#if anyone ever has any questions about our campaign/sessions please please ask them I love talking about dnd so much
s-ccaam-era-crepe · 1 year
just had the biggest lore drop session in our campaign so far and im absolutely so normal about this world i've built
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spiltscribbles · 3 years
57. “Wait a second.. are you jealous?” + Poorly Timed Confession + modern au 😍 pretty please!!!
~Notes: OMFG angel!!! Thank you SO SO much for the prompt<3 You are a complete babe! I hope you like :S It’s cheese, but like also what else would I do? LMFAO XD
Smash Prompt Game  |  Send Me A Prompt💜 |  A Reblog Is Like An I Love You!!
“Hmmm… All right, would you rather, mmm… Smell Borris Johnson’s sweaty gym socks, or snog Professor Slughorn full on the mouth for a straight minute— oh erm, not so straight I reckon on second thought.”
Remus wrinkles his nose at him from across the bed, and clucks his tongue at the awful pun. “You’re unruly.”
“And you’re dodging,”
“Am not arse, I’m just recovering from that very terrifying scenario you’ve spewed out like the sadistic satanist you are.”
“Which scenario are you recovering from though?” Sirius leers, wiggling his eyebrows and jostling Remus’s textbook with his foot.
“I hate that you’re enjoying this so much,” Remus intones in a deadpan.
“Mary John, I’m waiting,” Sirius says with far too much glee.
Sometimes Remus is sure that he hates him. “Fine, the answer is I hate you.”
“Filthy and slanderous lies, Lupin.”
“You’re demented.”
“Five. Four. Three—“
“I won’t choose.”
“See,  all I hear is that you wanna get it on with our chemistry professor, you saucy minx, you.”
Remus sniffs. “Better than touching that prick with even a ten foot pole.”
“Mmmm, have I ever told you how hot and heavy I get hearing you talk politics at me?”
Remus throws him the bird, which makes Sirius laugh. Remus can objectively say that Sirius has the most beautiful variations of laughter in the world, and he’d know considering he’s catalogued each one. This version is definitely top three. His care free, effortless laugh when Remus takes him off guard with a snide remark or lowly muttered retort that’s not appropriate for most company— It’s really more of a experience, truly. His breaths stutter out in a lovely staccato, and his eyes glimmer like the sea, and sometimes it feels like the world’s been suspended and it’s only the two of them in that slice of eternity.
Erm, Ah, but yeah…. That only happens occasionally, and it’s only because Sirius is Remus’s greatest friend— has been since the final year of primary school after Remus had moved to the London outskirts from his small, coastal town in Wales, and on first sight, Sirius swung a snowball straight to Remus’s face, which he of course responded to by throwing two more his way, and well… The pair of them were soaking and breathless by the end of it, but their fate was sealed, they were the greatest of friends, and nothing would ever alter that unquestionable staple.
So what if sometimes Remus’s chest thuds painfully when Sirius dimples his way, or Remus only ever wants to talk to him over anyone else— even Lily or his Mam— if he’s had a bad day, or good one, or if something remarkable had happened, or , or… Or whenever really. And there’s absolutely no significance that Remus can’t help the totally delighted grin that splits his face in half whenever he gets a text or snap from Sirius.
None of that is at all relevant.
Sirius is Remus’s greatest friend, and he’d never risk ruining that by allowing some pesky little crush swallow him whole and clammer out his mouth— vulnerable and throbbing in the open space between them. It doesn’t matter if Marlene always makes kissy faces their way, or how James only ever refers to them as a couple, and so what if Peter’s got a pole running that Remus knows basically the whole school is betting on. 
They’re all wrong, Sirius would never, ever feel the same sort of way that Remus does him, that’s downright preposterous and ridiculous and just simply impossible. And Remus’s perfectly content with that very real truth… He is.
Remus is fine with it God help him. So everyone else just needs to but the fuck out of their business.
Besides, this, this right now— Him and Sirius splayed out on opposite ends of Remus’s bed, with Sirius’s feet nudging at Remus’s elbow whenever he’s got a question about there homework, with the window cracked open just so, letting in some of the chilly winter air because Sirius absolutely can not focus if he’s not cold— the fucking furnace— Where Remus can still hear the going ons of his family playing out on the floor below them… This is the most perfect place in Remus’s eyes, and he won’t ever change that, especially not to live out some boyhood fantasy that would never come into fruition in his wildest of dreams.
Remus’s content… He is… He has to be or else he’d lose one of the most vital people in his world.
“You’ve got footie practice after school, right?”
“Mmhmm, you coming to watch?”
“Only if you admit i’m your good luck charm,” Remus sardonically bats his lashes at Sirius as if he was in a mascara advert, and the taller boy  blows a raspberry right back at him.
“Nice, real nice. You’re extraordinarily mature, you know that, Black?”
“And sexy, don’t forget that, oh so important descriptor Lupin.”
Remus leans against the locker besides Sirius’s, watches as he trades his current binders for the lot he’ll need for the afternoon, and tries really hard not to stare too longingly at how Sirius’s arm muscles ripple beneath their school’s  maroon, uniform jackets  in the most delicious of ways. (He hates the fact he’s been dissolved into a starry eyed mess lusting over the star striker, but thus is his fate.)
“I’d never commit such a faux pas, and I’m insulted that you’d ever think as much.”
Sirius sneers at him with a slight shake to his head. “So you coming or not?”
“I’m still contemplating my options,” he preens, but before Sirius could retort, Marlene, megawatt smile and dangerously sharp  smirk— swaggers over towards them.
“Good morning my two beautiful chums!”
“What do you want?” Sirius asks before even glancing her way, to which Marlene blinks up at him, faux owlish. “S, I just wanted to greet a couple of my closest companions this lovely December morning,” she defends herself.
“Marls, you’re never this agreeable before noon,” Remus points out hesitantly.
“ And you rarely are even afterwards,” Sirius tacks on.
“Rude,” she pouts.
“Accurate,” Remus pipes in with an apologetic grimace.
Marlene stares them both down for a solid minute before finally relaxing her shoulders, and thrusting out the legal pad in her grasp. “The student council and spirit society are selling corsages for the snowflake formal, and Dorcas has deployed me to get some orders.”
“Whipped,” Sirius teases through a counter-fit cough.
Marlene doesn’t hesitate before smashing the legal pad on his head. “And you traipsing around getting people to buy the tickets for the theatre department last semester even though Re was only playing Mercutio wasn’t you being wrapped around his littlest finger?”
Remus flushes, feeling an unnerving amount of bees stinging around his stomach, and is thankful when the conversation pauses after Sirius casts her a very heated V.  “Sod off.”
“So are you guys gonna buy or not?” Marlene huffs, weight slung to her left hip, and arms crossed against her chest.
“I’m a gay bloke, Marls, did you forget that?” Remus pins her with a one eyed squint, and she just scrunches her face up at him, exasperated.
“I’m sure there’s matching boutonnieres.”
“Fine, I just don’t have any school spirit  then.”
This time she glares. “Lily and James are Head Boy and Head Girl, isn’t there like an oath between you lot,  one for all and all for one, or some rot?”
“That’s the three musketeers,” he says.
“isn’t that basically who you guys are?” She reasons.
Before their wage of words could continue, Sirius just grabs the order form out of Marlene’s hands and fills out a sheet with the flurry of his pen. “Happy?”
“Positively delighted,” she leers, pecking them both on the cheek before strutting off, reminding them of their group study session at Alice’s tonight in her wake.
Sirius shakes his head, reluctantly amused with a grin gathering on the corners of his mouth, but for Remus everything feels like it’s frozen. “You didn’t have to do that you know? ’S not like James is much of a Head Boy anyhow, and Lily wouldn’t have really cared.”
Sirius shrugs, commences their walk to the opposite wing of the school for their shared history class. “Emmy likes that sort of romantical shite.”
Remus sees red, feels his heart lodging in his damn esophagus. “Oh, so— Erm,  you’re taking her then,” Remus wonders if his tone sounds as detached as he feels.
“Yeah,” Sirius eyes him, questioning. “She wants that title of snow queen real bad, made me promise I’d campaign with her and the whole shtick.”
“Oh,” it’s like Remus could feel it when he closes off completely, can feel his hopes squashed down and his heart contract and his every organ collapsing in on themselves, leaving him feeling hollowed out completely.
Sirius slows down marginally, eyeing him with a slight frown. “Is that all right? I know you two don’t exactly get along and we were planning to go as a group, bu—“
“It’s fine,” Remus hates how screechy his voice gets, how he feels like he’s about to scream. “You two are a shoe in, no doubt.”
Sirius tries to mirror Remus’s faux excitement with a tepid grin of his own, but Remus doesn’t let him, instead commandeering their typical table on the back row and tries focussing on the thousandth war with France while his world tilts off kilter.
Emmy is beautiful, and popular and her smile alone dazzles the whole room. She’s everything that Sirius should look for in a partner, someone to match his whip lash wit, and his taste for all things exuberant that skirt on flashy, and someone who’s got just as many friends and admirers as him.
They’re perfect and Remus should just get over his petty ass hatred of her, even if he still thinks she can be down right cruel and selective and selfish. Qualities Sirius surely isn’t… But maybe it’s all in his head how she sneers at people who she finds plane, or how she literally guffaws over the misfortune of others. Maybe his perception of how she wields people in like moths to a flame just to get what she wants is all a misunderstanding, or in his head or something.
Maybe all that’s possible, even if Remus seriously doubts it.
But at the end of the day, Sirius loves her— has been basically infatuated by Emmeline Vance since she first transferred at the start of their Freshman year. Sirius loves her, and who ever Sirius loves is merely an extension of him… Right?
Remus just needs to get over it and somehow rid himself of this crush he’s been fostering for so long it’s basically a part of him at this point. Though, he thinks it’d be a lot easier if he didn’t see their faces plastered on posters everywhere the week and a half leading up to the dance— looking like actual royals that would put Will and cate to shame.
“Yo cheekbones!”
Remus starts, swivels around from where he was scratching his pen to paper, finding Sirius— as glimmering and beautiful as always— swaggering up to him, insanely electric smile painted over his face.
“Would you rather eat a jumbo jar of jalapeños without a break, or eat the toenails from someone with athlete’s foot next to your dinner every night of the rest of your life?”
“I thought you were having lunch with Emmy to keep up your royalty status before this weekend?” Remus asks, tacitly side stepping from the horrific images swimming to the forefront of his mind because of his cruel question.
“Now that doesn’t sound like an answer to my ultimatum,” Sirius says in a singsong sort of voice.
“You answer me first,” Remus says airily.
“But I asked first,” Sirius argues haughtily.
“Well both your options would kill me, so I wouldn’t do either,” Remus retorts.
“That’s not how the game works!”
“You’re the one who always says that rules were made to be broken,” Remus says, lofty as all get out,, and dissolves into laughter at the completely cross look Sirius’s giving him.
“You were born to be contrary, weren’t you?”
“So lunch?”
“Got bored,” he shrugs, hopping onto the corner of the desk Remus’s working on. “What you up to instead of eating?”
“My position paper for Model UN.” Sirius smiles down at him, and Remus can’t help the flush that spreads across his cheeks in return. “Not as glamorous as running as Snow King, I know.”
“It’s precious,” Sirius contends, his soft timbre sounding like syrup and his long fingers fluttering against Remus’s skin, pushing back a lock of his ever disheveled, tawny curls in a far to gentle way, and Remus gulps before averting his gaze to break the sudden tautness that’s built between them. 
They’ve had so many of these almost moments, ones that Remus’s always treasured but he knows doesn’t mean much of anything at all to Sirius— Sirius who is effortlessly hilarious, and brims with genius and  who is so beautiful that sometimes it hurts looking at him for too long. Sirius who has a new suitor at his beck and call on a near weekly basis. But whenever they transpire now, it just hurts all the more because Remus knows in his heart of hearts that they will never lead anywhere, and Sirius is in love with Emmy and Remus can’t let himself float around in this daydream for any longer.
“Ahem,” he clears his throat, shuffles in his seat only slightly. “I’m Algeria so my Mam’s pretty excited about it. She’s been telling me all the stuff Wikipedia’s got wrong and everything.”
Sirius laughs, but it doesn’t touch his eyes. “Your mother is kinda everything, you know that?”
Remus twists his mouth up, reluctant. “Don’t tell her as much, or else she’ll go on and on how she won Miss Teen Great Britain when she was only sixteen.”
“Hmm, I was wondering where you got that pretty face.”
“You, Sirius Black, can go lick an unwashed arse.”
“You’ll never catch a suitor with that cheek of yours though. I’d work on that, Lupin.”
“I don’t think I could ever win Miss Congeniality, alas.”  Remus doesn’t quite catch Sirius’s reply, to busy responding too the text his phone just chirped with instead.
“Mary John, are you listening?”
Sirius’s brows hike up, flabbergasted smile stretched across his face. “So totally rude! And I came all the way here— to the place where dreamers die— just to spend time with you.”
“Sorry,” Remus gives him an abashed little half grin before setting the phone back down. “’s just Fabian.”
Sirius’s expression drops, goes inquisitive instead of his typical ebullience. “Fabian? Why’s Fabian Prewett texting you, and why is he,” Sirius crooks his head so he’s able to read the new message that popped up on Remus’s phone’s screen. “Asking about color coordination?”
Remus blushes for an entirely new reason now, one he likes much less. “Ah, he’s the sort to like it when our suits like match, but not in an abrasive fashion, you know?”
Sirius’s face goes scarily blank.
“Your suits? Suits for what?”
“The dance…” Remus says slowly, he’s confused what Sirius’s confused about.
“The dance… Right… I thought you were still going with everyone else?”
“Pff, no way,” Remus scoffs. “Lily’s  only pretending to be single, you know how red in the face she gets whenever around James. They’ll end up dancing the whole night away. And with Dorcas running the whole event and Benjy thinking any social function is a plague on society, that’d leave me stuck with Peter and Mary, . And honestly I’ve seen enough of her tongue shoved down his throat for a lifetime.” Remus is only slightly  surprised that doesn’t even elicit a chuckle from Sirius, who’s now looking a bit stormy— and he thinks he’ll never be accustomed to his mercurial moods that can change as quickly as the snap of the finger.
“Right… So you’re going with Fabian Prewett… as your date?”
“Yes… Why is that so hard to believe?”
“it’s, it’s not,” Sirius scrambles, suddenly standing up.
“Then why are you being so weird about this,” Remus argues, getting up to meet him at his level.
“Am not!”
“You’re going with Emmy,” Remus reminds him, this edge of desperate.
“I know I am, okay. But you— you—“ Sirius tappers off, eyes glassy and lips parted with words he can’t get out, and Jesus fucking Christ is it weird how for the first time ever their roles have reversed. Sirius can’t put any sentences together, and everything Remus’s been beating down—  everything thrashing inside of him— are now burning his throat and warring over who can spill out first.
“What? I’m suppose to stay behind like the pathetic, nobody friend. The guy who’s just there to moon after you while you have an actual life. The Judie garland to your Mickie Roomie!”
“What are you even talking about right now!” Sirius shouts, sounding as torn apart as Remus feels.
“As if you don’t know!” He snarls, collecting his books into his backpack— Suddenly this room feels to stifling. He can’t breathe and it’s too hot and his chest is pounding.
He’s imploding and Remus has no idea how to rectify it.
“Just stop! Remus Stop!”
“leave me the fuck alone Sirius!”
“Why are you being such a prick about this!”
And that, that makes Remus angry, angrier than he’s ever been.
Before he could even think about it for a moment longer, Remus is rounding on him, dashing so close to Sirius that he can taste his breath with how close their faces are skirting against each other.
“I’m in love with you! I’ve been in love with you for forever, and I know that you don’t feel the same way, and I know that you’re in love with Emmy and, and I just know okay.”
“Wha—“ Sirius sputters, looking like a gaping fish. “Wait a second, are you jealous? Of sodding Emmy Vance?”
