#idk maybe I’m projecting🤪
just a few reminders:
- first pride was a riot
- black & BIPOC queer people are the foundation of our entire nation and the global culture
- we owe most of our rights and progress to BIPOC trans women/femmes and different communities of lesbians, trans/gnc folks and elders.
- trans people have always existed, they are ancient and indigenous to many cultures and places and are SACRED.
- I’m glad you’re here and there is community out there for you, waiting with open arms. Don’t give up just yet, please.
- rainbow capitalism isn’t liberation
- we are all we have, be fucking better to each other
- lesbians have done so much for lgbtqia+ people and should maybe idk stop being erased for no reason
- biphobia is real and just bc your ex cheated on you doesn’t make it bi folks fault, you’re projecting babe
- being queer doesn’t dissolve white privilege, pls touch grass
- be safe at pride. they’re coming for us all and we need to protect ourselves.
- not everyone wants to use the word queer/dyke/fag etc. I’m glad you reclaimed the slurs used against you, me too, but not everyone wants to and you need to respect that. LGBTQIA+* exists for a reason.
- the black and brown belong on the flag.
- the A is for asexual/romantic or agender, not ally.
- get some pussy (or whatever you do (or don’t do)) and make space for joy! because black/queer joy is revolutionary and fucking righteous just as much as our anger is, too
- Juneteenth coming up too, issa parade in my city fr
- asexuals/aromantics belong at pride. Period. Full stop.
- safe sex is the best sex
- get tested!
- it’s okay to not watch the news. america is hell, go take a nap
- people 100% know themselves better than you ever will, people are who they say they are and you don’t get to decide that for them. respect pronouns, identity, etc. or argue w ya mama/god/someone else cause it ain’t finna be me ❤️
- you deserve relationships that feel safe and actually are safe. Don’t settle.
- learn your queer history. they won’t teach us. they took our elders from us.
- Black LGBTQIA+* history IS Black History.
- we all need to be thankful to the house mothers and the ballroom scene and those who gave us what we have now, regardless of who you are.
- don’t call yourself a stud if you’re not BLACK. wit a capital B and at least one BLACK parent.
- not everyone is out. happiest of pride month to y’all. you’re still gang and we love you just as much. 💗
- our collective liberation lies in the fact that we are all tied to each other. if you’re down for the gays but not the theys, you’re not as decolonized as you think you are.
- shout out to fanfiction writers who have been single-handedly providing queer art/content/representation for years while the industry continues to make a mockery of us or intentionally leave us out. one thing we gonna do is help someone find their queer awakening, and get that story right. love us 🤪 go team
- your life means something. it’s important beyond comprehension. you look good. your ass is fat (if you want it to be). get the mullet as a lil treat.
- LGBTQIA+* people across the board have ALWAYS existed in literally every culture and every continent (and Antarctica counts if you count the cute lil gay penguins😌). Don’t let them tell you different. We are not a “mInOrItY”, we have been MINORITIZED. we are not small, we are great and mighty and have ALWAYS been here. And we always will. We exist in the future just as we have existed in the past. We stand on the shoulders of MASSIVE collective ancestors. If that’s not an indication to keep going, keep fighting, keep laughing, dancing, voguing, and keep showing up authentically - then I don’t know what is.
- it’s gonna be ok baby. pinkie promise.
