#idrc i don’t watch one piece and I’m not gonna
starlooove · 1 month
Idk shit about one piece but why do people hate usopp and nami together sm? Like Is it ACTUALLY a thing or just sibling vibes bc like??
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floflipo · 1 year
k2 random oneshot
warnings: minor swearing, not proofread, just eh in general, gay kyle broflovski, also gay kenny mccormick
“Huh, you’re usually not up at this time.”
“... I guess.”
Two voices- one cheerful, one groggy- could be heard at the late time of 2:37 AM. Kyle sighs as he reaches across his desk and tries to grab a pen, but drops it onto his wooden floor. There were towers of textbooks, notebooks, and random pencils surrounding a singular sheet of paper. The piece of paper, devoid of Kyle’s chicken-scratch handwriting, sat sadly on his desk.
“Did something happen? You okay?” Kenny softly speaks to the speaker after a few moments of silence.
“No, not really. I’m fine. Just, you know,” Kyle inhales quickly. “Graduation is soon.” Kyle wishes that time didn’t move on so quickly. He missed the times in elementary school, where studies and reputation weren’t a huge worry.
“Haha, it’s weird to think that we’re gonna go to college soon. I mean, it feels like we haven’t changed at all since then,” Kenny laughs. Kyle can imagine it. How Kenny’s freckled cheeks slightly go up, scrunching up his face. He looked pretty when he smiled. He looked pretty with any facial expression, but especially his smile.
“Really? I feel like most of us have changed. For the better, and the worse. I kinda wish we didn’t,” Kyle scratches his hair with the back of his pen.
Kenny thinks for a bit. “Well, Cartman’s still an asshole, Stan still has problems with Wendy, Butters is still… Butters I guess. You’re still you, and I’m still me,” He says finally. 
“Change can be a good thing too, but it’s still lonely watching everyone around you grow,” Kenny also adds.
Kyle massages his temple and groans. “I don’t want to deal with any of this shit. University, jobs, moving, and everything. I wish our parents still did everything for us.”
“... Right, you’re moving to the city. It’s gonna get more lonely around here for sure, haha,” Kenny painfully laughs.
“I feel like nothing is gonna work out, Kenny. No matter how hard I try,” Kyle suddenly breaks down, almost crying.
“None of us know for sure if something is gonna work out. But none of us know for sure if something isn’t going to,” Kenny says softly. Gosh, it almost feels like Kenny’s sitting right here next to him, rubbing his back like they used to do as kids. 
Kyle almost regrets that he used his last years at South Park for studying. Maybe he should’ve hung out with his friends more.
Kyle doesn’t say anything for a while. Probably because he was crying. Kyle never liked talking when he was crying. All the words that he meant to say end up in a jumbled-up string of sniffs, hiccups, and sobs.
“Hey, I know you’re crying. I’m not gonna push you to talk or anything,” Kenny says slowly, soothing him. “But if you don’t know how something’s gonna end, isn’t it just better to believe it?”
Kyle sends Kenny a text instead. How do you know it’s not going to betray me? He retypes it a few times, due to his fingers shaking.
“... Do you not believe yourself?” Kenny asks.
Not really.
“Mm, then do you believe me?”
Duh, you’re my best friend. Kyle scoffs at the words “best friend”.
“Then believe in me who believes in you, alright?” Kenny’s voice could only be described best as light. It was almost too bright for Kyle to look at directly.
After a long pause, a mumbled “Okay, thanks Kenny,” could be heard, and after that, the short call of three minutes and twenty-seven seconds had ended.
the quote believe in me who believes in you is from an anime called tengen toppa gurren lagann, but the first time i heard it was in monika after story.
the thing about kenny’s voice being light is kinda a reference to killua’s thoughts about gon in chimera ant arc. (when gon insisted that kite was okay)
first time writing a oneshot/fanfic, idrc if it's bad its almost 1 am im going to sleep this isn't proofread btw
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teddy06writes · 3 years
Pirate/Mermaid AU
requested by this anon: “Alright. Hear me out. Pirate Sapnap x Mermaid(fem) Reader. Finna Sapnap and the bois end up in a shipwreck and then reader tosses them all on shore and nurses them back to health type beat. Idrc, I just need that pirate AU. Please and thank you!”
{*Pulls out notebook of mermaid lore, with folk lore from everywhere around the world including tumblr, fresh vs salt water mermaids, shallow vs abyssal mermaids, mermaid sizes based on sightings, and legends, and lets it drop onto table* Boy oh boy have I been waiting for this}
{Like seriously tho} 
Pirate!Sapnap x fem!mermaid!reader
trigger warnings: swearing  mentions of drowning
premise: pirate sapnap and his crew wined up in a shipwreck, and naturally, since your passing by, you figure you might as well save them. As you help them recover, you can’t help but revel in the stories Sapnap tells of traveling around the high seas, well you’ve never been able to leave your cove. Eventually, when the time comes, there is a choice to make
Days since you washed over the Reef 323:
You floated lazily alongside what was left of the wrecked ship as Sapnap moved about, trying to find more worth scavenging. 
“I thought you got everything out of there.” You said, twisting to lean your fore arms on the now sideways knee wall of the ship. 
“Well, we’ll need all of it if we want to make anything that can make it proper back to the smp.” He explained, dropping some of the less water logged planks onto the raft.
You nodded, still looking up at him quizzically, “Where will you go? After the smp of course.” 
Sapnap paused, sitting down on the edge of the boat, “Mm, probably back further south, it’s nice down there.” 
“Where's your favorite place out there?” You implored. 
“There's lots of cool places,” He chuckled, running a hand through his scraggly hair, “I suppose the land Karl rules over, he calls it party island. Its quite a good time.” 
