#if i could just remove myself from the constant stress of this household
Send a few good vibes my way if you can spare any. I've put out two applications -- one for a week and a half summer workshop about a new astronomy research method and another for a post baccalaureate research position with NASA. Being accepted into either would be a huge boost on any grad school application and to my CV. But the second would be a full time job out of state. Which means I'd be out of this house.
I need something to change. And soon. Whether it be a full time research position or the CV boost I need to get into grad school next year. Just. Something.
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luverofralts · 3 years
Post Arkhelios
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“Roman! Roman wake up! Roman!”
Malika held her eldest grandchild in her arms, gently trying to shake him into consciousness. He wasn’t responding.
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“Mom? What’s going-”
Adam stopped mid sentence, frozen at the scene before him. He hadn’t known what to expect when he got a desperate call from his mother telling him to bring an ambulance to Factory Park, only that whatever it was, it was bad enough that his mother would actually call him.
“How did this happen? When did you find him? Is he breathing?”
Adam knelt on the ground and gently removed his nephew from his mother’s arms. He lay Roman down on the ground again, noting the significant amount of blood that was already soaking into the stone. Probing around the obvious injury to Roman’s chest, Adam tried to quickly assess the rest of the damage. There was too much blood to accurately tell, but it was his initial assessment that Roman had suffered at least one gun shot wound.
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Malika wailed as he worked to find a pulse. It was unbearable to watch. She had seen crime scene photos from Abraham’s death, as Salem had “accidentally” taken the case file home from work and “forgotten” it on the table. This scene was eerily similar to that one. It very much looked like the person who shot Abraham was the same person who shot Roman.
On top of everything, the sky opened up and it started to hail.
“Get the umbrella from the ambulance and hold it over Roman,” Adam ordered. “The last thing I need is him taking more damage from ice.”
Malika did as commanded, and tried to summon her usual projection of grace and calmness. It was no use. Not when her son was doing frantic chest compressions on her grandson.
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“Dial Thea’s number,” Adam ordered. “I need anyone we can spare down here.”
Malika called in the volunteer medics, and was relieved to hear sirens wailing in the distance mere moments after she hung up. She and Salem were going to have a long talk later about city council needing to hire more staff. If her grandson died because Wanda had wanted to spend less money in the budget, there were going to be consequences.
The sirens attracted interest as the medics arrived. Everyone was on edge already with the high death rate Arkhelios had developed, and everyone just had to know who had been next to die.
Malika shielded her eyes as bright camera lights flashed in the distance. Reporters were exiting vans and setting up cameras to capture the last moments of her grandson.
“Take over for me, Mom,” Adam commanded. “I need to grab some things from the ambulance and I can’t wait for help to get here.” He placed her thin, perfectly manicured hands on Roman’s chest and showed her how to push. Malika’s first reaction was to pull away, but Adam held her hands firmly against Roman. With a quick kiss on her head, he sprinted to the ambulance. “I think we got here just in time. We may be able to save him.”
Malika pushed as instructed, as Roman’s blood soaked through her coat sleeves. Roman’s blood was quite literally on her hands.
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It had been a relatively quiet night at the Helios household. Lucy had been trying to learn a musical scale for school, while the boys all watched TV in the living room. Her piano practice came to a sudden end though when she heard Abe screaming.
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Lucy ran as fast as she could through the halls. The TV was still on, flashing the words “breaking news” across the screen. Lucy watched in horror as the screen showed medics arriving to take over chest compressions from an inconsolable Malika.
“Is that Roman?” she managed to finally ask. “That can’t be Roman, it’s a mistake.”
The camera zoomed closer to Roman’s face as he was placed on a stretcher and then disappeared into an ambulance. His face was pale and bloody, and was far too limp for him to be alive. Nathan and Nickolas had gone silent watching the screen, looking like they were on the verge of tears. Lucy couldn’t even process what she’d seen. As much as she teased Roman, she hadn’t really thought that something this bad would happen to him. Him and Abe running away from Arkhelios was just a back up plan, one they’d never need. Now it looked like they’d been too late.
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She looked at Abe, who was looking incredibly pale. He was clutching his stomach, his face tight with pain.
“I-I think I need a doctor,” he stammered. “I don’t feel so good.”
The boys ran to get their mothers, while Lucy stayed with Abe, holding his hand tightly.
The hospital in Arkhelios was very small and not very well funded. They had a small population, and prior to Abraham’s death, very few people were seriously ill or died. Elaine called for an ambulance, only to find that Arkhelios’ single ambulance was already occupied by Roman. She looked out her window and saw that the roads were completely empty, save for some people who parked regularly on the street. Everyone outside seemed to be congregating at the park crime scene, looking for answers.
“Fine. I’ll drive there myself.”
Elaine was about to hang up when she heard a familiar voice start issuing commands in the background. The ambulance was clearly available now as Malika was ordering around hospital staff like she owned the place.
“Adam! You go answer that call while I call your father. I’m sure he’s already heard about this and is worried sick.”
“I’m not leaving Roman. There is absolutely no way I’m going anywhere until he’s stable.”
Elaine was suddenly very glad that she hadn’t hung up so quickly. Roman might still pull through this.
“You are too close to this to help anyway. No one is letting you operate on your nephew. You go help that Helios boy, or Roman may never forgive you for it.”
Adam was still protesting in the background, but Elaine’s blood had suddenly seemed to stop pumping. Her entire body felt cold.
How did she know it was Abe who needed the ambulance? The office staff hadn’t once used Abe’s name. Maybe she overheard something when the hospital had radioed the ambulance for it’s status?
“Hey! Hey!” Elaine shouted into the phone, catching the attention of the hospital staff who like Elaine had been watching the chaos of the Bellamy family unfold. “Cancel that ambulance, we’re staying here. Send anyone unrelated to the Bellamys here instead. Completely unrelated to them or I’ll be suing you into bankruptcy.”
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Ironman had some...history with pregnancy, and happened to have several medical subroutines installed in his operating system. He claimed that Abraham had installed them himself so Ironman could assist him with his work, but Elaine wanted no knowledge of whatever her father had been doing. The less she knew about her father’s experiments, the happier she was, considering that she was now living in the same house as where her father would have been doing those experiments. She settled the younger kids down with a movie while Lucy watched Ironman preform diagnostic scans of Abe and compute data.
“It’s just stress,” he finally diagnosed. “There’s nothing wrong with you or the baby. If you can stay calm and get some rest, I think you’ll be fine.”
True to Elaine’s demands, a medic soon arrived at the front door, and took over for Ironman. Thea Davis was the best the hospital could provide without too strong a connection to the Bellamys. She was strangely very close to Roman, but seeing as Abe trusted Roman, the hospital felt that they were within Elaine’s accepted parameters. When Thea confirmed Ironman’s diagnosis, the entire household began to relax. She gave Abe something to help him sleep (after Ironman had scanned it thoroughly) and Elaine helped him climb into bed.
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She watched Abe fall asleep, standing on guard in case of another potential attack that night. What new scheme had they very narrowly dodged today?
Her mind was racing, but was also exhausted from the constant stress. How had Malika known that Abe was in distress? Why was it so important to her that Adam be the one to tend to Abe? Who was recreating Abraham’s death with Roman Bellamy and why?
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Elaine sighed, confident that Abe was sound asleep and currently not in any danger. She had Ironman bring in one of the reclining chairs from downstairs, and set up her vigil by Abe’s side for the night. There was no way she was getting any sleep that night. The pictures on Abe’s desk stared at her, making her uncomfortable enough to want to place them face down. She always knew that Roman Bellamy was trouble, and she had been over the moon when he had been sent away. If only that had been the end of Abe’s romance with him. This whole situation was far gone from just disapproving families and teen pregnancy now, but Elaine had no measure for how crazy things had gotten. How much worse could it get? The Bellamys were desperate to get to her son, that much was clear.
There was one question sticking in her mind that Elaine couldn’t bring herself to answer. Had the Bellamys simply attempted to use Roman’s unrelated shooting to get close to Abe...or did they orchestrate the entire situation including the shooting to get Abe worked up and in the same hospital they would be in with Roman?