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dearweirdme · 3 months
• JK being obsessed with JM is an assumption made by jkkrs — the same assumption is used by all other ships JK is involved in
• Jikook did not drink together before Hobi’s enlistment ceremony — that was a manipulated translation by a jkkr who used “language barriers” as an excuse for non-Koreans not understanding what they were talking about, meanwhile other native Korean speakers corrected them multiple times
• JK apparently wasn’t even playing “Letter” on the guitar, as it has now been pointed out by other anons lol
• JK being excited and “giddy” about a project that he is a part of?? No way. He must in be love 🤪
• The uncanniness of JK going live when JM leaves the country is a shipper mindset, because as a tkkr, I can tell you that there’s also a pattern for JK’s lives whenever Tae had a schedule/was busy — I’m sure other shippers have similar theories as well lmao and that’s just confirmation bias
• I think I have an idea of why JK didn’t go to JM’s shows and it’s most likely because he wasn’t even fully aware of JM’s schedule — idk I’m making an educated guess based on JK not even knowing when JM was out of the country or not knowing that his promotions were over (JK said this himself, mind you)
• “Maybe he’s too distracting for Jimin” BFFR ANON they’re in the same band 😭
• JK did not actually know all the words to JM’s songs and what jkkrs like to claim is JK being “mesmerized by JM” while watching his MVs, is JK reading the lyrics (iirc, he literally mentions that he wants to look up the lyrics for that part or something like that)
• JK also consumed every single thing the other members put out too (pls he’s so aware of when they release things) — but fun note (because I’m a tkkr) JK watched Vibe with Tae and was ✨giddy✨ over remembering how Tae misheard the lyrics — also despite not doing a live to show that he was watching Tae’s content, JK was really up to date with any and all things Tae-related (this is corroborated by the multiple times he mentioned having seen the content, or by references he made that came specifically from something that Tae was a part of)
• “It was way more than any other member of BTS” and you’re talking about the interactions they had during a WV live 😭
• Do jkkrs actually listen to anything that jikook say? Because even during Face promotions and when he was busy preparing the album, JM mentioned that he’d been seeing Sope the most often — Hobi and Yoongi also made comments about how often they’d see Jimin, so whyyyyy weren’t jikook seeing each other? Let me guess, they’re too distracting to each other? 😂
• “Pretty involved application process” and it’s just filling out paperwork to choose the buddy program as an enlistment option — it’s wild how jkkrs are suddenly experts on how the SK military works
• Jikook do have a history of working together, so that’s definitely a possibility, but as other people have since pointed out, Yoongi also picked up boxing, and he actually showed up with bruised and swollen knuckles around the same time as Jimin — omg yoonminkook boxing buddies lessgoooo
• Neither of them tell us when they are hanging out, but you know what they do tell us? That they haven’t seen each other in a while, that they don’t know what the other is up to, that they don’t know where the other is. So where do we go from here 🙃 also, the same logic can be applied to literally any other ship, including TK 😭 (we KNOW they’ve hung out more than they’ve mentioned)
• I’m curious what jkkrs think about JK being a cook in the military tbh, because as it’s been reported (by multiple sources, not just bitter JJKs as jkkrs like to claim) JK doesn’t actually sleep in the same area as the rest of the soldiers, but is with a smaller group of cooks since they have differing schedules from the other soldiers — yes, they are still in the same unit
• The irony of saying that Kayla’s blog is cherry picked and that you watch original content and “know the context” whilst typing out this monstrosity of an ask is wild
• If you believe all of that about jikook, what about all of the similar but arguably more compelling things about taekook? I’m almost certain that I can take any “jikook moment” and find a comparable moment between TK or any other ship for that matter because nothing jikook do is exclusive to them
Apologies, I’m sure this is choppy because I was trying to address as much as possible but yikes 😭
Hi @thv-jk97 !
An excellent picking apart of an insane take!
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juniperhillpatient · 1 year
Do tell us more about your IT x Atla idea 🤪
Ahhh thank you for asking! I don’t have a clear plan right now, honestly. It’s just something I’m thinking about ever since the lovely @745voiceofthepeople brought up the idea
I won’t be officially starting a new project until Happenstance is done & we have a looong way to go 😉 I did start the outline for & write a few scenes for a Scream AU but idk this IT AU idea just really grabbed me. I mean - aside from my love for IT, how enticing is the idea of a demon that feeds on trauma, from a writing perspective? C'mon, there's sooo much you can do with that, narratively. More thoughts under the cut 'cause this got long & rambly!
Just - can you imagine the Gaang as the losers club? I just feel like the whole coming of age & overcoming trauma theme could totally work with their characters. I was playing with the idea of the Fire Nation kids starting off as bullies but NOT popular kids. Just really mean kids that everyone is scared of. But then they have to team up with the Gaang against Pennywise & the losers club is formed. That's obviously very different than the dynamic between the losers & bullies like Henry in IT but...I think it might work, in this AU setting as long as it's clear that everyone involved is a loser who has been hurt by the town because that's core to the story.
