#idk the set-up of the first part was a blast and the structure of the payoff felt a little wonky
WELL HUH looks like I basically got that 'Nureyev are you trying to climb out that window???' scenario I spent like the duration of S4 picturing
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cynthiaandsamus · 3 years
Custom Toonami Block Week 73 Rundown
Code Geass: Lelouch and co. are still stuck in China and Xingke’s flipping out because the Chinese assholes are gonna kill the Empress and go with someone less problematic for their political marriage to Britannia’s creepily overaged prince. However Lelouch pulls out a Knightmare that’s basically the Twink version of the Gawain and busts everyone up as well as pulling a Father Cornello on them and letting the people know they’re all elitst 1% assholes that don’t care about them, which I suspect all countries probably know about their leaders but it sucks to hear it in a recording so riots show up all over China and CC Geass Flashes Anya to take her out so Britannia has to back out because the Chinese Hierarchy are now the least popular people in the world. So Xingke gets to be with his Empress and joins the Black Knights but Dietard wants the Empress to marry someone on their side so they can basically do the asshole move Britannia just tried to do but for them. All the girls are like ‘hey no’ and Lelouch is like “Oh hey Tamaki buddy, let’s go talk and get me the fuck out of here” so before Lelouch actually has to give Tamaki more lines and elevate him beyond the Black Knight’s Yamacha Shirley calls and Lelouch just straight up asks Shirley about love in a weirdly forced series of circumstance. But Shirley’s like “Yeah don’t fuck with love, don’t you love anyone?” and Lelouch is like “Yeah I do, Nunally!” and I don’t think that’s at all what Shirley meant but it does mean Lelouch sees that fighting for something beyond politics is powerful and agrees to not marry off the twelve year old girl, so that’s good. Lelouch decides to return home while they hunt down the Geass cult which is in China for some reason despite that being one of the like two places on earth Britannia doesn’t control and the Geass Cult largely being a Britannian affair. Meanwhile Sayoko is basically a Lelouch Vtuber at this point with her insanely accurate Lupin III mask of Lelouch and kisses Shirley so Shirley’s a little bit more gay than she was before and is not sure how to feel about that. When she’s about to tell the real Lelouch he kisses like a girl, Anya and Gino show up because we’re retreading the whole ‘sleeping with the enemy at school’ thing from the first season except with way less interesting enemies. Also the preview for the next episode is Lelouch dramatically talking about enemies finding out he’s Zero overtop footage of Shirley and Milly absolutely naked in a batthouse scene so I think we know what kind of episode that’ll be.
Inuyasha: The Panther Demon filler concludes with everyone meeting at the site where the Panther Master is being revived behind a strong barrier, if only someone just got a barrier upgrade to their sword, oh wait. But yeah everyone manages to free the hostages so even though Kagome’s jewel shards revives the Panther Master he’s still a zombie without a sacrifice which is weird since Naraku managed to completely revive the Band of Seven with one jewel shard each from skeletons and the Panther Lord has three shards so idk the rules here but yeah he steals the souls of his own men to revive and is Wind Scar Proof because he just is. It’s pretty cool to see him shooting his claws and lightning and shit but he’s too big and slow for it to be much of an interesting fight. Sesshomaru’s about to go full demon which would be interesting since we haven’t seen his full demon form since he lost his arm but in a neat bit of character development, Tenseiga calms his rage and tells him to use it instead. You get the feeling Sesshomaru only goes full demon when he flies off the handle and forgets about speed and strategy so him opting to not repeat the mistake he made against Inuyasha is pretty cool. Anyway Tenseiga heals the souls of the Panther Demons and drains their energy from the lord so he’s back to Zombie Cat Man which Inuyasha can Wind Scar because that’s what happens to villains on this show, all Wind Scars all the time. The Panthers don’t wanna fight anymore since their boss just killed them and tell Inuyasha to tell Sesshomaru the feud is over and they’re going back to the West. Honestly this is basically the same backstory they gave Kirinmaru in Yashahime so it’s funny for them to say they’re going back to the same place Kirinmaru is from, wonder if it’ll ever come up in Yashahime since most filler seems canon there.
Yu Yu Hakusho: Yusuke and Kuwabara continue the assault on Tarukane’s compound and basically plow through the lower demons easy since they’ve been fighting minor deities up to this point. It’s always pretty cool in Shonen to just have a few rounds to show how much power creep the heroes have had where certain things just don’t bother them anymore. Toguro murders a Chimera which has an oddly similar backstory to Nina from FMA and he seems really bummed about it but he’s like “Hey we’re both monsters made by humans telling us to do shit, so sorry for killing you bro”. And Tarukane basically sees Toguro is the next boss and is like “Yup time to scam some people off of this” and he sets up a betting ring for how far Yusuke and Co will get into his compound. This is kinda neat because it puts Tarukane in the weird position of betting against his own guards and hoping Yusuke will make it all the way to Toguro and then lose after everyone else has seen how awesome Yusuke is and bets on him. And funnily enough Sakyo’s in on the betting and he’s watched anime before so he knows to bet on the plucky teenagers with weird powers. So yeah Yusuke and Kuwabara finish plowing through the demons while Hiei kinda stalks them and remembers getting his eye surgery and wanting to help his sister but it’s kind of against spirit world rules for demons to just go plow through humans even if they’re scumbag humans so now Yusuke and Kuwabara have to go fight the Triad of boss demons Toguro has under him before Hiei busts in and just murders everyone for kidnapping his bird-loving jewel-crying little flower of a sister.
Fate Zero: So Kiritsugu can break Kayneth’s Terminator 2 Gaara defenses with rib bullets that just say ‘no’ to using magic and fucks his arrogant ass up. Saber and Lancer do some combo shenanigans to stab Caster right in the book and disrupt all his hentai tentacle demons but the book heals so idk why he can’t just make more. Kirei fucks up Maiya and Iris but didn’t double tap Maiya and DID double tap iris but she’s got Saber’s bullshit healing scabbard on her which no one knows about so Saber’s like “uhhh why are you healing” and Iris can’t tell her so she’s basically “Uhh internet?” Lancer comes in to save Kayneth’s worthless ass and tells Kiritsugu to stop being a dick to Saber because she’s pretty dope. But as usual for an early Fate encounter, no one dies and nothing of terrible consequence happens despite it being teased a couple times. I’ve noticed a trend with Fate that it really doesn’t like killing characters early so you’re basically guaranteed to have the first 2-3 major battles have a zero net gain/loss. Rider in UBW was probably the subversion to that since it happened crazy fast and anticlimactic but even that wasn’t till like ten episodes in.
Konosuba: So we finally meet Wiz the big booby Lich and Kazuma learns a new skill, both fun things. Also the gang gets a house to stay in after escapades with an army of haunted dolls and the most “I need to pee” in a horror setting since Corpse Party. But yeah, good progress this time honestly, the living in a stable gag was getting kind of old so Kazuma’s a bit stronger now and they have a home base so that’s pretty cool. Also Wiz is a Demon General or some shit but no one cares cause there ain’t no money in murdering busty zombie waifus.
Sailor Moon Crystal: So turns out Minako is Princess Serenity, except everyone who knows anything about Sailor Moon or indeed plot structure knows Sailor Moon is Princess Serenity, that’s like the Luke I Am Your Father of this series. But still turns out Minako has been guiding everyone with the power of video games but also thinks the power of friendship sucks and she’s gotta go do everything alone. This makes things super awkward because Mamoru’s pretty sure he was in love with the Princess but likes Usagi, now instead of running with this interesting thread of a reincarnation falling in love with someone new we’re gonna do the reveal that Usagi’s the princess and the whole ‘till death do us part’ part of marriage was just a metaphor and you’re stuck with one person no matter how many times you reincarnate. But yeah, Minako fights the bad guy on top of the tower but he has Naraku’s Barrier now and Minako doesn’t have the Red Tessaiga upgrade yet so she needs the power of friendship but this barrier is friendship-proof and this fight is basically a bunch of kids on the playground making up increasingly stupid powers that negate the other powers the other guy just made up. Anyway Tuxedo Mask shows up and is like “Holy shit Sailor Moon I love when you kiss me and kick ass, go get em sweetie I’ll hold your flower” and they kiss and Usagi has learned that if she just pretends she got this the power of her confidence will beat the bad guy. Unfortunately she does not got this and Tuxedo Mask has to pull a Piccolo and throw himself in front of the blast.
Durarara!!:  So now that we’ve had our climax for the arc we have a six month timeskip and everyone’s just kinda living life, Mika and Seiji are being clinically insane together, there’s cops harassing Celty to the point of mental breakdown (normal cop stuff) Shinra’s dad’s in town, Namie’s become Izaya’s secretary for blackmail shit, you know, normal stuff. Also there’s a katana-wielding maniac going around slashing people and Anri’s being bullied and sexually harassed to the point of mental collapse, normal stuff.
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kimjoongs · 5 years
—ateez college au series [psh]
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so seonghwa is a nursing major bc why not and no this isnt bc im also a nursing major or maybe it is idk shh
he wanted to become a nurse bc his mom was one, and he saw how much she adored her job
plus seonghwa is a self-less and caring person, so this was the perfect choice for him
he lives in an apartment on campus with his roommate hongjoong and it’s both a blessing and a curse
it was a blessing because his and hongjoong’s personalities matched very well, so they rarely had arguments
but it was also a curse bc joong was a music production major so he’d be producing music in his room, which normally wasn’t a problem, but on nights where seonghwa was studying for his exams, hongjoong would be in the room next door blasting music
usually all seonghwa had to do was knock on his door and ask him to keep it down, but there were nights where he would just pack up his stuff and study at the campus library instead
he often stayed for about 3-4 hours or more if he had an exam the next day
hwa really liked anatomy and phys but absolutely despised chemistry
“what the hell is the difference between polar and nonpolar? wait, why does this lewis structure only have 2 bonds? shouldn’t it have 3? ah shit i forgot an electron–”
sometimes hongjoong would come out of his room to get a glass of water only to find hwa asleep at the kitchen table with a copy of the periodic table on his head
he loves getting to wear his scrubs on lab day bc 1) scrubs are super comfortable and 2) it gets him excited thinking about the future
he also started volunteering at the nursing college in the labs
he’d help the lab ops set up the labs, refill the fluids, repack the medication, or clean up the simulation rooms
this also gave him the opportunity to get to know his future professors, and he would never admit it, but whilst he was volunteering, he would admire the older nursing students wearing the official university scrubs
it made him that much more determined to get into nursing school
during his first semester his second year, he had less of a workload compared to his first year, so he had more free time and was able to go out more
one day hongjoong asked seonghwa if he wanted to hang out with a few of his friends, and he said yes
so the two of them went out to this nearby boba cafe where hongjoong’s friends mingi, san, and wooyoung were waiting for him
you were there as well, tagging along as a mutual friend of san’s, and he introduced you to the two them
“hey hongjoong, seonghwa, this is my friend y/n! i hope it’s cool if they come along. i needed to drag them out of their room or else they’d be studying for hours on end,” san teased, knocking your head lightly w his fist
you stuck your tongue out at him then turned to shake hongjoong’s and seonghwa’s hands
when you made eye contact with the latter, his face lit up with recognition “oh wait, y/n? you’re in my pathophysiology class right?”
