#filthyfrank imagine
our-reb00t-boi · 1 year
Imagine the reboot twins reading thirst tweets 😂
Oh maaan I'm back, had to mini-detox from the soc-med stuff,but I can't keep away for too long
And what a nice question!!!
Dante: ✨😏✨
I'd like to think he has a great bedroom voice. That shouldn't be surprising given the NSFW casanova life he had. Whatever he's given, headcanon smut to thirst posts, he's gonna read it with that soft, deeper voice then probably bursts out giggling and laughing.
Also if you know some filthyfrank shenanigans he's probably making comedic impressions on how moans sound like on each sentence🤣
"Hmmm...yeah baby🔥give me tha' big ol' dick🤣🤣"
*a LOT of wet sloppy slurping noises from his own mouth, then laughs hysterically**
Vergil: 🧐😓🧐😓🧐😓
"I am not reading these aloud. The statement says 'read' but NOT read aloud, very big difference."
"But what do I think of these written desire posts about me?...hmm, flattered. And concerned."
"Also a considerable amount of these...twins-cests? And me and an Alternate, that sounds more like an internet analog horror to me than a lustful story, ngl! 😓"
"And yes, I'll wear the hat on.❤️"
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treetownconfessions · 2 years
I cannot stop imagine Fliqpy with FilthyFrank's voice even he officially has his voice style/type (or whatever is that called
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meltymooncakes · 11 months
i could literally not imagine trying to cancel joji because he was filthyfrank, the channel description tells you its what you're not supposed to be
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egokillr · 2 years
My SP is Joji Kusunoki though I’m unsure of fully committing to this!!
I’d imagine him being absolutely smitten with me and dreamily gazing at me from a distance while I do other things throughout my days….
But just two days ago, I could have sworn I’ve seen someone who resembled him just as I got out of my car AAAAAA I am rather shy so I try my best to avoid looking at others directly and it’s mainly successful… But I was too scared to lift my head back up to see if it was really him and for that I curse myself 😔💔. Oh well!! I just thought this was kinda cool, though 🥴👌.
what if it was rlly him 🙈🫣
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cxncxrcrxw · 7 years
Right Now (( Joji Miller Imagine ))
warning: this one is a tear jerker. 
You had left him alone. In a room. With your family and some of your closest friends. He was sweating too, to the point that in had comedic potential. 
His hair, messy from lack of care, bags under his eyes from lack of sleep, clothes in wrinkles and hands shaking, he cursed your name under his breath. 
Because you had left him here alone. 
Joji wasn’t entirely angry at you- he knew you didn’t do it to vex him. He knew there was nothing he could do to stop you from going. Fact of the matter was- you didn’t just leave him, the two of you hadn’t broken it off. 
You had left everyone. Every single person in the room. And they all felt what he was feeling, however, he couldn’t relate to any of them. 
They’d arranged this, this church service, for you? Did they even know you at all? It was hypocritical bullshit, the idea that they would put you through this when they knew very fucking well how you felt about these types of things. 
But you had, yet and still, left him in the spotlight of your beloved. He skimmed around the room with his bloodshot eyes, hazily he read the minds of people around him. 
Your best friend. You hadn’t seen them in years, but the two of you called every day, and were still constantly texting like you did in highschool. They were staring right back at Joji with the same look. 
Your family, the ones who planned the service and gave George no say or chance for input, stared at the japanese-australian with a look of dispair, anticipation, and anger. 
He knew damn well how they felt about them- fucks sake, he had taken their little girl miles away, maybe they had a bit of a right. He knew what was going on. They were waiting for his speech. 
George coughed, skimming his eyes around the room one last time, before realizing that he knew what you would want, if you were here right now. 
“Y/N was the funniest person I’ve ever met, or will meet. She was dependable, loving, and young-spirited. She was my babygirl.. as she was yours.” He began, he could feel tears welling up already. 
“When I met her, she told me that her best friend and her had seen my channel, and thought it was the funniest shit. She told me that whenever her parents were giving her a hard time, she turned on my music and listened to my voice, no matter how serious or not serious the lyrics were, or the video was.” His voice level was rising, becoming angrier. 
