#idk where hte au will end
hirokiyuu · 9 months
ship dynamic talk
yuujin/leona is fun bc like. their worldview is Very Similar (sometimes Shit Happens and theres literally nothing you can do about it, sometimes your life sucks ass because of forces you have literally no control over) but the Reasons they arrived at this same conclusion is really different. rich kid who will never be able to achieve the one thing he really wants versus poor kid who's never even had a dream because theyre so busy trying to survive the day to day
idk i really dont think yuujin had a drive or a purpose before coming to twst u kno. their life was so hectic and busy they literally did not think abt anything beyond How Do I Make Dinner For Everyone And Save Money And Make Sure The House Is Clean And Not Fail Out Of School And so like their brain i sjust. constant survival mode. non-isekai au yuujin eventually snaps and runs away but i literally dont even know what they do in the long term besides like. engage in ten billion self destructive "coping" mechanisms and waste their life for a solid like five years. i think they can hit functional eventually but it would take them eyars nad years and years to reach a point of having actual Aspirations u kno.
and part of the draw of yuujin/leona is like. yuujin does recognize their own nihilism in leona lol. the desire ot just fucking give up cause who gives a shit, what does it change, some things are set in stone and you cant fucking do anything about it. i joke that yuujin only approaches leona bc hes Aesthetically Perfectly Their Type but tbh i do think at least a decent part of hte attraction is like. the similarities btwn them. leona doesnt strike them as the kind of guy who like...... gives a shit. and thats smth they like abt him (lmao) (god)
similarly as mcuh as i joke abt how leona being a good bf would scare them off part of it is also like...... a Traditional Dating Rship requires both parties to be putting in work. thinking abt dates and buying presents etc etc and yuujin just like. cant do that. theyve lost a lot of their caretaking capacity esp when theyve first met leona and like. being in an rship where theyre expected to do like. any sort of emotional caretaking whatsoever. is just beyond them
which isnt to say that i dont think they get there! i think in teh end they Do hit a point where theyre able to genuinely care+have that care extended back to them in a way that doesnt bother them, but like..... not at first. at first they need the space to have sex w/this dude and then immediately get up and walk away. u kno.
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tanoraqui · 4 years
hey, pls tell us about those 'kidnapping sizhui back to the burial mounds' aus? 'grave dirt baby'? 'speaker for the dead'? put me down as Scared! and! Intrigued!
Alright, so, the au I’ve mentally titled Speaker for the Dead is inspired by this fic series, which I think has great concepts but wildly insufficient follow-through on consequences
edit: er, this is gonna be the first of several parts. At least 3.
You know the Cluster in Steven Universe? Think of the Burial Mounds like that. Hundreds, maybe thousands of restless souls; some shredded, some simply lost; all neglected. Forgotten. Stewing in their own resentful energy and their exponential shared resentful energy, trapped in these abandoned lack-of-real-graves and forged over time into a nearly-single mass of rage and loss and unfinished business.
And then someone came along - well, was bodily dropped from a height - who could match them rage for rage and loss for loss, unfinished bloody business for unfinished bloody business. No one living and perhaps no one dead remembers if he said, “serve me, lend me your power, and I will carry your sentiments into the living world”, or if the Burial Mounds said, “serve us, wreak our fury and sorrow upon the living world, and in turn you will live and wield our power.” Or maybe it was an instant mutual recognition and agreement?
Well, we all know what happened next. And then he came back, their deathly messenger, and brought others, and for a brief while there was...life, inexplicably, in the land of the dead. Stubborn, hopeful life.
Then death swept through once more, from the outside this time, and the Burial Mounds took their diplomat into their embrace - but they’d gotten a taste for having their voice heard, now. The living far and wide had buckled under the force of their weeping rage, shared the burning sorrow of their thousand dead hearts. And there was one living thing left on their grounds sympathetic to their power...
But not because he shared their rage, loss, unfinished business - save in that he was young, and all his life was unfinished before him. And he was starting to understand loss, as the rest of his family died out of sight. Mostly he was sympathetic in the other way: kind and accepting, and even as a child disinclined to forget those abandoned by everyone else.
Well. Disinclined to forget intentionally. Because a three-year-old isn’t designed to be swarmed by the thousand and one voice(s) of the Burial Mounds, howling their rage and loss and determination to be heard. 
A-Yuan would have died that day, if one ghost in particular hadn’t been too fresh to have sunk into the horde. Barely aware of his own death yet, save that it had hurt, the Burial Mounds’ previous master/messenger stepped in between the boy and the onslaught of the dead - and he was a warrior and defender, he always had been. It had served them well when their unfinished business was little more than the bloody spread of death. 
It’s hard to say what exactly happened, then. Suffice to say, once the dest and resentful energy settled - and certainly by the time the cultivator in white arrived - the Burial Mounds had a representative to the living again, their roots sunk deep into his soul, and their representative had a guardian.
Lan Xichen was very carefully not wondering where his brother had gotten this child, not wondering at all - why question; there were far too many orphans, these days, and of course Hanguang-jun was noble enough to save one even while wounded to near death himself.
But the fact remained that the boy - A-Yuan, Lan Yuan now - was laced with incredibly persistent resentful energy. The healers had noticed it first and done their best to cleanse it, and the best of the healers of GusuLan was no small effort. At first, it had seemed to work - the darkness stopped wisping from his lungs when he coughed; the cough and fever themselves disappeared. But still the resentful energy remained, a patina of grime on an otherwise pure soul, and even when Lan Xichen himself played Cleansing, it only seemed to fade, not fully dissipate.
A-Yuan grew sick again, feverish and weeping, complained of hurting in the way of a small child too miserable to give clear answers. Lan Xichen stayed with him, playing Cleansing through the night, and by the wee hours of the morning the boy was positively listless - and still, under close inspection, resentful energy clung to him. 
Lan Xichen closed his eyes and sat back to meditate for a moment. He had to collect himself. 
His brother was asleep in the next room over. He’d been asleep since he got back from...somewhere, nearly collapsing off his sword with blood pouring from every whip mark and with a feverish child in his arms. His continued unconsciousness was partly at the order of the healers, partly of his own accord.
Multiple rules forbade superstition and the taking of omens, but Lan Xichen could feel in his heart that if the boy died, Lan Wangji wouldn’t wake. Or if he did, he would be...empty, the way he’d been for years after their mother’s passing. The way he’d been, to be quite honest, until Wei Wuxian walked into the Cloud Recesses.
Meditation didn’t help. Lan Xichen picked his [xiao] again and began the first notes of Cleaning, pouring every ounce of power he had into the music. On the bed, Lan Yuan whimpered weakly.
There was a rattling from his waist, where jade keys to all the wards of Cloud Recesses hung as a badge of office. An instant later, something yanked Liebing from his hands and flung it across the room, and with the same force shoved him backward. For an instant, he saw a figure standing above him, dark-robed and terrible.
Then it was gone, a mirage of the flickering lantern - but on the bed, A-Yuan had moved. Instead of lying flat, he was curled up as though leaning against something, clutching the air near his chest like something invisible had been placed there for him to hold. ...Hovering slightly above the mattress as though on a lap, and tired tears spilled from his eyes; he murmured something too quiet to hear.
(Cool hands picked A-Yuan up and held him; a hand brushed through his hair and a gentle voice said, “Shh, shh, A-Yuan, it’s alright. I’ve got you.” He looked up to see a pretty face and soft, sad smile, clad in robes that were dark and smelled of damp and blood.
