#ie hpau
inazuma-hpau · 4 years
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We've been debating where best to sort Kiyama Hiroto (original) / Kiyama Tatsuya (Ares). A toss up between Ravenclaw and Slytherin?  
What do you guys think? 
 Some Eisei sortings: 
Saginuma (Slytherin - maybe even a bit of a puff) 
Midorikawa (Hufflepuff)
Reina (Slytherin or Ravenclaw, but more likely Slytherin. She portrays a great pureblood princess)
Nagumo (Gryffindor)
Suzuno (Slytherin or Ravenclaw, more likely Slytherin. It would make a great headcanon to have the Gryffindor/Slytherin rivalry between him and Nagumo)
Kira Hiroto (Slytherin)
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8, 21, 13, 19, 49!
8. Archive of Our Own, FanFiction.net, Wattpad, Tumblr, etc. which platform do you prefer?
ao3 :)
21. What’s your shortest fanfic?
i think it’s *something else is before this* sunshine? it’s a barneston one. tho baking & dancing might actually be the shortest.
13. What is your planning process?
19. Dead or overused tropes?
answer: yes. both. love them.
49. Where do you draw inspiration from?
my brain (ie: the magic-apocalypse au) , tv shows i watch (ie: i watched chopped sweets for a weekend and wrote a bakery au with liv), books (ie: the HPAU), 
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zcyler · 7 years
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Reusing old graphics because I have like 0 time right now/ internet is super slow. But just want to say a Happy New Year (it’s still 2017 here lol) and a huge thank you to everyone in the Inazuma Eleven Fandom Family. After being away from the fandom for the past 3-4 years, I wasn’t expecting to be part of such a now active friendly community and I’ve met so many amazing friends this year. 
Thank you to  everyone who has supported all my graphics and writing, mu AUs (especially @inazuma-hpau​) and spontaneous ideas/ projects (namely @inazuma-hq - thank you @shawn-and-aiden-frost-9 @redking907 @vraberika @linabigface @xsakulumix @nosakkayuuma @ie-maryseph @dragonesskunoichi @snowywolff for helping out with this project! )  
Hoping for more awesome in 2018! Looking forward to making more graphics/writing/art/AUs and meeting new friends/getting to know you all even better in 2018~
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xsakulumix · 7 years
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I can’t believe I finally managed to work out the first part of Toramaru’s HCs. Thanks @inazuma-hpau for creating this wonderful AU and letting me write down the muses (what I’m still afraid to bring out though, ahaha). This is a half-blood!toramaru, gryffindor!toramaru and gryffindor!breaktrio version. 
I hope you enjoy it. 
“The boy who flew while standing” HDC’s Pt. 1 
Toramaru is a half-blood born to a wizard father and muggle mother. His mother soon fell ill with a decease incurable by muggle medicine. His father, as a potioneer and Healer sought out to invent a potion that would cure her. It was a very advanced and complex potion and he had to resort to muggle science to complete it. He never got to see the fruit of his work, however, because just as he was about complete the final version, the cauldron exploded, firing up the whole place. 
The young Toramaru was left alone with his sick mother. She moved from their neighborhood into a muggle one and raised Toramaru as a normal child. It was after his 11th birthday that he finally received a letter from Hogwarts – claiming that he was a wizard. His mother initially wanted to keep it a secret, having already put the wizarding world to past, and hid the letters from her son. She finally gave up after the tenth letter, as there seemed to be no end to them.
Toramaru go enthusiastic by the news. He was most excited about the fact that he could try flying on a broomstick. He had always wanted to try it since reading about the witches who flew on their brooms during Halloween. His only concern was that he would be leaving his mother alone. It was a tough decision for both of them, but Tae assured him that there were people who could take after her, while Toramaru promised to visit her during every vacation they had.
Toramaru’s mother contacted Nashimoto Nonomi’s family (who the surprised of the sudden contact after all the years) and they agreed to help Toramaru everything he needed for the up-coming year. They took Toramaru to Diagon Alley and even made sure that he arrived at the Platform 9 ¾ on time. Toramaru had wanted to buy himself a broomstick and a pet (a cat or kneazle) but couldn’t afford them.
His first-year uniform is pretty much a hand-me-down from Nashimoto family. Tae presented Toramaru with a box, which he found out was a wand. She told she had been keeping it by her all the years – it was his father’s old wand.
Toramaru had never heard of the houses before Nonomi’s short brief. At that time, he also learned that his father was a Gryffindor and hoped to be placed there. He didn’t want to become a Slytherin, because they apparently were very evil people. 
One day during their flying lessons (which Toramaru was super excited about) a few Slytherin’s picked a fight with him for being an oblivious half-blood/mud-blood. They dared him fly on the broom while standing. Being a prideful Gryffindor Toramaru took up the challenge and before the Professor understood what was going on, he was already hovering a few meters off the ground while standing on the broomstick. He even managed to fly with it, but soon lost his balance and almost fell. Thanks to his quick reactions and agility he managed to catch hold of the broomstick before falling on the ground.