I don't think saying "this character will play this character" really works for this AU. Basically - it's a group of traumatized kids fighting an evil sewer clown, not everyone has to fit an existing role as long as I'm true to that.
But like - in terms of inspiration off the top of my head -
Sokka is likely gonna take heavy inspiration from both Ben & Richie. Obviously, I'd give Ben's engineering ingenuity & interest in architecture to Sokka. I forget if the mini-series includes the bit about the losers club building such a good dam that the city makes them take it down because Ben is just THAT good but the new movies definitely do not. However, that's just such a Sokka thing to do. And of course, like Richie, Sokka uses humor to cope. I can totally see him putting on stupid voices & acting ridiculous to try & make the others laugh no matter what.
I've also thought about how Katara could take inspiration from Bill. Not so much personality this time. But the book has so many really powerful passages about grief & guilt. I don't exactly know how I'd manage the Georgie storyline in this AU, I haven't worked that out. But obviously, Katara will be struggling with her mother's death & some parts of the book where Pennywise twists Bill's grief & survivor's guilt - or just parts when Bill is living with the emptiness left behind - could be an inspiration for covering that.
Of course, I'm going to play with the fire siblings & Ozai if I write this AU. I think that it would be really interesting writing them as still living with Ozai & very dependent on him because I usually write them getting away at the start of my stories. Or, maybe Zuko did get away & he lives with Iroh but Azula is still with Ozai. I could get pretty dark with Ozai & Azula alone in a house especially if I take inspiration from aspects of Beverly's relationship with her dad...
I haven't thought much about romances in this story aside from Azula/Katara. I'd definitely take inspiration from Beverly & Ben's romance for them. Especially that kiss when Beverly is in the headlights - imagine that but make it Azutara! I'm obsessed, are you obsessed? I'm obsessed. Don't worry though, no stupid fucking underwater kiss at the end.
I think writing two timelines could be a really fun writing challenge for me. I forget how the mini-series did it but I know the new movies divided the story into parts. But I would likely try to imitate the style of the novel, going back & forth. The idea of writing characters as kids & adults back to back is so interesting to me. I think that it could be super fun!
I have a few other specific ideas that aren't really fleshed out -
I think that some big characters might have to die in this & haunt the narrative a little.....as a treat. We'll see.
Don't murder me but I'll probably take inspiration from adult Beverly basically marrying another version of her dad because she still hasn't escaped the cycle with Azula. And Mai & Ty Lee can share the role of Kay Mccall. Except - you know - different because I also want them to be part of things in the kid timeline. Actually, I'm not sure how that will work since part of the point is that no one's seen each other in 27 years as adults...We'll get back to that, these are vague ideas, okay.
Alright, last vague idea -
I was wondering who could be the "leader" the way that Bill is. I think narratively, it makes sense for it to be Aang. But also Aang becomes a leader figure in ATLA because he's the Avatar. In this AU, he's just a kid & he's not actually the type to choose leadership, like Bill. But maybe he just steps up super well against Pennywise one time to protect his friends after running away the first time he faces him. This could reflect canon Aang's journey from running away to facing problems & the others look at him as a leader after this. To anyone reading this - what do you think about that idea?
And I'd welcome thoughts on how to fit a Georgie parallel into this story. It seems important but I'm not sure how to make it work!
Anyway, that's all I have for now. Thank you for giving me the excuse to ramble!
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baylardo · 2 years
Sorry I’m in bed I have to write this down hahaha 🤪🤪🤪
Hypothetically,,,,,,,, With threshold Janeway in fair haven,,,,,,,,,,,, do u think it’d be more on par for Kathryn to idealize Michael complimenting her looks based on her natural appearance or do u think she’d manipulate his parameters to have him remark on her “pale Irish skin” or something hahaha,,,,,,,,,
I’m inclined to think that she’d fancy him complimenting her as she naturally is,,,, if you’re going with the idea that she’s kinda subconsciously projecting her chakotay yearnings onto Michael and that would be something she’d secretly yearn for :) and it’s late-series so I’m sure she’s more fine and less in denial about her circumstances and everything and just wants to be told she looks beautiful as she is and whatnot.
