *writes Mahiru's name, backwards, onto Mahiru's forehead* "There! Now _you'll_ never forget your name ever again!" mahiru: *looks at his reflection* -_-; Johannes: "I do the same! I had to tattoo myself to remember my name. Hang on, I'll show you--" *starts unbuckling his belt* mahiru: THAT'S QUITE ALRIGHT THANKS!! Johannes: "Oh...Well, you're here because of this, right" *points to the Kuro ball* "...It hasn't hatched yet." mahiru: yeah...last time nothing happened... Johannes: "Hmmm. Well, I had some ideas. Let's talk about them over a drink." *holds up two beakers* "Tea?" mahiru: sure. Johannes: "Cheers!" *sips his beaker* mahiru: *drinks*...... Johannes: "Mmmm~ Tasty..." mahiru: .........*he falls unconscious* Johannes: "...Huh. Took him long enough. Well, here's hoping he gets to talk to the cat in the ball..." *long sip* "...Good tea." -elsewhere- PlushFix: "When we doing this?" hina: if all goes to plan, tonight. -elsewhere- Tool: *hands brunch plate to Saki* "Here you go." saki: thanks ^^ Zuno: *dining on hashbrowns, potatoes, and bacon* "I'll have seconds!" Assi: "...You already had seconds. Three times now." -_-; -elsewhere- mahiru: is this...kuro's mind? *The cat creature appears* Cat: "...You." mahiru: ....do you know where kuro is in here? Cat: "Yes. Do you think he actually wants to see you?" mahiru: the least i can do right now is just talk to him... Cat: "...Hmph." *pulls out a fishing pole, throwing the lure into the desert sand* "Not even any water here. Can't catch one fish. Can't even hear a fish." *glares at Mahiru* "You think he wants to see you? No. He does not." mahiru: then i'll just look harder. *looking around, remembering what licht had said* *his foot hits something* hmm? *he lifts the trap door* ok then....its now or never... *he descends into the depths until he reaches a door, voices could be heard on the other side. man: this is total bullshit, gimme that letter, im gonna eat it! Man #2: "Calm yourself." Man #3 (who sounds like a child): "Fool!" woman: even with what they did, i dont think i could bring myself to do it. mahiru: *he finds himself in a chair amongst 7, 5 of them are very familiar faces....* Jeje: "This arguing is getting us nowhere. I propose we vote." woman: that seems the best option. although even if they are dangerous, i vote we should spare him, its too much sentimentality. man: i ain't doin it either! Jeje: "I vote we should. If he is still alive this long, he has defied some order of the practices of life and death to artificially increase his years." Hugh: "Agreed!" mahiru: (thinking: they dont even notice i'm here....) *glances at lily, lawless, and kuro, waiting for their responses* Lawless: "Nay! We can't just make some presupposition!" Kuro: "..." Lily: "...I would rather err on the side of caution, given how dangerous they are...I vote for assassination." Lawless: "Hmph. Three against three. So, the question, how will Brother vote?" Kuro: "...I will kill them." Lawless: "?!!!!" Lily: "???" mahiru: !!!! woman:....then i suppose it's decided then. \dont look\ \please dont look\ \i dont want you to see...\ Lawless: "..." *laughing derisively* "Fools! You think this is real? Nay, it is mere artifice! Our brother, the slothful one, is not going to--" Kuro: "Move." *pushes Lawless away* "I don't want you in my path." Lawless: "?!!!" *seizes his wrist* "Don't think you can just--" Kuro: *knocks Lawless down into his chair, which shatters from the impact of him crashing into it* Hugh: "?!!!!" Lily: "Oh my..." woman: sleepy ash! what the hell has gotten into you?! Kuro: "...If anyone is to do it, it should be I to bear the responsibility. It would be troublesome to have any of you take on such a contentious assignment." -the next thing they see is a rainy scene- woman: i guess in the end, it was our only choice.... mahiru: kuro..... man: guess all we can do now is move on with our lives? tch-... Lawless: "...Never forgive this." Hugh: "We can only move forward: there is no point dwelling." Jeje: "Hmph.  I was going to say that." mahiru:...*he reaches to pat kuro on the shoulder* *A wall erupts out of the ground around Kuro* Cat: "See? He wants nothing to do with you. Leave." mahiru: kuro, open up! its me-.....(thinking: my head....feels fuzzy.....it hurts....i....who...am i?) Kuro: "..." Cat: "He does not even know you. What is your name?" mahiru: i....i dont.....*he gazes at his reflection.....the name 'Mahiru Shirota' is written on his forehead* Mahiru Shirota..... Kuro: *eyes break open...* *A door forms in the wall* Kuro: "...No. Please, no." mahiru: *he opens the door* Kuro: "Stay back..." mahiru: its ok kuro... Kuro: "I did the right thing. No, the wrong thing. It was right. Wrong...Tell me! Did I do the right thing?!" mahiru:...... you've got it wrong! im not the one to judge if what you did was the right thing or not, neither does the rest of the world...its up to you to decide! its brave to admit you made a mistake, but you kept it all bottled up....but its ok....