#idk im kinda obsessed
medicbrainrot · 1 year
either born in hell or heaven sent, but either way i’m into it
Simon and Artemis, call signs Ghost and Jaguar, were on their way to exfil from a stealth mission, then their transport came across an IED. The IED detonated, subsequently flipping their truck. 
Ghost had been knocked unconscious in the explosion, and was bleeding slightly from his head. 
"Ghost. Lieutenant! Ghost, wake up!" Jaguar said, shaking his shoulder. 
Ghost was unresponsive. Even after being shook, it seems like no one's home. Jaguar shakes him again, coughing wetly as she does so. 
This time Ghost's eyes flutter slightly and he coughs, before jolting awake with a gasp. 
"Jesus, fuck." Jaguar swears under her breath. "Are you okay LT?" 
He looks at her, rubbing his head. "Ugh…" He mutters. "I'm fine… I think…" He groans, and looks around groggily. "Where… Are we?" He asks, coughing again. The force of the cough makes him feel dizzy and nauseous. 
"Our truck got hit by an IED, we got flipped over." She coughs. 
"Damn…" Ghost replies, sighing. He tries to sit up, only to realize he's upside-down, making his head spin. 
"What the hell is happening?" He slurs, his vision blurring slightly. 
"I think you're concussed LT." Jaguar says, voice straining as she struggles with her seatbelt. 
"Well that's not good." Ghost groans, rubbing his head again. He unbuckles his seat belt and tries to carefully work his way to the floor. 
He looks over at Jaguar, seeing that she's struggling with something. "You need help over there, Jag?" Ghost asks in a drowsy tone, trying to offer his assistance. 
"I… I can't unbuckle my seatbelt." Jaguar coughs. She's still hanging upside-down, all the blood rushing to her head. 
Ghost sees her still struggling. "Oh, damn. Let me get that for you…" He says, fumbling to reach her seat belt connector. It was difficult since he was dizzy and wanted to throw up, but he managed to unclip the belt. "There…" 
Jaguar grunts as she hits the floor, but at least she isn't stuck anymore. 
"Thanks LT. Let… Let me get my med kit and I'll take a look at you. Do you think you can get out of the truck on your own?" She coughs. 
Ghost groans, "I'll try…" He groggily kneels on the floor, his limbs feeling like rubber, but after a little bit, manages to steady himself and climb out of the truck. He doesn't trip, but he does have to pause to catch his balance a few times. 
His vision stays blurry, but he manages to stay upright upon exiting the overturned vehicle. 
He reaches out a hand in case Jaguar needs assistance getting out of the truck. 
Jaguar reaches out a bloody hand to take Ghost's as she gets out of the vehicle, letting out a wet cough as she stands up, trying to steady the med kit on her shoulder. 
Ghost steadies her as she stands, waiting for her to adjust the kit on her shoulder. "You alright, Jag?" He asks, a hint of concern in his voice. 
"I'm good." She nods. "How's your head?" 
"Sore." Ghost replies. "It feels like a million tiny people are inside my head, jumping up and down punching my brain." He says, cringing slightly when his vision blurs again. 
"You ever gotten a concussion before?" Jaguar asks him. 
"Twice, actually…" Ghost replies, wincing again as he rubs his head. "Never this bad though." He adds, stumbling a bit as he goes to sit down. 
"Shit." Her eyes widen as she jumps forward to steady him. "Hey, hey! Look at me. You with me?" 
Ghost groans again. "Yeah, I think so…" 
He shakes his head slightly. "Something feels really weird inside my head." He groans. 
"Ok, look at me." Jaguar pulls a pen light from her pocket and checks Ghost's pupils. 
Ghost looks at Jaguar as she does so, wincing slightly at the brightness of the light. He follows her actions, and waits for jer to finish checking him. "You find anything?" Ghost asks, his vision settling a bit. 
"Your pupils are equal and reactive, so that's good. But I'm a little worried about the concussion. Where did you hit your head?" She asks, a small cough escaping. 
