#if dapper turns out to be working for the federation
boncottontail · 1 year
The insane tonal shift of Bad’s live from him goofing around with Forever while they go on a ‘date’ to his screen fading to black after he ended up in a Federation-esque room.
Not to mention, he was constantly changing his stream title after going offline, and one of his offline chatters caught a suspicious title he had up for a second…
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Could Bad be communicating with us through his stream titles? Could Dapper have been replaced after ElQuackity kidnapped him?
Also, Luzu logged in while Tubbo was online and while Bad was offstream. He dropped the following binary codes in chat before leaving:
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Each code translates to:
There is a hidden danger wat(ching)
There will have to be a sacr(ifice)
With BBH pumping up his personal lore and Luzu slowly integrating Arin back into the server… We might not be ready for what’s coming.
And I am very excited.
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tsykku · 1 year
I am having q!tubbo brain rot so have a slice of it.
I am so curious as to which direction Tubbo will take his character. Because nothing what q!tubbo does seems malicious or sometimes even intentional yet so many people take issue with him or his behaviour. And he is somewhat aware of that while at the same time, completely oblivious as to why or how deep the conflict goes.
You have the federation who cannot stand his arse. Who we know is paying extra attention to Tubbo and wants to arrest him the minute he even does something slightly illegal. While they have not arrested him yet, it is only a matter of time. So what do they do in the meantime? They use him as a scapegoat to nerf certain game mechanics or punish him extra harshly in comparison to others who did the exact same things or worse. Yet for some reason, the other qsmp members are under the impression that Tubbo never gets punished and that he is solely to blame for the create nerf, breeding animosity.
Then next, you have the antagonistic fights with Etoiles which started carefree and rather playful but now have been escalating in q!Etoiles telling the codes that Tubbo works with the federation. To be honest, Tubbo is absolutely partly to blame for this one with his cheeky comments to Etoiles about losing his fight with the code. However, it adds another dynamic layer of conflict to the situation.
Finally, you have the vendetta of Bad and Aypierre against Tubbo due to the controversial Tubhole. You can argue all day long about the logistics of Tubhole and whether Bad and Pierre are valid in their objections against it. But the facts remain that it is within Tubbo's rights to do so and that they have not given him the grace period to let him make it into a good build. It literally is still a work in process that has been going on for less than 24 Minecraft hours. And even if it turns out to be ugly, the fact that Tubbo has been building the Tubhole with only create machines is fucking cool and makes it worth it (in my opinion). Moreover, Bad and Pierre both have similar big projects and their concern that it is different because of the close proximity to spawn feels a bit hypocritical as there are other (big) projects near spawn that cause similar amounts of lag.
And now this vendetta has gone from convincing other islanders of how Tubbo must be stopped to them framing Tubbo for the kidnapping of Ron to Fred. A being that everyone on the island at this point knows is important to Tubbo. A relationship which is one of the only ones Tubbo has left, besides the morning crew. We already know how much the relationship between Fred and Tubbo affects Tubbo's emotions so what will losing Fred or their trust do to him?
So now you have this huge cluster of events that puts q!Tubbo in a situation where everyone is against him, the federation, the code entities and most of the islanders as well. An exception can be made for the morning crew however they do not seem to take Tubbo or his concerns seriously, treating it like the mischief and matters of a kid.
And most interestingly, it is still not clear what makes Tubbo so special. Is it his use of create mod? Aypierre, Ramon and Dapper do something similar. Is it his curiosity and distrust of the federation? Cellbit, Badboyhalo en Bagi are right there with him. Is it his apparent greed or selfishness with regard to resources? It is not like he has never shared them or that gathering resources is sole motivation. Is it his knowledge of Minecraft mechanics to break the lore/server? Philza and his fourth wall breaking say hello as does Aypierre. Is it his age then? His relentless attitude to anything that catches his attention? His endless curiosity?
It will be so interesting to see where all these points of contention will lead to and how q!Tubbo will react to it or change as a result of it. Currently, his only concerns are the potential romance with Fred and finishing the Tubhole so that he can get along with everyone again. So he clearly does not know yet how much trouble he truly is in or how the cards are stacked against him...
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the-crimson · 1 year
Ok I have thoughtsssss on the Dapper lore we just got.
I 100% believe the feds are coercing Dapper to mass produce these op health swap/regen potions for them - for a number of reasons.
First off, we need to go back to the convo Dapper had with Bad a week? Ago about keeping secrets. This was before Dapper started acting really weird and secretive. During that conversation, Dapper - to me - felt scared. At the time I assumed it was because they were afraid Bad would be upset at them for keeping secrets but now I think it was because Dapper was terrified of the secret he was keeping, that the Feds have commanded them to figure out a way of mass producing this Soul Vulture potion. It was only after Bad assured Dapper that he trusts them that Dapper started going all in on this mystery. She had gotten permission/reassurance from her dad that he believes in her and trusts her to do the right thing.
Now why would the federation ask an egg to do their dirty work? Easy. The eggs are so much more vulnerable that the players. The federation most likely created them so they probably have actual leverage or sway of some kind over the eggs but also think about what Dapper has to lose? Pomme, Ramon, Richas, all of their siblings in addition to threats to imprison or hurt Bad and Baghera. There is so much leverage the Feds have over Dapper it’d be easy to black mail him into compliance. Additionally, no one would expect the eggs to turn like this. The eggs are incredibly loyal and most hate the federation as much as their parents. It would be easy to get the egg to work for the feds without tipping off any of the islanders.
Even more damningly, Dapper is the most knowledgeable person on the island when it comes to mobs and has extensive knowledge of create machines. Dapper is the perfect person to learn how to mass produce the Soul Vulture’s corrupted form that produces the hearts necessary to make the potion in addition to building a create machine to mass produce the potion itself. Dapper has the perfect combination of knowledge that makes them the only person for this job.