“Mama?” he said blearily. It wasn’t right, but it was the closest word he had for how safe and loved and somehow refreshed be felt. He clutched the roughspun robes like they might vanish from his grip.
“Is that what we’re working with?” The man’s smile turned teasing, and he held A-Yuan a little closer. “Sure. I did birth you from my own body.”)
Lan Xichen picked himself up carefully, retrieved Liebing from beside the far wall and eyed the boy on the bed. Some presence watched him back - resentful, to be sure, but not like any spirit he’d ever felt. The tokens representing the wards against resentful energy and restless ghosts had both stopped shivering - because it was quiescent, or because it was already inside?
He needed answers, but at the same time, he very much needed to not have answers, because they might force him to a decision that his brother would never forgive.
Lan Yuan has never left the Cloud Recesses since he arrived. This wasn’t entirely abnormal - he’s only just six years old; there are few reasons for a child that young to go beyond the wards. There are excursions for hikes now and than, to introduce the children to nature, but something always interfered - illness, other duties or even punishments. There is the Spring Festival in Caiyi Town for which disciples of all ages are permitted one day free of all responsibility, including the youngest who are taken down with appropriate adult minders. But Lan Yuan always filially elected to use the special dispensation of this holiday to spend all day with Lan Wangji (per Rules 267-270, exceptions to seclusions were allowed for close family, at the Sect Leader’s discretion.) 
In his third year of seclusion, Lan Yuan now age six and bubbling enthusiastically about the tales and treats he expected his friends to bring back from the festival, Lan Wangji had asked why he refused this holiday. Wide-eyed and pious, Lan Yuan had replied, “Because I want to spend time with Father!” 
Sensitive to too-wide eyes, and too aware of his own shortcomings in the area of festivity and excitement, Lan Wangji had pressed to be sure that this was how he wanted to spend his day: sitting quietly inside, playing music, practicing reading stories of Lan Sect history? 
Pressed, Lan Yuan admitted that his Mama said he shouldn’t go outside the boundaries of Cloud Recesses unless his father was with him.
It wasn’t the first time this “Mama” had come up. Lan Yuan’s Mama said it was not just permitted but required that he run shrieking up the path to the jingshi, to greet Lan Wangji by tackling him about the knees with gleeful laughter. Mama said it was okay if he didn’t eat dinner when he was supposed to, Lan Yuan insisted, because the food was “boring anyway.” 
“Mama”, Lan Wangji was very, very sure, knew a song that Lan Wangji had composed at the age of sixteen and only ever played for one other person, because somehow Lan Yuan knew it to hum himself to sleep on restless nights. It was possible that he simply remembered it subconsciously from the times he couldn’t otherwise call to mind - music was like that. But when asked, he took on the overly cute look of an untrained liar rather than the dreadful uncertainty that slipped into his voice when questions arose of any time before the Cloud Recesses.
Lan Yuan had never stepped foot outside the Cloud Recesses since the day he’d been carried in, yet it was Lan Wangji who hesitated on the border, marked on this back hill by nothing more than a thin strip of bricks at the edge of the field.
“Rabbits!” Lan Yuan cried, and tugged him forward by the hand. “There are rabbits!”
“Xichen would not have misled you,” Lan Wangji said, amused.
“I know.” Lan Yuan immediately slowed down contritely, and looked up at him with confusion. “But there are no pets allowed in the Cloud Recesses.”
“The rabbits are not pets,” said Lan Wangji, perhaps more automatically defensive than the occassion called for. “They simply find this meadow enjoyable, as it is filled with clover and, coincidentally, sometimes scraps from the kitchens. Also - ” He gestured to the line of brick several feet behind them - “we are no longer in the Cloud Recesses.”
“Huh.” Lan Yuan cocked his head as though this was something he’d never heard before, rather than something he’d been explicitly told they were going to do, this first day of Lan Wangji’s release from seclusion. “It’s colder, in a nice way. And there’s a lot of - ”
He shut his mouth abruptly, as though someone had hurriedly told him to stop talking.
“Rabbits!” he shouted suddenly, for all appearances remembering thei presence with absolute delight. “Can I play with them, Father?” He pulled on Lan Wangji’s hand again. “Can we play with the rabbits?” 
“You can and you may,” said Lan Wangji, and let his hand go.
Lan Wangji was itching now, burning, to draw his guqin. But of course this permission meant that he had to spend several minutes carefully coaching Lan Yuan on the way to quietly approach a rabbit without causing it alarm, how to offer some of the lettuce they’d brought and how to pick one up and hold it safely. Mitigating his impatience was the unabashed awe on Lan Yuan’s face when the first rabbit let him pet its ears, and his own gratitude at how several of the older rabbits seemed to remember him. (Or possibly they just recognized “man in white sitting quietly with lettuce”, and found it a more attractive invitation than “quietly bouncing six-year-old with lettuce.”)
But, fascinated though he’d been, Lan Yuan quickly lost interest in the rabbits. He pet them absently, but kept looking around as though more interesting things were happening in the clear air. A sudden wind whipped though the meadow, acrid with resentful energy, and he scooted to Lan Wangji’s side.
(”Everyone shut the fuck up!” Mama’s robes and hair lashed as resentful energy rushed out from him, pushing back the clamoring crowd of ghosts. His fists clenched and his eyes flashed red, and the scent of blood rose about him. “You will line up single-file to talk to A-Yuan, if and when I say you get to talk to him! Right now, he’s playing - oh, look, Hanguang-jun’s getting out his guqin, probably to play Inquiry. Go bother him!”)
Lan Wangji couldn’t stand it anymore. He settled Wangji on his lap and set his fingers for the strong opening chords of a general Inquiry, to announce his presence and summon any spirits within range - and paused, and leaned over to ask Lan Yuan, “Is your Mama here, now?”
“Ye - ” Lan Yuan squeezed his lips shut and shook his head. “I mean, no. Who’s Mama?”
“Lan Yuan,” Lan Wangji said sternly.
Lan Yuan shrunk, but didn’t break. 
“Mama’s a secret,” he whispered fiercely. “It’s a rule, like on the wall.”
“I know.” They’d had this conversation before, and Lan Wangji had never pushed beyond this. Even a child was allowed secrets, and Lan Wangji was in forced seclusion, punishment for a crime he didn’t regret but would accept the consequences of nonetheless, in spirit as well as letter (fave for A-Yuan’s near-daily visits - but that was allowed.) Moreover, even from the secluded jingshi, someone might hear his Inquiry and have questions of their own, and- and what if he was wrong? The disappointment would be like death again.
But now he was not just out of his house but beyond the border of the Cloud Recesses for the first time in three years, far from any plausible earshot save the rabbits’  and soaking in sunlight that reminded him of a smile. Now, he thought he’d seen a figure in black for a split second when the cold wind blew. and suddenly the idea of being right and not knowing it was more horrific than any other outcome.
He swallowed a rasping, Please - unseemly, and unjust to burden a child with. He gathered parental authority about himself like a cloak and improvised, “Rabbits do not like secrets. It is rude to keep them in this, their home.” 
Lan Yuan bit his lip, and Lan Wangji gentled his voice. “They will still be secrets away from the rabbits’ meadow, and there will be no consequences for any broken rules.”
“Oh!” Lan Yuan sagged against Lan Wangji’s side and let out a sigh like he was coming home at the end of a month-long night hunt. “Thank you, Hanguang-jun.” He bowed formally, from the seating position, in the direction of the greatest cluster of rabbits, which seemed unconcerned by the gathering resentful energy. “And thank you, rabbits, for your hospitality!” 
