#if i change my mind about the coloring anymore i'll go insane
cuthechicane · 7 months
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JENSON BUTTON in Brawn: The Impossible Formula 1 Story, E01 (1/?)
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captainkurosolaire · 2 years
7. Would you say that your attitude changes when you get 'into the zone' of writing your muse? (ex: when you write for your muse do you begin to sort of talk like them? do you find yourself feeling grumpy after? etc)
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Interesting Questions for MUNS Appreciate you ever for the ask my dearest mystery!
See I view it very much like an actor when he enters the stage and puts on the attire and gets in the setting and it's rolling time, it's time to tune up the performance, crank things out to ten. Lot of emotions that need portrayal is a lot stuff that I could relate but it's just overwhelmingly expressed and exaggerated. So internally I think exactly what they'll talk like, I'll give them their own posture, own song, really the more things I defined about them and give a story behind it's just easier to get in that zone. However whenever curtain closes, after and done, It's really easy for me anymore to discard it all. There's no same harbor emotion, I have nothing that carries over. But that's just years of separation and honing that. I've always been good at putting myself in a role, whether it was play imagination with the kids on my neighborhood block, which just is a younger LARPing session. Or if was playing doll or dress-up with girl's in my daycare. Then eventually when I did drama class for a few while in my school days. It's littlest to largest stuff you reflect on and realize, you've done and been doing examples of things before, so there's really no difference. With my performances and things I've done quite well to make people believe the devil is real, and that's one of the greatest tricks ever pulled off. It's certainly a double-edge, lost many friendships and lot of people that can't differentiate me from the character because how thorough I can be and dedicated to ensuring that his life is never linked to mine. I've gone through reputations of just being smut and a erotic player coming up even in this fandom, probably most can attest to that years ago. But I don't like the idea of filtering, or retconning, or disbelieving in other's people characters at all. It's something I don't personally like not acknowledging. People like to talk about lore breakers, and gatekeeping all this. Yet often they're never really paying attention what is visually presented in-game and hinted way before books or anything gave it form, or experienced in their lens. Like if I'm Quicksands on Balmung, that's it. We all know how that is... If he's IC and sees that in the background, that's real. But everyone's entitled to what they perceive and view. I don't mind personally having a character seen or told they're insane, or the delusions of stories and people he's encountered are false. In truth that's sort of a pirate thing anyway. Living embodiment's of folktale, things that beyond fiction, and although in this setting we've got nearly nothing that can't be explained. It'll always come-up. It's much greater that people just be free and go to their own rhythm, and you'll eventually find a dancer partner who's just compatible and hits every tick and just gets it and you'll make perfect harmony. I will always appreciate and acknowledge every single person and writing style, all creativity, absolutely anything personally. Writing and art it's just about putting that beauty out there and it's just so many wonderful colors. I tremendously adore it.
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sandwich2451 · 2 years
The Violinist, chapter 4: The Heart Harvest
Chapter four: The Heart Harvest
"I collect my friends and foes like playing cards, because somehow quantity makes everything better."
[Transcript of Enid's vlog]
Who could've known - well me, obviously. Turns out I was right! Addams has a not-so-secret admirer, and she - Vezi, if you didn't see my last vlog - actually had the guts to ask her out! I, of course, helped her, because I'm such a good friend, but can you imagine the guts that would take? I could never. Wednesday is scary, dude. Crazier still, Wednesday actually said yes! Jesus Christ, the twists and turns are insane - pretty out of character, isn't it? Maybe she thinks she can gain something from it. Oh, and I'll be updating if anything new happens, so keep your eyes peeled. See ya!
It was cold and it started raining when Vezi left for the Harvest Festival. Which, you know, was something. Maybe a hint as to how the night would go - who knew.
She spotted Wednesday walking in with Enid, who was rambling while Wednesday seemed to be ignoring her completely, preferring to scan the grounds. Vezi swallowed the lump in her throat. She hadn't been sure exactly what they'd do, seeing as the harvest festival didn't seem to be Wednesday's scene. Or, who knew, maybe she made a hobby of throwing darts at balloons. 
Vezi's stomach tightened when felt a hand on her shoulder. She grabbed its wrist, turning around with widened eyes. 
"Jesus Christ, Xavier." She sighed in relief. "When will people stop scaring me like that? You could've broken a wrist." He smiled. "So, date?" "Yes, I was about to go, so if you'd let me..." 
But when she looked to see where Wednesday, she was gone. Vezi blinked and tilted her head towards Xavier. "Hey, do you see her?" "Who?" Vezi rolled her eyes. "Wednesday, obviously. Do you see her anywhere?"
Xavier frowned. "No, why?" "She was just there, I swear-" Vezi squinted. "She just disappeared." Xavier bumped her shoulder. "Don't worry, you'll find her eventually. You want help with that?" "Fuck off, Xavier." He held his hands up. "Okay, okay." He grinned. "Have fun on your date." Vezi groaned. Where had Wednesday gone?
« »
The girl came to a stop, her face poised. "Hello." 
Vezi grinned. "I've been looking for you everywhere." When Wednesday didn't react, she continued, "Date, remember?" Uncertainty flooded through her. "Unless you changed your mind, of course, I don't-"
Wednesday stepped towards her. "The games aren't challenging, but it's fun to see the fair personnel's faces pale when I win." Vezi mock-gasped. "You started without me? Unfair, you got a head start! I'll never catch up with you now." Wednesday raised an eyebrow. "That is to be expected." "Bet I'll prove you wrong? I'm a pro at darts," Vezi joked, but she saw the competitive glint in Wednesday's eyes.
She smiled, crossing her arms and starting to walk to a stand. "Tell you what. We have a competition. Three games of darts, or do you have another game you'd prefer?" Wednesday's eyes narrowed. "What does the winner gain?" A mischievous smile appeared on Vezi's lips. "What could you possibly gain from me?" 
"Can you sneak me out of school grounds at night?" Vezi tilted her head, contemplating the offer. "Sounds interesting. What for? An escape?" "Yes," Wednesday replied bluntly, looking ahead of them. 
"What do I get if I win?" Vezi asked. "You won't win." "You sure?" 
« »
As expected, Vezi lost. One game, at least. The other two would remain uncertain, seeing as Wednesday deserted her. 
After the first game, that Vezi was absolutely decimated in, she turned around to see air instead of her date. She turned around wildly. "Wednesday?"
The fair employee looked at her with pity. "Gone in a blink of an eye. Did you have a fight?" Vezi's heart sunk to her stomach. Wednesday had definitely not enjoyed this. 
The fireworks were just starting, colorful explosions lighting up the sky. Vezi walked towards them, seeing as she didn't have a date anymore. 
"Where's Wednesday?" 
Enid stopped her in her tracks. Vezi frowned. "I could ask you the same." Enid pursed her lips. "I thought you had a date," she explained. Vezi smiled cynically. "Well, apparently Wednesday decided that I wasn't worth her time, because she left me."
Enid grabbed her arm. "Well, do you want to hang out with us? We're watching the fireworks with a bunch of people. It'll be fun." Vezi nodded and started walking with Enid. "Thanks." "No problem, Vez - too bad about Wednesday, though." Vezi bit the inside of her cheek. "Yeah. Too bad."
« »
"Where've you been?" 
Mel ignored her question, plopping down on her bed and groaning. "Do you have painkillers?" Vezi closed her eyes, trying to keep her calm. "Yes, I do. Are you drunk?" She went to get painkillers from the washing cabinet. 
"I only drank a little," Mel continued from the bedroom. "Like, two glasses of wine." "Was that before or after the bottle of whiskey?" Vezi heard a thud and looked to see what had happened, but Mel had just knocked her bag off the bed. "I didn't have a bottle of whiskey. I had a bottle of gin." Vezi hurried to get Mel to the bathroom for the inevitable puke that was on its way up her throat. "There, there. Drink some water and you'll be fine." She handed Mel a glass and clutched the painkiller in her other hand. "You'll be fine, right?" Mel's eyes were glazed over and unfocused. "Yeah. I'll be fine."
« »
Picture this: 
It's eight AM. Somehow, even though you're exhausted from having to deal with Mel and the whole Wednesday ordeal, you made it to class. You're cranky and moody and at this particular point of your terrible morning, for some stupid reason, someone decides to make you the butt of a joke. You punch them, with both sets of arms, and you might've bruised one of their ribs. They're in the infirmary because of you. This leads us to the current situation. 
"Miss LeClair, I expected better from you," the principal started with. Vezi's only thought was, I need coffee. 
"We are a very prestigious school and do not accept such..." She struggled to find a non-offensive word. "Irresponsible behavior. You are, as a Nevermore student, obligated to respect our rules and respect your peers. Your parents will be informed about this incident." Seeing Vezi's face fall, she continued, "You could have been suspended or expelled. This in unacceptable behavior from a Nevermore student." 
"I apologize, principal Weems. It won't happen again." "If it does, I will be suspending you," Weems warned. "Now go back to classes. Good luck, miss LeClair." "Thank you, principal Weems."
Once Vezi had left Weems's office, she sighed, and all she could think was as she buried her face in her hands,
"I'm so fucking tired."
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Tuesday, February 20th, 2024! Part 2 (Positive)
6:24pm: 2sday, 02/20/2024 pt 2 lots of 2s
Anyway lol came home, blew the biggest final boss wad out of my nose, took a dump and let me tell you I'm smelling colors now 😂 I've never been so happy to smell my shit. I was really fucking scared that I had covid on some permanent sensory deprivation shit and I was on the verge of losing my mind. This morning I have never blown so much ODDLY colored snot out of my nose all at once before, it was like the weirdest fucking orange color but it's like I want to think it was from the cough drops but I really don't think it was because there was SO MUCH and it permeated all of the snot I just don't know. It was all so thick no wonder I've just been fucking miserable 😅 but I'm the biggest trooper I know I did the most this weekend and I'm SO GLAD I didn't let that mf stop me.
So glad I got my sense of smell and taste back I could actually taste the last Valentine's Day macaron I had left 😂 it must have been a sinus infection, that's so insane. Being sick is horrible I wouldn't wish it on anyone 👀
I have so many things to be grateful for. I am grateful that I don't have to live my life angry and upset forever like some people. I am grateful that I forgive people and have an amazing heart. I love life and I'm just going to keep doing the best I can with what I've got. ❤️ I love my cats every day I'm just going to love them with all my heart, don't be scared something will happen to them (anxiety) just love them everyday and you'll never have any regrets. I even forgive him for everything, calling me a shitty person, threatening my brother, all because he's just mentally ill. I have a feeling he'll be back, I just don't think that was the end. But that's not something I'll concern myself with for now. Just try to be at peace with what's going on right now.
