#if anything needs clarification lmk!
honorthysalad · 7 months
Some people on tiktok are saying they feel hgns is turning into queerbaiting, because in 25-1 yoshiki is basically the reincarnation of the wife that was brought back to life and so its like the 2 of them are just the modern day equivalents of the husband and the wife, whats your thoughts on this? I probably didn't explain it very well but do you think the story is also going to take that direction or do you think its an over reaction ? I don't have the best analysis abilities so i was curious what you thought
I'm going to preface that I have not seen the original video making this point, and so I am working off talking points I've seen other people using.
I think hgsn has always had a problem with this. Not queerbaiting, but instead that when people are recommended this manga by other people, they are told it's a horror BL. Hgsn is not a BL. It was, but then after chapter 3, Mokumokulen removed the BL tags, and the official website where hgsn is hosted has not had it listed as a BL for a long time. It is currently listed as outsider, horror/bizarre, mystery/thriller. However, English sites continue to list it as a BL, probably for lack of an LGBT tag. Hgsn has not been a BL in a long time, and while yes, the pilot (<- btw the pilot has no bearing on the current manga. A lot of things have been changed from the pilot aside from the BL elements) and first three chapters have a lot of BL signaling, Mokumokulen has clearly changed their mind on having a romance between Yoshiki and 'Hikaru'.
Does this make it queerbaiting? I'd say no because the characters are still visibly queer. There have definitely been retcons, but Yoshiki being gay has gone unchanged. I've seen a few people pointing to Ch21 as proof that Yoshiki is heterosexual because when he looks at 'Hikaru's collarbone, he says "I don't feel anything in particular anymore". I feel the important part of that being is 'anymore', meaning he once did. This part of the chapter is a reflection on their sexualities, wherein 'Hikaru' tells Yoshiki he doesn't understand romantic or sexual attraction and Yoshiki, while he refuses to say outright, isn't straight. He was attracted to Hikaru's body and says he has feelings for Hikaru that 'Hikaru' wouldn't understand. This chapter makes it clear that Yoshiki is gay and 'Hikaru' is aromantic and asexual. They are still queer characters, the story is still fundamental a queer story of feeling othered in a small town and the terror of discovering your sexuality, and not having a romantic relationship between Yoshiki and 'Hikaru' doesn't take away from that.
I think an important part of queerbaiting is that despite being promised queer characters, the media has none or features them very little. Think of The Rise of Skywalker where the queer representation the director claimed was in the movie during press interviews is actually a kiss between two women limited to a background shot in a crowd shot. That two-second scene wasn't representative of anyone, was hidden away in the background, but then touted as a LGBT+ representation because the directors and company wanted the movie to be seen as progressive. That's queerbaiting and that's definitely not what hgsn is doing. Queerbaiting is not expecting a romantic relationship to develop between two characters and never having it actualized in canon. That's just being disappointed, which is still reasonable but not really grounds to accuse the author of something greater.
(I'm not going to touch much on that ancestors point. I think that Yoshiki actually being straight because he has the soul of a woman is a strange conclusion to come to, especially when we don't know if he even is a reincarnation of Hichi yet, and has really weird implications. And then the original sin being trying to bring someone back from the dead is the only thing that makes sense narratively because the danger of refusing to accept death as a natural part of life is a key theme in hgsn.)
So to just wrap it all up- is changing your mind mid-story about the genre messy? yeah, definitely. Is hgsn perfectly written? no- oh my god, no. Is hgsn queerbaiting? No, because Mokumokulen might have changed their mind on a romance, but they did not change their mind on having queer characters, and non-romantic stories of queer people are still important stories to tell.
And then if you disagree with people who are disappointed that hgsn isn't a BL, don't just start insulting them or their intelligence. They were picking up on exactly what the author wanted them to at the time. The introduction sets up the tone for everything that follows and hgsn changed its mind mid-introduction. Being told by the manga 'look at all these romantic implications!' and then a few chapters later getting told 'actually nvm' is going to be confusing for any reader. I think mokumokulen has put a lot of work into making this a gradual change (the real breakdown of a possible romantic relationship comes in vol2's bonus chapter and concludes in ch21), but it doesn't removed what was already there in the first chapters. And like- if you don’t like someone’s take, block them. Easy way to not see takes from them anymore. Or just like ignore it. Complain to a friend about it. Draft up a reply and delete it. No need to be a dick to them.
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I gotta big question for you: what would be your pitch an animated series based on the Mighty Thor? Spare no details
Oh boy, this is a really tough one. I just have so many different ideas for how this could go!
But let's say we're looking at a typical 21 episode TV series, and lets say we're not 100% sure we'll be getting renewed for a second season. We've got two options.
Safe Option: The series is set entirely in the Nine Realms and based largely off the Journey Into Mystery/Tales of Asgard stories. Think of it as a sort of Journey to the West format, where the whole season is Thor and cast on a grand quest and each episode/two part episodes are one challenge/encounter along the way. This would give us a chance to really do some worldbuilding and show off Thor's Asgardian supporting cast, including more obscure characters. It would probably be more of a fun, lighthearted adventure, I don't mind a bit of violence or dark themes but I'd keep it on the campier sword-and-sorcerer side rather than gritty or dark.
Less Safe Option: We start from Journey into Mystery #83, when Donald Blake first acquires the hammer. The first few episodes are standard faire for superheroes, with Thor's more minor Earth antagonists (like Gargoyle and Zaniac and the like) showing up as villains of the week. All that changes when Loki makes his first appearance. After that the arcs get longer and more complex, climaxing in a battle against Loki and his forces on Asgard. There'd be a more psychological bent to this, maybe even psychological horror, as Thor goes from Dr Blakes' superhero persona to another personality with his own thought patterns dominant personality. We'd really dig into Dr Blake realizing that he doesn't actually remember any of his past before medical school, including his family and origin, and how frightening and discombobulating that is.
Regardless of which idea, there'd be some common elements. Art style would be very colorful, Asgard's aesthetics will be a solid mix of sci-fi, fantasy and a heaping dose of surrealism. There's a direct-to-video animated movie about Thor called "Tales of Asgard" and I actually really adore how clever they were with the trippy geography of Asgard, I'd draw a lot of inspo from there.
Odin will be portrayed as the abusive jackass he is. I'm not going to soften him up whatsoever, especially in his treatment of Thor. I don't think I'll kill him off regardless, but both options will show Thor slowly working towards recognizing the toxic behavior. In Option 1 it will be revealed that Thor's quest was some gambit by Odin that would seriously endanger him and/or his friends. In Option 2 it'll be Thor not only learning that Odin brainwashed him into believing he was Donald Blake, but the reason why he did it (just like in the OG comics it will be extremely petty and more about Thor asserting independence against Odin that actually needing to learn humility or whatever, although he certainly does grow as a person either way).
If the show is renewed for a second season, it will be adapting Roy Thomas' Celestial Arc, expanding worldbuilding with the introduction of the Eternals, the Celestials and the Elder Gods. It will also be the climax of Thor's arc about his relationship with Odin. When it's revealed that A) Odin had him for the express purpose of making an Ubermenschen weapon for him to use, and, B) he had in the past had Thor killed for disobeying him, then resurrected and wiped his memories.
If the show gets a third season, that season will be a loose adaptation of Len Wein's various space epics mixed with the 90s storyline Blood and Thunder (and when I say loose, I mean loose). Basically, Thor cuts himself off from Asgard after finally learning the truth and travels through space having space adventures with various Marvel Cosmic characters. Meanwhile, there'll be B plots with Thor's supporting cast on Asgard and/or Earth working out their own issues in his absence. By the end of this season, Beta Ray Bill will be introduced, and just like in Walt Simonson's run, it will be revealed that the threat to his people he was scientifically modified to face is the rapid approach of Surter and his army. The season will end on a sort of cliffhanger as Thor realizes that Ragnarok is coming for Asgard, and will have to make a choice about going back to save them. After that will be a season with less episodes but longer episodes showing the epic battle and neatly wrapping up any character arcs that haven't been wrapped up yet.
I think the show will end with Thor's "death" at the hands of Jormungand, but how exactly this goes will depend on Option 1 or 2. Option 1 will result in Thor fighting Hela similar to how Walt Simonson's run ends (the plot point about Hela cursing Thor to be easily hurt but unable to die will also be there). Option 2 will result in a death of personality for Thor, he becomes Dr Blake permanently and lives out a happy existence on Earth (depending on whether that feels like a satisfying ending or not, I'll just go with Option 1 then). Either way there's an opportunity for The Adventure Continues but a nice finale and really no need to.