He sat up, posture Lan-perfect, and pointed. “Mama’s there, pushing all the other ghosts into line. He says they have to talk one at a time, like in lessons. Are the ghosts in lessons, now? Is Mama a teacher, like Senior Feng and Great-Uncle?”
Lan Wangji, quite honestly, didn’t hear most of his son’s questions. He was too busy playing, perhaps more hesitant than he had ever played Inquiry in his life, Wei Ying?
He held his breath as the small light of a lost soul alighted upon the strings and plucked out, I am Ying Huang.
The breath seemed lost for good.
“It’s very nice to meet you, Miss Ying,” said Lan Yuan. “Um - ” He glanced at Lan Wangji and back at the space above the guqin. “Yes, I- we- Father can tell your husband that it wasn’t his fault - oh wow, you had a baby? What’s its name?” A pause. “That’s pretty! I bet she’ll be pretty, too - you are, so I bet she’ll be pretty just like her mother!”
The chatter, a six-year-old’s mix of earnestness and polite nothings mimicked from adults, reeled him back from that distant, breathless place. Inquiry was still in effect and the spirit continued to play, far more slowly than Lan Yuan responded, Tell Ying Chao it was not his fault, nor the baby’s. 
“A-Yuan,” Lan Wangji managed. “This - Ying Huang. She is not your Mama?”
“No?” Lan Yuan looked utterly baffled. He pointed to somewhere directly ahead of him. “Mama is right there. He’s tall and wears black and has blood all over, sometimes, when he’s angry or sad. Miss Ying is here - ” he pointed at the space on the opposite side of the guqin - “and she’s short and has a greenish dress, and only only has blood on her - oh! Mama’s coming here now...”
Another spirit light solidified as it approached the guqin. This one was brighter and darker at once, strong and resentful - yet not...active in it. It simply was. 
It hovered over the strings for a moment, quivering side to side like the eyes of a shamed person, before alighting and gently plucking out, Hello, Hanguang-jun.
There was no way to know that it was him, and yet... Lan Wangji was breathless again, but this time it felt as though he simply had too much inside him to have room for air.
His fingers moved over the strings without conscious direction. He thought he might be mouthing the name. Wei Ying.
The guqin language of Inquiry was necessarily limited; there were only so many combinations one could make of seven strings. There was only one clear affirmative, yes, and no formal or informal intonations.
Nevertheless, Wei Wuxian managed to express, Yeah. Lan Wangji could imagine him shrugging, giving a rueful smile. Sorry about the whole ‘Mother’ lie. It was his idea.
Understandable. The rhythms of Inquiry called for question and answer. Did you not birth him yourself?
“Mama is laughing,” Lan Yuan announced, as pleased as though he’d organized every part of this himself. He sat up straight, hands in his lap, every inch the proper Lan disciple. “Father, can- may we just talk, now, instead of using Inquiry? It’s much faster, and I can understand it.”
“I’m afraid I cannot understand Wei Ying any other way,” said Lan Wangji, feeling real regret, On the guqin, Wei Wuxian played, We really do need a better way - this is boring. But a way with less soul-binding resentful ghost fuckery.
(Another word that was absolutely not in the vocabulary of Inquiry. Wei Wuxian, as always, managed anyway.)
Three years of parenting practice had one of Lan Wangji’s hands protectively on Lan Yuan’s shoulder, the other darting across Wangji’s strings. What do you mean, soul-binding resentful ghost trouble?
Wei Wuxian’s soul moved back from the strings, fading until it was barely visible. Lan Yuan nodded and shifted until he was sitting beside the guqin, between them.
“Mama says don’t worry, A-Yuan is fine,” he told Lan Wangji seriously. “He says it’s a...” He narrowed his eyes in focus. “‘Severe but non-ma-lig-nant case of resentful energy inculcation and imprinting, with a side order of a little bit of passive possession. By the conjoined spirits of the Burial Mounds.” 
Lan Wangji must been visibly horrified, because Lan Yuan looked worried as he leaned forward and patted his knee. 
“It means I can talk to Mama and other ghosts,” he explained in his own words, “and they can understand living people better when I’m there.” His face twisted skeptically. “Because that’s special?”
“It is very special,” Lan Wangji confirmed, still reeling a little from “passive possession by the conjoined spirits of the Burial Mounds.” But if Wei Wuxian said it was fine, then it must be fine - he would, Lan Wangji was exquisitely sure, mask any danger to himself, but never to A-Yuan.
Still, his gaze flicked to beyond Wei Wuxian, where there was nothing but silence, sunlight, and idle rabbits sleeping, or gnawing down the grass - and, he was sure, still a line of ghosts apparently determined to speak to his son.
Wei Wuxian must have noticed the movement of his eyes, because Lan Yuan began reciting dutifully again: “Mama says that there’s fourteen more spirits here, not counting Ying Huang - who went back to everyone else, now. There’s a draw, he thinks, to A-Yuan, even if they don’t know con-scious-ly that he can talk to them. And, of course, the handsome - oh, the great Hanguang-jun, known master of Inquiry.”
"Will they accept Inquiry with myself,” Lan Wangji asked, “while Lan Yuan continues to play with the rabbits?”
Lan Yuan watched the space where Wei Wuxian was.
“’Lan Zhaaan,’” he repeated, less certainly. “’You’re too - sorry, Mama. ...Yes, Mama.” He turned back to Lan Wangji. “He says you’re a very good dad and he’s so glad you’ve learned so much since the street in Yiling.”
Lan Wangji felt his ears turn red, which was ridiculous. It wasn’t exactly a high bar, to have learned how to treat a child better than to stand in silent bewilderment while the child wailed at one’s feet.
“A-Yuan. Do you remember...”
Lan Yuan shook his head, looking down in shame.
“That is fine,” Lan Wangji said firmly. “Do you wish to resume playing with the rabbits?”
Lan Yuan’s entire being seemed to brighten; if he’d been a rabbit himself, his ears would have stood straight in excitement. But he looked guiltily at the line of waiting ghosts.
(They were mostly common people of Gusu, ghostly echoes of clothing in rough cloth and dull colors. Many were bloody, from missing limbs or cut chests or more, others were simply pale and thin. One had the ghost of a cat draped stubbornly around her shoulders. The farther they got from him, the less clear they were to see, but sadness and yearning radiated from all of them, even the ones who scowled or glared, dark energy flicking around their forms like a shadow of the aura Mama could summon.
“Go on, A-Yuan,” said Mama, with one of his warm smiles that felt like home. “Your dad and I will handle the deathly supplicants, but we can’t play with the bunnies nearly as well as you will - but be careful! They might recognize that you’re part radish, and try to eat you!”)
Lan Yuan leapt to his feet with a grin, and bowed quickly to both of them. “I’ll be careful! Thank you, Mama; thank you, Father!” 
“Go slowly,” Lan Wangji called as he darted off. “The rabbits - ”
The rabbits had already scattered in the face of Lan Yuan’s run, save for one particularly lazy old one with a whole leaf of lettuce to itself.
He will learn, Wei Wuxian said on the guqin, with a meaningless trill that Lan Wangji had no trouble translating as a smile. 
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vagrantblvrd · 3 years
Random AU (powers or no, idk???) where Tony’s stuck on the side of the road - car he’s been restoring breaks down without warning or he gets a flat. Or maybe the spare tire he’s been meaning to replace the last time he got a flat tire never happened because he got sidetracked, and anyway.
He’s on the phone to Pepper to explain why he’s late for a meeting or what have you and then some guy stops?