“oh yeah, i sit right behind you. nice to meet you, seonghwa!” you flashed him a smile, and he smile back
after everyone introduced themselves, you all found a table and ordered your drinks
mingi, san, and seonghwa sat on one side of the booth whilst you, wooyoung, and hongjoong sat on the other
you were quite surprised, and quite relieved, at how well you were fitting in and getting along with hongjoong and seonghwa…especially seonghwa
during the time that you all were together, seonghwa found out that you were a nursing major too and the two of you launched into a full blown discussion about it, unaware of the looks the others were giving you both
hongjoong had a faint smile on his face, mingi was chuckling and shaking his head, and san and wooyoung were giving each other knowing smirks
at the end of the night, seonghwa had asked you for your number in case yall wanted to study tgt, and you happily obliged
then you all said your farewells and went your separate ways
a few days pass and you don’t hear from seonghwa, which was quite understandable considering the fact that it was midterm season and you were both busy
but you were also kind of looking forward to study with him, he seemed really smart and self-disciplined which was exactly the type of study buddy you needed
but another couple days pass and lo and behold you receive a text from the one and only park seonghwa that reads: hey you wanna study tgt for the patho exam at the library today?
ofc you said yes and half an hr later, you found yourself at the library sitting right across from seonghwa
the two of you had your laptops, notebooks, and handouts spread all over the tables and were completely in the zone
after an hr or two of straight studying, you suggested taking a small break and that’s where the two of you got to talking abt nursing and why you both chose to major in it
“well my mom’s a nurse, and when i was younger she would always talk about how much she loved her job. she’s super hardworking and cares about her patients, and that’s how i want to be someday. plus as a nurse, if i could just make someone’s day just a little bit better, then that’s all that matters to me.”
needless to say, you were captivated by the raw passion and love seonghwa had for his future career, and you couldn’t help but admire him for it
after your short break, the two of you went back to studying, but this time yall would often make eye contact and send each other encouraging smiles
you found yourself slowly becoming more comfortable with seonghwa as the time passed by
and after that, the two you started having more and more study sessions, growing closer and closer
whenever an exam or quiz was coming up, you two would always be found studying tgt whether it was at his apartment or the library
and that’s when the hesi exam came in
the amount of time you guys spent studying for regular exams was nothing compared to the amount of time yall spent studying for the hesi
on the day of, you and hwa were practically freaking out
“oh my god y/n i’m so scared. what if i forget how to do the conversions? what if i forget everything i learned in anatomy? what if i forget basic grammar–”
“hwa shut up you’re making me nervous!”
basically yall are a wreck from the beginning of the exam all the way to the end, and once yall walk out of that testing room you almost collapse
anyways fast forward a few weeks later it’s almost the end of the semester and also around the time where you would be receiving your letter saying whether or not you were accepted into the program
it was a friday night and the entire gang was at your apartment having a movie night
you were looking thru your emails when you stumbled upon one from your university, and when you saw what the subject was you screamed, scaring the living daylights out of mingi who was sitting next you
“y/n what the hell–” “guys, guys my nursing school letter came in oh my god, oh my god!”
the entire room went silent for a millisecond before san let out a shriek and soon everyone was crowding around you
hongjoong gripped seonghwa’s shoulder “did you get yours yet?”
the latter’s eyes widened in realization and he also whipped out his phone, letting out a choked gasp when he saw the same email “mine came in too!”
at this point all of yall were freaking the hell out, and you and seonghwa somehow found each other’s hands and held them tightly tgt
“okay, okay, okay!” you reposition yourself on the couch so you were facing your fellow nursing major “on the count of three we open it at the same time, yeah?” all seonghwa did was nod
“alright, one…two…three!” everyone held their breath and it seemed like an eternity had passed…and then you and seonghwa jumped up from the couch
“i got in!” you yelled at the same time, which caused the others to belt out the loudest cheers you’ve ever heard
overwhelmed with excitement and pride, you threw yourself onto seonghwa and gave him the tightest hug, and he wrapped his arms around your waist, gently lifting you off the ground
when you guys separated, both your eyes widened at the lack of space btwn the two of you, and you immediately jumped away from each other
“um,” you cleared your throat “i’m…i’m really proud of you, hwa.” he gave you the softest of smiles, one that made your heart race even more than it was right now
“i’m proud of you too, y/n.”
aaaand fast forward again to the beginning of the next semester! you and seonghwa were officially in the clinical portion of the nursing program which meant you two were now able to wear the university’s official nursing scrubs seonghwa probably cried a little when he first tried his on
and since yall were in the program tgt, you saw each other more frequently, even more compared to the previous semester
which certainly didnt help alleviate the strong emotions you were feeling ever since the two of you shared that small, intimate moment just a couple months prior
before you didnt use to feel anything when you hung out with seonghwa, but now just thinking abt him was enough to get you all giddy and nervous at the same time
it had reached a point where you couldnt take it anymore, so you decided to seek help from the one person who knew seonghwa best: his best friend and roommate, hongjoong
when you met up with him and poured out what it was you were feeling, hongjoong sent you a fond, knowing smile “y/n…you like him. romantically, i mean.” 
you gaped “i…what?”
“you, y/n, have romantic feelings for my best friend, seonghwa.”
“i..i like him? i don’t…i don’t have–” you froze upon seeing the way hongjoong raised his eyebrows at you
“i…i like…i like seonghwa,” you finally breathed out. hongjoong’s gaze softened and he chuckled “took you long enough…now if only seonghwa could stop being a coward and just ask you out already,” he mumbled the second part under his breath
not knowing what to do with the information you had just uncovered abt yourself, you thought it’d a good idea (read: it was the stupidest idea) to distance yourself from seonghwa for a bit, just long enough for you to process the thoughts racing thru your mind
you were unaware, however, of how you distancing yourself might look like from seonghwa’s pov
he’s noticed you not hanging out with him as much anymore outside of class, and during class whenever he’d try to talk to you, you’d just scurry over to the other side of the room
he started getting worried and, ironically, he went to hongjoong for advice
upon hearing what’s been going on, hongjoong sighed loudly and slammed his hands down on the counter
“okay, initially i wasn’t going to say anything because i wanted the two of you to find out on your own, but obviously that isn’t going to happen so i’m just going to say it. y/n’s avoiding you because they realized they’ve fallen head over heels in love with you and don’t know how to react. so hwa, please be a nice guy and help them figure it out if you catch my drift.”
at that, hongjoong walked out and into his room, leaving an open-mouthed seonghwa frozen in the kitchen, he was at a loss for words
he knew hongjoong knew abt his feelings for you, but he didn’t think you’d feel the same
after contemplating whether or not what he was abt to do was a good idea or not, seonghwa simply said “screw it” and dashed out the door, heading straight for your apartment
once he arrived, he knocked rapidly on your front door
you had barely opened the door when seonghwa practically slid right in
“seonghwa? what are you doing he–”
“y/n, i’m sorry for just barging in but i need to ask you something really important and i want you to be completely honest.”
you gasped softly at the way he was looking at you, it was so intense and so serious you’ve never seen him like that before
“uh, okay? what’s going on?” you asked nervously
“do you have feelings for me?”
you choked “w-what?!”
“i talked to hongjoong and asked him for advice bc you’ve been avoiding me the past few days, and he said it’s bc you like me. is that true?”
you didn’t know what to say, the familiar warm feeling in your stomach came back and you found it difficult to maintain eye contact with seonghwa
a few seconds of silence passed, and you could see seonghwa’s serious gaze slowly start to crumble and all of a sudden you panicked
“yes! y-yes…it’s true. i do have feelings for you,” your voice trailed off at the end, but you knew he heard you when he saw him stiffen up
he let out a shaky breath “how long?”
“how long have you liked me, y/n?” he asked more firmly
“u-um, i’m not sure? i honestly didn’t start noticing i felt like this until about two months ago when we found we got accepted. although, the more i think about it, i’ve been attracted to you since our first study session together. the way you talked so passionately about your future and how dedicated you were into making it come true made me feel something, and what you said was really inspiring to me and i just–”
your sentence was interrupted by a pair of lips connecting with your own, and it took a second for you to realize that…seonghwa was kissing you
oh my god…oh my god seonghwa was kissing you
once you finally registered what was happening, he pulled away from you, eyes wide and cheeks flushed
“oh..oh shit, y/n i’m so sorry! i didn’t mean to–i should’ve asked for your permission first. i’m so so sorry!”
seonghwa tried to take a step back, but you grabbed his wrist before he could
“y-y/n?” he stared at you
you couldn’t wait anymore. not after that.
“please, do that again.”
now it was seonghwa’s turn to choke on his breath “h-huh?”
you tightened your grip on his wrist “seonghwa, this is me giving you permission. kiss me again.”
and he did
unlike the first kiss, this one was much longer and more heartfelt. you felt his arms snake around your waist, tugging you closer and closer
you could feel the way your cheeks were heating up, but at the moment you didn’t care, wanting this moment to last forever
but unfortunately, all good things must come to an end
“hey y/n, who was at the doo–holy shit!” at the sight of you and seonghwa, mingi let out the loudest screech, causing the two of you to jump away from each other
“oh fuck i forgot san and mingi were here,” you cursed under your breath. seonghwa stood next to you, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck
mingi still remained where he was in the hallway, mouth wide open in shock before he recollected himself “ohoho my god, san! text wooyoung and tell him he owes me dinner!” and with that, mingi took off running down the hall and into one of the rooms
and once again you were left alone w seonghwa
for the longest time, the two of you just stood there, refusing to speak nor look at each other
the room was so silent you could practically hear both of your hearts racing
“so uh…does this mean you and i are…?” seonghwa asked sheepishly, taking a small step towards you
you glanced up at him and couldn’t help but giggle at the hopeful look on his face
you turned towards him and flashed him the brightest grin “yeah, we are.”
the smile that appeared on seonghwa’s face at that moment was enough to take your breath away, and you had to physically restrain yourself from kissing him again
instead you opted for taking his hand in yours and entwining your fingers tgt
now that you and seonghwa were officially dating, it made studying that much more fun
when you guys started doing your clinicals, it became hard for yall to see each other, but it made your time tgt much more special when you did have time
seonghwa is a very touchy and cuddly person, so whenever there’s a short break in btwn lab or lecture, he’ll either be sitting next to you with his head on your shoulder or his arm around your shoulder and your head on his chest
the other nursing students (and sometimes the professors) would scream at how cute yall were
and bro if you thought seonghwa was your biggest motivator before you started dating, then he’s even bigger motivator now
when he quizzes you, he’ll always give you a kiss on the cheek if you answer a question correctly, or when you come back from a particularly rough shift he’ll be there to hold you and tell you that you did your best
oh yeah and to cheer you up he’ll say a bunch of anatomy jokes
“hey y/n, i aorta tell you how much i love you”
“oh god, hwa don’t even start.”
“oh c’mon, quit ovary-acting.”
