#ivory darkwood
thornethenorn · 8 days
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writer-komaru · 1 year
˚.* ꒰ঌ✦໒꒱ *.˚ Sin Soaked Silk .ೋ .ೃ˚, ੈ ׂׂ ೄ’
✧Rating: Smut
✧Characters: Simeon
✧Word Count: 4k
✧Summary: On one faithful evening while you and Simeon are hanging out in his room like normal, you notice the revealing clothes this supposed angel of has on. How ironic, you think. It would be a shame if… someone were to, well, run a hand over his exposed sides… maybe a finger down his lovely back… if he didn’t want to get touched, why does he keep everything out in the open, huh? Simeon has to just sit there and use all his strength he has to fight back against these impulses. What kind of angel would he be if he gave into sin? But… it’s just so tempting… Why must you be so alluring….?
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Times like this really made you appreciate the life you were blessed with. You, a normal human, were sitting in the bedroom of an Angel. Not metaphorically, a literal, real-life angel. But you were pretty used to it at this point. Ever since you discovered the worlds of Devildom and the Celestial Realm, you’ve been met with otherworldly encounters with strange beings one after the other, beings humans don’t even have the mental capacity to understand. But, as Solomon always told you, you were special. Your attention suddenly snapped back to Simeon as he gently tapped your thigh.
“Is everything alright, MC?” He asks kindly.
“Yeah I'm fine, just kinda got distracted. Anyways, what were we doing?” You turn your body to the right to face him.
He chuckles, “We weren’t doing anything in particular, but I can find something for us to do if you'd like,” He stands up and walks over to the large darkwood bookcase over in the corner of his dimly lit room. As he examines them, your eyes unintentionally fall on the exposed state of his back, just barely covered by the see-through material of his robe. His muscles were so defined, like an intricately sculpted marble statue. For an angel, you would have thought he’d do his best to cover up and look presentable in a formal sense, not wear the most scanty outfit known to mankind. You giggled to yourself as he returned carrying two identical books.
“You seem rather happy about something. Wanna tell me about it?” He smiled at you while laying one of the books on your lap.
“On, it’s nothing,” you stifle another giggle and pick up the hardcover book. The title reads, If the Orchid Petals Fall, in fancy, shiny letters. The cover is decorated with numerous ivory petals, surrounding the hunched figure of an angel, its wings seemingly transforming into the flurry of petals. It was quite a beautiful cover.
“What’s this book about?” You flip it over and admire the back.
“It’s something Micheal gifted me a while back. He told me it reminded him of me for some reason, but even after reading it on my own, I still can't quite understand his reasoning,” Simeon hums as he glances over the first few pages, “I thought maybe if we read it together I could get a second opinion and decipher what he was trying to tell me.”
“I see. Reading isn’t really my thing, but this book does sound pretty interesting. I’ll give it a shot,” You flash him a smile.
“Thank you kindly, MC. I do have to warn you, Micheal has a very… Interesting choice in books, and that doesn’t exclude this one. I think it would be best if I just wait here while you read,” He scratches the back of his neck shyly.
You raise an eyebrow, “What do you mean by interesting?”
“You'll soon discover for yourself,” A faint blush dusts his cheeks. You cock your head at him and continue reading. It isn't long before you discover what Simeon was hinting at. This book seems to be dealing with some very sinful topics for having such an innocent looking cover. The angel next to you peeks over at the page you’re on and immediately looks away, his blush only getting deeper. It’s almost amusing. Could this be Micheal’s plan all along; give Simeon an inappropriate book and tell him it has some special meaning so he has no choice but to read it over and over again? What a trickster…
“Maybe it would be best if we do something else, something we both can do together?” He laughs nervously and stands up, reaching out a hand to take back the book. You quickly finish the page you were on and give it back to him. As he puts it back on the shelf, a rather exciting idea comes to you. If Micheal really was doing this to prank Simeon, it wouldn’t hurt taking part, would it? He reaches up to the top shelf to insert the books in their rightful place, unknowingly flexing his back muscles all for your enjoyment. With a devious smirk, you slowly stalk up to him and run a light finger down the middle of his spine. A large shiver runs down his back as he releases a small gasp.
His head whips around to face you, “W-What was that for?”
“Hehehe, my bad. It was an accident,” you shrug it off.
“That didn’t seem like an accident,” he narrows his eyes and turns around to face you, “Are you playing some sort of prank on me?”
“Of course not, who do you take me for? Mammon?” You cross your arms confidently. Your eyes wander over his body, soon locking onto the small side windows his shirt can’t seem to cover up. He follows your eyes and tilts his head curiously.
“I gotta question, Simeon…” you slowly inch closer, causing him to inch back and lean against the bookcase, “Why do angels like to wear such immodest clothes?”
“That seems rather inappropriate, don’t you think?” He chuckles softly and looks away, unable to meet your determined gaze. He felt almost helpless.
“It’s an honest question. You and Raphael both seem to wear clothes that I thought were unbefitting of an Angel. Don’t you get in trouble or is it normal for an Angel to wear very little?” You lean closer to his ear, making his body twitch slightly.
“Well uh… it’s kind of a sign of purity for us angels to wear outfits that might be seen as… um… revealing. It’s not something I usually mind, to be honest, it’s a lot more comfortable than wearing large amounts of bulky clothes,” he smiles, sweating nervously.
“I see… I guess that makes sense. But it kinda leaves you a bit vulnerable, doesn’t it? What if someone came around and… did something like this,” you finally rest your hands on his tantalizing waist, causing him to let out a small, surprised gasp. He tried to flinch away from your touch, but you stayed persistent. That’s as until he peeled your soft hands off of him and held them on his own.
“I’m sorry to disappoint you but I can’t really allow you to t-touch me there,” he looks at you apologetically.
“And why not?” You whine, looking back to his gorgeously exposed skin.
“Because I’m an Angel. I’m not really allowed to engage in such private acts like that. It’s… uh…” his voice trails off as your hands slip out of his grasp and cup his face. It feels very warm, obviously caused by the wide blush on his cheeks.
“Come on, Simeon. Do you think I don’t see the blush you’re trying to ignore? You like this, don’t you?” You tease and rub your thumbs over his cheeks.
“I-it doesn’t really matter if I like it or not, it’s not allowed. In order to represent the goodwills of the celestial realm, all angels, no matter their rank, have to abide by the same rules. It’s our law,” his voice almost makes it sound like he’s begging you.
“But it’s just a small touch to your waist. Why is that so prohibited?” Your hands somehow find their way back to his sensitive sides, making him shiver yet again, “I’ve hugged you here many times before, why is this any different?”
“B-because this obviously is way different than a hug, this is… this is… this is dangerous,” he bites his lip and grabs your wrists to pull your hands away yet again.
“Why is it so dangerous? It’s just a touch~,” you whisper teasingly in his ear.
“You know what you’re doing. I told you, you can’t do this, it’s… ah…” he freezes as a small moan leaves him. Did he… did he really just? You smirk sinisterly, “Oh?~ what was that noise for?”
“I-it was nothing, now please, let go of me,” he tries even harder to get your teasing hands off his body, but it’s clearly unsuccessful. He gets more and more frantic as your fingers inch up his body.
“Ah! P-please, you can’t do this, if the higher ups find out I gave into something frivolous like this, I’ll get in so much trouble,” he begs and squirms under your touch. It felt so wrong, so clearly wrong. A pure angel like him being touched in such a risqué way like this, he had to do something before he made an even worse mistake.
Suddenly, you feel your hands yanked off his body as he darts out from the vulnerable position against the bookcase in a symphony of fluttering feathers. You look over to your left to see a very flustered Simeon racing for the door.
“Simeon, I wouldn't do that if I were you. If anyone else sees you like that, you’ll ask questions. And besides, I know you’ve got to be at least curious,” you state quickly in hopes to catch him in time before he escapes. He freezes yet again, you were clearly right. His breathing was ragged, his cheeks were stained wine red, his pupils were dilated. The only thing he could do was try to escape but risk bumping into someone else, or stay here with you and risk falling into your advances. But… your advances… Even though he knew it’s dangerous, he seemed rather intrigued. He weighs his options and reluctantly lets go of the door handle.
“Just… don’t go around telling any of the others about this. I don’t want to lose my position,” he sighs as he walks over to the couch and sits down.
