#sorta related but I think little me would try and show me the stuff I used to write
avocado-frog · 7 months
Happy STS! You get to sit down with the version of yourself most obsessed with reading. What do you talk about? Do they like what you're writing? Would you let them read it?
I think the age I was most obsessed with reading was all the way back when I was like ten. I had piles of books around my bed and my mom literally got mad at me because I'd start books and never finish them lol
Baby ten-year-old Isaac would LOVE it. so much. I know it in my soul. I liked books where the Violence happened (??? little me was weird) but only like hunger games level. The first book I ever read involved a decapitation. so. anyways no I would not let kid me read it. Kid me would WANT to read it because it's totally something I would've absolutely devoured but I was also a baby about swearing. I thought curse words were the worst thing in the world. I didn't say something sucked until I was actually eleven years old. I grounded myself for a week because I came downstairs while south park was on because I heard the word crap. So baby me would've been APPALLED at the amount of swears. HORRIFIED. look at me now
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withered--s0uls · 2 months
Oh look it's another GD crossover
Ghost Drone AU - @electrozeistyking
You already saw all this art but shhh HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
This originally started out with me just wanting to draw Beanie interacting with the Intertwined Codes Kids but then I added some extra stuff lol.
If you're a reader of Intertwined Codes, this kinda sorta spoils future stuff bc only the twins have been mentioned in the Draft/Teaser fic but oh well. You have been warned.
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IC!Uzi wouldn't like actually meet GD!N bc they'd kinda decide that "hey, let's not have the widowed man see an alternate version of his wife that actually got live." simply out of respect kinda?? So she would stick around at home with the kids whilst IC!N goes out to look for Beanies Dad after their kids drag her to them lmao.
So yeah she doesn't necessarily know the extent of the mans depression, the kids just mentioned there only being a dad so she just specifically asks about GD!N in this doodle
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IC!N would quickly pick up on GD!N not being completely okay, even without being told any details. So he probably would end up sitting him down to talk on their way back to the IC!Doorman families place, wanting to help if he can in any way. (He runs a Daycare and tries to also be a support to any parent that needs it, so I feel he out of habit would lean into trying to do that with GD!N)
More/The kids under the Cut otherwise the post looks so long rip
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I will go over each of these one by one (can'tdo close ups bc 10 image limit, I'll reblog this in a second with the close ups.)
Left are the Code-Related Nuzi kids, right are the adopted ones.
Code related kids
Not much to say, I'm still working out their personality - they're maybe 2-3 years older than Beanie, so they aren't too far apart in age. :)
She's the sibling who started the trend of putting stickers on her siblings, so she DEFINITELY would do the same with Beanie.
She also probably originally was going to show her how to build a weapon, but her parents promptly stopped that lmao .
She would think it's really cool that Beanie has a custom core icon & in general is completely customized from the start! She herself was originally put into a regular worker body (just with the tail and headband being custom made by her mom), she had to build the DD forearms herself. She also has a sticker of the DD icon on her core, covering the WD icon :3
At this point he has enough siblings to be past the "ew a little kid" phase, so luckily Beanie gets spared that. His main camera is damaged, he only really uses his headband optics to look around, so he would kinda just look as if he's staring past her a lot. But bc of the obvious cracks in his visor I feel she would pick up on the fact he's not actually ignoring her.
Also he definitely would just play music to her, because IC!Uzi kinda always has music on whilst working in her workspace he kinda picked up some of her taste in music (Hence he's playing the same song that Uzi is shown to have been listening to in Ep7)
First up THANK YOU Zeisty for helping me brainstorm silly stuff for them. They're a little ball of chaos now and I love them.
They would join Orita in bedazzling Beanie, and then they'd start talking about bird facts and also try to get Beanie to talk about her interests.
(Their height difference isnt 100% accurate bc halfway through drawing this I changed the IC timeline, making Raven about the same age as Zagi instead of them being a teen, so I kinda had to manually try and semi-fit their heights lol)
Adopted Kids
Nothing to say. He's a baby. Tho whilst I was outlining this one I had to giggle because of how big he is in Beanies hands. She's so tiny 😭💕 /affectionate
Oh boy. Ann.
Annika is the eldest kid & was adopted a while before Zagi was coded / whilst the parents were organizing the code copies for Zagi
She does NOT know how to talk to other kids. Never did. It made her stick out at the orphanage wing because she just avoided everyone. And it is very chaotic when Olivia and Ray first show up, because Ann's only idea of talking to other Drones is "well you got to be relatable" so she brings up the siblings dead parents bc like, her code parents are dead too. Both pairs dying to DDs. So yeah she probably would be the first, if not only one, in the whole household to just bring up GD!Uzi. She would do it like it's nothing either.
IC!Uzi would promptly get her to stop and sit her down having a conversation about "what did N and I say about trying to connect on that topic?"
Like IC!Uzi would actually feel really bad about it despite Beanie not knowing her mom. Bc she herself obviously didn't remember IC!Nori growing up but still didn't like the topic.
Olivia, as I said, was greeted with the topic of dead parents by Annika as well. So she probably would kinda interfere when IC!Uzi goes to sit Ann down to talk.
She would feel the need to apologize for the older girls behavior (which Ann would apologize for herself later too ofc) and would try to get Beanie to go play something together whilst IC!Uzi sorts that whole situation out.
She's also the closest to Beanies age probably, just was forced to mature bc of what happened to her parents, despite being taken in by Nuzi shortly after. She still obviously acts like a kid tho when comfortable, so I feel she would kinda ease up around Beanie and actually act more like a 4-5 year old around her.
Bonus? Bonus!
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Needless to say Beanie would return home covered in stickers & hairpins (Orita & Raven have more than enough of those, they'd just let Beanie keep some)
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RIP GD!N having to get her out of those stickers once they're back home
Also, for the "*humming*" variation of the picture I blame @k1k0oftheworld. Kiko was in vc with me when I was talking about how Beanie would be covered in stickers when she gets home, and saw the doodles as well.
He proposed the following scenario after seeing Rexim show Beanie IC!Uzis playlist:
Beanie humming dead batteries song & GD!N having a breakdown bc it reminds him of GD!Uzi
I do not take accountability for this, I was going to spare the poor widowed man.
(I scrapped the idea of him not knowing ab the IC!Doorman family and him getting a mini heart attack when Beanie goes "I met Mom today" in favor of him and IC!N meeting & talking - I WANTED TO SPARE HIS POOR HEART)
@k1k0oftheworld you owe him money for a therapy session now /silly
Anyways that's it, I'll put the close ups in the reblog like I said 👍
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Errmmm annual update,
How are things goin for ya (not about sensetale specifically, just in general)
I appreciate the general check up as i haven't posted anything in a bit, but for a little update i guess, got a new job, pays me more and doesn't give me as many hours, this is a good thing as i can pay my bills just fine without having to work as much, but i am getting called in a lot and i need more money in general so i'm sorta trying to build stuff up... got a new name, i'm still keeping my old one i just have two first names i switch between now so that was funky but it made me feel a little better so it's nice got on HRT a while ago and it's fucking with me emotionally i think either that or i'm experiencing periods as it's not all the time, but it's too soon to tell if it's this or that so right now i'm just enjoying the general effects of it and learning how to deal with stronger emotions, this is a good thing i no longer feel as dysphoric about myself but it still comes from time to time as for projects and stuff i'm working on? got quiet the load honestly, no progress on sensetale for mental health and general self confidence issues, it's still on hiatus until i can get good enough to make the sprites i need or find someone willing to help me out but in non-sensetale related projects... well... i did wanna keep some stuff a secret but some of these have been in the work for a while so... what the hell might as well show some off I appreciate the general check up as i haven't posted anything in a bit, but for a little update i guess, got a new job, pays me more and doesn't give me as many hours, this is a good thing as i can pay my bills just fine without having to work as much, but i am getting called in a lot and i need more money in general so i'm sorta trying to build stuff up... got a new name, i'm still keeping my old one i just have two first names i switch between now so that was funky but it made me feel a little better so it's nice got on HRT a while ago and it's fucking with me emotionally i think either that or i'm experiencing periods as it's not all the time, but it's too soon to tell if it's this or that so right now i'm just enjoying the general effects of it and learning how to deal with stronger emotions, this is a good thing i no longer feel as dysphoric about myself but it still comes from time to time as for projects and stuff i'm working on? got quiet the load honestly, no progress on sensetale for mental health and general self confidence issues, it's still on hiatus until i can get good enough to make the sprites i need or find someone willing to help me out but in non-sensetale related projects... well... i did wanna keep some stuff a secret but some of these have been in the work for a while so... what the hell might as well show some off
vs. mad mew mew genocide route edition! i love mew mew as a character and i've been really inspired to make something relating to her i just didn't know what to, well recently i got my insperation and have been coding it out, don't know what the ending is currently but i have a rough idea of what i want to do, hopefully you will all enjoy it the song is Dummy! from UNDERTALE: Alternate, thank them so much for letting me use the song! couldn't hope for a more fitting battle theme that just so happened to accidently match with the character i was making the fight for lol I have more projects i'd love to show off but tumblr only allows for 1 video so you'll have to have the shitty gifs instead
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after undertale yellow released I loved the concept of everything so much but i really wish some more attention to the lore had been put in, but hey there was still some really cool stuff they did like i loved the guns and ammo types, so i decided to work on what it would look like for the blue soul which i nicknamed melody as her healing things are music notes and clovers are well clovers, this spawned a whole thing where i started making characters and ideas and... honestly i don't think it will go anywhere soon.... if at all but hey a mouse can dream huh? well i might as well show off some characters with little to no context huh?