Due to the incident, Toramaru was nicknamed “The boy who flew while standing.”
The rumors of the boy who flew while standing reached the ears of the whole student body and the third year break!trio decided to do some scouting. Once they became clear of Toramaru’s abilities they informed the Captain and Head of House of their discovery, who approached Toramaru with the suggestion for him to join the Quidditch team. Toramaru accepted it with the excitement of being able to fly all day long, just like the witches from the books.
On the day, he went to watch the practice for the first time, he saw Gouenji doing chaser practice and was mesmerized. He wanted to become just like him!
Toramaru was confused during the first time he received an owl letter from his mother, but ever since they started to write to each other on a weekly basics. (they both wanted to do it daily, but knew that they’d only worn themselves out if they were to do it).
Ever since from his first year, Toramaru was often found in garden and yard being surrounded by cats. He fed the stray cats, but sometimes even pets gathered to get a share of the food. Due to this habit, his cloak and clothes were constantly covered in cat fur.
While Toramaru was a welcomed addition to the team, some (especially the 5-7th graders) despised him. They found him as a threat to their starting positions and he was often the target of their negative attention. This took a huge toll on Toramaru’s confidence and the boy started to act more reserved during practice. 
Toramaru played during one game on his first year and scored zero goals. He kept passing the Quaffle to Gouenji and the other Chaser. He had the chance to play more games on the second year but still restrained himself from scoring goals. He scored the total of three goals that year.
Because first years were not allowed their own brooms, Kidou lent one of his brooms to Toramaru during practice and matches.
This became an essay... and I pretty much only covered his first and second years here, haha. I’m very well aware that his story sounds similar to Harry - since Toramaru is also a half-blood who was brought up not knowing he’s a wizard. Then there’s also matter with his flying lessons, but how else could I get him join the team on his first year? He needs to show is abilities, right? 
The reference to Toramaru joining the team as a first year is because he’s considered “to be too young to be part of the team” in IE too: if it was the Football Frontier tournament, he couldn’t be participating.  
There was no information whether potions were dangerous enough to blow up, which is why muggle science is added in. 
While writing this, I came to wonder: Have you decided the Head of Houses yet? I kind of think Kudou would work for Ravenclaws while Hitomiko for Gryffindors - but I have not done any analysing on them so I can be off mark. Kageyama is probably a Slytherin? 
I don’t know when Endou becomes a captain, but I feel like him as captain of his third year is very unlikely - seeing that there’s four grades above him... unless none of them plays Quidditch, of course.
I wish life would be nice on him, but getting on the team while on first year, Toramaru is asking to get bullied. Especially since he’s playing a position with multiple players on the team - not sole Keeper or Seeker. This is also refence to IE where he rather passed ball to someone than scored the goal by himself. Don’t worry, he’ll eventually overcome this habit.   
As a Finn, I personally assosiate flying witches with Easter rather than Halloween. But I guess, that’s not the case in other parts of the world, haha.  
I had trouble deciding between “a boy who stood while flying” or “a boy who flew while standing”. Eventually, I thought the latter one conveys the meaning better. 
Toramaru is a precious child, who needs to be protected. First, I still wonder what am I doing!? Second, I guess I’ll go continue this. 
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ygreczed · 7 years
HP x IE AU : some doodles and stuff
May be long so just read it here ! @inazuma-hpau, here are the doodles ! Please feel free to tell me if anything bother you !
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First Fudou and Sakuma ~ I loved all the hdc about Fudou (but since I am more into KdFd/FdKd than Fudou x Haruna, I would love to do some doodles or side headcanons about them... huh, I won’t do it if you don’t want it tho ! This AU is so great, I can find another way to contribute to it if necessary) !
I was thinking that Fudou would be a great beater (he looks like he can use a bat so well ahah)... But Beater is like the equivalent of Defender right ? I don’t know, I like the idea of Beater!Fudou... But a violent Chaser!Fudou is good as well haha
Sakuma could be a beater too ! Like, he would be protecting Kidou when he is attacking... Isn’t it so cute ?
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I think Kidou is a Gryffindor deep in himself, but Slytherin suits him so well... It’s just like Teikoku or Raimon dilemma : I can’t choose between the Break Trio or the Penguin Trio ! Since in this AU Endou is a Hufflepuff, it’s easier to make Kidou go in Slytherin. Oh and yeah, the brooms are from Kido Financial Group.
