#if anyone wants to hear the interview
youjustwaitsunshine · 6 months
anyways i genuinely and deeply believe that seb is one of the best, well-rounded, most talented racing drivers currently active and i think no matter where he was racing, he'd adapt within less than one season. he's incredibly versatile, everyone who has worked with him praises his quick understanding, intelligence and detailed feedback. he's a genius on track and seizes every opportunity he can and any team across all of motorsport recognizes his talent. so many other drivers know him to be courteous and friendly and so many racing series want to win him (and the fanbase and recognition that comes with him) to drive for them. It's clear that once a team is genuinely happy to have him and listens to him, he's a major force that very few other drivers could come up against.
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thequeenofsastiel · 2 months
Really, at the end of the day, it's the fact that Armand is a sub that makes it absolutely obvious to me that there's no way in HELL that he would betray Louis. The idea is so absurd that I would like to say that I genuinely don't understand why people are rolling with it. But I know that it's because most people don't understand Dom/sub dynamics. The intense and complete DEVOTION and WORSHIP subs have for our Doms can honestly not be overstated. We would NEVER betray our Doms, ESPECIALLY if we were in love with them. We would 100% die first. Which is why I just can't take Armand betraying Louis seriously. It would NEVER happen, and ANYONE who understands subs would know that. Clearly the writers don't, or they would NOT have made Armand a sub if they wanted him to be willing to betray Louis.
The RAGE in me
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2tcs · 2 months
Back on my Danny/Skylark thing I've done a few times
Danny: If I had a nickel for every time I've been chained up in the presence of a redhead named Vicky and a neglected kid named Timmy, I'd have 2 nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice
Vicki Vale: Do tell, this sounds like a scoop
Tim Drake: Yes, I'd also like to know why a singer is chained up before and why this is the first I've heard of it
“Well, it all started out when I went to this town called Dimmsdale. This was when we had just released ‘My Shiny Teeth and Me’.” Danny said as the kid, Tim, nodded as he listened closely. “One minute I was driving and the next thing I know a tree sprouted right in the middle of the road. Imagine driving and then a full-grown tree poofs into existence. Suffice it to say I crashed.”
“You know you shouldn't drink and drive right?” Tim said with the most deadpan expression.
“I was as sober as it gets. But anyway, I walked up to the house I crashed in front of and the person who answered the door was this teen named Vicky. Turns out she was crazy. She tied me to a bed with chains kinda crazy. Anyways, she was apparently babysitting this kid Timmy. It was the poor dude's birthday but apparently everyone forgot.”
“Where were his parents? And how did you escape?” Vicki asked. Looking like she was memorizing everything Danny was saying.
“The kid’s parents were at my concert. I don't know how but somehow the kid got ahold of my record handler. Saved my bacon. That situation was the basis of my song ‘Icky Vicky’.” Danny said. Just then one of the goons who kidnapped them came flying through the door followed my Night wing.
“Mr. Skylark, Mr. Wayne, Miss Vale. Are you all okay?” Nightwing asked as he finished tying up the goon and came over to free everyone.
“It's a Monday.” Tim said with a glare causing Danny to laugh.
“I don't know Timmy. I think it was quite captivating.” Danny laughed as Tim groaned at the pun and Nightwing chuckled.
“Well, I'm sorry for the wait. I was a little tied up.” Nightwing replied.
“Hay. You cut my rope so I'll give you some slack.” Danny grinned as he stood up.
“Well. As interesting as this was I for one am ready to get out of here. Mr. Skylark? Here's my card. If at all I would like to set up a proper interview with you.” Vicki said before walking out.
That night Chip Skylark debuted his new song. ‘Interview in Chains’. And the next morning Danny's record agency received a call from one Vicki Vale.
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oscartheghost · 4 months
that the soprano was able to stay in tune while the tenor is singing right beside her just showed how talented she was. it's mad difficult to sing on key when someone is singing off key beside you. no wonder lestat was so mad about it.
