#if he doesn’t have any fans on this earth then i am an alien
hyrles · 2 years
backflips louder than anyone else in the room. HI HI HIHIHI
when your bf backflips loudly 🤨
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vicontheinternet · 5 months
this come up every 3-5 business months and we have to keep telling y'all grown adults that y'all are wrong
Hi I am here to remind you that tony stark was not in the right in captian America civil war and not to bring real world politics in to it but by now I'd think we'd seeing how utterly useless the un is. If Tony had cared at all to stick by the accords or if they had any repercussions at all he would’ve had to wait and go to the un and petition the un to say that there are fucking aliens attacking earth then ask them if he could stop then wait for their answer. But he doesn’t even have respect for the thing that he had a hand in making instead he played the victim and took no accountability in his part and said the avengers broke up and then said that’s why my idea for the shield around the earth was a great idea. The accords were abysmal and Tony wrote him a way out while the other members of the avengers either had to sign or retire he wrote into the accord that he was exempt so ofc he was going to peddle that thing he was going to face nothing. The only reason he was doing this was because an American mother made him feel guilty he didn’t feel guilty for the town of ppl whose were ruin he didn’t feel guilty abt Wanda’s brother and she was sleeping in avengers tower he got to see her more often then that singular woman. Tony broke the accords like 3 separate times and you want me to be on his side. Don’t get me started on Peter because y’all irondad fans are weird. Y’all want me to see the guy who canonically kidnapped a kid peter was 14 in cacw he didn’t have a passport until homecoming and Tony withheld any information from Peter so that he couldn’t make an informed decision on what happened and what team he would want to be on and Tony took a 14 year old Peter to Germany under false pretense to fight a fight that he had no business being in without informing his legal guardian that is the textbook definition kidnapping. Ppl can say team cap is wrong all they want but at least their team stayed together and respects ppls consent. Why would cap trust the un when just the last movie it was exposed that hydra was in the government. I truly believe that ppl who are team iron man throws out all logic because “bucky killed his parents” even though he was brainwashed and they beat his ass even though he started it that man is grown grown if he didn’t want to lose a fight he shouldn’t have started it. He didn’t even like his father yall get on Peter quil’s ass for his emotional reaction but that was a fucking emotional reaction and he got his ass beat. I’m sorry but his ego got him thinking he could take out Bucky Barnes who was formerly the winter soldier with his friends right next to him and thought Steve wasn’t going to do nothing. And to dispel this misconception Steve and Tony weren’t friends they were barely co workers they tolerated each other
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The Doctor takes Rose on her first voyage through time, to the year five billion. The sun is about to expand and swallow the earth. Amongst the alien races gathering to watch, a murderer is at work. Who is controlling the mysterious and deadly spiders?
WHAT was he doing in this scene.
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You think you're so impressive. ---I am so impressive baby’s first flirt….
2. You lot, you spend all your time thinking about dying, like you're going to get killed by eggs or beef or global warming or asteroids. But you never take time to imagine the impossible, that maybe you survive. i adore this line. Iirc i read somewhere that this episode was made when a lot of negative climate focussed media was coming out and rtd wanted to assure young viewers that there was always hope? Not sure where i saw it but it’s stuck with me
3. Is that why we're here? I mean, is that what you do? Jump in at the last minute and save the Earth?-- rose we are literally here so i can trauma dump. Haven’t you heard of healthy coping mechanisms??
4. He's blue RTD my beloved. What an incredibly realistic, human observation—i feel like companions simply do not do this anymore. And they should!
5. Love the bark makeup. It’s so pretty!
6. The air from my lungs….this episode is so good damn it
7. Moxx of Balhoon better known as the CEO of sex. I give you the gift of bodily salivas lucky Rose
9. Rose being overwhelmed and running out. I can’t get over the amount of care and detail RTD put into writing her. She really is his baby. Can’t wait to see how he brings her back now (because he will. He will.)
10. Jabe’s device is unable to identify a timelord, probably because the rest of the universe thinks them dead? Although her reaction is very different from that of the Nestene Consciousness (who is implied to have lost quite a bit in the Time War), whereas Jabe doesn’t seem to have any personal connection. I wonder what the other outsider perceptions of the War were!
11. Ahhh Rose being kind to the plumber. I love my girl. LMAO at her realising she just hitched a ride with a complete stranger w/o thinking about it. The metal spiders are very Minority Report.
12. Your machine gets inside my head. It gets inside and it changes my mind, and you didn't even ask? the WRITING. Just chef’s kiss. Even in this sort of power dynamic, you never ever feel like Rose doesn’t have agency. She’s so smart and capable and fierce. i love her.
13. Gotta love how fast they switch from arguing to flirting. Jiggery-pokery <3
14. I might be late home. and then she comes back a YEAR later JESUS
15. Bad Wolf mention!
16. Hahahah i can’t watch the Jabe scene without thinking of plant sex now, courtesy of Katie
17. I was born on that planet, and so was my mum, and so was my dad. I love how much Rose loves her dad. Like if you’ve never even known a parent, you probably wouldn’t bring them up in a context like this, but the addition implies that Rose thinks of her dad quite a bit, and this is a nice little subtle setup to my favourite episode of the season, Father’s Day
18. The sun filter scene! It’s unexpectedly tense. I remember being really worried the first time I saw it
19. This whole event was sponsored by the Face of Boe. He invited us. Jack set them up….god that’s so sweet. The fact that he knows that they’re properly together in Pete’s World at this point <3333333 he is Literally Us. Putting his blorbos in Situations.
20. What are you going to do, moisturise me?
21. At least it'll be quick. Just like my fifth husband. HUHHH?? LMAO
22. I love the turning fan trope, every time it’s in any movie ever, it’s got me on the edge of my seat
23. Everything has its time, and everything dies. OOF. Appreciate Rose still wanting Cassandra to be saved! Something something parallel with how she changed the Doctor so much that he’s willing to give Cassandra a peaceful death in New Earth <3 the power of love, folks.
24. The Earth death scene is beautiful. I remember feeling so sad that everyone just missed it! And the Doctor finally realising that maybe this wasn’t a great first trip for his young companion xD
25. I'm left travelling on my own 'cos there's no one else.---There's me. What a beautiful moment of intimacy. And such great acting! The Doctor is finally beginning to let her in, and Rose has attached to this stranger so quickly, despite how prickly and condescending he can be. Soulmates <3
Loveee this ending. 10/10 again!
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aemcroberts · 1 month
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🚨 Get ready, Sailor Moon fans! The first two chapters of my brand-new story, Dark Kingdom: Shattered Moonlight, are live and ready to blow your moon boots off! 🚨
✨ What’s the deal? ✨ Mamoru’s having some serious identity issues (again), but this time, it’s way more than just “I’m Tuxedo Mask, but who am I really?” He’s diving headfirst into past lives, mysterious dreams, and—oh yeah—there’s that pesky Legendary Silver Crystal that’s playing hard to get. This story is about to take you on a wild ride through memories, battles, and all the snarky, heart-wrenching drama you can handle.
🔮 When’s the next drop? 🔮 Set your alarms for every Tuesday and Thursday because that’s when the magic happens. Don’t miss out, or you’ll be playing catch-up with the cool kids.
Chapter 1: The Birth of Eternity
Mamoru’s world turned upside down when he was just a kid—literally, in a car crash that left him alone and with no memory of who he really is. Stuck in a sterile hospital, he clings to a single thread of hope: his alien best friend Fiore, who’s about to leave Earth for good. Just when Mamoru thinks things can’t get any worse, a little girl with buns in her hair shows up with a rose and a promise he’ll never forget. Who is she? And why does it feel like his life just shifted on its axis? 🌹
Chapter 2: Shadows of the Past
Imagine running through crystal hallways that can’t decide if they’re solid or just a fever dream. Mamoru’s doing just that, with a hand in his that’s all too familiar—but whose? Flash forward to the present, and he’s wide awake, clutching a locket that’s supposed to do something cool but doesn’t. (Figures, right?) Meanwhile, there’s a princess in his dreams, tears in her eyes, and a whole lot of destiny on the line. Welcome to Mamoru’s life—try not to get lost in the shadows. 💫
✨ Ready to dive in? Head over to AO3, Wattpad, or Fanfiction.net and start reading Dark Kingdom: Shattered Moonlight now! And don’t forget, every Tuesday and Thursday is a new chance to catch the latest chapter. Let’s go on this journey together, and maybe we’ll all figure out who Mamoru really is. 🌙
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possum-socks · 1 year
Going on my monthly Shadow rant because I am ill please pretty please don’t perceive me when I am Shadow posting this post doesn’t exist don’t read it. TLDR at the end.
Okay so I know we like to discuss what ruined Shadow’s character. Where did things go wrong with this guy? And people often credit this to Shadow the Hedgehog 2005, and it would be redundant for me to explain why. People also credit it to the fans themselves, and how their interpretations and jokes affected how sega wrote Shadow’s character. This is all true, but I don’t think any of this can be called THE moment. I’m sure people have already said this, but they fucked Shadow up the instant they brought him back, and here are my deranged 3 AM thoughts on why:
In Shadow’s first appearance in SA2, he was meant to die at the end. This is not news to anyone. Throughout the events of SA2, Shadow had his grand character arc. He managed to break through the altering Gerald did to his memories, and he remembered his true promise to Maria. Shadow realized what he truly needed to do with his abilities and time on earth, and so he gave his life to save the planet and all the people who called it home. We can see as he knowingly falls to death, that he is content with his decisions, and he is content in knowing that his life will end with the fulfillment of Maria’s wishes and a saved planet. Before he dies, Shadow comes to respect his rival Sonic, and even let’s go of his claims to being the ultimate lifeform (massive character development!) when he comes to feel that Sonic himself is a more worthy being of such a title. And so, SA2, a very character driven story of living and learning throughout life, (it’s literally the main theme), concludes, and Shadow peacefully falls to earth. Sega was so pleased with the events of SA2 that they felt comfortable killing Shadow off, as they felt like his story was properly concluded, and they had succeeded in using his character to express these themes of good vs. evil and learning throughout life.
But! Wow! The fans love Shadow? What are we to do? Retcon his death and develop on his character after his newfound revelations and growth in SA2? Show Shadow as he continues to grow after SA2 while carrying on Maria’s wishes for earth and the lessons he learned? Kind of! But not really! In other words, NO!
They gave him amnesia. They did not just retcon Shadow’s death, THEY RETCONNED THE ENTIRETY OF HIS CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT IN SA2. WHY?! This is the decision of sega’s that I will never ever understand. Everything he experienced in SA2, everything he discovered and realized, gone. Why did they do this? I do not know. Perhaps they felt like if they brought shadow back after he had already experienced such impactful development in SA2, that they wouldn’t have much room for things to do with his character, but that’s just not true? There was plenty left unsaid in SA2, which is part of WHY fans were so desperate for more Shadow. SA2 still left room for so much that could be done with Shadow, WITHOUT giving him amnesia and making him forget everything first! They just didn’t need to do that! I don’t get it one bit. Giving Shadow amnesia weakened any of the impact that sega was initially trying to achieve with the themes they illustrated through Shadow’s arc in SA2. Why should we care what happened in SA2 if sega doesn’t?
And you could argue that the amnesia is not a big deal, since eventually he does gain his memories back. Yes, he does slowly gain his memories in shadow 2005, after they had already made the decision to give him guns and vehicles and swear while he shoots down humans on a motorcycle with evil aliens. Okay sega. My problems with 2005 are not with the guns and edgy aspects but with the fact that the shadow 2005 game had to happen at all. He shouldn’t have needed to side with an alien bent on world destruction to get his memories, because he shouldn’t have forgotten them at all. Maybe sega just really wanted to give Shadow ptsd over Maria dying again, who knows. Either way, when Shadow has his memories back afterwards, (FINALLY. Plus, is it ever confirmed that he actually remembers everything?) it still often feels as though he was never impacted by those events at all. He still gets portrayed as being obsessed with his “ultimate” status, he still gets portrayed as not having respect for Sonic, and he still gets portrayed as some emotionless macho asshole. The decision to give Shadow amnesia in Heroes made it feel like Sonic Adventure 2 never happened, which is arguably the absolute most important game when it comes to Shadow’s character and who he is today. Instead, it feels like those events were partly erased.
The best they have done with Shadow’s character since then was STH2006. I actually think they did quite well at giving Shadow a convincing arc in 2006, even though they kind of just re-hashed the arc that he already goes through in 2005. At least 2006 didn’t further damage his character. Yay!
I just find it fascinating to think about and wonder if Shadow’s character would be different had they not given him amnesia. Shadow 2005 would’ve never happened, which is probably a good thing! I wonder what sort of Shadow game we could’ve gotten if Shadow wasn’t an amnesiac busy trying to get his memories back. Perhaps sega gave Shadow amnesia in Heroes just so they COULD have it as a set-up for ShtH2005, so there would be a convincing enough reason for why they gave Shadow a Glock. Or maybe it had something to do with the arc they basically just forgot about in which Shadow thinks he might be an Android, which, imo was just another strange decision by sega. Anyway um yeah.
TLDR; I think sega giving Shadow amnesia after SA2 was the worst decision they ever made with his character and sega loves to make Shadow re-experience his trauma! And re-learn lessons he has already learned!!!! Hooray
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fantomcomics · 2 years
What’s Out This Week? 11/9
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Two Graves #1 -  Genevieve Valentine, Ming Doyle, & Annie Wu 
Emilia and the man with the veil of smoke have set out for the ocean in a stolen truck. There's a bloody handprint on his neck. She's beginning to worry it's hers. Death and the Maiden go on a road trip. Nobody gets out alive.
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Killchella #1 -  Mario Candelaria & Serg Acuna
A group of friends drive up from Los Angeles to attend an ultra-trendy music festival in the Coachella Valley desert. They soon face a bloody night of terror when a reclusive pop star making her big return after five years recruits her most fanatical devotees to assist in a massive human sacrifice ritual.
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Mr. Easta #1 -  Kit Wallis
The gloriously demented mind of Kit Wallis brings the galactic adventures of the third best assassin in the universe to Scout Comics! Incredible, kinetically charged artwork blasts the blood, mayhem and quirky humor directly through your brain like a high-caliber bullet. In this issue, it's Elvis night at an interstellar backwater bar, but with all due respect to the King, that doesn't stop Mr. Easta. With the help of Frank, his teleportation parasite, who can also transform into any handheld weapon imaginable, it's business as usual.
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It’s Lonely At The Centre Of The Earth GN -  Zoe Thorogood
Cartoonist ZOE THOROGOOD records six months of her own life as it falls apart in a desperate attempt to put it back together again in the only way she knows how. IT'S LONELY AT THE CENTRE OF THE EARTH is an intimate metanarrative that looks into the life of a selfish artist who must create for her own survival.
A poignant, slice-of-life-style story perfect for fans of Adrian Tomine's The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Cartoonist.
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Gospel #1 (of 5) - Will Morris & Ver
When opportunity refuses to knock for restless hero Matilde, the devil comes knocking instead. Thrust into action by the hellish arrival, Matilde and storyteller Pitt will quest for answers - answers that threaten to tear them apart and trigger the toughest question of all: "Who am I?" Inspired by the work of Hayao Miyazaki and set in the chaos of King Henry VIII's reign, GOSPEL is a thrilling fantasy adventure that questions the truth behind the stories we tell.
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Heavenly Demon Reborn! GN Vol 1 -  O'Emperor & Gom-Guk
In an ancient world where martial artists reign supreme, Unseong can only watch as his master is brutally beaten to death after a false accusation of practicing forbidden demonic arts. Even after a valiant fight, he fails to kill those responsible and faces his own end. But fate has other plans... Instead of taking his last breath, he awakens as a child, training to be an elite soldier of a demonic sect. Now Unseong must embrace the demonic arts and harness power in his ultimate quest for revenge.