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not all of these are major characters but just stuff I wanted to show off, if people wanna make art or ask about it, the au name is official "Undertale: Era of Integrity" but for now you just get the designs and simple mechanics that i showed off, i have more to talk about
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an underfell project! this was mainly learning to code KR and fuck around with my idea of an underfell au that takes the canon version and makes small tweaks here and there, i made some sprites to show what i mean
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again not really giving out much info, if people wanna know more let me know i guess! no official name just some underfell concepts i've been working on I do wanna make some playable fights eventually but i'd need to work out some kinks first to make it all work some other projects that feel too small to sorta show off stuff of are a Tale's end sans fight (like from the comic) i was working on with friskbits actually helping quiet a lot and a help_tale sixbones fight (again from the comic) both are almost done but also both have big hurdles i'll need to get past before i finish it, for tale's end it's just... writing, frisky is normally busy and i had major writers block, writing for what you may ask? the comic surely has most of what i need right? haha I wish, there are so many options and it all comes back to that stupid flower, i have like 20 endings based on if you kill or not and then reset and do a certain action, I have the main endings coded but the great flowey remembering my resets makes it way harder to actually finalize the sixbones fight is mainly the absorb stuff, as we never saw that in the comic so i sorta had to improvise and making it looks cool! but I'm sorta just winging it i guess i'm also working on a mettaton date, this one with an overworld, you know how alphys, undyne, and papyrus all got dates? oh and sans too sorta, well toby literally mentioned dating mettaton on the kickstarter and never delivered! so i'm doing it myself, date the sexy rectangle... eventually i'm still on the overworld stuff and need to finish designing mettatons room fully, i'd show some stuff off but i'm not sure how long it's gonna be plus this post is already hella long so just gonna cut this here and maybe talk about it later there is some other stuff here and there but it's mainly just ideas, I had an idea of something something deltatravelers something something OFF but i'm prob not even gonna do that, maybe i'll make some sketches or mock ups for it later but eh i wanna finish projects first i have too many on my plate currently I know a lot of people might be mad, that i'm working on other projects and stuff while im supposed to be working on sensetale, but I'm trying to improve skills and general get better at making the content so people can enjoy it more, and when i was ready i would try and work more on sensetale maybe remake the area do new poses make new characters or sprite something unique and cool, one of the reasons i don't post or even answer questions on this is i don't want to get people's hopes up that this will return soon, i really want it to return soon but I don't have the resources or time to commit to it I had a thought that maybe, I should make this a general au project stuff, so I can show off more stuff and see what people like but i've had 20 or so projects i've never finished. I wouldn't want to show all this cool stuff off and never deliver on it. But perhaps if that is what would everyone would enjoy more, seeing progress and stuff i'm working on, if people would be okay not seeing sensetale in favor of more content? just food for thought, i want to see what people think before i act.
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boneywones · 2 months
gonna ramble about somethinguhhh nightmare related in my personal au read through it if u want its prob gonna be long (im also gonna add some hcs i have)
i feel like people dont talk much about what nightmare would do after dream turns into stone, like its wasted potential to just make him so he just sits in dreamtale, doing nothing and waiting for dream to get out of stone
atleast make him do SOMETHING and no, him reading books is not good enough. give him more hobbies or stuff to do. i hate bland sanses (jokus writing is already ass so you’re just adding even more ass onto that)
+ i want people to interp how nightmare found mtt trio. i want people to explain how nm found these little silly fucked up classic variants. i want people to explain how nightmare found these variants in the first place. i need explanations filled with whimsy and lore so i can be fed properly
hcs and stuff in this:
dreamtales village speaks in a different language other than english
nightmare left dreamtale after he figured out that alternate universes exist (not timelines, just universes. when he figured this out, he left after 90 years from when the corruption started)
dreamtale is changed a little drastically. flowey is actually in the dreamtale of my personal au so thats cool (will explain if someone asks)
uhhmmm thats basically it
(back to what im actually talking about)
after nightmare had left dreamtale after 90 years of waiting, he had figured out that alternate universes exist from the doodlesphere. (fyi, only a few universes existed at this time, the main ones being underswap, underfell and undertale) nightmare had visited underswap and underfell but found underswap to be too cheery and underfell to be too annoying, since most of the monsters tried to attack him (even though he cant be killed (hc that only dream can kill nightmare)) so nightmare decided to stay in undertale for a fair while (woah here comes the classicmare stuff sort of…..)
the first thing that nightmare had done was latch onto classic (not literally, figuratively) since classic was the first skeleton nightmare had saw. nightmare didnt trust the other monsters enough to use them as a negativity source (wuhoh trauma…..) so he had just decided to use classic instead to try and (poorly) hide himself, nightmare copied everything that classic would do, down to repeating what he would say (which is where nightmare learned to speak english ^_^) in a poor manner (nightmare used to speak similar to a seven year old in english)
(tysm for one of my friends giving me this idea)
obviously, classic noticed but didnt really bother to shoo nightmare away and the monsters didnt really care either, since classic didnt show that he cared. only person that was really wary of nightmare was frisk (or the player, can be either)
now uh oh, attachment starts (on nightmares end) after a fair while (probably about 50 years or more) nightmare gets more curious, so he pokes around undertale to find flowey. flowey realises that nightmare is a sans from an alternate universe (sorta), nightmare threatens flowey to get more information, flowey gives it and nightmare goes back to his routine
couple more years go by
nightmare abruptly leaves undertale to look at the doodlesphere again and this time finds way more alternate universes than before. he spots an abandoned au, makes a sort-of-home there, steals some stuff from other aus and finds himself back in undertale but this time he was in a different timeline, differing from classics (its already obvious but this is dusts timeline)
nightmare becomes confused “ermmm where the freak is sans…” he probably said
realises that all the monsters are gone (yolo) and looks around to find dust. nightmare thinks dust is classic (the og), dust tries to kill nightmare and nightmare abruptly apprehends him (L)
then nightmare, like the wackjob he is, kidnaps dust because he feels like it then stuff happens, u get the jist. he kidnaps killer, then horror, figures out that timelines exist, realises dust isnt classic, immediately loses interest in dust (dawg) and other stuff happens
basically it…. erm
wanted to ramble about my personal au qnd the nightmare in it because i can 🤓
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olealoa · 6 months
made a big compilation of Evil Morty and Morty Prime SORTA being friends (along with foreshadowed friendship). im not too keen on how tumblr works so i have no idea if any of this is gonna make sense, but just bare with me. also, for the sake of not typing the same names a billion times, EM = evil morty and MP = morty prime.
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first off, just to start, this is a little frame that always stuck with me. EM is the first morty MP has actually met, so of course he’s curious about another version of himself.
and next is the BIGGG video. im not going to force you to watch it, so ill state my thoughts on it first and you can watch if you want to analyze more.
