#idubbbztv x reader
crashed-in-deep · 7 years
All Choked Up
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Chapter Two: Drunk Mario Kart
For the next two weeks, Ian would go into the café every day. There was always the occasional day where (Y/N) wasn’t working but that was alright. At the end of the two weeks, he finally got her number.
Ian: Hey girl, how you doing?
Y/N: Missing you ;) Jk, just playing some video games
Ian: Awe, I was hoping u would start missing me by now :( u’ve gone five minutes without seeing me
Ian: what r u playing?
Y/N: You know I always miss you when we aren’t together, you nerd. Playing splatoon. I would play Mario Kart but it’s boring alone :/
Ian: omg!! Mario kart is like my fave game ever!! I bet I could beat u at it ;)
Ian: actually, I have some friends over rn what if we all played together that’d b cool right?
Y/N: Sure, that sounds like an awesome idea!
Ian: sweet, do u want us to come get u or do u want to just come over? I have it on the switch and have ton of different controllers
Y/N: Just give me your address and I’ll head over. Want me to pick up some pizzas? :)
Ian: ilu ur the best
Ian: jk I actually don’t
Ian: well mayb
Ian: get papa johns, pepperoni sausage and mushroom. All on separate pizzas tho otherwise ew
Ian: I’ll send u directions to my house since ik where u live
Y/N: Well, that’s totally NOT creepy. >.>
Ian sent her the directions and then set his phone down, telling her to be safe on her way over here. He sat his phone down and returned his attention to Joji and Max.
“So, you guys ready to meet the most perfect girl in the universe?” Ian grinned, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.
“You? Net a perfect girl?” Max snorted. “What is she, fucking gay?”
Joji snickered at his joke and Ian rolled his eyes. “Hey dude, don’t be so negative. I’m really happy that Ian has finally found someone to be interested in. He can only fuck his dog for so long.” Joji wrinkled his nose up and laughed his ass off, Max joining him in the intense laughter.
Ian punched Joji in the shoulder. “Dude what the fuck. I thought you were going to stick up for me.” Ian rolled his eyes and groaned. “Come help me clean up the entertainment room, faggots.”
The guys followed Ian to the basement to help clean up the entertainment room. On the far side from the door was a personal bar. The wall behind the bar was stocked with tons of different types of alcohol. There was probably about a hundred bottles behind there. In front of the bar was four bar stools. In the center of the room, back against the wall, were three rows of theater seats. The wall in front of those seats had a large movie screen on it.
“I always forget how bomb it is down here.” Joji trailed off, shocked.
“Well, Max has Pokemon. I have movies and video games.” Ian smirked. “I need something fun for the gaming channel.”
Max rolled his eyes, pretending to be unimpressed.
“Oh, there’s also a pool table, air hockey, ping pong and other games like that through that door.” Ian pointed to the door in between the movie screen and the bar. “Now, help me set up the switch. We about to Mario Kart up in here, bitches.”
Ian made a mixed drink of pineapple juice, cake vodka, and sprite over at the bar. After his concoction was finished, he grabbed two slices of mushroom pizza and plopped down on the couch with (Y/N). The other three split the other two pizzas in between themselves. Ian looked over at (Y/N) and smiled softly at her. She had her hair tied up and was wearing glasses. She had on a t-shirt with a green mushroom from Mario that said, ‘get a life’ and a pair of Rick and Morty pajama pants. Ian had on a black sweatshirt that said, ‘cunt’ in the middle of it and gray sweatpants. Joji had a pink hoodie on and was wearing plaid pajama pants. And Max was wearing a Pikachu kigurumi.
“Ian made a good choice when he picked you.” Max winked at (Y/N). “You’re fuckin’ sexy as hell.” He smirked at her.
“Max shut the fuck up you dumb cunt.” Ian gave him a shitty look. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
(Y/N) looked at them both, very confused. Her face was red due to embarrassment, confusion, and a tiny bit flattered. “Uhm… thank you, Max?” She scooted closer to Ian, uncomfortable about this situation.
Ian rested his hand on her back, rubbing it softly. He helped her calm down a bit, and she smiled at him in thanks. He quickly finished off his mix drink and got up to make another. “Now whose ready for Mario Kart? I’m ready to kill your asses you guys.” Ian grinned deviously
Ian picked Waluigi, obviously, (Y/N) picked female Villager from Animal Crossing, Max picked Donkey Kong, and Joji picked pink Shy Guy. They had picked banana cup because it was the worst cup and they thought worst should be first.
As they progressively got more drunk while playing, everyone was beating Ian by miles. During one of the races he drove backwards for the entire race. Once he had realized what had happened he quickly went and finished the race. The other three had been done and just laughed over how slow he was for doing this shit. Overall, (Y/N) won three cups, Joji won two, Max won one, and Ian won none. It was kind of sad, really. He was trying his hardest to impress (Y/N) but obviously couldn’t when it had to come to drunk Mario Kart.
Ian probably won the contest for drinking the most alcohol, though. He had finished off an entire bottle of vodka and the others finished off a whole case of beer. It was about an hour and a half later and everyone was dead drunk. Everyone was laying on the couches completely out of it.
“Maybe we should like… sleep?” Ian croaked out.
They all groaned in agreement. Slowly, but surely, they all got up and headed for the staircase. Max had tripped going up it and fell down the stairs. It was hilarious, but they were all way too out of it to laugh at him. Ian grabbed his hand and pulled him up, even though he was still pissed off over the comments he made about (Y/N).
“Thanks dude…” He mumbled, taking another shot at the stairs.
After about fifteen minutes they made it all the way up the stairs. Ian and Max went to their rooms. They weren’t always at Ian’s but when they were they would be there for a while. (Y/N) followed Ian to his room. Ian sat down on his bed for a moment and held the bridge of his nose, trying to regain his composure.
“Um, would you be like, comfortable sleeping in here with me?” He asked her, still looking down and holding his nose.
“Yeah, that’s fine as long as you don’t try to cop a move.” (Y/N) laughed loudly. “Because I probably wouldn’t oppose to that.” She walked to the side of his bed, pulled the blankets back, and plopped into his bed. She let out a quiet moan from how comfortable the bed was.
Ian stood up and rummaged through his closet, looking to find a pair of pajama pants. Once he found a pair he dropped his sweatpants and slid the other pair on. As he was changing, (Y/N) happened to look over and watched. As she was watching she bit her lip, checking out his ass. When he turned back around she looked away. Her cheeks burned as she tried to act like she hadn’t noticed what had happened.
Ian turned the lights off and then pulled the covers back on the other side of the bed. He slipped into the bed, took off his glasses, grabbed (Y/N)’s, and sat them on his bedside table. He relaxed into his bed on his side, until (Y/N) made grabbed his arm and pulled him onto his back.