Idk there’s a scene in fair haven where the doctor is inquiring from Kathryn if she’d been intimate with Michael and she’s like NONE OF UR BUSINESS (which likely means yes because she isn’t flat out denying the accusation lol) and I was just having thoughts!!!!!! Maybe I was thinking about that trope of *ntercourse occurring and one (Kathryn) moans out an uninvolved persons name (chakotay lol) 🙈🙈🙈 could blame it on her heat cycle too like they have it managed and contained at this point but she still gets ghostly sensations of it as it’s occurring,,,,,,,,,,
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tddyhyck · 5 months
I’M SORRY THIS IS LIKE 700 WORDS, i don’t know how to shut up 😭😭😭😭 ok first. i didn't mean to make u feel bad for not replying “quickly enough”, just got worried that i might’ve said something weird ejsjdkwjsa. i’m glad that was not the case, and i am sorry i projected my insecurities onto u and hurried u 😭 that said, ur replies brought much joy. 😌
i have not seen the recording yet 😭 i’ve barely been able to watch anything 😞 i’m sure u’re more than “okay” with it, wink wonk, and yes omg,, truly so nice. U’RE EVIL… the “you” was such an unnecessary attack, u knew what u were doing with that 😭😭 (unless u don’t nd i read too much into it, like i often do 🫶🤪) our fruity fighter 🥺 our fruity fighter protecting us 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 why r u getting me so soft for him!
re: renjun. change ur mind from what.. am i forgetting something 😭 i love this though 🥳 i was reading something the other day and it went like “do u like renjun? are u a masochist?” and aurgh that hit,, idk what it is about him but something about him is so !!!!!!! 🥵 CAN’T WAIT TO SEE THE PATTERN… NGTAHGHHGBGRGGAABNHNHNN i’m so normal. that’s such a gigantic brain idea u have.
i screamed when i saw u say “i don’t make the rules but i will enforce them” because in a totally unrelated thought i was thinking yesterday about how i’m the type who may not make the rules but follows them (sfw thought LMFAO) and it was so amusing to read what u wrote. BUT YEAH U’RE SO RIGHT… normalise panty stuffing ‼️ 😠
u can change font size by selecting the text and going through the million options tumblr gives, the little <s> button 🥰 but wahhhh okay i’m glad 🥺❤️
NAURRR the anime lover in me thought of that too when trains got mentioned 😭😭 except like. a cute version of that, let’s say hjsgshrjba. jeno doing god’s work <3 thank u for sharing ur beautiful thought with the world though, the song hasn’t left my head LMAO i haven’t even heard it in… 8 years?!
RIIIIIIIGHT U GET MEEEE, “doing everything to make u cry” RIGHT RIGHT… so many thoughts. like he does it because it makes him hard (going with ur headcanon of him) but he also does it cus he just wants to be mean so bad at first and not let u think he’s nice or anything… taking out all his anger on poor u. then he makes u cry because he wants to convince himself that he’s not falling for u. then he finally admits he’s whipped for u and both of u are crying lmaoooo
“he’s all grown up and obnoxious and breaks my heart 😭😭” WHY IS THIS SENDING MEEE 😭😭😭😭😭😭 the way u worded that is SO funny. also idk what u’re talking about because i read mean dom chenle in 2022 and i never went back to normal after that 💗🦋 i’m kidding, i get what u mean. he’s positively adorable in the best way. i keep having my dream phases every single year the past 4 years before i stop keeping up? (some context; i’m also rlly bad with consuming content from my favourite groups. more context; none of my friends are super into them so i just never get to Talk about them) but i feel i might finally be ready to commit 🤩 because i like this album so much and it made me feel A Lot.