On top of all of that, Dapper has Soul Vultures in the lab (thank you Minecraft subtitles XD). Soul Vultures are only found in the nether. We know the Feds have access to spawn eggs for nether mobs thanks to the mob Dapper asked for in the Zoo project and the only other way would be going into the nether yourself which we know thanks to Forever’s portal is incredibly dangerous and chaotic. I highly doubt Dapper was making solo trips into the nether this whole time trying to find the Soul Vulture without Bad finding out. It’s much more likely to me that the federation gave Dapper spawn eggs - or even the mobs themselves- so that Dapper could breed them and experiment on them.
Then on top of all of this, Dapper has been blatantly lying to Bad’s face because what else can she do? Dapper knows they aren’t fooling Bad but what are they supposed to do? They are being black mailed and can’t tell anyone without the feds threatening to take away everyone Dapper loves. Of course the only thing they can do is lie knowing Bad will see right through it and hope that Bad won’t interfere (or will and help Dapper get out of this) I thought the bald face lying was so odd but Dapper being black mailed makes everything make sense because at that point, lying was all Dapper could do even if there was no way anyone would believe them.
But there you have it. That’s all the evidence I can think of off the top of my head just from memory. Hopefully we’ll get a stream tomorrow but until then, I cry T-T
(I can’t remember if the Soul Vulture was the second spawn egg the feds gave Dapper/Bad for the zoo but if that is the case, then the feds gave Dapper the egg knowing what it could be used for and the black mail scheme unfolds the same)
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kadextra · 1 year
also No Shot dapper is actually working for the federation, there is no way. I don’t believe it. that split second stream title change can’t hurt me if I close my eyes
but the room did look federation-y….. q!bad did kinda pass out when he stepped inside…. but I don’t think my darling child is. It has to be a red herring.
…okay if it turns out to be true FINE I love lore hehehe, but real talk I bet the federation would probably just be blackmailing him like “do this or we take your dad and sister”
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kittycatboyhalo · 6 months
Okay so vampire AU!
The world had a war that resulted in vampires being subjected to a lot of shitty stuff. They have the basic negative stereotypes and the one place that vampires actually rule is a lawless wasteland where all humans die. Most places kill or do not allow vampires to reside there, but Quesadilla Island does, albeit for shady reasons. 
Vampires are allowed to live in Quesadilla Island relatively peacefully, however they must stay at one of three group homes. I imagine BBH, Philza, and Foolish each running one. BBH runs one in the far north where it’s cold and rainy most the year, Foolish in the south of the archipelago where it’s warm and daywalking is more common, and Philza somewhere in the middle, maybe he’s the only one who owns a group home in the city. 
Foolish, BBH, and Philza are all 2nd generation vampires which means they were sired by the “original vampires”. No original vampire still survives which makes the few remaining 2nd generation ones the strongest around making them ideal to run group homes. BBH, Foolish, and Philza are all reasonable and kindhearted in their own ways, which make them ideal to run group homes. Their power also makes them ideal to have under control. 
I haven’t quite divided up who would live under which group home but I think vaguely it would follow purgatory grouping, though I imagine tina with foolish and bagi with bbh so maybe not. Tubbo is a human who got forced to live at BBH’s home for reasons I haven’t fully fleshed out. Bad and the vampires are surprised. Tubbo is scared at first but they all adapt.
That’s basically the bones of my AU. It’s so far completely been in my head so the details are jumbled.
Some plot lines I’ve had are that BBH and Foolish were sired by the same vampire so they were both under his control at the same time. This led to them somewhat trauma bonding. Philza is somewhat of a mentor to bbh and foolish being older than them by a few hundred years. BBh is older than foolish by about 50 and holds it over his head all the time. 
BBH takes in a lot of children who got turned and abandoned, Dapper being one of them. Cellbit was sired by BBH and went on to later sire his husband Roier himself. They both used to stay in Philza’s coven but were forcibly removed and sent to bbh and foolish separately after an incident. They’re both depressed. 
Tina and Bagi are also separated, but they didn’t do anything so there’s conspiracy that the federation wont tolerate vampire couples or something. 
Pac is a newly turned vampire. He lives in a anti vampire city with Mike who is his sole source of food. Pac begins to hunt after Mike gets more and more anemic. Fit is a handsome vampire hunter that visits the 24/7 diner that pac works the night shift at. Fit was in an awful accident where he and his family ended up in the vampire lands. Fit was the sole survivor and really buys into anti vampire propaganda. One night he gets a call reporting a vampire and finds the cute waiter that’s been working the night shift at his favorite diner. He freezes and lets Pac escape. This leads to him questioning all of his beliefs and when he finds Ramon, a child vampire a week later that he can’t kill, he knows there’s only one person he can turn to for help.
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thinking about 4halo again and dying
they just. they used to be so sweet together. and then the election arc managed to genuinely turn them against each other (and bad is still affected by being caged in the museum) and i would NOT have been surprised if a rebellion had started within the next few weeks after their last fight and. they used to be friends and then they almost destroyed each other
and then the eggs went missing
and there are so many parallels between them, but one of the biggest parallels is how they're both protectors. they both protected the eggs (and, when he became president, forever extended that protection to the other islanders) but the eggs went missing and they had to put all of that aside. Forever was quicker to put it down than Bad was (it felt like only a very temporary truce, from Bad's end), but they put their problems on hold, because their eggs. were gone.
and another parallel. the destruction. both of them with their plans to cause ruin because then, maybe, theyll get their kids back. bad caused most of the grieving arc damage directly, and got aypierre and antoine to help him. he dug holes in the ground. he placed mines everywhere and leapt into them. he started the lavacasting process of the fed building (and was interrupted by admins, so he stopped, but philza and fit were still right to laugh at him lmaoo). he drilled a hole through the side of the federation office from a huge distance away. he has chosen to hurt his friends and himself to get the eggs back. whatever the cost.
forever destroyed the island. or he planned to destroy the island. or he was interrupted just before he destroyed the island or or or. I don't know. but it was big, and it was bad. bad enough that the feds had to step in and forcefully drug him, and kickstart the happy pills arc.