If they force me to make another season I'll adapt the Evil Future Thor story from Dan Jurgens' run, but with some major changes.
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kettleghost · 2 years
hi please read this ok thanks😁😁😁😁😁😁
im taz and i draw pictures
please don’t steal/repost my art, thanks! - please ask me before using my art as a pfp or background or anything :D
GET AWAY from my blog if you’re a proshitter, comshitter, terf, racist/homophobic or just bigoted and weird in general i hate you🖕🖕🖕you guys get the drill please just be nice and respectful over here, also please don’t say nsfw stuff around me or this blog, thank you!!🔥🔥🔥
i only have tumblr and instagram (@kettleghost on both) and tiktok so if u see my art uploaded anywhere else, it’s not me
i draw on procreate with my finger
im pretty shy on social media, i seldom respond to asks or dms sorry :(
im 17 and my pronouns are she/her
my inprint shop: https://www.inprnt.com/gallery/kettleghost/
im australian
enjoy the drawings 👍
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the-terrible-theys · 1 year
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personally i am of the opinion that since 2d chris and martin are clearly fictional, separate versions from their real-life counterparts (though the animated kratt bros are indisputably tied to the real ones), shipping them with other characters in the show isn't weird AS LONG AS those other characters are in no way tied to real people themselves. shipping pairings between even fictional versions of two real people is where things can get a little weird/messy, since that has a potential to impact those real people and their relationships. if zach or whatever other character were the self-insert of a real person my opinions on shipping that character with one of the bros would be way different, but since only chris and martin are self-insert-type characters, i see no issues with shipping them with their friends or the villains
i kinda view shipping as just One Of Those Fandom Things that happens to fictional characters, on par with things like making headcanons or redesigns. like, if someone started making headcanons about a real person, or were to redesign that real person to have, say, piercings or different hair or an altered personality, it gets a little weird. if someone does those things with fictional characters, though, it's no big deal. same thing with shipping. the animated kratt brothers are, again, fictional, and i think it's okay to treat them as such as long as the real kratt brothers are being respected
of course, if the real brothers ever were to express discontent with any sort of shipping, that's another matter. while 2d chris and martin are fictional characters, them being tied to real people means that if those real people don't want something done to their character, shipping or headcanons or redesigns or whatever, those wishes should be respected. i wouldn't doubt that chris and martin are at least somewhat aware of people shipping characters (i mean even a lot of younger fans end up thinking of chris and aviva, for example, as a pairing, and that's been going on since 2011), and my guess is that they don't care. no one is shipping these characters with the real kratt brothers (i'd hope) and so i highly doubt any of that would affect them
tl;dr as long as people aren't being weird or disrespectful in any way about shipping, i think it's chill. these characters are fictional and can be treated as such as long as the real-life kratt brothers are being respected
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Do you know if they've changed cities on some of the dates or why the shows in that video are different than their website
On tour promo materials (the poster, that video), smaller or less recognizable cities are listed under the larger or more majorly known area they're serving. For example, the Detroit show is technically in Clarkston, the Cleveland venue is actually Cuyahoga Falls, the Nashville show is in Franklin. That's why you'll find discrepancies between what you see on their website/Ticketmaster and what you see on socials!
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pierswife · 2 years
Oh, as a heads up! I finally added my blacklist to my carrd! Just so you don't have to go check, here's a screenshot for it!
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imprvdente · 2 years
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@demurc​ sent: Spotify meme # 85 from: In honor of SPOTIFY WRAPPED,  send me a number 1-100 and I’ll write you a starter based on the song.
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“I'm sure there won't always be sunshine, but there's this momentary beam of light. And in my experience, it’s best to enjoy it.” If anyone could understand how... torn one felt after winning, it was Fish. No matter that she now lived in the Capitol, she was still a victor. And like all victors, she had tasted the bittersweet savor of winning the Games. 
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“I know you don’t feel like a winner right now, but you are.” Around them everyone was celebrating Valerie’s victory, in the Presidential Palace no less.  Fish Monet didn’t have such a good reputation in the districts, and even now that she worked for the Capitol’s TV with Caesar, she was sure most people still resented her. No one in Panem had enjoyed the way she had won her games, through manipulation and spectacle. Perhaps Valerie wouldn’t even listen to her advice. Still, she offered the girl a smile. “Try to have fun, it’s your party.”
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atzjieun · 20 days
Sorry if I'm bothering you, but how do you make the Instagram story?
I love Jieun btw ❤️
don’t worry anon you’re not being a bother!
the background image itself i made in the actual instagram app and just saved it with all the captions, then for the top story part i took a screenshot of wooyoung’s story and reverse engineered it on picsart 😭
i kinda just put stickers and pngs i found online over all the text to match the spacing and set it all on a transparent background!
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okay hi, this is kinda a sensitive topic so feel free to deny, jst lmk cuz tumblr eats asks sometimes
I wanna request a self aware!bsd x gn teen!reader. Reader is like 15-16, and has a very bad home life (father is physically & s*xually abusive as well as an addict and mom doesnt care) and uses bsd as an escape and stuff. They see Chuuya and Kouyou as parental figures (not a ship). And reader is like really lifeless/numb but also extremely scared and paranoid
It is not your fault
Self-Aware! Platonic! Chuuya Nakahara x GN! Abused! Reader x Self-Aware! Platonic! Kouyou Ozaki
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Description: There are monsters in your house. You want to be saved. From reality no one want help you. Maybe, you can help world in different world.
TW: Non-descriptive SA (psychological (photos, comments, forced looking at nudity) and physical (forced touching)). Mentions, without clarification or NSFW language. Mentions of drugs. Reader think that it's their fault [IT'S NOT AND IT WILL NEVER BE]. The bastard gets what he deserves. Soft protective platonic yandere. English is my second language.
The school break will end soon, and you have to go to class.
You were reading BSD manga on your phone. When you got the message.
You heard the notification sound. You take a look at the screen.
[1 photo send from Father]
You feel sick. You knew what he sent you. You don't want to look at it.
Another notification.
[Look at it]
[That's what I put into your mother, so she can have you]
[Isn't he looked good?]
You hurry to the school bathroom. You can't let anyone accidentally see, what your father sent you.
You can't ignore him. Or it would be worse.
When you got into the school bathroom, you make sure, that no one see you. You opened the chat with your father and immediately closed your eyes.
It takes you a few moments to close the app without looking at the screen.
There were tears in your eyes.
But when you go back to class, you were emotionless.
From outside, you looked numb and emotionless. But inside you were scared.
Really scared.
But you were hiding your fear.
Because no one cares. Even your own mother.
"Mom... Dad was sending me photos... Of his... Of his..."
"[Y/N], stop mumbling. Just ignore him."
"Mom... Dad was making comments... About my... hips. He is making me uncomfortable..."
"[Y/N], I told you before. Ignore him."
"Mom, why Dad is walking around home naked? He is..."
"[Y/N], stop whining. Ignore your father..."
"Mom... He touched me... He forced me to touch him... He held my hand and didn't let me go..."
"Mom... He hit me because I called him gross... My hands feel gross and dirty... Mom, please help me!"
"Mom... Why are you ignoring me?"
You hoped, that today he won't touch you.
You won and loose at the same time.
He didn't 'touch' you, but he beat you.
For not looking at his messages the same moment you got them.
Then he was too high on God knows what to touch you or force you to touch him.
You hide in your room.
You use the chair to hold the door down.
Your father is 'satisfied' with touching.
One day he will want more.
You prayed, that this day won't come for the next year. Until you are eighteen and can finally leave this house for good.
Your hands already will be dirty for the rest of your life.
You don't want to be dirty for the rest of your life.
From books, you have read, you learned, that's not your fault.
If only you could believe in these words yourself.
Were you really innocent? Or you did something, that made your father... interested in you?
You curled under the blanket and open your phone. You want to escape. You need to escape.
You opened BSD Mayoi App. You need to look at Chuuya and Kouyou cards.
In BSD world
Chuuya and Kouyou were ruthless. You need them. You were stuck in one house with the monster. Two monsters, because your mother didn't do anything to help you.
Chuuya growled at Ango.
"When the damn thing will be ready?! [Y/N] need us!"
Kouyou's gaze were cold. Golden Demon was hovering above here.