“Don’t!” Remus practically growls out. "Don’t disrespect me, okay? Don’t pretend that you never knew, or that I was such a good actor. I’ve been in love with you for years and you always knew and Fine, I get it. You never felt the same way, that’s fine. But just don’t pretend as if you never had the choice, don’t make me out as the bad guy for actually, finally saying yes to a bloke who’s actually into me. I need to fucking give up on the premise of us, I need to get over you. So I’m going out with fucking Fabian Prewett and you’re going out with Emmy Vance and that’s that!”
His breaths are labored, jagged and painful, as they race out of him, but Remus can’t move. He’s staring straight into Sirius’s beautiful, gray eyes, and he sees everything he’s always seen there, and hates that this is probably the last time he’ll get to be this close to him.
Not after this.
“I didn’t,” is the first thing Sirius croaks out, broken and helpless. “i didn’t know, Remus you have to believe me— I didn’t—”
“How! How could you not know!” He shouts back, but Remus doesn’t get his answer in so many words, instead he feels it.
He feels it when Sirius clamps his hands on either end of his waste-line, feels it when Sirius smashes their lips together in a cacophony of lips, and teeth and spit. He feels it when Sirius moans in side of him, when his hand moves down, spreads across the width of the small of his back, pushing their torsos even closer. Remus feels it when everything goes into focus, when he takes Sirius into his arms, greedy and excited and disbelieving.
And Remus thinks to all the other times he’s kissed another boy— To this prior weekend swapping snogs with a beaming Fabian in the back of a theatre. He thinks of how there was never anything worth anything when he kissed any of them Because it was all Sirius, always Sirius. And he could try to love Fabian, or some other cute boy, and he tried, and he tried, and he tried, and he gave all he had…but it was never enough, could it ever be enough?
Remus knows it in his bones that it’s enough when it’s with Sirius.
When they finally pull apart it’s difficult to breathe and Remus feels lightheaded and it’s wonderful in the most marvelous of ways.
“Yeah,” Sirius says in a whisper. 
“Maybe next time give a guy some warning?” Remus can’t help the shit eating smirk that swipes across his mouth and is elated at the adorably cross scowl Sirius answers him with.
“Fine jackass, how’s this for a warning, I’m gonna kiss you now.”
“That’ll be sufficient, I suppose,” Remus goads, laughing against Sirius’s lips when he does just that.
Sirius ends up winning snow king, but rejects the dance with Emmy, opts to ask Remus to join him instead, as if they were in the middle of some John Hughes movie from the fucking 80s.
It’s utterly ridiculous and overdone and simply way too much— but everyone applauded and cheered and when Sirius kissed him in the middle of it, Remus felt as if his whole body sung with joy.
~My Wolfstar FIC Masterlist
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quasieli · 3 years
top six: fictional characters that give you gender envy, flowers, little things that make you happy and d&d moments :D
Ooh lotsa questions!
Gender Envy:
1) Bow from She-Ra (2018). Something about buff athletic dude who wears crop tops and is soft as hell is very Gender to me.
2) Vax from Critical Role. Pretty boy, kinda goth rogue? That’s sexy as hell and I wish that was me. 
3) In a wildly different idea of gender envy, I’ve been thinking about it lately and @quantum-lesbian’s character in the Frostmaiden game I’m in with them, Ambrose, is Big Gender. Beautiful non-binary drow with a starry and kinda witchy aesthetic that dresses super grandly and ostentatiously no matter the occasion? Yes please.
4) Pete from The Unsleeping City, specifically season two. I adore season one Pete but season two Pete that works in a queer bookshop and has a teapot arcane focus, is artsy and is unapologetically a trans man who doesn’t give a shit about gender roles? Sign me the fuck up.  
5) Beau from Critical Role. Buff GNC lesbian mixed with academia, but like academia from the prospective of a grad student with ADHD trying to learn everything about their special interests? A+, I love her and I’m jealous. 
6) I’m gonna cheat a lil bit for this last one. I know the prompt is fictional characters, but Julia Lepetit and Jacob Andrews in their Hitman streams? Simultaneously both of them were Gender for me. Jacob esp felt like that for me, which is weird cause dresses can make me dysphoric, but I am also slightly envious of the Dude in a Dress type of gender presentation. 
Can you tell that I’m a confused trans masc enby
Gonna put it under the cut from here cause oof, there’s still a lot more.
1) Big slut for Sunflowers, always have been, always will be.
2) Fun fact, my dad’s family used to own a flower shop (in like the 70s, so I never got to see it :(), and one of their big things was hydrangeas. My dad has always loved them and now I love the snowballs too!  
3) A recent favorite, the Baker’s Globe Mallow. It’s a type of flower that only grows from the soils of forests that have been affected by wildfires. It’s a simple little flower but I love the idea of something beautiful rising from the ashes after tragedy. A little dramatic, but I’m queer, ofc I’m dramatic.
4) Roses are another important flower to my family (Rose was a family name for a couple generations), and ya know, they’re a classic. 
5) There’s this beautiful magnolia tree in front of my house that blooms with the most beautiful white and pink flowers every spring, and it’s one of my favorite things to see every year. 
6) There’s so many different types of Lillies and they’re all very pretty, but the Purple Stargazer is prob my favorite.
Little Things That Make Me Happy:
1) My cat, Maddie. She may be a cranky girl at times, but she is also very sweet and will always be my baby (even though she is 12). 
2) Not a little thing really, but my best friend. Just getting a sweet/silly text from her or the two of us chilling in a room, sitting in a comfortable silence because we just like being together, nothing better. 
3) Baking, esp if I’m doing it for others. I’m not much of a sweets person myself, a little treat every once in a while type person, but I love baking. It’s a very relaxing process for me, even when it can sometimes get stressful, but seeing people enjoying something I made, especially something that brought me great joy to make, is simply the best. 
4) In the same sorta vein, crafting and other art, but that’s a bit more personal. I love making things for others, but art, particularly drawing, is something I do more for me. It’s such a great feeling when you can get into a really good art mood and just sink yourself into a project. I love it.
5) My plush toys. Yes, I am a 23 year old, no I will not stop loving my plushies. I just got a few new friends, which I made a post about recently, and they such good cuddle buddies. However, there is one king amongst them all. I have this old, beat up christmas puppy beanie baby, on his tag named Jingle Pup, but I just call him Jingle. I had one version of him since I was like 6, but he currently lives on a shelf cause he is very beaten up and fragile, but his “brother”, who I got when I was 8, is still in kinda good shape and is currently chilling on my chest as I type this lol.
6) Again, not a little thing, but it’s important to mention; D&D. The game itself is such a joy, but truly the best part of it is the people. I love creating stories and memories with people through this weird little game. Truly one of my favorite things to do.
D&D Moments:
These are all gonna be personal moments, rather than anything from actual play shows/podcasts. RC is Reforged Campaign, where I play Saube, and FM is Frostmaiden, where I play Sparks.
1) RC - Meeting Mahety, Saube’s girlfriend. We met her way back in session 12 and we are now up to like session 73. Saube saw her and was immediately big heart eyes at her but also felt a bit awkward and shy. So, being a game a dice, I decided to roll. 10 or higher, Saube would talk to her, 9 or lower, she’d stay put. I rolled a 17, 17 is now a lucky number for me. I love Mahety and I’d die for her. 
2) FM - This was an insane fight that should not have been so crazy, but in a fairly early session, my group went up against an angry druid and her awakened animals. So much batshit stuff happened in that fight, and we unfortunately lost our bread loving bard (RIP Agneyis), but one of my favorite combat turns happened in this fight. Our artificer, Omaren, has a robe of useful items and one of the patches on it creates a large pit. Thinking quickly, Omaren tore off the patch, slid it under one of the dire wolves we were fighting and created a looney tunes style pit under it, allowing us to take it out easily via pot shots. Such a clutch move and such a funny visual, especially because the dire wolf kept failing the checks to get out of the pit.  
3) RC - Saube’s Zebrith (I will never remember how this actually spelled RIP). So, for context, Saube ended up with a death curse (long story) that mechanically meant they had disadvantage on any death saving throws. Scary as hell, need to get that fixed! So, Saube and their party had to be smuggled into another country to talk with some religious leaders of a goddess known as The First, the goddess of death. They were told that Saube would have to go through the aforementioned ritual, which included her soul leaving her body for a short period of time. During this ritual, her friends had to call back to her, to say things that would bring her back to her body and I still cry thinking about that game. That ritual was not only important for Saube bodily, but spiritually as well. After that ritual, Saube officially became a cleric of The First! 
4) A real sappy one, RC - Saube meeting all of her friends. Anyone who follows along with the rantings on my blog probably knows how important this game is to me. I met this random group of strangers on tumblr and formed a D&D party with them and now, a year and a half later, I honestly think it’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I know that sounds silly and dramatic but not only has this game brought me so much joy and comfort, but I also gained a group of really amazing friends who have been nothing but amazing since day one. As much as Saube knows she can depend on SICL, I know I can depend on my group of weirdos lol. We both love our friends very much and even though we’ve all been through some crazy shit, we wouldn’t change it for the world.    
5) RC - Just playing Saube in general. I really didn’t intend for it to be this way, but Saube is very much a reflection of myself. She is the first long term character I have ever played and so much of me is in her. I try not to treat D&D like therapy, because that’s unfair to my DM and fellow party members, but playing Saube has allowed me to work through some of my own problems, especially social anxiety, in a lot safer of an environment. It isn’t so much that I’m asking this game to help me fix my life, but playing out these scenarios that, in the real world, would make me anxious or make me freak out, I can stop, take a moment to breathe and work out these issues in a way that makes sense to me. Playing her has led me to understanding myself a bit better, as well, and that’s truly such a wonderfully unexpected gift from this whole experience. 
6) Lastly, a silly one: RC - Getting a crit 6. The last session of this game got real interesting. Saube’s party ended up in the ethereal plane and magic got real fucky there. So, any time any of us tried to cast a spell, we’d roll a d20, not look at the result, and then try to guess what number rolled. The closer to the number, the better the result. A few times, a few people managed to get within like 3 or 4 of their roll, but oh the power I felt when I rolled a 6 (on Saube’s die!) and guessed it correctly! So, not only did the spell (Bless) work, but it worked super well. So instead of getting +1d4 to attack rolls and saving throws, Saube and two other party members got +2d4 to attacks, saving throws and skill checks. So powerful I broke the rules of D&D lmao. 
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come-on-shitty-boys · 4 years
Haikyuu But I Make Them D&D Players (3rd Year Edition)
Notes: I have two big-ish? Pieces in the works right now, so here’s a fun self-indulgent thread for the day because I miss my party and The Bois (tm).  I might sketch up some little icons of their characters later??
Daichi Sawamura. Dungeon Master
He’s only played a few times with the Karasuno boys, but he has a decent enough handle on the rules to DM
But, he’s constantly asking Kuroo and Oikawa questions on how to do something, because Dadchi is still learning.
He borrowed all the books from Kuroo
The first session? Oh it was a shit show.  He didn’t realize how much he needed to prepare ahead of time to do this.
There’s probably a group chat with the other guys who DM so they can talk about the campaign or ask any questions
Overall, Daichi’s pretty good at this whole Dungeon Master thing once he gets a feel for what he’s doing.
Kuroo Tetsurou. Class: Warlock
He’s a seasoned Dungeons and Dragons veteran so he usually leads the party
Kuroo usually just plays rather than DMs, but he still has all the books
But, damn is he a good player!  You will never see him break character.
His characters always have really deep stories.  Kuroo puts a lot of time and effort into creating his characters and making sure that they have a meaningful backstory.
Has absolutely dressed up as his character for more than one session ive said it before and i will say it again HES A MASSIVE NERD
Speaking of characters. He has a binder just for character and spell sheets the sheets are laminated and he writes on them with expo markers so they can be reused
Kuroo has probably over 40 characters in that binder, but he tends to play the same 5 or 6 over and over because they’re his favorites
Evenings at the training camp when everyone’s done? Kuroo is teaching everyone to play.
He’s a dice diva.  So, he found one set that does really well for him, and REFUSES to use any other set.
Oikawa Tooru. Class: Bard
He’s another one that has played before.  Not as much as Kuroo, but he’s pretty familiar with the game.
High HIGH charisma for every character he plays, but especially this one.  
His character speaks and casts spells in haiku.  it is what it is
He’s SO fun to have in your party!  He’s also a really good role-player who gets super invested in his characters.
Part of why he’s so fun is because he knows how the game works so he’s not just doing random shit in an attempt to be funny.  He has a strategy and he sticks with it.
“I ROLL TO SEDUCE” just happens to be his strategy
Daichi asks for a charisma check and-
“ . . . one . . .” even with his +6 proficiency bonus, he couldn’t pull it off.
Once had a nat 20 plus his bonus though :) his character may or may not have slept with the bartender for information
Probably fights with Kuroo a lot about what the next move should be?
They’re forced to settle it through an intimidation roll
Sugawara Koushi. Class: Druid
He has no idea what he’s doing, but he catches on FAST
Sugawara plays chaotic neutral most of the time, which adds a fun mix seeing as Oikawa and Kuroo both tend to play Lawful or Neutral
When picking his cantrips and spells at the start of the game, he didn’t really think much about fighting, so he has a bunch of practical spells?
Like, he is genuinely the party’s only healer
and he uses that to his advantage fsfs
You want healed? Cool.  He’s asking you to roll a d100 to see how much you’re paying him.
His character is really under powered when it comes to fighting, but he has good wisdom and intelligence stats, so he’s really helpful to have around
Has one weapon and it’s a dagger.  So, he doesn’t do much damage.
But the others protect him anyway, because, again, he’s their healer.
Bokuto Koutarou. Class: Barbarian
He plays occasionally, but only when Kuroo asks
He’s got the most hit points out of anyone, so he’s the first to charge into battle . . . and I mean ANY battle.  He could be up against a dragon and give ZERO shits. it’s not impossible. it’s just hard. 
Has crazy high strength but he’s lacking in most other stats.
He’s not super into the whole role-playing aspect? So he doesn’t have a backstory or anything for his character.  He doesn’t get into character like the others.  He just plays.
He still doesn’t completely understand what’s going on and how to play.
“Wait.  Which one do I role again?  The triangle or the diamond thing?”
But, our boys aren’t gate keepers, so they’re here to help him.  Kuroo has probably made him a cheat-sheet to tell him what he needs to roll and when.
Probably has those cursed spaghetti-o dice
Asahi Azumane. Class: Rogue
Okay.  At least, that was his PLAN
But, his stat rolls were really bad?  So, his character is pretty awful.  Like, I’m talking 12 is his highest stat.
Kenma was going to just let him re-roll his stats, but the others thought it would be really funny to have one under-powered character in the party.
But, surprisingly enough, he’s a really lucky roller? So, he’s not much of hindrance.
This is the first time he’s ever played and it’s only because Daichi and Sugawara pretty much scared him into it.
Like Bokuto, he doesn’t get into the role-play part of the game.  He just feels kind of awkward about it??
He’s a pretty laid-back player and usually stays quiet because he’s still figuring out the game.
Literally text him before the session and he will bring whatever you want.  Has definitely baked cookies and brownies for more than one session.
Yaku Morisuke. Class: Paladin
Plays chaotic-evil for SURE
He’s got a pretty well-rounded character, but wisdom is his strongest stat at 15.
He’s played with the Nekoma a few times? But it’s not a regular pastime of his
But, he was one of the ones who fell in love with it after their first session, so he’ll never say no to a new campaign if you ask.
Yaku makes his characters really tall?  Like, they’re usually 6′ at least.  You will never catch him playing a gnome or a dwarf. Ever.
He’s teamed up with Sugawara in the party so he never has to pay for healing.
BAD ROLLER.  It’s shocking when he manages to roll over 10.  Lots of critical failures.
Doesn’t have any of his own dice, so he’s probably borrowing Sugawara’s the entire time or Kuroo gives him one of his old sets.
Iwaizumi Hajime. Class: Fighter
He may not play a lot, but when he does? Be ready for a good session, because he always comes with one of the best characters.
