#if a little out of character for trahearne
just-another-pigeon · 6 months
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I started playing GW2 around 4 years ago. Every year, on the birthday of my first character, guardian Erris, I post a Trammander art piece on Reddit.
This piece is from about 2 years ago and remains one of my favorites. Depicting a moment shortly after the cleansing of Orr.
However, truth be told, I'm running out of ideas. It's not as if Trahearne lived long enough to create many memories...
Note that Erris isn't wearing dragonhunter's gauntlet and racing scarf in it like she does in most other pieces.
The gauntlet, of course, was obtained later during HoT. As for the racing scarf, it's a gift from Trahearne during LWS2. There is actually a little story about it, maybe I will write it down some day.
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guildwarsgirl · 3 months
psst hi im the owner of commander-titania! i've been fairly inactive in the fandom space recently but my little sibling was telling me all about how they met you yesterday before pride! they were on crystal trahearne :) they said you were really nice to them and i wanna thank you for that too. but also, i remember you saying hi to me at pride last year!
i just wanna let you know that you've got people watching out for you! what's happened to you isn't ok, and i totally understand what its like to be bullied on this platform for enjoyment of less popular characters. its garbage and not fair at all, you didnt deserve that.
i wanted to do something to cheer you up since this whole thing is dumb n unfair, so i'm drawing you some fanart! this is a wip so i promise itll look nicer once its done. you dont need to post this publicly either if you dont want to. id dm if i could lol
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Thank you!!! Is this Logan and Vanessa? Omg!!! You're gonna make me cry tears of joy!! I can totally dm you if you'd like!
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m0r1bund · 1 year
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[image description below the cut because it's Big]
Tubby baby Ximone is @soulfullofold's Charr character, Trahearne is Trahearne. “xyz will now die for you” is a reference to the ever-iconic Hiimdaisy Persona comic.
I have two competing thoughts about swerving on Trahearne getting fridged. One of them is self-actualized water spirit who is haunting the shit out of Orr, and the other one is blighted vessel that killed and ate mordyboy while he was locked in his psychic prison, but nobody else knows that, least of all Trahearne, so everyone just wants him dead.
though I guess maybe these could become the same thing somehow.
…I just think he’s neat.
[Image: a sketchpage of altogether too many shitty little Guild Wars 2 doodles. From left to right, top to bottom, roughly:
One Trahearne hoisting up the inordinately huge Caladbolg / Caladcholg, and looking ominous.
The Lastborn, comically minimized and running away from Trahearne with his Big Sword ™.
The Lastborn brooding and hugging his knees, with his sharp blades of yucca hair standing on end. He says ‘No talk me I’m angy.’ The next doodle shows a much softer-eyed and mellow Lastborn saying ‘No longer angy. I want to be loved now.’
Yuri shaking hands with Trahearne. A narration box says ‘You became friends.’ Nothing changes in the next panel, not even their expressions, but a deathly pallor falls over everything. The box says ‘You will now die for each other.’
A minimized Yuri sitting next to a minimized Lastborn. The Lastborn crouches on the ground, reduced to a yucca puffball with little mitts for hands. He looks up at Yuri through big, catlike eyes. In the next doodle, he bonks his head and whole body into Yuri’s shoulder.
Two drawings of Ximone as a fierce little cub. She looks appropriately ferocious in the first doodle, arcing her back and prowling around on all fours…. Though she’s about as threatening as a pudgy puma kit. In the next doodle, she’s shocked up onto her hindlegs by an equally surprised kid Yuri. He rolls on his back to avoid her sharp claws.
A shitty little Mordremoth getting confronted by Yuri and Trahearne. Mordremoth points at Trahearne and says ‘I WANT THAT TWINK OBLITERATED.’ Yuri and Trahearne exchange glances, and he slams his claws down and roars ‘NO!!!’
The Lastborn sitting in the great palm of the Pale Tree’s hand and desperately pleading some sort of case, as he typically finds himself doing around her and her company. She’s big mclargehuge and intimidating because I said so.
One blighted Trahearne, touching the thick scars on his arm. Much of his face and body is scarred as well, the whorls, lines, and ragged edges tracing his ill-fated death throes with the dragon.
The Lastborn delicately changing some linen bandages on blighted Trahearne’s face. They’re saturated with blood; He seems to have re-opened earlier wounds. He is uncharacteristically angry with the Lastborn’s efforts to attend to him, and asks ‘Why are you doing this?’ The Lastborn recoils, slightly. He sheepishly answers ‘All things have a right to grow.’ Trahearne strains, raising his bandaged arm to stop the Lastborn from working any further. He says ‘Don’t—Don’t quote him at me. This is different and you know it.’
Yuri and Trahearne taking a combination bath-nap in a body of water, somewhere. Yuri makes a good improvised pillow, it seems.]
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thorinoakenbutt · 3 months
I'm looking forward to finding out more of what's gone on in the last decade in-world for multiple reasons, not least of all so I can tweak and break canon to fit my other characters' stories.
I'm not expecting Warden news, but hopefully Risa's found that cure since the clock is ticking. I also hc that Orzammar has been putting pressure on the Fereldan throne since the end of the Fifth Blight for a marriage alliance between their ruling families. The reestablished princess is one of King Alistair's advisors (and not so secret lover) anyway, so why would they pass up the opportunity for lucrative trade agreements with Orzammar? Sure, they still need an heir but dwarves have long memories.
Catelyn and Anders (and Justice) meanwhile have three children (twins Bethann and Bianca, then little Leander) and hopefully are living the quiet life on a farm somewhere in the Free Marches with twenty cats and an old mabari. Uncle Carver visits frequently. They deserve a break after everything, though they have opened a clinic in the village they settled in.
I've avoided thinking too much about Revas post-DAI since we initially weren't sure how long it's been between then and Veilguard, but I'd like for him to have succeeded his aunt as Keeper of Clan Lavellan in the ten year gap. Since the Inquisition is technically disbanded, he mostly keeps to Wycome and Kirkwall, visiting Dorian when he can. He's also fathered two children (to provide House Pavus heirs but also to fulfill a self-imposed duty to the Dalish) named Melia and Trahearne. Even with his newfound duties as Keeper and father, he hasn't abandoned the hunt for Solas and the other diplomatic connections he made in his time as Inquisitor.