Ango took a step back.
"It still needs two hours to charge. I wish, it can be faster, but we can't do anything for it."
Chuuya turned around and left the room. Soon, everyone heard the sound of the road near the building been destroyed. Chuuya tried to calm down this way, otherwise he would attack someone.
He remembered your words.
"He beat me again. I don't want to be hurt anymore. I don't want to be touched by him... If you were real, would you care enough to help me?"
"I would, [Y/N]. I care enough. I will show him. He will pay."
Kouyou did a better job in holding herself together. But inside she was livid.
"I wish you were there, Kouyou. With you near me, he won't go near me. He won't touch me."
"He won't. Please, [Y/N], wait. It will be over soon."
"How dare you to hold your door with the chair?! Ungrateful brat! STRIP!"
"No! Let me go! I don't want to! It's wrong!"
"Don't go near me! Stay away! Someone, please help me! Mom, please help me!"
"Come on! Open, damn portal! Open!"
And the white light fills the room, right after your father grabbed you by the shirt.
It takes one kick from Chuuya, to make your father fall down on the floor. He can't move, thanks to Chuuya's ability.
Your mother came to your room, trying to see, what was the noise. She saw you, your father been pinned down. And all BSD characters. Before she can shout, Golden Demon's katana was aimed at her throat.
Kouyou was standing before you, hiding you from your father and mother.
You can't believe your eyes. Was it real? Are BSD characters really standing in your room? Are they really protecting you?
You heard Kouyou's voice. She sounds soft.
"[Y/N], dear, sorry for almost letting this vermin do what he was planning to do. But we are here now, we are here to take you out of here. Do you trust us? Will you come with us?"
You nodded. You were certain, that they won't hurt you. It was time. You can finally be free.
Chuuya looked at you and smiled.
"[Y/N], is it okay if Kouyou and I join you and others later? We need to deal with this man and woman."
You simply nodded and follow after the rest of the Cast. You were leaving the house. You stayed near Kyouka.
When you were gone, Chuuya and Kouyou start their revenge on your 'parents'.
You were free.
There is still work to do. You will need professional help.
But now you have people, who love you and respect you.
You have two parental figures in your life. Chuuya and Kouyou respect your privacy. They want you to feel safe.
They will protect you.
Monsters that you lived with, are dead. Your father died with his stomach ripped open and been as thin as a paper sheet. Your mother was torn apart.
Nothing can hurt you anymore. You will be better. You will feel safe.
They are with you.
The most important thing they told you, was this.
You are innocent. And it was never your fault. You are not dirty or disgusting.
It was never your fault.
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hwaightme · 2 years
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THIS IS 18+ ONLY MINORS DNI FOR CAPTAIN'S SAKE (nsfw tags under the cut) (masterlist)
⚫ pairing: ceo/sugar daddy!hongjoong x assistant/afab!reader ⚫ genre: smut... just smut really ⚫ summary: everything has a price, but sugar makes this truth so much sweeter. no matter what he says, hongjoong will buy that new purse for you, will flaunt you in front of his business partners, and will make sure you know you are his. ⚫ wordcount: 8.3k ⚫ warnings/tags: MINORS DNI, tried to edit - lost it - bon appetit, language, teasing, on a flight, a lot of money, wealth, first world, brand name dropping harder than San in the logs, hj is a sweetheart, mc is needy but in denial, full avarice mode lmk if anything else, nsfw tags and playlist rec under the cut ⚫ taglist: @doom-fics @layzfeelit @acciocriativity @justhere4kpop @honey-lemon-goose @byuntrash101 @shakalakaboomboo ⚫ network tags: @k-labels @ateezlovenet @kflixnet ⚫ a/n: Sometimes, I am calm. Other times (read 'all the time) I am getting wrecked by everyone in ATEEZ. Here is what Balmain Joong did to me. Any comments, reblogs much loved; we spiraled into madness (hail sucrose pop, glucose father joong lol)
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⚫ nsfw tags: daddy/baby girl dynamic, sugar daddy, reader is a 'doll', soft dom!hj (literally cannot stay mad at mc), overstimulation (seriously what is hj doing to mc...), fingering, mile high club, blowjob, deepthroating, dacryphilia, possessiveness, dirty talk, sex on a desk, unprotected sex (wrap that before you tap that) ⚫ playlist recs: Five Star Hotels by RAYE | Sugar Daddy by Qveen Herby | SAD GIRLZ LUV MONEY Remix by Amaarae | Greed by Shreea Kaul | Mile High by Salina Killa | Do I Move You? by Nina Simone | Money Power Glory by Lana Del Rey
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Why was it that when real business was being discussed, the location of choice was always the most extravagant, exotic, luxurious oasis? Everything about the resort screamed unaffordable. 'Exclusive' written in blood on the pristine white sands, only to be washed away by azure blue waves to colour sea foam you could swear was whipped up in a divine patisserie. A perverse flavour inaccessible to the majority but driving the decisions that ruled the world. It was challenging to not become partial to the taboo indulgence when it was handed to you on a silver platter together with a tailor-made career. Anyone would need to acclimatise to what most considered a distant fantasy, but a few flights on a private jet later did wonders in curing the delirium of the average and introducing an insatiable materialism.
Thus, you were not particularly bothered when your boss requested you book another retreat to a private resort in the middle of the ocean - considering the business's cash flow and offshore 'pocket money', this was not too different from your routine trip to the cafe down the street to get his 'coffee' - more sugar than caffeine but this was a secret that you were to keep to the grave; it was written in small print on your contract. It was easy to book when you just needed to send out a few messages to staff and drop a name to any external service people at the right time. Their reaction, stuttering and need for clarification never failed to be amusing; even the most outrageous demands gained appeal once the won, euro, dollars, whatever they wanted from the global wallet, began to stack up. Green bills, green trees - in a twisted way, these boys who liked to play the role of the all-seeing and all mighty were farmers too. And fruits of their labour were always the sweetest.
Sure, you worked hard and had your own path that you could have followed. Even had a degree to prove that you had at least an ounce of dedication. But what would it give you, in fact, what did it give you before your renaissance? Crumbs. Sheer crumbs, student debt and a chronic migraine. But as it turned out, a couple hundred k did wonders when it came to personal health and wellbeing. And on top of that, the myriad of other benefits that your current lifestyle had, had the ability to crush any argument and accusation hurled in your direction, of which you had many. You had figured out soon enough that diamonds were your real best friend, while those who you had considered your ride or die evaporated as soon as they saw you wearing designer. And that had been when the best you could ask for was old collections, and widely available products. You were not lonely. You had too many hats to wear, and a very demanding man, by the name of Kim Hongjoong, to entertain. And one who currently had his eyebrows furrowed, a couple of unruly strands of hair perking up out of his otherwise slick business ‘do, glasses barely holding onto the tip of his beautifully sculpted nose, and was leafing through the papers he had asked you to prepare for the duration of the flight.
For the CEO of a global company, and the heir to an even larger network, he sure as hell was incredibly young. You did not envy his turmoil and exposure to stress one bit, almost feeling sorry and in part guilty, since percentages of his spendings were technically lost on you. There had even been instances when you found yourself sat in a dark room, laptop screen aglow and on a blank page, with you wondering how one crafted a resignation paper. But once you and Hongjoong could have even a couple of moments alone, when he would ravish you, make and call you his and reveal to you all the things he had planned that could not be reflected on his calendar, that document would be promptly deleted and recycle bin emptied. Your ‘relationship’ had been this way since the one meeting, in his main office, on a bright and early morning.
He had called you up into his office and simply told you that he had another ‘job opportunity’ for you. At that point you had been desperate, with financial problems endlessly piling up, from debt to your family’s hospital fees to bailing your estranged brother out of prison. And to make things unethical – Hongjoong had known this. He had done his research – more specifically, he had asked some colleagues in his company, ones who you would never suspect, to snoop around and find out more about you. And as it turned out, you were the perfect candidate for ‘being treated right’ by him, while bearing the title and carrying out the formal façade of secretary and personal assistant duties. In his practice, as well as his father’s and partners’, this was probably the most stable relationship they would ever get in life, so might as well be picky.
