#i need to have my own place and i need to get away from shitfest that is my family life
Send a few good vibes my way if you can spare any. I've put out two applications -- one for a week and a half summer workshop about a new astronomy research method and another for a post baccalaureate research position with NASA. Being accepted into either would be a huge boost on any grad school application and to my CV. But the second would be a full time job out of state. Which means I'd be out of this house.
I need something to change. And soon. Whether it be a full time research position or the CV boost I need to get into grad school next year. Just. Something.
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beazt · 1 year
god fuck everything is so fucking shit rn for me
I think I have an ear infection, which when they go unchecked for me they get extremely unbearable, like fading in and out of consciousness for days straight unbearable
& my mom is extremely sick and cannot take me to a doctor or anything, she can’t even take herself to one
& my brother is grievously injured as of Friday
& in my county and a neighboring county today alone (we are rural counties with tiny populations) there was a bomb threat against all of one of the counties schools that ended with total evacuation and dismissal, & in the other county there was a “bullying incident” (fucking assault at best or more likely attempted murder) where a kid was suckerpunched so hard he started seizing and they kept going @ him and he has internal bleeding now too & idk what else has not been reported, he had to be airlifted to a major hospital 100mi away directly from the school. which is extremely triggering to my trauma
& I am dealing with SOOOOOOOO much bullshit fuckassery from my doctors office & car loan creditor & banks & cash app… literally spent like 4? 5? hours minimum on dealing with that utter SHITFEST earlier today & NONE of it is resolved despite the thing I was trying to resolve theoretically being a 2 minute process on a good day
I literally do not have enough money to pay my bills this month in my bank accounts & I have 0 cash & my mom is out of work rn bc she is so sick & I haven’t worked since January because of this new chronic bullshit I have & my parents owe me ~$2000 because they can’t fucking afford their own bills with my dads forced debt & fixed income living in a run down single room shack on inaccessible property and my mom typically working 60-hour weeks and us living in a shitty broken down trailer and 1) if I want a place to live & have electricity I need to contribute to my mom (she owes me ~$1600, it’s her idea to pay me back) & 2) if I don’t want my dad to be homeless or starving on his fixed income I have to lend him money occasionally (he only owes me ~$400 bc he has paid half of what he’s borrowed in the last year or so back to me) and!!!! my bills are not stopping next month!!!!
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pinkprimrose05 · 3 years
GX Month Day 7: Ojama Delta Thunder!!
"That’s right! You know what today is! Today we celebrate The Chazz, the one and only Manjoume Thunder! Give sparky boi a hug!"
...I'm not giving Manjoume a hug. I...*cackles evilly* am gonna make him suffer as much as the actual Duel Links players do, maybe even more. And I'm not the least bit sorry, because hey, he gets something out of it in the end!
Manjoume Jun was not having a good day.
The Ojama Duelist grumbled to himself, kicking a non-existent pebble into the air as he made his way to the Duel Studio. The picturesque environment of Duel Links -too clean, too perfect- never ceased to amaze him and many others, but right now, he was too damn pissed to care about that.
After all, it's hard for one to appreciate the technology behind a game's setting when that same technology had just fucked up their entire collection of cards- And in the middle of a Duel no less!
The door slid open as he walked through, revealing rows upon rows of multicolored tables placed on either side of the massive ground floor that was the Deck Editor section, leaving a clear path to the spiraling staircase of clear blue glass that led to the Card Catalog and several other, more obscure sections. After all, the Deck Editor was the single most popular part of the Duel Studio, if the couple dozen Duelists buzzing around all day long were anything to go by.
Manjoume plopped down on a chair at the first empty table he could find, fishing out the single Deck box in his pocket and dropping it on the yellow, round surface. The twenty cards inside the box spilled out over the table (he had hundreds of those for fuck's sake!), and their owner groaned in frustration as he rifled through his completely reset Deck....Scratch that, it wasn't even his own Starter Deck. Battle Warrior? Flame Manipulator? What the hell?!