“Sounds interesting.” You smiled, letting your chin rest on your arms.
“It’s one of the only places that doesn’t have a constant warrant out for our arrest, so that's good enough, even if the locals are- strange.” 
“Stranger than you?” You smirk. 
A grin crossed his face as he reached down to flick water your direction, “Stranger than merfolk.” 
“Hey!” You protested, raising your tail to splash water back at him. 
He laughed, “You wouldn’t dare!” 
“You underestimate me!” You brought your tail down on the surface of the water, splashing him.
Still laughing Sapnap went back to gathering what he could find out on what was left of the main deck, dropping it back down onto the raft before climbing on, “Lets go get Ranboo then.” 
You nodded, grabbing hold of part of the raft and beginning to swim across to the other half of the wreck, where the other boy had been doing scavenging of his own. 
“Ahoy there!” The younger mans voice rang out from the back side of the wreck,��“I’ve found a way into the hold!” 
“Where?” Sapnap asked, eagerly climbing off the raft and onto the rocky reef the ship had been sunk on. 
“Round over here!” Ranboo finally appeared from the side of the wreck, “You have to swim a little, but there's a hole in the ship, I made it big enough to get through!” 
“How water logged is everything?” 
“Ehh, not too bad, we can probably get a decent amount of it.” Ranboo itched at the back of his head. 
Sapnap grinned, immediately scrambling across the rocks towards the other side of the ship, “Lets go then!” 
 You sighed as they both disappeared, pulling yourself up to sit on the raft,  long tail still half dipped in the water, glumly calling, “Good luck.” 
“Don’t sound so upset! I bet if you really wanted to you could get over here!” Sapnap’s voice came muffled from somewhere within the hold. 
You scoffed, “Yeah, and get myself so busted up on those rocks that I can’t keep you fools out of trouble.”
Ranboo’s head appeared again, as he heaved a chest up and onto the reef, “We don’t need to be kept out of trouble.” 
You cocked an eyebrow, “You two were the ones who got in a shipwreck.”
“Your the one who got stuck in this cove,” Sapnap pointed out, coming back into view with a chest of his own, “Fish in a bowl.” 
“Well at least I had an excuse for getting thrown over this damn wall.” You snapped. 
After that it was quiet as you climbed off the raft, carful not to knock anything to the water as they loaded up the chests, quickly going back for another round and stacking them on the raft. 
You sighed, holding the raft steady as they tried to find a way to get everything to balance, “At least one of you is going to have to swim. This isn’t gonna work.” 
Ranboo and Sapnap looked at each other for a moment before Sapnap nodded at the raft, and Ranboo climbed on, almost reluctantly, “You know if I swam too we could get more stuff on here.” 
“Too late,” You said, letting go of the raft and letting yourself sink back down into the water for a moment, quickly reemerging as Sapnap went to jump from the reef, “Be careful. I’m not dragging your dumb ass back to shore again.” 
He rolled his eyes, “You worry too much.” 
“No one said I was worried.” You scoffed. 
Off to the side Ranboo faked gaged, grabbing one of the planks to use as a makeshift oar and began to paddle away, “You guys are the worst!” 
You chuckled, quickly moving out of the way as Sapnap jumped down into the water yelling, “Race you to shore!” 
Rolling your eyes you began to swim, “There's literally no way for you to beat me!”
Sure enough you quickly pulled ahead, grabbing a hold of the raft to pull it with you, chuckling as Ranboo began to yell joking insults back toward Sapnap, then as you drew closer to the shore, Karl joining in, despite having no clue what was going on. 
As the water grew shallow Ranboo jumped off the raft, pulling it up to shore, Sapnap hurrying to help him upon reaching the same depth. 
Karl waved at you before grabbing the first of the chests, pulling it up onto the shore before beginning to rummage through its contents. 
Smiling you slowly began to drift back out away from the shore, pulling yourself up onto one of the few smooth rocks that littered the cove, sudenly tired from the trips back and forth, content for now to just relax in the sun. 
Days since you washed over the reef: 325
Your dreams of the terrible storm that had landed you trapped within the cove were interrupted by a soft call of your name. 
“Hmm?” You rubbed at your eyes, sitting up to see that the sun had mostly set, and to see Sapnap standing at the end of the rickety pier that they had built during there first week stranded. 
“Hey.” He smiled. 
“Hey yourself.” You slipped off your rock, quickly swimming over to him. 
He sat down at the edge of the dock, offering a large piece of watermelon to you, “This is the last of the watermelons, Karl’s already started planting the seeds but hopefully we won’t be stuck here that long.” 
You frowned, “How you gonna get out of here?” 
“We’re gonna try to make a ship that’ll hold together long enough to get to Boomerville. We should be able to figure things out from there.” He explained, looking out to the open ocean. 
“Your gonna make a ship?” You looked up at him, confused, “How? There’s only four of you.”
Sapnap shrugged, “We can salvage parts of the ship, and we can cut the trees from the island. Bad thinks we could swing it.” 
You sighed, hauling yourself up onto the pier, Sapnap scooting to the side to make room, “You really think you can get out of here?” 
“Yeah,” The dock was quiet for a moment, the only sounds coming from the waves lapping at the shore before he offered, “You could come with us, if you wanted.”
You looked over at him, “How? I don’t even see how you could get a boat out of here, let alone me.” 
“Well, you know how yesterday everyone was gone?” He rubbed at the back of his neck sheepishly. 
Your brow furrowed, confused, “Yeah?” 
“We were kind of exploring the other side of the island. There's a gap in the reef, we should be able to get through.” 
You looked at him for a moment longer before looking down the coast of the island, you’d been trapped here for nearly a year and had never been able to find a way to the other side, “How am I meant to get to the other side of the island?” 