and the happy pills arc..... oughghghgh as fucking awful as it was for their characters to experience i genuinely truly think that it saved them from each other. when he was first told about forever being fucked up bad was still in the "i need to kick his butt" mindset, and was all ready for an excuse to kill forever. and then he saw forever. and the first proposal happened. and bad was angry and he was sad and upset and he was careful. forever tried to kill him. bad decided to save him. forever kept trying to marry him. forever kept taking the pills. forever was so scared of his own anger and all of the damage he could and would have caused to his family that he kept taking drugs that kept him so out of his mind he hallucinated his son was just sleeping safely at his house.
and they both tried to kill each other. and they both failed.
and bad showed phil and cellbit (and tubbo) the item scanner that dapper discovered, which could destroy him, because nothing else was working. because they needed to save forever. because bad was reminded by then that forever was a victim of the federation instead of just a mouthpiece for it. and then when forever woke up he saw bad, suffering, and so excited to see him awake.
and now they're here on opposite sides again with forever projecting his protection urges onto the fed worker in bad's basement and bad frustrated that he isn't being believed and his evil plans of giving ron lemons apology brownies is being interrupted and. look at them. soft "i hate you" and the appreciation room and bad's quiet heartbreak when he learned about forever being missing and the "i miss you" book bad got mad at because it asked him not to torture fed workers. does anyone hear me im so ill about them. do you understand they care about each other so much and the happy pills arc reminded them of that. forever realized bad is colourblind and bad assumed forever was poisoning him and then forever helped bad cheat on another colourblindness test and forever was giving bad flowers and bad was accepting them and accepted that he was colourblind despite his previously constant denial and! i don't know if im being comprehensible and i dont really care i will be honest i just need you to know i am frothing at the mouth like a rabid little beast. they are a TRAGEDY of miscommunication and external pressure but they love so so much. platonic or romantic or qpp they CARE and it tears me to shreds
#qsmp#4halo#i feel like ive talked about this exact thing like three separate times but#its one of those things that really Kills Me#and its CRUCIAL to understanding them and their relationship#they were fighting and now have found peace in hell#and forever using his care for bad as a distraction to not focus on his Own woes#and the way he's so sure bad needs help the way he was helped that at heart bad is a good person who doesnt want to be hurting people#and in a Way he's right. bad doesn't want to hurt his loved ones. everyone else? yeah. in a heartbeat. but his family...#but he's still makign the choice to do it. it's not lashign out in desperation the way forever destroying the island was#bad is hurting people with Purpose. he's putting thought into it. he's testing people and their knowledge and their motivations and he will#use them all as tools that can be bent and broken if it means they get the eggs back. he'll do it to himself too#especially to himself#ghhhgrhrgh the way theyre both self sacrificial and self destructive the Parallels the fucking parallels#i can best examine their relationship from a bbh pov and it agonizes me because i can't get all the nuance of forever's pov#because i dont speak portuguese yet :c#so best i can do is talk crazy about them like a Lure for other analyst shippers#pspspssps dont you see my ship. dont you see how canon 4halo is !!! in 8 acts#dont you want to examine them and their parallels and the way they are both so strange about relationships but they're finding a way to car#in a way that works for them#pspspsps#like me talking about qbbh vacation arc got the fandom acknowledging his sillies and directly got me a friend to talk about him to (hi kia!#maybe it will work here also#come to the dark side we have complex relationship dynamics that are frequently misunderstood and mislabelled#YOU can help change the world
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apollos-boyfriend · 1 year
cellbit's books to the ones he cares for: translations
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page 1: forever, i don't even know how you must be thinking of me now. if everything has gone to plan, things must have been so weird that you've already started to suspect my infiltration plans. i believe that you're very intelligent.
page 2: the past few days have been a torture greater than i could ever imagine. what the census bureau did to me with that chainsaw couldn't compare to the pain to having to fight and lie every day to the people closest to me. feeling the deception hurts.
page 3: but it was the only way. the initial plan as to surprise you and the census bureau during the trial, but the vivo meme gave me the perfect opportunity to make a scene and make it look like i had some sort of motive to argue.
page 4: the census bureau doesn't understand feelings and wants too well, so this would be sufficient for it to believe my motives. it worked. i've never been so alone, but seeing you take up leadership and fighting so ferociously left me-
page 5: proud. everything is so much more difficult than i thought, but this was the only way for us to get any type of real information. after all this effort, all this fighting, all these enigmas, we still haven't found ANYTHING out about the federation. nothing.
page 6: i hope to be able to be there with you to explain this in person, but if you're reading this book, something probably went wrong. i was made to do things that i never would've done, and made to say things i never would've said.
page 7: and even trying to be apparent about my lies, even trying to make you guys suspect me, in the end, my plan . . . still went bad. and i know that probably no one on this island would trust me again. i burned all my bridges. but it was the only way.
page 8: i left a book to richarlyson in the beginning of it all, i didn't want him to have his heart broken, and maybe that was my biggest failure. but i was willing to sacrifice EVERYTHING to get this egg off this island. everything. and that's what i did.
page 9: tell bad i'm sorry for the things i said about dapper, to max about sofia, and to the french for the suspicion. i'm sorry for what i did to your XP farm, i know how long you and richas worked on it and every spawner that i broke was a-
page 10: stab to my heart. honestly, i think that they were already going to break it because it was SUPER broken [op] . . . but they made ME break it . . . to test if i was really willing to do anything for the federation.
page 11: tomorrow is the day that i'll officially become a part of the federation. it's my "initiation process". we'll finally going to have new information. i'm VERY anxious . . . and nervous.
page 12: i did all of this for richarlyson. i did all of this for felps. i did all of this for the ordem. i did all of this for you guys. i hope that it'll have been worth it.
page 13: explain to bad, to max and to quackity. and tell foolish that he's a gem of a person. sofia's new password is "Regret". and if those federation sons of bitches make the error of letting me live . . .
page 14: i will come back. keep your eyes open, forever.