“I get snuggles. Now.” She pouted, squeezing herself in between his arm and his side. She nuzzled against his chest softly.
The blush that had spread across his cheeks felt like a thousand suns, burning in one particular area. He wrapped his arm around her tightly. He left a soft kiss on the top of her head.
All that I want to show you how you’re nothing like all of them tell you.
To be more than just a cricket on your shoulder,
A little closer.
He had closed his eyes and prepared to sleep when she suddenly crawled up him and smashed her lips onto his. His eyes flung open as he looked at her, perched on top of him and kissing him aggressively. This night did not turn out how he expected it to.
A/N: Hey, follow this story on http://my.w.tt/UiNb/Go4V0yKmiF I update it more there. Thanks for reading :)
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moneyshotian · 7 years
"why do you always walk your dog at exactly 12am every night? do you not enjoy sleep?"
I chose ian for this prompt, hope you like it! feedback is always appreciated
Youwere for the most part; not too much of a light sleeper, but lately,it seems every little thing wakes you up in the middle of the night.
Everynight for the past week, your neighbor, you can’t recall his name,the cute one with the glasses, you’d call him, always walked his doglate at night.
The dogwas usually on it’s best behavior. You couldn’t recall it barkingduring the day and it was mostly quiet, except for when he decided totake it on a walk at 12 AM, it gets so excited that it’d bark loudlyuntil you were forced out of your sleep, waiting for the guy and hisdog to leave. You had no idea why no one else decided to complain.
Yougroaned loudly, hearing the dog start to bark and you moved theblankets from your body, anger sweeping over your features as you gotup from the bed. You glanced at the clock before walking out, 12 AM.
Youshook your head, throwing on a sweatshirt over your pajamas as youmade your way to the front door of your apartment. You pressed yourear to the door, waiting for the sound of his door to open.
Onceyou heard the door open and close, you swung open the door. Thesudden movement right across the hall, mildly startled the tall manin front of you.
Hecould tell you were angry, but he didn’t have much time to greet youbefore you started talking.
“Whydo you always walk your dog at exactly, 12 AM, every night? Do younot enjoy sleep?” You narrowed your eyes at the man, who onlylaughed in response.
“It’snot my fault you’re such an early bird.” He responded, tilting hishead at you, looking much like a puppy.
Youscoffed, wanting to sass the man back, but his dog decided to paw atyour leg and your eyes immediately softened at the creature. Youkneel down to be at eye level with the dog as a grin was replaced onyour face when the dog licked you. “Well, thank you! Aren’t you thesweetest?” You smiled at the dog, scratching behind it’s ears andpetting it’s head, completely forgetting about the dogs owner and whyyou were here in the first place.
Iancleared his throat, attempting to hide a smile at the view in frontof him. A cute girl petting his dog, maybe he should use Silvio topick up girls more often.
Youwere pulled away from the dog to look up at his owner; your neighbor.“Sorry, your dog is just so cute. What’s their name?” You smiledup at him, still petting the dog.
“Ian-I mean, that’s my name, the dog is Silvio.” He stuttered a bit, asmall blush making it’s way onto his cheeks and you laughed, standingup again to face him.
“Well,Ian, it’s nice to finally know your name. I’m Y/N.”
Ianpushed up his glasses, nodding his head at you, a shy smile on hisface. “It’s nice to know your name too, Y/N.”
Youstood there for a minute in silence before biting at your bottom lip.“I came out here to complain, but I like you and your dog enough tooverlook this.”
Ianlaughed and the sound made your smile widen even more. “How verykind of you. I’d love to continue talking, but I don’t want Silvio topiss in these hallways, I’ll probably get evicted.”
Younodded your head at him before petting his dog on the head once more.“Till next time.”
Youentered back into your apartment, a grin still on your face from theencounter, you didn’t want to be creepy, but you wanted to get toknow him better.
Itwas the next weekend that you could stay up late and not care, yousat on the couch, waiting for the sound of Ian’s door to open. It wasprobably creepy, probably really creepy, but you wanted to see himand his cute dog again.
Yousighed, glancing at the clock, 12:30 AM. You were beginning to thinkthat maybe Ian wasn’t home, but you changed your mind as you heardthe barking and the door. You quickly shot up from the couch.
Yourfeet carried you to the door as you swung it open, face to face withIan. You weren’t exactly sure what your plan was, maybe just to talk.
“Hey!Glad I caught you I… Uh…” You racked your brain for some dumbexcuse as to why you needed to talk to him, but settled for the truthinstead. “I just wanted to see Silvio again.” Okay, so maybe itwasn’t the whole truth.
Ianbit his lip, nodding his head at you. He didn’t buy the excuse.
Youknelt down by the dog, Silvio gives you a hello kiss, you laughed yetagain at the feeling. “What a sweet dog.” You glanced up at Ian,who was already smiling down at you, but quickly averted his gazewhen you looked up.
“Heseems to like you.” Ian finally spoke, studying the way the dogacted around you.
“I’mglad! I definitely like him.” You gave Silvio one last pet beforeyou stood up. “I’ll let you two go, now.” You laughed, movingyour eyes away from Ian’s.
“Itwas good seeing you again.” He said before he moved to walk awaywith Silvio, but stopped abruptly, turning around to face you again.“Hey, do you wanna…” Ian cleared his throat. “Do you wannawalk with us, tonight? If you’re not busy or you don’t have to go tosleep yet?” Ian asked hopefully, hoping it wasn’t an odd request.
Youlaughed, looking down at your attire before you decided to shrug.“I’d love to.”
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cxncxrcrxw · 7 years
Right Now (( Joji Miller Imagine ))
warning: this one is a tear jerker. 
You had left him alone. In a room. With your family and some of your closest friends. He was sweating too, to the point that in had comedic potential. 
His hair, messy from lack of care, bags under his eyes from lack of sleep, clothes in wrinkles and hands shaking, he cursed your name under his breath. 
Because you had left him here alone. 
Joji wasn’t entirely angry at you- he knew you didn’t do it to vex him. He knew there was nothing he could do to stop you from going. Fact of the matter was- you didn’t just leave him, the two of you hadn’t broken it off. 
You had left everyone. Every single person in the room. And they all felt what he was feeling, however, he couldn’t relate to any of them. 
They’d arranged this, this church service, for you? Did they even know you at all? It was hypocritical bullshit, the idea that they would put you through this when they knew very fucking well how you felt about these types of things. 
But you had, yet and still, left him in the spotlight of your beloved. He skimmed around the room with his bloodshot eyes, hazily he read the minds of people around him. 
