#idk why i drew the collar his neck needed something man
degenerateshinji · 1 year
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Recently was rewatching end of evangelion and my brain's kinda broken now so
wooo sskk kawoshin
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xhisokas-harleyx · 3 years
Helloo! I don't know if i can just request something, if requests are close or something please just ignore it sorry qwq
What do you think Hisoka's reaction would be if he saw Reader in yk,,,, maid outfit or "cat" outfit idk what they called. Like ears+tails. Who knows why, maybe they just wanted have fun and dear someone never knocks 🙄 ilovethismfsomuchistg- Anyways, wishing you a good day or night! 💛
Thanks so much for your request, sorry it took so long. I hope you still find this!
(hope you don’t mind that I sort of ran with this one!)
Warnings: sensuality themes, absolute PAMPERING of your man Hisoka. I mean, serious spoiling kink. Body worship
Enjoy 😊
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Hisoka x Reader: Kitten
word count: 2700
Well… you were a sight, that much was certain.
Your eyes danced over your form as you twirled in the bathroom mirror, appreciating your bare thighs in the short kitty dress you were wearing. Your black tail swayed along with your hips, your lace gloved hands placing the kitty-eared headband atop your crown. Your bust was showing through the skimpy black material, and the size of it barely allowed your rump to be covered with a thin ruffly layer of fabric. It was promiscuous and you weren’t sure it was your style… but if Hisoka picked it out for you, you were open to the idea.
Well, technically you’d stolen this item from him, but something told you he wasn’t going to mind.
As you’d been cleaning your and Hisoka’s shared apartment earlier that day, you had unassumingly stumbled upon one of Hisoka’s hidden treasures when you were dusting under the bed. There, beneath the box-spring, you’d discovered a white container which looked as if it hadn’t been touched. Normally you’d never go snooping around in Hisoka’s stuff (not that he had a lot of stuff to snoop in anyway), but because you hadn’t seen it before, curiosity had gotten the better of you.
When you opened the box to reveal the cat maid outfit, your jaw dropped, your mind baffled and scrambling for an explanation. However, it was obvious, right? It was for you, who else would it be for? It made sense- one of his favorite things to call you was kitten… you could hear his lusty voice coo it in your mind even now. But you had no idea he could take things so literally!
You’d been wanting to spoil Hisoka for a while now. He’d been coming back hurt and exhausted from his strenuous missions with Illumi, and although you could tell he wanted to spend time with you, he was always being whisked away to fight his next foe. Many times, he didn’t even get to sleep before the next mission called him. Your little discovery had given you an idea, and currently you were planning it carefully in your head. You figured you had at least a few hours before he-
“So, you found your birthday present.” Hisoka’s voice startled you, and you wheeled around, amazed at how silent he could be stalking up behind you like that. Your face turned bright red- whatever chance you had to back out before was gone now. You took in the tattered appearance of your boyfriend, complete with blood on his face.
“MY birthday present?” You asked, placing a hand on your hip sassily, and cocking your body to the side. Hisoka loved your normal fiery attitude, which could go toe to toe with his own sarcastic and sharp tongue. He knew you still had a soft side, that desire to be sweet to him, but with how far apart you’d been recently, he hadn’t seen it in a long time.
Hisoka chuckled as he captured you in the cage of his arms, his nose burying in the crook of your neck and breathing in your intoxicating scent.
“Fine, you got me… it’s really MY present.” Hisoka smirked against your neck, already parting his lips to nibble leisurely on your exposed skin. Even in his words and his voice, though they were passionate and fervent, you could sense his exhaustion. The cuts that littered his exposed arms worried you, and in a moment, you drew back, looking up into his golden gaze. Bags were beginning to form under his eyes, and although they held a hungry gleam, you could tell he was close to collapsing.
The sight of you in this outfit, however, had him teeming with excitement despite his need for rejuvenation.
“How many times have I told you not to rummage through my things, y/n? Tsk, Tsk.” Hisoka grinned widely, his own catty eyes monitoring your body hungrily. He dearly appreciated your bust peeking through the fabric, your perfectly shaped thighs accentuated by the half white laced stockings, and the collar around your neck with a small bell that showed how possessive he was of you. If you’d paid even the slightest bit of attention when putting it on, you’d have noticed your name engraved on the metal tag. Of course, it was his plan all along for you to find this little secret, and you could sense that he was trying to be his normal difficult self in denying that fact.
“How many times have a told you not to hide things from me?” You fired back, causing him to withdraw and place a spread hand over his chest.
“Ouch. It seems you’re really in character tonight, kitten.”
His use of the nickname made your blood boil, and your aura pique a little at his purposeful insult of your methods. You wondered what his undercut insult truly meant to call you, but you allowed it to slide. For as much as he could be insufferable, you still had a deep desire to please your lover.
“And…” He just had to continue, his words grating on your nerves just as he wanted. “…since you’re already dressed the part, why don’t you get to cleaning?”
You felt enraged at his comment, for a moment letting your anger get the better of you and distract you from your goal. “I-I’ve been slaving over this house all day, what is there left to clean?!” As soon as the words left your lips, however, you realized you ‘d played right into his trap.
Hisoka’s thin eyebrow kicked as if he was surprised that you don’t know... but as soon as you saw his expression, you got the idea.
“Me, of course,” He reiterated anyway, a sly grin painting his features.
Little did he know, you already had quite the plan in mind for him- and it was something not even he had anticipated.
After promptly shoving him from the bathroom, you began to set up. You’d requested that he give you ten minutes to set up for him, but knowing how impatient the bastard could be, you swiftly tried to get it done in five. Lit candles were scattered throughout the bathroom, the tub in the center of the room being filled with hot water, almost scalding, just how you knew he liked it. Evening light filtered through the sole window in the room, painting the water and floor tiles with an orange cast. You scattered some bath salts into the water, as well as some cotton candy scented bubble solution, which you knew he loved.
That’s when he came barging through the door, smirk on his face, without so much as asking for your permission. You half expected him to be naked, but he still wore his tattered clothes, and you figured he was just that tired. But as he took in the surroundings before him, his eyes widened, and he seemed surprised that you’d been able to do so much in such a small amount of time.
“…” He didn’t say anything, and you quickly assumed your role in his relaxation before he got the chance to question your motives.
“All for you, Hisoka, my darling.” You threw in a small bow, playing the part of a maid just as you’d practiced in your mind. “I hope that everything is to your liking, my king.”
That nickname made him realize how touch-starved he felt in that moment, but he swallowed the urge to foil your little game so quickly.
Seeming to realize he was visibly gawking, Hisoka closed his mouth and smirked, sauntering forward and reaching for the hem of his shirt to peel it off. Though he couldn’t bring himself to say so outwardly, he was very taken aback that, contrasting with your earlier fire, you’d gone to this much trouble on his behalf. Part of him wanted to patronize you and make you angry, but the other wanted to see when this attitude was taking him.
“Let me help you with that.” You floated forward, dropping your voice an octave to reflect the sensual atmosphere you were painting with your environment. Your hands moved expertly to the bottom of his skintight purple undershirt, where your nimble fingers ghosted just under the fabric, grazing the V-line of his pelvis as you began to slowly remove his shirt.
Hisoka allowed you to do so, but he seemed dazed by how angelic and feathery your touch could be. The skin of his chest burned with passion as you pulled his shirt above his head for him, fingertips grazing tepidly over each muscle as you discarded it to the side. The care you touched him with was something he was unaccustomed to- typically when you touched him, you made it clear exactly what you wanted from him. His gaze was intent on your face, and while you could feel him staring, you paid no mind to it and moved onto his pants.
You coyly shimmied the elastic waistband carefully over his hips, ensuring that the magician would be mesmerized by your slight of hand illusions and the ability to make his worries disappear. It was as if you were the only thing grounding him at this moment, as his breathing picked up.
"There...” You dropped to the ground submissively as you beckoned him to step out of his bloodstained trousers, and along with them you trashed his underwear to the side. You ignored his obvious excitement as you reached up again to touch his thighs.
Hisoka’s breath hitched in his throat as your gloved hands traced the detailed lines of his muscular legs, praising and appreciating every mark and every muscle, your eyes remaining in sharp contact with his all the while. You were numb with appreciation at this point, and you let it show in your every motion.
“Look at you… you are so perfect.” You purred up at him, pushing past the moan he accidentally let slip. “Your body is so gorgeous. Every muscle, every mark, every feature is something that should be admired.”
His mind was a wasteland, driven by his willingness to let you talk him up, edge him closer to snapping just with your words. He had a shameless kink to withhold his own pleasure until his very breaking point, and you were unknowingly expertly fulfilling that desire.
~Oh, don’t look at me like that, y/n… you know I just can’t contain it…~
Hisoka’s body truly was like a finely chiseled sculpture, and it made you so pleased to worship him as you felt he deserved. Even if he felt like he needed to cover his imperfections with Texture Surprise, you always had a way of letting him know you appreciated his scars and flaws. Positive affirmations hadn’t been a part of the magician’s life before you came along, but this was on an entirely new level, it was delicacy, fragility, like he couldn’t comprehend.
“Now, if you’ll just step to the tub.” Hisoka did as you asked, his hand moving into yours, and you helped your man step into the scalding water, watching as he sank down into the tub, coloring the water pink with residual blood.
“Well, Well.” Hisoka snickered as he fully relaxed in the tub, and it seemed he’d gotten his spunk back. “What’s gotten into you, y/n? What game are you playing with me, hmm, kitten? You’re not usually this... eager to please me.” His voice was like honey, his eyes closing as he began to soak. You kneeled, and took your position just behind him, sitting on the floor where you could easily access his body from outside the tub.
Your small, heated laugh sent chills up his spine, because you sent it right into his ear, as your now bare hands began to trace his chest. “And why shouldn’t I be? You are THE Hisoka Morrow. You are the most powerful man around… you deserve this.” You got some soap in your hands, beginning to wash the dirt and dried blood away from his body in circular motions. You did mean your words- while you two loved to play fight, you did have a deep, almost obsessive adoration for Hisoka, and knowing that you could serve him like this was a major turn on.
Hisoka shuddered when your compliments continued into his ear, your teeth grazing up his neck, and to his earlobe, where you nibbled lightly. His body was submitting to your touch, his tense nature flowing out of him as you placed him under your spell.
“You’re so good to me… I’m so lucky to have a guy like you.”
You were being so submissive and serving that Hisoka thought you might have been under some mind control or something. This was like a fantasy come true for the magician- of course he feels like he deserves this kind of treatment from you. He ate up your compliments, they made his ego (and something below the water) grow to painful size. What you were saying was all true, of course. He is the great Hisoka Morrow, and you belong to him. Why shouldn’t you worship him like a God?
But as it played out before him, your reverse psychology got the better of him- and Hisoka ended up being the one questioning his worthiness. He expected you to get mad and retort at him, but you were dedicated to showing him how you truly felt.
He had the tendency to be so brash- sometimes he came home and ravaged your body before even saying hello- that was how strong his hunger was for you. But tonight, you had the ability to read the situation, and knew this care, this pampering, was exactly what he needed to recover.
“Let’s get that face, hm?” You nearly moaned, scooping some makeup remover into your palm and beginning to massage the faded paint from his soft, pale cheeks. Your hands moved back toward his hair, fingertips spreading over his scalp as you massaged. But this seemed to be the final straw for Hisoka, because he startled you by grabbing your wrist with such force that you thought he might snap it. You yelped helplessly as his golden eyes flew open and looked into yours directly, as if he were feasting on your soul. You could feel the weight of his aura rising, your sensual touch becoming too much for him to handle.
You knew that look; you’d seen it countless times before. His honeyed irises reflected a deep lust, accentuated by the offset of his tongue on his bottom lip. Your normal reaction would have been to struggle against him- but you submitted to his will, letting Hisoka’s hand pull yours back to his chest… and then lower.
All was silent as you allowed him to force your wrist below the waterline- and you tried to hide your panic when you realized where the magician was leading your hand. His traced his own V-line with your splayed fingertips, as if teasing himself just along the edges of the pleasure he so desired.
“Hisoka- you’re not being any fun.” You stopped him finally, your orbs reflecting a sense of disappointment, when he let go of your hand reluctantly, but not your gaze. He knew you’d truthfully be more than happy to oblige him- he made sure to guide you toward his end goal.
“You’ve had your fun… and now, I want to have you. This was always the outcome, y/n.” He droned dangerously, relaxing into the tub for a moment longer before he sat up, bringing himself to a standing position once again.
His words broke your resolve into shards, and a small moan escaped your plump lips as your tongue grazed across them. He stood up, confidently putting his manhood at your eye level, droplets of water cascading down his glowing body that was bathed liberally in the setting sunlight.
“I believe it’s your turn to get cleaned, kitten… But let’s get dirty, first.” With that, he snickered evilly, and pulled you into the tub, eager to put your newfound submissiveness to the test.
I likeddd this one :3
Hope you enjoyed, please feel free to leave a comment!
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binniesthighs · 3 years
call me babydoll | reader x chan
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soooo shhhh this actually a part one shhhh but i’m just trying out writing out different things and getting out some of my ideas outta my head that i’m really excited about, this one being one of them!! for now...just pretend that this is just a regular ol’ drabble hehehehe. this part is the set-up chapter (shhh i mean drabble) 
Pairing: self insert, female reader x bang chan 
Genre: fluff, smut, and angst 
Tags: (overall) bodyguard au, moderndayprince!chan, bodyguard!reader, secret agent au, royal au, action and peril, plot driven, running out of time, slow-ish burn, growing feelings, softswitch!chan, hardswitch!reader, some skz side characters, jeongin third wheel and comedic relief LOL, travelling, chan being expensive and having a lil bit of a superiority complex, flirtyyyy chan, bits of mystery, explicit language, mentions of food and alcohol, idk think like 007 vibes hehe 
CWs: guns and gun violence, a shooting in a ballroom, mentions of blood 
Word count: 4.6k 
“I wasn’t expecting to see you here early.” 
“Well, expect the unexpected.” 
“Don’t turn the motto back at me. I’m sick of hearing it so many damn times.” 
“What? You and I both know that it’s true. You’re here early too, so, technically you don’t get to say anything.” 
Jeongin straightened his bow tie, then patted down the sides of his perfectly ironed tux with not a crinkle to be found. Knowing him, it was a miracle that he hadn’t messed it up in some form yet. He promptly took out his pocket square to clean off his glasses. 
“You’re looking nice. Seems like they don’t mind spending money now on you these days.” He blew off the flecks of dust on his lenses. 
“They know that they get their return on their investment. And thank you.” 
You smoothed down the sides of your dusty pink dress that nearly went all the way down to your ankles. Had you any other choice, it would’ve been something different, but, dresses were really good at hiding your thigh holster compared to the slacks you usually favored. You didn’t mind the times that you would have to put on a pretty dress, it somewhat reminded you that there was normal life outside of your job. Not to mention, they had started sending you jewelry as well. You always had liked the look of a diamond necklace. 
“You do your research for tonight?” 
Jeongin nodded, then took from his pocket his phone to read over the details. 