PART ONE aka when EM lead MP to the morty room
- to start, MP is obviously trying to make conversation
- EM is keeping that together cold, calm character probably to both not be forced to elaborate and to control evil rick
- MP states his ideas of rick, showing rebellion unlike other mortys. EM obviously took this to heart, even if he didn’t let MP leave.
- that strange stare EM gives MP
PART TWO aka when EM talks about “sellout mortys” (didn’t add the whole montage)
- EM refers to MP as a “sellout” morty, which is obviously an insult
- however he states he can’t hate him for it due to most mortys being “bred for it”
- gives MP the chance to see his issues with rick more clearly
PART THREE aka when both call rick a liar
- not much to say, just that they’re both in agreement and they jinxed eachother which is like totally a friend thing (im coping)
PART FOUR aka when EM states how MP probably relates to him
- it’s true, MP has been “evil” countless times
- EM puts enough ideas in his head where MP’s relationship with rick truly starts to get more shakey
PART FIVE aka when EM offers MP to come with
- do i even need to explain? he offers to MP that he’ll let him come, completely unmalicious
- even though EM says that second seat was a toilet, he still offered to let him come nonetheless
- MP literally calls EM cool
PART SIX aka when MP “tees up” EM
- once again not much to say, other than EM making snide remarks to rick and MP being curious as always
PART SEVEN aka MP and EM going into the same “fighting room”
- i know it’s realistically what would happen since the two mortys count as one rick in the machine, however they were still paired up so
PART EIGHT aka when EM kills nice rick
- EM could’ve literally killed MP so easily but he didnt
- kills nice rick once he admits he was just going to use the two, once again not a lot to say but EM protecting MP and himself in a way
PART NINE aka “the worst turd is a pizza”
- MP as always attempting to engage in casual conversation with EM
PART TEN aka when MP steps into EM’s portal
- there’s not a whole lot in the beginning, just EM explaining to MP stuff
- EM saying how he “doesn’t care” if MP comes or not
- the portal closing on MP, causing EM to immediately open the portal back up to once again offer to let him join
- morty explaining his dork ass reason, EM letting him come with
- although there’s probably a reason, EM acting like he doesn’t gaf and then opening up the portal 5 seconds later just to let morty enter. istg.
PART ELEVEN aka EM and MP regrouping with rick
- once again EM acting like he doesn’t really care, definitely not letting rick know he gave MP a second chance to come with
PART TWELVE aka “rick’s cheering section”
- EM stating “WE brought ourselves”
- really giving MP those free will points, defending both him and MP
PART THIRTEEN aka MP using a rick prime bot to save evil morty
- i don’t think i need to elaborate much, MP literally saves EM
- does the two fingers salute to EM, probably saying “you can trust me”
PART FOURTEEN aka EM doing a body swap thing
- we really don’t know enough about what EM actually did to figure this out
- it could be that they completely bodyswapped and EM was just in MP’s body now, but then he wouldn’t have his wires
- either way, they swapped shirts, see that in whatever way you want, friendship love, sibling love, bromantic, romantic, whatever way you view their relationship
- EM thanks MP, it’s hard to tell if it’s sarcastic or not because EM is always flat toned
PART FIFTEEN aka EM blows up the omega device
- MP, as usual, trying to engage in casual conversation
- lets EM know about the pretty visual, really trying to connect with him
- EM states “THIS didn’t make us friends”, maybe implying something like “THAT could make us friends” in a future season?
im full of cope, im practically losing it, but im so certain they’re trying to handle EM’s and MP’s relationship in a way where they aren’t purely acquaintances. and although MP makes him attempts at friendship more obvious, and EM refuses to act like they’re friends, he has almost as many “friendship” like moments on his own. i really hope we don’t have to wait for another season to pass for EM to appear again, he’s become alot more vital, especially since the main threat that we know of (prime rick) has been eliminated. i know the writers are probably gonna be kinda silly and just make EM the main villain, however these last few episodes have been purely to develop the characters rather than the plot, and EM’s and MP’s relationship has so much potential for something fun. i don’t think something like the freaky mortys theory will happen, however there is a lot of room to wiggle around in and develop their relationship, because it will ultimately develop both MP and EM which is definitely what the writers are wanting to do. anyways feel free to use this video, feel free to reblog with your own thoughts and ideas, these are just mine!!
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spahhzy · 8 months
The Beach Episode! (sorta)
"Alright, Andy and Leyley side adventure titled: Beach Episode!" Cheered Ashley as Andrew rolled his eyes.
"Hardly a beach episode If it's just a pool at some random motel" Andrew mused as Ashley looked at Andrew with a pout.
"Don't need to ruin the fun!" She said and Andrew snorted.
"Ah yes, fun, on the run for our lives, and here we are having a 'beach' episode...yes veeeery fun," Andrew said as he grabbed a towel from the wrack in his room. He had a book in his right hand and a small little basket of some various supplies (underneath was the cleaver lest he...needed it for various reasons, all of which I'm sure aren't Ashley related) like sun-tan lotion and some water and snacks.
"Whatever you say, 'Mr. Stick up my ass', " Came Ashley as she stepped out of the bathroom, and Andrew had to turn away to avoid the crimson blush adorning his face.
"Oooh~what's a matter, Andyyy~" came the sing-song teasing voice of Ashley, who put two hands on her brothers cheek and made them look at her.
She was in a two-piece black bikini that would make Andrew mind wander and wander all throughout the day.
"L-lets, just go!" Said Andrew as he quickly walked past a smirking Ashley who followed right behind him.
It was a standard pool, one side shallow-the other side deep, nothing too crazy, a few of the other motel quest where their and just a singular bored lifeguard.
All in all pretty simple.
Andrew sighed as he found a nice lawn chair under an umbrella, put his and Leyley stuff underneath said chair. Kicking off his sandles, he sat on the chair, adjusting himself slightly, not bothering to take off his black shirt. Not that he wasn't comfortable or anything, no...he knows that if he did, Ashley would say something along the lines of 'showing off your body to other girls now, huh?' and then it would devolve into a fight. Which is what they didn't need right now...
"Ashley-cannibal!" Screamed Ashley as she jumped straight into the deep end of the pool, causing water to splash in all directions, causing a slight irratation to some of the other pool goers.
"You meant cannonball dumbass!" shouted Andrew as Ashley rose out of the water and swam to an edge before giving her brother the bird.
"I mean, both are equally true-" She was cut off with a glare from her brother sinking her head back down under water to escape her brothers gaze a naughty thought crossed her mind.
Andrew just sighed before laying back into the lawn chair and resuming his book and letting Ashley have her fun before it was time to go.
Pain in the ass she maybe,but she was his beautiful pain in the ass.
Very very beautiful indeed.
'Calm down Andrew, no need to get all hot and bothered...in a public setting no less. Relax, relax, and try not to think if your hot sister in that lovely bikini she had you buy her.'
Not finding his brain very helpful, Andrew returned back to his book and just kept reading, hoping those thoughts would just go away for now or that would be the case if...
"Andy~" came the mischievous voice of his sister as Andy looked up from his book to see his sister standing next to him, he was so distracted he didn't see that she had procured the sun-tan lotion from their basket, what's worse (or fortunate depending on how you feel Andrew) Ashley decided to sit on Andrew's lap.
"Wh-what are you doing?" Andrew said, blushing at the closeness of his sister as Ashley put the suntan lotion bottle in his hands.
"Your little sister needs her big brothers' help to fight those nasty sun rays~"Ashley said to him with a smile as Andrew sighed.
"I'm sure you can do it, Leyley." Andrew groaned, trying not to show any joy from having his sister sitting on his lap like this.
Ironically, a part of him wanted to just wrap his arms around the pale tease and hug her close.
"Nope, big brother has to help me sides. I can't reach everywhere now, can I?~" She said with a teasing wink.
'She's trying to kill me'
Andrew said nothing just looked at the bottles in his hand, sighing he set his book down and made himself a bit more comfortable before opening up said bottle and poured its contents onto his hand.