“And she told me, that when she told her parents she didn’t believe in anything, she had never felt more isolated. She told me that she had never felt at home until she was with Y/BFF/N, or me. When she moved in, that first night she cried because of how comfortable she felt being there. We sat on the couch we now shared and watched The Simpsons, she layed in my arms and kept hold of my hand.” 
Finally, Joji broke down. 
“You don’t understand how badly I want her hand in mine again.”
Your family looked appalled, but it was within reason. Joji didn’t care. He pulled a box out of the pocket of his sweatpants, the ones he’d been wearing for three days straight. He opened it up, in it a ring. Gold, with diamonds forming a rough circular shape. And engagement ring. The crowd went silent. 
“I was going to ask her.. I was going to take her to her favorite restuarant, and I was going to ask her to be my wife. She never came home for our date.” He was now choking out sobs, slobber dripping from his lips, nose running as he had to yell to make words come out. 
“She wouldn’t of wanted me to do this.. she wouldn’t want me crying in front of people who will only talk about the spectacle our relationship was.. but here I am. I failed Y/N, we all did.” Leaning against the podium, he could feel his heart pounding, stomach folding inside his torso. 
You had left him. You had left them. 
Joji walked off the front, running out, the door slamming open and shutting behind him.
He had to leave this funeral home.
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cancercrew-filth · 4 years
“I love you.” (Joji)
Anon Request: Joji with a childhood best friend who he's in love with but she has a boyfriend. The only thing that's stopped him is the fear of rejection.
Joji’s POV
I sat at the edge of the front porch steps chewing on my fingernails, a nervous habit I tried to quit multiple times but had no success in doing so. I couldn’t sit still, I couldn’t think…I could barely bring myself to eat this morning. I don’t really wanna do this, right? I thought to myself. No, I can’t. This back and forth battle between my brain and my heart was starting to make more sick to my stomach than I already was. If I leave right now, she’d never know I was here…now’s my chance to just forget this and go home. She hasn’t even responded to my text yet. I thought about going for a walk since the weather was meant for one. Not a cute little small walk, but one of those long hikes that take your mind off of something that by the time you notice you’re lost, you no longer are thinking about why you started walking in the first place.
I exhaled heavily and stood up with my back towards the door and the stairs. I took one step forward and began to walk away from the apartment complex slower than I thought I would, almost as if I didn’t want to leave. I didn’t make it very far until I heard a soft voice from behind me, “Joji?”
My heart came to a halt as I froze in place. Turning around quickly, I tried to wipe the worried look I had on my face and replaced it with a toothy smile, “Y/N! Hey…” I beamed.
“I’m sorry I didn’t read your message right away.” she heaved as I made my way over to her, “I was driving and there was a shit ton of traffic, but I had a feeling you were gonna be here so I came as fast as I could.”
I took ahold of her large duffel bag as she walked up the steps to the door and unlocked it in a rush. I held the door for her to walk in ahead of me and I shuffled into the foyer quickly behind her while the heavy door shut behind us. 
“How are you?” she asked smiling at me as we entered the elevator.
“Um…” I cleared my throat, “Pretty good…can’t really complain.”
I avoided her gaze and looked either at my feet or straight ahead, awkwardly.
“You sure?” she questioned, hugging herself due to the sudden coldness in the elevator.
“Yeah.” I chuckled, “I’m great.”
We reached her floor with a sudden jolt followed by a loud dinging sound. Y/N was brief to get out of the elevator, squeezing through the doors before they even had a chance to fully open. I trailed behind her light steps as she swayed flawlessly down the hall as she jingled her keys. We finally reached the end of the hall and were face to face with her door. Entering her large apartment, I set the duffel bag down on the couch as I shut the door behind me. 
“Thank you for carrying my bag.” she giggled, “I found it kinda heavy.”
“Yeah, it is a little heavy.” I admitted.
“Yeah, I stayed over at Kevin’s for a few days.” she spoke from the kitchen, as she was getting us some water, “His parents were in town and since he lives nearly on the other side of the city, he somehow convinced me to stay for a few days so I didn’t have to constantly go back and forth.”