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Go! Go! Loser Ranger! GN Vol 1 -  Negi Haruba
Attention kaiju and sentai fans! From the creator of The Quintessential Quintuplets comes a new "anti-ranger" action-comedy that'll make you root for the alien invaders! Thirteen years ago, an evil army of mysterious alien monsters invaded the Earth, but the great protectors of mankind-the Divine Dragon Rangers-show up to stop them! To this day, the fate of the Earth hangs in the balance as the fierce struggle continues to unfold! ...Or does it? In truth, the evil aliens were subjugated within the first year, and they've now become nothing more than clowns forced to act out their continuous defeat every week for the entertainment of the masses. They're not real villains, being forced to crank out a monster a week for the Rangers to crush. But one of the aliens has had enough. Something has to change! He'll rebel against the strongest might of the Dragon Rangers and destroy them all from the inside!
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Traveling To Mars #1 -  Mark Russell & Roberto Meli
Traveling to Mars tells the story of former pet store manager Roy Livingston, the first human to ever set foot on Mars. Roy was chosen for this unlikely mission for one simple reason: he is terminally ill and therefore has no expectation of returning. Roy is joined on his mission to Mars by Leopold and Albert, two Mars rovers equipped with artificial intelligence, who look upon the dying pet store manager as a sort of god. Against the backdrop of not only his waning days but those of human civilization as well, Roy has ample time to think about where things went wrong for both of them and what it means to be a dying god.
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Specs #1 (of 4) -  David M. Booher, Chris Shehan & Skylar Patridge
In this mysterious new series from writer David M. Booher (Canto, All-New Firefly) and artist Chris Shehan (House of Slaughter), what happens when a couple of misfit teens mail-order a pair of X-ray glasses, and realize they've received much more than they bargained for? But all Kenny and Ted want is to not feel like outcasts in their small Ohio town. Their world is turned upside down when the Magic Specs they receive unlock a world of possibilities. Their wishes start out innocent enough, but when they wish that their bully would disappear... things take a cursed turn, with far darker consequences than they thought possible...
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Avante Guard Yumeko GN -  Shuzo Oshimi
From Shuzo Oshimi, the creator of Blood on the Tracks, The Flowers of Evil, and Happiness. I just want to see it! High schooler Yumeko is your ordinary high school girl except she's obsessed with seeing the male body part in real life. Determined, Yumeko decides to join the art club at school.
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All Your Racial Problems Will Soon End HC -  Dr. Charles Johnson
Before Charles Johnson found fame as a novelist and won the National Book Award for Middle Passage in 1991, he was a cartoonist, and a very good one. Taught via mail correspondence course by the comics editor Lawrence Lariar, mentored by the New Yorker cartoonist Charles Barsotti, and inspired by the call of poet Amiri Baraka to celebrate and depict Black life in America, Johnson crafted some of the fiercest and funniest cartoons of the twentieth century. This collection brings together work from across his career: college newspaper gags, selections from his books Black Humor and Half-Past Nation Time, his unpublished manuscript Lumps in the Melting Pot, and uncollected pieces.
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Billionaire Island: Cult Of Dogs #1 (of 6) -  Mark Russell & Steve Pugh
The long-awaited return of the "series that's simultaneously infuriating and hysterically funny in its indictment of not just the 1%, but of the people-and the economic system-that enable them" (Comics Beat). The year is 2046, two years after Billionaire Island fell-taking the world's economy with it. Only one man-er, dog-can save us now. But where is Business Dog?
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The Knight & The Lady Of Play One-Shot -  Jonathan Luna
JONATHAN LUNA (THE PHALANX, 20XX: TRANSPORT) returns with another one-shot, illustrated in graphite! After a war with demons, knight Signore Vincenzo is traveling home to his wife in Italy. In a swamp, he comes across a mysteriously hypnotic woman, Motta, who tempts him to stay with her.  
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Tokyo Aliens GN Vol 1 -  Naoe
This thrilling sci-fi fantasy series welcomes you to Japan, a top ten destination for extraterrestrials looking for refuge, relaxation, a good time, or just to raise a little hell! Shiny new high school first-year Akira is as ordinary as they come. He's awkward, has terrible grades, and loves manga. In fact, the only thing that really sets him apart from his peers is his staunch determination to follow in his late father's footsteps as a police officer. But fate has its own plans for Akira. After witnessing a ferocious battle unfold between two strangers with unusual powers on the train-one of whom looks a lot like the tall, dark, and handsome kid in his grade-he finds himself kidnapped...by none other than an alien!
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Lord Of The Jungle #1 -  Dan Jurgens, Benito Gallego & Gary Frank
At long last, the Lord of the Jungle returns to comics! One of the most famous and recognizable characters in the history of fiction is back, starting with an adventure that returns us to the days before his birth, as well as a time later in life, when a past wrong must be made right, no matter what manner of beast or obstacle stands in Tarzan's way. From acclaimed writer Dan Jurgens (Superman, Spider-Man, Thor, Booster Gold, Justice League and so many more) comes a tale that wraps the familiar with something brand new. With epic art by Tarzan newspaper artist Benito Gallego, this is sure to be a book that delivers for Tarzan fans both old and new!
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Lastman Book 1 -  Balak, Michael Sanlaville, & Bastien Vives
Adrian Velba has trained all year to fight in the Valley of the Kings' legendary tournament. However, despite his ambition, he has no chance of winning. Not only is his partner unable to compete, but at 12 years old, Adrian is the longest of longshots. That is, until a mysterious, powerful stranger enters town, offering to join forces with Adrian. But who is Richard Aldana? And why in a world of magic does he rely solely on his fists?
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shaddytheguyislazy · 1 year
I watched the first episode of The Owl House
I haven’t bothered finding a new show to watch in a couple years now, and this one seemed sufficiently Steven Universe-y. Might as well give it a shot.
The art direction is quite nice, hits a lot of the modern cartoon beats without being outright identical to any of them, and the fantasy architecture is pretty cool. I’m not sure about the pronounced “upper lip” thing a lot of the human character designs have going on, though. Looks like those Rhythm Heaven choir boys.
Main character Luz seems nice enough. I think the struggle of being forced to conform to society when you don’t want to is a relatable one, but they illustrate it by having her accidentally get several people attacked by snakes, which feels a little overboard (yes yes BUT IT IS A CARTOON except they’re still talking about this like this is solely harmful to her own development rather than harming others) for how not-sorry she appears to be.
This will probably fade with time, but it is so weird hearing Wendie Malick voice any cartoon character who isn’t 100% toxic all the time. I keep waiting for Eda to take the witch mask off and reveal Beatrice Horseman, telling Luz she’s punishing her for being alive.
Cute skull dog demon guy...voiced by Alex Hirsh. I’m gonna be honest, whenever he’s not doing Soos or Grunkle Stan, he sounds a little strained. I’m not saying “no”, I like him, but I dunno, sounds like it hurts to do the voice.
Again, I know it’s a kids show, but having the “it’s okay to not fit in” messages hammered in so hard as for the villain’s prison to be called the “Conformatorium” is a little on the nose for me.
And what the hell is it with kids shows softening up conspiracy theorists? Steven Universe did this too. Believing that the world is flat and/or secretly controlled by reptilian aliens is not some wacky quirk you get by being autistic, it’s not some peaceful non-conformist belief system. That shit ranges from "extremely unhealthy coping mechanism" to "believing we need a second holocaust" (hey, know what noun in “reptilians control the media” used to be a real-world ethnic group?), and neither of those are harmless, they VERY OFTEN lead to dangerous behavior, because they're not built to reach stable people.
This might sound strange, but I appreciate that Eda’s body can apparently be dismembered and reassembled without harm. That’s usually a power given to less-important and usually less-humanoid characters, and never to women.
Okay, I’m gonna be real here, they kinda lost me at the end with Luz deciding she’s staying here instead of going home. Not only am I not a fan of “lying to the parents” subplots (which I am almost certain this will become), but what she just experienced was complete fantasy beyond anything the entire population on Earth has ever known, as well as being extremely dangerous. Even if she were still going to avoid the summer camp, I feel like most people on the planet would want to take a breather back home first, but she doesn’t even flinch.
Anyway these are all pretty nitpicky and I still had fun, so I’ll probably watch more at some point. I definitely feel some of the Gravity Falls energy here, so I have faith it’ll almost certainly get better.
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sleepy-moron · 2 years
I think I’ve actually made a fairly solid connection between byler and one of the most iconic gay couples in marvel history, and I know I’m not the first person to make connections between Will and Billy Kaplan but this is a bit more in depth + some other interesting parallels and a little bit of memes……potential major plot spoilers for s5 if I’m right ahead tho
So I was checking some fan wikis to refresh my knowledge on Billy Kaplan because I am very confident that Will takes at least some inspiration from him (gay nerd with reality warping powers and a heavy association with magic+ it takes a while for people to realize just how fucking powerful he actually is) and the scarlet witch and I randomly had the idea that I should look into Teddy Altman (aka Hulkling aka Billy’s husband) to see if there were any significant parallels between him and Mike because I thought it would be interesting……and while there are a few other parallels that are pretty likely to just be coincidental…..there is a much bigger one that could be plausible as an intentional reference. I need to establish the direction I think Will’s story could go in season five first and then we can talk about the stuff that involves both pairs.
So Will is going to be targeted by Henry in some way, that much is obvious. It’s also a pretty reasonable assumption that Will can control/warp the upside down to some extent (although Will has no idea he can) and that’s why it is still stuck on the day Will vanished as a result of Will being unable to move past what happened to him. I brought up the scarlet witch earlier because she’s Billy’s mom but also because of the House of M storyline (aka literary what wandavision is based off of) from the comics. This involves someone (Wanda) with the ability to warp reality to create a perfect world for themselves to live in as a result of a breakdown and rewrites reality and the memories of everyone else around them to prevent people from destroying this new world.
While I don’t necessarily think Will is going to create a new reality on his own I do think he will be stuck in some version of a perfect world where he is either not responsible for its creation and thus is the only one who knows this illusion is an illusion, or is the one responsible and doesn’t know it which would mean another main character (Mike or El probably) to realize something is wrong and fix it, or Will consciously chooses to stay in the fake world and needs convincing to leave. This ties in with Billy as when it was discovered that his powers could reshape reality there was a conflict where multiple characters were unsure if Teddy was warped into being the ideal boyfriend or was straight up completely fabricated by Billy’s powers. Will’s idea of a perfect world would need to address him being in love with Mike, likely by him and Mike being together or having mutual feelings in the perfect world.
So that’s where I think the story could be going with Will next season, so now we can circle back around and talk about The big parallel: King Arthur and Merlin references. On the comic book side of things we have two boys (both of whom are gay) who are both massive nerds, one of which is secretly an alien prince that is basically destined to one day be king and pulls a special sword out of a stone on the request of a group of alien knights and is deemed by the knights to not be currently able to lead them because he is too loyal to his friends on earth to leave them behind or he wouldn’t be worthy of the sword. The other boy is a magician that unknowingly had reality warping powers (and is also a twin but that’s not super relevant here) a heavy association with wizards and is literally both married to the other boy and was also given the title of court magician a la Merlin by his husband. (Additionally Billy has been turned evil and in that state is referred to as demiurge which is a form of evil god responsible for the creation of the material world and a specific interpretation of this force is basically just what vecna is in canon)
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In stranger things we also have two nerdy boys, one of which is Mike who is heavily compared to a paladin and a leader but is depicted wielding a sword and shield in the painting, and the shield literally has a crown symbol on it and has some other evidence suggesting he gets a sword in s5. He also is way too self sacrificing and protective of his friend to the point he literally would rather throw himself off a cliff then living with the guilt of being the reason his friends got hurt. The other boy is Will who is gay and in love with his best friend, has a load of twin imagery with El, is very likely to have been the reason the upside down is mirroring Hawkins and is frozen in time, and has heavy wizard theming with an emphasis on him and Mike being a team and who has been literally possessed by Vecna.
So given that it’s possible Will and Mike draw inspiration from both Billy and Teddy and also Arthur and Merlin this makes a specific poster very interesting in my opinion:
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So we’ve all lost our minds over this image, and if we look at some comic covers of Billy and Teddy…….
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This is a really fun coincidence but I just think it’s neat and I wanted to share it with you!
Ps: These two also had romantic subtext that fans picked up on way sooner then it was revealed in story as well…..it’s almost like byler might be romantic y’all/s
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kryptonitecore · 8 months
Re-Read: Transformers: Infiltration, #0-6
First things first, humans. Infiltration introduces its own crack team of teens and twenty-somethings to be the human viewpoint on the Autobot-Decepticon war, mostly centred around Verity Carlo, Hunter O’Nion, and Jimmy Pink. Now, Verity I am already familiar with courtesy of Wreckers things, but Hunter and Jimmy I don’t know from Adam.
Let’s start with Verity, my favourite of the group. I’m quite fond of Verity, and I don’t think it’s just because of Nick Roche’s version of her. I think as teenage protagonists being dropped into stories about ancient robots go, she’s an interesting one. However, while I like the concept of Verity there are some things in the writing surrounding her that I’m not a fan of. The references to Verity fearing Hunter are mostly played for jokes, but they’re a little too close together for my taste. I don’t know, it’s just the idea that a teenage girl and runaway with no support network who hitchhikes regularly being afraid of harassment is both pretty sad and pretty understandable, plus having multiple jokes about it/references to it so close together means that it’s harder to skim over those if they don’t land.
On a sort of related note, one of the things that really makes Verity stand out is her fear of rejection or abandonment, which causes her to preemptively reject connections with others, including by being hostile or sullen. I really like this, it’s a nice, distinct character trait and it makes the relationships with any Cybertronians more complex, as there is resistance and hesitation on both sides. However, with the way Verity is written I sometimes get the sense that her emotional volatility is mostly being used as a way to bond the male characters together. It happens almost immediately, where she gets annoyed over something and then Hunter and Ratchet, who have never met before, start talking about how ‘prickly’ she is. Not to preempt some of the later volumes of this series, but I think this is a habit that Furman had with Verity and, considering his track record, it kind of rubs me the wrong way.
Hunter and Jimmy are both alright, but I’m interested to see if they go anywhere. I’m particularly curious as to why Hunter is such a massive believer in the presence of mechanical aliens on Earth, considering it’s portrayed as a niche, conspiracy theory-esque idea? As in, he’s a full blown ‘drop out of work or school, sell my stuff, get in a van, and drive around trying to find proof’ kind of believer. Perhaps he’s supposed to come across as particularly gullible, but he doesn’t seem to go in for any other beliefs in the same vein. Another alternative is that he has had some kind of personal experience or connection that has convinced him, but we’ll see. I don’t know, I’m just used to the idea that people who tend to go for conspiracy theories that intensely tend to believe in multiple things. I don’t know how common it is to have one incredibly intense belief in one theory and then otherwise be completely grounded.
However, I did run into one of my repeated things with Furman’s character writing, and I think it’s that he has a sort of resting voice that he goes into? He mostly uses it in narration, but he will also sometimes use it for characters and suddenly different people with different personalities and backgrounds and interests will be talking the same way - at points I thought Verity sounded like Hunter who sounded like Jimmy who sounded like Ratchet, but I think it was all because they actually sounded like Simon Furman’s narration style. It’s not all the time, which is good, it just happens in a few scenes.
The Decepticons were not a major presence in a lot of this story. They are present as a threat, but they’re very quiet. Starscream is quite contained (by his standards), Megatron appears (and it’s a cool moment!) but he’s also speechless, and the others yell or groan - we even get an ‘ehh’ when one of them gets hurt.