“I’ve done a background check on everyone attending, we shouldn’t have any issues. It’s already a low risk event anyway. Charity is never something to get too worked up over, but, you never know with the detail that some of these people come with...who they might be tied to...” 
“--The only people we can trust is ourselves.” You nodded with arms crossed. 
“Expect the unexpected, I know.” He slid his phone back into his inside suit pocket to adjust his cufflinks. 
“--Nervous?” You took note of his fidgeting actions. 
“Nervous? No. I’ve been through this before. You know that.” 
You flicked your partner right on his forehead strung with his white hair. You had really wished that he had picked a less conspicuous color, but he had strings to pull that you didn’t. 
Jeongin cleared his throat, “You do your once over?” 
“Do you even need to ask? I did it hours ago and when we arrived. You know that I’ve done this before too.” 
“I know. I know.” 
Jeongin looked out at the vast circular atrium that made up the center of the hotel. Several stories down under the glass rooftop, you could hear the faint sprinkling of the intricate fountain which smelled of copper. A bit further down, you could see the tips of the tree branches from the indoor landscaping. Across the way, a door slammed with residents tucking in their ties. The two men you had recognized from the roster: a simple thing which made you feel at ease. Your young partner must’ve started to have an effect on you. A sense of unease seemed to quell in your neck. You always listened to your hunches. 
“W-what do you think he thinks of us?” Jeongin broke the silence. 
“Well,” From inside the room you had waited outside, you could hear his distant murmuring, so you lowered your tone. “I think that he has yet to trust us. It’s only been a few weeks. He doesn’t seem like the kind to give himself up easy. That, and I’m sure his resentment of his father must have some influence.” 
“You think he hates us?” 
“I think he hates his father for hiring us. I mean, wouldn’t you? His old security detail, he had them for years.” 
“I guess so. But, we’re not like his old detail.” 
“No. We’re not. I don’t think he gets that yet. I think he sees us as one more way his father has a hold on him.” 
“It’s not like he can do much else about it when his dad’s a kin--” 
“--No, no, thank you, really, it’s lovely. Some of your best work. Thank you.” 
Chan swung open the door to his room, stopping Jeongin right in his sentence. 
“Ah. You’re here already. That’s...punctual.” 
As dazzling and showy as ever, Chan looking nothing short of a magazine model. For a prince, he had certain...appearances that he had to maintain. Today, it was a velvety and maroon suit jacket with a white button up. On the collar, two matching brooches had been perfectly placed, and they were silver like moonlight in the shape of English ivy and adorned with diamonds. On his lapel, he wore the royal insignia of the lion and the wolf. Behind him, you could see his slew of stylists cleaning up their makeup kits and obscene assortment of designer dress shoes for him to pick from. You had thought before that he even smelled like royalty: stuffy white roses with a hint of priceless cognac. 
Jeongin bowed his head respectfully. “Everything has been prepared for tonight. The rest of your guards are surrounding the building, and I’ll be corresponding with them as needed, your Highness.” He tapped at his earpiece. 
Chan drew his attention over to you, giving you a rather lusty glare. Over the past couple weeks, you had gotten used to it. He was a prince to every extent of the word. If there was anything that he had wanted, he simply had to ask. It drove him insane that all he could do was merely look at you. You had  wondered if he harbored anything else for you besides the way that he would devour the curves of your shoulders and hips. 
“Fox. Bee. You look nice tonight. I like seeing you dressed up. Makes me feel less out of place.” 
You couldn’t help but let out a little sound of discontentment over his rather affectionate nickname for you. You and your partner had been introduced to him as F and B. Quickly he had figured out Jeongin’s codename as Fox, considering that he had done a poor job picking out one that wasn’t related to him at all. Anyone could tell that boy was fox-like, and he also just wasn’t that creative when it came to picking out a name for himself. B, or Bee as he had decided, was your name; as in bumblebee. After learning about Fox, he figured that there was an animal theme going, so Bee seemed to fit best in his oponion. 
You tested his glare with your best, “Thank you, your Highness.” 
Jeongin gulped. “Your assistant should be waiting downstairs with your itinerary. She told me that you should meet her first off.” 
“You work too hard F. Have some fun tonight, hm? But don’t...drink too much. You’re responsible for my life remember?” Chan clapped his bodyguard on the back. 
Your partner nervously laughed and adjusted his glasses once more: his preferred tic. 
“And Bee?” Chan rose a brow to lean into close and whisper. “Stay close, alright?” 
“Of course, your Highness.” 
Chan let out a little scoff after getting one more proper look at your frame. “Damn. You really are stunning. Just a little too dangerous for me though.” 
You rolled your eyes, dishing him outa, “Whatever you say, your Highness.” 
Jeongin threw you and annoyed glare before tracing after Chan as he sauntered down the hall to the glass elevator. 
“Bee? You coming? Or do you have something better to do?” Chan’s voice called down the hall with an echo and a little teasing gesture of his hand. 
It had been seven years since you had chosen this line of work, and each time that you had to go to one of these things, you hated them more and more. Not because they were hard to control--they were easy--but you just hated how many superficial and self-absorbed people that they could fit into one room. 
The air was filled with the scent of champagne bubbles and too much Chanel No. 5. From corner to corner of the room, and even next to the ice sculpture of the lion and the wolf crest, silk, satin; velvet and the best cotton could be found. Long gloves covered the arms of ladies with wrinkling skin, and tweed vests held in the guts of men who indulged in their food just as much as their mistresses. All this effort just to appear as if they had given one care about the philanthropic efforts of the royalty.
Several neatly dressed waiters passed you with golden platters of hors d'oeuvres made of ingredients so expensive, they would’ve cost the same amount as the generous donations made by the attendees. If you could’ve, you would’ve scooped up as many of them as you could, just to eat all of their copious amounts of money yourself, but, there was somewhere a rule that you had to keep your hand to yourself when you were on duty. The best that you had to look forward too was take-out to eat at 3 in the morning with Jeongin later. 
Buzzing chatter filled your earpiece while each of the additional guards gave their hourly report. 
“Damn. It’s fucking colder out here than I thought. It’s fucking summer.” One of them joked to the tune of the other guards laughter. 
“Stay focused.” Jeongin scolded over the line. “Don’t leave your posts until your shifts change.” 
While he was a timid man, Jeongin was not one to mess around. Son of the director, he knew that he had big shoes to fill. After pleading for years for her to admit him into the academy, she had agreed. Everyone knew the reason why she didn’t want him in this line of work. Too many dead. Too many missing. In some ways, he was also yours to look after. 
You trailed after Chan who was busy talking to his assistant and his publicist. While he nodded at their words, you knew that he must’ve been barely listening. Chan never really was one for formality, but much rather enjoyed simplicity and pleasure. Jeongin and you had somewhat of a bet going: out of all the guests, you had liked to bet which one he would take with him to his bedroom. Since you had all the profiles of the guests, you liked to bet a little money on which one it would be. 
Jeongin had guessed it to be the heiress and daughter of a tycoon who had made a multi-million won donation in the name of his company. It was ironic; his very company was a big-scale pollutor who liked to make nice with the crown. She was conventionally very pretty: long legs, a thin frame, she was educated and looked as if she could hold somewhat of a conversation...not like that mattered to him. 
You had predicted it to be the foreign CEO who had just started business dealings with the crown. While she might’ve looked a bit stuck-up and prim, she was intimidating, and a challenge. Chan loved challenges. Chan also had a pension for pretty boys with a bit too much money on their hands--usually inherited--and with nothing much else to do other than dote on him. There were plenty of those attending the gala tonight. 
Chan snaked through the crowd, bowing his head at all of the Good evening, your Highnesses and the It’s a pleasure to meet you, your Highnesses. Every few moments or so he would take a bite from a golden plate and then pop it into his mouth. The whole night long, he would hold his glass with him and it would get refilled for him without him even needing to ask. You sometimes liked to pretend that in some places, they must’ve assigned someone to watch him from afar to make sure that he would never need anything before it was given to him. It wouldn’t have surprised you. 
“Having fun Bee?” Chan languidly rolled his head back, swirling his glass. 
“As much fun as you are.” You quipped. 
“Anything that I should be concerned about?” 
“Nothing of concern.” You stated matter-of-factly. Had you matched his flirting tone, you knew that you wouldn’t hear the end of it for the rest of the night. “Fox. Report?” 
“Nothing that I can see. No one has been tagging you.” Jeongin had staked himself up on the upper balcony of the banquet hall room, and had been watching for as long as you had been following after the prince. “You sensing anything strange?” His voice tickled in your in-ear. 
“Just a bunch of the normal crowd.” You kept your tone down low. “He’s rubbing noses with the usual. You’ve seen too?” 
He chuckled. “Yeah. I know what you mean.”
You followed Chan to his seat nearest the front of the room which had been fashioned into a stage with a clear glass podium in the center. Right in front there was one more crest decorating it. Chan had ensured it to be so: he had wanted everyone to know that this was all for his charity. 
“It seems like our bets aren’t working out. He hasn’t talked to either of the...suspects.” Your partner changed his choice of words knowing that the other guards were listening. 
From the opposite side of the room both the heiress and the CEO stood with thin glasses of wine in their lithe hands. Chan had in fact walked right past them, and didn’t even notice. 
“Tonight is going to be a long night.” Jeongin sighed over the line. 
You politely pushed past attendees with a raised hand and a sweet smile. You had found that when you smiled, you had appeared less intimidating. 
“Oh wait...what’s this?” 
“What?” You whipped your head around after Jeongin’s interjection. “What? Do you see something? What’s the call?” 
“Relax! It just looks like he’s approaching someone he wants to talk to. I think both of us are about to be proven wrong.” 
“Ah, shit.” You sighed. “Don’t put me on edge like that.” 
“I’m only trying to entertain myself.” 
“Name. Who is it? You’ve got the roster.” 
You partner was quiet for a minute, and you watched from a distance as Chan approached the man leaned over a martini seated at one of the perfectly decorated tables. 
“Uh, I think that he’s Lee Minho. Some kind of royalty from somewhere else. Pretty low ranking from the looks of it. I think that he made a donation himself...and it’s...damn, larger than you would expect.” 
“Should we be concerned?” 
“No. Seems harmless.” 
“Thank you for coming,” You made out the words that Chan had mouthed. He drew a chair next to the unknown man. 
From what you could tell, Lee Minho was handsome to the full extent of the word: nearly all of his physical features were exemplary and his suit appeared to have been fitted to perfect for him; likely one of a kind. He too wore an insignia on his lapel, but it was one that you hadn’t recognized before. He had immaculately styled hair that had some kind of rebellious and boyish charm to it. The man had a kind of mystery about him too: you had been able to pride yourself in being able to read people, and it had saved your life on more than one occasion. But with him, there was something that you couldn’t place. 
“Do they know eachother?” You asked Jeongin. 
“Not that I know of. School friend maybe? Seems like all the royals send their kids to the same schools.”
“Hm. That would make sense.” 
“Enjoying yourself?” Chan said. 
Lee Minho nodded, and rose his glass to clink it with the prince’s. 
“Do we think that he’s our...suspect?” 
The stranger dipped his head into his hand as he listened to Chan speak. A flirty gesture that you had seen a hundred times or more. Still, the way that he inspected Chan, it wasn’t adoring. Or at least, you didn’t think that it was.
“No. I don’t think so.” 
“What the hell are you yapping about?” One of the other guards snapped over the line. 
“Um, classified stuff.” Jeongin quickly explained. “Above your paygrade. Don’t worry about it.” 
“Fox. Watch out for him tonight.” You snuck over to a corner of the room where you could watch the two of them more discreetly. 
“Affirmative....” Your partner paused. “Babydoll.” 
“Pffff--Babydoll??” The same guard stifled his laughter. “You call her Babydoll, Fox? Damn, you all must be closer than I thought. Didn’t know that I was missing out on some of the action--” 
“--Ever heard of a codename, Three?” 
“Babydoll’s her codename.” 
A grin crept over your lips. “Expect the unexpected.” 
You had almost gotten distracted enough to miss how Lee Minho had leaned over to whisper something into the prince’s ear. After he had done so, Chan laughed out a little, then reached his arm around the other man’s chair comfortably. 
“They’re...cozy.” You updated your partner. 
“I’m trying to cross-check where he might know him from.” 
Chan’s assistant and publicist finally slipped away with giddy little smiles. In many ways, you were jealous of them. They could leave whenever the wanted, eat what they wanted...
Jeongin scoffed. “Well, turns out...nothing. I can’t find anything.” 
“Negative. I’m not seeing any crossover.” 
“So they really are strangers?” 
Your partner sighed. “Looks like neither of us are cashing ou--I mean--finding the suspect.” 
Under your breath, you wondered aloud, “Who are you...Lee Minho?” 
The night drew on longer with the rest of the formalities: the formal dinner, followed by several speeches from important people while dessert was being served. It all led up to the final act: His Royal Highness, Prince Chan’s speech. On several neat notecards marked with the crest, he held them in front of him while he ate his last bits of Mont Blanc Chocolate Pavlova. Even the name of the sweet itself sounded pretentious. Granted, it smelled delicious--as many expensive things did. 
You stifled a yawn from your little set up on the edge of the room. At least you should’ve been able to sit, but it turns out that sitting is also against the rules in this line of work. A couple other security and bodyguards had joined you at the edge: some of their heads nodded with sleep, and the others looked as if they had taken one too many energy shots. Luckily, your stamina had been well crafted. 
A fancily dressed MC made his way up to the podium and the room filled with applause after the last speaker had said all of their correct mandatory words. 
“It is my honor to introduce to the stage, our wonderful head benefactor of this organization, His Royal Highness, Prince Chan of the Crown. 
Applause tenfold of before erupted through the whole room and it wasn’t even an afterthought for the every attendee to stand up from their seats in an ovation. It was a force of habit for you, but you found yourself clapping as well. 
Chan rose with grace, and re-buttoned his jacket with finesse. A blinding spotlight found him and it made the diamonds adorning his beck wink brilliantly. Even more blinding was his pearl white, and perfectly trained smile accompanied by his wave. 
Thank you. Thank you. He mouthed. 
“It’s like he’s a frickin’ movie star.” Jeongin groaned. 
“Might as well be with the way that they treat him. You know deep down they’re all just terrified.” 
Chan made his way up to the stage in all of his regality, and the applause didn’t stop until he cleared his throat. A collective groaning of a couple hundred chairs squeaked when everyone sat back down. 
“Thank you everyone, really. I wanted to thank you all for your generous support in your donations to this organization, as well as your association with the crown. I’m sure that all the beneficiaries of your donations are beyond thankful compared to me. Without you, this would not be possible.” Chan spoke with grandiose gestures, as usual, but this time, he had found you on the side of the room. “Listen, aside from being a prince, I’m also just a person. A person who knows what it means to struggle, to--” 
“--I can’t listen to this anymore.” You whispered into the quiet room, and to your partner. 
“Just a few more hours.” He droned. “I almost wish that something would happen so that we don’t have to sit though much else of this.” 
“Be careful what you wish for.” 
In the corner of your eye, Lee Minho shifted in his seat, but still kept his undivided attention to the stage. You figured he must’ve been just like the rest of them: enamored by the flashiness of the crown--and Chan. He had a way of putting a spell on people: it was the kind of spell that a prince of deception had crafted after years of being kept under lock and key. 