Initially, you had simply become a receiver of gifts. Pretending like this was Hongjoong’s love language, you were touched and did not think much of it. Maybe through these purchases he was moving money in ways it should not be moved, but you could not care less – not your problem, not your area of expertise, you had the outcome, and the outcome was something like a crocodile leather bag or a dress fresh off the runway. Hongjoong had insisted on picking every single item out for you, letting his controlling executive side win over. He had explained that you had to look like ‘the prettiest doll in the world’ for him, and for that he needed to check for quality. After a couple of months, however, such sugary sweet presents had been reserved for special occasions, and for the rest, money was wired directly to a new, account, a platinum card he had opened for you and given you. To just step into the consultation room with his portfolio manager and private banking consultant had felt like you were cheating existence. You had been a lowly assistant to an assistant before. And now, decked out in Dior, were sat beside one of the most influential men in the modern era of this industry, letting him hand you eye-watering sums as if it was a couple of coins for a pack of gum.
Now, well, now you were conflicted. As months had turned into a year and were now approaching the two-year mark if you could remember correctly, your ‘relationship’ had started to feel more and more like a real one. Hongjoong had caught himself divulging details of experiences that he had never spoken about with anyone before. And nowadays, when you had sex, it felt less like a mindless fuck and more like making love, with the man expressing more than he ever could with every hot touch, press of his lips to yours, even his lustful intensity had gained a new colour. You could feel that he was confused, but would not dare let go of you – you knew that he put your name down on some very important documents, after all. As such, it was a rare but unbelievable pleasure to push Hongjoong’s buttons and get him all riled up for you, just so he could expel that pressure and that tension from a busy work day out on you. You were that caring of a personal assistant. And wanted him to keep on talking. Keep on telling you his deepest darkest secrets. You wanted to be a part of him, the hedonistic side, the one that seized the day and knew how to enjoy the earthly realm without counting and fighting.
For the flight to the resort and extended series of meetings with key business partners, you had chosen to wear an outfit that you knew Hongjoong was unravelled by. It was a black and white Prada poplin mini dress that did wonders to accentuate your curves and edges, and was paired with some classic, black leather, So Kate Louboutin heels and gold accessories to match the dainty little buttons on the dress. Really, this was dress number two since the last one had been quite literally torn off you by none other than your boss, but he did not want to ruin the night and as such, had promised to contact the house of fashion itself to get an exact replica of the limited edition garment. And this man kept his promises. But right now, even though you were sat in the private office in his jet, with the bodyguards safely outside, lounging and doing whatever bodyguards did to occupy themselves, he was not paying attention to you at all. Only winding himself up more with those compiled quarterly reports that you were now regretting having finalised them and bringing them at all. What was the worst that you would have gotten had you not done the task? A spanking? Oh, how scary… you have had it rougher on a casual and uneventful day. Now you needed to get creative to get his attention, and being needy would not do. So very slowly, gazing out of the window at the clouds your were drifting past, you crossed your legs, revealing the legendary red bottoms of the heels you were wearing, and reached for the notebook and pen that were just peeking out of your handbag. Unbeknownst to you, you already had his attention with your abrupt change of pattern. Normally you would be on your phone, or typing away on your laptop, even remaining idle would be more characteristic, so Hongjoong’s interest was piqued by the little planner that contained all your thoughts and actions. He slouched back in his seat, and raised he papers a little higher, so that he could steal glances at you more discreetly.
You were paying no mind to what your boss was up to, preoccupied by the cream pages and the visualisation of the figure in front of you, but in your mind. Sometimes, when work was slow, you had taken to doodling random people around the office, as well as sketching out a variety of landscapes that took your fancy. Though the main subject was always Hongjoong. You had gotten quite good at picturing his facial features and depicting them even in a few lines, catching his micro expressions and shift in body language. There were also a couple of drawings you had done with him as a live model, though he was asleep and in the nude, so no one was ever going to know about that – you had stashed them away in a safe hidden behind the drawers of your desk. It only made sense that he was in most of your drawings: after all, he was the man who had bestowed upon you such unimaginable riches and a quality of life so drastically improved, that you had no choice but to worship him. He had made you who you were now. A shining diamond.
And this shining diamond was a little too bright for him to keep on focusing on the profit and loss analysis. After about ten minutes of frustrating silence, he dropped the papers onto the table in front of him and leaned to put his elbows on its edge. You had still not raised your eyes at him – something that you normally did nearly on instinct since you were so in tune with his gestures, which made Hongjoong inhale aggressively. His previously neutral expression had turned into a scowl as he raised an eyebrow and gave you a onceover. His precious doll was up to something.
“What are you doing?” though the question was simple, his voice was dangerously low. But you could not be threatened by a good time. You kept your eyes trained on the page as your hand moved methodically to hatching the shadows of his, as of not too long ago, brilliant blond locks, ones you adored to run your hands through whenever you had the chance. Which was a rare occurrence outside of the ‘bedroom’, but still.
“Just noting some things down, Mister Kim.” Though he had insisted that you call him Hongjoong when you two were alone, it had been a challenging transition to get used to. But at least it gave you ample opportunity for… discouraging him further. He liked for everything to run like a well-oiled machine, with his eyes reading a business strategy in anything and anyone. You had no doubt that that was how he was scrutinising you now. Equal parts assessing the attitude and doting on you.
He was a sweetheart treating his favourite toy. Talking competitive analysis and takeovers in the morning, and clinking glasses with you at an exclusive Michelin star restaurant in the evening. And to think that you were the only one, aside from his family, who got to see more than one side of him was an intriguing notion. Actually, scratch that. Certain things you were sure to be the only one taking care of. Take his nasty habit of overworking, which you had called out even if it was just you feeling bored: all work and no play made Hongjoong a dull boy, and thus, less likely to compensate for your presently aimless sitting around.
“By colouring the entire page? Not good to lie to me, you know that.” Of course. When it came to matters of business, for example, this man had ears everywhere, had infiltrated every other competitor and had become a spider in the corporate world. He would probably find out someone was cheating on their spouse sooner than the spouse themselves. When it came to you, however, he did not have your intricate neural network mapped out just yet. He could only fluff up his feathers and put on airs.
“It is only ink, Mister Kim. And surely the ink to paper ratio is not more than the balance sheet on page twenty seven.” You purposefully moved away from his interrogation, subliminally reprimanding him from stopping his concentration. The ghost of a smirk was gracing your lips, hidden by hair that had fallen to perfectly frame your delicate facial features. Hongjoong still had not corrected you on using his ‘work title’.
“I should ask you to start drawing the spreadsheets out by hand then.”
“Maybe next time, as a special treat. In the meantime, we have what we have and must settle for it.” A lot more standoffish than usual, you were brushing your boss off as you continued the sketch. He could not exactly reprimand you, however. You were right in the fact that his suggestion was nothing more than white noise.
“Settle for less, Y/N?” the question rang loudly in your ears and translated itself to a reminder to know your place fairly quickly. You could imagine Hongjoong’s raised eyebrow and playful grin. In addition to him hinting at your arrangements, he switched to calling out your first name. Promising.
There was a customary mention of money and class even when it was not the main topic of conversation. Really, it was what had brought you two together, or rather the stark difference between what you and him had, respectively. Hongjoong enjoyed having financial control over you and ended up dangling it above your head in the form of his not so subtle first-world conduct. You preferred to imagine that it was him wrapping you up in the softest, silkiest Chanel ribbon, like the one you had seen in adverts and on the packaging that, alone, could have probably provided you with enough food to last a week in your life before.
It was not that Hongjoong did not try to ‘stay humble’. Based on your observations, out of all his financial peers, company clients and members of the executive board, he was probably the least likely to boast about the figures that his numerous bank accounts contained. It was possible that when the strings of digits began to look more like a phone number, one grew more tranquil. Money spoke louder than words. But you knew how to make Hongjoong get vocal. Or so you thought.
“More is never enough.”
“Having more takes a lot of work and being on your best behaviour, Y/N.” he may not know all of your thoughts and reasoning but knew that you got extra charming when you became needy. Trying so hard to get his attention that you would invest all your efforts into it. It was only fair after how much he had invested in you.
The Tiffany & Co necklace on your neck that he traced with his gaze was nothing more than a collar, a leash tethering you to him. An Elsa Peretti piece, a golden snake which had cost Hongjoong just under thirty million Korean won, was perhaps the best way to symbolise the chokehold you were beginning to have on him. You were there in business, there in pleasure, and he was contemplating preventing you from taking holidays unless they somehow involved him. It would be easy – just block all of your cards and you would come crawling. He was greedy for your reactions. The way your lip would curl when he would put somebody back in their place during a conference or a meeting. How you enjoyed it when he praised you for completing the challenging, soul-draining tasks that never ceased to pile up – he had never failed to continue scrutinising you through the glass walls of his office as you excitedly returned to your desk, a soft smile always on your face. How you were completely at his mercy when he wanted to give you an extra special present. He loved how the jewellery he had gifted you or sponsored for you to buy rocked back and forth as he took his time to take you apart. Piece by piece. His priceless game.
