#if i could change something about her wedding attire i would have made the dress darker maybe a dark blue with silver details
mistninja · 2 years
Not going to lie the black wedding dress Hinata wore was way better than the actual one she wore to her wedding to Naruto.
Your absolutely right IT IS cooler i love it so much specially the fact it can be undone to reveal an even cooler outfit underneat!! but i also think she looks really pretty in her wedding day, i think the traditional style suits her
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mellowsadistic · 5 months
The Flower Girl - Part 2
As Grace stared at Jessica, angry and confused, she felt a wave of dizziness wash over her.
“What are you doing?” she mumbled. “What’s going…”
But Jessica’s presence suddenly seemed magnified tenfold. It was as if Grace was looking up at someone much bigger than her, even though she and Jessica were the same height. There was a strange tingling in her brain, a rush of sudden vertigo. She imagined she might fall over, right onto her bottom. She giggled. That would be silly! She shook her head vigorously from side to side, trying to clear it.
“Not your… Not your big day,” said Grace, frowning. “I’m the bride.”
Jessica let out another one of her tinkling laughs. “Silly baby, you’re not the bride! Rob can’t get married to a silly little girl like you. This is my wedding, but I’m being very generous and letting you be the flower girl. Aren’t you lucky?”
Grace felt her head nodding enthusiastically. “Fank you!” she heard herself lisp. What the hell was happening?! The flower girl? Her head was clearing, but it felt as though she couldn’t control herself, like she was nothing but a passenger in her own body!
“Look what I got for you to wear, sweetie,” said Jessica, and she held up the dress she’d been carrying.
It was silly, frilly, and very small. The sleeves were puffy, the short skirt looked more like a tutu than anything else, and it had a large bow on the back.
Grace felt sick at the sight of it. No self-respecting woman would ever wear something so childish, something clearly meant for the youngest of children. But her body seemed to think differently. She heard herself gasp with excitement, and she thrust out her arms and made grabby hands at the ridiculous thing.
“Awww!” Olivia and Caroline cooed.
What was going on?! What was happening to her?! Her head was fully clear now, but Grace’s body still was completely out of her control. Why were Olivia and Caroline acting like nothing was wrong?!
“Alright, Gracie,” Jessica laughed. “Let’s get you changed. Olivia, Caroline, could you help her out of my dress?”
The two women hurried forwards and got to work. Grace could only stand there obediently, smiling vapidly and crying on the inside while her bridesmaids worked together to strip off various pieces of her attire and lift the beautiful dress back up over her head, leaving her in nothing but her underwear – and she didn’t get to keep those for long either.
“I can’t believe we ever thought you were an adult,” Olivia said, unclasping Grace’s bra and letting her large breasts spill out. She tittered at the sight of Grace’s tits wobbling on her chest. “Isn’t it funny how such a silly little girl has such big boobies? These massive knockers must have been how you tricked Rob into thinking you were a grown-up.”
To Grace’s horror, she started giggling and jumping up and down on the spot, making her bare boobs jiggle about madly.
Everyone laughed at her, and Olivia said, “I thought so! You’re just a naughty little brat, aren’t you sweetie? Just like Jessica said. I’m so glad you’ve come to your senses, Gracie. Jessica is clearly the one who’s meant to marry Rob, not you.”
Olivia would never say those kind of things to her! Grace was sure of that. Jessica must have done something to her, and Caroline as well!
Once Grace was standing in nothing but her undies, Olivia went over to Jessica with her wedding dress and started to help her change into it. Meanwhile, Caroline took the flower girl dress and held it up again for Grace to see.
“You’re going to look just like a princess, Gracie!” she said brightly.
Just like before, Grace couldn’t take her eyes off the mirror in front of her. But this time, her transformation was very different. Caroline slipped the tiny little flower girl dress over Grace’s head and started making adjustments to it, brushing down the skirts and squeezing Grace’s tits into the bodice.
Grace winced. It was so tight across the chest that it was painful. Her breasts bulged out obscenely through the fabric, and the puffy, frilly, tutu-like skirt barely reached past her bottom.
“There we go!” Caroline said. “Don’t you look pretty?”
Grace looked at herself in the mirror. She wanted to rip the ridiculous dress off her body and scream at everyone until someone told her what the fuck was going on. She wanted to smack Jessica hard across the face and throw her out of the venue. Instead she smiled stupidly. “Uh-hu!”
“Don’t forget to do her hair,” Jessica smirked, and Caroline nodded.
Grace could only stand there with a dumb grin on her face while her bridesmaid tied her sleek blonde hair into ridiculous pigtails sticking out from either side of her head.
There was a knock on the door and Annie, her third bridesmaid, finally came back into the room.
“Hi girls!” she said.
Grace prayed that maybe, this time, someone was going to come to her rescue. But then she saw that Annie was carrying something. Something large and white and rectangular.
When she realised what it was, Grace felt as though her heart had dropped into her stomach. Even the stupid little girl in charge of her body didn’t like it.
“Don’t need dat!” she heard herself whine as Annie came towards her, unfolding the crinkly, adult-sized disposable diaper as she went.
“Oh yes you do!” said Jessica loudly, and Grace looked over at her, her bottom lip trembling. “Toilets are a thing of the past for you, Gracie,” she said, a malicious look in her eyes. “Stupid little girls like you go potty in their pants, and that means you need a nappy on.”
Annie lifted up Grace’s flower girl dress, slipped a finger into the waistband of her underwear, and started sliding them down.
Grace looked on in horror, a stupid little pout still on her face, as her lacy white lingerie, a sexy surprise for Rob on their wedding night, was tugged down her legs. No, she thought, watching as Annie tossed them aside, come back!
But Annie was already slipping the bulky diaper between Grace’s legs, holding it up while she taped it into place. Grace could feel the soft, thirsty padding pressing against her pussy, ready to soak up all the pee-pee accidents she might have. This couldn’t be happening to her!
“There we go!” Annie cooed. “This suits you much better than that little lacy number. Your undies need to be designed in terms of how many potty accidents they can hold, not sex appeal.”
Once Grace’s nappy was on, Caroline stepped forwards again and, in case there was any doubt about Grace’s new position, placed a flower crown on top of her head.
“There’s just one more thing she needs,” Jessica said, walking over to her old clothes and fishing in the pockets. “Here we go!” She came back over and shoved a bright pink pacifier into Grace’s mouth, where it immediately started bobbing between her lips. “Perfect,” Jessica purred, drinking in Grace’s appearance like she couldn’t get enough of it. “We’ll be ready to go very soon.”
While her bridesmaids made the finishing touches to Jessica’s outfit, Grace toddled around impatiently, her thick diaper rustling noisily between her legs.
Then, without warning, she felt a sudden pressure in her bladder. She clutched her hands to her crotch, but the urge to go had become uncontrollable almost the moment it had appeared. Grace felt pee rushing into her pants, drenching the thick padding between her legs. The front of her Pampers discoloured, sagging until the yellow-tinged padding peaked out below the hem of her dress.
“Uh-oh,” she said softly, wrinkling her nose as the sharp smell of piss reached it. Inside her head, Grace was shrieking in horror. She wanted to throw up. She’d never been so disgusted in her life! It was awful, the feeling of her pee sloshing around in her pants, the sopping wet padding pressed against her nether regions. Someone had to save her! They had to!
At last, Jessica was done. She smirked down at Grace in her ridiculous little flower girl dress, dummy in her mouth, her hair in ludicrous pigtails. “I think someone had better check the baby’s nappy,” she said.
Caroline stepped forward, lifted up Grace’s dress, and probed the front of her diaper.
“She’s done a wee-wee,” Caroline announced. “Should I change her?”
“Is she about to leak?” asked Jessica.
“No, I think it can take a bit more,” Caroline replied, as Grace fidgeted in place like an impatient little girl, praying desperately that her bridesmaids would come to their senses, that someone would rescue her.
“Leave her for now,” Jessica instructed, a note of delight just detectable in her voice. “We don’t want to waste nappies.”
“You’re in charge,” said Caroline, and she actually did a little curtsey.
“That’s right,” said Jessica, her smile widening. “I am. It’s my big day, after all.”
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so 96% of you wanted to see me do a redesign of mermista. and while i can draw, i've been stuck in an art block so i opted to just draw over her current design. i don't hate all of it so i'm not changing everything.
let me go through the complaints i do have about her design.
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first off, she does not look like royalty in the slightest. she just looks like some girl who likes the color blue. even the gold accents don't really help. i'm not saying she has to walk around in a gown and tiara but at least add something to her design to indicate that she's a princess?
secondly, those clown shoes are NOT IT. who even thought of that? they look uncomfortable and ridiculous, and doesn't make sense for her character design.
those sleeves/armor (??? i honestly don't know what those are) and gold gauntlets also do not look practical in the slightest. they look like they'd be a hindrance for a swimmer. and guess what, she still has them in her mermaid form.
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the OG mermista design wasn't the greatest but at least it looked like she could swim comfortably.
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so my objectives were:
give her outfit a more streamlined look so it would make sense for her powers
make her look like actual royalty and not some girl with a cool color palette
expand more on the indian-inspired design and reflect that in her usual outfit, instead of putting her in a saree-inspired dress for one episode and calling it a day (i say saree-inspired because it's not really a traditional saree, but more like a modern and slightly western rendition)
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i made two versions of her redesign - one with a dupatta and one without. the dupatta, i understand, could be a hindrance in certain situations but i just wanted to give an example of how to take inspiration from a culture instead of just using it for brownie points. a dupatta is something indians would wear with their casual attire, mostly with salwars, unlike sarees which are generally reserved for special occasions (there are sarees that are casual wear, but they're still not the most convenient).
secondly, i gave her a headwear inspired from desi wedding attire and older indian tiaras. mind you, indian tiaras themselves are a lot more complex and beautifully crafted, but 1. it would take me ages to draw all the details and 2. i figured mermista would go for a simpler look, especially when she's not at her palace. also, while indian headwears are usually made with gold and jewels, i gave mermista's headwear pearls because.. pearls, oysters, ocean. mermaid vibes.
i changed the shoes and gave her a pair that are inspired by water shoes. i know that she would transform into a mermaid while swimming anyway, but these still look more comfortable without serving clowncore.
i replaced her gold accents with silver because the gold doesn't really mesh well with the teal, in my opinion. while indians are known for their love of gold, a lot of people nowadays opt for silver, because it is less expensive and more compatible with casual wear.
i highlighted the fishscale pattern in her outfit since you could barely see them in the original.
i gave her a bindi and the necklace that 80s mermista wore, as a tribute to the OG show, and the design is complete. i know that some of these may not be the easiest to animate but if they could animate perfuma's cape thing, entrapta's hair and a hundred different outfits for catra; this design is just child's play.
let me know what you think of the redesign and if you want me to do the same for the other characters!
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polarisbibliotheque · 7 months
Devil May Halloween - The Samhain Ritual - Dante's Path
Devil May Halloween 2023 - The Samhain Ritual, Dante's Path
Pairing: Dante x Reader Summary: It’s finally Halloween and, even if the demons are a lot more active this time of the year, that doesn’t stop you from going on hunts - the partying can be done later. Or… At least that was what you thought. Maybe Nero had pretty good reasons to worry about that job after all. Author's Notes: Fucking. Finally. It took forever, but here I have around 20 pages of a demon wanting to marry the reader and Dante going feral over it. Took me ALL THIS TIME to write and I do apologize, but SO MUCH has happened since October, I'm finally managing to get my life back on track. So heeeeeey, here we have Dante's part of the Halloween Special for 2023! Be sure to read the Prologue first to understand the road so far yes Supernatural fan right here and have fun!! But I do have to thank @furyeclipse - the idea came from an ask sent a thousand years ago and I've been reading her works on ao3 and that motivated™ me to write again! Be sure to check Fury's work over there!
Oh. And I highly recommend an AC/DC playlist while reading this. Just sayin'. We all know Dante is an AC/DC guy
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Devil May Halloween 2023 – Dante’s Path
“You know, of all the things that could have happened to me as a hunter, getting into a forced marriage with a demon lord was the very last one I would’ve imagined.”
And you were definitely the only person in the world that could have made Kyrie laugh in a moment like that – at least, that was what she thought as she smiled for the first time since you both had stepped in that place.
It was desecrated ground, that was the reason why the demons chose such a place. An old cathedral, now turned into an abandoned set of ruins with a cemetery of forgotten souls in the back. Some stone walls still stood tall, but the roof was gone, along with some windows and part of its gothic architecture. The shroud of the darkest tones of night slowly crept over, having rows and sets of candles of all sizes as the only source of light beside the moon.
You and Kyrie were being kept in a secured room – the only with still four walls to hold you in, and a heavy set of crumbling wooden doors. You were handed wedding attires – white, as to demonstrate the purity of your human souls compared to demons – and shoved in there, forced to change before the ritual.
You tried to resist, but as soon as they threatened Kyrie, you had to abide. There was nothing you could do: you had promised Nero nothing would happen to her, and she was your weak spot that night.
“We will figure something out…” Kyrie murmured with a ghost of a smile on her soft lips, even if she didn’t carry too much hope in her heart. She knew that if you were alone, you would probably be fist-fighting demons with all your might to drag yourself out of that place, but with her by your side… She had never seen you so compliant.
“Hmmm. Yeah. I’m still trying to think of something.” You huffed, sitting by her side on a stone loveseat, having your elbows on your knees and your face cradled by your hands. “I feel naked without my stuff. So uncomfortable.”
Once again, Kyrie giggled. Indeed, it was probably the first time she ever saw you without your everyday clothes and specially without your weapons: be it your guns, your sword or even a pocketknife you carried around for emergency self-defense. She could only imagine how stripped you felt at that moment.
“Well, if it serves as consolation, this is definitely not my style.” She whispered in response, making you laugh immediately. Indeed, poor Kyrie looked like a princess covered in Chantilly. Too over-the-top for her, and you could say the same about your forced attire.
“Oh, what a mess we got ourselves into this time, huh…?” You still had that laugh in your lips, making Kyrie respond with a sad smile. “Though I bet Nero is going to die seeing you dressed as a bride.”
“He will never admit it.” Kyrie had to giggle with that mental image. She could almost see Nero standing in front of her, red as a tomato, stuttering while trying to maintain that nonchalant punk attitude he always tried to – even if Kyrie could easily see through all of that. “He does get all flustered whenever I’m wearing anything slightly bridal looking.”
“There you go. The hideous Chantilly wedding dress will have at least one good effect after all.” You sighed with a laugh, following Kyrie on her giggles as she blushed herself, happy to imagine that.
The moment wouldn’t last long, though, as you felt something shifting in the air. You immediately got up on your feet, keeping Kyrie safe and sound behind you. Her curious, scared eyes tried to pick up what was going on, but neither of you could see – you could just feel it.
With some fiery sparkles, one of the demons responsible for that mess materialized right in front of you.
“Well, well. It is good to see you are already prepared.” Horns and sharp features, but in the suit of a ruthless man – that was the best way you could describe the demon lords. They had the leathery wings, skin as rough as that of a lizard, eyes bright like flames in the dark – but something still carried the resemblance of a human being. They were tall – even taller than most doors – with sharp nails to be used as claws, fangs ready to tear throats apart. But they were built in the image of humans: something quite rare when it came to demons.
“Not out of our own free will – you shouldn’t be that pleased your minions managed to coerce us into these horrid things.” You pointed at your own attire, making Kyrie look up at you with tense eyes.
It was something she admired, to say the least. You could all look in the face of the most threatening of creatures and still manage to say something to taunt or belittle them. She wished she had that kind of courage.
“You do have a point, human.” The demon had a quick giggle in his voice, making you furrow your eyebrows slightly. It wasn’t every day one of those things would agree with your big mouth. “Come. I would very much like to speak with you.”
Oh. Demons and their teleportation shenanigans – to be quite honest, you hated it. Whenever you used any of their magic or even Vergil’s void thing from the Yamato, you always felt a little dizzy afterwards. It took you some quick seconds to make sense you were in what seemed to be the abandoned church’s library – in a room made of stones and rotten books, lit by decrepit candles and having just one usable table in a corner. The demon lords had clearly made that their own room for the day.
“It’s rare a demon wishes to talk.” You finally managed to say while the demon lord slowly walked towards his desk, having you in the middle of the room. Now Kyrie was alone and you had no idea what was going on with her – you had to play your cards well to see her alive again. “According to my experience, your kind prefers a bloodier approach.”
“I take it you haven’t met many demon lords then.” He had a nonchalant tone, waving his hand in disregard as he approached his desk and leaned into it, staring at you. “Nevertheless, that is more Orcus’ style.”
“Your little friend.”
“Al Pacino did play the devil once, didn’t he…?” The demon laughed in response and you did your best to cover up the shock that he understood your Scarface reference.
Movies and pop culture references with Dante were a given – the same way Vergil was an encyclopedia of forgotten and obscure texts, Dante was the go-to man when it came to movies, especially the classic ones. Making references and laughing with each other was something both of you cherished wholeheartedly – and you never thought a demon would get it.
Vergil never did – and he had to have spent some time with those guys in the last decades.
“Well, I don’t think you brought me down here just to talk about movies.” You crossed your arms, trying as much as you could to look tough in that attire. Which wasn’t going very well for you. “And it certainly wasn’t to properly ask for my hand in marriage.”
“Oh, no, no…” He answered with a laugh that crackled like fire – and you could easily see the amusement in his eyes. “I wanted to see what the son of Sparda saw in you… To bind himself to one of the weakest creatures known. Just like his father before him.”
“It’s not like Dante has married me, you know? We’re not like Eva and Sparda.” You raised one of your eyebrows. Something about that conversation was very… Weird. To put it mildly. “We’re not bonded like you want to do today. And on that note, I have to point out: marriages are quite religious. Aren’t you guys going to combust spontaneously trying to do something holy?”
“Oh, but you are bonded. He may not have chosen his father’s path, but his heart does not lie.” The demon had something quite mischievous in his eyes, and you were starting to notice the difference between him and Orcus: the second one was more of a brute, a lord of war so to speak – the one you were talking to, Erlach, was very cunning; but there was a glint of bloodthirstiness in the back of his eyes. That made him even more dangerous than you gave him credit for at first. “I shall never understand why Sparda did not wish to follow the ritual with his human. That would have made him so powerful, not even the most dangerous creatures in Hell would have dared to slaughter his family. A shame really.” He tossed aside a charred painting of Sparda and Eva: old, barely holding itself together, but still clearly depicting the couple holding hands and smiling to whoever decided to look upon them. “We do have our own rituals – and demons are no strangers to marriages. It has another name in Hell, though, it is a binding ritual: where souls connect and one can be made more from the other’s power.”
“Oh. So the other just accepts it’s going to be a puny little thing beside their partner? Sounds more like slavery to me.” You wouldn’t give the demon the benefit of the doubt nor make it all sound so wonderful. Anything related to devils always had a catch – and that had to be the catch to their own twisted version of a ‘marriage’.
And in all honesty, you weren’t looking forward to be made a slave to a demon lord.
“Some creatures enjoy that.” And the smile that covered Erlach’s lips could be only considered devilish. You did your best not to look like you were agreeing – even if you knew, deep down, that yes, some people did enjoy that. “Every con has its pro. With the binding and forfeit of power, comes protection and status. Few would want to desecrate the partner of a powerful demon – it could easily be the last thing they would do.”
“if I am bonded to Dante, then, I wonder why would someone like you decide to mess with the chosen partner of the son of Sparda.” Now you had a small smile hidden in the corner of your lips, slightly raising your head in hubris. You wouldn’t lie: the status you got from him among demons was always very welcome. “Not that I really need him to help me. If I had my weapons, you would all be laying on the floor in a pool of your own blood – and I’d be home celebrating Halloween with him.”
Erlach stared into your eyes for a good four seconds before opening a threatening smile with his sharp fangs. His own eyes burned like fire, but you never let his gaze go – it wasn’t in you to be scared by the likes of him. You had seen worse, you had fought worse… And only you knew how threatening Dante’s eyes could look when he was half asleep in a nightmare of his young years with you trying to wake him up so he could have some peace. That was worse than any demon you could ever face.
“Indeed, that is why I needed some leverage against you.” He waved his hand nonchalantly towards the door and you immediately understood he was talking about Kyrie. “It was never my intention to allow Orcus to bond to some creature as powerful as mine… But I did not knew the extent of your powers, so I needed something to keep you in line. Luckily, Sparda’s grandson is not as attuned to powerful partners as Sparda’s children.”
You furrowed your brows. Whenever you talked between the members of the crew, there was a tacit agreement Kyrie was indeed the most powerful of all – for her ability to love openly, to cry, to be vulnerable and to care with such an open heart.
But those abilities were inherently human – and appreciated in humans rather than demons. In the human point of view, Kyrie was stronger than all of you together, and no one could argue against that. But in the demonic point of view… You and Lady were top of the list when it came to being able to take demons in a fair fight.
But you… You had Dante’s heart.
“It was part of our bargain. But I would never allow Orcus to bind to the most powerful of partners, would I?” Again, that smile painted his lips. You remained in the middle of the room, holding his gaze, not even flinching as he approached you. “I must admit, though, I never thought you would have this… Fire.”
