#idr my save tag
svtskneecaps · 11 months
feel like the global tasks sweep strat should probably be nerfed somehow. my thought would be, give each team an individual ten minute overall cooldown on global task claims. that is to say, a certain team can only claim one global task per ten minutes. say, deliver gas masks, and then in ten minutes you're allowed to deliver tea, and then after another ten minutes you can claim hot chocolate.
another teams would be able to claim a global task for bananas during this time, and their own ten minute cooldown would start.
(the global tasks can either keep their individual ten minute cooldown [i.e. after tea is claimed no one else can claim tea for ten minutes] or a slightly shorter cooldown, say 5-7 minutes)
when a global task is claimed, everyone is notified, right? if not, in my hypothetical, they will be.
then, a team trying to sweep six tasks at once would actually take sixty minutes to do, allowing another team to swoop in and have a chance to stop it in cinematic, entertaining fashion rather than tubbo having to grind resources and then log out in front of the merchant to counter this, which is boring for everyone (including the person delivering). plus, if a team cuts it down to the last second and ends up getting delayed, they physically wouldn't have time to make a delivery, meaning even being a BIT of a nuisance could be a viable strategy, even if you can't manage to kill; if you can STALL you could still wreck their plans.
that's my dream anyway idk i'm not a game designer. just think it would be interesting for most players
(i elaborate under)
red team would have to shake up their strategies, which is fun since they're a team that kinda has to rely more on strategy than outright brawn (overall the team's pvp can't be relied on unless they have carre or phil, as seen today when pierre, bad, and etoiles attacked phil cellbit foolish and baghera, and cellbit and foolish both died to etoiles in the attack, despite it being a 4 on 1 at the time. baghera was killed by bad soon after. phil was the one to get the kills. the first day, when blue attacked [niki, tubbo, and bad as i recall] carre got both kills)
the other teams would then still have a way to stop a global sweep since a sweep would have to start earlier, allowing not only more time to arrive at global to pvp about it, but ALSO allowing another team to swoop in and steal the goal out from under the team again
i'm gonna use it in a scenario bc i'm badboyhalo and i can't stop myself from making examples:
so, tonight, if the proposed cooldown was in place, bad and tubbo would both still had roughly 17 minutes when red team would have HAD to start the sweep process if they wanted all six global tasks: 1 hour until the server closed at absolute MINIMUM. more for safety's sake.
therefore, in this scenario, there's a lot to happen
blue team could wait at globals, knowing red will probably try this strategy, and attempt or perhaps SUCCEED in killing red. if they kill red entirely, the operation is a wash; red doesn't have to gear to come back from scratch and take out blue team, and even if they could, the travel time to return to globals alone would mean they wouldn't get all the global tasks, potentially meaning they don't take the lead. if blue team is unable to kill red and dies themselves or has to retreat, but succeeds in delaying red, red would face the same problem.
if red sends in all of the task items on one person, and that person dies, even if the rest survived, blue could loot the items from that person and would be able to either use the items themselves, if green is currently the owner, or could run away with the items, effectively wasting red's time and again, meaning they wouldn't get all tasks claimed even if they were able to overtake the runner and reclaim their items.
i'm unclear what would happen if red divided the task items between them since it seems like the person claiming the task doesn't have to have all (or any? again, unclear) the items in THEIR inventory in order to claim so long as a teammate is nearby with the items in their inv (evidence: pac's vod "voltei... o que tá acontecendo no QSMP?!" at roughly 3:00:00; tubbo claims tea and tea is taken out of pac's inventory. i don't know the limits of this strategy)
blue team also has time to swoop in and steal a global task out from under red during this time. say, if red team had claimed the task for 10 tea leaves, upping the price to 15 tea leaves, and then blue team snuck in and claimed the task and set the price up to 20 tea leaves, (since the proposed 10 minute cooldown on claims would be TEAM LIMITED; red's cooldown applying to red only and so on). if red waited until the last second, they wouldn't have the time to reclaim this task even if they did have the resources, possibly forcing them to start their sweep earlier to counter this possibility, at which point team members who had logged on earlier and are out of time by the end of the night, OR members who live in time zones that don't allow them to stay up until server close, may have an easier shot at participating in defending against a global sweep.