But okay, I love Captain!Kidou. He’s so sexy giving orders ~
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So here is sexy Captain Kidou ~ 
I hope you liked those doodles ! I may come back with other ones (and maybe hdcs ?) when I can. I have some very interesting ideas about Kidou and Fudou or Kogure and Haruna hehe ~
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bicycle-sword · 7 years
Get to Know the Inazuma Fandom Meme
Link to the original post is this: https://praxis-eight.tumblr.com/post/166380389123/get-to-know-the-inazuma-fandom-meme
How long have you been a fan of Inazuma Eleven?
Since 2014 according to my fanart... - rhondoru
Since 2008 -Admin Kira
How did you find out about Inazuma Eleven?
I saw cute fanart of Fei and Saru.  - rhondoru
I found it airing on cartoon network back in 2008. -Admin Kira
Favorite IE (original) Characters
Afuro, Nagumo, Suzuno, and Rococo  - rhondoru
The entire Raimon team. -Admin Kira
Favorite IE GO Characters
Shindou and Kirino are first and then like Tenma, Tsurugi, Kinako, Fei, Kariya, Shuu, Akane, Ibuki, Saru... the rest of the entire cast...? 
Can Jeanne be a fav GO chara?  - rhondoru
Entire raimon, Seitei, Kongming, Potomuri. -Admin Kira
Least Favorite Characters
I don’t pay enough attention to my least faves, you want me to name names?  - rhondoru
Natsumi, Fudou, Atsuya, Kariya(after the villains ofc.) -Admin Kira
Favorite OTP’s and ships AND BROTP’s
RanTaku is Miracle.
...But I also love MuneTaku that’s like second. And TakuTen is like the ultimate BrOTP. But I also love TakuKane...
Taku is like a Ditto, you see...  - rhondoru
Endou X Fuyuka, Tsunami X Touko, Shindou X Akane, Shindou x Ibuki. fav brotp- break team -Admin Kira
If you were in a team of your choosing which school?
Can I be in Feida? Did they go to school? They die at like 12 they ain’t got time for that.  - rhondoru
Raimon, duh. -Admin Kira
What position would you be playing?
Fucking Manager, bitch what you thought?  - rhondoru
Forward or gtfo. -Admin Kira
Favorite hissatsu moves
Aggressive Beat, Mach Wind, Big Bang, there’s more but I can’t think of them...
This aint a hissatsu, but I love when Fei pulls that “jumping over your heads like a rabbit with the damn ball” bullshit.   - rhondoru
AH there’s so many! All of Gouenji’s hissatsus INCLUDING MAXIMUM FIRE, Heaven’s time, Kami No Takuto, Soyokaze Step, Koutei Penguin etc. etc. -Admin Kira
Favorite Season
Inazuma Eleven GO Chrono Stone delivered the OTP, upgraded the OTP so they slay even harder, and delivered the ultiwaifu? Put Jeanne d’Arc in an anime she had no fucking business being in??????????? 10000/10  - rhondoru
Original. -Admin Kira
Favorite Episode
Episode 40something of Chrono Stone where Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Zanark all bully Shindou. But its ok because they built fucking MECHA ENDOU. AND THEN MECHA ENDOU DIED. 10/10  - rhondoru
Gouenji’s return in the aliea arc. -Admin Kira
What does Inazuma Eleven mean to you?
It’s nice to have a show and charas that I am like fully passionate about, cuz I have lots of fav anime and charas but this is the only one love enough I write for and draw for and headcanon about.  - rhondoru
IE is my childhood and therefore extremely special to me. -Admin Kira
Do you contribute to the fandom?
I art but its mostly Rans and Takus. I also write fics but those are also mostly RanTakus. My fics are on WattPad and FF but whatever.  - rhondoru
Occasionally. -Admin Kira
Recommend some of your favorite Inazuma Eleven blogs
Look at these blogs maybe Idk I think you should but you know whatever you can do whatever you want.
Some are inazuma blogs and some are inazuma fans and some are artists...
@araiguma-koon and @shawn-and-aiden-frost-9 are radical for mentioning us.
@iuniu @inazuma-eleven-translations @inazumaelevenconfessions @letsplaysakka @linabigface @kiarikakawaiii @zafiro-satoshi-ieforever @zappyspiker-graphics @karaxisgod @saridellart @inazuma-hpau @cereal-pusheen @zingodraws @tsuri-ouji  @ praxis-eight and there’s prob more I haven’t found yet.
*cough* @rhondolier *coughcough* @holyempresskira *ahem* whoaretheyidk?
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inazuma-hpau · 4 years
Anonymous said to inazuma-hpau: I was wondering whether Nagumo Haruya / Burn was best fitted in Gryffindor or Syltherin? I can see him doing really well in both, but I was curious about your opinion!
Sorry this is a super late reply from months ago! But I was asked a couple of times on twitter about this so thought I would answer it!
Short answer, I see him in both. While I lean slightly towards Gryffindor as my main headcanon sorting for him, I actually have two different headcanon situations where he’s either in Gryffindor or is in Slytherin. Nagumo would be one of the hatstall in his year with the Hat unable to decide whether he would be in Gryffindor or Slytherin.