re: lipgloss. that was NOT the image in my head but it is definitely an image i can work with 🤩🤩🤩🤩 he gives u a little kiss on the lips right after that.
thank uuuuu i’m doing okay 🥹 i hope u are too, and work isn’t being too tiring ❤️ (random but ur cousin post was so cute. u’re a nice cousin 😔 i hope ur cousin appreciates u! and they’re a funny little kid for the permission thing.)
omg you didn’t rush me!! do not fret 🫶🏻🫶🏻
i hope u get to watch it soon it’s so good like one of my fav things is the recording bts jeno’s part ,,, was saur good ,, maybe i did add the you 🤭🤭
LOL i just meant if i thought of renjun and dumbification on a random afternoon i would be a changed person 🤭🤭 DO YOU LIKE RENJUN ARE U A MASOCHIST LMFAO,, those go hand in hand tbh thinking he has an album on his phone with just pics of your skin after some rope activities…
i miss him sm my little babie 🫳🫳🫳
omg anime lover i must know what you’re watching currently 🧐
oK but fwb!jeno who never gets mad so he keeps his anger all pent up and takes it out on you when you fuck,,, and it’s the best sex of your life lbr,,, like maybe he has a shit day at work and spilled his coffee and missed the bus and he texts you to link up and ,,, just ruins you GRRR but then he realizes he really goes over because you make him feel light and comfortable and it’s easy being with you,,, but he isn’t ready to admit it yet 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
he’s just annoying and pretty and obnoxious and talented and i want to enemies to lovers with him fr omg i know what you mean i have 1 kpop friend and she isn’t super into nct but she kinda keeps up for my sake but not to the point i do lol,,, def time to commit i am team commit to dream 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
he SO would smooch and pat you on the head 😵‍💫
work isn’t too bad! it’s our event season so a little busy but that’s better than being bored lol,, my cousin is so funny he’s 10 and i think he thinks i am too 🤣🤣
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asexualjedi · 8 months
Donating my old prom dresses for like Cinderella project at my law school and keeping my purple one when from my senior hawkeye cosplay bc I have a lot of good memories especially with my late friend with them. I hung them up to take pics bc of the compulsions tm. And 1. Wow I can’t believe I could still fit in these comfortably like post college graduation/ and like 2020 or whenever I last tried these on, which is why I kept them all. Like I was like I was able to fit into them they must be kinda a stretchy I’m sure it’ll be good dresses for someone. And now I’m like idk how I fit into those before but maybe if someone whose going to prom has like a really tall 12 year old sister whose interested in a fancy dress And 2. fuck birth control really made my boobs a lot bigger something that I feel really cool and normal about as a trans person 🤪🥴🥴🤪🥴
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rhoddys · 2 years
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Charlie and Wilson in the dnd au 👀
Charlie is a wood elf and eventually becomes an aberration due to Them, I’m unsure on her class
Wilson is a half elf and artificer
Speaking of, if y’all haven’t read about my dnd au y’all should maybe check it out or something idk maybe it’s on @ rhoddys on ao3?
Mayhaps this is the link to the series? 🤪
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yikesharringrove · 2 years
Aight now we’ve got the dive
I’ve seen spoilers for this, of Steve diving into the underwater upside down gate and can u just say I CALLED IT.
Wow, it’s almost like an underwater gate is super cinematic and interesting ✌️🤪
Thots: had some great moments, but also had some of my least favorite moments of the season so far.
The California/Utah gang feels so fucking disconnected from everything else. They tried so so hard to shove Suzie into this season and made it a weird comic relief scene when the pen could’ve just had the coordinates hidden in it and they go right to the Nina project
The storylines are becoming so stretched that’s it’s hard for me to keep track of everything.
The whole satanic panic being spurred on by Jason is the worst thing stranger things has ever done. It feels like some cheap riverdale shit and that show sucks for a reason. I think it could’ve been mentioned like Eddie’s intro scene where he’s reading that article, but it’s taken such a focus that I can’t stand.
Steve Harrington is the light of my life but that’s not New information.
