#idw gauge
rubski02 · 2 years
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Day 8: Gauge !!
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artemis-prime-g1 · 2 years
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Breaking out the markers and color pencils for this one! It's Halloween and here's Arcee and Gauge as Ripley and Newt from Aliens!
Prismacolor pencils and markers on 60# drawing paper.
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alonagman2000 · 5 months
I see how likes y'all my sketches
I give you more
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spashahoney · 11 months
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Day 4: I Want to Know What Love is/Falling Away from Me (Arcee x Greenlight)
Her processor caught on that her mentors are married.
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just-someone-online · 3 months
Okay, I promise I'm not about to become the 'Ooh, what if x was a Terran?' guy, but I think it would be really interesting if Rubble and Gauge from IDW2 were brought back as Terrans.
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lemonmatronicsart · 3 months
“You literally cannot make out with a robot wtf”
Me, deadass:
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katchless · 6 months
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mat2modblog · 2 years
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I suppose it only figures Scootaloo would get paired with... Sureshock from Transformers Armada?! I checked and this is apparently the only G1 appearance of Sureshock WTF.
Even Hot Shot here had already appeared in the IDW G1 comics in spite of using the Armada and Cybertron designs.
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pluralsword · 1 year
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Gosh we love this piece so much... We commissioned @ VansZero (discord) & worked with them to make this four panel fancomic "That's So Lovely Sibling," focusing on Gauge & Sideswipe, he did such an awesome job with the art in our opinion. We did the writing, spot the references around the piece to who the two's six mentors are! (if you know us it's probably not hard to guess haha)
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lightandspark · 1 year
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Some Greencee + Gauge!!
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craanber · 2 years
I’ve been struggling to do any illustrations lately so I’ve been working on a design for a little plush I want to make for my best friend
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sonkerzz · 2 years
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lost light fest day 8: gauge
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kurt-rorty · 2 years
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decepti-thots · 6 days
☕idw 2019?
You know, I always get asked this. And my answer has always been the same: I enjoyed it! Not as much as my absolute fave IDW1 series, but I enjoyed it and it was very fun and I was sad when it wasn't able to continue. Given that my opinions on it generally have been beaten to death over the years, I will focus on some specifics.
I feel like the folks who did not vibe with IDW2 will always throw it the bone of 'well, it had some good worldbuilding, at least'. Which is fair, because as an IDW2 Liker Mostly, I Enjoyed It For Real, that is in fact what always draws me to it. I get a real sense of Cybertron as a place in IDW2, an interest in constructing a broader society that convincingly feels as though it has a history and where people live off-panel. That's important to me, and to be honest, it's a place I always find IDW1 lacking. IDW2 does not feel as though its planet is a backdrop on which actors perform character drama. It convinces me people live there, and have lived there for a long time.
I also think that its concept of mentorship is a really interesting approach to what a society that does not have a humanlike concept of either family or reproduction might look like. The emphasis on choice is a really good way to angle it, and if there's an element I want future incarnations to pull from, that's it. The idea that it's a mutual choice, a responsibility that relies on agreement between mentor and mentee, something that doesn't 'naturally' happen but has to be deliberately agreed upon, is a genuinely great take on them as characters who are relatable to us but ultimately have a meaningfully different way of organizing their society. (I am fond of the side series with Gauge really going into this mutual element, where Gauge has that choice with Arcee and Greenlight, it isn't just something that can be impressed on her for 'her own good', and that she has that choice in the first place is what empowers her to make it.)