“--Anyway, what I’m trying to say, royal or fanciful we all might be, in the simplest way, we’re all just people, therefore this is what connects us all. Thank you.” 
Chan was gifted yet another standing ovation that was somehow even more thunderous than before. 
“Yeah right.” You scoffed. “People born into money. There’s a difference.” 
Chan gave his last waves, then a clamor echoed from the back of the room. At first, it had just sounded like the same raucous laughter you had heard all night, but then it shifted to something different. The sound of laugher turned into shouting, then screams: high pitched and piercing. You had seconds to respond, head whipping around the room to catch sight of the confused prince. In your in-ears, the the sound of gunshots echoed with rapid-fire speed. Machine guns. Shouting commands barked in your ear, and muddled with Jeongin’s string of demands and questions. 
Your heart instantly started beating into hyperdrive, and your legs sprinted as fast has physically possible 
“THEY’VE GOT GUNS!” A shrill and cracked voice of an older woman wailed from the back of the room. 
Immediately after she had said so, shots fired into the darkened room with sparks, and the metallic sound of bullets hitting the marbled ground followed. 
Chan looked around in his panic for you, petrified on the stage. You slung your gun out from your thigh holster and latched onto him with all of your might. 
“Get the fuck down there and secure the exists!” Jeongin growled into his mic. “B--is the prince secure??” 
“Secure!” You yelled back. Using your body as a barrier, you led the cowering prince through the mass hysteria of the crowd. 
“Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Shit.” Chan shook under your iron grip. 
More shots fired into the room and bodies parted like the sea and fell over each other. 
From the balcony, you had caught Jeongin aiming his own gun at the chaos below. 
“I’ll cover you! Fuck! There’s so many of them! Get him to the car out back--Three, Six, meet B out there! Three!? Six!? Report!” 
“Three and Six are down F!” One of the guards panted. “I can provide cover out back!!” 
“Who’s speaking??” Jeongin bellowed, then aimed from above at one of the intruders. Your only focus was on weaving you and Chan out of there, but you had seen one of them in a blur. Each of the men with guns wore dark grey suits with black ties and leather gloves. Each of them wore their own crest: and it was all red. 
“Bee?? Bee???” Chan shouted out for you, and jumped every time the crack of a shot echoed in the ballroom. 
“I’ve got you, your Highness. We’ll be out soon. Keep your head down and listen to me.” Your arm held to him tightly, and you soon found the exit nearest. There was no telling if there would be more of them outside, but you loaded your gun quickly just in case, and pointed it out. 
“Jeongin, get your ass down here!” 
“Jeongin? Who the fuck is that??” Chan ducked down to hide himself behind your frame. 
His name had slipped on your tongue, but that hardly mattered. 
“I’ll be down in a second!!!” 
“Don’t fucking waste time up there when I need you down here!!” 
“Two! Two Reporting!!” A man suddenly yelled in your in-ear. “I’ve made it out back and I’ve secured the exit. The car is safe!!” 
“FOX! Now!” 
Your partner heaved, “I’m coming, I’m coming!!” 
You kicked open the exit door, gun’s still blazing, however one one else could be found on the other side. 
“Thank God,” You sighed. 
“Oh shit, I’m gonna be sick.” Chan had turned paler than white, then stumbled in your arms. 
“Hey, HEY!” You held him upright. “It’s gonna be alright. I’ve got you. You’re safe. You need to trust me. Your life is in my hands and I’m not giving it up easy, got it?” 
“O-okay.” He stammered, then attempted to straighten himself. 
“The Prince is outside, repeat, The Prince is outside. Two, are you in position?” 
“Yes. Yes, I am.” 
Other than the fact that you had just escaped absolute peril, the evening was unbearably pleasant. Crickets chirped in the summer evening, and the humidity of the night smelled gorgeously of the lake that was near-by as well as the vast array of flowers that had been purposefully landscaped around the hotel. Chan’s uneven steps scraped at the gravel walkway. 
Since you had canvassed the whole building well, you had known exactly where the getaway car was, but you were still careful. 
“Bee. Bee!” Chan blabbered. “Have-have I told you yet that I-I’m in love with you?” 
“No, you haven’t Your Highness.” 
“I fucking am. If I die tonight, I want you to know that I am ridiculously in love with you, and fuck, I wanna--” 
“--I’m sorry, Your Highness, respectfully, but now is not the time for this and you are not dying on my watch.” 
Somewhere off in the distance, frogs croaked, and the splashing of fish in the lake plopped at the surface waters. You turned a corner to finally see Two waiting his his gun raised. He was a bit of a shorter and scrawnier man, but something about him told you that where he lacked in strength, he must’ve made up for in agility. 
“I’m out! I’m out!” Your partner gasped, and over the in-ear you could hear his running footsteps. “I’m almost there! I’ll be there in a second!” 
“Your Highness,” Two bowed and opened the car door. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you. You can call me Two or J. Either you prefer.” 
Jeongin came bounding around the corner with heaving breaths and his clothes askew. His glasses which just barely held onto his face had a crack on them and his knuckles were covered in blood. 
“Let’s go.” The younger man prompted. 
“In the car you go, Your Highness.” You motioned for him to do so. 
Chan whimpered like a toddler. 
You shoved his body in, “Stop that. Get in the car.” 
“I’m in love with you Bee!” He yelled out, “I’M FUCKING IN LOVE WITH YOU BEE!” 
Jeongin slammed the door in his face with a bit of a chuckle. 
“He’s delirious.” 
“Mm.” your partner smiled. “Sure.” 
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ushidoux · 4 years
Look at Me, Senpai - Hinata x Reader x Daichi (Pt. 3)
Summary: Reader starts to see Hinata in a different light once he returns from Brazil. It turns out Hinata’s inability to give up isn’t just something restricted to the court. (~1.8k words)
Warnings: fem!reader, nsfw, infidelity, a touch of the yandere
A/N: Idk how long this fic is gonna get but we’re nearing the big mess. I hope you enjoy reading and let me know what you think!
Part 1|| Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5
Leave him.
Hinata’s voice still rang in the back of your head but you would ignore it. Today, you would try on wedding dresses. You’d chosen Daichi, after all.
You trailed behind your older sister, who had flown in from overseas just for the occasion, and your mother who chattered excitedly between themselves, linked arm in arm, as they essentially tore through the bridal shop ahead of you.
“Try this, ___! It’s so beautiful and just look at that embroidery!” your sister insisted, almost snatching a backless and lacy gown from the hands of a terrified employee.
“No, this looks better!” Your mother pushed back, pulling another dress off the rack with no decorum to the other employee’s obvious dismay.
“Look at how high that collar is! Is she getting married to God?”
Meanwhile, you wondered if it was sacrilegious to be wearing white at the wedding given the circumstances.
If you truly loved him, you wouldn’t be like this with me. Why pretend? 
Why not be 100% true to yourself?
Hinata’s dreadful honesty continued to weigh heavily on you as you weaved in and out of dresses, feigning excitement as best you could in order to not tip off your annoyingly perceptive sister.
Only marry someone you love.
“You look beautiful, ___. I think this is the one,” your sister spoke up from the outside, now slipping into the dressing room to get a first glance at you once your mother slipped off for a quick bathroom break.
You whispered a word of thanks as you looked yourself now clad in the one you had also settled on as the perfect gown in the full length mirror, trying to envision the look on Daichi’s face as you came down the aisle, the picture of an angel in the flesh, promising to devote yourself to him forever. You could see your sister purse her lips behind you from the reflection, and you knew she was sizing up your facial expressions.
Oh God, maybe she wouldn’t-
“Cold feet?”
She did.
Your heart sank as you bit your lip, trying to hold back tears, but before you could your sister continued in a soft voice.
“It’s not unnatural to have cold feet.” She took a seat in the small stool set at the corner of the room and crossed her legs before looking at you carefully, a reassuring smile spread on her face. “You remember that I almost ran away the day of my wedding, right?”
The image of her drunk and crying two nights before, eerily calm one night before and practically jumping out the window in her own white dress thirty minutes before she gracefully walked down the aisle came to mind and you found yourself stifling a laugh. She smiled in response to your reaction, all was not lost as long as you could still laugh.
“It’ll be fine, as long as you love him.”
Did you love him?
“How were you sure?” You asked now as you hastily slipped out of the dress. A part of you wondered if you were just being dramatic, but the gentle fabric felt as though it were tightening on your skin despite being the perfect fit.
She let out a sigh and crossed her arms over her chest. 
“I want to say something wise and romantic, like, ‘it was when we met eyes’ or ‘when he walked three miles in the snow to change my flat tire’, but to be honest, it was probably when I realized I couldn’t imagine life with anyone else. I know that sounds cliché but it’s the honest truth.”
She looked you in the eyes and sensed the waters muddying within rather than clearing up, and pursed her lips.
“If you want to tell me what’s going on, you can.”
Your body tensed for a millisecond. You knew you could tell her anything, but this? Cheating on your fiancé so shamelessly right after the engagement? There were limits to human understanding, but then again, maybe admonishment from someone you trusted would get you on the right track.
You opened your mouth to speak but before you could offer up a single word, your mother rushed back into the room.
“Why’d you take off the dress before I could see it???” She fussed, and you grinned in response to her disappointed expression before switching back to the task at hand. 
“Quick, put it back on!”
You would spare sissy dear the awful details.
Hinata didn’t call or text for the following week, and by the fifth day, the phantom rings and vibrations of your cell phone had started to drive you crazy. It was hard to concentrate on your art, on tasks of daily life, or preparing your wedding when all you could see flash in your mind’s eyes was what he looked like when you were under him. You told yourself it was the afterglow of lust and would eventually pass.
As if to palliate the pain of your separation, Daichi started to come home earlier than usual, and it began with him popping home at exactly noon on the next Saturday with flowers just because, an assortment of chocolates and takeout from your favorite restaurant.
“Let’s have a picnic,” he suggested, with a kiss on the forehead for his best girl.
You turned off your phone as you followed him out to the small park down the street, spending the early afternoon basking in the sunshine of spring and the warmth of Daichi’s affectionate regard.
Daichi pulled you into his arms as usual as you watched children play in the park with furry companions, couples riding bicycles and old ladies exchange gossip (and maybe launch a few surreptitious glances at the two of you). While the two of you were not strangers to public displays of affection, you couldn’t deny that you were beginning to become uncomfortable the more you noticed people looking at you. You couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that maybe suddenly they were seeing you not as a regular couple at the park but for who you really were: a woman with a terrible secret and a man who was none the wiser.
Did it matter if you chose to be good to him from now on? Would that account for the betrayal? 
Would that erase the fact that a small part of you wished Hinata was holding you right now instead?
Two weeks passed and you fought the urge to call Hinata Shoyo.
By now you knew it was something other than lust that drew you to him, now that Daichi took the time to satisfy the need for carnal intimacy every few nights, even if it wasn’t quite the passion of before, when you had just graduated from high school and all you had were your hopes for the future and each other, but a different type of practiced passion altogether between you.
Daichi knew all the things you liked and exactly how to make your body react in the way he wanted it to but while you were satisfied, you were still wanting. 
Of what? Could you really say it was Hinata that you needed after such a short time together?
Daichi’s lips and tongue trailed down your soft belly as he held on firmly to your wrists above you, teasing you with promises of entering your privacy every time his mouth drew near, then wandered back up to your bosom. 
“Not yet, darling, just wait for me like this.”
He leaned in, pressing his length against your thigh, forcing you to arch your back and buck against him, but he wouldn’t indulge you, laughing softly while his hold preventing you from reaching out to him remained steady.
“P-please, I want you, Daichi, just let me feel you, please.”
He had been edging you for the past twenty minutes but it felt more like hours and your body craved the feeling of fullness between your legs.
“You want to feel me, baby girl?” He growled, earning you a lash of the tongue right at your sex, sending a current through your spine.
“Yes...,” you let out a whimper, “please let me feel you.”
“This isn’t enough?” He asked, between licks and slurps of your wet cunt. “You taste so sweet for me, little baby, what if this is all I want to do now?”
Your mind swam with muddled pleasure as you closed your eyes and you were no longer thinking straight, all you had left in you was the ability to beg.
“Please, please put it inside me,” you continued to whine as he nibbled on one of your lower lips.
“Beg for Daddy’s cock,”  he said, now kissing your mouth again, a large hand now gripping both of your wrists to hold you back as he pressed against you, the pressure on your chest and the pressure of his member just knocking at your entrance making it hard for you to breathe.
“P-please stop teasing me, S-Shoyo.”
A pause.
“What?” Daichi’s voice had reverted back to his regular voice, no longer thick with lusty mischief but with confusion, and he stopped his movements, unsure as to what you were trying to say to him. His grip relaxed around your hands, setting you free.
Your heart stopped as a panic set in, sobering you up almost entirely and you had to think fast, fast, fast.
“C-can ‘shoyu’ be out safeword, babe? I just wanna try something today, something a little different...” you mumbled, surprising yourself with how quickly you could lie under pressure. Awful. You were so awful.
He gave you a confused look, given that you didn’t usually use safewords, but it wasn’t a bad idea anyway, and he nodded with a small shrug before resuming with kisses to your neck.
Your heart continued to pound and you hoped he didn’t notice that the drum of your heartbeat now played fear. That was a close one.
Something had to give soon.
The next day, Daichi seemed to have expedited that process for you.
“Hey, I’m gonna have Hinata come for dinner tomorrow night,” he called out from the shower casually as you started your skincare routine. If not for the fact that you were literally splashing cold water in your face, there would be no other reason for the ice now running through your veins.
“No problem right? I can come back early to help you make dinner beforehand.”
“... No problem.”
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hitsuackerman · 4 years
What in the World? (Akaashi Keiji x Reader) pt.12
a/n: it begins >:)
Akaashi’s lineup: @alluring-akaashi @oikawalmart-hq @extrasugafree @bbykiyoomi @apricotjihyo @awings @simpformiya @sayakaaaaaa @colorseeingchick @demursv1ogs​ @chrisrue15 @beanst0ck @something-that-idk (i have no idea why i can’t tag some of you :( huhu )
links: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 13
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Time flew by so fast in this dimension. Now that you were well adjusted and loving the new life here, it had not dawned on you that 7 months had already passed. Things were moving smoothly and pleasantly.
“Here you go.” Akaashi handed you a snack bar. The two of you (well maybe three if Bokuto is included) were practically inseparable. The team had finally managed to pin the both of you down and confirm that you two were indeed dating. “Did you sleep well?”
Walking to school was still a thing both of you did. Except this time, fingers were intertwined and barely any distance between the both of you. The only time you two let go was when the school gates were near. Still, walking down the hallways, Akaashi made sure to always brush his fingers with yours.
“I did!” You pulled him in to kiss his cheek. The small smile he gave you still made your stomach butterflies flutter. “I did have a weird dream last night. You and Bokuto-san switched personalities. Seeing you do his ‘HEY HEY HEY’ was just so wrong on all levels.”
“Is there a quirk that can do that?”