Briefly, he considered the benefits of marching up to Isono and demanding an explanation and solution to what happened, but that idea was shot down almost immediately. It's not like the guy would be of actual help; the last time someone asked about a bug in the game Isono had literally told them, quote unquote "Please ensure that no other house utilites are interrupting your connection, such as a microwave oven.", and while Manjoume was no tech expert, even he could tell how much of a half-assed excuse that was.
Stupid Duel Links and its stupid customer service-
Startled out of his thoughts, Manjoume only had enough time to gasp before a familiar blue blur put him in an unexpectedly tight headlock, already rambling at rapidfire speed straight in his ears.
"I'm so glad I could find you today!!" Kylie squealed "Had no idea I'd see you here, but that doesn't matter- do you wanna Duel?? I've been working on a new Deck and combos for days now and I can't wait to show you-" the second-year abruptly paused when she caught sight of the cards spread on the table, letting go of Manjoume in favor of taking a better look at them "Waaiiiit a minute, what's with those cards? They don't look like anything you normally play-"
"-It's Manjoume-san." He sharply interjected in a mix of annoyance and exasperation, shooting a glare at the oblivious blunette standing next to him as he massaged his neck "And yes, those aren't my cards. The game just randomly decided to reset my connection in the middle of a Rank-Up Duel of all things, yeet off all my Decks into nonexistence, and then gave me a shitty Starter in exchange, so now I'm stuck with almost zero gems and no way to recover my progress, which is just fucking splendid considering how close we are to the next KC Cup."
Manjoume sighed "Fuck this. Just, fuck this."
Truthfully, he wasn't as mad about the progress he lost as he was about losing his cards. It hadn't even been thirty minutes and, while he'd never admit it out loud, he already missed his trio of obnoxious Ojamas. They've been through thick and thin together, and it felt unnatural to have them just up and disappear like that. The last time they've been away from him wasn't exactly something he wanted to remember, and while the situation here was nowhere as severe as the Dark World, it still felt wrong for the air around him to be so quiet.
Kylie, who was uncharacteristically quiet as she listened to her 'friend' ranting about his current predicament, nodded along "So you...basically got your account reset?"
"No shit, Sherlock." Manjoume deadpanned in response. Kylie put a hand to her chin, humming thoughtfully with closed eyes, before suddenly slamming a hand on the table and nearly shocking him into falling off his chair.
"I GOT IT!" She exclaimed, snapping her fingers with a bright grin "This reset bug happened once to someone I know- I don't know if you remember Ruby from Heartland Academy, but anyway, she also lost all her progress a couple months ago after she got booted out of a Duel, and it turned out that her cards were just scattered all around the Duel World, so we went around asking everyone we could if they saw them, Dueled those who had some, and we got all her cards back in the end. It must be the same with yours, so let's get going and find them all!!"
Without warning, she grabbed the Legendary Duelists's hand, hauling him up and out of the Deck Editor before he could even get out a word. Manjoume gasped and spluttered along the way, trying to tell his companion to slow down a bit to no avail; as talking someone like Kylie out of anything was like trying to build a Deck around Cold Feet.
That didn't stop him from actually looking around and asking, though. If there was even the slightest chance of him finding his cards this way, then he'd be damned if he didn't at least try and go through with it. Compared to staking it out at the North Pole for a barely synergic mishmash of a Deck, to going down a haunted well in an empty forest for a bunch of 0-ATK monsters that were -figuratively and literally- bottom of the barrel, Dueling a couple chumps and scavenging for some lost cards was nothing, and he was ready to do so much more to get his partners back.
"See? I told you Aniki would come find us in the end!"
...I take back everything I said, Manjoume thought, cringing in disgust as Ojama Green and Black hugged each other and began prancing around him in circles, babbling and crying tears of joy while they were at it How could I ever miss this shitfest?
He just did, somehow. It hadn't taken too long to find the two Ojamas anyway; the sound of them banshee screeching weeping their asses off by the fountain was all he needed to know they were somewhere out there, and by some lucky miracle, their cards didn't get sprayed to oblivion with all the water by the time he came to retrieve them. As for his other cards, he and Kylie had stopped by the Shop, the Card Trader, the PvP Arena, the Gate and the Duel School, asking everyone they could about his cards, and beating the shit out of those who had some and refused to give them back
(Well, Manjoume was the one who did that, and only to Evan and Zachary, but that wasn't the point here, was it?)
