percabeth4life · 3 years
Might I inquire of the stated aro and NB god/godesses?
i noticed you mentioned aromantic goddesses. if it's okay, can you say a little more about it? (i'm not trying to be rude, i'm genuinely curious) 
I would be DELIGHTED to talk about this!
And a quick note: if you just have questions or are curious or want elaboration at any time, I adore answering such questions. Unless you say things outright rude or argumentative (and if you say something argumentative in a way not meant to be rude please say something because Tumblr is a place where most arguments are in fact outright fights) I’m gonna be more than happy to answer <3 (and if I ever misunderstand feel free to shoot me another ask clarifying, I’m ADHD and make mistakes at times)
Okay, so as I’ve previously stated but feel the need to do so again as this ask pertains to it: The Gods sexuality is not so cut and dry like mortals, and depending on the myth you look at it can be viewed differently. I am looking specifically at myths showcasing them as aro/ace/non-binary.
When I was double checking my info on Eros, as I do for every post I write about the Gods to be sure I’m not remembering wrong, I found a few specific references I didn’t notice before!
The Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite specifically speaks of three Goddesses who are immune to Aphrodite’s (and by extension Eros’) power of love. They cannot be wooed, nor inclined to love another, despite all others amongst Gods and mortals being able to be nudged by Aphrodite in some way.
Homeric Hymn 5 to Aphrodite, 8 ff (trans: Gregory Nagy) (Greek epic C7th - 4th B.C.) :
The first is the daughter of aegis-bearing Zeus, bright-eyed Athena.
For she takes no pleasure in the things done by golden Aphrodite.
What does please her is wars and what is done by Ares,
battles and fighting, as well as the preparation of splendid pieces of craftsmanship.
For she was the first to teach mortal humans to be craftsmen
in making war-chariots and other things on wheels, decorated with bronze.
And she it is who teaches maidens, tender of skin, inside the palaces,
the skill of making splendid pieces of craftsmanship, putting it
firmly into each one’s mind [phrên].
The second is the renowned Artemis, she of the golden shafts: never
has she been subdued in lovemaking [philotês] by Aphrodite, lover of smiles [to whom smiles are phila].
For she takes pleasure in the bow and arrows, and the killing of wild beasts in the mountains,
as well as lyres, groups of singing dancers, and high-pitched shouts of celebration.
Also shaded groves and the city of dikaioi men.
The third one not to take pleasure in the things done by Aphrodite is that young Maiden full of aidôs,
Hestia, who was the first-born child of Kronos, the one with the crooked mêtis,
as well as the last and youngest, through the Will [boulê] of Zeus, holder of the aegis.
She was the Lady who was wooed by Poseidon and Apollo.
But she was quite unwilling, and she firmly refused.
She had sworn a great oath, and what she said became what really happened.
She swore, as she touched the head of her father Zeus, the aegis-bearer,
that she would be a virgin for all days to come, that illustrious goddess.
And to her Father Zeus gave a beautiful honor, as a compensating substitute for marriage.
She is seated in the middle of the house, getting the richest portion.
And in all the temples of the gods she has a share in the tîmê.
Among all the mortals, she is the senior goddess.
These are the three [goddesses] that she [Aphrodite] could not persuade in their phrenes.
So as you can see! These Goddesses were entirely resistant to any form of persuasion towards love, by Aphrodite or any other. The reading of it by me an AroAce person, is that they’re Aromantic!
Can be read other ways, but this is heavy support for an Aromantic interpretations of these Gods <3
On top of that!
Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica 3. 28 ff ff (trans. Rieu) (Greek epic C3rd B.C.) :
"Athene (Athena), who smilingly replied : ‘Sprung as I am from Zeus, I have never felt the arrows of the Boy [i.e. Eros], and of love-charms I know nothing.’"
Apollonius Rhodius also states that Athena has felt nothing of Eros’ power (love, primarily romantic but also includes sexual! and love charms here is likely referencing sexual relations). This line supports both Aromatic and Asexual Athena!
On top of that!
While Athena is defined very clearly as a Goddess, and a woman, she is also undeniably one who is very masculine. Part of her representation is that of a masculine Goddess, who does not veil, leads wars, etc. This is something that both I and others have noted reminds them of demi-gender (ie. being somewhere between two genders).
While there is no definitive line like the above for this, it does imply something on the non-binary spectrum, and I read it as her being alike to a demigirl (one who is either between girl and non-binary, both girl and non-binary, or something similar).
So I hope that you enjoyed the brief discussion of the Goddesses <3
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