#if anyone wants more info on the three listed here please let me know! I'll be happy to provide evidence
whenshefalls · 2 months
HOPE ON THE STREET ... track 3?
i know we're all super excited for hobi's new music but i want to raise awareness about just who are behind one of the songs
track 3 (lock/unlock) has producer credits from benny blanco, cashmere cat and omer fedi. these three support the occupation of Palestine and the ongoing genocide (see image below)
this should raise alarm bells for ARMY
but what can we do about it?
we need to use our voices to show hybe that we do not want people like this working with bts. people who agree with and promote the deaths of innocent people have no place in art
join us by spreading the images below and remind everyone not to listen to or support at least track 3 of hobi's new album. use the hashtags #HYBEDivestFromZionism #하이브는시오니스트를퇴출하라
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for more information on the boycott and how it helps Palestinians please visit the link below
ARMY let's use our voices for good!
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ax-y10 · 6 months
✮ knock ✮
in which- you have a fear of showing too much of your own skin due to past dreams and coincidences, but wilbur is there to help.
chapter info- mentions of private areas, mentions of fears, descriptions of nudity, descriptions of past situations, just a vent fic essentially
a/n- i made this as a sort of vent/coping mechanism because i needed to get this out somewhere to make myself feel better so here you go
pronouns- none (you/yours)
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you're sat in your boyfriend's bedroom, a frown present on your face and hot tears running down your face. maybe this wasn't worth getting so worked up about but it reminded you too much of years ago.
when you were in grade five, you'd had a dream where you were naked at school, beginning your fear of being judged by everyone. a year later in grade six, you had another dream about being naked at school, and that heightened your fear, if not hatched your fear of showing skin.
to make things worse, you've had multiple occasions where someone you know, whether it be family or close friends, has walked in on you changing, ultimately making your fear of showing skin ten times worse.
you'd swear that you would rather die than show skin to anyone in close relation to you. if you had to do one thing before you died, showing skin was the last on that list. it was your last resort, barely that. showing skin was never an option for you.
you'd been pressured by beauty standards, peer pressure, and wanting to seem more confident that once you did finally show a tiny bit of skin, it all went haywire, and every girl you walked past gave you weird stares or even just laughed at you as you walked past. you were never and never will be known for showing skin. you'll always be known as the girl who has self-esteem issues, hates showing skin. the amount of times you've been called a pick-me for the way you dress has you fuming at the statement.
and now, your boyfriend accidentally walking in on you showering has sent you back into a horrible spiral of worries and concerns and fears, breaking down into hysterics on his bed.
did wilbur know you were sobbing in his bedroom? no. he was in the kitchen cooking dinner for you both. were you desperately trying to calm yourself down without wilbur's help? yes, and it sure as hell wouldn't work with him not there.
"darling?" his voice from the other side of the door startled you enough to break you out of whatever bad thoughts were strangling your head.
"i have dinner," he'd state, before the handle of the door slowly starts turning.
"no! not yet. give me a second!" you yelled from his bed, scurrying into his bathroom and throwing on one of his sweaters he'd left in there for you.
it was silent. at least on the outside of his room. inside however? your mental rambling had started back up again and was attacking you.
a minute passed. two minutes passed. three minutes passed. five minutes passe-
"sweetheart, i'm gonna come in. something's wrong,"
his large figure in the doorway was inching it's way towards you, causing you to move back with each of his steps.
"oh, my love, what's wrong?" fuck. he'd caught on.
you were silent. all your communication skills were out the window.
"c'mere" his voice soft, calm, and collected rang through your ears.
and before you could blink, your head was nuzzled in his neck, your arms tightening around his shoulders as you clung to him, you legs bent uncomfortably underneath you, and your tears soaking into his shoulder.
he was happy to stay there all night if you needed, happy to let you cry it out, happy to listen, happy to talk. as long as you were okay.
"knock before you walk into the bathroom if i'm in there, please?"
"no problem, darling. have some pasta and rest easy and you can talk about it more if needed when you wake up, alright?" he paused, took a deep breath, and continued., "i'm right here, always. i'll stay with you tonight, okay? i love you,"
and all you can remember was the warmth of his arms before you fell asleep.
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juneknight · 7 months
Hey June! I want to participate in the MK Events with writing fics. And you guys posted about which the first event should be. I'm not super familiar with this stuff having not been active in the fanfic writing community for some time now. So I had to look at the challenge info link.