“Fine with me. This can just stay between us,” you smile sweetly and rest a hand against his thigh. It was pretty exhilarating thinking that you’ll be this Angel’s first taste of something sinful. He looks at you with fearfully innocent eyes as you shift over onto his lap. You were so close, he swears he could almost feel your heartbeat. As your hands found purchase on his waist yet again, his mind called out to him. This was clearly wrong, clearly inappropriate for an Angel like him. He was supposed to be a being above desires and vices, he was supposed to set an example for humans and angels alike. Maybe, just maybe if he held out a bit longer, he could find another opening to escape. He could quickly run out of the door and hide out in the kitchen for a while until his aroused body finally calmed down. Yes, that’s just what he will do-
His thoughts dissolved like melted butter as your sinful fingers slid under his skin tight black shirt and by the gods did it set his souls alight. His breathing picked up as a whimper escaped his lips.
“Wha.. what… are you…” he could barely stammer out a complete sentence as your fingers inched further and further up. He looked completely dazed, biting his lip, eyes unforced, chest heaving. It was absolutely gorgeous.
“Oh? Has the pure angel Simeon lost the ability to speak already? Too lost in the feelings of desire?” You teased him. So cruel, worse than cruel; he was helpless and vulnerable under you and you were enjoying it. He felt weak, like such a weak angel for allowing a human to come onto him like this and even go so far as to enjoy it. His body was sending mixed messages to him, to both run away and give in at the same time.
“Ngh,” he gasps as he realizes how dangerously close your fingertips were getting to his chest. No, no no he can’t let this happen. If you touch him there, there’s absolutely no way he’s going to be able to fight back. His trembling hands try to reach up for your wrists.
“Please… don’t.. n-not there…” he begged with an airy voice.
“Shhhh pretty angel, just relax. There’s no use fighting this, just let me show you the world of pleasure you’ve been missing out on,” you smirk down at him, causing him to gulp nervously. Pleasure? H-he can’t, he can’t give in to one of the major deadly sins like pleasure. He has to be strong, for him, for his friends, for every being in the celestial realm.
He whines and tries to squirm free, “I can’t, I can’t, I can’t. Can't give into this, I’m an Angel, I’m an Angel, I’m an…” his eyes almost roll back as the pads of your fingers finally reach his delicate chest, gently swiping over his nipples. An elicit moan finally leaves his mouth as his brain turns to mush.
“See? Isn’t it good?” You coo and cup the expanses of his chest. Is this really what he’s been fighting against for oh how many years? This feeling… it’s euphoric… so strangely euphoric, like nothing this poor angel has ever felt. Why does it feel so good? It’s just his chest. Another louder whiny moan escapes him as you press harder.
“You really haven’t been touched anywhere like here before, have you? Have you been fighting it back or have you just never felt the urge to have these places touched?” You whisper vulgarly in his ear.
“Angels… are supposed… to suppress these feelings… never give in… or else it’s a sin…” he explains in between heavy breaths, “When I… would feel… like touching… I… would just read a book… until it goes away…”
“Aw, that sounds so annoying. Have you been close to giving in before?” You smirk as you give a small squeeze to his chest, delighted as the moan you're gifted with.
“Nghhh... hah… mhm. I’ve gotten… close… on days where uh… uh…” he stammers, looking away shyly.
“Come on, if you tell me the truth, I’ll reward you?” You coo to him. Reward…? That sounds interesting.
“Well uh… on days where I would feel… especially p-pent up, I… I would… sometimes have thoughts… of… someone… helping me with it…” he admits, clearly ashamed of himself for having such fantasies as an Angel.
“Ohhh?~ So you fantasize about someone coming along and relieving you of your impure urges?~” You hum fondly, a spark of excitement enters your mind. Could it be possible he had a…
“Would you like to tell me more about this particular idea?” You ask sweetly, rolling his hardened nipples in between your fingers.
“Aghh… hah… that feels… ah, a-anyways, it’s not really something I think I should say out loud. It’s rather… profane…” he mumbled with embarrassment. What kind of angel was he, being groped by a human and telling them his dirty fantasies? It’s so wrong but… something about the wrongness of it all causes him to twitch desperately in his tight slacks. Your eyes widen as you feel the twitch and press right against your backside.
“Hehehe, you’re a dirtier angel than I thought,” you tease as you squeeze his nipples, “Don’t tell me you like being touched like this? Does it excite you?” You tease as you give his nipples a light squeeze. His eyes shut tight as he whines.
“Mmm… I wonder. You’ve had your chances to escape and you’re definitely capable enough to overpower me, yet here you are, laying still as I taint your pure body. Why could that be…” you faint a curious expression as you tease the poor angel even further. You're pretty sure you know the reason why, but using the truth against him to exploit him a little more is far more interesting. You press your thumbs harshly against his nipples.
“Aghhhhh.. p-please…” he has no idea if he’s begging for you to be gentle or rougher.
“I think I’ll just let actions speak louder than words~” you smirk devilishly as you finally give an experimental grind of your hips down onto his aching erection. Simeon feels every nerve in his body light on fire with a burning passion, releasing an embarrassing loud moan as he grasps your waist. Your smirk widens as his lovely reaction; it was everything you could have hoped it would be. Desires of lust surge through his body, all the temptations he's resisted for millennia return to him full force to leave his poor, desperate body aching for relief.
“Mmmm someone’s pent up, look at how hard you are,” one of your hands sneaks down to pull down his white pants and expose his throbbing dick. He groans, it’s so fucking hard and leaking everywhere, it’s so embarrassing.
“You've been trying to resist it for so long, what would happen if I…” you sinisterly brush a finger over the tip as it twitches even harder.
“Aaghh… ahhh…” He moans.
“Oh? Did that feel good?” He coo.
“Ahhah… ahhh… y-yeah… d-damn… I can’t believe… this is happening…” he internally curses himself for falling victim to you. He watches weakly as your hand wraps around it and starts pumping him slowly. This feeling, oh gods, this feeling is something he’s dreamed about for so long. He knew he shouldn’t but having to ignore it for so long has put some rather perverted thoughts in his mind. And all those daydreams and fantasies were finally coming true. He couldn’t hide the goofy smile on his face as your hand squeezes harder.
“Hehehe~ I guess instead of fantasizing about an unknown face helping you with your urges, it will be my face instead,” you cooed, greeted with a deep groan in response.
“Oh? You like that? Like it when I say you’ll only be able to think of me and this moment from now on?” You chuckle as his hips jump up to catch your strokes. He nods, completely lost in the pleasure.
“Am I going to make you obsessed? Is that what it is?” You move your panties to the side as soon as his head leans back.
“Yeah… ahh… ah! Aghh?! W-wait, is that your?” He whines loudly as your dripping, gorgeous pussy rubs over his tip. He hates to say the lords name in vain but god fucking damn it… it felt so, so good. He wants to push in, he wants to feel it squeeze, he desperately wants to go in. His poor, one pure mind is only filled with thoughts and urges to sink his aching dick into your mouth-wateringly tight and wet pussy. He wants it, so, so bad, please, please give it to him. He doesn’t care what happens, he needs it too bad. And as soon as you grant his wishes and sit down on him, he keens. His nails dig into your hips as he thrusts into you like a desperate animal in rut. He doesn’t even know fully what he’s doing, he just needs to fuck, more than anything this world has to offer.
“Aghhh someone’s being eager, couldn’t even wait Ahh, a little bit longer. Aghh you’re so big… aghhh, just keep going,” you wrap your arms around his neck and ride his dick with all the strength you’ve been holding back, lifting your body up and sliding back down.
“Nghh- Hahh, Aaghhhh!!~” Simeon moans in between sobs and heavy pants, flipping you over so your face presses into the velvety couch and your ass is raised right into the air. You look so alluring, so vulnerable like that… he can’t control himself as he mounts you and pushes his twitching cock into your quivering pussy. He sobs and cries as he clings to your hips. Even if this stopped for just a second he thinks he might die. It’s just so good, so tight, so warm. He just needs more, more, more, he can’t help himself anymore.
“Aghhh please please please, I can’t stop, can’t stop!!~” he cries out as he goes impossibly faster, making your eyes roll back as he fucks right against your cervix. Tears spilled down his cheeks as he pushed in further and further, losing the last remaining traces of purity.