7:52pm: I've literally just been scrolling on my phone enjoying doing nothing to the sound of my clear nasal passages and just enjoying breathing. Got my heated blanket out, just reading reddit stories about trash men and I am so glad I can't relate anymore!! It's not even so visceral anymore, I don't get like physically angry the way I used to reading these anymore. I feel very healed, it takes a lot to trigger me anymore. I think that's my way of knowing that I just will never fall for some crazy shit ever again 😂 I'm not even upset anymore. All that random ranting this morning and now it's like, poof! Goodbye. I knew I've been done in the back of my head, I was just enjoying the attention :) it felt good! You can't blame me for wanting to feel good, it's part of human nature! And it's not like I ever felt true respect for their relationship, it was truly a farce, an act, and I just didn't gaf. Oh how the turn tables, huh? I got mine as far as I'm concerned and I'm well convinced that is a really fucked up man. It's unfortunate, but it's not like I never tried to help him 1000x. I still am shocked how unempathetic I felt towards her even when bad things happen to her, I just don't feel bad for her and I never will, she's a really trashy, vain, disgusting person who does not deserve empathy or sympathy as far as I'm concerned. Lmao I feel like he would really get pissed off whenever I said they were perfect for each other, I think bc he knows exactly what I meant by it. What a joke.
10:39pm: it's ok to wake up from the nap and realize he's really gone :) you'll sleep and wake up again and sleep and wake up and good things will happen :) it's ok to feel the twang. This is a perfect example of how I would never do this to someone I've known for years but it's nothing for him to do it to me. We are not the same and that's good news for me :) I will survive and thrive because I'm actually a good person with a heart. At least I own my mistakes. He's too chicken shit to accept my apology like a fucking adult, he just had to run away again, no explanation. He never learns, never changes, acts like this is something I've done before?? Really thinks this something I'd do on purpose. Idc I know who I am, you would think he would know but he seems too self absorbed once again. How could he not realize how his words affect people, he's cruel. I'm not cruel, you hurt me and I told you I was having PTSD like feelings about you coming here and you always have acted like you're the only mf in the whole goddamn world with mental health issues, I've tiptoed around yours for years and you continued to dismiss mine repeatedly. Yeah I don't trust you mf and it's sad af how hard I tried to, but sad for you, not me.
12:16am: Coward is so the best word to describe him still, he acted cowardly by not even knocking on the door when he came the first night, so weird. Coward by blocking me when so many other exes would've burned his shit. Makes no sense, but nothing he ever did made sense ever. He treats his gf like shit by telling me wack ass things. He's such a bad person lol. I'm not gonna chase after him anymore I already resurrected this friendship back from the email grave once, I guess somehow that meant I was on thin ice with him?? Idc I'm not chasing him anymore. The comfort I find within knowing I would never act like him is all the comfort I need.
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morkofday · 2 years
for the ask game: 4, 8, 12, 21
aliii ♥ thank you so much for this ^^
4. What do you enjoy about making graphics?
tbh i enjoy the whole process - after am done with screenshotting and choosing the images i will use. that part is a pain. but otherwise? i am having so much fun. it is insane how much of a kick i get from something so simple :'D but if i had to choose an exact favorite part out of everything, i think it's either coloring (for edits where colors play a big part, like i.e. the bb seasons one) or the details (for edits where i end up adding stuff that isn't just the pictures, i.e. my danyok edit where i actually liked writing down their dialogue for the ripped paper parts). i also love research which has translated into a lot of symbolism edits lately ^^ (also i have at least three more ideas for things like this bc apparently i love reading about random things online)
8. Your favorite graphic created by yourself
oh boy hmm. i love my latest one bc it was very different from the edits i've been making for bb. my personal fave out of the pics is the one for kryptonite! it was a struggle but looks so nice now. then i also gotta mention this seanwhite edit bc i just grow all soft every time i look at it. it was fun working on the overlays and i think they came out nicely ^^
my absolute favorite edits i've made so far are the sets (1 & 2) i made for dew the movie. i love that movie so, so much, and bc of the emotional connection, these edits are very important to me. i also like how they capture the vibes of the whole movie :')
12. Font(s) you like using
i have a ton! and i try using new fonts all the time. tho i of course have some i always return to. current favorites are:
basic fonts: Quicksand / Josefin Sans / Lemon Milk which all are kind of similar, just simple and clean fonts for basic text
curvy fonts: Adriatne / Crehme Honstlan / Dancing Love / Modena Script / Roses Please / The Scientist which are all big and have long lines that seem to curve nicely around the edits, so to speak. especially Modena Script is one of my go to -fonts if i want the highlighted words to Take Space
brush fonts: Beardies / Castedral / Chasing Embers / Garland / Halcyon / Julya / Mind Rush which i don't use that often anymore but at some point, i was actually obsessed with all these bold brush fonts. now they feel like a bit too much but they still find their way to me sometimes
bold fonts: Al Veshion / Athene / Black Gold / Glimmer of Light / Grozery / NT Josefine which i use A Lot. i have found a new love for this type of bold fonts. they look cool and clean and i can always add effects to them myself (if am not fond of the ligatures)
21. How much time do you spend on a single graphic?
does "single" mean like one image or one sets? i'll take that as one set bc i usually finish the set at once after i start working on it.
but hmm, if i count in the time it takes for me to take screenshots, i'd say maybe 6-8 hours? it depends of course on how long the edit is/how many images the set has, how many details i need to work on, and if my plan for the edit is very detailed or not. for example, my bb sun & moon edit took only a couple of hours bc it's only two images and i had quite clear plans for it (i also had the screenshots ready in my folders haha). then again, the not me seven deadly sins edit actually took 2 days and maybe 10-ish hours (i have not counted really, might be more) plus all the research i did for it during the week. i had plans for it but they kept changing and there were so many details, oh boy. also i failed the white edit once bc i used the wrong colors for him :'D i saved the other version bc i liked how it looked and was kind of sad i had to abandon it, so take it here:
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(wrong color bc i somehow got the sloth and gluttony colors mixed up in my head hhh probably bc my initial plan for white was sloth)
thank you once more ^^ this was fun! also a great way to avoid writing my last essay of the semester lol. hopefully this was fun to read too!
ask me graphic maker questions!
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inkerii · 3 years
SOD Hidden World Playthrough - Prologue Pt2
Alright! Last one before I get to the actual storyline. I should have known, I talk too much.
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See, I love how involved Valka is. I think this role was originally Hiccup's, or some other berkian. I love how they gave it to Val these days <3
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Y'know, almost picked Gronkle bc I usually default to Nadder, but I couldnt help it.
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I generally default to canon color schemes for my dragons (which is part of why Ivaran was a dark brown color), but I ended up customizing this little guy to just be a little wild for once. Have a little fun, y'know?
Anyway, this radioactive-looking cutie is Vasqes. If you havent noticed it yet, I also decided to skip classic viking names for this playthrough. I already have compliant names on my main, so why not :'D
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Ah, yes, this is quite confusing if you havent played the game yet, especially because its part of the intro. That rat that set down these explosives is one Harald Forkbeard, a School Of Dragons original. He will show up in the THW storyline but I'll fill you in on the details as we go since I probably wont manage to blog about all the quests in this game |D Anyway, he's a charming little weasel. Thats all you need to know for now. Also, I love him. He's very entertaining, in a very annoying way :'D
The explosives open a crater to a bottomless pit! The School is set up in a caldera created by a dead volcano, so I wonder what lies at the bottom 👀 Its weird not to have the lake anymore but I dig the upgrade!
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I love the Headmaster! I forget his name right now, but he's this ancient berkian warrior who fought against dragons all his life, but when Hiccup changed the minds of Berk he was so touched that he ended up the figure Hiccup trusts with taking care of the School! He's a good viking grandpa. I love seeing him again.
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Fun fact, when I first played this game, there were no Expansion Quests. It's insane how much its grown. Things like the Timberjack Taxi are gone (I miss it- i loved the hoop flying even if you can technically still play it- its been converted to a fullblown minigame. I miss flying on the timberjack tho :c), and the map is HUGE. There was only Berk and the School when I used to play it!
For the purposes of this series though, I will only be playing the Hidden World! storyline. Next time we finally tackle this quest. For now, enjoy a few more visuals of the game:
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Everything looks so pretty!
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As a tease, look, its the Hidden World! The game has a small area available for free for every player to explore, which is super cool bc they at least let you see what your dragon looks like with Hidden World sparkles without paying for it :)
Next time: starting the quest at last! And meeting a familiar white figure...
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medeafive · 4 years
Blood and Stone -03
Inhuman scream.
She's covered in vampire blood already but this guy just won't go down, his eyes very dark red, she slashes at his chest again, using his dodge to wrap her legs around his neck, her momentum knocking him down. She's up faster, tangling with his friend, claws scratching over her already dented armor, she kicks the woman in the stomach with both feet, dropping onto her back but bouncing right back up. The guy tries to grab her from behind so she elbows him in the face and steps on his foot, ramming her shoulder into him and twisting so he rolls right over, crashing into his female friend. Takes the second to retrieve her knife, gun's too far out. They're already scrambling up again. She flashes her teeth and they return it with their fangs, plunging towards her.
Rolling out from under the bigger guy, the woman lands right on top of her, sinking her fangs into the bite guard that makes a pitiful noise. She flips them over and socks her on the jaw. The guy grabs her by her hair, yanking her back which hurts like a bitch but she's not one to cry, kicking his knee out, satisfying crack , slashing the silver knife through his ribcage, howl , splattering blood, trades blows with the vampiress while he falls to his knees. The woman tries to bite her arm again but she whips the creature around, breaking her arm behind her back, inhuman cry, slashes precisely through the guy's neck, blood spluttering, and then she snaps the woman's neck, tossing her onto the asphalt like a rag doll.
Something drops from a lamp post and she spins, ready to fight, already covered in blood and gore, but it's just the black cloak who strides towards her confidently. She snorts, walking away to retrieve the gun.
He nods towards the three vampires, the one she shot straight through the heart, the one with the bleeding neck and the one with the twisted spine who still tries to crawl away. "Tell me you didn't enjoy that."
She doesn't say anything, just checking the ammunition left. It's obvious. Well, she should clean up.
"Do you mind if I drink her?" he asks. "Since you didn't hit her with silver."
She stops, tilting her head, then shrugs. The woman howls but can't get anywhere before he crouches over her, black cloak covering, and then it's deadly quiet. She walks over and hacks the bleeding vampire's head off.