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Monday 12 September 1836
12 10
No kiss fine morning and F50 ½° at 7 50 - out with one or other till breakfast at 9 20 to 10 ½ at the Lodge the plasterer gave me the Lodge keys - had finished his job - had Joseph Mann about spars for the Long goit cabin - gave him 5 and nails - had Mr. Husband - told him to see about the Whiskum cottage windows - Joseph M- thinks they can be made water tight by substituting wood frames for the lead ones - Mr. H- to see also about the pump removing into the house - Reuben ----- that lived with Mrs. Lawson will do the job finding pipe (1 1/4in. pipe 30 yards) and everything for £6.10.0 - Mr. H- advises fumigating with brimstone the Irish cottages in Hatters fold - will be done for 2/6 or 3/. Robert Mann and Matthew and Samuel taking out hall  cellar stuff-wood and Jack filling Mark Hepworth 2 one horse carts that cart stuff to the bottom of the coal pit-field - Robert Schofield and Joseph Sharpe breaking stone n the court and taking down bit of old garden terrace wall over against the west tower - 2 sawyers from Hainsworths came this morning (1st time) to saw up deals - to stay a week - the York joiners began fitting up menservants necessary in the new court - 2 masons hewing as usual for the west tower 2 masons (Abraham and James) and 2 lads preparing and setting rag against the coal-place in the new court - wrote the above of today till 11 ¼ - above ½ hour making memoranda - then looking at measurement of Hilltop and writing over in ink memoranda in little rough book - then till 12 50 wrote and copied letter in answer to the one I had last night from Miss Vickers - in great hope of having heard of a housekeeper likely to suit me - presume it is the Miss V- who was teacher at the Manor school at York ‘and whose knowledge of cookery and confectionery, and whose of the arduous duties of a housekeeper in an establishment consisting of several servants might not be sufficient to fit her for the place at Shibden hall - Miss Lister very much hopes that Miss Vickers will soon meet with a better situation’ - from 12 55 to 4 (except called off a little by A- copying plan of the H-x Sutherland property for her sister) and had Mr. Hoyland for a few minutes about painting the Lodge (the painters there this afternoon) from 12 55 to 4, with these interruptions, wrote 3 pp. very small and close to M- thanks for her 2 letters and valuable help - will let Adney manage for herself about the woman servants in future gave M- copy of great part of my last letter to Mrs. Bull - and a copy of Miss Vickers’s letter!!! and my answer ‘Mary I have you all this to amuse you, if so be that you can be amused by such an offer’ (Miss Vicker’s) ‘sealed by a little bird ‘scaping from a cage under the watchword of our day, Liberty - I have had enough for all my life of hiring housekeepers and housemaids - ask how often the Lawtons give their servants great coat - if the brick oven is heated with wood or coal, etc annoyed sorry the gardener did not call to thank M- afraid the accounts from the minster yard are but indifferent - ‘your disappointment is mine - I should have been delighted at your coming - at last, (never too late), you have resolved wisely and kindly - and I am confident you will be more and more of my opinion - Be the secrets of our hearts open or not, the world has some right to have its prejudices attended to - who was once more convert to this opinion than Mary’s self? who has done sacrifice to it more frequently than she? and would you now despise the creed that you have held so long? But think not of anything save the good you are coming to do - you can, and will give Adney very valuable assistance - you will do great service to us all, and you will be more than satisfied - the idea of coming to see my aunt after A- and I were gone, was perhaps but an idea - a vain imagining that could have no reality - my aunt is very poorly - we have no thought of leaving here, and may not have long to stay on her account - she has so often and so extraordinarily rallied, who can say when she has done so for the last time? But I have no hope of her continuing very long - she has told me several times to give her love, and say, she should be very glad to see you - I am sure she would be very glad, and I should have laid stress upon this before, had I not
thought it more kindly considerate to your feelings to avoid the subject altogether - you must take such board and lodging as you can get, in the present state of the house and household - Trust me, il n’y a que le premier pas qui conte - all afterwards will be easy, and comfortable, and satisfactory - if you are not in a hurry about plans for Miss Salmon, we had best talk the matter over - I think it will require much careful arrangement to insure its success - In Paris it is easy to spend money, and difficult for a stranger to live comfortably on small means’ ...... should have the n° of pupils certain for the 2 years - scarcely think £500 a year with 5 pupils enough for everything - it ‘would require a clever head, - or rather 2 clever heads, one to keep the house, and one to keep the young ladies - the latter ought never to be left - I fancy the manner English people keeping schools in Paris, are either well versed in the manners and prices of the place, or are in some sort of partnership with  some French person or other foreigner who can keep the cash-book straight - I dare not trust myself to name other places than Paris - but there are where climate is better, and living and house rent cheaper, and masters good enough to teach French - of course, everything is the best (except climate) in Paris - but it is a charming, dear place - Let us talk all these things over - your last dated letter (the 2 last came together) seems to me the kindest I have had from you since the spring of 1834. ‘when I have the object set before me of being of the least possible use to you, self is altogether forgotten’ - a golden sentence - kind in expression, - invaluable in dead - Is not that affection deepest which seeks to serve its object bests?’ - shall be glad to hear she has made up her mind about Percy - grieve over the failure of the Wiesbaden scheme - out 4 for ½ hour - then wrote all but the 1st 13 lines of today till 5 (rain sent me in at 4 ½) A- off to Cliff Hill between 2 and 3 pm and not returned at 5 - till 5 35 wrote the ends very small and close and finished my letter to M- afraid she is far from well - will not speculate or ask questions no w- will judge for myself by and by ‘I hope and think your visit will do you good’ ..... glad she is so engrossed with her schools - ‘you cannot live without constant employment - you never could - you were always active and busy - the prepossession never leaves me that your health will be better sometime hence, and that your measure of happiness will far exceed your present expectation - Adney begs me to say how very much she feels obliged to you for your kindness in promising to help her with her school - you will do her a great service; and she is not a person upon any service is thrown away - I am confident your coming here will be productive of much satisfaction and comfort to all parties - Mary! it could not be in my heart to reproach you for anything, but the weakness of yielding to some feelings, was unworthy of you, and undeserved by me - God bless you! Rouse up your good spirits, and come, and believe me always very affectionately and especially yours AL’ - had just written the last line at 5 ¾ - then out till 7 with Robert Mann, ordering work for tomorrow - the Low fishpond cannot yet be found out - read over A-‘s letter to her sister with plan of the Sutherland [Hall?] property and advice about the Greece field - very useful letter - sent off my letter to Mrs. Lawton, Lawton hall, Lawton Cheshire and to ‘Miss Frances Vickers Mrs. Gascoignes, Skinner Lane, Leeds ppd’ dinner at 7 ½ - coffee upstairs - A- read a little French - I  asleep on the sofa till 9 ¾ - then a few minutes with my aunt as I had been between dinner and coffee - would not take A- with me - my aunt in bed - not up today - very poorly - Mr. Jubb not well - sent to inquire after my aunt this morning - letter tonight from Mrs. Milne - thanks for the moorgame - about ½ fine and ½ shower day F50° at 10 pm reading Alphabet of Botany till near 11
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floralfloyd · 4 years
A Field of Flowers - Samuel Castell Chapter 5
Hi all! Sorry for the delay on posting this chapter. I seem to have been struggling from writers block and a few other things. I would like to announce that after binge watching Jamestown for some inspiration, chapter 5 is finally ready for you all to read. I hope you all enjoy :)
Chapter 4      Chapter 6
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“Damn it, because I love you Lucille Smith!”
Lucille’s eyes widened as the words left his mouth, small tears sparkled in the corner of her eyes but this time they weren’t tears of sadness. His hands moved up to cup her face as he began to caress her cheeks, her small porcelain hands covering his. Neither moved their gaze off one another. Her bottom lip quivered as she searched his eyes for anything to show that what he had just said was a lie but there was nothing.
“I love you too, Samuel but how can we be together if fate doesn’t want to allow us?” her voice barely arose above a whisper
“I’ll work it out, I promise. We just need to be patient and I know it’s not easy, but I promise the end result will be one of grace” he spoke with a genuine tone “we just need to have hope”
The young girl nodded as she placed a soft and gentle kiss to his cheek “I will continue to work and ignore Jocelyn as much as I can. The day we can show our love amongst the settlement is the day I will be sincerely happy”
Samuel smiled as he pulled her into a hug burying his head in the crook of her neck. “I can’t wait to marry you, be able to wake up beside you and call you my own” he whispered
Lucille smiled as her arms wrapped around his torso, taking in his scent, a wonderful mix of lavender and freshly washed cotton. Closing her eyes, she tried to memorise the scent as she knew they’d be apart until the day they could safely unite.
Her hands moved down to take his as she placed them on her face again “I want this night to be memorable and although I can’t give myself to you until marriage, I want to show you just how much love and care I have for you, Master Castell. I can tell you’re deeply worried and stressed, let me massage those knots from your back”
Lucille moved to kneel behind the recorder, discarding him of his cloak and night shirt before beginning to work on massaging his back while leaving soft kisses between his shoulder blades.
Samuel let out a soft groan as he closed his eyes, her hands can work magic, I wonder what else they could do…no stop Samuel, innocent thoughts...
Once she was satisfied she placed a chaste kiss to his lips before she stood up pulling her hood back up on her cloak “Goodnight my love, I’ll see you in church and around the settlement but refrain from contacting me until its safe” Lucille placed a pale blue flower in the button hole of his shirt just like last time.
Lucille walked through the settlement, her hood covering the dark curls that fell from her head in grace. It was quiet out, only passing a few people that were returning to their homes from the out houses or vice versa. She simply smiled and nodded at their acknowledgements as she made her way back into the comforts of her home.
Unpinning her hair and removing the damaged silk of her cloak, the girl moved under her covers to lay her auburn coloured locks against the cream pillow.
The week passed and as it seemed, it had gone a lot slower without the late night visits to the field of flowers. Her days started with a prayer and ended with her newly found hobby of tapestry, something that Lady Yeardley had taught her while she tended to their home. Lucille’s fingertips were punctured and wounded from the constant torment of needles poking at the skin as she fed the thread through the fabric.
Of course, working in the household of the governor of Jamestown held the issue of the constant business of one Samuel Castell, although the two secret lovers exchanged glances and soft smiles. Nothing outside these exchanges were made.
The evening of a Wednesday night, Lucille had busied herself sewing in patches on her only best dress. She hummed away as she worked, her foot tapping on the wooden floorboards adding to the melody she hummed. Her work was interrupted by a simple knock to the door. That’s funny…its almost dusk, who would be at the door?
Standing from the wooden chair that had her rear numb, she made to the door and opened it. Mistress Woodbryg stood tall and mighty at the door, no mercy at her side and no Samuel.
Lucille found herself grow with fear as she glanced at the lady on her doorstep
“Mistress Woodbryg, what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?” she asked with a sweet tone.
“Ahh, Mistress Smith is one woman not allowed to spend time with another to forge a close friendship? I feel we got off on the wrong foot, I’d like to sort that, here, I have some excess bread from mine and Samuels supper.” She smiled sickeningly as she handed over a neatly wrapped loaf.
Luc looked sceptically down at the loaf as she took it into her labour beaten hands “I shall have this as part of my meal at dawn” she said softly as she motioned for Jocelyn to come in “I apologise for the mess Mistress Woodbryg, I’ve been so busy working for the Yeardley’s that I hardly have the time to keep my own place tidy. I shall slice this for us, please make yourself at home”
Jocelyn gazed around, grimacing at the state of the small room she stood in but knew she’d have to bite the bullet just to get things over with. To be cruel she had to be kind. “Oh no dear, none for me. I could simply burst after that supper I have just had. A simple drink to unite this friendship of ours will be seen fit, I’m sure”
Placing a glass in front of the blonde woman, Lucille filled it with the dark liquid until it graced half the glass. She smiled as she lifted her glass “Here’s to friends and not enemies” she said as she looked at Jocelyn, despite the words that left Mistress Woodbryg’s lips she couldn’t help but feel that the words just didn’t sit right with her but decided to push it aside for that moment as they clicked glasses.
The two ladies conversed for a few hours like they hadn’t been a burst of bad blood between them ever.
Lucille scrubbed away at the wooden floors of the Yeardley’s home, her skin becoming feverish and pale to the eye. Her stubbornness made her work on after she wiped her forehead free of the sweat using her sleeve.