Ghost groans. "Where didn't I hit my head?" He asks, in a slightly dazed tone. He rubs his head again. "I don't really remember anything besides pain."
"Fuck. Okay. Can I check your head?" She asks. 
Ghost nods a bit groggily, allowing Jaguar to check his head for signs of injury. 
"Any other symptoms of this concussion you need to check, Jag?" Ghost asks, his vision and hearing still a bit fuzzy. 
"Yeah, hold still. This might hurt." She says as she runs her hands along his head, neck, and chest, doing a partial trauma sweep to check for blood and fractures. 
Ghost follows Jaguar's instructions as she does the sweep, trying to remain still, as she checks his body for external and internal harm. He does wince slightly when she checks his head again, but otherwise holds still. 
"Okay, I found where you're bleeding from, I'm going to bandage it." She says as she pulls some gauze from the med kit. "Do you want any painkillers?" 
Ghost nods groggily. "Yeah… Maybe…" He groans, wincing a little at the pain. "I'd really appreciate it…" He adds, his eyes drifting shut. 
"HEY." Jaguar says firmly, getting Ghost's attention. "The meds are in my left pants pocket. My hands are covered in blood. Grab one, okay?" 
"Okay…" Ghost says, slowly moving his hand towards Jaguar's pocket to grab the meds. "Got them…" He says, shaking one out of the bottle into his other hand. 
"Okay. Can you dry swallow or do you need water?" She asks. 
"I can dry swallow." Ghost says, tossing the pill into his mouth and swallowing it. "I feel like shit though… I hope this works." He groans. 
"It'll help." Jaguar pulls some more gauze and starts cleaning a wound on her arm, suppressing a cough. "What's your favorite color?" 
Ghost look at Jaguar, his eyes still a little hazy from the pain. "Blue, I guess. Why?" He asks, his eyebrows scrunching in confusion. 
"I need to keep you talking." She states. "What's your favorite food?" 
"Ah… Umm… I like steak, a lot…" He says, starting to get curious about the whole 'keep you talking' thing. "Umm… Why do I have to keep talking?" He asks, squinting his eyes at Jaguar as he tries to get them to clear up. 
"If I can keep you focused, it'll make it easier to direct you. Do you still have your radio on you?" She asks, coughing wetly towards the end. 
Ghost checked his vest. "Yes, got it right here." He answers. "Why do you want me to keep focused?” He asked, curiosity in his tone.
“You’re concussed, but we are still in enemy territory. We can’t afford for you to lose focus.” She says as she applies a bandage to her arm. “Where else are you hurt?”
“Other than my head?” He asks. “I’ve got a cut on my back, but I don’t think it’s bleeding too badly. Other than that, just the headache…” He groans. “And I’m still a little dizzy…” He adds, wincing as the pain from the headache worsens.
“Okay.” She approaches Ghost from behind and pulls up his shirt, quickly applying a bandage to the wound before turning her head to the side to cough. “The meds should kick in soon.”
Ghost nods, feeling the sting of pain from her attending to the wound on his back. He stays silent for a bit, just watching as Jaguar patches up a few cuts and scrapes. His eyesight has cleared up significantly as well.
He looks at Jaguar. “Thanks…” He groans slightly, his voice a little hoarse.
“No problem.” She says, wincing slightly. “Have you called for evac?”
“No… I should do that, huh?” He asks, his vision continuing to clear a bit more.
He shakily stands up, reaching for his radio. He activates it and send out the message to send in the evac, as well as their current location.
“Done.” He says a bit gruffly.
“Good.” She winces a bit as she tries to suppress a cough. “Are you hurt anywhere else?”
Ghost nods. “I’m pretty sore all over, but I don’t think I’m bleeding anywhere else. I’m still dizzy, but I think it’s getting better.” He leans up on a nearby fence post for support. “What’s with your wincing? Are you injured?” He asks, mildly concerned as his vision is finally able to focus.