His character probably dual-wields hand axes.
Next to Bokuto, he’s got the highest number of hit points, but he’s less compulsive and picks his battles more carefully. 
Like Kuroo, he’s got one set of dice that he always uses.  He once delayed the start of the session because he brought the wrong set.
“Dude, I have an extra set just use mine.” “NO!”
He’s a pretty serious player.  He doesn’t role-play very well, but he helps keep the party on track.
Tendou Satori.  Class: Rogue
He’s pure CHAOS
Constantly getting the party off track and poor Daichi doesn’t know what he’s supposed to do in this situation, because he didn’t prepare properly.
“Tendou, please don’t-” “I said, I want to steal the boat and go to the island in the distance.”
He’s what Asahi wishes his rogue was like.
Tendou’s character isn’t over-powered or anything, he just knows how to play his proficiency bonuses to his advantage.  He’ll use stealth rather than deception to get what he wants
He’s pick-pocketing Sugawara’s druid so he can pay for his next healing.
The role-play is his favorite part, but usually because he just bases his characters around his personality so, there’s not much to change about himself.
He cheats. I promise you, he’s a cheater.  He has one of those dice rolling apps on his phone and will re-roll until he gets something good or he has a +3 modifier to all of his rolls. 
It takes a long time for anyone to catch on, but ooooooh when they do?  Tendou has lost any and all phone privileges for the rest of the game.  He has to borrow physical dice from Kuroo.
Ushijima Wakatoshi. 
He’s not playing.  He has no idea what this “Dee en Dee” thing is that everyone keeps talking about, but he’s not interested in finding out.  He may watch?  But, it’s pretty unlikely.
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thescreamsleuths · 4 years
Sleuthing the Sleuths: Vanishing Act
Check out our brief chat below as we unpack the thoughts and feelings in our last session, Vanishing Act! Please note, since Baelsar has exited the game, a new character has joined...
Always-be-Theivin’: Two things (one thing to share, one question) before I sleep and forget them:
1) Scrapped backup character idea (was designed purely to antagonize Brinne): a Fighter with the Gunslinger archetype originally from Samar. Was going to be a defector who specialized in long-range combat and tried to hide his gun from the party for as long as possible, and
2) When talking to Baelsar, Brinne said something like, "you die your final death when nobody remembers who you were." This is an interesting concept about life and figurative immortality that Brinne has never really mentioned before, as far as I can remember. Was this a value that was taught to Brinne as she grew up, was it something that developed in her mind as she lived through a war, or something else entirely?
Raging and Confused: Brinne is sad that Baelsar felt like he had to leave. She trusted him to take care of everyone’s emotional well-being and see what needed to be fixed before it became a problem... she’s in super protective mode now as well and paranoid about losing more people... like I said before we finished the session, Brinne was preparing herself for Kathra being the last one alive to tell Baelsar what happened to them... we’re going to fight a war and Brinne know’s people don’t always survive that. As for your other backup character, omg, you monster! I would have enjoyed that, not gonna lie... as for the concept of dying the final death, I’ve been thinking about that in association with Brinne for a long time... I feel like she feels she has to carry on the burden of memory, of knowing she survived... it’s part of the reason I even said anything when we ran in to Vanity and why I finally revealed backstory elements when I did. Brinne’s family and her town were people devoted to a god of war, so they have fighting in their blood... I just thought it would make sense to have memory associated with all of that since honor and combat are so important... if no one remembers your deeds and actions in life, what did it even mean?
Carp A DM: That is incredibly wise of Brinne. With her training for action her whole life only to be defeated in the battles she’d trained so much for... it makes sense for her to be very aware of her own mortality and knowledgeable of the legacy one could create with their deeds on and off the battlefield. It’s just a matter of putting faith in the right person or people to give your memory justice. It’s a heavy weight to bear, but I think it’s one any of the Scream Sleuths (current or past) would do for one another. From Faylen’s “I loved you” to Kathra’s “you’re my hero”, there were a lot of really powerful things said during Baelsar’s last farewell. What stuck with you as a player and a character the most? Was there anything you regret saying or wished you had said?
Dog Mom: As a player I wanted to give Baelsar a heartfelt goodbye, but I knew through Faylen it needed to be more of a short farewell focused more on closure between the two characters after everything that’s happened between them. I’m happy with how it went down in that regard.
Hi, it’s Kathra: Reaction thoughts- Both Kathy and I were really thrown by Baelsar’s exit. Kathy is no longer feeling optimistic to start lol. That’s definitely gone. She’s really upset right now, she’s kinda just emotionally overwhelmed. Even though Baelsar wasn’t big on sharing his feelings. She’s disappointed with herself that she didn’t see this coming and therefore couldn’t prevent it. She’s also more convinced than ever to find everything on her list. If she can learn how to prolong life /cheat death, maybe she can convince Baelsar that she can protect him and he can come back. She’s also a little worried about Fay. What’s to stop her from staying in Di’Sow once we “stop” the war? In terms of our goodbyes, Kathy echoed Fay’s sentiment to Baelsar that he is so much more than what he thinks of himself. She wished she could’ve convinced him to stay but she really just wants him to be happy. I also wish she could’ve conveyed to him that she didn’t blame him for leaving.
Carp A DM: I think Kathra gave the sense that she didn’t blame him for leaving, especially since she had told him that all she wants is for him to be happy. She would support him in whatever he needed to do to ensure that happiness takes form. Hearing everyone’s goodbyes, was there a time when Baelsar thought he was making the wrong choice?
Always-be-Thievin’: Yeah, actually. Partway through talking to Kathra, he started reconsidering. But he actually had a brief thought back to Maqa and how the party turned back on their decision and he ended up regretting that, so, much as it hurt, he wanted to follow this new decision through
Raging and Confused: You know, that makes me respect the decision even more... I’m not going to lie, I’m going to miss Baelsar a lot, but this insight is going to help bridge that gap
Always-be-Thievin’: I'mma miss my big red naïve goofball, too, but I think he needs some time, and I think I need some time from him, too. Weirdly enough, I think Baeslar was a reflection of a part of me that I didn't know I didn't like
Hi, it’s Kathra: Oh My Goodness!! No!! I love him and I hope that the space you give Baelsar helps you to learn to love those parts of you!!!
Carp A DM: I’ve always thought that when creating a character, no matter what personality you choose or background you design, there’s always a piece of you that goes into the character. You get amplified through your character’s actions and words. It’s interesting to see what comes out in the end, but the realization doesn’t have to be negative. I agree with Hi, it’s Kathra, hopefully the space will be enough for both Always-be-Thievin’ and Baelsar. And speaking of realizations, Faylen was the first to find Baelsar’s belongings and letter while Brinne and Kathra were learning some interesting information about past adventurers. For Faylen: Do you think being the first to read Baelsar’s letter alone fed into her reaction? What was she thinking while reading it through the first time? For Brinne: Having the outlook on immortality through legacy that Brinne has, how was it for her to learn about an adventurer from approximately 1k years ago who’s actions were being preserved in memory and mediums? For Kathra: Kathra has had her ups and downs with meeting and trusting historians throughout the campaign, has speaking with Lady Evangelina Barmitelli bolstered or deflated her opinion of these scholars? Was there anything Kathra is itching to ask her?
Always-be-Thievin’: Yes Kathra should be itching to ask her out on a date!!
Dog Mom: Reading it was emotional. While she and Baelsar hadn’t been on the best terms lately she was always holding out hope that he would realize she was asking him in her own passive aggressive way. The letter felt like the thing snuffing our that hope. I think that’s the reason she wanted to find him. She did love Baelsar. She was forced to confront him about it. I think being able to process that alone helped facilitate her getting there and also have a moment of weakness not in front of her party.
Hi, it’s Kathra: I liked Lady Evangelina. Though at the time, they just seemed like stories. Kathy liked hearing about her passion for history but didn’t really think that the scream sleuths would be interesting in researching an old adventuring party. She figured if the found anything then she’d pass it along and that would be the end of her commitment. but now that Baelsar has left, she is more interested in helping her. She doesn’t want anyone to be forgotten. And she will be more actively looking for clues from the old adventuring party.
Always-be-Thievin’: Oh, thinking towards the future for the Sleuths: what is their next step? Their next goal as a group? Are they decided on this war in Di'Sow?
Hi, it’s Kathra: Kathy still is
Dog Mom: Faylen still stands where she did before. She doesn’t feel fully ready to go home but will for the purposes of checking on her family who she is very concerned about. She is wondering if what is happening in Relltic is a more immediate threat, however.
Carp A DM: Yeah, that’s a good point. What will the Scream Sleuths do now? And what are their first impressions of this mysterious and magical new friend/foe?
Filia-Well what do we have here: Magical? Who said anything about magical? She's just a really quick stonemason
Dog Mom: Faylen is skeptical (and her insight check enhanced that) but Faylen is also a softy so I think if cards are played right she’ll come around.
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3500things · 5 years
national coming out day 2019
originally posted 10.11.2019 on my personal facebook page
To everyone:
National Coming Out Day is today, Friday October 11, 2019.
And I know this post is late. I realize it is after midnight on the east coast so technically it isn’t National Coming Out Day anymore, but something happened tonight that was monumental- and I didn’t get to finish my initial thought while writing earlier. Keep reading, please:
I am excited to celebrate in my first National Coming Out Day, in 2019, as an officially-out member of the gay community. However, today has been very emotional as it causes me to pause for a moment and reflect on my own journey and how I arrived here. As I am reading articles and newsfeeds on the internet today and seeing people compelled in the acceptance and encouragement of this day, to come out, I must say I have very pointed and mixed emotions.
I have mentioned and identified myself as a gay man in a few blogs that I have written recently (that I am sure nobody reads), however, this is really the first time I have publicly acknowledged it as a whole on Facebook- other than to those who I have directly come out to. I have taken pleasure in promoting myself as an ally for a few years now, but I am tired of hiding behind that identity and am ready to step out into the light and live a full, unfiltered and authentic life.
I have known I was different for a long time. I felt feelings as a young child that I simply did not understand, and those feelings did not go away- they never have and only intensified over time. I was raised in an extremely conservative-Christian household, taught that being gay was an immoral and unnatural thing, I got the hellfire and brimstone speech and I was encouraged and forced to speak hate towards things that were supposedly against God. And I did those things. And I hurt people. And I never wanted to do them. But, I always knew that I was what I was forced to speak out about.
I became extremely depressed and suicidal in my teenage years. I tucked away my true self and I damaged myself mentally and physically with the rhetoric I was forced to digest. I never felt like I could be me, until now. In this moment. But getting to this point hasn’t been easy. It has been countless therapy sessions, panic attacks, many nights crying myself to sleep and length of time to get me to finally accept myself and allow myself to explore with the God-given (yes, God-given) gift that being gay has ultimately brought me.
Let’s talk about God for just a quick moment. Know that I am a spiritual person but there is no religion here. Not a drop.
You can throw Genesis 19, Leviticus 18 & 20, Romans 1:18-32, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 and 1 Timothy 1:8-10 at me all day. The Bible says what it says, but it does not mean anything to me personally. The Bible was a manuscript that was written for an ancient time, in an ancient time and does not take into consideration the advancements in human thought and condition over the many years since its inception. The Bible should not be a standard to compare, govern nor should it be used as a tool ultimately control how people live nowadays. Without discrediting the text itself, I do believe there are great life-lessons to be learned from the Bible about love and how to conduct yourself in a more upright way. However, I believe that taking the current Christian argument to the case of homosexuality is the wrong thing to do. And I will vehemently disagree with anyone who does this. It is damaging. It is hurtful and it adds no real value to anything.
Contrary to what religious types will argue, being gay is not wrong. It is not ungodly; it is not a sin and gay people will not go to Hell- even if there is such a place. Being gay is way more than a physical thing. It is an emotional intelligence, it is the idea of love, acceptance and tolerance that comes with a huge responsibility. Being gay is not defined by who you love or choose to be intimate with or enter into marriage with. It is not a choice; it is a reality, a truth, a tangible thing. It is also a greater expansion of oneself, ones spirit and your ability to express love and accept love.
Saying that I was a repressed gay man until the age of 34 is the understatement of the year. I wanted so desperately to explore my sexuality in high school, when at age 16 I decided that I had struggled long enough with trying to figure out what being gay meant and finally internally accepted that I was.
However, I didn’t have the freedom to operate in or express my sexuality, as a teen in my household, at the time. I got bullied in school for not dating women, so I did, and I eventually married a woman. Several years in, while trying rather unsuccessfully at keeping the charade going and while being accused almost daily of being a closeted gay man- we divorced. I had to lie to my friends and family, I had to create a scenario where I was the good guy and she was the bad guy and she did all these things that contributed to the breakdown in our marriage. I wanted something that I felt like I couldn’t have at the time and I couldn’t be the partner she needed much less deserved. We are both better people apart than we ever were together and marrying her is the single biggest regret in my life.
As I’ve grown older and started to formulate my own opinions and ideas about things, I decided to distance myself from my faith and seek a journey of my own understanding. Part of that journey was finally resolving in this year to come out to friends and family.
I told everyone by the end of July, except my dad. I know his opinion of gay folks- he has made it clear. Nothing derogatory of course, but the ignorance to it shows through sometimes. I also know where he stands from a religious perspective- he has also made that clear. He has accepted my friends who are gay, he wants to meet my new friends who are RubiGirls, see a drag show and he wants to know things or ask things but is sometimes hesitant to do it.
I’ve been on an exposure-therapy campaign with him over the past several months. I put a pride flag in my bedroom, some drag queen paraphernalia went on display, I went to 2 Pride celebrations this year- one in Dayton and the other in Cincinnati. He knows what I’m doing is out of the ordinary for me because I’ve never done it before but have always wanted to and have been interested in it. I wanted to go to a Pride event for many years, but I just couldn’t do it. So, as I’ve slowly been exposing him to things and being a little more vocal about my standpoints and viewpoints on LGBTQIA+ issues in the news and culture, he has started to gather and form an opinion.
Today, I was reading a page on Facebook that stated it was a moderated safe space for individuals who were not out to talk and share their stories. What I read was heartbreaking; just the sheer ignorance of parents and things they say to their children just for being gay. I wanted to talk to dad about it, and I did. I told him some of the terrible things that happened to people- mostly issues between sons and fathers- and he expressed to me his disgust with families disowning children just for being gay. I understand and fully appreciate his comment of “…well, I don’t understand it totally, but I’d want my kid to be happy and healthy. There are bigger ‘crimes’ than being gay.”
This ultimately led into a 90+ minute conversation where I was able to tell him how I felt and my entire 16-year backstory. There is more to discuss between he and I, but my tone was measured and precise. The main thing I needed to say, in order to heal myself, be true to myself and allow myself to advance in my life were these 4 words: Dad, I am gay.
We talked and talked some more. He is not mad, a little confused (which is a normal response), and more reflective. He expressed to me that he wants me to be happy, healthy and to make wise decisions (typical dad advice). He also said he loves me and supports me, and always will, regardless of any decision I make – good or bad – in my life.
What a relief this is! On my first real National Coming Out Day I was able to finish writing the prologue of my story of becoming the person I always knew I could be. I am starting to write the chapters of my new life around all the garbage that is in the past. It’s a new day and I am ready to face it with the full support and love of my parents by my side. I truly am blessed and lucky to have this experience play out as it did. A lot of people do not get what I have, and I am very fortunate.
For those of you who need support in whatever journey you may be on, reach out to me if you feel comfortable in doing so. I’m a safe person to come out to. If you’re reading this and you have questions, contact me too. I’m an open book- ask away. If you’re reading this, and you have nothing positive or of value to say then move on.
Thanks for allowing me to share my life so unfiltered and express that vulnerability on the internet for all to consume. This goes a long way in my healing and with moving forward in my life. And, thank you to all of those who have supported me in the past several months as I have made declarations to you about my life. Your love and support mean the world to me and I can never thank you enough.