“park seonghwa”
“you’re going tibia okay”
“i’m breaking up with you”
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lovelytonys · 5 years
•it was SO fun. Everyone got me so scared to go see it but instead I had a blast. Sure the emotional parts were a little rough but what no one told me is that the movie put the pieces back together too! It felt very healing as far as Endgame sadness and no one told me it would be like that. Plus I thought it was so funny and Peter & his friends & teachers were GOLD
•I love this MJ. GOD do I LOVE this MJ. Zendaya is wonderful. “Awkward teen” is such a common archetype that it never seems to feel real and miss zendaya waltzes in with her impeccable acting instincts and realistic quirks and mannerisms and just nails this teenaged character with complete authenticity.......wig
•in the same vein I’m head over heels for this version of petermj GOD YES I don’t want perfectly romantic high school couples because things don’t WORK like that!! Why did things ever work like that!! Plus like every version of Peter Parker is a big nerd anyway it’s just unrealistic to expect him to have any game, you know? I love watching Zendaya & Tom play off of each other bc they both have SOLID instincts honestly they’re a joy to watch when they share the screen
•jake gyllenhaal man,,,,,jake gyllenhaal,,,,I don’t even know where to go with this. Mysterio was a cheesy level of evil, like he was ridiculously theatrical, and it would have been cheesy and ridiculous in less skilled hands but INSTEAD mr jake SNATCHED my WIG. He was so goshdarn charming in the first half that I caught myself wanting to like him (when I wasn’t mentally challenging him to fight me in a Walmart parking lot for being such a huge jerk) and that was all well and good but once he got to let his villainy loose? WOOOOOO okay first of all that SMILE that goshdarn SMILE the second Peter left the bar haha oh MAN he just, like, flipped a switch, you know? WILD. Riveting. mr jake’s teeth get 20 Oscars ALSO his villain speech? I can’t get into it there’s a lot to unpack but his delivery was so great. SO great. I loved how he was generally reserved and charming even when evil so that the moments when he had an outburst were scary. Like any time when he got angry and started yelling felt like a Moment bc of how he held back for the rest of it. He was always so deliciously menacing too like ugh sometimes I just love a good old fashioned villain, you know? He’s not terribly complicated, he’s pretty much just evil! Simple as that! Woohoo! And his dying line gave me CHILLS it wasn’t even just the line even tho the words are chill-enducing enough but it was his DELIVERY that just SENT ME like the way he’s trailing off and ESPECIALLY that creepy & deranged little smile AAAAHHHHHHH
•while we’re on the last line I get chills when I think about it bc when remembering the moment you fit the mid credit scene in with it and it’s like,,,,so THAT’S what that means,,,,THAT’S what the smile is for,,,,,THAT’S why you’re so pleased that anyone will believe anything,,,,,W I L D
•and I thought it was so cool how they updated Mysterio. He’s a special effects guy, right? That’s how the story goes when you look back at his origin comic, yeah? So to see him working with modern special effects instead of the practical effects of the era of his debut was so cool. Seeing Jake Gyllenhaal walk around in a Marvel movie wearing a morph suit was kinda meta and I kinda dig it. I thought it was all very creative
•if you had told me years ago that Back in Black by AC/DC would be the thing to set off an emotional outburst for me I literally would not have believed you but here we are
•no joke I was doing a relatively good job of holding it together (and relative is good for me) until AC/DC started playing, then I kinda lost it
•THE SCENE IN THE PLANE. YOU KNOW THE ONE. 3000 OSCARS FOR MR TOM real talk I would kill to see him do a legit drama piece and I also can’t even imagine what he’ll be doing when he’s older. I mean. He’s pulling this out in a summer blockbuster of all things before he’s 25.....imagine what he’ll be doing if he gets to the point of having, like, decades of experience behind him
•the part when he was building his suit.......I cried
•as far as the plot...on one hand? Predictable every step of the way. On the other hand? I find a weird satisfaction in watching a movie that flawlessly fulfills basic beat structure and yeah it would be boring if every movie did that but it’s okay sometimes
•the first scene. the first. goshdarn scene. I have never truly known what it was like to laugh and cry at the same time
•I like how this movie begins with the question “is Spider-Man the next Iron Man” and proceeds to answer it with “no. He’s Spider-Man and that’s more than good enough.” Tony’s shadow is a huge one to live under and I love that the movie explicitly places Peter outside of that shadow. Like, yeah, he’s similar to Tony in some ways but at the end of the day? He’s his own hero. It’s highlighted even more by the fact that Mysterio is his foil and Mysterio wanted to be the new Iron Man.
•I don’t know what I was expecting from the second credit scene but that......wasn’t it. The two credits scenes threw me through more loops than the entire actual movie did
•J Jonah Jameson got a bigger reaction out of me than anything else in the movie by far
•I swear to you the words “pizza time” were uttered in this film I just don’t remember where
•I literally thought I was going to die when looking at Peter immediately after he got hit by the train
•the consistency with the limp throughout the whole second half really heckin Got Me and also how he touched his ribs in the final battle bc they were injured from the train accident. It’s the little things like that that make Peter seem more human & genuine
•WHEN HE SAW HAPPY AND WAS AFRAID OF HIM BC HE DIDN’T KNOW IF HE WAS REAL,,,,THAT HURT MY GUYS,,,,POOR BBY BOYYYYY but then when he hugged Happy I thought I was going to have a meltdown don’t worry I didn’t
•the scene where Mysterio seriously gets in Peter’s head, you know the one, good golly was that overwhelming. Like. I was feeling the need to jump up and start pacing the floor, you know? It was really well done and it stressed me outtt
•Iron Zombie had me feelin a little queasy if I’m being totally real here lol I was not feelin good about that one
•it took me the whole 2 hours to bounce back from “even dead I’m the hero” oh my god that was SO Tony. I can hear it in his voice. I miss him.
•can’t believe Tony is still out here fully protecting Peter with a whole army of drones from beyond the grave wow the irondad JUMPED out
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realityhelixcreates · 5 years
Chapters: One-shot Fandom: Thor (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe Avengers Movies Rating: Teen And Up Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Loki x Reader  Characters: Loki (Marvel), Reader, Thor,  Additional Tags: Spans From Avengers-Post Endgame, Post Loki Series, Sadder Than My Usual, Not Quite What The Summary Might Seem To Promise, Kinda Angsty, Kinda Clinical In Tone? It’s Supposed To Feel More Hollow IDK Summary:   You are a new worker at the Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S. facility the day Loki shows up to steal the Tesseract. Like Agent Barton and Dr. Selvig, he decides to steal you too.
It had only been four days.
All the transfers, and patience, and working your way steadily up through the ranks of your peers. Finally making it to the proper clearance to do the one thing you had dreamed of doing, ever since you had learned of its existence: Working with the fabled Tesseract.
It hadn’t even been a week.
You’d been warned this could happen, of course. The free world had many enemies, and S.H.E.I.L.D. sometimes had to act as a barrier against them. But there were only supposed to be scientists here, and whatever Agent Barton was. Some kind of bodyguard?  The place was hidden underground even! Who could get in here? Who could know it was here?
Four days of your dream career.
The alarms blared, but only shortly, before everything except emergency power went out, leaving you in a dark hallway, carrying the coffee you were going to offer everyone as the sounds of gunfire and shouting echoed all around you.
You flattened yourself against the wall, as even those sounds ceased, leaving you encased in darkness and eerie silence. You were no combatant, and you certainly had no weapons, only the hot coffee in your hands.
The sound of footsteps reached you, and quiet voices, only one of which you didn’t recognize. A soft glow came into view, and you squinted, just barely able to make out a handful of shadows in the darkness. The footsteps stopped abruptly.
“Sir?” Someone asked. That was Barton. That might be a good sign.
“Someone is there. I can see you.” This was a voice you had never heard before, but it set off alarm bells in your head, the way a tiger’s growl would. The glow intensified, revealing Agent Barton and Doctor Selvig, and also an oddly dressed man you had never seen before. He seemed unhealthy, maybe even injured, but he was carrying an unusual object; not quite a spear and not a club either, it was bladed and socketed with a glowing crystal of some kind. The blades were bloody.
“Oh, that’s _____.” Doctor Selvig said. “She transferred here a few days ago to begin working on energy fields.”
“She’s harmless.” Agent Barton tacked on quickly.
“Is everything all right?” You asked quietly. “I heard a lot of noise just now.”
“Yes.” The strange man said, after a moments hesitation. “But only if we all leave, now.”
“Sir?” Agent Barton asked.
“You work hard, don’t you?” The strange man asked you, stepping forward. “You are a person who gives much of herself?”
You felt like you should run, but Barton was right there. You shouldn’t really be in danger. You just nodded.
“Good. Because I have many needs.” He closed the distance between you and, before you could drop the tray of coffee you had been gripping so tightly and run, he jabbed the tip of the blade gently into your chest. You froze, all thoughts of running draining away-
-After all, why run away from your best friend in the whole world? The man you adored more than anything? He needed you. And you would fulfill those needs. Every single one.
You began almost immediately, the very instant you all reached a safe place, away from the destruction in the desert. A small, cheap, roadside motel. It wasn’t really proper for accommodating a king, but he had welcomed it, for the time being.
You had filled the ice bucket and raided the vending machine for snacks. It would make a poor supper, but Loki had accepted it all with ferocious charm. He sent the other two out on their own specific orders, but you he kept close by. He needed things from you.
He allowed you to care for him freely, in whatever ways you deemed appropriate, so you gave him ice for his bruised eyes, used a cool, damp wash cloth to wipe the sweat from his face and soothe his burning skin. You were even blessed with permission to care for his hair, and massage his scalp.
Because he asked, you spoke to him about your work on energy fields, and how much you had hoped to study the Tesseract. Because he asked, you told him everything you could about yourself, your hobbies, your dreams for the future. Because he asked, you swore eternal fidelity to him. You would have no other king.
He kept you close whenever he visited the underground lab. S.H.I.E.L.D. had many enemies, and Loki didn't want you involved with any of them. He also didn't want to share. Just because you fed and pampered him, did not mean he allowed anyone else to take advantage of those services. You still expressed the occasional bit of curiosity about the Tesseract, but he usually just shushed you, in his firm way, and told you about the great things he would do for the world, once he was king.
Petty conflicts would be laid to rest, and resource hoarding would become a thing of the past. There would be no more scrambling for fortune or fame. Everyone would have an equal place under the king. Everyone would have a job, and their basic needs would be met. Everyone who could, would be trained in the defense of the planet, from any outside enemies.
He spoke also of worrying things; of shackles he needed to throw off, of his birthright, of the dangers of the universe that were closing in on your beautiful planet. Of contingency plans, and royal responsibilities.
You couldn't help but notice the underlying tone of loneliness in everything he spoke of. He never once mentioned family. Never named a friend. In everything, he was alone.
You didn't speak any German, but that was alright. You wouldn't be here long. You had only one job to do here, and it didn't involve talking to anybody.