By the time they decided to return to the Duel Studio for a small break, they'd gathered practically all of his key cards. He couldn't care less for the bunch of staples he lost -he'd just reroll the Selection Box or whatever-, so the only missing card that actually mattered, as much as it stung his ego to admit it...
...was Ojama Yellow. And after what happened with his brothers (and with Fairy Dragon, which he found resting on top of a very inconveniently high branch of a tree), Manjoume fully expected the third Ojama to be sleeping in the trash can or somewhere equally stupid. Because if he wasn't, he'd have found him before any other card by simply following the sound of high-pitched crying mixed with a lot of screaming and weird Ojama noises-
-A sudden rattling sound interrupted the noiret's thoughts for the second time that day, and when he stopped to locate its source, he let out a long, drawn-out sound between a sigh and a groan. Surely enough, the sound was coming from the trash can by the cliff, which was shaking wildly and practically begging to be opemed. Feeling a migraine coming up, Manjoume turned left, walked up to the can, and with some difficulty, pried the lid off.
He instantly regretted it (he didn't) when the snot-faced creature that was Ojama Yellow exploded in his face, crying uncontrollably as he tried to hug Manjoume (keyword being 'tried'). His brothers all but sprang up from their cards, meeting him in a hug midair and effectively plucking him off his master for a bit as they all laughed and cried and did everything in between.
"Aww, look at how happy they are!" Kylie gushed, eyes almost sparkling. She lightly smacked Manjoume's back "You sure have a funny bunch of spirits, luckyyyy~"
Swatting away the Ojama trio and a pair of Catnipped Kitties before they tried sneaking up on him for a hug, Manjoume folded his arms and snorted in response "Yeah, sure."
But regardless, he found his lips quirking up in spite of himself. If it were me from three years ago, he mused I wouldn't have bothered with any of this in the first place.
But this wasn't the him from three years ago. This was the him of today, the Manjoume Thunder who'd gone through so much shit and learned from it to become a better Duelist, a better Duelist, and a better person. And while he had many people to thank for that, he also had to give credit for the monster spirits that followed him through all of the aforementioned shit, because as cringy, messy, bombastic and obnoxious as they might be, they were his partners, and he wouldn't give them up for anything in this world-
-Unless they tried to hug him again. Pissed beyond reason, Manjoume chased after the quintet of Level 2's, ignoring Kylie's hysteric laughter and the surprised yelps from other Duelists as they dashed around the area in circles, all the noise merging into a cacophony of angry hollering and frightened squeaking, among other sounds.
In the end, some things never change....for better or for worse.
Screw the actual Duel Links game for not including most of Manjoume's low-ATK monsters in his Starter/Lv 10 Deck (why tf is Catnipped Kitty a main Box card 4 years after his release?), and double screw them for splitting his Ojamas and Dragons into separate Decks.
I hate how his higher level Decks in the game completely disregard the former half of his cards; those are the ones that actually stuck with him in a meaningful way, not the Armed Dragons...they deserve some more recognition, so why not mix both archrtypes and slap in Ojamatch?
Also, yes, Standard Duelists actually exist here, so I decided to throw in my favorite GX girl AKA Kylie and have her interact a bit, and boy is she fun to write.
Headcanon: Kylie considers Manjoume (and everyone else, but especially him) her best friend because she basically has Yuuma's mentality of 'Anyone I Duel becomes an amigo!', and by sheer dumb luck, the two keep logging in at the same time and often get matched up in PvP Duels.
That's part of why she's so familiar with him (and also why she calls him Manjo-kun) and as you can see, Jun does not approve.
Aaaand this would be everything for Day 7! Expect to see me again...in a week from now. By Day 15 to be exact. In the meantime, if you’d like to follow my prompts for the month, I’m posting them all on ArchiveofOurOwn: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33473653/chapters/83489824
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seyaryminamoto · 5 years
I feel like i'm gonna regret asking this but what is hiby
Oh. Ohohoho, oh. I recently answered this to someone else (not on this blog), I suppose there are so many newcomers in this fandom lately that HIBY has become slightly less known than it used to be.