all of this DIRECT CONFLICT would make for good audience entertainment and heighten the stakes of an attempted global sweep, since it would practically have to be one team defending globals for an hour while they pipe all their resources into it, knowing that if they die another team could easily swipe their task resources and use it themselves (along with the rest of their gear). it makes it more interesting, while still mostly viable.
plus it would force more strategizing for red team which is maybe just a personal plus, i just really like seeing people planning both in advance and in spur of the moment. it's really satisfying to see how a plan comes together and succeeds or fails; plus, since red team is the main team using this strategy at the moment and their main draw and strength as a team is cohesion and communication this would be completely fucking riveting for me as a viewer so maybe this is just a personal thing. but i really really think it would be fun
but again, i'm not a game designer, or a qsmp player, or a qsmp admin, or honestly even really a gamer? so maybe i'm off my rocker and out of my gourd and this isn't viable or balanced in any way shape or form but YKNOW what is this blog except putting stupid thoughts into the void and seeing if this time the void spits back hate mail so. i'm folding this into a paper airplane and throwing it into the abyss. hopefully it made sense.
k love you appreciate you getting this far, have a good week!!
(i hope your team gets a win in dramatic fashion and celebrates together!!! i hope they come together and unleash a plan so spectacular it takes the server by storm!!! i hope it's so good it becomes a vod you go back to even years in the future!!!! i hope you have a good week!!!!!)
#qsmp#qsmp purgatory#shut up vic#block game brainrot#yes it's long beneath the keep reading no i'm incapable of being succinct#i color coded the important parts though i just wanted to try to be clear#examples are my bread and butter i do programming and math they make everything easier for me to understand#god i hope this makes sense to other people i didn't ask my biological peer reviewer so idk if this is stupid or not#tbh it's just a tumblr post so i guess it's whatever if it is but i put wayyy more work than necessary into double checking timelines lol#(i didn't watch blue today sorry :/ idr if i mentioned in the body of the post but i main red team)#(their energy is just more entertaining for me personally; though i kept an eye on pac once i could multi-watch!)#anyway other team mains feel free to weigh in if i'm making weird assumptions about what the teams are capable of#heaven knows my pov is biased here LMFAO#((for what it's worth i am fully aware this means red team aren't rly underdogs anymore and i super want them to be kicked in the stomach))#((back to the drawing board; what will they do??? I WANT TO KNOW :O))#((seeing them crawling back to victory from being like two pixels on the bar on sunday was great. more of that pls))#idk i've rambled enough#long tags#ignoring daylight savings it's technically one am goodnight friends i hope this post doesn't suck hahahaha...............#OH AND IF ANYONE THINKS I SHOULD TAG SOMETHING FOR FILTER PURPOSES ABSOLUTELY LET ME KNOW#i want to be courteous but i think this post is pretty neutral in tone? but if you think it deserves a tag i will absolutely add it!!!!!
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kargaroc · 3 months
going through the jade shadows tag reveals a lot of people that should go and talk to a woman in real life
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lexicals · 10 months
System collapse notes made as I read:
(Spoilers, obvs, mostly out of context)
Amazing opening page as usual. This feels like coming home I'm so happy
Side note, "one of you" - like, is this being delivered to an actual audience, or does mb just like to pretend it is? I know it's just an in-universe excuse for the conceit but either option is so good
ART canon tax fraud?? ART canon embezzlement???