 “I’m sure we could figure out something,” Sapnap shrugged, almost chuckling, “I mean unless your lying and you’ve lived in this cove your whole life.” 
“Why would I lie about that?” You demanded. 
He held up his hands in defense, “Woah woah woah! I just figured the reef extends out away from the island, surely you’d gone around far enough to find the gap!”
You half wrapped your arms around your torso, “The reef isn’t in a perfect ring, it ellipses up to the shore, you should’ve seen that. Plus, There’s a wall where the rocks extend out to the coast south from here, none of the gaps are big enough for me to fit though.
“I may not be an abyssal mermaid but I’m not the same size as whoever made those. Fucking shallow water mermaids. Never take anyone else into consideration.” You huffed. 
“What?” He laughed. 
You couldn’t help but glare at him, “They’re inconsiderate! Just because they have less space to swim in doesn’t mean that the rest of us have the same sized tail!” 
Sapnap just kept laughing, so you moved to climbed back off the pier and into the water, starting to swim away, laughing even as you called, “You’re an asshole!” 
Days since you washed over the sea wall: 334
Since the castaways had gotten the idea to make a ship they had only spent there days felling trees and working them into planks, as well as trying to salvage more boards from the wrecks.
You watched as they toiled, offering help where you could, though you still doubted there plans. 
Now you were perched back on the pier, quietly wrapping a bandage around Karl’s arm, “I told you all that those rocks are dangerous.” 
He shrugged, “We didn’t think they were that bad. Besides we’ve climbed over them like that before.” 
“If you could climb those easily without getting cut I’d be long gone from here.” You muttered bitterly. 
“We’ll find a way to get you out of here,” Karl smiled sympathetically, chuckling, “I doubt Sapnap would let us leave without you.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You asked, looking up at him. 
He giggled, glancing back up toward the wood where the shelter had been made weeks before, “Nothin.”
“mhhhm.” You hummed warily, tying off the bandage and  setting down your supplies before slipping back into the water, “Try not to get that wet.” 
He nodded absently, looking at the material before looking back at you, “I guess it was lucky that trunk was sealed. Hey, what did you do before we found those- to keep the cuts clean that is.” 
“Oh uh- kelp works, just about the same. That’s what I used on you guys after you landed here, and when I ended up here.” You explained. 
“You put sea weed on us instead of bandages??!” Bad yelled from up the shore, “That's not sanitary!” 
“It was kelp! Dude its like basic first aid! That’s all we had!” You retorted. 
“Ewww sea vegetables!” Ranboo yelled dramatically. 
“Dude shut up kelp is literally the most versatile thing! As long as you have kelp your set for life!” You argued, barley holding back giggles.
“But its weird!” Ranboo argued. 
You chuckled to yourself, turning and diving into the water, reemerging to swim closer to the beach, tossing a long piece of kelp to hit him in the face, “Kelp!” 
Everyone began to laugh as you retreated back into deeper water, swimming back and forth as Ranboo pealed the kelp from his face, “That was just plain rude!” 
Sometime later, after everyone had gone back to the shelter you found yourself slowly swimming back to the underwater cave that had been serving as your home since you’d ended up here.
You laid back on one of the rocks, stretching your tail and flexing your fins as you shuffled down to get comfortable, tugging a random drifting piece of hair out of your face you stared up at the ceiling.
Following the pattern of the rocks you sighed, what would happen when the ship was built, if ever? would they find a way for you to go with them? Or would they just leave you alone again?
Your thoughts slowly spiraled, going over the limited possibilities of what could happen, thinking of being alone again, when something knocked against the mouth of the cave. 
Slowly you rose, swimming the small distance to look out and see the bottom of the raft. 
A moment later you were swimming up and hauling yourself up onto the raft next to Sapnap, wringing water from your hair, “What’s up?”
“Stars are out.” He mumbled, gesturing up to the sky.
You nodded, leaning back to prop yourself back on your elbows, “Used to watch them, every night. From where ever I was staying that night. Now I don’t really see reason too.” 
“Why wouldn’t there be reason to?” He asked. 
“There always the same stars here. I used to be able to travel far enough to see different stars every night, but now there always the same.” You searched the heavens as you spoke.
He  glanced over at you, “We’ll see new stars once the ship is built.” 
You really think that building a ship will work?” 
“Maybe,” He murmured, “We’re trying to find a way to get you over there.”
“I don’t want to be alone again.” You mumbled, turning to look at him. 
Sapnap looked you in the eyes, “You won’t be, if I can help it.” 
“And if you can’t?” 
He opened his mouth, but made no reply, instead staying focused on the sky. 
You sighed, moving to slide back off the raft, “At least some stars remain.” 
Days Since You Washed Over The Sea Wall: 378
You swam back and fourth anxiously, today was it- today was the day that they made the attempt to sail from the cove. 
As far as you knew, the ship, which was apparently little more than a shoddy row boat, had been completed through much work, and today was the day they ventured out. 
Despite many weeks passing, no one had been able to come up with any plan to get you across the island, so now you were left in wait, hoping to see the boat come around the island, to try to find a new way to get you over the wall. 
Time seemed to pass slowly as you stared out over the sea wall, wondering if they had abandoned you completely. 
The sun had fully risen in the sky and yet they still weren’t appearing, your thoughts spiraling, coming to the conclusion that they truly had just left you. 
Taking a shaky breath you swam up to the sea wall, moving along it to what you made was where it held the least width, searching the wall almost desperately. 
A wave, almost larger than one you’d seen in a while rolled over the wall, pushing you back before re exosing the top of the wall, and with another deep breath you grabbed a section of the wall, ignoring the way it cut into your hand, and beginning the slow process of hauling yourself up. 
Just getting to perch on the wall found cuts on the palms of yours hands, and a scrape across your side, as well as a dull ache in your tail from where it slapped across the rocks. 