Hand thoroughly lathered Andrew began at his sister's shoulders, gently rubbing everywhere he could to administer the lotion, blushing and trying to hold back more and more thoughts.
While Ashley, on the other hand...
'God, his hands are so great!'
She, too, had a blush and was biting her lip to hold in a moan as her brother continued her work. She decided to lean back more as Andrew worked down her arms and then her sides, each muscle being expertly tended too. Until the feel-good sensation stopped.
"Uh there ya go, Ashley," said Andrew, looking away and made to try to get up but only to receive a tug on his shirt.
"Nuh-uh Andy not yet..." said Ashley before she repositioned herself to now be lying down on the lawn chair.
"Come on, Andy, time to lather me up~" said Ashley, to which Andrew gulped before taking more of the lotion and began to apply it to his sister, starting with her legs and working all the way up careful and precise he was as Ashley had to keep biting her lip, drawing blood as she had to resist moaning.
Really, she only wanted to tease her brother, but fuuuuck, did this feel so good!
From legs all the way to her back, her brother knew her body like the back of his hand.
Honestly, she could be here forever.
Blinking, Ashley rose up to see Andrew, Red in the face setting the bottle down, reaching into the basket to pull out a bottle of water and drinking it in one go.
"Jeez Andrew, you sure are thirsty, aren't you, hmm?" Teased Ashley as Andrew narrowed his eyes at her.
'Little minx...how would she'
A lightbulb went off on Andy's head.
"Well Leyley... I hope all is good now, " He told her before getting up from his spot and making his way in front of her, this time handing her the lotion.
Ashley looked at the bottle then back at him with an eyebrow raised.
"Well, aren't you going to lather up your brother?" Asked Andrew innocently, to which Ashley rolled her eyes.
"Tch, as if, I'm not falling for that trick, Andrew," She said, moving the bottle out of her face and laying her head back down on the towel.
"Oh, that's too bad..." Suddenly, a cloth fell onto Ashley's head, causing her to remove it to see that Andrew was now shirtless.
Ashley began to drool.
"I guess if my dear Leyley won't do it I guess one of these fine ladies wi-" Suddenly Ashley had dragged Andrew back down to the lawn chair before using one of the umbrella to cover them both.
She had procured the cleaver from the basket and now had it at Andrew's throat.
"It will be a cold day in hell before I let those whores touch a single inch of you my dear brother..." Said Ashley darkly as her violet eyes glowed, Andrew smirked feeling the blade nick his skin just a bit. His little plan worked like a charm.
" and if all you wanted was your dear sister to lather you up all you needed to do was ask... no need to look for other women..."
"But I did ask"
"You should have asked better, Andy!"
Andrew chuckled but said nothing as Ashley removed the cleaver from his throat and moved the umbrella back to its original position.
Suddenly, he sat up and looked behind him to see Ashley blushing up a storm as she held the bottle in her hand.
"Turnabout is fair play hmm Leyley?" Chuckled Andrew as soon he felt Ashley splatter the sun tan lotion all on his back the cold causing him to flinch before suddenly Ashley roughly began rubning the lotion into his back.
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celtic-crossbow · 1 month
Hey there, its me again, the favorite anon (it seems weird for me to call myself that, i have to find another way to make it known its me) and i just wanted to give a simple answer, felt like i left you hanging about the art thing so sorry. I’ll try to be brief with my answer, about the whole thing that happened that day, i didn’t really get it all just came in and saw there was some weirdness going on, we all make mistakes we’re human after all so its good you apologized, i think.
I’m really invested in how Daryl and Birdie’s relationship will develop, i just knew he was gonna be the biggest helicopter parent lol, bet he’ll be the kind of dad that freaks out after the kid sneezes just once and i’m here for it, i did note that Daryl didn’t really have any suggestions even when reader commented about the name thing way back when he was sick, but didn’t really think it would come into play, i thought it was more of him being sort of insecure haha but i knew it would be Bird related, come on, Bird blanket and her dad is Always wearing a vest with wings? To me, thats cinema.
Also i forgot to comment on the last ask, but Daryl knowing all this stuff from his books but not knowing about the placenta??, its so funny to me, come on man it was too good to be true, most realistic moment for me honestly, men just operate on a different frequency i swear.
And about Lori, well i did note that Daryl joked about her on the first ep of season 3, wasn’t really malicious tho i think Daryl just kinda secretly likes to gossip, like that time he told everybody Merle had the clap for no reason lmao, the idea of Daryl secretly being a gossiper is hilarious. And more Lori? I’LL BE EATING IT UP I KNOW IT, and getting to see more of her and Rick?? Might as well be christmas for me, i’m curious to know what advice she has, i’ll be waiting eagerly for the moment where she just goes ‘’Y/N can you watch Carl for me?’’ that’ll be the moment we know their relationship has peaked. Alright i’m just joking, i love her so much in this fic.
Carol is the gift that keeps on giving, i love how she immediately knew she had to save birdie from these fools, poor kid doesn’t deserve to suffer with a messed up diaper on her first day on this Earth, i’m guessing she’ll be Birdie’s Godmother, if that’s a thing to them anyway, i have a feeling her bond with Birdie will also be very special and just motivate her to be even more of a badass.
Alright about the art, its totally fine, you know its out there sorta like a message in a bottle, it now belongs to the world not me haha i want to keep practicing with these characters when i have more time, this one was made on a tight schedule but who knows, i’m already thinking of what else to make plotting like a supervillain in my lair, but for now i only have a few hours, if you want to post that one its totally cool with me.
Thanks for being so sweet, i hope you are taking care of yourself and taking your time to write, its very important, and yeaaaah 600 words thats me being ‘’brief’’ somebody needs to take this keyboard away from me.
Bye bye <3
My favorite Anon! You just let me know what you want me to call you and I will! 🩵
Don't worry about not answering right away on the art. I just wanted to make sure it was okay before I showed it off. :) I was worried all that shit had chased you off. I felt/feel horrible about it but it's done and in the past now. I'm sorry if it affected you in any way.
I have just started chapter 31 and bless these two. A newborn on the road is really going to test everyone. He's going to be talking about the name a little in this and why he chose it.
Bless him, he didn't get that far in the books. He kept telling her he hadn't had time to read and how he felt bad about it. He really wanted to know everything but when it came down to reading or providing/protecting or reading, he of course chose the first. I just could not have him being like what?! when she pushed it out.
Daryl being a gossiper! LOL YES.
Reader is definitely going to need help. Lori will play a pivotal role, along with Carol, of course. I want there to be a real bond with Lori, something that will tie reader to Carl and Judith after that day. Daryl loves Judith, we already know that but I want there to be this real bond with reader and the kids.
I still have a while to explore before we even get to the prison, so buckle up! :)
Thank you for always sending these. They seriously make me smile! 🩵🩵🩵
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cool-person-yey · 5 months
Hey folks, so I was a bit bored and thought I'd be cool to take some notes of my thoughts while I was watching the first episode of tmagp
Most of them are nonsense but that's the way I think so
obviously, there will be spoilers for the new tmagp episode ( I'm tagging it tmagp spoilers ofc) so I'd you didn't watch it, go watch it now cmon man
welp, here they are
• Oh dang 44 minutes ???
• ohhhh ominous music :)))
•* printer not functioning noises*
• not even 5 minutes in and I'm already recognizing some voices
• Alice <<<333
• I also function on coffee and spite. and social media drama. as a treat.
• sorry mate you deserve to be booed
• " or they finally kill me " oh boy
• ooooohhhh Gwen!!!!
• " I'm your cool sister, Gwen's your uncool sister, Lena's the emotionally distant mother, Teddy is the uncle that just got another job and Collin's the grumpy IT manager" just. this. idk. just
•Alice is funny and I'll die on this hill thank you
• not the nepotism
• the spooky tape recorders already started or is teddy just forgetful??? hmmmm
• mold you like clay
• Alice is my favorite character actually
• Windows 95? oh wait no
• "what does it do?" "crashes mostly"
• " is that legal?" " probably. We do work for the government. sorta"
• finally a filing system that's a least a bit understandable(???)
• " The coolest person *left* in London" the hell you did to the rest of them Alice? 🤨
•wait what
• smashing it with a hammer would fix a lot of problems. supernatural or not.