ART @ BE ship: "people die in car crashes all the time. I just thought that was interesting :)"
The note about iris having grown up alongside ART is so funny. And the note about her being ART's ratthi is so sweet from both sides of that comparison
I adore Three so much. The fucking baby deer comparison killed me this poor construct
I could be misremembering but it feels like secunit's narration has more colloquialisms than before, which is fun if I'm right
Love than mb and mensah have the exact same reaction to the extra settlement lmao. Handshake meme
"Fun stuff like space battles and rescuing people and space monsters and throwing asteroids at planets" this bot loves its cheesy tv so much I'm gonna cry
WHY DO YOU KEEP REDACTING THINGS SECUNIT PLS THIS IS STRESSFUL. I can't tell if this is it editing out trauma discussion or something else
Mb casually using ART as a dictionary lmao
Oh god is it hurting over 2.0 specifically. Oh man of course it is. God this poor bot I'm so 😭
Mb and ART working as a team so fluidly.... best friends......
Ratthi can tell secunit is busy thinking/working just by glancing at it.... FRIENDS.....
Mb and pin-lee bonding over watching scifi car crash videos. Incredible
I'm gonna cry pls mb stop beating yourself up for being traumatised. This is exactly what you were giving mensah shit about!!!!!
"It was always my job to get hurt" I Am Going To Fucking Cry
God I feel like this poor bot spent six books building up its confidence and it's all just been shattered after the thing with 2.0. Like it's so palpable in the narration that it thinks it's broken in some way and is forcing itself to carry on regardless but with no regard for its own survival, which has always been of pretty high priority for it even in ASR!! It's let itself get beaten up in the other books but it's never been reckless like this. Mb please stop punishing yourself.....
Ohh tarik and mb shared corpo trauma..... can we talk about that maybe
Ratthi correcting iris about the ex-secunit thing.... ouuououugghghh
"Under normal circumstances that would be kind of hilarious" mb honey as a reader. That IS hilarious
Mb "so is this guy your..... ex-security..... not that I'm feeling jealous or insecure rn....."
Mb once again having the worst time of its life but being offered a media archive by a friendly bot: oh fuck yes hello there
Ooooh pre-corpo media no less......
THE ART THERAPY-SPEAK..... "that’s for humans" "this affects the part of you that is human" I'm going to yell and yell and yell
"No, it doesn't read my mind, it just knows me really well" 🥺
I feel like MW has gotten more up to date on current gender/pronoun usage since the earlier books which is nice to see. We've had neopronouns before but having pronouns attached to feed/character intros is new and appreciated
Mb: "aw fuck am I being tall and intimidating again"
Local secunit physically repelled by power phrase "sexual discussion" like a fucking skyrim shout
And ratthi is so supportive. God I'm so. AAAAUGH
Just patch out the anxiety lmao. New mental illness fix dropped please restart your OS to apply
Telling your bestie to fuck off IS a kind of love language and I'm glad that ART appreciates it 😌
Mb literally in a life or death situ rn: I could just burn part of this person's brain out to save us..... that seems mean though :/
"I lack a sense of proportional response" LMAO ART. At least it's self-aware
"I didn't come here to make friends" says the secunit who literally cannot go anywhere without forming some kind of allyship with someone
The delayed-hack though, that's fun. Wonder whether this file is gonna slowly make its way from CR secunit to CR secunit as mb gradually becomes some kind of mythic figure, lmao
"Be safe" 🥺
ART: "Oooh you guys care about me ^^ lol"
Murderbot trauma acknowledgement 😌 You go working through your feelings mb you're doing so well ily
Summary thoughts: this was really good and I like that MW has taken the time to address the NE fallout before moving on to whatever is coming next, I'm mostly just excited for that whatever-comes-next now. I didn't expect this story to still be focused on the same planet, but it's cool that it was! And now we're moving on with more machine intelligences and rogue secunits in play!! And they mentioned the comfortunit from artificial condition so hopefully that'll come back into play soon as well! I feel like something is building up wrt construct rights in the setting and I'm very excited to see that, but in the meantime I loved getting this familiar romp through MB having a very bad day and working through its emotions while also trying not to die. And it was fun having the twist on the usual formula with things being so isolated and it having to handle everything while being off its game, it felt a lot more tense than some of the other entries just by virtue of the fact that MB's narration was so much less confident than usual, and it made it really nice to hear the fire come back to its voice once we hit that point in the story. 11/10 as usual I love this bot so goddamn much
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seiwas · 11 months
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP list, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it. And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
erika you always tag me in the coolest things!!! @kedsandtubesocks 🥺 tysm
lotsa wips but most of them are outlines & a few lines here n there 🤧
if you still love me, let me know (b. katsuki x reader, exes to lovers!)