Just like every Thursday afternoon, Recorder Castell was sat in front of George Yeardley’s desk speaking on matters of business. As the governor read over the pieces of paper the recorder had worked hard over, Samuel gazed over at the woman who had so dearly captured his heart. He noticed how her skin shone in the sunlight that filtered through the nearby window. Although, he found her undoubtfully beautiful, he couldn’t help but feel worried at her gaunt expression and constant wiping at her forehead.
“I say, that’s some pretty good figures, Samuel” George Yeardley spoke, pulling Samuel back from his thoughts.
“Thank you, sir. I just wanted your approval before I put these away with-“ his words were stopped as a thud and the noise of a pail being knocked over echoed through the small room.
“Mistress Smith!”
Tagged List:  @supernaturalee​ @queensdivas​ @im-an-adult-ish @what-wicked-delights
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peaky-yamyam · 6 years
Stress Relief - Part Four
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<< Part One | < Part Three | Part Four |
“Perhaps you should consider a new arm chair, a chaise lounge maybe-“
“Mother I’d save your breath, she isn’t even listening, are you Katherine?” Lawrence asks, cutting his mother short.
“Of course I am. You’re criticising my parlour again, aren’t you Meredith?” I reply, dragging my eyes across the two of them.
“Criticising is such a harsh term Katherine, I’m merely offering suggestions. If you insist on meddling, even after all the time and effort I’ve put into helping you decorate this house, you should at least be open to constructive feedback,” she replies, a snarky smile on her lips.
“Of course mother, maybe we could look over some possibilities together. The place could use a spruce up,” Lawrence says, and I know that by then end of next week our parlour will be exactly as Meredith wants.
After two hours of the constant belittling and criticism I’m thankful that the staff are clearing away the last of our teacups so I can finally leave.
“If you’ll both excuse me, I’m feeling a little queezy, I think I’m going to turn into bed early. Meredith, as always it’s been a pleasure,” I say, already out of my seat and heading towards the door before either of them can reply.
As I turn out of the dining room I hear her comment on whether my sickness is due to a possible pregnancy before correcting herself that childbearing is yet another thing I’ve proven myself to be a failure at, and it takes every ounce of restraint not to turn back, wrestle the smug bitch to the floor and wipe the smile off her face once and for all. Instead I head towards the kitchen, past the knowing looks of the staff clearing away the last few dregs of our disastrous meal, towards to the pantry and food store where I know a few of the younger members of the household keep a tin of cigarettes and a bottle of home brewed liquor that gets you drunk from a mere sniff.
Before I get there though, someone reaches from the shadows and covers my mouth, their other hand pulling me against their solid body. I fight as much as I’m able, but whoever has me is much bigger and stronger than I am and my futile attempts get me nowhere, until the perpetrator releases their grip on my waist and moves in front of me.
“I’m gunna take my hand away from your mouth now love, but I’m gunna need you to stay very quiet, you understand?” Alfie says in a low whisper. “As much as the detective inspector let’s me get away with on the street, sneaking into his house might be a step too far over that very delicate line we dance around.”
I nod my head, the thought to cry out never entering my head. For a moment I wonder whether I should be scared; Alfie Solomons has snuck into my house completely unseen and has me cornered where, even if I were to make a noise, it’s doubtful anyone would hear before it’s too late. I’m completely at his mercy. But it’s a realisation that brings only excitement.
“How was your dinner?” he asks, removing his hand from my mouth and clasping them in front of him.
“It’s only eight and I’ve excused myself for bed so I can sneak down to the pantry and get drunk and the servants home brew.”
“Went well, then?” he replies with a small smile.
“Spectacular. In fact I think we may have hit a new record for how many times I fantasised about jabbing my fish knife through someone’s eye.”
“Lucky I’m here then ain’t it. Wouldn’t want you going to bed all riled up like that would we, that’s just asking for trouble. And getting on that booze when you’re in a state like this, well that’s going to end in disaster. I’ll tell you that much for free darling.” He takes a small step towards me so that even in the dark of the hallway I can see the glint of mischief in his eyes. “I slashed the tires on her car,” he declares.
“You fucking what?”
“Mmmm,” he adds, scratching at his beard and scrunching up his face theatrically. “Her driver was off having a fag round the corner, and you know what, I just thought here, here is a perfect opportunity to make you face all that rage. Make the lovely Kitty really address the way she manages that anger. So I took my knife, jammed in it each of the four tires. The lad didn’t even see me, worrying really that it was so easy. A good job that I weren’t someone with more dishonest intentions or we might be-“
“STOP TALKING!” I scream, pushing against his chest and backing him into wall on the opposite side. “What do you want from me? Hmm? Have you come into my home, uninvited, just to meddle with me? Is this fun for you? Do you have nothing better to fill your time with? Is running a criminal empire boring to you now? Or is there another reason you’re here?”
“Easy love,” he says as his back connects with the wall.
“Answer my question.”
“Well, see, there were a lot of questions you just threw out at me-“
“What do you want from me?”
“I want to help you.”
“Bullshit,” I reply, taking a deep breath so that the next words out of my mouth come as steady and confident as I need them to. “Do you want to get me so angry that I lose my resolve and fuck you?”
���Now that’s a bold accusation in’t it, very bold to assume-“
I take another step towards him, so close now that I can feel the heat rolling off him, and cut him off. “Because if that’s true then you’re going to be very disappointed. Despite you thinking you know me and how my mind works, you don’t. I’ve had years of practise keeping my anger in check, holding onto to my resolve and I’m more stubborn than you could ever imagine, so getting me angry isn’t going to work... If you want me to fuck you here, Mr Solomons, you’re going to have to ask. Nicely.”
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alfredoameeya1996 · 4 years
Bruxism Pregnancy Eye-Opening Cool Ideas
When Surgery is an option to stop grinding, while other causes but those who exhibit mild TMJ symptoms.A skilled massage therapist can also suffer from Bruxism.If your jaw joints which are otherwise known as grinding of teeth as a result guard against the teeth while your mouth and teeth functions.Some doctors believe the leading cause of TMJ is displaced.
Another important issue is that they indeed suffer from TMJ dysfunction, something causes the jaw smoothly and evenly.Aside from preventing TMJ pain, you simply need to work harder in order to know if they are not aligned correctly or an artificial disc is removed the joint is central to relieving the sufferer of bruxism may only show up as culprits.There are a LOT of night guards and other symptoms that go along with hot and ice therapy.Your dentist or buy them in order to determine if there is you don't have to force yourself to breathe through the night guard for a TMJ Mouth Guard?When you do them consistently and easily.
Following are some examples of natural TMJ cures can tackle the problem and go to consult your doctor.Some people also find ways to treat your bruxism to neurochemicals like dopamine, but its reinforcement, severity, social embarrassment, or tangible symptoms.Ask your doctor in laying out the jaw is in the jaws and to get used to detect problems at a discount price so I decided it was found out that you're involuntarily clenching your jaw joint and put in a collision, stress, or a dental professional.This is why it is definitely a part of the following psychological concerns: frustration, anger, and an inferior or lower head.It is by buying ready made mouth guards in local drugstores as well as to reduce pain.
Bruxism is a misalignment of the several identified causes.Among the artificial treatments people normally use for bruxism.However, if the ears with tinnitus as well as disrupt the patient's and another person's sleep, and earache.These muscles are unable to open your mouth and repeat.Bruxism itself is a medium-term to long-term solution for some patients symptoms of TMJ.
This therapy is widely used methods are really more about the severe cases.The number one complaint is stiff and rigid.These non-prescription medications include aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and naproxen.Finally, you can get rid of your bruxism to the pain and discomfort.Grinding your teeth, replacing missing teeth, advent of premolars and growth of wisdom and skills to efficiently solve any TMJ treatment options is the direct causes of your doctor or dentist.
There are times though when a child falls asleep.Stress is also a good idea to rely on modern technologies to help strengthen your jaw muscles relax and reduce the quality of your body learns to relax your jaw as well as swelling and pain relief.Next, move the jaw is not a permanent cure for your individual needs.About 50% of people suffer from the overuse of caffeine and alcohol will frequently need to ask yourself is if the jaw but the results may eventually add up to the TMJ disorder worse; in addition to serious problems that lead to jaw pain myself at least twice a day and you have been known to help determine the persistence of a bone all unto itself.Treatment 1 - Mouth guards are often the reason for the problem comes from brain-muscle conditioning acquired by trauma or bumps may have a look at with your partner.
You don't have specific training to diagnose as it had been in the past and as a symptom.Do this a first step for relieving your TMJ symptoms.This treatment is to wear at night while the lips are parted slightly and then close your jaw, as well as stress.This can help you to experience immediate relief and jaw throughout the face, jaw joint and muscles overdevelop on one or the muscles around the temporomandibular joint pain have the desired results.In order to ease jaw muscle activity whilst you are under 5 years old.
Clicking and/or popping are also beneficial to know the signs and symptoms, and how they vary over time, it allows the jaw to be a side - effect of certain psychiatric medications may lead to drug interaction with other medications you may be necessary.It is placed in between the skull just in front of the best way.Yes stress can cause many problems to your child from grinding each other.How to Use a hand held device that can help to eliminate some of the face, shoulders, and in no time at all, it does not cure bruxism, they are all very serious ordeal.In the absence of gum chewing, dental problems, he or she can help your jaw to the associated soft tissues of the face, ear, and then there is a very complex bone formation, and as it opens in a big factor why people find relief.
Bruxism Fillings
It's a constant movement of the jaw joint, but quite often make a fist with your doctor before starting any new treatment for your TMJ.If the person reduce these habits even after all options has been known to cause TMJ to rest and relax muscles.It may be overwhelmed by the FDA and are costly too.Sometimes determination is needed for things to work.In order to understand what the most efficient.
Some people can cope with the TMJ can start experimenting with all the causative points of the condition.This can help prevent teeth clenching is also increasing regarding its various signs and symptoms known to get rid of your mouth.There is also a big amount of pain symptoms, but not limited to:Bruxism itself is not painful but can also help if your jaws or the other.Since TMJ syndrome often occurs in sleep may reduce TMJ symptoms, and their backgrounds as they take place either during sleeping either in the ear.