Anyway, this episode really lost me in a lot of ways but that ending with Steve being eaten alive was really tense
Notey note notes
Alright maybe now Jason can fucking CHILL
Ope. Nope. The opposite of chill
“How do you expect to stop the devil, if you don’t believe he’s real” maybe it’s my religious trauma talking, but the satanic panic shit needs to END I’m literally so so so over it
There’s just too much happening tbh. This military group looking for el and the team getting els powers back and the team in Hawkins helping max and the basketball boys hunting Eddie and the team going to Utah and the team in Russia and also hopper in Russia im Tired
The brenner redemption is the second to last thing I needed (the last thing I need is Steve/Nancy getting back together)
“You have demons in your past” AND YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR A LOT OF THEM
They are trying to redeem brenner and they couldn’t have been added to give billy a satisfying character arc???? What?????
“At least he can drink himself into feeling better” “that’s what my mom does” I’m WHEEZING nobody is pulling their punches today I see
Not even paying attention to what’s being said bc I’m so focused on Steve eating like a bear out of focus in the background
Steve in the yellow sweatshirt about to steal every scene (and also my heart)
Idk I just. They are constantly making sure Eddie knows they’re there for him and like. No one cared about billy.
Oh god oh Jesus Salt Lake City I’m. No. No.
Not them about to bring this Latinx man into the 80s mormons’ house.
Good shot, kid.
The way they are painting these kids as super weird kinda fucks actually but I just feel sick I’m so anti-Mormon it’s insane
“Father’s kidneys!” Me except it’s my own fucked up kidneys
God this whole scene has but such a bad taste in my mouth
This ally sheedy bitch I hope she leaves the church and thrives
Joyce and Murray threatening yuri with these shitass Russian accents dream team I love them
Not me muting the scene of them eating bc of the chewing sounds ✌️🤢
Every time I see this plinko I think of the horse plinko from a few weeks ago lol
Not this stupid bitch using the royal we fuckin hate him
HES number one. Why is 1 get to be a special Pokémon trainer and the other kids are stuck??
Okay so NOW we get a Kali mention. So Kali did escape when she was like 3????? Bro what?????
“It wasn’t popular until I made it popular” everything Steve says is comedy just looking at him makes me smile a stupid fucking smile (also what is with his pants WHERE are the tight tight little jeans)
Okay but he’s RIGHT
WOW Patrick was targeted bc he’s been abused stranger things killing off ANOTHER abused kid just for the fun of it. Cool.
Goddamn thank god Lucas is getting back to his old self being THE MOST caring and thoughtful person I missed him
Robin SHUT UP do not talk about rekindling old flames NO ONE WANTS STEVE AND NANCY BACK TOGETHER STEVE HAS TOLD YOU THATS HES OVER HER PLS PLS PLS shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I do like robin and Nancy getting closer like this though I think it’s good for them both
“bada bing bada boom” Italian Steve #confirmed
“In your stupid cocky little face” “you just can’t admit that you’re wrong you little butthead” your honor hes everything to me
Not Steve’s hair all slicked back like that WHAT
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He’s never looked better
Bro Jason literally GO AWAY I fucking can’t with this satanic panic shit I know this is like. How it was but. I hate it I hate it here
Bash Jason’s head in with a rock challenge
Claudia fucking crying while Jason is saying Dustin is in a cult
“Last night I was overcome with this feeling of hopelessness. Then I remembered Romans 12:21” GO AWAY
I hate this I hate this I hate this
Jason as some weird religious Archie Andrews is just nothing that I wanted
I played my sister this scene bc it was so beyond shitty and she was like bro wtf
Claudia and Karen and Mrs. Sinclair making pointed eye contact with one another
Suzie has TWO byu flag things in her room this girl sucks
(Pls find the Black Menaces on Instagram and tiktok to understand the scope of why byu is a fucking nightmare)
Suzie and this guilt thing it’s bc Mormons use guilt like a fucking weapon so they can’t deal when they do something Bad
“I was dating an agnostic” also mos aren’t supposed to date until 16 sooo
Oh shot the pta is here Claudia Henderson loml
“A stake is like a vamp-is he a vampire?” STEVE HARRINGTON CANON BUFFY FAN YES YES YES THIS IS WVERYTHING IVE EVER NEEDED PLEASE GOD OH SHIT OH SHIT wow the way Steve’s whole life revolves around the original movie omg he’s gonna be so excited when the tv show comes out
“Everything was like way easier. We had this girl. She had superpowers.” I’m just writing down literally everything he says
BACK TO THE COMPASS YES love that they’ve brought this back from season one so so happy with that call back
“Snack size gate”
Steve #1 drama queen award
“What’s say you Eddie the Banished” I love that they’ve never stopped making Dustin’s weirdness his #1 personality trait
“I say you’re asking me to follow you into Mordor” literally he’s billy from every single fic over written FUCK
Brenner teaching them to be emotionless fighting machines bitch disgusting
So does this mean Kali is the only one with different powers???