He feeds in complete silence. When he straightens, the woman's body is crumpled, dry but there's only little blood around his mouth. Not like a young vampire in a blood frenzy. "So you hunt vampires," she states. "And you feed on vampires."
"Young vampires," he specifies, licking his lips. "With human blood left. Vampire blood smells and tastes foul."
"Has other advantages, though," she remarks.
He grins. His fangs are streaked with both gold and dark blood. "You could have it. Just say yes."
"I'm not loyal," she counters. "I don't follow orders. Schmidt wouldn't like that."
"You would," he returns. "It's not a choice."
She snorts. "Not even for you?"
"No," he replies. "He turned me. I have to obey him."
"I've never heard of that," she states.
"It's not that common," he admits. "But for him, always. How else do you think the large nests like in the castle work?"
"Mind control," she repeats. "No, wait, you're dead, you don't have a mind. And you want to get me into that ?"
"It's not my choice," he admits again. "But I would prefer to have you around rather than having to kill all your friends."
"But you're not remotely controlled," she argues. "There has to be a way around this. He can't have given you super specific orders without loopholes."
"You ask too many questions, dollface," he returns. "I should get going before day strikes."
"The fuck did you just call me?" she asks with amusement, wiping dark blood off her face. "How fucking old are you?"
"Don't you know that?" he asks back. "Think about it. It's really not the worst thing in the world."
  "I was fucking worried!" Clint exclaims. "What the fuck even happened, you look like you took a blood bath, where were you, are you hurt, just, what the fuck ?"
"I'm fine, I'm fine," she hurries to say. "Just, we need to talk. Before we get back."
Clint looks her up and down pointedly. "Like that? On the street?"
Fair. She ducks away into a side passage, hoping nobody comes by at this time. "I'm fine. Really. Just vampire blood."
"What the fuck happened," Clint repeats. "Did you- did he bite you?"
"Absolutely not, I promise," she assures him. "I'm clean."
"You don't look clean," Clint points out. "But- oh. He wants to bite you."
"Kinda," she admits. "It's complicated. But I'm definitely clean. I'm not sure whether he's telling the truth but- Schmidt might want to recruit me into his charges."
Clint snorts. "Oh yeah. He's definitely lying."
"That's what I thought too," she agrees. "But what else could he want?"
"You're a hunter," Clint points out. "You kill vampires, you'd rather walk into the sun than help one."
She's not so sure of that anymore. "No, you're right. I just don't see- nothing else makes sense either."
"He's playing you," Clint says softly. "Don't think too much about it, it will never make sense to you. It's just a game for bored monsters. Just make sure you don't get hurt, okay?"
"Yeah," she agrees. "Sure. Just- yeah. Okay."
  "Again?!" Fury asks. "This guy's definitely fake. There's only so many times you can get not killed by a real black cloak."
"Definitely real," Clints counters. "I saw him. He was flying around like a giant fucking bat."
Natasha massages her right side, wincing. It was hard enough to get out of the dented armor, even without all the bruises. "Raise your arm," Bruce demands. "Ouch, that looks painful."
"He's playing some stupid mind games with her," Clint explains. "God knows why. But she should really stay in before he snatches her up again."
Feels wrong under her skin. "He could snatch anyone up," Fury states. "Should we all just tuck in nicely when the sun goes down?"
"He hasn't killed anyone yet, as far as we know," Clint points out. "Except the baby vampires. And he only ever abducted Tasha, right, Tasha?"
"Far as I know," she mutters while Bruce inspects the mark from her bite guard. "He said he was stalking me."
Fury looks very displeased. "She'll have to stay in anyway, with those bruises. Let's see what he does in the meantime."
"Yeah," Clint agrees. "Let's do that. I'll jump under the shower now."
Fury steps up to her while Bruce moves to feel her ribs, making her wince again. "Sure you're fine?"
"No bite, though the armor bruised her bad," Bruce replies before blushing. "Sorry."
"Yeah, I'm fine," she replies as well. "Just a little scuffle with some vampires."
"You killed the wrong ones," Fury remarks with amusement. "Not the big one."
"Tried, but he's a tough motherfucker," she admits. "Never seen anything like it."
"I know." Fury shakes his head. "Get some rest. We'll work something out."
He leaves and she's left with Bruce who's still awkwardly feeling around her ribs. She stretches her neck one way and the other, the dented bite guard having taken a toll. "Nothing broken, right? It doesn't feel broken."
"Doesn't seem so," Bruce mutters, not looking up. "You're really lucky."
There's a black cloak stalking her, for whatever twisted reason. "Not really, trust me."
Bruce pulls back, staring at her. Oh boy, here they go. "Could you promise me something?"
He looks so honest , so simple. Kind like she never was. "Like what?"
"I don't wanna have to say that ever again," he states determinedly. "That you didn't get killed just because you're insanely lucky."
Lump in her throat. "I don't actively try to get killed, you know."
He huffs, turning away, and she knows she fucked up again. She twists, painfully, and pulls a shirt on. Her right side's really bad. Yeah, she's never gonna jump through a window again, but it's not like it was her decision this time either. "I'll try. I promise."
That's not the same thing and they both know it. And now she'll extract herself from this uncomfortable situation, like she always does, leaving a foul taste in her mouth, and neither of them will be happy. That's the way it always goes.
"Thanks," she states, pulling on sweatpants and picking up the dented armor. "I'll take a shower and go to bed. I'll… I'll see you around. Dinner or something."
  She sleeps through dinner and misses it, as always. Tony and Pepper are already out, Clint is downstairs training, Bruce and Sam are playing checkers in the living area. It still smells of eggs and bacon, which is ideal when some people are just getting up and others are heading to bed already. "Hey," Sam remarks, staring at the board in concentration. "We left you some, don't worry."
"Appreciate it," she replies, scratching the egg out of the pan. "Who's winning?"
Sam huffs. "Bruce insists there's a guaranteed draw but so far, no."
"With perfect play," Bruce specifies quietly. "Tony and I worked out a computer model that solves- well, should solve- nevermind."
Great, it's awkward. She checks the plan on the wall. "Mhm. Someone might have to take my Wednesday shift."
"Yeah, talked about that at dinner," Sam agrees. "Just wait until Fury changes it."
"So what are you going to do now?" Bruce asks. "When you're not on patrol?"
"I was thinking about going to the Archive," she suggests. "Do some research on the black cloaks. Maybe I can figure out who that one is."
"Might be useful," Sam agrees, stopping in his movement. "Wait. You're looking at me like I'm about to make a horrible mistake."
Bruce blushes. "No, no, it's, just- yes. That one. Over there."
Sam groans, dropping the piece. "Oh man, I always miss something. Okay. Give me a minute."
"Sure," Bruce agrees. "So you… saw him? You know what he looks like?"
She puts her plate in the microwave. "There are probably no pictures. But if he was turned during the first Uprising, judging by the color of his eyes… well, Schmidt wouldn't have turned just anyone, right?"
"Oh yeah," Sam mutters sourly. "He was very racist about that."
"I mean, the fang thing changes the sound of the voice and pronunciation and all," she admits, crossing her arms. "But I think he might have been American. Vocabulary-wise. Before he turned into an inhuman monster, of course."
"Natasha," Bruce suggests softly, which she hates. "Does that really matter?"
"Maybe," she returns defiantly. "And what else am I supposed to do? All those booby traps won't help, let's be real."
"I mean," Sam adds, finally placing the piece. "He hasn't murdered us all yet, so that's definitely in their favor."
  Prague's a good place to research this. There's still files from the Protectorate Bohemia-Moravia. She heads out in the morning, the sun itchy on her skin. Tony's right, she wasn't out in a while, at least in daylight.
She knows the basic story, that Johann Schmidt, ardent Nazi, was the first to become infected with the vampire disease or whatever you want to call it, secret research facility in Northern Italy, tucked away inside the Alps, and then he started turning other people. The Nazis were intrigued at first, another potential weapon in the raging war, but the more Schmidt started insisting on the superiority of vampires, the more they became spooked. And they already had a Führer, no need for another megalomaniac messiah. So they made plans and when Schmidt's Uprising came, they squashed it with the same thoroughness they used to kill six million Jews. Never got Schmidt, though, and a couple of others who allegedly spread out over the continent, hiding. Waiting. Until a few years ago. God, it's really just a few years, it feels like centuries.
It was mostly German history, since the vampires were never used in the war, and hence the German files are the best place to look for her black cloak. This archive is never particularly busy, though the Government removed some files for their own research. She checks in, locks her stuff away and proceeds to the registry.
Nobody really knows how many vampires there actually were. The Nazis document 24 killings, with at least ten escaping, including Schmidt. Who knows how many more they never even saw. Who knows what other seeds Schmidt planted, so to speak. It doesn't take many vampires to spark a global outbreak, though, if you are well organized.
The 24 are easier to identify. Especially the former German soldiers. Some were friends, allies of Schmidt who seemed to really have believed in the whole new better human thing. Then again, as far as she's concerned, every Nazi is a monster already. Her family had plenty of stories about the war and the suffering, about Leningrad, Moscow and Stalingrad.
There's not much on the 24 either, though. Allied uniforms were found in Schmidt's abandoned facility, suggesting either some cooperation with a Western power, their killing of allied soldiers or, most interesting, that potentially there were prisoners of war among the turned. She doesn't really understand the description of machines in the facility but it certainly looks like there was research in many directions.
She learns about Zola, too. Arnim Zola, Swiss scientist, eugenicist, racist, but brilliant. Must have had an absolute meeting of the minds with Schmidt. He's believed to have developed the vampire virus or disease or whatever it is, though it is not clear whether he actually took it himself. Schmidt commonly described himself as the first of a new kind of humans, after all. However, Zola's body was never found.
She moves to a clunky computer to request American military data on which units they had in the area during Schmidt's activities and who went missing. Though they probably won't answer her, because why would they bother. Same thing for the French resistance. She tries to figure out what other forces might have been there. Maybe the British.
"Oh my," a startling voice remarks. "You actually left the house, in broad daylight."
She turns around and Tony's already dragging up a chair. He looks a little ruffled but it appears to have been a calm patrol. "You even know how to use a computer?"
"Excuse me," she throws back. "We put the first man in space. Don't forget that."
"Yeah, hurrah," Tony remarks sarcastically. "Doing research, I see?"
She flips the folders open again. "There's pictures from Schmidt's facility. Does that mean anything to you?"
Tony studies the picture with interest but frowns. "From a corny black-and-white picture? No. Also, never judge a machine from the outside."