Beat up pick-up truck with a faded paint job that might have been shade of blue at one point and bent radio antenna and dried mud along the wheel-wells and is that rust???
Funny thing in that the guy who gets out of the truck is just as battered and worn down. He’s not entirely unattractive, if you’re into the scruffy hobo look, and the look he gives Tony when he sees the flat tire is this quietly amused little thing.
(More of a quirk of his lips, but still technically a smile.)
And Tony, okay.
Tony has Meetings and Things waiting for him in New York, but this not entirely unattractive guy is smiling at him and Tony’s sure he’s seen porn that starts like this, but anyway.
“I’ll call you back,” he tells Pepper, already knowing he’s going to be in so much trouble later - more trouble than he’s already in - for hanging up on her the way he does, but come on.
Tony gets a lift into the sleepy little town nearby, and while his savior isn’t chatty he’s not ignoring Tony either. Makes little listening noises and this quiet little laugh when Tony says something meant to be funny or accidentally so, and Tony’s willing to take the hit if it’s at his expense because the guy’s smile?
Bucky mentions he has a little farm, something he and an old buddy went in on together when they got out of the military. (He gives Tony this look, right, because people stare, and anyway. Better his arm than his life and therapy helped and he’s doing better these days.)
It’s this litlte place outside of town and he was on his way to pick up feed for the animals when he saw Tony and felt bad for him.
“Nah, I just wanted a closer look at that car of yours.”
But the guy’s smirking, and Tony’s like oh, oh no, he’s a delightful asshole.)
The guy takes Tony to the repair shop in town and they get a tow truck out to Tony’s car and that’s pretty much it.
(Except for the bit where Tony’s a bit of a creep and the guy’s truck has a license plate and what, is Tony not supposed to memorize it so he can track the guy down to send him a little something something as a thank you for his kindness?)
Should be it, but then a few weeks, a month later, and Tony’s being dragged out to some farmer’s market type thing or maybe a little carnival being put on.
Something about a charity or community outreach whatever, he wasn’t really listening.
(Except how he and JARVIS are looking into ways to help support the charity while Pepper deals with the paperwork, and really, Tony).
There are little booths and kiosks and hte whatnot with the usual fare - and then there are the goats.
“I. What?”
Because local farmers and whatnot and something or other and Tony is still baffled as to why it’s important he meets said goats?
But then Pepper - who has been leading Tony through the farmer’s market/whatever because good press for Tony and SI and whatever the hell is going on - leads him to a pen of some sort.
Straw on the ground and all the things you’d expect to see for the handful of goats happily wandering around and -
“Oh no, he’s hot,” from Tony because the not entirely unattractive man who saved his life - “Tony, you’re being dramatic again, it was a flat tire.” - cleans up real nice, and is also holding a tiny goat in his arms.
A tiny goat he is letting a tiny child pet and if Tony Stark had a heart he’s sure it would have grown three sizes just from that alone.
But the guy is smiling - none of this tiny little quirk of his lips or anything - and if Tony thought his smile was stunning before it’s nothing compared to this and oh, no, Tony’s in trouble.
Pepper - brilliant, evil Pepper - laughs and leads Tony right on over to hot goat farmer guy.
(Look, Tony knows he has a name, okay? Just. Give him a moment.)
Flirting happens, because of course it does, and to Tony’s bafflement he ends up holding a goat at some point? But he also gets more of those smiles out of Bucky -
“What kind of name is Bucky?”
“Mine, jackass.”
- And since Bucky’s smiling at him as he says it, Tony figures he can’t have fucked up that badly. Probably?
And then!
Flirting! Texts! Phone calls!
Tony deciding to take one of his cars for a drive outside the city, maybe in the general direction of a certain goat farm and Bucky is like deeply unimpressed with Tony’s “Oh, I just happened to be in the area and thought I’d drop by!” nonsense.
Steve is “Oh, so this the guy you’ve been talking about,” to Bucky’s tired sigh - Steve is never not a little shit - and Tony’s delight.
And Tony maybe sticks around for a bit, maybe takes a stroll around the farm with Bucky, that tiny goat of his trotting alongside. Maybe wind up by the barn where Bucky gives him this look, okay, because they have been flirting up a storm this whole time and maybe, maybe there’s a smooch.
Right around when the sun’s going down, Tony’s back against the rough wood of the barn and Bucky in front of him with one of those smiles of his and it’s like.
Of course there’s going to be smooches, and also perhaps an eyebrow waggle or two and innuendo because there’s a barn right there and there’s a reason ‘a roll in the hay” is a thing and -
“I don’t put out on the first date, Stark.”
Which really just means they’re going to have to go on more dates naturally, but maybe first another smooch?
And then, idk, but idiots in love and also tiny goats and Tony is like how did this happen because no, really, how, but it’s not like he’s complaining when Bucky is one of the best things to ever happen to him okay. Bucky is likewise baffled, but also ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  about things because he doesn’t care so long as he gets to keep this.
(Also? The bots go wild over Bucky’s goats, just freaking adore them.)
Tony maybe has plans in his head for a prosthetic, you know. Bucky might have been the catalyst for his personal interest in that direction, but he’s not the only veteran to come back down an arm or leg and then there are civilians and anyway.
That’s a thing in the back of his head for future Plans and anyway.
Smooches now, science later???
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flashhwing · 5 years
Where does the rest of the batfam fit into the atla au? I feel like Jason would be an Earth or firebender and Tim would be a nonbender.
oh man truth be told i’ve barely given the batfam in this au a second thought lmao
alright Jason’s either an earthbender or a nonbender, coz he’s gotta be a Ba Sing Se native, right?  and his origin story is basically the same as canon, only instead of the tires off the batmobile he tries to steal ..... uhh ........ idk what would hte atla equivalent of the batmobile even be?? 
oh wait, Jason’s a nonbender until he diies, and when he comes back he’s an earthbender.  
Cass is a firebender.  so is Damian, but he’s not like, good at it, but he’s good at other things so he doesn’t let it get to him (that’s a lie it totally does).  until he starts training with Dick, who doesn’t know shit about firebending, but he does know shit about airbending, and he teaches Damian some airbending techniques (clandestinely, because Damian does not (yet) appreciate Dick and hiis ~techniques) and that ends up helping
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bangzchan · 5 years
Okay I just woke up from seeing a dream abt a merlin au. Arthur and Merlin were actors and performers, they both did theatre and big actor jobs and also performed on ice but they'd never worked together. Arthur had a girlfriend and he'd just introduced her to his parents. (Yeah i know mommys dead but maybe it was a stepmom like the troll or something, lol.) This was all explained like a news srory and then the big announcment! Sorry that's in part two of this message mwhahahahahah
THE BIG ANNOUNMENT! Arthur and Merlin were going to be in a show together! I think it was an ice skating performance but that sounds stupid. Anyway, the shows abt gays and Arthur and Merlin are playing the lead roles! Yay! Then the dream ended but I already know where it goes. They practice and do stuff together, arthur and his gf break up, there's a big drama with his dad and the stepmom, there's something going on with that merlins old mentor and somehow the dragon is involved too, idk
And then Arthur and Merlin faal in love! The show goes well, there's cutesy coupley things and happily ever after where arthur doesn't die, but maybe there's some serious scare that he might. You know, bc drama. THE END. Hope you got all three parts of this message, this is the last one.