Your best friend. You hadn’t seen them in years, but the two of you called every day, and were still constantly texting like you did in highschool. They were staring right back at Joji with the same look. 
Your family, the ones who planned the service and gave George no say or chance for input, stared at the japanese-australian with a look of dispair, anticipation, and anger. 
He knew damn well how they felt about them- fucks sake, he had taken their little girl miles away, maybe they had a bit of a right. He knew what was going on. They were waiting for his speech. 
George coughed, skimming his eyes around the room one last time, before realizing that he knew what you would want, if you were here right now. 
“Y/N was the funniest person I’ve ever met, or will meet. She was dependable, loving, and young-spirited. She was my babygirl.. as she was yours.” He began, he could feel tears welling up already. 
“When I met her, she told me that her best friend and her had seen my channel, and thought it was the funniest shit. She told me that whenever her parents were giving her a hard time, she turned on my music and listened to my voice, no matter how serious or not serious the lyrics were, or the video was.” His voice level was rising, becoming angrier. 
“And she told me, that when she told her parents she didn’t believe in anything, she had never felt more isolated. She told me that she had never felt at home until she was with Y/BFF/N, or me. When she moved in, that first night she cried because of how comfortable she felt being there. We sat on the couch we now shared and watched The Simpsons, she layed in my arms and kept hold of my hand.” 
Finally, Joji broke down. 
“You don’t understand how badly I want her hand in mine again.”
Your family looked appalled, but it was within reason. Joji didn’t care. He pulled a box out of the pocket of his sweatpants, the ones he’d been wearing for three days straight. He opened it up, in it a ring. Gold, with diamonds forming a rough circular shape. And engagement ring. The crowd went silent. 
“I was going to ask her.. I was going to take her to her favorite restuarant, and I was going to ask her to be my wife. She never came home for our date.” He was now choking out sobs, slobber dripping from his lips, nose running as he had to yell to make words come out. 
“She wouldn’t of wanted me to do this.. she wouldn’t want me crying in front of people who will only talk about the spectacle our relationship was.. but here I am. I failed Y/N, we all did.” Leaning against the podium, he could feel his heart pounding, stomach folding inside his torso. 
You had left him. You had left them. 
Joji walked off the front, running out, the door slamming open and shutting behind him.
He had to leave this funeral home.
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crashed-in-deep · 7 years
All Choked Up
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Chapter One: Christmas Lights
A/N: This is slightly a song fic. I might just use this one song for the first chapter and then move on from there? I’m not quite sure yet, this is an experiment ;) This is the song, by the way. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCFHwoOObJk
All Choked Up
~ Third Person POV ~
Thank God I don’t think out loud
Too many thoughts in my head right now
Ian let out a soft sigh, warming his hands with his mug of chamomile tea. This was his favorite coffee shop. It was the only coffee shop in this area of California that still had outdoor seating during the middle of winter. Over the seating was a veranda which didn’t have full roofing. White Christmas lights were woven in between the wooden beams over head. The only lighting were the Christmas lights in this outdoor area. Besides the windows to the inside, of course.
Ian held the mug in one hand and used the other to push his bangs out of his face under his hat, the snow catching on the loose bangs. He replaced his other hand back on the mug and brought it to his lips, taking a sip of the still hot tea. The steam from the tea fogged his now cold glasses. I always hate when this happens. He frowned softly, waiting for the fog to disperse from his glasses.
“Excuse me, sir?” Ian quickly whipped his attention to the girl in front of him. “Are you sure you aren’t cold, sir? You can always go back inside. I just checked my phone and it’s only thirty degrees out right now.”
Everything slowed down in Ian’s perception when his eyes came across this girl.
Mostly concerning the moonlight
As it dances across your neck.
The snow lightly powdered her (Y/H/C) hair, light dust of snow making her hair look magical. The Christmas lights made it seem as if she was glowing. As if she was… some sort of queen. She was bundled up in a fuzzy sweater, far too thin for this temperature outside. She shivered slightly as she awaited a response from him.
“E-Excuse me… Can you please say that again?” Ian mumbled, entirely entranced by this woman.
“I asked you if you wanted to go inside, s-sir?” She repeated, her teeth quietly chattered in the cold.
“I, uh, no. I’m perfectly fine. I actually enjoy this type of temperature. Especially at this coffee shop, it is my absolute favorite.” Ian rambled, not knowing how to shut up.
“Alright then, s-sir. If you need me, I will be inside cleaning things up.” She smiled at him awkwardly and went to walk back inside the café.
“Excuse me, before you go! I never caught your name.” Ian nearly tripped over his own tongue as he asked.
“Oh, it’s (Y/N)… It’s nice to meet you.”
“(Y/N)…? That’s a wonderful name. I’m Ian, it was a pleasure to meet you, miss.” Ian felt his cheeks begin to heat as he realized how big of a dork he probably had sounded like.
She blushed softly as well and looked away, covering her mouth with her sleeve to muffle a giggle. God, she was absolutely precious. She raised her hand to him and walked back inside.
Ian leaned back in his chair and just stared at the sky. “What the fuck just happened…” He whispered softly to himself. He sat back and just thought about what just happened. How have I never seen her before? She must be new… I’m here at least once a week.
He slipped his phone out of his pocket and looked at the soft glow of the screen. The time read 11:43 pm. He noticed he had some missed texts from the guys and just ignored them. He needed this time to himself. He also needed this time to ponder what he would do next with this girl. Should he go bug her for her number? Or should he wait till another time to do that? This was all so confusing, he never acted like such a dumbass for a girl before. And hell, he didn’t even know her. After a few more moments of sitting he grabbed his mug and walked back inside.
“Finally decided to come out of the cold, huh?” (Y/N) laughed as she watched Ian come in.
Ian let out a small chuckle as well, brushing the snow off of his shoulders. “Yeah, I suppose I should come in since it’s so late. Do you need any help cleaning up? I see that I’m the only customer left here, sorry about making you stay late if I did.”
She shrugged. “I don’t see why not. Just don’t let my manager know you were helping for free. He doesn’t approve of slave labor.” She winked at him and laughed.
She walked into a door to the back and emerged a second later with a rag and bottle of cleaner. She handed them to me. “Can you wipe off the tables and booths, please? That would be so helpful as I finish up the dishes.”
“Yeah, no sweat. I went to college for table washing.” Ian chuckled and grabbed the bottle and rag from her.
“Hey, next time warn me when you’re going to make me clean the entire café. I might as well have a job here after tonight.” Ian laughed with her, gently bumping his shoulder against hers as they walked out.
“I didn’t say you had to do it. You just went and did it! I’ll make it up to you somehow, I promise.” A soft blush invaded her cheeks as she went to lock the door to the café.