“I’m sorry… aghhhhh I-I’m sor… sorryyy… aghhhh!~” His voice cracks as he humps your pussy faster and faster, toes curling each time it squeezes around him. Could this be the message the book was trying to give him? What kind of message even was this? He doesn’t even know anymore, all he knows is he needs to keep thrusting into you until his desires finally relax.
Little did he know this was just the start of it all. He realized it as soon as his hot cum stained the walls of your cunt. This wouldn't be enough for him. It would never be enough. He fucked you over and over and over again, on almost every since surface he could find in his room, trying to relieve the prominent desire that itched just below his skin. He just couldn’t stop, the poor angel was completely enthralled by you, he just couldn’t control it. As your blurry eyes, aching with tears looked back up at the once sweet face that would always smile back at you, you instead saw a darkened, lustful face staring back at you with new light green and black horns standing proudly on his head and a pair of jet black feathered wings fluttering behind him. Maybe playing a prank on him wasn’t such a good idea, you thought to yourself as you felt his dick growing inside of you.
“Aghhh… so good… never… gonna stop…” He heaved as he squeezed your hips harder.
But you gotta admit, it felt good as hell. Its length stretched you out so well, reaching the deepest parts of your pussy your fingers could only dream of touching. You couldn’t stop cumming, over and over again, you were honestly beginning to lose consciousness.
In your delirious state of ecstasy, you pick up on the slight turning of the door handle out of the corner of your eye. On the other side of the door, Solomon was mere seconds away from walking in on an angel falling victim to sin.
“S-Simeo- aghhh simeon t-the d- nghh the door!!” You stammer out between strained moans but it’s already too late.
“N-ngh?” Simeon’s head snapped over to the white haired man that entered the room. His wings immediately wrapped around the two of you to block your leaking bodies from the intruder's view. His scared, sharp eyes peeled from in between his feathers as they ruffled in intimation, releasing a soft growl. Yet through all of this he kept up the same back breaking pace against you poor, abused pussy.
“Uhhhhh… is this a bad time?” Solomon snickered bashfully as a sweltering dark aura surrounded him. In retaliation, a blinding light radiated from Simeon’s eyes and glittering white feathers circled around him. You whined nervously at the impending fight that seemed ready to explode at any second, till suddenly, in a flash of dark red and pink energy, Simeon was wrapped tightly in thorny, blood tinted vines. He groaned in pain before his thrusts came to a halt and his head slumped over.
“Phew, that could have gone a whole lot worse. I have no clue what you two were doing in here and I don’t think I wanna ask. Hope it was fun though,” he started walking back out the door, “Oh, one thing. Because of the magic I used, he might be a bit… ‘excited’ when he wakes up. Just give him a good ‘release’ and he’ll knock right out. When he wakes up again he'll be right back to normal. Good luck, my pupil~” he gave a delightful wave before leaving you all alone with the problem you created. With a shiver you gently tried to cup his cheek, only to jump back at the bright pink eyes that flashed open. He easily ripped apart the vines and smirked at you with a look of pure dominance, a look in pure contrast to the sweet smiles he used to give you.
His voice came out as a low growl, “You… look… delicious. I… need you… so fucking bad right now…” a terrifying shiver shook your body in place.
As Solomon blissfully skipped down the hallway with his hands in his pockets, he chuckled to himself when he heard your screams of fear and pleasure rattling the walls.
“Hehe, those two must be having fun. Maybe I’ll get to join them next time~”
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Reblog + Comment + Like if you wanna see more obey me or Simeon specific posts!~
(Phewww finally done and kinda happy with it! Next is either thirteen or another idea I’ve had recently~ you’ll find out soon enough <3 also comment if you wanna join or leave tag list)
{Tags 🏷️: @letgobro }
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prettyboywarrior · 3 months
/ let's talk about color! The rivalry for the Ivory Throne is between the Nathairs and the Darkwoods. The Darkwoods are the true heirs who had their throne stolen by Ryan's trickery, and as such their primary color is purple, the color of royalty. The Nathairs however are associated with white and Ryan specifically is associated with gold, symbolizing how hea compensating the fact he isn't a true prince with lavish expenses and armor coated in gold, while never wearing the color of true royalty, bc he isn't. He's a snake who tricked, deceived, and killed his way to the top
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alexwritesit · 9 months
Tempus Exsanguis
Tempus Exanguis Drama, fantasy, supernatural
In a world painted with shadows and enigma, a creature borne of dark desires roams the vast expanse of the Darkwood Forest. Cursed by a power-hungry tyrant centuries ago, he seeks solace in his secluded palace, away from the prying eyes that once beheld him in terror. His days blur into nights, defined only by the hunger that gnaws at him and the celestial dome that showers him in ethereal light.
Yet, one fateful night, the silence of the woods shatters. A sinister ambush unfolds, leaving behind a tableau of devastation and betrayal. Among the wreckage, he discovers not only treasures that glimmer with potential but a fragile life hanging by a thread. A whisper from the past beckons, and a choice must be made: to embrace the darkness within or seek the flicker of humanity that remains.
Drawn into a tapestry woven with mystery and destiny, will he remain the cursed creature of the Darkwood or find redemption in the unlikeliest of places?
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In a time shrouded in shadows, a lone soul was ensnared by a malicious curse, turned into a creature of the night four centuries past due to the malevolent desires of a power-hungry being. His monstrous transformation had no foundation but another’s unquenchable thirst for control and influence. Three centuries later, he found a semblance of solace when this vile entity met his demise under the burning kiss of the sun, a fate befitting his cruel nature.
He experienced a fleeting taste of victory, driving a stake through the heart of his tormentor, naively hoping for liberation, for a return to his loved ones. However, his reunion was nothing but a mirage of hope, as he emerged from the shadowed foliage, smeared in the crimson liquid of his enemy, gasping, sprinting towards his family only to be met with eyes filled with terror and whispers of abomination. He was forsaken, exiled in silent agreement, his existence erased from the family lore.
His connection to humanity became a delicate, painful dance. The sun could caress him, but its radiant embrace turned into fiery fingers if lingered in too long. His hunger morphed; it was not the crimson life of humans he craved but the wild heartbeat of the forest creatures. His existence was a solitaire of questions and whispers, the ivory sharpness of his teeth a constant reminder of his cursed fate, especially in an era laden with superstition and fear of the unknown.
In his solitude, he claimed the forsaken abode of his enemy, a grand edifice concealed within the embracing arms of Darkwood Forest, encircled by the whispering trees and murmuring valleys. It was a sanctuary away from prying eyes, the only place he could call home. A declaration of a newfound lineage allowed him to claim the ominous dwelling as his refuge, transforming it from a mausoleum of torment into a shelter against the world that shunned him.
He cleansed the place of its malevolent past, flames devouring his visages, his memories. The lingering souls trapped within its confines were given their final resting place, buried with the whispers of the wind and the tears of the moon, even the dungeons that once echoed with his own cries of despair. His enemy had had his sinister pleasures.
Four centuries had passed since the cruel transformation, and just over three since he laid claim to the haunting palace amidst the secluded woods. The once dominating portrait of the former master, which had hung atop the grand staircase, now left behind an empty frame, a void echoing past atrocities. At night, the vast glass dome overhead became a portal to the heavens, framing a vast tapestry of twinkling stars and the radiant moon, casting an ethereal glow that danced on the ornate staircase beneath, turning the cold marble to liquid silver.
Often, he would find solace beneath this celestial view, sinking into a plush couch, his gaze ascending to the infinite expanse above. Each star seemed a distant dream, and he would lose himself in their gentle shimmer, making silent wishes, perhaps yearning for a forgotten humanity. The sharp contours of his fangs, felt with a tentative finger, were a cruel reminder of his monstrous reality — they remained unchanged, unforgiving. The luminescence of the moon would cradle him, and amidst its soft embrace, he would drift into a restless slumber.
But morning always arrived, uninvited. The golden rays of the emerging sun would gradually intensify, their warmth turning to a searing prick against his pallid skin. A stinging reminder of the curse he bore, urging him once again into the shadows.
Navigating the dim corridors of the palace, he would linger in the shadows, especially during the tormented hours of dawn. The cheerful melodies of birds chirping outside served as a cruel reminder of the life he was cut off from. Their curious eyes would peer through his window, observing him as though he were a rare exhibit, a creature of myths and legends. With every chirp and flutter, he felt more incarcerated, yearning for a world he once knew, wondering how it had transformed in his absence.