As Erlach stopped with a few inches from your own face, you didn’t recoil. You remained with your arms crossed, standing as tall as you could in front of that huge demon lord as his fiery eyes just stared deeply into yours – and you stared back.
But you sensed something… Different. In his words, in his gaze. You wanted to furrow your brows as you were slowly coming to realize something, but you did your best to remain as proud and emotionless as you could – and Erlach took note of that. A pleasurable note.
“I can see what the son of Sparda saw in you.” That devilish smile colored his lips once more as the demon took another step towards you. It took you a great amount of willpower not to step back. You would never step back. “When demons bind with demons, it is one sort of marriage. When demons bind with humans, on Samhein, with the correct ritual… Well, it is a very different thing. A kind of binding never seen before – and never attempted, not even by Sparda.” Erlach approached with another step, making you raise your head even higher. Every fiber of your being wanted to scream Dante’s name and watch your red devil storm inside that room and suplex Erlach face first on the floor – as he deserved. The demon lord, though, offered one hand to you, palm facing up. “At first, I targeted you for Dante would not take a weakling as a partner, but now… I am more than inclined to take you as mine. With me, you would have the protection and status of royalty in Hell. We can take over entire worlds. And they would all be mine and yours to rule.” You just kept staring at him as Erlach’s fiery eyes stared even more deeply into yours. “You just have to say yes.”
To say your head was spinning was an understatement. What a wild ride that night was becoming – and something inside you stirred, telling you it would become even wilder. Were you reading his words right…? His gestures…? Not that Erlach was being subtle about it, he was being as blunt as his kind could be, but… Were you going crazy? You were, probably. That was a more plausible explanation than what you had to admit yourself – than what you were living right at that moment.
“If you think I’d give up Dante for power, then you can see nothing he saw in me.” You spat back, still holding your head high. “You are just as clueless as the rest of your kind.”
Erlach laughed back – not a laugh of an evil demon as you were used to, but one of delight. He… Enjoyed your answer…?
“The more you speak, the more I see.” He finally chuckled, stepping back after one last stare. “And I will see you later.”
With a snap of his fingers, you were back to the cold, abandoned crypt you and Kyrie were being held hostages. As your dizziness faded and you came back to reality, you saw her holding one of your hands, checking if you were ok with one of her palms on your forehead. Even if you didn’t feel lightheaded anymore, your mind was still troubled – and you had to sit down on the stone loveseat you shared with Kyrie earlier.
“Are you ok, y/n? What happened?” She sat by your side, big hazelnut eyes staring at you with warmth and humanity – so much different from the fiery pit of Erlach’s eyes. So much more welcoming and cozier. So much more like home. You would’ve hugged her if you weren’t so disoriented. “Y/n. What did he do to you? What happened?!”
“I think…” You finally managed to put into words what just happened – even if you didn’t want to say what you thought out loud. It seemed that by saying it, a sort of magic would make it become true. “I think… A demon lord just fell in love with me.”
You and Kyrie just stared at each other in horror, not even knowing what to say.
“What the hell…?!”
And Kyrie finally managed to put into words what you had been thinking the whole time.
“Fuckin’ hell…”
Nico just stared at Lady as Dante growled while mounting on his bike.
To be fair, Nico wasn’t the safest person to be behind a wheel, even more in a dire situation like that with Nero by her side looking like he was about to bite ankles and throw punches – but something about Dante looking like he was about to burst into flames while viciously riding the Cavaliere and growling in a half-distorted demon voice was enough to get the gunsmith ever so slightly… Concerned.
“Everything ok there, Dante, or do we need to take you in the van?” Lady screamed out her window, while Nico hoped the bright red glint in Dante’s eyes was only her imagination. “You look like you wanna beat me in a race! We hunt demons to save humans, not run them over, you know?”
“Eh, demon spidey-sense is tinglin’, Lady! That’s no good!” Dante screamed back, doing his best to keep the demonic part of his voice repressed inside his chest. He would have more than enough opportunities to let that explode. “Y/n is unsafe. I can feel it. And I…” With that, Dante drove to the back of the van because of a narrowing road, only to come back a few seconds later. “Don’t…” Another interruption for Dante not to run over a citizen cluelessly crossing the street and almost being run over by Nico. “Like it!”
His last phrase couldn’t keep the distortion in anymore and it sounded like a deep roar that came out of his chest like fire. Trish could already see the fangs in his bared teeth: those demons were in for the fight of a lifetime, for everyone knew making Dante’s lover feel unsafe was one of the worst sins in the Sparda dictionary.
Nico opened her mouth to talk to Nero – because, maybe, he could beat some sense into his uncle’s head, given they had the very same heritage – but for the first time she just put the cigarette between her lips and decided to shut up.
She was still getting used to Nero’s new trigger, so the halfway-into-turning state was something Nico didn’t really know how to deal with. By this point, Nero’s nails were definitely claws and his fangs were very much similar to Dante’s. He was fidgeting everywhere, messing with Blue Rose, as if something was really wrong with the gun and he had to fix it – a thousand fucking times. Nico could also swear his eyes were starting to glow with an inhumane gold tinge and that was very alien to her.
“Hey, kid! What about your spidey-sense tingling? Anything new?” Luckily for Nico, she had Trish around – and that woman was a pure devil, so there were very few things she feared. They all knew Nero was getting used to his own new powers, so Trish always decided to stay around and lend a hand whenever Nero had to go through something emotionally heavy – she knew it herself that demon instinct always came crashing like a wild wave whenever emotions were running high.
“Eh, she’s not good too, Trish. Worried as heck, I can feel it.” Nero mumbled under his breath, fixing the barrels of the Blue Rose for the tenth time, probably – not even needing to mention he was talking about Kyrie. With a click, the gun cocked back to its original state and Nero turned his now slightly golden aquamarine eyes to the devil leaning on his seat. “And I don’t like it either. Not at fucking all.”
Nico had to say, it always sent shivers down her spine when Nero spoke with his demonic voice like that. She was used to him being her goofy sort of brother, bickering with her down the road and tossing over-the-top, smart mouthed taunts to demons. Hearing him like that was… Something else. And Nico didn’t like it that much as well.
The last time you felt unsafe seemed like a whole lifetime ago.
You tried to control your hands as they wanted to start shaking – but you kept telling yourself you needed to keep Kyrie safe. After all, you were the devil hunter, not her. Kyrie could kill every single one in the crew with kindness, but not those devils… Those had to be killed with blades and gunpowder.
Being with Dante had given you something you never really had before, and just now you noticed it was tied to your red devil: safety. Even if he wasn’t around physically, you could always count on the fact that Dante, son of Sparda, Crimson Slayer, would bend Hell itself around his will to keep you from any kind of harm. It had never downed on you because, up until that point, that was a given.
Today, Halloween of all days, was a little more complicated. Dante wasn’t around, the whole ritual was bound to have some heavy magic to keep him at bay, you were completely unarmed and the demons you were up against were another kind – not the stupid, belligerent type you handled almost on a daily basis; no, those were smart, cunning and dangerous.
To top all of that, you had Kyrie on your side. If you were alone, you’d probably already be trying some unhinged escape attempts, but they were so smart on deciding to kidnap her as well. She was your weak spot on that situation and the fact that you felt unsafe and couldn’t do your best to protect her, only highlighted the fear you started to feel creeping up at the base of your stomach.
Closing your eyes and taking a deep breath, the only thing that could at least try to calm your nerves was to imagine being back in Dante’s arms, at the Devil May Cry, the smell of warm pizza around and him humming some old tunes you both loved. That was home. That was your haven. Dante was your refuge, keeping you secure from every evil thing that could attack you in this world, and he wasn’t there.
For a split second, you wondered if he could feel how much your heart was aching – screaming with all its might in the hopes he would hear its call.
Suddenly, two demons entered the room you and Kyrie were being held. They didn’t have to say much: with swords pointed at both of you and the heavy doors wide open, you knew it was time. Knowing you had to calm your nerves so at least she could have a chance to escape, you got up and calmly walked in front of Kyrie – head high and staring those demons right back in their eyes.
“Everything will be ok.” You murmured back over your shoulder, knowing Kyrie would listen. “If you find a safe chance to run, do it and don’t look back. I can handle them better alone.”
You felt Kyrie’s soft hands brushing on one of yours, her voice nothing but a whisper. “Don’t put yourself in danger, y/n. I don’t wanna run without you.”
You closed your eyes, chuckling a little in silence. She was indeed an angel among so many demons – including all of you in the crew. “Oh, Kyrie. You have to learn… The whole crew would die for you, don’t you know that already…?” And even if your words weren’t the kindest, you had the sweetest tone in your voice – saying nothing but the truth. “You run. It’ll take more than a few demons to bring me down.”
Kyrie knew you were lying only to make her feel safer – there was a tinge of bitterness in your sweetness, a slight glint of sadness in your eyes. Those were more than a few demons, and both of you knew it.
She could only sigh in response and confirm with her head. You and Dante were bittersweetly so alike: always lying and pretending nothing was too serious, putting yourselves on the line for those you loved, trying to make them stop worrying while you were both ready to walk right into certain death. She had seen how angry you got every time he tried to pull something like that on you – and Kyrie had to smile even if a little bit upon realizing how similar you and your lover were, even if you hated when he did that.
Both of your thoughts had to be violently changed and brought back to the present moment when the time came to enter what one day was a beautiful, untarnished cathedral. The imposing gothic architecture was in shambles, the stars shining clearly in the deep night sky above your heads – the high peaks of the cathedral long gone. A long tapestry on the ground, torn apart and eaten by parasites, lead the way in a dirty blood red to the middle of the aisle, where a grandiose bonfire stood and lit none other than your groom.
That was definitely not the devil you had intended to marry if you ever walked down the aisle. Also, you always thought if you ever married Dante, the ceremony would be in the Devil May Cry: you would enter the shop, dressed in your best hunting clothes – maybe something leather, carefully picked by Trish to make you even more mesmerizing – watching Dante smiling at you, leaning on his desk, arms crossed and love pouring from his eyes.
That was the perfect marriage for you alright. And leaving for a quick honeymoon with your red devil, riding on the Cavaliere, a few cans tied to it with a “just married” sign on the back, waving at the crew at the door of the shop while Dante made the motorcycle burn the road with its demonic power? More than perfect.
“You shall enter first. The other human stays until your ritual is performed.” One of the demons held Kyrie hostage, pointing your way down the derelict aisle. Her eyes were filled with fear, and you couldn’t do anything but comply.
Holding your head high, you walked down the damned aisle. Not like a perfect fiancé, but like a wronged force of nature, just waiting for the right time to unleash your fury against all those demons. You were wearing those ridiculous clothes, on that ridiculous place, while demons started chanting and playing a song for the demonic ritual that had just started, stripped of your guns, blades and clothes.
To say you wanted to sucker punch Erlach on his face until his sharp teeth fell out was an understatement.
And yet, he had nothing but admiration and fire in his eyes for you. The more you approached, the more he smiled, offering you his hand as you were getting closer and closer – you refused to take it, standing in front of him just like you did when he first talked to you.
“You know, the kidnapping and taking my gear away, I could forgive. But these clothes…?” You pointed down at that hideous thing that was forced to you. “You could’ve done better. A lot better.”
“I judged you by all the mortals I’ve ever met – and now I realize I shouldn’t have done so. Do apologize, exquisite creature.” And Erlach answered your insult with a delighted distorted laugh. You just remained there, looking like you had just stuck a flip flop into a toaster, not knowing what to do. It seemed that the more you tried to repel him, the more Erlach liked you. “But rituals shouldn’t be taken lightly. One should wear the proper attire.”
“To think a demon would’ve dressed his counterpart a lot better and risqué than this…” You sighed, pushing all those ruffles away from your face as he, once more, tried to take your hand and guide you to approach the bonfire. “I thought this was going to be a dual wedding. Where’s your friend?”
“Orcus can try to pull off his ritual after I’m done with mine.” Erlach had a devilish smile pulling his lips up in a distorted line. It was a little… Unsettling. “We… Agreed such a powerful ritual should be done one at a time.”
“Huh. That’ll be before or after you kill him?” You had one eyebrow lifted and Erlach laughed with joy in his voice, now finally forcing you to walk with him towards the bonfire. “You got quite the silver tongue to convince him you’re gonna let him go through with his ritual with his head still on his shoulders.”
“Oh, my dear, you have no idea.” Erlach forced you to spin around and look deep into his eyes, holding you by both of your arms in an iron clasp you couldn’t break away easily without your weapons. “You are very welcome to discover soon enough. I am mesmerized with your cunning and wit – so much better than all those pitiful uninspired creatures I have to live with every day. We will be quite a pair, sweet temptation.”
That admiration was there, that fire burning in his eyes, and… Lust…?! You had to contain a shiver of pure terror thinking a creature like that lusted for you. It wasn’t necessarily his appearance – you did find Dante one hell of a piece of temptation in whatever form he was, be it human, Devil Trigger or even his Sin Devil Trigger – but his soul. Erlach lacked the very thing that made you fall madly and hopelessly for Dante: his golden heart, his gentle soul, his kind eyes and his unapologetic humanity.
That was why it didn’t matter how Dante looked like: you would always fall in love with him. Even if he was just a piece of rock with googly eyes laying on his desk, you would love that rock with all your heart.
“What if I refuse to be your pair?” You had one of your eyebrows raised, trying to hide the fear creeping at the base of your stomach. “As far as I know, all marriages require a resounding yes from both parts. What are you gonna do? Torture me?”
“As tempting as that sounds…” And even if you didn’t show it, your blood certainly froze in your veins for a second. “I fear you would take a very long time to break under such circumstances. The Son of Sparda chose you for your brave heart and hardened soul, I can see that now. Luckily for demonic rituals, the sacrifices don’t need to consent.”
“Oh. I thought I was more than just a disposable piece of meat. I’m hurt.” Masking your fear with jokes and taunts, you had learned that with the very best. Dante had all the blame for that.
“Don’t be, my creature.” Erlach’s words were laced with a laugh while he took a ceremonial dagger from an altar nearby. “That is how humans are usually named in our rituals. You will remain alive, or else, it doesn’t work. I do need your blood… A reasonable amount, but nothing lethal.”
His hand clasped your wrist with a tight grip you couldn’t break from. Your heart started beating faster and faster, as you looked around trying to find Kyrie – crossing her terrified eyes as she watched from the distance, close to the entrance where once was a door, fearing for your life. You wanted to mutter some soothing words for her, but not even you could lie that much: your survival instincts kicked in and your adrenaline spiked. It was now or never, but you had to escape.
Erlach held your arm above a bowl made of pure gold, now darkened with time and stained with all the sacrifices it contained. He spoke some words in demonic language, while the chanting got even more intense – some things you could understand, but the others were lost as your mind became hazy with trying to think what to do.
It was a surprise to all – you closed your free hand in a fist and did exactly what you wanted to do since you saw that hideous thing you were wearing: sucker punch that conceited demon right on his face.
Erlach was taken aback for a moment, looking back at you with confused eyes. Seizing his distraction, you disarmed him and took the ceremonial dagger to yourself, cutting his hand that held your wrist and demanding him to let you go. Erlach stumbled back in awe, while you took a fighting stance with the dagger in your hand, ready to kill – but not ready to get married.
And he smiled.
“Such fire…!” To say Erlach was ecstatic was an underestimation. “My creature… What are you going to do with that?” And he took a predator stance, as both of you studied your options in that fight.
If you could look back at Kyrie, you would see her smiling and supporting you as much as she could. To say she admired you, was to say you only liked Dante.
“I am going to kill every single demon in this cathedral… Including you.” Pointing the dagger at Erlach, it was your turn to allow a devilish smile to cover your lips. “Then, I’m taking my friend back home. Back into the arms of the only devil I will ever love. Back to Dante.”
As you spoke, you didn’t even hear a ragged guitar faintly playing in the background – and approaching ominously. The only thing you had in mind was a tunnel focus on Erlach, ready to tear him apart as soon as he got close to you.
“Oh, I will enjoy that, my creature. And I might even need to get rid of Dante myself.” As soon as he finished his sentence, though, you scoffed in a laughter of pure mockery.
“Now that, you would try. Dante is so much more than you will ever be – he will reduce you to ashes with a single stare. That’s how pitiful you are compared to him, Erlach.” As your words poured, you couldn’t stop laughing at how he looked slightly insulted. Fucking finally. “And I gotta say, that’s not the only thing Dante is really good at. He does burn like fire.”
“I will enjoy subduing you.” Erlach growled, baring his teeth. Now you managed to piss him off.
“I will enjoy watching you try.” You wouldn’t allow him too much time to think: spinning the blade in your hand for a better grip, you finally tried to stab him with a swift attack – but he easily dodged as you got even angrier at that ridiculous clothing you were wearing. Those frills and terrible fabric made your movement a lot debilitated.
You tried a few other attacks as Erlach dodged and started smiling again, enjoying every bit of it – starting to even try a few attacks, while you blocked with the dagger. It was all too fast… At the same pace of the guitar that now echoed loudly, with a very familiar song approaching the chorus.
“Now, my creature.” Erlach held your hand with the dagger when you tried another stab. Even if you were resisting, it was more entertaining than anything else: you needed your gear. He pulled you closer to him, even if you tried to stay away as much as you could. “It’s time to stop the fun. We can do this after the ritual.”
Before any of you could do anything else, the guitar finally arrived – with the screeching of what seemed a thousand tires, the smell of gasoline and the sound of a shot from a gun you knew so well.
Said shot hit the dagger, making it shatter into a thousand little pieces in your hand, causing Erlach to let go of you in a reflex – while AC/DC’s vocalist screamed he would shoot to thrill, play to kill.
“Well, I think we’re all ready for the afterparty, aren’t we, hot stuff?”
Dante had entered down the aisle with Cavaliere screeching, leaving a trail of fire behind him, stopping right in the middle to shoot that ceremonial dagger into oblivion. The smoke was still fresh on the barrel of his gun, while he had one foot on the ground, still mounted on his motorcycle, smirking at you with that gorgeous smile that, today, you wanted to kiss out of his mouth with so much passion the crew would probably have to throw a whole bucket of water on both of you to put out the fire.
And, right behind him, Nico crashed what was left of the cathedral’s door while blasting AC/DC’s Shoot to Thrill because she would be damned if she didn’t put a good soundtrack for that moment. You could see her smiling behind the wheel, supporting every single bit of Dante’s antics.
The smile that painted your lips – a broad one, mixed with thrill and relief – was everything Dante wanted to see. That was all the confirmation he needed to know that pull in his chest was actually your heart desperately calling for him to help.
“Ya know, I could forgive the kidnapping, you got one hell of a devil hunter in your hands to deal with…” Dante now let go of Cavaliere, leaving it in the middle of the cathedral, walking down the aisle with the sassy walk you always loved to see – moving his hips and opening his arms, taunting with a pretended carefree attitude. The distortion in his voice, sharp teeth and claws betrayed his words, though – and you couldn’t be happier. “But what’s the deal with those clothes?!”
“Exactly.” You smiled back, sighing as if someone there finally understood you. Erlach just looked at you and back at Dante trying to contain his surprise – it wasn’t possible you were synchronized in even that. “I can barely move, how am I supposed to kick his ass?”
“I can help ya with that, pretty eyes.” Dante’s voice now became darker, leaning even further into his Devil Trigger. For a split second, you could swear you saw his demonic form taking over before Dante appeared again. His eyes were almost entirely taken by red, his hand already gripping the hilt of Rebellion. “But I gotta deal with a few of these clowns first.”
“I’m not going anywhere, hot stuff.” You had the proudest of smiles on your lips as the demons started to approach, ready to fight your red devil. “Show them what a real party looks like.”
“Ya don’t have to ask twice!”
“What are you all waiting for?!” As soon as Erlach screamed, the demons ran towards Dante as a pack of rabid creatures, ready to take his blood. Erlach smiled with pride as they surrounded the Crimson Slayer, already pouncing to take a bite – there was no way a hybrid could take so many demons at once in a fight.
Looking at the crew’s van, you managed to see Lady leaning by the vehicle, watching it all with excitement but refusing to get into the fight. You almost laughed upon seeing Trish holding Nero’s jacket while he tried to let himself go from her iron tight grip, probably saying he should be in the fight too – but his eyes weren’t locked on Dante or the swarming demons: Nero was looking for Kyrie.
And you would’ve done the same, finally questioning yourself where they were keeping her after all that confusion took over the ritual. Nero could very well let himself go of Trish, but everyone knew he had his own priority – a priority you couldn’t find, and that fact started worrying you.
You would have given that a better thought if a sudden fiery explosion hadn’t sent demons flying around the cathedral like fireworks. Dante’s Devil Trigger was on, but not his normal one… It was his Sin Devil Trigger in all his demonic glory, with leathery wings hovering him from the floor and Devil Sword Dante burning like fire in his hands.
To say that would be a slaughter… Again, would be putting it lightly. With the masterfully chosen soundtrack by Nico blasting on the background, Dante single handedly slayed all the demons that decided to cross between you and him. You risked a side look to Erlach, only to find the demon astonished by Dante’s form and power – and you couldn’t resist. You leaned on the altar next to you, with a matter-of-fact look in your eyes.