Still the shipwrecked pirates were no where to be seen. 
You continued to struggle across the rocks, slowly making your way to the ocean, dropping off the wall and into the water to feel a large pain across your back, still you ignored it, desperately starting to swim forward. 
The ocean was rougher than you excepted it to be, after all it had been over a year since you’d left the protection of your cage. 
You dived down, the stinging of pain from your cuts overtaking the feeling of freedom as you slowly resurfaced, only to be met with yet another huge wave. 
By the time the ‘ship’ had finally made it around the island, fighting against the rougher sea, you were no where in sight. 
“(y/n)!” Sapnap yelled, looking over the cove. 
“(y/n)!” Ranboo echoed. 
Bad struggled against the rudder, “Hurry up!” 
“(y/n)! Where are you? We’ve gotta go!” 
There yells were all in vain, not one of them reaching your ears, deep under the water, mostly unconscious in the cave that you’d barley managed to drag yourself into. 
~~ Days Since You Washed Over Sea Wall: 421
You sighed, carefully pulling yourself up onto the rickety old pier, rubbing gently at the scar that now crossed your torso, before laying back and staring up at the sky, trying to remember the way it had been to not be alone. 
The physicals wounds had healed, sure, but still the mind numbing loneliness was beginning to get to you yet again.
You stared up at the sky, wishing that at least the stars were there, but you were met only with the sun. 
You shot straight up as the familiar call echoed in your ear, “What the fuck?” 
“(y/n)!” The yell came again. 
“You mother fucker!” You shouted, dropping off of the pier and swimming as fast as you could out into the water. 
(y/n)!” Was repeated yet again as you all but crashed into Sapnaps arms.
“You fucking asshole!” You repeated, looking from the pirate to the ship that had laid anchor outside the reef, already starting to pull him toward the shore, “I thought you weren’t coming back! I went out there after you! Busted myself up!” 
He glanced over your various scars, both the older and the newer before hugging you again, not worrying as you continued to tread water, “I didn’t mean too.” 
“What the hell though? I Thought you left me.” You repeated.
“I told you not if I could help it.” 
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hqwritings · 4 years
Kuroo, Bokuto, and Tsukkishima Hearing Their Roomate Dump Their Boyfriend
@venuslii requested: Kuroo, Bokuto and Tsukishima walking in on their roommate laughing on their phone and it turns out she broke up with her boyfriend and he posted about him being heartbroken and she says “that’s what you get you stupid b****” lmao headcanons or scenarios idrc
A/N: Eyy, thanks for requesting! I got a little stumped on some parts (*cough*Tsukki*cough*) but I hope you enjoy these! Requests are currently opened, no rules yet other than a maximum of only three characters please!
Kuroo Tetsurou:
-We all know this man loves his juicy gossip (re:when he immediately knew about Mikashou’s breakup) so when he heard you cackling in your room he knew he had to get you to spill the tea. It’s part of why you two get along so well and can stand living with each other: you two are nosey bitches that thrive off of spilling annoying/funny stories about the people in your life. He also gives killer advice that seems to always work for you, so that’s a bonus too.
-Since you two don’t really care about privacy near each other you left your door open and he takes the opportunity to dramatically poke his head in and pose at the doorway like the sexy bastard he is. “What’s so funny Y/N it’s not often that you keep secrets from me~”
-Needless to say he was a little baffled to see you cackling to the straight up breakdown your boyfriend was having over the phone. Kuroo feels an evil little grin coming onto his face. He never liked your boyfriend anyway. He was a bitch that was too easily angered and didn’t know how to keep his cool. Then again he never liked Kuroo either, always thinking he was gonna steal his girl (which Kuroo never bothered correcting him on because it was so fucking funny to him)
-He’s grinning at you and asks “Oh? What’d the bitch do now?” He’s leering over your shoulder as you show him your ex’s Snapchat, filled with sad Bart Simpson memes and edits with slowed rap music playing in the background. You even get him to read the terrible captions that say shit like “When the person who you thought was the one becomes a stranger again 😭😔” you’re laughing so hard at it you can’t even say anything
-Kuroo busts out the LOUDEST and most OBNOXIOUS hyena laugh ever and he’s grabbing your phone and going through all the other posts he’s missed so far and you’re just on your bed rolling in your sheets DYING and clutching your stomach because it’s hurting so bad
-“So you finally dumped him eh?? Good for you Y/N!” He shouts between laughs and then directs his attention to your crying ex, mocking him by saying “I have some sad Plankton memes if you need them! Unblock me first and I’ll send them to you! HAHAHA-“
Your ex hates him so fucking much and keeps trying to say something back but he keeps stumbling over his words and it just makes the two of you laugh even harder
-When you manage to get your laughter under control you lightly kick Kuroo (who’s now sitting on your bed) as a signal for him to give back your phone. When he hands it back to you, you go back to the call with your ex and shout “SEE THAT?! WHO’S LAUGHING NOW?! THAT’S WHAT YOU GET YOU STUPID BITCH!” With that final blow to his ego you’re satisfied, and hang up on him
-When Kuroo hears that click signaling the end of the call, he raises his hand for a high five and you give it to him. He’s sitting straight up now and immediately tackled you in a hug. You two kind of just lay there, and even though it’s mildly uncomfortable, he knows you need it. It’s warm, soft, and safe, showing you that he was always gonna be there for you no matter what
-“Good job Y/N, that guy was a major dickwad. He wasn’t nearly as hot as me anyway. Probably had a tiny dick too” “Trust me, he did” “Holy shit-“
-He rolls off of you from the hug but is still laying down next to you on your bed while holding your hand. You vent to him about how good and free you finally feel now that your ex is officially out of your life. During your conversation you two make a note to burn all the clothes your ex left in your room at your next house party/bonfire.