I really feel, overall, like IDW2 reads better in the trades than it did monthly (though I still personally enjoyed it monthly). And like, yeah, when it was in fact a monthly comic that is not something I can fault people for not jumping for joy about; that's a structural criticism in and of itself. It also basically exists because US comics publishers won't let you do anything but monthlies, though, which is a reality of US comics. I have a lot of real affection for IDW2. It has some great characters. (I adore IDW2 Cyclonus. I love Arcee and Greenlight. I think it has a very interesting take on Megatron, which a refusal to engage with on its own terms and not as though it was a response to IDW1... well I found that Annoying, lmao.) It has a setting-first approach to storytelling that really appeals to me. Oh, and that Halloween special? MWAH. Love that issue. I reread it every October, haha.
tl;dr: i love trickdiamond so much. can we have trickdiamond back please. she's My Girl. also geomotus, whomst i Love.
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multiisketch · 2 days
Multi's Ramblings: A Warped Perspective
Given the attention my Mini-Comic has gotten and the fact that I've had people asking about a full AU and such, I thought I would collect my thoughts on it here.
As of right now, I don't have plans to make an extensive comic for A Warped Perspective as I am focused on Sonic Boom: Revisited currently (please check it out if you haven't! I plan to play around with Sonic's morality and transformations in that as well!) but will write and draw stuff for Warped as I have the inclination to do so.
This is going to be a long one, so I will be placing it all under the cut!
The Personality of Fleetway Super Sonic
I like to imagine if Fleetway Super Sonic ever did come to the mainline comics, he'd be a sort of... manifestation and release of Sonic's normally tempered rage. If Sonic is the wind, then Fleetway is a hurricane of unchallengeable and intense emotion. Even the smallest infraction on his person would result in an explosive response. He's not necessarily evil at first. After all, he's still Sonic. He still desires the same things, he's just incapable of gauging how severe his actions are.
For example:
Sonic likes destroying Badniks. He likes the rush fighting gives him, but he doesn't let himself relish in the destruction or defeat. He reaches down and offers his hand at the first sign of reluctance. Fleetway doesn't have the luxury of restraint. He's too blinded by his anger. He'd fight a rival like Knuckles or Shadow to the brink of death simply for standing in his way.
Sonic likes making jokes at the expense of his foes and rivals. He chuckles when he manages to throw someone off balance, but he's not cruel. It's all in good fun. Fleetway finds it all hysterical. The more appalled they look the better. He's seeking the same high, but is unable to get it without pushing boundaries well beyond their limit.
Fleetway would be Sonic's entire personality and morality weaponized until it looses all sense and becomes madness.
Eggman's 9th symphony
I think back to that line in IDW Issue #50 where Sonic says something to the effect of, "That's the problem with giving people a choice. You can't stop them from making the wrong ones." This line always stuck out to me because it almost seems like a prelude to a potential breaking point for Sonic. While Issue #50 comes long after the warp topaz is dealt with (for the most part), I think it makes for an interesting moral quandary to touch on with Fleetway. Eggman poisoned the world with the Metal Virus and some part of Sonic blames himself for that. Shadow and Espio's words did not help.
Now... Sonic, normally, is not one to let that type of talk keep him down for long. He always keeps moving. Live and Learn. But even as he moves on some part of him must still linger on what he could have done differently.
As Fleetway, Sonic's emotional dissonance is heightened. That ounce of doubt he has in his actions grows out of control along with all his other emotions. He's tired of giving people a choice only for them to make the wrong ones. And now? Now they don't get a choice. If they want to resist--if they want to stand in his way--FINE. But he's not holding back, anymore. For anyone. And he's gonna enjoy it.
How Does This Fit into IDW?
AKA the AU part
Note: this is just a general overview of what I personally think would be interesting to see. Feel free to speculate further!
Remember issue #30-32? So, take that plot, but instead of Sonic incidentally warping into Blaze's dimension with amnesia, he crashes back onto his planet in the middle of nowhere (some nice lake area). Strangely, he's still in his super form, but the Chaos Emeralds are nowhere to be found. Instead, the Warp Topaz, imbued with chaos energy has become entangled with Sonic's form. This would not be visibly on his person, but its energy effects are evident in his glowey bits and the red rings around Sonic's eyes (tbh I didn't think about the design connections between Fleetway and the Warp Topaz until just now, but it's weirdly there). Imagine how the Shadow Crystal in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess sinks into Link. That's the imagery I've got in my head as Sonic lays in his self-made crater, unconscious. Maybe I'll draw this initial crash eventually, idk.