“I’m okay.” Jaguar says as she suppresses another cough.
“Are you sure?” Ghost squints at her, a hint of worry in his eyes. “I can help you if you need me to, if you want…” He adds, the painkillers having finally kicked in to ease some of the pain in his head.
“I’m fine, there’s nothing I can do about it here.” She coughs again. “What’s the ETA on the evac?”
“About ten minutes, they’ve got a chopper inbound now.” Ghost states, his head feeling a little clearer.
“We just have to wait and sit tight, then.” Ghost says. 
He takes a look around, seeing the remains of their vehicle scattered about the area after the explosion. “Do we wait here? Are we safe here? What do we do?” He asks, hoping Jaguar has an answer since his head is still feeling a little fuzzy after the impact.
“We should be okay here, but we should at least move out of sight.” She wheezes.
“Yeah… we should.” Ghost agrees, glancing over at her, a frown forming on his face. “You really aren’t doing too hot, are you?” He asks, an eyebrow raising up under his mask. “Do you need to sit down?”
“I…I might need to.” Jaguar coughs roughly.
Ghost sighs, “I can try to help you,” He says looking over at her. “Do you need me to carry you?” He asks, worry evident in his voice. He reaches forward to steady her. “It’s alright if you aren’t okay y’know. You’ve been tending to me this whole time, it’s my turn to tend to you.” He offers gently.
“I’d love that, but carrying me might make it worse.” She coughs wetly. “How’s your head?”
Ghost’s mouth turns down in a frown. ”I still feel… kinda weird, if that makes sense. It still kinda aches.” He grimaces, not really sure how to describe how his head is feeling, as it’s not a normal headache.
“That’s normal for a concussion, but you’re still talking and still focused, so that’s good.” Jaguar wheezes.
“Okay. Is there anything I can do to help you with that cough?” He asks, holding out a hand in case Jaguar needs it. “Do you need some water? Any pain meds? What can I do?” He asks, trying to be gentle.
“The pain isn’t the issue.” She coughs wetly. “I think my ribs are broken, and they migh–” She gets interrupted by another cough.
“Broken? How?!” Ghost asks, a hint of panic in his voice, his head swinging to look at her, causing a wave of dizziness to wash over him. “Did this happen in the explosion?” He asked, worried about his medic.
"It's okay. You're concussed." She says. 
"If your ribs are broken, that's not okay!" Ghost continues, notes of concern in his voice. "What if they've punctured something?" 
Jaguar coughs again, wiping at her mouth. "One of them might've punctured my lung, but there's not much we can do about it here." 
"Jesus Christ. What if there's blood filling up in your chest?" Ghost asks, worry in his voice. 
"How far out is the evac?" She wheezes. 
"About seven minutes." Ghost says, taking a few deep breaths to calm himself down. "Are you going to be okay for that long?" 
"I can do anything for seven minutes. I can do anything for seven minutes." She says. "How's your head?" 
"I still feel… Weird…" He murmurs. "But the pain is starting to subside. I think the meds have kicked in." He adds. "Your ribs are still a big concern though."
"Are you seeing double or anything like that?" Jaguar coughs. 
"No, things have started to clear a little bit." He looks at their surroundings to make sure they are still relatively safe. "Why do you ask?" 
"Okay, that's good, that's good. I'm just checking. Still dizzy or is that better?" Artemis coughs again and wipes something from her mouth. 
"Yeah actually, I'm not as dizzy now…" Ghost replies, nodding slightly. "But that cough of yours is worrying me. Can you breathe alright?" 
"I've–" She gets interrupted by a wet cough. "I've been better." 
Ghost's face goes pale as he notices that Jaguar coughed up blood. "That's… Not good….your lungs…" 
"Yeah, I know." She wheezes as she wipes the blood from her hand on her pants. "How's your head?" 
"It's still really sore." Ghost replies, gently grasping at his head. "My ears are kind of ringing."