The sick feeling washed over me again. Kevin. I looked at the picture she had of her with him on nearly side table, polaroids she posted of the two of them on her walls, pictures of them on her TV stand. I sat on the couch and tilted my head back, licking my dry lips as I shut my eyes tightly, I felt the room spinning.
“Here you go.” she practically whispered.
I jumped at the sound of her soft voice. I opened my eyes to see her holding a glass of water in front of my face. I lightly grabbed the glass and mumbled a quiet ‘thank you’. I took slow, small sips and placed the glass on the coffee table in front of me once the glass was half empty. Y/N sat next to me on the couch, her back against the armrest as she sat with her legs crossed, cradling her glass of water with the palms of her hands in between her crossed legs.
“Hey,” she searched for my gaze, “What’s going on? I know you said you were good, but you can’t really lie to me. You’re my best friend, I know you.”
For the first time in a little over two weeks, I looked into her eyes and took her features all in. She was fresh faced dressed in her cuffed overalls, her messy hair reminding me of the first time I had ever met her:
We were eight; I had just moved into the small suburban area that became my new home from Japan. I sat on my front steps squinting at the sunlight, trying to take in my new surroundings. Without noticing the frisbee that was being thrown at me to my right due to the sudden blindness of the sun, I was hit on the side of the head by the flying disk.
“Im sorry!” she shouted from the lawn next to mine, her small feet whisking through the uncut grass as she made her way over to me.
“Ow…” I mumbled as I picked up the frisbee that crash-landed next to my foot.
“Hi…I’m sorry…I wanted to be nosy and make it go over there but it hit you…I’m sorry.” she admitted, blushing from the embarrassment as she pointed to an area on my front lawn.
“It’s okay.” I said as I handed her the frisbee once she was stood in front of me.
She was beautiful, dressed in cuffed overalls and tennis shoes. She slightly squinted as she looked at me, her hand shielding her eyes.
“I’m Y/N.” she introduced herself, “We’re neighbors, I live right there. I’ve never seen you around before.” she pointed to the house right next to mine “…Do you wanna come over and play? I have an older brother so he’s probably into the cool stuff that boys are into.”
“Uh…okay…I have to ask my mom first, though.” I said confused, I wasn’t used to people being so open and friendly.
“Okay!” she smiled, “I’ll wait here.”
I opened my front door and prepared myself to go in before she asked, “Wait! What’s your name?”
“George.” I answered.
“Okay, nice to meet you George.” she smiled.
By the time we were sixteen we were inseparable. Movie nights were nearly every night, I used to hear our moms talk about us growing up and getting married and complain when we wouldn’t “give in” and date each other. At eighteen, newly graduated from high school, we decided to go on a road trip since we wanted to leave the dumbass suburb we were in. We made it a little over forty-five minutes out of town and the car broke down in the middle of the highway. I pulled off to the side of the road, not being able to see with the smoke coming from the from of the car. I looked over at her in the passenger seat and she looked at me wide eyed before clenching her lips together and bursting into a fit of laughs.
“I know I should not be laughing right now but I think we’re cursed.” she giggled, “We’re meant to be in the suburbs. This would happen to us.”
I let my head hit the headrest and laughed along with her. After a few minutes, I tried to get a hold of AAA but I had no service, and neither did Y/N, so we weren’t able to come into contact with anyone for the time being.
“We are literally being assfucked right now.” she groaned as she got out of the car and slamming the door behind her, “Come on, Joji.”
“We’re walking it?” I asked her.
“Well, duh.” she smiled, “We’ll be fine. I know where we are and once we get service, we can call our parents and tell them what happened. And we can get ahold of AAA.”
I got out of the car and followed her lead, staying as far away from the road as possible.
“How long are we walking for?” I asked.
“About an hour and a half, give or take.” she sighed as she kicked a couple of rocks out of her, “Depends on how fast we walk, slowpoke.” she joked, looking at me and smiling.
“I’m sorry.” I apologized.
“For what?” she laughed, “It’s just not our time to leave town yet, I guess. Plus, we’re getting a daily dose of exercise. We’ll be fine.” she shrugged it off.
An hour into our walk, the air smelled of rain and I felt a drop of water hit my forehead, “Shit.” I whispered.