There are some strengths to this comic. For example, the hilarity of the top secret Decepticon base just being… stuck out of a mountainside with an enormous purple sigil to it is incredible, as is Ratchet’s uncanny-valley-dwelling avatar who just never stops smiling and who doesn’t move his mouth when he’s supposed to talk. The idea of an infiltration protocol is also interesting and has a lot of potential for human-centric stories, so that’s valuable for the series as a whole, and the introduction of Megatron was really quite imposing, I think that artist nailed that bit and the sheer scale of him from Verity’s perspective.
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Seriously, it's just there.
I’ve got some reservations about Infiltration overall, but I’m happy to give the rest of the series a go and see how it ends up.
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donasarah · 2 years
Books I read in 2022
In previous years, I would set my reading goals to 25, 30 books, never quite managing to reach them. I have accepted that I am a rather slow reader in 2022. With that said, I set the goal of 12 books this year, averaging a book a month. This let me indulge in longer books, and take my time with denser ones. I finished 19, and I aim to read 12 again in 2023. In no particular order: -Star Wars: Specter of the Past (Timothy Zahn) -Star Wars: The Fallen Star (Claudia Gray) -Out of the Dark (David Weber) -The Space Between Worlds (Micaiah Johnson) -Into the Light (David Weber, Chris Kennedy) X -Carrie (Stephen King) -Jurassic Park (Michael Crichton) -Necromancer (Gordon R. Dickson) X -The Jewel of the Seven Stars (Bram Stoker) X -The Lost World (Michael Crichton) -Bird By Bird (Anne Lamont) X -Hav (Jan Morris) -A Winter Haunting (Dan Simmons) -I, Vampire (Jody Scott) -The Dying Earth (Jack Vance) -Eaters of the Dead (Michael Crichton) -Interview with the Vampire (Anne Rice) X -Orlando (Virginia Woolf) -Trieste and the Meaning of Nowhere (Jan Morris)
The five books with "X" at the end indicate that I did not finish the books, and have no wish to return to them (with exception of Into the Light, which I will talk about later.) Generally, I feel as if a book has struck me wrong, I don't waste time finishing the novel. I have far too many books I wish to read to spend valuable time finishing bad ones. The beginning of the year overflowed from 2021 in where I read far too many Star Wars novels. While I always will be a fan of Star Wars, my time reading the expanded material has ended. No matter how good they are, they fail to inspire me creatively, ultimately being products on the assembly line. If I ever want to break out as a writer, I realize I must read outside of the narrow space opera setting. I read a surprising number of Michael Crichton books this year, an author I will probably never pick up again. Not to say he is a bad writer, but that he is one that doesn't really appeal to me on a general basis. But as I binged every Jurassic Park movie (and groaned at the franchise), I decided to read the books it was based on. My copy of Jurassic Park was actually gifted to me by a coworker from the Worst Job I Have Ever Had, so I had been meaning to give it a go anyhow. And it was just alright! In typical hard sci-fi affair, it had a ton of interesting ideas and clashing of philosophies, but lacked in character depth. Lost World, on the other hand, was a bit phoned in, and I do not really recommend it. It's clear that Crichton has an affinity for the Arthur Conan Doyle book of the same name, but the actual prose was uninspired. Eaters of the Dead, on the other hand, might be a contender for the best book I read this year. Short, fast, and historically interesting, Eaters of the Dead has amazing characterization of Viking and Islamic culture of the late 900s AD, and has a twist villain that blew me away. It was so good, I dare not read any other Crichton book after this. I do not want to bitter the excellence of Eaters of the Dead.
I cannot recall if I spoke of Into the Dark in a previous year that I gave it a try, but the controversy of the novel is what sparked my interest. Weber is not an author I would likely read usually (much like Crichton, I realize), as he writes mostly military sci-fi. This genre is not shy about it's right-wing slanted world views, and Into the Dark is no different. Characters love talking about their guns, to the point I would call Into the Dark gun porn. Aliens invade the "modern day" world (when written, 2010), and humans fight back! The twist is that the humans straight up lose, and have to be bailed out by Count Dracula. Yes, real Dracula. The most hilarious twist in any book I have ever read. I had high hopes for the sequel, released some 12 years later, but Into the Light hardly leans into the goofy camp of the vampire reveal. Instead, it seemed embarrassed that it had done that, and hardly brings it up. So I put it down for now, but perhaps in 2023 I will give it another shake.
My best discovery this year was the author Jan Morris, and her book entitled Hav (which is truly a novel and novella combined into one volume). Jan is truly one of the most interesting people I have ever read about, and it brings me such sadness to learn she passed in 2020. Her work and career stand as monumental inspirations to me, and knowing I missed the chance to thank her by just two years feels like some type of irony. Hav is a fictional peninsula in Greece, but the way Morris writes about it makes it more real than some towns I have visited. Her name was achieved in the arena of travel writing, so when Hav was released in the 80s, people tried to book flights to a place that did not exist. If that wasn't interesting enough, Hav stands as a scathing and humbling reflection of the European world, and ends on the strange foreboding feeling, cashed in by the followup novella and mirrored by how 9/11 shaped the world. All that would make Jan Morris a good writer. But her journey from James Morris to Jan Morris makes her legendary, because yeah, on top of being a fantastic writer, she is one of the first prominently public British transgender people, flying to Russia in the 70s to receive gender affirming surgery. Did I mention she also fought in World War 2, and was the first reporter to climb Mount Everest successfully? Trieste is the capstone to her career, blending all the experiences she has had in life and distilling them down to the characterization of a single Italian city (or as the book goes on to say, a city that happens to be the capital of Nowhere.) I cannot wait to read more of her work in 2023. Orlando by Virginia Woolf might take the spot for the best book I have read this year. It's the only book on the list that I plan to reread again, once I find a copy that isn't falling apart at the spine. For how famous and influential this book is, it is surprisingly hard to track down a copy. Across four books stores, two used two new, I could only find one copy, and by the time I was finished, the spine had completely splintered into dust. But it was absolutely worth reading, even in that condition, and I eagerly await the chance to read it again.
I, Vampire was a book I read based on the cover and back blurb, and it was the craziest book I read this year. A vampire and alien fall in love, while in the background the author delivers some of the most sarcastic and biting criticism of modern day capitalism I have read in a pulpy sci-fi novel. It's great stuff, and I can't wait to find a copy of the first book in this apparent trilogy!
The worst book I read this year was certainly The Space Between Worlds. I do not really have a hot take associated with it, other than it was a mess of a book and needed at least two more drafts to make it a little more readable. It's clear that this was a debut novel, and I did buy it brand new, so I wish Ms. Johnson the best of luck with the next novel. Here's to another year of finding good books to read.
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gar-trek · 4 years
please share what you have to say about food cubes!!
I was feeling a little apprehensive about releasing the TOS Food Document™ because it is so damn long…. But since you asked anon
This is focused solely on food as it appears in the original series. Whatever explanation of food synthesizer/replicator that may come in later series does to apply here. I am also not a Star Trek expert. I’m sure there is some super fan out there who knows everything there is to know about food in TOS, but that person is not me. This is just my thoughts as I’ve observed instances where food is shown or mentioned in TOS. If my thought process is flawed, or I make some claims that don’t really make sense, I am sorry. The food canon is very complicated and vague, so this is me just trying my best to make sense of it. I’d also like to mention I did not explicitly cover the meal scene in What Are Little Girls Made Of? Or the ice cream scene from And The Children Shall Lead, but I do make reference to them. I’m sure there are other food scenes I didn’t get to cover here, so if I’m missing a few pieces, I’m sorry.
Anyway… let’s get into it!
The original series, food, and other things that keep me up at night
I don’t care about continuity or plot holes in Star Trek: The Original Series, and if I did, I think the show would become rather unwatchable. It’s not about what happens to get us from plot point A to B, but more important that we do get there (ie, who cares how or why Spock’s brain has been removed from his body, it’s more important that we do get it back inside).
This being said, there is one aspect to TOS that baffles me to no end, and its something I just cannot overlook: the food. Food, the entire concept of it as it appears in TOS haunts me. Each time they show or mention food it makes less and less sense. It’s a never-ending nightmare and I spend every day trying to understand what goes on in the Enterprise Cafeteria. Today I would like to explore a couple food instances on TOS, and hopefully make a little sense of what is happening.
The first chilling incident: The Man Trap (S1E2) - Rand is a thief
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In this episode, we see Yeoman Rand on her way to deliver Sulu his meal. She is carrying a tray of colored food cubes (which is what I will be referring to them as here, because there is no official name) and what we can assume to be some kind of alien variant of celery (earth celery with some red crap stuck on top). While waiting for the turbo lift, Rand eats one of the celery sticks intended for Sulu. My question is why. Like literally why does this happen. Sulu never mentions it (maybe he doesn’t notice). She never mentions it to him, which means we can assume she doesn’t want him to know. So why is Rand stealing food? Does she not get enough to eat? Is the limits for how much you get to eat on the Enterprise that strict you need to turn to thievery to get a proper meal? and if that the case, she’s shorting Sulu on his allotted food. In this same scene, we see Ensign Green (who is really a salt-sucking monster) make a grab for the tray as if he too is going to steal Sulu’d food. However, Rand slaps his hand away and asks “who do you think you are?”, a hypocritical statement considering Rand is also in the act of stealing food. So Rand, I must pose the same question to you. This scene has no resolution, so any interpretation is up to the viewer. Whether you think Rand's actions make her a girlboss or a thief, is up to you, however, one thing is undeniably true: Rand eats food off other people's plates.
Other food-related things of note in this episode is that Sulu sprinkles salt on the celery sticks. This means they are either bland or that's just his personal taste. Also, when Rand gives him his tray, he says “may the great bird of the galaxy bless your planet” and this has nothing really to do with food, I just thought it was kind of badass.
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(Sulu’s food tray with 3 celery instead of 4 because Rand ate one)  
Incident two: Charlie X (S1E3) - synthetic meatloaf
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In Charlie X, we see Captain Kirk make this comment in passing:
“Today on earth it is Thanksgiving, if the crew has to eat synthetic meatloaf I want it to look like turkey.”
This statement leaves us with a couple undeniable truths:
1. Meatloaf is a meal option on the Enterprise.
2. It is synthetic, meaning the meatloaf may not contain any meat at all.
3. It is not shaped like turkey, but it is possible to do so.
if the meatloaf served on the Enterprise is synthetic, then it very well could be made out of the same stuff the colored food cubes are made out of. Also, (and this is pure speculation so take it with a grain of salt) since we never hear anyone refer to the colored food cubes by name, they could literally be the “synthetic meatloaf” that Kirk is referring to here. In this case, the term synthetic meatloaf would not mean a synthetic version of the popular American dish meatloaf but instead loafs of synthetic meat. Since we do not know exactly what synthetic meat looks like, it very well could be brightly colored cubes.
In either case, Kirk is asking them to turn synthetic food from one shape to another. We understand this is possible through the food synthesizer, however, if all the food they eat on the Enterprise is synthetic anyway, then why did Kirk specifically mention synthetic meatloaf in the shape of turkey? would the turkey not instead be made out of synthetic turkey? why must the synthetic turkey be made specifically out of meatloaf? isn’t every single food that comes out of the food synthesizer made out of the same thing? It would have made more sense for Kirk to say “it's thanksgiving so can you made the food synthesizers produce turnkey?”. However, Kirk is like, a really cool guy, so it is possible that the meatloaf comment is just a fun joke. Either way, we know that synthetic meatloaf is a standard menu item on the enterprise, yet we have never seen anyone consume it.
Incident 3: The Corbomite Maneuver (S1E11) - Green leaves
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In this episode, Kirk goes in for a physical, and Doctor McCoy reports that the captain is 2 pounds overweight. In response to this, the Doctor changes the captain's dietary card to help him lose a little wight (🙄). We later see the captain served a “dietary salad” in place of his usual meals. The existence of dietary salad is interesting for many reasons. Most importantly, we understand that dietary salad is somehow better for you than what is usually served on the Enterprise. It most likely has a lower caloric intake than say, colored food cubes. However, as discussed before, most if not all the food on the Enterprise is synthetic. If the food is created, and not naturally made, then one can assume its caloric value can be controlled. Would it not be possible to make a lower-calorie version of colored food cubes? one would assume that the cubes are made to have the perfect amount of nutrients to satisfy yet keep humans a healthy weight if they are in fact a form of synthetic man-made food. How would the captain overeat, if portions are pre-determined by dietary cards? Is Kirk somehow going rouge and consuming food that is not created by the food synthesizer (the captain's secret cookie stockpile??).
The existence of this salad also begs another question: is it synthetic as well, or are they growing fresh salad on the Enterprise? We do know that they are able to grow things on the ship, however, there has never been any discussion of growing crops specifically for consumption. If this is the case though, it may explain why we often see crew members eating celery sticks. Perhaps things like celery sticks and dietary salads are grown on the Enterprise, but all other food is synthetically created. In which case, who’s job is it to harvest food and prepare it for meals? Did Rand have to put that dietary salad together all on her own?
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One more interesting point about the Salad: When Kirk first receives it, he asks
“what in the devil is this? Green leaves?”
which prompts Rand to explain that it’s a salad. It is very possible that Kirk genuinely has no idea what a salad is. He may have never had one, nor heard of the food in his entire life. Later we see him eat the salad with his hands, which further proves the point that captain kirk doesn't know what salad is. Why captain Kirk would somehow have no knowledge of salad is up to speculation.
Incident 4: The conscience of the king (S1E14) - Cry over spilled milk 
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In this episode, Lieutenant Riley is served colored food cubes and a glass of what appears to be milk. There isn’t much of significance here, other than the fact we know it is possible to get a glass of milk with your meal on the Enterprise. Unlike Sulu, Riley doesn’t have any celery sticks but seems to have a larger serving of colored food cubes as compensation. We also learn that milk is served in a large glass, something that seems very impractical on a starship.
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Riley proves my point moments later when he spills milk on a control panel and shatters the glass. This begs the question, who is going to clean that up?
Incident 5: Tomorrow is Yesterday (S1E20) - Chicken noodle soup
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In this episode, the Enterprise accidentally beams a 60′s army man abroad their ship (for the second time). This random chad ensign asks the man if he’s hungry because he’s a troll I guess and he wanted to flex their cool future food machine. The army captain guy is like sure, I could go for some chicken soup right now (a very natural response to being beamed onto a spaceship for the first time). Chad ensign has like three cards in front of him, and I guess one of them just happens to be chicken soup because he puts it in the machine and the soup appears. Grant it, we never actually get to see the soup with out own eyes, but the army captain does seem to be pretty convinced that it is chicken soup just by the smell. This opens up a couple possibilities:
-The food synthesizer can make almost anything you want, and the card is maybe like a very broad category, like a dinner card, and when you put it in you can pick any dinner food you’d like.
-The food synthesizer can only make what is specific to each card, and the ensign just got extremely lucky and happened to have a card that was the exact food the army captain wanted.
More evidence, which we will go over later, points more towards the theory that one card is equal to one specific type of food. In this case, it is unclear how the synthesizer food cards are distributed, or how you get your pick of what food you would like. It is also more likely that options would be limited. This does make sense, however, it makes this scene very confusing, as, as I’ve pointed out, the ensign had a very limited number of cards, but exactly what the captain had asked for. Pure luck? what mind game was that Chad ensign trying to play with the poor man who was abducted from earth... we will never know.
One more very interesting thing is established here: The transporter room has a food synthesizer. Why this is is purely up to speculation. In my mind, having a food synthesizer in the transporter room would be like having a full kitchen where you park your car. Seems pretty useless, but maybe the guys in the transporter room requested easy access to snacks? Why the transporter room would get this special privilege is again, up to speculation.
Incident 6: Space Seed (S1E23) - Dinner with Khan
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In Space Seed a special dinner is put together to welcome Khan onto the Enterprise. We see that they are being served colored food cubes and celery sticks. Doctor McCoy walks into the dining room and comments about how the display is “very impressive”. However, this seems like a very unusual comment considering we are shown the only food we have ever seen consumed on the Enterprise. What exactly makes this food “impressive” as compared to other celery sticks and colored food cubes? Is there some way to tell this particular food is better that we don’t know about, but is obvious to everyone on the Enterprise?