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page 1: gentlemen, i know that our past isn't the best one. i know that you guys must believe that i've turned into that monster again. but that man is no longer me. cell died on that island. i'm not him.
page 2: i missed you two dearly, and wanted to be able to play more rounds of hide-and-seek, and trying to organize an EGG GYMKHANA with you guys in chume labs. i'm sorry for not having been able to. i love you both, and you're amazing parents for richas, too.
page 3: he loves spending time with you both, even if the two of you are stupid*, i think that no one enternains him more than tazer and craft. at least i won't have to take the red wool again.
*used endearingly
page 4: take care of yourselves, guys. and explode this census bureau bitch. yuo guys already took down herobrine, this shitty bear is nothing.
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page 1: richas, i tried my best. i'm sorry, son. i just wanted to get you away from this island. this place isn't safe, and the federation won't let us leave here. when i arrived in this place, i never-
page 2: thought that i would have to take care of someone . . . but what you've become was so much bigger than this. i'm sorry for not being able to be there all the time. every neuron that i burned with those cursed enigmas, all those hours that i spend locked up in that office . . .
page 3: it was all for you, richarlyson.
page 4: continue to trust in your daddies forever, pac, and mike . . . and if in any way i've managed to bring him back, in daddy felps, too. nevertheless, your dad quackity really toes love you and wants to protect you. i suspected him at the start, but i've heard the truth in your voice.
page 5: if i'm no longer here . . . daddy quackity now has my 20%, okay? i'm sorry if i've ever made you feel alone in any way. remember when i told you of a moment in my life that i felt completely alone?
page 6: solitude is worse than any prison. worse than what i went through with daddies pac and mike, and worse than this island. i'm sorry for having you suffer this, too. it's my biggest regret.
page 7: i love you, you big-headed* egg. see if you can learn to catch something that's not crabs. immortalyson forever.
*term of endearment, tends to equate to "stubbornly stupid"
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the book cellbit gave to richarlyson before being attacked by the codes
page 1: i need for[the federation] to trust me. it's the only way. i love you. i love dad forever. i need that [the players] believe the contrary. it's going to hurt, and i'm going to do terrible things. but i will-
page 2: destroy [the federation] from the inside. all of them.
additionally, he left a book for roier, however forever did not open it/read it out to respect their privacy. cellbit titled it "guapito"
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qjaidenhere · 6 months
BEGGING to hear about ur familoier au plssss
Okok so!! This is a Jaiden and Bobby centric au with some Roier (I mostly came up with this au because I was sad about Jaiden and Bobby and wanted them to be happy) it’s very slice of life fluffy modern au- just them being happy together :]] just know this is extremely self indulgent because I want them to be happy and if feels ooc or something no it doesn’t :]
much more under cut
Bobby often goes to the park with his family!! He likes to brings his fake sword and swing it at anything and everything he sees. he also likes to pick the many flowers around the park to make flower crowns!! It’s rare for a friend (or parent) of Bobby’s to not have at least one of his flower crowns (and his parents often have at least one flower of his on them all the time)
Bobby also loves to paint with his family!! He will draw on canvas, walls, his own skin, whatever, so he often has doodles up and down his arms. The family will often put aside time in the day for them to paint together (at Bobby’s request) and it’s often his highlight of the day :D he likes to copy Jaiden’s arm tattoos with his drawings on his arms (though he won’t admit it to her) and he often draws his family or his friends!!
Bobby also has two dogs- a big brown newfoundland named Oso and his husky named Tripita (he’s also named the two raccoons outside and sometimes tries to take them inside but they always escape)
Jaiden is a freelance artist who works on commission who is roommates with Roier. She is learning Spanish for both Roier and Bobby (who is bilingual) and they both encourage and help her while she’s learning! She went to law school for a bit when she was younger- but ended up dropping out.
all the eggs go to the same school and are all in the same class (for the older eggs) and the younger eggs (when they come into the story) often hang out with them at lunch and such :D Roier also babysits Tilin on the weekends so they and Bobby are pretty good friends (though they sometimes joke at being rivals) and Dapper sometimes comes over for sleepovers!
All the eggs are kind of close which means that their parents also all know each other because of their kids- it’s how some of them get to know each other at first but a fair few knew each other beforehand!
Misc thingys:
-the city is name quesadilla city
-jaiden once spent a day going from store to store to find the specific brand of french fries that she and Bobby likes lmao
-Jaiden often shows Bobby the basics of her job/s because of his interest in art
-Bobby is in awe of Juannaflippa because of her nerf gun
-all of the eggs are around 8-10 in this au I think but I’m still figuring out ages
-the au is called a garden of missed promises
-jaiden dyes her hair and convinces Roier to get a streak (she wanted him to get blue but they settled on red) and Bobby begged enough that they got him a blue underside of his hair
-they love to go biking together around the city
-the federation is kinda just the government for now,, they’re not nearly as bad as the canon federation and mostly are just in the background
-when they save up enough money they sometimes go out to a cottage on the countryside and hang around there
-Bobby and Tilin originally met when they had a fight at school that turned into their Roier and Q fighting over who has the best kid (they mostly made up though)
also it’s a sort of fantasy modern au only in that they are still hybrids instead of all being human- Jaiden is a parrot hybrid, Roier is a spider hybrid, Bobby is a dragon hybrid, pretty standard (not all the eggs are dragon hybrids though)
it’s VERY early qsmp based if you couldn’t tell already though I do want to add some of the other language creators (especially cellbit for spiderbit) but I’m still working on figuring out how they would work in this au! also Pepito and Empanada are going to be confusing to fit into this au- I don’t want to not include them but idk,, if y’all have any ideas they would be greatly appreciated
also people who expressed interest: (sorry for tag! I won’t do it again I just wanted to show y’all in all the same place)
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factorialsotherfandoms · 10 months
There's a worker there when Pac wakes up - it's the first worker anyone has seen since returning to the island. They're in Ramon's nook, doing something with his IV and taking notes in a book.