*he kneels down and hugs him* you arent alone kuro. Kuro: "...I...I..." *holds onto him* "..." mahiru: its ok...just let it out.... Kuro: *reverts to cat form...letting out a small howl of pain* mahiru: lets go home.... *holding him still* -a loud noise is heard from the basement. sayaka: ?!?! metsu: *she goes down to check* sayaka: what happened?! Kuro: *still in cat form, curled up in Mahiru's arms* Johannes: *vigorously writing notes* "Remarkable! Incredible! Stupendous! Not half bad! I'm going to get a freaking fellowship off of this research!" sayaka: they're ok!! which means... *final fantasy victory theme* I CAN GO HOME NOW!! Johannes: *pouts* "But I was going to make espresso..." Jeje: *looking at Kuro* "...Tiny." Kuro: -_-; metsu: *she hears footsteps* oh.. its you *pokerfaced glare at mikuni* sayaka: oh! you're...misono's brother right? Mikuni: *gasp* "Little Misono? Heck yeah I am! Are you one of his special friends?" sayaka: i guess you could say that ^^; i mean, im not dating him or anything! Mikuni: "He's lucky to have a friend like you..." *hands her a dolly* "Please accept this doll as a gift. Her name is Oktavia!" sayaka: thanks.....*small cold chill up her spine* Mikuni: "There. Now take good care of her!" *spots Mahiru* "Oh, jeez, you okay? Looks like you had a nasty tumble out of your mind-scape..." mahiru: *stirring awake* *he looks at kuro....and hugs him* Kuro: "Gah! Not so tight!" mahiru: sorry....but you're ok now! Kuro: "..." *looks away* "You should not have seen that." sayaka: *she smiles*......*glances at johannes*... o-o; mahiru: ....im going to help you deal with it. we're in this together, ok? Kuro: "...Fine. Whatever." mahiru: *he smiles* Johannes: *waves at Sayaka* "Hello! That is a cute dollie you now have! Have you considered turning it into a juice to imbibe to grow stronger?" Mikuni: D: sayaka: *scoot scoot behinds mikuni* no thanks. Johannes: "...Want something to eat? I think the bread isn't expired..." Mikuni: *guards Sayaka* metsu: T.T; *aHEM* Johannes: "...Oh. Um...I think that's Metsu's suggestion that I stop being creepy and wrap this up..." *looks at Mahiru* "But I do need to do a physical examination on you and your vampire to make sure you are both healthy after that arduous endeavor..." mahiru: uh..... o-o; Johannes: *pouts* "Well, you really should have a medical professional exam you to make sure you are healthy..." sayaka: iiiim just gonna go upstairs then Kuro: "..." Johannes: "I assure you, my nurse is very professional. If you would prefer, she could examine you." metsu: i didnt go to nursing school for nothing. *holding up needles* Kuro: ._.; *leaps onto Mahiru's head* -later- Johannes: "Hmmm...All checks out. I guess you two are healthy and free to go!" mahiru: ok. welp you re- sayaka? sayaka: *already on her scooter* mahiru: *sweatdrop* Kuro: -_-;;;; "Let's leave before he tries to neuter me..." Johannes: "Come back whenever!" Mikuni: "We can have a dolly tea party!" -at the hotspring- misono: so then he's back to normal then? sayaka: yep! mahiru: *he nods* Kuro: "..." *silent* mahiru:...*pats his back* its ok kuro, we're all here for you. Lily: "Sleepy-Head!" *hugs--both Kuro and Mahiru in one big bear hug* mahiru: ^^; Kuro: *grumbles* "Put me down." -later, after mahiru explained the current situation- Kuro: "...And you trust Greed? I don't trust him as far as I can throw him..." tsubaki: it's the best option we have right now. maybe you'll be able to overcome your differences this way. Kuro: *glance at Tsubaki* "And that crazy person, building up an army of vampires? I don't like this. You should avoid him." tsubaki: .....i dont believe he is completely malicious....i've seen him show a gentler side....but even so, we cant let him hurt others any further than he has. Kuro: "..." *thinking about how he did not give the Creator a chance...* *stands up, starts to walk away* mahiru:...*follows him* Kuro: "I need to clear my head...All of this is a lot to take in." mahiru: ..ok...if you feel like talking, let me know, ok? Kuro: "...I told you not to come for me. To leave me alone. But..." mahiru: im here now, arent i? Kuro: "...What you saw back there...I'm sorry you saw that." mahiru: what i said back then...i mean it. and im here for you, 101% Kuro: "...I didn't want you to. But thank you." mahiru: *he smiles* sayaka: so...who's gonna talk to lawless? Lily: "I suggest Tsubaki! She seems very good at diplomacy!" misono: agreed, seeing how she handled that madman, she has a way of dealing with people. but given her family's status, that is to be expected. tsubaki: thank you ^^; i'll try my best. Lily: *claps* "Yay!" -elsewhere, at the arcade- romina: *playing DDR with lawless* Lawless: "When dancing, I wish to do nothing but that." romina: whoo! yeah! licht: i bet i could beat them. julian: last time you did that, you broke the machine. Lawless: "Yes, eve: throw away the worse, live the pure. To the next abstinence, the next more easy." licht: i didnt ask your fucking opinion. Lawless: "Hmph. Such foul language...That man that hath a tongue, I say is no man, if with his tongue he cannot win a woman" romina: uhhh english please? Lawless: "You keep talking like that, don't be surprised when you die a virgin." licht: you wanna say that shit to my face, shit rat? julian: now now, let settle down, we're in a public establishment! Lawless: "Hmph...Time is a game, played beautifully by children. But an adult must play many parts in their time--so I shall play another role...I'm going to take a leak." *leaves DDR, passing by the arcade’s entrance towards the restroom...