Aliea Academia kids have always been the hardest to sort as they have always been equally Slytherin as they are with a second house. Primarily the reason that sorts them into Slytherin is the event that they played the role of aliens (in which they played the role of a different persona) in the Aliea Academy arc in original Inazuma Eleven. However, we do not want to base their house sorting solely on their actions from those events alone - esp as those events only lasted a few months (with probably a few more months prep time for them train as Aliea Academy).
We also need to consider:
Them being sorted at the age of 10
Their potential of them into their later teens which are not showcased in the anime
Their relationship with other characters including those that they have not canonly interacted with in the anime.
The hat sorts a student based on 3 things - it isn’t clear which in particular as it could be different for all students:
Qualities they valued or admired
Qualities they exhibited or sensed the capability to demonstrate later on
The student’s choice of house
Because of Aliea Academy Nagumo is shown to be (in particular events):
Deceptive: Pretending to be the Flame Striker to infiltrate Inazuma Caravan and deceiving people with his persona as Burn.
Ambitious / Power: For Prominence and then later Chaos to become the “strongest” Aliea team
These are particularly Slytherin traits we learn about him during his time as Burn and very briefly as a member of Fire Dragon. 
However, if you can look at him as a character as a whole, personality and qualities-wise, he is:
Fiery: Self explanatory, not just in his hissatsus, but also personality Slytherin is often associated with the element of Water, while Gryffindor with fire. 
Daring / Brash: I can see him being impulsive and aggressive, especially in his first 2 years, but even developing further into teenagehood - often rushes into things and act without thinking first and what the consequences. Slytherins tend to hesitate before acting, so as to weigh all possible outcomes before deciding exactly what should be done. It has been said that with Nagumo, “he is not afraid to face all kinds of challenges.”
Blunt and bold: He has have a quick and rash temper, but I can see him often bluntly saying things with no regard. In SD he is described as “He's hot-blooded and has an aggressive personality."
Nerve: He’d be the type that often deals situation directly, even with situations that could be have been completely avoided. e.g if he saw someone bullying a friend from Sun Garden (regardless of what house they ended up in), he’d confront the bully up front no matter where they were the moment he knew about it (even if it was publicly in the hallways and Great Hall and even if he’d end up in detention because of it). Slytherin students would be a bit more discreet and cunning, often planning revenge in a way that would leave no evidence that it was them.
Arrogance (however can also be a bit of Slytherin trait as well) and overconfident: Nagumo can come off quite overconfident in his soccer skills saying he wouldn’t be confident about them if he didn’t have good soccer skills. I can see him being the same about his quidditch skills. Slytherin arrogance can often be seen from Blood Purity, but also in the ‘Slytherin is more superior than Gryffindor’ mindset in the rivalry between the two houses. The Nagumo I see when I see him within Fire Dragon and Ares, I can see him being against blood supremacy, but seeing him as Burn, I can see him standing by it. 
Independent: Nagumo doesn’t like people to walk all over him nor being ordered or told to do / act a certain way (e.g Gran). He is rebellious and I can see him wanting to do his own thing (he has said before in the anime “I’ll do what I like” and warns for no one to get in his way) have his own fun rather to follow any rules (while Dumbledore says that Slytherin has a certain disregard for the rules, Serverus Snape considers Gryffindors to have no regard for rule either). However Slytherin is a political house who values pureblood traditional social customs as well as reputation. Their house is filled with many pureblood families  of which most have a large expectation to assure their children act a certain way and to not to dishonour their families. This often impact culture inside of Slytherin itself and quite influences the way Slytherins as a whole should act whole inside of Hogwarts (often leading to a form of peer pressure, unspoken rules on how a Slytherin should act and high standards - wether they come from one the traditionalist families or not). I don’t see Nagumo wanting to go along with these formal rules and acting like a proper pureblood (in the way that Sirius Black would march to the beat of his own drum and be sorted away from Slytherin). As the Sun Garden kids were brought up in an orphanage where pureblood rules were no taught and knocked into him and having to learn that within Slytherin house would irritate him “I don’t see the point in learning this”.
Finally I think as a whole, the Aliea kids being sorted into different houses which best fit their personality, than what happened to them solely in the Aliea Academy and FFI arcs are much more interesting in the context of writing and head canons as a whole. There’s more room for development both in their characters as well as relationships with other Aliea kids and other Inazuma Characters.
Not to mention that the house with the largest amount of Inazuma members sorted into it is Slytherin. This means there will be a lot more competition to find a place on the 7 member quidditch team (14 if you’re willing to expand to a First team and Second Team). 