His hands are starting to tremble, and his breathing is getting heavier. "What's happening?" He whispers, worriedly, trying to figure out what to do. 
Jaguar gently places her hands on Ghost's cheeks, softly cupping his face. "Hey, hey. Look at me. You're going to be okay. Evac is on it's way, right? How many minutes?" She asks softly. 
Ghost's fear starts to settle at her words. "Three minutes. Evac will be here in three minutes." 
"Beautiful. We can do anything for three minutes. Right?" She asks, still holding his face. 
"Right…right…three more minutes. We can do this." He answers, trying to compose himself. He locks his eyes onto Jaguar, trying to find comfort in her gaze. 
"Remember around the time when we first started dating, and we got caught in that hail storm?" She smiles softly. 
Ghost pauses for a moment, but then his face lights up when his memory jogs. "Yeah, I remember…we almost got hit by lightning." He says with a chuckle. "That was quite the night." He adds, a smile crossing his face at the memory.
"It was so scary." She smiles. "The hail was the size of golf balls."
"But we made it through, like usual. We even made it home alright." He replies, voice soft. "It's kinda amazing how far we've come, y'know?" He smiles at the memory "It almost feels like we've been through hell and back."
"Through hell and back." She repeats softly, then leans away to cough for a second. "We made it through that just fine, just like we'll make it through this just fine."
Ghost smiles at the statement, nodding in agreement. "Yeah. We will, we will." He squeezes Jaguar's hand. "We'll be fine, I promise. 
She nods softly before leaning away to cough again. 
Simon looks at her, concerned at her consistent coughing. Worried that she'll start coughing more blood, he reaches out to put a hand on her back. "Artemis, you're going to be okay, I promise. You'll be okay." He says softly, trying to reassure her. 
"Yeah, yeah, I'm okay." Jaguar slurs slightly. 
"...Are you sure?" He asks, squinting at her as he continues to gently rub her back. "You're coughing up blood, it doesn't seem like you're okay." He says, worry creeping into his voice. 
"It's a little hard to breathe, if I'm being honest." Jaguar wheezes, gesturing in reference to her broken ribs. 
His eyes widen at her words. "It's hard to breathe?! Is your lung collapsing? Do you need CPR?" He's trying to run through all the medical training he has, but the concussion is making it difficult to think straight. 
She laughs but then winces. "CPR is for when your heart stops, sweetheart. My heart is working just fine, I don't n–" She gets interrupted by another cough. 
Simon flinches at the cough, looking at her in worry as he listens. He takes a moment to process what Artemis said before finally responding.
"Is there anything I can do to help you? Do you…do you need anything?" He asks, sounding a bit anxious. 
"Just your love and affection." She slurs.
"I can do that." He replies gently. "Do you need anything else?" 
"As long as evac gets here soon, that's all I need from you." She coughs wetly. "Now how far are they?" 
"Just a minute or two out. They'll be here soon." He says reassuringly. "We'll be okay."
"Yeah, we'll be okay." She slurs. "How's your head?" 
"Better than it first was." He answers. "How's your chest?" 
"Ok, that's good." She coughs roughly. "I… I think I need to sit down."
"Okay." Ghost nods. "Do you need help, or do you want to sit down on your own?" He moves a little closer and extends his hand in case she wants help. 
“I might need some help. Can…can you help me take my vest off so I can…can check which ribs are broken?” She wheezes.
“Yes, I can do that.” He nods. Simon gently holds her by the arm, and helps Artemis to sit down on the ground. He then unlatches her vest, making sure not to apply any pressure to her ribcage.
Once the vest is off, she takes off her shirt and starts running her hands along her ribs, wincing as she figures out which ones are broken.
Ghost watches this, seeming concerned as she does so. “Do you know which ones yet?” He asks. “Is your lung…” Simon tries to keep his tone soft, calm, as he reaches for her hand. “Are you still able to breathe okay?” His heart skips a beat when he hears his medic breathe sharply.