“What’s up?” she questioned, looking over at me.
“It’s gonna rain.” I said before the drops became frequent and heavier.
Y/N grabbed my hand once she heard thunder roaring and we ran the rest of the way home through, what seemed to be, some sort of tropical storm. We reached my front steps and stood there panting for a couple of minutes before she burst out laughing once again. I looked over at her like she was crazy, but I saw her rose-colored glass view: shit like this would happen to us. She was drenched in water, her hair sticking to her face and her clothes dripping water. She took her shoes off as I unlocked the door, we bumped into each other, thinking we would fit through the doorframe together as we tried to get through.
We both took a step back, but we were still close enough that our fingertips slightly touched. I looked at her wet face and I moved strands of her damp hair out of the way and behind her ear, my heart felt like it was skipping beats as I felt a fluttering feeling in my stomach. She looked into my eyes, and without even realizing until the last minute, I noticed myself slowly moving in, our noses almost touching. Suddenly I took another step back and stuttered after I cleared my throat, “You-you can go on ahead first.”
What if she didn’t kiss me back? Or what if she stopped me? I can’t ruin our friendship due to my selfishness.. 
The fire in the fireplace was blazing slowly as Y/N and I sat in front of the warm flame huddled under a large fuzzy blanket together. I had lent her some clothes to change into so she didn’t have to sit in her wet clothes or get sick from being in her wet clothes too long. With her eyes glued to the fire and her small hands clutching some of the blanket, I looked at her somewhat frizzy hair, the strands glowing from the firelight. Her lashes were curled perfectly without the need of mascara, her eyes shining underneath them. She turned her head to look at me.
I swallowed hard, not knowing what to do. I had gone years without telling her I was in love with her for the sake of our friendship, yet here I was staring at her like it was the only thing keeping me alive. My eyes went from her mouth, back to her eyes. Again, I noticed myself getting closer to her like an absolute idiot. I shot up to my feet quickly, “I’m gonna go make tea.” I blurted out as I ran to the kitchen leaving her with the rest of the blanket.
“George?” her voice broke me out of my thoughts, “What’s going on?”
“I don’t know…” I breathed out.
“Is it that new girl you’re seeing?” she asked, confused.
“No. I stopped seeing her two months ago.” I answered, “I need to tell you something…and you don’t need to say anything or respond to it, but it’s been bothering me and I won’t stop hating myself until I let you know.”
She’s happy with Kevin, he makes her happy and that should be enough for me to see her content, and I know she will never feel the same and it frightens me to think that way but for the sake of preserving my mind, I need to tell her.
“Wh-“ she stopped herself, “Joji? What’s going on.”
I buried my face in my hands and rubbed my tired eyes before I turned my body to face her. Y/N had worry in her eyes, she seemed scared, and I knew that she would go from worried to disappointed if I told her.
“The last thing I ever want to do in this world is lose you.” I began, “You’re happy, and you have no idea how thrilled it makes me knowing that you have someone in your life that cares for you, but Y/N…I…I’m in love with you.”
As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I wanted to give my soul just to get them back. Y/N outstretched her arm to put her glass on the coffee table but she missed by a centimeter and the glass shattered on the hardwood floor. She looked like she was going to be sick.
“What?” she whispered, ignoring the mess on the floor.
“I have been in love with you…for years.” I whispered in a breathy voice. The lump in my throat returned and the feeling of nausea washed over me, but somehow I was feeling a weight being lifted off of my chest, “I thought that seeing other girls would take my mind off of me thinking like this but it did nothing…they’re not you. They’re not who I want to see first thing in the morning, they’re not who I want to spend days talking to…I can’t eat, I can’t sleep because my thoughts are keeping me awake and it’s not your fault…it’s mine for feeling this way but I can’t help falling more in love with you every time I see you. I search for you in every girl I meet and I fail to realize they’re not you, nor will they ever be you. I spent years hiding it from you, scared that you would reject me but I’m losing my mind keeping it a secret. I try to distance myself from you in hopes that I won’t love you anymore for the sake of our friendship but it doesn’t fucking work. Nothing works. What fucks me up more is that you’re happy with someone else, and I’m beyond happy for you, and I feel like I shouldn’t tell you because you’re happy and I don’t want to ruin our friendship, but I can’t…I can’t just keep this to myself anymore. I didn’t choose to fall in love with you, Y/N, it just happened.”