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adreamoverlife · 9 months
thinking about how out of all the Archangels Michael and Raphael could be happiest. Raphael could finally have her brother that she died trying to get back. Just imagine her and Michael and Adam all running around the world together. God really is dead and now it's okay now because they have each other. It's about abandonment, it's about letting yourself love again. It's about Raphael finally falling back in love with healing creation as she fixes the holy fire burn marks on Michaels wings from the cage. It's about Michael falling back in love with protecting as he once did back when the world was still forming. In a way it still is. Michael preens Raphaels wings in a way he hasn't for millennium and plays a plucky waltz for her to teach Adam to dance to. Adam tells her he was a pre-med student and she immediately presses him for all that he knows and then scoffs. She remarks at how behind humanity is and tells Adam things humans won't understand for centuries. Raphael works together with Michael to fashion Adam scalpels so sharp the cuts don't bleed. Michael makes them fruit tarts of the fruits from the Garden where all Gods creations once partook in the flavor and the joy that comes from biting into an apple so hard it drips down your cheek. They sleep in a bed with enochian symbols carving out a lullaby on the ceiling older than time itself with Michaels wings as shield from the world. The brothers sing with the wind and in the sky like they did so long ago and Adam dances to the tune. Michael tackles Raphael mid flight as they race to the nearest gala Raphael heard about on TV. She whines and complains but doesn't fight as he carries her as the way there. When Adam drags them back to a hole in the wall diner a women approaches Raphael and just has to know where she got that suit she's wearing. It's so beautiful, she actually has a job interview in a few days and is so nervous, an anxiety that tugs at the child standing behind the woman's leg. Angels were made to ease burdens, and healing isn't always physical. The bright eyed woman gets her job, Raphael will make sure of it. A day when they are walking outside a downtown area Michael jumps the fence into someones backyard and races over to the pool drain filled with mud and leaves and filth. Pulling up the disgusting plastic the Prince of Heaven dives his hands in and reveals a very large spider that wipes it's eyes clean of the mud with its front legs and shivers as Michael very gently whispers to it in a language long past waiting for it to get dry enough to move comfortably. When Raphael approaches he looks up at her and raises the oh so terrified creature and asks "Does she need healing?"
Raphael smiles at the meteor shower up above with her brother at her side. Michael snaps his fingers to change the color of the lights to match the wavelength of his grace warmed by the joy of having the two people he cares about most at his side. He doesn’t need to chose between his family and Adam they both chose him. Their days are as sunny or rainy as they desire. Their days are theirs and theirs alone. They are free.
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ryssbelle · 10 months
Doctor Who specials without context
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lenacopperleaf · 5 months
He’s happy to be here!!!! Woody we’re happy to have you here!!!!!
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soonhoonsol · 11 months
you guys ever get tired of friends who only talk about themselves? how do you respectfully tell them off?
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chocolatepot · 6 months
I've been so stressed today and yesterday that my whole body hurts. 😩 Not even over anything special, half of it is just my brain telling me things are going to go badly down the line, probably. Hurts so much I might take a covid test just in case.
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real-reulbbr-band · 8 months
I’m gonna stop letting others influence my opinion and straight up say I think the wrong cat died podcast is good and more informative then most of the wiki pages
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sammygender · 4 months
which member of the hearth way gang is most likely to start a podcast
basically the answer is ISHU. but she wouldn’t do it alone. she’d rope MARIE into it. and DEAN loves the sound of his own voice so he’d join in too.
btw marie would mostly just do sound editing and recording, but she’d chip in sometimes with snarky comments. like freddie in icarly.
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girlscience · 7 months
boy howdy, I am working myself into a full panic over this. if I get an hour of sleep tonight it will be a miracle.
#like this is an INTERVIEW. do you know how many job interviews I have had in my life????#compared to how many jobs I have had???????#I GOT REJECTED BY WALGREENS FOR CHRISTS SAKE#I just. this man is holding my entire plan for my future right now in his hands#if he doesn't want me. If he decides I wouldn't be good in his lab I don't know what I'll do#like yeah yeah life will keep going and the world will keep turning and stuff#but I am not joking I will be devastated. and then I will have to TELL people about it#and like I still have yet to hear back from the other school and none of the professors there have talked to me#so idk if I could do what I want to there either (they do have the classes I want so I'm assuming one of the professors does what I want)#and everyone keeps saying it'll be fine and I'll do good and anyone would want me in their lab#but I DONT THINK IM IMPRESSIVE. I compare myself to other scientists and eh. I don't measure up#like sure I have good bench skills and I can learn pretty much anything you set me to#but I don't know how to come up with research proposals#I don't know how to ask good questions about papers I read#I don't have good ideas for further research#like. I did library prep at work for 3 years and we recently hired someone who has more or less taken it over#and he actually understands and talks about the actual molecular processes in a way I never learned#idk I just feel like yeah I'm good at science. but I'm good because I'm good at following directions#I am not actually inovative or creative or increasing understanding#point is I am stressed and people keep telling me not to be but I don't believe them and I am scared that I have got myself too excited#and I am about to be let down very hard very fast#and I don't really have any safety nets in place if it doesn't work out
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winged-fool · 2 years
Non spoiler review of the first ep of iwtv:
👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌th 👌 ere👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good shit
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gaiaxygang · 1 year
becoming a perthchimon fan before dangerous romance started filming makes me feel old
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aetherology · 1 year
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I'd apologize for dog posting but im riding such a high from this visit that tumblr gets my pictures, too
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dirtnote · 1 year
ok so band im now immediately obsessed w: jigsaw youth
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