*is that the sound of love calling? (g. satoru x reader, col #4)
baby blue, when i first loved you (g. satoru x reader, col #0)
build this love a home (it's wherever you go) (g. satoru x reader, col #5)
call me when you're lonely, i'll pick up the phone (f. megumi x reader, fwb! college megumi - collab)
*sad megumi (f. megumi x reader, sel & niku milestone event - collab)
*sweat (i. hajime x reader, tts(imc) installment)
tagging: whoever wants to share their wips!!
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foxyverserambles · 2 months
Worldless desperately trying to get Shark to remember anyone's name in case it's the lost word but Shark is just super smug that she knows and Worldless doesn't
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nobuverse · 1 year
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"Haha ! Don't be silly! Of course Houshou Tsukige wasn't a unicorn in life! Why does she get to be one now? Because she is the most special and beautiful horse of all!"
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"What a brave lady she is! Yes! My best friend! Well- my only friend - but still the best!"
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kon-konk · 10 months
Why do animes make being pathetically sick so attractive?
Like I should not be wanting to fuck Taihei because of how hot he looks when sick.
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pulim-v · 3 months
Soft asksssss
I already forgot what these are but :3
1. What song makes you feel better?
Meteor Shower save me...
Meteor Shower...
Save me Meteor Shower
(Apart from that one there's, ironically, Feel Better by Penelope Scott, and others that idr atm)
5. Who do you feel the most you around?
I think either my irl best friend or my internet best friend, idk I feel really able to be vulnerable and open with them (and our level of closeness also allows me to he horny on main w them which is something I don't do often with others lmao)
8. Tag someone (or multiple people) who make you feel good
Anyways @sapphosdickandballs @larz-barz @aceofstars0 @shycroissanti @matthew-nobuo-knyshait @mykz-artchive @tastygoldentaters
14. Favorite feel good show?
Honestly I don't think I have any feel good shows lmao???? Idk I think I tend to enjoy sadder stuff overall (though there is stuff I like to just reread/watch over and over again like Demon Slayer and arguably Dungeon Meshi)
28. Hugs or hand-holding
Hand-holding is great and all but hugs are fucking amazing I love hugging people
Thanks for the ask!!!!! Seriously I love getting these ahfhshdhhdjdhf
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idk if you'll know this fic but I got a new phone a little over a year ago and none of my tabs were saved so a bunch of stuff I was in the middle of was lost, including a fic that has, fittingly been driving me crazy as I try to find it. it's a time loop fic with lance being the only one going thru the loop amd I swear he repeated the day like 500 times or something, and he'd only wake up on that day again if he died - so the day is them trying to finish this mission and some funny weird tech thing went kaboom and started the whole thing. however! a few times lance got captured by the galra so he actually managed to last like months past that day, but then when he eventually died again he got thrown right back there even tho he'd moved on past it in time, if that makes sense? so it' not a fic where the day resets at midnight or anything. I can't remember a ton of details, but I think part of it was that hunk (or pidge?) went with him to extract the thing that blew up and started the mess but he could never make it work going in with pidge(?) I think, so it always had to be hunk. plus I think there were people from the coalition or the blades helping, like 2 squadrons? and there were some fatalities and lance was like well if I'm repeating this day I'm not gonna let that happened so he convinced them to change the plan so the squads weren't sent in but idr how. plus while he was captured he met Matt holt (idr if he knew it was Matt but I think he did?). I don't even know if the thing was finished, but it was pretty long. when I was first trying to remember it I thought it was ad infinitum or smt similar but apparently that's a DIFFERENT time loop fic. and then I thought it was re:do but that's also a different one. there are like 50 results for the time loop tag under voltron and 9 for groundhog day but none of them are right 😭 I've even tried searching thru my ao3 history and STILL can't find it so I'm a little worried it was deleted 😔 if you know anything, any help would be appreciated <3 I am so desperate
omg i don't remember this but it sounds INSANELY cool. i took a look around but ur right i couldnt find anything. does anyone else recognise it??
