#idk im just yapping
nyaskitten · 16 days
Still thinking about the cycles in DR... Lloyd repeating Wu's mistakes as a teacher trying SO hard to be like him and not even realizing what he's doing wrong... Ras who was manipulated by his master and groomed into a warrior at such a young age doing the same thing time and time again to people who were young like him in the pursuit of an inherently flawed cause... fuckkk man I love the cyclical nature of storytelling <333
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luv-unknwn · 20 days
no cause ill actually NEVER stop ranting about aaron hotchner.
like ive never wanted to carry a mans children more than i want his like???
IMAGINE aaron coming home to his pregnant wife and like 3 other kids and having a nice family dinner then you put the kids to bed together and read them stories, then aaron runs you a bath and rubs your back and just UGHHHHHHH
anyways yeah thats all 😞
(enjoy the edit, ik i did)
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rainstormdoodles · 2 months
When I say I like Asrian, sure, I want them to hug and kiss while being super domestic. But before that happens, I need a super gut-wrenching fight where they shout and scream at each other about how unhealthy they used to be and how they both never apologized for it. THEN they go no contact again for like a week or two before Asra goes and apologies in the rain while sobbing on his knees to Julian begging him for forgiveness, and then Julian is hesitant but then he starts crying and apologizing to Asra. And so they cry together, and then I cry alone, and everyone is crying ig. Then, AND ONLY THEN, can they smooch.
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iwanturkidneys · 2 months
mizzen has a cat and its named something stupid like fish or brick or something 🫶
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shortnsnips · 8 months
i am so glad tubbo's saying something abt the economy system bc its actually kind of an annoying feature to watch as a viewer too LOL and don't get me wrong i was hyped up for it bc i loveee when smps have economies! im sure it'll work itself out in the next few days bc they're probably still figuring it out but
dont understand why they keep nerfing the coins you get from stuff when you already have high price goals for items in the shop - it's probably to draw it out as long as possible but it's not like it would stop people from playing/watching lol. it didn't before. (this wouldn't be an issue in my mind if it weren't for the fact players have to put in so much TIME for such little payout if that makes sense)
nobody wants to use the economy system as it is because there is no reliable way to get good amounts of coins so the people who DO try (like tubbo) get criticized for doing so and like tubbo said there's not/there's not going to be enough money circulating through the players (prob bc bbh has most of it but not even mad at him for that i think its funny)
the bounties being the best way to get the most amount of coins is cool in THEORY when there's actually stuff to do and they don't run out quickly - if this was fixed the nerfed coin amounts for other trivial things would make sense in my mind
again, it's still early and they'll still probably fix it as they go so im just yapping but i was really looking forward to seeing player to player transactions bc i LOVEE when smps do that so bad!! when tubbo was doing it yesterday i was BUZZING especially bc it was sooo smart of him LOL the qsmp currency is a cool CONCEPT but i just miss when smps used iron/gold/diamonds and made their own currency </3
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basement-creature · 3 months
Seb probably has a launchpad that he occasionally uses in place of his synth simply for the sake of Clicky Buttons And Pretty Lights
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rab1darachn1d · 6 months
probably unoriginal thought BUT GUYS HEAR ME OUT: what if no one goes to the PM, and this causes a big ol conflict between the ADA and PM, which then cancels the truce???
I cant tell if this is too basic so no one brought it up or if everyone is too focused on the trade thing BUT LIKE WHAT IF??? MAYBE??? it could be either super boring or could open a whole new door of possibilities and plot points
I used to be on team dazai goes back to the pm but like idk i kinda like this idea bc it could lead to so many different things??? AND IDK MAYBE SOME HOW VERLAINE WOULD GET INVOLED IDK MAN MAYBE PLEASPELQPDLEKAPRBLQRJA
also if asagiri confirmed on twitter or an interview that someone is definitely going to the pm then um throw rocks at me and call me a dumbass bitch
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boreo-stuff · 2 months
TW: mention of kidnapping and human trafficking (idk if I need this tw)
I just thought of something (if someone else thought of this already im so srry)
Y'know how, like, Boris was 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 reluctant to wanna let Theo run away?