* licht: fuckin'.....*he gets onto the DDR machine* tsugumi: arcade time~! tsubaki *enters* hey tsugumi. tsugumi: hey tsubaki! *hug* Lawless: *stops before going into the restroom, spots Tsubaki* "?!!!" tsubaki: ah, just the person i was hoping to speak with. tsugumi: hmm? oh, you're...Hyde Cranz, right? Lawless: "Y-Yeah..." *looks back and forth between Tsubaki and Tsugumi* "...Twins?" *then spots Anya* "?!!!" Anya: "???" tsugumi: oh, uh, we arent siblings, cousins actually! tsubaki: is...everything ok? Lawless: "..." ("...Two who remind me of Ophelia...What is even happening?") "Yeah, sure...What's up?" tsubaki: is licht here too? Lawless: -_-;;; "Yeah..." julian: NOT AGAIN! licht: julian, you pay for this. julian: why me?! you're the rich one! licht: because. *poses* im an angel. Lawless: "...Please hurt him..." tsubaki: D: romina: uh.... Meme: "...I could beat him at DDR...Would that help?" tsugumi: do your best! Meme: *waves at Licht* "Hello! I'm Meme!" Lawless: *eyes Tsubaki* tsubaki:...hmm? is something wrong? Lawless: "...Why are you here? Really?" tsubaki: ....we were hoping you'd become our ally...in case _he_ begins to misbehave again. Lawless: "...You expect me to work with Pride, Envy, Lust, and Sloth again?" tsubaki: that's what we're hoping. *she smiles warmly* Lawless: "...I want some conditions. I want to know none of them try to attack me or Licht." tsubaki: they wont. i promise. *warm smile* Lawless: "Good..." *sneer* "Only I get to kill Licht..." tsubaki: ..... (thinking: i wont let that happen, that wont help anyone...) Lawless: "...Why you got such an investment in this?" tsubaki: i want to try resolving this peacefully. Lawless: "..." ("I've heard that one before...") "You surround yourself with those vamps, and you think you can get 'peace'?" tsubaki: the least i can do is try. they're actually very easy to handle when you get to know them more. Lawless: "...I think you will find I am not so easy to handle." tsubaki: well, i have black*star as my partner, so i think you'll find im rather patient, i guess ^^' Lawless: "..." *snort* "Okay, that's a fair point." tsubaki: you're name....its lawless right? i look forward to working with you *she extends a hand with a warm, familiar smile* Lawless: *flashbacks to Ophelia* "?!!!! Um...Yeah, whatever." *clammy, weak handshake* ("The heck is wrong with me?") -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *satisfied sigh* kim: yes! another week of work finished, another paycheck, hell yeah! Jacqueline: "Very good. How will you be using this paycheck? Savings? Spending?" kim: saving it up for now. Jacqueline: "...Perhaps for that...own place you mentioned, for us?" kim: yeah....taruho mentioned a small cottage in the majoshi district for us to possibly live in. Jacqueline: *shiny eyes* Jacqueline: "A cottage?" kim: yep~ Jacqueline: *small squee* "Thank you for making these connections. I can't wait to see the cottage." -elsewhere- Shinoda: "Do you want the chocolate cherry flavor? Or the peanut butter cup flavor?" nea: hmmmm, how about mint chocolate chip flavor? Shinoda: "Good choice...with some frozen apple pie..." nea: hehe~ Shinoda: *smiles* "Nea...I..." nea: hmm? Shinoda: "...Do you like dancing?" nea: have anything in mind~? Shinoda: "One place in particular: fine dining, a wonderfully designed interior, excellent music...and I have been practicing again." nea: oh~? it better have _just_ been dance practice. TnT Shinoda: ._.;;;;; "I made sure of that! My instructor and everyone in the class was a man, and--" *dawning realization* "Oh. So that is why Richard in dance class was being so kind...Um...Well, the good news is, I did not cheat on you. The bad news is, I think Richard hit on me." nea: .....i have no problem with how he lives his life, but he better back off my man. TnT -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "..." *sighs* "So boring..." kirei: good afternoon, miss tsukiyo. Tsukiyo: "Hey, Sister. What's up?" kirei: not much. the twins are doing well. Tsukiyo: "After creepy chameleon person running around, that's good news...How're you doing?" kirei: just tending to things outside. the other sisters and i are hoping to clean off some of the snow. Tsukiyo: "...Need help?" kirei: if you want to, i suppose it's alright. Tsukiyo: "It'd give me something to do: everything's so boring with a lot of people taking off for the holiday break..." kirei: *she smiles* Tsukiyo: "...You talk with the commander lately?" kirei: the other day, yes. Tsukiyo: "...Good conversation? What you talk about?" -elsewhere- Kid: *lying in bubble bath* -\\\\\- stocking: *kiiiiss* Kid: *smooch* "Thank you..." stocking: no problem. you've been working really hard... Kid: "...I don't think it was only work that gave me the bad dreams...but this is so relaxing..." stocking: *hugs him and nuzzles against him* i love you so much kid. Kid: *smiles, hugs back* "I love you, too..." stocking: hehe~<3 Kid: *smiles, taking a bit of the bubble in his hand, playing them out* stocking: *smiles and washes his hair* Kid: *lies