Pac immediately grabs Fit; the man is awake in seconds.
"Pac?" he asks, more awake in moments than Pac could ever be.
Pac puts a finger to his lips, then points at Ramon's nook.
Fit looks over, and Pac sees when he notices; immediately Fit is on his feet, storming over.
"Oi," he calls. "What are you doing with my son?!"
The worker hesitates a moment, finishing what they are doing before grabbing another book, and stepping down. It takes them a moment to write, Fit quivering with tension while Pac's hands wrap themselves in knotts.
The book is passed to Fit, who holds it where Pac can see.
'I am WA008,' it reads. 'I have been transferred from the Federation Infirmary to tend the EGGS.'
"You're a, er, doctor?" Pac asks, squinting at them - they look like every other worker on the island, bar the blue surgical mask they are wearing.
They nod.
"How are they?" Fit's attitude does not quite entirely flip, but he's bitten down the the edge. "When will they wake up?"
Scribbling again, this time for much longer - Pac can see WA008 flip to multiple book pages.
'All six EGGS here are in critical condition. The EGG named Dapper's condition is less serious, so is resting elsewhere. All seven eggs are responding well to treatment. Their injuries are complex, and further complicated by radiation sickness for these six. I do not know how long healing will take. They are not yet stable enough to survive infection, please refrain from breaking past the barriers. They are for the safety of the EGGS. Only myself, WB011 and WB022 are permitted here, and only if clean. They are my assistants and are also caring for the EGGS.'
Pac clings to Fit's arm as he reads, Fit reaching up to squeeze his hand as he frowns at the words.
"They will be okay though, right?" Pac glances around the children. "Richas? Leo? Tallulah?"
WA008 nods.
"What injuries do they have?" Fit's voice remains harsh, but he has clearly backed off even further with the news. "You must have more information."
WA008 pulls out the book they were writing in earlier, quickly adding a line, and then having it over. Fit tucks the other book into his bag before reading it.
Inside are more complete medical records for the eggs; Pac cannot translate all of the medical terminology, but he understands the numbers well enough. Assuming they are accurate, it seems WA008 is speaking true; their conditions are improving, and Dapper's - on the first page, arriving soonest - are better, and their immune systems are in shambles. Fit glances at him; Pac nods, and rests his head on Fit's shoulder.
At the end of the records book is a request to give it back. Pac sees Fit quickly photograph each page before it is returned.
WA008 waits for a moment, before nodding to them both, and letting themself into Chayanne's nook instead.
"They were telling the truth?" Fit quietly whispers.
Pac nods, "my English is not good enough but... The numbers are right."
Fit shudders, then nods. His eyes are closed for a long moment; when he opens them again, he gently removes Pac's hand from his arm.
"Hey Doc!" Fit calls.
WA008 turns to look at him, summoning another book.
"You should probably give Bad a check over. He's not doing too good."
"Maybe all of us need a doctor," Pac adds. "Purgatory was bad."
Unlike every other time, WA008 hesitates. When the book comes this time, their body language reads almost apologetic.
'I do not have time.' this one reads. 'The other medical staff are sick, or working on quarantine wards. I must give my time to the EGGS. If you are still conscious, I do not have time to treat you. Emergencies and EGGS only.'
"Bad is... Kinda an emergency. He's bleeding everywhere and has big head trauma."
WA008 visibly winces, gesturing for the book back. To the end they add, 'I'll ask WB011 to check in when he visits Dapper. It is unlikely we will be able to provide proper treatment at this time, but he can ensure Resident BadBoyHalo is not going to die. Head injuries require more resources to fully treat than we have available.'
"That's kinda shit, then," Fit replies.
WA008 seems visibly distressed, but nods in agreement.
"Three workers for seven critically ill eggs is not enough," Pac quietly tells Fit. "As it is they won't be getting to sleep properly."
Neither of them like that knowledge at all, but it's true.
"And what is it going to cost us?" Fit asks.
'I am not being paid for this. If someone tries to charge you, stab them and I will introduce them to my needles *-*'
"You're sure?" Pac asks. "Medicine costs a lot if you have to buy it..."
':) says it is so you enjoy the island, and all workers serve the island. I want to make people better.'
:) is... Cucurucho. Pac supposes that makes sense; however much he doesn't want Richas in Federation hands, he knows they don't have the expertise to help his son.
Or any of the eggs, for that matter.
"Alright. I'll believe you for now," Fit takes a deep breath, then waves towards the Federation Doctor. "Good luck out there, fellow worker."
WA008 perks up a little, but the wave they give Fit as they hop back into Chayanne's nook is definitely stressed. With a tug, Fit leads Pac back towards the beds where the collection of parents have been staying.
"They're that bad but there isn't a doctor always here?" he frowns.
Pac shrugs, "probably have warp plates and monitors. If Mike had to treat seven people, I'd do it so he could sleep. It's not good but... It's better than a sleep deprived doctor missing things."
"Mike's a doctor?"
"No," Pac shakes his head a bit. "But... We didn't always have access to one, so he learnt."
'Never had access to one' would be more accurate, but Pac doesn't say it. Fit, at least, seems to understand; he just nods.
"Yeah," Fit says. "A lot of guys like that in the wasteland. It's a useful skill if you need to trade something."
Pac isn't sure what to say to that, or to the distant look on Fit's face. So he just hums, and leans against him once again.
Fit's arm comes up, and nervously tucks him closer. Pac snuggles in.
"They'll be okay?" Fit says it like he means it to be a reassurance, but instead it sounds like a question.
"They'll be okay," Pac repeats back, a little more certain.
Together they watch WA008 tend to their children, taking readings and changing dressings and IV bags. Pac doesn't see them do anything wrong, or especially dangerous, and so he allows himself to relax. They seem calm, too, or as calm as they were after the interruption at least. It's unlikely there are new complications then - with radiation and long-open wounds in play, its always possible.
"We should get gifts for them," Pac says. "For when they wake up."
"That'd be nice," Fit's calmer now, too, drifting a bit. "We can get started in the morning."