At this point in time, you barely relied on your quirk. The feeling of accomplishing things without it’s aid was much more satisfying. Of course, Akaashi still reaped its healing benefits and took note of how his stamina had improved.
“High chances. If we can have a washing machine as a pro-hero, then there’s bound to be a quirk swapping quirk.”
“A washing machine?” He brushed his thumb on the corner of your lip to wipe off a crumb. “Even now, your world still surprises me.”
“It’s great if you hear it.” Leaning on his shoulder, you tightened your hold on his hand. “Living in it is a completely different story. It’s been, what, 7 months since I arrived here and I am more than content with not having to rely on my quirk.”
“What about your combat skills? Shouldn’t you still be sharpening them?”
“I wish I could.” That was true, though. “I’m pretty much useless at 30%. Even if I wanted to lift boulders or shit, I have to maintain at least 40%. The difference is small but the output is huge. I don’t get my quirk’s logic.”
“Well, it’s still early.” The gates were now in sight but he refused to let go of your hand. “I’m pretty sure you can work on your quirk. The others won’t arrive within 30 minutes.”
“It’s been 5 months and you’re still curious to see how I fight?” You giggled.
“Yes.” He nodded. “If my girlfriend trained to be a hero, I’d love to see how you move.”
“Well, you made that sound sexy~” You nudged his elbow. “Think we can have a little action before we head to the gym?”
“It’s 6:30am, (y/n). It’s too early for that.” He teased. Yet his steps were a little faster than before. “But, I guess I can’t oppose the idea.”
The next thing you knew, your back hit the wall as Akaashi hungrily kissed you. With your legs wrapped around his waist, your fingers found themselves coming through his hair. Pinning you even more, Akaashi’s hand undid your ribbon and unbuttoned the first two. Letting go of your lips, he trailed kisses from your cheek down to the crook of your neck.
As he was softly sucking on your skin, you loosened his tie and undid the two buttons as well. Tugging his hair, you were face to face with him again. Lust filled eyes staring back into yours. Leaning in, you gently kissed his lips before returning the favor. Activating your quirk, Akaashi felt his feet leave the ground. Knowing what you were about to do, he could feel you turning the both of you around.
Skillfully placing the both of you on the floor, Akaashi leaned on the wall as his hands began to roam higher and higher up your skirt. Having you straddle him this early in the morning was rather pleasant in all aspects. Tilting his head a bit, he gave you much easier access and felt you sucking on his skin a little harsher this time.
“Make sure it’s hidden under the collar.” He managed to whisper. Hickeys were a common thing to have both your bodies. He smirked at how your only response was a nod.
Caressing your cheek, he admired the way your face glowed even more. Pulling you in softly for another kiss, he felt his stomach fluttering when you smiled.
“We should probably head to the lockers now.”
“We can continue this in my room later.” He whispered before kissing you deeply.
“Counting the hours~”
Moments later, you were now pumping air into some volleyballs. Morning practice for today would only take an hour so there was plenty of time to freshen up before the homeroom. Now that the gym was packed with your boys, you rolled out the volleyball cart and positioned it beside the net.
Everyone was now used to having you as a ball girl. In fact, some of them even tried to challenge you by purposely hitting the ball too hard or too low. With your hero training, it was nothing but a walk in the park. You did notice, however, that your body began to sweat a bit more. The after effects of not using your quirk for a long time was showing.
Nothing bad happens, though. Just panting and sweating.
“Aghkaashe!” Bokuto yelled. “Can you and (y/n)-chan help with my math later?”
“I don’t mind. What about you, (y/n)?”
“Sure thing~” You approached your two favorite boys. “Bokuto-senpai, how well did you do on your previous quiz?”
The captain’s golden eyes sparkled.
“HAHAHA! Thanks to you both, I managed to get a 32/50! Whatdya think?!” He punched the air and grinned widely. When the both of you applauded he began to jump up and down while shouting his trademark.
“Calm down, Bokuto-san.” Akaashi tried to stop him from jumping up and down. His friend obeyed and gave a cheeky thumbs up.
“God, I love you both so much~” You giggled at their exchange.
“But you love Ahkaashi more, don’t you (y/n)-chan?” Bokuto added as he shouldered Akaashi. This time, his deadpan face was holding a soft smile.
“Of course!”
When Konoha’s alarm sounded, each of you began to clean up and prepare for the rest of the day. With how often you did it, it had now become second nature to you. Yukie and Kaori even admitted that you adapted much faster than they had anticipated. Once all of you were now freshened up, the gym was locked once more and each player looked forward for the after school practice.
“Exams are approaching.” Akaashi said as he let you step into the classroom first. “Have you prepared your notes?”
“I did. But, you do remember that the subjects you have here are way too easy for me, right?” Placing your bag on your desk, you took a seat and faced Akaashi. “Shall we study in your room or mine?”
“we can take turns.” Now that he was seated, he fished out one of his notebooks and placed it on his desk. Not that it was needed, it merely became one of his habits. Watching as you dragged your chair closer to him, he offered you a pen and flipped the notebook open.
“So, what do you want me to draw?” This had become one of your recent traditions. Before the start of homeroom, Akaashi noticed how you liked to doodle on his notebooks. Deciding that a special one was needed, he took the liberty of buying a blank journal for you to fill with whatever it is you saw fit.
“Hmm, I recall you saying that you designed your own hero costume.” He saw how your eyes lit up. “May i see what it looked like?”
Starting the sketch, you began to draw a figure and dressed it with your costume.
“So, my costume isn’t flashy unlike the others.” You explained. “A quirk like mine doesn’t really need a lot of support items so I went with mobility and comfort. I decided that simplicity was key. Just the normal jacket, shirt, pants, and boots. The only support item I had were my gloves.”
Sketching your gloves, Akaashi couldn’t help but adore just how focused you were. Tucking in a loose strand of hair, he felt the butterflies in his stomach churning once again as the corners of your mouth formed a smile and your cheeks turning a faint hue of pink.
“What do your gloves do?” They looked like standard fingerless gloves.
“The material was specifically designed to aid in manipulating my quirk. It concentrates the energy I release and wraps around my hand. Sorta like a human torch~” It was a bit difficult to explain how it worked knowing you didn’t listen to the man who gave you the item. As long as it aided you, it was fine.
“What were Todoroki-kun’s support items?”
“Shoto’s support items were mostly temperature regulators. Wristbands and a big one he wears like a backpack to help even him out.” You drew his support items rather well.
“Can you try to sketch Todorki-kun’s face?” Letting you draw your friends was something he wasn’t so comfortable with. Not for that reason of course. He merely assumed that it would be a sensitive topic knowing the circumstances of how you arrived in his world. When you giggled, he tilted his head.
“About time you asked~” Beginning to draw your childhood friend, you continued. “I honestly wouldn’t mind drawing my friends for you, ya know? There’s no way I can introduce you to them so sketching them would be the best alternative.”
“I’m sorry.” He held on to your free hand. “I just didn’t want to make you uncomfy.”
“You never make me uncomfy. Keiji~”
It was a quick sketch of half and half but a good one. He squinted his eye when he took note of the scar. He had heard of Tokoyami and Mina, but this one merely showed a boy about his age with a nasty burn on his face.
“Shoto’s got one helluva back story.” Your thumb began to brush Akaashi’s knuckles. “That scar was given to him by his mum when he was around 5 or 6 years old. It’s sad but he grew to accept it and is now healing.”
“You were engaged before, right?”
“For a while, yeah.” You handed him back the pen and closed the sketchpad. The bell had now rung and right on time, the teacher entered the room. Just as she was relaying a message, you were rummaging in your bag for a notebook.
“Please introduce yourselves~” The teacher said.
“Bakugo Katsuki”
“Midoriya Izuku.”
- - - - -
a/n: sooo... what yall gonna do now? :’)
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smokahuntis · 4 years
Pairing : Jacob Frye x Reader
Warnings: SMUT, fluff, ANGST, love, ARGUING
Summery: Jacob finds himself not wanting to leave (y/n) in the morning even tho he has to.
This was based off this post, idk why but it inspired me.
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She looked so peaceful, the sun coming in threw her white curtains, dancing on her bare skin. He never knew how she didn’t wake up with it right in her eyes but he didn’t mind it. He loved just laying there for a few minutes with her in his arms. But he always has to go, if he didn’t and Eve found out, she’d have his head, and if her father found it, he’d be dead. Perks of sleeping with the enemies daughter, but if she wasn’t the most beautiful human being to ever exist.
(Y/n) was nothing like her father, or Jacob for the matter, it blew his mind how he always ended up here. She always kind, sorta sassy but kind. Even when she first met the assassin, found him snooping around her fathers office. She was an angel he didn’t know was real, a gift given to him for who knows what reason but he was never letting it go, specially after the first time he taste it, like a forbidden fruit.
He always had to leave, anytime they had nights like the last he had to leave early. He wasn’t really sure what their relationship was, but after last night he wasn’t sure if he should leave or not. It was different, so much different. It awoken an almost primal sense, a need, a need to protect her. Better then any of the Templar outside could, that was proven after how easy he got in last night, even with the upped security.
He moved quickly, finding his way into her art room with ease. Slipping threw the cracked window he found her painting. She always created such beautiful scenery and buildings, but never anything like this. It was him, beautiful crafted in acrylic and oils, and without him even being here for example.
“You know if you keep using that window someone will notice...” her voice was quiet, almost to quiet.
“Why is there so many men outside?” He asked speaking about the Templar’s stationed on the roof and surrounding area.
“My father has left town...” she said letting down the brush and paints before turning to him. Her eyes were red and glossy, dull but they sparkled once they met his. “We wouldn’t say why but... Jacob...” she shook her head looking down before finding the carriage to continue. “There is a man hunt for you...”
His eyes were shocked, shifted. His heart raced, he was always so careful, he never left marks or anything behind he made sure of it, so how did he knows. He went to speak, to ask but she cut him off as tears fell from her eyes again.
“It’s my fault...” she whimpered out and he stepped forward wiping her tears instantly. He shook his head disagreeing with her but she nodded.
“I... I drew a picture of you and he found it... he knows and I- I can’t stop it... I can’t... Jacob.” She sobbed falling into his chest as he held her tightly to him. He’d never seen her cry, never seen her so hurt in his life, and over him. It broke his heart to see her like this. He’d been with many women and he’d seen many cry but he’d never been as affected by them as he was by (y/n).
“It’s not your fault...” he said rubbing her back, trying to think of the words to say.
“It is!” She looked up at him. “I shouldn’t have let you in!”
“What...” there it was, that shatter of his heart. The glass breaking from a small impact. She moved away from him running her fingers threw her hair.
“I let you in...you had to work to get into my fathers office that day, but the days after I left the windows unlocked and you kept coming back. I let you into my home, to my studio, to my bed...” she let out another sob before finishing. “To my heart...”
Suddenly it was like he was alive again, his heart placed into her hands instantly as he reached for her pulling her into a kiss, a kiss like no other. Sweet and passionate, salty from her tears. Her hands wrapped around his neck instantly as he picked her up with ease, it was almost a routine at this point. Kicking open the side door that led to her bedroom he laid her on the bed gently.
“If I’m going to be hunted for making a women love me, I’m going to love her back” he said, his voice dripping with lust. Her eyes locked with his as her hands moved taking off his hat and setting it aside.
“You don’t mean that...” she said looking at him, his messy hair everywhere already. His right hand came down to his blade pulling it from its holder and moving it to her corset, this was a normal thing. He hated corsets.
“Oh I do.” He said cutting the strings of the thick material and letting it fall open onto the bed as she looked at him, sitting up.
“You don’t love me Jacob...” she said watching him move around. Completely ignoring the serious statements she’s trying to make as he got undressed from his clothes.
“Is that really what you think?” He said laying his weapons aside before turning back to her, only in his under shirt now, along with his pants. “You know I should really start dressing down before I come here, because this outfit is a pain...”
“Jacob, this is serious!” She stood, her dress not holding much shape because of the missions corset. “And it’s not what I think it’s what I know!” He scoffed and looked at her.
“It’s what you know?”
“How do you know I don’t love you? How do you know I don’t get up every morning thinking about you? How do you know I’m not out there! Risking my life everyday so I can come back to you!” She was taken back by his words but she was quick to answer, a fire burning in her as she did.
“Because if you thought about me every morning you would have stayed! Because if you loved me you wouldn’t be out sleeping with every girl in the streets!”
“Because I can’t love you!....” he yelled back. It was a true statement, he couldn’t love her, not with who they were, it was dangerous. But his voice still broke with his next words.. “But I do...” he moved closer to her looking down at her. “And I beg you to me show you...”
She looked at him her eyes searching his as if a lie is going to jump out at her and show itself, but she found nothing but admiration in his hazel eyes. Nothing but love.
“Then show me...” she whispered out looking at him. That’s all he needed to hear, before his lips met hers again, his hands sliding the blue dress from her body before laying her back on the bed.
He slipped his shirt off exposing his toned body to her for the hundredth time. And just like all the other times her fingers instantly found the eagle that marked his chest. Dancing over the imprinted skin before moving to the back of his neck, pulling him closer to her.
His hands roamed her body like he’d never done it before, but he knew every curve and edge, and in and out like his pistol. She was an art form in its self, no sculptor could make something as perfect as the way she looked under him. His lips moved to hers again before meeting her neck, then her collar bone. Kissing and nipping at her skin, but being sure not not leave marks. That’s when an idea came to him.
“I want you to mark me...” he groaned against her skin as he continued to move down, kissing over her ribcage, pulling small moans from her, but his words peaked her interest.
“What?” She said sitting up on her elbows looking down at him, he didn’t stop his assault on her stomach, he just kept moving closer to her soaking core. He chuckled not giving her an answer as he flattened his tongue against her clit. She throw her head back letting out a moan of overwhelming pleasure, but he still didn’t answer, instead he spread her legs apart and started eating her out like he was trying to suck her soul from her body. It was heaven, overwhelming heaven.
She fell back onto the bed completely not able to hold herself up as she gripped his hair with one hand and used the other to grasp on her breasts. ”Jacob! Please!” She moaned out and he only went faster pulling her to her edge, just as she was about to let go she tugged on his hair, causing him to groan, sending vibrations threw her, tipping her over the edge and into a blinding orgasm. Her hips bucked and he moved away using his fingers to help her threw it as he watched her fall from her high. She was stunning, but he wasn’t done.
“I want you to mark me, bite me, scratch me, do whatever you want to me.” He started finally answering the question as he leaned down kissing her. “Just make sure everyone else knows I’m yours, doll...”
her eyes searched his and she gripped his shoulders flipping them over with more strength then he knew she had. Straddling his hips and quickly removed the rest of his clothes before leaning down and kissing him again, her chest pressed against his.
“Gladly.” She moved her hips sliding down onto him easily, both of them moaning out the others name as his hand met her ass holding her down on him. Her lips met his neck, sucking and biting marks into the skin as she started to move, rolling her hips against him, feeling the pressure of him inside her already sensitive core.
She sat up, placing her hands on his chest as she rode him, slowly, teasingly. Her nails dig into his chest breaking the skin in small spots as she moaned out his name, he smirked knowing only he can do this to her.