“He usually has this effect on people… And demons.” You had to say it. You just couldn’t refrain from taunting and annoying that silly devil who forced you to wear those terrible wedding clothes.
With the Devil Sword Dante dripping blood, the son of Sparda approached as he slayed all the demons that tried to fight. Dante was a frightening powerhouse – usually terrifying, but today even more… After all, the human he loved most in all dimensions was kidnapped by a conceited demon who thought he would have the chance to bind his beloved in a marriage ritual without their consent. Dante was beyond angry.
“It will only be an obstacle, then.” Erlach turned his eyes back to you. “Don’t think for a second I gave up, my creature. If I have to kill the son of Sparda, I will do so – with the power you will grant me with your blood.”
Once again, the demon held your arm – but this time, digging the nails into your skin, making you scream with the sudden pain. That made Dante immediately turn to you, being hit as well and inundating the cathedral with the smell of the blood of Sparda. His fighting became sloppy as he tried to approach you even faster – but it also became even more vicious.
Erlach dragged you back to the sacrificial bowl, as you tried to get away. Even with your fighting, your limited movements weren’t helping too much. As he extended your arm above the bowl, you managed to see – behind him, in the distance, covered in shadows – Orcus holding Kyrie hostage, searching everywhere for a breech so he could finish his ritual before Erlach.
“Nero! Kyrie is over there! Go kick his ass, kid!” You screamed while fighting so Erlach couldn’t drip your blood into the bowl. Yes, he needed more than a few drops from the gashes from his claws – but he could make them bigger once you were in a decent position. And you didn’t want to give him that.
“Kyrie! I’m coming for you!” And finally, after his aquamarine eyes found Kyrie’s plea for help, Nero did let go of Trish with ease – and the she-devil didn’t even try to hold him back. With just a smile on her face, the woman looked back at Lady and they knew it was time to intervene now that both of you were located and they wouldn’t risk any of your lives.
Amidst all that, with Dante literally burning his way towards you while being held back by three demons, a few invisible cuts made them fall apart and gush blood all over the floor. Vergil entered the cathedral, while carrying an old book you saw at Erlach’s office earlier that night – the book with all the ancient, and most forbidden, devilish incantations.
“Go on, Dante. I’ll take it from here.” Vergil barely looked at the demons he was fighting with: holding the book with one hand and being assisted by summoned swords, he only needed a few well placed judgement cuts to get rid of all those nuisances.
Dante didn’t even think twice after hearing his brother’s words. Marching down the aisle, he approached you and Erlach like a death omen – his demonic form in his ultimate Devil Trigger was enough to inspire respect even in the upper echelon of Hell.
And you had to say, you were proud of that.
“Let y/n go, Erlach.” As Dante commanded, you couldn’t fail to notice his voice was slightly… Different. The more he approached, the more his voice sounded less distorted and more human. “Ya know, for a demon with such a pretentious plan, you’d think you’d put up more of a difficult fight.” And when Dante stopped right in front of the altar between you both, he was completely human – looking at you with the sky blue eyes you loved so much. “I’m barely breakin’ a sweat.”
If Erlach’s claws weren’t deep into your skin, you would’ve locked your arms around his neck already, taking in his scent and calming down your heart. Yes, Dante would be smelling of gunpowder, blood and sweat, but that was still his scent. It was enough to make you feel secure again.
“Indeed. I underestimated you.” Erlach’s claws dug out of your skin, making you retreat quickly. You managed to see a little commotion where Kyrie and Nero were before, but with everything that was happening, you couldn’t quite make the moment where Orcus was nowhere to be seen – all you could be sure was that Kyrie was safe, back into Nero’s arms. And that was enough. “It seems like the blood of Sparda still thrives to this day.”
“Yeah, yeah, daddy’s blood and all that…” Dante rolled his eyes, shooting near Erlach’s feet. The demon jumped back, farther away from you – and that made you smile. “Spit it out, spook. How did you find out ‘bout the ritual? Where did ya get that book?”
“Apparently you never heard of a library. On that aspect, I win, my creature.” Erlach still had that weird admiration in his eyes for you, making you wince. You never gave him a single reason to like you. Demons had to be masochist creatures.
“Oh, I heard about those alright. It just so happens my brother here has spent a very long vacation time in Hell and lemme tell ya…” With those words, Dante finally took Erlach by his neck, leaning the demon over the sacrificial bowl and touching the blade of Rebellion on his neck. Dante usually didn’t get that feral… But Erlach had tried him a little bit too much that night. “He doesn’t have very nice words about you and your little friends. Those rituals aren’t well known in detail. Something gave you that book. Who?”
It wasn’t a side of Dante you liked to see, but, when dealing with those kinds of demons, it was a necessary one. Erlach, as far as you could tell, wasn’t just your dumb daily demon – he was in the upper echelon. And said echelon only became worse the higher the rank.
“You would love to know, wouldn’t you?” Erlach laughed even if the sword already started to nick some blood out of his thick demonic skin. “You will have to let me go to get your answer. If you don’t, no deal.”
You closed your eyes, sighing. Erlach was the deal kind of demon. And it was always a slippery slope with those silver tongue devils.
Dante knew that as well. His heart screamed at him to kill Erlach and let his blood run over the floor of the cathedral – to take you home safely and let you know that threat would never loom over you again.
But they needed answers. Only very high rank demons would have access to that kind of book – to those kinds of rituals. Demons like Sparda… Like Mundus. And that was something none of them wanted as a threat. The single thought of the possibility of Mundus being alive made him shiver and his blood boil. His house burned in his childhood, his family slaughtered like animals, his past stained in blood and sulfur. He didn’t want that to happen again. He wouldn’t let that happen again. Not to anyone in the crew, not to his nephew, not to his brother… Not to you.
Dante let Erlach go. The demon cracked his neck, gaining his posture once again. You stood by Dante’s side, ready to suplex Erlach into oblivion if he tried anything funny.
“The two of you already have what you need to know the answer.” Erlach pointed at the book in Vergil’s hands, moving his gaze back to you soon after. “I will have you as mine, y/n. You have my word, sweet creature.”
Before you could do anything in response, Erlach set himself ablaze in flames that kept burning for a few seconds while he disappeared back to where he came from – probably Hell, if you had to guess.
“Eh. We should’ve known he would leave without giving us a decent answer.” You sighed, feeling your shoulders relax for the first time that night, knowing all demons were dead and you were around safe people again.
“And even shamelessly flirtin’ with ya, what’s up with that…?”
“No idea, red devil. I did my best for him to hate me; apparently it backfired tremendously.”
You finally turned to look at each other. Both of you looked tired, completely out of energy – you, from your human body; Dante from the toll all that fiery explosion of anger and demonic heritage could take on him. His eyes, though… Those sky blue eyes, looked at you with the human kindness you always longed for – with the admiration and fire of a lover, but the gentleness of a soul who was not only your mate, but your home.
You felt safe again. All that insecurity, that fear, that horror of being alone and having to fight on your own – to survive on your own – it washed away in that infinite blue sky. He was your home, and you were safe. Nothing bad would ever happen to you, for Dante was there to catch you and hold you in his arms until you felt you could walk with certainty again.
“I heard you, pretty eyes…” Dante murmured, taking a strand of hair out of your dirty face, watching with amusement as you furrowed your brows. He took one of his hands over his heart, eyes looking into yours. “I heard you here.”
A gradual smile lit up your face as you understood what he had said. That pull, that thing you did, of closing your eyes and praying he would find you… It worked. Of course it worked. And you couldn’t be happier, with all that pouring like a golden fountain from your heart, making your eyes laminate with a few tears and threaten to overflow.
“I’m glad you did, cowboy.” You approached him, cradling his face with your hands and leaning him down so his forehead could touch yours. “I’m glad you did. I prayed so loud for you.”
With that, you took his hand to touch your heart, in the hopes he would once again listen – but this time hear the golden tunes it sang along the overflow. The frills of the ridiculous attire didn’t allow him to find your beat, though.
“Well, I told ya I’d get rid of that, right?” Dante sighed, staring down at that horrid attire – although he would argue you could never look bad. Even with that thing on. “Ei! All of ya, look away! I’m puttin’ y/n out of their misery!”
Before you could finish asking, though, Dante masterfully moved Rebellion around you – while everyone turned away or closed their eyes. Lady and Trish, though, just kept staring at that goof of a man you called your lover. Within a few seconds, those terrifying wedding clothes tore apart, pooling around your feet on the floor while you just stared back at your red devil – the chilly air of the night all around your bare skin.
“That was hot.” You had to say it while Dante quickly checked you out like the masterpiece he always thought you were.
“Not as hot as you, babe.” With a wink, Dante took off his red coat, wrapping it around you and making you warm again.
You loved wearing Dante’s coat. It was definitely too big for you, but it was always warm – that night, you could almost say it seemed like it was enveloped in flames. But it had his scent all over it and it fit like a huge cape you could almost drag on the ground. You couldn’t have asked for a better attire for that evening.
“Hey.” As you called for his attention, those blue eyes rested on you again, little by little settling all that restlessness that whole ordeal had set in your soul. And, since words weren’t enough, you once again cradled his face with your hands, this time placing a well-deserved kiss on your lover’s lips.
Dante giggled between your lips, wrapping his strong arms around your waist to lift you off the floor – making it easier for you to kiss him unapologetically. You never saw yourself as a damsel in distress, and you would have killed every demon in that room with a dagger and your teeth if it was necessary, but it wasn’t. And that was so new: you could always count on Dante to be there for you, to protect you and to be a place for you to fall whenever you lost your balance.
Your heart stopped screaming and Dante’s soul found peace again.
“Ah, I see Nero stole Dante’s idea.”
As you saw Kyrie leaving the van’s bathroom wearing nothing but Nero’s coat, she smiled happily back at you while showing it off as soon as you pointed that out. You were sitting in the van, still in the red coat – Dante would know only later that decision would cost him his sanity while trying to get his coat back from you. A few chases and him gripping you tight to get his coat back was in store for the rest of that night.
“It was a very good idea.” Kyrie had a mischievous smile on her lips, blushing a little bit while grabbing the collar of Nero’s coat and taking in the scent. “It smells like him. It feels like he’s always around.”
“I know what you mean.” You smiled proudly as an answer, barely noticing Nico staring at both of you while Lady and Trish giggled.
“Ya know what she means…? That coat is nasty!” Nico pointed at the blue coat enveloping the crew’s little angel, making you laugh a little bit more. “And yours?! If Nero’s coat is bad, Dante’s even worse! Looks like he just blasted from the insides of a frog demon or somethin’! And you say it has his scent?!” The gunsmith couldn’t be more revolted at yours and Kyrie’s antics.
“That’s Dante’s scent for ya...” You sighed, leaning back on the van’s seat – something quite red devilish like. “Gunpowder, demon’s blood and sweat. When he’s clean, though, it’s more of a woody and musky with a hint of pizza kind of scent. Sometimes strawberries.”
“Apparently, love doesn’t make us only blind, it makes our sense of smell completely absent.” Trish strutted her way towards the seat she always took in the van, across from you, having a complacent smile on her devil lips.
“It makes us more tolerant.” Kyrie sat by your side, completely happy to be wearing Nero’s clothes and safe and sound with the crew again. “That is a thing most people need to learn more about.”
“As always, angel Kyrie is right.” Lady sighed, taking her spot inside the van – after lightly elbowing Nico just to tease the gunsmith. “Just like we tolerate the smell of your cigarettes.”
“Hey, at least I’m not turning into a fuming creature blasting demon viscera everywhere!” Nico pointed at Lady with her cigarette between her fingers, making all of you laugh. “Must take days to get those things off your hair!”
“Sometimes, it takes even weeks!” Dante’s voice added from outside of the van, entering soon after to take his seat right by your side. To say Dante would be hovering around you for months, overly protecting you over anything and everything, was a very mild way to describe his behavior after that evening.
“Ya know, once I found a piece of liver hidden right behind my ear…?” Nero approached Nico as she just glared at him with pure disgust. “Took me days to find it.”
“You’re nasty, demon boy.” Nico lightly shoved Nero out of the way, dismissing all that conversation to go back to the stirring wheel. Nero laughed back, making his way to Kyrie and sitting by her side, cradling her with one of his arms while she rested her head on his chest.
“We couldn’t find more on the origin of their knowledge…” Vergil was the last one to board, closing the van’s door behind him. As soon as he did, Nico started driving back home – and he showed you a few things he had in his hands. “But we did find your gear. I will keep it in a safe place until we get back to the shop.”
“Oh, thank you so much, Verge!” You had genuine relief in your voice, watching as he carefully placed your sword next to him. “I thought I’d never see those things again. Thanks for finding them.”
As always, Vergil didn’t answer, just bowed his head as the perfect gentleman he was. Soon, Dante’s arm found its way around your shoulders, pulling you closer to him.
“Huh, so much thankfulness for Vergil, while I was the one who saved your ass from that demon lord. I’m feeling a little ignored.” Of course, you knew Dante was only joking – never in all your time together you picked up any sign of jealousy he could have of you and Vergil. Dante was very secure about your relationship, knowing quite well where your heart rested – he would be insecure, sometimes, when it came to other humans.
“Oh, c’mon. How can I not be thankful when it’s my gear we’re talking about?” You raised one eyebrow, teasing him back – which only made Dante smile. “Now being a little more serious, it was rough being stripped of everything. Even with that hideous frilly attire, I felt completely naked. There’s no way for me to defend myself without all my stuff; I don’t have demonic blood running through my veins to go into a rampage and kill every single living thing in front of me.”
“Well, lucky for you, I got that goin’ for me.” Dante brought you even closer, tightening his half hug around you.
“Hmmm…” You took some time to take in his scent, this time directly from his neck, right in front of you. Yes, all those things you mentioned before, but you could always find the woody and musky Dante scent underneath all of that. And maybe it was that which made you feel so comfortable and secure. “I was scared. I was running out of options when you showed up.”
“Shhh, don’cha think ‘bout that, pretty eyes.” Whenever you voiced how uncomfortable you were with something, Dante immediately started caressing you just to at least make you feel physically comfortable again. And you had to say, it always worked.
“I know, I know… It’s just… I know I can always count on you to appear at the direst of moments, no matter where I am.” With those words, you placed one of your hands above his heart, making those sky blue eyes look back into yours. “I know you can hear me call, no matter what.”
“It’s part of the demon thing, babe.” Even though he was happy with that, Dante had a bittersweet smile on his lips.
“Yeah, maybe… But demons don’t show up to save desperate souls who are praying for them when all other options have failed.” You brushed aside some strands of dirty hair that insisted on covering those beautiful eyes – now looking at you with curiosity and admiration. “Do you know who do?”
“Angels do.” Your answer was but a murmur, even quieter than the engines of the van. “You are my very own guardian angel, Dante.”
Lady once said that, somewhere out there, even a devil may cry when he loses a loved one – but you would dare to add that devils did cry when they were loved back.
Your red devil was living proof of that on that Halloween night.
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Hello friend! So they have been apparently filming the Madney wedding stuff today, and while on location they did a celebration for their 100th episode! Here’s a few of the photos from it. Beyond happy to see Ryan and Gavin there and with Oliver giving us some nice family vibes. No one is fully sure outfit wise if these are versions of what they will have on during the actual wedding itself, Peter, Aisha, and Angela seem ready to go lol. Oliver would need a dress shirt added and Ryan would well…. need a shirt (I guess 😅💀😂) at all. But, if these are what their characters will be wearing then the fact they made the outfits for Eddie and Buck be complementary colors to each other has me feeling insane lol.
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Thank you my friend, @mattsire for the ask. I did see the videos and the pics from the 100 episodes celebration and I have lots of questions.
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First, I was trying to figure out what happened to RG's shirt (he isn't wearing one), his suit and his hair? Second, if they are in Madney wedding attire, why is OS not wearing a tuxedo and what happened to his suit (both of their suits are dirty)? Buck’s and Eddie’s attire makes it seem like they were involved in a rescue or something else 👀. Third, why is GM not wearing wedding attire? Is Chris not going to the wedding?
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Is Buck not part of the wedding party or did something happen that relates to TM's comment during the TCA interview about everything "going smoothly" during the wedding because AH is dressed fabulously? Since Hen is Chimney's best friend and her and Buck had that conversation in 6x16 about who would stand beside Chimney as best woman or best man on his wedding day, it presents more questions.
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Also, Mr. Lee wearing a suit with a blue necktie and a shirt and handkerchief with blue in it shows he's Chimney's dad and since there's no sign of Sang Han or Albert 👀, it simply added even more questions than answers.
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Especially, since the actor who plays Phillip Buckley was/is on set.
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I did notice AB and PK are wearing green and blue 👀 so if they're in wedding attire, then they're wearing the 6x13 couple's/ships' colors of love (post linked here).
The show or celebration coordinators could/should have let them get changed for the occasion instead of doing it while they were still in character.
Anyway, I have a lot of thoughts about episodes 7x5 and 7x6 and I'm still debating if I will do posts on them.
Thanks for the ask and whenever the wedding episode is going to take place, it seems like it's going to be interesting.
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mariaxxxxx · 11 months
Chapter 1 - The Sea Is My Destiny
Summary: To save your nation You are given as a bride to a sea god.
Warnings: 18+ ONLY/ Minors DNI, Angust, Hurt comfort, Sex, Apologies, Crying, Creampie, Passionate sex, virgin!reader, size difference, smut, soft!dom!, HEA, somnophille, slight degradation, duvious consent, pregnancy, arranged marriage, inexperienced reader, abortion commented, unprotected sex (don't do that wrap this thing), kidnapping, aftercare, curse words.
A/N: English is not my mother tongue. I apologize for any errors.
A/N: Reader is heavily implied to be Mexican but i tried to keep it as free to the imagination as possible
Work count: 1.331
Serie materialist
His attentive eyes observed the people around him with some fear. However, before everything started to become scary, you were fascinated by being able to have time for yourself, to observe the people there, while the spokesman of your village loudly dictated praises to the gods.
You carefully observed the men dressed in traditional attire. They were always on guard, as if at any moment You could get up and run away. But You could feel the fear in those men's eyes; I could smell the fear exuding from their skin. You knew exactly why they were like this.
A discreet sigh escaped You, as you continued to observe the people. I could discern the fear, uncertainty and resentment between them, as if any wrong move would be a reason for greater misfortune. All of that was immense nonsense. On normal days you would laugh alongside your maids about how people were willing to fight over any nonsense. Now there were no handmaids, not anymore. It was just You and your uncertain future.
You noticed that the spokesperson had just finished speaking and was looking at You, as if waiting for your words. You waved briefly, dismissing him with your hand. The man went down two steps and stood next to his father, a leader who seemed the most spiteful of all, and his mother, who hid her sad face with a rigid look.
You stood up feeling inexplicable anxiety; the weight of saving everyone. The men who were beside you also stood up, but remained next to the throne where You rested. You clearly noticed how the eyes looking at You shone with expectation. You thought about smiling, but you were afraid you would start crying if your easy expression changed. They were foolish and needed to believe that You were confident that their sacrifice would be worth something.
“My people...” You began, your voice shaking. “I want you to know that I go in peace. My heart is happy to know that my sacrifice saved those I love.”
You stopped talking, waiting for the urge to cry to go away, but it didn't. You're back to speaking.
“I ask that you remember me with love, joy and compassion. Don't shed tears of sadness, celebrate my departure with music and dance. “
For the simplest people, that was enough. You were used to seeing your father hold celebrations to calm the people. But you realized that his speech didn't work for the tribal leaders. They looked at You as if all that wasn't real. But You weren't too worried about the opinion of those guys, since they failed to protect their people.
With a procession made up of your family members, musicians and dancers you walked through the city in your wedding attire to the beach. The entire city was celebrating as the threat had finally been neutralized. Legends and songs would be made in his honor; the young princess who was willing to marry a sea god to save her people from white invaders. As people rejoiced her name and flowers covered the path protecting her bare feet, You clenched the fabric of her dress tightly to keep yourself steady. You couldn't weaken, no. You couldn't show weakness in front of your people, in front of your mother, You needed to continue.
The threat came on a summer day, during the hottest day, large boats with white sails containing a red symbol arrived at the coast of their nation with weapons and violence. Men with skin as white as clouds in the sky wore iron clothes that sparkled in the sunlight. The white man used his magic weapons that fired iron balls, killing a warrior immediately, then came the disease, decimating an entire village in a few days.
You had lost one of your brothers to this disease, the oldest, the first, the one who would become leader of that people after the death of your father. The crown prince left behind a heartbroken mother, a wounded father, and a broken nation.
On a moonless night, over the waves of the sea, a man with ears that followed the direction of the stars and winged ankles appeared to his father. His father found himself falling on his knees for such a divine being. Man, God, offered his help to rid that land of its invaders, but something must be given in return. War and disease had taken all the resources of your nation, so it was up to your father to offer You; his only daughter. For some unknown reason the entity accepted.