For me the factors that have separated the two different scenarios of which house Nagumo would have ended up in is:
His relationship with Suzuno Fuusuke Suzuno is a friend that he’s grown up with at Sun Garden, but depending on how much of a rival Nagumo views him and what is the nature of that rivalry. Depending if the rivalry exists before Hogwarts or just after if they are sorted away from each other, if there is even the beginning of a positive or negative tension based rivalry between each other. Regardless, rivalry would always be initiated by Nagumo while Suzuno would be on the more indifferent end to begin with and later getting into the rivalry as much as Nagumo. Their rivalry would grow throughout Hogwarts, but I’d see them becoming more mature and not a childish rivalry the older they become. They However, if both Nagumo and Suzuno were both in Slytherin, I would kill to see them as a ‘chaotic’ beater duo.   Ares Nagumo and Suzuno were more on friendlier terms than in the original and yet he was also less of the personality traits listed above, so I wouldn’t have mind him in Slytherin either. 
The relationship he has with the other Sun Garden kids Depending on how close the Sun Garden kids are they may hope to be in the same house (especially with poor scared Midorikawa not wanting to be by himself), or be eagerly debating which house they’d be sorted in on the train towards Hogwarts - which regardless of house, I still see Nagumo teasing Midorikawa that he’ll end up alone in Hufflepuff. 
What house Kira Hiroto is sorted into This is only a minor one and one which is mostly here for ‘writing’ purposes I guess. Both Ares Kira Hiroto and Original Nagumo Haruya are both hatstalls for both Gryffindor and Slytherin and have similarities in personality - and I can see them in situations when sorted in both houses. I have a preference not to put them in the same house because of these similarities - I just think it would be more interesting story wise and let Nagumo stand out a bit more from the rest of the Sun Garden kids (as in Slytherin, often the others may take the spotlight).
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inazuma-hpau · 6 years
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Wow! Has it really been a year? Thank you so much to everyone who has supported this blog over the past year since it was created and the first set of headcanons were posted! A HUGE thank you especially to everyone I’ve been able to collaborated with and have participated and drawing art and sending your own headcanons - I’ve had so much fun working this blog and all of you have made it 100x better!
While haven’t been as active these last few months, I hope to continue creating graphics, writing more headcanons and bringing the magic to our qudditch boys for the next year and the many years to come (especiallybecauseares)
Thank you!!
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inazuma-hpau · 6 years
IE HPAU: Rebel and Metamorphagus - submitted by Noel (no account)
-Sakuma Rena is a metamorphagus. Jirou is too, but his eyes change color, not his hair (maybe)
-She was sorted into Gryffindor and in an instant (this was during her first year) she was bullied because of her hair. Each emotion she expresses, there’s a change of hair color (red=angry, blue=sad, peach=embarrassed).
-By second year Rena managed to be emotionless, but even doing that became worse for her. During third year, even the other houses would make fun of her. Others just stared and whispered as she passed by. Eventually Rena had enough of it and used a binding spell on Atsuya, earning a detention.
-Rena had met Haizaki during the first day of her detention with Professor Hibiki. Haizaki was only a year younger than her but he was much more rebellious than anyone else. His stubbornness matched with Kira Hiroto and possibly Fudou.
-Haizaki’s only passing subjects were DADA and Potions. When Rena asked why, Haizaki only scoffed at her and said, “Its none of your business”.
-The two met again during a Quidditch match. Rena only studied about it, whilst Haizaki was a player. Rena then only found out he was a Slytherin, because of the announcer’s loud and annoying voice.
-Rena once saw Haizaki in Potions past curfew, making a potion that wasn’t familiar to her. She overheard him saying, “Once I graduate, I’m going to get you out of St. Mungo’s,”
-After hearing that she asked her brother Jirou about this and asked who was in St. Mungo’s. Jirou said that Haizaki’s childhood friend had gotten into an accident at a young age due to a mishap in potions, so Haizaki tries his best to pass at least two subjects.
-It was then Rena had decided to confront him, and once she did, Kogure, Reina and some others ganged up on her. It was Rena’s first time to punch and kick a lot of people, excluding Haizaki.
-During detention (this time with Professor Kageyama), Haizaki didn’t bother in asking what made Rena go and punch them like a Muggle. Only after an hour Rena had groaned and slammed her head on the desk, obviously pissed.
-When Haizaki was about to ask, he noticed Rena’s hair turning indigo blue: Realization hit him as he now knows why she punched them like that.
-Rena muttered a, “Go ahead, laugh” at him as she looked up from her desk, her eyes filled with tears. Haizaki didn’t say anything and just minded his own business, ignoring an annoying voice in his head that kept saying, “Say something, idiot!”
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inazuma-hpau · 7 years
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REQUESTS OPEN : Character Analysis Profiles
Hiya I’ve decided to stick to doing Character Profile Analysis for the rest of Inavember i have like 7 days to catch up  just like I did here for Endou Mamoru and Otonashi Haruna. Doing this helps me to understand each of the characters better and to create better IE HPAU headcanons too! 