“Jacob- fuck!” She moaned out before kissing him again to silence herself, she teased to much for his liking. He gripped her hips tightly and without parting from her he flipped her back on to her back and began thrusting upwards into her. Hitting her g-spot instantly, always knowing where it was.
Her back arched as she moaned out for her, so needy and desperate. He chuckled and gripped her hips as he thrust into her at the pace he knows she loved, driving her over the edge for the second time tonight. The way she closed around him as she did sent him over the edge to, just in time for him to pull out and cum on her stomach. The words that left his mouth as he did it was even more shocking then how fast he came.
“I love you”
That’s how he ended up here, with his arm wrapped around her loosely, late into the morning, much later then normal. He couldn’t leave her after last night. He wanted to worship his time with her before something really happened and he couldn’t see her anymore. Before she was just a memory. She began to stir and it worried him, maybe he should’ve left, maybe-
“Jacob, love...” she said tiredly as her eyes remained closed. He didn’t know if he should answer her, but she clearly know he was here, his arm was wrapped around her.
“Yes love...” he said his voice thick with tiredness. Romantically deep and dreamy.
“If you’re going to stay, cuddle me better” she said and his grilled around her tighten, pulling her flush against his body, his face hiding in the crook of her neck, kissing her shoulder softly.
“As you wish.”
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Taglist: @marshmallow--3
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Crappy Shigshou au thing
Word Count: 2k (Will be up on my ao3 Freakinout16 tomorrow.)
Thank you for giving me permission to post @todorokitops I asked on anon. If you read this idk what you ment by respond to you, but I hope this is okay!!!
(Last thing I promise.) I'm running off of really slow data for this (won't be able to get Wi-Fi for 3 more weeks) and haven't been able to see parts 5 & 6. I'm pretty sure it becomes Dekushigshou, but this will be taking place before part 5.
Dust filled everywhere, it made sense because it was his quirk, but it felt like it clouded his head. Shigaraki had a vague memory that he had been with the league, but had gotten split up. The city block he drearily recognized. A cafe and a couple stores with an apartment complex a little down the street. They were crumbled - still crumbling - to make the area look like an apocalypse zone.
A shrill yelp pierced silence and cut off within seconds.
Shigaraki’s movements became frantic. That sounded too much like Todoroki; his Todoroki. Had his Shouto been with them, he was a villain with them but, he doesn’t even remember why they were in this situation. He tried to run to the scream, tried to scream himself, tripping over chunks of past buildings and general reccage. His legs felt so sluggish, like he was trying to run through a swamp, almost a sinking feeling. Was it the dusty air?
The telltale sign of white and red made his heart soar. Then drop as he noticed it was much closer than it should be. It only dropped more as Shigaraki squinted through the dust to see a fallen light pole just under the multicolored hair.
The bluette’s breath hitched and soon he was running, but not feeling like he was getting any closer. In the back of his mind he hoped that for some reason it was only a stupid red and white rag. Though the heterochromia he could have sworn he saw when he squinted pushed that idea further every time he thought of that possibility.
An invisible god was almost pulling Shigaraki back. Not by the shirt collar, but as if the decintegrater’s spine had been ripped out in the middle, only to be used as a whip to beat him down afterwards. His hands and arms were a blur of black and pale tan as he moved them to desperately get the stars and blotches out of his vision.
It felt like hours passed before Shigaraki collapsed in front of Todoroki. Without looking down he intertwined his and his disciples hands. The split-quirk user was in a sorry state. His shoulder looked like Shigaraki own when he had his fight with Stain, and his legs were definitely crushed under the light pole. The old scar was reopened with only frostbitten skin and ice keeping it from fully coming off. It didn’t fit him, he didn't even like it when Dabi’s scars opened, Todoroki’s freeze burn had never opened and it never should.
“No, no, no! This isn’t supposed to happen. You’re supposed to follow me around with those damn puppy dog eyes that I melt under. You’re supposed to call me Shishou and ask me to do stuff no one else can while Dabi calls me whipped. You’re supposed to-”
“I always wanted to hold your hand properly, Shishou.”
It took Todoroki´s eyes to weekly drop to see what that meant.
Todoroki´s hand was cracked. No, it was decaying.
Shigaraki twitched trying to pull his hands away, only for them to be stuck like glue. When did he take his gloves off? “You can decay bigger things much faster. You’re getting better at controlling your quirk, Shishou.”
“Don’t you dare fucking compliment me right now.” Todoroki coughed up dust, dust that Shigaraki shakingly noticed that should be organs in his body. “You’re going to be okay, you’re not dying on me so don’t act like it.” A choked sob was present in his scratchy voice.
The dust Todoroki coughed up was dust from the air. The dust in the air from the buildings, not Todoroki’s dust because Todoroki was explicitly not dusting.
Shigaraki managed to get his right hand away only for Todoroki’s left to come off with it. That’s all it took for his left to become limp and his lover’s entire arm to crumble over it. How had he been such an idiot to not hear the cracking sounds before he saw it?
“Didn’t you sometimes tell me to die? Isn’t this better?”
“I said that playfully!” The taste of salty tears infected his chapped lips, “I need you to stay here with me.” One hand hooked around his own shirt collar while the other tore at the sides of the scarred neck. Silent pleases moved the chapped lips.
Todoroki hacked up blood and dust into the older man’s face. The blood splattered across his cheeks with some sinking down, fittingly mixing with his own peeking out of his neck, and dust stung his eyes. The younger male’s rib cage began to collapse in on itself from the right side. Shigaraki’s vision blurred from dust and tears failed to catch it. The other’s obsession for turtlenecks wouldn’t even let him see the full extent of the damage.
As a last ditch effort the teal haired villain grappled for Todoroki's head. The pinky finger curled and hand stretching for the back of the multicolored boy’s head. If nothing else he wanted to hold him close and wait until someone else arrives. To have their head on each other’s shoulders as they wait until Kurogiri or someone else arrives. Right now he wouldn’t care if it was a hero. As long as Todoroki would be safe.
The others would have a car; they’d bring them to safety and have Todoroki healed. He might not know how, but everything was going to. work out.
A flourish of dandelion seed fluff erupted when Shigaraki’s hand made contact. They flew into the pale blue hair and got everywhere. The hand going for Todoroki’s nape hovered in front of where his lover's nose should be. The red white hair and top of skull disintegrated before gravity could bring it down. A teasing breeze blew the new dust away, like trying to steal still more of Todoroki away from him.
With a finger down, Shigaraki drew a line through his boyfriend’s head.
The turtleneck no longer could hold away the sight of the quirk’s effects. The wanted criminal only watched as the cracking from decay crawled up. Chunks of jaw fell off like Jenga blocks and some cruel twist of fate still lifting it up. What didn’t he obtain the absolute pleasure of seeing his own quirk moving up the jaw then the teeth. Molars slipping into a fine powdered dust at the top. The exceptionally slow dusted the interior first, starting with the tongue.
Then a chunk that could hardly be described anymore as an Adam’s Apple sank into his lap.
Hyperventilating, shaking, tear soaked face with more, sweating, and… blankets? It took his eyes a moment to adjust and realize he was on a mattress in his bedroom. In blaring red his clock displayed 1:38 am. His mind was running to keep up to a body flailing to try and find another body laying next to him.
Todoroki wasn’t next to him. Is what’s going on a hallucination? Shigaraki killed Todoroki. That couldn’t have been just a dream. 
Shigaraki rolled off the bed, hitting his head a little harder than he would have liked. Then he tried to get to the door. The piles of clothes and the I’ll do it tomorrow’s stacked up against him in his haste. 
It was okay until he got to the stairs. Shigaraki tried to take a step and all too fast he was falling.
Suddenly he was frozen. Not like time stopped, but his entire body felt enraptured in ice and his head hit it off something. Stars exploded in his sight, it became a struggle to keep his eyes open. He gave in and just let his eyelids drop.
It took a minute for Shigaraki’s vision to clear again. Only to be met with real sparks and the air around him suddenly getting a lot hotter. It was unfair with how hot and sweaty his body already was.
In a matter of seconds he was falling again only to be caught. He was being lifted up and directed over to a couch. Shigaraki tried to shove them off, he was Japan’s most dangerous villain, he didn’t want to be seen like this. He nearly slipped out of his holder’s grasp when he looked up to see a pair of worried blue and grey eyes.
Instantly Shigaraki melted. His knees buckled as he tried to stand up properly while the tears started anew. Again Todoroki started maneuvering the older man, with much less difficulty this time, towards the couch. Shigaraki stumbled trying to move his feet along to the pace.
Todoroki gingerly lowered Shigaraki onto the couch. There were questions he wanted to ask, but he could tell that wasn’t what Shigaraki needed right now. He used his hand to brush away a few locks of messy blue hair. He leaned up and turned around to go back to what he was doing.
“It hurts to cry.” Shigaraki’s voice grated even more than normal.
“Not usually. That’s because you don’t drink as much water as I tell you to.” Todoroki tried to suppress a flinch when Shigaraki latched a hand onto his shirt. The last thing he wished right now was for Shigaraki to think he was afraid of him.
“What’s that gross smell?”
Todoroki didn’t even attempt to force down a cringe before he turned around, “It was soup for you. It burnt and I was about to try and remake it.”
“How the fuck do you even burn soup?”
Todoroki chuckled before sitting down as well. When Shigaraki curled into his side Todoroki chose not to mention it. “I think I had a nightmare. It was weird and confusing like some dumb fever dream.”
“That’s because you do have a fever.” Todoroki said, adjusting so his boyfriend could easily look at his face. That showed him how sweaty his boyfriend actually was. Slowly he pressed his right hand to Shigaraki’s forehead and activated his quirk. “Would you tell me about it, Shishou?”
“Please?” To Shigaraki’s misfortune, that was the moment he chose to look at Todoroki clearly. The puppy-dog eyes were on full force and it was only milliseconds till he saw the ears and tail forming.
“Fine.” He meant it as a yell, but it came out more as a grumble. He chose to bury his face in Todoroki’s chest to ignore the taller boy’s small smile, “It looked like it was after a fight and I was alone. I heard you, but it was only you screaming.”
Todoroki started rubbing small circles into the other’s back, as if urging him to continue, “I got to you and grabbed your hands, but-”
“You disintegrated me.” It wasn’t even a question. Shigaraki has had nightmares about this before.
Todoroki violently resisted the urge to lay his chin on the blue haired man’s head.The chance was lost though when Shigaraki pushed himself to the other side of the couch. Shigaraki moving his hands into his lap was not lost on Todoroki.
Almost cautiously the fire and ice user reached for his hands, grabbing them around the wrists. No resistance happened as the hands were lifted in front of their faces. With his thumbs he rubbed the thin gloves partially covering pale skin. “What are these?”
“My hands.”
“Try again.”
He gave a nod of approval. It made Shigaraki feel like he was staring at a dangerous predator.
“Now, what do they stop from happening?”
“They stop my quirk from working.”
A sigh. The hands let go and the disintegrators fell into his lap again. “They stop you from disintegrating things while you’re wearing them, including me. What you dreamt was only your imagination.”
For some reason that made him feel better. Maybe there was a little voice telling him that it was stupid for him to be comforted at 2am and that he wasn’t supposed to be treated like this, but maybe, just this once, he wouldn’t listen to that voice.
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fies-dramarama · 4 years
New Tricks
Pairing: Ram x King
Show: My Engineer
Rating: 18+
WC: 2.3k
Tags: Puppy Play, Tail Plugs, Light BDSM Tones, Top Ram, Bottom King, Fingering, Collars, Leashes
Summary: Ram comes up with an idea to help King with his fear of dogs. Will it work? Probably not, but damn does he look good with ears and a tail.
A/N: Idk man there’s like no fics and I’m starving. Be the change you wanna see, I guess lmao
AO3 Link
Cool boy: ‘I can help you get over your fear of dogs.’
King blinked as he looked down at his phone. He was sitting in his usual spot, right beside one of Bohn’s legs with his homework splayed out in front of him. Mek was sitting across from him, strumming his guitar while Boss and Tee excitedly chattered about the upcoming projects and the chance of getting the affection of the girl students. 
King read the message over and over again before his thumbs ran over the screen. 
King of kings: ‘It's because of this morning, right? Don’t make fun of me.’
He huffed under his breath. He found the younger engineering student feeding that campus dog again and tried to ask him about how his exams went when the beast lunged at him. His heart leapt out of his throat as he rushed up to perch on top of a table, yelling at the younger man to take the dog away. 
How embarrassing. 
Cool boy: ‘Some people say the easiest way to get over your fear is to get into the mindset of whatever is making you afraid. I can help. If you want. If not, whatever.’
King licked his lips, rolling the idea over in his head. He didn’t know exactly what Ram was getting at, but he would be lying if he said he didn’t want to use the opportunity to spend time with the reserved man. 
King of kings: ‘Fine, you can come to my room after school.’
Cool boy: ‘K. you should take a shower before I come.’
King’s brows furrowed in confusion, his lips pursing slightly as he read the last message over and over again. 
King of kings: ‘Um..why? You better not bring any dogs to my house’
Cool boy: ‘just take a thorough shower and trust me. See you later.’
King hummed before he realized the conversation around him came to a halt. He looked up, eyes widening when he noticed his four friends had turned their eyes onto him. 
“Ahhh, look who’s got his face stuck in his phone. Who you texting~?” Boss inquired, leaning over the table to get a peek. Mek shook his head and popped the smaller engineer upside his head to get him to stop while Bohn laughed from above King. 
“Why are you asking? You should know already that it’s Deun’s friend. The weird mute one.” he said loudly, laughing when King slapped his thigh. 
“He’s not mute. He just...doesn’t talk a lot to people he’s not comfortable with. Besides, for someone who hasn’t even gotten a kiss from his own boyfriend of three weeks, I wouldn’t be the one to talk about weird ones.” 
Bohn sent him a sharp look, his brow twitching in annoyance while the rest of the table erupted into laughs. 
“Whatever. He’s still weird.” He grumbled, sharply turning his head away from King while Boss’ eager chatter about some girls gently reset the atmosphere back to their usual comfortable normalcy. 
King cast one last glance at his phone before he slid it into his pocket. 
The knock came to King’s door as he was drying his hair, post shower. He poked his head around the corner, pursing his lips before he looked at the digital clock, noticing it was already past 5:30pm. He shuffled out quickly, opening the door and greeting Ram as he stood on the other side of the door. 
“Come in. I just got out of the shower. I’ll get dressed and then you can show me how you’re going to get me over my fear of dogs.” he peeked around the other boy’s frame. 
“You didn’t bring a dog, did you? I’ll kick you right back out if you did.”
“I didn’t need to bring a dog.” 
The sound of Ram’s voice still startled King from time to time. They had come a long way from the boy adamantly refusing to even look in his direction, to this point right here, but King took it in stride and crossed his arms over his wet chest. 
“So how are you going to help me get over my fear?”
Ram motioned to the bag in his hand as he stepped inside, toeing off his shoes at the door. 
“I told you. By getting you into the mindset of the thing you’re afraid of.” 
King’s brows furrowed. 