On occasion, drawn by a mix of nostalgia and hope, he would descend to the palace’s basement. Once a place of horrors, it now stood barren, a silent witness to times gone by. Over the years, this underground haven had morphed into a repository of lost trinkets and discarded items, remnants from travelers who journeyed on the old road nearby. It was a road seldom chosen, covered in a blanket of dust and memories, yet favored by a few for its direct path to the North. Each forgotten relic he discovered told a story, a fleeting connection to the ever-changing world outside his gilded cage.
The repetition of his days had melded into a melancholic rhythm, each morning echoing the last, each evening a haunting refrain of isolation. Sunlight hours found him nestled within the comforting embrace of the lounge, the warmth from a perpetually lit fireplace his only companion. Regardless of the season’s capricious whims, the flames danced tirelessly, casting a hypnotic glow that reflected the unyielding nature of his curse.
When night cloaked the world in its velvety darkness, he’d venture beyond the palace walls, wandering the dense expanse of the forest. On certain nights, the gnawing hunger would take hold, compelling him to feed on the wild creatures that called the woods home. Yet, not every excursion was driven by primal need. Often, he’d search the underbrush for the earth’s bounty — fragrant herbs, ripe fruits, and tantalizing berries — nature’s own remedies and sustenance.
Back within the palace, an expansive collection of medicinal tomes awaited him. A legacy left behind by the tyrant he had once been shackled to, these books spanned languages so ancient and arcane, they seemed woven from the threads of forgotten dreams. Yet, from those he could decipher, he gleaned knowledge and distraction, a tether to humanity and the world that once was.
The night, draped in its familiar silence, promised nothing out of the ordinary. With the pangs of hunger already stilled by a previous hunt, he found himself wandering the forest’s labyrinthine paths, searching for botanical treasures. Guided by the knowledge etched in ancient tomes, he hoped to discover herbs that might shield him from the sun’s cruel embrace. Cloaked in obsidian fabrics that blended seamlessly with the night, his hands sifted through the underbrush, seeking nature’s balm.
In the midst of his quiet search, a shimmering movement caught his eye. A majestic deer, its coat glistening under a serendipitous beam of moonlight, paused to observe him. They became statues in the nocturnal ballet, two creatures from different realms held captive by each other’s gaze. It felt like an unspoken challenge, a game of wills, each waiting for the other to break the trance, anticipating the cascade of events that might follow the slightest twitch or turn.
The deer continued to graze undisturbed, breaking eye contact with him as if saying that it trusts him for now, as he watched move its head he removed his gaze from it, and focusing on the red berries in the bush in front of him, were these poisonous or were they the remedy he needed. Whatever they were, they could prove useful somehow, and poison thankfully no longer worked on him. He chuckled at the thought eating a poison berry and just nothing happening to him, just tasting the bitter and sour taste in his mouth as the berry slowly dissolved.
Suddenly, the stillness of the night was shattered by a thunderous eruption, echoing as if the very earth had split just paces away. The deer, in a heartbeat, became a fleeting shadow, disappearing into the enigmatic depths of the Darkwood forest, as if the very night swallowed it whole.
Instinctively, he too felt the primal urge to vanish, to melt into the surroundings. Even with his unique abilities, the forest concealed creatures for whom he might be mere prey. But curiosity, that most human of traits, tugged at him. Rising gracefully from his crouch, each step deliberate and silent, he was drawn toward the source of the disturbance.
The ambient sounds painted a chaotic picture — desperate shouts that melded with the harsh crackling of flames, interspersed with the chilling song of clashing steel. A confrontation, fierce and escalating, was unfolding nearby.
Slipping through the thickets, his form blended seamlessly with the obsidian tapestry of the night, a mastery he had perfected over his years of solitude. In another life, adrenaline would’ve pulsed through his veins, but now, it was just a haunting void of what once was, urging him forward with silent, calculated steps. As he neared the commotion, the cacophonous clash of steel grew distant, replaced by the sporadic murmurs of conversation and the sinister hiss of fire feasting on wood.
Emerging on the edge of the old, almost forgotten road, a noxious blend of blood and sulfur assailed his senses. The scene before him was one of chaos and brutality, clearly the aftermath of a deliberate ambush. The moonlight painted the aftermath in stark relief: strewn bodies, discarded weapons, and the morbid glow of flames consuming a capsized carriage. By its steps lay a figure, draped in a cloak, eerily still — the futile escape of someone significant.
“Finally, this took too long!” a voice rang out, frustration evident.
“Shut up, at least it’s done, and we’re getting paid,” another countered, gruff and authoritative, suggesting he held command.
Two others were busy, methodically drenching the fallen in some vile concoction. Pausing by the cloaked figure, one hesitated, “What about this one?”
“Leave it. They need to identify someone,” the leader instructed.
With a nod, the henchman tossed a lit match, transforming the macabre scene into a roaring inferno, rivaling the intensity of the day’s sun. As the flames climbed higher, their conversation and laughter faded, leaving behind a testament to cruelty and a burning thirst for vengeance in his heart.
As the last echoes of hoofbeats faded into the night, the forest returned to its eerie quietude, punctuated only by the crackling flames. Emerging fully from his shadowed sanctuary, he surveyed the grim tableau — a panorama of devastation illuminated by the hungry flames, turning night into an ominous day.
Drawn to the carriage, glimmers of opulence caught his eye. It wasn’t mere gold; it was a fortune, a trove that would tempt even the most honorable of souls. Yet, as he sifted through the treasures, it became clear that this wasn’t a mere robbery gone awry; it was a calculated act of political or personal malice. Cracking open a chest, a cascade of jewels spilled forth, their facets reflecting the firelight in a dazzling array of colors. They would make a captivating addition to his collection, a stark contrast to the darkness of his secluded abode.
And, perhaps, they held potential for more mundane joys. With the right merchant and the right moment, they could become a means of obtaining artifacts and goods from the world he was so cruelly severed from.
A whispered plea, fragile and haunting, broke through the ambient crackling of the fire. On edge, he swiftly scanned the environment, half-expecting some hidden adversary to emerge from the shadows. Anchored in his surroundings, he recoiled slightly from the carriage, eyes darting to the blazing remains around him. But the engulfed bodies, now reduced to smoldering husks, held no voice, no spirit. Their essence had been stolen by the night’s malevolence.
His attention was irresistibly drawn back to the carriage by a feeble hand, its pallor contrasting starkly against the dark fabric of the robe. His deep, sanguine eyes met the gesture with a moment of aversion. For a heartbeat, temptation whispered to him, suggesting he could end the figure’s pain while satisfying his own dark hunger. Yet, the dim spark of his remaining humanity held him back, serving as a thin barrier against his basest urges.
With deft movements, he secured the chest of precious gems into his pouch, his gaze never straying far from the wounded figure. Blood painted the interior of the carriage, but amidst the crimson, another form lay still and lifeless. A casualty of the night’s ruthlessness, an innocent ensnared in a larger, darker design.
The injured figure at his feet, a pitiable blend of groans and pleas, tugged at the buried memories of his distant past. An echo from four centuries prior resonated within him, when he too was sprawled, broken and desperate, pleading for mercy from an enigmatic savior. Observing the writhing form, a sense of déjà vu gripped him, merging past and present in a poignant moment of shared agony. But as the hand’s movement stilled, brushing against his boots, he realized the precipice of death this being teetered upon.
A whispered exclamation escaped his lips as he examined the wounds. Not fatal at first glance, but every twitch or jostle could hasten the end. With a gentle touch, he stooped, cradling the frail form in his arms. To him, the weight was no more than that of fragile grapes, ready to burst at the slightest pressure.
A backwards glance revealed the fire’s diminishing rage, its fiery tendrils retracting, ensuring the forest remained untouched. Yet, come dawn, the site might beckon curious knights, unless their loyalties had already been bought.
Venturing away from the path, enveloped by the comforting obscurity of the night, he realized a significant departure from his norm. After countless solitary decades, his abode would house another, if only for a fleeting moment.
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If you've read this far, and like the first chapter, then I invite you if you so wish to read the second chapter of the story on RoyalRoad! The second chapter is already up, and the third chapter will be available for your reading pleasure on Friday, The 6th of October!