"They found allied uniforms," Natasha adds, flipping a few pages. "Though it is not specified which. What if some of the turned were actually prisoners of war?"
"What if they just sucked them dry? What if they did infiltration?" Tony asks back, crossing an ankle over his knee and leaning back. "But okay, let's go with it for now."
"How likely is it that a Frenchman, American, British soldier, whatever, how likely is it that a captured enemy soldier decides to follow Schmidt?" she asks. "By their own wishes?"
"By their own volition," Tony corrects. "I don't know. Nobody said they chose to be turned. But yeah, that raises questions about after."
"There must be something," Natasha insists. "Think of freshly turned vampires, a whole bunch of them. It would have been absolute mayhem. Schmidt must have had some way to control them."
"You mean, other than being the most powerful vampire ever?" Tony remarks. "Well, whatever. But I hear you got kidnapped by the black cloak."
She snorts, turning back to the screen. "Yeah. God knows why."
"Look, I don't like asking this," Tony says. "But maybe… did he try to flirt with you?"
She spins around. "What?! "
The library lady shushes them angrily in passing. As if anyone else cares. Tony fiddles with his hands, uncomfortably. "You know vampires sometimes have children with human women. Vampire women can't, but males do. There's a couple of cases. So maybe-"
"Tony," she tries.
"It's just that he seems really focussed on you, for no reason," Tony continues. "And he let you go an unbelievable number of times. So I think it makes the most sense if-"
"Tony," she tries again.
"I know that's not something you want to talk about," Tony says. "But you should consider what he actually wants is a vampire monster ba-"
"Tony!" She almost hisses. "I can't have kids."
Tony blinks, dumbfounded. "Oh. Sorry."
"Not a big deal," she says, though it is. "But I'm definitely not going to give birth to some weird abomination."
"Maybe tell him that," Tony suggests. "Casually. See how he reacts. Maybe he leaves you alone then. Or he murders you."
She snorts. "Yeah, that knowledge will be super useful when I'm dead."
"Still the best theory," Tony insists. "I mean, he doesn't know you can't- yeah. Just keep it in mind."
"That's fucked up, though," she remarks. "So, you're just gonna sit there and talk or are you gonna help me research?"
  She sleeps through a few more days and nights until the bruises feel better. Fury is awake when she goes downstairs.
She always says their stronghold is in the powder tower, because she likes that ghastly piece of stone, but that's actually just the smallest part. Mostly, they took over the Opera house and the former national bank. There's even a cool tunnel in between. The national bank relocated outside the city, together with the whole government, and the opera just had to close when nobody left the house at night anymore. Some of the singers were reportedly bitten, too.
Fury is reading a newspaper, frowning. The sun is still up outside. "I moved your shift. Don't even think about it."
Neither of them is known for their friendliness. "So I'm just going to stay inside until he comes here to kill us all."
"This place is safe, Romanoff," Fury insists. "Remember that. In every way."
She huffs. "I would prefer if you had an actual plan ."
"We're getting a transfer," Fury announces. "From Munich. Very capable. Stark's working on something, too. I can't do more than that."
"So one more person is going to die?" she asks coldly. "You know what, I'm going to spend the night in town."
Fury's one eye scrutinizes her. "You're not going on patrol, are you?"
"I'll stay indoors," she promises, grabbing her jacket. "But not here."
  She has a number of apartments around town, empty, abandoned rooms. Some people are superstitious about it or believe vampires come back to where they last found prey, but not her. Well, she hunts vampires, so maybe her risk assessment is not that solid.
It's an old building in Vinohrady today. Used to be a pretty neighborhood, as far as she heard. She opens the window when night falls, breathing in, then sits down by the door, silver gun right in front of her.
She really doesn't know what to do. Killing him isn't realistic, she could never be a vampire monster but sentencing everyone to death… She always liked the moral clarity about being a hunter. She just kills bad monsters to protect good people. Of course, Alexei already had made that more complicated. This time, there's just no good option.
There's a whiff of air and then he's crouching on the window sill, perfectly balanced, nods towards her gun lying there on the floor. "You're gonna shoot me?"
"No," she replies, which is exactly what she would say if she was going to shoot him. "But you never know what comes through an open window."
He drops to the floor silently, walking through the room. "Seems like you wanted to meet."
Wanting is greatly exaggerated. "What if I can't decide?"
"It's not that hard," he insists, studying a broken cupboard. God, he almost has his back to her. "But I have a full moon. 30 days. Then you have to decide."
"So ten more days," she states. "And then you're going to kill all my friends."
He sighs. "As I said, not my preferred option."
"But what if I'm really just undecided?" she asks. "Schmidt never sent a black cloak to wipe us all out, but now he sends one to recruit me. That clearly has more value to him. Maybe he would be willing to wait a little longer. After all, he's old as fuck, what's another moon or two."
He looks amused, turning back to her. "You want an extension? For what?"
Hell, if she knew. "Could you get one?"
"I don't know," he replies, turning on his heel and wandering towards the window again. "Probably. If I really believe you'll still agree."
"So I have to convince you of that," she states. "Or figure out how to circumvent your mind control thing."
He doesn't say anything, just stares out into the darkness. She gets up and steps a little closer. "No, really. You keep saying that you don't want to do that. What's keeping you from not doing it?"
"He turned me," he mutters. "I have to. I just have to. If he says- I have to."
"But you didn't grab me and abduct me," she argues. "So there's a margin."
He turns, baring his fangs, making her shudder. "What do you want ?"
"I wanna get you out of this," she blurts out. "Just tell me how ."
He closes his white eyes, breathes. He doesn't always breathe. "No."
"Why?" she prompts, because she's reckless as fuck.
"It hurts ," he hisses. "Just thinking- No. God, just- why can't you just agree , I promise it's not that bad, that would be so much easier ."
"But I won't," she repeats.
He breathes again. "Yeah. You really remind me of myself."
"You didn't want to be turned either, did you?" she asks, leaning against the wall.
"My memory is fuzzy at best," he replies. "You know, I- if it's about the mind control thing, I could bite you. Instead of Schmidt. He wouldn't be happy about it but I guess it wouldn't be too bad."
She snorts. "So I can be your slave instead? No thanks. Also, then he gives you the order to give me an order, that just makes the chain a little longer."
"I might not even have control over you," he remarks. "I never tried. Maybe it doesn't work for me at all."
"Then he'd definitely murder me." She groans, head dropping back. Wait. She just bared her neck. Tucks her chin into her chest again. "No, really. Who were you, before all of this?"
"I'm not sure," he replies hesitantly. "But I remember how I was. Stubborn. Self-righteous. Like you."
"I'm not- I know I did bad shit." She hesitates. "You said you- know."
"I know you beheaded him," he says weirdly gently. "Before any vampire came even close."
However the fuck he knows that. She controls her breathing. "He was- experimenting. With vampire blood. He turned people, just as a source of- But the worst was, with dead people, he put vampire blood in dead people, and they would get up again and follow every command they heard, like- like- golems or something, and I- he was just turning into a monster, more and more every day, way worse than the monsters I hunted, and- yeah. Everyone else thinks the vampires ripped him to pieces, and they did, but I really killed him and made sure he wouldn't come back either."
"But you learned from him," he points out. "How long have you been injecting vampire blood?"
She doesn't answer, doesn't want to. "You smell better now," he remarks. "I didn't figure it out at first but… do the others know?"
She shakes her head. "It- it does make you stronger. And heal faster. I just wanted- And it's barely detectable, at the right dosis."
"I understand," he says.
She huffs angrily. "No, you don't."
He sweeps the black cloak back and rolls up his left sleeve. It's- between the white skin, there are metal bits, crude fillers, more on the outside, interrupting the pale skin that still looks human by comparison to the metal . He turns the arm casually, revealing the angry red bite mark on his forearm, seems to never ever go away. "After he bit me, there were issues. I don't know why, but parts of my arm turned grey and foul. So they cut them out and put metal in instead. It- it helps."
"It hurts ," she whispers.
"Yes," he admits. "It hurts. But it's stronger now."
"For what ?" she asks angrily. "So you can do better what he says? So it hurts when you obey him and it hurts when you think about disobeying him and- don't you see that?"
He steps back. "I really don't know what you want from me."
"Yes, you do," she hisses. "Come on. We can figure this out. Together."
"No," he replies. "We can't." And then he drops out of the window and is gone.
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stoopsbookstore · 5 years
Kinktober Day 6 (10/06/2019)
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Kinks - Pecattiphilia (fetish for sinning and breaking religious rules) & Exhibitionism (fetish for performing sexual acts or being naked in front of others)
Warning - Minor Character Death, Blood warning, Part 3 of the Demon!Taeil series
"I think I've been possessed."
Taeil looked at the gentleman in front of him, his body drenched in sweat as pain overcome his body like lava was in his veins.
"I'm in so much pain being in here right now, but I figured it was worth the agony if I was about to talk to you," Taeil keeled over, his face unseen by the pastor, who showed sympathy from Taeil by placing his hand on the young male's shoulder.
"Dear son, you'll need to be exorcised, cleanse yourself, but we must make sure," the pastor removed his hand from Taeil, walking over to a small ornate bowl holding some holy water.
The pastor filled up a cup with the special liquid, turning to Taeil not on the front row, an empty church presenting itself to the godly man.
"Son? Are you still there?" An echo in the spacious area, a tap on the pastor's shoulder startling him, spinning around to a red-eyed Taeil and a slit throat.
"You poor, naive bastard. Believing every sad soul you see, you can save," Taeil licked the blood off his knife, tucking back in his pocket, all the lights in the church going out.
Taeil took his phone out of his pocket, texting Y/N, asking to facetime. His eyes going back to normal, the line rang three times until Taeil was met with Y/N's voice.
"Hey you, what's up?"
"Nothing much, just walking around town. I found this cool church, would you like to meet me here?"
"Is this going to be another late night haunted house situation where all the other guys come and Chenle almost gets his foot cut off?"
"I was thinking more of a 'fuck you on the preacher stand' if that's okay with you," Taeil flashed his signature smile, Y/N's laughter heard from the speaker, "it's been a month since we last slept together."
"And? That is breaking like every sin in the bible."
"Can't you just come over?"
"What's fun about missionary in a bed? Isn't Rena home?"
Y/N sighed. Taeil was right, her roommate was home and they couldn't do much with her there and interrupting them.
"Just send me your address and I'll be there as soon as I can."
Twenty minutes later, Y/N met Taeil, her purposely short and low-cut dress was covered by a cardigan, Taeil whispering as he walked up to her.
"Hey miss," Taeil circled Y/N, his hand playing with the hem of her skirt, "could you tell me where my friend is? She's beautiful, her body is amazing and her mouth is to die for."