HIBY stands for How I Became Yours, the most polemic and catastrophic fancomic in the history of the Avatar franchise. If you thought any of the official comics were problematic in any sense, woah boy, they’re goddamn flawless masterpieces compared to this thing.
Every possible angle of HIBY is problematic. Spot-on accusations of tracing were the main reason why Deviantart took down Jackie Diaz’s profile and comic from their platform. I heard Nickelodeon also got involved legally, not 100% sure on that front, but if true, they cracked down on her because she attempted to profit off this clunky mess of an inconsistent story by claiming it was somehow an official sequel to ATLA. To clarify, this last thing is something I was told, I can’t find actual sources to confirm it… so maybe I heard an exaggerated account of the tale of HIBY and it never went that far. Nevertheless, this comic didn’t need to escalate into a legal problem to be absolutely abhorrent.
In regards of art, HIBY somehow keeps discarding the asian-inspired setting seen throughout ATLA and instead favors showing the characters in European castles and outfits that don’t fit anywhere within ATLA’s world at all:
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Katara is basically wearing a red version of Belle’s dress from Beauty and the Beast, if I’m not mistaken. The architecture of the place they’re at is so European it’s baffling (if I’m not mistaken, this is supposed to be Toph’s family’s house :’D). Also, it’s blatantly obvious that the background is a photograph, so she could’ve just as easily looked for photos of asian locations instead, but she picked european architecture because yes. Yet more blows against the possible artistic merits someone could offer this comic (if there’s any).
Now, though, the BIGGEST problem in HIBY is, of course, the story:
To recap: ATLA ends with Aang and Katara kissing at Ba Sing Se. Whatever problems someone may have with their relationship, or Mai and Zuko’s, or Sokka and Suki’s, it’s unquestionable that those three ships were canon by the end of the show.
Jackie Diaz’s SEQUEL COMIC doesn’t acknowledge this finale: somehow, Aang is in love with Toph but they’re not together despite there’s literally NOTHING in their way, since Aang and Katara weren’t together at all, according to Diaz. And Katara? Oh, she’s pining endlessly over Zuko, who somehow married Mai…
… Despite wanting Katara too.
… Despite he literally knocked up Katara back when the war was ending, which resulted in a miscarriage because of Mai’s wicked schemes~~!!
Can someone please explain to me in what world does it make sense for Zuko, FIRE LORD ZUKO, to be in a relationship with someone he doesn’t want, when the person he does want is RIGHT THERE, AVAILABLE, when there’s no real political consequences to ANYTHING that happens in this comic? You could say “oh no the Fire Nation people wouldn’t accept a Water Tribe woman…” … but then Zuko ends up with Katara anyways and the only problem is that Mai wants to kill them for that :’) so… no excuse works.
Basically there’s no real plot, the whole thing boils down to “I want these ships to happen and I need them to face hardships even if they don’t make sense”. The main hardship is that Mai doesn’t want her HUSBAND to carry out an affair with Katara. Zuko’s response to Mai’s obvious and reasonable complaint about their illicit relationship is to TURN VIOLENT WITH HER. And he’s the good guy :’)
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Mai has a non-existent older brother Sho, who looks like a BLEACH character with Ozai’s hairstyle, and together they will try to kill Katara because, welp, someone has to give them trouble, I guess. In all fairness, the only character with a relatively logical flow of thought in this damn trainwreck is Mai. I mean, “my piece of shit husband married me for political clout, got his mistress pregnant, I didn’t want the kid to be a problem for me so I induced a miscarriage in Katara by poisoning her, probs just wanted Katara dead altogether but whatever, I only got the kid. Then Zuko threw me away despite I’m his legal wife and I’m really pissed about it so I want Katara dead” is the smartest writing in this entire comic. And no, that’s not a compliment, it’s still stupid as fuck but that’s how much more stupid everything else is. 
So, the happy couples are, like I said, Zuko and Katara, who get together despite Zuko is married to Mai, Aang and Toph, who somehow weren’t together despite there’s nothing in the way, AAAND… 
… Sokka and fake!Azula. Because I refuse to acknowledge that thing as the Princess we all love and adore.