“Yes, probably, and not really.” Jaguar coughs, answering Simon’s questions in order.
“Is there anything I can do to help? They should almost be here, I can hear the chopper in the distance.” He says trying to reassure her.
“If I pass out, tell the flight medics ribs 7 through 10 on the right side are probably broken.” She wheezes. “How’s your head?”
“My head is…better… I think.” He replies. “So, I just need to keep you awake until they get here?” He asks.
“You’re the one who’s concussed.” Artemis slurs, her eyes struggling to stay open. 
“Stay awake with me, alright?” Simon pleads, squeezing Artemis’ hand when he realizes she’s getting drowsy.
“Mmhmm.” Artemis sways slightly as her eyes start drooping shut.
Simon moves quickly to try to catch her, trying to take care not to injure her ribs further. He cradles her close to his chest, and his eyes widen when he sees that she’s struggling to stay awake. He looks and can see in the distance that evac is approaching, that they’re almost here. 
“Jaguar!” He shakes her shoulder gently, trying to keep her awake. “Artemis!” His voice sounding more and more desperate each time he calls her name.
“Mm…” She mumbles.
Simon shakes her a little harder, holding her close as he tries to keep her awake. “C’mon love, just a little longer, they’re almost here.”
She pries her eyelids open, her mumbling barely audible. “‘M tryin’, ‘s hard.”
“I know love, I know. They’re almost here.” A sense of relief floods Simon when he sees the chopper preparing to land nearby.
Artemis is just barely able to stay conscious long enough for the flight medics to get both her and Simon onboard and stabilized on the flight back to base.
“You were amazing back there.” Simon says softly to her. “You are so strong.” He presses a kiss to her forehead through the mask as she finally closes her eyes and slips into a painkiller induced sleep.
A/N: Thanks for reading! Likes, reblogs, and feedback are appreciated!
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goosita · 10 months
being young!politician!snow’s secretary hmm
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sitting pretty at your desk in front of his office, making sure your back is straight and not a single hair is out of place when he walks in every morning. he’s pleasant enough to greet you when he comes in, hanging his blood red peacoat on the coatrack and giving you a half-smirk.
“getting colder out there,” he says casually. you try not to stare as he unwraps his soft cashmere scarf from his neck, his sharp jaw revealed along with the smooth column of his throat.
“yes, mr. snow. it’s why your coffee is extra hot this morning,” you answer back. your tone is pleasant, just shy of too-sweet and you relish in the way you can see on his face the way it always makes him soften just the slightest bit.
“you spoil me, miss (y/n),” he purrs, plush lips pulling up at one corner. “thank you.”
you wonder if coriolanus snow knows the effect he has on you. if he sees the way your eyes round out when he speaks to you, the way your hands fidget nervously. you know he sees the way your breath hitches when he passes by, fingertips tapping fondly at the wood of your desk. surely he can tell that just a glance from his icy irises sends your heart into a frenzy.
you’re sure he’s aware of what he does to you when he drifts across the room to stand behind your chair, watching as you type out a newsletter from his campaign office. you can feel coriolanus’ body heat behind you, see a mop of pale blonde hair over your shoulder from the corner of your eyes. he’s so close that you can smell him; amber and roses, something almost metallic underneath the cologne he wears.
“how’s the newsletter going?” he asks softly, his breath against your cheek. you swallow hard, trying to hide the tremble in your hands over the keyboard.
“just finishing it up now, mr. snow,” you tell him, trying to keep your voice even. “should be sent out by this afternoon.”
he hums in acknowledgment, hands resting on the back of your chair. the tension in the air hangs for what feels like hours before he steps back and adjusts his tie. coriolanus doesn’t say another word before he’s retreating back into his own office, but he does pause at the door to turn his head back to you for a moment. you feel frozen under his stare, unable to breathe or even blink as his gaze roams across your face before dropping down to give your whole body a once-over. the softest huff of a chuckle comes from him before he gives a tiny shake of his head, stepping into his office and closing the door behind him.
yeah, you think. he definitely knows the effect he has.