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mtreebeardiles · 11 months
Fandom Questions
Ah! Got tagged by @theoriginalladya - Many thanks! I think I read this at like...some obscene hour in the early morning, passed back out, and promptly forgot about it til just now hahaha
Tagging let's see uhhh... @urdnotflexthejedibard @aleiocus @solstheimtxt @clericofshadows and uhhh @illusivesoul -- only if ya'll want to, of course!
How many works do you have on AO3? 50!
What's your total AO3 words count? 643,168
What fandoms do you write for? That have actually been posted: Mass Effect, Mass Effect: Andromeda, Cyberpunk: 2077, Dragon Age, Fallout 4, The Outer Worlds
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Intangible Things (131) The Paths You Take (125) Biotic Theory (95) No Matter What (92) Stealing for Spite (92)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I try to! Even just an expression of gratitude, though I'm not averse to rambling hahaha
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Hmm that's probably No Matter What, my in between fic for ME2 and ME3...
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Currently, gotta say Restoration (ME3/Post-ME3, mshepclone x Major Coats)
Do you get hate on fics? Hmm I don't think I'd qualify anything as "hate," but I have had readers express a dislike for a direction I seemed to be going in. Eh, what can ya do?
Do you write smut. If so what kind? I do! Generally not very explicit, and I'm a sucker for fluffy smut specifically. I love lovers being incredibly dorky together, and that includes in the bedroom.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? Hahahah, yes. Stardew Effect is a crossover of Mass Effect and Stardew Valley that I'm surprised got a lot of positive reception haha
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge
Have you ever had a fic translated? No
Have you ever cowritten a fic before? No. Original works, yes, but that was a while back, and never for fanfics.
What's your all-time favourite ship? I gotta pick ONE!? How about...one per my favorite fandoms...ME: mshenko, ME:A, mreyder, and Cyberpunk: m!V x Kerry
What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? It's not a matter of doubt, it's a matter of getting my muses to be consistent. I'll get to all WIPs in due time, though some may be absorbed into other projects that better suit them
What are your writing strengths? I like to think I'm mechanically and stylistically pretty consistent?
What are your writing weaknesses? Plotting. Outlining. Like long-form, I just can't follow an outline to save my life
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I've had some interjections of other languages (mostly Spanish, since I have some very very basic understanding there), but otherwise I don't think I could get the words to flow right if it wasn't primarily in my native language.
First fandom you wrote for? TECHNICALLY? Tortall. But I was like, 11 and idr what it was even about. More recently, Mass Effect.
Favourite fic you've ever written? Ahh that's hard! Restoration will always have a special place in my heart, but Chasing Storms had some really fun moments too in terms of writing in and of itself
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at long last I've successfully managed to waterboard the Reds and Blues (washed the cross stitch fabric and blocked it to dry)
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might need to iron after it's dry and then figure out framing :) as far as the fic goes I still need to figure out how to make a gif and then finish all the fancy html formatting but i think i can celebrate this being mostly done physically lol 🥳 it's been a long process especially with having to move in the middle of it + health issues etc
Big thankies to whichever me found an old bag of snack size ziplocks because that was my saving grace wrangling all the supplies. Only Kai, Tex and Wash shared thread colors, everyone else had their own set of three, plus the black accents and the three visor colors. That's seven colors per helmet!! except Wash who got two extra for stripes xD. That's 38 colors total for the whole project. 😱
i honestly don't know where I'd be without those wash-out markers either. muah 💋
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Links 🔗⬇️
Patterns Here (GDrive Download)
-> Fix for Carolina's helmet pattern here
Crochet Needle Case pattern (i made this years ago and it's my best friend)
Thread Gulch Chronicles Fic Here (G Rating for general RvB audiences so there's swears u know. its. also very silly so if crack isn't your jam you can definitely skip this)
I keep a tag on the blog for people's fan crafts bc y'all are so creative so check em out, I'll add more when i come across em: Crafts
And feel free to send me a link to your project, I'll add it to my tag ^^ I love seeing what others are making. IDR if I have submissions on but i guess i can open those if anyone's interested
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lightningorb · 7 months
Thanks @aidanchaser for tagging me! Fair warning tho that daylight savings time has WRECKED me, so if these answers are weird it's because my brain is on fire lol.