You lounged on a bench outside the museum the men had sneaked into. Some kind of soiree was going on inside, but not for much longer.  When the doors burst open and people poured, screaming, into the streets, you leaped up and joined them, running all willy-nilly, crying out in faux terror. Loki's illusory doubles materialized all around, herding the people into a small area; only you knowing for sure that they weren't real. When his command to kneel rang out, you were the first to do so. The others followed your example, just like he had predicted they would, their confusion and fear convincing them to mirror what they saw as an outlet to safety.
It was only supposed to be a distraction, Loki had told you so. While Barton and the others escaped with the real prize, you would help Loki create a ruckus, a lure for the team of heroes Loki was so curious to test. It was just supposed to be a show of power, Loki standing tall over kneeling subjects, delivering a soothing speech...but then the old man had stood up. He spoke back defiantly and you wanted to shush him, but you could not risk your cover by speaking. Stomach churning, you watched Loki raise his scepter to the old man, fearing what was to come. Death was inevitable in any regime change, sacrifices had to be made for the greater good. You just had to remember that. Defiance couldn't be tolerated, not right now. There had to be ruthlessness now; Fairness would come later.
The blast never hit home, reflecting instead at the very last moment and striking Loki instead, bowling him over. You cried out in real fear this time, at the sight of your king thrown to the ground like that. But dutifully, you dashed away from the sudden battle, instead of towards him. You had been expressly forbidden from entering combat, instead, you escaped into the back streets and returned to the designated meeting place, to be extracted to the secondary meeting place.
Loki did not return.
This was, of course, part of the plan. He was exactly where he wanted to be now, up, up above the clouds, on one of the largest structures to ever fly. Everyone on it was at his mercy, and unfortunately, some of them would die in the mayhem he meant to unleash up there. Sacrifices had to be made. But after this, there would be peace, as Loki took over for the failed governments of the world and put an end to the pointless fighting and bottomless greed. Earth would become a respected galactic power.  Just a few sacrifices to be made.
You infiltrated the helicarrier with the rest of Loki's allies, dressed as a S.H.I.E.L.D. Operative and wearing a magical device that your king had left with Barton to give to you. It changed your appearance to that of a large, rather generic man who looked rough enough that others might give pause before tangling with. You could not wear your own face, having been labeled M.I.A., or possibly dead after the collapse of the Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S. Facility. It was alright. You didn't have any family to worry over you.
Your orders were to make your way straight to the glassy cell your king was being held in, where  he provided you the code to free him. Then he commanded you to hide behind the console.
“Thor will be coming, I know it.” He said. “Nothing must come between him and his new suite. It is my gift to him.”
You'd heard of Thor-who hadn't? No amount of cover-up had managed to keep his existence quiet. From what you had heard, there was no safe place if you were in his way. He'd go right through you without even pausing.
You huddled down behind the console with Loki, as the rapid thudding of heavy footsteps rushed towards you. The Thunder God burst into the room, shouting and rushing a false image of Loki, falling head first into his trap. So easy. Loki clearly knew the other god quite well.
The two of you left your hiding space, Loki gloating and toying with the other god while you watched the door. Thor railed at him, even managing to crack the glass.
Fearful that he would break free, you kept your gaze firmly on the door. Surely Loki could handle it.
You were so fixed on your task, that you didn't realize someone had come up behind you until he cracked you across the head, sending you into instant darkness.
You awoke in an outlying New York suburb, in the small home of an elderly couple your king had commanded to see to your health. Your head hurt, but he assured you that nothing had been broken. He assured you that the man who hurt you had been permanently dealt with. He assured you that revenge had been taken for your pain.  
He seemed pleased. He'd dropped the Thunder God thousands of feet, torn the great helicarrier from the sky, unleashed a monster, wrought chaos!  It didn't matter that Thor survived, that the helicarrier hadn't actually crashed, that the Hulk was no longer rampaging, or even that he had lost Agent Barton in the fray; the chaos remained. His plans were coming together, and he reveled in it.
When you were fully awake, and certain that you weren't injured, he allowed you to dote on him once more, sharing a small meal, sitting in his lap and massaging his scalp. He sighed, his eyes drooping closed from the pleasure of it.
He was so beautiful, so perfect, so radiant. You would happily do anything for him.
You leaned in and pressed your lips to his, ready to offer anything.  He flinched away at the suddenness of it, but you followed the movement of his head, and within moments, he was holding you tightly, hungrily claiming you lips, your mouth, your tongue. It was all his, your everything, all his.
He lifted you effortlessly, laying your down on the bed you had just left, writhing against you while keeping claim of your mouth, and swallowing your happy whimpers until he just stopped. He drew back from your face, staring right into your eyes as you gazed up at him with adoration.
His expression changed then, as he looked down at you, and for just a few seconds he looked like a different person. Younger, more vulnerable than you had ever thought he could look. Sympathetic. Guilty.
“No.” He said finally. “I don't have to. They're coming together now, I don't have to do anything worse in order to galvanize them. This is a line I don't have to cross, a monster I don't have to become.”
He rose, retreating to the door, while you sat up in the bed.
“No, your Majesty?” you wondered.
He shook his head. “Not this day. Perhaps some other time, under better circumstances. Depending, of course, upon which of my plans bears fruit. But for now, you must stay here. Do not venture outside, not for anything but my express summons. The Jensens will take care of you until I return. Or until I don't, in which case, my orders will no longer matter.”
He left then, to make his grand takeover a reality.
Through the Jensen's radio you heard disturbing news. Holes opening in the sky, from whence poured unknown, alien beings and horrifying creations. Tremendous destruction and mayhem in the middle of the city. All defenses being easily overturned, and only a handful of people were able to hold them back at all. The Iron Man was doing what he could, the monstrous Hulk had been spotted again, only a year after the terror he rained down on Harlem, and the near legendary Captain America had somehow risen once more. Thor, God of Thunder, and a few, unknown others were all locked in battle, but the radio announcer could give few details beyond that.
And so, you stayed quietly where you were, awaiting your kings triumphant return.
It came upon you very suddenly, a breaking sensation. A cutting off, a departure, a sudden absence. Whatever it was that had cast its veil over your mind and steered your thoughts was gone, and you were alone inside your own head once again.
You hardly had time to realize what it meant, before the elderly Jensens, no longer coerced into helpfulness, ran you out of their home in fury over how they had been used.
You wandered the streets for hours after that, drawn to the city center, wraith-like in the emptiness of your thoughts, until the police picked you up. When they questioned you, you found yourself unable to lie, unable to argue, unable to do anything but obey. The things you said caused you to rapidly find yourself back in S.H.I.E.L.D custody, truthfully answering every question posed to you, faithfully following every order given to you.
It was quickly surmised that you had been altered by the influence of the scepter Loki had carried, the thing he used to control the minds of all he touched with it. That control had been broken when the Hulk had 'broken' him, so to speak, but it left its victims different than they had been. Dr. Selvig, for instance, had grown so hypersensitive, that he could no longer think hard with his clothes on, the texture of the cloth preventing him from concentrating.
As for you, you could no longer deny anyone anything. If you were ordered, or asked, or even suggested to, you automatically obeyed, to the letter. You could not say no, could not protest, could not voice displeasure. You couldn't even feel hesitant, you simply acted.
S.H.I.E.L.D kept you in yet another of their research facilities, testing and trying to find some way to return your independence, but as years passed with little success, you slipped further and further into the background. By the time the Calamity occurred, you had been shuttled away into the psyche ward, and left there, gently cared for, but no longer worth the effort to fix.
When everyone disappeared, you almost starved to death. You had long ago been told you couldn't leave by yourself.
Some surviving members of S.H.I.E.L.D finally came to the facility, in search of any living agents, and took you away with them, finding you harmless and obedient.  Over the next five years, you did everything you were told, no matter how unsavory or uplifting. Time melded together, until you almost couldn't remember that you used to be a brilliant researcher, who worked on energy fields for the enrichment of all mankind. Until you almost couldn't remember that you'd used to be anything.
S.H.I.E.L.D still provided for you, since you hadn't actually quit, and the insurance plan was amazing, so you did have a place to live, and your basic needs met, though, because of your emptiness, you had little to no social life.  Many people had difficulty understanding the depths of your delicate condition, and far too many of those who did took advantage of it.
The Return was a time of celebration, and of great confusion and upheaval. For you, it was a time of staying inside, and not talking to anyone until things got sorted out, and you could be guaranteed safety.
It was likely because of this that nobody noticed when he returned to you.
You still watched the news and used the internet, albeit with every adblocker available installed.  You knew that the people of Asgard had relocated to Earth after the terrible loss of their homeland. You knew Thor was there, but you, like everyone else, thought that Loki had died.
But he was there in your apartment one day, looking older, softer, and incredibly penitent.  
“Please don't be afraid.” He said. And so you weren't.
“Please tell me what happened.” He said. And so you did.
There were tears in his eyes by the end of it, his hands trembling with the strength of his regret. Since you were not afraid, he was able to approach and hold you tenderly.
“Let me make this up to you.” He pleaded, and you had no choice but to agree.
He took you away from your apartment-the first time in months that you had left-and he brought you to a young, red-haired woman.
“Is there anything you can do for her?” He asked, after explaining what the problem was. She seemed very put out with him, and he took her accented sarcasm with contrition, but she eventually agreed.  Then she touched your head, and you went to sleep.
You awoke after what felt like a decade of the most refreshing sleep you'd ever had, and feeling better than you had in years. The layer of molasses that had covered your thoughts for so long seemed to have thinned; you felt sharper than ever.
Loki was there, waiting eagerly.
“How do you feel?” He asked.
“So good.” You replied. “You bastard.”
He looked taken aback.
“Tell me what happened!” You demanded. “Tell me everything!”
You knew inside that you hadn't exactly been cured. If you were ordered, you would still obey. But you could think now. You could talk back, you could refuse requests that weren't orders. You could give orders of your own.
Loki was grinning wide. You still found him beautiful.
He told you everything; about escaping with the Tesseract, and traveling far and wide, only to return and find out that, somehow, he had never left. That, while he was off adventuring, learning, healing, there was another him, still here, who had lived entirely different experiences. That version of him had apparently been defined by loss and sacrifice, to the point where he had actually died.
This Loki wasn't without understanding  of why his other self would take that direction in life. He felt terrible remorse for the things he had done, helpless to do anywhere near enough to make up for it.
“But I have thousands of years to fix what I've done. I can do so much more with my life than I can with my death.  And as for that: May I help you? I want to make this up to you. I want to make the rest of your life comfortable. Idyllic, if I can. Would you want me to do that?”
You were actually able to think about it. To contemplate refusal. You could walk away, you could tell him to never visit you again. But he owed you. He owed all of mankind a debt, and helping you was a start for all the payback he owed. So you agreed.
And he began taking care of your needs.
For someone with such a reputation for trickery and lies, Loki was as good as his word, and perhaps better. He gave you everything you requested, up to and including his affection. You knew it was fueled by his great remorse, but sometimes it felt like love. Neither of you believed yourselves to be fully capable of that emotion anymore, though he stayed with you most nights, and the friendly domesticity between you felt close enough.