Bokuto Kotarou:
-He’s either A)chilling on the couch B)chilling on the couch talking to Akashi/Kuroo/Tsukki or C)chilling on the couch and playing video games. You two don’t have any particular system set up, because you two don’t care. What matters is that you’re bro’s and you both do your part to make (barely) make rent every month.
-You and Bokuto share plenty of funny stories to each other but he’s used to you just sitting in your room doing your own thing talking to whoever, but when he hears you literally CACKLING like a freaking maniac, he can’t stop himself from pausing whatever he’s doing and going to your room to make sure you’re still alive
-He gives a light knock on your door before realizing it’s unlocked and just coming in and he’s really surprised to see you doubled over on your floor laughing like there’s no tomorrow as he can hear your boyfriend on speaker phone, making the ugliest sobbing noises he’s ever heard
-“Whatcha doing Y/N? I can hear ya all the way from the living room, what’s up with you?” He asks, both curious and slightly concerned for you. You quickly get up, ignoring your (now ex-) boyfriend and pulling up his public Snapchat story that also has sad Bart Simpson memes and long ass sad emo paragraphs about how heart broken he is (it’s a little impressive how quickly he wrote it up though, given how you broke up w him like five minutes ago)
-“Bo, look at this shit- haHA I just dumped him!” Bokuto knows how much of a piece of shit your ex is, since you’ve spent so many nights crying to him about your fights and the hurtful things he’d say to you so he eagerly eats up the absolute bulls hit on his story and laugh with you while listening to his sobbing
-Your ex is fuming whilst crying over the phone “REALLY Y/N?! YOU'RE GONNA GET YOUR ROOMMATE IN ON THIS?! I KNEW YOU WERE CHEATING ON ME WITH HIM YOU SLU-“ but you were having none of it so you immediately shoot back “OH SHUT THE FUCK UP THAT’S WHAT YOU GET YOU STUPID BITCH” Bokuto is absolutely DYING by now, hyping you up as you shut your ex down
-He’s so happy to see that you know your worth now and aren’t going to let some dumbass boy make you think otherwise. So many times he’s wanted to just clock him in the jaw (he radiated really douchey vibes) but now he doesn’t have to (unless you want him to of course)
-Your ex angrily hangs up and you two are having a fit on the floor, Bokuto laying over your body as you read out the songs on the emo playlist he just posted. You even move to twitter to see him tweeting sad Pinterest quotes
-When the laughter dies down and he’s still laying over you and you’re just on the floor he turns over to look at you. “You know, I’m happy you broke up with that douche-face. He was ugly anyway, and a shit volleyball player. You deserve better” He lovingly pats your head “I’m proud of you Y/N, really” You almost want to cry at how sweet he’s being but you just smile and get up, walking to the doorway and turning to look at him
-“Thanks Bo, I appreciate that. All that laughing makes me tired though. Wanna order takeout and watch a movie? I’ll let you pick” He happily gets up from your floor and gives you a big high five and you two walk out of the room to go order your food. Your ex, completely pushed out of your mind.
Tsukkishima Kei:
-Doesn’t usually care about gossip (except for that one King of the Court thing w Kageyama) so your conversations don’t really go into “tea” abt people. You two are pretty close at this point and you both are hella nerds so your conversations will probably be about stuff like your sports/activities and maybe the occasional debate over which Jurassic Park Movie was the best (He will always go with the first one, he has a whole PowerPoint and everything). Otherwise you two don’t talk too too much, keeping to yourselves and being relatively peaceful.
-When he hears your loud laughter and straight howling, he’s… slightly annoyed. What could possibly so funny that you had to scream loud enough for him to be able to hear when he’s wearing headphones for fuck’s sakes. He begrudgingly takes off his headphones and makes his way to your room with the intention of telling you to stfu
-He doesn’t even bother knocking because he’s petty so when he sees you rolling over the floor AND hears your boyfriend’s loud hiccups and sobs turned on the highest volume on speaker phone he goes from annoyed to confused and annoyed.
-“Y/N you’re being so loud and it’s annoyi- what the hell are you doing” He’s not even trying to hide his mild disappointment in you and even makes a comment about your ex sobbing over the line “Why’s your annoying boyfriend crying too- he doesn’t sound like he’s laughing”
-You take a break from laughing to shout back at Tsukki “Make that Ex-Boyfriend Tsukkishima!! HAHA- come here, look at this- look-“ you’re getting up from your floor and grabbing him by the sleeve to sit him on your bed as you eagerly go through your ex’s Snapchat filled to the brim with emo poetry and paragraphs about heartbreak
-“I broke up with him 10 minutes ago and he’s still crying-“ Tsukki can’t help but laugh at this as he’s reading the absolute bullshit that your ex typed out. He can always tell when he’s going to be annoyed by someone and the moment your boyfriend stepped into your place, he knew that he would never get along with him. He avoided him like the plague and always denied the invite when you would go out together but would occasionally hear your fights through the walls or your crying when he came home late (in those moments he’s actually really nice and will sit and listen to you)
-“Wow… this is absolutely pathetic, how old are you, 12? This is bullshit!” Tsukki has no chill, verbally beating down your ex and only making him cry harder and now your stomach hurts as you clutch it with your free hand. At one point your ex decides he’s had enough and from the other end of the line he shouts “SHUT THE FUCK UP. YOU DON’T KNOW ANYTHING- YOU'RE A PIECE OF SHIT WHO CAN'T MIND HIS OWN BUSINESS-“ and Tsukki’s not having ANY of this so immediately goes “And you’re a sad loser who just got dumped by his girlfriend over the phone! What does that say about you?”