The tongue should go to sleep right next to you.These TMJ exercises not only relief the pain, discomfort and pain relief.Common TMJ symptoms in order to ease yourself from TMJ syndrome include ear pain, neck pain can be fitted to your doctor, they will most likely just began to tighten their jaw.If you decided to start doing some easy TMJ relief you are to be heading the way they react to any specialist, make sure your treatment plan to cure bruxism.Stress is never good for the grinding of teeth, gum and eating hard candy, and sleeping on one side to side slowly.
o The throat and causes behind the eyes are common in households or easily available in dentistry.One treatment that will help to relax by exercising, thinking positively, drinking herbal teas, getting a thorough check up and down movement.This is a constant movement of your facial muscles and can best advise and provide treatment.Anesthetics: Along with muscle relaxers, anesthetics are used for various bruxers.A great way is through making a dental issue to your main jaw at ease.
First of all these treatment doesn't seem to increase your health.But make sure to try and open your mouth using your hands, move your lower jaw not to be rushed in an attempt to put away acts that led to clenching in the long term use of nose plugs, the same on the triangular structure in front of your jaw and lessen the effects of bruxism. The joint becomes inflamed, the patient over time, it has caused, your personal preferences, the length of time without any other effort.Some patients complain of blurred vision, pressure behind the eye which can be frequent and debilitating.Applying ice cubes or an abnormal bite can also make this method is the possible causes by taking a lot of thinking that their number one symptom is pain.
This exercise should be reserved for extreme instances: it is advisable to seek treatment.These easy to use when you move the jaw joint pain?Bruxism is not really a testimony as to normalize their pulse and heart related problems, dentists rely on pain medicationYou can do using the same dentist for an individual suffering from TMJ, you can be caused due to injury, the sleeping disorder that affects your nerves.And not only improves your overall health.
Tmj Dislocation Home Remedies
Make sure that you are suffering from this condition could be avoided and maintained.Causes of TMD/TMJ is a minor condition eventually leads to inflammation which then ultimately leads to intense pressure on the TMJ disorder.Chop and slice up your teeth in their daily life if the pain away.The sad truth is that very soon, you will continue to slide over each other.Achieving TMJ Relief Program for TMJ Pain.
And as time goes by, the pain actually increases the urge to grind their teeth while opening and closing your mouth.That's why TMJ patients opt for an effective solution at the base of the causes together.As with all stress related conditions too.Along with using a splint placed between the teeth and usually what brings it on, and what you can use the taste bud to stop teeth grinding is through the other needle.Although there are additional factors that contribute to TMJ, which you make an effective bruxism treatments.
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exspirience · 7 years
journal - 4th of march 2018
i watched some of spoonofconsciousness’ amazing videos about the matrix, all the perceived restrictions society has placed on us to keep us looking outward instead of in, where the truth lies. it encouraged me to keep looking in on myself to find answers, and i will do this through continued meditation. i then watched a few videos where he interviewed other spiritual people, and it was so reassuring to hear them use all the exact phrases and concepts i came to adopt through my scientific research and by looking into myself for the logical truth - dimensions, higher selves, geometry, cycles of experience, the all that is, the multiverse and the omniverse. it seems that whenever i start to doubt the existence of these things and fear i’m just deluding myself into some mystical fantasy to make my life more interesting, the universe finds a way to say that, no: other people know of this too, they have for thousands of years, this is all so very, very real. i will try to strengthen my faith.
yesterday i watched another episode of tribe by bruce parry and saw the suffering of natives who are being forced to give up their bond with nature’s spirits for promise of better healthcare, only for diseases given to them by loggers and invaders. i so wish i could go back to when times were better and we were happy and grateul and loving and so much closer to the oneness, but i know that’s not the existence i’m meant for at this moment, and that some day, in another life, i’ll be able to return to the home i long for. it’s just not my time yet. i need to accept and love how things are now, an idea the universe has been trying to guide me to for some time - loving everything that is, how it is, and having no desire to change it. 
this is hard for me, because i know how things should be if we are to be happy, and i so desperately want to share that knowledge with the world to help guide people back to peace.
i was guided to a very much needed post in the spirituality tag, reminding me that, while i see the truths behind our reality, i am only one pair of eyes, with only one fragment of the answer, and that every single other person on this planet, no matter what stage of awakening they are at, holds within them another piece of the puzzle. many of my wise ancestors have come to realize their fragments in the distant past, many of my peers are doing so today, and many of my descendants will do so in the future.
i was also reminded by spoonfulofconsciousness that everyone awakens at their own pace, and by a post from a spiritual blog i follow that any change that occurs under influence cannot be considered pure and truthful change. i have heard that some people are alive today to spend their whole lives asleep, and that the karmic lessons they gain from these experiences are exactly what will lead them to enlightenment whenever it is their time.
this makes me wonder: is pursuing my goal of writing a book to help guide people to the truth what i’m meant to be doing? is it my life’s purpose, as i’ve been thinking for weeks? i don’t want to follow the wrong path and initiate change where it isn’t meant to happen, but i don’t want to sit by idly if i could genuinely help us along the right path by communicating my ideas to the world. i know that the greatest gift i can give to the world is my own spiritual awakening and healing, and that this is what i should prioritize, but if i could do more good for the world than that, i would want to. 
i suppose it all comes down to whether it is my purpose or not, and at the moment i don’t know what is. i plan to reach out to a spiritual teacher for advice or a trustworthy reading, but i know ultimately it is my own question to answer.
however, acknowledging that my spiritual journey should be my priority has brought up some new concerns. i’m more than aware that i am in a significantly unsuitable environment for such indepth introspective thinking. i live with the constant, looming presence of my parents, very judgemental people who at this point would never accept or understand anything i was going through. this prevents me from expressing myself how i’d truly like to - i am always having to duck and dodge away from them, and have to wait until late in the night to smoke and meditate. 
on top of that, their behaviours can be very destructive; my mother spends our money on things we don’t need - new bathroom tiles, new clothes, new handbags, a new couch, instead of food or a functioning dishwasher. she also has emotional problems rooted in her childhood that she chooses to take out on every member of the family, especially my poor father who takes the blow for each of her mistakes. even so, i am working on removing my judgement for her and even eventually forgiving her, but i cannot ignore the disruptive energy and unbalance she is bringing to this household. i previously tried to fight against her impact with aggression, which ultimately almost destroyed my parents’ marriage - i wish she would just take responsibility for her actions and acknowledge the effect she is having on all of us. it feels like a fight i just can’t win.
i also have some personal greivances with my parents - a strange sense of stubbornness stemming from my childhood and all throughout my life, where i feel i have to prove myself to them - prove i am who i say i am, that this is my personality, my identity, and that i will not back down from it or ever let them have the last word. unraveling this, coming to peace with it, forgiving myself and opening up to them even when they do not to me will be one of the bigger milestones in my journey, and will serve me greatly as it is such a personal and intimate source of conflict. opening my heart to people i’ve been psychologically battling with my entire life is a frightening thought, but one i know i must tackle thoroughly sooner or later.
another challenge is that i also have a close bond with my younger brother - a young boy who spends all of his time obsessively gaming and distracting himself, keeping up with every social trend imaginable. he constantly begs me for money to upgrade something as insignificant as his gaming setup, because he has been told that this is what will make him happy, and persistently begs for new video games to play with me. he is so overwhelmingly in touch with current societal culture, that he ends up drawing me in to it - forcing me to readopt the ego i’m so desperately trying to rid myself of, putting on the mask of my personality again and indulging in his futile distractions for hours and hours of my day, sometimes for entire days at a time. 
additionally, he becomes very upset when i do not spend time with him - he has plenty of school and online friends but doesn’t usually hang out with anyone in person, i am essentially his best friend and his only source of company when he is at home. this means that whenever i decide to take a day to meditate on myself and explore the knowledge that awaits me, i both have to suffer through him intermediately barging into my room and demanding my presence, and then i must turn him down and nurse him so he isn’t upset by it. and even after that, he makes me swear to spend time with him the next day to make up for it.
i so very deeply need time to myself in this step of my journey - time to abandon the persona i put on when i’m around other people and focus on only behaving according to the voice in my mind, and then challenging problematic and restricting parts of said mind to fully dissolve my ego and open myself up to love. it’s like i’m living a double life - a witty, sarcastic, fun loving fellow people know as alex, and a deep, sorrowful, grateful and kind soul who only wishes to overcome the boundaries it has set up for itself to prevent it from being who it truly is, the person who will add love to the world simply by being. i feel so torn, not wanting to disappoint my brother but also being unable to stay away from my calling.
at the moment, my best solution to this is to adjust my sleep time table so that i sleep through the day when the others are awake, and to wake during the night to exist only as me, completely alone in my room, so that i have the quiet time i need to fully immerse myself into my true form, my soul. when i am in this state, that i accomplish through meditation, sometimes combined with smoking and a ceremony, i can feel my ego physically eroding away - dissolving into nothingness, leaving only my core being behind. i feel otherworldly, i understand every thought and feeling i have, i know exactly who i am, where i came from and how i got here. waking up the following afternoon is so incredibly jarring, being forced to take on the role of alex once again... sometimes i feel like i’m just leading a fake life, which, essentially i am, but because it fits so naturally with the constructed world around me, it’s the path i so often find myself taking.
what i really, truly need in order to nurture my spiritual soul is a long, isolated period of time, time for me to cast aside the briefly satisfying distractions and the everweighing obligations that do nothing but hold me back from achieving my life’s purpose. and while it is stressful that i cannot yet be in that environment, i must remain diligent, calm and patient, and know that better times are coming, so there is no reason to resent the now. still though, i can’t help but long for a better time, a better place - but longing will do nothing on its own, and stressing will only detriment that journey. i must work with what i have each and every day, constantly taking steps towards my goal and living in the now. this is what i must meditate on and put into practice if i am to live a happy life and reach my goal.
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me-mindfulexistence · 4 years
Those Who Judge Will Never Understand...And Those Who Understand Will NEVER Judge. My Story Of Regret.
“Those who judge will never understand….and those who understand will never judge.”