My question is that the reference says that the prompts and what not can only be claimed by a limited amount of people. I.E. Only a few people can do a certain set of prompts for a Fest / "Each prompt may be claimed only a limited number of times." if I'm understanding correctly. Is that how it will be for your events as well? Or will we all be able to write for the all the prompts and such?
Thank you so much for your help! I hope we can all write for them as your girl wants to do as many as she can. -blows kisses-
*catches kisses and tucks them into my pocket* Okay, first of all, no biggie: these were a lot of new terms for us too. Here's our best understanding.
For a fest, people would have to sign up--likely we would do this via some survey site like SurveyMonkey because that's all I really have experience with. When you sign up, you will have to submit at least one prompt. The prompts will then be uploaded en masse. Each person can commit themselves to as many prompts as they would like, but typically a prompt can only be 'claimed' a certain number of times (maybe three writers for each prompt? Or maybe just a single writer for each, depending on the number of prompts received).
So you could claim a dozen or more prompts (as many as your fingers can type!), but only if those prompts have not already reached their 'limit'. Am I making sense? Please let me know if I'm NOT making sense.
I'll go ahead and describe our vision for the other events as well. For Prompt Bingo, each person would sign up and receive a bingo card with randomized prompts. Each prompt that a fic or piece of art is completed for would count as a mark on the bingo board. For this one, there would be a prize. At the end of the time frame, anyone who managed to create a 'bingo' (five across, five diagonal, four corners, etc.) would be entered into a random drawing to receive a piece of Moon Knight merch.
For the Prompt Table, there would be a reasonably lengthy list of prompts for people to pick and choose from, and a person would commit to writing a certain number of those prompts. We haven't yet decided on any themes for these events; we're really just in formative stages right now.
When I say we/our, I'm talking about the very talented @spacecowboyhotch who graciously agreed to take this on with me (she's an angel). Please let either of us know if you have any more questions!
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tears0fsatan · 2 years
✩﹏<﹐🥛﹢﹒[closed] celebration event !?﹒⪩ ♥︎ ⪨
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waaaah i never thought i'd reach this amount of followers in such a short period of time but i did... i'm so grateful man thank u sm :((( i kinda thought abt doing this after hitting 300 followers but things happened n it sorta slipped my mind but 350 is another milestone!!!
more info will be under the cut!
please keep in mind i only write gn&male reader n b4 requesting don't forget to read my rules!!!
please keep in mind i only write gn&male reader n b4 requesting don't forget to read my rules!!!
✦ ::  event rulez  :¨·.·¨:
only up to three characters and three prompts per req!
unless u specify, i'll write gn!reader by default [though, again, it is up to u]
u can submit as many reqs as u want, there's no limit!
a prompt can be used more than once ;]]
please be clear what typa fic u'd like [eg. headcanons, oneshot, drabbles, etcetc++]
genderbent characters and fem characters are okay!
for smut ;; please add the dynamics!! examples: power bottom!mammon, sub top!diavolo, dom!eula
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here's the prompt list .. it was difficult to choose only two for each out of the long ass list i've compiled but the next time i reach another milestone i'll add more!! :] pls take ur pick! <3
(´ ε ` ) prompt list . . . :P ♡ ?!
#& smut ;; i ✩ ii
#& fluff ;; iii ✩ iv
#& angst ;; v ✩ vi
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incase u don't know what fandoms i write for ;;
obey me
twst [ONLY third years n no riddle]
aaaa i hope u guys enjoy this event with me!! pls don't be shy :] <3
there's more i'd like to add but i'm not sure i would be able to portray their character well heh, i'd add jjk but i only like toji LMFAO also no riddle bc i swear all the ppl who call themselves riddle simps are weird and sexualising him feels wrong to me idkidk
also !!! if anyone wants to be mutuals pls let me know!!! i lurk a lot but i'm too scared to follow back bc i don't know if ppl would be alright with it n i don't wanna do sumn wrong ㅠㅠ
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rachaelswrites · 4 years
The Unsub
Spencer Reid x daughter!reader
You help the team with an unsub that’s connected to you.
Word Count: 3,498
A/n: I got a little carried away with this
Warnings: Violence, kidnapping, guns, blood
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“Y/n I promise you’ll be fine. I’m not coming to get you,” your dad said over the phone. He had been arguing with you the whole way to the BAU.
“But dad please? I can retake it. I’ll get a better score if I do,” you pleaded. 