Love, Jacob
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A Woman Is Not An Object or a Prize
As a female Peace Corps volunteer, there is no escaping it.
The sideways glances, the stares that last too long in your direction, the sigh you feel leaving your body when you're asked, yet again, if you are married or if you're dating anyone- and if you're not, "why not?"
There is a lot a person can get used to and become accustomed to when living in a foreign place. I am no longer phased by the fact that my toilet is simply just a hole in the ground, or that I have to wash my clothes by hand, or plans don't work out, or a three hour long car ride could end up taking me almost an entire twenty-four hours. Those are things that are easy to adapt to.
But the one thing that I will never fully adapt to? The one thing that continues to wear on me and chips away at the patience and acceptance I have built for other things in this experience? It's the feeling that no matter what, I am constantly looked at by men as an object, and I'm spoken to as if I have a buying price.
"Where is your husband?"
"Why are you not married yet?"
"My love, I love you, I want to marry you."
"Don't you want a husband? You need to start having children"
"Please, my darling, love me. We can go back to America together."
"If I was to marry you, you would be worth 1,000 cows. I would pay your father and he would be very happy."
"Hey baby, you are so sexy."
"Why are you not talking to me everyday? Is it because you do not want to be with me?"
"He is saying that because he wants to be with you, he does not mean any harm."
Let me be clear about something here, these aren't things I have heard from just Guinean man. I've heard it in all of my travels across the world. From my creepy rickshaw driver in Cambodia who picked me up from the airport, to the safari car driver in Tanzania where I worked for a summer, to my female host mother during my rural homestay in Uganda, who told me basically that “men will be men” when a drunk neighbor came by and wouldn't leave me alone. After awhile, this gross objectification starts to get to you. 
However, I think the difference for me now is that in the past, the trip always ended. I would go home and was able to surround myself again with male figures and close friends who respect me as a human being and don't look at me like I'm a walking vagina and breasts. 
I was able to build those walls up again and rebuild stronger each time, so that each new foreign experience, I started to care less about the stares, the crass comments, and the creepy actions towards me. I grew, I learned how to recognize these men and these situations, and I would brush them off or I would say something really brash and straightforward like "I want a husband someday but it won't be you." or I'd ask "Why is it necessary for me to have children?". I could say what I wanted and be as cold and detached as I needed to be if someone was making me uncomfortable or was being disgusting to me because, 9 times out of 10, I was probably never going to see them again.
I had these walls, these safeguards, and these skills I gained from over a decade of dealing with men out there who feel as if myself and other women are something that is owed to them. I came into Peace Corps with that fortress of self reliance under my belt and I was ready to take on what Guinea was going to throw at me. And let me tell you, in the last 17 months, the constant objectification has been bombarded on me.
The stares from men anytime I go anywhere, the constant comments from taxi driver asking me where my husband is (or if I want a husband, or can they be my husband?), having my photo taken without my consent, having to refuse invitations to men's homes, the persistent feeling of never fully being safe in a crowded male dominated space… the list could go on, and I know for a fact most other female volunteers I know have similar stories to share with you. It's gotten to the point where many of us just find it necessary for our sanity to straight up lie about being married or engaged to avoid further questions because, after the hundredth time of hearing "So if you are not married or engaged, you need to find someone here to marry." you stop wanting to have the argument of women's rights and choices.
But, all that said and done, those are the sort of instances and people I can deal with. Sure, they're exhausting, but I built those walls on purpose and they've kept me safe here. These sort of things exist everywhere in the world; as much as I individually do what I can to change those actions and inherited traits of these sorts of people, I try not to let them affect my life.
What exhausts me in the end, are the alarming number of men here whom I've put my trust in to not act that way towards me, and then having them betray that trust. They are the cannonballs among the pebbles being thrown in my direction and they are the ones that are wearing me down to a point of burn out.
Guinea, like almost all of the rest of the world, is a male dominated society. Unlike the culture I grew up in that has adapted and begun the journey of social equality for all, many Guinean men do not see women are their equals. It’s a culture where a bride price still exists, meaning simply that a woman literally has a monetary value assigned to her and her rights, her choices, and her body can be sold to the highest bidder. It is also a culture where, for the most part, the thoughts and feelings of the males in society are seen as the only ones that matter. But because I want to get work done, and because I want to make a difference, I grit my teeth and I grin through my gut-wretching feeling of wanting to run the opposite direction. I try to make friendships, develop work relationships, and have casual conversations with the opposite gender.
...Obviously the director of a branch of a major non-governmental organization in our area who works with my health center would be willing to work with me on helping to improve the capacity building of the community. We have so much to work on and he'd be a great work colleague. At least that's what I thought until I went to his house once on my way to my regional capital, just to chat, and he told me he wanted to "marry a beautiful American woman" and would leave his wife to do so, staring at me the whole time like a vulture waiting for his chance at the roadkill. Uncomfortable, I left and ignored his phone calls after that. He's since been moved to another posting in the lower part of the country.
...Of course this guy in my community who wants to work on organizing sessions for malaria trainings wants to just work with me because he cares about what I'm here to do… unless of course he's decided that by doing this with me, it was his way of telling me how much he loves me and wants to be with me. He said this to me over text message after a campaign that we did. When I didn't answer him and I started getting his six phone calls and fourteen text messages a day for a week, I finally had the doctor at my health center get involved and the harassment ended.
...There's no way that my friend and French tutor, a young, well educated, guy, would want anything more than my friendship and to hang out- until he asks me to dump the Peace Corps volunteer I’ve been dating so I could date him and when I said no, that I just wanted to be friends, he proceeds to stop speaking to me.
I’ll reiterate again, this sort of thing happens to women in America and all over the world; I'm aware it's not just a Guinean phenomenon of culture. But when my Peace Corps service has consisted of over ~80% of my interactions with male acquaintances always leading to me hearing a comment about my marriage status, or the 99.5% chance of me being nice to the taxi driver and then giving him my number to contact him for rides later, result in him constantly calling me asking to hang out, or, when I have at least a 1 in 2 chance of a man I'm trying to develop a professional friendship with, is thinking that working with me is eventually a way to get in my pants- you really begin to question whether you’re going to be able to make any difference at all.
So, what keeps me going on days that I feel like this? And feel like venting out about how I don't think things will ever evolve in this testosterone filled space I find myself currently apart of?
Every single day is a constant struggle to keep pushing back against these norms and keep allowing myself to trust people and let my guard down- despite being hampered with so many reasons to be jaded and shut the men out all together. But the reason I don't give up is there are men who are an exception the rule. By forming friendships with these men and having them embrace that fact that I am a human being, not an object or a prize to be won, it empowers them to teach others group them how to act and behave towards the opposite sex. It gives me hope that they will be the ones to change the ways of the next generation.
I see it in my friend Cissé, who's marriage I was a part of and who has constantly been working with me to start a girls' sports club.
I see it in my Chef de Santé, Dr. Bah, who always tells me about the importance of educating women and calls me his teacher.
I see it in my counterpart Mamadou, who has never once asked me about a husband or has ever made a pass at me in our year and a half of working together.
I finished writing this, and I went and stopped by my health center and sat down with Dr. Bah. Frustrated, I explained my feelings to him about how men act here. He said something to me that gives me hope. “Les hommes qui ne respectent pas les femmes ne sont pas des hommes bons.” The men who do not respect women are not good men.
So, because of them, and Guinean male role models like them, I keep moving forward. I keep finding ways to, cautiously and carefully, let the other gender into my life while I'm here. I keep going so that, maybe one day, men like my few Guinean male friends who respect me and respect the rights and choices of women, will no longer be the exception but will instead be the rule.
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bluering8 · 6 years
for the dnd meme, i'm gonna send you the same prompt someone else sent me: prime numbers!
2. Your favouritecharacter that someone else has played.
My favourite character was probably Pax! Her player is nolonger around because Reasons, but I still love Pax. She was hilarious and anabsolute delight, top-quality belligerent homeless drunkard with more arms (four)than brain cells.
Favourite character who is still active is maybe… Glitz??That’s a really hard choice because I particularly love the entire Navarenegroup, the Glitz-Levin-Aradi trio is super fun for me to watch interacting becausetheir personalities bounce off each other in really entertaining ways.
3. Your favouriteside quest.
I don’t think we really… do side quests… Numenera iskind of like Side Quests: the RPG, the whole point of it is that you’resupposed to explore and get distracted by random shit and race off in twentydifferent directions at once.
5. Favourite NPC.
Ssenofyn Srelthyn Syntysus! Ssen’s hilarious to me because he’sso consistently deadpan in the face of wacky shenanigans and questionablesocial skills. He cares only for science and it’s delightful. It also means he’sreally good at the job of Being A Party NPC: all he wants is for the party tokeep running around and exploring, so he’s content to stand in the backgroundand only help out when asked. He lets the PCs do all the Fun Stuff, and it makes sense for his character that he’d act that way.
7. Your favouritedowntime activity.
We don’t really… do downtime either… I mean, we could do downtime, but I’m a veryimpatient man and want lots of things to be happening at all times. Okay, wejust jumped out of a plane after encountering/rescuing a new PC and there’snothing immediately important happening, this would be a really good time torelax and take stock and have some RP where we get to know our new teammateright? Well, we could do that, or wecould investigate this weird space lego in a nearby pond let’s do thatinstead!!
11. How often do youplay and how often would you ideally like to play?
We play pretty irregularly? Mostly as a side-effect of wowthere are so many different time zones and conflicting schedules at play here.We’ve switched to play-by-post rather than having actual sessions, which has helpeda lot with the scheduling issues, but we still don’t play very often. I’m like68% sure we’re maybe on hiatus until the new books come out?
13. Introduce yourcurrent party.
There are three!
Draolis party: Tom Sideways (Charming Jack who Works theBack Alleys), useless layabout on a quest to locate a gun which fires weird timebullets and also an occasional pawn in his crime lord brother’s scheming; Aeli(Clever Glint who Crafts Illusions), a con artist who got herself involved inOracle’s political shenanigans; Styx (Ultraterrestrial Glaive who IntegratesWeaponry), a boisterous adventurer from the Timelands who found herselfstranded in the Ninth World by accident and is seeking to repair her worldlineshifter; Oracle (NPC), an overdramatic “””terrorist””” who likes to yell aboutpolitics a lot.
Navarene party: Enodyne (Perceptive Nano who Abides inCrystal), an imperious supervillain with a mysterious backstory; Levin (WeirdNano who Rides the Lightning), Aeon Priest, mom friend, and also an avidknitter; Glitz (Manipulative Jack who Possesses a Shard of the Sun), a fancyboy who wears impractical shoes and is super Extra at all times; Aradi (GuardedSeeker who Manipulates Force), a Gaian who is just here to explore ancientruins and doesn’t know why these strange people keep talking to her like shetolerates them.
Techhunter party: Mote (Mystical Jack who Fuses Mind andMachine), a space ape from space on a quest to find her lost god; Flux Dynamo(Mercurial Glaive who Employs Magnetism), who is ADHD as hell and loves spaceso much you guys so much; Ssenofyn(NPC), who is just here to do science.
17. What are somehouse rules that your group has?
Anyone who draws an art gets an experience point, AKA therule which lets Hap advance at approximately the ten times the rate of everyoneelse put together (I’m not deliberately spamming art specifically for the purposeof XP gain, I’m just Like This). The GM insists this is fine.
The new books are gonna be introducing Player Intrusionsalso, which presumably is gonna mean players get to spend an XP to make goodthings happen to themselves. The GM’s said that if there’s no mechanism to letplayers make bad things happen tothemselves they’ll houserule it in just for me, which on the one hand I feelkind of offended but on the other hand shit yes time to shoot myself repeatedlyin the foot!! I promise to use this power responsibly and only cause disastersfor myself so I don’t ruin the game for other people. On the gripping hand thisshould go some way to correcting the ridiculous amount of XP I’ve accidentallyaccumulated with my constant fanart, so it all balances out in the end I guess.
19. Do you or yourparty have any dice superstitions?
Nope! Except that back when we were using physical diceinstead of a dicebot Jack’s dice hated them, which was less superstition andmore objective fact because one time we had a session while they were visitingme and they borrowed a set of my dice and suddenly they could make non-shittyrolls.
23. Do you usepremade modules or original campaigns?
Mostly original stuff I think? Don’t look at me, I only haveaccess to the character-creation books, I don’t know how much of what goes on is canon and how much the GM makes up on the spot. Fortunately all my characters areeither foreigners or complete idiots so my relative ignorance of the NinthWorld doesn’t matter super much.
29. Do you prefer RPheavy sessions or combat sessions?
As a GM? RP sessions, mostly because the game I’m GMing usesa ridiculously ruleslite system so there’s not really anything interesting youcan do with combat. This might change if I ever get organised enough to runsomething with more than a single page of rules. But also, when the players are RPing and treating their PCs like characters instead of sticks to solve problems with, that’s super super pleasing for me because it feels like they’re enjoying themselves and getting engaged with what’s going on.
31. What is yourfavourite class? Favourite race?
My favourite type is jack! They seem to be, like… the bestset up for interacting with the world in the way I want to interact with it. Ilike having the variety in what I can do and I’m not super bothered by the lackof high-powered/specialised skills. It looks like the new book’s going to bemaking jacks their own Thing instead of just being a nonspecialised mishmash ofall the other character types so iunno, we’ll see how that one shakes out.
Numenera doesn’t really doraces the way DND does races. You get races, but they’re in place ofdescriptors rather than a separate trait. I ain’t give a shit about function orbuilding a mechanically-optimised character, if you tell me I can either pick aspecies trait or a character trait I’ll pick the character trait. So I guess Iprefer the default “race” (which is… not necessarily human, Mote’s a spaceape but she still counts as the default mechanically) because then I can picksomething else interesting to have going on. I did super enjoy playing an ArtificiallyIntelligent character one time, but the GM let me pick two descriptors so I wasAI/Mad and honestly if I could’ve only picked one, Mad all the way.
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amsuccessconnection · 5 years
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Anthony Morrison is a successful entrepreneur who has developed a simple approach for making money online, and he has a number of products that can help people achieve financial freedom. He started the Success Connection so he can provide his students with a platform that will allow them to post comments and ask questions that he can answer, and it will help him to perfect his teaching methods. THESC is a unique program that will give people access to a number of online courses and materials, and all of them serve as guides for people who want to become successful internet entrepreneurs. If you want to learn from what is considered to be one of the best resources for online marketing, then you should register for the Success Connection today!
Who is Anthony Morrison?
Anthony Morrison is the man who has proven him to be the best entrepreneur out there.He not only started from scratch but also stayed firm in what he believed in. Anthony isan internet entrepreneur and a master of Internet Marketing. Anthony Morrison began his journey in 2005 and used the same strategies which he currently teaches his students and staff. Therefore, it is proven to assist you in the growth of your online business. Whichever business Anthony put his hand and luck into, he achieved spectacular success. Also, he, a speaker and an author, is passionate humanitarian as well!
Why do we need Anthony Morrison?
In this digitally acclaimed world, Anthony is a renowned speaker and author. He has been the light for students and people who want to start big in their entrepreneurship.Anthony Morrison is the only entrepreneur that not only earns for him but for others too.He spreads his knowledge and skills for the betterment of the entire community. Also, this has assisted many to make money online. Anthony Morrison has made many live with the phrase, ‘Earn at home, learn at home!’’
Many people merely claim to be the best out there. However, this internet entrepreneur has got all you need in a determined leader. He is an expert and the guru of his field. His secret strategies are all you need to run a successful online business. Anthony Morrison sees the hidden potential in you and does his best to polish those skills! Moreover, many people can relate well to this inspiring internet entrepreneur. He was devastated by the financial crisis. He was a passionate teenager and has experienced the roller-coaster ride of life. Hence, if you are someone who dreams big, Anthony Morrisona is the perfect guide for you. Join us today to unleash your inner entrepreneur and cherish the financial freedom!
Anthony Morrison’s journey?