Hongjoong smoothed his lapels and adjusted his cotton jacket that he had bought in the colour warm khaki, tightening the knot of the wrap belt. Smugly, he took note of how your pretty, made up lips parted. What were you imagining he was doing now? He was not going to care, at least not right away. He demonstratively picked up the reports again, flipping through the bounded pages on autopilot as, what he could only decipher to be a disappointed gasp, reached his ears. It was a relief that the paper hid his growing smirk. Mister Kim was work-mode Hongjoong, after all. What did you expect?
Ignored and rejected, so be it. You knew this interaction well enough to be able to count, down to the minute, when Hongjoong would crack, or you would crack and still come sauntering over. He liked to be needed – the main reason why he had agreed to become the heir to the corporation in the first place, more than you liked to be needy. But sometimes, you were a little too impatient for your own liking – probably a side effect of having been transferred to a silver spoon lifestyle after experiencing hardship after hardship. As such, the dynamic between you and Hongjoong was a constant battle. You could almost taste his pride as he inspected the figures you had compiled for him, a lazy hand moving to adjust the collar of his white turtleneck. Through fluttering eyelashes, you feasted on the dangerously handsome man, determining that he really did look astonishingly captivating in Balmain.
It was frustrating, this ongoing game that you two played and would not quit despite the effect that it very obviously had on all parties involved, but much like with the drugs that made the occasional special appearance in the closed VIP-only events, it was too addictive. Even now, you knew that you should not pay attention to Hongjoong, but your eyes were not obeying you in the slightest. Over the time you had come to intimately know this man, if there was one thing you knew for certain, it was that he had an aura. An enigmatic charm, a magnetism that was so subtle to anyone who you now had the ability and first world clarity of deeming 'average' was unlikely to detect. However, before you knew it, upon locking eyes with Hongjoong, listening to his dulcet tone that would turn to orchestrate the music in your mind, you began to fall hard and fast into the abyss that was his power and control, trapped and even if you wanted out, forgetting the words. Once you fell in, the only words that mattered were the ones that he deemed to be so, and they were so heavily contextual and dependent on his mood that, usually, you did not dare oppose it.
It was fascinating to you how time seemed to pass differently when there was a price associated with it. Be it Hongjoong's net worth or what he was wiring into your accounts, it did not matter. What mattered was the bills that bound you together like the lace of your lingerie, one which was growing tighter around your body by the second as you kept on openly devouring Hongjoong with each shameless gaze, the thoughts cropping up because of the ghost of a smirk that he was wearing only fanning the flame. He was illegal. In all senses. No man should have the right to have such an influence over you as he did, and yet here you were. Working the role of his personal toy, so dedicated that you were on the verge of begging for him to play with you. You needed him. As much as you hated to admit it, since you still did want to retain at least a tiny portion of independence, this man had given you more than what you could ever wish for. Riches, connections, diamonds, sex. And you could not get enough, happily driven to madness by the immense pleasure of being a capricious diva with infantile demands for all the world's sweetness. Or, as your brother had put it, perhaps out of a sick gratitude to you for helping him getting at least a part of his life back on track, before you blocked him for good, you were getting off on being a pampered, prissy sugar baby. Though you saw no issue with simply doing what you were good at, and you still completed your regular duties as a personal assistant. It was just that your 'personal' was a little different from the commonly accepted corporate average. And the business that you carried out in the after hours was not just classified – when you had been faced with the decision of whether to agree to enter such a relationship with Hongjoong or not, you had naively placed your life at stake. That was the level at which you had to operate. But the thrill that it gave you, more than justified it.
Your internal clock was ticking away like a time bomb as you grew more and more frustrated, while Hongjoong, in a manner not too far from that of a cat’s, gave a soft yawn and made himself more comfortable in his chair, spreading his legs further apart under his desk and leaning back to continue his reading. Deciding that he had enough of having to repeatedly push his glasses up, he decisively took them off, and slowly folded them together, holding one of the temple tips very lightly with his lips. In a graceful motion, Hongjoong set them down to his right, beside a couple of pens. You recalled speaking with the designer over the phone, ordering for them to be customised and getting shipped over from the US in record time, and while you were not exactly sure as to why they were so important, the key stakeholders in the company had raved about them on multiple occasions, much to your boss’s delight.
You could feel that he was well aware of your present sensations, and purposefully was not acting on them, just to see you squirm. This was only making you more fixated on getting his attention, which you tried to do by letting out another soft sigh, quickly realising that if you were to get anything out of him, you had to be more rash, and act on instinct. In other words, act out of line. Taking the moment he dived back into the report as an opportunity, you rose from the couch, and slipped out of your high heels while keeping your eyes trained on your boss. A barely noticeable twitch of the eyebrow and you were struggling to fight off a smirk, feeling every bit seductive even though it was most probably a vision of your own design. But a little confidence did not hurt.
This time, you did not make a sound as you slowly moved towards Hongjoong’s desk in a straight line, using your strength to keep your adrenaline-ruined breathing as level as physically possible, and your steps measured out as the plane rumbled beneath you. Head and body in the clouds. All because of the heavenly ruin who was paying no mind to how you rested the tips of your fingers on the edge of the desk, before lowering yourself onto your knees and dropping into a languid crawl. As you inched past his lacquered black boots, and soon found yourself right between his legs, you could see Hongjoong stiffen, but resist the urge of responding to your bold movements. This only played to your advantage, as you let your hands rest on his denim-clad thighs before snaking up to tug on his coat’s belt, loosening it until the material gave way and exposed the waistline of his jeans.
Even as you, with practiced, methodical motions, undid his jeans, he did not spare you as much as a pat on the top of your head, like he usually did when you were being his ‘good girl’. The only sign he gave of his awareness of you was the obviously hardening member that your hands purposefully grazed as you attempted to pull the denim a little further down to give you better access. When the jeans, or rather, their wearer, did not budge to allow you to take them off, you growled in annoyance and gave up trying to be gentle, instead wanting nothing more but attention, not from Mister Kim, not from your boss, but from Hongjoong. From Joongie. From your one and only daddy.
Said man was resisting every urge to yank you from under the desk and to punish you for being such a vixen, but it was clear to him that his disregard of your efforts might just be more painful – a realisation that did little to subdue his arousal. It made him acutely aware of your nimble hand finding the cut in his Armani briefs, and pulling out his erection, giving it a few pumps at the base with your fingers. The sudden caress had made him buck his hips forward, encouraging you to continue admiring his length and running your fingers up and down, not a single bit escaping your touch. He gripped the papers in his hands until they began to get crumpled at the edges, and eventually dropped them to lean back and get a view of the scene unfolding at his feet. All just to catch you as you licked your lips, revealing a thick coating of spit, moved towards his dick, and while keeping it steady with one hand, ran your wet tongue from the base to the very tip, parting with a lewd twirl over the head. Hongjoong bit back a hiss as he locked eyes with yours, half-lidded – you knew all his sensitivities, his pressure points and guilty pleasures, and that was infinitely dangerous for a man like him to share, it only made you more attractive. You had memorised him as if he was your assignment. Your most important test and duty. Never leaving your mind and driving you to insanity as you drifted from wave to wave of uncontrollable desire for him, and him alone. You were his. And you looked so pretty, a queen all made up and dressed in gorgeous rare pieces, kneeling before him and taking in his member between your soft lips. Deeper. Deeper, until he could feel your hot inner cheeks, the back of your tongue and how a rumble emanated from you as you hummed in satisfaction, the vibration forcing Hongjoong to tilt his head back and sigh.
You were greedy for Hongjoong, moving yourself at a slow pace to take in as much of him as you could, hands finding themselves clinging onto the legs of his jeans for support, and to allow you to try your best and continue devour him without his guidance. As you moved away for a couple of seconds to catch your breath, a salacious pop announcing the temporary loss of contact, you noticed a string of what you could only guess to be your saliva, mixed with his pre-cum hanging between his member and your progressively more swollen lips. Once again, you took the throbbing member in your hand and were about to resume its worship, when a strong grip of your hair, nails momentarily sinking into your scalp, alerted you and made your gaze shoot upwards. The sight made you cower, though the thrilling trepidation fuelled your yearning for the glowering man.