“Honey I said no. I’m at work now. What ever score you get I’ll be proud of you,” 
“You’re only saying that to make me feel better,” you said.
“No I’m not. I mean it. I know you work hard,” 
“I wish I had your memory. Could you just give me a piece of your brain please?” 
“Goodbye Y/n. I’ll see you after school,” 
“Bye dad,” you hung up the phone and Spencer was running late so he hurried to where the rest of the team was. 
“There you are kid. You’re never late,” Morgan teased. 
“Sorry something came up with Y/n,” Spencer responded.
“Is she ok?” Hotch asked. 
“Oh yeah she’s fine. She just had a test she didn’t study for and wanted me to get her so she didn’t have to take it,” 
Everyone nodded and looked to Garcia to present the case. “We have an interesting case. It’s local so we don’t have to travel. Three teenage girls have been taken from the local high school,” Garcia said, “so far, they haven't been able to make a connection yet. All the girls so far have brown hair and brown eyes so we could narrow down our search for potential victims,” 
“Do we have contact with anyone who knows the girls and the families?” JJ asked.
“Yes. The families will be by later and we need to get someone at the school,” 
Spencer was looking at the board, looking at all the girls. You were the same age and went to the same school as them. You could have easily been taken instead.  
Hotch noticed Reid deep in thought and spoke up, “Reid why don’t you go to the school and see if they can give us information on the girls,” 
Reid nodded and stood up and went to leave, but Hotch grabbed his sleeve and whispered in his ear “I know you’re worried about Y/n. Feel free to bring her back here so you can keep an eye on her,” 
“Thank you Hotch,” Spencer responded. He grabbed his bag from his desk and left for the school. 
You had just finished lunch and your friends were walking around the school talking. One of your friends stopped you mid sentence. “Isn’t that your dad Y/n?” She pointed towards the main entrance. Your dad was in fact standing outside the office, talking to one of the office workers. 
“Yeah. I don’t know why he’s here,” you said, “I’ll see you guys later,” you walked down the hallway towards your dad. 
“I just need to see if I can get the files from the students who went missing. Maybe to try and find a connection,” you heard your dad say. 
“Sure I'll go get them,” the lady said. She disappeared into the office and he started to look at the posters littering the wall. 
“Dad? What are you doing here?” 
Spencer turned “I’m just here for some work stuff. I didn’t mean to interrupt your day,” 
“It’s fine. It’s lunch right now I’m not missing anything,” you said. You so badly wanted more info on the case he was working on. You knew about the disappearances but didn’t think your dad would be out in the field, “what kind of work stuff?” 
“Uhh. I can’t really tell you right now,” He tried to figure out a way to explain everything without scaring you, “do you want to come back to the BAU with me? You might be able to help us a bit,” 
The office lady returned with a stack of files, “here’s what we have on file. Anything from discipline records to attendance,” 
“Thank you. I’m also going to be taking Y/n with me, is that alright?” 
“Yes just sign her out at the desk,” the lady returned back to her own office and Spencer signed you out. 
You took the train back to the BAU and nearly skipped into the room where the team was, “hi guys” you said cheerily waving to them. 
“Well. If it isn’t my favorite Reid. How are you doing Little Reid?” Morgan asked, ruffling your hair.
“I’m good. What case are you working on?” 
Morgan looked at Reid, “you haven’t told her?” 
“Not yet. I was just about to,” Reid said. 
“Tell me what?” You butted in. 
“We think the unsub might be someone at the school. Either a student or faculty member. We’re hoping you could help us narrow it down,” Rossi explained. 
“Yeah sure. Do you guys have a profile yet?” 
“Not yet. We need your help with that Y/n,” Hotch said. 
You nodded and he led you into the conference room. You sat down and watched as JJ laid out pictures of all the missing girls in front of you. 
“Did you know any of these girls? Were you friends with them?” She asked. 
You took your time and looked over the pictures. You knew of them. Your school was a private school and the class sizes were small. Everyone knew something about everyone, but people still kept things in their own circles. “Not really. The school is small but people are private. Kids like to stay in their own group pretty much,” 
“Was there a bullying issue at the school? Maybe these girls picked on the same kid,” Morgan suggested. 
“Mmm. I don’t think so. Everyone got along well. Just people like to stick with what they know I guess,” 
“What about teachers? Anyone who was maybe too friendly or really interested in student lives?” Hotch asked. 
“Not that I can think of,” you said. 