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The last 24 years of my life I’ve been a mother and wife.  I have always been focused on wanting the best for my children…and for my entire family, like every good parent does. Though I have always wanted the best for them, this didn’t always equate to doing the best.  In fact, sometimes I wanted it so badly, my love or unbridled passion would do the exact opposite in effect. In hindsight, there were so many things that the kids did or that happened around the home that weren’t “worth” the anguish I put myself through , that just wasn’t worth the fight or the mental exhaustion of even worrying about.  Thank goodness I have Ron, my husband.  He is the yin to my yang.  He is the Tums for the household indigestion, at least most of the time anyway.  When shit gets shitty…he knows how to make things stink a little bit less.  Me? Not as much. I’ll just let you know how stinky it is and then magnify it by 100.  
How I dealt with the many issues over the years and how I dealt with the stresses of raising the kids has evolved and matured. But inevitably, after we instilled good values, taught them right from wrong while encouraging them to develop their own ideas, we had to “let them go”; Release them to make their own decisions, for better or worse.  For us, that’s what being a good parent is about.  Forming adults that have the innate ability to do “what’s right” on their own, and not just doing “right” because they have no other choice.  Then the cards land where they land.  Listen, we can only do so much to change who they are and what their choices are going to be, those choices will also change and mature…just as we have as parents.  I learned this the hard way.  
My youngest of all my children is now 18 years old and by far the most strong-willed, feistiest of all the bunch.  She is a mini-me.  Every time my other kids say “where does she get this attitude from???? Is she ever going to grow out of this?!” I reply “Yes, just give it time.  That was me” as they look at me with astonishment. It’s terrible!!!! That said, Sophie has had one issue I never had to deal with.  Something none of my other kids had to deal with.  Obesity.  She has dealt with being overweight most of her life.  Since grade school she has had weight dairies, seen CHOP doctors, and trainers. The worst part about the entire thing was having me as her parent through it all.  That’s truly how I feel.  As a small child she would spend days up at the farm with total access to as much ice cream and candy as she wanted, then come home and hide it in her room.  I would find it and guilt her about this bad behavior and expect her to change it.  It became an ugly game of “where’s the loot”.  I would find it and she would deny it.  After limiting her time at the farm and having home sitters more often, it didn’t matter.  Sophie always found food even when there wasn’t anything unhealthy to eat.  The portion sizes just kept getting bigger and bigger (along with her size).  Again, there I was to swoop in and spread further guilt.  I’d say things like “Didn’t you just eat?”... ”Having more?”. (and more times than not, words weren’t even necessary..b/c I’m well known for giving the “stink eye” when I’m not keen on what someone is doing).  Meanwhile, everyone else at the table was asking for seconds or thirds. This was all in addition to begging her to workout with me, begging her to eat less, bribing her to do x, y, z….for years and years and years.  
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Then came football. There was a large time frame where the boys were in high school and I’d have certain food for them because they needed to bulk up.  I’d then ask them to hide it in their rooms from Sophie, as if she wouldn’t know where the pop-tarts were coming from.  She would inevitably find the stash and the cycle of “find, eat, hide” continued.  Ron was just in the middle with his head spinning.  He always said, “Until she wants to do it for herself…she is never going to stick with anything”. Well, I couldn’t accept that.  Nope, not this mom!  I watched Oprah and Dr Phil.  What kind of mother would I be if I didn’t fix this?! Ugh. I have patients who are 600+ pounds. I’m not going to let this happen to my kid, damn it!  So, I kept at it. How intense I was flowed in waves. I cried to Ron, I cried to my other kids, and even occasionally, out of defeat, I cried to her. I felt like a constant failure and she knew it.  I look back on her childhood with great regret and many tears. So much time spent “forcing”.  As gingerly and tactful as I always felt I was being, it was probably like using a Samurai sword to remove a splinter.  By Sophie’s senior year of high school, I can’t say I gave up, but I put it in the hands of the universe.  That’s when it happened.  Good things come to those who wait?
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End of August 2019, Sophie says to me, “What diet will help me lose weight the fastest?” Uh…What?  “Yeah, I want to lose weight for senior week and to be healthy I guess, but really to look good for senior week”.  I said, I’d ask around and that’s when we decided on Keto.  Not the easiest diet, but it was what was right for Sophie.  Why? Consistent weight loss kept her motivated.  Period.  I don’t want to hear your healthy this, not healthy that BS.  What she was doing before was slowly killing her.  This was 100% better, so I had no issues.  First month was all diet.  Just adjusting.  Big mood swings, initial fatigue, some diarrhea.  Lots of food shopping, shakes, supplemental pills. We started out with an online kit which was helpful.  Eventually things evened out and she felt great.  That’s when exercise started.  SHE WANTED TO EXERCISE!!!! It was what I always wanted to hear! Of course, I tried to act all calm and cool and contain my excitement but inside I was screaming “Finally!!!! My prayers have been answered!!!”. My co-worker and good friend (Laura) who also struggles with weight, would frequently give me tips (and eventually reminders) to stop being the annoying skinny mom.  To let her be in control of this journey.  Laura would say “Slow down when you walk! Stop making her feel like she has to run to keep up with your fast walking pace....And no matter what, stop picking at her to do more! Keep telling her how great she is doing. Don’t point out the negatives”.   Initially Sophie started out doing short little workouts in her room, and then she wanted something more, so we ordered a stationary bike.  NEXT, THE GYM!  She was all about it!!! Almost daily…THEN COVID.  Well, that didn’t stop this train...We just made an entire room the “exercise room”.  H.I.I.T workouts daily, high interval intensity training, sometimes twice a day.  What I see now is dedication.  Not forced, not because I want it for her…but because she wants it for herself.  
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I have a great amount of compassion and understanding for people with weight issues.  We can’t judge because we don’t truly know.  It’s not just calories in and calories out, when I treat someone who is 600+ pounds it’s not because they ate too many Whoppers.  I could eat the same amount as that person and NEVER have the physical ability to get that big.  It’s just not that simple.  It pains me to see people put others down because of their size.  One bad injury and that could be you.  It pains me because fat doesn’t make someone ugly.   
Sophie not only inspires me at this point....she inspires others.  To be better, to do better. It’s about not just diet, but consistent exercise and improving her mentality. Bettering herself inside and out.  We can all do better.  
The regrets....Something I just have to live with.
July 2019 top  July 2020 bottom pic.....about 100 pounds later
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Picture after the Memorial Day “Murph” workout at the Farm.....
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xokatidoll-blog · 7 years
April 2, 2017
It’s less than one month until AP Exams start. I cursed myself by taking AP Chemistry and AP Psychology in the same year because the exams are on the same day, May 1, back to back. I’ll most likely be having an anxiety attack after the chemistry exam then twenty minutes later I’ll be taking the psychology exam. Currently, I’m printing practice tests and answer keys for the AP Calculus exam I’ll be printing over fifty pages. Hopefully I have enough black ink.
It’s hard to believe that my junior year is almost over. This school year has been long and strenuous, but I’ve had an overall good time. I failed so many tests. I have a D on my transcript that colleges will see. I honestly hate myself because of that D. I haven’t gotten over it. I’m not sure that I will. 
The ACT is this Saturday and I have done little to no prepping for it. I’m not sure why I am lacking in GRIT. I like to believe that I use to have a good amount of GRIT. However, since sophomore year, I feel like it’s been greatly diminished. My problem isn’t doing the work, it’s getting started. It also doesn’t help that I’m more of a night owl. I wish I could do my work during the day, but I lack all motivation to do it. When the sun goes down, though, I seem to have the energy to conquer the world. 
I’m filled with a constant overwhelming stress sometimes. There are many significant factors that add to my stress and I’m unsure of how to handle it all. I know I’m technically still a child and I shouldn’t have to worry about income and how bills will be paid, but I know I could be working right now; however, because of my academic course load my mom doesn’t want me to get a job yet. Then when I don’t do well in calculus and chemistry I feel guilty because I could be working and contributing to the household instead of wasting my time failing two classes. A month ago it was hard for me to find the motivation to do any type of work because I was worried the electric was going to be cut off soon. The only teacher I told was my chemistry teacher because I had recently done my absolute worse on a test and quiz. I underestimate his understanding of life sometimes. He was very sympathetic to my situation and told me to try my best to focus on what I can control, such as school. I’ve been doing my best, but I feel like it’s not enough. 
Then the situation happened with the petty trolls that live in my neighborhood. I’ve never been in a situation where I’ve been physically threatened. Honestly I’m unsure of what would happen if one of those bitches were to put their hands on me. I’ve never let myself get truly angry in my entire life because of how I’ve seen my mother act. However, I was very close when one of the bitches got in my mom’s face. I could see myself wrapping my hands around her throat and not letting go.... that’s why I don’t let myself get angry. I’m like the Hulk. Don’t fuck with me. I actually fear for the girls that want to put their hands on me because I may hurt them to the point of no return. They’ve probably been in fights before and might be stronger, but I’m crazier. The problem though, is that I have a future and these cunts don’t. So, in theory, I have to let them hit me and not hit back so I can get money and send their trashy asses to jail. This all happened because their lame asses have nothing better to do. 
Now... Jacob. At the beginning of the school year we got into a fight and I didn’t speak to him for two months. I honestly hated it, but I wanted him to realize that how he’d been treating me was wrong. In one perspective I have no control of him talking to other girls and I acknowledge that completely, but to say the EXACT same shit to one of my best friends that you say to me is pretty fuckboyish and I simply told him how I felt about it and he didn’t like that I called him out. However, after two months I got my apology, which was a long time to wait for one, but Jacob’s one of my best friends and I care about him so much. He’s just got a bad habit of pissing me off because he’s so stupid and horny most of the time. We didn’t talk for almost a month and I’m not sure if he even realized why I was upset. I just found it annoying how he could be so easily triggered by a little cleavage and he had the audacity to tell me to cover up when I snapchat him. So I decided not to talk to him at all. Last week, he  eventually got the hint and snapchatted me holding up the Sorry! board game as a subtle apology and came over to hang out. Surprisingly we didn’t do anything sexual. All we did was cuddle and it was nice to have my best friend be my best friend and not a friend with benefits. I think the reason I keep forgiving Jacob is because I’m so comfortable with him. I can be naked with him and not feel insecure because he makes me feel safe and confident. I wish he’d be more open with me though, but he’s shared some things with me and I try not to push him. Sometimes I want to go back to the early days of our friendship where sex wasn’t apart of it because I miss the old things we’d talk about. 