And then Rook! I'm excited to see how Vergil will fit into the world.
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weenwrites · 10 months
yay for attempting this crossover!! im really glad you're giving this a try, tho if you end up not liking it i understand, im just happy you're hearing me out!!!
this character is from my current favorite game: guild wars 2. he's called Trahearne, and he's a sylvari, aka sentient plant-like people! he's also a necromancer, which i think would be startling to Cybertronians when they hear he studies magic that raises the dead into his personal minions. Trahearne is a good guy tho, not evil, and he has a hard and troubling destiny ahead of him, a fate given to him since he awoke in his world.
if he were in the tfp world, trying to get back w the help of team prime, what do you suppose their opinions of him would be???
no pressure if you're not into this, but if you are, have fun!! don't worry about not knowing this fandom or game, thank youuuu
✎ A/N: Just to clarify to people OTHER than the requester, I still don't do crossovers and I don't think I ever will after this one because it was difficult for me to write. The only reason I'm making an exception for this crossover is because I decided to say "yes" to it because I wanted to give it a shot. Also anon I'm sorry it took so long for me to respond, but I tried my best with what you gave me to work with, and I hope you see it and enjoy it.
[ Please do not repost, plagiarize, or use my writing for AI! Translating my work with proper credit is acceptable, but please ask first! ]
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Despite Trahearne's disposition, Optimus wouldn't be the type of person to judge him because of it. So long as Trahearne is someone who wishes to do good, then he's willing to extend his hand to help him however he can.
He can somewhat relate with having a troubling destiny, as he is the bearer of the matrix and the leader of the autobots. The fate of two worlds are balanced upon his shoulders, and his every move may risk toppling them both. He tries to offer what bits of wisdom and knowledge he can in hopes that it will one day be of use to him.
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He believes that the team already has enough to worry about with humans to protect and the decepticons scouring the earth, they needn't anything more to take care of on their plate. Unless Trahearne's willing to extend a hand to help Ratchet with his duties, then it's most likely that the two will have little room to interact.
But speaking of magic, Ratchet initially thinks that it's ridiculous. Magic doesn't exist, and he doesn't believe that studying it is even possible. If Trahearne's the kind of person to prove Ratchet wrong and show off his skills, then the look on Ratchet's face is something that no one will be forgetting any time soon.
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Ultra Magnus
Like Ratchet, Ultra Magnus believes that effort and resources should be poured into the war effort as opposed to aiding a stranger, or at the very least form a partnership so that both sides get something out of it. Yet if he is ordered to help return Trahearne back to his world, then he'll comply without another complaint.
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He initially thinks that it's super cool that he has some predetermined destiny waiting for him—so long as that destiny is to do good in the world. He may come off as a little insensitive at first (especially if Trahearne's destiny is something he has complicated feelings about) but he's quick to realize any mistakes and apologize if he said something he shouldn't have.
He'd think the whole "doing magic" thing is real cool, and he'd ask all sorts of questions about it, like what can he do with magic? How does he do it? Smokescreen would even want to try learning, and if he was given the opportunity he would legitimately pour in the time and effort to do magic.
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Wait so if he raises the dead to do his bidding, were these undead servants people he killed or people that were already dead? And would it work on cybertronians? To Bulkhead, if he thinks long enough about zombies brought from the dead to do someone's bidding, it grows more and more disturbing. But zombies aside, if Trahearne's a good guy, then there's a chance the two of them could get along just fine.
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thornethenorn · 5 months
Hi! This is the account where I don't shut up about norn. Ever
My main blog is @generationlosers !
I like to talk. I like to talk a lot. I live yapping.
I draw sometimes
Thorne Vætkisson: My main norn ranger who is usually who I'm referring to when I say "The Commander." An au of an Owl House Grimwalker oc, but different characters with different personalities
Hunter Thornkin: Norn revanant that channels Wolf. Thorne’s little brother. Is an au of Hunter from the Owl House. (Note: in game he is a human, but that's because he's supposed to be abnormally small)
Bleepblorp Skrungle: Asura Engineer with a fascination with cats. Experiment went wrong. He's a cat now. Has a gun. Run
Salem Steelveil: Charr Revenant with ice magic. Absolutely insane. Blind, uses mist magic to navigate. Lesbian.
Ivory Darkwood: Charr Necromancer. Small and housecatlike. Hates confrontation. Lesbian. Makes out with Salem sloppy style
Garráncroí: Sylvari Mesmer. Wants to kiss Trahearne. A lot. Part of the Astral Ward and Thorne’s best friend during SotO
Basil Greenwhisper: Norn guardian. Thorne’s mate (norn word for spouse). Likes plants. Based on an Owl House oc, whose last name is Burrlow. (Not that he's only Thorne's mate in the side universe, theres an alternate universe to allow more leeway with ships)
Hazel Slayersdottir: way late in storyline. Basil and Thorne’s biological daughter. Norn thief. Worships Aurene as the dragon spirit and cleanses Jormag and Svanir corruption from the shiverpeaks with the little amount of prismatic magic she got from her father.
Alala Gunthild: An elonian human warrior. She is an au where the human Commander becomes the God of War after killing Balthazar like Kormir. Instead of her patron hounds being pitbulls (? i think Temar and Tegon are pitbulls?) she has Basenji and has a soft spot for Jackals. She has her Basenji companions that she can summon similar to Temar and Tegon, they are named Andromeda and Guinevere. She also has a Jackal Puppy- Artemis- and will stay a puppy companion as thats how Jackals work.
Art: art.
my art: My art!
Any other character name: self explainitory
loser edits: my memes and other edits
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Gonna write this up bc every time I see @dragongirltongue 's post about dragons as beings beyond the simple logics of mortal reasoning that can only be harmed in thematically resonant ways I can't help but apply that to the Elder Dragons in Guild Wars 2. Long post ahead.