I think it would be cool for Dr. Starline to find him. At first, Sonic wouldn't remember anything, falling back on the original amnesia plot. Except something about his behavior is noticeably different. He's more... prone to his negative emotions and extremely skittish for the normally laid back hedgehog. His... awareness is dialed up to 11.
Starline would take care of him for a few days to analyze the effects the Warp Topaz is having on him. He would conclude that the Warp Topaz is somehow managing to maintain Sonic's super form through latent Chaos Energy while granting Sonic the abilities of the Topaz itself. This means Sonic can create portals to warp around at will. However, it has also effected Sonic's personality, intensifying all his worse aspects. Satisfied with this version of Sonic, Starline would try to manipulate him emotionally against Eggman, conveniently playing himself out to be a victim as he explains the Metal Virus, the Zeti rampage, and all the harm Eggman caused.
But... Sonic's not stupid, he's just got amnesia. As soon as he realizes Starline is conveniently leaving out his own involvement, it's game over. He doesn't kill Starline--he says it wouldn't be any fun if he did--but he does leave him with a crippled hand before rushing out to find Eggman. Because at the end of the day he's still Sonic. He still wants to stop bad people.
From there, Sonic would tear through cities looking for Eggman, calling the attention of his friends. They'd track him down. Try to talk him; remind him of who he really is. And, oh, yes, he'd remember, eventually. He'd remember everything. There'd be a soft moment for that unescapable second--a chance. But, in the end, it doesn't change anything. And that's where the real pain is. You see, he's had time to think now. He realizes why he's been so angry even without his memories. And it's because Espio and Shadow were right. He was being too soft. Not just on Eggman, but on everyone. He can see it all now though the Warp Topaz's power. The pain and suffering Eggman's caused the world over. And not just Eggman, but the everyday people. The vagabonds like Rough and Tumble or the Zeti. All the evil in the world that just eats at his planet like its nothing but a tool to be used up. He's ashamed of how blinded he was to it all. And he can fix it, now. Nobody will disturb their peace again. They won't be allowed too.
But now his friends are telling him his clarity is blindness. That everyone deserves to be able to make choices for themselves. Even if they're wrong because how else are we supposed to grow and learn?
And this angers him. His hands shake. His teeth grind. They're saying this isn't him. That Sonic wouldn't do this. Their Sonic. They think he needs to be stopped. Whatever he is.
Well, who needs them? Who needs anyone? They deserve to be stepped on if that's what they think. He's so powerful now. They can see it. Are they scared? Are they scared of him? Are they all scared? They should be. They should be terrified of what he could do. Because it's frightening. It's... It's...
Is he scared, too?
Eggman attacks with his Omega Robot. Sonic rips through it like it's nothing.
Eggman's collar is wrapped tightly around his fist. He's so close to ending it all.
But... Oh man. Why is he hesitating?
Because Eggman's not scared. He just looks... disappointed?
And Sonic's laughing now. He's laughing like a madman. He can't do it. Why can't he do it? What is this? What is this?
Sonic doubles over in pain. His chest is hurting. The Warp Topaz. It wasn't built for this. The Chaos Energy fueling it is quickly beginning to dissipate. It's going to kill him. It's killing everyone. He's...
Sonic plunges his hand into his chest. It phases through, gripping the Warp Topaz inside of him. Screaming, he pulls it out.
It clatters on the pavement as Sonic slumps over. His blue hue returns. His friends gather around, checking him over. Eggman watches from a far.
That would be the end of it, right? The hurricane. It's dissipated. Sonic's... okay. Shaken, but okay. He can think straight. He can--
We're so pathetic, you know that?
There's a voice--right in Sonic's head.