Ram rolled his eyes and pushed the older boy against one of the walls, ignoring his startled gasp as he pinned him with his palm at the left side of his head. King looked up at him, his breath catching at their proximity while Ram looked into his eyes. 
“By treating you like one. Tonight, I’m going to get you over being afraid of dogs by treating you like mine.” 
King had the sense to be at least slightly offended, putting his hand against Ram’s chest, but not fully pushing him off. 
“Hey, are you crazy? I’m older than you, y’know. What kind of joke is this? Treating me like your dog? Have you lost your mind?”
“You’ve never heard of puppy play?” 
King froze, his lips parting at the way Ram pushed himself closer, trapping his hand between them as he ghosted his lips against his damp neck. 
“Should I explain it? You helped me with my exam notes, so I can help you understand this. That will make us even.” King exhaled slightly, feeling Ram’s lips against his pulse before the younger man looked up, their faces inches apart from one another. 
“I’ll train you. Like a dog. Teach you to do tricks and obey my commands. Before I continue, we should be clear, it’s sexual.” 
His heart was going to burst at this rate, it really was. King stared at him with wide eyes as Ram tilted his head. 
“Do you want to try? If not, we can pretend this didn’t happen.”
“I want to try.” King didn’t recognize his own voice as he spoke, biting his lip at the way Ram’s lips curled up. The younger man hummed and pointed to his lips. 
“Then we start simple. King, kiss.” 
King lifted his head without hesitation, kissing him hungrily. He had spent many nights thinking about Ram’s lips against his own, sometimes with the promise of much, much more. Ram apparently felt the same as he kissed him back, growling against King’s lips as he pulled his bottom lip between his teeth, suckling it until the older engineer whimpered and parted them further, granting him access for a deeper kiss. 
The two of them kissed desperately as King led them through the plant-filled dorm room. When they got to King’s room, Ram pushed him onto the bed, reaching into the bag he brought with him and pulling out a brand new collar with a leash in his other hand. 
King stared at both items before he licked his lips, rolling to his stomach, the towel around his waist sliding off from the movement. He pushed himself up on his hands and knees, presenting his neck as he looked up at Ram.
“I didn’t even have to tell you. You might be better at this than you think.” 
King swallowed thickly, blushing at the praise before he bowed his head down, letting Ram secure the collar around his neck. He watched his veiny hands adjust the collar until it was comfortable and not too tight before his chin was lifted. 
He looked up into Ram’s eyes as the younger man unzipped his pants, pushing them down his ass and thighs, his cock springing free. King looked down, his tongue peeking out from behind his lips as he unconsciously leaned forward, wanting a taste. 
A hard yank to his hair drew a swear from his lips and he looked back up, finding Ram wiggling a finger at him, while his other hand remained firm in his hair. 
“Bad puppy, King. I didn’t say you could do anything. You still need to be trained. Now, wait.” He fixed him with a stare before he unlaced his fingers from King’s silky hair, moving around to clip the leash onto the collar. He let it dangle down to the bed sheets before he went for the bag again, pulling out a bottle of lube, a headband with upright dog ears, and a plug with a bushy tail. 
King flushed to his ears. 
“I didn’t take you for such a pervert, Ram-ah!” He bucked up as Ram planted a firm slap to his ass. The pain immediately sent jolts of pleasure to his cock while Ram admired the red mark that adorned his tanned cheek from the first blow. 
“I didn’t say speak. When that collar is on, you’re just my puppy. Don’t speak unless I tell you to, or if it’s too much and you want to stop. Our safeword can be ‘gear’, okay?” he looked into King’s eyes and the man nodded, still feeling his cock ache for attention between his legs. Ram hummed. 
“Speak, I need to hear a confirmation. Are you okay with that?”
“Yes, I’m okay with that.” 
“Good boy. Oh, you can speak if it’s sounds a puppy should be making, naturally.” he grinned, settling the headband on King’s head. The older engineer hissed when the coldness of the lube slipped between the crack of his ass before Ram circled his hole with his thick fingers. 
The boxer began to speak as he pushed his middle finger in. 
“You’re a cute senior, King. I haven’t been interested in anyone in a very long time, but you’re so persistent and cute, you caught my attention. So don’t think I do this with just anyone.” 
King wanted to take the time to dissect that little confession, but a low pitched mewl left his lips when Ram added another finger, scissoring them apart while he pet his head. The room fell into a comfortable near-silence after that, with the only sound being Ram’s quiet breathing, King’s shaky gasps, and the slick sound of Ram working two, then three fingers into him.
“Are you ready for the plug?” 
King looked up at him and let out a small, hesitant bark. This still felt a bit weird-
All thoughts stalled in his head the moment he saw Ram’s eyes darken. He held his puppy’s gaze as he slowly removed is fingers, replacing them with the plug. 
Now, King wasn’t a virgin by any means, but he hadn’t done something like this before, and the stretch of the plug drew a low whimper from his lips as he did his best not to use his words. Ram kissed his brow, mumbling praise against his head as he finally pushed the entire plug in. 
“It’s okay. Good boy, King.”
King felt a shiver run up and down his spine as Ram kissed him again, cupping his cheeks and looking into his eyes before he sat down in front of him. He spread his legs and King couldn’t help the way his eyes went back to Ram’s veiny cock. 
“When I say ‘shake’, I want your hands on my cock. When I say ‘fetch’, you give that mouth up to me.” Ram told him, peeling his shirt off so he was fully nude to match the other man. King ran his eyes over his tattoos before he looked up into Ram’s eyes. The mixed man’s lips quirked. 
“Are you ready? Speak, King.”
“Y-yes, I’m ready.”
“Good boy. Grab a pillow. You must be aching. You can rut on a pillow all you want all during this next part. Consider it a treat for being a good boy so far.” 
Something about the authoritative low tone in Ram’s voice made King sway his hips eagerly before he could catch himself, blushing at the way Ram chuckled. 
“Look at that, already wagging your tail.” 
King grabbed one of his pillows, setting it between his legs as he waited for Ram’s instructions. The younger man observed him before he looked down at his own cock, cherry red at the tip and begging to be touched. 
“King, shake.”
King crawled up to him, resting his head on Ram’s thigh as he wrapped his hand around his cock, stroking him slowly. He kept his eyes on the mixed man’s dick, unconsciously licking his lips at the bead of precum that rolled out of the tip as he twisted his wrist every time he stroked upwards. 
Ram growled beneath his breath, his hand on King’s shoulder as he watched him. He didn’t know the image of King on his knees for him giving him a handjob with a pair of doggy ears and a tail would get to him so easily, but here they were. 
“Fuck...faster King.” 
King looked up at him now, his eyes hooded with lust as he continued to stroke Ram’s cock. Ram moved his hand from King’s shoulder, motioning to his nipple as he let out barely restrained groans. 
King rolled his tongue over the boxer’s nipple, grazing his teeth over it occasionally. Ram ran his hand through King’s hair, careful not to knock the ears off as he spoke once more, his cock aching for more. 
“King, fetch.”
A glint sparked in King’s eyes as he lowered his head, his hot mouth engulfing Ram’s cock. The two men groaned as King bobbed his head, greedily lapping and slurping while he finally started to move his own hips, grinding his neglected cock against the long pillow between his legs, desperate for some form of friction. Ram watched him, thrusting up into King’s mouth shallowly as he licked his own lips. 
“Such a needy puppy. Does this get you off? Being my good puppy?” he grabbed the leash, pulling it slightly so King could sink further down on his cock. King whimpered around him, nodding as he rolled his hips faster, his hands twitching before he fisted them into the sheets, closing his eyes as he swayed his hips left and right. 
Ram pulled his lip between his teeth as he watched the senior engineer work his cock in and out of his mouth, his lips stretched obscenely around his length. Ram wrapped the leash firmly around his hand before he tugged on it once more. 
“Why are you being so neat, puppy? I want it sloppy, can you do that?”
King looked up at him, a glint in his eye and his mouth stuffed before he flexed his fingers in the sheets in his hands. Ram noticed and hummed. 
“Need something to do with those paws, pup? Let’s see if you’re good enough to do both tricks for me. Shake and fetch, King.” 
King hummed and wrapped his hand around whatever didn’t fit in his mouth, keeping his eyes up on Ram as he slurped loudly, drooling over his cock as the blowjob got exceedingly more and more messy. Ram groaned and relaxed back on his palms, watching him with hooded eyes as he tilted his head, chuckling at the way King rutted and humped the pillow between his thighs.
King rolled his tongue over the tip of Ram’s cock  before the younger man began to speak above him again, his voice rough with arousal. 
“You’re good at this, puppy. Have you done this before?” 
Ram pulled King up by a handful of his silken hair and without a second thought, King whimpered at the loss of the younger engineer’s cock in his mouth. He looked up at Ram, his lips slick with spit before a small, undeniable sound left his lips. 
A bark.
Ram held his gaze, licking his lips before he moved his hand to the leash, tugging King forward until they were brushing noses. 
“Have you sucked anyone’s cock before, King? Speak.”
King’s eyes scanned his face before he shook his head, his cheeks tinted slightly as he looked away. 
“I haven’t. I’ve practiced on toys before.” 
Something about being the one and only man King has had those lips around sparked something possessive in Ram as he licked his lips. King followed the motion with his eyes before he looked back up, silently begging for permission. 
Ram nodded. 
“King, kiss.”
King all but dove for him, kissing him hungrily as he crawled into his lap, placing his hands on Ram’s shoulders as he rolled his hips down, sliding their cocks together. Ram didn’t stop him, holding his hips as King slid their cocks against each other, his tongue working through Ram’s mouth. They broke it when they needed air, with King panting as he placed his forehead on Ram’s shoulder, still whimpering and rutting against him. 
“F-fuck. King, are you ready for the next command?” Ram growled against his hair, looking down at the engineer. King nodded, pressing wet kisses and small licks to Ram’s tattooed shoulder as he waited for the next command. 
Ram ran a calloused hand down the curve of King’s spine and ass before he grabbed the end of the plug, lightly pulling it out of King while he kissed him. He ignored the whine of protest that came from him and set the plug aside. 
“Don’t whine baby. There’s something else in store for you. I’m going to teach you how to sit. I’m sure you know what I mean, yes?” He hummed, caressing King’s cheek before he pressed a kiss to his nose. 
“Stay right there in my lap and sit on my cock, puppy.” 
King whimpered, placing his thighs at either side of Ram’s before he held onto his shoulders tight, looking him in the eyes. Ram looked up at him before he held up his own cock, the tip pressed against King’s ass. King reached back with one of his hands before nodding at him, waiting.
King tilted his head. Ram stole a kiss from him. 
“Sit, boy.”
King let himself sink, his eyes rolling back as he finally felt Ram’s girthy cock stretch him deliciously. His lips parted as a low whimper left them. He had toys, yes. He’d used them and his fingers plenty of times before, but they paled in comparison to Ram, and the thought of finally having the object of his affections stuff him like he had dreamt about all those nights this past month, nearly made King cum right there. 
He held his composure, seating himself fully on Ram’s cock, panting against his neck as he felt his hole spasm, clenching and unclenching around Ram’s dick as he adjusted to it. Ram didn’t rush him, his veiny hands rubbing soothing circles against his hips as he breathed harshly through his nose. 
He didn’t expect King to do so well with the training so quickly. 
A quiet yip caught his attention as King ducked his head down, barking lightly. Ram’s lips quirked as he sunk back into his trainer role, holding onto King’s hips as he purred sweet nothings into his ear. 
“Aw, what was that? A little yip? Does my puppy feel good? Do you like being stretched around my cock?” Ram cupped his ass and lifted him lightly before dropping him back down on his cock, drawing a loud moan from both of them. King took the cue to start riding him, squeezing his shoulders as he rode him, closing his eyes to focus on the pleasure. 
Ram kept his own eyes open, watching the beautiful image of King riding him so he could store it in his memory. The older man’s mouth was parted, his tongue slightly poking out from the corner of his lips as he bounced on Ram’s cock, his back arched ever so slightly. Ram focused on the small chocolate drops known as his nipples and he couldn’t help himself, leaning forward to take one of King’s nipples into his mouth. 
King squirmed in his lap, running a hand through Ram’s damp hair as he rolled his hips, his cock bobbing between their stomachs as he bounced faster, losing himself in the feeling of Ram’s length stretching him to his limit. Ram laid himself down fully, letting King take over full control as he rode him, small yips and keens mixing in with his moaning. Sweat rolled down his temple as he placed his palms on Ram’s chest, his thighs rippling every time he came down. 
“F-fuck, look at my puppy, drooling all over himself. Do you like it? Is this just what my puppy needed?” Ram pulled at the leash just so there was enough tension in it to keep King from moving his head around too much. He nodded jerkily, his eyelids fluttering. 
“King, s-speak.”
“Your c-cock feels so good. I c-can’t hold on for m-much longer.” he bowed his head down, his bangs cascading down and covering his eyes as he rolled his hips shakily, moaning Ram’s name like a mantra. 
“R-Ram, Ram, Ram...F-fuck, tell me...t-tell me I can cum. Wanna be g-good...wanna be your good boy…”
Ram’s eyes darkened as he slapped King’s ass, grinding him down firmly onto his cock. 
“King, cum for me. Be my good boy and show me.” He ordered, reaching up with his free hand to stroke King’s neglected and weeping cock. King shivered in his grip, his tempo stuttering as he chased his release, rolling and grinding himself back and forth on Ram’s cock as more wanton mewls and moans fell from his lips. Ram thumbed the weeping head of his cock, tilting his head up as he watched him closely, smiling in delight at the way King began to tremble above him. 
A few good strokes, well placed thrusts, and growls for him to ‘cum for me like a good pup’ and Ram had King falling over the edge, his eyes closing tight as he came with a low groan, thick ropes of cum rolling down Ram’s fist as he milked him dry. 
King’s hips never stopped as he bore over Ram, his brows pinched together as he whimpered and panted, peppering Ram’s face in kisses. Ram angled his jaw up, kissing him deeply before he snapped his hips up, groaning against King’s swollen lips as he filled him with every powerful thrust. 
When they finally stilled, King was out of breath, panting against Ram’s neck as the younger man pet his head, gently rubbing circles into his back as he let him catch his breath. When King lifted his head, Ram smiled and rubbed his thumb over his bottom lip. 
“You did so good. Good boy, King.”
Flustered, King hit him with a pillow. 
Ram laughed and pulled him in for a slow kiss, enjoying the setting sun in the older engineer’s room. 
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lord-explosion-baku · 6 years
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Villain!Bakugou x hero!reader
Warnings: swearing, violence
A/N: This was shorter than I’d like it to be. But still fun to write! As a writer it’s hard to read though. I’ve actually started reading my writing before posting it and IDK I WAS PERFECTLY CONTENT NOT DOING THAT AND NOW I GOTTA CRINGE AT MYSELF like can I go back to blindly posting shit without a second thought? Also, HELLO I’m a hopeless romantic stupid stinky girl and so i threw in some fluff bc I could. I’d like to be a spicy edgelord but snag daggit I sure love love. ALSO I did really wanna do this justice pero I rushed it. I don’t know where the race is. I’m in pain. I’m so sorry lmfao.