As she was locking the door, Ian sized her up. Not exactly checking her out in a sexual manner, but more like just getting a better look at her. She was shorter than him, obviously since he’s a fucking giant. She also had good hips and just overall a good body. It firmly cemented the fact that he found her incredibly beautiful.
“You ready to go, Ian?” She tilted her head while looking at him, confused about what he was so intensely looking at.
Ian nodded, his cheeks pink once again. They walked next to each other along the sidewalk, getting to know one another as they walked towards their houses. This is the closest they have been so far. He became a bit more anxious. Was he being weird? Did she even like him? Was he just coming off as a creep? His hands began to sweat from his nerves and jammed his hands into his pockets.
He hadn’t even realized she was still talking to him because he was stressing over the fact he was anxious. “Ian. Ian. Dude, this is my place.” She gently punched him to get his attention.
He snapped his head to look at her and smiled at her. “Well, I guess this is goodnight then?”
“Yeah, I’m super beat after today. Am I going to be seeing you more often at the café from now on, since we’re buddies?” She looked at him innocently, which made his heart pump harder.
“Oh definitely. I’ll be coming for you from now on, not the tea anymore.” He winked at her, turning away slightly.
“Hey.” She said, in a smaller voice.
He turned around, a bit confused. “Hm?”
“Do you think… I could get a goodnight hug? You did walk me home and keep me safe… and all that stuff.”
Ian pepped up and nodded. He then started worrying about being overly excited. I wish someone would kick my ass over this stuff, Jesus Christ. Ian walked closer to her and held out his arms. She met him and they wrapped their arms around one another. He breathed in while they had been hugging and noticed how wonderful she had smelled. Stop being weird. Stop being weird. We both let go at the same time and I took a step back.
I’m out of practice, and you smell like roses.
I’m the mortal soldier, you’re queen of hearts
He waved good bye to her and began to walk towards his apartment. He really needed to get better at associating with women.
Hey, follow this story on http://my.w.tt/UiNb/Go4V0yKmiF I update it more there. Thanks for reading :)
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moneyshotian · 8 years
Pillow talk with Ian?
Pillow talk with Ian would besurprisingly deep and sweet, he’s really smart and great with hiswords, so if you were both really exhausted he may not say much, butwould probably talk until you fell asleep. If you weren’t completelywrecked, he’d sweet talk you, tell you how glad he was to have you,he’d probably get a bit flustered/embarrassed and turn it into afucking meme and you’d just laugh at him like you usually do. It’smostly just whatever pops into his head.
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moneyshotian · 8 years
Ian reacting to reader getting hurt accidentally?
Usually it’s you seeing Ian get hurt(from all the stupid shit he does), but if he sees you get hurtaccidentally, it’ll probably be you helping him film some video.
You’ll end up getting hurt, probablynot even that bad, a small scratch or you trip and Ian INSTANTLY goesinto mom mode. He’ll look you over for any major things.
He starts overreacting like “You’renever helping me film a video again!” and apologizing profuselywhile you just laugh, totally over the pain, telling him you’re fineover and over, but he’s still in mother mode.
You keep laughing and instead, hestarts to get frustrated. “Why aren’t you taking this seriously?!”
You’ll just laugh a little more,grabbing his face to kiss him, telling him you’re totally fine. After a couple more kisses, he relaxes, getting on with finishing the video.
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moneyshotian · 8 years
Drivers Ed
Ian Carter x Reader
Request: after watching ian's new video with vsauce where he's like teaching him how to use the hoverboard i thought it'd be cute to do like... ian teaching you how to drive after discovering that you still don't know how?? i'm not sure if you take requests like this but if you do i'd appreciate it!
It never really came up in yours or Ian's relationship, whether or not you could drive, it totally blew over your head, it wasn't like it totally mattered. You got around most of your life without knowing how to drive.
Plus, Ian always offered to drive you places and everyone in California ubered nowadays, it wasn't like you really needed to know how to drive in a bustling place like California.
It wasn't until an afternoon at Ian's house where you both agreed to go to the grocery store for a few snacks for the weekend that it came up for the first time.
Both of you walked outside the house, Ian's keys in hand as he opened his mouth to speak, glancing at you. “Do you wanna drive?”
Suddenly, it hit you that you've never told Ian that through all your years of living, you've never learned how to drive a car.
“Uhh. I can't drive.” You told him, feet still walking out towards the car.
“What?” He laughed a bit, until you saw his head tilt, stopping to look at you. “Like, at all?”
“Yeah. I never learned how.” You confessed, now feeling a little bit embarrassed, but you weren't sure why.
You could see Ian's brain turning, trying to form an appropriate response. “Do you want to learn? I could teach you.”
You let a small smile slip onto your face. “I mean, kinda. Sure.”
A grin spread across Ian's face as he handed you the keys to his jeep, his pace quickening as he walked out to the car.
Once both you and Ian were situated in his jeep, he taught you how to properly turn it on and the basics of driving. It felt odd to be the one behind the wheel.
He asked you to repeat a few things back to him, which you did no problem, but listening and nodding along to his words was one thing, driving a car was a whole other thing.
All you had to do first was back out of the driveway. How hard would that be?
You did everything he told you, slowly backing out of the driveway, your nerves going off the charts as you do everything that Ian instructed you to do, easily backing out of the driveway and into the street.
You’re not sure how something so simple had made you so happy, but you turn to Ian with a grin on your face. “That wasn’t hard at all!”
Ian had the same grin on his face, just from watching you pull out of the driveway.
And because you suddenly felt cocky and the roads you lived around weren’t extremely busy, you continued driving until Ian started yelling and you were very confused as to why he was being so dramatic, weren’t you doing everything he told you to?
“Y/N!” He raised his voice again, pulling your attention to him instead of the road as a car swerved to miss slamming into you.
You winced at the sound of Ian’s voice, scolding you, like a mother would. “You passed a stop sign and didn’t listen to my instructions!” Your boyfriend just shook his head, calming down. “No wonder no one has ever taught you how to drive.” He laughed, looking back at you. “I’ll drive the rest of the way, okay? We��ll stick to pulling out of the driveway for now.”
Your face felt hot from embarrassment as you nodded, unbuckling to get out of the car and switch seats.
You’re lucky that the only cars that seemed to be out were Ian’s and the one that almost crashed into yours.
Once Ian was back in the driver's side, he turned to you. “You did good.” He reassured you. You only let out a small laugh at that remark.
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moneyshotian · 8 years
Morning (Ian x Reader)
!!! pls send requests
Ian Carter x Reader
Ian opened the door to his bedroom, tiptoeing closer to the bed to see if his girlfriend was up, yet.