When his father shared the news, his mother screamed, calling him the worst names possible. ‘’You demon! How dare you take my daughter away from me? I already lost one! I refuse to lose another one.” His mother had said with tears in her eyes. Her father only justified that she had other children and that sacrifices needed to be made for the good of the nation.
The council did not contest the action of its leader, your brothers were young to fight for You and your mother was alone. Decisions were made without knowledge; a dress was made, a procession organized and a marriage ceremony, without his presence, was held between his father and the entity. By custom you were already a married woman. Now, you walked towards your husband's house.
Her week was surrounded by beautification preparations; Her skin was bathed in scented oil, her hair was plucked and her mind was filled with information on how to please her husband on their wedding night. In her last days at home, her father was kinder to You, her brothers made a point of always being by her side and her mother started sleeping in her bed. The people were told how the young princess's action of giving herself to the unknown would save everyone and they praised her as a Goddess.
The courted followed to the beach where two enigmatic figures waited for You. You turned back looking one last time at your family, at your nation. It was not considered an auspicious act for a bride in procession to look back, but at that moment no one seemed to care about breaking traditions. You needed to see them one last time before you left forever.
His mother didn't shed a single tear when her gaze met hers; She knew that if she did, you would cry too, she needed to be strong for you. Her father had a firm look, but with a touch of affection underneath, as if saying sorry. And her brothers, her lovely brothers, waved their little arms and kissed her goodbye.
“It’s time, princess.” Said the Elder.
One last look was made before you turned and went towards the people waiting for you. As you approached those two figures, they began to take shape. A woman, an inch shorter than You, had blue skin and a strange brace that covered her shoulders, neck, nose and mouth. Her small body was covered by a red dress with details worked in black. The man was big, tall and muscular, also blue-skinned with the same braces as the girl. In his muscular hand he held a device similar to the one in his nose and mouth.
When You approached they made a kind of bow. Out of respect, You repeated the gesture, which seemed right, as they made satisfied expressions. The blue man approached You with that strange device in his hand.
“Do you want me to put it on?” You asked. The man didn't seem to understand what you were saying, he just tilted his head to the left side; similar to the gesture his father's hunting dogs made.
He took a few steps until he was too close to You. The device was placed on his face, covering his nose and mouth, the last thing You saw was the man's arms supporting his body before he fell into the sand.
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airasora · 8 months
Disney princess gowns from best to worst IMO
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@little-bloodied-angel asked me what my favorite and least favorite Disney gowns were so it inspired me to ALSO make my first tier template ever, which you can try yourself HERE! Do reblog my post with your answer to it or tag me in your post if you want to share, I'm curious :D
I LOVE this dress! It's got everything I would love in a princess gown: Big and poofy yet elegant, has flowers and leaves which gives it a forest feel and it sparkles! Only thing I'd change is the color cause I'm not a big fan of green, but for Tiana, it's obviously perfect.
Yes, it's a sequel dress. Yes, it's not something Pocahontas would choose. Yes,l it represents some icky things, but if I look at JUST the dress and not what it represents, I freaking love it. What really sells it to me is that despite the colors being muted and elegant, there's turquoise elements in it which makes it stand out.
I HATE SHE ONLY WEARS THIS FOR A COUPLE OF MINUTES AND THEN NEVER AGAIN IN ANY OF THE GODDAMN SEQUELS! I love that Jasmine is a pants girl, but this purple dress is so freaking cute. It's less sexy than her normal outfit, but still sexy, I love purple and I honestly prefer these earrings in comparison to her normal ones that are just too chunky for my taste.
This might be the Scandinavian in me, but I love the patterns on Anna's dress. It's big and poofy at the bottom, but more loose and has room for movements due to the bare arms. It's formal without being stuffy.
Her ending dress is grossly underrated and if anyone of you knows of a cosplayer who has made this dress irl, let me know cause I'd love to see this dress come to life. I think her normal dress is cute too, but this is utterly adorable.
I really like Merida's normal dress, but this is about the "gowns" and since this is the more formal attire she has, that's the one that had to be on the list. I do really like this one (as long as it wouldn't be so goddamn tight on her lol) It's simple and elegant, I love the blue and gold, and I love the simplicity of it until the very bottom where we get multi-colored gems and a really cute pattern.
We're getting to the "meh" tier now and it may come as a surprise to some of you that, despite my love for Belle, I don't care for her ballgown. One reason is that I straight up don't see Belle choosing that type of gown for herself. I know that "logically" she kinda just has to wear whatever is available, so whatever, but I genuinely don't think Belle would choose that dress for herself if she had completely free choice. And the other reason is that I just am not a big fan of yellow... most of the time. Not always. I've seen this dress in multiple different colors at this point (mostly because of my own experimentation) and I like it a lot more in almost every single other color.
I don't mind this dress too much. I think it's cute... for Ariel. Pink looks really good on redheads, I like that it's big, but also somewhat muted. I like the long sleeves, but HATE the poofy shoulders. I despise puff sleeves, unless they're very controlled (like on Rapunzel). Her wedding dress is a million times worse though xD
The dress that inspired the post to begin with... Elsa's ice gown. It's... fine. Could have had WAY more fun with the ice and snow theme so as it is it's a bit underwhelming. It's kinda cute... and that's it.
I was neutral on Mulan's hanfu until I actually looked up hanfu to see more examples of it and then I started hating it. What the FUCK is this, Disney??? Literally the first 50 images that show up when you google "hanfu" are a million times more gorgeous than this. I don't want to step on any toes if I'm accidentally being culturally ignorant here, but judging this purely as a "princess dress"... it could just have been so much better. (Seriously, google "hanfu", holy crap can they be gorgeous!) I'm so mad at this one, I might edit Mulan into a different hanfu xD
... only thing I like about this one is the random cold shoulders. Or, well, not shoulders, it's more like part of the upper arms, but you know what I mean. It's just... wah.
I don't care if it's pink or blue, it's boring. I like the stabbing potential from the shoulders, but that's it. It's too simple. And, again, look up princess gowns from this historic period and you'll see so many gorgeous dresses. Wasted opportunity.
I SWEAR I'm not hating on her dress just cause I don't like her xD Once again, it's just too boring. It's all just one color, there's close to no accessories, accents or just... something. With Belle's dress, there's at least bows and pearls to give it some more oomph. And while those puffy shoulders aren't a travesty like Ariel's are, they just look so fucking weird x'D
Snow White
WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS DRESS?! No, seriously, the one who designed it should have been fired the moment they proposed the color scheme. Baby yellow with dark blue and red... WHAT. This is a dress I've hated since I was a child, and my mom can confirm that. I hate it. There's not a single thing about it I like, I legit hate every single thing about this dress and absolutely nothing and no one can change my mind that this is the worst Disney dress PERIOD. Not just princesses, not just backgrounds characters, ALL DRESSES.
Check out my tier list for Disney princess casual outfits here!
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fluffytriceratops · 2 years
Raphael's & Kristina's Wedding
Just the aesthetic, references and inspo till I get around to actually making drawings and writing stuff for it.
Things might change when I actually decide to make it, but for now this is what I invision their wedding to be like.
This could be for any iteration, but it's mostly for Rise as that's the version of Kristina I have planned out the most. Though as of right now, I imagine their wedding would be very similar in all versions.
If you would like to write/draw something involving the wedding, you have my permission to do so. Even if you want to add your OC to it as a background character or even a member of the bridal/grooms party just for fun, that'd be cool too! I love having OCs interact with my own, even if it isn't technically "canon". I think it would be interesting to see how other people invision how certain events went down lmao.
Tags: @thelaundrybitch @rheawritesforfun @digitl-art-monstr @leosgirl82 @turtle-babe83 @mysticboombox @drowninghell @squirrelfurs @lec743 @post-apocalyptic-daydream @raphslovemuffin80 @bibiz82
(If you wished to be tagged in my future TMNT (+tmnt oc) related work, feel free to let me know and I'll happily add you!)
Kristina's Ring:
- Kristina wanted something vintage and preferrably gold, brass, copper in color. She also wanted it to remind her of Raphael,so she asked that it hold a red stone of some kind. Raphael wears a gold band to match her own, it was specially made to fit his finger.
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Bridesmaids Dresses:
- Raphael let Kristina handle/choose the bridemaids dresses, as he had no preference on the matter. To match with the ring and her flowers, Kristina decides that she wants the dresses to be red and elegant. (I'm leaning more towards the 1st set of dresses, but I honestly like them both so idk which to choose. If you'd like, please let me know which one you think would suit the wedding better! It'd be a great help. Thank you!)
[either something like this]
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[or something more like this]
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Kristina's Dress:
- Kristina wanted a dress that sort of matched her own style. (I feel that she gives off a more dark or light academia kind of vibe) so she goes for something a little more fantasy like. Something with big sleeves, a tight bodice and a long flowy skirt.
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The Bouquet(s):
- Again, Kristina wanted something red to match the bridesmaid dresses and her ring. And she didn't want just roses. Roses could be mixed in, but she wanted other flowers as well. Her main three colors were red, green, and white. Something that also gave her fantasy vibes.
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Their Head Pieces:
- Kristina didn't want to wear a veil, and instead decided to wear a gold leaf headpiece. Her mother wore something similar for her wedding, so it was also something setimental. Their brides maids/maid of honour/flower girl, also wore leaf headpieces, though theirs were silver.
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The Venue:
- They wanted to get married somewhere nice. Somewhere outside of New York so they could really party and celebrate properly with their friends and family without worrying about anything or anyone. So, Kris' parents offered for them to host it at their family cottage. Somewhere Kristina would go to all the time during the summers and winter break. A place she had even taken the Hamato's a few times. It was special and private. Not to mention beautiful, with all the gardening her father did. Therefor it was perfect. They could set up a big tent outside in the yard and decorate it all nice so there was enough room for everyone. And some people could stay the night if they wished so they didn't have to worry about driving home late.
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The Groom & Groomsmen Attire:
- Depending on which version of TMNT it is, they would be wearing different things. As some versions of the turtles have a easier time wearing actual clothes than others. Obviously Raph's brothers are the groomsmen (+Casey depending on the iteration). So some versions would wear tux's, or at least nice white/black button up shirts. Possibly suspenders or/and fancy pants or something-- idk I haven't figured out the guy's section yet hehe.
The Playlist:
- Kristina loves classical music. Among other types, but for their wedding, classical just suited it best. So they went along with songs like this.
The Ring Bearer and Flower Girl:
- The ring bearer was Kristina's cat. Who they trained to carry and bring the rings to them. It wasn't hard, he's always been well trained. All they had to do was attach the rings to his collar. The flower girl was Kristina's biological mother and aunt figure. She's important to Kris and Kris wanted her to have a role in the wedding, but she (her "aunt") didn't want to be a bridesmaid and asked to be the flower girl since they didn't really have anyone else and she thought it would be fun. She wore the same dresses as the brides maids.
The Maid of Honour:
- The Maid of Honour is/was Kristina's mum, Lorie Lennox. She wanted her mother to have a bigger role than Mother of the Bride, and she's one of Kris' best friends.
The Best Man:
- In most versions I believe Raph's best man would probably be Casey. But for Rise, I think Raph would get his brothers to draw straws or pick a number between 1 and 100 and whoever got it closest would be his best man or something lol. In the end, Mikey won and made sure to rub it in his brother's faces.
The Bride's Maids:
- Kristina's brides maids would consist of her closest friends, especially if they knew the turtles. I'm not sure about the other TMNT iterations as I've currently been only really planning Rise, so we'll stick with that. I believe Iris ( @digitl-art-monstr 's OC ) is introduced after Raph and Kris are already married, so unfortunetly I don't know if she'd be in the wedding. At least not in the Rise iteration. In the other iterations I'm not sure, so she has a chance to be apart of the bridal party there! Which is awesome hehe. Alba ( @rheawritesforfun 's OC ) would definitely be one of the bride's maids. (partners in crime forever haha) So would April. I don't know if Ro ( @rheawritesforfun 's OC ) would be introduced at this point, I don't think so, at least not in the Rise version which means she wouldn't be apart of the bridal party either. So April, Alba and Lorie (+ her birth mum/aunt who is still unnnamed lol) make up the bridal party.
The Grooms Men:
- The Grooms Men are Leo, Donnie, and techinically Mikey. (+Casey depending on the version, he wouldn't be there at all for Rise) Leo would be partnered with Alba (ofc). Donnie would be partnered with April. And Mikey would be partnered with Lorie. (totally wanna draw/write this, I think it would be hilarious-)
The Officiant(s):
- Kristina and Raphael had two officiants for their wedding. They asked Splinter to do it, of course. But they also asked Westly, Kris' father to do it as well. They wanted both of their father's to have bigger roles in their wedding and decided this was the best course of action. Plus it'd be interesting to witness. Westly still walked Kris down the isle, he just joined Splinter at the altar instead of sitting down or standing off to the side.
The First Dance:
- Kristina's and Raphael's first dance together was to the song below. And yes, they both cried during it.
The Food:
- Most of the food was made by Westly and Mikey, to help with their budget costs. Westly is an amazing cook and baker and Mike is too. They incorperated both cultures and had a lot of fun with it. They started with cute little pizza appetizers. Then they had chicken kebabs with rice and fried veggies for mains. And of course a shit ton of alcohol and a ice cream bar.
The Cake:
- The cake matched the rustic/cottagecore vibes and had edible flowers and vines wrapped all around it. It was three tiers and covered in white icing. And the flavour of the cake was red velvet.
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The Honeymoon:
- While everyone left Kristina's family cottage/cabin, Kristina and Raphael stayed behind for the next couple weeks. Opting to save money and stay there for their honeymoon. I will write a whole special imagine/oneshot for this someday. So I won't say too much. Let's just say it was very much like the after math of the room from Twilight. ;)
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beasiannow · 2 years
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Invited to the wedding of work colleague Sonali Patel at a large Hindu Church in Bellingham, Washington, Christina Hogan decided to take her daughter Madison as her plus one.
It was Madison who pointed out that as this would be taking place at the most prominent Hindu Church in five states and the invitation said it would be a traditional ceremony, it would be only polite if they dressed appropriately.
“Of course, we’ll wear our best.” said her mother, “no, I mean appropriately in that we should wear Hindu wedding attire.” “Like, what do they call them, sorry dresses?” asked Christina, “Sarees, mother, they are called sarees, and yes, I guess so,” said Madison rolling her eyes.
“Okay then, and just where do you think we are going to find something like that this fast and figure out how to put it all together correctly?” “don’t worry”, said Madison, bluffing, “I know just where to go.”
To be sure, the place where Madison went was Google, which was no help at all, showing only ways to buy sarees via Amazon and the like with no ideas at all about helping them; Bing and Yahoo proved to be just as useless.
Next, Madison gave the Dark Web a try; there, she found a new search site called Furfur that claimed to be powered by “Ancient Artificial Intelligence that knows more than everything.” “And what the hell is that supposed to mean?” wondered Madison starting to use it anyway.
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What she didn’t know was that the site was named after a demon who always lied unless forced to tell the truth while trapped in a magic circle, at which point it told the truth, but in such a way to mess with you as much as it could. This, in fact, was the case. Furfur had been trapped in just such a circle by a group of nerds who placed him in it with a computer and an internet connection in a try to rival the big boys.
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Furfur sent the Hogan women to a small clothing shop called Nīṅkaḷ aṇivatu nīṅkaḷtāṉ (You Are What You Wear); who were trying to do their best to grow a clientele for India-style dress but were finding it hard in a city like Bellingham, Washington. Fortunately or unfortunately, as opinion varies, the shop also made use of Furfur, which was seen to it that they got a shipment (stolen, but they didn’t know that) of what should have been hidden experimental “gene altering” cloth from a lab in Mumbai called by them Karmāviṉ iḻaikaḷ or Threads of Karma.
And so, Christina and Madison went to You Are What You Wear, where they were both attired and instructed on proper etiquette for a Hindu wedding.
Frankly, the pair did rather stand out.
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However, by the end of the as usual long Hindu wedding ceremony, they were no longer so noticeable since at some point, the sarees made from Karmāviṉ iḻaikaḷ cloth had turned them into Chandirka and Madhuri Hogan, two women from Delhi.
“Oh my goodness me!” said the former Christina on returning to their home and finding herself and her daughter so transformed. “what is your father going to say when he returns from his business trip?”
“I know,” said Madhuri, “how will he react to this change!”
“Oh no, not that,” replied Chandirka. “I mean, what will he say when he finds out that from now on, we are eating 100% vegan, and he can forget about his Tuesday night poker games, we are going to Temple those nights to pray to Durga and Lord Ganesha.”
Meanwhile, Far away in some suburban mom's basement.
"CRAP!" said Furfur, "I lost those two ex-Yanks to those do-gooders in the East!"
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shi-daisy · 2 years
A Welcome Accident
It's finally here, Ulquihime Week! I'm a certified humbug during December but at least I have my own little thing to look forward to when it comes to these two. I will try to contribute for each entry but my schedule is a bit packed, as such I could miss some days. But for now I intend to deliver some funny and slight saucy fluff with our babies. Hope you like!
Ulquihime Week- Day 1 Text/Wrong Number
A Welcome Accident
Orihime still wasn't sure about this. While she was certain she wanted to have a wedding night to remember and to try and seduce her husband to be during their honeymoon she had no idea as to where to start.
"Relax we'll help you find something stunning!" Rangiku beamed as she was already searching for pieces on the lingerie store.
Tatsuki rolled her eyes. "My girlfriend needs an intervention. You two go on ahead. I'll try to convince Rangiku to put down half of whatever pile she collects."
Halibel placed a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry too much. I'm certain that Ulquiorra will love whatever you pick."
"Thanks Hali. I'm still happy to have you here for assistance."
"Don't know of how much assistance I may be dearie. I bought a set once and Nnoitra merely smirked and said 'Looks good on you, now let me rip it off.' This man can be infuriatingly impatient sometimes."
Orihime chuckled. She was sure Ulquiorra would be a little more restrained, still she longed for a good reaction.
Given that this would be honeymoon attire, she decided to pick white pieces to wear which would be easily combined with her dress. After picking a few she made her way to the changing room.
Orihime wanted to try on her favorite first. It was a white corset with embroided rose patterns, silk undies and long white transparent stocking to match. She didn't have her shoes here but was certain that her heels would suit the look well.
Since she didn't want to go out of the changing room in such attire, she took a selfie and was ready to send it to the Besties chat group.
What do you think of this one? It's my favorite!
Orihime pressed send and didn't realize her mistake until she received an answer.
Woman, I do not know why you've sent me such a thing but I'm certainly enjoying this view very much.
Her eyes widened when she read the contact name, as she hadn't seen the picture to the besties group but to the BF chat she had with Ulquiorra.
Her husband sent her a selfie too. He was blushing profusely and his green eyes shimmered with lust as he grinned at her.
There was no way she could keep this a surprise anymore, strangely enough she didn't mind.
Orihime decided to take a few more pictures, posing for her fiancé. She was unsure of what she was doing, but Ulquiorra absolutely adored every single one.
Finally he called. Orihime's breath ceased when she heard his needy raspy voice.
"If you keep sending me photos like that I might walk over there and ravish you before the wedding."
"Seems I have your approval then...Do you want me to go see you after we're done here."
"I'd love that, but are you sure? I know you wanted to wait until our wedding night for this."
She smiled. Pleased that Ulquiorra was always so understanding. "I did but even if I accidently sent the picture, a part of me has been craving you for a while now. I don't think I can wait another three weeks. I need you too."
"Then by all means. Come to me and we can have a night to remember. In fact, I'll send you some incentive via text. Wait a moment."
It took a few minutes for the message to appear. Orihime turned beet red at the fact that Ulquiorra had sent her a picture. He wore a black collar and a leather outfit Orihime once jokingly said would look sexy on him.
See you at home, Mistress! 😈
She changed and paid for the lingerie as fast as humanly possible. Orihime didn't even have time to answer the girls before she bolted out the door. 'Thank kami for mistaken texts she thought as she rushed out.
"What was that about?" Rangiku questioned as she carried a pile of nighties out of the change room.
"I think she has some 'business' to tend to." Halibel responded.
