#if an ask sits in my inbox for too long
glorified-red · 1 year
I didn't expect u to answer my questions so quickly tbh
I'm kinda bored honestly and this is entertaining.
I just got cozy in bed so, works out
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definitelynotshouting · 4 months
Can you tell us something about Martyn or Scott in your hunger au? Completely your choice on what, I just want to see what they’re like in your au
I'm not gonna lie, I didn't actually expect you to help them.
Why not? It's not like I had to do anything, really. Just— point them in the right direction and, I dunno, let them sort it out.
[Dryly] Yeah. I guess I just thought you'd be more... angry.
Me? I'm not— I wouldn't say I'm angry. Why, are you angry?
Y'know, that's hard to say. I don't think I'm not angry, but I'm not, like... actively mad, either?
Well, there you go, then. It's about the same for me, not much else to it.
Fair 'nough, I suppose.
Honestly, I'm surprised you're not more angry, considering all your— y'know, stuff.
What, just 'cause I knew Grian way back when?
Well yeah, obviously. You've known each other for a long time.
Have we? I'm not so sure anymore.
[Almost speaking to himself] He's felt weird for a while now, ever since he came back from Evo.
What's that supposed to mean?
Call it a hunch. I dunno, but he just feels— off. Wrong. Different? I can't put my finger on it.
Or— well, he did. Not like I've seen him around in a while.
Your superpower is freaky, Martyn, did you know that?
So you keep telling me.
[Teasingly] BigB thinks it's cool, though, so I don't give a damn what you have to say.
[Audible smile] BigB's got the superior opinion, yes, of course.
So have you had any news yet? About if they've found him or not?
[With some surprise] You really want to know?
Yeah, man, tell me. He's still— I mean, I guess friend's a strong word now, but I still care.
Um, yeah, Jimmy said—
Jimmy said, did he?
I'm not sure why you're surprised. We do still talk, y'know.
Oh yeah, just— wasn't sure, is all, what with the whole— y'know, after the whole ranchers thing.
[Stiffly] Jimmy is... look, just because he has a boyfriend now who isn't me doesn't mean we can't whisper sometimes. Also, this is like, one of the least romantic topics you could ever talk about, so—
God. Tell me about it.
Well I would, but you're too busy trying to interrogate me about Jimmy. I've got better things to do than sit here and pine, y'know?
So, they found him?
[Press X to doubt] Right.
Yeah, they found him. Tango told Jimmy, who then told me; a bit of he said, she said...
He's in pretty rough shape.
That so?
According to Tango, yeah. Look, I didn't ask for any details, don't shoot the messenger. All I know is Jimmy said he's really sick.
[Wearily] Yeah, that sounds just like him. Goes haring off into the— the bloody sunset and comes back wrong immediately after. That's great.
[Slightly more upbeat] Cool, man, well— thanks for keeping me updated. I 'ppreciate it. Good luck with Tim.
I don't nee—
Okay, yes, yeah. I'll keep you up to date as best I can.
Maybe whisper Tango directly while you're at it. Cheers, Scott.
Mhm. See you around, Martyn.
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 2 years
what about Error but with vitiligo?
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right away boss >;Dc <333
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rist-ix · 8 months
Hii Rist!
Any chance of a sneak peek into the next chapter of TBHTBH?
I’m sorry but I’m so very addicted to the fanfic and have reread it so many times and I can’t help but wonder what’s going to happen next. No pressure (bc I know you’re busy) but I just love your work soo much❤️❤️❤️❤️
Guess who just finished a chapter!
It only took me like 4 months
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petals-and-ink · 7 months
Hello Vanilla Orchid! If it's not too much to ask, how did you and your closest friends meet?
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crows-home · 1 year
Sonic is a very clingy sleeper. If Shadow wakes up before Sonic, he either has to stay where he is, or carry Sonic with him because Sonic sleeps like the dead, and will only wake up for food or a nuclear blast, and the latter is debatable at best.