• Collin is a mood
•Norris, Chester and Augustus huh
• ARTHUR!!!!
• took him away from you??? this is concerning
• oh no,,,,,
• Darla?
• it spoke! using another person's voice— oh no
• discolored skin? mismatched features? oh no
• " some of him:)))" oh no
• shit
• being afraid of someone ( or some parts) of someone you loved. we're starting well
• Yeah there are worse ones buddy
• oh cmon it ain't that bad just put the goddamn word in there
• "you traitor" love me a dramatic queen///
• OHHH SHE'S GOING INTO THE DIRECTOR'S OFFICE ( the equivalent of it in a office job I suppose)
• ohh performance review okay
• look kids, sometimes you gotta deliver a work that's just okay instead of ABSOLUTELY perfect.
• so Gwen's the overachiever, got it.
• she's saying that as if Alice hasn't been shitting on everyone there already lmao
• oh we wish it was that easy
• oh the deja vu
• " what do you actually want" " your job" damn she's bolder than I thought lmao
• I wish I could talk back to people like that
• damn Collin's pissed
• Alice being a menace we love to see it
• " I'm a vegetarian" deadpan
• top 10 awkward conversations
• Collin is the most relatable of them all
• " a bit bleak" is an understatement
• clack clack clack
• you really need to know bro's backstory on his first day?
• is there a bet going on on who has the worst awful backstory to explain being there. that'd be funny I think
• buddy that's the worst place to try getting back to your feet but ok
•" what's the deal with the Magnus Institute" well. see. there's a lot of deals.
• alright? just a semi-normal conversation as of now
• nope
• yea the institute does that to ya
• " a cool vibe " yeah buddy
• "offices like little cells" oh you'd be surprised
• oh no the symbols
• strange stains mmnn
• an,,,,, empty box?
• photographic distortion. oh boy. oh boy.
• yea guys don't steal stuff from spooky sightseeing places especially if they could be yknow. cursed.
• are we going to be listening to ppl fighting on the internet rn or
• EYES????
• GORE???? OH BOY,,,,
• and the thread was locked. well damn.
• a blast from the past huh
• " is a bad name" " so is Gwendolyn"
• hmm static
• phone
• "you get a job and I got a victim"
• that seems like a reasonable theory tbh
• cleaning toilets actually helps people
• Sam noodle arms confirmed
• " to new beginnings" " with old friends" * clank*
• oh great more little noises
• more noises
• find who???? WHO????
• oh you got to be kidding me
• more ominous music hmmmm
• The Magnus Protocol is a podcast FUCK YEAH IT SURE IS!
Phew, that was a lot. thank you if you read all of this lmao
edit: fixed some misspellings, if there any left please do warn me! my heading's not the best and auto-correct is a bitch (especially if you use two languages lmao)
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appropriatelystupid · 3 months
can you tell us the story of how you found your cats? i'm sick in bed and would love a heartwarming story :)
ooo you caught me at the right time because i just sat down with quite a bit of time to kill (also I hope you feel better soon <3)
when i say rey picked me i fucking mean it
it’s a lengthy so i’m gonna put it under the cut and kitten pics (first pics i took of the three of them)
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our story begins all the way back in 2015:
over the summer i’d had to say good bye to one of my two remaining childhood cats, pongo, after ~17 years. my mom still had the last, catscan, but in september i would be leaving for a new job in a new state and she wouldn’t be able to come with me
there was a few months of training for this new job that meant i was in a situation where i couldn’t have pets yet but by mid december i was in my new apartment and DESPERATELY needed felines back in my life (legit this is the longest i’d ever lived without a cat in my home)
so finally, sorta settled between xmas and new years, i began my search for some kittens
i pretty quickly found the closest humane society to me and started scrolling their cats and there was a GORGEOUS long-haired tortie/calico kitten with a tragic backstory to boot
within a day or two i drove over to try and meet the kitten and see if any others seemed bonded to it because i knew i wanted two so they’d have company while i was at work
so i get there and do some intro stuff with the staff and run through the five cats i’d grown up with (and the bonus cats that crossed my life in various ways) clearly proving i wasn’t terrible and was absolutely qualified for adoption. the next step was meeting all the cats they had
(a brief note about the layout of this place: it’s located in an old house that’s been remodeled to serve this purpose so there are a handful of rooms set up for different groups of cats and each room has a door that’s almost fully a window so they can keep an eye out easier)
so we go into the first room that has the very little kittens and obviously they’re all adorable but they’re only just big enough to technically be ready to go to a new home so none of them jumped out at me
the second room, as it turned out, would be the game changer
in the second room only had two cats in it. lucy and leon (who i remembered had a terribly unflattering photo on the website) were nearly six months old and were very obviously related and likely part of why they were separated from the others
the room had a cat tree in one corner but also had a wall mounted about waist height on three of the walls for them to get to the window. there was a single folding chair placed to the side of the room
so we approach the second room and the employee showing me around tells me she has to take care of something and that i should just wait in the room until she’s done (majorly sus but i think she could tell rey was about to pick me). both kittens are standing in the door window watching me come over
so i scooch into the room and go to sit in the chair and before i’m even fully seated the girl cat is already jumping in my lap to curl up and start purring. the boy, clearly more skittish than his sister, gets up on the wall to sniff at me from a safer distance but eventually stretches out to get a paw on my shoulder to really get some sniffs in
i only sat there for maybe five minutes but my original plan was wobbling majorly
the staffer comes to get me eventually and we continue through the rest of the rooms. the fourth room had the gorgeous kitten and some other unrelated cats. and it was too nervous to really let me pet her. the others didn’t seem too interested in our presence either so no second cat from the room seemed like the one either
we moved on, headed downstairs to the new new kittens who weren’t ready for adoption and the seniors who i wish i could’ve considered more seriously (my pain from the summer was still a little too fresh and i knew catscan was only going to be around so much longer)
as we head upstairs to finish up some paperwork we talk through the next steps. they like my vibes but still need to call my references to do their do diligence. when we walk by, lucy and leon are back in their door window watching
i leave for the day, text my friend to warn her she’d be getting a call, and head to target to pick up some stuff. within an hour, barely into my target run, i get the call that i’m approved to adopt, and do i have any front runners for who i wanted to take home
there was no question about it: it had to be lucy and leon
rather unfortunately, the timing of it all meant i couldn’t actually pick them up until january 2nd (only four days later but a long four days of impatience) but then, just like that, i had two precious little kittens in my house just in time for their sixth month birthday on the 3rd, now named rey and legolas
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~cut to april 2021~
i’m sitting at work one day and my buddy texts me that his sister came home that day, during a storm, to discover four kittens in a storm drain/gutter. she’d sat around for a bit to see if a mother came back but after an hour or so couldn’t bear to leave them out alone anymore so she brought them inside
i let him know, if she needed any help with placing them after she got them checked out i could probably help (we lived near each other and both my parents had separately talked about wanting a cat again. and i was moving out of my apartment into more space and figured i could probably handle a third if it came down to it)
two-ish months later, i’ve moved lego and rey into their new house and my buddy texts me again, am i still interested in another cat
there was one of the four yet to be claimed and i said absolutely give me the little guy
my buddy puts me in touch with his sister and we sort out a time for me to come by and, within a day or two, kieran joins the clowder
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autisticempathydaemon · 4 months
for the matchups, please? this is very long oops :^)
What song are you fixated on at the moment? What lyric or verse, and why?
magnolia by laufey!!! love the first verse, specifically, "stars in her eyes, handpicked from the skies." i just think it's very pretty :))
What is your Enneagram type?
type 4w5 (looking at the other submissions this is very popular?!)
Do you love gargantuan Youtube video essays, and if so, which is your favorite and why?
the youtuber strange æons has this video where she does a deep dive on an old harry potter fanfiction writer called ms.scribe, i think it's really fascinating stuff!