back* "So nice...You have magic fingers..." stocking: hehe.... -elsewhere- Wes: *hands a flower* "For you..." liz: aww. Wes: *smiles* "Liz...I wanted to thank you..." liz: *she smiles* Wes: "You gave me back so much...my brother...love...and I...I..." liz: hmm? Wes: "...I like being with you...you are so full of life, compassion, love...and I..." Wes: "..." *sighs, smiles* "I love you." liz: i love you too. Wes: *hugs* -elsewhere- Akitaru: T_T *spackling the face-hole in the wall* miwa: need any help? Akitaru: *meek nod* "Sorry...This is my fault. It's just taking longer than I thought it would." miwa: no problem. it's always good to have some extra help. Akitaru: *nods* "One of the strengths of a good brigade: people collaborate for something bigger than themselves." Akitaru: "It was one goal I had for the 8th...How about you?" miwa:...i want to help people in any way i can. and the lives of those lost to the flames...i want to keep their memory alive. Akitaru: "...Makes me think...whether there will ever be a memorial to those lost lives..." miwa: who knows....i doubt it....that's why i write their names down myself. Akitaru: "That's good of you...I wonder...with all the refurbishing done to this brigade, whether there is a wider space to write those names...maybe on a wall." -elsewhere- Kepuri: *beaming with pride* mana: how cute! Kepuri: *nods, confidently* "I thought so." akaderu: 7///7; Kepuri: *crosses her arms, nods again* "My little Zenobia here will help pollination at crop fields around the world..." *pats Akaderu's arms* "How's it feel to have a genius for a girlfriend?" akaderu: it's the best. -elsewhere- Harvar: *grunts* ox: you ok? Harvar: "Yes. I just get grouchy at this time of year." ox:....you're parents sent a care package. Harvar: *small twitch* "Oh? Um...I'll open it, then..." *finger blade transformation, as he carefully cuts along the tape* -various treats and such are inside the box- ox: nice! Harvar: "..." *pulls out a note from the box, opens it...* "..." *sniff* ox: you ok?.....is it homesickness? -note: just thought you would enjoy this nice treat for the holidays. we love you so much, mama and papa- Harvar: T_T "I'm fine..." ox:....*smile* -elsewhere- lavender: shamrock what the fuck was that shit?! Shamrock: "Ah-choo!" *sniff* "Quiet...I still feel ill..." belkia: whats with the hay fever? Shamrock: "I'm still ill from being...exposed." ("I was left tied to that wall naked for hours...") belkia: yikes. Shamrock: T_T "It's still so embarr--" *sneeze* lavender: *glares* Shamrock: "?!!! I-I just lost track of my own strength! That's all..." lavender: i know you like doing it rought, but did you _REALLY_ have to break her leg in half?! Shamrock: ._. "...I was enthusiastic--" Mr. Tsubaki: *rises up behind Shamrock* "You...brought attention to us...by needlessly harming someone~?" *serene calm of anger* Shamrock: D: -he would end up getting slam dunked into the hotel pool- *Huge water-explosion from Shamrock's crash* Shamrock: *face-first into the pool's bottom* "GLUB..." ("At least this water isn't holy...") Mr. Tsubaki: *smiles at the others* "Any other news I should receive regarding your extracurricular exploits~?" sakuya: a winter dance is coming up later on. Mr. Tsubaki: *twitch* "...At...the Academy?" sakuya: where else? Mr. Tsubaki: "...Squee." belkia: hell yeah! Mr. Tsubaki: "I want you all dressed to the 9's! We will be having some fun~" -elsewhere- PlushFix: *practicing with his claws* "These work great!" hina: nice. *sharpening her knife* PlushFix: *squeeing* "I get Mimeca out of jail, get to kill some people...so freaking awesome..." -elsewhere- Spirit: "...Sachiko? Do you have the night shift?" sachiko: not tonight. Spirit: "...With this curfew...please, be safe..." sachiko: ok. *she smiles* -at the hot spring- tsubaki: and that's what happened... Black Star: "...Okay, first, I love how well you did at diplomacy..." tsubaki: ^^ Black Star: "And second...um...is Piano Boy going to have to pay for the damage to the machine?" tsubaki: it went surprisingly well ^^; Black Star: *smiles* "I should've known!" Kuro: -___-;;;; uzuki: *phew* those two are going to give me such a headache... -__-;; romina: haha! well, thats how it usually is, but we got used to it ^^; Black Star: "And now you got me and Tsubaki: she can talk them down, and if they won't listen, I'LL KNOCK SOME SENSE INTO THEM!" romina: thanks ya'll. misono: ... Lily: "??? Misono?" misono: hmm? what is it? Lily: "Is something on your mind?" misono:...its nothing. Lily: "..." *hug* misono: 7///7; t-thanks...i think… Lily: *smiles* "Hmm...Any time..." -elsewhere- Anya: "Hmph. That weird friend of Tsubaki's kept staring at her, you, and me..." tsugumi: he was certainly...something else... ^^; Meme: "He was staring so intently at you, Anya..." *smiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirk* Anya: -_______- ao: how cute~ Anya: "Stop." -____________- Meme: *giggles* "Mio, what do you think? Anya x Weird Angry Shakespeare Guy?" mio: eh. *shrug* Meme: "??? I thought it was cute." Anya: "There, Mio agrees with me. Move on!" ao: i think you two are an excellent match~ Anya: "Have you even met the guy?!!" ao: do i really need to? he sounds like