This is so funny and sweet and i love Sonic sleeping headcanons (he needs rest!!!) but please also consider:
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gingergari · 10 months
ask meme
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POV: she just threatened to blow you up
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introvertedfox · 7 months
As a "sim parent" (sim maker) we shouldn't have favorites - but we do. Post your favorite sim baby (the golden child) and least fav. Pass it on!
So sorry it took this long to answer!! But here goes!
Tbh I don't have a golden child, nor could I choose just one. xD But I have 3 sims that I really love.
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Abigail from my Stardew Valley Challenge. I haven't played much in this save after her teen birthday, but I have a whole story planned out for her and I'm really excited about it.
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Aubrey from the Nightmare Challenge, she was such a cute toddler. And she really became one of my favourites as she grew.
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And Aileen from my Randoms. This girl doesn't have a care in the world, and it has been a joy to play with such a carefree sim.
I just now noticed all their names start with 'A'. xD
As for my least favourite, I had some sims in the past that I didn't like that much, but they were mostly townies. xD But I guess if I had to choose I'd go with Grant from way back in gen 2 of my Pettits.
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He was just a little mean. And didn't get along with his siblings that well.
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anipgarden · 1 year
ive done some spinning with milkweed fluff!! it stayed together but i had to keep it super wet to do the actual spinning. i made it into a little square and its so soft and fluffy!! but yes its very difficult to spin as the fibres are very short [i spin with a top whorl drop spindle]
Oooh, cool! Honestly I feel you're not the first person I've heard of on Tumblr spinning milkweed fluff, which makes it feel all the more wild that most online sites that mention it say its impossible???? Wild.
Out of curiosity, asides from the square, what would you find spun milkweed useful for making? I ask this not as someone who's ever spun thread or someone interested in taking it up, just as a curious passerby lol.
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lesless · 3 months
I really enjoy your random life updates, honesty, and confidence;
You and your fiance seem like genuine, down to earth, good people.
Ahhh thanks so much!! This is one of the nicest messages I have gotten on here. I appreciate your fishy tanks & general sense of style (not limited to fashion... life is style, ya no)
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mad-hunts · 4 months
@question-marked asked: “are you making fresh pasta?”
barton managed to barely hear eddie over the sound of two of his kids arguing in the background — who seemed to be jack and matilda, respectively, as he would soon call out to them using their names in his native tongue. but the fact remained that he had heard him and so after he essentially told them to ' get along ' in french, barton turned to face the other. he was currently kneading what looked to be some kind of dough with his hands, ❝ sorry, they've been unusually argumentative today with each other. you're going to have to excuse them. but yeah... lucky for you, you caught me right in the middle of making dinner. ❞
barton seemed to have some experience as he hadn't gotten any of the dough on his hands and it seemed to be quite close to having the right texture (not too dry, and not too wet). and truthfully, he did as the recipe he'd gotten for chicken alfredo from winslow? it called for homemade noodles so he figured he might as well try his hand at it. though barton still wasn't good at certain aspects of it, like actually rolling the dough through the pasta maker. a purposely overdramatic sigh left his lips then, ❝ ahh, but i'm really no good at rolling the dough through the pasta maker myself. if only there were someone here who could do it for me. ❞ he discretely looked over to edward afterward as if to say ' i'm totally not talking about you here, but also, i am. ' barton really didn't like to look like he wasn't an expert at things in the kitchen after all when he'd been cooking so long.
but this was only his second time making this, so he supposed it was more than reasonable for him to still struggle with it. barton stopped kneading the dough and looked at edward through squinted eyes as if analyzing him, ❝ i'm still a bit confused as to why you would come here when you're not injured. would you mind telling me again why you're here, considering i don't think you like me enough to be here simply for a social call? oh, and while you're doing that, could you also get me that dough cutter over there? thanks, ❞ a small unreadable smile ghosted across his features while he gestured towards the blade a little ways away from him. edward had honestly given him no reason to hate him, so as it stood, he felt rather ambivalent towards him. ❝ say, you aren't a vegetarian... right? because i'm making chicken alfredo. and enough to feed a small army, probably, so you can definitely have some. ❞
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fictionadventurer · 1 year
If you get this, answer w three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs! Anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog :)
I am excellent at whistling tunes and consider it one of my better musical talents.