Pac nods, and slips down to lie on the bed. After a few moments of looking at the pillow, he places his head in Fit's lap instead.
There's a startled noise, and Pac hides his smile.
"Good night, Richas," he calls to his unconscious son, before turning his head and whispering. "Good night, roommate."
Fit puts a hand on his shoulder, body and voice both stuttering a little, "yeah, um, g'night roommate. Sleep well."
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sugahyeon · 1 year
/!\ Angst/Hc /!\
Guiding a child down the path to hell is always a heartbreak. Bad knew that. He led Trump, Tilín and Juanaflippa there, holding their little hands, too small for his, short fingers just gripping at his pinkie. He gave them a hug, listened to their fears, their last wishes, their forever unrealized dreams. He whispered sweet little nothings in their ear when they cried in his arms, promised he would look after their parents, their siblings, after everyone they had ever cared for.
And when the moment came, he let them walk towards Her, waving them goodbye until they were out of sight, before turning around and breaking down.
Because a child's death cannot be fair.
And he has no power over it.
Guiding a child down the path to hell is always a heartbreak. Bad knew that better than anyone.
When he had to guide Dapper halfway throught, he couldn't stop his hands from shaking. For the first time, he thought that maybe, just maybe, he wasn't cut out for this job.
And he begged, begged Her to let him take his son back, to not have to let him halfway through this path. He had been a good worker, the best one perhaps, didn't he deserve a chance? A prize for all of his hard work?
But death isn't fair.
And Bad left his son's soul on the flowery path.
His hands were still shaking a week later. His heartbeat had been too erratic for him to run for a few days. His eyes were red and heavy and oh so tired from crying too much.
But Dapper was still here, right? He had one more life after all, they would be fine, wouldn't they? Life was just the same!
And they continued everything they ever started to do, no matter the danger, no matter the eggs' death multiplying day after day, no matter the federation, no matter the code, no matter anything but them.
Bad thought he had escaped his fate, at least for a few years. He ran, as fast as he could, made them move house every now and then, built an entire web of waypoints. They would be fine, they had to be.
He did everything right.
They did everything right.
And he forgot.
Forgot the injustice.
Forgot the shake of his hands.
Forgot the dryness of his eyes.
Forgot the pain.
Forgot the horror.
One day, Bad didn't get up in the morning.
There were no need to anymore.
The house was cold, the machines in the room besides his weren't buzzing as they always used to, the bed next to his was still undone, keeping the shape of Dapper's last morning.
It didn't made sense to get out of bed.
So Bad didn't.
By instinct, he opened the book laying besides his bed. The blank pages smiled at him: there's no more tasks to do.
So when people started sending him messages, asking to talk, or to visit their new house, or to babysit their egg, or to come help in a dungeon or any now meaningless requests, Bad closed his eyes and fell asleep.
Why go outside?
Why talk?
Why look through his window?
Why make his bed?
Why eat?
Why drink?
Why shower?
Why breath?
Why wake up?
Meanwhile, the outside world is in panic.
No one is here to babysit Tallulah when she doesn't wake up in time for Philza.
No one re-fills Chayanne's ingredient stash when he runs out.
No one plays with Ramón when he gets up without his dad.
No one talks Forever out of his panic phases.
No one keeps Baghera up to date with the server's happening.
No one push Foolish off his builds.
No one steals Maximus' chair.
No one tells Mariana he's pretty in his new clothes.
No one sees Dapper's new machines.
There's no new machines.
Outside, the world starts to move again.
There's potato crates on his porch and Venus' sibling is hanging out in his garden.
There's two paintings hanging on the wall besides his waystone.
There's a statue of Dapper in the middle of the farm.
There's some new armour, foods, books filled with love, lore and tears, blue furniture, a new scarf,
And an egg, stopping by every day after his dad is gone, just to look through the window of his best friend.
But Bad doesn't get out of bed so he doesn't know.
He can't bring himself to see Dapper's machines rusting because he doesn't know how to care for them, to see the farm his son planted, to see the animals they searched for for so long.
The eggs look like him, Leo in their long legs, Tallulah in her pointy chin, Chayanne in the way he adjusts his bangs, Pomme in her handwriting, Ramón in his smile.
Dapper's ghost is everywhere he lays his eyes upon.
Guiding a child down the path to hell is always a heartbreak.
Dapper didn't cry when Bad came to finish the travel.
He didn't shake, he didn't run, he hadn't ask for anything.
Maybe that was worse, to see the flick of fatality dancing in your children's eyes. To wonder where you had failed. To see your reflection in their pupils. To not be able to stand the sight of your mere silhouette in their soon-to-be-dull orbits.
She gave them some time to say goodbye.
Death isn't fair but death isn't inherentely evil.
It just exists.
They talked for a little bit, about the future, about their best memories, about the art gallery and the struggle to complete it, about what they would have for dinner tonight. For a few minutes, it didn't matter that Dapper wouldn't go home at the end of the day. That Bad would go to bed and no get out before a long time. That the world was now cold and dark.
In this instant, only them mattered.
And then time was up.
An entire lifetime worth of love had to fit in a few minutes.
Billions of years wouldn't be enough.
Bad would kill dozens of men for one more second.
He ignored the water in his eyes and his trembling chin, just to cup his son's face one last time. He was beautiful, with long and dark hair, his top hat and his big eyes. His hands were small, his knees scratched and he had one tooth missing.
Dapper was a kid. Just a little kid. It wasn't fair. But Bad has no power over death.
So he just let go of his son and guide him gently back onto the path, nodding when his child look at him with doubts.
Dapper looked at Her, glanced at him again, before bursting in tears. He's scared. He wants to go home. He wants his dad, always, forever, not this unknown scary giant lady. But he doesn't say anything, his hands busy gripping at his shirt.
"-It's ok Dapper, you'll be safe. She's really nice, you know? And you'll see Bobby there! It's gonna be tons of fun, alright?"