Firstly, the dragons make up an integral part of the world. In roughly 10000 year cycles, they wake up, consume all of the magic and life in Tyria over several centuries, and fall asleep, the consumed magic slowly seeps back out until they wake up yet again. The births of stars coincide with Dragonrise, and when the commander sees the Eternal Alchemy, they see representations of the dragons orbiting the world. They are all incredibly massive, and their reach is even farther, as they exude their own energies that shape the world around them, and their breath transforms creatures, corpses, or even stones into their loyal minions.
Each dragon has a thematic weakness, which can only be employed during massive scale battles. The Pact commands fleets of airships against Zhaitan and Mordremith, both losing many in the process. Almost all of them have dedicated maps where you battle against them (Zhaitan gets a dungeon, which is kind of depreciated but still kind of a whole map, just not in the open world).
Now, to discuss each of the dragons in particular.
Zhaitan, dragon of Death and Shadow, is the first that the Commander has to fight with. Its domain is the sunken continent of Orr, which it has raised from the ocean. Orr sank after constant infighting in the titular Guild Wars, and its fate was sealed when its leader used dark magics to prevent the charr legions from conquering it as they had taken Ascalon to the north. Zhaitans minions are the Risen, the shambling corpses of the people and creatures of Orr, as well a their later victims. Many of its more specialized minions are the corpses of the old kings of Orr, who act much more directly as its eyes and mouth.
The player character enters Tyria in a time of conflict. The peoples of central Tyria are all divided into a variety of little factions. The core story culminates in the Risen invasion of Claw Island, prompting the player and Trahearne (a sylvari that shows up some in the earlier story beats, mostly for the sylvari story) rally the three major factions (the player is a member of one of those), eventually taking on Zhaitan in Orr. (this is when the player character takes on the Commander moniker) This campaign involves lots of deception (Risen mesmer tricks you into shelling your own troops, stuff like that) At the same time, the Pact takes on Zhaitan by targeting its foremost minions, weakening Zhaitan before cleansing the waters of Orr and producing airships using a combination of the technologies of the peoples of Tyria. Zhaitan's defeat is then the first sign that the elder dragons can be defeated and their destruction can be stopped.
Then, as living world season 1 starts, the next elder dragon of the narrative, Mordremoth moves his pawn, Scarlet Briar, in to the scene. Eventually, once she drills straight into the center of Lion's Arch to hit the ley line nexus beneath it. The burst of power allows Mordremoth to expand his reach out across Tyria while also reclaiming his hold over the Sylvari, who were meant to be his minions but were protected by the Pale Tree. Mordremoth is the dragon of Plant and Mind, and so he extends his influence through the minds of the plantlike sylvari, spreading paranoia throughout the scattered forces of the Pact.
Mordremoth's defeat comes at the end of Heart of Thorns, in the dedicated Dragons Stand map. The climax of the story has the Commander attack Mordremoth in his own mind. (Dragon of mind must be targeted in the mind)
The plot after this diverts a bit from fighting elder dragons as other plot threads from Heart of Thorns get focus. The ones that are still relevant to the Elder Dragons is the raising of the newborn dragon Aurene (more on her later) and the elaboration of the nature of the Elder Dragons (which I discussed earlier). Taimi (precocious young Asura) realizes that the dead dragons' powers are being spread out to the other elder dragons, while also destabilizing the flow of magic throughout the world. She also develops a machine that could pit the fire and ice dragons' magic energies against each other, neutralizing them without further casualties. The war god Balthazar, part of the other narrative thread of season 3, tries to commandeer this machine and goes on a rampage down the Crystal Desert to try and kill Kralkatorrik.
Kralkatorrik, dragon of Crystal and Fury, is a doozy who's been haunting the narrative the whole while. Destiny's Edge, a guild consisting of the initial mentor characters and the scholar Snaff, attempted to kill Kralkatorrik. Despite the aid of Glint, Kralkatorrik's rebellious daughter, the Human Logan Thackeray is called away to protect Queen Jennah (who he is immensely loyal to), and his absence causes the deaths of both Snaff and Glint. The guild is bitter and scattered until the campaign against Zhaitan, and most of them are grievously wounded, killed, or otherwise put out of action during Heart of Thorns, causing the creation of the Dragon's Watch guild. I've gone on a tangent, but basically Kralk's been around a while.
Also Aurene is Glint's daughter.
Kralkatorrik's weakness is, essentially, his own blood. Glint threatened Kralk. Aurene threatened Kralk. Almorra Soulkeeper, leader of the Vigil (one of the three factions of the Pact), who formed the Vigil after her warband was branded (affected by Kralkatorrik's corruption), was a tribune of the Blood Legion. Later, this weakness is more literal, as the Pact fashions weapons made of Kralkatorrik's actual blood to harm him.
After Kralkatorrik is defeated in Dragon's Fall, the plot turns to Jormag (dragon of Ice and Persuasion) and Primordus (dragon of Fire and Destruction). The elder dragons are all siblings, but these two have a rivalry going on. Jormag drove the Norn and Kodan down from their mountain homes, while Primordus drove the Asura and Skritt from the caves beneath Tyria. Jormag is calm and scheming, driving a faction of the Norn, the Sons of Svanir, to their service. Primordus has a much more primal drive, making stones and lava work for him. The climax ties back to Taimi's idea of pitting the two together, where the two are drawn to fight each other while Aurene tries to keep the fight going. They also both take champions, in the form of Braham Eirsson (Norn singlemindedly driven to kill Jormag) and Ryland Steelcatcher (Charr manipulator who starts a civil war to relive charr dominance over Tyria).
Last is Soo Won, dragon of Water and Life, the last of the Elder Dragons, and the first to come into being. At the beginning of End of Dragons, she starts to mentor Aurene, knowing her own time is not much longer. The dead dragons have been causing mayhem with the magical system, causing issues with Dragonvoid, manifesting as reflections of the previous dragon's minions. Aurene has to take up her mantle as the facilitator of the world's magic as Soo Won is consumed by the void. The battle with Soo Won, driven to senseless violence by the void, takes place over the Jade Sea, an ocean turned to jade in events part of gw1. In the end, Soo Won is tired, and speaks gently to Aurene.