He published his first book in 2008 which was a step by step on how to be a successful entrepreneur. His only wish was to inspire people to achieve their dreams and to work on them. In his second book, he talked about marketing. This author shed light and showed people how to make money in that area without too much pressure. The products of Anthony Morrison have proven to be the best match for any person. It is for anyone who is willing to dedicate his or her life for their passion and mission. It is one of the bests marketing programs out there. He not only sticks to one method but uses many other ways in which he can work for the betterment of the people.
Why should you get Anthony Morrison Success Connection?
The Connection allows you to get wide range courses and online materials. This makes you learn everything about a tremendously successful enterprise. It will generate considerable revenue and traffic. Live coaching sessions are provided with Anthony Morrison who will treat you with every step of your journey. Your questions will also be answered in the live session
Coach Anthony Morrison
His career started when he sold candy bars; however, that journey bought him today where he is now. He did all this to save his beloved family from the hardships of poverty. Most of the businesses he has created have been successful. Not only business but he has started a charity called Christmas for Kids, and it allows many inexperienced kids to go and carry out campaigns for the underprivileged children. He does not want people to go through what he went through at a young age. He has a deep passion for helping others and for making a vast world for them.
Traffic generation strategies by Anthony Morrison
Many traffic generation techniques can be used to create traffic for your business. This will also get you into the limelight. Writing blog posts and articles collect great traffic.
Other publishers will notice you and promote your account even more. If you create engaging content, then people will automatically come to your account and praise you.
Many traffic generation techniques are taught like taking part in such forums that are targeting the audience who will benefit from your work. Getting ranked on search engines is the absolute must for your business to grow and get quickly recognized
It is the easiest and adaptive way to be recognized as a company. Analytics number is crucial in making a brand name and grabbing the attention of many.
Search Engine Optimization is an effective strategy. In this, you target specific keywords that show on top of search engines.
Traffic Generation methods from THESC
You need to join THESC for excellent traffic generation techniques which will bring useful traffic to your website. The moment you sign up, you will learn a great deal from Anthony Morrison himself.
He holds weekly webinars. It coaches and influences the people especially the young generation who want to be as successful as Anthony. Sign up today for the most amazing and thoughtful journey.
Contact Us
Connectivity is vital, in this ever emerging and globalized world. The connection between you and our team can clear your ambiguities. It would pave the path to a mutual coaching understanding of the work you do.
You will be given full access to the things one requires.
Reviews about Anthony Morrison
People love the coaching sessions that feel so close to home and have a great ability to interact with users on a one to one basis. Some are using it daily to increase their business growth and provide their users with a vast networked system. There is no need to worry now for business as Anthony Morrison, and his fantastic team is here to guide you on multitudes if work. Step by step lessons on how to make the most out of a business and marketing strategies.
Sign up today for the fantastic journey of Anthony Morrison. Also, all your FAQ’s will be answered here whenever you please. This is a beautiful platform with a full comfortable environment used for the benefit of the people wherever in the world. We love our audience and hope in providing the best solution for them wherever they are.
When: Every Thursday Night Time: 9pm EST (8pm CST, 6pm PST)
See All Past Trainings
I created the Success Connection in order to create a more rewarding relationship with my students.
While the Internet is a great thing it also removes personal interaction which is something I really enjoy. Through my Success Connection trainings I am able to get to know my students, listen to their comments and guide my teachings in a direction that is more helpful for my students.
I’ve been doing these trainings every single week for over a year now!
I’ve loved every second of it and even though they don’t know it I feel like I have gotten more out of this experience than even my students. The personal connection and ability to watch them grow and succeed is by far the highlight of my week.
I look forward to seeing you soon!
Anthony Morrison
This post originally appeared at http://www.thesc.com/
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peterjburnsiii · 5 years
Peter J. Burns III  “Ready, Fire, Aim” Round 2
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Carlos Cortes and Cooper Lopez are graduates from the Lavin Center for Entrepreneurship at San Diego State University. In the "Idea Lab," taught by Adjunct Professor Kevin Popovic, (https://idealab.sdsu.edu/kevin-popovic/) they formulated an idea for a business and decided to "go for it." In essence, the fellas created a very soft, washable blanket in different sizes and colors that come with sewn in "feet pockets" to keep your feet warm. I am including some info on their Adjunct and the progress of their business below. A picture of me with the two young entrepreneurs is up top of this blog.
My communication with Professor Kevin over holiday break is below:
Happy New Year to you, Kevin. I am helping your first two students, Carlos and Cooper. Received a pre-approval for one for $70k-$80k and after cleaning up a couple of credit bumps and paying down card balances, will get close to the same for the second. I have my Vietnamese partners quoting the first run of 3000 pieces that will come in under $10 apiece. They met with my bus plan/marketing plan guy who will also be running the numbers with them. We are going to Modern to see about all collateral material, websites, marketing campaigns next. I have a very smart Project Manager who will be taking them through all the steps, a Social Media maven to orchestrate that effort and a journalist to write about it all and garner 3rd party press for them and the project. When I finish the soup to nuts program for them, I can replicate for all worthy candidates, my friend.
One of my earliest communications with the boys after we met...
Peter J. Burns, III <
Sun, Dec 16, 2018, 3:50 PM
to Kevin, Robert, Alastair, Midas, Steve, magregory, Carlos, Cooper
Loved meeting you both and you two are exactly the type of "go-getters" I want to mentor and launch to the stratosphere of entrepreneurship!
The fact that you followed our friend (professor/mentor) Kevin's advice to connect with me, showed up on one of your two days off from your "day jobs" to meet me and my friends and produced what I asked for right away..are all good signs that my gut instinct was right about you.
Like I said, I bet on the jockey, not the horse.
That being said, my partners and I are going to take your info, study it, ask questions and bring you to meet all of us shortly.
In the meantime, since we know you are going to need capital and I promised to provide it, subject to the rules I establish with you, by way of this email, I am introducing you to my financing partner/guru, Wes of Midas-Financial (www.midas-financial.com) and ask that you speak together and provide Wes with whatever he needs to pre-qualify you for as much as you can receive to both repay your small debts ($20k each) and provide enough capital to launch your enterprise on another much higher level with my help.
I will be speaking to you personally with my thoughts on how we may best fast track you both.
P.S. My experience of bringing students to market is on my Dean's letter from Barrett Honors College (ASU) 12-13 years ago, which is attached. They had zip for entrepreneurship at ASU until I came there and SDSU is massively better equipped to reap the benefit of my resources. Help me to help them!
Barrett Honors College Dean Letter
Peter J. Burns, III
Below is one of my partner's observations and notes from his first session with the young men an their Project:
Bomfy B Consultation 12-30-18
Carlos, Cooper, Rob Tepper
Notes and Action Items
Carlos works for a Latino focused agency that has Fortune 500 clients as well as smaller ones.
Cooper - also at an agency, Account Executive (sales) doing Instagram and Facebook marketing for small to medium-sized businesses
They both went to Valhalla HS in El Cajon, knew each other but not really friends, became friends at SDSU as they are both studying Management & Entrepreneurship.
They seek a way to get their product positioned and set to sell in the 2019 holiday season to cover their entire salaries, costs, overhead for the year, so they can do this full time
Ideas for Niches:
Universities - market to university bookstore buyers
Sororities - market to a few local sororities but scale through national
For both of the markets above,having campus reps / advocates to promote can help with adoption
Star Wars or any other TV or Movie related theme
All of the above would require licensing deals.
Licensing deals are the best way to differentiate yourself from the competition.
For all niches, ads should feature the consumer(s) sitting in front of the TV or at their computer using the blanket, in a way that we can see the feet in the pocket (somehow!).
Before and after / with blanket vs with other alternatives could be a fun & funny way to present the advantages of the Bombfy B’s foot pockets.
How to Proceed:
1. Start with creating an Executive Summary and Financials. Consider the items below in creating them; they will become living documents that you can refine as you learn and implement. Convince yourselves that you have a plan that is realistic and that you are confident you can execute.
2. Determine the $$ volume of sales that would need to be done in the winter 2019/2020 season in order for it to earn them enough to do this full time
3. Based on (2), determine which strategy or strategies to pursue that are most likely to lead to this level of success.
4. Put plan together to execute selected strategies.
5. Licensing deal(s) in place `by end of July.
6. Testing and refinement of manufacturing, packaging, ordering and fulfillment systems - April and July
7. Finalize quantity and number of SKUs of each to order by early August
"Round 2 of Ready, Fire, Aim"" of my Adventures in Capitalism (through propelling young student-entrepreneurs into their own business) started with my invitation to the Quarterly Dinner and next morning's Advisory Board Meeting of SDSU's Lavin Entrepreneurship Center. The Lavin Center is generously supported by both the Lavin Family of Alberto Culver Fame and the Zahn Family of the Moxie Foundation. The picture below is from that dinner in early December.
Since that kind invitation, I have met with and interacted extensively with a number of individuals that I met that evening and the morning afterwards. In addition to replicating my "Ready Fire, Aim" Program from 14 years ago at ASU's Barrett Honors College by helping the BomfyB.com founders, I have already had my "Discovery Call" with a second graduate of the Lavin Entrepreneurship Center's wonderful Program and am "templating" that process to help any and all student-entrepreneurs from the 200 students who may need capital and mentoring to take their student projects to market with the greatest chance of success.
Perhaps an even greater help that I may be for SDSU's Lavin Entrepreneurship Center is my independent process of raising much needed donations to the school and the Program, engineered from my first stint at treaching entrepreneurship in 2005 and spelled out on a recently published article on the link below. Our "beta test" with the first potential benefactor is in-process as we speak and poses to generate millions of dollars on behalf of this worthy cause.
Charitable Fundraising
In short, I'm back with "Ready, Fire, Aim" Round 2.
Carlos Cortes, Co-Founder of Bomfy B. , Paid Media Manager at Captura Group
January 10, 2019, Carlos worked with Peter in the same group
“In such a short amount of time of meeting Peter through a mentor, he has helped myself and business partner more than we could have ever asked for. Along with the many ventures that he has going on, he is on a mission to help the next generation of entrepreneurs get their foot in the door and start making their dreams become a reality. Peter has opened up his network to us without hesitation and has already opened many doors for my company, Bomfy B., and we're just getting started. If you are a young entrepreneur and want to take that next big step in getting your venture off the ground, please do yourself a favor and get into contact with him! “
Cooper Lopez, Instagram Expert, Jumper, Media Account Executive, Content Management & Social Media Strategy, Co-Founder of Bomfy B.
January 10, 2019, Cooper worked with Peter in the same group
“My business partner Carlos and I were introduced to Peter through one of our mentors from San Diego State University when we were looking for experienced entrepreneurs to help us take our business, Bomfy B, to the next level. Not only is Peter currently helping us out with funding for our business, but he has also taken us under his wing, introduced us to several strategic partners, and become a new mentor to our business. Anyone one starting a business or involved in entrepreneurship in San Diego should definitely add Peter to their network and reach out if they are looking for ways to fund their startup.”
I was thrilled to receive these two heartfelt Linked In Recommendations of the first two (of hopefully many more) Lavin Entepreneurship Center grads. There are three more Lavin grads currently in the queue and we are systematizing the process of "Intake and Processing" for what we expect to be a burgeoning pipeline of young entrepreneurs seeking funding and mentorship for their student business projects.
To meet this demand, I have been working with UCSD's Director of Internships and am begining my interview process for filling the ranks with their very bright young people from both the Stateside and International students. I hope to work with SDSU's Internship Program too.
Follow the "Adventures in Capitalism" of Peter J. Burns III at www.peterjburns3.com.
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crisco-pig · 5 years
Thoughts at the close of business
I think I'm clever sometimes. I let my imagination convince me that I have an insight to share. But it is so rare that someone asks for advice that sometimes you find other options, or craft them. I did just this thing at a question and answer session with the 4 contestants for this weekend's Minnesota Leather Pride.
But first some history.  In 4th grade we wrote letters to our heros. Most kids were normal and choose Michael Jordan or Wayne Gretzky.  But I never liked sports and even then thought myself clever. I picked President Gorbachev of the Soviet Union, it was the early days of the 1988 campaign and I watched the news.  I had sympathies for the enemy in the cold war, a prepubescent edge lord in a time before online. I internalized some counter revolutionary ideas and spent my high school years caught in the thrawl of Newt Gingrich and his insurgent Republicans before going to college, coming out and returning to my radical roots.  I was, am and will probably always be a Communist.
The intricacies of my ever evolving and unorthodox approach to Marxism aren't important, per se.  It is just to give context to this story. One day, when I was Minnesota Leather boy, in 2017, I set my Facebook profile picture to a picture of myself wearing my sash and, in what was the fashion of the day, an added frame that showed the world my feelings on some topic or issue.  But instead of a ribbon for AIDS awareness or breast cancer awareness or autism awareness it was a firetruck red hammer and sickle. It didn't take long for someone in the leather community to let me know they didn't appreciate me being visibly Communist and visibly a titleholder in our community. 
I did it to be a bit provocative, I won't deny that. I thought it could bring attention to two things I cared about, a few people might be upset but I was entitled.  But when someone did call me on it I wasn't defiant, I apologized and took the picture down. Inside I felt aggrieved, but when it went from a theoretical offended "someone" to an actually offended someone, I recognized that it was a wrong move and I changed course.  I recognized that it was a cheap shot to leverage this platform I had won to, in my own small way, represent and advocate for this community to then promote a message that most everyone saw as unrelated. I wasn't being asked to change my message or censor any opinion I held, I was simply asked by one person to not grab the microphone out of Taylor Swift's hand and yell "Communism!" And I realized I was simply being asked to be polite and recognize people might find it irksome. Furthermore, the picture wasn't advancing an argument or pleading my case, it was being a disruption.
In my perception, I expressed an unpopular opinion and it turned the community against me.  I was henceforth a suspect character who was tolerated by never truly embrace. Honestly that whole drama was probably in my mind. For all I know one person just happened to offhandedly mention it to fill a lull in conversation and no one else noticed and even this person didn't care with any gusto.  But it affected me and it changed my mind about what is beneficial, what is sharing my deepest beliefs and what is just putting rational discourse aside and making a statement; I realized I didn't want to provoke because then people stop listening.
But it stuck with me because it made me think a lot about how much of myself I'm willing to compromise to be part of a community.  I considered explicitly how much of my involvement with kink I was willing to hide from vanilla friends and family and how much was crucial that they know if they were to know and accept the genuine and full me.  A whole reevaluation of my relationship to any group whose label I, through choice or circumstance, was a constituent of. And I figured out my own boundaries of what I'm willing to compromise for social acceptance.
With all of that in my mind, I asked the four contestants, as of writing this titleholders, what they would do if they found themselves facing criticism for expressing an unpopular or controversial belief with the community.  I thought I was so clever and giving them a heads up to consider beforehand a situation that had led me to a lot of energy intensive soul searching and contemplation.
Almost as soon as I had asked it I overcame my delusion and admitted to myself that I, like so many question askers before me, asked a question because I wanted to be heard and not truly to spark new thoughts in those answering or the audience.  But what's done is done. And the answers I heard got me thinking all over again.
As I listened to their answers I was struck by a nearly universal assumption on their part; they all seemed to take for granted that if they expressed an unpopular opinion it was likely they were wrong.  That idea made sense. Both chronically and acutely the leather community has faced divisions around the place and position of transgender people. In our local community a consensus emerged early and strongly that trans men are men, trans women are women, non-binary people exist and all were welcome to compete for titles that match their self identity.  This put us at odds with a vocal and entrenched faction of the larger community that disagreed. Their policies and escalating rhetoric tried to discourage the change we were advancing. In that context it made sense that our community knew better than those other people in other places. And if I disagree with this community I must be the one who is wrong, who should listen and learn and be open to change.  If I disagree it means I might agree with the people I generally disagree with and that doesn't seem right.