Your support, comments and likes mean a lot, criticism is welcome of this work!
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Castled By Rook
She was tired- She never showed it but The Knight had always known; ever since he returned from making his tracks and trails across their vast land with seashore icechips in his eyes and a streak of age in his hair he had always known her exhaustion like he know his own.
‘Guard me.’, she had asked, ‘Again, for the last time this time I should hope.’
‘I will.’, he had answered softly, ‘Because She would have wanted me to- wanted me to protect her closest friend.’
Zelda’s smile is wry and pained, his is weak and lost.
She teaches him chess- they play on a board whose squares are made of bone and horn. His fingers are calloused and strong and the gently carved pieces creak at first from his twitchy grip. She lays a gloved hand over his own- and turns the board. Letting the darker pieces sit on his side.
‘Hold them like you would hold her, Link.’, she whispers.
He screws his eyes shut for a moment, and then he does. She smiles, tired and wishing he had the chance to hold her. How could she not hope for such things? As a royal, she had hoped for only kindness and gentleness from a betrothal for her closest friend. As a woman, as a breathing and loving being, she had hoped for love to be the cause of those things.
To know that Midna would have received neither, had received neither and instead had been gifted a war and battle and a journey into the kind of darkness that broke lesser warriors was… painful.
But even more painful was to know that the wanderer-knight who sat in front of her was made of all those hopes but even he lost out to the almighty deity of duty was excruciating.
She taught him to play chess. He taught her where the bone and horn in the board came from.
He kissed the darkwood queen piece goodbye when the game was packed up; and Zelda smiled tiredly as she took it to replace it in its velvet pocket.
He kissed the piece goodbye; she told it goodnight and sweet dreams.
Together, they mourned, and years pass like clotting blood until she fully is seated upon a throne of gold and ivory and holy light with eyes like razors and a wit sharp enough to shred spiderwebs with a breathed word. Her decrees are ironclad and strong- her voice is her father’s and her plans have the touch of her mother and her eyes burn like ember and coal- ancient sacraments alight when her ability or intelligence is questioned before she burns down foundations. She is not cruel, but she is cold.
‘The twilight stole her grace.’, they whisper, ‘The darkness snatched away her smile.’
She watches her kingdom and knows, deep down, they are not wrong. She knows, deep down- her dusklight was snatched away by the very Goddess she is to swear her holy fealty to and she grips the sill of the window she watches out of and hates the tears that fall because they are not fear or weakness or any other thing she could choke down and break off to discard like she had so many things-
They are grief- oh, they are grief! They are tears of grief and they burn as they fall and she swears they are viscous and mocking as they hit the stone sill and shimmer like they could be a mirror...
0 notes
pokeswagmom · 4 years
Completionist Dreamer
I have completed quite a few sets of furniture so I thought I could hold a cataloging party 🎉(tho one person at a time in case of people stealing, I hear about a few cases of this so I'm going to be cautious) also to help me search for my wishlist items and also complete sets and variations of other items.
Edit (7/26/2020): I have added a bunch more furniture and will be attempting to catalogue as much as possible.
Edit (8/17/2020): I also have a nookazon list of my catalogue and wishlist if you want them. Still working on items beyond the letter "g."
Edit (10/03/2020): This post is a bit long and so I will be reposting it but with things I have catalogued/on hand and things I’m looking for.
Edit (01/03/2021): No longer using this post!
Furniture I have at hand 🎁
Antique Bureau (brown, natural, black)
Arcade games (combat, mahjong, fighting)
Arcade seat (red, gray, blue)
Autograph cards (IH hand prints, signature, words of wisdom, illustration)
Automatic Washer (green, white, pink, blue, yellow, black)
Basic teachers desk (standard, wooden, monotone)
Beach chair (blue, yellow, black, white, orange, pink)
Blue corner, red corner, neutral corner
Board game (territory, simple path, kid’s)
Books (Western, Japanese, encyclopedia, textbook)
Book stands (colorful, pastel, brown, black)
Bottled ship (leisure, pirate, trading)
Candy machine (blue, red, pink, yellow)
Cardboard boxes (apple, orange, cherry, pear, peach, regular)
Champion’s pennant (red, green, black, blue)
Chalkboard (foreign language, art, after school, blank, math, music, club activities)
Chessboard (brown, black)
Coffee cup (elegant, plain, floral, polka dot, rose, royal)
Colorful wheel (items, colorful numbers, two toned numbers, win or lose, black & red)
Cypress bath (light wood, natural wood, dark wood)
Elaborate kimono stand (cranes, wisteria, hawk, balls, peonies)
Electric bass (cosmos black, deep ocean, shocking pink, natural wood, chic white, space silver, ash green)
Fishing-boat flag (longevity, bounty, big catch, launch)
Flashy flower sign (pop, elegant, cute)
Floating-biotope Planter (white, black, brown, artistic)
Floor lights (white, orange, red, pink, purple, blue, light blue, green)
Foosball table (brown, dark brown, blue)
Fortune-telling set (black, purple)
Garden gnome (IH sleepy, surprised, passionate, rebel, hungry, laid-back, reliable, springtly)
Garden lantern (black, bronze, white)
Globe (cool, sepia, standard)
Lecture-hall bench (light brown, dark brown)
Lecture-hall desk (dark brown, light brown, white)
Life Ring (blue, orange, red, yellow)
Low screen (IH light brown, dark brown, brown)  
Menu chalkboard (IH natural, dark brown, blue, red, white)
Mr & Mrs Flamingos (natural, pink)
Office desk (white, beige & white, brown & black, gray)
Panda set (baby, mama, papa)
Paper lantern (natural, dark, orange)
Pinball Machine (white, red, blue, black, brown)
Record box (red, yellow, blue, green, gray, black, white)
Retro gas pump (red, yellow, green, black, white, rusted)
Rocket lamps (blue, red, yellow, turquoise, purple, green, pink)
School chairs (all, dm for full list)
School desks (all, dm for full list)
Screen (bamboo, dragon, plum, tiger, pine)
Old sewing machine (black, green, silver)
Train set (spring, summer, fall, winter)
Sandcastle (natural sand, white sand)
Shaved-ice maker (silver, green)
Street organ (blue, dark brown, yellow, natural)
Surfboard (white, red, hibiscus flowers, cool, stripes, brown)
Throwback container (IH blue, green, yellow, black, white, light blue, red)  
Traditional tea set (floral, goldfish, plain)
Water cooler (white, black)
Items I can order 📬  To Order (TO)/I have (IH)
Accessories stand (IH white, brown, light blue, pink TO black)
Air circulator (TO pink, white, green, black, yellow)
Aluminum briefcase (TO gold bars) (IH cash money)
Analog kitchen scale (IH green, black, light blue TO red, blue, ivory, black, pink, yellow)
Anthurium plant (TO brown, white, light blue, black, pink)
Antique items (TO all, I do have some, dm for details)
Baby bear (TO caramel, choco, floral, checkered, cream, tweed)
Baby chair (TO blue, white, red, pink, yellow, green, black)
Ball (TO basketball, soccer ball, volley ball, dodge ball)
Barbecue (TO red, white, black, yellow, green)
Basketball hoop (TO green, blue, black)
Bathroom towel rack (TO gold, silver, copper, black)
Billiard table (TO blue, green, red)
Box corner sofa (black, magenta, orange, yellow, white, turquoise, pink, navy blue)
Box sofa (black, navy blue, white, turquoise, pink, yellow, orange, magenta) <- all sofas need to be ordered, except turquoise
Candle (TO gold, silver, copper, white, black)
Cartoonist’s set (TO black, silver, brown, pink)
Cat grass (IH light blue TO white, pink, red, black) 
Cat tower (IH pink, gray TO beige, navy blue, brown, white)
Cute Set (TO sky blue, yellow, red, blue) (IH white, dm for details)
Climbing wall (IH natural, blue, white, pink)
Clothes line pole (TO silver, blue)
Cooler box (IH red, blue, TO green, yellow)
Corkboard (TO blue, natural, white)