I consider cake one of my least favorite desserts (which does not mean that it's bad, just lesser than most other desserts).
I have six books on my nightstand that I'm in the middle of reading, and still am mostly reading ebooks, audiobooks and library books.
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cathymee · 1 year
How do you think Mr. Boatman will react about El Filibusterismo?
anon friend…i spent 5 minutes staring at this ask because i wasn't sure who mr. boatman was…i'm sorry if you weren't referring to elias, but i'm going to talk about elias lmfaoo i'm so sorry i am an idiot
** spoilers for noli and fili!! but i won't go into that much detail for each and every plot points in the book
i'm very curious about that myself!! especially since rizal apparently regretted killing elias off (can't remember the specific letter but i'm sure googling it would yield the source! i am just very lazy atm) because he was sure he wouldn't be able to write a sequel. if he was in good health as he wrote the last parts of noli, what would've changed? what role would elias play in the fili? would simoun still exist? i wish jose would've gone to detail on what he originally planned
but one thing we could be sure about though is that elias would be so fucking pissed. the man he sacrificed his life for, for reason/s we aren't even sure about — is it selfless love? is it a sense of brotherhood? a sense of "you and your ignorance are a danger to my country - you need to leave and stay away before you cause more damage to this already twisted system" or of "you deserve happiness and you wouldn't achieve it here, you need to leave - you cannot rot in here like the rest of us would"? both? all of this? — just ran around doing the opposite of what elias would've wanted to achieve and had been striving to achieve before he even came along. plotted a revolution rooted in hatred and vengeance, a revolution that pays no mind to the actual people of the country, only driven for simoun to play out his revenge and hurt those who have hurt him.
and elias understands vengeance. he understands loss and fear, of having everything get taken away from him. he understands the motivations of crisostomo, why he did what he'd have done - it had always been cris who had had his eyes closed and his ears covered, who refused to understand what elias stood for from his place of privilege - but what the fuck, you know? because in the end all the suffering simoun had caused were for nothing. he didn't get to save maria, nor change something in the system like he 'wanted' to. nothing, not one positive effect. those who were in power still remained in power, but he made his people suffer even more to enforce his miserable, tyrannical beliefs.
but i also feel like he knew that it would've been inevitable. from their conversations on elias' boat, from the fact that crisostomo refused to be swayed from his ignorance. so i feel like letting himself die there under the balete feels like a loss of hope — a sense of giving up and letting crisostomo be, without any semblance of hope that crisostomo would do the right thing. instead he passes this hope to basilio instead, the figure of the youth — and it was the youth in the form of isagani that foiled simoun's plans in the end, and the opposite of vengeance - love - that motivated him to do it.
so tl;dr: he'd slap the shit out of crisostomo (but would still forgive him) and would fistbump isagani in the afterlife /hj
ETA✨: i forgot that mc&i kind of expanded on this!! & only kind of because of klay's influence!! even then i feel like the writers did well with how they wrote elfili!elias — he absolutely hates simoun's guts but his devotion for him still hasn't worn off at all. this attitude still fits on bookcanon!elias i think!
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afaramir · 5 months
jesus i said i was gonna write 300 more words tonight and then i realized that id made a significant factual error in an old (from like two weeks ago) denethor post and got completely consumed by More Theorizing. WELL.
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foxgirlplushie · 6 months
Hey, I just wanted to let you know I really appreciate all the little fics you write! They're a little sparkle in even some otherwise really dark days, thank you for keeping on writing <3
💜💜💜 thank you!!
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stagnant-stale · 10 months
hi stale baby! do you like to travel? is there a place you really want to go to?
HEHO hiiiii
I grew up moving around a lot, though I’ve never been outside of North America. Travelling sounds fun but is also so damn expensive. If I could afford to, I definitely would love to take some trips with friends, though there’s really nowhere in particular. Definitely would like to go overseas at least once
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