I felt a single tear slide down my face and I quickly wiped it with the back of my hand and sniffled as I got up off of the couch. I looked down at Y/N and she was stuck staring at the spot that I had just gotten up from, she had tears streaming down her face.
“I’m sorry.” I apologized softly.
“I…I just need some time.” she whispered, wiping her face with her hands.
I took it as my cue to leave. I drove home while my mind and heart battled each other, part of me regretted telling her but the other half felt relieved…but at what cost knowing that I lost my best friend.
Y/N’s POV (one month later)
I knocked on the newly painted front door with shaky hands, immediately mentally cursing myself at what I was doing. I tugged on the hem of my oversized jacket as I examined the eggshell colored door, I missed the light periwinkle color the Millers had before on their door. The paint before was beyond chipped from Joji and I peeling the paint off as kids, and what sucked more was that they discontinued the color at Home Depot so they had to settle for this somewhat crappy color. I heard shuffling footsteps approach the door, it was too late to run back next door now. I took a deep breath as I heard the doorknob twist. The door slowly opened and I was met with George’s mother, “Hi, Mrs.Miller.” I nervously smiled.
“He’s upstairs in his room.” she smiled warmly as she took me in for a tight hug.
“How’s he doing?” I asked in a low voice as I shut the door behind me, shoving my hands into my jacket pockets.
“Better…sort of. He doesn’t leave the room unless no one’s home or if we’re asleep. I’ll hear the door sometimes in the middle of the night but that’s about it.” she informed as she lead me to the stairs with her hand on my back.
She told me she was going next door to talk with my mother and I just gave her a slight smile and a nod. Going up the stairs made me want to throw up, the thought of seeing Joji after so long made me nervous and extremely embarrassed. I hadn’t called him or texted him in a month. I was angry, hurt, and confused. Why wouldn’t he tell me how he felt? We told each other everything, no matter how bad it was, but for the same reason I didn’t tell him how I felt. I was hurt for him as well…how could I have not known? If anything, I thought he didn’t like me. I tried making moves on him before and I felt like he’d rejected me on several occasions, or maybe if we had just communicated things without fear, we’d probably be okay, but it’s easier said than done. I’ve always loved Joji…but I thought it would never happen, and so I moved on.or tried to… I broke up with Kevin the week after George came to visit me. I had love for Kevin but I wasn’t in love with him, we would have arguments nearly everyday and he just wasn’t George. I didn’t know what to do…I was contemplating on calling Joji and I didn’t, I was scared and I didn’t know what to say. I wanted to be alone and have time to myself so I could think. So I went to the only place where I knew I would be left alone and away from everyone for some time: my parent’s house. Little did I know, Joji was next door doing the exact same thing.
I reached the top step and made my way down the hall cautiously. I felt like the hallway stretched out for miles as I walked towards Joji’s door. My breathing quickened, my heart nearly falling out of my chest as I finally stood in front of his door. I held my breath as I knocked. There was no answer. I sighed and placed my hand on the doorknob and entered his room. He was sat on his bed looking out his window with a notebook next to him. The walls were decorated the same: posters of artists, pictures of us and his family members, a couple post-it notes still lingered on the walls told me that they haven’t lost their stick. His room hadn’t changed one bit.
“Hey.” I said, trying to catch his attention as I tenderly closed the door behind me.
He turned around quickly, his eyes looking into mine. That’s when I felt it all over again: the butterflies. His hair was wet and I could smell his shampoo from across the room. He wore a gray long-sleeved shirt and a pair of sweats with some fuzzy mismatched socks to complete his ‘homebody’ look.
“I see you’re still a mama’s boy.” I lightly chuckled as I sat down in his comfy desk chair, “I can’t really blame you, I went home to my mom too.”
“Yeah…I know you did.” he said quietly, as he began moving to the edge of the bed, slowly, so that he sat across from me, “I could hear you crying most nights from my window.”