oh wo w dfsjklmfds I LOV IT bc its close to the pretend relationship trope and i can just SMELL them realizin theyre actually in love and their friends are like uh duh?? itwas obviousdjflsmk and omg!! when arthur and gf break up,,,,and merlin invents him over to comfort him, try to get his mind off things, keep him away from his dads questions and anger,,,,they disappear for a few days ,gaius is like vEry worried and thats how the dragon gets involved, tryin to find them,,,,but theyre just stayin in a lil cabin bc “we need some peace to practice for the show” and thats where they fall in love or well, Realize they are in love,,,, and maybe the death scare is like,, arthur gets sick bc of the stress and all but its really bad so they all think this is the end....but its not and arthur wakes up in hte hospital with merlin by his side holding his hand,, sleeping on the chair next to the bed,, and merlin is woken by arthurs groan, his eyes teary,,,and arthur is like “hey, keep those tears for the screen” and merlin grins stupidly,,,,, and then they arrive together to the show’s premiere everyone loves them as a couple,,,, HM
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thewinterspy · 6 years
i was looking for ‘cheaper by the dozen au’ notes for hours in my documents. and then i realized that i saved it as ‘yours mine and ours’. it’s basically a transcript of a conversation i had with @vermofftiss in the sherlolly chat
katie: I see Sherlock and Molly being more of a "Yours, Mine and Ours" type sam: aww, but that means they're both widows katie: Or they could be single people that decided to have kids on their own before they met sam: ooh, true. ... *whispers* what if widows for a moment. stay with me. what if molly was married to tom before sherlock, and all her kids are convinced she's only with sherlock because he looks like tom katie: hmmm. IDK I think that gives Tom too much improtance. I was thinking that Sherlock just keeps ending up with kids by finding them through the homeless network. sam: i was thinking something like that too. like it starts with maybe two or three he has doing  bit of spywork for him katie: he means to just be a temporary waystation until something permenant comes along but then every person that tries to adopt them he deduce something that makes him go "nope!" sam: but maybe they don't take his money and they're like "we'd rather have a bed than be paid" so sherlock's like "alright, keep up though". but then they stay the night, and the next day, and the next day... katie: and it's not even major things it's that he falls for them. yes! maybe molly is raising her siblings. like she had young siblings that she was left to take care of after her dad died sam: ooh yeah, that could be it. oh my gosh are we thinking hard on this au katie: like they can work together and never know the other has kids~ we could totes collab on this fic! sam: oh my gosh that'd be so much fun! well, sherlock being sherlock, he'd probably notice something on molly and be like "are you a mother, molly?" katie: their kids go to the same school, they meet up at the Headmaster's office because they were fighting and it's like... "oh..." sam: "Oh no, i just take care of my siblings" "Oh. okk." katie: yeah! sam: and sherlock assumes that means like one or two -- ohhh no katie: lol Molly is Catholic of course sam: i'm just giggling about all the misunderstandings. like, when molly meets sherlock's kids, and none of them look the same, and he's like "they're all mine" and molly's thinking to herself "really, you must get around" katie: let's do. YES! and none of his kids call him dead. and she's like "my that's progressive" sam: and it's not just for a minute, imagine if it gets dragged out for days katie: i think there should be three each sam: and the kids are offhandedly mentioning the things that happened in their homes before they ended up on streets and molly's just completely bewildered katie: too many and then it's just madness. yeah! like maybe one of their mothers is an addict and still on the streets and she tries to come around for money or something sometimes sam: "my dad says eat your vegetables or you turn into a bird" "my dad didn't like vegetables" "my dad would *never( be able to pronounce vegetable!" can you imagine one of the kids being used as sherlock's pressure point katie: AHHH! sam: sit back and imagine the catatonic rage if one of them was taken. katie: yes that can tie in with the addict mom still on the street sam: can you imagine if one of molly's siblings was taken! katie: like they could be taken together. sam: what if they're all like "we don't like sherlock" but then he saves them and they're like "he's ok i guess" katie: they fight over whose fault it. YES! ok so here it is. the kid is a pressure point so the person in question basically uses the addict mom by getting her set up in a flat with an income and polishing her up to look like she's recovered and she wants her kid back and then they stage the kidnapping to make Sherlock look like an unsuitable guardian sam: OOOH, yes! ..... oh my god, what if moriarty katie: and the poor kid can be conflicted because he really loves his mom sam: because when moriarty was first trying to ruin sherlock, the most important thing to sherlock was the work. katie: but she's not interested in recovering sam: but now it's all about family for him katie: yes! so where will john fit in? or is this after he gets with mary? sam: i think he's probably with mary and baby watson katie: works! sam: but he and mary probably stop by to help with the kids/cases/etc. "uncle john" and "aunt mary" katie: yeah and he's their pediatrician as well or something sam: of course sherlock's like "they're not your aunt and uncle" "whatever you say, dad" "sherlock." "dad." "sherlock." dad." "sherlock." "dad." katie: yeah and toward the end he and Molly find out they're pregnant and when they announce it his kids are like "congratulations, Sherlock" and he's like "You should call me dad." sam: AHHHH that's so cute. ok i'm screencapping this, this is all too great katie: so it can be angst and smut and fluff and everything that is awesome in the universe sam: yessssss. all i really want is sherlock being sherlock-ish with a bunch of kids katie: definitely! sam: BUT there's one small one where he just can't help but be very caring and gentle around katie: no OOC and no crack. yes! like maybe he found that one and he or she doesn't speak. and he can use his skills of deduction to understand what he or she needs or wants sam: g osh i'm just squealing, that's so adorable katie: like it's trauma-related psychosematic mutism sam: of course, if anyone ever told sherlock he was adorable, he'd go into a sulk katie: right!? one big moment in the fic can be after molly and sherlock are together and they're all cohabiting like a real family the little one starts talking again sam: AWWW. ok, my brain gave me this katie: like something super innocuous like "pass the wheetabix. pelase" and everyone is like O.O sam: maybe sherlock's tucking in the little one. he usually doesn't tuck in the kids, but maybe something happens and they ask him to, so he does it. and the quiet one just sort of snuffles and asks about molly. "is molly gonna be our mummy?" katie: awww! sam: and the others just look at sherlock expectantly. im just katie: And they'll definitely need to rent out 221c. OMG all the Mrs. Hudson moments would be priceless. sam: lol, yes! they need plenty of room. katie: Like Mrs. Hudson always has treats for the little ones sam: awww katie: the older ones go in and raid her cupboards without asking and she doesn't mind. sam: by older ones you mean sherlock? katie: like they come straight home from school and instead of going up to 221b they go to Mrs. Hudson and she's always stuffing them with goodies. they sit around and watch jeremy kyle and one of the