I’ll be going on a slight hiatus due to Pokemon USUM next Friday, so I’m wanting to create as many this weekend/early next week! Would be keen to hear what characters you’d like analysed with their Harry Potter/ magical background! 
Characters requested so far:
Fudou Akio
Kidou Yuuto  [Completed]
Fubuki Shirou
Fubuki Atsuya
Tsurugi Kyousuke
Matsukaze Tenma
Midorikawa Ryuuji
Kiyama Hiroto 
Gouenji Shuuya [Completed]
Tachumukai Yuuki
Kazemaru Ichirouta
Zaizen Touko
Kirino Ranmaru
Kariya Masaki
Amemiya Taiyou
Fideo Ardena
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inazuma-hpau · 7 years
Anonymous said to inazuma-hpau: are the couples “canon” or can we make arts or headcanons in the context of this specific hp au of fudou or kidou with other characters?
Nope they’re not! Just like all the characters are not strictly being in one house in this blog, this AU is not strictly a KdFd Harry Potter AU (despite that it can look like it) - we just really love kdfd and ends up to be a huge majority of this blog.
So it’s totally cool if you ship Kidou with Gouenji, or Fudou with Sakuma or just about any possible ship of IE in the HPverse! 
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ygreczed · 7 years
To do list / Masterpost of the lastest projects
First, I feel a bit stressed these day, I need order to chill out a bit, so I decided to do this (not really useful but...?)
Second, AAAAH, my ask box is a mess, I’m sorry if I’m taking time to reply everyone ! Especially @linabigface​, I have to answer you haha ! x) Sorry for the delay ! ~
- HP x IE AU KDFD headcanons (links) : Part 1 Part 2 Part 3  Part 4 Part 5 (?) Part 6 (?) + inazuma-hpau’s kdfd serenading hdc + Kogure x Haruna hdc (?)
- Yuuki’ story (+ Sakuma/The soulmate theory) (links) : 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08  - 09 - 10 + Sakuma/The soulmate theory
- The Sleep Catcher (kdfd comic, still in progress)
- Halloween Project
- Mirror of Water (InaMermaid AU, triton!Fudou x scientist!Kidou, I’m working on it)
First Time Together (nsfw) : Kidou and Fudou Kirino and Shindou Kidou and Gouenji Endou and Kazemaru Tsurugi and Tenma Gouenji and Fudou Fudou and Sakuma
Asks and HiroMido request (I think I will do a “special @linabigface Question Time” ahaha xD
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inazuma-hpau · 7 years
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Inazuma Eleven ☆ Harry Potter AU  |  Magical Familiars
Anonymous said to inazuma-hpau: Could you maybe do a headcanon about the familiars that some of the original cast would own at Hogwarts?
I actually haven’t thought about familiars for the IE kids! Here are a couple of the original cast and the familiars they would probably have! 
Endou Mamoru Endou has a tawny owl which his parents bought him as a present before he left for Hogwarts. He writes to his parents as often as he can and his mother sends him family cooking and baking because she “doesn’t want her growing son to go hungry”. He also sends many letters to his quidditch friends from the other eleven schools Ichinose Kazuya, Mark Kurger and Dylan Keith from Ilvermorny, Mac Roniejo and Teres Tolue from Castelobruxo, Rococo Urupa from Uagadou, Edgar Valtinas, Hidetoshi Nakata and Fideo Ardena  Beauxbatons Academy just to name a few. His owl often pecks him in the head when he feels exhausted because Endou ends up sending way too many letters around the world, tiring the bird out.
Gouenji Shuuya Gouenji has a moderate sized white/silverish cat which was the son of his mother’s cat. Every year when he leaves for Hogwarts, his innocent and carefree younger sister Yuuka has a massive breakdown on platform 9 3/4 - not because his brother is leaving, but because his cat is. As Yuuka is still a little rough with her love, she often pats, squishes and cuddles Gouenji’s familiar to the point of uncomfortability for the the poor cat, so he is happy to escape away to hogwarts with Gouenji.
Kidou Yuuto Kidou has a large screech owl which his stepfather had given him before his first year at Hogwarts. Although he has always wanted to have a cat, his stepfather had always said that cats, toads and frogs were all disgusting, dirty creatures and that all Kidou’s should have elegant, beautiful owls as their familiars. He doesn’t argue with his stepfather as Haruna’s own tabby cat took an immediate liking to him - often visiting Kidou at Slytherin and sometimes saying the night with him. Sakuma and Fudou have also mentioned at one point that his owl’s red eyes looks exactly like his does when he doesn’t wear his goggles.