Y/N playfully shoved Taeil, "I could ask the same about you, Mr. Insatiable Sex Drive."
"What can I say?" Taeil grabbed Y/N's arm, pulling her to the preacher's stand, the only light source dim candles around them, "you awakened something inside me."
Taeil sat on the stool behind the podium, palming at his pants, keeping track of Y/N walking, staring at the candles and admiring the stained glass artwork.
"I've always thought stained glass were beautiful pieces, they're stunning in the morning."
"I think I'm looking at the most beautiful piece right now," Taeil signaled for Y/N to come over to him, the girl walking over him, gliding her hands over the prominent bulge.
"Oh yeah?" Y/N leans in for a kiss, Taeil happily obligating, "tell me more."
"Her eyes are the brightest you've ever seen. The color memorizing," Taeil stood up, switching spots with Y/N.
"Her skin, flawless no matter what tries to ruin it," Taeil took Y/N's cardigan, throwing it on one of the pews, moving the straps of the dress to trace his lips down her shoulders.
"Open or closed, her smile puts all the models and Instagram whores in the world to shame," his voice going deeper, Taeil's hands cupping Y/N's breasts, "look out to the pews. Imagine all of the seats filled, all of those Jesus heads staring at the sinful display, my cock in you."
"Oh my God, Taeil, keep going," Y/N shut her eyes, Taeil reaching between her legs with one of his hands, his eyes going red.
"Let me move this podium, princess, show all of our friends," Taeil took his hands away, moving the obstruction, Y/N opening her eyes, seeing some of Taeil's friends sitting in the pews.
"Is tha-" Y/N's words were cut off by Taeil, kneeling in front of her, burying his face into her panties.
"Johnny, Doyoung, Taeyong, Jaehyun, Kun, Ten, even a few of your friends, Joshua, Jun, Seonghwa and finally, that pest, Yuta. Always all over you," Taeil started to eat Y/N out through the fabric, nipping and licking the barrier, "I know how much you love having an audience."
Taeil took off his shirt, revealing a dried pentagram he drew using the blood of the pastor, guiding Y/N to the center of the pastor stand.
"Y/N, lay down," Taeil gently commanded her, his seductress jokingly getting on all fours, wiggling her ass while turning to get on her back, Taeil spanking her, "beautiful, naughty goddess, all mine. I changed my mind, don't lay down, get up on your knees."
Y/N felt Taeil unzipping her dress, helping her to her knees, Y/N shimmying out of the dress, leaving her in her bra and panties in front of the crowd.
"You love the thrill of being watched, in the house of God," Taeil growled in Y/N's ear, Y/N moaning as the people in the pews started feeling their pants grow uncomfortable, "they're all aware, they even came willingly. Would you believe people are actually attracted to the dark, the taboo, the unusual?"
Y/N listened to Taeil whisper in her ears, Taeil smearing a liquid on her stomach, his clean hand making its way up to Y/N's neck.
"I know you know I'm not a human anymore, Y/N and yet you stay," Taeil's hand tightened on Y/N's neck, "is it the danger of knowing what I'm capable of?"
Y/N shook her head, the wetness in her panties getting uncomfortable, tubbing her thighs together in a vain attempt to satisfy a little bit of the discomfort, Taeil spreading her legs apart.
"What is that then," Taeil pulled Y/N closer to him, his chest fully flushed to her back, his pants at his ankles as he rubbed his cock inbetween Y/N's thighs, "is it the power that I have? The protection of having a demon on your side?"
Y/N sighed in content as Taeil found his answer.
"I'll always be here for you, my princess," Taeil turned Y/N's face to kiss her, "I won't ever leave. How long have you known?"
"Last time we were together, at the club," Y/N dreamily smiled, thinking about the moment, "when you shot that one guy, he was clearly a demon. Something had to have happened to you, you normally would've tried to talk the guy down before even thinking about harming him."
Y/N reached behind her to put her arm around Taeil's neck, the demon making some sort of noise in acknowledgement.
"So a month. When were you going to tell me?" Taeil began to prep Y/N, his fingers penetrating her as her squeal filled the church, half of the audience staring while the other had started to play with themselves.
"I was waiting for you to tell me," Y/N giggled, Taeil, in a rare soft moment, nuzzling into her neck, "it was your secret, you would've shared it with me when you felt comfortable."
Taeil finally pushed into Y/N, a lengthy groan coming out of him and out of Y/N, a high-pitched moan.
"You always feel so good, whether it's my fingers or cock," Taeil begun to hump Y/N, thrusting at an angle that drove her insane right away, "the best I've ever had in 25 years."
Y/N looked out the pews, all of the boys now masturbating as Taeil fucked her, Johnny focused on pumping his cock, Kun watching Taeil's thrusts go in and out of Y/N, Ten arched up into his hand.
"Fuck, Il-ie," Y/N dugged her nails into Taeil's thighs, an intense feeling going through her, "keep going, push me as far as you can."
Taeil grunted, pulling out of her as she quietly whimpered at the loss. Taeil kicked off his pants and disappeared, leaving Y/N alone in front of their 'fans.'
Taeil came back after a few minutes, blood coating his arms as he brought out the pastor he killed earlier.
"You want me to go rough, Y/N?" Taeil looked at Y/N, her reaction indiscernible as he gently angled her chin up, "If you don't want me to do so, tell me now. I don't want you to regret anything past this point."
Y/N eyed the corpse, the shock of seeing Taeil covered in blood, the pentagram now dripping, wearing off as she stood up, unclipping her bra and dropping it to the side. Walking to Taeil, she gave him a sensitive kiss.
"Do whatever you want."
Taeil's eyes went full blood red, the pupils gone as he picked Y/N up like a feather, kissing her breasts and using the blood to draw a circle on her chest.
"This is your last chance, princess," Taeil asked a final time, Y/N's arms limp around his shoulders, looking for sign of hesitation, "will you be okay?"
Taeil finished the pentagram, an upside down star, as Y/N felt a sense of protection over her body. Taeil again penetrated Y/N, the boys in the crowd watching as Taeil begun to bounce Y/N in his arms, her ass on full display.
"No one will ever fuck with you again," Taeil began to chant, keeping his face in Y/N's breasts, singing praising of her as her moans became squeals and screams, the members of the audience starting to make a mess of themselves, Yuta being the first to orgasm, "I'm gonna make your mine."
"Taeil, make me yours, I'm all yours," Y/N whispered in the demon's ear, her hand tagging at his hair, "I don't want to be with anyone else other than you."
"You're stuck with me," a breathy laugh coming from Taeil, "we belong to each other now."
Y/N's eyes were shut again, her orgasm erupting from her as Taeil continued his dirty talk.
"All mine, no one else's," Taeil came in Y/N, the white liquid making its way out of her princess, the pair catching their breaths, Y/N's head resting on Taeil's shoulder, both sweaty and bloody.
A few moments passed, Taeil still holding Y/N, gently rubbing her back as those who were in the seats of the church were all asleep now. Taeil waved his hand, the boys fully clothed and cleaned as they woke up and walked out of the glass door, the boys having a vauge idea what happened. Taeil's cock still inside her, cum dripping onto the floor, he clenched his hand, opening it to reveal a box, Y/N's eyes widening at the surprise.
"Will you be my queen?"
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beinscorpio · 5 years
lavender And Black - part 4
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summary: Lily makes the reader realizes something right before her birthday 
A\N: sorry that this is really late m=but university was killing me and I’m finally on vacation also  I changed the name from half a life to lavender and black so I hope you don’t mind and again I hope you enjoy my bad writing :)
Sirius Black x Reader: because if I’m going to write about anyone it’s definitely Sirius :’)
 The highlight of your third year at Hogwarts didn't happen when Hogwarts was open for classes again, it was actually in the summer of your second year. You always heard of your aunt but never got to know her since she died when you turned two, but the universe had a plan for you to discover a piece of her mind. You found her potion making journal where she recorded every single potion she made. You thought that her intention was to publish it, except you discarded that idea completely when you saw the instructions to a potion that you knew too well, your potion. Nobody knew about its existence, and the few that knew about it didn't know how to make it. So you went to Hogwarts with the book as another secret.
or so you thought.
The journal was discovered by your friends two weeks after your third year started. You realized then that keeping a secret from them wasn't an option anymore. Now anyone else in your place would've planned their funeral by now, but if there's anyone you trusted more than your parents it would be your friends. Some people might call you crazy because what's at risk is your life, but you can learn a lot about people in two years, and in two years you realized that your friends won't let you get scratched, let alone seriously injured. As for the journal itself, it was for sure going to be used to get better grades in potion class, you just didn't expect what happened a week later in the middle of the night.
The Marauders found out some information regarding potion class, and of course, you were the first one that they had to tell, and the fact that is was probably past 12 am wasn't going to stop them.
their plan was to take you to their room, but they were stopped by none other than Severus Snape the minute they stepped into the Slytherin common room.  
" we just want to talk to y\n," explained Remus. He was the most calm out the marauders, but it was still obvious that he was not fond of Snape.
" If I were you I'd be more concerned about the trouble I'll get into for not being asleep than talking to y\n, " said Snape.
" yeah because you're tucked in bed right now," James replied to him. " hate to be the one with bad news but you're awake too"
" y\n is probably asleep " Snape informed them, his reply to James made it clear that the marauders will definitely not get in trouble anytime soon.
" yeah right, the only time y\n sleeps before 5 am is when you finally wash your hair, " said Sirius " she's pacing or reading a book right now "
before Snape had the chance to defend himself, you appeared with a book in your hand, and Sirius immediately gave Snape an I told you so fake smile.
" Hey, what are you doing here? " you asked your friends and they told everything. You were curious about what had to tell you, so you sneaked into their room, thankfully, you still had your aunt's journal with you because they told you that professor Slughorn was going to display 3 potions, and whoever identifies them gets to have liquid luck, which James wanted. They needed your help to learn how to recognize potions, after all, you were the best at them.
All of you gathered together for breakfast at the great haul the next morning. Out of all the topics you talked about your, birthday after a week was your favorite until Lily mentioned that Sirius will probably give the best gift since you’re basically dating. You didn’t know what it was, but something clicked in your head at that moment, but you continued with the conversation with the idea still in tieback of your head without realizing it.
The next morning at potion class professor Slughorn does exactly as what your friends told you he'd do. Lily was next to you that day, and so with three potions in front of you, you start guessing.
"This is definitely liquid luck," Lilly said pointing at the potion that looks like melted gold, and you agreed.