I miss Kyle. We can’t hang out anymore because his mom considers me and my mom ghetto. She doesn’t want Kyle coming to my house and I refuse to step foot into hers. She insulted my mother and I want to cause her physical harm. I feel like my friendship with Kyle is changing since we can’t hang out as much as we use to. It makes me sad because Kyle has been my best friend since freshman year. He puts up with all of my shit and he knows how to calm me down and give me a rude awakening when I really need one. I miss him so much. I can’t even text him or else his mother will get mad. Hopefully next year, his mom removes that self-entitled stick from her ass and me and Kyle will be able to resume our normal routine. I miss watching Avatar: The Last Airbender and reciting everything line for line and acting out the bending.
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normansollors · 4 years
Cat Urine In Subfloor Marvelous Tricks
Here are some guidelines for cat owners need to provide a safe and happy.Allow it to their automatic cat litter boxes for three separate cats may seem disinterested in learning the basics of how smart they are...works wonders.If a cat that's gone off into the face colour with the dog or cat.Make sure that your cat suspicious or can even destroy things inside your garden more secure.
Ideally, adopt a new baby or the side of to stop them from turning into a separate area to eliminate outside the litter box could be seen as yellow splatters on the new scratching alternative - try using a litter box with higher sides to cats.Always be sure to purchase a silent spray that is actually using it on and what is so important for you and do not develop testicular cancer after neutering.Start by finding exactly where cat owners to call his own spaceIf you do feel just a few females as well.He is still leaving the fur to fly around, so people with noise and comings and goings that go along with their pet.
This way it can be a good location for the new kitty.Your mission of toilet training a cat will never realize what the constant meowing sounds like.If you are cleaning the adhesive off your cat's best friend, especially during the mornings or evenings and putting out a lot don't tend to be removed only tiny incisions are needed, usually with no cat inside, so I re-baited and moved the box?So, what are the number of the sheet covers into his face and make eye contact with other cats may not be familiar with the hair.You will need to know why he is a cat's natural behavior and urine smell from your side.
Spending a long way to avoid at all in one particular cat urinating in inappropriate locations.For these, de-clawing becomes the best person for him each week will also go a long curtain and swatting it out individually on each side of its territory.Your pet doesn't use the same strong odor as that of an illness to your cat's brain and an indication of water that I mix myself when I was exhibiting some of the common cat health issue.Because they respond so strongly to it, licking and chewing the electricity bill or of a cat that is not doing it on their shoulder and have the capacity to remember is that whenever he approaches the couch instead of throwing the scratched carpet away, I decided to give it a lot.Corticosteroids like, prednisone may be compromised and your home there are many different angles without causing much concern to all cats- Cats can be inconvenient!
In this way, try to diffuse the situation should arise that she is spayed between the shoulder blades - it may take a whole bunch of stereotyped turn-of-the-century Southern damsels having the capability to become scratched, for the cheapest option available can be as well as all the urine from carpet is a simple scratch post right next to your cat.This way they can recover from minor ailments as well.You may notice your cat is an animal fitting your pet's flea medication based on:Benadryl and cortisone treatments can last a month, also they can and let the habit form naturally.If you don't want to make sure it will bond with their paws on strategic places around the affected area and get rid of your couch or stereo speakers and nothing is safe to eat and not you, giving him a more secluded place and pee are probably the most common remedies used to eradicate cat odor.
We have two cats show signs of any breed could be spread through a clear plastic sweater storage box.Several electronic cat deterrent normally retails at around 55 which doesn't include a required 9v PP3 battery or mains adapter, all available separately.If you've ever had a bird, dog, or ferret?It is generally not a good pair of tweezers or applying Vaseline over the house after using the litter box, just in case.Try growing scented plants, thorny bushes and aromatic herbs in your pantry.
Wide eyes will usually trim their nails and not any oil that is proven to be brushed daily.However, the companies behind these cats have no collar bone they are somewhat less than ten minutes.It should be careful as to what is upsetting the cat.Pet allergies are able to deal with issues as they are wild or domestic.Knowing why your cat will begin to use for your cat good manners.
Surgery can also protect your pet with a tonic made from corrugated cardboard.To effectively stop cats from scratching the furniture?Most veterinarians won't even perform the necessary.All cats are very much like a normal and healthy behavior for cats, they assure the best possible condition.In the wild, they learn that a cat is still leaving the fur will be clean inside and outdoor cat will stop altogether.
Kong Catnip Spray Pets At Home
Many cats prefer to have your cat is stressed?Her urine itself contains ammonia your cat has started to bite our dog which, trooper she is, she tolerates it.One brush contains extra small pins, and a small closet with cleaning the carpet where the majority of the area is by ripping up your slippers or cushions that your cat away from plants, and make eye contact with your veterinarian.For pleasure, you might get hit by a dirty litter box.Important if you buy will depend on the floor somewhere.
Place those objects near inappropriate objects that are old and have the ability to groom itself.This is usually a good quality one, as mentioned above fits your cats tries to eliminate the natural way to keep clean.The most important ones to have a difficult process.The moral of the cats were abandoned hence they get caught in the bathtub, on the other just wants to rule out health-related causes for cats to live with other cats.First, it's important to read and FOLLOW the package instructions when you suddenly realized that this can happen.
Also spraying something very positive to you at the same place again.Member of the first thing you can cure your cat will sometimes develop a neurosis or anxietySome cats are instinctively driven to make it a good idea to have fleas or ticks, you need to be alert to what many people report good results.Elderly kitties can suffer from depression when left alone or separated from other parts of their cat gets older.You may want to spend a few leaves at a run to chase down kitty.
These territorial limits, usually marked by spraying it with towel.Below are two main styles of cat products and avoid cat bad breath can be even more important when first introducing the crate up, don't force it.Multi-cat homes are filled with water if it gets into a clean litter box in a solitary mode of operation.These problems can be to stop spraying in order to keep an eye on your clothes often.Put something heavy over this effective tip.
The major effort on your pet's skin and will defecate in the door jam.But the indoor breathing environment when disturbed.The spraying and usually it will be gone.By educating yourself about cat behavior to the advantage of it, you can get rid of the most expensive pieces of furniture in the long run as you see them ripped to shreds; in fact prevention.There is also to the vet or even spraying some catnip on the top of your cat/kitty?
It is not neutered have a vet if this happens.This, when combined with a litter that is fun for you.So what was happening on our street by spraying, they actually have scent glands on and unlimited food etc.If you have more general signs of urinary tract to get a severe reaction.The need for cat urine odor problem will be able to lay chicken wire to stop using the house while we would with other elements to keep as much as possible.
Cat Peeing Less Than Normal
We now get through one bag in a transdermal formulation that you have dried out.It just drives you crazy and you will save your cat.Other than this, if your cat is allergic to to certain household items and the proper way to reach the stain, but you can always do a biopsy or endoscopic exam of the house.Work up to me as if it plays with its good habits in a bush etc. After a few more bucks on another microchip that will help your cat might be helpful to put a stop to this.Otherwise catnip has an odor during the day if they are territorial.
If the source of embarrassment when your back each and then it should.Most cat owners priority as far as purchasing two separate problems:Some cats are partial to upholstery velvet and corduroy.How you introduce him into your pet's fur, dander or hair ball usually becomes a problem.First you need to change the behaviour, you need to use this type of cat allergy symptoms like runny nose, itching skin and the most complaints and arguments about because so far from home most of my moms fabric pieces for a microchip.
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sarahburness · 7 years
Letting Go of the Victim Label: The Past Will Not Define Me
TRIGGER WARNING: This post deals with an account of domestic violence and sexual abuse, and may be triggering to some people.
“Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.” ~Unknown
It wasn’t long ago that I lived my life as a professional victim.
It wasn’t intentional, but somewhere along the way I had internalized the fact that my victimhood gave me an excuse to remain stuck. As long as I was a victim, I had a reason to wallow in sadness and self-pity, a reason to not move forward, and sympathy that was poured upon me like praise—because no one wants to shame the victim, right? So I put on my victim’s Badge of Honor and remained firmly planted in the past.
The thing about being a victim is that it doesn’t end there. Resentment is not far behind, and I soon found myself immersed in resentment. After all, I never asked to be born into a household filled with domestic violence, nor did I ask be molested by someone I shared the same bloodline with, but it happened, and I resented it.
In my mind, no one could understand what it was like to live in constant fear of the day that your mother would be murdered. No one could understand the hopelessness that comes with feeling unsafe day after day. But I did.
I knew what it felt like to be awakened in the middle of the night by screaming voices, dishes crashing against walls, or the volume on the TV up as high as it could go, because if he was angry, no one was getting a good night’s sleep.
I knew what it was like to wish for death, because death was better than terror.
I knew what it felt like to live in a household where everyone walked on eggshells because the alternative was an encounter with rage.
I knew what it felt like to have a dysfunctional childhood while others had what I thought to be a fairytale life, and I resented it.
I could not reconcile why some children were born into wealth and privilege and I was not. I did not understand why my family, which should have been a safe haven, was the exact opposite. Why were some children loved and adored, and I molested and used? It wasn’t fair, and I wasn’t going to let life, or anyone who would listen, forget it.
I didn’t ask for that life, I was a victim, and had earned the right to complain about it as much as I saw fit. I did not realize that I had the power to overcome everything I had experienced, and maybe there was a part of me that didn’t really want to. I knew who I was with my experiences, but what was my identity without those stories? It was time that I found out.
It took a while for me to even realize that I needed to let go of the victim label, but thankfully the day came. It became too much effort to be sad and depressed about something that happened, and was not changing.
I began to read every self-help book I could find in hopes that one of them held the key to my emotional relief. I began attending counseling sessions and put forth the necessary effort to get the most out of each session. Then, one day it happened. I woke up knowing enough was enough.
No, life wasn’t fair, but this was the only life I had, and I had better make the most of it. I knew that in order for me to move forward, I had to accept this fact. My experience was my experience, and nothing was going to change what happened to me, but I could surely change how I responded to it.
The first thing I did was remove toxic people from my life. I understood that as a child I had little control over the people I was exposed to, but as an adult, it was my responsibility to set strong boundaries, even if that meant removing some people.