-You’re grinning ear to ear during this whole exchange and after Tsukki says that you bring the phone to your mouth (hoping to scream as loud as possible into your ex’s ears) and say “THAT’S WHAT YOU GET YOU STUPID BITCH-“ and hang up.
-It doesn’t stop there though- no no no- you two crack yourselves up even further by doing dramatic readings of all the messages (with stupid impressions of your ex to boot): “Oh baby if only I could hold you in my arms one last time!” “Heart been broke so many times-“ “Nobody cares about me, even the person who I thought I could trust the most-“ “Holy shit Tsukki you sound just like him-“
-When you can’t view his story/tweets anymore because he’s blocked you, you and Tsukki finish laughing. His long legs are draped over your bed and yours are placed on his lap. At this point he doesn’t even care because it’s been a good while since he ever found something THAT funny. He isn’t really the type for softly comforting his friends but you know that he definitely has a little soft spot for you (at least a tiny one) and you just sit there and gently kick him.
-“What” he asks and you just give him a soft smile and say “Thanks”. He has his own small smile on his face (that you can totally see but don’t mention because then it’ll go away) and just looks away from you and says “You’re annoying” (which by now you know translates to “You’re welcome”)
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deathdab4cutie · 7 years
do all the questions for the valetnines thing
1: Do you have a crush at the moment? ew yes
2: Have you ever been deeply in love? yeah
3: Longest relationship you’ve ever been in? a few months
4: Have you ever changed for someone? unfortunatley
5: How is your relationship with your ex? we don’t talk
6: Have you ever been cheated on? don’t think so
7: Have you ever cheated? never. fuck cheaters they deserve to rot
8: Would you date someone who’s well known for cheating? nope
9: What’s the most important part of a relationship? communication
10: Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings? serious probs but how would i know haha
11: When you are dating someone do you believe in going on “breaks”? it’s up to both people, but i think yes
12: How many people have you ever hooked up with? okay so so many people define hook up differently. if you say you “hooked up” i assume u did something sexual, not just a kiss. so, no i’ve never fucked someone i wasn’t dating
13: What’s one thing you regret saying/doing in a previous relationship? yikes i think i just falling for someone i hadn’t known a super long time
14: What age do you think is appropriate for kids to start having sex? 16? ig lol
15: Do you believe in the phrase “age is just a number”? no bc that’s just something said to try to excuse pedophilia
16: Do you believe in “love at first sight”? attraction at first sight, but not love
17: Do you believe it’s possible to fall in love on the internet? yes
18: What do you consider a deal breaker? cheating, abuse (if you notice it) thats all i can think of rn
19: How do you know it’s time to end a relationship? when you no longer love them or there’re more cons than pros
20: Are you currently in a relationship? lol no why would i be
21: Do you think people who have dated can stay friends? it takes time to get over it, but yes
22: Do you think people should date their friends? yes, you should not date someone you wouldn’t consider a friend
23: How many relationships have you had? 1 lmao i suck
24: Do you think love can last forever? yeah
25: Do you believe love can conquer all things? no
26: Would you break up with someone your parents didn’t approve of? eh that’s a complicated question. if they gave me legit reasons as to why, i might. i would if i agreed with their reasoning and i just didn’t notice what turns them off myself before. but if it was something dumb like “why aren’t they in college” or “why do they smoke?” who cares
27: If you could go back in time and give yourself one piece of advice about dating what would it be? don’t let it cossume your life. all things come to an end
28: Do you think long distance relationships can work? lmao yeah
29: What do you notice first about another person? eyes i think?
30: Are you straight, bi, gay or pansexual? bi ig idk i like people
31: Would it bother you if your partner suffered from any mental illness? i’m bipolar.. so no
32: Have you ever been in an abusive relationship? no
33: Do you want to get married one day? eh i’m not writing about this rant here
34: What do you think about getting your partner’s name tattooed? YIKES i would never do that. do what u want ig but i would never
35: Could you be in a relationship without sex? i think so yeah that’s not the only thing that matters
36: Are you still a virgin? no
37: What’s more important: Looks or personality? personality this is a dumb question
38: Do you enjoy love films? EW NO i hate them i literally ranted about this to my friend a few days ago
39: Have you ever given anyone/received roses? nah
40: Have you ever had a valentine? i don’t think so
41: What’s your imagination of a “perfect date”? just spending time w the person ig. doesn’t rly matter 
42: Have you ever read “Romeo & Juliet”? yeah. overrated imo
43: What’s more important: Your partner or your friends? friends holy shit
44: Would you consider yourself “romantic”? no
45: Could you imagine to date one of your current friends? yeah a few. i like one of my friends actualy lmao
46: Have you ever been “friendzoned”? i hate that word but technically yes
47: Which “famous couple” is your favorite? dont have one
48: What’s your favorite love song? ew i don;t have one. friends by ed sheeran is good
49: Have you ever broken someone’s heart? i don’t think so?