There’s so many plots happening that every I only remember who’s on screen at a time like the California gang and the Russia gang are not in my brain unless they’re on screen
But this Murray yuri parent trap princess switch FUCKS I love this idea so so much
This fight is gotta be staged to help them get out
The way hopper s a fucking genius I can’t. Like, you want head?
Anyway in case you’re wondering how the Mormons are doing
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I was gonna make a joke earlier about how the names aren’t Mormon enough and I was gonna specifically say “where’s the tanner?” Bc I have 3 cousins named tanner BUT one of the kids IS named tanner there you go
“What’s the internet” “don’t worry about it”
Suzie is the og dataminer
“I think we just spooked a skunk” NOPE JUST YOUR SISTER HOTBOXING WITH ARGYLE amazing
The writers have watched to much fucking riverdake I hate it here
“Who put her in charge?” “I did.” GAY
“Bedtime at nine kiddos. Miss you already!” R O B I N
Bro what the FUCK is going on in here on this day
These older kids are wildin out “you shamed me today” ????
Yeah I really think Kali is the only one with unique powers good for her
“Unless one of you can top being a Hawkins high swim team co-captain and a certified lifeguard for three years it’s gotta be me. No complaints, alright?” SWIMMER STEVE CONFIRMED
“I keep telling him he needs to take that jungle” no he does NOT
I love her just shameless ogling Steve she deserves it. She totally always thought he was hit and billy would make fun of her for it and she’d be like ‘you think he’s hot too shut up’
Lucas just looking back and forth between the boat and max for twenty minutes this is a comedy show
God this Nancy/Steve shit I wish I was dead
Okay that dive did not say swim team co captain Steven
Omg Dustin’s tiny singular giggle after saying watergate king shit
Not Steve painlessly holding his breath for an hour and a half
Okay but the way his hand was shaking as he went to touch the gate membrane thing
Oh shit they’re doing a good job ramping up the tension here with the cops showing up and the vines reaching up for this group
“More of a snack sized gate than a mama gate but still” love u
That moment when he first gets yanked and then he looks at them, looks down, then looks back at them and then gets yanked harder. Amazing
Wow rip to Steve’s ankle
Oh SHIT Dustin and Lucas don’t realize the whole town is fucking hunting them FUCK
Oh god of course robin is a nose plugger
Eddie’s voice raising twelve octaves while he’s yelling and freaking out king shit
Steve first time in the upside down welcome 2 hell baby love
So in tremors 1 we have the graboids. Season 1 we have the demogorgons. The biggest, full size version of the creatures. Completely practical effects. Maintained anonymous until final reveal while attacking protagonist. Tremors 2: aftershocks brings shriekers and season 2 brings demodogs. Smaller creatures that have ability to run on land. Smarter but also dumber than the full size. Tremors 3: back to perfection has ass-blasters and season 4 has demobats. This ‘flying’ counterpart utilizes the most disappointing cgi of the 3 and feels a bit forced.