There was a demonic quality in how he stared down at you, every bit of the expression demeaning you and demanding your ruin. You knew you had overstepped by disobeying him and taking intimate matters into your own hands, but who could blame you when he was so breath-taking when wearing his favourite brand? When you lowered your eyes he tugged on your locks, sneering.
“Baby girl could not even wait until we landed, huh?” his dulcet tone dropped into a rough drawl as he could feel your breaths washing over the tip of his sensitive dick that was begging for you to finish what you had started.
“I couldn’t.” you purred, batting your eyelashes.
“And so, you resort to being naughty? Do you think that is the right thing to do, especially when I say that I am working, hm?” he was hooking the answers out of you, one of his eyebrows twitching in surprise as you did not respond immediately. He tightened his hold and made your head fall further back so that you were completely face to face, his member pressing against your cheek.
“It isn’t, daddy, but I couldn’t help myself. You just looked so pretty that I could not resist.”
“And I think you are being incredibly selfish, Y/N. Spinning these tales just so you can satisfy yourself.”
“No daddy, I want to make you feel good!” you insisted, a whine escaping you as you could feel your core beginning to grow warmer with the progressing conversation. Pressing your thighs tightly together, you relished at the friction, and bit your lower lip.
“Is that so?” he mused out loud, waiting for your to attempt to utter even a single word more.
“Yes Da-mmfph!” taking the chance, he pushed you right in, his member hitting the back of your throat, the impact making tears spring up. As you struggled against him, he held you in place and watched as you tried to adjust to him. Just as unexpectedly, he yanked you back, leaving your lips to kiss his tip, only to drag you down once more and thrust his hips once, twice against you until he could see the wetness in your eyes building until it was about to spill over.
“You said you wanted to make daddy feel good, yes?” he asked, lust clouding his brain as you mumbled utter nonsense, mouth pacified by the hard erection, “then do exactly as I say, baby girl.”
This was exactly what you missed. Hongjoong coaxing every unholy state out of you, sin setting you ablaze as you began to fail in registering the nuances of this demeanour, tears that were on the verge of rolling down your cheeks blurring your vision. This was how you pinched yourself for grounding, to assure that the lifestyle you had, the gifts which you had been bestowed with were all real and all yours. You did not search for forgiveness when the forbidden fruit was so damn sweet. So, you let yourself be used like an expensive escort by him, comforted by the thought that even though he could definitely afford having anyone else, he had selected you. And let you stick by him for almost two years. A true sweetheart who knew how to treat his girl right. You moaned into the pressure as the low grunts you elicited from Hongjoong let to the climbing of heat in your core. With the abuse of your throat becoming a rhythmic orchestration, you grew brave enough to improvise, and hollowed out your cheeks.
"Ah... fuck, baby girl..." the airy proclamation escaped him as your teeth just barely grazed his member, and he could feel his high building at an accelerated pace. He resisted your bobbing to catch a few seconds' break by pressing you to his hips, barely giving you a chance to breathe. But he knew you would take it. You always did.
Hongjoong's ragged breathing was sending you into overdrive, and you shut your eyes to allow yourself to focus on the lewd music. Barely audible over the jet engines, the loss of control was his primary expression of gratitude. The illusion that he was not, in certain senses, under your heel rapidly evaporated when the adrenaline shot him through the heart, and his frontal lobe shut down to give up the reins to carnal pleasure. Once the barriers disappeared, his one desire and need were clear. You. The one thing in his life that he would never be able to truly own, and as you unwounded him, he comprehended with an unprecedented lucidity. That was why, as you sensed his hold on you loosen and his orgasm inching closer than ever, and were about to give him the sweet release, Hongjoong snapped back to consciousness and nearly ripped you away from himself, your head barely missing the drawers under the desk.
With flushed cheeks and an adorable, innocent pout, you looked up at him, dribble accumulated at the corners of your mouth. He fell for this face every time. Your glistening eyes studying him as you appeared disappointed that you could not get daddy to cum, afraid that you made him mad. That you did something wrong. Oh, how far from the truth this was. Even though you had acted selfishly, and approached him on your own accord, nothing about you could be anything less than right. Right just for him. It was as if the heavens themselves had moulded you to fit him like a glove. Body and soul. And he will be a fool if he did not indulge in that every opportunity he had.
Taking both your hands in his, Hongjoong helped you up from under his desk, careful to not damage your dress - not that he cared for the price, but it was not particularly enjoyable contemplating the conversation you might have to have with dry cleaning. Or with the designers. Again. It was troublesome striking deals with strangers to keep their mouths shut. He rolled back on his chair, taking in your trembling form. Holding your legs together you were fighting your ache for stimulation, knowing full well that your panties were already ruined with your slick and were only serving as a fabric made for rubbing your sensitive clit. Every breath, every sigh from Hongjoong as he took off his jacket and carefully hanged it on the back of his chair, then fully undid his jeans and pushed down his underwear, was a reason for you to start begging. Couldn't he see how anxious for touch his little toy was? Evidently not, for Hongjoong took his sweet time with removing your dress, every button like a special prize that he wanted to cherish, while you were growing hazy as he peppered kiss after kiss with every new inch of exposed skin, crouching down to let the sensation build lower, feeding the knot in your stomach. His pecks stopped just about when he reached your navel and with a lazy smile on his face, he stood up to gaze into your soul with an unbelievable intensity. Hands running up your body, Hongjoong slid the magnificent article off you, hastily draping it over one of the chair's arm rests and not once glancing away from his favourite sight, a sultry oasis, within reach, and so beautifully hungry for him. He stopped your arms from resting on his sweater, muttering that you would mar it with your lusty filth, and rushed to take it off and throw it behind him. Then, there was no barrier for him anymore, and in one motion, his pelvis was against yours, member resting against your black lace-clad heat, and hands kneading your ass, moving closer and closer until they began to toy with the g-string the action turning to torture as he purposefully made the material dig into your pussy, enjoying how you threw your head back and bit back a groan.
"Please daddy, I need you..." you whispered as he increased the friction and proceeded to move his dick in and out between your full, closed thighs, teasing your erect nub until you writhed to seek even more proximity. This, however, earned you a sharp smack on your ass, the lack of anticipation making it sting. Hongjoong did not give you time to recover as he let the pins and needles work their magic and elevate your reception of his steady thrusts. You tried to grab onto him, the table, anything, but as soon as your fingers touched Hongjoong's chest, another hit echoed in your ears, eliciting a frustrated moan.
"You want to... make... daddy really happy and cum... right?" He panted, his nails digging into your flesh so violently that you could not help but wonder if Hongjoong was going to draw blood, but that brief musing only elevated your pleasure. “Then, you are going to be my pretty little fuck doll… understood?” there was only one right answer to the question, and you were not about to get on Hongjoong’s bad side by being a brat. You were too fazed to put up a fight, and merely mumbled a soundless:
“Yes… daddy…”
Hongjoong leaned closer to you, until his forehead was almost touching yours, and moved to wipe some of the lipstick and remnants of his precum from your lips with his thumb, while his other hand hooked the waistband of your panties, slowly pulling them down to reveal your wet core. You wriggled to let them fall and kicked them away with an impatient foot, earning a chuckle.
“So eager, baby girl… I almost want to forgive you for not listening to me. I just said you are to be a doll,” he peered into your eyes, his breath hot on your mouth as he ran his fingers between your folds, covering them in your slick. It was adorable how you tried your best to keep up appearances even now, even when you had signed yourself away to be what effectively was his servant. You trembled as the cool metal of the ring on his index finger hit your clit, and exhaled shallowly as he played with you, “and dolls don’t move, do they? Can you do that?”
As he asked, his fingers curled into your pussy, while a thumb traced rhythmic circles over the nub, the sensation electric, building your high. The lasciviousness flashing in your pupils as your eyes rolled back was a cry to Hongjoong’s darkness. Hands suspended in mid-air, you did not dare act out nor attempt to navigate the intimate act, submitting to your boss, your daddy. Letting him take care of you. As he sped up, watching your face contort as you battled the approaching climax, Hongjoong found you endearing, the corners of his mouth twitching as a soft, radiant smile surfaced. He could never stay cruel with you for too long. He was giving you more than you could ask for, and yet, he still wanted to give you more. Everything would not be enough.