From her tone the other two knew what she meant. All the girls ended up in a fit of giggles as they left the shop. if things kept on going well they'd to have return sometime in the future for a baby shower gift
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dojimakaichou · 2 years
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SENT FROM @queenoftheboard​ ―             ( unprompted / always accepting )
"I'm betting real money tonight - but there is a little secret," she leaned into him, Eirene's lips seeking his ear next, "I'm only taking a winner to bed - make me proud, darling."Eirene had absolutely refused to tell Daigo anything about her plans - and the ex-yakuza knew when it was futile to press the issue; his wife had a way of smiling and narrowing her eyes slightly that promised retribution if he insisted, so the former chairman behaved for now. Marie was in the capable hands of Saejima and Desmond for the night, after all (an unlikely pair, and yet a constant one - the two had clicked and enjoyed sharing babysitting duties so their loved ones could have time away with each other). All that the businesswoman had said was for Daigo to be mindful of his clothes and leave the good stuff behind - Eirene had ditched her own long gowns in favor of something covered by a trenchcoat, which was another mystery of their evening. Their car also dropped the two of them at a nondescript location, but seemingly on purpose - the blonde woman took the lead, walking into what appeared an empty building and exchanging a password with a guard at the front. But soon enough - Daigo understood; it was the front of an underground fighting ring, and the noise of the crowd and the fighters got progressively louder as they descended the stairs. At the arena level, Eirene untied her coat and slipped it off her shoulders - and Daigo could see she had dressed in a similar fashion to the other women in attendance: short dresses, high heels and exuberant jewelry, in her case; the blood red hue of her clothes was no accident. "I overheard you telling Marie about your youthful days; she might not fully grasp it yet, but I did," the Quinn president said, turning around and knowing that, in that place, they were as good as anonymous; no one cared about business or was likely frequenting these dens at the time Daigo was active, "So I asked Majima-san for help to track the current ring - he still participates, would you believe? A masked man giving novices a run for their money," Eirene chuckled, and placed an open hand (where her wedding ring was the centerpiece) across his broad, strong chest. "I took the liberty of signing you up under a false name. You are Mr. John Wick for this evening," a clever reference to a movie franchise both of them enjoyed, and there was a devious smile on her face as she said it - it had been perhaps a bolder move than he expected, but it had come from a good place in her soul, "I thought you missed being more than the best husband and father - and I'm confident you can teach everyone here a lesson," she said, finally moving to stand on the tip of her toes and press a feather-light kiss to his lips - a gesture that went unnoticed given the chaotic environment they were in.
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★. ―
Daigo didn't dare press his wife about her surprise. He had changed his outfit as requested ( his second attempt after a suit was a pair of dark jeans and a nice shirt, which Eirene gave a certain little frown at that told him ' no ' ) ; between his guessing and her nonverbal hints, they had settled on a curious mix of athleisure for his attire. The joggers, tennis shoes, and compression shirt with a Wyverns zip - up hoodie were certainly fine street fare and did highlight the ex - yakuza's build nicely, but they only further confused the man.
What could his wife be up to ??
In spite of the many questions churning in his thoughts, Daigo sat back in the car and talked to her about anything else. It was clear to him that this evening was one she had planned rather carefully, so he resolved to be along ( quite literally ) for the ride.
At what appeared to be their final destination, Daigo thanked the driver and walked to Eirene's door to offer his hand. Together, they entered a run - down place that was clearly in need of work. The sight of the obvious guard made Daigo instinctively bristle. He didn't outright say anything to the other individual ― the head of Quinn was more than capable of taking care of herself, he knew ― but his presence behind Eirene was difficult to look past. Once they were seemingly cleared, Daigo breathed easier ; he resisted the urge to place a hand on his wife's hip. This all suddenly possessed an air of work matters to it, and the former Chairman knew his role in that world did not include doting husband.
As they descended the stairs to the real event, Daigo immediately understood what all of this was. He moved slowly, taking in the environment around them with a curious expression on his face. The brilliant pools of light ; strong smell of beer ; clouds of vapor and cigarette smoke ; and roar of the crowd at the grisly acts of violence in front of them ― oh, it was intimately familiar. So much of his early life was spent in shit holes like this, where he could grin like the devil incarnate and vent his anger out by breaking bones while drunk. Even prior to his arrest and subsequent reign as the King of Kamurocho, he was in these pits, releasing the aggression he couldn't while roaming the streets as a poor excuse for a yakuza.
What a difference twenty years made. Once, he would have been here to drink, fight, and perhaps find a pretty individual unopposed to him paying for their company to take to a motel that night. Now, he stood with his wife ― the mother of their child, the love of his life, the empress to which he freely passed his crown at the moment of his retirement ― as a proudly sober, calm, and confident man.
Daigo raised an eyebrow at the unveiling of Eirene's true look. His appreciation for how short her dress was ( as well as the color ) showed instantly in his visage. With that outfit . . . he longed to suggest they leave and find somewhere private, though he kept that sentiment to himself. The ex - yakuza allowed a quick betrayal of their relationship : he brushed his fingertips along her side in admiration of the piece she wore.
"Ah," Daigo said, laughing lightly. "It was because of that little jacket Marie refuses to take off." Coincidentally, a garment the same great - uncle Eirene referred to bought for the girl. "I used to have a white puffer coat like it. My trademark, I guess. Seeing her in it brought back memories."
His wife's next words prompted a soft vocalization of surprise. So that's what this was about. Daigo flicked his gaze over to the ring proper. It was as ill - kept and blood - soaked as ever. This glimpse of the current match assured Daigo that the caliber of combatants he would encounter in those flimsy walls was no different from the fare of two decades previous.
Eirene's explanation for her surprise warmed Daigo's heart. He didn't miss these hellish dens in particular, but that wasn't necessarily the point. Tonight was his wife giving him an evening to revisit the old world and briefly return to another era. Daigo adored his job as a homemaker and stay - at - home father, but there were so many years of his story before that. Eirene, by planning out this affair, was simply saying that she saw the full breadth of the man she married and loved every layer to him. Even those she hadn't lived in Kamurocho to witness. She recognized that the misshapen and scarred knuckles that helped cook her dinner and soothe their fussing daughter used to belong to a national leader, a criminal overlord, a notoriously brutal fighter ― and here, tentatively, was an opportunity for Daigo to embrace the complex identity he carried with him.
The ex - yakuza dared to place his palm to the small of her back to help his beloved balance against him as she issued her final challenge. He chuckled darkly, pressed a kiss as fleeting as the one to his lips against the side of her hair, and waited patiently for her to get on flat feet. Daigo then shrugged out of his comfortable hoodie. With a thoroughly entertained smile, practically cut into his face given the jagged angle, he placed the souvenir item around her shoulders in the same manner he used to bestow his infamous puffer coat to prospective partners prior to his next match.
"I wouldn't dream of disappointing a fan," Daigo said, voice low and tinged with adoration for the fierce woman who put this together for him. "Especially not one this beautiful. I'll make sure nothing I need later when I come to collect my winnings is bruised."
He couldn't resist grazing his hand along the edge of her jaw. Daigo sighed wistfully at the fact that he needed to leave, but he did so inevitably. The ex - yakuza pathed to the managers controlling the ring and announced that the boogeyman was here to fight. A few members of the crowd murmured about Mr. Wick's identity when he made his way in for his first challenge : he looked awfully similar to the previous head of the Tojo Clan. However, their speculation was quickly lost. Without Daigo's tattoo being shown ( as he knew ), it was hard to say that it was him ― and he was too damn good. The onlookers didn't care about who he was if he kept his head down and put on a show. Not that he cared to impress them, of course ; the fact that he won match after match was entirely dedicated to his wife.
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lily-of-rabanastre · 1 year
Ascilia, Chapter 11, Scene 02 Excerpt
Just a little something while I finish up this chapter. Only about two more scenes to go, one long and one short.
A full hour had passed by the time the trio returned to Thavnair by way of the vault’s hidden aetheryte. Having found no sign of the invading souls, it seemed as if Y’shtola’s hopeful hunch had been correct from the start. With that in mind they put the matter aside and went their separate ways.
For Y’shtola, that meant departing for Gyr Abania, that she might request the cooperation of Garlond Ironworks. For Ascilia, that meant departing for Meghaduta, that she might ascertain the state of Ahewann’s consciousness. And for Lily, who had received a call on her linkpearl about halfway through their search, that meant waiting in the city’s aetheryte plaza.
Barely ten minutes had passed when her expected guest arrived in a flash of light. Dressed in her usual ice blue longcoat, her wavy blonde hair curling down over her horns and past her shoulders, Mikoto seemed as if she were cut from memory itself. It was a shame they’d only ever seen each other a scant few times—and never at a time when they could unwind together.
Tonight was no different. She and Ascilia had only sought to reach out to her for her expertise. But as she approached her nervous looking friend, Lily couldn’t help but hope her time here in Thavnair could be more than that.
“It’s good to see you again, Mikoto,” she called to the Auri Archon. “And thank you for coming on such short notice.”
Glancing her way, Mikoto seemed to study her form for several seconds before suddenly gasping. “Heavens, is that you, Galbana Lily? I don’t believe I’ve ever seen you in such regal attire. There were people wearing similar garments in my visits to Thavnair, of course, but is there some special occasion or custom you’re observing?”
At this, Lily couldn’t help but give a soft laugh. “It is a bit traditional, hm hm! My sister and a good friend convinced me to go all out for my wedding proposal—I’ve not had the opportunity to change into something more casual.”
“Your wedding proposal?” Mikoto smiled warmly. “Never did I imagine you as a bride to be. To whom did you propose, my friend, and did they accept?”
“I’ll tell you all about it on the way to Meghaduta,” Lily replied, offering her hand. “Shall we?”
Minutes later the pair arrived within the halls of Meghaduta, guided by a friendly Radiant to an ostentatious dining hall. Seated at the near end of a long table were Rubedo and Ascilia. While her sister sat dourly in the same blue sari she’d last seen her wearing, her beloved had taken the time to switch out from her white armored dress to a pink draped gown—a style common in her native Dalmasca.
Between them were an assortment of traditional Thavnairian dishes, enough for five or six guests.
“Glad to see you made it back safely, love,” said Ascilia as she rose up to greet them. Leaning up onto the tips of her toes, she kissed Lily on the cheek, then smiled as she turned to their new guest. “And thank you for agreeing to meet with us on such short notice, Miss Jinba. Please, have a seat.”
Returning Ascilia’s smile with one of her own and a curtsy, Mikoto quickly took a seat beside Rubedo. “Please, call me Mikoto. And it is I who must thank you for calling upon me. I’m afraid I’ve made little progress in my study of the crystals Lily and I utilized in Bozja. My research was deemed prohibited, and banished to the restricted archives of Noumenon.”
“Why would they—” Lily began to ask, only to roll her eyes in disdain. Of course Sharlayan would do that. “Those crystals can allow one with the Echo to directly interact with—and alter—the recipient’s memories. I can’t imagine the Forum was thrilled with that revelation.”
“I’m afraid your conclusion is correct,” Mikoto admitted. Reaching into one of the pockets of her longcoat, however, she swiftly produced a collection of papers and an all too familiar crystal. “Thankfully, I have always been diligent and judicious in my research, taking notes in triplicate should the need arise. And though it delayed my arrival, our allies in Bozja were happy to lend me a freshly charged crystal.”
As Mikoto set the notes down on the table, away from the dinner plates, Ascilia let out a hearty chuckle. “You’d have fit right in with Louisoix and his disciples, I believe. But are you certain you wish to take this risk for our sake?”
“Such duplicity is hardly becoming of an Archon,” Mikoto admonished her, though from the beaming smile and warm cheeks, it seemed to Lily that the compliment had struck home. “Rest assured that I have taken every precaution to protect my reputation that I could afford.” Then, glancing back towards the entrance, her smile faded. “... But before we take part in tonight’s festivities, might I request an examination of the patient? If what Krile has told me is true, my coming may well have been for naught.”
“That will not be necessary,” said Rubedo, her voice barely louder than a whisper. “Ascilia and I can tell you everything you need to know.”
Turning aside, Mikoto opened her mouth to speak, only to shut it as she stared into Rubedo’s eyes. After an uncomfortable period of silence, she cleared her throat and gave a friendly smile. “My apologies, I was so consumed with the matter ahead that I neglected to introduce myself. I am Mikoto Jinba, an Archon and specialist in the field of aetherology—particularly the study and application of aetherial wave-forms. To whom do I owe the pleasure?”
“... R-Rubedo…” Rubedo stammered, her eyes flitting towards Lily, then Ascilia. “I-I am…”
“It’s okay, Rubedo,” said Ascilia, her tone as warm and gentle as her words were cryptic. “You needn’t be afraid.”
Leaning back into her chair, Rubedo took a deep breath, as if to steady her nerves. Then she straightened her back and cleared her throat. There was a haunted look in her eyes and a clinical dryness in her tone as she began to speak, and though it had been Mikoto who’d asked, Lily sensed that her sisters’s words weren’t for their newfound guest at all.
“Rubedo kir Valnain, Senior Medicus of the IVth Legion,” she firmly declared. “I am a practitioner of medicine and alchemy, and have served for thirty years as a field medic, physician, and surgeon.”
The room seemed to fall silent thereafter, the air thick with tension. Something dreadful had finally clicked within Lily’s mind as it dragged itself back to a day three months prior. On that day she had seen to the capture of thirty-three remnants of the IVth Legion. It would have been thirty-four, had one not managed to give her the slip. And now here she was, that enemy and countryman. A life she’d almost clapped in irons.
Her own flesh and blood.
Her eyes drifted down to the cups before them, her throat suddenly drier than a desert. But to lift her glass, to lift her head, would mean meeting her sisters’ gaze. The whole room began to stretch and spin away, the voices around her drowning out in a rush of blood to her ears. It wasn’t the first time she’d felt like this, but not once in her life had she ever felt so…
“Thank you for clarifying your… former occupation,” boomed the muffled voice of Mikoto. “I hope to say such honesty and forthrightness has given me reason to place my faith in you. Though I must confess—my previous experience in working with the IVth Legion was... quite unpleasant.”
“I am not surprised,” Rubedo’s voice echoed far above her. “The Daeva we call ‘Necessity’ has done more to destroy their reputation than any rebellion, ever since the Barheim Incident over eight years ago. But I digress…”
As far as Lily could tell, the discussion had turned to Ahewann. But for the life of her she couldn’t make out what they were saying. Her head was pounding, her heart thumping harder, beating faster than she could ever recall. And the room continued to spin, her gaze drifting deeper into the reflection in her cup. Golden eyes stared up from within the water, piercing through her.
Her father’s eyes, sharp and cold. The Vulture’s eyes, a disguise to protect herself. Her eyes.
Reaching down, she gripped the cup before her, lifting it to her lips and downing its contents. Then she set it down, leaving what could only be a bloody handprint upon its immaculate clay surface. Standing up from her seat, she bowed her head.
“May I be excused?” she asked no one in particular. “I need to lie down.”
Without so much as waiting for an answer, not that she could’ve heard one, Lily hurried from the room, slamming the door shut with such inhuman strength that the entire world shattered. Down the crumbling halls of Meghaduta she fled, the walls collapsing into darkness until all that remained were ringing echoes of her sandals against the impossible floor beneath her. She knew not where she was running. Nor did she care. Anywhere was better than where she was running from.
Even this cold, empty void.
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e-dubbc11 · 2 years
Just Married-ish
Pairing:  Matt Murdock X F!reader
Warnings: A bit of angst but mostly fluffy bunnies and unicorns.  Bunch of boring adult stuff like paperwork (might be a little lame, I dunno, sorry if it’s stupid) Mostly PG-13 though
Word Count:  Around 1.8k
Summary:  Reader and Matt are newly married but you haven’t changed your name yet.  You want to do it, you want your husband’s last name, but work and life happen and you haven’t gotten around to it yet.  But you decide to do more than change your name.  Your plan involves doing something special for Matt in the process.
A/N:  Now I’m not entirely sure this is a thing but I am sure that they do have braille printing services that will do similar services for the blind.  It was just an idea that popped into my head, and we don’t print the internet anymore buuuuuut for someone that reads with their fingers, it might be handy. Also I realize the subject matter might be a little boring but it sounded like a sweet thing to do so I ran with it. Thank you so much for reading! I appreciate you!
Six Months Ago
Your wedding was on a beautiful early October afternoon and the foliage in the park was at it’s peak, absolutely breathtaking. Everywhere you looked there were splashes of red, yellow, and orange and you just couldn’t get over just how gorgeous the day was. The sun was out, not a cloud in sight, just picture-perfect. 
The details about the day were a little hazy because you were just blissfully and ridiculously happy about marrying the man of your dreams, the love of your life, Matthew Murdock.  A brief ceremony followed by a round of drinks at Josie’s for the select few that were chosen to share your special day, Foggy, Karen, Marci, and your best friend, Jocelyn.
You and Matt didn’t want to make it a huge deal, it was exactly how you wanted it.  No matter how much Jocelyn pushed you to make it a big to do, she finally gave in and respected what you wanted.  She only pushed hard because she wanted it to be the best possible day for you, she said you deserve all the happiness in the world and you love her to pieces for it. Speeches were made at Josie’s, Foggy told a couple of college Matt stories, everyone was in stitches.  Then he told the story of the day Matt met you.  
“He came back to the office after having lunch in the park and he said to me ‘I think I met her’ and color me confused, I said ‘met who?’  He said ‘the woman I want to marry.’  And that was that, it’s only fitting that they got married in the place where they met.”
Happy hour was followed by dinner for the two of you at a little hole in the wall bar. You and your devilishly handsome husband, still dressed in your wedding attire, dined on the best burgers you’ve ever tasted. And even with all the city sounds coming from outside, you felt like you were the only two people in the world, it was perfect.
You had meant to change your name soon after the wedding but life happened and you hadn’t gotten around to it yet.  Matt never bothered you about it though, he knew your job was very important to you.  Working for a government contractor, it could get exhausting, phone calls after hours when you’re at home relaxing, or in the middle of dinner.  You felt bad anytime you had to answer the phone after you were already home for the evening. Still, he never pressured you about it.  He’s very understanding and knew you would do it on your own time.
One rainy night while you were reading and he was listening to his case notes, you had an idea.  Since you wanted to change your name, it has to be changed on every document and in anything where your name appears.  And just in case Matt needed to find any paperwork pertaining to your lives together such as a marriage license, insurance cards, beneficiary documents, etc.  If you weren’t available or god forbid something happened to you, he’d never have to rely on someone else to help him find the things he needed or trust strangers to help him.  What if you could have copies of all those documents printed in braille for him?
Matt had fallen asleep listening to his case notes, he looked so peaceful and adorable while he slept, and you rarely got the chance to watch him sleep so you smiled and took a few minutes just to stare at him.  He’s so beautiful.  When you noticed he was asleep, you opened up your laptop and started to research braille printing services.  You found one that services everything from the government to restaurant menus and everything in between.  Perfect!  Right on cue, he wakes up…of course he does! Trying to make something a surprise for a blind man should be easy but he doesn’t make it easy, at all. As he opens his eyes, you greet him like you always do...
“Hey there, handsome.”
“Hey there, beautiful.”
“You don’t know that I’m beautiful.”
“Yes, I do.”
You’ll have to continue your research another time, as Matty is always very playful right when he wakes up which always leads to other fun activities.
The next couple of weeks were frustrating to say the least.  Between emails and phone calls explaining that YOU’RE not blind, your husband is, it was just so infuriating. It was like you were the only person who’s ever asked for something like this. You try to convey that you’re trying to make things as easy as possible for him in case he needs it and you’re not around to help him and after talking to numerous people, you’re finally able to talk to someone that understands what you want and need.
“Yes, I completely understand what you’re asking for, my wife is also blind and I did all the same things for her.  It just makes it easier for them to find what they need.  Not having to be completely dependent on someone else.”
You were very thankful for his help.
“Thank you so much for helping me with all of this, I’m doing this as a surprise for him, to tell him I finally changed my name...so you’ve received all my documents that need printing?”
“We have everything we need and your documents should be ready in a couple weeks.”
Again, you were very thankful.
“Thank you so much!”
“My pleasure, Mrs. Murdock, take care now.”
Mrs. Murdock...you really liked the sound of that.  It made you smile just thinking about it.
Matt noticed that your stress level had been high for the past few weeks and one night after dinner, you were on your laptop and he was listening to some case notes, he took his ear buds out and turned to you, visibly frustrated with how distracted you’ve been.
“Sweetheart?  Can I ask you something?  You’ve been very preoccupied lately and well, you’ve just been busier than usual.”
You were typing out a thank you email to the gentleman who helped you with everything.  All the documents came out perfect. Matt also suggested some time ago that you have some business cards made in case he ran into anyone looking for a new job, he knew that your company was always hiring people.  He told you “It would be nice to be able just to hand them your card and they could call you.” The cards had all your important information on them, however there was one card you had made especially for him. It was your way of telling him you had changed your name. It was printed in braille, y/f/n, y/m/i, Murdock.
“Yeah, hang on, baby.  I just need to finish this email, it’s really important that I get this out.”
“More important than us?”  His voice hitched a little.
“Matty...what are you talking about?  I told you this is really important” you said curtly.  It came out harsher than you intended it to, it was the stress of the past few weeks. But it wasn’t an excuse for you to snap at him like that.
He closed his laptop, stood up and angrily adjusted his shirt sleeves and his glasses. And although he never yelled, his voice was always very stern and harsh on the rare occasions the two of you would argue.
“I feel like we’ve been living separately the past few weeks, now what is going on?”
“Matthew, I want to tell you everything that I've been up to but not like this, not while you’re this angry.  It’s something that I felt was important for US and--”
He interrupted you...” Important? What’s more important than sharing your day with your husband?! And another—ya know what, I don’t want to do this right now, I’m going for a walk.”  Matt walked over to the hooks on the wall, grabbed his jacket and his white cane and stormed out.
You plead with him, with tears in your eyes...” Matty...WAIT, please!!”
Too late, he slammed the door and he was gone.