Last Song: idr what it was called, but it was a nursery rhyme from 2011. It was for work tho!
Favourite Colour: Yellow!!
Last Film/Show: uuuuuhhhhhhh I've been watching Gamechanger on YouTube for free lol.
Last thing googled: "is my hip dislocated". It's not. ....it's probably not. You aren't supposed to be able to walk on a dislocated hip, and I can still walk. (But then, that's what Google said about my ankle, and that turned out to be a lie...it's probably fine)
Sweet/Savoury/Spicy: SWEET. But like....fruit sweet, not cotton candy sweet. There's a limit.
Favorite Animal: Foxes!! Especially Red and Arctic Foxes.
Current Obsession(s): Miraculous Ladybug, Gravity Falls, Pokemon...I think that's it?
Last Book: Book??? Shoot, uh...do puzzle books count? Because Journal 29: Oblivion would be the book in that case.
Relationship Status: Single. Very Single.
Looking Forward to: in the immediate? Napping. In general? My birthday is coming up, AND we get to go to an Acrofestival not long after that! So that'll be fun!
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cheswirls · 9 months
trying to think of a way to do extensive tw in a work on ao3 that doesn't require me responding to requests and i think. if i want to make it the least distracting as possible, like super low-key for ppl who don't care and don't wanna be potentially spoiled, that i could do a work skin w hover text?
but. that is notoriously not a smart way to approach reading fic on mobile, which i do by default so ik many others do as well. i read thru a fic recently where (on mobile at least) if you tapped on a section of text it would change into a translated version of said text. the problem w that is that, for me at least, just tapping on it forced that block of text to the top of the screen as if i was clicking on a page marker. super distracting when reading and also if there were a bunch in a row it kinda messed w the flow.
not to mention that as soon as you tapped anywhere else the text would change back, so scrolling back down essentially undid the selection. i got by by being careful and dragging my finger down the line so it registered the click but my phone didn't bring up the copy/paste/select all menu that got in the way and also reversed the selection when exited out of. but that also got kinda tiresome after a bit so uhhhhhh idk i dont think i'd want something like that directly in the body.
earlier i thought abt doing an alt text hover (idk the exact name but the tag that comes up when your mouse is over a link or img on a page) specifically on the scene dividers to say which scene number it was (going along w/ a tw list in the notes beforehand that corresponds to scene numbers) and maybe a short list of tw to save someone from having to scroll back up to check.
i supposed i could do the click-n-switch for that since it'd be before the scene/body of the text but ik noe everyone reads author's notes so even if i say 'hey don't click on scene dividers with lines under them if you don't want context' that won't stop ppl from missing it and accidentally clicking. they could jus hide it again but idk it would be easier and more discreet with an alt text hover.
ik there was code floating around on ao3 for a click-for-alt-text feature that didnt use anchors (so it didnt bounce the selected text to the top of the screen) but idr if it stayed that way ?? like, if you had to click again to change it back. also that would only work on mobile, on desktop it would be less convenient than a hover esp if you had to select to hide it again (smth that would b hard to do if you were trying to avoid reading it) so hmmmmmmmmm
idk much to think abt.