“There’s too many classes that overlap with each other so I don’t think it’s a teacher. There’s also no correlation in extracurricular activities. It would have to be a student,” your dad said. The whole time, he was flipping through the files, “Y/n is there anyone you can think of that had contact with all of them?” 
“I can’t think of any. Sorry,” your knee was bouncing up and down. You didn’t feel like you were helping much. 
“They are teenage girls though. Maybe they hid stuff,” Prentiss suggested. 
“We had all their things checked. The unsub took the backpacks so all we could get were lockers and the houses,” Rossi said. 
“Oh! There is something I remember,” you exclaimed. 
“What is it?” Hotch questioned. 
“A few days ago at lunch, this group of girls were talking. I think they were friends with one of the missing girls. They talked about a note she received the day she went missing,” 
“We talked to friends. They didn’t know anything,” JJ said. 
“Kids lie. Especially teenage girls when they do something they’re not supposed to,” Morgan said. 
“Do you remember what the note said Y/n? Reid asked. 
“No. They didn’t actually say what the note said. They had a picture of it on a phone. I didn’t exactly inherit your eidetic memory,” you teased at your dad.  
“Just say what you remember,” he responded. 
“It was something about meeting someone else. I think there was a time listed. They signed it too I think,” 
Everyone looked at each other around the room, “what did it say?” Rossi said.
“I think it was signed ‘D.J’. But that could be so many people,” 
“It could be initials or a nickname or pseudonym,” your dad said, “but that does narrow down the list,” 
All of a sudden, Garcia came into the room, “I was able to find a connection between the victims. They all had parents in either government jobs or in first response,” 
“That narrows it down even more,” Morgan stated.
“Most likely our unsub has a tie to either government or first response. He most likely had a vendetta for some reason,” Hotch said. 
Spencer noticed your leg was bouncing quicker now. He moved from across the room and sat in the chair next to you. He grabbed one of your hands in his, “take your time sweetheart. You’re ok,” he whispered. 
You sat and thought for a moment, “there is one boy. His name is Dylan. His mom died about a year ago. It was a car accident. His dad was an EMT. He was the first one on the scene. They didn’t know it was her though. I think he saw her die. Over the summer, Dylan’s dad killed himself. I think Dylan said the note he left said something about not being able to watch people die anymore,” 
“Definitely sounds like our guy,” Morgan said. 
“Why would these girls go off not knowing who is writing them those notes though?” JJ asked. 
“I think they just assumed it was him. He’s the only one with enough guts to do that,” you explained, “and he’s the best looking,” you mumbled. 
“What was that?” Reid asked, clearly hearing what you said.
“All I mean is that guys who look like Dylan could get any girl he wanted. Everyone has a crush one him,” 
“Everyone?” Prentice wiggled her eyebrows at you. 
“Everyone does,” you repeated. 
Spencer decided to save this conversation for a different time. 
“JJ, get a list of potential victims and put a security detail on them. Garcia let’s try and get an address on Dylan,” 
The team started to leave the room, “Dad can I go home now?” You asked. 
“Really? You’re a potential target for a serial kidnapper and you want to leave a government protected building? Absolutely not. You’re staying here for the rest of the day,” Spencer said standing up. 
“But you have his name and you’re finding his address. I’ll be fine,” you complained.
“Y/n I’m serious. I said no. I don’t want you leaving this building without me. I’m trying to keep you safe,” 
“Fine,” you pushed past him and stormed out of the room. Spencer sat down at his desk. He started working on something to blow off some steam. 
You managed to keep yourself occupied for a few hours by talking with the team and doing school work. You were sitting in JJ’s office, working on an essay. You were growing restless and wanted to go home. You quickly pulled out some math work, pretending to look it over. “Hey JJ I’m going to go see if my dad can help me with some math. I’ll be back soon,” you packed your things and headed towards your dad’s desk. 
Once you were out of her eyesight, you diverted your path towards the exit and headed home. 
Back at the BAU a few hours past and your dad hadn’t seen or heard from you. Reid walked around, looking for you. He bumped into JJ, “Hey JJ have you seen Y/n?” 
“Very funny Spence. I know she’s with you,” she replied.
“What do you mean? I haven’t seen her in awhile,” Spencer was now worrying. What if the unsub found you here?
“She told me she was going to find you. She needed help with homework,”
It all clicked for Spencer. He knew where you went. He just hoped neither did the unsub. “We have to go. Get the team,” he grabbed his bag and ran out the door, heading towards the apartment with the team behind him. 