You never asked for marriage, believing that it would prove ultimately false, but you lived as a couple, and allowed him to dote on you as he saw fit. That Loki had never been in a long-term relationship was clear, but he showed no frustration over the arrangement. Instead, he often thanked you for teaching him. He often expressed his fear that his efforts at reparations were not enough.
Dr. Selvig's research had been funded for years to come. Agent Barton's children would be going to college on Loki's donations. He put great effort into the continued rebuilding of downtown New York, volunteered information about advanced Asgardian technology, and the universe. He became, in general, the very image of the good king who went out among the people to commit charitable acts, but he still felt that it wasn't enough.
Even as you grew steadily older, and he saw more to your health and companionship needs, he never commented on the graying of your hair, never showed a drop of resentment. He remained gentle and steadfast until the night you had to leave.
Nestled in his arms, you knew he was watching you sleep, as he always did. You had been particularly foggy and calm today. You knew it was time.
You hadn't said anything to him about it, Loki, who looked at you with the same beautiful eyes you had seen every day since you were still young. He would have frantically done everything he could to prolong the inevitable, but you didn't want it. You had said goodnight, like you always had, let him tuck you gently into bed, and settle down beside you, just like every night. If it wasn't love, it was at least comfortable.
You gazed upon his lovely face once more, as he pressed a goodnight kiss to your forehead, and then let your eyes flutter closed for the very last time.
A short time later, you lifted yourself back out of the bed, light and airy, and for the first time in decades, completely free. Somehow, you managed to look back for just a moment before moving on entirely, to behold him tenderly embracing your empty body, begging forgiveness, and knowing, like you both had always known, that it would never be enough.
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dr-gloom · 5 years
The Makings of Greatness: Chapter 12
Fandom: Sanders’ Sides
Pairing: platonic logince, platonic moxiety, platonic anxeit, familial ThVi
Tags/Warnings (for this chapter): pattons so cute lol, idk i cant really think of any tags, injury, conspiring
Prologue  Ch 1  Ch 2  Ch 3  Ch 4  Ch 5  Ch 6  Ch 7  Ch 8  Ch 9  Ch 10  Ch 11  Ch 12  Ch 13  Ch 14  Ch 15  Ch 16  Ch 17
Virgil scoffs lightly, waiving his hands around. “Wait wait wait, what about the treasure!”
Patton looks regretful. “I wanna say… Larry.”
“The- the centroid of the mechanism, or…”
Patton smiles hesitantly. “I’m sorry, my memory isn’t what it used to be; I lost my mind!” Virgil slumps, defeated. And he was so close… “Literally!” Patton’s head spins around and he points to the gaping spot in the back of his head where the wires stick out. “You haven’t found it, have you? My memory circuit?” His head spins back around and he looks at Virgil hopefully. Virgil sighs, shaking his head.
“I… I need to find a place to hide, Patton. So… I’m just gonna… go.”
Virgil never thought it was possible for a robot to look so heartbroken, but Patton’s face absolutely fell as Virgil walked away from him. “Oh, uh…. Well… I guess this is goodbye? Okay… I’m just gonna…” He turns away from Virgil. “I’m sorry that I’m so… dysfunctional.” Virgil pauses, glancing back at Patton. “So uh… Go ahead. I do understand. I do…. Bye-bye.” Virgil looks at Morph, fighting with himself mentally. He really needed to find a hiding place, and Patton was…. Well, he was loud, and crazy, and could turn on Virgil any second. Virgil sighs.
“Look…. If you’re gonna come along, you’re gonna have to stop talking.”
Patton jumps up, smiling and running over to Virgil. “Oh, this is great!” He jumps into Virgil’s arms, and Virgil scrambles to catch him. “Me and my best buddy, lookin’ for a-!” He wilts slightly at the glare Virgil shoots him. “Being quiet. Yep.” He hugs Virgil’s head.
“And you have to stop touching me.”
Patton grins and nods, hopping out of Virgil’s arms. “Touching and talking, the two big no-no’s. Got it!”
Virgil sighs, looking around. “Okay… I think we should go that way…” He turns to walk in a different direction, and Patton grabs his arm to stop him.
“Hey! Before we go on our big adventure… search… thing. We should stop by my place!” He pulls a bushel of those tube-shaped stalks aside to reveal a strange sort of egg-shaped structure with a large opening in its side about half a mile away; possibly a previously crashed pod that had long since been overtaken by vegetation, for all Virgil could tell. He grins. Perfect.
“Pat, I think you just solved my problem.”
“Ooh, really? What’d I do?”
Virgil looks around the interior as Logan carries Roman further inside, Patton bustling about to dust things off, move clutter around, and clear a space for Roman. Now that he was actually inside the structure, it was pretty obvious that it wasn’t some felled craft. But then… what was it? Was it always intended to be Patton’s home even when Flint was alive?
The same strange pattern decorating both the planet’s metallic surface and the surface of the map was scattered across the round walls of Patton’s home. Round hatches protruded from the floor, and various random objects – a chess set, a sail and mast, a couple small barrels, bottles, pots and jars – were cluttered near the back; Virgil’s best guess was Patton’s room, though he couldn’t fathom how having a bunch of random junk was the same as having a room full of toys and books. Aside from the hatches and the clutter, the inside of the structure was essentially empty, now having been covered in moss and other foliage since it seemed Patton wasn’t too big on upkeep. And who could blame him? He was just a robot, stranded alone on a planet for god knows how long.
“Sorry about the mess, guys! You think in a hundred years I might’a cleaned up a little more but..” He laughs lightly. “You kinda stop expecting company, I guess, and I’m only a robot!” He turns around, smiling as he watches Logan set Roman against one of the larger hatches in the floor, providing a decent support for Roman to lay back in a slightly elevated position. “Aw, how cute! How about drinks for the happy couple?” He grabs a tray from behind the sail and holds it out, two flower pots (one with a wrench in it) sloshing oil onto its surface.
Logan grimaces. “Ah, no thank you. And we are not a couple, I am merely acting as the captain’s physician until we get off this planet.” He shrugs off his coat, looking around. “The markings on the walls are highly intriguing. They closely resemble the ones on the map; likely a long-forgotten hieroglyphic language.”
“Mr. Shae.” Virgil turns from his own observing to look down at Roman, who’s sitting up despite the obvious pain he’s in, one arm in a makeshift sling. “Stop anyone who tries to approach.” He grunts and curls in on himself, and Logan places his folded-up coat behind Roman, guiding him to lay back and use the coat as a pillow.
“Yes, yes, captain. Now you should listen to me. You need to rest, as you’re injured and further movement could exacerbate your condition. Lie still.”
Roman grins up at him. “Very forceful, doctor. Go ahead, say something else.”
The tone he uses has Logan blushing slightly, though Virgil doesn’t know if it’s out of embarrassment, frustration, or something else.
“Hey, look! More of your friends!” Virgil and Logan turn to regard Patton, who’s standing at the threshold of the structure and gesturing outside. He grins and turns to look back outside, jumping and waving his arms. “Guys, guys! We’re over here!” Patton gives surprised cries as he dodges a few solar gun blasts and Virgil rushes over to him, pulling him inside and to the ground.
With his heart beginning to beat harder in his chest, he cocks his own solar gun and rises from his crouch to see over the lip of the opening, firing at the rapidly-approaching pirates. It’s one against six, and Virgil can feel anxiety clawing at his chest and squeezing his stomach as he dodges solar blasts while still trying to hit the ones firing at him.
Too bad he’s a terrible shot. He’s never even held a solar gun before today. He ducks back inside to reload, the onslaught continuing.
“Stop, stop! Hold your fire!”
Virgil loads a new cartridge into the gun and cocks it, getting ready to shoot up again and resume the fight, but a voice calling up the hill stops him.
Virgil peaks over the lip of the opening, glancing down the hill to see Declan’s flesh hand waving a makeshift white flag from behind a drop in the hill’s side. “Virg-o?” Declan pulls himself up onto the hill, grinning his usual smooth grin. Normally, it would calm Virgil’s nerves.
Now it just makes his blood burn.
“If it’s alright with the captain, I’d appreciate if I could have a short word with you.”
Virgil ducks back down, glancing at Roman and Logan with wide eyes. What was he supposed to do? What if this was a trap? What if they shot him as soon as he stood up?
“No tricks, just a little palaver.”
Roman scoffs. “He must be here to bargain for the map, that worthless piece of-“ He tries to sit up and groans, Logan putting a hand on his shoulder to push him back to laying down.
“Captain, I insist you lie still. I mean it.”
Virgil’s eyes widen slightly in understanding and he grins. “That means he doesn’t know the real map is on the ship…” He glances down at the gun in his hands, thinking, and looks back up at the two adults across from him. “I have a plan.”
Virgil walks down the short hill, Declan walking up to meet him halfway. Morph flits along behind Virgil, quickly catching up and letting out a happy little titter as he flies up to Declan, rubbing against his cheek. Declan smiles and pets the blob. “Ah, Morph. I was wondering where you went off to.” He sits down on a more elevated part of the hill and rubs at his robotic thigh, letting out a tired and pained sigh. “This leg’s been finicky since that game of tag we had, back at the galley.” He grins up at Virgil, and for the first time since they met Virgil can see the malice behind it. He grimaces.
Declan sighs.
“Look…. Whatever you heard back there, about you, I didn’t mean any of it. The men… they thought I’d gone soft. They would have gutted me and killed the three of you if they’d lost their trust in me. I didn’t want that.”
Virgil almost believed him. Almost.
Declan wraps his robotic arm around Virgil, pulling him close. He glances back towards where his men are in hiding, then at the teen beside him, lowering his voice. “Listen. If we play our cards right, we can both walk away with the treasure.” Virgil puts a hand to his chin, thinking it over, and Declan grins.
Declan laughs, clapping Virgil on the shoulder. “If you get me that map, then I promise, an even portion of the treasure is yours.” He straightens up and offers Virgil his hand, confident he’d tricked- no, convinced Virgil.
Virgil sighs and shakes his head, the smile slipping from his face. “You’re…. You’re really something, you know that?” Declan’s hand falls to his side and his shoulders droop slightly. “All that talk of greatness…. Light coming off my sails. What a joke.” Virgil laughs as he paces around Declan, the sound making his chest ache and pulling the grin from his face. Oh. “I mean, at least you taught me one thing. Stick to it, right? Well that’s just what I’m gonna do.” His tone grows more aggressive, angrier, and Declan’s eyes widen in slow understanding. No…. “I’m gonna make sure you never see one drabloon of my treasure.”
Declan feels rage swell in his chest, an old, burning feeling that he’s been clinging to since he lost his arm. “That treasure is owed to me!” He snarls.
“Well try to find it without my map!” Virgil shouts back, practically in Declan’s face. Declan growls low in his throat.
“You still don’t know how to pick your fights.” Virgil shoots him a scathing glare as the cyborg stands. “Now, you listen here. If I don’t have that map by dawn tomorrow, I’ll blast all of you to dust!” Morph flinches back at the rage dripping from Declan’s voice, his body, his words, cowering behind Virgil. Virgil stands resolute, not taking his eyes off the pirate. Declan turns to head down the hill, calling over his shoulder, “Come on Morph.” When the blob doesn’t flit to his side, his anger sparks again and he spins around, shouting, “Now!” Morph clings to Virgil, cowering behind him, and Declan sneers, starting the walk down the hillside.