Cypress plant (TO blue, white, yellow, black, brown)
Deluxe washer (IH blue, pink, white, yellow TO black, red)
Den desk (TO white, dark wood, brown wood, red wood, natural)
Diner neon sign (TO red, orange, green) (IH purple, blue)
Dish drying rack (IH blue TO yellow, red, black, white, silver)
Dolly (IH red, blue, green, pink, purple, white)
Double-door refrigerator (TO silver, white, red, black)
Drying rack (TO silver, ivory, black, white)
Elephant slide (TO blue, pink, red, light blue, white, black, gray, yellow)
Essay set (TO in progress, blank, writer’s block, letter)
Exit sign (TO <-, ->, red exit, <- ->)
Fancy violin (IH black, white) (TO natural)
Fireplace (TO dark brown, white, beige) (IH red)
Fragrance diffuser (TO white, pink, yellow, green, blue)
Fragrance sticks (TO black, blue, brown, green)
Garden faucet (TO wooden, concrete, stainless IH mosaic tile, red brick)
Garbage bin ( IH black, brown, yellow, blue TO green, red, blue, white)
Gas range (IH silver TO black, blue, white, red)
Gears (TO wooden, silver, copper, gears, black)
Glass holder with candle (TO white, red, pink, green, blue, purple)
Grand piano (IH black, white TO cherry, walnut)
Hamster cage (TO blue, yellow, red, brown, pink)
Harp (IH black, white TO brown, light brown, dark brown)
Imperial Items (TO all colors) (IH dm for details)
Incense burner (IH deep sea, sandalwood, tea, cherry blossoms TO rose, forest)
Knife Block (TO black) (IH silver, natural)
Macrame tapestry (TO white, green, pink, blue)
Metronome (TO cream, red, black, brown, blue)
Microwave (TO white, black, red, green)
Mug (TO red, blue, white, black, green, yellow, pink, turquoise)
Nail-art set (TO pink, black)
Oil Barrel (IH light blue, green, caution TO light green, blue, orange, caution, red, damaged)
Pants press (TO brown, gray, black)
Pedal board (pink, green, black)
Popcorn machine (TO black, blue) (IH pink, red, green)
Pot rack (IH silver TO pop, wooden)
Pro tape recorder (TO gray, brown, black)
Shower booth (TO white, blue, black) (IH pink)
Simple Panel (light gray, black, white, brown, brown, light brown, copper, silver, gold)
Speed bag (TO red) (IH black, blue)
Throwback skull radio (TO white, red, black, ash, green, gray)
Sturdy Sewing Box (dm details)
Looking For 🔍👀(LF)/I have 🤲(IH):
Air conditioner (LF brown, gray, white) (TO black, blue, pink)
Amp (LF orange, red) (IH black, brown TO blue, white, pink)
Broom and dustpan (LF dark brown) (IH natural TO colorful, white)
Bunk bed (LF black, pink) (IH silver, blue, yellow, white, red)
Camp stove (LF green) (TO brown, yellow, black, red, blue)
Camping cot (LF camo, pop, simple, snow) (TO red, green, blue, yellow)
Cassette player (LF green, yellow) (TO red, pink, silver, black, blue, white)
Celebratory candles (LF black, brown, light brown) (TO blue, white)
Cello (LF black) (IH natural, white)
Changing room (LF blue, dark brown) (IH gray, pink TO beige, black, green)
Claw foot tub (LF white, pink, blue, yellow) (TO red, black)
Clothes closet (LF blue, orange) (IH black, light blue, white, pink)
Cone (LF yellow, blue, caution) (IH red, white, green stripes, reflective stripes, caution, red stripes)
Cordless phone (LF red, pink) (TO white, black, silver, light blue, yellow)
Cream and sugar (LF silver) (TO brown, floral, white)
Cuckoo clock (LF red, blue) (TO yellow, white, black, green, natural)
Den chair (LF brown, camel, green, red) (TO black, white)
Desk mirror (LF blue) (TO gold, red, black, white, pink)
Desktop computer (LF white) (TO silver, pink, black)
Digital alarm clock (LF green, white, light blue, pink) (TO purple, orange, black, blue)
Digital scale (LF black, red, blue, brown, green) (TO yellow, white)
Diner Items (LF cream counter chair, cream counter table, cream dining table, cream sofa) (IH all aqua, rest TO)
Diner neon clock (LF pink, purple, aquamarine) (red, cream, blue, yellow)
Director's chair (LF black) (TO light brown, dark brown, white)
DJ’s turntable (LF white) (IH pink TO black, brown)
Double-sided wall clock (LF yellow, white, green) (IH black, red, silver)
Double sofa (LF green) (TO red, black, blue, white, light brown, dark brown)
Drum set (LF wood, pink, black & white) (TO yellow, green, white, black, blue)
Effects rack (LF orange, white) (TO black, blue, pink, red)
Electric guitar (LF cherry, natural wood, chic white, cosmos black) (IH sunburst, marine)
Electric kick scooter (LF white, blue, pink, green) (TO red, yellow)
Espresso maker (LF yellow, silver) (IH green, white TO red, blue, black)
Exercise ball (LF gold) (TO blue, black, pink, white)
Exercise bike (LF yellow) (TO black, white, red)
Fan (LF light blue, pink, black) (IH white)
Fan palm (LF blue, red) (TO green, black, white, brown)
Fax machine (LF black, red) (TO pink, white, brown)
Floor lamp (LF brown) (TO white, natural, black)
Floor seat (LF darkwood) (IH black, natural, lightwood)
Floor sign (LF stop, slippery) (TO no entry, warning IH no parking)
Folding chair (LF brown, black) (IH white, green, blue, red)
Folding lamp (LF white, blue, gray, black) (IH light green TO red, yellow, silver)
Formal paper (LF dark brown) (IH brown TO light brown)
Freezer (LF beige, silver) (IH white, black)
Golf bag (LF green, brown, pink) (IH colorful TO red, silver)
Hammock (LF light brown, blue, yellow, white, black) (TO pink, brown)
Handcart (LF black, blue) (TO green, yellow, red, brown)
Handy water cooler (LF blue, red, yellow, plaid) (TO green, avocado)
Heart doorplate (LF monotone, purple, light blue, green) (IH blue TO orange, red)
Hose reel (LF red, black) (TO silver, green, blue, yellow)
Hourglass (LF black, brown) (TO white, natural)
Humidifier (LF brown, natural, white, blue, pink, yellow, green) (TO purple)
Inflatable sofa (LF  green, purple) (IH pink, blue polka, rainbow, camo TO lime)
Kitchen Island (LF blue, red, dark brown) (IH black TO white, light brown, silver)
Kitty litter box (LF orange, brown, green) (TO white, light blue, pink, black)
Laptop (LF black, white, pink, blue, silver) (IH red TO gold)
Lawn chair (LF red/white/blue, pink, yellow) (TO green, black, blue)
Lawn mower (LF blue, green, yellow) (TO red, orange)
Light switch (LF brown, wood grain) (TO white, silver)
Loft bed with desk (LF pink, black) (IH orange TO brown, natural, white, light blue)
Long bathtub (LF black marble, pink, light blue) (IH two-toned, white marble TO white, green)
Magnetic knife rack (LF wooden) (IH silver TO pop)
Mama bear (LF caramel, choco) (TO cream, caramel mocha, floral, checkered, tweed)
Microscope (LF black) (TO white, silver)
Mini fridge (LF black, yellow, wood) (TO gray, white, pink, red)
Mobile (LF hot air balloons, gorgeous) (IH space TO ocean, sheep)
Modern office chair (LF pink, green, yellow, light blue) (IH blue, red, black)
Monstera (LF black, brown) (TO red, blue, white, yellow)
Old-fashioned alarm clock (LF gold, copper, red, ) (TO white, light blue)
Outdoor bench (LF red, black) (TO white, green, blue)
Outdoor generator (LF orange, turquoise, red, yellow) (TO white, blue)
Outdoor table (LF black) (TO white, green, blue, red)
Painting set (LF pink, white)  (TO yellow, blue)
Papa bear (LF caramel, checkered)
Party garland (LF pastel) (TO gorgeous, colorful, boating stripes, orange & black, pop)
Pennant (LF classic, sponsor, souvenir) (TO sports, university)
Pet bed (LF natural) (IH dark brown, white)
Pet food bowl (LF orange, blue) (TO green, pink, red)
Piano bench (LF light green, camel, green) (TO brown, white, black, red, blue)
Picnic basket (LF green, white, blue) (TO red, yellow, gray)
Plastic canister (LF gray) (IH red, white, blue, green)
Plastic pool (LF green, blue, pink) (TO orange, colorful, polka dots)
Poolside bed (LF light brown) (TO dark brown, orange)
Pop-up toaster (LF silver) (IH light blue, green TO white, yellow, red)
Portable radio (LF black, white, green, yellow) (IH red TO pink, blue, light blue)
Portable record player (LF blue) (TO pink, red, yellow, orange, green, black)
Protein shaker bottle (LF plain, strawberry) (TO vanilla, cocoa)
Pull-up-bar stand (LF red) (TO black, yellow, blue)
Puching bag (LF red, blue) (IH black)
Feel free to dm to set up a time to touch catalogue (meaning: you pick up the item and drop it so it's now available for you to purchase on your own on the Nooks Shopping app, please do not take the item without asking).