kids is looming yarn with her sam: what a small sherlolly moment where molly's feeling unsure about taking care of her siblings, because she misses her dad, and something's gone wrong? katie: yes! sam: and sherlock ends up comforting her. but it's sherlock, so he probably does it without realizing he's done it. katie: yeah he helps her realize she can do it. Sherlock's kids help Molly's siblings come to terms with the death of their parents sam: all the squabbles though, can you imagine katie: YEP! sam: sherlock's kids might think molly's siblings are snobbish and ungrateful because "at least you still have a home" katie: i imagine the older ones will get into a squabble and one of Molly's calsl one of Sherlock's street trash sam: ooof, what if one of hte kids say that in earshot of sherlock, who's hurt by it without realizing he's hurt katie: and Molly takes them aside and rails on them sam: because he thinks he's done alright by the kids, but the kids are assuming that sherlock's care is temporary, because they've never had anything permenant katie: aww yeah! yeah realize this will be about a bazillion chapters long! well we definitely need to write this. i know AO3 has a cowriting option I just don't know how it works sam: i'm sure we can figure it out. ao3's not that tricky katie: that's why i love it! of cousre we have to have an epilogue with molly and sherlock's "oops" baby being raised in this epic blended family sam: aww, yes! all these kids need names too katie: like looking at her life and all her awesome brothers and sisters and aunts and uncles and how her family is different from everyone else's that makes her extra lucky. yep! sherlock's kids can have really urban sounding names sam: i think sherlock's kids would probably make something up. like, little nicknames. katie: yeah! sam: oooh, and for the quiet one, maybe the other kids give them a nickname? katie: like they call her Kitty because she likes to curl up in your lap sam: awwww katie: in the official paperwork they settle on "katherine" OMG the older ones prank mycroft whenever he comes round. but kitty is always sweet to him and wants to sit in his lap and hug him and he's just like uhm... sam: "Sherlock what do I do with the small one?" "If you rub her back she hums." *"Sherlock."* "No, honest to god, she does." katie: like maybe he found her hiding in a skip and he had to lure her out with sweeties sam: awww, and what if kitty actually doesn't want to get close to him at first, but maybe he does one of those small monologue things about "it's okay to be scared" and stuff like that katie: yeah!! sam: maybe he finds her on a case! katie: yes! he thinks she might have been a witness. but by the time she's able to talk about it it's too late to do anything about it... legally. so they go vigilante justice on their ass sam: oooh, yes! katie: ooh ok so he lures her out with food! sam: Yes! oooh, maybe he just happens to have a sweet in his pocket because mrs. hudson was handing candies to the other kids? katie: at first he's just trying to get her out but she won't so he and John get sandwiches and just sit by the skip and lay an extra sandwich a little bit away from them and start eating and are like "mmm sure its good!" and she kinda sneakily gets closer and closer and they pretend not to notice that she sat down beside them and started eating the other sandwich
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ohallows · 7 years
Maybe you can give some good ficrecs on KonTim? Love for you❤❤
me and my near-500 bookmarks on ao3 are Here For You My Dude
okay i’ll put it under the cut bc its prob gonna get long (also pls forgive me bc some of these websites are LITERALLY from the early 2000s okay, some of these fics are.. so old..)
disclaimer: i hate fics that demonize cassie or steph or any other character for the sake of timkon so you wont (with the exception of sea foam princess) find any of those fics on this list (and sfp is an exception itself too)
maybe i’m too busy being yours - angst, 1k
not completely powerless after all - mainly fluff, crossover with powerless (tv show), 18k
the ultimate plan - angsty, lots of h/c 17k (*check tags*)
there’s a hole in my soul, can you fill it? - h/c, 2k
time flies by - post-reboot, fix-it, 6k
strength - good good boys, 1k
heaven tonight - GOOD GOOD BOYS + BABY MAKES THREE (my actual tag on this when i bookmarked it was PURE), 11k
the projectionist - emotional h/c, just cute, 4k
trepidation - angst w/ happy ending, 18k
we’re not dating - absolute pure fluff, 5k
world’s finest - look at my kids being best friends!!, 8k
in between be and begin - nice prose, fluff and angst
gonna be a better one - dear god so cute, awkward boys are awkward but v much in love, 18k
holding out for a hero - angst and fluff and also kids, 8k
bleeding slow - tim remembers kon fic, 2k
taking you with me - good good take on tim and kon in the n52
the tragedy of stars - *screams into the void*, mythology au, 2k
reveries - FLUFF, 5k
quadranscentennial - fluff (?), 1k
**the mystery of the superboy shirts - BEST FIC EVER, 4k
longer fics:
parts of each other - basically a universe in which two different tims swap places and people deal with it
scions - au, interesting take on tim as heir of WE and kon as heir of lexcorp, 62k
catfishing - tim catfishes kon but dont worry its cute. steph makes things okay, 30k
matters of the heart - nice action story w/ pre-romance mixed in, 20k
perennial - au where tim wasnt robin, 93k
livejournal fics (aka take all of thesse with a grain of salt, i haven’t checked the authors pages bc its a bitch to do on lj so idk them, its ‘old fandom’ and also annoying to read on this platform - this is also back in the day of ‘said is dead’ so.)
thank you for nothing - (i honestly dk why this is in my bookmarks it/s 1st POV and i hate first pov but here?)
close to home - MURDER MYSTERY!, 65k, noice fic!!
miracle in smallville - tim gets stuck @ the kents house in the middle of a snowstorm and ma immediately adopts him
from this archive (proceed with caution, there’s a decent amount of bad characterization), i rec:
- sea foam princess (u have to search it as there is no ‘next’ button on hte fic itself and its four parts - also not a great characterization of tim or cassie, but its explained at the end)
- drake (SUPER LONG but super good i loved it  a lot
feel free to read the other stories in the archive but it is.. very 2004 livejournal (they say “ficcie” which is. wow. dating it.)
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your-kpopmama · 6 years
Tagged by @bldvnbln
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you’d like to get to know better.
Nickname(s): Tate, Sis, Bee, Dev
Gender: Female
Sign: Sagittarius
Height: 5′10″
Time: 4
Favorite Bands: BTS, GOT7, yall know who i listen to lmfao. theres so many.
Favorite solo artist: uh i dont have one really.
Song stuck in my head: Here To Take The Sky - D.R.U.G.S
Last movie I saw: Bright
Last show I watched: Doctor Stranger (rewatching)
When did I create my blog: End of 2017
What do I post? : KPOP. Mainly Namjoon. my AUs
Last thing I googled: i cant tell yall bc it will give away the next part of the BANGTAN au lol.
Do I have any other blogs? : @boutthehuglife​ but i havent been on recently
Why did I choose my URL? : im a mom into kpop lol.
Following: 129?
Followed by: 643?
Average hours of sleep? : lately? too much. 
Lucky number: 13
What am I wearing? : shorts and a tank top and my poppys old jacket
Dream Trip: i dont really have one ;-;
Fav Food: all the food
Nationality: american
Favorite Song: Here To Take The Sky - DRUGS 
Last book I read: holy fuck uh, The Merciless? I think thats what it was called. idk. its a good book. teenagers. satanic rituals on friends. its loads of fun for hte whole family. AND THE BOOK IS BRIGHT ASS PINK.
Top 3 Fictional Universes I want to join: anyone where im married to namjoon fam.