“Tsk, it took you long enough.” His voice called from quite a ways away but of course he could hear you coming.
You mentally cursed at yourself for not being quieter as you approached your target but the theatre you saw him enter echoed and you were wearing heels. The reason you didn’t kick them off the moment you were in pursuit of the infamous Katsuki Bakugou was beyond you.
You poked your head around a stage curtain and saw him, lounging in a theatre chairs with his arms draped around the seats beside him.
He smirked up at you. “Well?” He said, “we don’t have all damn day.”
To hell with trying to be sneaky. You already knew where this was going to lead you. You strutted out to the center of the stage and crossed you arms. “Why a theater?”
His grin widened as he stood up and walked towards the stage. He wore a white dress shirt with a skinny red tie that fit neatly in his black vest. He leaned against the thrust, resting his arms against the stage and cast a lasting stare at your legs. You shifted your weight to your right. You thought the dress you wore had been too short and the way Bakugou was looking at you now had confirmed your suspicion.
He snickered, “I was hoping you’d put on a show for me.”
“I don’t have time for games Bakugou. Where is she?”
“She? She who? There’s nobody here except me and you, sweetheart.”
You scanned the the auditorium. All empty seats, no sign that anyone had been anywhere near here for at least a couple hours. You shook your head and turned on your heel and started marching away from the blonde. Kiyomi Sakamata had to be somewhere else in the building.
A blast rang and echoed throughout the theater. You tensed and closed your eyes. Here we go.
A hand grabbed the back of your arm and pulled you around. You ducked and slid under him, trying to kick him down but he tucked and rolled back to his feet. You faced each other.
It had been Kugo Sakamata’s niece’s wedding and since you had formed a pretty tight bond with him and his family while working under him for a few years, you had been invited to witness two people form an eternal bond. Halfway through the reception, there had been an explosive ruckus and Kiyomi Sakamata had been taken. You didn’t get a great look at him but you were sure you saw then kidnapper wielding the same grenade gauntlets as the man standing before you usually carried with him.
Taking in his current appearance you laughed. “You dressed up? For me?”
Rolling up his sleeves he chuckled and shook his head. “I had to blend in somehow, didn’t I?” You did a double take on his vest. He was sporting the same look as the other servers in the reception hall. So he had been there. That was smart of him. Gluttonous celebrators never looked twice at people providing service to them if they were doing their jobs right, especially if they were serving food or champagne.
“Damn it, Bakugou,” you moved towards him, kicking upwards towards his face. He ducked and towered over you. You pushed him against one of the stage props and grabbed him by his tie, pulling his face down to level with your own. “Where. Is. She?”
His smug eyes looked at you and then to your lips. There was a complacent grin stuck to his face. “I don’t have her and I never did. She’s back at the reception hall enjoying her time with her significant other. I just needed a way to get you here.”
That didn’t make sense. You saw someone take her and had been at the reception.
He laughed at your puzzled expression. “You just took off so fast, didn’t you? Eager to see me? So what are you going to do now that you have me all to yourself, huh?” His hands were on your wrist and he pushed you off of him. You stumbled back, catching yourself before you could fall.
“Oh, give me a break. You conducted all this just to spend time with me? Was I not giving the poor little boy enough attention?”
“Don’t act like I don’t see right through you L/N,” Bakugou began loosening the tie that hung around his neck, “You saw me walk in here alone. You knew she wasn’t with me and yet here you are. Pretending to fight me. Admit it, you’ve missed me.”
You swung a fist through the air and he dodged it. He was laughing. Every time you swiped he was always evading. You finally managed to grab on to a fist full of his collar and he grabbed your arm. Struggling to break away from his hold, your hand quickly sliced down his chest, the buttons of his shirt popped off and danced across the floor. Droplets of his own blood fell from the cut you left him.
“Oh so now we’re undressing each other are we?” He grinned.
Your eyes slid down his exposed chest and onto his abdomen. You hated the blush the creeped into your cheeks and you hated yourself even more for wanting your run your hands down his stupid ripped body.
“Ha! Remember that time in our second year when you accidentally walked in on me changing after a hero drill? How you squealed out an excuse for your intrusion and you couldn’t even look me in the eyes?” You did remember. It wasn’t like you hadn’t ever seen him shirtless before that day but just the fact that you could have been walking in on him at any point of his routine was what got you flustered. You rolled your eyes. It was always reminiscing with him. You moved your hand to cross check him but he easily dodged it and grabbed your arm to twist you around so you face away from him. He spoke into your ear, “Do you remember what we did after that happened?”
You slammed your elbow into his jaw, knocking him back. “You’ve always been an arrogant prick,” you jeered.
He was cupping his face. He spat onto the stage and you could see a spot of blood on his mouth. “And you’ve always been a shitty girl,” he growled.
He ran towards you. Before you could even react he had you spun around and pushed up against him. “Always so easy to read. Hey, why don’t you do yourself a favor and admit to me what this actually is, yeah?” You thrashed in his arms but he only pulled you closer proving there was no manner of escaping. “Admit that you get a thrill whenever you find me up to my not so conventional schemes. Admit that you love having me up against you like this,” he pushed his sharp chin on your shoulder. “Hell, we both know what this is, I’m sure. You haven’t even used your quirk all night long.”
“You’re one to talk,” you spat. “This has all just been a game to you for a while now. You haven’t actually done anything bad in weeks.”
“Ohh but I could do something bad right now,” he purred in your ear, “I could do lots of bad things to you.” He loosened his grip and placed a hand on your hips, squeezing lightly.
“I hate you.”
“I’m sure you wish that were true,” he soughed and began kissing your neck. You let out a slight sigh and moved your neck, allowing his kiss to deepen. His hands trailed down to your dress and he pulled on the him, hiking it up, and he placed his calloused fingers between your thighs, sending shivers through your body.
You felt him harden against your butt as he pressed against you. Fuck.
You swatted his hands away and faced him. He had his signature shit-eating grin on, the one that you remember him doing as kids.
You pulled your dress down and adjusted your now messy hair. You pursed your lips at him, admiring your handy work. You drew his blood and there was hardly a scratch on you. He never did really hurt you, did he?
You shook your head. “I have a wedding reception to get to,” you said.
He out his hands up and chuckled, “I’m not keeping you.” There was a hint of disappointment in his eyes.
“Then what the fuck are you doing?” He didn’t answer. Ignoring the thrum of your heart, you began to walk off the stage.
“It’s funny,” he called and you stopped walking. “The wedding, I mean. The concept of forever.” You glanced back at him and he was smirking. “It makes me wonder how long we can keep this up. Do you think it’ll be forever?”
You narrowed your eyes. “Is that some kind of proposal, Bakugou?”
He laughed. “All I’m saying is... I wouldn’t mind. If we did this.. forever.” His smirk had softened into something that seemed to be a normal smile. He wasn’t putting on an act to get you flustered.
You turned your face to hide your smile. “You’re a sap, you know that?” You could hear that dumb snicker.
“Hey, you put on a good show, sweetheart, but make sure next time you stick to your character, hero.”
You heard a blast to signal his exit. You made the same promise to yourself that you’ve made the last dozen times you saw him. Next time... next time you’ll get him.
Little did you know that Bakugou was making a similar promise to himself as he watched you walk down the street, back to the wedding reception.
Tags for EVERYTHING: @yandere-inamorata @doriichii @miitaart @dessiedawnwritesfanfiction @kido-is-not-a-ghost @wickedlewicked @chickennuggetsarequestionable @nevermorelanore @kpanime @jetblackjessie @ayeputita @captain-sin-allmight-queen @diisasterbii @iceformer @meganofmars @colagirl5 @colorbookshd @grimmjadeskye @sm0kingcrack @sarcastictextstuck @zellllyyyy @psionicsnow @mynahx3 @andie-in-tumblland @iamthe-leaf @midnightfeline666 @bungou-stray-alies-tales-of-aly @rubyred-28 @bokunoheroes-stories
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dxrksong · 5 years
Johan’s special attack
(Now keep in mind I was sick the time I was typing this down. So if it’s bad, lacking info, or whatever. Tell me.)
(Chestnut is a fusion of @startistdoodles’s Hyde and @halfusek’s Magenta)
In the multiverse there are a collection of Joey Drew’s. Each Drew has something special about them that makes them different. And when two Joey Drew’s form a bond. They can fuse. These “Fusions” have special abilities based off of who is fused with who called “special attacks.” No single Joey has a special attack.....well except for a very VERY special exception.
[continuing from the fork of Johan being chained up in @insane-control-room’s Coherence]
Johan was angry. Furious. About to cry and sob. He needed to stop them. Chestnut had trapped him in this room with metal chains after a tiring battle with said fusion. He hated the fact that he went down so easily. But. There was still his cheat code. Now since Chestnut isn’t part of this world, he’s an “intruder” but since deleting him sent him to another au. That would be bad. .......he has an idea. Since they exist outside his code. All he has to do is FORCE them into his code! Chestnut walked in, taunting him. Taunting him with their voice. When he didn’t respond they got closer to him. Just a little more.
“Hey. Johan!~ I’m talking to you!~” they had gotten a few inches away from their prisoner “DONT IGNORE ME-“
Johan sprung with a battle cry, the chains breaking off entirely. Chestnut reeled back, forgetting about this Joey’s incredible comedic timing.
Chestnut’s surprise gave him just enough time to grab on, dodging the fusion’s attempts to get him off. “GET OFF OF ME!!! YOU USELESS WORM, I WILL DESTROY YOU!!!”
“You want to see me angry?! Well then. S̸̟̺̩ͥ̐̿A̫̙̱̻̺��Y͈͚̤̰̜̥ ̥̣̔Ḥ̝̰̍̄E̬Ḽ̲̏͑̍ͯͨ̚͜L̪̬̺̈́̿O̷͕͚̹ͩ͗̐ ͕̲̘̱̥̯̾͌̑̆͋ͧͯT͙͉ͪͩO̪̣̜̾̒ ͯ͂̈́ͤ͋̈̃͏͉̹̖M̴̮̮̼̙͍̱̻͑̋̇̒ͨͨŶ̼̱̣͆̒̍̌͡ ̥͖̲̫̂ͪ̒͌S̳͊͗̿̂͗P̿E̱̺͍̩ͭC̤͉̺̄̓ͪ̎͗̎̈́Î̐ͣ͑͗Ḁ̡̰̼̬̅ͫ̃̓͐̍L̦͗̈ ͍̜A̔͑T̫̘̼͖͖̤̱̓ͭ͜T̜̹͚̘̤́ͭ̏ͥ͂͡ͅĀ̪͙̘̘̋̊ͨͤͣC̡͕̪̗͕͔̫̊ͮK̝̺͈̽̒!̣̞̘͍͜!̑͌͂̌҉̼̳̫!̵̥ͩ̾̋͑͗̌” He shouted, his voice cutting off for split seconds at random as strings of code covered his body, cutting Chestnut off as he was about to retort about how it was impossible for him to have one. And with the fusion starting to panic, he placed his palm on Chestnut’s back.
(Admin.Control_force fuse.Chestnut)
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They reached forward, fighting the other consciousness in his mind. And just before he lost control-
the fusion was tossed into the void. Johan took the opportunity to forcefully unfuse from Chestnut. Afterwards He ran about 5 feet away from the fusion. (Trap_Chestnut) No way back now.
WHERE ARE THEY?! WHAT DID JOHAN DO?! AND WHY CANT HE GET PAST THIS WHITE OUTLINE ON THE “FLOOR” “Hey!! Where the H*ll are we?!” Johan was staring at this screen nearby. “HEY!!! Look at me when I’m talking to you!!! Answer me!! Where did you take me?!”
Johan sighed shakily, unsure if this was a good idea as he ignored the fusion. Finally he clenched his fists and glared at Chestnut in the eye. “This outta keep you busy!” He said as he-(Admin.Control_summon/copy%99999%#Bombs) summoned bombs from the floor of the void, sending them flying straight towards Chestnut, the fusion freaking out.
(Delete file
Please select a file to delete.
Delete file Test/Cage?
Please hold......)
This wasn’t good. He dodges to the left-no! To the right! Oops-he accidentally tripped over his own feet! Not good-NOT GOOD! (FILE SUCCESSFULLY DELETED) As a bomb slammed right into the fusion’s body, a blinding white light was distributed throughout the void. When the light faded away, the fusion known as Chestnut was laying on the ground, close to loosing consciousness. They drearily opened their eyes, feeling the fear coursing through their veins. Since WHEN did a normal Joey have a SPECIAL ATTACK?!
Johan walked towards them calmly, Chestnut struggling to see correctly. He was strangely further away than they remembered. Just how far were they threw? Something seemed off though. When was Johan wearing a tux?
Time seemed to pass and Johan wasn’t getting any closer. Johan seemed to notice this and in the blink of an eye-HE WAS GONE! In a split second of pure fear Chestnut tried to get up-(Admin.Control_teleport%X:[REDACTED]%Y: [REDACTED])
A cry of pain, mix of two voices. Voices he once came to care for before all this. He doesn’t care anymore. ....He had accidentally forgot to teleport above the fusion. Now said fusion’s legs were snapped into two. He clipped above them, landing on the fusion’s broken legs, said fusion close to passing out. Why hasn’t he lost consciousness yet? (Deleted_Chestnut/pass out protocol)
At this distance, though in terrible pain. They were able to witness the horror of what they’ve done to their poor friend. Johan’s smile was unnatural, the heart pin on his chest now dulled in color. Johan’s hair seemed more spiky than usual, and then there was the red like lenses on his glasses, over his eyes, making his eyes look more bloodshot...... when was he able to stand with no cane?
With the strength of of a body builder, Johan lunges forward, wrapping his hands around the beaten fusion’s neck, acting like a metal chained collar. Chestnut tried to struggle but found all the strength from earlier was sapped away. Johan grinned widely, him opening his mouth to speak but As the corrupted form of their once beloved friend spoke, the mad man tightened his grip, blocking Chestnut’s airway
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Again, sorry if it’s bad. I just wanted to write this while the idea was still there. There may or may not be a part two idk. But give some feedback, I’d like to know how to improve!
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sheriartybabes · 7 years
*warnings*: smut, angst, i’m very sleep deprived so this is probably pretty shit sorry
Also idk why but the italics thing isn't working for me like it usually does, idk if i'm being super thick or what but it's making me very aware of how often i italicise
But yeah just bear with me
He was thinking.
He had been thinking all day. John had said it was his infuriating kind of thinking, the kind of thinking that interfered with everyone else’s thinking. Sherlock had shrugged and rolled his eyes, and John had left, slamming the door.
“Don’t wait up,” he’d yelled. Sherlock had not responded. He was busy.
It was not that this case was of particular significance; it wasn’t even that he was thinking about the case for the majority of the time he spent thinking. But he was bored, bored in a way that made his bones hum with restlessness and filled his brain with an endless buzzing. It could drive him mad, or worse. It had in the past.
So now he was thinking, just thinking, about everything and nothing in particular, although possibly about one man more than anyone else. He stretched his legs out further on the footstool, and raised his cup of tea slowly to his lips, his eyes fixed blankly on a single point of the wall. The tea was stone cold. As a matter of fact, he didn’t actually remember making the tea. But he felt calmer, the humming subsiding, his brain clearing.