“Yeah…” I sighed in embarrassment, “I was doing some digging the other day while I was cleaning my old room…and I found some stuff.”
I reached into my jacket pockets, not taking my eyes off of his face. I was happy to see him well rested, but the ashtray full of cigarette butts told me he was stressed out of his mind. He stared at the carpeted floor blankly as I searched my pockets.
“Do you remember this?” I asked coyly, retrieving a gold locket from my pocket,”You gave it to me on my eighteenth birthday once everyone left my party.”
“I drove hours for that thing.” he chuckled softly, “You told me you always wanted one but the good legit ones were impossible to find.”
“Do you remember what you put in it?” I asked.
“A picture of us from when we were ten.” he answered.
“I’m a complete dumbass.” I spoke in an unsteady voice as I pulled out a small note from the same pocket with shaking hands, “I couldn’t get the locket to open the other night…I like looking in it when I’m sad but I couldn’t get it open ‘cause it was stuck. It’s an antique so it’s normal for it to get stuck sometimes, and every time it gets stuck, I’d open it cautiously. Well, I tried opening it the other night, and I broke my nail, so I got angry at the damn thing and I threw it at the wall…the picture fell out…and so did this.” I held up the note and I read it, “‘I choose to love you in silence…For in silence I find no rejection, I choose to love you in loneliness…For in loneliness no one owns you but me, I choose to adore you from a distance…For distance will shield me from pain, I choose to kiss you in the wind…For the wind is gentler than my lips, I choose to hold you in my dreams…’“
“For in my dreams, you have no end.” he finished the poem.
“Rumi…” I said, shocked that he remembered my favorite poet from the one time I told him when we were sixteen.
“I didn’t want you to find it, but part of me wanted you to. So I hid it behind the one thing that meant the most to me, inside something that was special to you.” he explained, “It was the only way I felt safe and comfortable telling you how I felt…even if you never got a chance to read it. People say that some things are better left unsaid, and I believed them, but I went crazy when I thought about how I’d have to live with feeling this way forever and not having you know, I just didn’t think I’d lose you in the process…but I can’t lose what was never mine.”
I took a deep, hesitating breath before I spoke, “I fell in love with you when we were sixteen, and every time I ran to you crying about a boy breaking my heart or hurting my feelings was because they didn’t treat me like how you did…they didn’t make me laugh like you did, they didn’t take care of me like you did…they weren’t you, George. I thought about how there were times that I almost told you how I felt…but my fear stopped me. And I can’t begin to imagine how you felt, and I’m sorry for that. Being older now means looking back at all the times we shared when we were younger…and I know that there were times were I felt like you were going to kiss me but you didn’t…but I know now why you didn’t…”
Joji looked down at his hands before he looked back up at me.
“But I really wish you did.” I admitted, “I found love in places where it shouldn’t have thought to grow because I was upset with the thought of being in love with someone who I thought didn’t feel the same way…I know that feeling of being rejected or feeling like you’ll be rejected, George, that fear.” I wiped my tears with the sleeves of my jacket.
I got up from the chair and put it back under the desk before I decided to face him again. I was slightly alerted when I saw he was standing now in front of me. He pulled me in for a tight hug and I gladly hugged back. To feel his warmth, his presence, just to feel him hugging me again after not seeing him for a long time made everything feel right again. I buried my face in his chest, taking in his scent as he rested his chin on my head before he kissed my cheek and hid his face in my neck. We were stood there for what seemed to be hours embracing each other. I rubbed his back softly and I finally whispered, “I’m still in love with you…I never stopped.”
Joji pulled away from the hug and smiled at me, “I love you.”
I wrapped my arms around his neck and stood on the tips of my toes so I would be able to reach his lips. I stared at his lips as I bit mine thinking about how I’d been waiting to kiss him for the longest time.
“Are you gonna kiss me or what?” he smirked nudging me gently.
“Shut up.” I laughed.
He dried my wet eyes lightly with the sleeves of his shirt, holding my face in his hands, he leaned in and kissed me softly. It felt right and more than anything I felt safe and home.