There was no sign of forced entry, but you were gone and there was blood on the carpet and things knocked to the floor. The team was looking around the apartment, hoping to find something that could lead to you. Spencer was sitting on the couch, trying to process what was happening. Morgan stopped what he was doing and sat next to him, “Reid we’re going to find her. Your girl is tough, she'll fight him,” he reassured. 
“I know. I just feel like this is my fault. I forced her to stay with me to keep her safe, and now look. She’s been kidnapped!” 
“This is not your fault. You were trying to protect your daughter and Y/n knew that. She’s just a stubborn kid who doesn’t like listening to her dad. That’s not on you,”
Before Spencer could respond Hotch got a call from Garcia, “Garcia you’re on speaker,”
“I checked school records and it turns out that the home Dylan shared with his family was sold a few months ago,”
“So where is he living now? Is there any family in the area?” Hotch asked. 
“Uh it looks like the father owned a storage unit that has been accessed several times in the last few days,” 
“When was the last time it was accessed?” 
“Thirty minutes ago. I’m sending the address your way,” 
You don’t remember much about how you got here. You were bound to a chair facing a garage door. Only a few hours ago you were walking home, just wanting to watch tv. You had unlocked the front door and set your things in your room. You went into the kitchen to grab a snack when you heard a key in the door. You assumed it was your dad. “Hey dad,” you said, turning towards the open door. You were not expecting the person in front of you, “Dylan what are you doing here?” 
“What do you think?” he said, slamming the door shut, “I came here for you. Isn’t that what your dad warned you about. He works for the FBI right? He probably knew it was me,”
“Yeah he did,” you were trying to stall him. Your dad would get worried about you sooner or later, “The team figured it out pretty quickly. You didn’t do a very good job,”
“Well I got you. That’s all I need,” he took a step towards you. You looked around for something you could use to hurt him. Before you could reach for one of the books on the counter, he grabbed you. You tried to kick and punch your way out of his grip but he pulled a knife out of his pocket and stabbed you in the stomach. Only deep enough to make you bleed, not puncture an organ. 
You stopped fighting and tried to apply pressure to the wound, “If you’re gonna kill me, at least tell me why,”
“Don’t you want to know how I got in?” he teased. 
“I do but, the FBI agents will figure that out. I just want to know why you’d kill me,”
He pulled you up and pinned you hands behind your back, “Do you remember last year? We worked on a project together. Your dad wasn’t here. You said he was working. We had a nice long talk about how our dads and their jobs get in the way of raising their families,”
“I don’t remember that. Guess you didn’t make much of an impression,”
He grunted angrily and shoved you forward, making you fall. Your head hit the floor and you rolled over. You felt blood trickling down the side of your face. The fall most likely giving  you a concussion. He pulled you up to your feet and pushed you out the door and down one of the back stairwells. He shoved you into the back seat of his car and tied a blindfold around your eyes. 
The ride was short and he stopped abruptly. He grabbed your upper arm and walked you a few feet before stopping. You tried remembering things your dad told you to do if you were kidnapped. It felt cold so you were outside, maybe near water. You could smell metal and a musky odor. There’s a storage ward near the marina. That's where you probably are. 
The sound of a door sliding open startled you. You were led into the unit and placed on a chair. You could hear the breathing of other people. Dylan took the blindfold off and you waited for your eyes to adjust to the light. Not that there was much. Dylan was already gone. You looked around and saw all the other girls who went missing. 
A few minutes later, Dylan returned with another knife and now a gun, “I thought we were on the same page Y/n. Our dads missed our lives because of work. But I guess I was wrong. I realized shortly after our conversation I was wrong. You had a better life than me. You were happy. And I had to suffer by myself I had no one who understood me,”
“Dylan stop! This is stupid. Let them go. Hurt me not them. Your issue is with me,”
“My dad watched my mom die and then I had to watch my dad throw his life away,” he held the gun up, towards the other three victims, “Now you’re going to have to watch them die,”
“Dylan don’t do this!” but it was too late. He pulled the trigger and the three girls were dead. He now trained the gun on you. 
“Now your dad will get to watch you die,”
The sound of three gunshots rang in the air. The team ran in the direction of the shots. They reached the storage unit that belonged to Dylan. “Spence stayed out here. We don’t know what we’ll find,” JJ said. 