Taglist: @the5thcoy @dailysandersidesaudoodles @hungry-red-panda @neonb-fly @chemically-imbalanced-romance @punsterterry @dead4sevenyears @metaphoricalpluto2 @tanyatoloni1334
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novantinuum · 7 years
@mythomagically-delicious submitted:
This felt like the easiest way to tell you about this dream I had last night, because you were in it, so here we go:
I had a dream that you were a younger sibling to the McElroy brothers. And you invited me over to your guys’s house to hang out and when I got there your brothers and dad (who was also Clint McElroy) and Mark Ruffalo are all sitting around the kitchen table, set up to play a session of D and D. You motioned me over to the table and we joined in for a bit, doing crazy Adventure Zone stuff. Then you left for a minute and Mark Ruffalo McElroy told me there was a really cool secret about the house, did I wanna see it? I was like, heck yeah! So the brothers, Mark, the dad, and you are like “Gear up!” And I put on my coat and everybody looks like they’re ready to go on this semi-arduous trip.
You guys lead me to the basement and down these stairs and down a hallway that opens up into this giant underground cavern of tunnels. Clint’s in the lead with a flashlight, even though there's  lights spread evenly on the cave walls as we go. I’m amazed and you tell me “this isn’t even the cool part, yet.” So we walk for a while and we have to go through this like, half river/lake at one point? We’re up to our chests in water at any rate, walking through it and coming out the other side and then we have to climb these massive poles of plates and ladders. (Like. They were half ladders, and half HUGE stacks of plates, that somehow held our weight and didn’t shatter?)
So we go up through all of these. If we’d walked further on we would’ve found a tennis court, you tell me, and later we did end up playing tennis on your giant underground tennis court.
But we go up and into a new house structure. It’s a grand old thing, of finely carved stone and beautiful wooden structures and stuff all around inside. There’s also a gym that looks like the gym at my church attached in a side building and there’s some sort of carnival going on in there that we kind of participate in, just to mess with people, before going back to the house. 
So we hang out there for a long while before walking back through the caverns and water (this time holding a dog we found along the way, I think a golden retriever? If a golden retriever also had blue fur). 
And we go back to hanging out and sitting at the d and d table. I think Griffin was sitting at the head of the table with a booklet, and the other brothers had sat down with him to finish a session, but it was time for me to be heading home, and I needed a ride. Somehow neither one of us could be that ride, and my dad had dropped me off, so I didn’t have a way home. Clint told his sons that two of them needed to drive me back.
Griffin and Justin started whining, asking why we couldn’t finish that session first, there was like ten minutes of game play left? Clint was like, hard core dad mode and wouldn’t budge. (I think Travis’s name was like, Edward Travis in my dream or something, because they called him both of those names). Edward Travis started picking up the table while Justin shot me a dirty look for making them put up the game. Clint was like “now Griffy, don’t get mad at her, when you have friends over we’re the same way” and like Justin and Griffin put the rest of the mics away and they took me home.
Sometime after Clint had said we needed to break the game up, Mark Ruffalo had slipped away, not wanting the driving duty.
So we said goodbye and I told you how cool your house was and your fam and that we should hang out again sometime. You said you had fun and that it was a blast.
And some other stuff happened in my dream that wasn’t super clear. I think we had a dance off at one point? Like a tap dance, dance off? Idk, but that was my dream, you were clearly the person in it because I called you Jen all dream-day, but your shirt had the purple a-million-chromatic-dreams stamped on it. 
Idk, thought you might find it cool that you were in the dream McElroy family, haha. Have a nice day!
holy heck this is the best thing i’ve read all dAY XD
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shassieobsessed · 8 years
Sportarobbie - Body Switch
{Guess who actually finished the body switch I promised?? Me!! Yeah it took for-fucking-ever but now here it is! Freshly edited! It might still suck though idk. I really haven’t gotten much feedback on my fanfictions lol} 
Prompt: Body Swap
Robbie paced in his lair, mumbling plots and ideas under his breath. Sportaflop was still in Lazytown, despite his most brilliant plans. What could he do to rid himself that bouncy kangaroo!?
The children’s laughs suddenly echoed in Robbie’s ears, making him huff in anger. He pulled down the spyglass and watched them carefully.
“Noisy brats.” He spat out.
“Stingy! You have to share!” Candy boy hollered, reaching hopelessly at a soccer ball.
“But it’s MY ball!” The kid argued, his head held high in pride.
“If I was you I’d make you give us the ball!” The three pigtailed brat yelled.
Pinkie went on with her goodness speech and blah blah blah. Annoying little pains in Robbie’s-
Then a lightbulb went off.
“If I was Sportadork,” Robbie started to say, to nobody in particular. “I could make him eat tons of cake! Rid his home of that god awful sportscandy, and force him to be hated by everyone! Then, they’d kick him out of town, forever!!” The villain giggled at his own plan, running over to a box filled to the brim with scraps. He began to dig through it, finding parts and gadgets to complete his perfect, most brilliant plot.
He’d build, a body swapping machine.
“I’ll do the ol’ switcharoo! Sportakook will never see it coming!” Robbie laughed as he put the final touches onto the Sportaswap 3000! (He was very proud of the name he’d given it, despite it being very awful) Robbie stood back, admiring his work.
“Something is missing…” He noted before sticking a finger in the air, having figured it out. Robbie put his initials on the Sportaswap 3000, god knows why he always did this, and laughed evilly. This plan was foolproof!
Sportacus was standing in the entrance of his airship, keeping a watchful eye on the citizens of Lazytown. Trouble was always brewing, and he wanted to be prepared for it. Then he spotted Robbie pushing a large machine through the sidewalks-well the ones nobody really used. Sportacus scoffed lightly at the villain, debating on going down there to see what Robbie was doing. This was something he had to decide often; seeing as Robbie was always plotting or setting up a trap. Sportacus usually came to the conclusion of leaving it be. Robbie wasn’t really hurting anyone, but actually doing what Sportacus encouraged-exercising! And, why not let the villain have some fun? Sportacus changed his view from Robbie to the basketball court, where all the kids were playing. He smiled brightly, and decided to go and join them! He jumped out of the aircraft and called out his hovercraft, landing on it swiftly. He pedaled to the town but landed a ways away from the court. In all honesty, he loved flipping around the town. I guess that was kinda obvious though. As he was flipping, he passed by Robbie setting up.
“Hi Robbie!” He greeted friendly, as he always did. And as Robbie always did, he snarled and rolled his eyes at the hero. Sportacus, however, smiled at the villain. He found it oddly-adorable?- how much Robbie despised him.
Robbie growled at the blue kangaroo jumping over him. He sighed heavily at the stupid smile Sportacus always seemed to wear. But all at once he started to remember his scheme.
“Oh!” He grunted as he shot the beam of light at himself and Sportacus, who wasn’t at all even fazed. This frustrated Robbie. The stupid thing didn’t even work! He grumbled and started to push the heavy machine back to his lair, to make improvements. But first, he’d take a nap because dammit that was hard work!
At 8:08pm, the whole town was snuggling into their beds, except Robbie who had already been asleep.
The next morning, Robbie found himself waking up feeling actually refreshed, and not to the sound of children laughing. He peaked an eye open, suspicions of this new kinda morning he’d been encountering. Then Robbie realized something else, he was laying with his legs stretched out rather than curled up. The villain sat up instantly, and tried to open his eyes. Tried. It was so bright in his lair! Usually, it was very dark, so he could sleep through the day. But the whole place was white and shining. He growled angered, rubbing his unadjusted eyes. As he rubbed, he found something else strange; his ears. They were-pointed?! Robbie quickly put both hands on his ears and felt the pointy top. Ears were supposed to be rounded, right?! His eyes finally adjusted and he then saw where he was-the flipping blue elf’s ship. He kicked his feet out of the bed, hands still on the ears, and looked around.
“Good morning Sportacus.” A automated voice welcomed, causing Robbie to let out a small yelp. What was happening? Wait-did his plan work? Was he now Sportaflop?! Robbie saw a bathroom and ran to it, hoping for a mirror. He muttered happily when there was one, and looked in the reflection. Sure enough, there stood Sportaflip, but Robbie now controlled the hero. He grinned evilly, which was a strange face to see upon Sportacus’, and the ears were still a mystery but Robbie was too excited about his evil plan being a success! He happily skipped out of the bathroom and his first instinct was to mess up anything possible. He saw a control pad in the front just to the left of the steering area, and curiously stalked over to it. After pressing tons of buttons, Robbie figured it to be the automatic voice’s controls. Robbie then noticed a panel asking,
“What should we call you, #10?”
He thought for a moment, putting a hand on his chin.
“Aha!” Robbie giggled childishly as he deleted ‘Sportacus’ and put in 'Sportaflop.’ Not the best he could do but enough to make the hero agitated. He again laughed and went off to see what other things he could vandalize. As he walked around, his foot landed on a glowing panel blending with the floor. Before Robbie could react, he was smacked in the back of the head with a falling table. He grunted and clumsily kneeled up, his arms propped on the table. He shook his head and then saw all the sportscandy lined up, smirking evily.
“Bye bye sportscandy!”
Sportacus felt a pain-an aching-everywhere. He heard the kids laughing, and it seemed to echo in his ears. The hero then opened his eyes, only finding the urge of wanting to close them again. This was weird, for Sportacus usually woke up feeling like he do 100 jumping jacks. But now he felt sickly, as if sleeping more would be the best choice. Had he woken up to early? But the kids were playing- still deafening Sportacus. He didn’t understand why, their laughs were usually one of the best sounds to hear! Anybody’s laughter warmed the elf’s heart. (Even if it was Robbie, who usually only laughed when trying to get rid of him.)
Sportacus forced himself to get up, and found his surroundings to be quite strange. He couldn’t really see that well-because of the pitch darkness. Wasn’t his ship always bright? He stumbled around the dark room, trying to find any source of light. He felt…unstable as he walked, his legs weren’t as steady as he remembered. It took a few moments, but he managed to fall into a light switch. The hero flipped it on, and all that glowed was a dim lamp over by an orange, fuzzy chair. Sportacus instantly recognized it to be Robbie’s, but what was he doing here? Sportacus couldn’t remember anything besides going to bed last night. He decided to call into the room.
“Hello? Robbie?” The elf instantly covered his mouth, weirded by the sound of it. The voice sounded almost like….He shook his head. Was this a dream or something? Sportacus decided to investigate the dim lit room. He was defiantly in Robbie’s liar, so all he had to do was find the exit. He’d been in the villain’s home before, not enough to memorize it however. From the orange chair he had to go straight. Step one. Sportacus followed his mental instructions and walked straight, with his hands held out in front of him to avoid running into something, till he felt a wall. Step two, follow along the wall until a ladder…was that how it was? He huffed, unsure. Why was it so dark anyways? He could’ve sworn the last time he’d been here there was more lights. It wouldn’t hurt look see if there were more switches.