I’m just gonna tag a couple, then whoever else wants to do it then go ahead 🖤🖤
@lxnelywxtercxlxrs @parkxsuga @bbymyg96 
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wavemaker9 · 7 years
working more on rare pair prompts real quick before bed and another thing I’m accidentally very much liking about the prompt for ivan and austin: ivan and kyle click so well that they rarely have to check with the other on if X is okay because either they’re totally okay with it or they’re so immediately forgiving that doing something wrong and then discussing it after the fact is literally always met with a ‘don’t worry about it, just for next time’.
but ivan and austin don’t have that. they have a lot in common, but they also have a lot of differences. Ivan is emotional and touchy feely and expressive and prefers intimacy, while austin is muted in his emotions and doesn’t like being touched and has a very hard time expressing himself and prefers distance. so them having to communicate more. to talk about what they’d prefer to see the other do and what they’re willing to change about themselves at hte other’s request and them both sticking to their guns on certain points but making sacrifices for the other. austin getting to a point where he values his relationship with ivan enough to make those changes. we know ivan’s pretty good at sacrificing in certain ways to appease loved ones, but austin really isn’t so him taking small baby steps but there still being a clear effort. specific examples i like?
austin fine with ivan saying he loves him because he knows ivan is super emotional and emotive and that’s what ivan’s comfortable with saying. ivan fine with austin only saying that he cares for him because austin feels like love is too strong a word for what he’s feeling so, even if austin does like and care about ivan very much, it feels like a lie or something to say it before it feels more true to him and his relay with ivan. ivan learning that it makes austin more comfortable with kissing or hand holding if he checks with austin first if it’s okay and respecting it if austin says no not right now. austin in turn making the effort to do those things more, not just accepting them but initiating them on occasion when the moment would seem right. 
i think a lot of austin’s relationships would eventually get to similar points, not even in the romantic sense, but just that in the AUs where he befriends and gets close to mel/micha/kyle, he eventually does start to ease into a more comfortable situation of respect and low-level sacrifice because he begins to care about them, but it’s just nice for a relationship to start right off the bat with that respect instead for him, idk. it’d actually be kind of interesting to see where his relationship with one+ of those three would end up if it didn’t start off on the wrong foot all the time. it’s just. it’s not austin with those three if there’s not at least a little bickering, yknow what i mean?
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tanoraqui · 5 years
please write more for that au its SO CRAZY GOOD i need more... youre such a brilliant write
no knowing what this was about. Please enjoy character sketches of six generations of Watsons + a couple Holmeses, courtesy of this bit of technically-original-fic-because-of-public-domain. Still not sure what I’m going to do with all these people!! 
Mycroft Holmes, 1830 - 1901
Original incarnator and namer of Sherlock Holmes
Basically to see if he could. Incarnator and academic studier of spirits. Spark, and good at it.
(Death spirits aren’t very stable bc they tend to. Um. Kill the host. Only so much you can do to restrain the nature.
Mycroft concluded that that’s bc it’s always polluted by the fear of death - pure death would be more directable
He was right? Also, I guess mildly suicidal? And did a lot of trial and error in brief experiments in hospices, even a war zone or two, over a decade or so. Personality developed based on Mycroft’s, ofc, cool-emotioned but ever-curious, and an ego the size of imperial India
So Holmes was substantial enough to manifest more or less as we know him when Watson had a panicked moment on that battlefield
John Watson, 1867 - 1891
Bearer of Sherlock Holmes, 1886 - 1891
Dutiful, mom friend, selfless, kinda all or nothing, quick decisions - good in medical emergency, sometimes impulsive/reckless, mediocre shot except at snooker, reads for fun - especially once he picks up a bookwormy demon
Trained incarnator-physician
Summoned him in a terrible moment in the war in Afghanistan(?) in 1886
The field hospital was under attack, evacuation having been interrupted by unexpected enemy maneuvers, and Dr. Watson was torn between shooting on the enemy and trying desperately to tend to patients, but there was no way out and nothing but death all around. Nothing at hand but death.
So he figured “what the hell” and summoned a spirit out of that, bound to his own body ofc, and had him kill all the enemy. Holmes offered to take some of the death out of the British wounded as he did. A friendship began.
“Listen here, Watson - war is no place for pure death!” -some discomfitted superior officer, dismissing him from the service
John didn’t fully disagree, the easiness felt wrong - but it all felt wrong. And the medical applications…
But no hospital would hire him, with a death demon and the way he flinched at sudden noises still, hands that still shook 
Holmes scented a recent death, they interrupted a police investigation, impressed them with medical knowhow + death sense (passed off as medical knowhow for the moment?)
And That’s How We Ended Up A Consulting Detective 
Died in 1891 in the course of dispelling Moriarty, a life demon and criminal mastermind - fell off a cliff, on top of him, to injure the body so bad Moriarty had to vacate
Mary Watson née Morstan, 1876 - 1929
Bearer of Sherlock Holmes, 1891 - 1914
Sensible, dutiful, decisive (good in crisis, sometimes bad choices, esp. in anger), more aware of her own faults than John but also must work harder to overcome internalized prejudices
Took up Holmes after John’s death, to (vengefully but well-intentionedly) scour any trace of Moriarty from Earth.
Often did so with Young John on her hip, bc what else are you gonna do. Could’ve gotten a nanny but didn’t have too much money and (along with Holmes) was more worried about him out of her sight than chasing murderers with them
In the early 20th centuries, she started getting overtures from the British government re: taking Holmes to war and just, you know, fucking shit up. When WWI started, she and Young John quickly devised a Plan™
Young John Watson, 1891 - 1939
Bearer of Sherlock Holmes, 1914 - 1939
Eminently practical but secretly romantic, nay, Romantic™, drinks hella respect women juice, quick-thinking
His mother started calling him “Johnny” instead of “Young John” when he was 2, but Holmes never picked it up - to Johnny’s annoyance, bc he wanted to, you know, not just be his father. They had a full argument about it, Holmes refused the juvenile nickname, but did his best to use “John” for like a week before reverting. It grew on him a little, though.
The Plan™:
Basically, the govt had slowly come around to the idea that a weak and feeble woman was in possession (ha) of one of the strongest demons in England. They (she and Young John) were sure she’d be summoned once war broke out - indeed, perhaps she was, but it was more like sounding her out and she put them off. Can’t draft a woman after all.
But clearly they’d escalate, so…fortunately, John had fallen thoroughly and mutually in love with a young American woman, who didn’t mind taking him home at all - they’d probably beaten it around the bush a little, hypotheticals, and then this…there was a bit of a tizzy tbh. John nearly fucked it up, emphasizing that he was immigrating for Holmes and not for her, no pressure on her whatsoever. Possibly they didn’t sort it out until they arrived in New York - though this did have the boat ride to do it.
But yeah: Mary released Holmes, John took him up and left the country with the govt none the wiser, Mary continues putting off the govt until the passports were thoroughly stamped…
And then America stayed out of the war long enough, and idk if “conscientious objector” was a thing but I’m sure he found some way to put it off. 
Holmes did well during the Great Influenza, at least.
Buuut they ended up consulting detecting anyway lbr. 
Shot in 1939, possibly by sniper in crowded area or at least by gunmen in unexpected attack, on a case set up by Moriarty���
Gave Holmes his death, final order to get Jillian out of here alive. 
Amelia Hunter, 1896 - 1966
Moderately wealthy New York family
Visited her second cousin in London in 1913-1914, as well as the English suffragette movement (herself a part of the American movement)
Met and fell quite in love with Johnny Watson, with a cheerful dose of “your mother is so cool.” Cheerfully helped him and his mother con the British government out of a death demon, married him once they both got their heads a little straight
Jillian Watson, 1920 - 2019
Bearer of Sherlock Holmes, 1939 - 2019
I’m not saying she swore vengeance on not just Moriarty but the entirety of Nazi Germany whom he was supporting (for fun a profit, per usual), after they killed her father in front of her - for almost certainly the express purpose of keeping Holmes out of the incipient war - but I’m also not…not saying that
Nor am I saying that she was part of the inspiration for Captain America in this ‘verse, or at least for Peggy, but I’m not not saying that either
Slightly rogue incredible combat fighter who volunteers to go fight Nazis before it’s even cool? Yeah. Yeah. Some Peggy art just straight-up looks like her, once Kirby&Lee somehow met her
Jillian Watson. How do I begin to describe Jillian Watson
Jillian Watson is a superhero. Jillian Watson is a spy. After WWII, once someone in the army decided it was better to work with her than against her, she ended up in…whatever proto-CIA they were forming at the time
Also, got married and had a kid while still on semi-desk duty
Jillian Watson is known as “Angel of Death” in 40 languages in 95 countries. Jillian Watson liberated at least one Jewish concentration camp. Jillian Watson stopped the Cold War from getting Hot at least twice - and neither time involved Cuba. She was on vacation that month.