Steve getting choked 👀
Oh jesus christ these fuckers are really dining out on our Steven. He really though he was gonna die alone in the upside down being eaten alive by monsters oh god oh fuck
Wow good ending here
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maschotch · 3 years
Not people saying you’re mysogonistic for not liking jj 💀💀 I don’t love jj and I’m a woman.......I dunno how that adds up. Hate it when people say that about female characters who are written by sexist men even tho they don’t realize plenty of women don’t like that character BECAUSE she was clearly written by a man. I don’t even personally dislike jj, but I definitely don’t care for her all that much because the writers just kinda....drop the ball with her (tbh if they went with the closeted lesbian storyline or gave her any sort of real character development outside of torturing her then maybe she would be one of my favs)
I also love that you bring up the occasional bigotry of the team. For me, it’s definitely more reflecting the writers’ values then the characters, like they’re projecting. If the writers weren’t so bigoted maybe they could have shown Morgan growing out of his sexism (instead of dumping it in there that hotch is when there’s no proof of it????). Hotch luckily doesn’t really have moments after The Tribe where he says the dumb shit that he did there, but I wish they could have given him development in the episode? Like maybe understand that imperialism is real and these people are actually still affected by it (and it’s promoted by the very government he works for). That would have been a super interesting development for him out of all characters to have.
Maybe have an episode where Emily recognizes her privilege? Idk she never gave me entitled vibes but she did kind of get the job rather easily because of her connections. Maybe have it drive some tension with people like Morgan who literally had to fight tooth and nail (as a black man too) to get to where she is.
But no. The writers on this show just love their bigotry too much 🤪🤪
yeah.. and again i feel bad for hating a character just because the writers are shit, but honestly i dont think i wouldve liked her anyway. i dislike the very core of her character because its solely founded on the emphasis of their ignorance. i can project and rewrite all i want to at least make her bearable or somewhat coherent, but at face value? she has that mean humor that makes me uncomfortable, she’s quick to get annoyed/frustrated which is just not something i ever wanna be around, her hypocritical displays of empathy rub me the wrong way, and i think she treats her friends/loved ones like shit. theres not a single thing i like about her character.
there are definitely times when the writers’ bigotry shines through some of the other characters—in more than easily dismissible dialogue. as much as i love hotch, his extreme view of justice and promotion of an authoritarian government is something that is fine in a show as a fictionalized fantasy of a benevolent government protected/implemented by morally upstanding law enforcement. but thats so fucking far from reality that its practically inapplicable. again, this is copaganda, so all this is expected to some extent. their faith in the criminal justice system is why they have these jobs lmao its kinda hard to ignore that. but while im throwing jj under the bus i figured i should elaborate on hotch’s very real flaws stemming from the same root. jj’s not the only one with some less-than-stellar traits based on problematic values
it is fun to work around it a little bit and maybe give some reasoning that makes their ideals a little more understandable: derek’s father was a cop who died in front of him, of course he’s gonna glorify law enforcement at least a little. this was the job best suited for emily that she had a foot in the door for through her mother. but at some point ya gotta just accept the copaganda for what it is and suspend disbelief that any of these characters would actually pursue this line of work. its a show about fbi agents. theres gonna be some dumb shit. comes with the territory. but theres a limit to how much im willing to ignore for the sake of casual media consumption. i tend to just avoid the episodes that focus on that kind of stuff, but jj’s constant presence is a painful reminder of the kind of show im watching and why criminal minds is a guilty pleasure of mine
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taylortruther · 4 years
I can feel sorry for Tom and think that there was emotional cheating (not actually cheating) but not for Calvin. I’m sorry but I don’t think there was any cheating at all on Calvin or him on her. Yeah met gala was messy but they were basically done honestly before that. Nobody cut the cord with each other. Both of them were checked out of that relationship long before may. If not for met gala, how much longer would have they held on when I saw them ending back in February? So in a way, glad for Met gala since it got her away from him. She eventually found her footing with joe (sorry to Tom). He’s with someone now I believe so good for him and Calvin got back with his ex so everybody is in a good place now.
i can't remember details but idk... there was weird vibes during tayvin. but maybe i'm projecting because i think calvin was just a disrespectful dick 🤪
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