About two hours had passed, you had finished the email and decided to get out all the documents you had printed up.  You started to cry again, the guilt you felt for being so distant and short with him was unbearable but all you had wanted was to give him a nice surprise and make it special.  They were just pieces of paper but you put everything in a box and wrapped it with wrapping paper. Even though he couldn’t see the paper or what was underneath, Matt still loves to open presents.
Sleep was something that had eluded you recently and it finally caught up with you, the crying didn’t help either, and your tired body finally gave into the sleep you desperately needed. You weren’t sure how much more time had passed when a calloused hand gently caressed your face as you slowly opened your eyes.
“Hey beautiful.”
You pressed your hands into the couch to sit up quickly, grabbing him and hugging him when you begin to sob.
“Oh Matty, I’m SO sorry!  I just got so caught up with what I was trying to finish, I didn’t realize you were feeling neglected, that is the last thing I want to do.  I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”  You look down to see you’ve left a wet spot on his shirt.  “And now I’m sorry I got your shirt all wet, can you ever--”
“Shhh, shhh, sweetheart...It’s ok.  I’m sorry too.  I shouldn’t have gotten angry and left like that, it’s not how I should have handled things. I’m sorry.” He strokes your hair to calm you down.
He wiped your tears away as you ask him “Can I show you what I’ve been doing the past few weeks?”
“Now, angel, I thought your work was ‘need to know.’” He smirked.
You let out a little laugh “It’s not work related, my love.  C’mere.”
He trails behind you and pinches your butt on your way to the kitchen table, sneaky little Devil.  Setting his hands on top of the box, you kiss him on the cheek and tell him to open it.  He smiles and starts to rip the paper, revealing a white box.
“Go ahead, take the top off!”  You say with excitement.
He reaches for the hem of your T-shirt.
You squeal a little “Hey now!  Not MY top, smartass!”
He’s full on laughing now while grasping the sides of the box.  Matt takes the top of the box off, discards it onto the floor and reaches inside.  Immediately his fingers feel the braille documents.  His smile quickly disappears and is replaced with a soft expression, tangled with a bit of surprise while he runs his fingers over the first page.
“I had all of our important documents printed up in braille and attached to the regular printed copies in case you ever need them if I’m not around or if” you pause and swallow “if something happens to me and you need them for any reason.  You won’t have to rely on anyone else to help you find them or worry about trusting a stranger.”
“You...you had all this done for me?”
You can see tears forming in his eyes, they look more hazel today.
“Of course, I did.  I had to adjust some things on my work information, change my beneficiary information, put you on my health insurance so I figured let me do this for all the important information we have. This all can go in the fireproof safe that I know you can open with your bionic hearing.”
He laughed a little when you mentioned that.
“You may be the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen and have super senses and abilities but that’s not going to help you find a copy of our marriage license or your insurance card.  I had my social security card and my other personal ID’s done as well.  And I know you were asking me to have business cards made to have at the office or to have on you to hand out, so I did that too.  I had this one made special for you though…”
Matt takes the card from your hand and runs his fingers over it.  y/f/n, y/m/i, Murdock.
“You...you changed your name?  You changed your name.” A tear finally falls down his cheek.
“Yes, my love, I did...finally.  I’m sorry it took me so long, I just--”
He wraps his hands around your waist and pulls you down onto his lap to kiss you, hands wrapped in your hair then move back to your waist, he buries his face into your neck and he completely let go.
“I can’t believe you did all of this...so that’s what you’ve been doing and that’s why you were always on the phone when I would call your office. No one…no one has ever done anything like this for me before.”
You stroked his hair, his face and peppered kisses on his cheeks.
“Oh Matty...I did to make our lives a little easier, plus my name change was very important to me. I just wanted it to be a surprise, that’s why I was so hush hush about it.  Again, I am so sorry, baby.”
He kisses you again, with more passion this time, circling his tongue with yours. It still gave you butterflies when he kissed you. Resting your forehead against his, pinching his chin with your thumb and forefinger, you whisper to him...
“I love you Mr. Murdock...so much.”
Gently, Matt takes your other hand and puts it up to his chest.
“You have my whole heart, Mrs. Murdock, I love you too.”
Mrs. Murdock…you really do love the sound of that.
Tag list: @freshabogados @skvatnavle @phoebe-danvers @moonlarking @matt-erialgirl @shedaresthedevil @mindidjarin
Others that might enjoy: @1800-fight-me @sobachka-korol @elgrandeavocados @mattmurdockspainkink @saintmurd0ck @wint3r-h3art @bau-jj
Please please tell me if you don’t want to be tagged, you’re not going to hurt my feelings, I’m a big girl and I can take it.
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rina-writes · 3 years
The Perfect Pair
A/N: The lovely @halfmoondaze​ and I chatted about this ages ago, but I didn’t have a good idea at the time. However, it’s been awhile since I wrote something pure fluff and wanted to push myself a bit since I’ve been in a bit of a writing funk. This is an unofficial sequel of Say Yes, where Jack proposes to an introverted reader.  This is definitely stand alone, so you don’t have to read the other blurb if you don’t want to.
Summary: It’s your wedding day and stresses are at an all time high.  Jack has shouldered most of the responsibilities for the wedding, but when a last minute hiccup unravels all of his plans, you are the one who saves the day.
Warnings: Fem!reader,  introverted!reader, fluffy fluff fluff
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In a surprising turn of events that, with second thought probably didn’t actually surprise anyone, Jack turned out to be a huge Groomzilla.  He wasn’t bad in the made-for-television kind of way. He didn’t have any outrageous meltdowns over napkins.  Nor, did he threaten to stab someone’s eyes with a shrimp fork when they questioned his choice of ranch dressing on half of the menu (but he came pretty close).  Instead, it was a death by a thousand cuts.  It was stone cold in his delivery of what needed to change and unapologetic for how many times something had to be redone in order to get it to his liking.  He was happy to help, of course, whatever it took to get it right. To some degree, people may have preferred a large outburst.
Like his music, Jack was particular about his wedding.  He wanted it to be perfect, not for his sake, but for yours.  In all actuality, he didn’t care a lot about the ceremony, but he knew it was important to you. He also knew that your naturally conflict adverse personality meant that you would go along with anything to make other people happy.  He couldn’t help you on the bride only things: the bridal shower, the bachelorette party, and your wedding attire.  Those were battles between you and your family/friends/bridal party.  The only thing he could do was that everything else went according to plan.  If people called him picky or an asshole because of it, Jack just shrugged it off.  Your happiness was more important to him than being amicable for the sake of anyone else.
You knew all of this even without Jack saying it out loud.  Jack loved to take care of you and handling your daily problems was his favorite way to do it.  Your landlord hiked up your rent halfway through your lease? Jack was there with the lease document in hand arguing over breach of contract.  Someone kept talking over you in a conversation?  Jack would boldly declare that he was interested in hearing the rest of your story.  And then, when you would begin to lose your nerve under the gaze of the whole group,  he would make a joke about how they are going to make you nervous if they kept staring at you like that.  
That’s why when Jack’s mother groaned loudly every time she saw her son’s caller ID on her phone, you could only give a sympathetic smile. Jack was getting on her nerves so that you wouldn’t have to.  You were sitting in your chair, getting your makeup and hair done. The rest of your bridal party was also getting ready around you.  You started at yourself in the silky white robe with ‘Bride’ etched on the back trying to enjoy the moment. Instead, your eyes kept darting back to your future mother-in-law through the mirror.  She was rubbing the space between her eyes, pacing back and forth.  As if feeling your eyes on her, she glanced up at you, her eyes locking with your reflection, and gave you a faint smile.  She sat down quickly and began to talk to her son in a hushed, reassuring tone.  You could hear Jack yelling in the background which only seemed to stress the woman more.
You felt guilty about the sacrifices he was making to make sure you didn’t have to solve your own problems.  You were also starting to worry that this was setting up your marriage to be one sided.  Surely there had to be issues that Jack was overwhelmed about too.  Who did Jack go to when he needed to solve problems outside of his control?  You knew he had his friends and his family, but you wanted to be the number one person he could rely on.  That’s what he did for you, after all.
With a loud sigh, Jack’s mother ended the call and gave you an exasperated smile. “So, the photographer is at the wrong venue.”  She rested a hand on your shoulder.  “Jack didn’t want me to tell you, but he’s scrambling right now and I felt like you should know.”
You groaned. This was a huge source of confusion.  Your venue had a similar name to another wedding venue another town over. Your venue was slightly pricier than the other one because of the view, so most wedding event professionals in the area assumed it was the other, much more popular place.  You had made sure to note the difference on all the wedding invitations and business proposals, but, alas, someone was bound to make the mistake.  It would take the photographer an hour to get to the correct venue and they were supposed to be here two hours ago.  Luckily, Jack’s and your entourage had quite a few photographers in attendance who popped in to take photos of the bridal party and the groomsmen as they got ready.  You assumed they were also taking photos of the guests so, at least there would be some photos from before the ceremony.  However, the same people taking pictures were supposed to be in the ceremony.  As much as you appreciated them picking up the slack, you also felt bad that they were working.  Urban, especially, since he was the best man, shouldn’t be behind the camera today of all days.
“Are we almost done?” You asked your makeup artist.
“Just need the setting spray and we are good.” She confirmed.
“Adrienne,” You said, addressing one of your friends who was a hobby photographer.  “I think I want to do the first look now.  We’ll probably delay the ceremony for 90 minutes to allow the photographer to get here and set up.  Would you be able to take the first couple of pictures us and then get out of there so, I can talk to Jack one-on-one.  I want to help him calm down.”
“Don’t worry,” Adrienne, who was already dressed and ready to go, held up her camera. “I got you, Y/n.”
You paused for a moment to get sprayed, thanking your MUA before hopping out of the chair.  
“Erica,” You turned to another one of your bridesmaids who was charismatic and well-organized.  “Would you be able to help us buy some time by distracting the guests?  I think the caterer had some back up appetizers, we can have them roll those out.  If you can get the groomsmen and the rest of the bridal party out there mingling that will help distract the guests too.”
Erica nodded, pleased to be depended on. “Absolutely!”
“Oh,” You put a hand on her arm.  “And please please please make sure that they stick to the light cocktails we prepared.  I don’t care how long they wait, the open bar does not start until after the ceremony. I am not having anyone drunk as a skunk at my wedding.”
“You got it!” Erica snapped her fingers toward you with a wink.
You turned around to look at your dress, suddenly realizing how silent the room had fallen.  You blushed a bit as you realized everyone was staring at you.
“What?” You asked, “Do I look weird?”
“No, sweetheart.” Your mother cooed. “It’s just--I can’t remember the last time I saw you so assertive.  It’s nice. It’s a good look on you.”
You gave her an embarrassed laugh as you gave her a side hug. “I mean, I’m a little introverted…”
“A little?” Half of the room seemed to say in unison causing a rumble of laughter.
“Okay, a lot.” You laughed.  “But you all know I can talk a mile a minute about anything I am obsessed with.”
“Jack being number one on the list!” Your maid-of-honor chirped earning a few more laughs from the room.
“Annnd” You dragged the word to bring the attention back to the situation. “Because Jack needs me right now, I need to be on my A-game. So, that’s why I am asking you all for help.  Most importantly, can someone help me get into this dress?”
You asked pointing at it.  Your mother and future mother-in-law raised their hands to volunteer, and helped you to shimmy into your dress.  Jack was insistent that you got your dream dress.  Even though your family wanted to pay for it, he was more than happy to cover any difference if you went over budget.  As you looked at yourself in the full length mirror, tears welded in your eyes.  You were getting married to the love of your life, Jack Harlow.  As the veil was placed on your head, you had to look upward to keep the tears from ruining your makeup.  The makeup artist ran over to dab your eyes with tissues before running around to help the rest of the bridal party.  Adrienne had managed to snap photos between tears and you were all ready to go.
Jack could tell his hair stylist was getting on his nerves.  Every time he re-entered the groomsmen suite, his hair was messier than when he last came in. He couldn’t help it.  Running his hands through his curls was a nervous habit he had ever since he was a kid.  He stood still for the person to spray water on his hair, wrap each of the straightened curls around a finger before dropping it to make it springy.  He tried to calm down, looking past his stylist to himself in the mirror.  He looked great.  The tuxedo fit him perfectly and he knew how much you loved him in black, so you were going to like it too. His facial hair was neatened making his jaw look sharp and helped to bring attention to his sapphire colored eyes.
Just as the stylist was spritzing his hair with holding spray, Adrienne popped her head into the dressing room.
“They said it was okay since you’re already dressed.” She said, to the room full of men staring at her wide eyed. She grinned widely,  “Time for the first look!”
“But the photographer…” Jack said, walking over. His hand raised to touch his hair, but the stylist smacked it.  
“Ow….” Jack responded, giving the person a glare only to have a glare returned with the same intensity.  Jack cleared his throat to hide his embarrassment and made a mental note to not touch his hair for the foreseeable future.
“Y/n has coordinated it.” Adrienne showed her camera.  “I’ll fill you in on our way to the first look spot.  Meanwhile, Erica will fill your boys in on what’s coming next.”
Right on cue, Erica pushed the door back all the way grinning from ear-to-ear.  She clapped her hands to get everyone’s attention, busting into the room to deliver the plan.  Jack didn’t have time to hear it as Adrienne was already pulling him out of the room to get to the spot. The two were whizzing by the hustle and bustle of the venue that was preparing for their wedding.  Jack found himself jumping from side to side to avoid waiters bringing food, guests waving enthusiastically, and flower arrangements so tall they obscured the person carrying them.  He was impressed at how unfazed Adrienne was about the chaos going on around her.  His mind went back to what she had said in the room.
“Did you say Y/n coordinated this?” As he walked briskly behind Adrienne, having to swing his arms to keep up with her despite her shorter legs and high heels.
“Mhmm…” Adrienne said, more focused on setting up her camera settings.  “She overheard your conversation with your mom and sprung into action.  She’s actually pretty good at this kind of stuff.  When, you know, it means helping out the people she loves.  But, why I am telling you that…”
She stopped walking as they arrived in the spot.  Jack shook his head as he allowed Adrienne to turn him and push him toward his position.  They were standing on the veranda at the back of the venue.  It overlooked where the reception was going to be held.  There was a spot for Adrienne to stand and take pictures before making a getaway to leave the couple to be alone.
“Thank you for reminding me.” Jack smiled to himself, clasping his hands in front of him.  He twiddled with his thumbs nervously.  “Y/n is a strong, amazing, beautiful woman.  Sometimes I forget that she’s not some precious flower I have to protect all the time. I just can’t help it.  I want to take care of her, you know? Shield from everything nasty in the world. I just love her so much.”
“Well, that’s a relief.” You said, standing behind him.
Jack’s closed his eyes, a grin spreading across his face. He was a little embarrassed and could feel himself turning red.  He tried to calm down for the photos, already hearing his friends chanting “Reddy Freddy” in the back of his mind. He took a deep breath before turning around to look at you.
“Holy sh--” Jack could feel the tears coming to his eyes when he saw you.
You smiled widely, unable to get the words out to express yourself either.  You took a few steps closer and Jack instantly reached out for you.  He cupped your head gently, careful not touch your veil and leaned in to give you a kiss.  You smiled pulling back and sucking your lips into your mouth with a shake of your head. You bit back a smile at his flabbergasted face.
“We have to wait…” You reminded him.
Jack gave you an annoyed expression, “Let’s not pretend we haven’t done this before along with much more.”
You slapped his arm and gestured to the camera with your head.  “There’s a recording, you know.”
“It’s fine we’ll mute it…” Jack laughed before turning to the camera, “...and if not, sorry Grandma!  At least she’s still wearing white, though.”
You laughed loudly, all the nerves bundled in your stomach releasing the moment Jack had touched your skin.  His hands sunk to your waist as if deciding that if he couldn’t kiss you, this was the next best thing.  
“Hi…” Jack said in a soft voice.
“Hi…” You responded in the same tone.
Jack smiled at you, studying your features.  “God, seeing you look this beautiful and not being able to kiss you is torture.”
“But the next time you do, you’ll be kissing your wife.” You reminded him, a coy smile on your lips.
That brightened Jack’s entire face.  He looked like a kid in a candy store.  “God, you’re gonna be my wife! God, that sounds so good to say.” He pretended to be introducing you to someone.  “Oh, this is Y/n, my wife.  She is beautiful isn’t she?  But she’s also incredibly smart, supportive, and by all measurements my better half.”
“I want to kiss you so bad…” You said, tears welding in your eyes.
“Welcome to the club.”  He took out a dark colored handkerchief from his pocket and dabbed at your tears. He mentally thanked his father for the tip to carry the fabric with him today.
“What did you do about the photographer?” Jack asked.  “They are probably still  30 minutes away.”
“Don’t worry, handsome.” You said, hugging him tightly. “I got this.  We’ll start the ceremony in an hour.  It’s all going to work out.  Erica will direct you.”
Jack hugged you back just as tightly.  “I can’t wait to see you walking down the aisle towards me.”
“You better cry or I’m going back out.” You teased.
You heard your mother call your name and you turned around to see her waving you over.  You saw that Adrienne had disappeared awhile ago, giving you and Jack alone time.
“Oh I definitely am.”  Jack looked down at you.  “See you soon, baby. I love you.”
You looked up at him, your heart swelling with happiness.  “I love you, too, Jack.” 
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basiccortez · 2 years
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Funeral For A Friend word count: 4k masterlist
in collaboration with @capturethechaos
warnings: THIS IS AN AU. guns, drugs, death, sexual tension, mentions of suicide, mentions of abuse, slight sexual activity
Y/N had snuck out of her room that night, and laid by Danny’s bedside, watching as his chest rose and fell with even breaths. She had felt guilty for him getting hurt, for distracting Jake from his phone and not being able to go help out his brothers. She had apologized to all the boys the next morning at breakfast, each of them saying it wasn’t her fault, except Jake. Jake had just pushed it away, not bothering to bring it up anymore. Danny was resting though, enjoying his time off and catching up on Netflix shows he had abandoned. He quite enjoyed the company for a couple days of having her wait on him hand and foot. It had been a while since he got time to be babied by someone. 
Y/N wasn’t paying attention as the tailor was working on Andrew’s black wedding tux. Her mind was running a thousand miles per hour over everything that had been revealed in the past couple days. Francisco was very much alive, and in the area. Jake had heightened his security around the mansion and the various clubs. She was never out of his sight or Andrew’s. 
Y/N had also demanded that they work on a plan for getting Sophie. Y/N feared for her friend’s life, and also begged to see the security footage of her. Y/N had broken down, getting physically sick at the sight of her friend going through the same horrendous torture she had once endured. But, Y/N had also shown that she could be a huge asset in getting both Dante and Francisco. Francisco had shown to be a creature of habit, doing much of the same things he had done before; prey on the weak, and innocent. 
“You keep thinking that hard and your brain will catch fire,” Andrew spoke, nudging her with his foot. Y/N jumped and looked up at him. He smiled and shook his head, “You okay?” 
“Best I can be,” Y/N shrugged. 
“Jake said he didn’t hear you screaming last night. Nightmares must be going away.” 
“Or, I was just too drugged up to even imagine that monster.” 
“Whatever floats your boat,” Andrew shrugged and stepped back up on the pedestal the tailor had him on. Y/N admired the nice fitting suit, the velvet vest and tie stood out drastically against his skin and made his eyes pop. Andrew was always one to spend extra long on his appearance. Andrew was comparable to her brothers, and she often joked with others that he was. 
“Andrew,” Y/N called out to him. 
“Would you. . . would you walk me down the aisle?” 
“What?” He asked, unsure if he had heard her correctly, “Me? What about the Don?” 
“It’s my wedding, and I want it to be someone I love.” 
Andrew looked down at his shoes, trying to hide his smile. He looked back up at her and nodded, “It would be an honor. Ya know when I got stuck with your dumbass, I took it as an insult, I thought I was getting punished for something. But turns out, I got placed right where I was supposed to be.” 
“There’s no one else on this planet that I enjoy annoying more than you.” 
Andrew laughed, tilting his head back. The tailor stepped back, looking over the suit once more, before directing him to go change. Andrew came back out in almost similar attire, dark gray dress pants and a navy blue shirt. They both thanked the tailor before heading out of the small tux shop in the center of Nashville. Andrew walked out of the store first, doing a quick survey of the area, before ushering Y/N out, keeping her head down as she walked to the black SUV parked out front. Y/N sighed as she collapsed into the passenger seat, putting on her seatbelt as Andrew climbed into the driver’s seat. 
“I’m gonna get real tired of this shit, real quick,” Y/N said as Andrew started on the journey back to the mansion. 
“It’ll only be for a little bit. These fools are smart, they’ll find Francisco and Dante and we’ll get Sophie back and you’ll have that big ass white wedding you’ve been dreaming of since you were six.” 
“What did you want to do, ya know, before this?” 
“Architect,” Andrew answered simply, “I wasn’t very good at school, got into some trouble, needed some quick cash. Your father scoped me out while I was in a boxing match. I had no idea who he was until later. Hired me on the spot.” 
“What about your family?” 
“Heavy with the questions today,” Andrew laughed and Y/N just shrugged, “I got no one. My parents and brother died in a plane crash. My old lady left me when I started working for the Don.” 