“Oh, my baby girl, are you close?” he inquired, cooing as your breathing quickened in response to his accelerated pumps into your wetness, wild from the addictive sound it produced. “Fine, you can hold onto me, Y/N, daddy will take care of you,” you did not need to be told twice, falling into him as your orgasm was imminent, “doing so well for me, baby girl…” he whispered into your ear, kissing the lobe and pulling you into an embrace as he felt your high wash over you, your sex pulsing around him and muscles contracting uncontrollably. Brushing your hair back, petting it a couple of times before settling on having a hand rest between your shoulder blades, he praised you. But did not stop. Greed went both ways.
Your prior filters completely broken, you moaned and whined as you kept on unravelling, Hongjoong’s fingers abusing your overstimulated cunt. With his toned body, and your ass pressed against the edge of the desk serving as your only support, you draped your arms over his shoulders and wrapped yourself around his neck, rationality leaving with every tremor. As you could feel another scalding fire building in your abdomen, just before the release Hongjoong removed his hand and instead took to gliding his dick against your pussy lips. With the sensation being too much, you yelped and sank into an orgasm, sweet nectar dripping onto, and coating his cock.
“Such a good girl for me, well done… Come on my dick baby girl.”
You were not sure when, due to the fog that enveloped your fucked out mind, but Hongjoong had made you lie on your back on his wooden desk, surrounded by the financial reports he could not be bothered to clear. He wanted you now, and that meant no pauses. Without as much as a warning, the blonde gave you one final teasing flick with his tip before bottoming out, the fullness making you gasp. Your walls were still clenching around him from your climax, which made Hongjoong growl as he grabbed your hips and pulled you closer to him, spreading your legs further apart.
“So perfect for me, Y/N… only mine…”
He mercilessly pounded into you, chasing his own high while you were seeing stars. When you were like this, under him, hair cascading onto and off the mahogany, knuckles turning white as your grasped onto the desk as he thrusted, you were the closest thing to heaven that he could believe in. In a world that was drenched in materialistic attraction, sabotage in the name of another stack, and human lives turning into corporate statistics to improve key performance indicators, this was an ethereal madness that unlocked a primal bliss, untainted by present crises. The sweetest distraction, you took him so well that he liked to pretend that you had been made just for this. Just to become his possession. His gorgeous doll.
With you, Hongjoong had begun to see purpose in his riches, being able to play dress up with you, making the office a private cat walk as you strutted in the latest collections and custom made pieces. Gucci, Versace, Prada… it did not matter to him so long as you were wearing it with the intentions of impressing him, seducing him, and only him. He was fully aware that, technically, you could be dating someone else alongside your so-called partnership with Hongjoong. As a sugar baby you could even have another ‘sponsor’ out there somewhere. Another person to make you cum, to provide you with a sensual paradise. But the notion sent him into an inexplicable rage as soon as he entertained it, and as such, he preferred to isolate visions of you from the rest of the world. In turn, this manifested itself into his real life attempts to do the same. Longer hours spent after work, an unspoken rule that the assistant should not leave until the boss does. Michelin star restaurants and exclusive rooftop bars to lure you into being in his company. And of course, sex. Or making love. However, one wished to call it when the lines began to get blurry. But Hongjoong could not care less. You made him comfortable. You were his, you had to be, otherwise what did the two years mean?
Skin against skin, breath joining breath, sight clouding, going dark. Hongjoong rolled his hips, and lowered himself to a stance where he was hovering directly above you, his piercing gaze not once leaving you. Getting drunk off every moan and gasp that he was the cause of, he relished in the feeling of your pussy taking him so well, the orgasm that he had not allowed you to ride out still making your walls clench repeatedly around his dick, pleading for his intimate, salacious demise. His thrusts got deeper as he slowed the pace, progressively losing his senses to the speeding high.
“Mm… baby girl you are… fucking priceless…” he uttered, words broken apart by each time he bottomed out in you, his balls pressing against your wetness as you could only let out a series of mewls in response, thoughts unintelligible as the repeated hits to your g-spot brought you closer and closer to total destruction.
“Daddy… please, I’m-”
“Going to cum?” he finished your sentence as your try at speaking was interrupted by a wave of pleasure, mixing with the tension from before and making the tears spring up once again. You were a wreck, impaled by Hongjoong’s member as he returned to standing up in front of the desk, thrusts rapid, sharp and finally making a droplet roll down from the corner of your eye. You yelped:
“Hongjoong… ah this is…”
“Is it too much baby girl?” he asked, without any intention to stop as he could sense himself faltering at keeping up the act for any longer. His own climax was within reach, and he was not one to deny himself any pleasures.
“No, daddy, feels…. So ah… yes…” you mumbled, at least you thought you did, but could not confirm for certain.
“Pretty girl crying for me…  so cute.” Praises spilled out of him as he groaned into the tightness, and, unsteady, removed himself from your cunt, letting out a low moan as rivulets of cum shoot out from his cock and onto your stomach.
The viscous white fluid decorating you was more than what he could ever hope for. The final marking that you were his to use, you were there to serve him, and he would never get enough. A light shake in his thighs forced him to seek balance in having a hand on either side of you, while his pulsing dick rubbed against your inner thigh.
“So pretty, Y/N. Just for me.” He stated, more to himself, and lowered himself further to give you a soft peck on the lips, which quickly deepened as you responded with an elated sigh. In these moments, you wondered if it was money that you were doing this for.
As he moved away, and with practiced motions began to clean you up with some tissues which you had in your bag, you regained full ability of inhale… count… exhale, and in the clarity, drifted to a post-coital contemplation. Hongjoong knew how to make you do what he wanted you to do. But did he know you? Could he confidently paint the portrait of your desires beyond financial and sexual gain? A man made of sugar, with an alluring physique and a kindness which he showed only to you, but should he be your only one? This thought had been plaguing you ever since last month. An unexpected, shattering appearance of a business card, that was now hidden behind a card you rarely used in your wallet, with gold embossed lettering and an otherwise minimalist design. Tasteful, exclusive, expensive. When you checked the names of those attending the meet on the island, the object had grown considerably heavier, weighing onto your consciousness. Discreetly given to you amidst a kiss of the hand and the reception of a smouldering gaze, it served a similar purpose to a number at an auction. The person whose name the card bore had announced himself as a bidder for your attention and services, a bidder astronomically higher than Kim Hongjoong, at that. It was tempting. Very tempting. And you knew that the conversation would occur at some point during your stay, seeing as even in the business setting, the man would undoubtedly be sat across from you, and would stare you down, right to the avarice festering in your heart wrapped up in designer. But you were caught in a dilemma.
Your eyes travelled back to the graceful form tending to you, forgetting about himself, at least until his baby girl was well cared for. A sweet angel, his face finally rid of tenseness and agitation as his entire focus was on your body, on you. The one who, unknowingly to himself, had shown you unprecedented vulnerability and, endearingly, trusted you much more than he ever should have. A man who walked on people and money, yet wanted a woman who could play with his heart.
It was not that simple anymore, was it? After so many doses, could you give this up? Give up and betray Hongjoong in search for a stronger hit?
What was it that you were truly greedy for?
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lees-chaotic-brain · 4 months
requests for gaza
hi all!! i decided to join @ficsforgaza's fundraiser, so going forward i will be accepting requests in exchange for donations to one of these charities for gaza. please read this post for the rest of the rules and guidelines.
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-> any requests i have received up to this point will not be impacted by this change, seeing as they were sent before it was implemented
-> blurbs, headcannons, or little ideas are welcomed and encouraged, and do not require a donation!! i will happily respond to little asks like this or this for fun. i love talking to you guys!!
-> all prices are in usd, so an equivalent amount in your currency is fine as well!
-> if you would like to send in a request and are unable to donate, feel free to!! i will just be adding it to my sponsor a wip post for someone else to sponsor.
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how it works
-> first of all go check out the main post here because i'm sure it will explain it a lot better than i do!