Morgan and Hotch opened the door, “Dylan Johnston, it’s the FBI,” Hotch yelled. 
You couldn’t see anything. Your eyes were covered in the blindfold again. You looked up in the direction of Hotch’s voice.
“Put the gun down Dylan. Let the girl go,” That was Morgan. He was pleading with him. He saw you as his little sister, he cared about you. He couldn’t let you get hurt.
“I can't, I have to do this,” You felt Dylan move away from you. Then gunshots. 
“Get an ambulance,” Morgan said, most likely to Hotch, “Y/n are you ok? Are you hurt?” 
“M’fine. Just a little blood, and a headache. Morgan?”
“Am I dead? I heard a gun. Did he shoot you too? Are we both dead,”
“Not on my watch Little Reid,”
Morgan walked towards you and lifted the blindfold off of your face. He sighed when he saw all the blood. He reached to move some hair out of your face but you pulled away, “I want my dad. Please get my dad!” 
“JJ, get Reid in here,” he spoke in his ear-in, “Can I untie you?” 
You nodded and he bent down in front of you, “Where’s my dad? I want him now,” you said again. 
He pulled the ropes off your wrists and helped you stand up, “I know, he’s getting here,” he looked at the doorway, Spencer still wasn’t there, “Reid get in here!” he yelled. Morgan helped walk you towards the doorway. 
Y/n!” Spencer exclaimed. He rushed over to you and grabbed you from Morgan. He hugged you tightly, loosening his grip when you winced, “are you ok? You’re hurt aren’t you?” 
You nodded your head, “It’s bad Reid. She needs to go to the hospital,” Morgan whispered to him, “she can’t walk very well either,”
Reid looked at you. You were clinging to him, scared of losing him again. He carried you out of the unit, just in time for the ambulance to arrive. One of the paramedics opened the doors and brought out a stretcher. Reid carefully placed you on it, not letting go of your hand, “We have to go, she’s losing a lot of blood. She needs surgery,” the medic told your dad. 
“Reid go with her. Morgan you too,” Hotch instructed. Both men climbed in the back of the ambulance next to you. Voices were fading in and out and you felt your eyelids getting heavy. 
“Sweetheart, please keep your eyes open. Please, for me,” your dad begged. 
“I can’t. M’tired,” 
Spencer and the team were in the waiting room. Everyone was worried about you. Spencer couldn’t sit and was pacing back and forth while Garcia kept fidgeting with the hem of her skirt. “Dr. Reid?” a nurse came out, and he quickly walked over to her, “Your daughter is going to be fine. Her surgery went well,” 
“Can we see her now?” Prentiss asked from her chair. 
“She’s not awake yet. The anesthesia should wear off in a few hours. Only family can visit right now,”
“Ok,” Reid turned and faced the group, “I’ll see you guys tomorrow. Thank you for everything,”
“Of course Spence. If you need anything you can call,” JJ said, putting her hand on his shoulder.
Spencer shot her a smile and nodded. He followed the nurse to your room and sat in the chair next to your bed. He studied your face while you slept, You were relaxed and content, the opposite of just hours before. He held your hand in his until you woke up. 
@ssebstann @peachyprincessss @emmy-writes-sometimes @teenage-incompetence
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Rain is a Chance to be Touched Masterlist
AH I can't believe this is finally happening: welcome to my first CM novel-length multi-chapter fic!
A Gift For: @degrassi-fanatic because I wouldn't have started or finished this fic without her.
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Summary: When Spencer is shot in the knee and Hotch's whole family comes under attack, the depression that's been slowly creeping up on him over the last couple of months takes over, shrouding him in a dark cloud he can't escape.
Hotch finally realises what's going on, but before he can say anything Spencer leaves the BAU. He throws himself into the life of the younger man, desperate to make him happy again, but will their budding new relationship actually blossom? And is Spencer's relationship with the team broken forever?
TLDR; A Hotchreid-centric recovery fic centering on season five, heavily featuring Penelope Garcia. As it should.