This wasn't the answer the clever me wanted to hear.  I wanted to hear a full throated defense of freedom of conscience and speech.  I harbored hope that someone would say they would stick to their guns and challenge the community to accept them as they were, disagreements and all.  I wanted them to say that they had core convictions that they couldn't silence or hide come hell and high water! If anyone ever did begrudge me talking politics then my insightful question would make them reconsider.  Now, as far as I know, none of that happened. No one took particular notice of my question. If they did, they probably wouldn't relate it to the incident that was only significant to me and nearly two years out of date.  But since then I've been thinking again.
Throughout the rest of the day and night, through the contest I was judging and my drive home afterwards I have been turning all this around in my mind.  Arguing with myself, looking for new connections or insights. 
Here's where I've ended up. This isn't an answer or even something I'm ready to say I believe. From the start of the next paragraph to the end of this sort of essay, please remember this is a maybe, a perhaps.  It's an answer that seeks to spark more questions, in me and maybe in whatever audience it finds. But, again, I recognize the vanity of thinking I have the power to influence anyone.
Maybe both answers are crucial. Maybe being truly part of a community can be defined by this question, this construction.
You are part of a community when you share something precious in common, be it kinship or love, philosophy or real estate.  Communities coalesce around these shared ideas. If you find yourself in disagreement with your community, the responsible path begins with questioning yourself.  Why do you disagree? Have you made mistakes in logic or let your mind be clouded by biases or blind spots that could have inadvertently brought you to hold an idea that is truly incongruent with the concepts you hold dear and have bound you to this community?  Only you can answer this question, but if your honest self inquiry reassures you that you are right in the face of disagreement from those you see as your own, it is the best course to hold true to your ideals and trust that your bond to your community will allow them to accept you disagreements and all.  Or, if the rupture is insurmountable, you must trust that there is a place for your in another community where you will be accepted for your genuine and honest self.
There is a comfort in conformity and acceptance. There is a power and strength in defiance.  We each live life charting our own evolving course between these two shores, sometimes sacrificing one to secure the other, always balancing what we desire with what we're willing to risk losing to secure it.
And if, through timidity or complacency, we ever default to blindly following popular opinion or stubbornly insisting knee jerk on our own correctness, we not only fail to grow into the person we are always desirous of becoming, we do harm to our community by not trusting others to see beyond our differences.  Further, we deprive those we claim solidarity with the opportunity to know the true self we are as well as the chance to examine their own ideas and either join our dissent or find their existing agreement reinvigorated and stronger for the reminder of the shared beliefs.
Our communities construct us as much as we construct our communities and it is on each of us to continue that inner dialogue and remain vigilant.  Sometimes we'll fit in and sometimes we'll stand out, if we are where we are loved and we love then we are in community worthy of us and us of them.  
Disagreement and agreement, fluidity and solidity, deference and defiance all have a place in living communities and living communities survive into the future.
0 notes
wetrumpfeed · 5 years
I hope everyone is having a tremendous Saturday! This is u/Ivaginaryfriend here to deliver all things spicy & dank from the past week! Before we get started on that, if anyone has not seen GEOTUS speak at CPAC live earlier, be sure to do that by clicking this link!!! For those that missed any past recaps you can check those out here!
Now onto the show!
Sunday, February 24th:
President Trump Attends the Governors' Ball
HOLD THE DATE! We will be having one of the biggest gatherings in the history of Washington, D.C., on July 4th. It will be called “A Salute To America” and will be held at the Lincoln Memorial. Major fireworks display, entertainment and an address by your favorite President, me!
Very productive talks yesterday with China on Trade. Will continue today! I will be leaving for Hanoi, Vietnam, early tomorrow for a Summit with Kim Jong Un of North Korea, where we both expect a continuation of the progress made at first Summit in Singapore. Denuclearization?
President Xi of China has been very helpful in his support of my meeting with Kim Jong Un. The last thing China wants are large scale nuclear weapons right next door. Sanctions placed on the border by China and Russia have been very helpful. Great relationship with Chairman Kim!
Chairman Kim realizes, perhaps better than anyone else, that without nuclear weapons, his country could fast become one of the great economic powers anywhere in the World. Because of its location and people (and him), it has more potential for rapid growth than any other nation!
Poll: Suburban women are coming back into the Republican Party in droves “because of the Wall and Border Security. 70% support Border Security and the Wall.” Not believing the Walls are immoral line. Beverly Hallberg, Independent Women’s Forum @KatiePavlich A great USA issue!
93% Approval Rating in the Republican Party. 52% Approval Rating overall! Not bad considering I get the most unfair (BAD) press in the history of presidential politics! And don’t forget the Witch Hunt!
The only Collusion with the Russians was with Crooked Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee...And, where’s the Server that the DNC refused to give to the FBI? Where are the new Texts between Agent Lisa Page and her Agent lover, Peter S? We want them now!
I am pleased to report that the U.S. has made substantial progress in our trade talks with China on important structural issues including intellectual property protection, technology transfer, agriculture, services, currency, and many other issues. As a result of these very...... ... ....productive talks, I will be delaying the U.S. increase in tariffs now scheduled for March 1. Assuming both sides make additional progress, we will be planning a Summit for President Xi and myself, at Mar-a-Lago, to conclude an agreement. A very good weekend for U.S. & China!
Im so proud to finally be a Sailor, I love this country more than the air I breathe.
Companies can use their power for good. Or they can use it for evil.
Jr. Trump // Major lulz
Venezuelans Now Regret Giving Up Their Guns - This is What Happens to a Disarmed Populace - The Truth About Guns
Will Witt at the Oscars...With a subway sandwich too.
Hehe. Rent Free. #Oscars
No Mr. President, the belt’s for you...
What the nice lady with all the juicy "Likes" said
Bernie 2020: When standing in line to vote leads to standing in line to eat
Monday, February 25th:
Nominations Sent to the Senate
President Trump Participates in the 2019 White House Business Session with Nation's Governors
We have a State of Emergency at our Southern Border. Border Patrol, our Military and local Law Enforcement are doing a great job, but without the Wall, which is now under major construction, you cannot have Border Security. Drugs, Gangs and Human Trafficking must be stopped!
Highly respected Senator Richard Burr, head of Senate Intelligence, said, after interviewing over 200 witnesses and studying over 2 million pages of documents, “WE HAVE FOUND NO COLLUSION BETWEEN THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN AND RUSSIA.” The Witch Hunt, so bad for our Country, must end!
Be nice if Spike Lee could read his notes, or better yet not have to use notes at all, when doing his racist hit on your President, who has done more for African Americans (Criminal Justice Reform, Lowest Unemployment numbers in History, Tax Cuts,etc.) than almost any other Pres!
Oil prices getting too high. OPEC, please relax and take it easy. World cannot take a price hike - fragile!
(Retweeting Ivanka Trump) This Admin is committed to ensuring more Americans have the skills needed to secure better jobs in our strong economy. I look forward to participating on a panel to discuss our work and hear what is happening on a State level. #NGA
So funny to watch people who have failed for years, they got NOTHING, telling me how to negotiate with North Korea. But thanks anyway!
Meeting for breakfast with our Nation’s Governors - then off to Vietnam for a very important Summit with Kim Jong Un. With complete Denuclearization, North Korea will rapidly become an Economic Powerhouse. Without it, just more of the same. Chairman Kim will make a wise decision!
Former Senator Harry Reid (he got thrown out) is working hard to put a good spin on his failed career. He led through lies and deception, only to be replaced by another beauty, Cryin’ Chuck Schumer. Some things just never change!
I hope our great Republican Senators don’t get led down the path of weak and ineffective Border Security. Without strong Borders, we don’t have a Country - and the voters are on board with us. Be strong and smart, don’t fall into the Democrats “trap” of Open Borders and Crime!
“Why on earth would any Republican vote not to put up a Wall or against Border Security. Please explain that to me?” @Varneyco
Since my election as President the Dow Jones is up 43% and the NASDAQ Composite almost 50%. Great news for your 401(k)s as they continue to grow. We are bringing back America faster than anyone thought possible!
Congratulations to @DJohnsonPGA on his 20th PGA Tour WIN. Not only is Dustin a truly great golfer, he is a wonderful guy. Big year ahead for Dustin!
It is my honor today to announce that Danny Burch, a United States citizen who has been held hostage in Yemen for 18 months, has been recovered and reunited with his wife and children. I appreciate the support of the United Arab Emirates in bringing Danny home... ... ...Danny’s recovery reflects the best of what the United States & its partners can accomplish. We work every day to bring Americans home. We maintain constant and intensive diplomatic, intelligence, and law enforcement cooperation within the United States Government and with... ... ...our foreign partners. Recovering American hostages is a priority of my Admin, and with Danny’s release, we have now secured freedom for 20 American captives since my election victory. We will not rest as we continue our work to bring the remaining American hostages back home!
China Trade Deal (and more) in advanced stages. Relationship between our two Countries is very strong. I have therefore agreed to delay U.S. tariff hikes. Let’s see what happens?
Heading over to Vietnam for my meeting with Kim Jong Un. Looking forward to a very productive Summit!
If a deal is made with China, our great American Farmers will be treated better than they have ever been treated before!
UCLA Students Support Concentration Camps for Trump Supporters
She’s got a degree in economics...Boston university needs to be shut down
Army vet to be buried alone Wednesday, Feb. 27, at 11:00 a.m. at the Central Texas State Veterans Cemetery in Killeen, Texas. – public urged to attend
EXCLUSIVE: UN Secretary General in his speech at Human Rights Council, doesn't mention Maduro's dictatorship, or civilian attacks but instead takes a swipe at Donald Trump: "[He] is Poisoning With False Narratives Linking Refugees and Migrants To Terrorism" || Why are we still funding the UN?
James Woods with the most SAVAGE burn. Clinton's BTFO!!!
Leftists hate rich people unless they're vapid celebrities who wear jewelry worth millions of dollars
Free Stuff vs Free Speech
TFW you see ur BFF walk into the Summit...
Tuesday, February 26th:
President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate Individuals to Key Administration Posts
Just arrived in Vietnam. Thank you to all of the people for the great reception in Hanoi. Tremendous crowds, and so much love!
Vietnam is thriving like few places on earth. North Korea would be the same, and very quickly, if it would denuclearize. The potential is AWESOME, a great opportunity, like almost none other in history, for my friend Kim Jong Un. We will know fairly soon - Very Interesting!
The Democrats should stop talking about what I should do with North Korea and ask themselves instead why they didn’t do “it” during eight years of the Obama Administration? ... ....This will be remembered as one of the most shocking votes in the history of Congress. If there is one thing we should all agree on, it’s protecting the lives of innocent babies.
Senate Democrats just voted against legislation to prevent the killing of newborn infant children. The Democrat position on abortion is now so extreme that they don’t mind executing babies AFTER birth....
(Retweeting Ivanka Trump) No I did not. I support a minimum wage. I do not however believe in a minimum guarantee for people “unwilling to work” which was the question asked of me.
I have now spent more time in Vietnam than Da Nang Dick Blumenthal, the third rate Senator from Connecticut (how is Connecticut doing?). His war stories of his heroism in Vietnam were a total fraud - he was never even there. We talked about it today with Vietnamese leaders!
Woman Charged With Attacking Man Wearing MAGA Hat Now In ICE Custody
President Trump has just arrived in Vietnam. We are very pleased to have you here (I am Vietnamese). People here (Hanoi) flooded the street to welcome Mr. Trump. Very crowded and fun, like a festival.
Ed Henry on Fox: "We heard a crowd roaring and thought that Kim Jong Un must have showed. Nope, it was a mass of people waiting to see Donald Trump"... Pedes, Trump's a damn Rock Star, but we already knew that.
Charlize Theron adopted a child and has been crossdressing and transitioning him into a girl.
CNN disguises lobbyist interns and democratic politicians as "mothers, voters, and students."
Who Would Be More Willing?
Brave NY Pede spotted in the wild today. #godblessamerica
Trump landed in Vietnam today. He now has more time in country than this piece of shit.
It's absolutely insane that someone could more punishment for killing a preborn eagle then a preborn human.
Communists are not people.
Wednesday, February 27th:
President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Appoint Individuals to Key Administration Posts
President Trump Participates in a Bilateral Meeting with the President of the SRV
President Trump Participates in a Working Lunch with the Prime Minister of the SRV
President Trump Participates in a Greeting with the Chairman of the State Affairs Commission
President Trump Participates in a 1:1 Conversation with the Chairman of the State Affairs Commission
President Trump Participates in a Social Dinner with the Chairman of the State Affairs Commission
President Trump Participates in a 1:1 Bilateral Meeting
Fiat Chrysler will be adding more than 6,500 JOBS in Michigan (Detroit area), doubling its hourly workforce as part of a 4.5 Billion Dollar investment. Thank you Fiat Chrysler. They are all coming back to the USA, it’s where the action is!
All false reporting (guessing) on my intentions with respect to North Korea. Kim Jong Un and I will try very hard to work something out on Denuclearization & then making North Korea an Economic Powerhouse. I believe that China, Russia, Japan & South Korea will be very helpful!
Retweeting a White House Video
Retweeting a White House Video
Great meetings and dinner tonight in Vietnam with Kim Jong Un of North Korea. Very good dialogue. Resuming tomorrow!
Great meeting and dinner with Kim Jong Un in Hanoi, Vietnam tonight. Looking forward to continuing our discussions tomorrow! #HanoiSummit
Michael Cohen was one of many lawyers who represented me (unfortunately). He had other clients also. He was just disbarred by the State Supreme Court for lying & fraud. He did bad things unrelated to Trump. He is lying in order to reduce his prison time. Using Crooked’s lawyer!
Michael Cohen Admits to Coordinating Scripted Testimony With Lanny Davis, Adam Schiff and Elijah Cummings…
BREAKING VERITAS: Facebook Insider Leaks Docs; Explains "Deboosting," "Troll Report," & Political Targeting in Video Interview
Vietnam is really throwing a lot of love at the POTUS. He even played along with them and waved a Vietnamese flag after seeing Vietnamese kids wave U.S. flags.
did Cohen forget wikileaks ANNOUNCES THEIR LEAKS IN ADVANCE
Reddit Today
And Then I Said "Because You'd be in Jail..."
My little sister wore MAGA for spirit week in high school today. She was threatened with a fight from another girl, received more hate and bullying on social media than I ever saw growing up, and kids’ parents were calling the office. She stood her ground and prompted dialogue. -Proud older bro!
The left's idea of bravery.
The_Donald hasn't forgotten!
Thursday, February 28th:
President Trump Participates in a Press Conference
President Trump Participates in an Expanded Bilateral Meeting
President Trump Delivers Remarks to Troops
(Retweeting The Dept. Of State) President @realDonaldTrump and @SecPompeo participate in a Press Conference in Hanoi, Vietnam, on February 28, 2019.
THANK YOU to our generous hosts in Hanoi this week: President Trong, Prime Minister Phuc, and the wonderful people of Vietnam!
Everyone MUST watch the opening to @TuckerCarlson - A Classic! @foxnews
I will be interviewed by @seanhannity at 9:00 P.M. on @FoxNews. Enjoy!
Retweeting a White House Video
Retweeting a White House Video
Today in Alaska, it was my great honor to visit with our brave men and women of the United States Military at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson. We are forever grateful for their service and sacrifice. THANK YOU!
MORE WINNING - Travel Ban Ends Nearly All Immigration from Terrorist-Sanctioned Nations
President Reagan's address after walking away from a bad deal with Gorbechev in 1986. The media had the same reaction as today.
Video made for CPAC absolutely BTFO's the radical left!
EXCLUSIVE: California Refused 5.6K Requests to Turn over Criminal Illegals to Feds
Trump cuts short North Korea summit after dispute over sanctions: 'Sometimes you have to walk'
TFW you realize the left hates Trump so much, they celebrate no peace being currently reached
meanwhile on /r/politics
THAT FACE WHEN you've been living a cushy life as an illegal alien in the U.S. for 25 years, and all you had to do to keep it going was not assault someone over a hat, but you couldn't help yourself and now you're getting your ass deported.