Tell me about your childhood imaginary friend.
i don't know if this technically counts as an imaginary friend? there was this one time i found a little praying mantis and gave him a whole backstory (he was a legendary samurai!!) and pretended to sword fight with him. i think about that often
What is your go-to way to fall asleep?
get snuggled up in bed and consume content til i pass out wwww
If you had to change your name, what would it be, and why? (In tandem, if you have changed your name, why did you pick that one?)
i named myself after my favorite artist :))
What is your favorite of Redacted’s audios, and why?
caelums first audio! it was the first redacted audio i listened to ever and im very attached to it just for that
What Redacted boy holds no appeal to you, and why? Like, not the one you hate but the one who you don’t get the hype for. (I won’t judge, I promise.)
james! not really into him, he doesn't stand out to me
Tell me about that one book/movie/tv show you know all the words to.
bee and puppycat! i can even mimick puppycats voice hehe (if you haven't seen it, puppycat makes mechanical beep sounds, sorta like animal crossing noises instead of talking) i just find the concept of it charming, a girl who feels isolated from everyone else finding a magical little pet that takes her on grand adventures. the subtleness of its commentary i find really appealing. also if we're just talking about aesthetics it's all soft colors and stars, very pretty and very my thing.
Which Redacted boy are you platonically attracted to? Like- forget dating, which dude do you want to be your best friend?
asher!! he's funny and energetic but also very relatable to me, which are qualities I like in a friend :))
Do you have a go-to thing you ramble about when you’re tired, and if so, what is it? (For example, my boyfriend knows I’m ready to sleep when I start talking about space.)
i basically turn into a pokedex during my late night phone calls with my friends. if the conversation goes out, i'll start speaking about random pokemon facts (it's the special interest talking..)
Tell me your go-to gas station and drink combo.
gas stations and convenience stores are separated where i live xD i like to get a strawberry smoothie from 7-eleven, but tbh i mainly do it because i just think the machine is cool...
What’s your guilty pleasure media, and why?
dating sims! i just like feeling included :,)
And whatever else you think tells me about who you are!
im a drawing artist mostly, but i dabble in a ton of other creative/artistic hobbies, and im in a band :^) also, i have hyperphantasia. that's pretty cool
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A Free Spirit, a creative, and artist with a love of the stars- who else could you be but Elliott’s Sunshine, his brightest star?
I love pairing our favorite Dreamwalker with artists; it’s just an irrefutable match, you know? With your hyperphantasia, I bet he’d love to be a guest in your dreams, to firsthand see what you see and bring into the world through art. Elliott is just such a sweetpea, the most fun and supportive boyfriend you could imagine. As someone who works in art/architecture himself, he gets you. He understands creative blocks, the frustration and excitement of trying out a new concept or medium, the desire to not rest until you have made something, a desire he’d make sure to nip in the bud when necessary.
Speaking of your art, he is your biggest fanboy, because Elliott highkey has fanboy energy, don’t you think? He’s picking you up from practice, he’s attending every gig, he hyping you up every chance he gets. He’d also use his magic to give you the most exciting gifts. Think the dragon flashback audio but for you. He could put you in the world of Bee and Puppycat! He could make you a dream dating sim where all the romanceable npcs are him in different hats.
Pull it out of park, put it in drive/ I can feel your heart beatin' with mine/ Underneath the stars lookin' for a sign/ Glowing in the dark 'til the sun shines/ Made it pretty far on the first try/ Might've set the bar a little too high/ Started with a spark, now we're on fire/ Started with a spark
I had to give you a fun song with star motifs, I couldn’t help it~ This is also a fun, sweet song with chill, lowkey make out vibes. Elliott also totally strikes me as a The Neighborhood, Sweater Weather fan.
Vincent is a really fun runner-up because he would be such a good groupie; like, can’t you imagine him front and center of any of your performances, saying “you were great, Lovely, I bought you a brand new guitar.” Anton is another fun runner-up because he’s so technically-inclined, so I think an artist would contrast him beautifully.
note: thank you for your entry~!
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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adracat · 1 year
G-Witch episode 11 thoughts
This was an amazing episode!! The ball is rolling for Dawn of Fold and for our favorite girls. Ahhh I wasn't expecting a gundam Christmas miracle. Thank you G-Witch 🎁
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Right off the bat, we're treated to another opening change with our eponymous witches from earth making their debut as antagonists. But let's delay the anxiety-inducing stuff for later. I wanna talk about how Suletta's doing...
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And she's doing awful as expected. She's internalized her misconception of Mio's words in the last episode. She's thrown by Mio's assertion that she 'isn't needed' not understanding the compassion behind her actions and interpreting this as confirmation that Mio+others see her as a useless accessory. So she goes overboard trying to establish her worth, taking on extra chores and desperate to be useful. It's a relatable insecurity and so heart-wrenching.
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Her words in this scene in particular say so much about Suletta's dim self-worth. Instead of asserting her meal was missing, she thinks it must be her fault. No one else is to blame ;-; We see if she had just spoken up, this little misunderstanding would be corrected. Just like with Mio.
Btw, Idk if I'm reading into this but as a child of a mother who was emotionally distant and exacting this feels painfully familiar-- and an indication of Prospera's true dynamic with Suletta. We get another hint towards this with Prospera's bland and ominous response to Bel later in the episode.
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I love Belmeria though, and she remains the only adult I trust in this cutthroat corpo nightmare. Keep side-eyeing her, Queen.
Also, I find her conversation with Suletta a bit suspect. She offers a listening ear, but it just reeks of 'you don't need outside attachments beside me'. Again possibly reading into it and she could just be acting like a concerned mom... maybe.
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But back to Suletta's gay misadventures, Miorine interrupts this mother-daughter chat and we're treated to the best sequence in the episode in search of her wayward groom. No lie, that chase animation was so smooth. I especially love how their hair behaves and the zeroG traversal.
Plus we're treated to Miorine being a flailing mess as she pursues Suletta like a screaming (and gay) Ghostface
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Laughs aside, this was adorable. Miorine scolds her for fleeing and how it contradicts her moving forward philosophy. But Suletta is afraid and in her fear falls back on bad habits, which we can assume was returning to Prospera and allowing her mother to dictate how to act/think. Yet Miorine doesn't allow her, breaking her silence. She tells Suletta how much of an inspiring and positive influence she's been, dashing her pride once more to soothe Suletta's insecurity.
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Miorine is so starkly vulnerable in this scene, declaring everything Suletta has become to her without any chance of miscommunication. For Mio, her prideful front was all she had before she met Suletta. Now, Miorine has so much more because of her and she won't allow Suletta to dismiss herself as nothing. It's so sweet, I'm gonna have a heart attack 😭
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Shout out to Miorine acquiring the ugly blue keychain with a dopey smile. They're both so gone for each other; I don't wanna hear any slander about these precious babies. I'm so relieved the miscommunication was solved within an episode. It's a big pet peeve when some shows/books take an absurdly long time to resolve things.
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Oh and terrorism is happening, but we kinda expected this. I do wonder if the leader is a remnant of Ochs Earth since both 'witches' are piloting Lriths, Ur and Thorn respectively. Poor Guel is certainly wrapped in a pickle. Jeturk is not having a good time either, as he's double-crossed by Shaddiq. But it's honestly his fault for expecting otherwise so, no pity.
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Speaking of Shaddiq, he's being very cold-blooded here. I wonder if he's partly acting out of salt. If I can't have her, no one will sorta thing? Either way, I have to respect his ambition ngl.
Oh, and one of the witches, Sophie, seems to have an interest in Suletta's piloting so that's intriguing. Rivalry possibly?
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I'm looking forward to how the attack concludes, but it's safe to say none of our main cast is going to have a good time. Suletta/Miorine are separated for now, but we shall see how long that lasts. Plz don't take until the next cour, I'm begging you :(
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Have a bonus sulemio, Merry Christmas everyone~
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asweetlovesong · 7 months
Decided to give myself a little art challenge and thats to take a group of three emojis and turn them into original characters!
I don't know if I'll use them for anything important but I love them already!!
So without further ado...
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I will probably make more of them! They just fit on one sheet for the time being!
In the image it shows the emojis used to create them! And under the image I'd give a little talk as to how I came up with their design!
Jun Kang
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Jun Kang was made using ♠🔥🐉, spades have meanings like intellect, death, military etc and I focused on the military aspect! The fire and dragon reminded me of Liu Kang (and even though both King Lao and Liu Kang are related to the great Kung Lao, this is probably only from Liu Kangs side) And maybe he was one of the earlier earthrealmers if Liu Kangs family to use fire powers.