“I’m sorry,” Y/N said looking down at her hands in her lap, “We’re your family now, you know that right?” 
“I do,” Andrew answered as they pulled into the driveway of the mansion. 
“You’re back! How was it?” Sam asked, running into the front room, Danny slowly walking in behind him. He was slowly getting stronger after his injuries. Y/N had pushed him into staying in bed, but he was going stir crazy looking at the same dark colored walls all day. 
“Good, but why are you out of bed?” Y/N asked, looking at Danny. Danny shrugged with a shy smile on his face. 
“Andrew, Jake wants to talk to you about something,” Sam said. The man nodded, excusing himself and walking down the hallway to the office. Y/N sighed and looked at the two boys in front of her, “Well, since they’re busy for the day. . . what can we help you with?” 
“I gotta get these place settings done for the reception.” Y/N said. 
“Perfect! As long as I get to sit next to one of your hot cousins-” Sam started speaking but was cut off by Y/N. 
“How do you know what my cousins look like?” She asked him. Sam just smirked and tapped his temple, then grabbed her hand pulling her into the dining room to start working. 
— — — 
Jake watched out the window at the passing buildings as they neared the senator building. He hated having to go into the city. If he could do all his business at the mansion or various safehouses and buildings he had scattered around, he would. The city was a giant playground, perfect for people to hide. Josh had told him that he had to go meet with the senator, Jake had been pushing it off for weeks. It was all a part of Josh’s plan to make Kiszka Industries even more legit than they already were.
“Get in bed with the politicians, grab a seat in the boardroom. It’s all a part of the game,” 
Their grandfather had once said to a very young Jake. Jake didn’t even know what it meant, but he would soon learn of the dark secrets his family had, and the trail of bodies they seemed to leave. The older Jake got and the way things had started to shift, it was more important than ever that he made himself a spot in the boardroom. The more endorsements Jake got, the more legit they took them as players in the city. 
The guns and prostitutes were the main source of income for the Kiszka Mafia and had been since their great grandfather had taken over when the FBI had started shutting down the mobster in the ‘40s. Jake loved the influx of freshly pressed bills he would get after a deal or a night at the club, but he knew all that would only last for so long. He was tired of losing ground and battling to stay afloat. 
“Penny for your thoughts?” Andrew spoke, snapping Jake out of his daze. 
“No,” Jake sighed, shifting in his seat, “I always wonder what life would’ve been like if that Mafia families just. . . crumbled, like the CIA and the FBI and all them fuckers wanted. None of the secret deals shit that on behind the scenes.” 
“I’d reckon you’d be out of a job,” Andrew smirked and Jake rolled his eyes, “One way or another this shit would’ve still been happening. Just cause the American Crime Families crumbled, doesn’t mean the European ones would too. Al Capone had to get his money from somewhere.” 
“Mr. Kiszka,” The driver spoke as they pulled up in front of the senate building. Jake thanked him, and waited as Andrew opened his door, walking around to the other side to open the door for Jake. Even though Jake saw Andrew as a friend, he was still just a guard. Danny was still recovering from his injuries, so Andrew had taken over protecting Jake. 
“Thank you, Andrew,” Jake said, getting out of the SUV and fixing his navy blue suit. 
He took one step up those marble stairs, when a hooded man ran up to them, gun outstretched, pointing at Jake’s head. Andrew moved quickly, grabbing the hooded man, punching him several times. Jake was frozen in fear, as he watched Andrew fight the man. 
“No!” Jake yelled as the man punched Andrew in the throat, and fired three silent shots into his chest. The hooded man turned and charged for Jake, but a shot rang out, burying itself into the man’s forehead. 
Screams echoed all around them, as people fled in fear from the sound of the gun. Jake fell to the ground, his hands going to Andrew’s chest, blood staining his hands. Andrew coughed up blood, and looked at Jake. Jake picked Andrew up, holding him in his arms as he tried to stop the blood from seeping through his hands. Jake could see it in his eyes, no matter what they did, Andrew’s time was ticking by quickly. 
“Y-Y/N. . .” 
“I got her,” Jake said as Andrew sucked in a ragged breath and his body stilled. 
Jake was pulled from Andrew quickly, as another guard shoved him back into the SUV, as the signs of sirens grew closer and closer. Jake’s eyes never left his body, as they quickly drove off from the scene. A crowd had gathered around the two dead bodies on the steps of the statehouse.
He felt warm tears fall down his face as he sat in a stunned silence on the way back to the mansion. Jake had seen death before, he was no stranger to it, but to hold someone in his arms as they took their last breath, was something new to him. Jake looked down at his shaking hands covered in blood. 
“Stop the car.” Jake said softly. 
“I’m sorry Mr. Kiszka, we have to get you back home-” 
“Stop the fucking car!” Jake yelled. The driver stopped quickly and Jake threw the door open.
He stumbled out of the car and leaned over, emptying the contents of his stomach. When he was done, Jake stood up and wiped his mouth, before getting back in the car. He nodded at the driver to continue on their way home. 
— — — 
Sam and Y/N were sitting in the office, giggling as Sam was showing her his ‘wedding moves’. Sam was dramatically waltzing around the room to some song that was clearly not a waltzing song. Y/N loved Sam’s energy. He was carefree, and was a good person to have around to keep her mind off of things. Her laughter was cut off by Jake walking into the office. He stood in the doorway, taking in the sight of his fiance and baby brother. Y/N’s eyes went straight to him, widening at the sight of blood on his gray button up and hands. She jumped out of her chair and rushed right over to him. 
“What the fuck happened?!” Y/N asked him, looking him over, checking for injuries. Her hands touched his face gently. 
“I’m fine,” Jake said, ignoring her, and pushing away from her, and walking over to his whisky collection. He didn’t even bother pouring himself a glass, lifting the bottle to his lips and drinking it down, “Get out.” 
“What? No, Jake you’re covered in blood! What the fuck happened?” Y/N asked, standing her ground. 
“I said, get the fuck out!” Jake yelled, turning around and throwing the whisky bottle at the wall beside her. Sam jumped, but Y/N was unphased by his angry outburst. Jake stormed over to her, and grabbed her by the neck, “Leave.” 
“Fine.” Y/N said, clenching her jaw, pushing his hands off of her, and leaving the office. Sam stood in his spot and looked over at his brother. 
“What happened?” Sam asked softly, “I-is that-?” 
“It’s not mine,” Jake sighed, his eyes never leaving the door that Y/N had just walked out of. Jake shook his head, “I have to go break her heart.” 
Sam nodded and patted his brother’s shoulder as Jake turned and walked down the hall. Sam waited until Jake was gone out of the office before sitting down at his computer. Sam worked quickly, hacking into the security footage of the area Jake was in. His eyes flooded with tears as he watched the footage and gasped, looking around before shutting the laptop down and retreating to his room. 
Jake walked upstairs to her bedroom, knocking on the door softly. He heard her voice calling out to him softly to come in. Jake took a deep breath, bracing himself for the storm he was about to be hit with. Andrew meant more to Y/N than anyone else in this house did. 
“Hey- what are you doing?” Jake asked her softly. He poked his head into the bathroom, noticing the candles and the steam rolling off of the bathtub as it filled up. He looked up at her, noticing the silk red robe she was wearing. 
“You’re covered in blood and won’t tell me why. You have this scared little boy look on your face, it’s freaking me the fuck out,” Y/N explained, “Strip down.” 
“Y/N. . . “ 
“Jacob,” Y/N said, “I might fucking hate you, and hate this whole situation but I’m not stupid.” 
Jake nodded and held his hands up, walking over to the bed and starting to strip down. He unbuttoned his shirt and threw it on the bed. Y/N leaned against the doorway, watching as his back muscles flexed as he pulled his belt off. He unbuckled his pants and kicked them down his legs. She had only seen him half naked a handful of times, but she had never seen him completely naked. 
His body was one sculpted by God himself, making him look like a saint straight from the Vatican. Jake was usually so confident being naked in front of women, usually they were down on their knees, and not standing at eye level with him. He felt exposed and wanted to cover himself up, but Y/N walked over to him, taking his hand and leading him into the bathroom. Y/N let go of his hand, and Jake kept his eyes trained on her. He watched as her small hands went to the strings of the robe, pulling them until they came undone, and the robe cascaded to the ground. 
Jake’s eyes took in her whole body. He had seen her naked before, but he had never really looked her over. Her tan skin had scars, the most noticeable one ran down her chest starting at her collarbones and ending right above her navel. His eyes also took in the branding mark that Francisco had left on her. The large letters ‘FS’ were scared into an intricate pattern. Jake had always wondered why she didn’t have them covered up or fixed. He knew her family had enough money to pay for some sort of surgery to fix it. 
The confidence that was flowing through her veins was something she hadn’t felt in a long time. She turned around and stepped into the jacuzzi bathtub, letting the warm water take over her body. She sighed at the feeling and then held her hand out to Jake, inviting him to join her. Jake softly padded over to her, stepping into the hot water, and resting his body in between her legs, pressing his back up against her chest. 
Neither one shared a word, as Y/N quietly and softly washed the blood and stress away from him. Jake was trying his best not to completely break, not being able to remember the last time someone had cared for him like this. Y/N hummed softly as she grabbed a wash cloth, lathering it up with soap, running it over his shoulders and chest. Slowly she started trailing her other hand down his body, placing soft kisses on his neck. Jake shifted slightly, both in a feeling of comfort and discomfort. He gasped when her hand swiped across his cock.
“I have to tell you something,” Jake started, grabbing her wrist. 
“Shh, it can wait,” Y/N whispered, wanting to continue. Jake let out a shaky breath as her hand wrapped around him and lazily started working him up and down. He shook his head and lifted her hand off of him, bringing it to his lips, and placing a kiss on the inside of her wrist. 
“Not tonight, baby.” Jake murmured softly, “I promise, soon.” 
She pressed her lips to his shoulder, nodding her head. The two of them sat there, until the water turned cold and the candles slowly started to burn out. Y/N got out first, drying herself off and putting her robe back on. She helped Jake out, wrapping him in a fluffy white towel, drying him off.
They walked into her bedroom, noticing that Emile had placed some clean pajamas for Jake to wear on her bed. Jake slipped on the pajama pants, and climbed into bed with her, laying his head on her stomach as she ran her finger through his damp hair. She watched as his eyes fluttered, slowly lulling him into a dreamland. Y/N could feel him starting to relax, and slowly pulled herself away from him. His brown eyes shot open and reached his hand to her. 
“Stay,” He rasped. She paused for a second, looking at him. They were yet to sleep in the same bed, side by side. They were basically playing musical beds, if Jake was in her room, she was in his and vice versa. But there was something so inviting about him being so vulnerable. She smiled at him softly and nodded. Jake shifted over in the bed, and patted the spot next to him. She climbed in the bed and Jake’s arms wrapped around her, pulling her close. 
— — — 
Waking up to the sight of Jake’s hair sprawled out on the pillow next to her was one of the best sights she had ever seen. She softly ran her hands down the side of his face and kissed his cheek softly. She saw the corner of his mouth pickup in a smile, and his eyes fluttered open. He turned to look at her, his brown eyes searching hers. 
“Morning,” Y/N said softly. Jake nodded, pushing himself up slightly, and placing a gentle kiss on her lips. 
Y/N and Jake walked downstairs to the dining room, hand in hand, rested smiles on their faces. Sam and Danny shared a look, taking in the sight of their leader and his girl. Every time they had seen them together, there was a look of anguish and hate on their features. But something had changed in them, and everyone was starting to feel it. They no longer had to feel like they had to keep Jake and Y/N separated in fears that they would kill each other. 
Jake pulled a chair out for her to sit next to him. He placed a kiss on her forehead, as he prepared a plate of food for her. Jake sat down in his chair as Sam pushed his iPad over to him. Sam gave him the rundown of some information they had gathered yesterday about Francisco and Dante’s whereabouts. Jake kept glancing over at Y/N as they talked, gauging her body language. He knew it was useless to hide information about Francisco from her anymore, she would beg until she knew anyone. 
“From what we’ve gathered so far, Sophie is still alive.” Sam said looking over at Y/N.
“Is that supposed to comfort me?” She asked them and Jake sighed, “I’d have more comfort knowing that either Francisco or Sophie were dead.” 
“We’re working with a local crew,” Danny said, “We’re hoping to get someone on the inside who can give us more information on his setup. We spooked him once, he knows we are on to him.” 
“Perfect,” Jake nodded and then looked over at Y/N, “We’ll find her, baby. I promise,” Jake picked up her hand and placed a kiss on the back of it. She smiled shyly and he set her hand back down. He looked back at Sam, who was rambling off numbers of the latest sales from the club, when Josh came barging into the dining room. 
“What the fuck happened at the state house yesterday?” Josh said. 
“Josh, not here,” Jake said, his eyes quickly glancing over to Y/N.
“How the fuck were you just going to let that slide that someone held a gun to your head!?” Josh yelled. 
“Josh-” “What?” Y/N and Jake both spoke. Y/N dropped her fork and looked over at him. 
“Someone tried to kill you? Where was Andrew?” Y/N asked him. Jake looked down at his iPad and then back up at Josh. Josh’s jaw dropped slightly and looked over at Y/N, silently understanding why his twin didn’t want to talk about it outloud. 
“What happened?” Josh asked softly. 
“I don’t know,” Jake sighed, “I barely opened the door and this man just ran up on us. Andrew tried to fight him off but. . . “ Jake looked at Y/N, who’s eyes were locked on him, “He shot him three times in the chest. There was nothing we could do.” 
“Is this a sick joke?” Y/N asked, her eyes becoming glossy with tears, “You’re fucking joking?” 
“I’m sorry,” Jake whispered to her. 
“You sat there last night–let me wash his blood off of you, almost fuck you and you couldn’t bring yourself to tell me that Andrew took bullets that were meant for you.”
“It wasn’t like that, Y/N. I stopped you.”
“Shut the fuck up Jake. What the fuck is wrong with you? You have the audacity to sit there and make this about us?”
“What was I supposed to do!” 
“I can’t fucking believe you–” She said, standing from her chair, "-how do you claim to be my protector and then get the one person who actually gave a shit about me killed?" She threw her pointer finger across the room.
“Y/N, I didn’t pull the trigger.” 
“You might as well have.” 
Jake watched as Y/N railed into him with unmatched fury. “I don’t know what to say, Y/N. You would have found any and every way to blame me for it, no matter what had happened.”
 “That sounds painfully familiar, Jacob, it’s almost like you spent weeks blaming me for anything and everything you could. You saw every fault as mine, but I never got someone you cared for killed. That’s the difference between us isn’t it? When I say I’m going to protect the ones I love, I do it.”
-- -- --
taglist @myownparadise96 @groggyvanfleet @joshkiszkas @st4rdust-ch0rds @jackiidk @maverick-rose @katie-gvf @kayleea122 @streamsofstardust @flower-power-anthem @gvfrry @ascendingtothestarsasone @fleet-prodigy @oskea93 @allieboop @seventieswhore @greta-van-chaos @peaceisouranthem @garagebandvanfleet @janegvf @fictional-duchess @gretnabancheese @gretavanflipflop @callmebymym @hayley1623 @gretasmokerising @prophetofthedune @tearsofbri @gretavanfleas @sarakay-gvf @t00turnttrauma @godlygreta @jazzyllemmon @loofypoofy @doodle417 @tripthelightfandomtastic @ohhey1293 @lvnterninthenight @eh-notreally @ryegvf @theleft0ver @ageofsinners @rockinnrollin @ohitselliana @moonlightbrekker @b3l1nda @strugglingtodoshit @tlexx @tbagggvf
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a/n: hi, this might be the last update for a while. idk yet if i’ll have access to wifi while i’m away. also, if you’re on my taglist and not tagged, it’s because tumblr won’t let me either because you don’t have that setting turned on, i can’t find you, or you blocked me:) anyway have fun- aloha me ke, G:)
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imeternallylove · 3 years
Hey, Neighbor- BBC Sherlock
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Sherlock x Reader
genre: fluff!
words: 5,555 words
character: Mrs. Hudson, John, Greg, Molly and Janine
summary: you are his neighbor
(gif not mine)
(enchanted by TS - x)
Please don't be in love with someone else, Please don't have somebody waiting on you.
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You had pretty much-fallen head over heels for your devastating neighbor the very first time you ran into him in the flat door. He'd looked at you with those twinkling eyes from under his messy curly hair, and you'd melted on the spot, on the floor. "I'm Sherlock Holmes," he'd said, grinning, offering his hand. "How come I've never seen you around?"
"I moved in just yesterday, I'm Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N!" You'd blurted out. As the door of the old landlady opened, she came to greet you and Sherlock, then walk away from the flat. And you had both split the way, later, you got out onto the same floor, you'd realized with a start that his flat was the one right opposite yours. "Fantastic! We'll be seeing loads of each other than," he'd said, with that same annoyingly adorable smile.
And oh boy, had he been right.
You ran into him almost every single day every time you left for work, because somehow, he had sit on his chair, drink his tea and read the paper, same timings as you get off to work or stay inside the flat. He always wears a long-sleeve dress shirt, a two-button suit, put wool gray overcoat when going outside, black dress shoes, and a cashmere feel scarf which he gives to you when you cutting yourself in the kitchen, anyway, the definition of his outfit's class and style.
What seemed like awkward conversations at first turned into the highlights of your morning. The two of you exchanged stories from work, complained about pain-in-the-ass colleagues, and even bitched about the other annoying all of his case or your work.
"I am going to seriously lose my mind if that dead-lady in the uni, lies next to me yells at me one more time if all of us would know that she was cheating on her hubby… Because I just deducted her wedding ring." He said once, grinning when you laughed.
Sherlock was very good at making you laugh. John told you it's very strange. Oh, not just John, you mean everyone, so do you. He was also very good at occupying your thoughts daily. Even, can timings of your next period cramps. You were in awe about everything about him. His smile, his hair, his eyes, or his laugh. All too soon, you realized you'd gotten a big fat crush and, you had no idea what to do about it.
You'd never been in his room yet. He hadn't been yours either. Your interactions were currently limited to the shared living room and the kitchen, sadly enough. You weren’t sure how to change that. You'd always been a terrible flirt. You didn't even know if he had a girlfriend.
You hoped he didn't.
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Then one fateful Saturday evening, you were lounging on the couch in your pajamas, binge-watching your favorite TV show, when the knock rang. Muttering about who it could be under your breath, you opened the door.
Look and behold, it was Sherlock, looking very flustered but very cute. He was in sweatpants and an old gray t-shirt. Seeing him dressed so casually made your heart feel all kinds of weird because you were so used to seeing him in formal work attire. "I'm sorry to barge in like this," he began. "But I need a favor."
You suddenly became acutely aware of your messy top-knot and obnoxiously pink pajamas.
"Um, what's up?" You asked awkwardly, stepping aside to let him in. You raked your eyes around your living room, mentally kicking yourself for not having cleaned up a little. But Sherlock seemed too preoccupied to notice anything about you or the state of your room. "I'm asking you because my only other options are none," he said sighing.
"Did something happen?" You asked, your curiosity now peaked.
"It’s my shower. There's something wrong with it, and I can't get it to work," blurted the consulting detective. "The water just won't come out, I tried everything. I'm going to have to call the plumbing guys, but they'll only be able to come by tomorrow."
You gave him a confused look. You notice keeps his soap in his hand. Why he didn't ask Mrs. Hudson?
"Look, Y/N. I know this is a really weird request but… Can you please let me use your shower instead?" Sherlock asked finally, biting his lips.
You were a bit flabbergasted to say anything, so he spoke again. "In other circumstances, I wouldn't have asked. But I have a date tonight, and I need to look as good as possible. You understand, right?" He said, his eyes hopeful.
You didn't understand. At the mention of the word 'Date', your heart had plummeted to your stomach. Immediate jealousy rises, and you tried your best to force it down. You wanted to refuse; Why should you lend him your shower so that he could get ready for his date with a girl that wasn't you?
But a tiny voice was telling you that this train of thought was completely unreasonable. Plus, Sherlock was now looking at you with puppy-dog eyes and your heart melted, despite everything. You sighed. "Yeah, sure. No problem."
His face lit up. "I owe you big time. Your next wish is my command, I swear." You rolled your eyes. "It's not that big of a deal."
"No, seriously. Do you want me to take your trash out for the next month? Or buy your food? Because I'll do it," he said.
You stifled a laugh. "Will you just get in the shower before I change my mind?"
The next ten minutes consisted of you sitting awkwardly in your living room, while Sherlock took a shower. You could hear him humming a soft melody, and you sighed. Why didn't you just have the balls to tell him your feelings? If you had confessed to him earlier, he wouldn’t be going on this stupid date in the first place. You felt a sudden strange urge to cry. You sniffled and rubbed at your eyes to stop from tearing up. You were being ridiculous which he must notice the same.
"I’m all done!" Said Sherlock, reappearing in the same clothes but with his hair damp. You tried not to stare at the way droplets from his wet hair rolled down his neck.
You cleared your throat. "Well, have fun on your date then."
He grinned happily. "I will now, thank you. Seriously, next time you need anything, don't even think twice about asking me, okay?"