" Oh, I would recognize this anywhere  ، this is Pepperup Potion for sure," you told Lily, and now you had one potion left. This one you couldn't identify by color and you didn't recognize it immediately, so you decided to smell it.
" It's Amortentia" you blurted out.
“ really what did it smell like? “ Lily asked, but she knew she won’t get an answer after you asked her to repeat what she said again because you didn’t hear her. Even though she definitely knew who it smelled like because you had the exact same look on your face this morning at breakfast, She decided to let you process all the realization because while everyone considered you and Sirius a couple, it was very obvious that you didn't, well until today at least.  
Since breakfast, your mind couldn't stop thinking about it.  Even if you liked him, there was no way you were going to tell him especially that you didn't know if he liked you back, and rejection was a thing you were trying to avoid at all costs, but more importantly, you were definitely not going to ruin your friendship, so your decision was to just keep the feeling in there and not talk about it with hope that it goes away, you had no idea if that's even possible, but for your friendship's sake you were willing to try.
Your birthday was finally here weeks later, and you were so excited to spend it with your friends. The day was already started well with a letter and a gift from your parents. You decided to celebrate your birthday with your friends after class in your room. You got your favorite songs on a cd from Lily, a rare edition of your favorite book from Remus, and a sweater from Jame's parents as well as a month of doing my homework from James himself. Everyone was there and gave you gifts except Sirius as he was the only one who still had classes to go to. He appeared right after you opened James's gift with a box in his hand.
" I made it, Finally! " he said out of breath with a box in his hand. You subconsciously smiled and totally forgot the speech you prepared in case he didn't show up at all and didn't have to be a psychic to know that Lily is smirking.
He sat next to you and handed the box you, he was clearly excited, but not as much as you. The box was black with a purple ribbon that you untied and the first thing that you spotted was a small box which you decided to open first, and in it was a necklace with a small glass ball filled with lavender to the half and It'll pass carved on it. Now Sirius thought it was a perfect gift because your anxiety can become really bad sometimes and the only thing that helps you relax is the lavender cream you own which is why every single person says you smell like lavender. The next gift was an invitation to go to all the different places at Hogsmeade signed by my parents.
" How did you get them to sign it? "
" I have my ways, besides they'll be waiting for you there "
You were really missing your parents so knowing that you'll see them and that Sirius was so thoughtful made you cry. You hugged him and whispered a thank you. It was after the hug that he told you there's one more gift left, a huge bottle of wine which you decided to share with all your friends by playing a game, a question is asked by any person in the group,  and everyone drinks after answering the question. The game revealed some interesting information about everyone, like how lily rather die than relive her first date, What's next on Sirius's ways to drive my mother insane list and how Remus actually came up with the idea of marauders last prank.
By the time the question " what's the worst way to die? " was asked by Sirius you were definitely all drunk, and your answers, well let's just say were not what they would be different if the wine wasn't involved. James chose in vane while lily chose too soon and Remus chose in the hands of a beast.
" suddenly" you blurt out. " you're just going with your day normally not expecting anything and then poof, their gone and there's nothing you can do about it"
Everyone was clearly not expecting that kind of answer from you, and you could tell from the silence as well as their faces, but it was true, that's the worst way you could think of, and that after that day it wasn't only the worst way to die to you, but to all your friends as well. After some more celebration, all of your friends went to their room and sleep, still not forgetting that James has a Quidditch game to play tomorrow which is why the Quidditch field is the first place you went to after you all woke up.
James was a really good player, no one could deny that so it wasn't a surprise that he was the one who scored most of the points for Gryffindor, but the moment that got everyone on edge was when James was on his way to score and get that points that will break the tie between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw.
Come on, come on” whispered Lily and James scored moments later followed by the Gryffindor's seeker catching the snitch.
“ Yes, he did it y/n! “
And everyone including you started to cheer while filled with happiness. Maybe it was because you had this look on your face before, or because it was the first time you saw Lily happy and excited like this, but that day staring at Lily, you were sure that Quidditch was not the only thing that James won that night.
What you were oblivious to is that after the game Dumbledore and McGonigal had a very important conversation.
" Do you think we should suggest that she uses a memory charm on her friends? " asked McGonigal. " The news is from a very trustworthy person. If it's true, I'm certain he will go after her if he discovers what she's capable of"
" She made her choice regarding that already Minerva, let us confirm that the news is true first then we'll know what to do"
@atlas-of-a-human-soul @wishingforahome
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Love yourz.
You never did wanted me, you just loved the thought of being in a relationship with a pretty girl, you never knew how to handle a girl that had high expectations to be treated like a queen. I tore myself down for you and you threw me away right after, like I was some trash that was left on your front porch, it hurts from time to time but eventually its fading. I hope the pain I felt is much more powerful for you to the point where it kills you inside, where it makes you cry at night because you left a good girl that only wanted your attention and make memories together.
I miss you with every inch of my body and sometimes I wish to talk to you so bad but I know that's not my place anymore, I know you dont want to talk to me because you rather talk to other girls, you rather chase their attention instead of mine, you rather be single and do whatever you want without feeling guilty of cheating or being disloyal. You preach about loyalty but you're not even loyal to me or anyone, not even your friends. For them to tell me about you showing your true colors. I hope you know you made me feel like I wasnt enough for you. I felt inadequate from the girl you talked to. "What's wrong with me?" I asked myself. "What's wrong with me that he doesnt want me?" I told my friends. "Nothings wrong with you, you're perfect in every way, hes being a dumbass and will soon realize how stupid he was to let a good woman like you out of his life." They tell me in certain forms. They're right. You did let a good woman out of your life all because she wanted attention. Literally that's all. But you just couldnt hack it. You're weak. Youre weak for letting go. You deserve someone so fucking basic that they leave you for someone else just like you did to me and your friends are gonna say "karma for you" I hope every inch of your body and heart aches for me and cry for me that when the day comes I'll say "no more."
I hope you scream silently at night wishing for me to come back, I hope you cant finish your meal without thinking of me, I hope you get sad thinking of me during the night and when you wake up knowing you couldve been cuddling with me and giving me a good mornings kiss. I hope you ache to give me one last kiss, I hope you ache to give me one last hug, one last dinner, lunch, sex, going through my hair, seeing me smile knowing you made me smile, last everything. I hope it hurts your heart knowing I'm finally happy without you. I hope it stings like I'm putting the knife on your heart slowly in, I hope you beg when that day comes that you beg for my forgiveness and beg for me to come back, I hope it drives you crazy knowing you havent heard from me in almost a month, i hope it drives you insane. I hope out of all of this you learned your lesson through pain.
After all that's been said, a small part of me that's dying out wishes for one last chance... because I believe that you can change. But I know that's naive and far fetched. You cant change for me. Only you can change yourself, no matter how hard I tried helping you change you cant change for yourself. I hope one day you achieve that goal, and maybe by then we would be good together. Maybe you'll master commitment. Maybe you'll treat me like the queen I always was to you. But that's naive for me to think that; after all I wasnt worth it in the end right? Though you told me many times I'm definitely was worth it. What made you change your mind? The fact that we went through the rough patch and you ended up chicking out. You're pathetic and weak. You're not strong like you claim youre not loyal like you claim you are. You're a fake, a liar.
In the end, I hope you find what you're looking for, I hope you achieve your goals whatever goals you have. I hope in the long run you're happy. I hope you're content with life and live a happy life. Cause that's what I want to see, a healthy happy you. Even if I'm not in your life anymore. That's your punishment. Love yourz always.
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iammultifandomaf · 3 years
Chapter 41 - You think the worst of me
The older hunter carried a hateful expression on his face, trying to jerk out of the invisible force holding him down. The woman watched the trio that was sitting in front of them with spite and said: "Once we get out of this, you'll regret playing with us! You'll see how God's rage works in real life!" she hollared at them. Stolos, unfazed by her threat, poured himself another cup of coffee and looked at Lydia's father.
"Ask away," he encouraged Mr. Martin who was just blankly staring at the two furious hunters.
"These are the ones? They murdered Scarlett?"
"Yeah," Stolos answered shortly.
"That chick is insane, right?" Lydia said quietly to Stolos but the woman overheard and began yelling at her some more. Stolos glanced at Lydia whose eyes were wide open as the loud screaming continued.
"Alright, okay, you two shut up," Stolos said, turning his gaze to the hunters, making the blonde one lose her voice, "this man," Stolos continued, gesturing to Lydia's father, "has some questions for you. He will ask you a question and only then you'll answer, truthfully, okay?"
"I'll know when you lie so don't try that, just making that clear," Stolos added.
"Ugh," Mr. Martin nervously began, "do you kill banshees?"
Stolos nodded to the man, saying a simple: "Speak."
He resistently kept his silence, though. Stolos sighed and repeated the question: "Do you kill banshees?"
This time, the hunter almost spat out a 'yes'. He looked shocked by what had just happened.
Lydia watched her boyfriend silently, thinking about how limitless his abilities seemed. More of a scary Jedi than the Doctor, she thought. However, she couldn't bring herself to fear him anymore. Stolos was holding her hand gently, stroking it with his thumb during this peculiar scene. She felt safe with him.
"Why do you do this?" Robert asked, now more urgent than before.
Stolos again repeated the question, now facing the woman.
"Why do you think?! Do you think this is normal? What are you, huh? You deserve to burn in hell like the rest of them!"
Robert looked at Stolos who kept his coolness and repaided him the look. "Is that a satisfactory answer for you?" he asked.
"Umm, well, lady," Mr. Martin turned to the woman, "do you think it's normal to just plain murder everyone? Some of them are good folk!"
"Oh poor old man, you've been bewitched by those demons! They want you to trust them, slowly feeding off of you, spreading evil around them!" the woman didn't scream this time, but her tone was unsettling nonetheless.
"Scarlett was a good person!" Lydia's father cried out, "you're crazy!"
"They are really brainwashed," Lydia said in surprise.
"Yeah... that's a pretty common phenomen I feel like," Stolos commented.
"You're the ones brainwashed!" the woman yelled out again but then only gasped for air, losing the ability to form words again. She furrowed her brows at the young-looking man in front of her.
"Well, I feel like the case's pretty clear, then," Stolos concluded.
"How can't they feel any remorse?" Robert said quietly.
"That's simple, once you dehumanize the person, it's pretty easy to kill somebody without feeling all that bad," Stolos explained, "or you have to be a bit of a psychopat, emotionally disattached from the victim..."
"I don't know how to feel about it," Lydia admitted.
"Me neither," her father agreed, "these motherfuckers threw Scarlett into that dump. But I don't know what to do..."