Aurene still lives, but ends the End of Dragons post-expansion story by summoning Caithe and the Commander to tell them that she must enter a long sleep in order to properly develop into her new role. Aurene also dies at one point prior, killed in a failed attempt on Kralkatorrik's life, and she is only fine because she ate an ancient lich a while back so the necromantic energy is in her.
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ratasum · 1 year
So some more COHERENT thoughts now that I'm awake.
I didn't dislike the chapter. I think if I had any complaint, it's that it ends very abruptly. I've seen some reads that it was fixing depression with the power of friendship, but I really felt a LOT more like it was, please tell your friends when you need help, they will be there to help you. The commander doesn't seem fixed, just... more ready to reach out when they need it.
YMMV, of course, everyone reads things differently. But that was how it felt to me, especially having BEEN in a position where I refused to ask for help. It took the people around me offering support once the struggle became known to let me realize I even could.
But like I said, the very abrupt ending was a little disappointing? I'd have liked to have seen the last bit end with them fleeing from the mine, then regrouping to reconsider options.
Maybe getting to revisit places from the personal story that were meaningful. For asura their krewe, for charr their new bandmates, etc. Things like that to better emphasize this idea that people have always been there.
I remain a bit giggly about Taimi and Gorrik exclusively bc I've basically been writing them as a thing with Everything with the Dragonwatch Krewe anyway. So like I said last night, the polycule grows. Qirri would like you to meet her girlfriend, her girlfriend's boyfriend who is also HER boyfriend, and their other boyfriend.
But yeah. All in all, I had fun, even if it ended much more abruptly than I would have liked.
Trying to think if I had any other complaints... I would've liked to be able to pick ALL the memories. The choice of Cinder felt really weird even if it got some GREAT Chul-Moo being a dad moments. We didn't really get much time with her at all and while what happened was tragic, it just... I don't know. I liked Cinder from what we got of her, but I don't think the characters had enough of an emotional connection. I feel like Trahearne and Eir would've been good choices to put in there.
An option to choose to take no date at all. I know some characters are any of several combinations of aroace, and in the case of mine and Jenn's characters, Garrus would've taken Agaue anyway. And Qirri went with the krewe. Being able to say something like "I don't need a date; I'm happy to go with my friends" would've been nice.
And the pathing in the tunnels was weird. We kept getting lost.
While I too am disappointed it wasn't directly revealed what the next thing will be on the docket, I do feel like that was fully intentional. We're still getting oni attacks, so the thing we fought wasn't even the Main Big Bad. It was just something that may have been working for it. That honestly just interests me more, but again, YMMV.
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archesa · 2 years
have anwen and/or galaed for the ask game, if you’d like! :D (and hope you feel better soon! <3) @kerra-and-company
Thank you 🥰 It's already better than this morning but i'm not out of the woods yet 😅
Anwen, my beloved:
01. Full name: Vicountess Anwen Evergreen (if Snargle is to be believed, Faren would be a Duke... Anwen's bloodline is nowhere as prominent and influent as the Farens but her parents did bestow upon her a title – mostly honorific – to go with her estate in the Reach)
02. Best friend: Meryw 🌲💙 (though one could argue that Meryw is her sister and Canach is her best friend 😅)
03. Sexuality: Quarterly bi! (courtesy of @lilypixy) Demi but so slow to work out her attraction that she only gets half of that label 🤣 !
04. Favorite color : Sapphire blue
05. Relationship status: Taken (by Trahearne)
06. Ideal mate: clever, thoughtful, gentle, supportive... Trahearne.
07. Turn-ons: Neck kisses, being swept off her feet
08. Favorite food: Orrian truffle risotto, New Kaineng Noodles (the extra spicy ones), white chocolate and raspberry cake 🍰
09. Crushes: Sieran, Trahearne (insert 'not sure if' meme : not sure if bi, pan, or just really into sylvari)
10. Favorite music: Balade, sung poems and festive music (she particularly loves the bell choirs of Wintersday because the crystalline sounds remind her of Aurene)
11. Biggest fear: "That one day through my actions I'd condemn someone to suffer in agony." - Her worst fear comes true both with Apatia and Trahearne. In a broader sense, she's terrified of failing to protect her loved ones, of outliving them...
12. Biggest fantasy: The dragon cycle has ended, Aurene is happy and at peace, her friends and family are safe from all harm and she's living her life alongside with her loved ones. There's a library with more books, scrolls and tablets that could be read in a dozen lifetimes, and the more they read the more volumes appear. Running out of time is not something either of them has to worry about, though. There's a garden that needs tending, and a plum tree with a blanket underneath and fairy lights in it, and always a glass of wine or a cup of tea at hand. — a little sneak peek of their "after" 😌
13. Bad habits: Takes more than she can shoulder and hides it till she breaks ; inadvertently ghosts people because she has time blindness and picks up relationships where they left out
14. Biggest regret: Being unable to save Sieran and Blish... there were other deaths she wish she could go back in time and do things differently to avert, but none feel more unfair than these two..
15. Best kept secrets: A generous and totally anonymous donation she made to the Shining Blade, in hope to commute some of a certain sylvari's service time.
16. Last thought: as in... her last thought, or the last thought I had about her? For the latter I was wondering which Aurene legendary to give her before the new content drops... whether to finish Aurene's Insight – that I could use on a LOT of my characters – or finish the shield or get her the greatsword... I love her wielding Caladbolg and I don't want that to change but a branded Caladbolg would be... somewhat bittersweetly fitting. I don't really know how to explain 😅
17. Worst romantic experience: The amount of stress she was under when she realised she was in love with Trahearne, the fear of losing him and the dark relief she felt when the many deaths they encountered were, at least, not his.