quite the catch~ Anya: *temper twitch* "IF HE'S SUCH A CATCH, WHY DON'T _YOU_ DATE HIM?!!!!" tsugumi: h-hey now, please dont fight D:> Anya: *grumbles* "I have to step away from this..." *exits the room* -elsewhere- Kid: *purrs* "I feel so much better..." stocking: hehe~ *stroking his hair* Kid: *hugs* "I love you..." stocking: *smooooch* hehehe~<3 Kid: "Mmm...Please keep stroking my hair...Your fingers are so gentle~" stocking: ok kiddo.... Kid: "..." *small kiss* stocking: mmmm~ Kid: *cuddles* "...You are the kindest..." -elsewhere- mimeca:...... Guard: *knocks on her cell door* "I brought your dinner. Stand back from the door." mimeca: *stands still, saying nothing* Guard: *slides opening in one side of the door, then closes it* "Okay. You can open the slot on your side to get your dinner. Enjoy." mimeca:....*she doesnt budge* ..... Guard: "???" *looks through the reinforced-glass window* "What's wrong? Not hungry?" mimeca: *no reply*..... Guard: "..." *looks to another guard* "The prisoner isn't eating..." 'guard': how about i check on her? Guard: *thumbs* "Go ahead..." -she nods and enters the cell, locking it behind her- mimeca:........ hina: hello there. want us to help you out? mimeca: ?? ???: *muffled* "We in the jail cell yet?" hina: yeah. mimeca: ?? *PlushFix pops out of Hina's pocket* mimeca: !!?? PlushFix: "Darn--I was hoping to stay nestled against your glorious legs a bit longer..." *waves at Mimeca* "Hey, BBF! It's me, NoFix! Cuddly but still deadly!" mimeca: !!!! *tight hugs* ^w^ PlushFix: *giggling* "Aw, I missed you, too! How you been?" mimeca: *frowny face* hina: not much of a talker, is she? PlushFix: "Nah, Mimeca can't talk--part of her condition." *looks at Mimeca* "I'm sorry, buddy...Want to make up for it?" *shows off claws* "Maybe kill some people?" mimeca: *nods* PlushFix: *grins* "Perfect...Oh, Hottie Hina~ Will you be participating or watching?" hina: *smirks* *she calls out to the other guard* hey! i could use back up! *she glances at mimeca and for plushfix to hide* PlushFix: "Pst...Hide behind the door!" Guard: "???!!!" *takes out baton...approaches the door* hina: *once the guard entered, she locked it and stabbed the guard through the throat* Guard: *gasps, can't speak, drowning in blood* PlushFix: "Hee hee...So hot." hina: tch- i hate stealth kills, way too boring. if i want to kill, i'd rather go all out. PlushFix: "So, you want to stick around and kill more guards when they arrive, or should we head out?" -elsewhere- Relan: Q~Q shinra: you ok? *holds his hand* Relan: *nods* "J-Just felt a nervous sense of dread..." shinra: it's ok. im here for you, ok? Relan: "I-I know...Shinra? If my parents are embarrassing...would you hold that against me?" shinra: of course not. you're only you. Relan: "..." *nods* "I apologize in advance for my parents..." shinra: noted. Relan: "..." *hug* -elsewhere- Hibana: "Packed, and ahead of schedule--you are such an organized cutie~" gabriella: anything for you, princess ^^ Hibana: *smiles* " 'Anything,' indeed..." *hugs from behind, kisses her cheek* -elsewhere- Iida: *wearing a glowing Rudolph nose and reindeer antlers* "..." ochako: *snapping pics* too cute! tsuyu: that's a nice look for you, iida. Iida: -\\\\\- "As class representative who has been out of service for months during my medical leave, it is vital that I make up for lost time to whip up school spirit amongst our peers!" *deep inhale* "...And it is adorable." momo: *she smiles* Bakugo: "HOLD THAT LADDER STEADY, DAMN IT! I'm not done putting the lights up!" Izuku: "S-Sorry! I was distracted..." itsuka: it's ok, you're doing good. want me to help? Bakugo: "?!!! Um...Yeah, thanks..." itsuka: *she smiles as she helps steady the ladder* Izuku: "???" Bakugo: *puts up the last lights...* "Okay. Ochako--plug them in!" -when ochako plugged the lights in...- Bakugo: "...THAT ENTIRE STRING IS BROKEN! Damn it, Deku!" Izuku: "It-It's just one missing bulb!" -elsewhere- Black Star: "You ready to head out?" tsubaki: *she nods* thanks for having us over. tetsu: no problem. mahiru: see you later. misono: *already walking to the limo* Lily: "Toodles, Tsubaki and Black Star~" Kuro: *grunt* -and so- tsubaki: *walking quickly, as it was now sundown* Black Star: *following her* "...Just a bit more to go..." Black Star: *ear twitch* "???" tsubaki: hmm? what is it? Black Star: "Thought I heard something...Like...I don't know, an animal? Or muttering?" tsubaki: *she looks off to the bushes* *Eyes shine from the bushes...a small chirp, like a fox, is heard...