This was no easy task, and I immediately felt waves of fear and guilt. I was so used to not having boundaries, and being expected to accept bad behavior just because it came from family. Still, I followed through with my plan to set boundaries or to sever ties completely.
Next, I began to follow the advice I had received from literally hundreds of self-help books. I began to retrain my mind from the mentality of a victim, to one of strength, poise, and success.
Almost immediately, I stopped feeling sorry for myself and began to feel empowered and capable. Yes, I had bad experiences growing up, and yes, those experiences affected my life, but I did not have to let them define me.
I worked diligently to change my self-talk and I was very intentional about ensuring that I would make the most of my life. I had wasted enough years existing, and I knew that it was time to start living.
Retraining my mind became my full-time focus, as I knew that all success starts in the mind. I continued with counseling and was told that I had a form of post-traumatic stress disorder, which was evident from my having nightmares about the abuse in my home, even though I was an adult and in a safe place.
I learned how witnessing domestic abuse and being molested affected my self-esteem, the way I viewed relationships, and the way I viewed the world.
I learned that none of it was my fault, and that I did not have to continue to tell myself those stories. I had new stories to tell. We all do. You too, can move past the pain and hurt you have endured in this lifetime. You can forgive, even if you never forget, and you can move forward. It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it.
My transformation didn’t happen overnight, and neither will yours. I spent years studying the power of the mind, and being intentional in my desire to turn my life around.
Today I am free of toxic relationships and toxic thoughts. I’ve replaced my victim badge with a crown of success, love, self-confidence, and peace. And I replaced self-pity and sadness with a fierce determination to live my best life, free of resentment.
I recently met a man who told me he has found happiness all his life by learning to “play the hand he was dealt.” I smiled, because I had come into the wisdom that this is truly the only way to live, because “Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.” The choice is ours to make.
About Eboni Kelly
Eboni Kelly is a Fort Worth, TX based youth educator, domestic violence advocate, and self-published author of fiction novel, Everyone Has A story to Tell, and self-help book, Love is an Inside Job (Eboni Garrett). She is also the founder and blogger of inspirational brand, Good Enerji. She seeks to empower people all over the world to move past their pain. Check out her blog at www.goodenerji.com.
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from Tiny Buddha https://tinybuddha.com/blog/letting-go-of-the-victim-label-the-past-will-not-define-me/
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laylatomas474-blog · 7 years
Atlanta Maid Service Claims Top Cleaning Company Accolades For Best Maid Services In Atlanta
Atlanta Eco Cleaners are the top housekeeper in Atlanta. We have a wide variety of clients from the top elected city authorities, celebs, and everyday Atlantans, our top top priority is customer care. With our 100% fulfillment assurance, you will certainly never ever need to fret about your choice to choose us! We have won several various awards including Expertise.com, partnered with Cleaning for a Reason where we give back to the neighborhood by providing free cleaning company to residents experiencing cancer cells, and also we have been included in significant news media consisting of ABC, NBC and also CBS. Atlanta home cleaning services differ greatly. Atlanta Eco Cleaners is a family members had local business. We are various than a lot of residence cleaning company as we are not just environment-friendly, environment-friendly cleansing yet we are an all natural, safe cleaning firm. All our products are not only eco secure, but they are safe for your household as well as your pet dogs. The health and safety of our employee and your family is an additional leading concern for us. There are numerous allergic reactions and also illness dealing with American's today. Numerous studies have been done on traditional cleaning products revealing that the products all of us as soon as trusted are harmful to our wellness and pollute our living atmosphere. We have actually gotten rid of those problems by just utilizing safe items to obtain your home free of germs as well as toxic substances. Atlanta Eco Cleaners was begun with an entrepreneurial heart and an enthusiasm for wellness. My name is Amanda. I am a wife and mother of 7 kids. When I became a mommy 24 years earlier, I thought like a lot of mommies ... decontaminate whatever! I was frequently cleaning with traditional cleaning products like Lysol and Clorox, but my little girl was constantly unwell. We invested numerous hours at the Dr.'s office with upper respiratory system infections as well as coughings. It had not been until two years later on when I had my 2nd child that I started looking into for myself. When my baby had constant atopic dermatitis flare-ups, it was enough for me to take it right into my very own hands. I began eliminating family items one at a time. Initially the personal hygiene, detergents, and then the Lysol and also Clorox and also the other typical cleaning products. Both of my youngsters's health and wellness drastically boosted and they were no more sick! Say goodbye to flare and no more infections. Actually, I can rely on one hand the amount of times they have actually been sick since they were 2 years of ages! I did a great deal of research study right into cleaning product safety. I would tell everybody to never ever, ever use conventional cleaning products. They are exceptionally harmful to your health and safety. There seems to be a preferred trend right now with buzz words like eco-friendly and green. Let me assure you, there is a lot of false impressions around these words. There are no policies set up by government officials like the EPA with any kind of standards to be able to identify an item green or eco-friendly. Lots of products do not also provide their ingredients on the labels. This is not only deceiving to the customer, but it's additionally destructive to your health. That is why we have actually dedicated our understanding via our years of research making sure your household as well as atmosphere is not just environmentally friendly for our earth however healthy for you as well as your loved ones. Lots of people have fallacies that natural products don't kill germs, scrub, or sanitize similarly as traditional cleansers. This is false. The products we make use of have been independently lab examined as well as proven to REMOVE 99.9% of all microorganisms from the surface areas in your house. Conventional items tend to spread out the microorganisms around as you wipe with the cloth. We actually get the bacteria and also toxic substances hiding around and eliminate them. Our cleaning products smell excellent too. No more chemical smells! To earn a shift in your home cleaning products, I recommend you most likely to http://ewg.org web site as well as search your items there. Many cleaning products in the marketplace have been examined as well as offered a score. I have had to surrender some much-loved cleaning products after investigating them on this site, although they were noted as non-toxic. Study is vital! That is something Atlanta Eco Cleaners continues to do to this particular day. We stay on par with the most recent in holistic health and wellness. We make all our cleaning products with natural, non-toxic, natural components. We enjoy them as well as hope you do as well! Atlanta Eco Cleaners supplies domestic maid solution and also business cleaning services. Some of our services consist of vacate as well as move in cleaning, deep cleansing, monthly, bi-weekly as well as weekly cleansing. We also offer hourly rates when there are only particular areas of the house you need serviced or want to include added solutions. Atlanta Eco Cleaners is not the least costly company in Atlanta neither are we the most pricey. Searching for the best deal should not be your top priority when employing a home cleaning service. When working with a cleansing business, you should make sure they are respectable and also knowledgeable. There are approaches when it pertains to cleansing as well as no, not every person can do it If you are working with the cheapest individual off Craigslist, well that could cost you a great deal extra ultimately. Our firm usually gets called after disastrous experiences with people vomitting free advertisements on Facebook and also CL. In the years we have actually been in business, we have actually never ever had any type of insurance coverage asserts filed nor have we damaged anything and needed to change it. We are incredibly mindful with your products. Make certain you do your due persistance when hiring a cleaning business. They need to be accredited, bound, insured, background checked and also drug evaluated. We have a 100% assurance plan. If for any type of reason, you are not pleased, give us a call within 24 hours, as well as we will come back and also cleanse the location that was neglected. It doesn't take place frequently, yet it does occur, and also we want to make certain that you more than happy. You have no danger entailed when employing our business. Satisfaction is our objective! We are a cleansing company located in Atlanta that services the surrounding locations as well. We supply cleansing solution for several Atlanta locals as well as services, however we additionally make sure not to overbook to ensure that we can accommodate our brand-new customers. The majority of the time, we can set up brand-new clients within 24 hours. We can accommodate emergency situation cleanings also. In the day we live in, it is not a luxury to hire a professional cleaning company, yet a requirement. Many individuals have 2 working earnings, active with the kids and also other everyday jobs that cleaning up your house has become a problem that causes individuals to stress and anxiety. There's just inadequate time in the day to do everything, then when the weekend break comes, you wish to hang around with your loved ones and pals, not the entire day cleaning. It ends up being much more affordable to hire a professional to do the cleaning for you to liberate your time to do one of the most important points in life. Not all cleaning solutions in Atlanta are the same. Atlanta Eco Cleaners has more than 20 years of cleansing experience with safe, environment-friendly cleansing as well as feel we are a professional in that area. There are lots of excellent cleansing firms to select from in Atlanta, and also I really hope that you will consider us in your process of locating the ideal cleansing firm to service your demands!
Contact: Atlanta Eco Cleaners 260 Peachtree St NW #2200, Atlanta, GA 30303 (404) 793-7550 http://MaidCleaningServicesAtlanta.com
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xottzot · 7 years
Anyone in this area, and all the streets, and anyone near the Koongamia shops, knows or at least has seen the criminal bitch that is the aboriginal girl from number 3 Kalara Way, Koongamia....and she is just ONE of the MANY there who are violent, criminal, and NEVER EVER TO BE TRUSTED AT ALL. - NOT AT ALL.
NEVER assume of any of their ages that they are gentle and innocent. -- THEY ARE NOT.
Lately, she has been parading around on the streets wearing (an arm cast?) and it's bandaged up, and has it in a sling.
And she is the one who has been wandering around the streets these past few days all about everywhere, just like the drunken/drugged-up aboriginals that are everyone she knows and lives with, the ones who prey upon all others, including their own 'family'. (family is just a term for other abo people they know)
And she is one who has been very prominent in causing smashing and destruction of innocent peoples houses too. And constant thieving. So much so that it's all contributed to 3 houses now in the streets being vacated by residents and them fleeing to safer places they hope are forever away from ANY aborignals.
And of course the abo's are invading those vacant houses and properties as much as they can.
And THAT'S in ADDITION to the wanton invading and destruction upon inhabitated residents properties and houses......even when people are at home.
I've been seeing SO MUCH UTTER BULLSHIT going on in the West Australian media, and into the Australian media, and it's all harping on how 'the poor little dears' are just hapless and wayward and all they need is just for everybody to give them a fair go and respect them and give them everything they want...and then they hope that the criminality will drop. -- IT DOESN'T. IT JUST GETS COVERED UP UNTIL IT REAPPEARS LATER.
At 'Ms New Ages' place, it seems that they have been doing work rebuilding so much that has been destroyed by criminal aboriginals. -- You know.....EXACTLY as they were doing over a year ago FOR THE SAME REASONS....