The power to right all that's wrong with the world, to stop Eggman once and for all and what do you do with it? You throw it away! Just to feel better about yourself!
You might be in control, now, but next time?
Next time, I won't let you stop us.
The voice cackles as it fades with the flow of the wind. Everyone else thinks its over now because the Warp Topaz and Sonic are separated. But Sonic knows it's power created a wound inside his heart. Who know what could tear it open, again?
Couldn't be when Sonic almost gets electrocuted to death or when there's a bunch of chaos fueled crystalline structures causing havoc, could it? :)
That's what I got for yah! I've been agonizing over posting this for a while, so I hope it makes sense.
Thanks for reading this far, too! I don't exactly know what to call this AU-thingy yet. If anyone has any ideas please let me know in the comments! I read every single one I get! And if you have any further questions about it, my ask box is open!
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blueikeproductions · 7 months
Ok, time for another ramble on what I think ES’ toyline needed to be, and how that extends to the show.
Both need to embrace having four distinct factions: Autobots, Decepticons, Terrans, & Arachnimechs.
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As well as having distinct themes.
The Autobots are mostly public service vehicles in relation to their partnership with GHOST. As mentioned prior, the GHOST centric toys here would be Optimus, Bumblebee, Elita, Wheeljack, Inferno, Red Alert, Smokescreen, Quickshadow, Grapple, Strongarm, Tow-Line, Bulkhead, Quickmix, Fanbelt, Seaspray, Tracks, Longarm (double spy mode of Laserwave), Sky-Lynx & the Dinobots.
The Decepticons are mostly militarized vehicles and savage animals: Megatron, Bludgeon, Slipstream, Knock Out, Drift/Deadlock, Clobber, Sky-Byte, Lugnut, Blitzwing, Thundercracker, BlackArachnia, Shadow Striker, Swindle, Hardtop, Needlenose, Laserwave (double spy mode of Longarm), Turmoil, Quake, Dropkick, Shatter, Weirdwolf, Frenzy, Dead End, Wildbreak, Heatseeker, Slashmark, Krok, Laserbeak, Ratbat, Octane & the Commandos (Ruination Awakens, baby.)
The Terrans are pretty much as they are, a bit of a non conformist vibe by being any old vehicle or animal without a cohesive theme. Twitch (drone), Thrash (bike), Hashtag (van), Jawbreaker (dinosaur), & Nightshade (gargoyle-owl) like before, but with the addition of Rubble (Mini-Spy vehicle homage), Sideswipe (G2 themed but inspired by the IDW Protoform version), Slash (the Velociraptor that’s included as part of the Dinobots off and on), Quintus Prime (mostly because it’s weird to me he DOESN’T have a toy) and Gauge (construction vehicle).
The Arachnimech faction is where things get interesting. The main gimmick are the little buggers themselves.
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But the primary difference is they can Transform, and make up the “Tacticon” assortment, being analogous to Mini-Cons, Battle Masters, and RotB’s Beast Alliance weapons and combiners.
One variant has a Robot Mode akin to a Headmaster Unit.
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The rest are accessories that Transform into weaponry and “control masks”.
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Like Mini-Cons, the idea is the Tacticon Arachnimechs are cross compatible with all the Autobot/Decepticon figures. You want a bug headed Optimus, go for it.
As for larger figures, the Arachnamech faction, like the Terrans, are a bit of a grab bag of both Autobots and Decepticons that Mandroid enslaved. Notable toys include Skullcruncher, the Insecticons, Gears, Blaster (with a special Arachnamech cassette based on the scrapped Stinger cassette he was meant to have in G1), Starscream, Skywarp, Nova Storm, Airachnid, Cliffjumper, Mirage, Buzzsaw (who I saw as Mandroid’s Cluck to his Robotnik), Rumble (who, along with Buzzsaw, is compatible with Soundwave and Blaster), Bluestreak, Ironhide, Brawn, Cliffjumper, Tailgate, Diabla, Iguanus & The Constructicons who form Devastator (with Scorpulator being his pack in accessory). The crown jewel of the Arachnamech line would be an Arachnamech version of Scorponok patterned a bit more after Zaozorigun from Goldran.