After a while of looking around, he found a giant lever, which when pulled turned on all lights. Sportacus than easily spotted the ladder, and rushed over to it. (Usually he’d flip but he felt so weary that he couldn’t.) Except as he ran by, there was a mirror. He took a quick glimpse, really staring at the cracks in it, but skidded to a stop when something else caught his eye. He slowly backed up and stared at the reflection. His eyes widened at the face that stared back. The hero began rubbing his hands all around the unfamiliar-yet very familiar-facial structures.  While he was Sportacus inside, outside showed the one and only,
Robbie Rotten.
Robbie dusted his hands together as he finally rid of the final sportscandy. Damn did the blue kangaroo have a lot of that disgusting shit. But strangely, Robbie felt a want to eat it. And the urge to jump and flip! The sooner he was back in his lazy body the better. So he continued on to part b: eating tons of cake! But-he’d have to go to his lair to find it. Pinkie would be suspicious if she saw Sportaflop eating cake. Plus, Robbie’s cake maker made the perfect cake. Now, how did the floppity man get out of this blasted ship? Robbie rubbed his chin curiously. Suddenly the voice began speaking.
“Sportaflop,” Robbie couldn’t hold back his giggles. “You seem confused? May I be of assistance?”
“Yes! How do I get out of this damned place!” He requested after quieting his laughs.
“You can use your ladder. Or your hoverboard.” It answered flatly.
“Yes of course!” Robbie grinned sticking a finger in the air. But it soon dropped. “How do I, do that exactly?”
“Call for the desired object.”
“Right. Um-ladder?” Nothing happened. “It didn’t work!” Robbie angrily stamped his foot. “Wait-I have to open the door first!” He put his hands on his hips victorious as the door opened. His face went from proud to horrified when realization swept over the villain. “I’m afraid of heights!” Robbie cried, clinging to the pole.
It took a while, but Robbie gathered the courage to inch over to the open door, stretching his neck to see how high he was. The rope ladder swung in the wind, occasionally banging on the metal of the airship, which would always cause Robbie to yelp in fear. He got down on his hands and knees and began crawling to where the ladder hung, whimpering basically the whole time. He placed his left foot on the ladder, and slowly the right followed. Robbie climbed down very cautiously, not to fall. Once at the last step, the villain hopped onto the cement ground, gasping slightly.
“Haha! I did it!” Robbie praised himself, smiling victorious. That was until he heard the all too familiar voice of the pink child.
“Sportacus!” She cheered happily, two other kids following behind her.
“Wha-me?” Realization hit quickly. “O-Oh yes! Hello child!” Robbie had no idea how to imitate Sportacus.
“We were just about to play some basketball! Would you like to play?” She asked, eyes beaming.
“Yeah yeah! You’re really good at basketball!” The sugar injected kid noted.
“I um, can’t!”
“Awh. Why not?” Stephanie cocked her head, with furrowed eyebrows. The disappointment was noticeable in her voice.
“Why? Well, why do you have to always know!” Robbie felt as if he’d won that conversation, but then heard the confused murmurs of the children. “Well, bye bye now!” The inventor began walking away, ignoring the confused children.
“Okay, bye?” Stephanie called, and went back to whispering with the group.
“Nosey little brat.” Robbie muttered, as he made his way to the giant billboard that hid his home. He reached the hatch and expected to struggle against metal, but found he could open it with little problems. “Right.” He thought, remembering the inhuman like strength of the hero. Robbie jumped into the tunnel, and was thrown around through the pipes until finally he reached the exiting hole. His landing was rather uncomfortable.
Sportacus paced around, nervously. How did this happen? He knew Robbie was rather smart, and created tons of inventions that did incredible things but body switching? That seemed impossible! Sportacus took a breath. There was no point in freaking about the past, but he should put the (little) energy of Robbie’s body into figuring out how to get back his own body. But, he didn’t even know where to start! Still pacing, Sportacus perked up at the clanking sound that now filled the lair. It echoed loudly, along with grunts and yelps. Before he could figure it out, somebody shot out of the entry tunnel and landed on top of him.
Robbie groaned in pain as he started to stand up. He didn’t notice the other who was also in pain. That was until he was on his feet, and looked to where he had landed. Robbie mentally cursed forgetting that a body swap involved two people, and started panicking as Sportacus began to rise. Now, whenever Robbie stood next to the elf-or anybody in Lazytown really-he was a good amount taller. So being shorter felt strange. That and the fact he was looking at himself.
“Wha-Robbie!!” Sportacus finally shouted, placing two hands on his hips. “What did you do?!”
“Me? I uh, didn’t do anything!” Robbie lied folding his arms.
“What? Why are you, me then?”
“Well-why are you me? Maybe you did something to me to make me, you!” Sportacus shook his head slightly confused at the exchange. In his confusion, Robbie proceeded to walk past him, and continue his original plan. He started to make cake, deciding it was best to act as if the other wasn’t there. Sportacus spun around and followed the villain, wanting answers.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m having a snack, what does it look like?” Robbie’s tone was harsh, but it didn’t really bother Sportacus.
“Cake? I can’t eat cake!” Sportacus instantly protested.
“Who said you were eating it?” Robbie sneered, grabbing the now freshly cooked cake.
“I mean, my body! I’ll-you’ll have a sugar crash!” Robbie stopped the fork right before it entered his mouth. He hadn’t thought about that. The only way Sportaflop was ever revived from a sugar crash was eating, sportscandy. Disgusting! Robbie shuttered at the mere thought of having to eat it.
“I knew that.” He set down the plate, and lightly dusted his hands. “Well than. I can skip that part.” Robbie again began his stride past the starstruck Sportacus.
“Where are you going?” The elf demanded.
“I’m leaving.” The villain plainly stated. Sportacus was about to stop him but it seemed his body already did that. Robbie suddenly felt really tired. He kept trying to walk, but ended up just sitting on the floor. “What the hell?” He gasped.
“My-Your energy is low. You need to eat some sportscandy to refuel.” Sportacus explained sitting down next to him.
“Blech! I don’t wanna eat that horrible stuff!” Robbie pouted, turning away. Sportacus shrugged.
“Okay. But you’ll be low on energy and won’t be able to move.” At that moment, Robbie began to hate this plan. He hated being in Sportaflop’s body.
“This is stupid!” He complained sighing deeply.
“You want to switch back?” Sportacus suggested. Robbie didn’t like the idea of not finishing his plan, mainly because of how great it was. But he also couldn’t stand being Sportacus. How did somebody live this way?!
“Well. We can’t.”
“Why not?” Robbie kept scooting further away, but Sportacus kept getting closer.
“Because I broke the damn thing.” Robbie rolled his eyes nonchalantly and pointed to the smashed machine in the corner.
“Can you not build another?” Sportacus was trying to stay calm but it wasn’t working very well.
“I could but…”
“But I need some certain parts. From the junkyard.” Robbie explained.
“There is a junkyard in Lazytown?” Sportacus scratched his head.
“Not exactly…”
“We have to travel where?!”
“To a horrible town called Activeville. It’s a few miles from here.” Robbie’s voice was filled with annoyance, mainly because his plan was such a failure.
“Activeville? You travel to get parts?” Sportacus eyed the other, suspicious of the fact he actually moved around anywhere, besides Lazytown.
“Well I didn’t have to until you came.” Robbie muttered.
“Me? What did I do?”
“Wha-Well. Y-You made this town unlazy-again! I had to use up all my supplies!” Robbie complained. Sportacus paused for a moment.
“You didn’t have to Robbie. We could’ve been friends-we still can be friends.”
“I-I don’t need friends!” Robbie persisted, pulling his knees to his chest.
“Everyone needs friends!” Sportacus said, looking hopeful to the villain. But got silence as an answer.
“Well.” Robbie finally said, starting to stand up. “We got to go get those parts if you want your (awful) body back.”  
“Ah! Robbie, you need energy.” Sportacus reminded him.
“I don’t want sportscandy!” The inventor whined, dropping his shoulders.
“You have to. Or we can’t get back into our own bodies.” Sportacus walked over to Robbie and pushed a button on the vest that made an apple fly out of his backpack. Robbie yelped and ducked away from the flying fruit. The elf caught it and offered the sportscandy to the body thief; who took it reluctantly.
“How do I, eat it?” Disgust filled his voice. Sportacus cocked his head curiously.
“You bite it.” He explained, furrowing his eyebrows. Robbie silently understood as he took a bit off the top, including the stem.
“Tastes terrible.” The villain noted, chewing as if it were poison.
“You aren’t supposed to eat the stem.” Sportacus giggled, amused by the incorrect apple eating.
“I’m not?” Robbie played around with the stem in his mouth for a minute, before spitting it on the ground. “I knew that.” He stated, taking a bite from the correct side. Sportacus rolled his eyes, but his lips were curled into a smile.
After a painstaking 20 minutes of eating the apple, the pair finally made their way out of the musky lair. Robbie went out first, and again was in shock of the ease he had with lifting the hatch. Sportacus followed out into the bright setting sunlight, covering his eyes.
“Now lets avoid those pesky children.” Robbie said and got a disapproving look from the sports elf. He much did not like the term 'pesky’ to describe the kids. But, as Robbie normally did, he ignored the look and started towards the billboard door. Sportacus was close behind.
“How will we get around them?” Sportacus questioned. He didn’t usually want to avoid the kids of Lazytown, but he really didn’t think it was a good idea to confront them in their current state.
“Can’t you just get your spacethingy to come to us?!” Robbie asked, looking to the other.
“Well, I usually could but I think that responsibility is yours now.” The elf placed two hands on his hips, and raised an eyebrow.
“What? Me?”
“It’s voice activated. Just call for the airship.” Robbie crinkled his nose, not really wanting to play the role of Sportacus anymore. (Especially if it didn’t lead to the elf flipping his way outta town!!) But the villain complied.
“Airship!” He called weakly into the now darkened sky. It took a moment but the ship made it’s way above Robbie’s home.
“Now call for the ladder.” Sportacus reminded, nudging Robbie lightly.
“Right. Ladder!” The ladder proceeded down, smacking Robbie on the top of his head.
“Even in my body you manage to be clumsy?” Sportacus asked, giving a look of innocence, but really he was teasing.
“Oh shut up!” Robbie growled, rubbing his head. This made the hero smirk before starting to climb. He was a little concerned about if he’d make it, due to the weakness of the current body he possessed. But Robbie had done it plenty of times so he was sure he could too! Sportacus was halfway up the ladder before realizing Robbie was still on the ground.
“Um, Robbie? Are you coming?”
“C-Can’t you just bring the blimp closer to the ground and just pick me up?”
“I can’t risk crashing! Here.” Sportacus climbed down and offered a hand to Robbie.
“What?” The inventor looked to the hand with confusion.
“You can hold my hand. I’ll make sure you don’t fall.” Even being in another body, Robbie saw the blue sparkle in the elf’s eyes. The one he always saw whenever he was helping the villain. The one that always flustered Robbie.
“Fine.” He took the offered hand, not being to argue against those eyes, and they both made it to the top, only stopping twice for when Robbie would look down and squeeze Sportacus’ hand tightly.