There is also a chance that Doctor McCoy is just very easily impressed with food, and upon seeing any food spread he is likely to comment in wonder. Note the way Scotty is looking at McCoy. His face is a mixture of confusion, judgment, and pity. Perhaps Scotty is thinking to himself “bruh, it’s literally just colored food cubes chill out man,”. There is no explanation as to why Scotty is giving McCoy such a look, so this very well could be the case. Even though it is a silly explanation, I don’t think it should be ruled out that one of McCoy’s personality traits is being overly excited about food of any kind.  
Incident 7: Journey to Babel (S2E10) Party food
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Much like in Space Seed, in this episode, we get to see a meal put together for a special occasion. All the diplomates are getting down at a mixer where a spread of food has been provided. These snacks seem very similar to colored food cubes, however I do think they differ. They may be the same type of food, but different in some way. In which case colored food cubes is an overarching category of food, and here we see two different types. The smaller more brightly colored cubes can be put in drinks, though if this is what you are supposed to do with them, or just the preference of that one alien species I do not know. Though I must point out, we have seen colored food cubes served in brown sauce in What are Little Girls Made Of? (S1E8) so it is not completely unheard of to have your colored food cubes served soggy.
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The other type of colored food cubes we see are a lot larger and more pair shaped (in reality, they probably were just skinned pairs dipped in food coloring, but for this essay, it’s important that we completely ignore the fact there is another life outside of Star Trek). Now to me, these are very interesting, because the dull color and apparent texture are a lit more similar to standard colored food cubes we have seen thus far. I would even go o far to say that this is the same exact food, just sans the cubed shape. So really, standard colored food cubes are just the cubed version of whatever this food is. This, again, is just speculation, but it does point us to the fact that colored food cubes are not naturally cubed (I’m going somewhere with this is promise)
Incident 8: The Trouble With Tribbles (S2E15) The trouble with Chicken sandwichs
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Here we see Kirk attempting to order a chicken sandwich and coffee. What he gets instead is a plate full of tribbles,  hilarity ensues. I think this scene is interesting because we can add to our list of food items that are on the menu at the enterprise cafeteria: chicken sandwich. However, this is another food item we do not see. There is no way of knowing if the Enterprise's version of a chicken sandwich is what we would imagine a chicken sandwich to be. Much like the meatloaf and the soup, because we do not see it, there is no way of knowing if the food exists in the way that we as 21st-century people understand it. The events of TOS take place more than 200 years in our future, so to speculate that food could change a lot during that time isn’t a stretch. I don’t know, just some food for thought (lol)
Incident 9: By Any Other Name (S2E22) Living deliciously
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In this episode, an alien taking the form of a human enjoys some colored food cubes. He makes a comment about how they are good they are while enthusiastically eating his food. This is a very important moment because it tells us that colored food cubes do taste good. In fact, they taste really good. Just before he eats, the alien comments on how humans could just take pills that give them all their nutrient needs and give up food completely (think the Jetsons cartoon). On the Enterprise, they do not eat just to live, but because they enjoy their food as well. This tells us that colored food cubes are at the very least, worth eating, and at the best, very delicious.
One more interesting thing: Spock is eating some kind of soup while everyone else enjoys colored food cubes. This could be a Vulcan preference, however, we know that Spock is vegetarian. This could be alluding to the fact that Colored Food Cubes are made out of meat.
Yes, I asked a lot more questions than I answered. There are some things that make absolutely no sense to me, primarily, the food synthesizer and diet cards. Some evidence points to the fact that the food synthesizer can make practically anything (see Tomorrow is Yesterday, And the Children Shall Lead). However, one dietary card is equal to one specific food, which would mean they would have to produce a lot of these dietary cards if there is many meal options. How these cards are distributed, and what their limitations are, we do not know. And although we do not know the limits of what the food synthesizer can create, we do know these food have been served on the enterprise at least at one point:
-colored food cubes (variety)
-synthetic meatloaf
-synthetic turkey (Thanksgiving Special)
-Dietary Salad
-Chicken Soup
-Chicken Sandwich
-Mystery Soup
-Ice cream (variety of flavors)
All of this food (except for maybe the dietary salad and celery) are synoptically created, so what they are actually made up of, I cannot say.
And finally, I would like to make a point about the colored food cubes. I think upon first inspection one would assume colored food cubes is a dish created specifically for space travel (think the food created for modern-day astronauts to consume in space). However, we learned that there is possibly a variety of colored food cube dishes. Since there is such a wide variety of food on the Enterprise, why would they also need to create a food specifically for space travel? I think that colored food cubes are actually a common dish, not intended specifically for space travel. Perhaps it was an alien food that got popular on earth, maybe it was a dish developed later in Earth's history by humans. I can only speculate, but I do think it is more than just boring space food. Everyone seems to have a preference for it, so I think it’s a dish you can eat over and over again and not get sick of. What colored food cubes taste like is completely up to speculation, but I would assume they are a savory food, considering we often see people enjoying them for their main meal.
I still have more to say, but for the sake of everyone, I’ll end it there. This was a lot of thought dumping, so if some of the things I said made no sense at all, I’m sorry. I’d love to hear some of your thoughts on TOS food! please share with me what you think colored food cubes would taste like :)
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scarlett-v-the-fox · 3 years
Orbulon Blog Entries
Hey Orbulon fans! I recently translated Orbulon’s blog on the WarioWare Mega Microgame$ website. Because he’s a favorite, I decided to share his first.
Disclaimer: My Japanese isn’t perfect, and I had to look up a lot of words used. But I’m confident 95% of this is correct!
Feel free to ask me any questions!
February 28, Friday “Here, I will publish my daily life on Earth. Since it has to be written in Japanese, it is very difficult to type. Since I have a 300 IQ, I will do my best. Today, I saw "Japanese language course" on a spaceship. Studying was awkward, but the assistant woman was cute.”
March 1, Saturday “It seems that the game tournament will be held at 9-Volt-san’s house tomorrow. I heard that we will play a game called "Nintendo Puzzle Collection.” I have an IQ of 300, and I practiced a lot on the games. I will surely be the best.”
March 2, Sunday “Today was the game tournament. Because of the practice, I had a good fight, but I couldn't beat 9-Volt-san. Earthlings are quite crazy. Even though I practiced a lot, I regretted that I couldn't be the best and I lied, saying, "I played it for the first time." I hate being beaten.”
March 3, Monday “I was worried about the lie yesterday, so I went to tell 9-Volt-san the truth. He said, "It's not embarrassing to practice." That's exactly what it is, informative.”
March 4, Tuesday “I met Mona-san today. Mona-san talked about her school a lot. School looks very easy, and it made me want to go there. Mona likes me, she doesn’t treat me like an alien.”
March 5, Wednesday “I lived in a spaceship above the sky, but today there was a breakdown and I crash-landed on earth. I fell into Wario-san’s house, but he wasn’t angry at all. Wario-san is a generous person.”
March 6, Thursday “I saw Jimmy-san at the park. He was playing basketball by himself. Jimmy-san looked a little lonely, so I thought I’d join him. But I’m not very good at exercising, so I stopped soon afterwards. But when I think about it now, he’s a friend of mine. I could have just stopped to talk to him.”
March 7, Friday “I had promised this for a long time, so today I am putting Spitz-san in the spaceship. Somehow, he was really impressed and firm. …It seems that Spitz-san’s Japanese had been thought thoroughly a little.”
March 8, Saturday “We all had a barbecue today. I didn’t know that barbecues used fire, and I brought “space carrots.” However, space carrots are vulnerable to heat, so they vaporized. I’m sorry. As for other foods, everyone was angry, saying, “Wario-san had almost eaten everything.” But actually, Mona-san ate a lot too. I’m not good with hot food, so I could barely eat it. Jimmy-san looked much happier than the day before yesterday at the park alone. Everyone seemed to have fun, so I enjoyed it.”
March 9, Sunday “Because it was cold today, many people caught the cold. There is a saying that goes like, “A fool doesn’t catch a cold.” I have an IQ of 300, but I didn’t catch a cold. Am I stupid? I feel anxious about it.”
March 10, Monday “Today I landed on earth to buy food, but it was raining, so my spaceship got soaked in water. I returned to space in a hurry, but I’m worried it will rust. There is no rain in space. My spaceship is not waterproof.”
March 11, Tuesday “What the?! Today, I was sleeping for ten hours, and I woke up frustrated! It’s best to stay away from me!”
March 13, Thursday “I’m sorry for yelling the other day. It seems that I have slept for 36 hours to make up for my lack of sleep. I’m feeling a little confused. Oh no! I missed yesterday’s Japanese class! Well, at least I can see the rebroadcast.”
March 14, Friday “Due to the leak the other day, the spaceship rusted a little. I was worried, so I got a repair from Crygor-san. It had been waterproofed, so I don’t have to worry even when it rains! I was told the repair cost was lower because he was my friend. He’s a kind person.”
March 15, Saturday “It can get boring on the spaceship, so I took a walk to “Waves with a Voice.” Some of the sea shells on the sandy beach resembled the shape of a star from my home planet. When I looked at it, I knew I haven’t returned to my home planet for more than a thousand years. Do my friends still remember me...?”
March 16, Sunday “Suddenly I felt lonely, so I went to Wario-san's house. However, he was away, so I went to see Jimmy-san. However, he was away, so I went to see Mona-san. However, she was away, so I went to see 9-Volt-san. However, he was away, so I searched for Dribble-san's taxi. But I couldn't find it, so I went to see Crygor-san. Then Kat-san and Ana-san were together, so the three of us seemed to have some fun, then I went home without speaking to them. After all, I'm lonely, so I'm going to sleep today.”
March 17, Monday “I'm a little angry. Today I put Wario-san on the spaceship. It seemed to be his first time, so it was fun for him. However, Wario-san suddenly wanted to poop, so he told me to take down the spaceship. I don't poop, so this spaceship doesn't have a toilet. Wario went wild so much that the spacecraft lost its balance and crashed in a straight line. And Wario went somewhere to look for a toilet. At times like this, it's at least awkward.”
March 18, Tuesday “I went to Crygor-san to get to the spaceship fixed. He seems to be doing a lot of repairs lately, so he was a little annoyed. I apologized. That’s why I got harassed again yesterday. This is his eighth repair.”
March 19, Wednesday “I was invited to 9-Volt-san's house today. I was shown a powerful weapon called a raygun. The raygun is an epoch-making weapon that is effective only against the enemy called a gunman. I, 9-Volt-san, and Fronk-san were completely fine even if they were shot. Although the enemy gunman was small, he was a hard worker, and no matter how many times he was defeated, he stood up. It ’s a toy enemy, but it’s awesome.”
March 20, Thursday “Suddenly, I decided to go on a space trip with Wario-san and the others. Crygor-san made a big spaceship. Maybe I can go back to my home planet. I'm really looking forward to it. I'll be away from the earth for a while, so I’ll make a recording reservation for the Japanese language course.”
April 15, Tuesday “Crygor-san’s spaceship seemed to be in bad condition, so he returned to earth immediately. It’s a pity, I thought I was going back to my home planet. But when I came back, the videos for three weeks worth of Japanese language course were recorded. I feel a little better!”
April 16, Wednesday “I just woke up, but it's pitch black outside. I'm sure it's jet lag. If I stay up like this, I will wake up tomorrow in the dark, so I will go to bed today. Good night.”
April 17, Thursday “I've been watching 3 weeks worth of Japanese language lessons today. After all, it seems better to see these things little by little every day. "Continuation is power". Oh, this phrase came out in the Japanese language course I saw today. I'm glad to use it immediately!”
April 18, Friday “Suddenly, Wario-san came to my spaceship. He didn't seem to want any particular business, but I didn't want him to rampage the spaceship again, so I didn't deal with him very much. He went home after a while, but at that time he forgot some white paper. It was mail that arrived at the Wario Company. Wario-san brought this to me because he wanted to show it to me. I regret my rudeness. I should have served him tea and sweets.”
April 19, Saturday “It was warm today, so I went to the park and read the mail to the Wario Company, which Wario-san left behind yesterday. I'm very impressed because there was a person who called the game I made "Omoshiroi!” I feel that I am one step closer to conquering the earth. I happened to meet Jimmy-san in the park, so I gave him the mail.”
April 20, Sunday “I dreamed of skipping rope with a friend of mine back on my home planet. I feel the need to go back to my home planet. It seems that it will take awhile to conquer Earth, so I want to go back after 1000 years.”
April 21, Monday “As souvenirs for my friends at my home planet, I bought 256 Game Boy Advance SPs and 256 "WarioWare" copies. This is so they can play the game I made. But 1000 years ago, I had about 16 friends, so I have to start by making more friends. ♪ I wonder if I can make 240 more friends...”
April 22, Tuesday “I forgot something important. It was my materials for studying Japanese after returning to my home planet. Since “Continuation is power,” I had continue studying even when I was not at Earth. I bought a lot of Japanese related books at the bookstore. Now I’m good.”
April 23, Wednesday “I tested whether or not the spacecraft could fly without any problems. Then it didn’t work at all! I was surprised to find out that it was too heavy after trying every method. The Japanese language books I bought yesterday were too heavy. The number of books I carry is now reduced to one-tenth. I gave nine of them to Wario, who seems to not be very good at speaking Japanese. …I’m finally leaving tomorrow.”
April 24, Thursday “Just as I was about to leave for my home planet, I was called by Wario-san. It was about talking to everyone who worked on "WarioWare.” I really wanted to leave right away, but it's not a big deal to be one day late compared to the time of 1000 years, so it's okay. It was my first time to talk with everyone like this, so it was quite exciting. I feel like making something again, but it's a little difficult because I haven't been on Earth for a while.”
April 25, Friday “I'm leaving. I was careless, but this is the end of the Earth Report because I am returning to my home planet. Until now, I've been writing sentences in Japanese so much, and thanks to the report, I've improved considerably. Sometimes it took me 5 hours to type for a day's report, but that's also studying. I'm sorry that my diary is over, but everyone is fine. Finally, I will write the answers to my "Treasure Map" and "Cryptanalysis.” The answer to "Treasure Map" is "Mushroom Island". The picture on the right is "zebra", "yo-yo", "whale", "pig", and "moon" from the top, so the first word is "plant". On the three islands, the plant is "mushroom", so "mushroom island" is the answer. The answer to "Cryptanalysis" is "There is a hidden page of Wario's crossword." Did you understand?”
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adiwriting · 3 years
So I feel like after the last episode, Kaliz (is that Kyle/Liz/Max..?) is going to become canon… I’m a big KyLiz fan and I feel like with the power of Kyle and Liz combined they could bring out the best in Max…
Oh man. Listen- I’m a huge fan of Kaliz. I just think there is a lot of benefit to every one of those characters within that triad. Kyle/Liz is such a great pairing because of the history, family, and genuine love between them. Echo are clearly soulmates, so there’s that. But then we get Max/Kyle and I think this season has really shown what a strong pairing that is. Kyle clearly cares a great deal for Max and vice versa.
Kyle is struggling a bit this season. He’s overworked and a bit lost but finds his purpose by helping others. He gives and gives of himself until there is nothing left. Liz would challenge him. She could help him learn to take things for himself and aim high (once she herself learned to give as much as she takes). Max would be endlessly supportive and would make sure that Kyle rested. He would be the kind of boyfriend to see one of their friends asking Kyle for non-emergent help and step in the middle and say “he’ll help tomorrow.” And then would remind Kyle he needs to rest his brilliant mind too and drive him home to make sure he did just that.