18. Biggest insecurity: She wonders if she could have done more to protect Aurene from the crushing weight of her destiny... to buy her some time, some peace, some safety...
19. Weapon of choice: Greatsword and shield
20. Role Model: The people she loves have shaped her throughout her life and keep shaping her as she journeys forth. Violet and Conrad Faren, with their kind heart and sharp spirits ; the memory of her parents, a legacy she wanted to honour ; Logan Thackeray, with all the dumb courage and chaotic energy of a golden retriever; Sieran, for her unbridled joy in discovery and for being the first person Anwen could really infodump to without seeming to tire her; Meryw, for the constance of her heart, the brilliance of her mind and the valiance of her soul ; Trahearne, for his openness, his dedication and the brightness of his hope.
Both @dumb-dumb-mander and you requested some insight on Galaëd so I'll make an Autumn Birch centric post tomorrow and tag you both, if that's okay 🥰🍂 gonna hit the hay, now!
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kerra-and-company · 2 years
Okay, my brain is finally working enough to generate character thoughts in a way that I can write them down, so, to elaborate on something I mentioned in an ask just now:
Rel never really wanted to travel.
He's curious, sure. He loves to read, loves to learn, loves to understand the world he's in better. But legitimately--if his home in Maguuma had been a safe and healthy one and he'd been in a healthy mental place, I'm not sure he ever would have left more than maybe once or twice, for a short time. He's content staying put. He doesn't have the wanderlust that Kerra does.
The two major traveling experiences Rel has--leaving the Priory (prior to the PS) and going to Orr with Trahearne (for the duration of the level 40 and 50 PS)--are not spurred by him wanting to travel. Leaving the Priory is due to him wanting to figure out who he is and not being able to stay with his sibling while he's doing that. Going to Orr has a little bit to do with a) his genuine curiosity about the land and b) his crush that he hasn't admitted to anyone, including himself, at that point. In other words, it's a little bit just because he wants to. It's also because he thinks he can be most helpful there, and he's still pretty lost.
Joining the Pact after Claw Island is Rel deciding to call the organization founded by two people he cares about (that also contains several of his friends and Nisha) his home, at least for now. It's him deciding on a place to stay put.
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commanderteag · 1 year
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Live Laugh Love Commander Teaghuee<3
Who despite being my main i haven't rambled about tbh haven't rambled at all about any of my characters so- Here's me taking to the chance to talk about Teag!
So! Teaghuee is my main and my commander. They follow the main story with a few small details changed. So Their story starts in 1320 basically before Teaghuee joined any of the orders they thought it too soon and they hadnt fully come to understand their own mesmer magic. So Trahearne basically took the sapling under his wing and taught them about Tryia History and Orr while the learned more about mesmer magic! The became close and had a very much brotherly bond! Trahearne brought them to Claw Island where they met Miren and Tybalt who where bringing the same message of "this place is going to be attacked!!" Story continues as normal with Teaghuee and Trahearne following Miren to help out the order of whispers. Trahearne becomes Marshal per Miren's suggestion and then Teaghuee gets the commander title from Trahearne.
Next little things that I added was them looking for Caladbolg after Mordremoth. Teaghuee takes about 3ish months between 1328-1329 too get everything in order and try and grieve for their brother Trahearne. Here they find Miren who was lost in the jungle after failing to ignore Mordremoth. After a small awkward reunion they start travelling together as Miren tries to help Teaghuee with the grief and they get Caladbolg back. Next is their corruption and death! So Teaghuee as you can tell from the photo above changed a lot appearance wise. Now this all started when they died too Balthazar. When they came back the life essence that kept their body function just didnt come back only their soul did. Now the death magic they used to come back kept them going for a while. This came with the cost of their body losing it's bright blue colour turning them white/grey. Teaghuee hid this for as long as they could using the mesmer magic as this was all happening during the Balthazar Kralkatorrik and Joko war was happening. The mesmer magic spell they where using was broken by a worried Kas when everyone started noticing the commander slowly down and weakening just before the first fight with Kralk. By then they only had few small patches of blue remaining. They kept fighting on to the best of their ability. After Kralks defeat and Aurene reaches her final form? She connects with Teaghuee making their Scion and Champion bond closer so her magic replaces their life essence and now they basically run on dragon magic! Of course her magic had consequences too such as their crystal horns and the layer of crystal over their hands that made their claws. (I'm thinking maybe giving them something to do with wings but haven't gotten that figured out fully yet. Maybe when they get their full champion form in EOD they got wings and their body grew out the top of the wings and the bottom half was pure crystal and faded when they went back to normal so they also have top part of wings? but that might be too much...) and their pupils?/centre of their eyes went white. So this all happened over time as was finish after EOD ended! So yea! Then of course theres their awkward romace with Miren that happens over the course of the story and then gaining two sylvari twins that become more like their sons just before EOD too!
End of ramble for now! maybe I'll do lil head canons for my lil plants another time.
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i-mybrunettelady · 1 year
30 day Guild Wars 2 challenge
your favourite world boss?
Taidha Covington and her door that's stupidly hard to kill, even if she herself if fairly easy to kill <3
an enemy you find really annoying
Pocket raptors. There's a really funny meme that raptors and gravelings are one and the same to me, which is mostly true, but I hate pocket raptors just a little bit more <3
favourite elite spec
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Firebrand girlie, always and forever. Nothing can replace firebrand in my heart, even with all my love for dragonhunter and weaver.
do you have a favourite place to afk/chill out?
Divinity's Reach! That's been my home base for years. A lot of my kids, when idle, are parked there unless I'm doing content with them :)
favourite expansion
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Path of Fire. Hands down, Path of Fire. It's THE human expac. Here's a photo of me and my guildies back when they helped me get my beetle for the visuals (technically s4 map and mount, but it's tied to PoF. don't @ me.)
your favourite npc
Rytlock Brimstone! He's a blorbo, a meow meow, my sweet cheese. I have such a special place in my heart for Rytlock and I love his character arc. He's also a huge bastard, so it's no wonder I like him so much.