50: If you’re single, why do you think you are? who knows idrc that much tho i have good friends
51: Would you rather date someone who’s rich but a douchebag or someone who’s poor but a nice guy? poor but nice guy duh it’s like titanic who’s gonna save u when the ship sinks?? jack dawson oc
52: Are you good at giving other people advices regarding dating/ relationships? probs not but i do my best
53: Are you jealous of couples when you’re single? no
54: How important is it to make a relationship official (p.e. on Facebook)? i mean i think people should know. the 1 time i dated someone i wanted the world to know bc i liked them a real lot. so personally it’s probs important
55: Would you consider yourself “clingy”, “overly attached” or “jealous”? honestly no but i can see others thinking i’m clingy. so in reality i probably am
56: Have you ever “destroyed” a relationship? i don’t think so? i hope not yikes
57: Do you think it’s silly to consider suicide because of a broken heart? no. you shouldn’t do it, but i can understand why people would consider it
58: Are you the “dominant” or the “submissive” part in a relationship? yikes
59: Have you ever forgotten important dates like your partner’s birthday or your anniversary? no
60: What’s your opinion on open relationships? eh i wouldnt want one myself but idc what others do as long as no one gets hurt
61: Who’s more important: Your partner or your family? family
62: How do you define “cheating”? being dishonest with your partner about what you did with someone else sexually or romantically while you were in that current relationship
63: Is watching porn while being in a relationship inappropriate? idc i hate porn tho. nasty shit
64: Do you think Valentine’s Day is overrated? eh kinda
65: Would you consider yourself a “cuddler”? yikes
0 notes
fandomoblivion · 6 years
And There She Was (Part 1)
Fandom: Stranger Things
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader
Request: can u do a cute steve harrington x henderson ! reader? idrc what it is im just in the mood for something steve lol
Summary: (Y/N) Henderson has lived all her life pining after Steve Harrington. Steve Harrington: the athlete. Steve Harrington: the King of Hawkins. Steve Harrington: the player. Steve Harrington: the boyfriend of her best friend. But the thing is, when they’re forced to be together while fighting other-worldly creatures… stuff goes down. But hey, you know what they say. Shit happens.
Warnings: Swearing, violence
Word Count: 1,951
Notes: Hmu to be added to the new tag list!
“Son of a bitch… son of a bitch!” Dustin yelled as he ran into the living room, flipping up cushions on the other side of the couch that you were sitting on.
“Dustin, what the hell are you doing?” You groaned, pushing your glasses up on your nose with the base of your palm. You and your mom were watching the news, as another police chase had happened, following the same group of people. Yes, it was in another state, but it was still interesting to you.
“Another stupid penny…” Dustin grumbled as he threw the penny across the living room.
“Dusty, watch it! You almost hit Mews.” Mom said as your cat meowed in her arms.
“Can I please check under your cushions?” Dustin asked the two of you.
You looked at your position on the couch. You had been comfy sitting here for about a half hour and you did not want to move. Your legs were pulled up under you and you were leaning on an armrest.
“Uh, no, Dude. I’m sitting here.”
“(Y/N).” Your mom said.
“Mom!” You replied.
“Mom, please? It’s an emergency!”
“What qualifies as an emergency to you? Did your Lucas’s little sister glue his ass to his chair again?”
“C’mon, (Y/N)!”
You groaned and stood up as your mom did the same, and Dustin checked under the cushions and found what you assumed he had been looking for: two quarters. “Dude, if you just wanted quarters, you could have asked me. I’ve made a buttload of money teaching those little kids how to dance.”
“What? Really?!” Dustin smiled widely, showing off his new(ish) front teeth.
“I mean, pay me back eventually, but yeah.” You said, walking into your room. You heard him trailing behind you, which made you smile slightly. You took out your piggy bank--you and Nancy have had matching ones since you saved up to buy them in fourth grade (which was hard with no piggy bank to put your savings in)--and you poured the coins onto your bed. “Take the quarters. Just pay me back when you can.”
Dustin scrambled to grab as many quarters as he could. “Thanks, (Y/N), you’re the best! Love you!” He said hurriedly, then he rushed into his room. You heard him turn on his walkie-talkie and start talking to Lucas about the money. From this, you knew he was going straight to the arcade.
“(Y/N),” your mom said as you sat back down on the couch.
“Yeah?” You asked, chewing on your fingernail as you watched the television.
“Would you please drive Dusty to the arcade?”
You scowled, your eyes still trained on the tv. “Why? He has a bike.”
“Well yes, but I don’t want him biking home too late.”
You rolled your eyes and got up from the couch. “Fine. May as well stay out there instead of coming back then going out again. Hey, Little Dude,” you said, stopping Dustin who was running down the hall. “I’m driving you. Wait a minute while I get dress.”
Dustin groaned loudly and dramatically and fell back onto the couch as he waited for you. You changed into a pair of jeans and a yellow sweater. You pulled on your blue suede Adidas (popularized into women’s fashion by Billie Jean King in 1976), tucked your necklace from Steve under your sweater, and tied your hair up in a scrunchie.
“(Y/N)!! It’s been more than a minute! Come on!” Dustin yelled from outside your door. You laughed, grabbed your keys, and left your room. Dustin held up your cross-body bag for you, you took it, and he said, “Wow, you’re welcome.”
You laughed. “And you’re welcome for driving you to and from the arcade today.”
Dustin grinned widely as the two of you got into the car. “(Y/N), do you love me?” He asked sweetly.
You rolled your eyes. “What else do you want?”
“Can you drive Mike and maybe Will home today?”
You laughed. “You know I usually take home Mike. And yeah, sure, I’ll bring Will home, too.”
Dustin cheered and punched the air. “Thanks, (Y/N)!”
You huffed and pulled into the arcade parking lot. “No prob, Little Dude. Now, uh, remember:”
Dustin rolled his eyes as he spoke the next few words with you in unison. “Don’t talk to anyone creepy, especially that dude Keith. Don’t die or let any of your friends die. I love you, Little Dude.”
You laughed, knowing he had heard your spiel one too many times. “Ciao, Kid.” You watched as Dustin excitedly joined his friends in the arcade, and you started your car back up and drove to the movie theater, which was a few blocks away. Seeing the new movie, Terminator, was playing, you bought yourself a ticket and wasted time--okay, not wasted, Terminator was a fucking good movie--while waiting to pick up Dustin.
The next morning, you got ready for school. Dustin was talking the entire ride to the Byers’ house, and to the Wheelers’ house, and home, about somebody named MadMax who had beaten his score on… PacMan? No… Thayer’s Quest? No, it was Dig Dug. Yeah, Dig Dug. Anyway, you didn’t really care about the conversation, since you knew Dustin would find a way to somehow, someday, beat that MadMax. Even if it meant helping him yourself.