Liz has a lot of abandonment issues left over from her mom. She’s never felt quite good enough, which is why her ambition is so high (at the point of being destructive at times). She’s trying to prove her worth. She’s got big goals and when she meets them and she still isn’t fulfilled, she makes bigger ones. And she’s always going to leave before she can be left. That’s a lot of energy to take on for one person. Kyle has the ability to tell Liz all of her faults and say the hard truths she needs to hear, while simultaneously loving her through them and being supportive. She needs someone to tell her no that she’ll hear. Kyle doesn’t accept any of her bullshit. But he’s also loyal and at her side and never leaving. That’s important for Liz. Then we have Max. Need I say more? I think we all know the many many ways that Max loves Liz and how that has helped her open up her heart more. With the combined love of Kyle and Max, I believe Liz can start to get over her fear of being left and her need to leave first. I think they can both find ways to support her work and make her feel valued enough for her to find her worth in more than just her work.
Then there’s Max. Max has got his own mountain of self worth issues that he has kept deeply hidden his entire life because he doesn’t think he’s allowed to have them. Max who, could arguably be diagnosed with depression when his melodrama isn’t being played for a laugh or used against him in an argument. Kyle has shown such genuine care for Max this season that it’s hard not to see how good that is for Max. To have somebody concerned about his wellbeing and constantly looking after him and wanting to help. Kyle would take care of his physical health, sure sure. But I imagine that Kyle would be the first to suggest Max take care of his mental health. To try and convince him to find a therapist to talk to. To help him figure out how to talk through his issues without revealing the alien of it all. To prescribe him his first anti-depressant and/or anti-anxiety meds. Kyle would care about Max’s every need and attend to it, and after everything in Max’s life started falling apart and he started to lose himself last season... that would mean everything to Max. Then there’s Liz. Max’s Liz. Who is clearly his soulmate. The only woman who’s ever truly been able to make him happy. Liz’s love will go a long way in helping him find the boy he once was... and if that boy never existed, maybe find the guy he wants to be? Help ground him to Earth and Max Evans and remind him of what he’s fighting all these demons for.
So, do I think this show will give me Kaliz? No. I don’t believe the show would ever go there (despite 2.06). But man am I enjoying every single scene this season that’s fueling the fire! I’ll take them all and then headcanon a triad relationship into it.
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HASO “Dream Come True.”
Hope you guys enjoy, and hope you all have a great day!
Adam took a drink before setting the glass back down on the table. Across from him, Donovan Red took a pull on his whisky, drinking deeply before setting his glass down wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
“I’m Sorry about your man….. I didn’t intend for things to go that way.” Adam said staring down at the amber liquid in the glass before him.
Donavan signed, “Not your fault. Sometimes pride gets the better of us, and it’s hard to admit that an outsider might be able to beat us at our own game.” he patted Adam on the shoulder, “But you saved my life, which means I am, and will forever be in your debt.” He smiled 
Adam tilted his head.
“That doesn’t seem to bother you too much.”
“I think there are much worse people to be indebted to. A least I know you won’t ask me to do something I don’t want to do. Not like other men I know.” He took another drink, the tattoos on his neck bobbing once and then twice as he swallowed, “So, tell me this favor that you are looking for. How can me and mine be of service.”
Adam sighed and slumped back in his seat. He felt like he should definitely be keeping quiet about what he wanted to tell the man, but it was hard keeping it to himself and the people on his ship.It would be nice if someone else knew what was going on.
And wasn’t that the point.
Isn’t that why he had come here.
“When I joined the UNSC, I never thought about politics. I was a fighter pilot and then a spaceship captain. I am no politician, but more and more I find myself having to do politics like things. People ask for my opinions on policy, and they encourage me to support one group over another. I have to manuver as a diplomat for the GA without trying to piss off the actual diplomat, who isn’t too happy that I sometimes get in the way of them doing their job.
I am the human representative to all of humanity, and I have to behave the right way, but, sometimes, in doing what I know is right people get mad at me for it. I am worried one day they are going to give me an order that I just can’t follow. Not to mention that I have suddenly become the figurehead for an entire political movement. Sometimes I have to make speeches now.” he threw up his hands, “I represent a coalition interested in cooperating with the GA and all her interests, but there is a very heavy isolationist mindset on earth that is mad that we ever even joined the UNSC. They have already attempted to assassinate me once, and I have no doubt that they are going to do it again.”
Donavan grunted and looked him over, “Yes, I remember hearing about that.” He looked Adam up and down slowly, “No offence, but you would make a shit politician.”
Adam sighed and nodded, “I know. The only reason that I have so much pull in the arena is based on what I represent, and how the GA feels about me, but now…. Now I am learning that there are factions of the GA that want me gone.”
Donavan rased an eyebrow in surprise, “The GA?”
Adam shrugged and sighed pushing his glass away from him, “Yes, some very powerful people are after me for something I never intended to do.”
“And who is this exactly?”
Adam shut his mouth forcing himself to think about it for a moment before finally making his decision.
He sighed and leaned back in his chair, “The chairwoman of the GA herself.”
Red almost choked on his drink, spewing some of it out onto the table before swallowing hard and setting his glass down very slowly.
“Adam nodded. I was chasing after some information, and infiltrated the pirate wing of the anti-alliance coalition as a man named captain Kell.”
Red held up a hand, “Hold on, YOU are Kell, no shit. I heard the guy was one badass pirate.”
Adam adjusted his eye-patch, “I AM one badass pirate, but either way, I used that cover to get to their leaders and saw a transmission being sent from the chairwoman of the GA that was ordering those men and women to kill me if they could manage it, and now I don’t know what to do. The chairwoman pretty much helped me get my job. As far as I can recall she was one of the most supportive when it came to my promotion to captain. Thought we were allies if not friends, and now I come to learn that she has been operating behind my back to stage my assasination.”
Red leaned up against the table, “Well no shit, that does suck.” He tapped his fingers together, “And of course you can’t tell anyone without proof, otherwise they aren’t going to believe you. If you are going to come up with allegations like those, then you are going to need hard evidence against her.
Adam nodded, “And I do have some evidence, the recording of what she said, but those sorts of things can be doctored. I need to expose her somehow. I don’t know how all of this fits in of course, but it is partially why I came to speak with you.”
Red waited and Adam continued.
“I can’t trust anyone within the GA, or even within the UNSC. My only option is to go outside the law like my enemies are doing. Fight fire with fire so to say. If they are using the criminal underbelly to try and kill me, then maybe I can use it to try and save me.”
Donavan was nodding slowly, “And you are hoping to fight fire with fire to speak?”
Adam sighed, “I don’t know what I am hoping , but I know for a fact you and your men have the most power in this system, enough that everyone knows but no one questions it. I know you can go deeper than I can ever attempt, and I was hoping that maybe you could keep an eye out for me, track the movements of the criminal underworld so to speak while I try and deal with those people who are pretending to do things legally.”
Red nodded slowly, ‘That is something I can do”
“But is it something you are willing to do?”
He tilted his head back thoughtfully to look up at the ceiling above, “I think it is. Not much different from things my men and I already do accept this time it is going to be for a worthy cause.”
He grinned, his gold capped teeth glittering in the dim light, “I-”
Just then, the implant in the side of his neck began to buzz. He held up a hand for Red to be silent, and the other man nodded leaning back in his seat to finish his drink as Adam answered the call.
“Madam president.” His tone of surprise roused red who raised an eyebrow.
“I have to say this is…. This is rather shocking. I didn’t know that you had this number.”
“I can have any number that interests me Admiral.”
“Yes of course.” He shifted nervously in his seat, “What can I do for you ma’am.”
“Do you know what important event happened on July 20th 1969, Admiral.”
He paused not entirely sure if this was a trick question.
“Go on. I know you of all people would know it.”
“The Apollo 11 moon landing ma’am.’
“More precisely, the 2051 anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing. And it has been long in coming but   the Global Aeronautics Space Division has decided to celebrate the occasion by recreating Apollo 11 down to every historical accuracy. The calculations will be done partially by hand and partially by computer. The Ship design will be exactly that of Apollo 11, etc. etc.”
Despite the stress he had been under the last few days, he felt his heart skip a beat.
“Wait, are…. Are you serious! That is amazing!”
“Yes yes.” She said cutting him off.
“And they want…. Or all of us want you to pilot that ship and command the mission as Commander Neil Armstrong would have in his time.”
The only response he was able to manage was a squeak, and he could feel the fangirl in him coming on hard and fast. He tried to clear his throat and remain professional, his heart pounding, a wide grin setting off across his face.
“Yes Ma’am you can count me in.”
“How confident are you that you can pilot the rocket?”
“I can fly anything ma’am.”
“Even so, we would like you back on earth as soon as possible to prepare for the event. This is a big historical recreation, and we want it to go as well as possible.”
“yes ma’am.”
The line went dead and he was no longer able to fight back the grin on his face.
Red watched him before standing, “We will get to work Admiral, and we will keep in contact. It’s good to know that my men and women are going to have something useful to occupy their time instead of sitting around twiddling their thumbs.”
Adam stood as well and took the man’s hand, “It should be a pleasure working with you.”
Red snorted skeptically, “You are too kind. I doubt it will be so pleasant, but consider yourself as a man who has friends in very low places.”
The two of them nodded and Adam excused himself back to his ship, racing towards his rooms with the giddy excitement of a school boy. The clind in him had awoken. He stopped to sit on the edge of his bed staring at the tiny recreated model of the lunar module sitting on the shelf above his bed glowing blue in the neon light above.
How cool was this going to be.
How dangerous was this going to be?
Eris was pleased to learn that she was not lactose intolerant. They hadn’t been sure based on her half alien half human anatomy if she would be able to handle some of the more harsh foods of the planet, but everything seemed to be working properly, a fact she was forever thankful for as she polished off her second bowl of ice cream.
She found the treat novel and delectable.
Leave it to human to think of eating flavored snow, or at least frozen cream.
And she liked it when they put little bits of candy on top.
Martha Sat on the floor next to the couch, and her husband sat in his chair watching ‘the Game’. Eris wasn’t sure what the rules were, but she liked watching them crash into each other. She wasn’t a big fan of all the talking they seemed to do in between the crashing together.
Martha and Jim had invited her to stay over for as long as she wanted after she told them the more detailed story of her life. They had been shocked  but ultimately unsurprised to learn that she was less than three years old feeling sorry that she never got to have her childhood.
That’s why they were treating her like this, she knew.
They wanted to give her that little bit of her childhood.
She worried that they would be annoyed at her presence, but they seemed to have time with her sticking around indefinitely as far as she could tell . She wasn’t sure how long she was going to be staying, but for now, she was happy where she was.
Of course part of her being welcome had something to do with how Martha had no one to model clothes for her. Since her youngest son left the house she had been forced to model them herself, which made things difficult when she wanted to make alterations. But now that she had Eris, things were going much more smoothly,
At first Eris had been embarrassed to put on the clothing for her.
Once upon a time Eris hadn’t known better in thinking her body was weird. She had floated around without it using a gravity belt and no clothes, letting her long dark hair and ribbons cover what needed to be covered, but the more she learned about humans, the more self conscious she had grown, until hoodies and baggy pants were the only things she wore.
Martha did not approve of her wardrobe seeming to think Eris would look very striking in red or black.
Eris had tried on a few outfits for her nervousness at just how much of her alien otherness tended to show, with plunging backs and short skirts to show off her marble whie legs. Martha seemed to think the ribbons were pretty, and in everything she had Eris try on, they were on full display.
“Do they work like starborn ribbons?” Martha wondered, “I know they act sort of as solar sales, storing energy from the sun and using that to glide.”
Eris paused, “I don’t know. I was born on noctropolis where there is no sun, so I have never tried it.”
“I think you should.”
Eris shifted nervously, “But.”
Martha just smiled at her, “our backyard is fenced in, no one is going to see you.” Eris thoughts bout it for a moment and then set her bowl down to the side. She stood slowly and walked to the back sliding screen door and stepped out onto their back porch.
Technically it was only fenced in on two sides. The backside was open where the forest  met their lawn growing deep and black as it went further back in to the depths.
Nervously Eris reached up and pulled off her hoodie dropping iit to the ground.
The tank top she wore had been made by Martha to accommodate her ribbons.
Once upon a time her gravity belt had allowed those ribbons to wave and undulate, but here they sagged with gravity and flowed behind her in the occasional wind current.
She turned around so they were facing the sun and waited.
And waited.
She felt nothing happening and was abut to go inside when.
When something started to happen.
She felt more…. Energized. Her blood seemed to grow warm and a smile spread across her face. At  first she thought it was just all in her head, but then the warmth continued to blossom over her.
Her eyes went wide and she hummed softly feeling recharged from the sun like a battery.
She had her eyes closed and was just enjoying the radiation when she heard something ringing from the inside of the house followed by voices.
She was able to tear herself away from the warmth and stick her head inside.
“Adam, how are you doing.” Jim said and Eris could see Adam’s face projected on the TV.
She recognized a bit of herself in him. She had his nose, and his eyes shape.
“You are not going to believe who just called me.”
Martha smiled as she walked over to sit next to her husband, “Adam I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the president herself.”
Adam frowned some of the wind momentarily taken out of his sales, “Ok, yes it was the president, but.” e lit up almost immediately, “But you are not going to believe what she asked me to do.” He didn’t wait for them to guess, “She wants me to fly a recreated mission of the Apollo 11 moon landing. Historically accurate and everything!.” His grin was so wide it looked like he was going to split his face in half.
Martha’s eyes widened, “Really?”
Jim frowned, “That is great Adam, but…. Historically accurate?”
He nodded vigorously, “Yeah.”
“Son yu do realize the computer they used was less powerful than your mother’s automatic blow dryer.”
He waved a hand, “Yeah yeah, I know I know. Most of the math is probably going to be done by hand.”
Jim snorted and Martha grimaced, “Adam, sometimes I wish you had safer hobbies. I mean flying the omen is one thing, with those shields she could probably survive a meteor impact, but you understand the Apollo 11 mission flew in a rocket that  that parts no heavier duty than your average tin can.”
“yes , and that makes it even more awesome.”
“I think you are getting dangerous and awesome confused again, son.”
“Oh come on, this is like a dream come true for me. ‘
Finally Martha and Jim sighed and broke out into smiles, “There is no changing your mind as usual.”
Adam grinned, “Nope.”
He turned his head just then, seeming to look through the camera, his eyes falling on Eris. Shock spread across his face, “Eris, is that you?”
She smiled shyly and moved forward, “Yeah, It’s me.”
“What are you doing there, I thought you were working at the hybrid foundation taking care of Glados and the others.”
She shrugged guiltily, “I…. well glados and the others wanted to go back to the adapted planet, and after that others started getting adopted, but then I sort of burnt out and wanted to come here and meet…..” She paused not sure if she should say 
Martha put an arm around her, “She wanted to meet her grandparents and extended family.”
Adam looked surprised for a moment as if not having expected that before shrugging, “Just try to avoid mom’s side of the family if at all possible.”
“Adam.” Martha scolded, though she wasn’t actually mad.
He grinned, “I’ll be home in a few days.” he looked at eris, “Maybe I can show you around town when I get back….. If that’s something you’d be interested in?”
Eris shuffled her feet and quietly looked down, “Yeah,i’d like that.”
She wished she could read his thoughts in that moment. Was he only offering to be polite? She knew better than anyone that her birth had not been his fault. He had had his DNA stolen to  make her, but still she couldn’t help but feel an affinity towards him. One that she knew wasn’t fiar for her to feel.
He hadn’t chosen for her to be born after all.
Not like other people 
Did he just feel guilty?
Was she unwanted?
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A Review of Voltron DDP Comic: A Legend Forged (2008)
I knew the old Devil’s Due Publishing (DDP) comics for Voltron were lit…but the sequel, A Legend Forged, really resonated with me! This 5-issue comic series is DDP’s interpretation of the history behind the Voltron robot itself, and it wraps this lore within an adventure plot featuring our main pilots (Allura, Keith, Hunk, Lance, Pidge) in an alliance with Lotor.