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Mandroid would ideally be a Headmaster who transforms into an Arachnimech like head akin to the Megahead Megatron toy.
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From there the second phase of the line would pivot away from the Arachnamechs, and replace them with the Quintessons (intermingled with Mercenaries, as show wise, the Quintessons would hire bounty hunter Transformers to do their dirty work initially.) Similarly the line would become Heroic Terrans vs Evil Quintessons.
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The new toys would include
Sharkticons: Gnaw, (Tacticon), Blitzwave, Razorfin, Cybershark (Tacticon)
Allicons: Gatoraider (Tacticon, compatible with Krok and Iguanus), Razorgrill (Tacticon), Leatherhide (based more on the scrapped Duocon made of a gator and car rather than the BW Mutant), Alligatimus (based on Gator Optimus from G1. Retooled from Skullcruncher with Optimus Prime features).
Mercenaries: WildWheel, RoughEdge, Devcon, Slizardo (retool of Iguanus), Nightra (retool of Strongarm), Fracture (retool of Thrash), Oil Slick (retool of Dead End), Nightbird, and Skuxxoid.
Cathy, the nickname of a Catharsian that’s an online friend of Hashtag’s that hails from an alien station. While not a Terran biologically (cyberlogically?) she became part of the group after helping with a Vilgrox problem she accidentally caused. She Transforms into a space car, and comes with a Lightpole Tacticon that becomes a gun.
Lightbright: A Nightshade retool. An androgynous boy in this universe. A running gag is he always has a crush on other female Transformers of the day like Quickshadow and Airachnid. Talented in the arts and is a whizz at other languages. He always opens up a conversation with the Universal Greeting. Transforms into an Angry Bird like creature. He and Hashtag are particularly close friends, maybe more? (It goes without saying these other Terrans AREN’T Maltos, but do become friends with them.)
Lickity-Split: A hyperactive scooter girl. Becomes acquainted with humans by being a courier. She does a lot of Energon deliveries, which gets out of hand when her customers are revealed to be Decepticons and Quintessons that are up to no good.
Horri-Bull: A moody bull in a China Shop sort. Deep down there’s a good Spark, but he doesn’t have the best influence being found and mentored by Tracks’ flighty kid brother Needlenose.
Skar: A new Dinobot ankylosaur. Jawbreaker and Slash take him under their wing. The diminutive Slash revels in being the “big” sister for a change. Brilliant but a clumsy goober that doesn’t know his own strength, similar to IDW Skar, TFV Kakuryu, and RiD15 Scowl. Chose the name “Skar” because he thought it sounded cool. Grimlock approves.
Swift: A military drone girl who sympathizes more with the Decepticons and has mixed views on Megatron’s current situation. She and Horri-Bull tend to find themselves on the opposing side of the Maltobots.
Hi Score: A video game geek that has a thing for retro games in particular and is fascinated by the human culture surrounding it. Sounds like Milhouse, Transforms into a Brickbear that can be a stand in for any video game mascot like Mario, Freddy Fazbear or Pikachu. Mystery of Convoy and Afterdeath are among the games he’s currently playing, but are also games exploited by the Quintessons, Kremzeek and TORQ.
Geomotus: A bit of a space case, who tends to get wrapped up in his own interests and rambles on about them. Gets overwhelmed easily and finds solice in fidget toys and Kre-O blocks. Often plays with Mo and builds elaborate Kre-O projects like a replica of the Ark.
The usual Quintesson judge is included, albeit with a gimmick that allows it to Transform into a robot mode similar to early concept art.
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Scientist, Prosecutor, Bailiffs and others in the usual Quintesson kangaroo court are available, each having a vehicle mode that corresponds somewhat to their job.
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