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fluffyartbl0g · 1 year
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The one piece reread only makes the hardest moments hit even harder,,,, even when you’re rereading it poorly in portugese
Or AKA, i found out today that HINATA SHOYO reads one piece and I haven’t recovered since
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#one piece#haikyuu#hinata shoyo#roronoa zoro#(kinda)#omfg okay time for my entirely SEPERATE POST IN THE TAGS#i only got into one piece at the end of last year... but ive been in the anime and manga scene for like. my entire life#i cannot understate how WILD it is that I havent noticed how everywhere one piece is....#like once i read it... i started finding it EVERYWHERE#my sister gifted me an issue of shonen jump ages ago cause i liked act age and kimetsu no yaiba chainsaw man promised neverland etc#and it doesnt have like a one piece chapter in it actually (to my disappointment)#but IT DOES HAVE A LIL ADVERTISING SEGMENT AT THE FRONT TALKING ABOUT OKIKU FIGURINES AND OTHER ONE PIECE CRAP#AND IDK IT LITERALLY JUST BLEW MY MIND#ONE PIECE DIDNT EXIST IN MY LIFE BUT.... IT DID????#I HAD ONE PIECE MERCH BEFORE I EVEN BECAME OBSESSED WITH IT??? (hahah if you can consider a tiny segment mentioning okiku op merch XD)#just imagine suddenly being obsessed with a piece of media. and then you look around ur room and U SUDDENLY RECOGNISE A CHARACTER MERCH???#ITS BEEN IN UR ROOM FOR YEARS BUT YOUVE NEVER REALLY EVEN NOTICED IT OR JUST BRUSHED IT OFF WHENEVR U SAW IT#BUT ITS THAT CHARACTER!!!! ITS THAT MEDIA THAT UR MADLY IN LOVE WITH????#also im being 100 percent legit when i say that the sense of comeraderie i feel when someone says theyve ALSO read one piece#is insane#discovering that domics and worthiikids and all these other big youtubers that ive known for years have loved one piece like me?#it makes my heart clench and my eyes water man#ive never felt so connected to the world... one piece really is peak fiction.....#i love one piece's community sm....
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yuwuta · 3 months
gojo would kill your work husband. but if he were the work husband, that's a different story
REAL!! he’s such a hypocrite because if someone mentioned you had a work husband, his entire world would stop and he wold devise the absolute worst plans to make sure that your co-worker, everyone at your job, and everyone in the next building over knew that he was happily committed to you 
but if he is the work husband, he’s very........ dutiful in his role. there’s a loose office/lawyer au in my head where satoru is your secretary, and for all intents and purposes, your personal assistant, and he’s good at his job, but mostly because he considers his job to be pleasing you. he has coffee for you when you arrive, he moves your schedule around without you asking, he has answers to questions before you can even ask them, he has fresh flowers on your desk weekly, pokes into your meetings to pretend to hand you a file that’s really just maybe a single document in a manilla folder with candy on top of it—he’s made himself your business, your partner; he’s made himself irreplaceable, and he loves to remind everybody of that fact. 
he’s also extremely loyal. sure, he could day a week’s worth of work done in about a day, but that doesn’t mean he’ll just use his talents for anybody. he’s your secretary, so he’s at your beck and call, and everyone knows it. they know he’s the best, but also that he’s off limits—not because you won’t share him, but because satoru won’t let himself be shared. 