Dear Dem Children in Congress: Daddy’s On His Way Home, Better Clean Up the House From That 7 Hr Kegger You Threw Yesterday. #UrGonnaGetIt
Friday, March 1st:
Presidential Proclamation on Irish-American Heritage Month, 2019
Presidential Proclamation on Women’s History Month, 2019
Presidential Proclamation on American Red Cross Month, 2019
Great to be back from Vietnam, an amazing place. We had very substantive negotiations with Kim Jong Un - we know what they want and they know what we must have. Relationship very good, let’s see what happens!
Wow, just revealed that Michael Cohen wrote a “love letter to Trump” manuscript for a new book that he was pushing. Written and submitted long after Charlottesville and Helsinki, his phony reasons for going rogue. Book is exact opposite of his fake testimony, which now is a lie!
Congress must demand the transcript of Michael Cohen’s new book, given to publishers a short time ago. Your heads will spin when you see the lies, misrepresentations and contradictions against his Thursday testimony. Like a different person! He is totally discredited!
Oh’ I see! Now that the 2 year Russian Collusion case has fallen apart, there was no Collusion except bye Crooked Hillary and the Democrats, they say, “gee, I have an idea, let’s look at Trump’s finances and every deal he has ever done. Let’s follow discredited Michael Cohen..... ... ...and the fraudulent and dishonest statements he made on Wednesday. No way, it’s time to stop this corrupt and illegally brought Witch Hunt. Time to start looking at the other side where real crimes were committed. Republicans have been abused long enough. Must end now!
Michael Cohen’s book manuscript shows that he committed perjury on a scale not seen before. He must have forgotten about his book when he testified. What does Hillary Clinton’s lawyer, Lanny Davis, say about this one. Is he being paid by Crooked Hillary. Using her lawyer?
I never like being misinterpreted, but especially when it comes to Otto Warmbier and his great family. Remember, I got Otto out along with three others. The previous Administration did nothing, and he was taken on their watch. Of course I hold North Korea responsible.... ... ....for Otto’s mistreatment and death. Most important, Otto Warmbier will not have died in vain. Otto and his family have become a tremendous symbol of strong passion and strength, which will last for many years into the future. I love Otto and think of him often!
I have asked China to immediately remove all Tariffs on our agricultural products (including beef, pork, etc.) based on the fact that we are moving along nicely with Trade discussions.... ... ....and I did not increase their second traunch of Tariffs to 25% on March 1st. This is very important for our great farmers - and me!
THE ART OF THE DEAL: Kim Jong Un willing to meet with Trump again on denuclearization, North Korea state media says
Michael Cohen pitched book praising Trump right before the FBI raid
New spokeswoman for Bernie Sanders won't be able to vote for him in 2020 -- she's an illegal immigrant
A Hole C warns moderate dems that voting against progressives will get them put on (dramatic music) A LIST!
Poll: 3-in-4 Voters Favor 'America First' Immigration, Trade, War Platform
MAGA Bromance: Don Jr. & Brad Parscale (What happened to Brad's hair???)
Hey you sorting by New, you're a patriot. That is all.
R.I.P. Andrew Breitbart, Died 7 Years Ago Today. You Didn't Live to See it, But You Helped Spark the Trump Movement
THIS IS NOT A “CONGRESSWOMAN”. This is TAQIYYA. This is Islam attempting to work its way into western culture under a false pretense. Stop her NOW!
Saturday, March 2nd:
Very proud of perhaps the greatest golf course anywhere in the world. Also, furthers U.K. relationship!
[Will be speaking at CPAC at 11:30 this morning. Record crowd, live broadcast. Enjoy!](Will be speaking at CPAC at 11:30 this morning. Record crowd, live broadcast. Enjoy!)
(Retweeting Official Team Trump) Get your OFFICIAL campaign merchandise @ http://Shop.DonaldJTrump.com or, if you’re at @CPAC, check out our Official booth!” #TeamTrump
(RetweetingThe Washington Examiner) Pence says President Trump has "no higher priority than the safety of the American people." #CPAC2019
Thank you @marklevinshow!
Construction Begins On 30-Foot-High San Diego Border Wall
CNN on suicide watch: Gab releases "Dissenter" app that allows commenting on any site. First comments are encouraging.
Rashida Tlaib's campaign paid her $17,500 in salary after Election Day, in possible violation of FEC rules: Swamprat!
I wonder why they changed their minds...🤔
Co-founder of Greenpeace calls out A Hole C on her Bullsh*t.
Laughs In American
No clever title. Just 7 patriots singing the anthem.
I know some pretty tough broads that would beg to differ and these country girls are a way different breed than the city folk that she is used to. Does this comment of hers qualify as sexist?
Of course, no recap is complete without some tunes to help get through all this winning!
Here's To The Night
Instant Crush
Hanging By a Moment
I Believe
If You Could Only See
submitted by /u/Ivaginaryfriend [link] [comments]
0 notes
robgrayofficial · 5 years
HAPPY SATURDAY PATRIOTS!I hope everyone is having a tremendous Saturday! This is u/Ivaginaryfriend here to deliver all things spicy & dank from the past week! Before we get started on that, if anyone has not seen GEOTUS speak at CPAC live earlier, be sure to do that by clicking this link!!! For those that missed any past recaps you can check those out here!Now onto the show!Sunday, February 24th:TODAY'S ACTION:President Trump Attends the Governors' Ball🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:HOLD THE DATE! We will be having one of the biggest gatherings in the history of Washington, D.C., on July 4th. It will be called “A Salute To America” and will be held at the Lincoln Memorial. Major fireworks display, entertainment and an address by your favorite President, me!Very productive talks yesterday with China on Trade. Will continue today! I will be leaving for Hanoi, Vietnam, early tomorrow for a Summit with Kim Jong Un of North Korea, where we both expect a continuation of the progress made at first Summit in Singapore. Denuclearization?President Xi of China has been very helpful in his support of my meeting with Kim Jong Un. The last thing China wants are large scale nuclear weapons right next door. Sanctions placed on the border by China and Russia have been very helpful. Great relationship with Chairman Kim!Chairman Kim realizes, perhaps better than anyone else, that without nuclear weapons, his country could fast become one of the great economic powers anywhere in the World. Because of its location and people (and him), it has more potential for rapid growth than any other nation!Poll: Suburban women are coming back into the Republican Party in droves “because of the Wall and Border Security. 70% support Border Security and the Wall.” Not believing the Walls are immoral line. Beverly Hallberg, Independent Women’s Forum @KatiePavlich A great USA issue!93% Approval Rating in the Republican Party. 52% Approval Rating overall! Not bad considering I get the most unfair (BAD) press in the history of presidential politics! And don’t forget the Witch Hunt!The only Collusion with the Russians was with Crooked Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee...And, where’s the Server that the DNC refused to give to the FBI? Where are the new Texts between Agent Lisa Page and her Agent lover, Peter S? We want them now!I am pleased to report that the U.S. has made substantial progress in our trade talks with China on important structural issues including intellectual property protection, technology transfer, agriculture, services, currency, and many other issues. As a result of these very...... ... ....productive talks, I will be delaying the U.S. increase in tariffs now scheduled for March 1. Assuming both sides make additional progress, we will be planning a Summit for President Xi and myself, at Mar-a-Lago, to conclude an agreement. A very good weekend for U.S. & China!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Im so proud to finally be a Sailor, I love this country more than the air I breathe.Companies can use their power for good. Or they can use it for evil.Jr. Trump // Major lulzVenezuelans Now Regret Giving Up Their Guns - This is What Happens to a Disarmed Populace - The Truth About GunsWill Witt at the Oscars...With a subway sandwich too.🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Hehe. Rent Free. #OscarsNo Mr. President, the belt’s for you...What the nice lady with all the juicy "Likes" saidBernie 2020: When standing in line to vote leads to standing in line to eatMonday, February 25th:TODAY'S ACTION:Nominations Sent to the SenatePresident Trump Participates in the 2019 White House Business Session with Nation's Governors🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:We have a State of Emergency at our Southern Border. Border Patrol, our Military and local Law Enforcement are doing a great job, but without the Wall, which is now under major construction, you cannot have Border Security. Drugs, Gangs and Human Trafficking must be stopped!Highly respected Senator Richard Burr, head of Senate Intelligence, said, after interviewing over 200 witnesses and studying over 2 million pages of documents, “WE HAVE FOUND NO COLLUSION BETWEEN THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN AND RUSSIA.” The Witch Hunt, so bad for our Country, must end!Be nice if Spike Lee could read his notes, or better yet not have to use notes at all, when doing his racist hit on your President, who has done more for African Americans (Criminal Justice Reform, Lowest Unemployment numbers in History, Tax Cuts,etc.) than almost any other Pres!Oil prices getting too high. OPEC, please relax and take it easy. World cannot take a price hike - fragile!(Retweeting Ivanka Trump) This Admin is committed to ensuring more Americans have the skills needed to secure better jobs in our strong economy. I look forward to participating on a panel to discuss our work and hear what is happening on a State level. #NGASo funny to watch people who have failed for years, they got NOTHING, telling me how to negotiate with North Korea. But thanks anyway!Meeting for breakfast with our Nation’s Governors - then off to Vietnam for a very important Summit with Kim Jong Un. With complete Denuclearization, North Korea will rapidly become an Economic Powerhouse. Without it, just more of the same. Chairman Kim will make a wise decision!Former Senator Harry Reid (he got thrown out) is working hard to put a good spin on his failed career. He led through lies and deception, only to be replaced by another beauty, Cryin’ Chuck Schumer. Some things just never change!I hope our great Republican Senators don’t get led down the path of weak and ineffective Border Security. Without strong Borders, we don’t have a Country - and the voters are on board with us. Be strong and smart, don’t fall into the Democrats “trap” of Open Borders and Crime!“Why on earth would any Republican vote not to put up a Wall or against Border Security. Please explain that to me?” @VarneycoSince my election as President the Dow Jones is up 43% and the NASDAQ Composite almost 50%. Great news for your 401(k)s as they continue to grow. We are bringing back America faster than anyone thought possible!Congratulations to @DJohnsonPGA on his 20th PGA Tour WIN. Not only is Dustin a truly great golfer, he is a wonderful guy. Big year ahead for Dustin!It is my honor today to announce that Danny Burch, a United States citizen who has been held hostage in Yemen for 18 months, has been recovered and reunited with his wife and children. I appreciate the support of the United Arab Emirates in bringing Danny home... ... ...Danny’s recovery reflects the best of what the United States & its partners can accomplish. We work every day to bring Americans home. We maintain constant and intensive diplomatic, intelligence, and law enforcement cooperation within the United States Government and with... ... ...our foreign partners. Recovering American hostages is a priority of my Admin, and with Danny’s release, we have now secured freedom for 20 American captives since my election victory. We will not rest as we continue our work to bring the remaining American hostages back home!China Trade Deal (and more) in advanced stages. Relationship between our two Countries is very strong. I have therefore agreed to delay U.S. tariff hikes. Let’s see what happens?Heading over to Vietnam for my meeting with Kim Jong Un. Looking forward to a very productive Summit!If a deal is made with China, our great American Farmers will be treated better than they have ever been treated before!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:UCLA Students Support Concentration Camps for Trump SupportersShe’s got a degree in economics...Boston university needs to be shut downArmy vet to be buried alone Wednesday, Feb. 27, at 11:00 a.m. at the Central Texas State Veterans Cemetery in Killeen, Texas. – public urged to attendEVIL CUNTSEXCLUSIVE: UN Secretary General in his speech at Human Rights Council, doesn't mention Maduro's dictatorship, or civilian attacks but instead takes a swipe at Donald Trump: "[He] is Poisoning With False Narratives Linking Refugees and Migrants To Terrorism" || Why are we still funding the UN?🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Ouch.James Woods with the most SAVAGE burn. Clinton's BTFO!!!Leftists hate rich people unless they're vapid celebrities who wear jewelry worth millions of dollarsFree Stuff vs Free SpeechTFW you see ur BFF walk into the Summit...Tuesday, February 26th:TODAY'S ACTION:President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate Individuals to Key Administration Posts🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Just arrived in Vietnam. Thank you to all of the people for the great reception in Hanoi. Tremendous crowds, and so much love!Vietnam is thriving like few places on earth. North Korea would be the same, and very quickly, if it would denuclearize. The potential is AWESOME, a great opportunity, like almost none other in history, for my friend Kim Jong Un. We will know fairly soon - Very Interesting!The Democrats should stop talking about what I should do with North Korea and ask themselves instead why they didn’t do “it” during eight years of the Obama Administration? ... ....This will be remembered as one of the most shocking votes in the history of Congress. If there is one thing we should all agree on, it’s protecting the lives of innocent babies.Senate Democrats just voted against legislation to prevent the killing of newborn infant children. The Democrat position on abortion is now so extreme that they don’t mind executing babies AFTER birth....(Retweeting Ivanka Trump) No I did not. I support a minimum wage. I do not however believe in a minimum guarantee for people “unwilling to work” which was the question asked of me.I have now spent more time in Vietnam than Da Nang Dick Blumenthal, the third rate Senator from Connecticut (how is Connecticut doing?). His war stories of his heroism in Vietnam were a total fraud - he was never even there. We talked about it today with Vietnamese leaders!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Woman Charged With Attacking Man Wearing MAGA Hat Now In ICE CustodyPresident Trump has just arrived in Vietnam. We are very pleased to have you here (I am Vietnamese). People here (Hanoi) flooded the street to welcome Mr. Trump. Very crowded and fun, like a festival.Ed Henry on Fox: "We heard a crowd roaring and thought that Kim Jong Un must have showed. Nope, it was a mass of people waiting to see Donald Trump"... Pedes, Trump's a damn Rock Star, but we already knew that.Charlize Theron adopted a child and has been crossdressing and transitioning him into a girl.CNN disguises lobbyist interns and democratic politicians as "mothers, voters, and students."🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Who Would Be More Willing?Brave NY Pede spotted in the wild today. #godblessamericaTrump landed in Vietnam today. He now has more time in country than this piece of shit.It's absolutely insane that someone could more punishment for killing a preborn eagle then a preborn human.Communists are not people.Wednesday, February 27th:TODAY'S ACTION:President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Appoint Individuals to Key Administration PostsPresident Trump Participates in a Bilateral Meeting with the President of the SRVPresident Trump Participates in a Working Lunch with the Prime Minister of the SRVPresident Trump Participates in a Greeting with the Chairman of the State Affairs CommissionPresident Trump Participates in a 1:1 Conversation with the Chairman of the State Affairs CommissionPresident Trump Participates in a Social Dinner with the Chairman of the State Affairs CommissionPresident Trump Participates in a 1:1 Bilateral Meeting🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Fiat Chrysler will be adding more than 6,500 JOBS in Michigan (Detroit area), doubling its hourly workforce as part of a 4.5 Billion Dollar investment. Thank you Fiat Chrysler. They are all coming back to the USA, it’s where the action is!All false reporting (guessing) on my intentions with respect to North Korea. Kim Jong Un and I will try very hard to work something out on Denuclearization & then making North Korea an Economic Powerhouse. I believe that China, Russia, Japan & South Korea will be very helpful!Retweeting a White House VideoRetweeting a White House VideoGreat meetings and dinner tonight in Vietnam with Kim Jong Un of North Korea. Very good dialogue. Resuming tomorrow!Great meeting and dinner with Kim Jong Un in Hanoi, Vietnam tonight. Looking forward to continuing our discussions tomorrow! #HanoiSummitMichael Cohen was one of many lawyers who represented me (unfortunately). He had other clients also. He was just disbarred by the State Supreme Court for lying & fraud. He did bad things unrelated to Trump. He is lying in order to reduce his prison time. Using Crooked’s lawyer!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:HE WAS COACHED ON WHAT TO SAY BY THE FUCKING DEMS. I AM SHOCKED!Michael Cohen Admits to Coordinating Scripted Testimony With Lanny Davis, Adam Schiff and Elijah Cummings…BREAKING VERITAS: Facebook Insider Leaks Docs; Explains "Deboosting," "Troll Report," & Political Targeting in Video InterviewVietnam is really throwing a lot of love at the POTUS. He even played along with them and waved a Vietnamese flag after seeing Vietnamese kids wave U.S. flags.did Cohen forget wikileaks ANNOUNCES THEIR LEAKS IN ADVANCE🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Reddit TodayAnd Then I Said "Because You'd be in Jail..."My little sister wore MAGA for spirit week in high school today. She was threatened with a fight from another girl, received more hate and bullying on social media than I ever saw growing up, and kids’ parents were calling the office. She stood her ground and prompted dialogue. -Proud older bro!The left's idea of bravery.The_Donald hasn't forgotten!Thursday, February 28th:TODAY'S ACTION:President Trump Participates in a Press ConferencePresident Trump Participates in an Expanded Bilateral MeetingPresident Trump Delivers Remarks to Troops🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:(Retweeting The Dept. Of State) President @realDonaldTrump and @SecPompeo participate in a Press Conference in Hanoi, Vietnam, on February 28, 2019.THANK YOU to our generous hosts in Hanoi this week: President Trong, Prime Minister Phuc, and the wonderful people of Vietnam!Everyone MUST watch the opening to @TuckerCarlson - A Classic! @foxnewsI will be interviewed by @seanhannity at 9:00 P.M. on @FoxNews. Enjoy!Retweeting a White House VideoRetweeting a White House VideoToday in Alaska, it was my great honor to visit with our brave men and women of the United States Military at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson. We are forever grateful for their service and sacrifice. THANK YOU!