Fudou Akio Fudou has a black cat with white streaks which he befriended in his younger days. Before Hogwarts, he used to play for a local quidditch team within the town. Although all of the team disliked or hated him (being the son of a known deatheater), they were technically not allowed to ban him from joining the team. They were, however, allowed to bench him at every game to stop him from playing with them. He was super frustrated being forced to watch from the sidelines while his teammates got to have all the fun playing, but he didn’t want to leave the team out of pride and not giving in to what his teammates wanted. During one game sitting on the bench, a tiny black kitten hesitantly approached him. Fudou, being the kind soul he was, gave him a little bit of the food he was snacking on and gently stroked him. Since then, the little kitten visited Fudou every week he was on the bench and after a few years came along with Fudou when he went to Hogwarts - he gained such a liking to him, he didn’t want to leave his side.
Fubuki Shirou & Atsuya They have two kittens obtained from the same litter.  Surprisingly both cats obtain the personality of the other sibling. Despite his innate talent to attract and instantly bond with any magical creature, Shirou’s light ginger tabby is always running off, stealing food from the great hall, climbing/knocking down things he’s not supposed to and cause mischief in general. He always goes missing the moment Shirou’s back is turned and Shirou ends up running around the school trying to find him.
Atsuya’s Russian Blue is more timid and shy than her brother. She’s always clinging to Atsuya, often hiding behind his legs whenever she comes across a new person. Although he doesn’t like to show it to anyone besides his brother, Atsuya absolutely adores his cat. He loves to cuddle it, rub his face against his fur and let her sleep on his bed.
Sun Garden Children
Despite the kids having their own familiars, because they spend all their time together, they end up looking after each others too. Kiyama Hiroto has a brown owl which he often sends letters to his step-father updating him on how him and the other sun garden children are doing.
Midorikawa Ryuuji, Yagami Reina and Suzuno Fuusuke all have cats. Midorikawa has a lazy half cat, half kneazle, often with an angry attitude which took a liking to him because he doesn’t force his familiar to do anything he doesn’t want. He just hisses and Midorikawa leaves him alone to sulk in all his angry furball-ness to avoid getting scratched.
Both Reina’s Siamese Cat and Suzuno’s White cat are both very spoilt cats and don’t listen to anyone besides them. They are often found lounging around on hot surfaces when the sun is out and demand good cooked premium meals like salmon - not the disgusting canned stuff bought from the store.
Nagumo on the other hand has a rat. He loves how small rats are and how easily manageable they can be (unlike the cats the other 3 has) and not too boring (like Hiroto’s owl is). He often uses his rat as a guinea pig for all the spells he is trying out so on occasion his familiar can be seen a different shape, colour, object or animal. Often when his rat does go missing, the first people he blames are Midorikawa, Suzuno and Reina, but in reality, their three cats would be too lazy to even chase his rat.
… it’s actually Fudou’s cat that steals his rat.
Saginuma Osamu is one of the few people who don’t have familiar because he’s so sick of the other Sun Children’s familiars harassing him - Hiroto’s owl attempting to peck his eyes out, Nagumo’s rat biting his fingers and Midorikawa’s, Reina’s and Suzuno’s cats all scratching him all over his body.
Kogure Yuuya Obviously a toad. Just a common toad, nothing more special than the connection between Kogure and his toad. He loves to play pranks with his toad and is never without him. He loves letting his toad loose and causing havoc on everyone in his year group (the girls hate it the most), especially Ravenclaw’s Otonashi Haruna - probably because he finds her a challenge and she’s the only one who never lets him get away his pranks.
Tachimukai Yuuki As a muggle born wizard, Tachimukai is amazed by the concept of being able to even have owls as familiars or pets. The first time he walked into Eeylops Owl Emporium & Magical Menagerie he just about fainted from excitement. He asks his Tawny Owl to send letters home to his parents once a week talking about all his adventures in the wizarding world - despite his parents never really understanding what he's talking about.    
Utsunomiya Toramaru Toramaru has a ginger cat with what looks like a few dark stripes on it’s back. His familiar is a lot smaller than other cats and was the runt of the litter he was from. Toramaru’s cat is a very energetic cat, often climbing on Torumaru’s trousers, cloaks, jumpers and occasionally a tree which he cannot get down from. As Torumaru’s cat is incredibly energetic, it gets tired just as easily and takes naps often - sometimes falling asleep in the strangest of places (sometimes in his school bag or in the hood of one of the Gryffindor boy’s uniforms. It was a slight scare to their goalkeeper Genda Koujirou, who felt the sudden wriggling in shirt as he tried to get ready for practise in the changing rooms.
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inazuma-hpau · 7 years
@linabigface said to inazuma-hpau: It's been almost two months (since you created this AU) that I really, but like, really want to contribute to this AU but I have no idea how I can. I am bad at explaining so maybe headcanons are not for me and I am not confident on my drawings. Do you have any ideas to suggest to me?