I’ve meant to write a review about A Legend Forged for a while because I know that older Voltron comics aren’t always accessible. I think this one deserves some attention because it does things that I find just really refreshing after watching the 2016 Legendary Defender show. It also has some fun details that could have been source material for the world building and events in the 2016 VLD show. 
The basic summary of this comic is that Team Voltron and Lotor are accidentally transported 1,200 years in the past after some classified time travel tech destabilizes in the middle of a fight. Powerless from the blast, they crash-land on a nearby planet, and they’re soon captured by people on the planet who have exceptionally advanced technology. Lotor agrees to a truce with Team Voltron to help find a way out of their prison, and back to their own time.
In arriving through the wormhole, however, they catch the attention of a very powerful group who are missing an important piece to complete their special defense project (the Voltron robot). The robot is being built in part by King Altarus, Allura’s ancestor, to fight off the villain in that ancient past—Empress Jain IX, Lotor’s evil great great (10X) grandmother, who is a sorceress hellbent on intergalactic domination.
Ultimately, Team Voltron and Lotor get caught up in the efforts to stop Empress Jain and assist King Altarus’s Council…and they discover some interesting things about themselves and about Voltron along the way!
I found A Legend Forged to be one entertaining, snarky shenanigan after another. Although it does source the 1984 character designs and backgrounds along with some references to Vehicle Voltron (which may be alienating to fans familiar only with VLD), I love that this comic deeply and openly explores what makes the Voltron franchise so identifiable and unique—its Arthurian legends/magic in the midst of an expansive space opera.
The comic is meant for slightly older audiences compared to VLD—it includes several instances of adult cursing, frightening images, some brief images of romance/non-graphic sensuality, and occasional graphic violence showing blood. I couldn’t find a publisher-recommended age for this comic on the book covers, but I think it might be T for ages 12 and older.
If you’re interested, a deeper overview of A Legend Forged is included under the cut!
At a high level, there’s certain things that just really attracted me to this comic, even though I’m usually not much of a comic reader:
The whole timeline distortion that takes them back 1,200 years is a direct consequence of humans attempting to back-engineer the mysterious Voltron robot. Within that back-engineering, they’d stumbled into creating a time machine:
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(Photo Description: The city of Toronto in the future. Someone asks, “Time travel?” Coran replies, “Devised using reverse engineered technology from Lion Voltron, no doubt.” An alliance official responds, “Come on now, how would that be possible?” A second official responses, “Coran’s right. The way that Lion Voltron summons energy and weaponry is a mystery. We learned how to mimic the ability with the vehicle units, without really understanding it.”)
So there’s a lot of undertow here about just what exactly all these different parties (Earth/Galaxy Alliance, space pirates, Lotor) were planning to do with a time machine to begin with before it gets blown up in a battle over it. But there’s also something interesting happening here involving Fate/Destiny and plasticity of time itself.
At the very heart of this comic is the concept that the Voltron robot could not have been completed 1,200 years ago if Team Voltron and Lotor were not accidentally tossed back in time to help complete the project. And idk, I think that’s just pretty cool. It ties these lives of these characters together in a way that I don’t think I’ve seen in any other Voltron iteration—that they were meant to pilot Voltron, because their presence helped to unlock the final missing piece to bring it to life.  
In addition, we get a really interesting look into the ancient past of the Voltron universe, back to the beginning of the first space empire. The comic’s big bad, Empress Jain IX, is an incredibly powerful and heartless sorceress of Drule heritage, from the planet Doon:
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(Photo description: Empress Jain standing before the leader of a world she’s conquered, declaring, “And thus, the mighty fall! The powerful kneel at my feet! Behold the grandeur of your empress, and witness what happens to those who stand in her way!”)
But there’s always been this larger question in the Voltron franchise around King Zarkon’s unique, fish-like features compared to other Drule characters like Jain, and this comic answers that.
This is what the OG Zarkon looked like:
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Compared to the ancient people of Korrinoth, who have similar ears and coloring as he does:
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(Description: Keith says to the team, “I think we may be witnessing the beginning of King Zarkon’s people’s assimilation into the Drule Empire.”)
The planet that our protagonists crash-land on 1,200 years in the past is called Korrinoth. The people here had been recently conquered by Jain and share many similarities with the visual features of Zarkon. So this comic establishes that Zarkon has both Drule and Korrinite heritage. Unfortunately for Lotor, the Korrinites of the planet don’t acknowledge his Korrinite blood because he looks too Drule in comparison. So this comic reaches back on the hints that Lotor struggles to fit in with his own people…and it helps to explain why he’s captured along with Team Voltron:
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(Photo description: Team Voltron and Lotor stand together, having been captured in a purple energy field functioning like jail bars.)
There’s also the concept that Voltron—just like the surrounding environment in Voltron franchise—is an amalgamation of science and magic. The comic’s big bad, Empress Jain, had discovered that her own dark sorcery arts could be challenged by the “lion gods,” who were demanding an increasing price be paid for her horrific conquering. In order to negate the lion gods’ power, Jain explicitly banned religious worship around them and any lion god iconography from her empire.
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(Photo description: The dark entity Sarga says, “It is coming, and soon, that which may be your downfall. A twisted abomination of science and technology. The might of the Lion-Gods with the heart and mind of Man.” Jain says, “But I have banned worship of the Lions through the empire.”)
So the Voltron builders were reaching back to a very ancient, lost power that they were risking their lives to resurrect. The connection to a pantheon of lion gods helps to provide some logic around why the Voltron robot itself splits into lions—because it’s literally the symbol of these lost gods.
The visual design of Voltron is also reflected in the armor worn specifically by warriors fighting in the name of these banned gods:
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(Photo description: A humanoid warrior wearing Voltron-based armor, coming to Team Voltron’s rescue at the command of the Council.)
So Voltron as a machine metaphorically stands as the Ultimate Warrior in humanoid form, supported by the individual lion gods.
Within the comic, it hints at some pretty intense religious discrimination—that Empress Jain was willing to arrest and torment even her own daughter, Azakhi for becoming a Lion Priestess:
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(Photo description: Jain’s daughter, Azahki, is revealed to be a dirtied prisoner captured by Jain’s forces. She tells Team Voltron, “Do not fear my Drule appearance. I am a devout follower of your ways.”)
This background battle supports why Team Voltron and Lotor are instantly targeted by Jain’s forces when they crash-land on Korrinoth, bearing the banner of the lion gods in the form of Voltron.
Later on in the comic, we also see that the colors themselves represented the various domains of these lion gods:
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(Photo description: An image of Voltron as it’s being built, with King Altarus narrating in the background, ““Yellow for win, red for fire, green for earth, blue for water, and at the center…the might blackness of space which houses all of reality.”)
So we really see Voltron pick up a lot more backstory to explain the robot itself. 
We do get a deeper look as well into King Altarus and his Council.
King Altarus, Princess Allura’s ancestor, is the leader of the group. But the work involved in building Voltron doesn’t just rest with him like it did with Alfor in VLD. His council is just as equally if not more powerful than him in other ways.
In this panel, King Altarus introduces his four other team members as the most powerful scientists or sorcerers of their respective planet:
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(Photo description: An introduction of the five council members of Altarus: “Cybrus hails from a world of sentient machines…More than a computer, he is also sorcerer to rival any other. The striking beauty to my right is Heket. Born of a nomadic race who travels the galaxy bestowing gifts of knowledge to primitive worlds. She is also the most brilliant scientist of her people. Phelos is a brilliant sci-mage from the neighboring solar system. If you are truly who you say, you may already know legends of our final ally. From a primitive world, but master of the most advance wizardry in the galazy: Merlin.”)
The combination of Altarus, Cybrus, Heket, Phelos, and Merlin all echo the 2016 Legendary Defender’s backstory—in which leaders of various people united together for the greater good of their galaxy. Once again, we have five unique planets represented in the Voltron effort—but in this case, it even includes Earth. This helps to explain part of why Voltron’s original design had very medieval attributes.
Maybe some would think it’s a bit hokey that the OG builders included the actual Arthurian figure of Merlin, the wizard? Idk, I think it’s kind of a fun way to connect Voltron’s ancient, magical past to Earth as well, and it suggests that Merlin was preparing or called by the others to help prepare for a future of advanced warfare. I’ve always wondered why the OG Voltron looked so medieval with the crests and the swords and such—and actually, it being built in part by a medieval human wizard would help to explain that!
We also see in the DDP comics a very heavy evolution to Allura’s character and to the world building within the Voltron franchise itself. She’s no longer just a princess who knows how to fight—she’s actively a Clairvoyant, with untapped power. King Altarus acknowledges, and the other Council members sense it, that Princess Allura has way more internal magic than she even knows about herself:
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(Photo description: Council member Heket says to King Altarus, “I have a feeling about the girl [Allura]. Her aura is oddly similar to your own.”)
We also see that the dark entity Sarga recognizes this in her as well:
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(Photo description: The dark entity Sarga says to Empress Jain, “The visitors…they each have a link to this monstrosity. However, the blood of only one of them pulses with the  magic of Arus. The one called Allura! She is the one! She must be—” Jain cuts in, “The host!” And Sarga confirms, “Yes, with Princess Allura, Sarga will live in this realm once more. With her, we can control Voltron.”)
I feel like this magic probably helped to set the tone for the Princess Allura we meet in the 2016 Legendary Defender reboot, who ultimately got the opportunity to grow into the powers that are hinted at here in this previous iteration.
I do also like this comic because the protagonists (with the exception of Pidge who is 16) are adults, and they’re a little more mature in their decisions and interests.
Like, for example, the Lance in this comic has a much more extensive sensitivity to and interest in culture. Instead of it being Hunk bonding with aliens through food, we see Lance as the diplomat, bonding with Jain’s daughter Azahki, just by asking her questions:
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(Photo description: Lance and Jain’s daughter, Azahki, sitting at a table and eating. Lance says, “That hit the sport. I was frickin’ starving.” Azahki says, “After being held prisoner for so long, I had forgotten what real food tastes like. So much time was wasted…so much life. Just sitting in a cell because of my beliefs. I…I’m sorry, Lance. This should be a nice evening, and I’m bringing the mood down.”)
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(Photo description: Lance replies, “Actually, I’m fascinated to learn more about the followers of the Lions, and about you. Like, where you come from. You feel free to talk about whatever comes to mind.” Azahki responds then, “You’re too kind.”)
I think along with this, we see a more nuanced view into the Drule themselves. Azahki, as both a Drule and as Empress Jain’s daughter, has turned away from the evil deeds of the empire and has suffered dearly for trying to do the right thing. This falls in line with DDP’s dedication in the worldbuilding to show that not all Drule are bad.
We also see some very interesting, Honervian backstory relating to Empress Jain’s dark powers. Like VLD Honerva, Jain is in part backed by an ancient spirit/power she likes to “talk” to. She calls on it as the “Mother of Power.” This creepy creature is named Sarga in the comics:
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(Photo description: Jain summons Sarga: “Mother of Power, Great Spirit, I summon thee.” The dark entity Sarga manifests and says, “Yesss, sweet Jain! You know my name! Feel free to speak it. Have you found the Host?” Jain replies, “Not yet, great Sarga. But the search continues. To date, my body is the only one that could sustain you in our realm.” Sarga says, “Jain. Do not be so simple-minded. It’s only your mortal shell.” Jain retorts, “One that I rather like, thank you.”)
Sarga is pushing for Jain to give up her mortal body entirely so that Sarga can walk the mortal plane, but they don’t see eye to eye on this. Jain likes having her own body. Even so, Sarga knows that she has to protect her investment in Jain, and so she’s the one who plants a devious idea in Jain’s head—that she could potentially use the Voltron from the future to destroy the Voltron of the past, and therefore reestablish her supremacy over the lion gods and their legacy.
Tbh, I visually get a LOT of vibes from Jain relating to VLD’s Honerva character? Down to the long stringy hair and gold eyes…and she really does look like a female version of Lotor, tbh, lol.
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(Photo description: Jain leaning in a circle of candles, exhausted from summoning Sarga, who has referred to Voltron. Jain murmurs to herself, “Pow..power. There is power in that name.”)
I think what I like about Jain as a big bad, though, is that she’s legit just an evil person. She doesn’t have an abuse backstory, like what so many content creators like to reference as the reason for someone going insane/evil. She’s clearly very talented and very powerful and very in control, and she’s using those abilities in all the wrong ways just because she can.
Given DDP’s contributions to the Voltron franchise with its female villains (Merla, Jain), I almost can’t believe that the 2016 VLD show didn’t carry these characters forward but instead raised up the all-new Honerva as “needed female villain rep.” But I can definitely see the echoes of Jain in the Honerva that we see throughout VLD.
I also really, really see similarities in how Jain is willing to use her own daughter, Azahki, as a pawn for her own aims. And by the end of the comic, Jain eventually accomplishes bringing Sarga into the mortal plane by sacrificing her own daughter’s body. This pretty hauntingly echoes the lack of maternal instinct seen in Honerva in VLD and Honerva’s malicious interest in and use of Lotor, even post-death in s8.
I feel like I relived Honerva’s interactions with Lotor in s8 when I saw how Jain acts with her own daughter, Azahki:
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(Photo description: Azahki has been shot in the battle. Jain kneels down to her and cries, “Daughter. My only daughter.” Azahki says, “Mother...you…you’re crying? I…I’m sorry…you didn’t give me… a choice.” Jain pleads, “You can’t do this, Azahki, not now. After being gone for so long and now…” But then Jain has a complete switch of demeanor. She stands up and declares, “Now you’ve ruined everything! Everything!” Azahki, bewildered, says, “What?” And Jain yells, “I should have killed you in your crib!”)
Another association with Honerva is that Honerva/Haggar killed the original paladins. Likewise, it is Jain who takes down the Council one by one:
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(Photo description: Jain breaks into the Council, hand glowing with power and fallen warriors around her, saying, “How could someone with such feeble defenses have eluded me for so long, Altarus? I give you credit for that, at least.”)
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(Photo description: Jane is surrounded by the dead bodies of Merlin and Heket. She says, “Now, to finish this.”)
So I guess I’m just fascinated by Jain as a villain and find her similarities with Honerva interesting. In Jain’s case, however, there’s absolutely nothing to be sympathetic with her on, lol.
In terms of Lotor’s part:
I think this comic represents probably the most actively hopeful iteration of him that I’ve seen in the Voltron franchise? Like, Dynamite Comics had Lotor moving to ally with Team Voltron to bring down the rift creatures in a massive alliance, but those comics were canceled before we could see the whole story that Brandon Thomas intended. Here, we have a whole, complete story in which Lotor actively does good deeds and lives, wow.
(I didn’t think that was, like, allowed in this franchise, lol?)  
I do think it’s really interesting that here, Lotor comes face-to-face with just pure, unadulterated evil—and it scares him. Just like in VLD, this Lotor is forced to watch Jain decimate an entire planet and enslave its people. Despite being canonically “evil,” Lotor does not take this level of destruction very well:
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(Photo description: Empress Jain speaking to an underling, saying, “For now, rid this planet of its luscious environment and warp home.”)
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(Photo description: The planet is set ablaze by Jain’s forces. Lotor is looking on from a different ship. He is unsettled by Jain’s power and says, “My god.” His prisoner that he’s watching on Team Voltron’s request (the space pirate Captain Stride), teases, “Nothing like a little global decimation to build character, eh, Lotor?” And Lotor warns, “Stride,” with an upset look on this face.)
His motivations for helping out and connecting with both Team Voltron and King Altarus’s council do start with just wanting to save his own neck. But as the comic progresses, we see him taking larger and larger risks to help protect the team, and he responds more emotionally to the stakes being faced by other allies.  