he also extends his duties beyond work, of course. when he hands you a print out of your schedule for the day and you’re confused by the three-hour block of time you have in the middle of the day, satoru just helps you shrug your coat of your shoulders and smiles, “that’s for the lunch date you have with me, of course!” hanging up your coat in your closet for you, “i’m paying, see you soon, sweets.” and because you’re great at your job, and satoru helps you be great, nobody really questions when the two of you have time for a 13-course tasting menu at 1pm on a tuesday afternoon. and if they did, all satoru would say that you two had a lovely date 
#anonymous#he's like donna from suits but worse because he's like if harvey were donna LOL#i have soooooo much to say about him#he doesn't really Have to work he's a nepotism baby supreme#but he met you maybe in undergrad? and he's been obsessed w you since#he knows youre a workaholic so he's dutifully sat by your side all these years through college through grad/professional school#and when you told him you got to hire your own assistant he was the very first applicant#because getting paid to spend his days with you and take care of you? he was already doing that for free might as well make it official#everyone in the office knows satoru loves you except you honestly#he probably has his own masters/JD but elects to be your assistant anyway bc that's so much more fun#what he Really wants to be a househusband but first he's gotta ask you out and propose and all that good stuff (cue him rolling his eyes#and going on about formalities and boring systems and blah blah blah)#also in the office au in my head: nanami (also senior partner) higuruma ofc <3 beloved (managing partner) and TOJI!#WALK WITH ME!#its honestly probably satoru's influence that gets toji into law... as someone who so feverently broke it in the past#idk maybe there's a megumi situation that makes gojo be like yk if ur this good at skirting/breaking the law youd probably be half decent#at enforcing it... or at least helping other people get around it too#and so lawyer toji is born#does he screw around w the rich people who r stupid w their money? absolutely#but you nanami and higuruma just let it be bc he brings in those settlements better than anybody else....#hmmm... i kinda wanna make megumi somebody's associate but also..... yuuta.....#i think i just like sticking yuuta in a tie if im being real#but anyway... satoru is your Work Husband and everyone knows he wants to be your real husband#but they just let it slide bc rumour has it even tho hes just a secretary hes got equity in the firm?? and besides that his heart eyes give#away his hopeless devotion from a mile away#the day you actually start seeing somebody outside of work... oh theyre in for Trouble#satoru x reader#him dragging you out of ur office late at night and u protesting so he just. puts u over his shoulder#and ur telling him to let u down but he's insisting u go home and then nanami pops out of his office#and ur like wait nanami this isnt what it looks like but he's so dead in the eyes when he just sighs
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neonhellscape · 3 months
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Happy Mechanicus everyone I can be trusted with tech priests
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stormyoceans · 4 months
thinking about phum trying to be tough and independent and an adult when at heart he is just a lost boy who wants to be loved and be taken care of. thinking about phum making peem his 'slave' as revenge when all he wants is actually a companion a friend a partner someone who won't leave. thinking about peem who won't take any of phum's shit but also worries about him and talks to him so very softly and allows him to just be a kid sometimes. thinking about peem who doesn't want phum to break their deal and who kissed phum first but also won't make the first move to define their relationship
thinking about how easily phum would let peem push him down on the mattress if peem just wanted to. thinking about peem discovering how willing phum is to just let go and allow peem to take charge and lay on the bed trembling as peem makes him come undone while whispering sweet nothings in his ear
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casualavocados · 1 month
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five times ai di teased about chen yi's cr— crush vs the first time ai di realized he was the crush
Chiang Tien as AI DI & Chen Bowen as CHEN YI KISEKI: DEAR TO ME (2023)
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cerealmonster15 · 8 days
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jamiazu / ashenviper week day 6: toxic yaoi overblot
SORRY it's very much a rushed mess especially in the lower half jdkslfjksd i was v busy today and trying to hurry to get something done for this before midnight [covers up the clock... i was close enough,,, it's still day 6 in some time zones jkfdlsjfs]