And Holmes, obviously. They had a very solid hot/cold balance - only one was ever emotional at once
Jillian Watson has kissed a KGB agent, killed a king, and met nearly every US President from Truman through Reagan. She liked Eisenhower best. Carter downright annoyed her, and she nearly had a shouted argument with LBJ, though they also exchanged a handful of letters
Jillian Watson probably helped bring down the government in Iran in the 70s
Jillian Watson was probably not a great mother. She was too busy chasing adrenaline and maybe glory. 
They liaised with the FBI, too, as it grew, and shifted to their Spiritual Crimes Division completely in the late 60s/early 70s, when age was starting to really catch up with her - a death spirit can keep away infections and viruses, but not the simple wear and tear of age and adventure
When the AIDS crisis hit, Marcus put them in contact with people and Jillian Watson once more became known as the Angel of Death, this time for bringing mercy
Retired age 80 (2000), under duress. Still did some consulting. 
Liz was an option, but she was already getting on, and maybe irritated not to have gotten Holmes before (and/or maybe growing out of that desire anyway?) Manuel was a candidate, but Holmes needed a lot of talking around - and it didn’t matter yet, bc neither of them wanted to be parted. Neither could quite forget losing her father (or hte original John Watson) and Holmes meant to stick it out, and Jillian had no intention of retiring that much
Eventually got some quite contacts - nay, friends! - among elderly in her area to engage in consensual euthenasia now and then. Supplemented by hanging out in morgues and cemeteries and buying and killing a TON of plants, and sometimes mice.
Went on a lot of protest marches in retirement
Marcus Watson, 1920 - 2005
Twin of Jillian
Settled down with a lovely partner (Henry White) sometime in the 50s in NYC, where they lived for the rest of their lives
Not particularly interested in the life of a consulting detective/incarnator. Didn’t mind, but got squeamish, and just…didn’t enjoy being in danger. John took him on a couple cases but Jillian was the one who wanted to go, to know, even when they were kids, and he was happy to let her. Born to be a house husband.
He and his Henry were fully exclusive, neither got AIDS - but they lost a lot of friends. Practically, he turned Jillian and Holmes on to the crisis, connected her with people who knew people
Jeremiah Fletcher, 1918 - 2000
Married Jillian Watson in 1946
Fell in love when she broke him out of a German prison in 1942
Elizabeth “Liz” Watson, 1949 - 2009
Free spirit, adventurous, thought her mother (+ Holmes) was the coolest person ever, wanted to be the same. 
Legitimately badass in her own right. Joined…same service probably? They didn’t want another woman but someone intelligent resigned themselves to at least having a Watson in reserve, in case they couldn’t convince the demon to accept another host
Though, why “convince” when you can bind?
And if there’s no alternative, maybe he’ll be happy with a proper agent…
Or there was one person hiring who wasn’t a total ass, eventually
Though possibly by that time she’d decided “fuck it” and set out on her own
Basically a mercenary. Expected to inherit Holmes when her mother retired. There were some awesome mother-daughter expeditions
Got having children out of the way early - one child, at least, via a random French man in the summer of 1970. Donna from Mamma Mia energy. Jacques SomethingFrench
Tension with her mother (and Holmes) grew as Jillian continued to not retire and Holmes…tried to look after them both tbh. Liz hated being cosetted
Heart attack age 60, slightly adrenaline-induced but relatively tame - hiking or something; maybe surfing. Died quickly in hospital
Therese Marquéz née Watson, 1971 - present
Resented being left behind with her grandfather (Jeremiah) or great-uncle or just nannies while he mother gallivanted around the globe, but nor did she personally enjoy gallivanting
All but refuses to carnate even a light or luck spirit
Ran away several times, permanently at age 18
Met a nice young man in police training, (him), married him quickly, had twins, happy for a while…until she got furious at him for working long hours, risking his life, not giving her the domestic bliss and picket fence life she’d imagined 
Also, he got along with her family, which she couldn’t stand
Didn’t even wait for him to come home, just left the twins with Manuel’s sister’s family and left
Has come to see them a couple times, called on birthdays usually, but in general is a mediocre person
Manuel Marquéz, 1970 - 2012
Husband of Therese
A Good Man
V aware of how the world is shitty but wanted to make it better anyway
Whirlwind romance with a beautiful but mysterious girl while he was in police training, had twins, thought he was achieving the American Dream until it turned out his wife was bristling with resentment and straight-up left one night while he was on shift
Prior to that, Jillian and Holmes randomly showed up at least once to see the twins, having heard from Marcus that they existed (the only family member Therese told; the only one she stayed in much contact with)
They got along great - he took her snappishness in stride, they shared a slightly cynical sense of humor and desire to do good nonetheless. Got talking about police investigations and procedure, he wanted to invite her back except Therese couldn’t STAND it, so they didn’t
But when he lost Therese, he reached out - because fuck you, but also, so the kids could know that side of their family, and by then Jillian had also settled down in southern CA probably? 
Dog person
Shot on the job when his kids were a year into college
David Marquéz, 1991 - present
Twin of Vanessa. Normal. Down-to-earth, B or B+ student, liked some sports, had friends, went to state college - Jillian offered to help pay for both twins, Manuel accepted bc that shit’s tough, especially two at once
Amiably disinterested in spiritual stuff - doesn’t mind, is more or less blasé about the whole Death Spirit thing - acts blase, at least; is actually kind of uncomfortable. But doesn’t want to be his mother, and so habitually doesn’t make a big deal of it, or of anything. Mediator.
Met a nice Jewish girl in college (Hannah Steinbeck) (himself tentatively, idly Catholic from the Marquéz side), dated her all through, followed her back to Boston to get a job…idk, something on computers. Coder?
Loudly insists (technically factually) that he’s the older brother, but to his credit has solid energy for it: responsible, stolid, reliable, Will fight if given cause. 
But also, DID cheerfully leave his sister to be primary local caretaker to their elderly great-grandmother and her death spirit, not long after their father’s death. Will put his hands over his ears and talk loudly while walking away from stressful situations
Strong-ish but apathetic carnator
Vanessa “Vinnie” Marquéz/Watson, 1991 - present
Bearer of Sherlock Holmes, 2019 ongoing
BSN from idk
Thinks SHE’S the responsible one, particularly after David moved to Boston
Got along well with her father; he always supported her desire to go into medicine to help people. Really looked up to him, considered that career - but he urged her to be more actively helping life than just stopping death/crime (wanted better for his kids)
Always fully aware that good cops like her dad are rare; kind of illogically despises the whole institution since his death
(WAS that, too, arranged by Moriarty? Question for another day)
Likes Great British Bake-Off but CANNOT bake; likes Project Runway and other fashion shows and does, actually, have good fashion sense (just insufficient money to fulfill it). Sews well. Talks to cloth like it’s a patient
Roommate is Darby, also a nurse, they/them. Together they’ll totally be like, *Leslie Knope voice* “Tragically, we are romantically incompatible*
First case happens literally in the apartment 3 stories down
I’m not saying she’s gonna kiss that FBI agent before it’s over but i’m sure as hell saying she’ll THINK about it
Also will get ⅔ of the way to telling Holmes to kill her and get the civilians out before backup arrives
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