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isaacathom · 1 year
saw the dnd movie with my game club and we hooted and hollered and i cried like a widdle baby, thoroughly recommendable experience
my fav things, overall - i really liked that each member of the party got a scene to show off their shit. holga got to fuck up the guards in the alley, simon did the magic at the theatre (?), doric did her wildshape shenanigans to save a member of the emerald enclave, and zenk (sp?) did all the sick shit in the underdark. edgin didnt get anything anywhere near as flashy, but id argue that his bits were the intro with the backstory (which, fun fact, i assumed he was completely lying about until they got home) and the time stop trick at the end. hes so good. i almost reckon this was something a rebuttable to the 2000 movie, because the BIGGEST complaint is that noone other than Ridley does anything. (okay, maybe not biggest, but the most glaringly obvious).
and arguably the film also addresses the thing where 'why are these people travelling together'. edgin and holga co-raise a whole child, simon's absolutely dirt fucking broke and is relying of edgin to pull through, doric's been convinced to join as a way to stick it to the man, zenk is convinced to help because at that point they know more about Sophina and there's now like, Big Plot at play, which he also opposes idealogically. MWAH. like its so simple but the 2000s movie really fucked it for that (mostly bc they cut the scene that was integral to Ridley+Marina's arcs and shit (the one in the map) and they just. never explain why the dwarf is there. whats his deal. the ranger has a deal idr why she tagged along tho)
i also loved the section with zenk. like its hilarious structurally that hes in so little of the movie, but bc i didnt watch the marketing idgas. i thought he was great. hes there to guide the party to an item, yes, but hes really there to guide *them*. and edgin thinks thats a load of shit, but he was right! without zenk as a moral influence on the party, to remind them of what actually matters? damn.
and how thats sort of what prompts them getting out of their darkest hour. like yeah that hours damn short, a single scene really, but i like it. everyone saying this is hopeless, whats the point, whats edgin even done, and edgin finally confessing that yes! he fucked up! he's the reason any of this happened! and for fucks sake, he'll find a way out, he has to. i love it. like that scene got my ass. it was so sweet.
amd the whoolle plot of him and holga and his daughter. i loved the simplicity of the "twist" with the tablet - he kept saying 'ill bring your mother back', finally admits that what he's doing isn't bringing kira's mother back, its bringing his wife back, and then ending up using the tablet to save Holga, who is really Kira's mother in the way that matters????? that shit got me. like as soon as i saw she'd been stabbed i was like oh ay i know the plot here and yet! i wept! that shit got me. it was just so sincere, i think. like yeah, its cheesy, but its taking itself sincerely. the feelings of the three characters involved is deeply sincere.
aaaaa. i adored it. i had such a good time.
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ettelwenailinon · 2 years
Post a screencap of your lockscreen photo and a screencap of the last/current song listened on Spotify/ YouTube, as well as the last photo of a celebrity that you saved in your phone.
I was tagged by @tiffanylamps and @heyguysgalsandenbypals !! thank you so much for thinking of me even if I'm always late to the party <3
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my lockscreen is me and my girlfriend (@uighean hiiiii <3), the last song is coraline by måneskin and the last photo of a celebrity is xena and gabrielle because I'm gay <3
idr who was tagged already so feel free to ignore this, I tag @uighean, @penny-anna, @doctor-punkenstein, @b1uetrees, @hanjuwonsupporter
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dianaraven · 1 year
ok your turn, tell me all about your ocs👀
Sorry this took two weeks to respond to, school makes me work on my own time:
So right now I have two main series that I'm working on, and one manuscript for a different series that is finished and going through editing.
Two main series are called Makings of Magic--previously the "Alexis" series--and Crystal Kingdom. The manuscript I have finished is the first book in my Save the Princess (STP) duology. It was my nano project for 2020 (and I won nano!! which was nice). Most of these have tags: tmom or the makings of magic and stp1 or stp, idr if ive posted much about ck before
The Makings of Magic
This is a whole ass world, nine book + companions series that I've been working on since I was 10. I could literally be here all day explaining who all the characters are, but I'll just go for the main gang and a summary:
Summary: Fantasy minor professional jock Alic gets kidnapped by baddies because they think she has a secret magic that they want to use their evil ways to un-secret. She does not have any of this magic. She ends up being the center of a secret-magic conspiracy and eventually is freed and decides to go after the people who kidnapped her, with another guy they kidnapped, and accidentally creates an international incident and starts a war while the conspiracy-nuts continue to try and prove that they're right by attacking people Alic knows.