The small boy nodded, tears still streaming down his face, before getting out of his father's embrace. He didn't look back this time. He wouldn't have been able to get away.
Bad watched his son walk along the path, now on his own. He barely allowed himself to blink, in hope to keep his image imprinted under his eyelids.
He waved goodbye until the horizon swallowed the frail body, until shadows were the only things left for him to wave at.
Until small hands carried one last message.
"I love you dad!"
"I love you, son."
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Random au because I can't stop thinking about this:
On the doc Mike and Pac found in the prison said that if Walter Bob completed that specific task he would be free from the jail/no longer a prisoner, right? (MY memory isn't the best so maybe this is a bit wrong but that is what we have for today folks augstwfwywfrqcw)
What if one day he finishes the task and Cucorucho with a smile brings him to another federation building and asks him to get into a room
Days later Fit is asked to clean a room, no big deal, another day of honest work where he starts lurking around looking for anything that could be useful for him and his mission
And then, in another place that he isn't suppose to be, but that he got into anyway is a... something. In the corner. It's small, it's scared, maybe even trembling a little bit and tired, very tired.
It's an egg.
When he enters, it turns around to face him and Fit freezes for a second because now he can clearly read the name on top of the kid.
"Walter Bob"
Well, he isn't coming out of that building alone.
Also! For fluff purposes! Imagine he bringing him to show Pac and Mike, like, Walter Bob doesn't have the memories of Before but he can't help but feel at ease around those "strangers" and their vibrant, lively energy, especially because they seem to like be around him as well, always full of hugs and itens and new places to show around.
Ramon being a good older brother! Showing him how to explode things and being perfect to bring his more quiet and chaotic side.
The fact that before he couldn’t remember ever having a bed just the cold metal of the cell and the guards shouting and pain and experiments and cold cold cold
But now it's different! Now he has a family, people from everywhere smiling and talking to him and helping and saying strange, kind things like that their house is his as well and that if he ever ever need he could call
And then Forever reforms the NINHO to have another room and Bad calls him to chat while making his buildings and Baghera gives him a bunch of invisible potions so they can hang around listening to gossips and Philza is always chill in letting him visit and Foolish laugh and goof around like nothing could ever go wrong everytime he gets too anxious and Mike and Pac are there and...
And Richas gives him beautiful paintings to put in his room and Dapper show him all his cool animal collection and Leo take him to a train ride and Tallulah helps him to decorate his room and...
And and and
(And the hope is there, it hurts too much to bare sometimes, like it's a knife that already cut him before.
But little by little, with time, the wounds begins to heal)
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kogratorm · 1 year
Just here hoping that Q!Cellbit's final task to join the Federation is going to be something silly that a cute bear would ask and not anything that will make his relationships with other islanders turns upside down although most of them know he is pretending. Q!BBH figured out Q!Cellbit might be acting but he was still upset by what he heard regarding Dapper.
I’m genuinely just praying that Cucurucho asked about Q!Roier because he got curious since he has interacted and sort of “helped” him in the past and not bECAUSE HE FREAKING WANTS TO KNOW THE REASON OF HIS SADNESS TO END IT
Cucurucho my brother in heaven people work different, alright. If you ask something really angst and destroy their relationship (not necessarily romantic) I will [censored].
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soratsuart · 1 year
The day started decently calm, with people just doing their things and completing the egg quests. However we should note that the Census Bureau, aka Cucurucho/Osito Bimbo appeared before pretty much everyone to handle the invitations for the funeral. This is how some people, particularly the eggs, found out who had died exactly, and prompted some sad grieving scenes like Chayanne's upon learning he couldn't protect Tilín.
The funeral itself began later at a church built by the QSMP Federation. There were a bunch of cameras hidden around the building which turned out to be Slime's so he could watch since he can't be there physically due to his exile. However, people misinterpreted these cameras and thought they belonged to the Federation, so the Theorist Trio (Maxo, Bad and Foolish) started sharing their theories about the true nature of the island and the intentions of the Federation with everyone else, as well as suspecting the strange truce between them and the angel when supposedly they didn't get along.
Meanwhile we have to very depressed members in the audience. Mariana shows up being a mess and acting suicidal, with people having to stop him from killing himself, which hurts Slime who begs at him to stop through the cameras (pain). On his part, Quackity arrives talking about wanting to move on, but he quickly gets mad at people laughing and tells them to remember the eggs are temporal (least resentful man in the server).
The childless fathers give each a speech about their children (and have a few breakdowns) and with that the funeral seems to be over, but things don't end here. They go out, explode one of Slime's cameras thinking it was from the Federation and talk for a bit, with Roier telling Quackity about some books that might help him revive Tilín (wonder where he might have heard that from).
Then Cucurucho appears again, and they take Quackity aside to this weird room with Rubius and tell him to wait. Soon enough, a wall opens to reveal Tilín. Quackity is overjoyed to see his child, but unfortunately they can only have a five minute conversation. Quackity begs Rubius to revive them, but that's not possible, so father and egg have a conversation where Quackity finally expresses how much he loves Tilín and how much he misses them.
After saying a final goodbye, Quackity leaves and goes to Tilín's grave to leave a note expressing his love for them, then closes the grave for good. He then meets Angel!Rubius and asks him questions about the island and when they can leave, to which Rubius says they can never leave and that they might discover what the island is soon. He also said he could talk with other gods to try and allow Quackity to have more conversations with Tilín.
Meanwhile, back at the church, Maxo is allowed to see his son Trump one final time. However, he initially doesn't believe he's the real Trump and starts making questions that slowly derive to the methods of the Federation to bring him back. When he starts making too many questions he gets pulled aside. Maxo is now considering making an alliance with Devil!Rubius since he doesn't trust the Federation to bring Trump back.
MEANWHILE, Slime comes out of hiding and him and Mariana are allowed to see Flippa, making one last backflip together as a family and saying goodbye. Slime and Mariana decide to work together as a family to find a way to bring their daughter back. Also, Mariana made a statue of JuanaFlippa which he showed to Slime.