Jain’s level of evil, and her later attempts to target Princess Allura as a host body for the dark entity Sarga, are what really push Lotor out of the antagonist/villain role into the position of antihero. And I like this exploration of him because Lotor is a really fascinating character in the franchise and usually always a wild card. Like, he has the capacity to play both sides and be unpredictable.
And it’s interesting too that this comic even opens up by acknowledging that. In the beginning, King Altarus and his council are watching Team Voltron and Lotor recalibrate from their crash-landing on Korrinoth. King Altarus notes that Lotor is evil, but that he’s capable of doing good…because of his love for Allura:
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(Photo description: King Altarus judging the team: “The girl has a clairvoyance about her, but doesn’t even realize it. I sense something noble about all of them…save for the Drule who should not be trusted. Although his apparent fondness for the woman may cause him to fight his true evil nature at least for a while.”)
Later in the comic, it’s King Altarus himself who leans on Lotor when he thinks all hope is lost. And it’s Lotor who holds him up and tries to take down Jain:
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(Photo description: King Altarus leans upon Lotor and mourns, “She’s…she’s done it, Lotor. She’s ruined our chances. Five generations…for nothing.” Lotor has raised a blaster and replies, “Not without going through me first.”)
So we really see this comic actively allow Lotor’s character to do things outside of the typical bounds of a villain. The very person who called him inherently evil is the one wailing to him and counting on him to save the day, lol.
We also see echoes of VLD Lotor’s pride in this comic. The DDP Lotor is also a man of mixed heritage and is very proud of who and what he is.
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(Photo description: Lotor is on the battlefield, having slain an enemy who’d called them pathetic. Lotor responds, “Pathetic? My noble blood begs to differ.”)
So I liked that once again, Lotor is actually proud of who he is even though the world around him actively tries to devalue him. I think that’s been something meaningful about the Lotor character that a lot of people have connected to.
In his efforts to assist Team Voltron in reclaiming their own recharged Voltron lions (so that Jain can’t get them), Lotor is actually a very helpful ally as well, and a skilled warrior. So it was fun to see panels of Team Voltron and Lotor fighting together, side by side.
Ultimately, the evil Empress Jain tries to take over the Voltron from the future, in realizing that Allura has deep, spiritual connections to the machine. She agrees that this makes Allura the perfect host body for the dark entity Sarga, and as their way to control the robot. And so she enacts the rituals to possess Allura:
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(Photo description: Allura’s features are mutating unnaturally as Sarga begins to posses her. In the background, Jain calls, “Don’t fight it, child. Don’t fight the honor of becoming a god.” Someone in the background, revealed later to be Lotor, calls out, “No! You can’t do this!”)
With Jain threatening Allura’s life, Lotor steps up to defend her, still holding up the battered King Altarus:  
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(Photo description: Lotor yells, “No! Not Allura!” And he shoots Jain through the shoulder.)
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(Photo description: Jain snaps, “Lotor! How dare you attack your own kind! I’ll smite my own daughter, let alone a pissant distant grandson!”)
Ultimately, Lotor’s decision to shoot his grandma (what is it with this franchise and matricide/patricide lol) results in Jain being distracted long enough for the combined spiritual/soul energies of Allura, the previous Council members, and Altarus to bring “life” to Voltron.
This completes Voltron as a spiritual being as well—that it’s sentient and not just a robot, but imbued with the hopes and impulses for a defender against the evil attacking them.
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(Photo description: Voltron awakens as a sentient robot and stands to move against Jain.)
Realizing that she has lost, Jain flees in a poof of magic—with her daughter, Azahki, oddly disappearing too. The comic ends for them on an unsettling note that Sarga has in fact slipped through to the mortal realm…by choosing Azahki instead of Allura as her host body:
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(Photo description: Jain kneels and cries, “Oh mighty Sarga, I humbly beseech thee. Forgive my failures. Forgive my ability to bring you into our world. I beg you to be given a second chance! I vow to you we will see this through.” From behind, someone says, “Don’t be so harsh, mother.” Jain turns around and asks, “Who dares?” A woman in a cloak appears and says, “You may have failed to give me Voltron’s power, my child. But do not fear.” The woman is revealed to be the possessed body of Azahki, Jain’s daughter. Through her body, Sarga says, “I found a body that will do just fine for now.”)
However, we don’t see this thread explored any further. Shortly after the battle, the Galaxy Alliance manages to rebuild a temporal manipulation device to lock in on the missing Team Voltron and Lotor, and pull them back through time.
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(Photo description: A strange flying machine appears. Someone asks, “What…what is it?” Allura echoes, “What’s it doing?” Lotor peers at it curiously and says, “I believe it’s scanning us.” The comic panels show the device scanning and identifying people to send back to modern times.)
And so, eventually, this wayward team makes it back home, with the final panels suggesting the  Garrison had to complete a couple of temporal jumps to do it.
The comic itself had some interesting and funny scenes in it, including the following:
Please enjoy this image of a boi having tamed a dinosaur in the middle of an active battle:  
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(Photo description: Prince Lotor sitting atop a large, dinosaur-like creature that he’s tamed, calling joyfully to the paladins, “You can put your toy away, Pidge. I know where to find the lions.”)
Pidge jokes about Hunk and Lance:
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(Photo description: Hunk had saved Lance from a shot. In running past them, Pidge calls, “Keep moving, guys! There’ll be time for spooning later.”)
Some time-traveling paradox humor:
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  (Photo description: Lotor shooting an ancient Drule, “Hope you’re not one of my forefathers.”)
Some Keith and Lance badgering:
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(Photo description: Lance complains, “Keith Kogane seriously isn’t going to lecture me about battlefield romance, is he?”)
Did VLD get the name Kaltor from this comic??? Because Kalthor sounds pretty darn similar to Kaltor from VLD:
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(Photo description: Jain calling out for an underling, “Kalthor! Sigh. Kalthor, this effort is beneath me. Extract the information I seek.”)
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(Photo description: Princess Allura raises a blaster to use, but it doesn’t work. She says, “What the--? Damn! Now is not the time for you to malfunction! And I do not know how to fix a 1,200-year-old—”)
This comic probably is also the singular place in the DDP comics that offers any evidence whatsoever that Lotor and Allura actually did have positive childhood experiences together prior to his father decimating Arus, helping to explain Lotor’s curious loyalty to Allura throughout:
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(Photo description: Lotor standing before Allura and saying, “I knew you’d pull through, Allura. Speaking of treehouses, do you remember climbing the Arusion orchids in the royal gardens when we were children?” Allura responds, “Yes…of course I do. I…”)
And finally, this comic has no issues whatsoever with making fun of itself or the concept of robotic lions:
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(Photo description: A space pirate complains to Lotor, “Think about it! How you think this place ends up looking like it does in our time? Looking like Planet Doom?! Meanwhile, the Kitty Cat Club up there gets out without a scratch!”)
The 5-part comic A Legend Forged (2008) adds an incredible amount of history and lore to the Voltron franchise. It gave me some things that I personally was really craving out of this franchise—including some logic behind the lion imagery, a legit alliance between previously warring groups that doesn’t just end in catastrophe, some adult snark and some good-old fashioned silliness, some deeper exploration into dark entities/spirits, and also just a really powerful villainess that you can love to hate.  
I think the comic ultimately took on the theme of Strength in Unity and fulfilled the concept that people really can work together. Even if the Team Voltron and Lotor and Council alliance was all just temporary, it was still nice to see that alliance come through for the greater good of the universe, instead of leading to more mass insanity like it did in VLD….
I liked that in this iteration, Voltron stood as a collective effort on the part of various worlds who were oppressed by Empress Jain. That helps to tone down the savior complex inherent in the franchise, that at least here, Voltron wasn’t one nation’s attempt to play police for all other people.
From a critical perspective, if you read carefully, there are some instances where you can tell that various alien races are prejudiced against each other and discriminate on the basis of appearance and religion, and even Team Voltron feeds into this at times in their initial assumption that Korrinites are a barbarian race when in fact they’re very intelligent and advanced. These aspects are just not fully reflected on within this comic, but they definitely feed into the conflict as we experience it 1,200 years in the past. Interestingly enough, the comic also makes fun of Team Voltron members who are from Earth as being “primitive” too. So I guess the DDP world does function in a “problematic” state where all of these alien races are struggling with how to interact well with one another. I’m not sure if that baseline would be a potential trigger for someone just entering this series, so I wanted to call it out here.
I do also occasionally find comics hard to read because of the all-caps print and because comics will switch back and forth between past and present, with only small visual markers to warn you. So I don’t think these comics are designed in the most accessible way. But that could just be me.
Overall, I think A Legend Forged ranks as one of my more favorite comic iterations of Voltron. It definitely has some differences from both the 1984 and 2016 shows, but it pulls on enough shared content to remain accessible. And while it was a quick read, it felt pretty tightly constructed. I would have liked to see more aftermath and epilogue, but I feel thankful that the story got an ending and that both Team Voltron and Lotor are shown being transported back home. The comic’s similarities and differences compared to VLD made it fun to read and analyze as well.
So yeah, if you get the chance to try reading it yourself, I recommend it! And if you’ve made it to the end of this very long post, thank you for reading!
38 notes · View notes
woeisme-iamwoe · 3 years
an absolutely massive Haikyuu!! fic rec pt. 2
IwaOi this time around. My favorite ship. The world’s favorite ship...there’s so many
Undecipherable, by ioo (4k. G. canonverse)
 I’m pretty sure the author meant ‘indecipherable’, nevertheless! I am appalled that this work doesnt have more hits. Y'all are sleeping on it and that's not okay. 
The sound of the door slamming against the wall has Hajime startling back to the present. He looks at the source of the disturbance and finds himself face to face with Oikawa, red in the face with breathlessness and a leather-bound notebook tightly clutched in both of this hands. When he spots Hajime, he makes a beeline for the bench and slaps it down right next to him.
"Koi no yokan," he says. "The sense one can have upon first meeting a person that the two of you are going to fall in love."
 primavera, by tothemoon (8k. T. canonverse)
All of tothemoon’s works read so beautifully 
They say it takes twenty-six years, for certain breeds to fully bloom. 
Learning to Walk (So That We Can Run), by ricekrispyjoints (27k. M. canon-divergence)
I've read this work so many times. Like, so many times and I’ve never tired from it. Gorgeous. The shift from friendship to romance felt so natural, love it. 
"I'm not healing like I should be."
In his second year of university, physical therapy just isn't cutting it. Oikawa's knee is getting worse, and he can't hide it anymore.
Or: the light angst, project-your-own-life-experiences-on-Oikawa knee surgery fic you didn't know you wanted.
 Priorities, by weirdmilk (2k. T. canonverse)
Kissy, kissy. 
‘I just -’ Oikawa begins, ‘it might be difficult to get married, sometimes, I think.’ He chews on his lip.
Iwaizumi makes a questioning noise.
‘Ah,’ Oikawa says, and then, in a rush, ‘if I didn't want a wife at all - what then? If I said that to you. If I told you I can’t see it. Like - the wedding dress. The bride. I just can’t see it.’
Iwaizumi swallows again, his heart beating much faster than the conversation warrants. He wonders whether Oikawa can hear it. ‘You’re eighteen. You aren’t supposed to see it yet.’ He snorts. ‘I mean - if we’re sharing shit, I’ve never even kissed a girl.’ He doesn’t mind admitting it. It’s not something that bothers him - he’s never prioritised girls very highly, and despite Oikawa’s largely undeserved status as Miyagi’s most eligible teenage bachelor, he doesn’t think Oikawa has ever wanted a serious relationship with any of his fan club, either.
Oikawa and Iwaizumi can't sleep before their first practice match with Karasuno.
 Before Midnight, by fathomfive (2k. G. canonverse)
Reads like a fairytale. 
The sky turns, the seasons turn over, and Iwaizumi and Oikawa track the movements of the stars. Nothing is ever quite constant, but it's close enough.
The grass is stiff with frost. They walk in silence past the raked-over vegetable garden and up the back hill, footsteps crackling, and stand side-by-side at the top of an incline that used to seem much bigger. Iwaizumi glances over but Oikawa’s already gone, eyes searching the sky with no hint of hurry, just a kind of reverent patience.
 make a bet, keep a promise, by raewrites (13k. M. canonverse)
Bet still on. 
Sometimes, in still moments, Iwaizumi wonders why out of all the people on earth he ended up with Oikawa Tooru. Why it’s his face that lingers on his fading conscious in the last moments before he falls asleep, in the first blurry seconds upon waking up again. Why when he looks to his side, he expects Oikawa to be there in the same way he expects to see five fingers on both hands, a natural extension of himself, ever present.
Why he can’t imagine a future without Oikawa in it.
It begins with a bet made between the two boys in the mid-summer of their eighth year. It starts with volleyball, but like with most things involving Oikawa Tooru and Iwaizumi Hajime, things are never quite that simple.
 our hearts still beat the same, by knightswatch  
 two birds, by thelittlebirdthattoldyou (5k. T. canonverse)
Of heartbreaking letters and paper crane wishes. 
Five months into the term, two months after he’s stopped replying to Oikawa’s texts, the first package arrives. A small square box, wrapped in brown paper and tied with string, and Hajime almost trips over it on the way to his dorm.
There’s a letter attached.
Oikawa doesn’t know how many times he’ll have to put his feelings down on paper before Iwaizumi believes them. 
Through My Eyes, by anchoringsouls (2k. G. canonverse)
Okay! Okay, we were doing great with the soft, happy love up until the last part! That's great, just great!
“I think if you ever saw yourself through my eyes, you would fall in love with yourself the same way the way I did with you.” 
in time it could be ours, by deusreks (3k. T. canonverse)
Anyone wanna go back in time and make a time capsule with me only to dig it up years later and we’re actually in love?
Set post Seijou's match with Karasuno. There's a moderate amount of rolling in the dirt. No pajamas were hurt in the writing of this fic.
There, in their joint backyard, was Oikawa Tooru, clad in his silly luminescent space pajamas, digging a hole near a cherry tree.
“What the hell, Oikawa.”
Tooru stubbornly continued digging. He looked pitiful in that moment; everything that was grand about him in daylight was meaningless in the darkness. He was only a boy with a shovel whose broken heart mirrored Hajime’s own.
 we can do better than that, by spaceburgers (16k. M. canonverse)
Of course, of course, the IwaOi road trip fic. AnD thErE wAs ONly OnE bED!
Oikawa and Iwaizumi go on a road trip during the summer after their high school graduation. It doesn't go as expected, but maybe that's not such a bad thing after all. 
They Say it Rains Diamonds on Jupiter, by exsao (35k. T. canonverse)
I don't know, just gorgeous. Hajime’s so in love. 
"You're in love with him."
Hajime considers denying it. He considers deliberately choking on his drink to express surprise, to create a distraction by spitting onto the man in front of him's pristine white shirt and causing a commotion. Instead, he swallows his mouthful of soda and heaves a small sigh once his mouth is free.
"Yeah," he says instead.
He's never been good at lying, anyway.
 Midnight boys/sunset town, by carafin (10k words. T. Housemates AU):
The author says they played off of the fact that Oikawa oftentimes forgoes his sleep in order to work, and wrote it so that he doesn't sleep at all. This was so cute, kinda sad, mostly not. Love how Iwaizumi just goes along with whatever crazy stilch Oikawa is on. 
In which Iwaizumi Hajime grows a few chili plants, participates in an eating contest, breaks into a park, and falls in love with a man who doesn't ever sleep - not exactly in that order.
5 Reasons Why Iwaizumi Hajime's Flatmate Is A Complete Weirdo (An Incomplete List)
1. He's obsessed with that stupid bucket list of his.
2. He's the proud owner of seven truly ugly, criminally hideous movie posters with aliens on them, which he insists on pasting all over the damn living room.