Alic is the mc of the series. She's very silly, and very brave. She's one of those people who will do anything on a dare. You cannot scare you, you cannot phase her, you cannot make her uncomfortable. She never lies because she doesn't see the point of it. She isn't afraid of anything. Light of my life. Not very smart <3
Gray is the local prince, and Alic's best friend. They're basically QPR partners. He spends most of his time changing his personality so that people will like him (and thereby listen to him) but really he's very petty and a little neurotic and when combined with Alic willing to do very dumb things, because with Alic, Gray doesn't have to pretend to be put-together, and they love each other a lot and get into loads of trouble <3
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commission from @/lovermyme (alic is right, Gray is left)
Topaz is the manager of Alic's fantasy jock team. He's very suspicious of other people, and very good at spying on others. Alic (and by extension, Gray) decide he is their friend and he gets dragged into their crazy adventures. He leaves for three chapters in book three and they accidentally commit war crimes.
Jacian is a prince and scholar of magic from a nearby kingdom and he is blackmailed into helping the conspiracy-nuts essentially torture Alic until they figure out what magic she has. He and his gang of do-gooders end up freeing Alic, but in the process the conspiracy-nuts kill his father and give Jacian memory loss and brain damage and he sets out to try and figure out what he has forgotten: which is who killed his father and who the Big Bad is. This is a majority of the plot in books three and four as well as his side companion book. He's kinda wishy washy and nerdy which Alic thinks is cute.
Crystal Kingdom
Summary: This is my Princess and the Pea retelling. I'm not going to go too much into the plot here because hehe i like it being a surprise.
Zira: Zira is a paranoid, neurotic prince of a city-state that is constantly under attack (hence the paranoia and neurosis). He's also mean and bitchy and very petty, and doesn't trust Leihari, the supposed nearby Princess who supposedly lost her family and her country after a usurper supposedly kicked her family out. What sucks is that he may also be falling in love with her.
Leihari: Leihari is (supposedly) a princess from a far away city-state who has lost her crown and is staying with Zira and his family. In return for their kindness, she is helping them out with matters of state and other things a princess is supposed to do. She's kind, and a little sad, but trying to make the best of her new situation. It would be much easier of the prince stopped being mean to her. What's really frustrating is that he's wonderful to everyone else--it's just that he's paranoid. But seeing what he is like when he is nice to others makes her yearn to earn his trust, and maybe she starts falling in love with him too. Supposedly. But in the meantime, she isn't going to take any of his shit.
Summary: My nano baby! This is a Princess and the Pauper retelling with dragons!! It's very exciting and i love it a lot :) Takes place in a historical alternate universe (with dragons) in about 500 BCE, in Ancient Israel because I'm Jewish and I thought why the hell not.
Adina: The Princess. Adina was meant to be married off to the highest bidder as any good princess of the time will, until her older brother was killed and she became next in line to the throne. Realizing that she knew nothing about her own people--after all, she's been expecting to be married off--she decides to switch places with someone who looks exactly like her. And everything is fine until the dragons attack.
Adina is quiet and generally second-best, and scared of the unknown and not meant for adventure, but she has a responsibility to go after the dragon that attacked her people, so off she goes. She's even shocked herself by how brave she's trying to be.
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Dekeli: The Extortionist. A cloth merchant who works for dragons and was doing fine until everyone in the known world came out trying to kill a bunch of them. Now he has to get his latest job finished, and the easiest way for him to do that is by extorting Adina's secrets. Ironically, he's the person she can trust the most. Probably.
He's snarky and rude and very good at what he does. Adventure finds him, and he goes with a flair and a quip. It gets on Adina's nerves.
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Mara: The Pauper. She's meek and smart and that's all Adina needs from her, so that's good. Right? Nothing more needs to be said, right? She has no ulterior motives--why would she?... right?
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