You were sprawled out across the bed, he took notice of that. Usually you slept strictly on one side of the bed when at Ian's, but you always stole the blankets from him, but now, the whole bed too.
You did look cute, he couldn't deny that.
Your hair was spread out across the white pillows, the large duvet he had on his bed tangled around your body.
You were wearing one of Ian's shirts, he couldn't tell exactly which one. You probably had something else underneath, but he couldn't tell due to the blanket. You were lying on your stomach, one of your arms tucked under your head.
Ian almost didn't want to wake you up, but he walked closer to you, maneuvering his way around his piles of clothes and empty boxes. Once he made it to the edge of the bed, he sat a hand on your shoulder, shaking you gently awake.
You were stirred out of your dreams, rolling over to lay on your back, eyes still shut. You let out a small hum of acknowledgment as you opened your eyes, a small stream of light coming through the curtains as you looked up at Ian's face, the sun hitting his skin and you couldn't help but smile. A genuine smile, big and happy and content. Mornings like this were your favorite.
Sleep was still washed over your features and it made Ian want to lean down and kiss you, but he held back for the time being to look at you. You continued looking up at him, not saying anything as a hand came up to shield your face from Ian's gaze.
"Is there any reason you woke me up?" You laughed, peeking through your fingers to look up at your boyfriend.
Ian cleared his throat. "Just wanted to spend time with you."
"You could have slept in." You answered, moving your hand back from your face to look at him again. Ian just shrugged. "You at least gonna give me a wake up kiss?" You asked, scrunching up your face as you leaned up quickly to place your hands on Ian's cheeks, bringing his head to yours as you sat up, blanket falling around your waist.
Ian pressed his lips to yours once both of your faces were close enough and it was a light kiss at first, meant to be soft and quick, but when Ian tried to pull away, you kept his lips to yours, continuing to move your lips against his.
Once you finally pulled away to breathe, your forehead was set against Ian's, sighing quietly as your breath ghosted over his lips. "Good morning." You mumbled, keeping your eyes closed.
"It's 11."
"Fuck off." You laughed, pulling your head back and dropping your hands, but Ian wasn't ready to let you go just yet as he sat down on the bed. He slowly climbed over you, forcing your back down onto the bed as you grinned, Ian's face level with yours as he hovered over you.
"Yeah, maybe I should have slept in." He mumbled, his lips pressing back against yours, his lower half pressing into the blanket that still lay over you. Your legs attempted to wrap around his waist to greedily pull him closer to you, your hands tangling in his hair as his glasses bumped against your face.
You pulled away, taking in a huge breath as you laughed a bit. "Go make me breakfast."
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when joji posted these pictures
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cxncxrcrxw · 7 years
How You Meet || George Miller x Reader Imagine (Filthy Frank)
Trigger Warning: Domestic Abuse
This was it. This was the last time that you had let Riley hit you. Of course, it had taken you getting knocked down and put damn near the brink of comatose, but you were done. He was on his fourth beer while you were packing your fifth shirt, the bedroom the two of you usually shared was now locked, with only you on the inside.
Riley and you had spent three years together, you started dating your junior year of highschool. Back then, he didn’t seem so bad. He would pick you up in his nice car his dad bought him, and you’d go to the football games or movies. He’d hug you goodnight with your parents nearly pouring out the kitchen window, only kiss you on the stairways of your school. You had given everything to him- your highschool social life, time, dedication, even your virtue.
It was only until after highschool that you realized you hadn’t give anything to him- he had taken it.
You thought back to the first time he ever hit you- his hair that was once beautifully well-kept, was now an oily mess as it fell to his face, his rage showing swiftly with his fists and body as he shoved himself forward and onto you. You couldn’t remember what the dispute was about, but you remembered how it was settled. His fists on your cheek and tears brimming your eyelashes.
Since then things hadn’t gotten better, by any means. He’d moved on to smacks, random hits when you said something he didn’t like, pushes when you wouldn’t get out of his way, he’d grab your phone out of your hand had he expected the slightest hint of infedelity. He’d threatened death.
Now, here you were in your car, drivng off from your apartment complex and going off into the pouring rain, going into the pouring rain with only your clothes, car, and your broken cellphone. Not that you could call anyone. Your family had abandoned you, your friends were too scared to come around, you weren't allowed to talk to your co-workers about anything not related to work.
You were so blinded by the love you had for Riley that you had let everyone else slip through your fingers. Everyone.
You didn't even have any money with you, it was in a vase in the living room, right next to the pile of empty beer cans. You wouldn't dare go back for it. But naturally, when it rains, it pours. You saw a flashing red light on your front dash, and you noticed something that caused your heart to stop. You were running very low on gas.
You had enough to pull into a gas station, at least a public place, instinctively you pulled up to a gas tank. You stood out of your car, legs trembling as you walked to the tank. You looked tragic, covered in bruises and scratches, the pajama shorts you were wearing going only to your mid-thigh. You were wearing a tan tanktop, which showcased the large hand shaped mark on your chest. As soon as you reached for your credit card, usually in your pocket, your heart sank.
It was gone.
Suddenly, all the anger that had been your motive for running turned to the realization that your entire life had fallen apart. That you had lost everyone, and you were only blaming yourself. Still. You were blaming yourself for wanting to see the best in someone, for trying to make them better, for wanting to be loved.
This was when you broke down. You leaned against your car, starting to sob, not realizing how noticeable it was, or what was going on around you, you were so devastated in this moment.
It seemed like hours, but a few minutes of you crying later, you heard someones voice. In terror that it was actually Riley, you shot up, backing against your car, before finally opening your eyes and seeing someone different. He was wearing a pink shirt and khaki pants, a lanyard and a hat that said '1989. You knew him, after your eyes processed, as filthyfrank.
"Are you okay?" He asked, before he himself noticed the bruises you were covered in. His grimace deepened.
"Did somebody hurt you?" He said when you didn't answer. You knew you couldn't lie. You merely nodded. His voice that was so authoriative and comical in his youtube videos, was gentle and empathetic. "Ian!" He said, motioning another person to get out of their car and walk over. It happened to be idubbbztv, but you were too upset to show any recognition.
"I.. left.. but I didn't have time to get my money.. m-my phone's broken.." You said through chokes of sobs, thinking to yourself just how pathetic you most of looked. What if they thought you were on drugs? Or lying? What if they just needed this gas pump?
"M-My car is out of gas, i can see it i can get it to go out of your way, just.. one sec, I'm so sorry." You began, George put his arm up in objection, causing you to flinch. Realizing he'd scared you, he gently touched your arm, swallowing the lump in his throat before shaking his head. His eyes were wide, he looked scared for you. Ian watched in silence.