"Can I suggest something?" Stolos asked politely.
"Uhuh," Lydia hummed.
"I wouldn't directly choose like a masacre or something. But maybe just dismantling their organization with some curse-based spell. Like if they kill another banshee or whatever creature that didn't do anything wrong, they'll die a painful death? Or maybe make the other members kill them. That would be pretty ironic, no?”
"You could do that to them?" Lydia's father asked slightly horrified by what Stolos said. He remembered his previous arrogant attitude he had with Stolos before the truth got revealed and felt a chill go up his spine. I guess it's better to be nice to him, he thought.
"It's just some mind control and a conditional spell, nothing big really," he said nonchalantly.
Lydia's stupor-like mood was slowly exchanged by anger towards the two hunters in front of them. Their sudden appearence was so quick that she wasn't able to process her feelings right away. She was mostly shocked how radical-thinking these individuals were and wasn't sure what to think of it. But the more time she sat there, the more she realized how furious she was. However, she was still somewhat paralyzed on the spot. She looked at Stolos who recognized this gaze.
She's angry, alright, he thought.
Lydia felt a bit ashamed for what she wanted, but she definitely knew it's something she wants to see. I want them to suffer.
"Who really killed her? Or was it both at the same time?" Lydia asked in a low voice, "I want the one dead," she added almost in a whisper. Stolos put his hand on her shoulder and squeezed it lightly and searched for the information himself as he didn't want to listen to the hunters anymore.
"So, you want the one who actually took the life of your mom dead and the other one-?"
"The thing you said," Lydia said decisively. Stolos glanced at her father to see if he agreed as well. Robert scratched the back of his head and watched his daughter for a while before saying: "Yeah, we'd be even protecting some other innocent people... I think it's the right thing to do."
Stolos nodded and stood up making everyone else in the room watch him carefully.
"I better take this... somewhere else," Stolos said in thought.
"No," Lydia said and grabbed his hand, "First, I want to know which one was it and then I want to see-"
"Are you sure, Lyds? This isn't like watching a movie," Stolos asked gently.
"Yes. I know this isn't a movie, Stolos, I want to see life for what it is. And if my decision is gonna kill one of them, I also should be here to see it. Or maybe even do it-"
"No, no... you aren't killing anyone, I am not letting you," Stolos said strictly but wasn't trying to intimidate her.
"Well," Lydia said sharply and rose to her feet too, then don't make an easy exit for them," she said and crossed her arms on her chest. Her father closed in and laid his hands on her shoulders: "With that I agree," he nodded, "Scarlett deserved better."
Stolos sighed and turned around, walking to the hunters and stopping behind their backs. "Don't you blame me for the nightmares, though," Stolos said and put his hand on the man's head who again began jerking around, trying to get out of Stolos' mental hold. Nonetheless, it didn't take long before Stolos' touch became lethal. The man started to shake violently, and soon loud cracking noises came about. Blood came down running from his nose, mouth and even eyes. The other hunter watched with horror in her eyes, not able to look away from the brutal sight. Suddenly, his body went limp and fell to the floor with a loud thud.
Both Lydia and her father were frozen at the spot, still processing what they had just seen. Lydia looked up from the dead body to Stolos whose eyes were just switching color back to his hazels.
"Um, I'll take them both now and finish on what we've agreed, okay?" Stolos asked as if nothing major just happened.
"Uhuh," Mr. Martin nodded absently and in a blink, the awful scene was gone. No corpse, no blonde woman and no Stolos.
Lydia sat down on the sofa, again and her father copied her. Both speechless.
"That...," he began.
"Yeah," Lydia agreed.
"He... he did warn us," Robert said quietly.
"They got what they deserved."
"Yeah," Lydia repeated, feeling tears cummulating in her eyes.
"You're dating a pretty scary fella, you know that?"
"But then again, he did only what we told him to."
"Maybe we are the scary ones, too."
Slowly, he was realizing that he was pretty hungry as he was putting the olives onto the ham. They did everything in silence, neither Thomas or Michendros said a word during cooking. Thomas put the pizza into the oven and looked at the big clock on the wall and then glanced back at Michendros who was sitting at the bar, holding a glass of white wine and was staring somewhere to his left.
"In fifteen minutes then," Thomas said quietly but didn't recieve any attention from Michendros who kept staring to his left.
Is he angry with me? He should be...
Thomas didn't know what to do with himself, so he started walking to the door.
"Did you say something?" Michendros suddenly said, startling Thomas a bit. He turned around again and saw Michendros standing at the bar now, watching him.
"Um- nothing important... just-"
Michendros looked at the oven and then back at Thomas with a small smile, "Oh yeah, the pizza, sorry," he interrupted, "I was talking to Stolos so I wasn't paying attention much."
Thomas kept staring at him in silence which made Michendros explain further as he walked towards Thomas: "Yeah, he's dealing this banshee thing. Come, let's hang out in the living room, I'll tell you about it."
Michendros said and headed to the living room, Thomas quietly followed him.
"You see, Lydia's mom was killed by these hunters apparently. She was a banshee, you know? Isn't that interesting?" Michendros continued and stopped when they entered the living room, looking around to face Thomas who seemed to be a bit surprised by that new information.
"Yeah and Stolos wanted to help Lyds and her dad find her again-"
Thomas was feeling dizzy all of a sudden and couldn't hear Michendros properly anymore. His eyes drafted to the tall man in front of him but he mostly saw small flickering spots.
Michendros noticed his change of expression and said a simple: "Tommy?"
In a split of a second, everything became black. Michendros only cried out: "Tommy!" and quickly caught him mid-fall. He watched him with wide eyes, worried about his state.
"Tommy, it's not easy to experience a near-death experience," he said softly to the unconscious man in his arms. Picking him up, he walked to the couch and sat down with him. Before laying Thomas down, he let a blue pillow float onto his lap and then he laid Thomas' head on it. With a light movement of his hand, a large blanket appeared on Thomas, covering him.
Michendros caressed his cheek for a bit.
"I'd like to help you, but then again, you'd be angry with me if I did something to your head. This will take some time, then."
Michendros put his hand on Thomas' shoulder, securing him. Thomas' questions from before were all valid. Of course it seemes weird to the magician that Michendros treats him the way he does after what had happened. But Michendros couldn't help himself.
"Just look at you," he said quietly and sighed. Michendros sat there for a few minutes like that, watching Thomas sleep. Why does it hurt me to see you like this, Tommy.
Michendros' thoughts drifted away for a bit and then returned to Thomas. Maybe I know you from somewhere, what do you think, Tommy? Maybe I met you some time ago.
Suddenly, Thomas started to shift around a bit and then opened his eyes, only to freeze again.
"I am sorry," Michendros began, "I just wanted to keep a close eye on you. You have the tendency to fall a lot," he smiled innocently.
Thomas still silently stared at the bearded man who started to feel guilty.
"I-I fainted?" Thomas suddenly said in a weak voice.
"Your pizza's almost done," Michendros changed the topic and Thomas sat up, touching the blanket.
"Thanks," Thomas said quietly and started standing up which made Michendros shot up as well and dilligently watched Thomas if he were to lose balance again.
"I am fine," Thomas reassured him, noticing Michendros' alertness.
When they came to the kitchen, the overpowering smell of fresh pizza hit Thomas' nose immediately and he felt saliva bulding up in his mouth.
"Go sit down at the dining table there," Michendros commanded, keeping his tone light, "I'll take it out."
Thomas obeyed and dragged himself to the chair. Mich cut up the pizza into 12 triangles and served it to Thomas, putting a glass of water next to it too. Thomas grabbed a slice as soon as it was laid down, ready to take a bite. Michendros walked back to the bar where he left his glass of wine and took a sip.
"What are you doing?" Thomas asked without taking the first bite.
"Finishing my glass, what about you?"
"You are not going to eat?"
"Well... it's for you. Not for me."
"I want you to have some, too," Thomas insisted.
"No worries, go ahead and eat," Michendros smiled at him, taking another sip.
"No. If you aren't eating it neither am I," Thomas said stubbornly and turned away from the steamy pizza that made his stomach grumble.
The blue-eyed magician was about to stand up from the chair but stopped when he saw that Michendros walked over and took a seat as well. He put down the glass of wine and picked up a slice, taking a large bite.
Thomas didn't say anything and returned to his piece which he laid down before and started to eat it hastily.
It didn't take long and the pizza was gone. Michendros paid attention to eat less than Thomas but everytime Thomas finished a slice, he wouldn't take another before Michendros did so, too.
Thomas drank the whole glass of water and placed it back carefully, avoiding Mich's gaze who kept watching him all this time.
"It took my about a half a year to prepare," Thomas quietly said, "after I found out that Stiles isn't really Stiles... I didn't see everything, but I saw enough. Some of his memories were so bloody..."
"You can read minds?" Michendros wondered and laid his head onto his palm, watching Thomas with interest.
"Hm... that's one of the reasons why I was the 'prodigy'. I don't know since when... but I remember being taught about you two. Usually the words demons or monsters were used to describe you. The coven was delighted when I informed about Sti-... Stolos. And I was, too. They cheered me, I was basicaly a celebrity... All the women were trying to get my attention, the men wanted to be like me. It felt good. And I thought that I was working on something big. Everytime at work, I sat at my desk which was in front of Stolos' and wrote down this song... I didn't understand what it said so it took me long to get it right. I only knew what it could do - partly. Stolos' mind is a wild place. So many languages as well. It was kind of astonishing.
And then it happened. You came, the song worked... We were all thrilled. It felt like catching a wild animal. Finally, a step closer to safety, you know? I... I didn't think you could feel pain... not even when conscious... the elders told that to us. That you aren't human. Just stealing looks to fit in.
So... so when you were down... Stolos and the rest fled and... we took out the saws," Thomas breathing deepened at that memory and paused for a bit. "And... I knew that I gotta finish it. I was the role model after all. My mother watched me do it with a smile. It took hours I think... I started with that arm," Thomas nodded to Mich's left shoulder without meeting his eyes who haven't left Thomas's face since he started talking, "I was so tired from the spell... When I finally broke through the joint and... moved on to the next arm... I couldn't do it anymore. I was exhausted. So some other members finished it for me. I went to sleep right away. That's how Credence also found me - lying in bed... and the rest you know."
Michendros didn't say a word and just kept watching the man in front of him. Thomas felt a bit uncomfortable and stood up, taking away the plate and went to wash it into the sink.
"You know," Michendros said, being unexpectedly closer to him than Thomas thought. He looked up from the sink and shut off the water. Michendros placed his empty glass down on the kitchen counter and searched for Thomas' eyes.