For things I can order, I will directly give the item to you since I am running out of room on my island (the lag is getting bad... plus my storage is very full) or have no place to put that item and I’d rather not have that item cluttering space in my storage. Some items I may not have on hand and will need to order. Bold items on my LF list are preferred to be touch catalogued only.
Even if you don't have anything on what I'm looking for, still feel free to dm me, I'll just ask you to help water the flower fields and/or ask for materials like stone or wood (just 5-10 pieces are fine, I know giving out a stack really cuts into your resources supply!) For large amounts of items, I’ll split them into cataloging over a few days since it takes time to gather everything. Again please DM me, I tend to miss replies and not pay attention to likes either. On the other hand, if I don't have something you want, but you have something I am looking for, send me your wishlist! I may be able to help out with those.
No matter how old this post is, as long as its not crossed out it's still going! Again thanks for reading through this entire post, I know it's a bit long but I'm cramming as much information on one post so we'll be on the same page ☺
Edit (7/26/2020) I am unsure of what I have on hand because I now have two profiles, so I will have to check. Also for large amounts of items that you want to catalogue from me, I will limit to around 15-20 items per day and ask you to help water! It takes time to gather all the items so this is what I will be asking of you.
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ophelries-writes · 2 years
repose with me on the ground whence we came (excerpt)
She slips inside the room.
With the grooves of Monnabat carvings and cool inlaid ivory upon her spine, she steps backwards and only stops when a heavy, resounding peal of the grand study door closing shakes the still air. 
Her shape becomes blurred at the lines in the wake of the closed door and its fleet-footed darkness, swathed by the shadows as though a mantle. 
She stays there, unmoving, palms flat against darkwood.
“It is a new day now, my love.”
Oriana drinks in — a woman parched, she is — the sight of the man whose handsome face, limned by the lick of the candlelight, betrays a weariness that runs deeper beyond the bone. Revelling in the knowledge that she has marred it, tore away the calmness that he wears like a second skin, all on her own — her ego is more than a little stroked.
0 notes
preservationandruin · 7 years
Oathbringer Liveblog Part Five, Chapters 114-116
This part is titled New Unity, which I can only hope is a positive sign. Our perspectives are, somehow, an EVEN LONGER LIST THAN LAST TIME: The Knights Radiant, which could include up to like seven people; Ash; Navani; Adolin; Taravangian; Yanagawn (better known as Gawx); Palona; Vyre; and Wit.
Yes, that is--of course--nine viewpoints. Wonderful. Nine, just coming up again and again. 
Dalinar meets the Mother and in the present-day starts gathering his resolve. Unfortunately, at precisely that moment in every single setting we’re near, everything goes directly to hell. 
Flashback, because god forbid we catch up on any of those tantalizing plot threads left dangling throughout the Interludes and the end of the last Part
Dalinar wakes up in a Stormwagon. He’s clearly just had a Vision--one of the first--but hasn’t really realized what’s going on. We get that one of Dalinar’s soldiers--Felt--actually had visited the Nightwatcher before. Apparently, the Nightwatcher didn’t actually come for Felt--she doesn’t visit everyone. You go in right after dark, alone, because she doesn’t like groups. We get a flock of “chickens”--black, size of a fist, seem like they’re close to being Starlings to me. 
The Nightwatcher lives in a valley that is exploding with plant life. All of it falls on top of itself, a wild overgrowth. 
Dalinar heads inward, once night falls. 
He could barely see in the darkness, but Felt had been right--trails revealed themselves as vines and branches bent away from him, allowing Dalinar entrance with the same reluctance as guards allowing an unfamiliar man into the presence of their king.  He had hoped for the Thrill to aid him here. This was a challenge, was it not? He felt nothing, not even a hint. 
GOOD. The Thrill is the last thing you want to be feeling, pretty much ever. 
Wait. What was that? A sound different from scurries in the underbrush or vines withdrawing. He stopped in place. It was... Weeping.  Oh, Almighty above. No. He heard a boy weeping, pleading for his life. It sounded like Adolin. Dalinar turned from the sound, searching the darkness. Other screams and pleas joined that one, people burning as they died. 
Of course, it wasn’t going to be that easy. Dalinar tries to run, but the undergrowth trips him; the voices grow and he panics, summoning Oathbringer and trying to clear space. 
Suddenly he saw himself in the Unclaimed Hills, fighting those traitorous parshmen. He saw himself killing, and hacking, and murdering. He saw his lust, eyes wide and teeth clenched in a dreadful grin. A skull’s grin.  He saw himself strangling Elhokar, who had never possessed his father’s poise or charm. Dalinar took the throne. It should have been his anyway.  His armies poured into Herdaz, then Jah Keved. He became a king of kings, a mighty conqueror whose accomplishments far overshadowed those of his brother. Dalinar forged a unified Vorin empire that covered half of Roshar. An unparalleled feat!  And he saw them burn.  Hundreds of villages. Thousands upon thousands of people. It was the only way. If town resisted, you burned it to the ground. You slaughtered any who fought back, and you left the corpses of their loved ones to feed the scavengers. You sent terror before you like a storm until your enemies surrendered. 
This is what he sees for himself if he escapes alcoholism. Holy shit. The epitome of “do you sacrifice people for something great.” And Dalinar--the great man in Dalinar, the one fighting the horrible man--knows that that’s not what he wants. 
And the Nightwatcher comes. 
Hello, human. You smell of desperation. The feminine voice was like a hundred overlapping whispers. The elongated figure moved among the trees ringing the clearing, stalking him like a predator. 
The Nightwatcher is a dark green mist, vaguely like a person crawling, long essence trailing behind her, distended limbs reaching out. The only detail is a face, vaguely feminine. Hands sprout from the mist that is her, thousands of them, holding Dalinar’s face. 
What is it you wish of me? the Nightwatcher asked. What boon drives you, Son of Honor? Son of Odium? 
That’s a very interesting way to refer to him. 
The boon he asks for is forgiveness. She pauses, asking if he wants various things, including “a blade that bleeds darkness and cannot be defeated.” 
Did...did she have Nightblood at some point? Because that sure sounds like Nightblood. 
Nightwatcher keeps asking him, until something--speaking like Stormy does in ALL CAPITALS--interrupts her. 
Hesitant, Dalinar turned and found a woman with brown skin--the color of darkwood bark--standing at the edge of the clearing. She had a matronly build and wore a sweeping brown dress.  Mother? the Nightwatcher said. Mother, he came to me. I was going to bless him. 
Dalinar walks with her into the forest, the Nightwatcher walking beside them; she says she lets the Nightwatcher hold court because it helps her understand humanity. She tells Dalinar to ask Honor for forgiveness; he answers that he couldn’t find it there. 
“I am doomed, then,” Dalinar whispered, stopping in place. He could still hear those voices. “They weep, Mother.”  She looked back at him. 
The first time she turns to look at him is when he calls her Mother. 
This woman...she was more than he could see. Vines from her dress curled into the earth, permeating everything. In that moment, he knew that he was not seeing her, but instead a fragment with which he could interact.  This woman extended into eternity. 
She says she will not make him into who he can become, although she will take his “compulsions”--his alcoholism, I assume. And she says she will provide a “pruning,” a careful excision to help him grow. Which is exactly what she did. And she warned him that the cost would be high. 
Anyway. She warned him that she would take Evi from him as well--and Dalinar, realizing that he never deserved her, tells her to do it. 
And when he crawls out of the forest, he’s forgotten. He assumes Evi was killed by assassins, and that his breakdown was due only to grief at her death. And he asks to find a copy of the Way of Kings. 