"Do you have anyone you can go to? I'll pay for the gas, but I want to make sure you have someone to go too. What's your name?" He said, the offer of kindness caused you only to cry more. He had just met you!
"I don't have anyone.. he wouldn't let me around friends or family, they all h-hate me now.." You said, telling the truth to keep from it looking like you were lying. "My name is Y/N Y/L/N.."
"okay, okay. Y/N, I'm George and this is Ian. We're going to get you somewhere safe, and dry. Okay?" He was hushed, looking directly into your eyes to keep you calm. You nodded, looking over to Ian momentairly. How did he feel? Was he angry as George for this?
George asked for your keys, letting you stand with Ian as he drove your car as far as it could go from the pump. Out of their vehicle, he picked up a jacket, laying it across your shoulder. He picked up your small bag out of the car.
You were on the verge of passing out from the panic that was ensued from this, you were dizzy and still crying. George looked at you, and you swore you could see something that looked like a tear in his dark brown eyes.
"Ian and I are taking you to the hospital, and we'll figure something out from there.. alright..?" He said, not as much asking, but telling. You nodded your head once more. Opening the back car door and helping you inside, he turned to Ian.
"See if Max is at the airport, let him know where were going. When we get to hospital, you can go ahead and get him, ok?" He said, Ian nodded. He didn't seem angry, now that you looked at him. He seemed concerned.
George crawled into the back seat with you to watch you, making sure you didn't pass out, and that you were okay. "You're gonna be alright, Y/N." He said it twice, as if back to himself.
"Thank you..G-George." You said, he met gazes with you. Now, it was him that nodded.
That was the day you met George Miller.
howdy folks! sorry this one got dark. anyways, I actually am sort of proud of this one, let me know if you want a continuation of this imagine! Also, my personal imagines are still up for grabs, but if you want to make a personal request not through asks, you can ask on my kik, Cxncxrcrxw! Thank you for all your support, and I love all of faggots <3. I want you to know that if you are actually experiencing domestic abuse, that you are not stuck, and you can get help. I’m more than willing to help you, and you can talk to me. //
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cxncxrcrxw · 7 years
“Worn Out” ((Joji x reader)) //nsfw//
You had no idea what you were doing to him- but you were driving Joji insane. Of course, you weren’t really paying much attention to detail of your boyfriend’s mental state at the moment, because you were talking to a friend from way back- a guy friend from highschool. And this friend of yours- had also been your crush in highschool. Though you gave not thought to it, because Joji and you had been dating for a two years and you only really had eyes and heart for him. 
Provided, you didn’t stop yourself from thinking that your old pal was still cute, because you saw no problem in thinking someone was attractive, because thinking someone had a nice fate didn’t entail that you wanted to date them. You didn’t just care about looks. However, boy had you lucked out when you met George. 
You watched intentively as your senior high buddy blabbed about being out far from your shared hometown on a business trip, how he worked for a big corporation, even for your early twenties. You were sort of surprised by his success, because he was a junkie in school. 
Joji had watched only from a distance, sitting at the dinner table you guys were supposed to be at...together. He had turned his head to face the two of you, waiting at any moment to jump up and pound the living daylights out of the man who was talking to you. 
He was listening to the conversation too, and felt slightly content with how innocent it really was, but the consolation was nothing compared to the raging whirlpool of jealousy inside of his gut. Joji also listened to his success story, and though he, successful himself, he felt like this guy was actually better than he was. That scared him. 
Cracking his knuckles while remaining in his seat, he couldn’t help but feel like going over, in his head he considered excuses to use. “Sorry, I was looking for the bathroom, where are they, babe?” He might ask, or maybe “I need to know what drink you want me to order you.”. He’d be sure to add in something like “Anything my girl wants, it’s on me. But his legs wouldn’t move just yet. 
You were personally ready to return to your date now, but you felt compelled to talk to him, and you didn’t want to be rude. But now, you could feel his eyes on you, much like in highschool. You might had been repressed one detail about you and your friend’s relationship in school, you were totally ‘buddies’ who really fucking loved to make out behind the stairs of the school. 
When you remembered that- you gulped. You remembered how the tone in his voice would get, and nervously realized that this guy was totally lusting for you right now. You felt dirty, not in a good way either, like a whore in church. What a good analogy, you thought to yourself. 
You shivered as your old chum stepped a little bit closer, too close. Before you could step back, however, you were pulled back, by a forceful yet familiar hand. You squeaked, jumping slightly in his grasp as you turned to see a flustered Joji. 
“hey baby, let’s go back to our house.” He emphasized the ‘our’, with his eyes locked in on the male standing before him. You sighed softly in relief, but the intensity in the moment brought it out to sound annoyed. Joji didn’t show it, but it broke him a little bit. But for right now, right now he was just fucking fuming. 
The guy frowned, scoffing in actual, genuine annoyance. “Oh, (your nickname), I didn’t know you liked imported things.” He smirked snarkily. You couldn’t respond because of the shock of what he had said, and the painful grip that Joji had on your hips getting tighter. You could feel his fingernails grasping into the skin on your curves, and you felt bad that it felt strangely erotic to you. God, you thought to yourself, why am I like this? 
Joji didn’t retort with a shitty comeback, but instead lifting his grip form your hips, and for the first time he allowed your old friend’s jaw to meet his fist live and in person. You could of sworn you heard a crunch, and it made you squeak once more. Oh god, what was happening? This was all so fast. The groan the dude made was nothing but sheer pain, and you next felt a firm grip on your wrist, pulling you out to the parking lot. 
“Joji- Joji what if he calls the cops?” You said frantically, but Joji felt no need to answer- he had money to get him off anything he tried to put him at- he didn’t even think about it now though. He ignored you. 
“Joji-” Once again, no reply, and no motion of consideration given. You could see it in his eyes that Joji was all sorts of enraged and jealous. You slumped back into the passenger seat of the car and watched as Joji pulled out of it, his hands turning off the radio, focusing all he could on the road. He couldn’t. So many thoughts were going through his head. He wanted to turn the fuck around, go and beat the dude senseless, but now, he had the intention making sure you knew who you were with.
 Not far from the house, he hadn’t said a word to you, but he moved one hand from the wheel to grab firmly at your thigh, his hand latching on your inner thigh. You were wearing a dress, a short black one, all the more reason to be jealous, because it showed you off perfectly.
 However, another pro of the dress was the ease in touching your warm, bare skin, parting your legs slightly He kept his eyes on the road in front of him. He cursed something in japanese, before that rough, lower voice of his came out, almost in the form of a whisper. 
“I can make you so limp, you won’t be able to walk to go and talk to these bastards.” 