(Other than Boris generally not wanting him to leave)
And you know how (i saw this on his wiki so I'm not completely sure it's real) Boris apparently ran away from his dad (good for him) and he ended up getting kidnapped and almost got human trafficked?
What if that's another reason that Boris didn't want Theo to run away?
Because he's done it before and it ended badly?
Idk if this is just obvious or i am very stupid.
Or both.
And to lighten the mood...
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queenlilithprime · 4 months
Always the artist, never the muse,
Always the lover, never pursued,
Upon my final breath I sing,
The love I hope to always bring,
If my soul becomes a form of art,
It would merely be my whole heart.
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rae-unbeloved · 2 months
A person filled with anger and envy but they can't show it or express their desires because they would be labeled as a horrible person or monster.
A person who just wants to be great, someone who wants to be known but since they cant be known for all the good they do, all they do to repair things that cant be fixe. So they become known for the destruction they caused and their death.
The person who tries their best to be good but no matter what they get labeled as a monster and publically hated and frowned upon.
The person who will never be free from the publics view on them, how the standard of society keep pushing them to either be a horrible person or the absolute best person ever as thats the way their parents were viewed but they cant, they cant fucking do it, they can never live up to the expectations of society so they scream, they scream the most bloodcurdling and hoarse scream someone has heard, its a scream for help, a scream of pain, but nobody comes. Nobody helps them. Just as always, but they thought it would be different this time, they screamed, they just wanted somebody to understand they are their own fucking person.
The person who gets publically executed for their wrongdoings but they knew this would happen, they knew all they had done wrong would be discovered, they just didnt know when. But they need some form of control in their life, they cant have everything outed without them knowing, without them knowing that this was the day it would happen, solution? Out themself, they work better under a deadline, that deadline would be the day they choose to reveal everything. They got to choose the day they disappear, and maybe, just maybe, in the next life they can try again and do better.
The person who has had something ruined for them by the person who hurt them, they didnt mean to hurt them, but even then, nk matter how often the person who hurt them apologies, theres always that resentment that they cant control, god how they wish there was no resentment, they wish they could still see the same person they saw before, but they cant, and everything that comes out of their mouth just fuels the flames of resentment in their heart, they wish that the person didnt hurt them, and the person who hurt then wishes the same but they know, despite how hard they try to fix everything they did, it would never be remotely similar to what they had before.
The person that just wishes to be like everybody else, the person who gets shown what its like to be human, but no matter what, they stand out, no matter what theres something that sets them apart, that makes people dislike them. They just want to be normal, they just want a friend whos real, someone except their plushies, because at the end of the day, everyone they try to be friends with abandon them. and because no matter how much they try to be normal, be like others, it just causes them to hurt, it makes them worse, it seperates them from others even more.
The person whos sick of everyone always being the same, the person whos stuck in the same fucking cycle of hurt no matter how hard they try to escape, they always get hurt by someone else, the people they go to put on a mask, act like they care and love them but at the end of the day their only desire us to hurt them.
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fedexfirstclass · 6 months
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Finals week is over for me who cheered
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luv-unknwn · 21 days
guys i love women sm like idk how to even go on anymore girls are so pretty i want a gf so bad like i could treat her so well i swear 🙁
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amongstheshadows · 2 months
Why does hockey exist it's fucking stupid bro😭
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forbiddnsky · 1 year
Btw guys im Poseidon btw. it's me king of sea Poseidon
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Bro, in my ELA class, we had to present some free verse poems with themes related to a book, and one of my classmates dropped one the hardest lines ever about her grandma having alzheimers
"Real like cotton candy clouds
Real like you remembering my name"
I forgot the line before that, BUT THOSE TWO JUST HIT FOR SOME REASON
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1nkdr1nker · 6 months
Eggrhrg3h trying 2 draw with art block l8r wish me luck
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