He definitely has a different personality and everything other than some physical similarities to Liu Kang, like same length of hair and the same eyes. Sorta like two sides of a coin, Liu Kang is a monk meanwhile his ancestor Jun Kang is part of ancient China military (war and peace).
Kamille Belanger
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Kamille Belanger was made using 💋🔫✨, the gun reminded me of the Special Forces but not wanting to make a Cassie Cage 2.0, I decided to make her a member of the Black Dragons instead since they also use weapons. I was going for a femme fatale kinda vibe, complete baddie.
She might go heavy with the lip stick and mascara but you won't see if stain her skin as she beats up good guys and finish whatever job the Black Dragons gave her. I decided to make her Canadian and found a list of 100 top names in Quebec in the 90s, found Camille so I just change it to a K (because misspelling is kool beanz) and Belanger sounded cool next to Kamille. Also I gave her sparkle shape earrings! Because of the sparkle emoji!
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Seriema was made using 🎶💀🫁, it was a bit challenging thinking of a way to show lungs on the design as lung related stuff came to mind like asthma and lung cancer don't have much of a lookable effect so I decided to make her my first Chaosrealmer and make her have semi translusive semi mutilated skin above the chest up till her nose. Which shows part of her skeletal jaw, teeth, and bone, which helps with the second emoji which is skull.
For music I have her a lyre, it was the first handheld instrument I thought of, but I don't think she knows how to actually play it. Because "that would be a form of control over the instrument and we hate control here in Chaosrealm!" Or something like that. So just random string playing.
Saturn (aka Aragon)
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Saturn was made using 🪐🎶🍇, when it came to him I knew I wanted to implement rings into their design so they were lots of jewelry. I decided to make him sorta a noble of high status in Edenia but is definitely not near prince level of highness, but he sure acts like it. A man that loves to drink wine, party, have luxurious things, and more. He knows he got a pretty face, but that's probably where the admiration for him ends, unless you admire his parties. He is definitely similar to Narcissus but not too into himself that he doesn't feel love for anyone, he'll definitely fall for someone for sure but so far every character I made is single and not too important in the world of Mortal Kombat.
And that's all of them!
I will probably do more, I just ran out of space on this single piece of paper. Suggestions are always welcomed!! If you want a trio of emojis (ex. 🔶🍫❤, ☕⬜🥀, 🤡🎉💥, etc) turned into a Mortal Kombat OC let me know! And if you want to try out this challenge go ahead! Just @ me so I can see your awesome creation!
Have a lovely day! ~💗
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emperorcartagia · 4 months
thoughts about my oc/canon stuff under the cut.
so. aurellio and refa. aurellio was essentially born as a joke, saying "what if i made a centauri oc lmfao" and also, "what if, as a parallel to londo and adira, refa had his own dancer in a pre-canon timeline back home on centauri prime and they were both boys!" since yknow. refa is such an effective foil to londo i figured it would be a fun, kinda cute idea.
i also think it does narratively fit in well with b5. take londo, who isnt the best example but we see him commit all these horrible acts but we know about his love for adira, before we even see him start to reform or even start to really commit atrocities we know he has a heart. we find this out in the third episode. spectacularly done.
a better example of this would actually be bester, one of my other absolute favorite side villains. bester was never redeemed. bester, however, is given opportunities for the audience to see his heart. irt his family, his expectant lover, and his somewhat emotional reactions to the telepaths dying in season 5, though caused by him. we still hate him, he never gets redeemed, his love for the people in his life does still exist and doesnt excuse or justify his actions. it gives him a lot of depth that i also really enjoyed!
that is kind of what i'm trying to do with refa. aurellio is a late 20 something year old centauri who is majorly unaware of what refa is doing or does or will do in relation to his schemes to rise to power. i also think that in this pre-canon timeline (around 2253-2257) is when refa is doing little things to slowly climb to where we see him in the show. he always had a lot of power being the lord of his house so he didnt need to do much, but i think the ten or so years leading up to his appearance in the show was a slow, hands-off rise to power. so aurellio, who has no real relation to House Refa aside from being a patron, isnt involved or knowledgeable about house refa's politics.
i would get into the "refa is a good family man" headcanon i have but tldr: celes was his last wife because he chose her. he chose her because he genuinely loved her and he chose to have senna. his other wives and his other children operate moreso like londos wives and him did where there was no love and only obligation. so senna and celes get favored. senna cared enough about her father to throw rocks at londos head years later about it, so i think that they did have a good relationship. refa spoiled her, would do anything for her, which was strange for a noble centauri man to be so obsessed with his youngest daughter. maybe he knew she was always destined for greatness. weh. and well, when this baby is like "dad, i wanna be a ballerina" like most 3 year old girls want to be, he says "of course my love, let me find you the best teacher possible": enter aurellio. who he chooses. who senna also chooses.
so yknow. refa gets a boy toy as a treat. aurellio is almost a part of his family as a treat. they kinda sorta love each other, as a treat, and it also works with aurellio's unconventional relationships he has with his lesbian wife bestie and her twin, the actual love of his life. so like yay centauri polyamory.
i just feel like sometimes i have to justify doing what i'm doing with my oc/canon stuff bc 1. it's refa🤢 and 2. ive been in fandoms before that were hostile to me about liking villains And trying to expand on them and make them more than what the show gives us. im VERY satisfied with refa's character in the show. these headcanons arent filling a void that was missing because i dont think they needed to be expanded on in canon, i just like refa/the centauri/my centauri oc and expanding on centauri lore is fun. so 🤷‍♂️
if you wanna read my fic about aurellio and refa, here it is
i will also say i really do appreciate the kind words ive gotten about this because lol i was nervous about it due to previous experiences where stuff about not only my taste for the villains but also my ocs has gotten me harassed, vagued, made fun of to my face, etc. so thank you for being so kind 💫 i'm so happy aurellio is loved because i love him a lot as well.
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tehloserprince · 5 months
I was tagged by @santacoppelia - thank you! 🥺🧡
1. were you named after anyone? Michael Jordan, ha ha. No, really, my mom's a huge fan. She's followed his career ever since his UNC days. I love telling people that's how I got my name. For the record, although I have an obligatory fondness for my hometown team and a nostalgic love for the Bulls in their Jordan Era, I'm currently a Bucks fan.
2. when was the last time you cried? It's really difficult for me to cry. It's such a relief at times, tho. I cried a few weeks ago, when I realized my special needs dog was having some epilepsy-related issues. I've mostly accepted that I'll probably never see him with a grey muzzle, but I really hope we can share more time together. There are still so many things I want to show him.
3. do you have kids? Nope. Sorta did, once, but I don't really talk about that much. It was a good experience, and I still love/think about her. But my kids are all the critter variety these days ;) I enjoy hanging out with my friends' kids, but they're all growing up too quickly :/ What even is time
4. what sports do you play/have you played? I never really played anything professionally, but I liked soccer, basketball, and running when I was younger. I got into boxing and Muay Thai when I was a little older, and also did a lot of hiking. Unfortunately I'm crippled, so I'm limited in what I can/should do. I try to go on lots of walks with my pup and swim whenever I can. Sometimes I still wrap my hands and hit the bag, which is fun.
5. do you use sarcasm? No, never. (/s obvs)
6. what's the first thing you notice about people? The way they treat other people - especially the most vulnerable - and animals. Physically, eyes and smile. I'm more impressed by people who can be genuinely kind without ulterior motivation.
7. what's your eye color? Hazel.
8. scary movies or happy endings? Depends on my mood! In terms of scary films, gore feels lazy and boring to me. I need a film to get inside my head in order to be scary. But I'm a sucker for happy endings too, which is a lot of projection on my part, ha ha.
9. any talents? Err. Uh. Writing, I guess? Remembering a lot of random info? Friends are consistently surprised that I'll remember so many little details, especially if it's like ... me surprising them with something they mentioned liking at some point. Funny enough, I'll frequently forget why I walked into a room these days, but I'm glad some parts of my memory still excel! I'm also told that I'm extremely patient, if that counts as a talent.