You pulled up to school, sitting in your car for a few minutes, making sure you had everything with you. You picked a piece of lint off your stripey sweater, one that Nancy had given you when she outgrew it (somehow, you managed to fit into it years after she gave it to you). You looked over at the car next to you and saw a dude smoking in his car. You scowled, hating smoking because it reminded you of your father. You got out of your car and immediately his eyes trained themselves on… your fucking chest. Really, dude?
“Hey, you know smoking isn’t allowed on campus, right?” You said to him once he took notice of you.
The dude smirked and let out a puff of smoke before flicking his cigarette onto the ground. “Sorry, Sweet Pea. I’m new in town. Don’t really know the ropes for your dumbass school yet. Maybe you can teach me?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
You scoffed. “You’re pretty cocky. I’m sure they’ll find someone to show you around. But…” You paused and sighed. “If they don’t, come find me at lunch. I usually sit near the window.”
He chucked. “Thanks, Sweet Pea.”
You scrunched up your nose as you walked away. “Don’t call me Sweet Pea,” you said under your breath.
You quietly cursed under your breath as the guy from the morning walked up to you while you were at your locker getting your lunch.
“So listen, Sweet Pea-”
“Please don’t call me that.” You said with a sarcastic smile, but he just kept talking.
“After school today you’re gonna tell me all the shit that I should know about your school. How’s 7:30?”
“I can’t, I go straight from school to dance. I don’t get off until 6:30 each night.”
He chucked and leaned in. “I don’t think you heard me. 7:30. I’ll pick you up.”
“Like a date?” You asked unenthusiastically. He just smirked. You hung your head down and took a breath, before looking back up at him with a fake ass smile. “7:30. Here’s my address.” You said, before writing your address on the back of his hand. “Don’t be late.” You said, then turning around, your whipping around your face, and heading to the cafeteria.
You knew it was stupid to say yes. You knew it was a bad idea. And yet…
It would get your mind off Steve.
At least for a bit.
After lunch, you, Nancy, and Jonathan exited the cafeteria, only to be greeted with none other than Tina Cline handing out flyers for her Halloween party. She handed Nancy and you one, and you immediately crumpled it up and threw it at your feet, kicking it along the linoleum floor as Nancy asked Tina for two more.
“You two are going to this!” Nancy said, before pushing the two flyers into your and Jonathan’s chests. You started to crumple yours up again, but Nancy shot you her famous “don’t-fucking-do-it-or-I’ll-crazy-murder-you” look. You smiled sheepishly and flattened it out against the book you were holding.
“‘Come and get sheet-faced.’ No, I’m not going.” Jonathan said, laughing.
“No, I can’t let the two of you sit home alone all Halloween. That’s just not acceptable!”
“Well, you can relax. We won’t be alone,” you said, pushing your glasses up your nose. “We’re going with the kids while they trick-or-treat.”
“All night?” Nancy asked.
Jonathan nodded. “Yeah…?”
“No, no way. You two are gonna be home by 8:00, Jonathan, you’re going to be listening to the Talking Heads and reading Vonnegut or something. (Y/N), you’re going to be watching some cheesy horror movie, eating ice cream out of its container and clutching your cat all night.”
Jonathan shrugged. “Sounds like a night night.” You laughed and agreed.
“Guys! Just come! I mean, who knows? You might even, like, meet someone.” Nancy said, opening her locker. Just then, Steve rounded the corner and picked up Nancy, making her shriek/squeal/make some weird, high-pitched noise that made you and Jonathan look at each other uncomfortably.
Steve set Nancy down, laughing, and Nancy hit his arm. “Oh, my God! Take those stupid things off.” She said, referencing his sunglasses.
He kept laughing and hugged her close to him, saying, “I missed you.”
“It’s been, like, an hour!” Nancy laughed.
“Tell me about it.” Steve said before pulling Nancy in for a kiss.
When they kept kissing, you turned to Jonathan and said, “So… how about the weather? Interesting, isnt’t it?” Which made Jonathan laugh and the two who were kissing separate. “C’mon.” You mumbled to Jonathan. The two of you walked down the hall together, leaving Nancy and Steve alone.
“I’m sorry you had to see that.” You said to him. You were the only one who knew about his huge crush on Nancy.
He sighed. “It’s fine. I… it just sucks, you know?” You nodded. “You’re lucky you don’t have to deal with that.”
You noticed the two of you were about to walk by Mrs. Armstrong’s history class, and you knew she had the next period free and wouldn’t be in her classroom. You tapped Jonathan on his shoulder and pulled him into the classroom.
“Okay, I might be absolutely insane for telling you this, but I’m gonna tell you anyway.”
Jonathan furrowed his eyebrows in concern. “You okay?” He asked.
You took a deep breath. “Not exactly. See, I’ve kinda had a teensy-weensy crush on Steve for a little while now. Okay, not so teensy-weensy. More like hugesy-wugesy. And it hasn’t been for a little while. I’ve liked him since middle school. It’s just like… every time I see him, I feel lightheaded and I get butterflies in my stomach and I can’t form words properly and when I do I sound like an asshole and… and… and I’m in love with my best friend’s boyfriend.” You felt your face grow hot as you put your feelings for Steve into words
As you were saying this, Jonathan’s eyes widened. “Really? Oh… shit. Well, I, uh… I guess we’re in the same boat, then, huh? Except I have a crush on my best friend, and you have a crush on your best friend’s boyfriend… but, essentially, we’re in this together, huh?” He said with a sad smile.
You nodded. “Yeah. We’re in this together.”
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