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:MORE WINNING - Travel Ban Ends Nearly All Immigration from Terrorist-Sanctioned NationsPresident Reagan's address after walking away from a bad deal with Gorbechev in 1986. The media had the same reaction as today.Video made for CPAC absolutely BTFO's the radical left!FinallyEXCLUSIVE: California Refused 5.6K Requests to Turn over Criminal Illegals to FedsTrump cuts short North Korea summit after dispute over sanctions: 'Sometimes you have to walk'🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:TFW you realize the left hates Trump so much, they celebrate no peace being currently reachedmeanwhile on /r/politicsTHAT FACE WHEN you've been living a cushy life as an illegal alien in the U.S. for 25 years, and all you had to do to keep it going was not assault someone over a hat, but you couldn't help yourself and now you're getting your ass deported.Dear Dem Children in Congress: Daddy’s On His Way Home, Better Clean Up the House From That 7 Hr Kegger You Threw Yesterday. #UrGonnaGetItFriday, March 1st:TODAY'S ACTION:Presidential Proclamation on Irish-American Heritage Month, 2019Presidential Proclamation on Women’s History Month, 2019Presidential Proclamation on American Red Cross Month, 2019🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Great to be back from Vietnam, an amazing place. We had very substantive negotiations with Kim Jong Un - we know what they want and they know what we must have. Relationship very good, let’s see what happens!Wow, just revealed that Michael Cohen wrote a “love letter to Trump” manuscript for a new book that he was pushing. Written and submitted long after Charlottesville and Helsinki, his phony reasons for going rogue. Book is exact opposite of his fake testimony, which now is a lie!Congress must demand the transcript of Michael Cohen’s new book, given to publishers a short time ago. Your heads will spin when you see the lies, misrepresentations and contradictions against his Thursday testimony. Like a different person! He is totally discredited!Oh’ I see! Now that the 2 year Russian Collusion case has fallen apart, there was no Collusion except bye Crooked Hillary and the Democrats, they say, “gee, I have an idea, let’s look at Trump’s finances and every deal he has ever done. Let’s follow discredited Michael Cohen..... ... ...and the fraudulent and dishonest statements he made on Wednesday. No way, it’s time to stop this corrupt and illegally brought Witch Hunt. Time to start looking at the other side where real crimes were committed. Republicans have been abused long enough. Must end now!Michael Cohen’s book manuscript shows that he committed perjury on a scale not seen before. He must have forgotten about his book when he testified. What does Hillary Clinton’s lawyer, Lanny Davis, say about this one. Is he being paid by Crooked Hillary. Using her lawyer?I never like being misinterpreted, but especially when it comes to Otto Warmbier and his great family. Remember, I got Otto out along with three others. The previous Administration did nothing, and he was taken on their watch. Of course I hold North Korea responsible.... ... ....for Otto’s mistreatment and death. Most important, Otto Warmbier will not have died in vain. Otto and his family have become a tremendous symbol of strong passion and strength, which will last for many years into the future. I love Otto and think of him often!I have asked China to immediately remove all Tariffs on our agricultural products (including beef, pork, etc.) based on the fact that we are moving along nicely with Trade discussions.... ... ....and I did not increase their second traunch of Tariffs to 25% on March 1st. This is very important for our great farmers - and me!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:THE ART OF THE DEAL: Kim Jong Un willing to meet with Trump again on denuclearization, North Korea state media saysMichael Cohen pitched book praising Trump right before the FBI raidNew spokeswoman for Bernie Sanders won't be able to vote for him in 2020 -- she's an illegal immigrantA Hole C warns moderate dems that voting against progressives will get them put on (dramatic music) A LIST!Poll: 3-in-4 Voters Favor 'America First' Immigration, Trade, War Platform🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:MAGA Bromance: Don Jr. & Brad Parscale (What happened to Brad's hair???)Hey you sorting by New, you're a patriot. That is all.R.I.P. Andrew Breitbart, Died 7 Years Ago Today. You Didn't Live to See it, But You Helped Spark the Trump MovementHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.THIS IS NOT A “CONGRESSWOMAN”. This is TAQIYYA. This is Islam attempting to work its way into western culture under a false pretense. Stop her NOW!Saturday, March 2nd:🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Very proud of perhaps the greatest golf course anywhere in the world. Also, furthers U.K. relationship![Will be speaking at CPAC at 11:30 this morning. Record crowd, live broadcast. Enjoy!](Will be speaking at CPAC at 11:30 this morning. Record crowd, live broadcast. Enjoy!)(Retweeting Official Team Trump) Get your OFFICIAL campaign merchandise @ http://bit.ly/2Ev07Ob or, if you’re at @CPAC, check out our Official booth!” #TeamTrump(RetweetingThe Washington Examiner) Pence says President Trump has "no higher priority than the safety of the American people." #CPAC2019Thank you @marklevinshow!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Construction Begins On 30-Foot-High San Diego Border WallCNN on suicide watch: Gab releases "Dissenter" app that allows commenting on any site. First comments are encouraging.Rashida Tlaib's campaign paid her $17,500 in salary after Election Day, in possible violation of FEC rules: Swamprat!I wonder why they changed their minds...🤔🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Co-founder of Greenpeace calls out A Hole C on her Bullsh*t.Laughs In AmericanNo clever title. Just 7 patriots singing the anthem.I know some pretty tough broads that would beg to differ and these country girls are a way different breed than the city folk that she is used to. Does this comment of hers qualify as sexist?WEEEW LAD!Of course, no recap is complete without some tunes to help get through all this winning!Here's To The NightInstant CrushHanging By a MomentI BelievePlushIf You Could Only SeeMAGA ON PATRIOTS! #robgray
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racingtoaredlight · 6 years
Opening Bell: April 20, 2018
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First, some news…
After he was fired by President Donald Trump, now former FBI Director James Comey revealed that he had recorded several in-person and phone conversations which he had with the president through a series of typed memos based on contemporaneous notes he made during this conversations. Comey has testified to Congress as to the contents of the memos and has mentioned them in his newly released memoir, for which he is currently on a national book tour. Comey turned his memos into the Justice Department which, through Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, had permitted some members of Congress to review the memos, so long as they kept confidential their contents. Then, in recent weeks, members of the House Judiciary Committee began to publicly demand that the Justice Department turn over all of the memos. Rosenstein demurred despite rumors that the White House might use such a move as a reason to fire Rosenstein and place the investigation of Special Counsel Robert Mueller III under greater control within the Executive Branch. This week, the Justice Department agreed to release the memos to Congress, and then within minutes of doing so last night, they were promptly leaked to the Associated Press. At first glance, the memos largely seem to confirm Comey’s previous statements and characterizations of his interactions with the president, and the former FBI Director probably appreciates the additional attention while he markets his book.
In another unexpected turn of events, former New York Mayor and Presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani announced that he was joining the president’s legal team. Cryptically, when asked about this, Giuliani, who has not been in a courtroom in nearly a quarter-century, said that he was joining Trump’s other lawyers in an attempt to “negotiate an end to the Mueller investigation.” Neither Rod Rosenstein nor Robert Mueller have indicated any desire to end the probe in exchange for anything, other than the ability to continue until no more evidence and facts are left to be uncovered. Because of this, it is not clear what Giuliani’s statement actually means. And moreover, Giuliani, who was a prominent federal prosecutor who took down several mob bosses in the 1980s, would be aware that criminal investigations do not “end” usually by negotiation. This statement feels almost like one made by Trump which Giuliani then parroted, for whatever reason. It is also uncertain what service Giuliani would provide, as he has not actively practiced law—his role at the firm Fulbright and Giuliani was been more in management and as a name partner—since he became Mayor of New York in 1993. It is possible that Giuliani could be an advisor on how federal investigations occur, but, again, he has not actually tried a federal case since Seinfeld was in its fourth season. All in all, this was a very curious addition to Trump’s team of lawyers.
 In what would have been big news but for the above stories, the FBI’s Inspector General made a criminal referral to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia regarding former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. McCabe, who has been at the center of a firestorm for how he allegedly mishandled supervision of the FBI’s investigation into then presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, was fired by Attorney General Jeff Sessions one day before he was to qualify for his federal pension. McCabe allegedly misled FBI agents inquiring into his handling of the Clinton investigation and the Inspector General’s report states several times that McCabe was less than candid in answering several questions, something which falls slightly short of lying to the FBI; lying to a federal agent is a felony. Inspector Generals function as the legal watchdogs for their respective government agencies. They are non-partisan, non-political appointments which usually go to career government lawyers. If the U.S. Attorney for D.C. decides to prosecute McCabe, it is possible that one of the witnesses could be his former boss, James Comey.
 And now for some features:
 Marie Colvin was a renowned, well-regarded war reporter who traveled the world from one conflict zone to another. Along the way, she always reported from near the center of action and often risked life and limb; in 2001 while reporting on the Sri Lankan civil war, an RPG exploded near her, causing the loss of her left eye. Colvin recovered and returned to reporting on war zones, now sporting a black eye patch. In the fall of 2012, as the Syrian civil war still in its early stages, Colvin and her French photographer were sitting in a rebel controlled enclave of Homs, Syria, getting ready to depart a renegade broadcast center which western news outlets used to report from on the fighting and destruction in Homs. Before Colvin could leave, Syrian artillery rounds began falling on the broadcast center, causing severe damage. Colvin and her photographer were killed, while several other journalists were wounded. Tellingly, the artillery rounds had fallen near the center, but were then walked back on successive shots until the building itself was hit several times; the artillery was being guided by a forward observer, indicating that the Syrian Army had located the broadcast center and perhaps knew that several western journalist, including Colvin who had filed a report by Skype from there the previous evening, would still be present. This story looks at how the Syrian military and intelligence were able to use surveillance technology acquired before the civil war to track down and kill Marie Colvin.
Alexis de Tocqueville, after the Marquis de Lafayette, is perhaps the most celebrated Frenchman in American political, literary, and social history. While Lafayette provided his expertise during the Revolution, helping to separate the states from their erstwhile colonial masters in Britain, Tocqueville’s contribution to America came decades later, when the nation had firmly established itself and developed a unique identity, untainted by any vestiges of Britishness. After taking a grand tour of the United States, Tocqueville published Democracy in America in 1835, and it proved an immediate best-seller and received critical praise. But, as with most books, it was quickly forgotten in France. Its popularity perpetuated in the United States until the horrors of the Civil War undermined Tocqueville’s sunny appreciation for the American form of governance and the society which supported it. Tocqueville was revived in the mid-20th century in the United States and Democracy in America is on the reading list of pretty much every American Political Theory or Modern Political Theory class taught in colleges today. For his praise of mid-19th century America, Tocqueville is widely lauded still in the States, but as this piece points out, Tocqueville’s admiration of America included its use of slaves, and he sought to establish a socio-economic political system similar to the American South in northern Africa during France’s military campaigns in Algeria. In short, Alexis de Tocqueville is not quite what he is made out to be by 21st century political academics and observers.
In this country, dinner and supper are often used to refer to the same meal in some regions, while in others those area distinct meals. This distinction seems to have arrived in this nation from our European forebears, but whatever one may call the meal served at the end of the day, it is undoubtedly for most Americans the primary meal of the day. It seems, however, that in France, dinner, though the primary meal of the day, was served midday. The pomp and circumstance of this meal evolved greatly from the time of Charlemagne, who apparently preferred that his soldiers wait to eat until after battle, through the Bourbon Kings, through a period of decline during the Revolution, and finally becoming a multi-part affair associated with luxury in the home of the French Foreign Minister in the 1830s, Charles de Talleyrand. This is a short history of the French art of dining, in which it is possible to see parallels to how American attitudes towards dining have evolved.
Anyone who grew up in a coastal community near a major port or ship channel or owns a boat and has sailed out into the coastal seas, has probably come across large container ships, tankers, or bulk carriers. And, if you can get close enough, there are a number of markings around the ship’s hull, most of which looks like gibberish or nonsense, but which actually contain vital information about the ship for the benefit of tug boats and port operators. This is a relatively short explainer of what all of these markings mean and what function they serve. When I was young, we used to go out in my grandfather’s 30 foot boat into the Houston Ship Channel, with lines of oil tankers, some empty and some full, steaming in and out. The sheer size of these vessels, and the wake they generate, is awe inspiring. And the markings upon the hull, at a glance, can tell you a lot about the ship without ever boarding it.
The widespread affection for dogs among the writers of RTARL and the commentariat is well-known. Many of us, myself included, have shared posts about dogs, pictures of new puppies, and remembrances of loyal companions, recently passed. While we are generally satisfied to appreciate dogs for the happiness they bring us and dogs are contented with their role as loyal, people pleasers, the relationship is more complex than that. Our relationship with dogs is both one of friend, but it is also parental in nature. Dogs are, generally, forever trying to please us, to extract from us the fullest measure of love possible. This essay by Jacob Bacharach ponders this relationship from a historical and personal perspective; from Shakespeare’s apparent distaste for dogs as “lowly” and “subservient” creatures, to his own experience with a rescue providing the only continuum in life through failed relationships and personal crises. The best quotations come towards the end, which I will not spoil here, but this should give a proper sense: “It is absurd, logically considered, to propose that the mere presence of some mammal in a room can by itself make a person better, but that is what they do.”
Reverting back to something with levity, the shoot for Caddyshack is legendary in Hollywood for the amount of excesses which took place among the actors and crew behind the scenes, including an all-night booze soaked party which took place as a category five hurricane came ashore in south Florida. It’s also well-known for how much of the script was improvised or, in some cases, ad-libbed on the spot. Sports Illustrated has a short oral history of the shoot, which shows how miraculous it was that a coherent movie, let alone a movie that has become a modern classic, emerged. Money quotation: “We brought Rodney in to the studio,” says Jon Peters, Caddyshack’s executive producer. “He comes in wearing this aqua-blue leisure suit and takes out a plastic bag and does two lines of coke. He undoes his shirt and says, ‘Where's the p----?’ ” It was a hell of a first impression.”
Finally, presidential historical Paul Brandus guest writes for the Center for Politics on the danger which confronts Donald Trump’s chances of being reelected in 2020. Brandus focuses on Trump’s weakness among Republican voters, many of whom abandoned the president when it became clear he would not be all things to all people within the GOP. Brandus suggests that Trump may be the first sitting president to attract a serious primary challenger in nearly three decades.
Welcome to the weekend.
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