His thoughts were disturbed by a muffled commotion downstairs, followed by two sets of clattering feet on the staircase, and outraged murmurings from just outside his door.
“Come in, Mrs Hudson,” he called, closing his eyes and taking another thoughtful sip of tea. The door opened, a fretful Mrs Hudson on the threshold, wringing her hands in a teatowel.
“Oh, Sherlock,” she said, her gaze racing over the room. “I know you aren’t feeling too good, I <i>told</i> him that, but he would insist on being shown in anyway.”
“Who is it?” Sherlock asked, although he was almost entirely sure he knew the answer.
“Well, I'm not sure, but he’s wearing a big jacket and sunglasses and the <i>silliest</i> hat, and he wouldn’t let me take any of them. Shall I send him away?”
“No, no, show him in,” Sherlock answered, the corners of his lips twitching upwards involuntarily. “It’s quite alright.”
“Well, if you’re sure..”
The door fell shut on the trailing end of Mrs Hudson’s sentence, and after a moment swung suddenly open again. Sherlock placed his tea down carefully in the saucer beside him and opened his eyes. “Hello, Jim.”
Jim rolled his eyes. Strictly, of course, it was impossible to tell whether he was rolling his eyes or not, given the rather intrusive presence of the enormous black sunglasses obscuring all of his eyes and most of his face, but he had a <i>way</i> of doing it that could be felt from the other end of a room. He was very good at it. He was very good at a lot of things.
“At least take the hat off,” Sherlock continued. “It looks ridiculous. And preferably the glasses too. I like being able to see your eyes.”
James Moriarty removed his hat and glasses, setting them down on the table by the door, and dropped his coat on the floor beside him. “It’s been a while.”
It really had been. Sherlock had not seen him in months, and though he could not imagine admitting it to anyone, least of all Jim, he had missed him. He had found himself seeing Jim’s eyes, hearing Jim’s voice, feeling Jim’s hands rubbing his shoulders, whenever things got too much. Whenever he needed to calm down. Not that he could remember Jim ever rubbing his shoulders. He wasn’t gentle like that. Jim had thrown him across rooms and up against walls, dragged sharp nails across the soft skin of his back and ripped his clothes to shreds. When Jim was angry, he’d thrown things round the apartment, shot bullets through the walls, smashed all the glass there was left to smash. But now he was just .. <i>standing</i> there.
Sherlock felt a sudden need to feel him again, to feel the sudden and definite presence of Jim against his own skin, to look into the eyes that he sometimes thought were beautiful beyond anything else he’d ever seen, and found himself rising out of his seat, drawn towards Jim like a magnet. Beautiful, but dangerous. Deadly. He saw that in his eyes when at last he reached him. They were too full of too many things in a way that made Sherlock dread what was coming; not for his sake, but for whoever felt the force in those beautiful, terrible eyes.
Jim reached for him, capturing his mouth in a way that made his bones hum dangerously again, his skin burning, searing, sparking as Jim pushed him up against the wall. He felt hands, beautiful hands, grasping him firmly at the waist, and wound his own into soft hair, dragging his hands through it. Once they began it was difficult to stop, because it was intoxicating and far too much and yet always left him wanting <i>more</i>.
“I missed you,” he murmured, one weakness whispered against his neck, hoping to pass unheard but failing, Jim’s fingers clutching at his belt buckle in response, almost saying “I missed you too,” but not quite managing, hoping Sherlock could feel it in the touch of his hands.
Sherlock pulled back, breathless, chest heaving. “Where have you been?”
Jim whined in annoyance, spinning away from him, an independent force dominating the room. “I can’t tell you that. You <i>know</i> I can’t tell you that.”
“But I-” Sherlock hesitated, because saying these words put them out where they couldn’t be taken back, and once he started admitting weaknesses he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to stop. “I worried about you.”
Jim’s eyes flashed up to his. “No!” He yelled. It echoed around them, making the air quiver and shake, too loud in the small space, and Sherlock had to resist putting his hands to his ears, cowering, because dear god that would be the worst thing he could possibly do in this situation. “You didn’t! You .. can’t.”
“I did,” Sherlock said, his voice a little stronger now, although not at all sure he was saying the right things. Jim looked terrified, and it was a strange look on him. Sherlock stretched out his hands towards him, and he came slowly back, taking the hands offered to him and staring down at them, his eyes unreadable dark pools.
“I do terrible things, Sherlock,” he said, without looking up. “And I <i>enjoy</i> them.”
Sherlock said nothing, unmoving, waiting.
“I kill people. I hurt people. I destroy people. It’s what I do. It’s what I <i>am</i>. I couldn’t ever stop doing it.”
“Not me,” Sherlock said quietly, although he wasn’t even sure if it was true. “You don’t destroy me.”
Jim gave him a wry smile. “Don’t I.”
Sherlock didn’t reply, just spinning them round to pin Jim against the wall, catching his lips again, momentary bliss and ignorance in the thought that they could be anyone in that moment. But then Jim’s hands were raking at his back, his body impossibly moveable, changeable, shifting, and he was groaning things into the crook of Sherlock’s neck. “Be rougher with me. Please, I need you to be rougher.”
Sherlock dragged his hands slowly up his sides and ground their hips together. “Tell me what you need.”
Jim’s laugh was soft and light. “Bite me. Scratch me. Hurt me. I don’t care. I need you to be <i>rough</i>.”
Sherlock moved his lips to Jim’s neck, sucking on it and then biting down, hard, and Jim’s head fell back against the wall with a thud, gasps falling from parted lips, and then suddenly and without warning, he jerked up hard against Sherlock’s teeth. Blood spilled into Sherlock’s mouth, and he heard Jim fucking <i>moan</i> above him. Blood felt like it was filling his mouth, hot and salty. “Jim, what the fuck?”
Jim’s eyes were dazed and strange. “You’re too gentle with me. Everyone is too <i>gentle</i> with me now! They think there’s something wrong with me, that I’m losing it, that I’m going <i>mad</i>, and I-” he drew a heaving breath, and more blood spilled down over his collar bone.
“Jesus, Jim, let me get you something for that-”
“No, let me bleed.” He dipped two fingers in the blood and took them into his mouth, eyes rolling back into his head as he moaned, and Sherlock’s body was betraying him again, drawing him towards Jim and his intoxicating insanity and his beautiful mouth. “I thought I could trust you to see me as your equal.”
“Jim I do, I really do, but-” he broke off, gritting his teeth.
Jim’s eyes were flat, dark glass. “But what?”
“Jesus fucking christ, I want to keep you safe! I-.”
Jim just stared at him, and he didn’t know where they went from here, because they never admitted weaknesses for a reason, and he had never been so painfully aware of why.
“Just-” Sherlock sighed, feeling failure and exhaustion seeping in his bones, blood a bitter taste on his tongue. “Let me give you what you need.”
Jim was retreating into himself, endless doors shutting on doors, and Sherlock wasn’t even sure what he wanted from him anymore; comfort? Love? Relief, maybe. Anything that Jim couldn’t give him.
Jim took his hand almost tenderly, and led him through to the bedroom. Sherlock watched the back of his head, the curve of his shoulders and neck, the fall of his jacket and trousers, something in his chest aching.
Jim sighed, taking a heaving and painful breath. “It’s okay.”
Sherlock’s heart leapt into his throat, and all at once he found it rather difficult to breathe. “What is?”
“I know - I know what you mean.” Jim’s cheeks were burning at the vulnerability of this moment, but he didn’t flinch, and Sherlock latched on to this tiny, distantly tantalising glimpse of stability and mutual understanding in a destructive haze of dysfunctionality and confusion. “But you can’t keep me safe. You just can’t.”
Sherlock swallowed hard, nodded. “Okay.”
Jim held his gaze for a heavy moment longer, depths of fragility in his eyes that seemed bizarre and incongrous in his face, and then abruptly he turned away, straightening his collar and running a hand briefly through his slicked-back hair. “Do you have handcuffs?”
Sherlock laughed, almost with humour. “Yes babe. Do you want daddy to tie you to the bed?”
“Oh, <i>please</i>.” Jim slapped him across the face, but he was grinning, and just like that his energy was back, thrumming, exhiliratingly contagious, scanning the room and calculating exactly where Sherlock would keep his handcuffs if he had them, running numbers and variables behind his eyes and muttering under his breath before going straight to the second drawer under Sherlock’s bed, and Sherlock fell painfully in love with him all over again. He slid them over slender wrists, and then stared up at Sherlock from his seat on the bed, all alarmingly wide-eyed innocence that made Sherlock snort with laughter in spite of himself. He sat down beside him, the bed shifting under his weight, and leant in to kiss him again, spark-shooting familiarity in the taste and shape of his mouth. Jim let him push him back against the pillows, and he stared down at him, breath catching in his throat as he admired his heavy lidded eyes and the softness of his mouth, the curve of his throat and the straining of his chest against his white shirt when he moved. He started to unbutton the jacket, carefully, aware that it was bound to be more expensive than all his possessions put together, but frustration flared in Jim’s eyes as he shrugged out of it. “You don’t have to be careful with me.”
“I’m not! I just .. your clothes, they’re very .. expensive.”
Jim grasped the two sides of his shirt and pulled hard, buttons flying in all directions. He pulled it off and threw it to one side. “I’m not .. breakable ..”
“James, <i>everyone</i> is breakable.”
Jim inhaled the truth of this but didn’t say anything, his hands making unobtrusive work of the buttons on Sherlock’s shirt. Sherlock’s hands tugged open his belt buckle, earning a low moan, kissing a trail down from his belly button to the hem of his boxers. He kicked them off, and leant back on his elbows, at almost insolent ease, teeth chewing lightly at his bottom lip. Jim had always been, to Sherlock’s mind, incomprehensibly comfortable with his naked body. It wasn’t that Sherlock didn’t think he was pretty; he’d never seen someone so beautifully and effortlessly put together as Jim Moriarty. But it had never crossed Sherlock’s mind that it was possible to be so utterly comfortable in your own skin. Jim had surprised him in lots of ways.
He bent over him again, snapping handcuffs over his wrists, chaining hands and feet to the bed, Jim’s gaze dripping over him like dark syrup, and then stripped off the rest of his clothes, clambered back over his warm body, dropping a hot, slow, ponderous kiss to Jim’s mouth. Jim growled, teeth sinking into Sherlock’s lower lip, tongue pressing into his mouth, trying to establish dominance even in his current position. Sherlock grinned, and slapped him hard on the chest, eliciting a surprised mewl of pleasure from the other man. His lips moved lower, tongue and teeth sucking bruises across his neck, carefully avoiding the gash above his collar bone, still leaking blood. He fastened his mouth around his nipple and sucked, and then bit down, watching as Jim’s jaw clenched, writhing and tugging against his bonds. Precum was leaking from the head of his cock, and Sherlock smeared it along his length with one finger, a moan dropping unbidden from Jim’s mouth, his jaw working, eyes closing.
Then without warning, he took it into his mouth, hot and wet, straining and leaking, Jim’s body arching off the bed, hips bucking helplessly, Sherlock dragging his fingernails across the skin of his thighs, leaving bright red marks against pale skin. He pulled off with a wet pop, squeezing at the base of his cock when Jim’s eyes rolled back into his head and he threatened to let go.
“I’ve been so many places, Sherlock,” he gasped.
“You don’t have to tell me.”
“I know.” He spread his legs wide apart and Sherlock rummaged with one hand in his bedside drawer for lube. “But I was so .. so <i>alone</i>.”
Sherlock paused and stared at him, two fingers coated in lube.
“I used to lie awake in every room, every apartment, every cave, every torture chamber where i spent the night, and think about you. I didn’t sleep very often, you know. I’m not very good at it.”
Sherlock exhaled slowly. “I know.”
“Your brother used to hit me harder for saying your name. After a while it was all I could say, all I could think. I wrote it on all the walls. I couldn’t stop obsessing over you.”
He closed his eyes. “I’m so glad you’re here now.”
Sherlock searched his face, feeling almost desperate, a vague directionless desire to <i>save</i>, to <i>protect</i>, consuming him. “Me too.”
He slipped two fingers into Jim, making him gasp, his body shifting against the mattress, working against his fingers. “More, give me <i>more</i>,” he demanded.
Sherlock added another finger, and then another, and crooking them at exactly the angle he had learned to, making Jim cry out, shooting sparks from his lips.
“I didn’t sleep with anyone else,” Jim said. “While I was away.”
Sherlock didn’t know what to say to this. It hadn’t occurred to him to think about that, much less worry about it. Surely that was Jim’s choice.
“I just couldn’t stop thinking about you.” There was a terrible sort of mania in Jim’s eyes now, and Sherlock was frightened for him, forcibly reminded that there were good times and bad times, and that possibly the worst times were when the line between them was unclear. “I’m here now,” he said, carefully. “You don’t have to think about me.”
Jim laughed, a reckless sound thrown to the ceiling. “I like you.” He moaned again as Sherlock’s fingers brushed his prostrate. “I <i>need</i> you.”
Sherlock kissed him gently again in response. “Are you ready?”
Jim spread his legs wider and he pushed in, and he groaned at the tight heat surrounding him.
“Move! Oh god, please move.”
He did, ever faster and harder at Jim’s insistence, the headboard banging against the wall and Jim’s hands curling and uncurling into fists, straining at his bonds until his wrists and ankles bled, and Sherlock reached a hand between them to rub his cock at the same time, eliciting sounds that coursed hot straight through his veins.
“Mmh.. oh god, I .. ugh, Sherlock, please, f-fuck.. OH MY GOD I-” Sherlock twisted his hand round the head of Jim’s cock just the way he knew he liked it and slammed into his prostrate at the same time, and Jim was shooting white across his fist and writhing beneath him, filthy sounds spilling from him, pushing Sherlock over the edge with a deep groan. He gripped Jim’s waist as he came, hard enough to leave dark bruises, shuddering through his orgasm.
When at last he opened his eyes, Jim looked very out of it. He almost always did this, emerging from sex somehow sedated, sated, calm; exuding something that sherlock thought was probably happiness, although it could just have been fleeting ignorance. He was never quite sure. Jim smiled vaguely at him through eyelids slipping nearly closed, all the dangerous and terrible spiky things just under the surface of his mind softened, at least for now.
Sherlock unclasped the restraints and his legs and arms fell heavy on the bed, braceleted with angry red marks and dripping blood. Sherlock kissed his fingers, and the bruises blooming on his hip bones, gently dabbed his cuts with antiseptic and tried to work the tension from his shoulders and neck. But Jim was slipping away, to wherever he went when not even Sherlock could reach him, and the only thing left to do was to wrap him up in a blanket and warm arms and hold him as tightly as possible, and try to show through touch what he could not show through words. Sherlock did just that, with Jim’s head tucked under his chin, hair tickling his neck, fingers and legs tangling together. He held him for hours, until the dawn light began to filter through the blinds and dust his cheekbones with a pale and hazy light, until the sound of birdsong drifted through the open window, until his breathing eventually slowed and he drifted finally into a light sleep.
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