Other noteworthy mentions: Trahearne, Braham, Kasmeer, Taimi, Peitha :)
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clearlitebergaming · 1 year
finally made this! list of OC / characters from gw2 and ffxiv; along with their personalities descriptions and brief background. all of this info mostly on base game condition.
will add if i have another hyperfixation on some other mmo games
under the cut cause its a bit long
Character Lists
~ Guild Wars 2 ~
Sukma Adhikara (Dhika) Human / Thief. 32 M (core tyria)
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My Main, but not 'The Commander', not anymore. Laid back, flirty, and deceivingly pleasant to be around. If he can spend as little time and effort as possible to do something, he will. 'Indiscriminately Promiscuous' is how people around him described him.
Grew up in the street as petty thief, then became prostitute. From alleyway hooker to the noble's secret escort. Those were hard times and he has scar on his face during that as souvenir. He left that life behind after recruited into Order of Whisper at the age of 29 and paired with Tybalt for 3 years before the start of personal story. Its during campaign against Zhaitan, that he and Trahearne started to see each other secretly.
After Maguuma Operation he fell into severe mental health issue. Resigned from the Pact, and disappear for a year. Before reappearing, dragged by Sulestari, to form Dragon's Watch with Rytlock and Taimi. Nowadays, hes more or less stable, though age really mellows him out.
funfact: at first his name is kinda also a dick joke (sukmadikha <<< which is actual name in my tribe mind you!!! XD) but i got warning from GM and changed it into Sukma Adhikara, which roughly means "Soul Commander"; and i got angry because its actually rather cool name now??? XD
Sulestari Sylvari / Mesmer. 3mo M (core tyria)
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Actual 'The Commander of the Pact'. Cycle of Dawn. The Chosen Valiant. He was sylvari of great enthusiasms and honesty. Always eager to help, although having a bit of temper and cautious toward other races.
Gardeners joked that Sulestari is actually so Daybloom he woke up early at Dawn instead. He wears his metaphorical hearts on his sleeves. He thinks of Pale Tree as his mother, Caithe as big sister, and he admires Trahearne greatly.
Over the years he became more and more jaded and bitter, even if he still helps those around him, seemingly out of self-imposed obligation.
funfact: i actually want to make female sylvari and named her lestari. but somehow it became male sylvari instead?? while lestari already gender neutral name, i want to make it kinda masculine, so adding 'su' like common boy name of my tribe. lestari means everlasting / preserving.
Brite Hearthkeeper Charr / Elementalist. 28 M (core tyria)
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Olmakhan Charr. He cooks and cares for the cubs in the village. He joins the Olmakhan forces in aiding the events of S4. And after that, he sorta hangs around commanders / wanders around Tyria to see the world.
~ Final Fantasy XIV ~
Julian Bahari Sea Wolf Roegadyn / DRK Main. 19F (ARR)
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Warrior of Light. Unyielding and seemingly stoic young woman, shes actually pretty awkward socially. She rarely talks due to selective mutism. Inside, she has adventurous spirit and a hot-blooded person. She loves to brawl and eat. Shes also protective person and ready to square up to any threats anytime.
She was raised along with other orphans in Lost Hope to mine ore as form of returning favor to the merchant that take care of them, as well as paying for ongoing 'rent and meal'. One day, she was so mesmerized by group of adventurers's lifestyle and decided to just book it out of the mine and become adventurer herself.
Enjoying her newfound freedom, shes been doing odd jobs, getting beat up as gladiator, and knee deep in plethora of small gigs -- earning barely enough gils-- for quite awhile, before meeting Thancred and subsequently recruited into Scions of Seventh Dawn.
funfact: out of all mmo character that i played, juli is the one i love the most. practically love at first sight. aaaa beloved.... anyway, bahari means sea / nautical. im not very creative at making names, actually... sorry. julian is from my old story i wrote, it was given to a unyielding male soldier, so i feel this like spiritual successor to that character. kinda?
Haelborn Wyrnedzasyn Seawolf Roegadyn / WHM Main. 54M (ARR)
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Hes war-weary old man with mild manner. He took interest in gardening and sewing. After all the horror of war and slavery, he choose peace many times over anything. Even so, when its time to fight, he wont hesitate to bring all of him to help. Eventually, he became Juli's retainer. Married to a male vierra named Yukine Benitoki (my friend's oc)
Garlean conscript since very young age. He survived Carteneau Flats war during Great Calamity and the fall of Castrum Meridianum. Having no place to return to, he wanders around Black Shroud, learning of local's way of life and shedding violence for mending life.
When his past life is exposed, he once again casted out of the shroud. During which, the allied force of grand companies taking over baelsar's wall; allowing haelborn to slip past into last forest. One thing lead to another, he and juli met, fought together, and became friend. Upon knowing of his situation, juli offered haelborn to live with her for free; which he counteroffered by offering him to be her retainer instead.
funfact: finally, a name that is actually lore compliant. took a bit of brainstorming with friend too... haelborn wyrnedzasyn means healthy boar, son of snake-eater. yeah its also kinda dirty joke at the end. sorry again. one thing for sure, i didnt expect him to be such a Soft Boy... huh.
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m0r1bund · 1 year
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Boo boo the fool got into Guild Wars 2 recently, so you are about to see a lot of that. It has tickled the part of my brain that enjoyed keeping a character journal in TES games, so if you remember all that, then you know exactly what’s coming.