"This might be even our fault anyways. Stolos and I didn't have a problem with being a bit... violent. We were brought up as soldiers after all. And let's say that everything wasn't that cultivated back then... People got killed pretty often. We usually had this strategy to always leave one man to tell the tale... so nobody would dare to look for us, let alone fight us. There was always some 'brave' group of people who did it anyways. Always one survived, though. I guess that has been a mistake in hindsight, but you learn from your mistakes eventually.
And one day it also came to your coven. They were much stronger in comparison to today's members... no offense. I think we went home from a tavern or something, actually having a good time. And there they appeared, ready to strike. Stolos being the one quick to act, he scorched the bunch on his side without hesitation. He usually goes for fire when he's in combat."
Michendros noticed Thomas' face that seemed to desire an explanation.
"He was once born a fire bender. It's a part of him naturally. It's pretty cool, actually. It requires mastering some sort of techniques so when he does it, it's pretty impressive," he acknowledged his little brother.
"And you are a fire bender, too?" Thomas asked quietly, again finding himself interested in Michendros' past.
"Yeah, no. I was born as a non-bender. But my sister was a water bender. Also cool. At first I was a bit bumped out about it but then I learned proper swordmanship so I got my courage back," Michendros laughed shortly before returning to his story, "so... yeah. These guys were on fire and when the rest tried to attack Stolos... I sort of turned them inside out. Stolos noticed that and let one of the burning fire killing the man extinguish, leaving him alive... well, barely."
Thomas stared at Michendros, not sure what to say.
"Well... I don't want to compete with you or anything. My point is that my actions have lead us here probably. And I ended up meeting you in this very odd way. I am not mad about it, though.
When I... got together again, I was staggered by the fact that somebody even dared to do this to me," Michendros chuckled, "Nobody tried to pull something like this in centuries. So, that's why I was so interested in you. Who was this person who build up enough courage to do so? And then I a saw you for the first time. I was surprised by your beauty, honestly. I was thinking, well, why not look into him a bit more, maybe even teach him something. I really have a lotta time on my hands anyways - and as I said before... I am a bit lonely. I knew that you were terrified of me and there was little chance of getting your trust, but hey. Worth a try. And then we talked on my bench... And I really enjoyed being with you.
When Allison, thankfully, noticed the strangeness of your messages, I felt desperate when I couldn't find you. I thought I might won't even be able to..."
Thomas looked away and wrapped his arms around himself.
"Don't worry, though. You said it loud and clear in the morning. You have no interest in me, so I won't push myself onto you, alright?"
Thomas glanced up again to meet Michendros' warm eyes observing him. "Push yourself onto me?" Thomas repeated slowly.
"I mean my feelings," Michendros said and apologitelly raised his hands.
"Why are you telling me this if you don't want me to be scared of you, then?" Thomas asked after a while.
"Well, you already think the worst of me," Michendros grinned, "I don't see a reason to pretend anything. And I like it actually, it's nice to be so open with someone besides Stolos. And as I said before, I believe saying the truth makes one more trustworthy," Michendros said and shrugged.
I don't think the worst of you anymore, Thomas thought and watched Michendros open the fridge, taking out a bottle of wine.
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Where I'll Always Love You- SoMa Peter Pan AU
Wow, I wrote this last year and it's still one or my favorite pieces that I've written. Originally I posted it on wattpad but I just needed to bring it back. Enjoy Tumblr. ~Z . . . "You know that place between sleep and awake, that place where you can still remember dreaming? That's where I'll always love you. That's where I'll be waiting." -Peter Pan The young ashen blonde woke to hear the yelling. Her father had drunk too much yet again, and her mother had cared too much about him yet again. She knew her father drank to relieve himself of stress and she knew her mother cared because she 'loved' him. Sometimes Maka switches between their sides, agreeing that her father needs to relax, or that her mother simply loved and cared for him like any wife should, though it was rigorous to find a gray area of agreement in their redundant black and white arguments. Worst of all, neither of them would agree to being erroneous over the littlest of things that held no relevance to Maka. Such as: money, work, their fake love, and family that hated each other. She often wished to escape it all, growing in a home with parents that only argued scarred her to believe love is nothing but a joke- a game. Growing in a home with no siblings and in a gated away manor has made for long lonely years. The real question was: Who wouldn't want to escape? Many would call her selfish for having absolutely everything she could possibly desire yet still ask for more, even if what she asks for is... less. She had no aspiration for her current lifestyle. Everyone on the outside sees her living a life full of wonder, amazement, and color. But she, just like her parents, lives in black and white, and it was suffocating. So in reality she didn't seek absence, she needed it, or she'd be driven insane. There’s a fine line between orthodox and unorthodox, she's currently habituated too far in the orthodox side of this line, only days away before her balance would be completely thrown off and shattered. "Spirit! I've had enough of your bickering! You're wrong, everything you're accusing me of is wrong... I'm retiring for the night," there was a pause of dead silence before her mother's shaken voice continued,  "have yourself a nice drink and a nice night you savage!" And footsteps pounded up the staircase- five seconds of more footsteps before a door slammed and the house fell into an gauche silence. "Go to sleep Maka, go to sleep, go to sleep. Everything will be okay if you go to sleep." She buried her face in a pillow and squeezed her eyes like the action would make her instantly grow tired and result in slumber. "Sleeping is good," a voice called out from the dark corner in her room, at this, she sat straight up in her bed, hairs sticking up, a chill running down her spine. "but only when you're having the good sleep." it was masculine, not quite deep, but unmistakably male. She slowly let her feet touch the floor that felt like ice even with it's beige carpet, even in the late spring. "The good sleep?" She questioned trying to look for a form in the shadows though all she saw was black wavering shapes, like shadows pulsing as if they were one of the new lava lamps. "Yeah, the sleep when you dream. When you escape." Maka tilted her head in confusion. "When you escape," he had said. That word, escape, it pulled her in like some type of trance. She pondered what it meant. Escape her current situation, escape these problems, this home(that failed to be warm like a home should be), this life? A smile almost spread across her face. When you dream... "I don't get very much dreams, not anymore," she continued after the pause of silence. She waited, more silence, then finally a response. "Then you have the bad type of sleep, with nightmares?" Maka found herself questioning what he meant by nightmares as well. Both of the subjects seemed so foreign to her, so naturally, her curiosity grew. "Enlighten me on nightmares, please." There was no face to prove her point, but she could sense it. Whoever he was, her question had let him grow shocked. "They're bad things, like monsters and goblins, witchcraft, that feeling you get when something bad happens or when something bad is going to happen, and you know it," he seemed to be finding the right words, "like fear." "I get a lot of fear, it's like I live in it. I know I shouldn't because everything bad that happens is very much expected, but that feeling still rises." There was no hesitation in her voice, and neither in him. "Yes, it's natural to be afraid, but if you want," he finally emerged himself from the shadows, his hair was white, the type of white she only sees during the winter, like snow, and his eyes were a deep red like the roses in the garden, his skin a beige color, but animate unlike her carpet where she was curling her bare toes into. "I can take you to a place where you'll never have to fear again. You can say goodbye to growing up, we can run away, start again, this time have a good childhood, a better reality. Just take my hand." She looked down to see his hand reaching for her, the twitch of curiosity and more yelling from the hall made her frown and take his hand without a second thought, her fingers curled around his warm palm. When he jumped from the window still holding onto her she screamed, and when they flew, she smiled just like he did while laughing at her expressions. "We're following the second star to the right, it shines in the night for you, to tell you that the few dreams you have can come true." Maka smiled as the night sky opened up for them, for the first time, her home looked beautiful and she understood why everyone felt like she lived in color. "Then let's go, let's run away, off to..." He grinned at her and she smiled joyfully. "Off to Neverland!" He continued, she nodded as they flew off, his hand never letting go of hers, even when the star expanded and she found herself traveling to the Neverland he spoke of. The bright colors and vast ocean leading to one island that bursted with life and magic. Something so surreal that she actually thought she was dreaming. "You'll get that feeling, Neverland is the land of dreams after all." He read her mind, she knew it. Landing was easy, being shown around was breathtaking, every cove, cave, cliff, it all seemed new and better than the pictures hanging in the dining room at home. Home. It was a topic she didn't like to bring up, not for the first week, not for the first month, only in the first year when he had kissed her, hugged her, loved her and made it clear, she now knew what love really was thanks to him, it was the first time she understood what home and love and dreams truly meant. She found herself asking him about it as she gazed out to the Mermaid Lagoon. "What is home to you, Soul?" His name was Soul, she hadn't known it the first day, not even the second, only on the third when she found herself talking to him and stumbling on her words trying to remember a memory she simply didn't have, she had never bothered to know, he amused her far too much and she simply forgot to ask. "Hmm..." He took a moment to think about his answer, the way his brow creased and how his eyes went distant, it always made her smile. "Home to me is where I can be me, where everything is perfect and where I can smile and be happy." She nodded and waited before sighing and standing. "Home to me, though it was black and white, lifeless, and broken. Home was with my parents, home is that place I want to correct as I grow, the place I know can be colorful like Neverland." His eyes widened at the word, the word she spoke for the first time in months, grow. "You've opened my eyes Soul," she paused and turned to him with sorrow and guilt in her gaze, "and I can never thank you enough for that but-" she gulped as the words rushed out. "I'd like to go home." The look that spread across her face made her feel culpable. He didn't argue with her or deny her of her request, he only silently reached out his hand for her to take, and they flew. They passed the star that guided them to and away from Neverland. She got sight of the manor she called home, it no longer resembled a prison, a sense of nostalgia washed over her as they got closer. "Everything is exactly as you left it, arguing parents and all. You only have to go back through the way you came." Maka looked back at him and kissed his cheek as a thank you, a thank you for everything he's done for her. Her small foot landed on the ledge of the window, his arm pulled her and he gave her a heartwarming longing look. "I'm not going to tell you to change your mind, just know that..." His face went distant before he took both of her arms in his hands and they floated in the space outside of window. "There's a place, that place between sleep and awake, that place where you can still remember dreaming?" She nodded, the place he was talking about was like a faint trance one feels after they daydreamed of something wonderful, somewhere like Neverland. "That's where I'll always love you. That's where I'll be waiting." Her feet landed on the ledge and he kissed her forehead right before he disappeared into the shadows he had come from. It was not the last time she saw him, just like he promised, whenever she had dreams(which was now more often then before) she saw him, in the small haze before she was completely awake, she saw him, she saw them, faint memories of the adventures they had in Neverland. Even when she grew old and raised her own children she still saw him, she still believed. She still thought of Neverland.
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