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alexatkins · 8 years
I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really want to see Joji. Just Joji, not Filthy Frank, not pink guy, not chinchin or any other other characters. I want to see the real Joji. I want to hear his normal voice, I want to see his normal clothes, I want to hear his laugh. I just really want to fucking see the real Joji.
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thedreamydream-blog · 5 years
use headphones!!
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ian-fucking-carter · 5 years
Imma dig a hole and just,,,,fuckin put myself in it
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sinsenator-blog · 8 years
Who’s up for a Joji daddy kink fic?
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niallerbaby1d · 6 years
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Now that I have your attention go read my joji fic
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goodbyepacito · 6 years
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I,,wrote another,,,j-Joji imagine, shshdhsjd, hope you likeeeeee
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delicrieux · 7 years
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requested by anon🌻 prompt:  yay!! im so glad you write for ian he’s adorable! can you do one of just general cute couple affection and fluffiness around his friends but he doesnt quite care a/n: he is so cute
masterlist | ko-fi | fics as movies
You and Ian had been dating for a while now. And you really aren’t the kind of person to hide your feelings. What came as a surprise is that Ian is relatively the same, too. He likes to hold your hand. He likes to play with your hair and he always pulls you into his chest when the two of you are sitting. Being around people doesn’t change him. Neither of you care if Max or Joji are watching you two talk and cuddle, but damn does it get annoying when Max starts spouting bullshit as if it would hurt him to shut up.
It had been a long night and you and Ian plopped down on the couch as soon as you got home. It was after Joji’s concert, and Max was tagging along like a lost puppy. Ian hugged you. You aww’ed. Max pretended to throw up.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake, if you two start calling each other ‘Snuckums’ or ‘Loveberry’ or some shit like that, I swear to fuck I will vomit.” Max mumbles.
“Oh?” You raise a brow, “Should we?”
“Would make for some fine content, Max.” Ian chimes in.
“When was the last time you uploaded?” You question.
“I think we might be doing you a favour.”
Max snorts, “Oh, fuck off…”
requests are open!
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cxncxrcrxw · 7 years
cancer crew- they come home early
these are meant to be funny, folks //
Ian had been gone out to get dinner, which was just a 12 Value Pack from Taco Bell and some beers. So you knew that he wasn’t going to be gone too awfully long. You changed into your pajamas, a pair of shorts and a spaghetti strap, and were now spread out on the couch reading an e-book. A specific book, however. Fifty Shades Of Grey to be exact. 
You were enjoying the fuck out of it, reading really fast as immersed yourself into it’s pages. You weren’t about the BDSM life, at least you never tried anything like it, but reading about folks who lived it, fake or not, it intrigued you. It wasn’t like you were getting off on it- just appreciating well written literature. 
You were way to into the book to hear the door open, in fact, you’d of just thought you imagined a whip cracking, vividly picturing the scenes in the book to make it come to life. Pun intended. As you bit your nails reading a heated scene, you felt breathing down your neck. You still thought that you were imagining things.  
“oh that’s fucking gay.” Ian said, scaring the living daylights out of you and causing you to throw your phone in the air. He laughed. 
“Not fucking funny, you cunt!” You said, putting your hand to your heart as you gained composure. 
“You’re the one reading about BDSM in your spare time. How bout Mr. Carter will see you now?” He winked jokingly. You rolled your eyes. “bastard. tell anyone and I’ll have your head.” 
“You’ll give me head?” He asked, knowing exactly what you said, but wanting to tease you a little more. 
“You know what I said!” You yelled, huffing, a blush still on your face.
Joji was at the post office getting some packages he had ordered, and some he had.. recieved. After a couple minutes, you heard your phone go off, and a text could be read aloud. 
Joji: Traffic Jam. Gonna stab myself.
You smirked, you had been waiting for this moment. You walked into the bedroom the two of you shared, picking through the drawers and pulling out a certain article of clothing. The pink suit. Smirking to yourself as you took off your tanktop and leggings, you tried to get yourself not to do it- but you wanted too. You really wanted too. Slipping on the suit, zipping it up and covering your hair and chin with it’s pink material, you felt like a god. 