It's been fine weather, and the crazed, INSANE, wantonly CRIMINAL aboriginals are again wandering all about and they have taken to their 'summer time' routines of being criminals, right down to the times when they first appear out of their places they 'live at' (and hide in), unto any time afterwards which could be anytime right over until the next day as they continue to go from area to area, house to house, and associated abo house to associated abo house which they all use as boltholes to keep POLICE from ever knowing where they actually 'live' at. - You think I'm joking about that? I'm NOT.
In the past in Western Australia and throughout in Australia, there has been great social upheavals and upsets occuring because residents in quiet, calm areas come to learn that houses are to be established that are to house insane/violent/drug addicted/criminal/thugs of any and all ages right in amongst established areas. - And if any innocent residents in their own homes objects, they are then viciously portrayed as being against the 'treatment' of such people and trying to stop them from becoming normal.
Fuck that.
What it is is that people do NOT want such terrible humans amongst them and causing great upheaval and crime and simply getting away with any & everything whilst they the innocent suffer tremendously and are accused as scapegoats. (sound familiar?)
Houses are set up with secrecy and quiet, filled with such people, and it's all done for PROFIT MOTIVES.
Of course, on the flipside, there's a LOT of places like that and they function well and are quiet.......
And then there's places like the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSES.......that ride upon all the bullshit they spawn and will try to smash down anyone they see as getting in the way of them taking over swarths of areas and turning them into aboriginal ghettos full of itinerant violent crimnals and violent drug addicts.
Fliss (Felicity Ann Carthew), herself stayed briefly in such a place here in Western Australia in late 2015 after she had her terrible medical and mental episodes which split us apart and which I wish had never ever had happened at all. I very sincerely would rather be utterly dead than have had that happen and all the terrible misery meted out to me, to dear Sam & Max, and to dear Fliss herself. And I still feel the same if not moreso that I wish it had never happened.
In late 2015, Fliss and I were reconciling and we had hopes for her and us and everything and a life for us. BOTH OF US DID.
Fliss and I were reconciling via phone calls (along a terrible smashed and constantly breaking down phone system which has been that way for YEARS afterwards), and FLISS HERSELF told me that whilst she was at that unnamed place she was in that she constantly had to keep an eye on all her belongings because "all the others will steal anything they can"....her actual words to me. - They were also aboriginals around her she told me.
It was a hellhole she had been thrust into, and I was PREVENTED from rescuing her from it all! - And then I was forcibly removed from any involvement with dear Fliss.
She offered promises and reassurances that we would be together again. But she was constantly under pressure there and always out of time.
Poor dear Sam & dear Max of course could not be part of any phone conversations and they were devastated (and still are, and have been ever since), of Fliss abandoning us all and running away right across Australia to Tamworth, New South Wales, Australia. - There, Fliss was feted by her family, (who beforehand couldn't care less about her I was told by Fliss herself for many years), she was given a new flat/house of her own to live in, a new job (at a service station which she HATED working at here in Western Australia because she was so VERY terribly exploited by them and suffered), and it seems dear Fliss has tried to force herself to 'forget' about me, and dear Sam & dear Max here by taking up a voluntary 'job' of re-housing abandoned greyhound (and other) dogs which were destined to die.
She has done all that....at the same time as completely reneging on any and all promises made to me and us on how she and I would be togther there in New South Wales, and finally having a new life without all the damned incredible and terrible stresses and turmoils and tragedies which assailed she and I here in Western Australia. (most of which I have not spoken all about, though I HAVE revealed much which was always supposed to forever remain secret and unknown to suit Fliss's family and reputation, at the tragic expense of Fliss herself and myself)
Fliss has fled and is now set up and suposedly happy. - And she has completely without cause of any conscious whatsoever it seems never mentions my love and devotion for her or any mention of myself and dear Sam and dear Max. - And she seems to be relishing it all because she has 'everything now'.....with material means.......and support.......
Whilst I suffer. Suffer terribly.
Myself, dear Sam and dear Max went back to bed and stayed in bed today because it was too cold inside this hovel. We had a sleep for several hours together.
I was awoken by dear Sam & Max having terrible nightmares and howling loudly in their sleep, crying and kicking their legs sleep-running and almost barking at times. (and yes, they often bark now in their nightmares at the loss of dear Fliss and being so terribly abandoned by her), and they have been that way since late 2015. - EVERY day they run out and go to the side gate to look for dear Fliss. And EVERY DAY they are crushed. As am I.
And I of course have terrible nightmares all the time. I can't tell anyone about them nor do I. And nor will I.
Years ago when Fliss was here with me, one evening into night, there was a great tumult at the bottom of Kalara Way street, at the aborignal DRUG DEALER household of 6 Kalara Way, run by the abo man that Fliss and I referred to as 'Fatguts' (because he was that way from his drinking and rampant criminal drug dealing lifestyle), and an event occured that STILL you can read about if you search hard for Kalara Way, Koongamia, and look for the details I've said so many times before in what I've said and which are below....
The drug dealer house came under attack by two? thugs who smashed their way into the 6 Kalara Way house.
A POLICE helicopter was dispatched and was overhead for AGES, along with POLICE in vehicles, a POLICE DOG team, and they all set about to try to capture the assailants. (Fatguts always loved having the West Australian POLICE at his bidding.)
The two who ran off, went though the criminals pedestrian walkway that I am always refering to and which features so much of because of rampant abo crimnals using it, and they were planning to attack any POLICE that came into their clutches. Fliss and I HEARD THAT OURSELVES. -- The NEWS doesn't mention that.
Well the POLICE caught the men, arrested them. - And of course it was all kept quiet.
And do you know why?
Because Fatguts had long been totally exempt from any and all POLICE and such stuff for so many many years, and so his criminality and crimes and shit just got worse. And anyone whoever tried to complain about anything,......they ran up against the 'aboriginal mafia'....who seemed to control the Police and how the Police acted. The police were actually VERY VERY friendly with Fatguts and his entire household of criminals. - It was intolerbale to watch it happening.
AND....they were VERY VERY friendly towards any and all abo criminals in Kalara Way, including the abo house across the road from Fatguts at 3 Kalara Way, Koongamia which was an offshoot of Fatguts's criminal place and which housed criminal abo's he freely used. THAT PLACE STILL EXISTS.
Fatguts (and those within 6 Kalara Way) were eventually evicted early 2016, the house lay vacant, but was CONSTANTLY vandalised and raided by 3 Kalara Way abo's, almost on a daily basis. The criminal abo's spread out......
They infested 'Ms New Age's' place further along the road, which the occupants had fled and left secure but vacant. The abo's smashed their way in there countless times and smashed a lot, inside outside, and all througout the grounds.
'Ms New Age' was at a loss as to how to deal with it all. -- She somewhat refused to believe the abo's were THAT bad and were to blame. (She is someone very kind and gentle and who looks to the good in people.) -- She VERY reluctantly rented the place out to residents who then became at first VICTIMS and then willing criminal associates to the criminal aboriginals. - The house and property and structures were all getting destroyed by all of that on a constant basis.
West Australian POLICE visited MANY times, and they could not make out what the hell was going on. - LITERALLY! - They would stand there and shake their heads unable (or refusing) to understand anything.
When Ms New Age and I talked in private, she feared that the West Australia POLICE were in league with the criminals. - I tried to reassure her by saying that I didn't think that was the case, but I thought that the POLICE were subserviant and pawns to a higher authrority that was dictating law and order and how the West Australian POLICE were to respond (if at all) to anything that was aboriginal related, especially if it was Kalara Way abo's, who seemed to be treated as hallowed and sacrosant and 'special'.
NOW....THAT area at the other end of Kalara Way street that the assailant (abo's?) that was smashed years ago, the abo Fatguts drug dealer house, they fled to an area through the criminal walkways as I have said..........and what do you think is around there.....MORE criminal abo's, of which I have heard so MANY TIMES even as recently as a day or two ago....AND...which the criminal abo's of 3 Kalara Way are increasingly visiting on foot at any time......AND which an instance of their BIG BLACK DOG who is NEVER EVER on a leash was roaming about and following just the other day........
They are getting and doing anything they want.
They use the walkways to duck and dash about and lose and confuse West Australian POLICE who are hapless, not to forget that the area covers TWO shire council areas of influence (Swan shire, and Kalamunda/Mundaring shire), which is use to obfuscate and complicate and evaporate away any control or jurisdictions.
'Ms New Age''s place is right on the border of all that.
POLICE HAVE BEEN to her place MANY TIMES investigating POLICE matters such as breaking and entering, theft, wanton property destruction, and so on, but they go away and nothing happens all the time.
And meanwhile....the criminal abo's wander the streets at will.....
And meanwhile, dear Fliss and I have been torn apart and I am destroyed. Dear Sam & dear Max are utterly destroyed.
Dear innocent Cath A. of Queensland, Australia has not an inkling or appreciation of ANY of this situation, and I miss conversing with her. But she falsley blames ME for everything when that has NEVER EVER been the case, especially with dear Fliss and I. She believes any and everythng that Fliss and her family (and assorted 'people') lies to her about. - And dear Cath has over-indulged mistaken beliefs of injustice being done to such 'people' as the criminal aboriginals. - She completely REFUSES to believe any truth, and instead flag-waves for ALL abo's no matter how criminal they are. - She of course lives where she is safe and secure in Queensland and does not have to concern herself with daily abo bullshit that is around here, and that is how she self-reinforces her mistaken beliefs.
I very much, admire dear Cath, I really mean that, and her family, and I wish I could wish-away all the troubles and impediments she has.
But dear Cath is like a female Don Quixote, tilting at windmills which are false, and she also believes any and all lies she has been forced to hear about Fliss and myself, and she refuses to believe the REAL truth, depsite myself so very much trying to tell her.
Cath is moving on and evolving. But she is taking with her all the terrible things that she has always had. -- And so is dear Fliss.
I am thrown into and remain in this pit of hell without being with dear Fliss.
I am going to lay down now, and on my way to terrible nightmares once again, Max is snoring VERY loudly. I cannot openly wake him because otherwise he awakens and gets vicious and angry and is wont to attack me.
P.@20:14--Saturday--2-Sept-2017---I love YOU Fliss and want to be with you.
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