Anyway, this is my boy Yuri Six-Cants. He is “not very bright,” but he has a heart of gold and I love him. Some schtuff about him below the cut…
all of the fuckery that happens to him can, in one way or another, be traced back to the fact that he can’t learn to say “no” to some boy he met. He’s like if a slice-of-life dating sim protagonist swapped places with someone’s ill-fated ttrpg character ):
best friends with Ximone (the charr) who is @soulfullofold 's character, and together they are Ending War
has had an embarrassing litany of crushes on men who either don’t respect him or don’t reciprocate. Seems to have finally found happiness as Trahearne’s commander 😉 but (looks at Heart of Thorns) haha. They’re in danger.
owes a blood debt to the Lastborn, a sylvari(?) pariah who dragged his dead body out of the desert one time. This is diplomatically inconvenient as everyone around him is convinced he is bad news, but ): he’s such a nice boy to Yuri
got a little fucked up in the mists rift. Came Back Wrong. Don’t Worry About It.
my mom calls him yuri six-pants
fuck it here’s an essay
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girlbob-boypants · 1 year
1-21-25 for uh Guild Wars? or whatever you want
You know what yeah let's be violent about my beloved game. Oh okay this was a lot more than I expected uh lets put that under the cut
1. The character everyone gets wrong
You think I'd say my precious baby boy BUT its Caithe. She's an incredibly interesting character who is denied the actual on screen depth and arcs she needs. It's an interesting case where the people who hate her are missing the points and the people who stan her talk like she's actually given an arc instead of simply plopped into the story with a "she's better now." The key example being the fact that she doesn't show up in s4 until THE END OF EPISODE FOUR??? That's hardly her fault cause for whatever reason THATS when she's allowed to actually give a fuck about the daughter she loves so much that the moment that daughter cared about the fact that WE WERE BEING MURDERED she ignored Aurene for fuck knows how long?? And then admitting that is enough for them to ignore the psychic connection Aurene canonically has with the Commander so they can just. Set Caithe to post therapy with no real story. The people who hate her act like she's personally the cause of every single problem in the game and that setting her on fire and replacing her with a man will fix everything. Meanwhile the people who stan her claim her story was sooooo good and 100% justified and didn't fuck with things or have problems. She's a brilliant concept that post HoT is executed in a parking lot. And while her parts in EoD are perfectly fine and logical it's just...ugh. She's barely there and exists purely to limit Aurene's screentime with the Commander. Which sucks cause I love both of them.
21. Part of canon you think is overhyped
All of EoD. I am going to pick at a certain part, actually. Rama as a character and especially the entire story with the cop father he has was TRASH. Not as in it's a bad idea but in that it's so terribly done. The lack of build up, the fact that it's the ONLY RATIONAL PERSON WITH A PROBLEM WITH JOON'S MONOPOLY OF TECH who turns out to be King Fascist, the way they just don't explore Li's whole being Kurzick like Rama (or at least I think that's what was being implied? It was literally just Rama saying his Secret Name in front of us and then not addressing it). It all goes nowhere and means very little beyond the strike mission. Like no we aren't going to explore this corruption of the cops, we aren't going to discuss why the society of Cantha would cultivate a minority joining a supremacist group, and we're ESPECIALLY not going to explore Rama's feelings about it for longer than a minute or two. Didn't you know his entire story is that he has a crush on a cop? Don't ask for depth, don't ask why the only people who have an issue with forest polluting tech monopolies are fascists and ecofascists, and don't ask us to give Rama lines that aren't mcu zingers. Take what you get and go make really fucking questionable jokes mocking his hat without expecting more of the expac that brutally murdered Icebrood Saga and gave us CHAMPIONS.
Not too fond, really.
Also the beast races but that's not really controversial to say it's just true. But I hate the Kodan, Grawl, and Centaurs especially. Whoever wrote their parts in s2 and s3 should be hit with a bat and robbed.
25. Common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
This one I'm actually having trouble with rn. The obvious answer is character hate and, no, I don't mean character criticism. I mean things like 'i hate Trahearne cause he sucks his voice is annoying and he's overhyped' and the many, many death wishes. This feels like a cop out but I barely scroll the tag anymore cause the game is in a weird space in my heart so I only really engage with it as I see fit for myself. Which is mostly nostalgia tinted thoughts about past seasons and expacs but hey. Better than being a rage filled ball of spite and bad faith readings like I've been in the past with things I've fallen out of love with.
I'd also say I got tired of the weird relationship gw2 has with strikes and raids both from newbies AND vets alike? This game kinda sucks at making the endgame accessible for everyone and I'm vividly aware of that but vets complain that it's stale while gatekeeping to the point of intimidation and newbies all sit and stare at the training LFG without doing anything like these groups are a match made in hell and if anet just learned how to make something like the ff14 duty finder it'd probably be a lot easier but that would require work and admitting that having some kind of role system would make class and party designs easier.
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ravens-lodge · 1 year
Finally a post about my ocs If you're ever curious about my art and characters feel free to send an ask or something
Just a bit of background or little interesting bits about my characters, some are still a WIP and a lot of backgrounds and stuff will change around since this is where I just dump some info I’m working with until im satisfied lol
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Name: Cyn (in game: Cynidic) Race: Human (male) Relationship: Trahearne Profession: Necromancer Notes: Priory scholar, retired Pact Commander, member of Dragons watch Originally the Pact Commander until giving that title and responsibility to Vrixsif after the death of Trahearne. He continued to stay apart of the group and help fight against the threat of the elder dragons but had begun to distance himself from everyone, leading to his biggest regret in becoming one of Jormags champions along side Ryland, although his corruption wasn't as strong. He was freed from jormags grasp on his mind before the dragons final fight and was found under the rubble alive with injuries to his arm and part of his face was rebranded by Aurene. After the defeat of Jormag and Primordus he has stepped away to continue his studies at the Durmand Priory library. 
oc tag: cyn
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Name: Kyrus Fane  (in game: Kyrus Fane) (usually my main) Race: Human (male) Relationship: Verriks (its complicated, a slow burn since end end of pof) Profession: Thief, Deadeye/specter Notes: Bounty hunter, ex-Whispers agent, a loose member of dragons watch who soon became commander, Wayfinder Great at getting in and out of places without a trace, as well as getting information that he really shouldn't know. A Krytan nuisance and thorn in Logans side before he was asked that him and his small group help in the fight against Zhiatan, he agreed and stayed along side Cyn and Vricsif since, he would lend his daggers and rifle but staying distant from any sort of big team leading role as he preferred to do most of his work solo. Since Cyn left and despite his reluctance at first, he has become someone the group tends to look towards when Vrixsif isn't around to help smooth things over and stepped away after injuries. Shares the “commander” role/title with Vrixsif but hate’s being referred to as such.