That sentence alone caused a sinking feeling in your stomach that started from your chest and went down, and the purple lace panties you wore under that dress were started to gather moisture already. Why were you finding this so hot? Why were you enjoying this? You knew exactly what Joji meant- and it caused a fucking rapture inside your torso. 
Once the two of you were at the house, you were immediately out of the car, however not as fast as George, who it seemed had opened the vehicle door before it came to a full stop. He was going to be honest- this was method he sort of preferred over brutal punches between him and her friend, but he damn well gonna be as aggressive as he could. Most of this anger wasn’t directed to you- most of it. 
He left the door open when he walked indoors, because you were the one to close it- with your back. As soon as you walked into the den, forcefully your were shoved against the shiny, black door, hearing a loud slam behind you. You grunted slightly, causing Joji to halt for about .2 seconds, realizing you were fine, he got worse. Finally, his lips rejoined yours, his body pressed against you as he sloppily brought your mouths together. He had no repeated movement at first, other than with every time he pulled away be came back three times stronger. 
He wanted to explore your mouth now- feel the taste of the words he hoped you’d never say but he feared at that dinner table. Joji quickly brought his hands up to your chest and pulled down the clothing covering your breast, the strapless clothing prohibiting the wearing of a bra. He let the cold air blow against your nipples, and seeing that wasn’t enough to make you gasp, he gave your left breast a squeeze. In there were bruises in the morning, he wouldn’t give a shit, in fact he’d be satisfied. 
Upon having your boob grabbed, your mouth instantly parted from pursed lips to a widened mouth- you even let out a small moan. The wetness was getting worse. His eyes looked into yours for a moment and they were even darker than usual, but as soon as you felt his tongue in your mouth, you had to close yours. You tried to fight it back, locking together as Joji pressed his hardening crotch against yours, and Joji of course won. 
After a while, you felt yourself being lifted, and Joji was taking you to the bedroom you shared. He threw you on the bed, with no mercy, and you could hear a low tsk tsk tsk. It drove you wild. Joji was now between your legs, teasing you by pulling down your panties with his teeth, in a painfully slow manner. He knew you were enjoying yourself by the wetness that revealed itself. “This better be because of me, y/n.” He warned, bringing his thumb up to press against your clitoris. 
A slow, circular motion followed, and your back arched. “Joji~” You moaned, he stopped for a moment. “that’s my fucking name.” he smirked, before replacing his thumb with his tongue. And you knew, when he joked about eating pussy in his youtube videos- whether frank persona or not- he was a fucking legend. 
His tongue met up slightly with his top lit as they dove down on your clit, his hands spreading your legs out to give his space to move his head, before deciding to flick his toungue for a short amount of time- you knew you were going to cum- he knew. He was going to piss you off now. 
Right before you could announce it- he stopped, shaking his head. “No, not yet baby- I’m not lettting you off that easy.” 
He took off his shirt and pants, his boxers going with them, and he was already fully erect. His boner always came as a shock to you, “Get up.” He demanded. 
You did, quivering as you watched him lay down where you were previously. “Ride me.” He commanded again. “Fucking show me you’re mine and mine alone.” He said, you immediately positioned yourself onto him, moaning out “J-Joji~” As felt him getting deeper inside you. 
This point, he grabbed your hips and guided you, grunting softly as he started to feel the buildup of pleasure he knew he would outlast you, you were already coming undone, but he wasn’t going to let you stop until he was done. 
Bringing your hips to clash with his as the rolled together, the sounds of exhilerated screams coming from your euphoric state brought him so much pleasure- along with the movements of your breasts, how they bounced with you as you moved. This was all his, and only his. 
Finally, when he released, he groaned out louder than usual, he’d joke about ‘ a great nut’ later. Now, Joji couldn’t help but not feel complete, even after making you cum three times- and hearing you say his name- he still felt jealous. “y/n?” He said.
You were laying down on your back panting, exhausted by him- but you turned your head. “yes joji?” You asked back. 
“thank you for staying with me and not running off with business boy...” He was tired too, but his words had meaning, had purpose. “You keep me going... and the thought of losing you..” You stopped him. 
“George ‘Joji’ Miller...” You leaned up to face him, laying your head on his chest. “You’re all I want and more, and I wouldn’t trade you for anyone else.” 
With that Joji could sleep tonight. Peacefully. “I love you.” you mumbled. 
“And I love you,” he said back, but chuckled. “And I love your titties.”
You’d smack him tomorrow, but for now, you were too worn out.
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cxncxrcrxw · 7 years
cancer crew- they come home early
these are meant to be funny, folks //
Ian had been gone out to get dinner, which was just a 12 Value Pack from Taco Bell and some beers. So you knew that he wasn’t going to be gone too awfully long. You changed into your pajamas, a pair of shorts and a spaghetti strap, and were now spread out on the couch reading an e-book. A specific book, however. Fifty Shades Of Grey to be exact. 
You were enjoying the fuck out of it, reading really fast as immersed yourself into it’s pages. You weren’t about the BDSM life, at least you never tried anything like it, but reading about folks who lived it, fake or not, it intrigued you. It wasn’t like you were getting off on it- just appreciating well written literature. 
You were way to into the book to hear the door open, in fact, you’d of just thought you imagined a whip cracking, vividly picturing the scenes in the book to make it come to life. Pun intended. As you bit your nails reading a heated scene, you felt breathing down your neck. You still thought that you were imagining things.  
“oh that’s fucking gay.” Ian said, scaring the living daylights out of you and causing you to throw your phone in the air. He laughed. 
“Not fucking funny, you cunt!” You said, putting your hand to your heart as you gained composure. 
“You’re the one reading about BDSM in your spare time. How bout Mr. Carter will see you now?” He winked jokingly. You rolled your eyes. “bastard. tell anyone and I’ll have your head.” 
“You’ll give me head?” He asked, knowing exactly what you said, but wanting to tease you a little more. 
“You know what I said!” You yelled, huffing, a blush still on your face.
Joji was at the post office getting some packages he had ordered, and some he had.. recieved. After a couple minutes, you heard your phone go off, and a text could be read aloud. 
Joji: Traffic Jam. Gonna stab myself.
You smirked, you had been waiting for this moment. You walked into the bedroom the two of you shared, picking through the drawers and pulling out a certain article of clothing. The pink suit. Smirking to yourself as you took off your tanktop and leggings, you tried to get yourself not to do it- but you wanted too. You really wanted too. Slipping on the suit, zipping it up and covering your hair and chin with it’s pink material, you felt like a god. 