* tsubaki: *standing her ground* Black Star: "!!!" *assume fighting pose* *Mr. Tsubaki, in fox form, calmly walks out of the bushes and stops yards from them* Mr. Tsubaki: "I am not here to fight, Camelia. I am here with a question..." tsubaki: ?? what is it? Mr. Tsubaki: "How are you at dancing?" Black Star: "????" tsubaki: why do you ask? Mr. Tsubaki: *smiles* "I bet you are an excellent dancer...So graceful, fluid...So alive. I would love to see you dance." Black Star: *clenching his teeth* ("This bastard...") tsubaki: i appreciate the thought, but we have to get home right now. Mr. Tsubaki: "...May I ask for one more favor?" tsubaki: what is it? Mr. Tsubaki: *turns onto his back* "Rub my belly?" Black Star: "ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?!!" tsubaki: *unamused* ...... tsubaki: alright. but if i do this, do you promise to not kill anyone and go home? Mr. Tsubaki: "...Of course I won't kill anyone. And yes, I will go straight home~" Black Star: "...I don't trust him..." tsubaki: *glare* do you honestly mean it? Mr. Tsubaki: "Honest!" *stays on his back, prone* tsubaki:....... *she sighs and rubs his stomach* honestly.... Mr. Tsubaki: *purrs* "A-ah~ You are so good at that...You are such a powerful warrior, but with such careful, soft hands..." tsubaki: .... *she is still keeping her guard up* Mr. Tsubaki: "P-Please relax...I am alone...I was just out for a stroll when I saw you pass...Like the camellia, you look so beautiful in the moonlight." Mr. Tsubaki: *sighs* tsubaki:....*sigh* no matter how much you sweet talk me, it doesnt hurt to be too careful. Mr. Tsubaki: *smiles* "And pragmatic, too...That is quite good...You may stop..." tsubaki: *she gets back up* we need to go home now. Mr. Tsubaki: "...I understand...In another time, another place...Could you and I have been friends?" tsubaki:....i would like to think maybe. Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *smiles* "I hope so, too. Good night, Tsubaki Nakatsukasa..." *turns around, walking into the bushes* Black Star: "...Tsubaki...Should we go after him?" -later- Shamrock: *pacing* "Where is he? He should have been home by now..." belkia: you're too high strung sham. lavender: oh jee, do you need to break more legs?! Shamrock: "SHUT UP! I sent her flowers to apologize!" -knock knock- otogiri: *opens the door* oh. hello. Mr. Tsubaki: "Hello, Otogiri! I'm so happy to see you!" *pinches her cheek, like an avuncular figure, before he skips into the room* "Hee hee~!" Shamrock: "..." -_-;;;; ("He encountered her. Again.") lavender: well _you_ seem chipper. otogiri:...ow. Mr. Tsubaki: *smiles* "She rubbed my tummy-yummy!" sakuya: *cringes* Mr. Tsubaki: *giddy* "I'm so happy, I could just dance! Belkia! Drop a beat!" belkia: *flips on the radio* Mr. Tsubaki: *starts dancing* *then picks up his Tsubaki plushie and starts dancing with her* "Oh, I will be the best dancer for you, my blossom~!" Higan: o_o; "...Fancy steps." lavender: this is...actually kind of terrifying. Shamrock: Q_Q "...Why...?" sakuya: this is hell. the hell i call life. lilac: *confused* Mr. Tsubaki: *twirls his plushie, as the music ends* "...So, who here cannot dance?" lilac:..... -elsewhere- Black Star: "...That was frightening." tsubaki: but at least we're alive...*she hugs him* Black Star: "!!! ..." *returns the hug* "I'm so glad you're safe." -morning- PlushFix: "Mmmm~" mimeca: zzzzzz..... hina: *watching tv* PlushFix: "You...were amazing last night. The way you handled those guards: ingenious." hina: hell yeah...i think one of them had a family. HA! priceless! PlushFix: *giggles* "Yeah, that was cool. You're so good at that. It's like an art by you...And thanks for these claws: they really let me cut loose...so to speak." *eyebrow wiggle* mimeca: *yaaaawn* *streeeetch* PlushFix: "...Soooooooooo..." hina: ya? PlushFix: o\\\\o "About that..._other_ thing you said was a possibility...You think about it?" -elsewhere- Kid: *yawn* *turns in bed* stocking: zzzzz...... Kid: "..." *smiles, watching her sleep...* *gently holds her* stocking: morniing kid *she smiles and kisses him softly* Kid: *small moan, as he returns the kiss* "Good morning, love." stocking: feeling better? Kid: "Much...Thank you. How was your sleep?" stocking: slept really good, you? Kid: *looks her in the eyes* "...I had a wonderful dream...where you and I were lying on the beach...with cold drinks..." stocking: sounds lovely~ Kid: "And we were all by ourselves..." *kisses her cheek* stocking: hehehe~ Kid: *lays his head over her chest, purrs* stocking: *pets his head and hums* Kid: "Hmm~" -elsewhere- Akitaru: *whistling, as he flips flapjacks* maki: moooorning~! Akitaru: "Morning, Maki! Up for flapjacks, bacon, eggs, and OJ?" maki: sounds good. shinra: *yaaaawn* Akitaru: "Hey, Shinra!" *hands him a big plate of eggs and bacon arranged in a happy face* shinra: thanks for the meal! *nom nom* Akitaru: *smiles* "You're welcome. Hope your visit to Relan's 'rents go well..." shinra: yeah, me too... -at school- Anya: " 'Winter Dance'?" tsugumi: yeah, not sure who im going to ask, or if _am_ going to ask anyone... Anya: "...You're going to ask Akane, aren't you?" tsugumi: .////. Anya: *smirk* ao: *staaaaare* then you'll be asking hyde? Anya: *immediate scowl* "CEASE YOUR PRATTLING, YOU TROLL!!!" -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form, curled up with his Tsubaki plushie* belkia: dang, he's got it baaaaad! Shamrock: Q~Q *grumble* Higan: "At least he is finding someone..." naho: *pouts* Mr. Tsubaki: *fox-yawn, as he smacks his mouth as he awakens and looks at his peers* "...Naho? Why do you look so sad?" naho: nothin....*looks at shamrock* Shamrock: "..." *defeated sigh* "Master, it is time for your bath..." Mr. Tsubaki: *POOF* *in human form, dressed* "I suppose it is...I will need you to scrub my back..." *walks towards the bathroom...