oc tag: kyrus
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Name: Verriks  (in game: Verriks) Race: Human (male) (Not from this Tyria) Relationship: Kyrus (its complicated, a slow burn since end end of pof) Profession: Revenant Notes: Dragons watch member, a skilled weapon/armoursmith He doesnt talk much about his past to others or where he’s from, only that he was found in the mists by Rytlock but the two haven’t said much about their time together while there. Verriks has helped out the commander and Rytlock whenever he can since. A big part in the PoF storyline with commander Vrixsif and Kyrus and during the fight against Balthazar. (Usually stays out of the main issues the commanders face but ended up with Kyrus in during SotO)
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Name: Vrixsif Hrafsdottir  (in game: Vrixsif) Race: Norn (female) Relationship: Braham Profession: Thief, Deadeye/Specter Notes: Pact Commander, member/leader of Dragon's Watch, Champion of Aurene She and her sister Vivrein were were born to an owl Havroun mother and a raven shaman father. After slaying Issormir, cutting down Svanir and proving herself she was recruited into the order of whispers and soon undercover as a vigil member, and rising up in ranks. She soon met with an old acquaintance, Cyn, who she befriended during her short time gathering information from the priory. From there her future became mixed with the pact and was someone others relied on. She became pact commander when Cyn handed the responsibly over after Trehearnes death. She's been with Dragons Watch and by aurenes side since. Has been taking it easy back in the shiverpeaks after receiving serious injuries during the fight against the void and soo-won
oc tag: vrixsif
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Name: Vivrein Hrafsdottir  (in game: Vivrein)  Race: Norn (female) Profession: Elementalist Notes: Traveler, Wanderer Left her home behind after hearing a call in her mind to head north, deeper into the far shiverpeaks. She stayed and helped the Kodan in the Bitterfrost and Bjora marches where she has lived most of her life. She had been trying to track Jormag and Drakkar until she was met with the Commander, Vrixsif, (during Icebrood saga), reuniting with her sister after many years and helping to take down the dragon together. oc tag: vivrein
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Name: Morbrek  (in game: Morbrek) Race: Sylvari (male) Profession: Elementalist Notes: Vigil member
Laithian’s and Vennric’s pod twin, tallest of the three(wip)
oc tag: morbrek
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Name: Vennric  (in game: Vennric) Race: Sylvari (male) Profession: Thief Notes: Whispers agent, ( AU Pact Commander, member/leader of Dragon's Watch, Champion of Aurene (wip)
Morbek’s and Laithian’s pod triplet (background wip, still needs to be edited)
oc tag: vennric
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Name: Laithian  (in game: Laithian) Race: Sylvari (male) Profession: Warrior Notes: Vigil captain
Morbek’s and Vennric’s pod triplet (wip)
oc tag: laithian
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Name: Dee  (in game: De Doss) Race: Asura (female) Profession: engineer Notes: Dynamics researcher Passionate about her work with portals and gates as well as the mists. Inspired and deep into the works of past researchers and engineers, she has taken over an old lab after some research on its whereabouts, she’s usually in there trying to fix an old mist gate or messing around with new gadgets and tools. A friend of Dion’s
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Name: Dion (in game: Dion Venn) Race: Human appearance (Usually Male) Profession: Engineer Notes: A human like entity from the mists, his first interaction in years was with Dee, stepping out from the mists into Tyria from the broken gate in her lab. Spends most of his time with Dee, some days he disappears for hours only to be back at her side ready to help with whatever she needs. Questionable morals and mannerisms but has been under a watchful eye from Dee since he arrived. Has his own little lab room in a corner with permission from Dee He never removes his helmet
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Name: Niev  (in game: Vricsif) Race: Sylvari (female) Relationship: Garrick Freysson Profession: Mesmer, Mirage Notes: Traveler, born from a different tree Niev is a sylvari who emerged from a secluded tree in the shiver peaks. She wandered through the snow for weeks only to be found by a norn, Garrick, on his long hunts up north. He helped her get her bearings after being nearly frozen stiff and after a few days she was fully ready to travel and experience the world she had seen in her dreams.
oc tag: niev
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Name: Garrick freysson  (in game: Krivvis) Race: Norn (male) Relationship: Niev Profession: Ranger Notes: Hunter, Traveler A strong hunter and an amazing chef, although young he was respected greatly as a hunter by many He found Niev almost frozen solid deep in the shiver peaks on one of his long trips, after helping her, he brought her back to hoelbrak for extra care. He made a promise to her about her dream to explore all of tyria, it was something he had wanted to do but never had the reason until now, with an interesting new friend.
oc tag: garrick
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Name: Viksion  (in game: Viksion) Race: Asura (male) Profession: Mesmer Notes: Inquest assassin Wants to watch the world burn. His hatred for most living on Tyria is painfully well known amongst those who've worked with him, especially to those he tried to use as test subjects. He was forcefully persuaded into the inquest by an old colleague and suffered under their heel after trying to leave when he was suppose to be used in a new experiment. Doesn't like to talk about himself much.
oc tag: viksion
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Name: Evea rune (in game: Evearune) Race: Human (female) Profession: Elementalist Notes: Wanderer She has a habit of stumbling upon major events across Tryia by coincidence. She is usually deep in the study of any old book she can get her hands on, magic the gods and the elements are all she can focus on. Resolutely seeking something.
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Name: Syvia Bloodgrace  (in game: Syvia Bloodgrace) Race: Charr (female) Relationship: Vivric Mistriven Profession: Necromancer Notes: Priory explorer (wip)
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Name: Vivric Mistriven  (in game: Vivric) Race: Charr (female) Relationship: Syvia Bloodgrace Profession: Revenant Notes: Mercenary, Whispers lightbringer (wip)
oc tag: vivric
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Name: Aenya  (in game: Gothic priestess)
Race: Human (female) Profession: Guardian Notes: Priestess of Grenth (wip)
oc tag: aenya
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