Tags: angst with a happy ending, depression, recovery, getting together, season 5 fix-it, hurt/comfort, the team fuck up, and then they make it up to him
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Spencer Reid; Side Penemily
Word Count: 80.5k over 16 chapters (+2 bonus smut chapters)
READ ON AO3 // Main Masterlist
Below the Cut: an excerpt, trigger warnings, more info, posting schedule, the chapter list
"He doesn’t really understand how he’s gone from being a genuinely happy person, thick as thieves with everybody on the team, to this. It’s almost as though somebody’s cut the rope tying him to the others and now he’s drifting away, sinking without everyone else’s buoyancy to keep him afloat. He can see them all still tied together, barely seeming to notice their drowning team member, clearly not missing his presence."
grief, GSWs, the foyet arc, suicidal ideation, serious depression, anxiety, isolation/loneliness, disordered thinking, serious mental health issues, people dismissing others' mental health issues - if you spot one I'm missing, please point it out!
Some Things I'd Like to Say:
Spencer deals with some heavy shit in this fic, folks, and if you think that's gonna trigger you, turn away now
This is based on a mixture of personal experience and research to fill in any knowledge gaps: that being said, nothing in this fic should be taken as the gospel truth
If you'd like to know anything more about the triggers in this fic please message me and I'll be happy to elaborate!
I'll be posting every Saturday evening! The chapters start out at around 3k words each but quickly escalate to an average of 5-6k. It's written in alternating 3rd person POV, starting with Spencer in ch1. Title from Simon Van Booy's quote: "For lonely people, rain is a chance to be touched."
Smut is in separate chapters and will be posted on my nsfw blog so anyone who wants a clean read can avoid it!
Finally, if you're not already familiar with me/my work, I live in England. Anything specific to America is liable to be wrong - and you're just gonna have to put up with the different spellings etc :)
Chapter One: this arid world has turned my deep heart dry
Chapter Two: hell is empty, and all the devils are here
Chapter Three: even the stars choose destruction over life
Chapter Four: what you can do with what there is
Chapter Five: it's a lonely thing, protecting a breakable heart
Chapter Six: it leaves me cold
Chapter Seven: a poem begins in the lump in the throat
Chapter Eight: my heart is so full of you I can hardly call it my own
Chapter Nine: only the sun has come this close
Chapter Ten: I'm never not thinking of you
Chapter Eleven: the beginning and end of everything
Chapter Twelve: let it hurt, let it bleed, let it heal, let it go
Chapter Thirteen: the distant and impossible
Chapter Fourteen: look at this ruin and my two guilty hands
Chapter Fifteen: if we cannot find the light, we will always make our own
Chapter Sixteen: you are too well tangled in my soul
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ticklygiggles · 4 years
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Hello, everyone! Okay, so I said I was not going to host the event this year... but after some thinking, I just couldn’t resist! I hope you guys don’t mind having me again doing your assigments for the third year in a row, omg! I hope you had an amazing time last year and, as always, I invite you to participate once again. If you haven’t done this before, I warmly invite you to give it a try!
We’re starting fairly early this year and that’s exciting, so here are the rules that most of you know so very well:
In order to get a tickle fic, you must be willing to write a tickle fic for someone else.
Fics should be 250 words or more (if that sounds like a lot, don’t worry, it’s only about a page double-spaced).
Fics should be based on prompts given by the person you are writing for.
When you sign up, include 1-5 loose prompts - can be as simple as a fandom, a pairing, a character, a scenario, or a combination of those things.
Once sign-ups end, I’ll send out assignments and you’ll have until the end of December to finish your fic and send it to the person you’re writing for. In turn, your writer will post a fic for you by the end of December! No one will know who is writing whose prompts until the fics are posted, because surprises are fun!
Here is what I will need from you:
An ask, submission, or message telling me what fandoms/pairings you’re willing to write for.
An ask, submission, or message listing 1-5 prompts (can be specific or vague, whatever you want) for me to give to the person assigned to write for you.
Make sure you have your askbox or messages open, because I’ll need to communicate with you at some point to let you know who you are writing for!
IF YOU ARE ANON: you must include a tumblr url or email I can contact you at. I promise I won’t give it out to anyone, I just will need a way to contact you over the course of the exchange!
SIGNING UP: I already said we’re starting early this year, so I thought three weeks are more than enough time for you all to send your info! So, you will have until Friday, November 13th to sign up. After that, sign-ups will be closed! I think that’s enough time for me to do the assigments and then for you to write your fic!
Also: when you sign up I will send you a confirmation ask/email/whatever, so if you don’t receive that, contact me! (I want to make sure no one gets left out due to tumblr eating asks or something similarly dumb.)
Also also: If you are willing to write another fic in case of needed, please let me know when your submit your information! That would be of great help!
I hope you can join the event this year and have a blast! Then, I'll be waiting for you all to sign up!
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