In the mirror, you saw your reflection and immediately started cackling, laughing until you coughed. “Imposter.” You whispered, before started to hum the tune of STFU, moving your pelvis front and back. When you heard the door open in your apartment, you started to freak out. Fuck, Fuck! Quickly you made for the zipper, but it was jammed. Just fucking perfect. The squeak of your bedroom door made you squeak back, not wanting to turn around to face your boyfriend. 
“Y/N?” He called out, before covering his mouth to restrain laughs. ‘What the fuck is going on?” He chuckled, you figured now you had to turn around. And when you did, the hysterical look on Joji’s face made you go as pink as the suit. “I can explain...” You began.  
You didn’t have too, Joji knew exactly what was going on here. He shook his head at you. “Well, at least you’re my favorite pink cunt. Not sure about the other folks.” He said sarcastically. Honestly- he enjoyed how tight the suit was on you. Not to mention- it was fucking hilarious.
You knew that your boyfriend was gone out for a day, he was going grocery shopping for the two of you. You would of went, however, last night, you had told him you wanted show off your awesome pasta cooking skills. Knowing Max would be sidetracked by toy sections and potential video props, you decided to take the cooking slow. You were wearing an oversized white t-shirt, and Max’s pokemon boxers.
You were now playing some music through the loud speakers in the living room, loud enough to be heard lyric by lyric from the kitchen, which was beginning to get steamy from pasta boiling. You had your music on shuffle, so anything that played you were bond to vibe out to it. Your hips twisted with the beats of drums, singing along with the words, when there were actual words. 
However, when ‘Still Into You?’ by Paramore began to play, you suddenly felt like you were a headline act in a concert festival. Grabbing a ladle, you put one foot on the counter as the chorus blasted. 
“I should be over all the butterflies~” You yelled, you didn’t care if you sang good or not, you were in the comfort of your own home, by yourself. “I’m into you, I’m into you!” You shouted, now at the top of your lungs. You were going to start headbanging- or some kind of form of edgy shit, but when you brought your head up the first time, standing in the archway of the kitchen, was your boyfriend- Max. You screamed. 
“Max!” You shouted, putting your foot down, leaning against the counter now. “I uh-” You noticed that the smirk on his face had been there for a while now, and there were tears from where he had been laughing. You knew he had seen too much. You blushed like mad. 
“Glad to see how much you like..cooking?” He chuckled, setting the grocery bags on the counter. He couldn’t say you were untruthful, the food was smelling great- but he didn’t think Hayley Williams was a part of the recipe. “Are those my boxers?” He questioned, that goofy smile growing wider. You nodded. 
“Mention this at any point in the future and I’ll hang myself from the ceiling fan.” You replied, watching as he walked over to your corner of the kitchen. He kissed your forehead with a chuckle. “Don’t worry, I’m ‘still into you’.” 
You wanted to smack him. 
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diccwetti-blog · 7 years
#4 - Kisses
Joji Kisses would start out as plain old regular loving kisses, but as you kept going, his hands that cupped your face before, would slide down on your waist as things got heated, his lips and tongue growing more needy and desperate. Kissing this fiercely would make him grab your waist harder, and maybe he’d slide his hands down a little further, pulling you closer to his growing bulge, inevitably sending both of you to the bedroom. 
Ian Pulling him closer by the shirt, your lips still connected to each others, he’d hum lustfully, and as the kiss would grow more wet and intense, Ian would slide his hand down from your face to the back of your neck, holding you right there, feeling you up. Eventually, you’d end up on top of each other, his hands desperately touching you all over, never getting enough of feeling your mouth and your body on his.
Max Max would very commandingly pull you onto his lap, hold your waist while continuing to kiss you, gradually growing more forceful and eager for your touch. Muffled small noises of contentedness would begin to escape his mouth, as he would be sitting there, leaned back, legs spread with you on his lap - just how he likes it.
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iancartxr · 7 years
hey hey submit requests for imagines or short stories of ian, max, of joji (really almost any bigger youtuber i don’t care i’ll write about anything) i’ve been writing fanfics for years and i finally want to get back into it because ian inspired me- as gay as that sounds. this is a side blog and i’ll follow back through my main. thanks y’all
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