Truthfully I used to be in the exact same position as you! I always had a hard time writing (because I struggled to explain what I what I was thinking / struggled to form the words in the right way down on paper - so I know how you feel!
One thing you could do is expand on a specific IE character more. Potentially take something like these HP Student Template/ character sheet [here] and [here] (for OCs but could work with IE characters as well!), fill them out and build a profile around a chosen IE character + give them traits/ characteristics that would help them fit into the Harry Potter world - pretty easy especially if you know the character well in the IE universe alone. 
Figuring out small things like what their favourite subjects are, what house they are sorted into, what their boggart or patronous is, is a super good way to contribute, figure out how the character fits into the HP world. and to start coming up with headcanons. I’ve been meaning to do this with the IEGO characters since I don’t know them as well as the original cast.
Just remember that headcanons don’t have to be complicated! They don’t have to be enormous paragraphs for a single headcanon (because I know both @ygreczed and I tend to write giant and deep novels when we get into a good hc xD). They can just be simple as one liners/simple statement headcanons such as: 
Tsurugi and his brother brother both looking up to Gouenji and wanting to be placed in Gryffindor just like he did.
Hiroto and Midorikawa taking Kariya to Diagon Alley for the first time to get his school supplies.
Kageyama Hikaru being utterly terrible at potions despite his uncle Kageyama Reiji being one of the world’s best potioneers 
Even just one sentence headcanons are pretty great! It’s usually super small details like that that can trigger other people (myself included) to dive deeper and expand a small headcanon statement into something bigger.
Hope that kinda helps? xD 
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inazuma-hpau · 7 years
@xsakulumix​ said to inazuma-hpau: About contributing with this block. I've been coming up with Toramaru!HCs, but I feel like I don't know the HP world enough to write them down. Some of them are just plainly random/weird (I mean he creates a love/kissing potion with Gouenji that has nearly everyone hunt for their head) so I'm kind of hesitant to bring them out. But I would like try, if it's okay with you. My only wonder is Toramaru's position in the team. Would he have the same as Gouenji?
I was basically in the same position as you right before I started this AU! Not to mention, I hadn’t watched IE for an incredibly long time so I was a bit worried I would write the characters right/ooc. Both the HP and IE wikias have pretty much become my bible to help me write this AU xD 
I don’t think love potion headcanons/fics are too random weird - they’re actually pretty common in fact! (Amortentia would be what you’d be looking for). Torumaru I can definitely see as someone who would recklessly attempt Amortentia, but I’d have a think to why Gouenji would be involved. I’ve always viewed him as one of the smartest kids in the year (next to Kidou and Natsume), so I don’t see him making Amortentia without a good reason - or unless Torumaru manipulated him to (since he’s smart enough to know that it could be somewhat dangerous / there would be serious consequences to brewing/ using it on other people).  
And yes! Torumaru would also play chaser like Gouenji! I can’t exactly see him in any other position. I created this list  with where characters are sorted/ what position they play etc. as a starting point for anyone who wanted to play around with this AU, but anyone can adjust it to their needs.
But I’d definitely be keen to see you try some of your ideas out - they may probably be less random/weird in the HP world than you think :p 
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inazuma-hpau · 7 years
Anonymous said to inazuma-hpau: Have you ever thought of a headcanon where the IE members go to Mahoutokoro: School of Magic in Japan instead of Hogwarts? Like what kinda of houses there would be and how would they sort them? 
A passing thought maybe? But not really that much. Especially because there isn’t as much information and content available for Mahoutokoro. I do to occassionally think of IE within the information that has been provided:
Students with Cherry wood wands
Inazuma Japan members as the Japanese Quidditch team practising over turbulent sea in stormy conditions while dodging planes and bludgers.
Robes that grow as they grow and change colour as the wearer gains experience.
Houses: I’ve always thought that a region’s magical school would be based off the school environment of it’s muggle counterpart. With the exception of ilvermorny (since it’s founders based it off Hogwarts), I’ve never thought of Mahoutokoro students to be sorted by house. 
In places like the U.K, Australia and here in New Zealand, especially in private schools (but also in some public schools), students are sorted into houses and get into interschool house compeitions - thus Hogwarts and the unnamed Australian school I’ve acknowledged to have the same. 
However, I don’t think that would be the case at Mahoutokoro. Now I don’t know personally about the education system there, but I don’t think that Japan has a house-sorting similar thing (but hey, I could be wrong?).
I still see Mahoutokoro be sorted into classes 1-A, 1-B, 1-C, 1-D and rivalries would be between classes instead. Also students competing against each other to become the best wizard/witch in the year (with all the class rankings listed every trimester). I see Mahoutokoro as a school where students compete to become top, and the best of the crop gets the best post-graduate wizarding education, jobs or whatnot - a fight for the top! 
IE X HP but set in the context of Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e maybe?
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