Over to Dalinar in the present. This epigraph is from the Eila Stele, talking about the coming of humanity to Roshar. 
The Voidbringers are coming toward Thaylen City, heading in on the storm. It hangs in the air over Thaylen City. The Alethi start pouring out of the city to fight them--Amaram’s troops,  which doesn’t give me high hopes, but, you know, Amaram is good at killing people, so there’s that at least. 
“You know, Cultivation warned me that my memories would return. She said she was ‘pruning’ me. Do you know why she did that? Did I have to remember?”  I do not know. Is it relevant?  “That depends on the answer to a question,” Dalinar said. He carefully closed the book atop the dresser before the window, then felt the symbols on the cover. “What is the most important step a man can take?” 
Cut to Shadesmar. Shallan, Adolin, and Kaladin are uniformly worried, especially given that there’s a “large dark mass of living red light” is on the shore--probably the Everstorm. We haven’t seen it in here, yet. And then there’s six Fused. 
Pretty bullshit odds. Shallan is pretty close to despairing. Syl and Kaladin are determined to get through. We head over to Jasnah, who has realized that Thaylen City is--probably--lost. Ivory also says that there’s a traitor, which is what she’s been suspecting. 
Also, Jasnah in a scout’s tunic and trousers. 
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Listen I’m just a hopeless bi living my life here.
A spren rose from [Renarin’s] back, bright red, shimmering like the heat of a mirage. A crystalline structure, like a snowflake, though it dripped light upward toward the ceiling. In her pouch, she carried a sketch of the proper spren of the Truthwatchers.  And this was something different. 
Also, he’s in Pailiah’Elin’s temple--she was the one who led the Truthwatchers, if I remember right. Awwwh, Ren...
Venli is noting that Odium is very ready to spend lives--listener and singer lives, not only human lives. Timbre is more solidly getting “she” pronouns, here. Venli’s on the battlefield as an interpreter. The singers are...not happy with fighting. Some of them are fishers. They don’t, necessarily, want vengeance. They just want somewhere to call home. 
The Fused says they have “the wrong Passion,” saying that the Alethi were much more willing to attack their own areas. 
And then the air around Venli fills with ghostly spren--the Fused who haven’t chosen a body. 
Most were twisted to the point that she barely recognized them as singers. Two were roughly the size of buildings. She could see these overlaid on the real world, but somehow knew they would be invisible to most.
And then Odium appears to her, as a white-and-gold Parshman. Because god forbid this pretentious asshole look normal. Still, the fact that he’s personally overseeing the battle...is bad. 
Over to Teft, who is hiding. He’s feeling like he lets everyone down, every time he destroys himself he destroys all the people around him. 
When he looked up, she was there. The woman made of light and air, with curls of hair that vanished into mist.  “Why are you following me?” Teft growled. “Go pick one of the others. Kelek! Pick anyone but me.” 
Teft, you might not have heard, but honorspren are really stubborn. 
--the honorblade. Fuck. 
I’m really hoping I’m wrong as we switch over to Navani. 
Navani is saying they’re more likely to do well than Feh thinks--because Amaram is a renowned tactician. I...have less faith in Amaram’s abilities. 
Out in the field between the enemy troops and the Alethi ones, the ground shattered. Lines and cracks split the stone, and then an enormous stone arm pulled itself from the ground--the fractures having outlined its hand, forearm, elbow, and upper arm.  A monster easily thirty feet tall pulled itself from the stone, dropping chips and dust on the enemy below. 
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AND THEN THERE’S AN EVEN STRONGER ONE IN THE WATER. FUCK THIS. You know how I mentioned Pacific Rim the first time a thunderclast showed up?? Yeah, getting those vibes again. 
Great time for half of your Radiants to be stuck in an alternate dimension and the other half to maybe be fighting each other. 
Odium recognizes the Fused and refers to them as old friends, although they call him ‘master,’ so it’s not a very equal friendship. 
Something came surging out. Something primeval, something Venli had felt but never truly known. Red mist. Ephemeral, like a shadow you see on a dark day and mistake for something real. Charging red horses, angry and galloping. The forms of men, killing and dying, shedding blood and reveling in it. Bones piled atop one another, making a hill upon which men struggled.  The red mist climbed up from the surging waves, rolling out onto an empty section of rock, northward along the rim of the water. It brought to her a lust for the battlefield. A beautiful focus, a Thrill for the fight. 
Anyway, in Shadesmar, the “giant red spren”--so that was the Unmade, the thrill--vanishes, as do more and more of the army. Soon, the army is gone, leaving only the six fused. Kaladin thinks he can fight them as a distraction. 
“Passion,” Odium said. “There is great Passion here.”  Venli felt cold. “I’ve prepared these men for decades,” Odium said. “Men who want nothing so much as something to break, to gain vengeance against the one who killed their highprince. Let the singers watch and learn. I’ve prepared a different army to fight for us today.”  Ahead of them on the battlefield, the human ranks slumped, their banner wavering. A man in glittering Shardplate, sitting upon a white horse, led them.  Deep within his helm, something started glowing red. 
A) Fuck me, this was smart of him. Sadeas’s army hates the Kholins, they want vengeance, and the Thrill--which they’ve been culturally conditioned to like--just hit them like a hammer
B) the dude in shardplate...that’s Amaram, right? A voidspren has...bonded with Amaram? 
A sketch of the Oathgate guardians. They’re incredible and I love them. 
Cutting this here, just to get this out. More will be coming soon. 
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thelastkult · 7 years
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#tbt to last year when this photoshoot was published in Alt Fashion magazine, featuring a gold and ivory tulle skirt sample that I decided not to put into production, and had been sitting around for aaaaages! "Ganymede" Model: #SophiaDisgrace Feathers: Rouge Pony Photography @paglirajkonna_photos MUA: Gabrielle James Skirt: The Last Kult #nature #wild #moonchild #gothfashion #altfashion #strega #gothic #alternative #dark #gothicmodel #fashionphotography #darkwoods #bloodmagic #witchesofinstagram #darkmagic #fairytale #fantasy #grimm #grimmbrothers #fashiondesigner #majick #gothic #fineart #feathers #fallenangel #darkforest
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thornethenorn · 2 months
Hi! This is the account where I don't shut up about norn. Ever
My main blog is @generationlosers !
I like to talk. I like to talk a lot. I live yapping.
I draw sometimes
Thorne Vætkisson: My main norn ranger who is usually who I'm referring to when I say "The Commander." An au of an Owl House Grimwalker oc, but different characters with different personalities
Hunter Thornkin: Norn revanant that channels Wolf. Thorne’s little brother. Is an au of Hunter from the Owl House. (Note: in game he is a human, but that's because he's supposed to be abnormally small)
Bleepblorp Skrungle: Asura Engineer with a fascination with cats. Experiment went wrong. He's a cat now. Has a gun. Run
Salem Steelveil: Charr Revenant with ice magic. Absolutely insane. Blind, uses mist magic to navigate. Lesbian.
Ivory Darkwood: Charr Necromancer. Small and housecatlike. Hates confrontation. Lesbian. Makes out with Salem sloppy style
Gárrancroí: Sylvari Mesmer. Wants to kiss Trahearne. A lot. Part of the Astral Ward and Thorne’s best friend during SotO
Basil Greenwhisper: Norn guardian. Thorne’s mate (norn word for spouse). Likes plants. Based on an Owl House oc, whose last name is Burrlow. (Not that he's only Thorne's mate in the main universe, theres an alternate universe to allow more leeway with ships)
Hazel Slayersdottir: way late in storyline. Basil and Thorne’s biological daughter. Norn thief. Worships Aurene as the dragon spirit and cleanses Jormag and Svanir corruption from the shiverpeaks with the little amount of prismatic magic she got from her father.
Alala Gunthild: An elonian human warrior. She is an au where the human Commander becomes the God of War after killing Balthazar like Kormir. Instead of her patron hounds being pitbulls (? i think Temar and Tegon are pitbulls?) she has Basenji and has a soft spot for Jackals. She has her Basenji companions that she can summon similar to Temar and Tegon, they are named Andromeda and Guinevere. She also has a Jackal Puppy- Artemis- and will stay a puppy companion as thats how Jackals work.
Art: art.
my art: My art!
Any other character name: self explainitory
loser edits: my memes and other edits
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