“Welcome back Sportaflop.” The automatic voice greeted as they climbed aboard, and Sportacus looked to Robbie in shock, who just shrugged cutesy.
When the pair arrived to Activeville, Sportacus instantly saw the giant junkyard on the outskirts of the town.
“Wow!” Sportacus exclaimed, his eyes wide with amazement. “Look at all this trash!!”
“Why do you think I always come here?” Robbie noted and began sifting through to find the correct pieces, and then some. Hey, if Sportakook gave him a free ride might as well take advantage of it.
“Wait are we allowed to take this stuff?” Sportacus questioned with wide eyes.
“I dunno.” Robbie admitted shrugging.“Never bothered to ask.” Sportacus let the items in his arms drop and clatter.  
“We can’t steal!!” The sports elf protested, putting his hands over his mouth.
“It isn’t stealing if there isn’t a rule against it. I don’t see any 'keep out’ signs, do you?” Robbie didn’t look up, but continued his search.
“Okay…if you say so…” Sportacus stood around awkwardly, not wanting to take anything himself but also didn’t want to further irritate Robbie.
Robbie soon finished scavenging parts he needed, and wanted, and was surprised when he could carry all of them back himself. He muttered things like, stupid elf strength and, this is the only thing I’ll miss about his dumb body, until it was all loaded up. Back in the ship, Robbie sat down, awaiting for Sportacus to began flying back but then something began beeping, rattling the villain’s head.
“It’s 8:08pm!” Sportacus announced. “We should go to bed before anything else.”
“What? Is it, um, really that important to you?”
“Without sleep, your energy will be too low to get through the day!” Sportacus happily explained.
“But there is only one bed,” As Robbie said that Sportacus’ bed popped out, knocking him over the head. “DAMMIT!” He cursed, standing up infuriated.
“We’ll have to share!” The sports elf giddily suggested.
“First off, that bed is way too small for two, and second, I really don’t want to share a bed with you.”
“But Robbie,” Now the blue sparkle was dim in sadness. “You need to sleep!” It took a bit of arguing, but Robbie finally gave in to the pleading Sportacus. It was very strange both men trying to squeeze in.
“Scoot over!” Robbie growled, turning his back on Sportacus, who scoffed lightly.
“I can’t!”
“Fine whatever.” Robbie folded his arms across his chest and closed his eyes, staying quiet. He wasn’t sure if he’d have nightmares or if that would stay in his body. He secretly hoped he’d bare them rather than the elf.
Sportacus was lying faced towards Robbie’s back. He felt a longing for the other to turn to face him. Sportacus was a bit weirded out seeing himself as if in an out of body situation. (Which, he was) But the body language and facial expressions and eyes all were 100% Robbie. He found his eyes starting to forcefully close and didn’t fight it.
Sportacus was woken a few hours later by quiet sobs. His eyes fluttered open and he sat up, rubbing his eyes.
“Robbie?” He called softly. There was no response but the sobs. Sportacus soon realized that the sobs arose from nightmares of Robbie. The elf looked sadly down at the shaking body. Sure it was his but knowing the villain was inside made him see Robbie. His heart then broke at the thought of Robbie like this every night. Sportacus’ eyes stung with tears so he quickly wrapped his arms around the other man. The sobs died down, and soon they were both sleeping soundly, but tears still stained their cheeks.
The next morning Robbie woke feeling great. He then saw the arms around his waist and looked to Sportacus and turned bright red. He told himself over and over he didn’t have nightmares because he was in the flippity floppity man’s body. Definitely NOT because he was being embraced by him! Robbie hit Sportacus over the face with a pillow.
“C'mon. We don’t have all day.” The elf woke, shooting up in surprise. He huffed when realization swept over him that Robbie had only hit him with a pillow. He returned the favor and smacked Robbie over the head.
“Ow hey!” He protested. Sportacus giggled childishly and stood up out of bed.
“We should get some breakfast before we go back to Lazytown!”
“Oh god. Not more sportscandy…” Robbie muttered, standing sluggishly.
“Try a smoothie Robbie!! It is very good!” Sportacus ran over to the table and looked in shock as he saw that no sportscandy was there. “What happened to all my sportscandy?!”
“Oh yeah.” Robbie said, remembering that he’d thrown them all off the side of the ship. “I got rid of it.”
“What?! Robbie!” Sportacus folded his arms pouty.
“Don’t be mad. I did you a favor that stuff is garbage.” Robbie somewhat mocked the elf’s position. “You’re welcome.”
“Now we’ll have to restock.” Sportacus noted, sighing deeply.
“Wait what?” Robbie’s face instantly dropped. “No no. I can’t stand being in this body another second.”
“Well Robbie. My body needs the energy. And it’s only fair you help me restock because you are the one who emptied my supply.” Robbie threw his head back in frustration.
“Fine.” The inventor muttered, showing his annoyance through a loud sigh. Sportacus nodded quickly and darted to the pilot seat. Not without hurting his back however. The two flew around for a while, looking for trees with fruit on them. Robbie did spot a small cluster, and Sportacus decided it was good enough for a small restock. He landed the ship rather smoothly, but Robbie still managed to fall over. Sportacus chuckled before helping him up.
“Okay so how long will this take?” Robbie grumbled as they exited the airship.
“It should not take too long if we work together!” Sportacus explained his hands heroically placed on his hips.
“I have to help?” Robbie scoffed, his hands lazily drooping in front of him.
“Of course! I can’t get up in the trees with your body as easy. You’ll knock the sportscandy down and I will catch it!”
“Whoa whoa. I can’t climb a tree! I’m scared of heights!” Sportacus giggled at that.
“Don’t worry Robbie! I know you can do it!” He encouraged energetically. Seeing all the energy in his own body creeped Robbie out.
“What if I fall?”
“I’ll try my best to catch you!” Robbie seemed to accept this answer, because he proceed forward to the apple tree Sportacus was waiting under. “Okay! Go on up!” Robbie nervously gripped the rough tree branches with each hand, and swung the rest of his body up. He would never stop being shocked at the ease he had hoisting himself up. From the first branch, he looked down and let out a small yelp as he grabbed the tree tightly.
“I CAN’T DO THIS!” Robbie cried, squeezing his eyes shut.
“Yes you can! Just don’t look down!” Sportacus continued to encourage. Robbie peeked an eye open, staring straight ahead at an apple. He began inch worming over to it, very slowly though. When his hand could finally reach it, instead of picking it Robbie just swatted it off the branch.
“There I did it!” His words spewed quickly, jumping down.
“Robbie, we need a little bit more than just one apple.” Sportacus told him, exhaling air out of his nose.
“More?!” Robbie looked up at the tree covered in apples and let out a whimper.
This process repeated until the basket Sportacus had found was full.
Sportacus hopped into the driver’s seat and sped off towards their hometown. Upon arrival, Robbie just dropped all the parts out of the ship and into the general area of his hatch. Sportacus watched nervously, worried it would hit something. But to Sportacus’ relief, it didn’t. They climbed down and hoisted all the parts into the bunker, and followed down.
“Now! Time for Sportaswitch 3,001!” Robbie exclaimed as he began his work on the machine. Sportacus stood around, occasionally handing a tool or part to the inventor but mostly just rocking on his feet.
It took nearly an hour but Robbie managed to make the exact same machine.
“Whoa that looks identical! Good work Robbie!” Sportacus cheered. Robbie puffed out his chest prideful.
“Thank you.”
“Okay. Let’s switch back! I’m ready!” Sportacus much missed flipping around and being active. Robbie nodded and flipped a switch that made the machine sputter to life, smoke filling air.
“I meant for it to do that.” Robbie announced, fanning smoke out of his face before zapping himself and the elf. Nothing happened. Sportacus had closed his eyes, but now peaked one open.
“It didn’t work!” He cried, looking with frantic eyes.
“It didn’t work at first last time either. Give it a few hours and we’ll switch back….hopefully.” Robbie shrugged and went to sit on his chair. Sportacus however, panicked.
“What if it doesn’t work!?”
“Calm down you spastic elf.” Sportacus froze, not thinking Robbie knew about that! Maybe he didn’t…maybe it was just a nickname…but Robbie probably as the ears!! Sportacus felt even more panicked. Robbie noticed and sighed. “What now?”
“For god’s sake-is it because I called you an elf? I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were that sensitive.” Sportacus was shocked at how calm Robbie was.
“Y-You know…?”
“I suspected it, but then I found the ears.” Robbie removed the hat to reveal the pointed ears. Sportacus flushed a bright red, and looked around for other people’s wondering eyes, seeming to forget they were in a secret lair. “Don’t freak out okay? I’ll keep it to myself.” Sportacus cocked his head, wondering why Robbie wouldn’t threaten to use this information against the hero. Why he wasn’t teasing or poking fun.
“Y-You will? Why?” It was Robbie’s turn to flush red. He didn’t respond but only looked away from the gaze of the elf.
“Can’t we just sit quietly until we switch back, then go our separate ways?”
“Okay.” Sportacus complied easily, sitting cross legged on the floor next to the fuzzy chair. Robbie sat in a pouting position, refusing eye contact. But he felt Sportacus’ burning blue eyes on him, demanding it. He had to look. Their eyes met, and Sportacus smiled as he stood up and put his face close by Robbie’s, who was becoming extremely flustered now. He squeezed his eyes shut and then felt a pair of warm lips on his own. It should’ve been weird. He should have pushed away in disgust. He had a gnawing thought in the back of his mind that he was basically kissing himself. Right?! But he thought of how much more it was Sportacus than him. The body was nothing more than a vessel that contained a soul. A interchangeable soul that no matter which body it was in, you could see. Robbie opened his eyes and found himself staring at the elves face. He was standing-not sitting! Robbie looked at his hands and body to confirm it-he was back in his body. They met eyes, the same relieved look washing over their faces.
“Haha! I’m me again!” Sportacus sprung up and flipped over Robbie, who ducked in fear of being kicked. He looked to the villain with a bright smile printed on his face. A smile Robbie couldn’t help but smile back at. Sportacus bounced over and pecked Robbie affectionately on the cheek.
“You s-should probably go by the kids…t-their probably wondering where you disappeared too…” Robbie mumbled, his face burning red.
“You’re right! They probably miss us!”
“U-Us?” Before anymore protesting could be said, Sportacus gripped Robbie’s hand dragged him to the surface. When the kids saw Sportacus, they rushed over to hug him.
“We were worried!!” Stephanie cried, looking up at the smiling hero. She then moved her eyes to Robbie, who wasn’t really paying attention to anything except if anyone noticed that his hand was interlocked with Sportacus’. “Robbie!!” She cheered happily and squeezed him tightly. He stiffened in confusion of the hug. He was shocked she even noticed. He figured that they’d be happier without him. But here she was, hugging him genuinely with happiness. All the kids did, happy to have their hero and villain back. But than again, Robbie wasn’t much of villain, was he? Kind of a big softie.  
“Don’t ever leave again!” Ziggy said, and all the kids agreed. Stephanie was the only one to notice the hand holding, and she so called it!!
{Please leave helpful reviews so I can improve my writing skills!! :D Thanks for reading}
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