Meanwhile again, people outside the church are having conversations, with Bad and Spreen fighting until they decide to have a PVP duel by Quackity's suggestion. If Spreen won, he would be allowed to kill Dapper once, while if Bad did, Spreen would have to leave them alone forever. Spreen won, but he has yet to do something to Dapper (even the Update accounts in Twitter are confused at this lmao).
Quackity and Slime also had a PVP duel, and though Slime won the first round, he let Quackity hurt him and kill him the second round so he could cope with his grief.
And after that not much happened. Everyone went their separate ways and ended the day... Calmer day than I expected tbh
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ace1diots · 1 year
Saw your QSMP post, hope you don’t mind a super long ask bc here’s what’s been up:
- Charlie accidentally permanently killed Tilin defending her from a mob
- JuanaFlippa permanently died in a dungeon with Mariana
- Wilbur adopted an abandoned egg (Tallulah) and left her formally in Phil’s care when he started touring
- Trumpet died permanently from neglect
- Charlie obtained the ability to turn himself into an egg (Gegg) to help him and Quackity cope with their losses
- Players discovered the island is governed by an organization called the Federation
- A Federation worker NPC (Cucurucho) stalked players and asked them for info like names and occupation, stating it was for the QSMP Census Bureau
- Players learned they are not allowed to leave the island and began to question what this “vacation resort” really is
- Five new Brazilians (Forever, Felps, Pac & Mike, and Cellbit) and a Brazilian egg (Richarlyson) were added
- The original eggs were taken away by the Federation and returned with cracks on them
- Richas lost a life on Day 1 to mobs
- Players discovered a code monster that tries to kill the eggs for unknown reasons
- Dapper and Tallulah each lost a life to the code monster
- Felps tried to make a deal with Cucurucho to get Richas a life back but went missing instead
- Bobby died permanently in a dungeon with Roier
- Five new French (Baghera, Étoilés, Antoine, Aypierre, and Kameto) and a French egg (Pomme) were added
- Maximus found a mysterious anti-Federation NPC who gave him instructions to build a super computer
- The computer is revealed to be an artificial intelligence NPC named SOFIA
- Fit gave SOFIA a blackbox he found and learned someone was trying to warn everyone to stay away from the island
- Cellbit tried to join the Federation to find out what happened to Felps, found him frozen in a Federation lab, and went missing himself
- Players worked together to find and rescue Felps and Cellbit
- After the rescue, Cellbit proposed to Roier (who said yes)
- Jaiden made a deal with Cucurucho to do tasks for him in exchange for the eggs’ protection
- Fit tried to send a message to an unknown person(s) outside the island, which failed
- Quackity tried to make a deal with Cucurucho and went missing after the wedding
- The Federation announced elections for a president who will work with them to make decisions for the island
- ElQuackity has been logging on instead of Quackity and players suspect he is an impersonator
- The presidential candidates are: Bad, Foolish, Baghera, Étoilés, Felps, Mike, Forever and Cellbit, ElQuackity, and Gegg
There’s a LOT of smaller more fun things (Abueloier, Festa Junina, Forever’s soap opera love life) but those are probably the most important points! Hope this helps
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goo-amalgamation · 10 months
Gegg looked around, there wasnt anyone out. Atleast, not where he could see them. Pap- no. Quackity was with tilin, his real kid, and even though he had introduced them,, he didn't have a place here. He was a replacement, and what was a replacement when the real thing was there. He was useless.
If he didnt have a use, he'd have to go back to the white room. He took a good long look at his wings, the yellow and black mixing perfectly, and thought of his papai. They didn't need him either. Dapper had tilin . Everyone had the 'dead' kids back. What use was there for someone like him. He steeled whatever resolve he had, and looked around his room.
What could he take, sure papai had said this was all his, but he was leaving.. he picked up the plushie papai had given him, it was soft and all different colors,,, he put it in his bag. He picked up pluto. He shouldn't take her really, he didn't go outside when he was there. He wasnt allowed to. He sat her back down, and went to his closet, looking to the very back of it. A white gown. He slipped it on, leaving his comfortable and colorful clothes on the floor. No- he put them in the dirty clothes. He couldnt leave this place dirty.
His wings ruffled, and he fluffed them, forcing them to turn white. It didnt work. He frowned. It didnt matter, he went to the window, unlocking the lock. He opened it, and slid out, and he fell.
Falling was,, it was calming almost. He fell into the bushes, and everything hurt. It didn't matter. He was being good. He rolled out, and walked into the woods, heading to wherever his instincts took him. To the federation building he went. However long it took. He looked back at the house many, many times, but he couldn't stay.
It was meant to be a replacement, so it had no reason to stay when, well. There was nothing to replace.
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unhingedgoat · 1 year
thinking about a Wayward Children QSMP AU with the eggs and you can’t tell me Dapper and Ramon weren’t in the Moors being the Doctor’s apprentices. I could also see Tallulah finding a door to Mariposa, mostly because of her love for music + her adoption into the Death family (Mariposa’s a world of happy dancing skeletons, there’s a whole thing with a flute only the dead can hear). 
Pomme would probably taken to Prism as a little kid, she’s both cute and a fighter who also likes to follow certain rules (thinking of moral ones) but ultimately she’d be kicked out for breaking some of them too. Chayanne definitely found a door to Confection at some point! Chayanne as the Baker, making tons of sweet foods to shape the world, yup.
Maybe too much of an easy idea for Leo but because of the whole shark thing with Foolish, I’d say she found a door to Belyyreka, aka the Drowned World but I don’t remember much about it.
Lastly, the Federation as the Goblin Market, a world where everything comes with a price and everything has to be fair otherwise you go into debt and going into debt makes you give up parts of yourself. Until you turn into a bird. Yeah. Weird stuff. And with that, Richarlyson could be a kid discovering the Goblin Market and finding people to help him figure out how everything works there (the Brazilians), and if these people happen to transform into birds for mysterious reasons over time well... that’s just unfortunate :)
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