-> to send in a request, please check and make sure it abides by my rules (they can be found in the guidelines section at the bottom)
-> once you have done that, please send it in with proof of your donation in the required amount (varies based on the type of request)
-> all donations must go to one of these organizations
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-> i will accept requests for all jjk, haikyuu, bhna, and aot characters, as well as hoshina soshiro from kaiju no. 8
-> request with no specified length/type...........................................................................$5 -this is essentially you allowing me to choose the length
-> drabble (100-750 words)...................................................................................................$3
-> short fic (750-1.25k words)...............................................................................................$7
-> fic (1.25k+ words)................................................................................................................$10
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-> i write for any and all characters from jujutsu kaisen, my hero academia, attack on titan, and haikyuu, as well as hoshina soshiro from kaiju no. 8
-> i do not feel comfortable writing smut, so please do not request it. my writing is suggestive at most
-> please keep it kind! remember, i am just a girl who writes for fun, so let's keep it fun :)
-> you can read the rest of my rules here (optional but appreciated)
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requests recieved
҉ jealous oikawa -> no specified fic type/length
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i think that's about it, but lmk if there's any confusion or if you think there's anything else i need to add to this post!
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signed-sapphire · 6 months
Hi this is late but idc
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Here it is… Saph’s DTIYS! ✨
The composition gave me hell but my iPad is already gone soooo you’re going to have to deal with this <3
Does this have to be in The Fallen Star AU?
You can draw this in any Wish AU you’d like, whether it be canon, The Fallen Star, or yours! Bonus points if it’s TFS, but whatever you choose works
How do I let you know it’s done?
Tag me when you’re finished! @signed-sapphire (If I don’t respond within a day or so, DM me!)
The tag for this will be #thefallenstardtiys
Will there be a winner?
You know what, sure! This DTIYS will last from, say… 29 March (today) — 20 April. My iPad should be back by then.
On 20 April, I’ll choose a first, second, and third place.
FIRST PLACE PRIZE: Coloured drawing with simple background— shading dependent on the complexity of the subject! Coloured lineart
SECOND PLACE PRIZE: Flat coloured drawing, simple background, coloured lineart
THIRD PLACE PRIZE: Coloured drawing, no background, black lineart
Please note that not all of these prizes will come out right away! Please be patient, I am a uni student with finals coming up
Idk if you need clarification on places lmk
Will you reblog every entry?
Uhhhh I’ll try for sure! Again, if I don’t seem to have seen yours, DM me!
Anything else?
Have fun with it! If anything is confusing, let me know!
Alt versions below
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themundanemudperson · 4 months
I've been seeing a lot of fandom events in some of my other fandoms... so I wanted to see if there's interest in a PRDC one!!!
And, for clarification, a fandom event would probably look like a week where one day is dedicated to fanart, one day is dedicated to edits, one day is dedicated to fics, one day is dedicated to songs/playlists, etc
Or it could look like a themed week, like a Halloween week, or pride week, or any other theme
Either way, I'm trying to see if there's interest for an event like this!
If you have any suggestions, pls lmk!
If there's a lot of interest in this, then I'd iron out some of the details!
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cowboybarzy · 1 year
aaah hey could i request for a blurb with barzy in singapore? im from there and i cant wait to see what you’ll come up with hehe i love your writing so much :-) have a great summer!!
tysm for your request! always love seeing you in my notifications <3 hope I did well!!
this is the end of the world trip! thank you to everyone who requested and everyone who followed along! here is the masterlist of the world trip for your convenience :)
disclaimer: I don't know much about the country so I've looked a few things up on google and obviously used google translate (lang. used: malay). please please lmk if anything is wrong (translations or anything relating to the culture). I'm always open to learn and already did a bunch from my quick google search haha I've been on a few websites that shared traditional foods and now I need to go asap and taste everything!! EDIT: one very kind anon reached out and gave me a little history lesson/clarification so here is what they had to say!! ty anon!!
📍singapore with mat barzal
"Oh my god, it smells amazing in here," your boyfriend Mat exclaimed when you entered the small restaurant.
"I know," you answered, your face lighting up at the familiar scent. "It's my favorite place ever."
The hostess, a close friend of your grandmother, light up when she saw you walk in. "(Y/n)! ia telah begitu lama. Tengok awak. Awak sangat cantik." (It's been so long. Look at you. You're so beautiful.)
You smiled, catching up with her quickly and finally introducing your boyfriend to her.
"Selamat berkenalan," (It’s nice to meet you.) he said, his pronunciation a lot better then when you practiced with him on the plane ride.
When you were finally seated, your favorite table of course, and immediately started looking through the menu. Almost two days ago you and Mat had made it to your home country, Singapore. After a year of dating, you were ready for him to meet your family back home and show him where you spend most of your childhood. Mat was very excited for you to show him everything and was a very good sport when eating all of the cultural foods he was not used to. He loved exploring and expanding his food palate.
"You've already had the chili crab, but this place does it better than anywhere else, so you can have that again if you want." You translated the menu for him, but he wanted something with rice or noodles. "Then I'd do the char kway teow. It's pretty traditional stir fry based dish. I think you'd like it."
"Ok, I might take that then." He looked around more, still deciding on what he's in the mood for.
A server, also someone you knew, then came over to take your orders. You gave her yours, then looked at Mat, unsure if he had made his final decision. "You ready?"
He nodded, then looked at the server. "Saya tolong minta char kway teow." (I will have the char kway teow, please.) Your mouth dropped in shock. How did he just say this sentence, pronouncing the words almost perfectly? The server nodded, then left towards the kitchen.
"What?" He grinned.
"How did you know how to say that?" You were still shocked, but a smile crept over your lips. You had taught him a few words here and there, but not how to say whole sentences.
"Oh, I didn't tell you?," he asked innocently. "I've been taking duolingo lessons since we've planned this trip." That was almost three months ago. Tears coated your eyes when you realized what that meant.
"Mat." He smiled, taking your hand in his.
"I just thought I could impress your family a bit. And you, by the looks of it." You broke out in a small, emotional laugh.
"I want to squeeze the crap out of you right now. And kiss." He laughed and kissed the palm of your hand.
"We can do that later. How about you let me have my last meal first?"
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anathemafiction · 1 year
Hello my dearest and most favoritest author friend !( favoritest that's a word right? Well we can make it a word!) I hope that your autumnal weather favors you! Tis most lovely where I reside! Fall is my absolute favorite time of the year! Plus it brings spooky season! (Halloween.) As much as I would love to talk about fall and all it's glory I wanted to clear something up.
So on the CoG forums I was discussing with some other forum users about the ROs in the Rose. Someone asked who we could romance in Book 1. I replied with Hadrian and Alessa. I told them they'd be able to flirt with everyone else just not start a romance with anyone else till book 2. I told them that the only people you could romance in book 1 was our dearest and most beloveds Hadrian and Alessa.
Another user chimed in and disagreed with my statement saying that you could start a romance with the other characters in book 1. I countered with that was incorrect. That the other ROs will remember you but you couldn't do anything beyond flirt. I just wanted to clear this up to avoid future confusion. So for me to say that you can only truly romance Hadrian and Alessa in book 1 is that correct? I think I can see the other user's perspective. It may seem like you're sparking something with the flirting with the other ROs because you're. But it's not a "main RO" till book 2 correct?
Hope this makes sense 😅😆 if you need clarification lmk! Tysm!! Enjoy your day!!!
Much love and hugs,
I adore the fall! My favorite season used to be the summer because it meant I was free from school 😄 but lately, the summers have been getting hotter and hotter, and now I almost dread it. So, Autumn is my new darling. I can't wait for October.
As for your question… hum. Technically, it's true that the ones you can officially start a romance with are Hadrian and Alessa, but, in my mind, as the writer, you can definitely start a romance with some others. Lance can have a bunch of scenes depending on your choices, and both Ysabella and Alain will vary greatly depending on how you respond to their advances.
Neia and the Pirate will have completely different reactions to you when you officially meet them in Book Two if you flirted with them — especially Neia since she got so close to you.
Rafael is the only one that I consider almost not started — although there is one choice you can pick that already has… different subtleties. It's the choice to lean really close to his face and call him a bastard as you're saying goodbye.
So, yes, I can see why someone would think you initiated a romance with some of the characters — because you did. You're not locked, of course, there's no relationship to speak of, but there is something.
The person on the forum wasn't wrong, in my opinion. If they felt like they started a romance with a character, then I wouldn't say their feeling isn't valid. 🤔
Thank you for asking to clarify! ♡
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fazkins · 8 months
Helloooo :D
Could I get a stimboard with blacklight stuff and/or neony space themed stuff for a spacekin?
I can provide any clarification needed!! - 🌠🌌🔮 Anon
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x - x - x x - x - x x - x - x
here you go! lmk if you need anything different or changed! feel free to request again! <3
sorry for the wait as well!
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