unfortunate that the overblots have so much going on and take me ten billion years to draw otherwise i think id like drawing them more bc they LOOK VERY COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#ashenviper week 2024#twisted wonderland#twst#jamiazu#ashenviper#azul ashengrotto#jamil viper#cereal tries to draw#and boy did i try. JFKLDSJFLDSJG#i kinda shot myself in the foot deciding today on the day i STARTED WAY LATER#to be the day that i wanted to try shading in the tones lol#and then. picked the day i was doing stuff with a lot of dark black parts#with no color to balance out the similar tones jkLJFSDKLJFDKLJS#im not exactly good with tonal contrast and UNFORTUNATELY IT'S VERY APPARENT HERE TODAY SORRYYYYYYYYYYYY#whatever it's practice teehee. good enough is GOOD ENOUGH!!!!!!!!#anyway i was gonna draw them looking more evil but i kinda ended up goin the route of like. evil while gay#as in kind of extremely obsessed w/each other in their toxic yaoi state idk#like i think if they overblot at the same time it woulda been over for us boys theyd be too strong#uniting the powers of hypnosis and blackmail and also the fine print. and gay. to take over the school and then probably the world#u probs gotta click full screen squint on this one bc if ucked it up stupid style theres too much dark lol#USUALLY I HAVE THE OPPOSITE PROBLEM I DONT GO DARK ENOUGH#[professor voice] youre kinda stuck in the midtones#well. this time i went mid/dark and forgot the light lol#if i had more time maybe i coulda done some like actual shading to round it out but I DONT WANNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA IT'S LATE#AND IM SLEEEEPYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY#if drawing overblot details didnt kill me tho i think id like to draw them being overblot together more often lol i enjoy the concept#maybe if i can shorthand it or GO BACK TO MY BELOVED TINY GUYS#i spent the most time on this one of all the other drawings this week#tomorrow i do not anticipate ill spend as long on but#i was considerin the glomas outfits which are ALSO SCARY DETAILS AUGHHGHGH <- it's bc im bad at drawing. LOL
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jawlipops · 2 years
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badnewswhatsleft · 2 months
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(x) he's so cute :}
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nato-obenkrieger · 15 hours
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he’s quite silly to me
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starfruitsomething · 7 months
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"How much trouble can I get into for just asking a few questions?"
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biscuitboba · 9 months
I've talked about this before here, once again thinking about how zoro and luffy have so much trust in each other, that oftentimes they don't even feel the need to worry about each other.
From luffy's side:
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Or Dressrosa
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However, having complete trust in each other ≠ having zero concern for the other person. You can have complete faith in another person but still worry about them and don't want them to get hurt.
Luffy and zoro are confident in each other's abilities, but sometimes (quite often actually) they just can't help but worry... Especially when the other person is right there with them, where they can see the exact moment when they are about to get hurt/already hurt. (Because sometimes it is easier to cling to your faith when the other person's not around)
All im saying is that i love when monkey d. "he (zoro) can pull through anything!" luffy shows his worry-wart side to his first mate:)
Orange town
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Sabaody archipelago
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And of course, Wano
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Also while i'm at it, sometimes people use the moment in alabasta (when zoro's worrying about luffy) to question zoro's faith in his captain's strength. Once again reminding people that when you love/care about someone, you can both have complete utter faith but also can't help but worry about them at the same time. Sometimes one of the two is more dominant than the other one and that's OKAY. At that time it was kinda hard for zoro to suppress his worry-wart side for his captain, but that's FINE. Zoro's concern is VALID and it doesn't mean that sanji has more confidence in his captain's ability more than zoro (because believe me when i say, some people use that particular moment to shit on zoro's faith in luffy while praising sanji's faith in luffy a little too often for my own liking)
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popstart · 3 months
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atlas-the-bastard · 9 months
DYING for a zolu type relationship. would KILL for a zolu type relationship. like. please give me someone who is my best friend but also gay so there's some homoerotic tension. for me to be devoted to and loyal to and do anything for. and someone who trusts and has faith in me. someone for me to follow around like a dog because there's no where I'd rather be than with them. and maybe we end up together. but we're still best friends and we live together and grow old together and its both platonic and romantic. like please
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oceanwithouthermoon · 9 months
currently thinking about unreliable narrator saiki kusuo, and the fact that if the manga was written from anyone else's perspective then everyone would see him as a tsundere stalker, borderline yandere..
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