10. where were you born? Charlotte, NC.
11. what are your hobbies? Writing, reading, watching movies and television shows (mostly with the BFF), random crafts, DIY home improvement stuff (I painted my entire house despite my health worsening over the years and I'm very proud of that), canine behavior/training, and playing video games. I don't have as much time for games, but I still enjoy it. Started a new game of Red Dead Redemption 2 this winter, and I've been spending hours just roaming the land with my horse.
12. do you have any pets? Ha, yes! I do a lot of animal rescue and have some life goals related to that, so hopefully I'll always be surrounded by critters. My beloved dog (Skippyjon) passed away in 2022 (old age and CHF). I had a cockatiel for 21 years - a birthday present when I turned 8. We basically grew up together, and the house is still way too quiet without him. I had other dogs (Smokey and Locke), and a lot of fish. In college, I had an "illegal" hamster, Kai (Kaizoku). He was fat and wonderful. I chose him because he squeezed past his siblings, sat in their food dish, and started shoving food in his mouth. King behavior tbh. I had a rat named Stevie in my late 20s. Currently, I have a deaf special needs dog (Oscar aka Ozzy), a cat that I hand-raised because she was found abandoned shortly after birth (Swayze), and a rabbit (Shasta aka Bad Bunny). At some point, I decided that all my rabbits would be named after soda brands, ha.
13. how tall are you? About 5'10".
14. favorite subject in school? Literature, Spanish, Philosophy, sometimes History, Classical Studies, Art. Anything that wasn't math, because I always struggled with that.
15. dream job? If I could make a living off of writing and spend a lot of my time doing animal rescue, I'd be content. Even if I was wealthy, I'd ultimately pursue a simple, cozy life without a lot of fanfare. I'd love to have more money to invest in animal rescue and local community welfare (kids should always have basic necessities imo). Maybe someday ...
Tagging anyone who feels like doing this! Feel free to reblog or tag me if you wanna let me know that you did it. Thanks, this was fun :3
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spicybylerpolls · 4 months
wow! 36.7% of people so far said they’d be uncomfy and wouldn’t participate in this blog if Mike and Will actually “looked 14” on partake anon’s question. part of me is surprised, and then again part of me isn’t surprised cuz maybe I just have no limits 🙈 compared to most idk.
I do think it raises intriguing ethical and societal questions. One, what does it even mean to “look 14” anyway. I mean, everyone ages and matures at different rates. I’ve seen 14/15 year olds who absolutely do look like Finn and especially Noah did at the end of S4, and I’ve seen 14/15 year olds who look REALLY young (like little kids), and I’ve seen adults who look like they’re 14 or 15. Finn and Noah obviously look like adults- and they are- (attractive ones at that), but idt it was too difficult to suspend my disbelief and believe they were teens in Hawkins, especially compared to other shows that cast literal 30-year olds and stuff. But at the same time, based on these poll results so far, it seems like that dissonance is what allows some to be more comfy imagining their characters in sexual situations? That’s interesting.
Also, most of these polls (especially the ones directly about sex) are aged up, so even if Byler “looked 14” at the end of S4, that doesn’t mean they would stay there. And the actors probably wouldn’t look that way anymore due to puberty. So I’m very curious why it would be difficult for some to just imagine them as older in S5? Does that mean people are REALLY connected to specific imagery and iconography when thinking about Byler? I feel like I could imagine them at… idk… 65, and it’s not like I’d still have the image of them as kids? But I guess that’s one of the reasons people are uncomfy with this blog in general cause they can’t get S1 Byler out of their heads. “We saw them grow up!” Yes and? Everyone grows up. And people grow up and explore their sexualities. It’s a part of life.
So I guess my question for your blog is what does it mean for people to find this hypothetical scenario uncomfortable and not want to partake?
a) I don’t feel this way and would be fully comfortable cause Byler is still fictional and they’d be aged-up anyway
b) I’d be personally uncomfortable and wouldn’t want to participate. I’d silently judge/side-eye those who did, cause it’d be a little weird. But I wouldn’t try to stop them.
c) I’d be personally uncomfortable and wouldn’t partake but I wouldn’t judge those who did, silently or vocally. Fiction is fiction. You do you.
d) I’d be personally uncomfortable and wouldn’t want to participate. I’d vocally judge/side-eye those who did, cause it’d be a little weird. But I wouldn’t try to stop them.
e) I’d be personally uncomfortable and wouldn’t want to participate. I’d vocally judge those who did, AND I’d actively try to get people to not partake because it’d be morally wrong.
f) I would partake but still feel uncomfortable
g) I would partake and feel uncomfortable but enjoy that discomfort/taboo
h) something else (please explain)
i) see results (as always)
Please note that the purpose of this blog is not to be creepy or to make anyone uncomfortable. That's why I created the #spicy byler tag (I will tag all polls with this). If you don't want to see this blog or anything related to it on your feed, please block that tag. Not everyone is comfortable with this sorta stuff, and that's okay.
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trashcandroid · 8 months
another october 13, another year on T (3 total now!). but this one’s special since it’s a super spooky FRIDAY october 13. more random stuff about it under the cut
part of the reason i chose october 13 to start T is because it was soon after i got my prescription, it would be a tuesday (thought it would be funny to have T days be on Tuesdays) , and because at some point it would be a super spoopy friday october 13. i looked up when it would be a friday and saw it would be in THREE WHOLE YEARS. i would have graduated college by then! and then… who knows what i would be doing??
turns out i’m doing even more school for the next probably five or six years. it’s refreshing to only be around people who really just see you as A Guy. i don’t think they even suspect i’m trans (or most of them anyway) since i’ve had quite a few conversations where they definitely would have asked if they thought so. a few of them i remember off the top of my head:
someone was asking if people had partners and i said yes (…i mean, i sorta do, don’t really wanna get into it here lol). she asked me if they were a boy or a girl and i said neither. she then kept trying to find out what they were really and seemed to be a little disappointed when i wouldn’t tell her. (to be fair, she was pretty drunk and actually passed out later that night… but that also means she totally would have asked me if i was trans if she thought so)
this same person also asked me earlier if i was bi (for some reason she was asking everyone that), then when i said no she asked if i was straight (no) or gay (no). this led to me telling another guy that i was ace and aro, and he asked a bunch of weird questions about it lol (i gave him permission to since i was wondering what questions you would even have about that, seems straight forward to me??). but no questions about being trans
oh yeah, this same guy showed my openly trans friend who was visiting some trans memes he had saved (his gf is trans). but he didn’t show them to me 🤨
ok one last one. another guy was talking about how he was thinking about joining an lgbt group here, but had felt kind of left out and different at the one he went to before. i said i felt the same (true). he got happy that i could relate and said, in a relatable tone, “yeah, they’re mostly trans and non-binary people there so i didn’t really fit in!” i hope i didn’t mislead him into thinking i was gay lol
i also joined an ace aro group which has been pretty chill. at least half the people there are non-binary and i have no idea if they think i’m trans or not. i’m guessing no..? or they’re being decent and not just asking
i never thought i’d be stealth but it’s actually so nice being around people who don’t give your gender a second thought. i did experience that in my band and in my last two years of college (well, stuff happened at the end of my third year that made me freak out for all of my senior year… which you can read about in the previous one of these lol) but the anxiety that everyone is just being nice has always been in the back of my mind. but all these small interactions seem to indicate that these people just genuinely think i’m a regular guy
ANYWAY. IN OTHER NEWS. since i have student insurance that covers 100% of the cost of medical transition stuff, i decided i could finally pursue top surgery! i already have the consult scheduled for early next year, and if the timeline is similar to what they said on the phone, i could have it done by the end of next semester! possibly even before my birthday? but depending on the available dates i might postpone til after finals. (on the plus side, those should really be the final finals i’ll ever have to take.)
i also got my passport updated with the correct name and gender marker. now i just need to update my birth certificate and that’ll be everything
despite lots of other shitty things going on in my life right now, i actually feel really positive about where things are going in terms of my transition. i can look at my face in the mirror and just see me. i can be around people who just see me. i don’t have to be around family members who mess up pronouns or awkwardly stumble around sentences to avoid using pronouns for me at all. i can just exist.
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