3. He's always stealing Hajime's sweatshirts.
4. Sometimes, he wakes Hajime up for breakfast. At 5AM. On Saturday mornings.
5. He literally never, ever sleeps.
 The Best I Ever Had, by FindingSchmomo (62k words. T. Canon-divergent):
You’ve read it, your mum’s read it, your dog has probably read it (you really need to take facial recognition for him off your phone, he’s got some weird nighttime habits). So basically this fic caused me physical pain and then pumped me full of morphine and now I’m good! Beautiful read, hated Oikawa for a while, Iwaizumi is the only boy I would ever feel safe alone with. 
A story of separation and time lost. Oikawa and Iwaizumi lose contact, and life goes on. Now, a decade later and back in Japan, Oikawa wonders if he can pick the pieces back together, despite knowing Iwaizumi has moved on. A story of their past, present and future, pieced together by shaky hands.
 darlin', your head's not on right, by aruariandance (13k words. T. canonverse)
Again, I’m pretty sure anybody who's anybody has read this fic and for good reason! Super sweet realizing you're in love fic. Makes me reconsider wanting to get married. 
'“Our wedding,” Oikawa says by way of explanation, tapping his finger against his magazine more emphatically. “What colors should we use? Color scheme is important, apparently.”
Iwaizumi feels his lifespan shortening.
“I was thinking our Aoba johsai colors to go for more, you know, softer tones? Besides, I’ve always looked great in that sea foam green color. Oh, and I guess you look decent in it, too.” He grins, saccharine sweet, and Iwaizumi has never been so tempted to knock one of his perfect pearly white teeth right out of his stupid mouth."
Oikawa teases Iwaizumi about a childhood promise he made to marry him when they were older, except suddenly it's not really a joke at all.
 the courtship ritual of the hercules beetle, by kittebasu (66k. T. canon divergent)
Is this one of the most famous Iwaoi fic? I don’t know. Looks like it, I know it's my personal favorite. Where Oikawa studies bugs for a living and can’t seem to come to terms with his feelings. Very angsty, love that in a fic. 
Tooru is pretty sure he could manage the mating habits of a mosquito. It’s the mating habits of people he can’t seem to get right.
 Terrarium, by sausaged (11k. T. Post-canon)
Honestly, I’m so surprised this fic doesnt have more hits! It’s so good! Made me ache! I love the memories and character growth shown through the growing of the terrarium, absolutely adore that kind of symbolism. So beautiful, give it some love because it's one of my absolute favorites. 
He's practically a professional at being proactive (lies, lies, and lies when it comes to Iwaizumi).
At this point, is he really happy with just staying best friends forever? Will he be writing journals and collecting rocks forever (he will, he knows, but that is aside from the point)?
Can he really tag his Instagram photos with #YOLO if he doesn't actually put that phrase into practice?
 A story about Oikawa Tooru, Iwaizumi Hajime, plants, and rocks.
 Lips like sugar, by ohhotlamb (8k. T. canonverse)
Why did my childhood best friend never offer to help me practice kissing only for us to realize we were only interested in each other? I had a fake high school experience. 
Hajime is offered to learn the art of kissing from a true professional, one Oikawa Tooru. It's not as bad as he thought it would be.
 Falling Slowly, by bravely (commovente) (3k. T. canonverse)
So special, imagine loving one person, and one person only like this for the entirety of your life. This is getting too sappy, I want off of this ride. 
over the years, some things change; but over the years, some things stay mostly the same.
(alternatively, mornings with oikawa and iwaizumi over the years).
 No sleep in the city, by loveclouds (7k. T. canonverse)
Mass/volume = Iwaizumi, apparently. (Please. If anyone gets this absolutely horrific joke, lets elope).
Along their journey to find Tokyo's best ramen, Iwaizumi finds himself asked again and again why Oikawa is still single.
 Time, by surveycorpsjean (5k. E. canonverse)
Growing older together. 
When they're twenty-three, their story only begins.
 Everything With You, by Ellessey (14k. E. canonverse)
Came damn near to crying, you can just feel Iwaizumi’s pain. Fight scene was probably the most emotion evoking one I’ve read in a long while. 
‘Hajime still loves Oikawa, but he understands now. Oikawa can't look at him and see someone he could potentially date.
And that makes it easier to not focus on the little things that used to drive him crazy—Oikawa's long legs, the way he's always hanging off of Hajime, how his whole face changes when he gets ready for a jump serve, and he looks like he could take on the entire world and win.
This new arrangement though, this living together situation, is presenting a new set of variables that must be adjusted to, and the nakedness is one of them.’
For years, being Oikawa’s best friend has worked out fine. Hajime is hopelessly in love with him, but it’s enough. Then Oikawa—who, by all accounts, has never been anything but determinedly, assuredly straight—gets a boyfriend. Or a boy friend-with-benefits. Hajime doesn’t know, and he doesn’t give a shit about the definition.
What he knows is that remaining best friends is starting to seem a bit too painful (way too painful) to be considered a solid option.
 The Best Best, by rikke (12k. T. canonverse/future fic)
Takeru is a whole mood. Don’t want kids, but I do want domesticity and this fic feeds me well.
“Congratulations, Iwa-chan! You’re a dad!” Iwaizumi hears as soon as the door opens. He’s dealt with Oikawa for all of his twenty-one years of age now, but this declaration is still sufficiently disturbing enough that he turns from his place on the couch and braces himself for whatever Oikawa has done this time.
 Or the one where Iwaizumi and Oikawa babysit Takeru for a week.
 cheek kisses, by ohhotlamb (G. 3k. Future fic)
Sooo cute!! 
“Every time,” Hajime murmurs, “every time I see you again I remember how fuckin’ crazy I am about you.”
 Routine, by snoqualmie  (2k. T. canonverse)
Again, anyone wanna be my childhood best friend so we can put face masks on each other and fall in love? I died, truly. 
Iwaizumi is fourteen years old, horny too often and angry all the time, and he’s just starting to notice that Tooru’s legs are really long, that his lips are kinda soft looking, and his fingers feel good pressed under his jaw.
 Thirty Years and Change (the Games of the XXXIII Olympiad, by sunsmasher (19k. G. canon divergence)
Be wary, I would give this fic an upper rating to probably Teen and the follow-up fic is Explicit. But, Oikawa on the Japanese national team is just a dream as is, but add in a rekindling friendship and an angsty make out sesh? Mwah, delizioso. 
It’s July 10th, 2024, and Oikawa Tooru is an Olympian. His smiling face airs on an NHK promo every 45 seconds. He’s captain of the national men’s volleyball team, reigning star of the professional leagues, and he hasn't spoken to Iwaizumi Hajime in two years.
He has, however, sent Iwaizumi tickets for the 2024 Los Angeles Summer Games.
“So go,” says Matsukawa's voice. “It’s only a few weeks. You’ve got a whole city to hide in if it gets awkward, and if it doesn’t get awkward, well…”
It’s like watching the future reconfigure, like being in high school again, watching team after team fall to Oikawa’s faultless planning and shameless charm.
“I’ll get to watch a whole lot of volleyball,” Hajime says, and resigns himself to fate and/or Oikawa Tooru.
“Hey, when you get there, can you bag a gymnast for me?” Hanamaki asks, and Matsukawa squawks.
 Chasing Paper Suns, by carafin (10k. T. Future fic)
Again with the growing up and coming back together, this time with more angst than the last. Lovely, really lovely read. 
Post-high school, Oikawa makes it to the national volleyball team but Iwaizumi doesn't. The next three years become an exercise in growing up without growing apart.
Some days Hajime likes to think of himself as Oikawa’s counterpart—the two of them blending into a single devastating unit, the invincible setter and his unyielding ace, the bond between them unbreakable and true. Other days he feels like he is chasing after a rising sun, always running and running with his eyes fixed on the distance, trying to cross a chasm that stretches on without end, caught in an endless and exhausting pursuit.
 the yellow room, by ohhotlamb (14k. T. canonverse/future fic)
Makki and Mattsun see bullshit and call you out on your bullshit. 
“I told you, we broke up like six months ago. We’re not dating anymore.”
Hanamaki eyes him suspiciously. “You live together.”
“Yeah, so?”
“There are pictures of you two kissing stuck to your refrigerator.”
Hajime shrugs. “That wasn’t my idea. Anyways, they’re good pictures. Good lighting.”
 the river runs, by tothemoon (11k. T. post-breakup)
My heart ACHES. Happy ending, promise! Just read it. 
One year since their breakup, Oikawa Tooru starts a list of daily reminders, tips, and tricks called HOW TO FORGET ABOUT IWAIZUMI HAJIME, and he’s determined to make it stick.
This is a firsthand account of how to deal (and rather spectacularly, at that).
 I sure hope that guy gets fired, by Xov (29k. T. canonverse/time loop au)
The only thing better than one confession, is MULTIPLE confessions. Oikawa trusts Iwaizumi unshakably, and that's beautiful. 
It was the fourth time experiencing the exact same day that Iwaizumi Hajime reluctantly admitted to himself that something was very wrong. 
 my only friend was the man in the moon (until i met you), by ohhotlamb (7k. T. canonverse)
Just so innocent and sweet. Oikawa said ‘effort’.
In which Oikawa has a life-altering revelation, and Hajime is starting to think it involves him.  
 Bet On It, by originalblue (13k. E. canonverse)
Tooru being nice for a week? That can only end one way… with a d*ck in Hajime’s mouth. 
Hajime knows exactly how shitty Oikawa's personality is, and has no scruples whatsover about betting Oikawa six thousand yen that he can't be nice for an entire week. 
 especially for tender ones like us, by viverella (17k. T. canonverse/post break-up)
Gods! See? See what I mean? How could I forget about a work as heart wrenchingly beautiful as this? Give it some love, actually, all of the love. 
The worst part of it all, Tooru thinks to himself sometimes, is that even as they fought and kicked and screamed and tore each other to shreds, it was never that Tooru stopped loving Iwaizumi any less. The worst part of it all, he thinks, is that loving Iwaizumi turned out to not be enough.
(OR: on finding the right person at the wrong time and learning how to pick up the pieces)
 sunset town, by skiecas (33k. T. canon-divergent)
Another work that I just CANNOT understand why it doesn't have more hits. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. I almost cried. 
In the summer of 2020, Oikawa Tooru returns home from his first successful stint as captain of Japan’s national volleyball team. In one hand, he holds the undisputed weight of an Olympic medal, and in the other, his unresolved feelings for a childhood best friend.
Two years down the road, reconciling his lifelong dream with his lifelong love proves to be the greatest challenge.
 of odd numbers and intimate regrets, by bravely (commovente) (5k. T. post-canon/one night stand au)
Basically, Tooru and Hajime sleep together after not speaking for seven years and of course there’s feelings and angst and a belated chance at happiness and a life together. 
Tooru’s spent the last seven years of his life in a carefully constructed schedule that is, he realises now, as much a habit as it was a way to forget about the person in front of him.
[or, the one night stand AU between two people more than friends but not quite lovers, measuring the passage of time in distance and long-gone memories, the expansion and contraction of the spaces between their fingers each time.]
 cross my heart, open wide, by acchikocchi (7k. T. canonverse)
Super cute, super short. Realizing you're on a date with the wrong person one-shot. 
For a minute Hajime doesn't know what to say. Everything and nothing crowds his mind, leaving no room to think. That he's never tried this. That volleyball's over. That he's graduating in five months. That it would be really nice, at least once, to go on a date with a good-looking guy.
 Hajime goes on a date. It's not with Oikawa. 
 Fernweh, by oikawashoyo (19k. G. canonverse/post time skip)
A mature(ish) Tooru?? I love works that show Tooru growing and living happily in Argentina and this one is just beautiful. (Plus! Plus, Skai did a piece on it as well and I love ALL their work so you can visualize everything). Love it. 
Argentina is stretching out before him, an opportunity, a challenge. He is reminded of his losses, his insecurities, his disappointments; sees them form a tall, tall wall blocking his path to success. He takes a deep breath and knows he is going to shatter it.
In which Oikawa's whole life is spent longing for the horizon — in the form of a dream, a home, and a boy.
 i breathe easily in your arms, by orphan_account (2k. M. canonverse)
Soft, soft sex
When, after completing their high school graduation ceremony and heading home to enjoy their freedom, Oikawa had pulled him into his room and pressed his lips hesitantly against Iwaizumi’s own, it seemed an inevitable development in the unfolding narrative of their shared existence.
Despite years of having a bed to himself, the sensation of another body taking up space in his sheets, curling against his chest, creating warmth, feels natural in much the same way.
 old and new, by Mysecretfanmoments (5k. T. canon divergence)
Finally a fic where they don't freak out on confession and it's sweet. 
“You seem—sad.” Was that the right word? Others sprang to mind: desperate, lonely, anxious.
Tooru looked away. “Are you going to make me say it?”
“Say what?”
Tooru folded his arms, sighed. “I missed you, of course.”
Hajime swallowed.
“No need to look that way. I told you, I’m not one of your macho man buddies. I’m allowed to say stuff like that without being embarrassed—”
“You’re being ridiculous,” Hajime complained. “No need to be so defensive. I’ve missed you too.”
“Oh?” Tooru seemed to get a little of his own back, leaning forward on his elbows. “What about me did you miss?”
((Going to separate universities, Hajime and Tooru learn the true meaning of "distance makes the heart grow fonder"))
 all i wanted was you, by spaceburgers (6k. E. college/fwb au)
This was more emotional than I thought a 6k friends with benefits fic could be, okay? Okay. 
Wherein Hajime and Tooru are fuck buddies, Hajime curses his treacherous heart, and Tooru is bad with feelings. 
 we shine like diamonds, by whitemiists (26k. T. canon divergence)
I couldn't not include this work. It deals with internalized homophobia so well and I really resonate with it. 
In all seriousness, I’m very lucky to live in a country where my sexuality is widely accepted and my heart goes out the LGBTQIA+ peoples who are forced to hide themselves. You are loved and your sexuality and gender-identity are not wrong and never will be.  
Oikawa is nine when he first hears the word. The boys on the playground whisper it like it's dirty, like the way they daringly mutter the word fuck and then look over their shoulders to check their parents hadn't heard.
"You know Abe-kun from class?" they snicker, hands cupped around their mouths like they're passing along a filthy secret. "I hear his older brother is... gay."
 Look For Him, by Leryline (18k. E. canonverse)
A collection of kisses. I love Hajime’s grandmother. 
She laughs gently. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so heartbroken before, Hajime.”
Iwaizumi sighs and prods at the mackerel with a chopstick. “Sorry. I can’t help it. It’s just different, you know? Like Oikawa pissed me off so much that now he’s not here I don’t know what to do with myself.”
“But you weren’t always annoyed with him, were you?” his grandmother smiles serenely and takes a sip of her tea. “My, my, Hajime, old women see everything. I saw you out there with my finches, when you were kissing Tooru’s nose. Your mother and father used to do the very same thing, you know, when they were younger. And look how long they’ve lasted. I hope you and Tooru last, Hajime. He’s very good for you.”
Oikawa has kissed Iwaizumi more times than either of them can count; it’s a constant thing, their lips never really leaving the other’s skin. There are, however, times when they’ve kissed that are burned into their memories. Eight of them, to be precise.
 film reel life, arsenicjay (8k. T. canon divergence)
Such a unique and creative idea! Reading from the eyes of a camera, so beautiful!
The only person Iwaizumi is lying to is himself, when he insists: I am not in love with Oikawa Tooru. 
 how to let your planets align, by tether (tothemoon) (15k. T. end of the world au)
This is the only remotely non-happy ending fic I will be including on here, and it's purely because it's a gorgeous read. And yes, I ached. Your lips, my lips, apocalypse. 
It is the last day on earth, December 2nd, 1985, when you realize you're in love with him.
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