* Shamrock: -\\\\- *follows* naho: *also follows* Mr. Tsubaki: *enters* Shamrock: *shuts the door...then silently opens it just a crack* naho: *peeeeeeek* Mr. Tsubaki: *disrobing* "I had the most wonderful dreams last night, Shamrock~" Shamrock: (bored) "Do tell..." Mr. Tsubaki: "I saw a pool of water...and my darling Camelia Blossom atop it, like she was walking across it...against a blue sky..." *now unclothed* naho: *staaaaare* Shamrock: (bored) "Hmm...Fascinating." *turns on the hot water in the bathtub, letting it fill up...* Mr. Tsubaki: "Quite~ And she danced so divinely..." Shamrock: *turns off the hot water* Mr. Tsubaki: *slides into the bath* "Aaaaah~" *starts to wash himself* "Please get my back, Shamrock." Shamrock: *takes washcloth* "Of course..." *washing his back...looking down at Mr. Tsubaki* -\\\\\\- naho: *watching* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *sniff* "...Shamrock, have you bathed yet?" Shamrock: "...No?" naho: OwO Mr. Tsubaki: "Well, you smell awful. Derobe and hop into the bath with me: I'm going to clean you." Shamrock: o\\\\\\\o "What?" Mr. Tsubaki: "I have this new soap: it'll make you smell divine~ Now, disrobe~" Shamrock: "..." ("I'm so confused...") *disrobes...* ("Don't videotape this, Naho...") *Shamrock disrobes, slides into the tub opposite Mr. Tsubaki* Shamrock: -\\\\\\- Mr. Tsubaki: *hums, as he lathers* "Here...turn around, I'll get your back~" naho: *filming on her phone* O/////w/////O Shamrock: -\\\\\- *sighs as he feels Mr. Tsubaki scrubbing his back* "Aaaaaah~" Mr. Tsubaki: "I know, right? This soap will exfoliate your skin, make you all shiny and new!" *looks over Shamrock's shoulder...* o_o;;;; Shamrock: *trying to cover himself...* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." ("Jeez, he has it _bad_ for me...And I see the water isn't cold.") naho: *blood tricking down her nose* Mr. Tsubaki: "...Well, I see someone is happy to see me." Shamrock: "??? But I'm _always_ happy to see--" *Mr. Tsubaki lathers his hands, shoves them down to Shamrock's groin* Shamrock: o________o Mr. Tsubaki: "Let me help you..." naho: O//////////////////////O Mr. Tsubaki: *drains the tub, as he strokes Shamrock* Shamrock: "S-S-S-Sir?!!!" Mr. Tsubaki: "Just giving you a helping hand to get clean..." *coaxes him to stand, as he turns on the showerhead...the water soaks down his hair and down his body, before he returns to stroking Shamrock* Shamrock: "S-Sir?! I don't know what to--I--I--" Mr. Tsubaki: *smirk* "Just repaying my servant~ Nothing romantic here, nothing sexual...but you make it so obvious. Do you want this?" Shamrock: "..." *nods* Mr. Tsubaki: "Then consider this me helping you..." *kisses Shamrock's shoulder* Shamrock: o\\\\\\o "Aaaa-ah~!" *orgasms* naho: *NOSEBLEED* Shamrock: *pants pants* "...Thank you..." Mr. Tsubaki: *smiles* "You're welcome...You needed some release. Now, let's finish up..." *washes his hands and himself...* Shamrock: "Y-Yes..." *cleaning himself up..." -elsewhere- Patty: *studying Tsubaki* tsubaki: *working on a poster for the dance* Patty: "Really nice, Tsu! Looking forward to the shin-dig? Cut the carpet with Black Star?" tsubaki: eh? Patty: -_-; "Are you going to dance with Black Star?" tsubaki: ah! of course ^^ Patty: "Hee hee, nice...I heard there will be a prize for the best dancers..." -elsewhere- Yohei: *looking over paperwork* mana: how's it goin'? Yohei: "...I am getting a lot of calls from hospitals...After the development of those artificial eyes for that young man, there are other hospitals seeking my resources and aid..." mana: wow. Yohei: *sigh* "I can't be at all places at once...I can share my research, but I also don't want it falling into the wrong hands..." -elsewhere- Benimaru: *sips tea* "Thank you, Kabuki." kabuki: it's not a problem. ^^ Benimaru: "...How did those impersonators get here? And was the 8th involved...?" kabuki: it's...im not certain.... Benimaru: "I have not found conclusive evidence yet. And this infestation, it breeds distrust among the residents. They doubt whether the person across from them is who they claim to be." kabuki: ....... Benimaru: *sighs* "I think I only made matters worse..." -a scream is heard outside- Benimaru: "???!!!" *runs outside* villager: at the shrine! sister miyamoto she....she's become a flame being!! Benimaru: "...No..." miyamoto: *screaming inhumanly* hinata + hikage: *hiding behind kirei* Benimaru: "...Kabuki...Be ready...I am going to pull her away from the shrine..." kabuki: right. Benimaru: *approaches Miyamoto...shaking a bit* "...Sister. Come with me..." miyamoto: *she stares at him, attempting to speak* be....ni....sa...maaaaa..... Benimaru: "Shh...It's okay...Please..." *holds out a hand...* miyamoto: *she screams and charges forwards* Benimaru: "..." Benimaru: "...I'm sorry..." *BLAST* miyamoto: ah....... *she fades away* kirei:........ Benimaru: "..." *shaking, but still standing...begins to pray* "Ashes to ashes..." sister: *watching from inside...........smiles....a very small, but twisted smile* Benimaru: "..." *shakes, as he struggles to turn to face Kirei and the twins* "..." kirei:....you did what you needed to....its not your fault. Benimaru: "...I am sorry..." -elsewhere- Kuro: "..." mahiru: kuro? i brought you ramen. Kuro: "..." *sniff* "...It smells good. Thank you." mahiru: *he smiles* Kuro: *slurp* "...What're you smiling for?" mahiru: just...just glad you're ok. Kuro: "...I wish you hadn't seen that." mahiru: ....i know...but i cant change what happened then. all we can do is move forwards. Kuro: "...I don't like moving. I just want to sit here." mahiru: then i'll just have to carry you then! Kuro: "...At least let me finish my meal..." *slurp* -elsewhere- Hiro: "We got the extra bed ready for you after school." Arthur: "..." ef: you ok? Arthur: "Yes...Just thinking about Tamaki..." Hiro: "..." ef: im sure she'll be alright... Arthur: "I hope so..." Hiro: "Eternal Feather, what are you up to during break?" ef: i'll just be staying at the dorm. Arthur: "Oh...Well...Our family always has plenty of food. Want to come over for dinner?" Hiro: "Yeah!" ef: i would appreciate that. ^^ Hiro: "Awesome! I'll just call home and--Um, would you want to come over tonight? Or tomorrow?" ef: oh uh, sure! Hiro: *pulls out phone* "Cool..." *dials, waits for an answer* -elsewhere- Ponera: *humming a song* neian: *asleep* shaula: zzzzz.... Medusa: "..." *pulls out permanent marker* >:D -elsewhere- Lawless: "Ha ha ha ha!" licht: -.-# shit rat, i swear to god, shut up. Lawless: "Oh, let me play the fool! For if I am to grow older, let my wrinkles come from mirth and laughter--and not that scowl across your face~" licht: *grabs a trash can and straight up throws it at him* Lawless: *dodges* "How far even the smallest candle throws its beams onto the world! 'Tis a pity you throw with the force of a child..." -KICKED- -slo mo as 'tsubasa wo kudasai plays in the background- Lawless: D: *rolls into a ball, Sonic the Hedgehog-style...about to crash into...* soul: ACK! *CRASH* soul: ow.... Lawless: "...Ouchie..." *small Licht's fly around his head, like cuckoo birds...* soul: my gut.... X-X ow...... naho:... !!!! *snapping pics* Lawless: *glaring at Naho* "WOULD YOU STOP IT WITH THAT THING?!!" naho: *hides* O.O;;; Lawless: "And you! Get off of me!" soul: dude! you're on me! Lawless: *trying to push off of him, merely straddling him* "From your perspective, perhaps. Yet from my own, it is as if your full weight grinds against me." licht: *twitch* -several people are watching- Lawless: "..." *clears his throat, still sitting atop Soul* "All the world's a stage, and all the men merely players. One man in his time plays many parts--SO DIVERT YOUR EYES AND LOOK UP THIS KIND OF CONTENT ONLINE INSTEAD OF STARING AT US, YOU PERVERTS!" soul: *twitch* -__-;; Relan: -_-;;;; "Some people have no shame." Gopher: -_-;;;; "No kidding." Lawless: "...What? Are you not going to get off of me?" -after school- Kid: "Anywhere you would like to go?" stocking: how about the mall? Kid: *smiles* "Some last-minute Christmas shopping?" stocking: *she nods* Kid: *offers an arm* "Then let's go. I also can find a few more items..." -elsewhere- Relan: *in a shirt, tie, and slacks* o\\\\\o "Does this...look good enough for my parents?" shinra: ./////. it looks good. Relan: "Thank you...I hope so." *smooch on the forehead* shinra: ^///^ Relan: "Do you have a tie?" shinra: yeah, the commander lent me one. Relan: "That's good..." -elsewhere- mikan: easy now...*holding asura* its ok... Asura: *shudders* "So hard...so scary..." mikan: *humming + rubbing his back* Asura: "..." *small cry* "Why...?" mikan: *hugging him* i love you, so much. Asura: "..." *hugs her* "I love you." -elsewhere- Patty: *sitting on the lap of the mall Santa* "--and Julie needs training wheels for the new bike, Kid will need some antibacterial soap--OH! And get my sis a wedding ring!" liz: O-O; Mall Santa: -_-;;; "Aren't you a bit old for this, ma'am?" Patty: "But young at heart!" -elsewhere- Kepuri: *followed by her robotic butterfly, Zenobia* "Here, hold this..." *hands Zenobia her grocery cart--which the butterfly robot manages to carry despite its size and weight* "Hmm...What else do we need to buy?" -elsewhere- Kishiri: *texting* [have a safe trip!] vivian: [can do~<3] Kishiri: *texts a pic: he's holding a puppy at his family's business, waving its paw at Vivian* vivian: hehe~ [cute!] Kishiri: [yep--cute like u. <3 u] -elsewhere- PlushFix: "So, Mimeca, what you up for after being springed from the joint?" mimeca: *shrug* *stomach growls* PlushFix: "...Well, I ain't eating. Yo, Sweet Cheeks! Got any food here for Mimeca?" hina: i got instant ramen. mimeca: *nod nod* PlushFix: "Awesome! Whip some up for her!" *trying to punch buttons on the remote* "You got any of the adult channels?" -elsewhere- Benimaru: "..." kirei: commander? Benimaru: "..." *puts his head in his hands, lets out a noise...* kirei:...*she gives him a soft hug* Benimaru: *lightly places his hand over one of hers* kirei:...its ok. Benimaru: *silently crying, holding onto Kirei* kirei:.... its ok...the twins are safe, your soldiers are safe...everyone is ok... Benimaru: "...How could that have happened to her?" kirei:...... Benimaru: "..." *pulls back from the hug* "...Sorry." kirei: at least....she isnt suffering anymore. Benimaru: "...We'll hold the memorial soon..." -elsewhere- Hibana: *brushing her hair* -elsewhere-
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