"I'll keep it in mind," you said, biting your lip.
"See you later, then?"
"See you."
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The following Monday morning you almost didn’t want to see him. But as always, there he was, sitting on his chair, drinking his tea. He grinned widely when he saw you. "Morning, neighbor."
"Morning. How'd the date go?" You asked, casually. "I think it went pretty well if I say so myself," he said, stepping into the front door after you. "She told me I was quite the charmer."
Oh, he had no idea.
And there it was again, the gnawing jealousy. It left a bitter taste in your mouth. You barely paid any attention to the rest of his words and quickly waved him goodbye as you reached the street. You thought you saw a confused look on his face, but then you were already walking away from him, no turning back.
That evening, you were exhausted after yet another long day at work. You were so eager to get into your flat and just flop onto the couch, that you nearly missed the box of chocolates lying at your doorstep.
Who in the world—?
You reached down and picked it up, your breath catching in your throat as you read the post-it note stuck on the front. 'On your phone' Then your phone ring the message alarm in your pocket.
𝘏𝘦𝘳𝘦'𝘴 𝘢 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘱𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘮𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘧𝘢𝘷𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘥𝘢𝘺. 𝘈𝘭𝘴𝘰, 𝘐'𝘮 𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢 𝘴𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘺 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘬𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘺 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘳. 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦, 𝘐 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘬 𝘵𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘪𝘯 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘰𝘯 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘪𝘵. 𝘌𝘯𝘫𝘰𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘴 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘦𝘢𝘯𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘦.
You re-read the note so many times that you had the sentences memorized in your head soon enough. The reality wasn’t sinking in. He was inviting you over. You were going to properly hang out with him. Sure, his friends would be there, but you hoped you would get time with him alone, too.
You popped a chocolate into your mouth and smiled, already looking forward to the end of the week. It's Christmas Day.
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Soon— But not soon enough— It was Saturday evening, and you were a mess of nerves.
Sherlock had seemed elated when you’d accepted his invitation, promising it wouldn’t be awkward at all because his friends were supposedly very easygoing and fun to be around. But you were still nervous at the prospect of even being popped up here, and the fact that you were going to have to talk to strangers was not helping.
You bit your lip as you stared at your reflection in the mirror. You put on a pretty off-the-shoulder top blouse some cream jeans, hoping it didn’t seem too over the top. You'd even picked up a box of donuts, not wanting to walk into his place empty-handed.
Boy, were you whipped.
"Get a grip," you told yourself softly. "Nothing to be worried about. You’ve got this."
And with that, you grabbed your phone and the box of donuts, calmly push your flat door shut, walk into the living room. You could already hear the laughter from behind of your door.
You were met with a laughing girl, her hair sleek and black, a long hair till her back. She was very pretty. You felt an uncomfortable lurch in your stomach. "Um. Hi! I'm—"
"Y/N! There you are," came John's voice, as he appeared suddenly behind the girl. "Come on in, you're just in time," he said grinning. You stepped follow awkwardly
"This is Janine," said Sherlock, shutting the door behind you. There's the violin in his hand. You smile at him. "Janine, meet Y/N, my incredibly nice neighbor. She's the reason I managed to make it to our date last week," he said smiling.
You froze. How had the thought not crossed you earlier? Of course, he had invited his new girlfriend. Of course.
Janine laughed. "It's nice to meet you! Are those donuts, by the way?" She said, her eyes widening. "Oh, yeah. I thought I'd get something sweet for us to eat…" You said softly, already preoccupied with the fact that she was insanely gorgeous and dating your secret huge crush.
Sherlock shook his head fondly. "See what I meant by incredibly nice?" You smiled shyly as he took the box from you. "I'll go put this in the kitchen. Janine, introduce her to the rest of my friends, will you?"
"Sure, come on," she said smiling and ushered you towards the living room. There were three others sprawled there, two woman, two man, and Mrs. Hudson. With a mental groan, you realized that they all were very, very attractive.
They looked up as you walked in. "Hello," you said tentatively. "I'm Y/N, I um—Live next door."
The one sitting in the center smiled warmly. "I'm Molly!," She said. "And these two are Mrs. Hudson, John, and Greg which you should already known Mrs. Hudson!" gesturing towards the two on either side of them.
Mrs. Hudson waved at you, "Come here, love." But Greg just sort of sat there gazing at you intently before he spoke. "Okay, why hasn't Sherlock ever mentioned having a cute neighbor before?"
You went bright red. Just then, Sherlock reappeared. "I heard that, Giles. And this is precisely why."
Mrs. Hudson shook her head at him. "You need to think before you speak, dear. He is Greg." Greg just shrugged. "What? It's only a compliment. It's nice to meet you, Miss Y/N," he said, his lips curving into a sweet smile. You found yourself smiling back. "It's nice to meet you too."
Sherlock had been right about his friends. They were very welcoming, and you felt comfortable around them after just a few minutes. But that didn't stop your gaze constantly floating over to him and his girlfriend, and the way she whispered in his ear or giggled at something he said. You'd never thought it possible to dislike someone as much as you suddenly disliked Janine. You shoved down the uncomfortable sickness as best you could, and force yourself to enjoy the evening.
As it turned out, Janine was a fantastic cook, and by the end of the meal, you were stuffed. All of you were plonked in various positions around the living room, too full of food to move. To your surprise, Janine soon got up to leave. "I have an early flight tomorrow," she explained. "I'd have loved to stay longer, I'm sorry Sherl," she said, pouting. You tried very hard to contain your joy.
Oh, Sherl? Great.
"Do you want me to drop you off?" He asked, walking her to the door. "Ah… No that's alright, I'm sure I'll find a cab. I'll see you guys!" She said, waving. And just like that, she was gone.
"Is it just me, or was that a little strange?" Sherlock uncertainly. "She hadn't mentioned having to leave early before…"
"Um, I think I should probably get going too," you said awkwardly, getting up. Molly looked at you with wide eyes. "Wait why?"
Sherlock gave you a confused look. "Yeah, why? Please stay. It's not even that late."
The truth was, you were uncertain about being around them by yourself. Janine had been a stranger, but at least she'd been a girl. John seemed to sense your discomfort. "We don't bite," he said smiling. "Promise."
At that, you laughed. "Alright, fine. I'll stay." After a while of just casual conversations—and John and Greg trying his best to get you to laugh at his lame jokes— Next, Molly thought it would be a great idea to get the alcohol out. Soon enough, all of them were downing the drinks at a pace that seemed unlikely to slow down.
At Greg's insistence, you settled on a can of beer, but you were still very much sober. Though, were slowly but surely letting the alcohol get the better of them.
"Let's watch a movie," said Mrs. Hudson suddenly. "A scary movie."
"I hate scary movies," whined Molly. "Y/N, do you like scary movies?" You shook your head in amusement. "See, if Sherlock's cute neighbor doesn't like them, we aren't going to watch them," Molly said, a satisfied look on her face.
"Stop calling her cute," grumbled Sherlock under his breath. You almost thought you'd misheard him, and stared at him in surprise.
"Well, I don't care what she thinks, I playing the movie," announced the old landlady, and ignoring everyone's protests, set it up in a couple of minutes.
You did not want to watch a horror movie right now. But you weren’t sure how to leave, what with now being squished up between John and Sherlock. Greg next to John. But, Molly and Mrs. Hudson are not here. Oh.
Drunk John did not understand the meaning of personal space, and as soon as the movie started, he flopped down next to you on the couch, giggling. "Don't worry, I'll protect you if you get too scared," he slurred, making you roll your eyes.
Sherlock seemed to dislike the sight of this, and so made it a point to sit down on your other side, shooting John a frown. You weren’t sure what was making him act this way. He almost seemed a bit jealous. The thought sent an excited chill down your spine. Or—the logical part of your brain reminded you—he was just drunk. But the proximity to him made you jittery. You couldn’t keep still, and the jump-scares in the film weren't helping. At one point, you grabbed John's arm without thinking and were rewarded with an extremely smug smile.
You weren't sure when your eyes started to get heavy. The alcohol had given you a mild buzz, but it had worn off, and you felt exhausted.
The others too, it seemed, were beginning to doze off. John was already knocked out on the other couch, the glass bottle still in his hand. Greg was sprawled on the rug, attention still on the movie, but his eyes had started to droop.
John's head had unconsciously begun to loll onto your shoulder, and you had to jerk him awake a few times. But Sherlock still seemed to be alert. "Hey, Sherlock. I think I should get going," you whispered, not trusting yourself to be able to stay awake for much longer.
Sherlock nodded, his eyes bright. "I'll…walk you out." You silently made your way to the front door, with him right behind you. The yellow lights of the hallway made both of you squint.
"Thanks for the great evening," you said, barely stifling a yawn, as you reached into your back pocket for your keys. Sherlock smiled sweetly. "I'm glad you had a good time. I don't why we hadn't done something like this earlier. I…I'm liking getting to know you," he said, eyes dropping to the ground.
You blushed and opened your mouth to reply, but all that came out was—"Shit!"
"What’s wrong?"
"Ah—I don't have my keys. But I'm certain I brought them with me," you said, frantically patting the front and back of your jeans. "Maybe you dropped them in the living room?" Sherlock walked back into his apartment, you following behind.
You were met with all the 2 men fast asleep. You bit your lip, not wanting to have to turn the lights on and wake them up. You turned on the torch on your phone, and quickly scoured the floor and rug for your keys. They were nowhere to be seen. You pointed towards the couch, where John was now curled up. They might have fallen through the spaces in between.
Sherlock attempted to gently shake John awake but in vain. The man refused to budge. He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "You could just… Sleep here for tonight," he whispered uncertainly. You mouthed a silent protest. "Hey, take it as me not owing you one anymore," Sherlock told you softly. You hesitated.
There was a big difference between letting someone use a shower and all-out crashing over at their place for the night.
But there was nothing you could do, what with your keys trapped somewhere in the couch underneath John's sleeping figure. So you found yourself reluctantly nodding.
He smiled. "I'll show you the bedroom."
"W-wait, where are you going to sleep?" You asked. Both of the couches in the living room were currently occupied by John and Greg. Then he gestured to the rug on which Greg was snoring away. You shook your head fiercely. "You sleep in your room. I'll figure something out, Sherlock." You whispered.
Sherlock rolled his eyes. "Like what? Just take the bed, will you?"
"But there's no room for you on that rug either," you said desperately. It was true. Greg was a very tall person, and he was sprawled over the ground. There was no way Sherlock was going to be able to get any sleep there. You couldn’t stop the guilt from making its way into your heart. He sighed in exasperation. "Look, unless you want to share the bed, we don't have another option—"
"I don't mind," you said quickly, and then promptly clapped your hand over your mouth, not believing you’d said the words out loud.
Sherlock raised his eyebrows but grinned at your mortification.
"I think we can divide the bed," you said, your face flushed red in embarrassment. The clever detective, still grinning, gesturing for you to follow him as he made his way to his bedroom. "Ok."
He flicked the lights on, and you were surprised to see a relatively neat space. Despite the current situation, his bed looked so warm and welcoming that all you wanted to do was curl up and fall asleep. Sherlock noticed the look on your face and laughed. "Go on, then. Just sleep, you look tired."
You awkwardly walked over and picked up a large throw cushion, placing it in the center of the bed. You arranged the pillows on either side as far away as possible from each other. "Um, I think that'll work? Do you?"
"Well, if you say so," Sherlock said nothing, but his eyes twinkled.
Your heart thumped in your chest as you slipped inside the blankets, carefully positioning yourself on the far end of your side of the bed. You were going to have to sleep in your jeans and blouse. There was no way you were going to ask him for a change of clothes.
You felt the bed dip as he lay down. He cleared his throat. "I can still go take the rug—" You said forcefully. "No. This is fine. Don't worry." For a few minutes, neither of you spoke. "You might want to avoid mentioning this to Janine, though,” you said awkwardly.
Sherlock laughed. "I don't see a future with her if I'm being completely honest," he said. "We've only really met a couple of times. She's nice, but I don't think there's anything special between us. I think she knows that too."
Your chest suddenly felt as if a tremendous weight had been lifted off of it. He didn't like her. You still had a chance.
The bed creaked as Sherlock shifted his weight and turned to face you. You thought your heart would stop as he blinked at you, his eyelashes fluttering against his cheeks.
"I don't regret going on that date with her, though," he said slowly. "Why not?" you whispered.
"Because thanks for coming here," he said, his eyes closing, an adorable smile on his face.
You couldn't find the words to reply. You didn't trust yourself to be able to speak coherently. This entire situation was beginning to feel like a dream you never wanted to wake up from.
"Sherlock," you whispered finally, after a few minutes.
But he was already asleep, his body rising and falling gently with his breaths. You stared at him for what felt like hours, but must only have been a little while before your eyes fell shut and you let sleep take over you.
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You awoke surrounded by the feeling of being extremely warm. You pushed the blankets off slightly, but the cool air didn't hit you the way you expected it to.
You shifted, opening your eyes, squinting against the light that was breaking through the curtains. It took you a second to realize that you weren't in your room, and another to recall why. You began to stretch but then stilled as you realized why you were feeling so warm.
Sherlock and you had somehow ended up wrapping around each other during the night.
Your arm was curled up against his chest, your cheek pressed to his collarbone. You couldn't just move, because he was facing you, one of his arms resting over your waist, encasing you against his body. Even your legs had tangled together; you could feel the weight of his foot over yours.
So much for you have tried to divide the bed.
You lay there in complete horror for a few moments, not knowing what to do. A part of you wanted to remove yourself from the position, but a much larger part wanted to stay there like that, curled up with him, feeling his breath against your hair.
Reluctantly, you started to slowly pull away, trying to lift his arm off your body. You glanced up at him for a split second and nearly felt your heart stop as you saw him staring back at you, his eyes sleepy. "Where are you going?" he croaked.
You flushed. "Just… Um-your arm is—" you stammered, not being able to form proper sentences with him looking that adorable this close to you.
Sherlock shifted then, his eyes widening as he finally noticed how the two of you were curled up together. "Hell— I'm sorry—we must've moved in the night—ah—" he was stumbling with the words too, quickly pulling away from you and sitting up, running a hand through his hair.
You sat up too, your cheeks burning. "I should... I should probably go," you mumbled. And before Sherlock could say anything, you quickly got up and made your way to the bedroom door. But you froze before opening it, realizing how you walk out of his room having spent the night would look to the other two sleeping outside.
"Don't worry about it," said Sherlock, sensing your hesitation. "If I know them, they're probably still asleep." You crossed your fingers and pulled open the door, hoping you could quickly find your keys and leave.
You stopped in your tracks. John was looking at you from the couch with sleepy eyes and an extremely confused expression on his face. "Did you stay over?" He asked, his eyes widening.
You cringed inwardly, not having the slightest clue of what to say.
"Someone was lying on top of her house keys and was refusing to budge when we tried to wake him up," came Sherlock's voice from behind you. "So yeah, she stayed over."
John's eyes flitted back and forth between you and Sherlock, his mind working furiously. Just then, Greg groaned and sat up, rolling his neck around to release the stiffness. "What'd I miss?"
"Just Sherlock and his neighbor sleeping together,” announced John, the betrayal in his voice evident. "We didn't sleep together!" You spat, flushing a dark red. "I would-I would never—"
"You would never what?" A hurt looks flashed in Sherlock's eyes. You felt your chest contract in embarrassment and guilt. "I'm just saying that we didn't do anything," you stammered. "We only shared the bed to sleep. That's all."
You jumped as you heard Greg sigh. You hadn't even noticed he was awake. "You don't need to explain anything to us," he said, a knowing look in his eyes.
You remain silent, ignoring John's gaze as you finally spotted your keys stuck in the couch and picked them up.
"Thank you…for everything," you said to Sherlock, and waved goodbye to the boys awkwardly, swiftly pulling open the front door. "Y/N," you heard Sherlock say, but you were already shutting the door behind you, relieved to finally be left alone with your feelings.
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You didn't see Sherlock the rest of the weekend and were dreading seeing him on Monday. You didn’t know how to face him.
All you could think about was the feeling of his arms around you, and the look in his eyes as he’d gazed down at you curled up against him. The words he’d spoken to you before he’d drifted off to sleep that night; did he even remember them?
You just needed to know whether there was any chance he felt the same way about you as you did about him. But you were terrified of the fact he maybe didn't, and the fear was powerful enough to make you want to avoid the matter altogether. And so in the days that followed, you made it a point to leave for work much earlier than usual, so that you wouldn't have to see him. Your plan worked well, and for nearly a week you managed to avoid him completely.
Then one Friday evening, you were rushing into the building of your company to get out of the heavy rain outside, and there he was, standing in front of the elevator. You almost wanted to turn around and walk back into the rain.
Your eyes locked with his, and he smiled slightly. You awkwardly walk over him into the elevator. Then he cleared his throat. "I see you've been avoiding me." You swallowed. Still not looking back at him, "How could you tell?"
"We used to see each other every single morning. And now you've either started to work from home, or you're just leaving whenever you know I won't be there," he said, in a matter-of-fact manner. "So I was here."
You started to reply when suddenly there was a loud bang. "What the—" Sherlock said but was cut off by the elevator screeching to a halt. You screamed as the lights went out, leaving you in complete darkness.
Sherlock cursed and switched on his phone, the dim light casting an eerie glow over his face. "Where's the emergency button?" He asked, eyes roving the row of numbers on the side of the elevator. You turned on the light on your phone to help him. His fingers pressed it as soon as he found it, and you held a breath. Nothing. There was no beeping sound or anything to alert someone of your predicament.
"I think the power's gone out because of the storm," you said shakily. "Fantastic," muttered Sherlock. "Does your phone have a signal?" You shook your head as you quickly verified his question.
"What do we do?" You asked in a small voice rising as a whisper. "I don't think we have much of a choice. We're just going to have to wait for the power to come back on," he shook his head, sighing, and slid down to the floor.
After a few minutes, you sat down opposite him. It was still dark, but the light from your phones was enough that you could see each other. "I'm sorry," you said finally. Sherlock raised his eyebrows. "For being stupid and avoiding you," you continued.
"It's because of the—ah—sleeping thing isn't it?" He asked awkwardly. "Kind of," you replied, biting your lip. "I told you I should've slept on the rug," he said rubbing the back of his neck. "I've always been a clingy sleeper."
"I liked it," you said quietly, looking down at your hands. Sherlock said nothing so you said it again, louder this time. "I liked sleeping next to you."
Maybe the fact that you were stuck in an elevator with no current way out was making you braver than you’d ever imagined yourself to be.
Sherlock let out a breath. "I liked it too," he said softly. Your heart fluttered.
And then he was moving, and you suddenly felt his warm presence right next to you. You looked at him with wide eyes.
He smiled, and even in the darkness, you could see his eyes shine. "I don't know why I've waited so long to do this. And now it's going to sound cheesy as hell. But would you believe me if I said I fell for you the first time I met you?" You couldn't believe your ears. "Sherlock-"
He sighed. "I was scared. Of messing things up and creeping you out. I thought that even if I never told you, at least every morning I could still see you, still talk to you. I fooled myself into thinking that much would be enough. But then the more I got to know you, the greedier I got. I wanted more. So I made up a dumb excuse just to see you. There was nothing wrong with my shower that day. And as for Janine, I already told you how I feel about her. I only met her because my friends set me up on a blind date," he said finally.
You let out a shaky laugh in disbelief. "You lied about the shower not working just so that you could see me?" He hung his head, embarrassed.
"We're both idiots," you said softly. "I have been completely and utterly crazy about you since the day I moved into the flat."
"Are you joking?"
"I was terrified of saying anything to you. And after you went on that date with Janine, I thought the jealousy would kill me. You have no idea how relieved I was when she left early that day," you said, shaking your head. "If it makes you feel any better, I had to hold myself back from punching John in the face for flirting with you," he said, grinning.
You began to laugh. "I can't believe this is happening," you said, covering your face with your hands. To your surprise, he gently pulled them away with his own.
"This is probably the first time I've ever kissed a girl while being trapped in an elevator," he said, and before you could say anything, he was leaning forward, his lips meeting yours.
You let your hand cup his cheek, and parted his lips with your own, losing yourself to the kiss. You imagined this moment countless times in your head, but nothing in the daydreams had accurately captured the softness of his lips or the feeling of his fingers at the nape of your neck as he pulled you closer to him.
You broke apart when the lights suddenly flickered back on, the elevator jerking upwards. The power had come back on.
Sherlock helped you to your feet, both of you breathless. "So, my neighbor. What do you say to the round two for dinner and a movie?" He said, his eyes twinkling.
You smiled. "I'd love that."
"Who knows? Maybe you can lose your keys again," he said, winking.
"Oh!" You raised your eyebrows. "But you won't have to divide the bed this time."
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Ahhhhhhhh I’m boredddd! I wrote this one! I’ve listened many of songs by Taylor’s; Enchanted, Holy Ground and State of Grace gimme inspired
Who knows maybe I’ll write about heartbreaking in next stories hehe
Anyway. Red-Taylor Swift Version is out on this 12th! Don’t forget 😉 and thanks for reading my blog!
Tanya 🥰🥳
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