In the mirror, you saw your reflection and immediately started cackling, laughing until you coughed. “Imposter.” You whispered, before started to hum the tune of STFU, moving your pelvis front and back. When you heard the door open in your apartment, you started to freak out. Fuck, Fuck! Quickly you made for the zipper, but it was jammed. Just fucking perfect. The squeak of your bedroom door made you squeak back, not wanting to turn around to face your boyfriend. 
“Y/N?” He called out, before covering his mouth to restrain laughs. ‘What the fuck is going on?” He chuckled, you figured now you had to turn around. And when you did, the hysterical look on Joji’s face made you go as pink as the suit. “I can explain...” You began.  
You didn’t have too, Joji knew exactly what was going on here. He shook his head at you. “Well, at least you’re my favorite pink cunt. Not sure about the other folks.” He said sarcastically. Honestly- he enjoyed how tight the suit was on you. Not to mention- it was fucking hilarious.
You knew that your boyfriend was gone out for a day, he was going grocery shopping for the two of you. You would of went, however, last night, you had told him you wanted show off your awesome pasta cooking skills. Knowing Max would be sidetracked by toy sections and potential video props, you decided to take the cooking slow. You were wearing an oversized white t-shirt, and Max’s pokemon boxers.
You were now playing some music through the loud speakers in the living room, loud enough to be heard lyric by lyric from the kitchen, which was beginning to get steamy from pasta boiling. You had your music on shuffle, so anything that played you were bond to vibe out to it. Your hips twisted with the beats of drums, singing along with the words, when there were actual words. 
However, when ‘Still Into You?’ by Paramore began to play, you suddenly felt like you were a headline act in a concert festival. Grabbing a ladle, you put one foot on the counter as the chorus blasted. 
“I should be over all the butterflies~” You yelled, you didn’t care if you sang good or not, you were in the comfort of your own home, by yourself. “I’m into you, I’m into you!” You shouted, now at the top of your lungs. You were going to start headbanging- or some kind of form of edgy shit, but when you brought your head up the first time, standing in the archway of the kitchen, was your boyfriend- Max. You screamed. 
“Max!” You shouted, putting your foot down, leaning against the counter now. “I uh-” You noticed that the smirk on his face had been there for a while now, and there were tears from where he had been laughing. You knew he had seen too much. You blushed like mad. 
“Glad to see how much you like..cooking?” He chuckled, setting the grocery bags on the counter. He couldn’t say you were untruthful, the food was smelling great- but he didn’t think Hayley Williams was a part of the recipe. “Are those my boxers?” He questioned, that goofy smile growing wider. You nodded. 
“Mention this at any point in the future and I’ll hang myself from the ceiling fan.” You replied, watching as he walked over to your corner of the kitchen. He kissed your forehead with a chuckle. “Don’t worry, I’m ‘still into you’.” 
You wanted to smack him. 
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cxncxrcrxw · 7 years
how you meet - maxmoefoe x reader -
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You had hit a rough patch. Just out of college, waiting tables at a bar usually filled with snarky locals and old men going through mid-life crisis and divorce. Sometimes- you spent the majority of your break in the bathroom stall cursing yourself for deciding to major in photography. Not that you didn’t love taking photos- your dream was to own your own studio- but you were still paying off college loans. 
So here you were, in the bar you were at every night except saturday and sunday, serving bacon cheeseburgers to a man who complained about his ex not letting him see his daughters. 
You didn’t have sympathy for the guy- because afterall- he was complaining in a bar, and the cheeseburger was getting choked down with whiskey. Giving off a sigh, you started to go your rounds around the tables you assisted- when the obnoxious bell on the door rang. 
Coming into the bar with the sounds of laughter were four guys, and as soon as you got a good look at the lot, your heart dropped. You knew all four of them. In your spare time- you watched youtube- it was a normal past time, provided, and these four just happened to be some of your favorites. Well, your exact favorites. 
It was rare you found people in here to have a good time- not just drown out their sorrows with alcohol. Even rarer- youtube icons. Even though you lived in Melbourne, you never expected this. Just as quickly as they sat down, you came out with some menus. 
“Hey guys, and welcome! I’m going to need to peep at everyone’s ID’s, you to be sure.” You said, going through the usual, watching as all their eye’s fell on you. “Of course, of course!” Max said, with raised eyebrows as the rest of his buds handed over licenses and such. After a brief check, you returned all their identification to them. “Alright, what can I start you off with?” You asked, you had to admit, your hands were shaking with excitement. 
George was the one to say what he was drinking first, then Ian, then Chad, and lastly Max. At the end of his decision, he added ‘doll’ to the sentence. Very awkwardly, you might add. 
As you walked off to fill their order and leave them to the food menu, you could hear the conversation from inside the restricted areas. 
“what the fuck was that, max?” You heard. You giggled a little. 
“She’s really pretty..” That answer tugged your heart strings a little bit. 
Carrying a tray full of glasses out of the doors and beginning toward the table, your mind raced with ideas and flirtatious comments, you were getting ahead of yourself, for sure. 
You had forgot to look where the hell you were going, you thought you knew the bar like the back of your hand. However- a certain geeky brunette wasn’t exactly a decoration. You looked back up when you heard the tray hit against something- next thing you knew- you were falling. 
You squealed as you went down, everyone in the bar turned their heads, and simultaneously you could hear glass shattering around you. When you heard the laughing, you knew you didn’t want to look up. But you had too. Before you did, you were met with a hand. 
You didn’t look just yet, just grabbed it, figuring it was some drunk old man trying to get some pUssy. But when you finally picked your head up, in front of you, was Max. Everything stopped feeling like slow motion. 
“Holy shit, I’m so fucking sorry-” He started, you interrupted. “You’re sorry, I ran into you!” You said, your cheeks turning even more red. Almost as red as him.
“I was going to see if you needed help, you looked like you’re struggling, that was alot of alchohol for one girl to be holding-” He said, still frantic. You dismissed his worries. “That’s.. so kind of you..” You smiled a small, compromised smile. The smile back made you melt. 
“I-I’ve got to clean this up.. and get you guys your order..” You said, fixing your black apron. Max nodded. 
“When you’re done with that- we’d really like some consolation for our wait.” He spoke, you’re heart sank- what if they told her boss? You nodded. “Anything, for sure.” You spoke, now quicker. 
“Add another drink to our reciept, and when you bring it, come sit with us, surely you can take a break.” He grinned, causing you to grin even wider back. 
As he returned to his seat, you went back into the back, with a little more pep in your step. 
//It’s been done thousands of time before, but oh well. Joji and Ian coming soon!
hope you folks enjoy, and can someone please fucking request? I’m excited for some good requeeeests. 
as always, it’s lans, and thanks for reading!//
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i made this empty arena edit. it's not that good, but i tried :):
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