Frankly, I consider it a miracle that HIBY didn’t destroy our ship completely when it was posted online, seeing as it was amongst the most talked-about fanmade content in Avatar’s fandom at the time. If people no longer associate Sokkla with HIBY immediately, we’ve definitely done a good job saving our poor ship’s face and showing it’s got a fuckton of potential compared to the shitfest that comic portrayed.
Why is Sokkla so problematic in HIBY? Because of fake!Azula, of course. Why is she fake!Azula? Because she’s got plot-convenient amnesia! Turns out that, for some reason, Azula forgot all the events from ATLA (let’s be real, so did Jackie Diaz so it’s not just her) and she shows up in this comic as a completely different character, so much that, upon hearing about the TERRIBLE THINGS SHE DID AND WAS, her reaction is…:
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Fascinating, am I right? :’D She’s nice, sweet, shy and as good as brain-dead. And as she’s so sweet and cute now, somehow that becomes absolutely appealing for Sokka. And he falls for her, she falls for him, they bang dramatically, and so on and so forth…
Eventually Azula sacrifices herself in the final battle when Mai and her brother try to kill everyone and oh no! Sokka’s love interest dies again! Such a shocker, however, that Sokka goes to the Spirit World to save her, and unlike Iroh he succeeds… but what does Azula look like post-Spirit World shenanigans?
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… Yeah, okay, fake!Azula calling anyone her “little angels” is just proof of how IC she is, if you had any doubts still.
But isn’t it FUNNY. Isn’t it HILARIOUS. That Azula not only undergoes an atom-deep brainwipe that turns her into a flat non-character, but that after dying she’s revived with WHITE HAIR, dressed in blue clothes and whatnot…?
My interpretation, and honestly, I don’t know if there’s any other possible interpretation… Jackie Diaz wanted Sokka to be with Yue :’) She fucking wrecked Azula’s character to turn her into a fake!Azula, who would eventually turn into fake!Yue after being resurrected because oh that’s just perfect to close off Sokka’s storyline, isn’t it? Only, he’s not with Yue nor with Azula because it’s neither of them. Just as it isn’t really Sokka either, or Katara, or Zuko or Aang or Toph.
Now, revisiting this trainwreck, there is a throwaway line where Ty Lee, in her (I think) only appearance in the story tells Katara that Suki and Sokka broke up. So um, Suki does exist, officially, in this comic, and she did date Sokka but it ended, and she’s back in Kyoshi Island with her team. 
Which elicits the question… why the fuck is she Mai’s maid?
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I assure you, if you decide to delve deeper into this mess, you’ll absolutely find a lot more things to laugh about, to be outraged about, and to facepalm about while you wonder how on earth would someone, ANYONE, create something like this and not die of cringe looking at the finished product. It’s baffling to me.
At any rate, if you’d like to torture your own eyeballs reading this comic for yourself, there’s a Tumblr blog that gathered HIBY perfectly neatly for all curious eyes eager to torture themselves with this OOC fest. If you want more details than I care to remember about this catastrophic mess of a story, there’s always the TV Tropes page, which I think illustrates everything rather well. 
So… that’s HIBY. While I don’t think it should be sentenced to oblivion (we had best never forget the lowest lows the fandom has reached, else someone might be tempted to outdo them), this particular fanwork is quite the trainwreck in just about every regard. I really don’t think there’s anything worth salvaging in it. So, if you wanna read the whole thing (I’d be surprised if you would xD), knock yourself out in the blog link I posted up there. Otherwise, have a nice day if you still can after reading my answer to your ask :’D
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ktheist · 5 years
↳ previous chapter. / next chapter.
vampire!reader x human!jungkook
Seulgi’s sultry voice calls after you - which cannot be. She hates your guts and the fact that nobody can touch you just because Namjoon is your maker. It didn’t make any sense until she describes that a man - a mortal - is in the main hall, looking for you and he's smelling more and more delicious by the second.
“You cannot be here, you fool.” Is the first thing that leaves your lips once you trudge down the corridor and yank his arm out of its socket to your chambers, glaring at every crimson eyes that sets themselves on him.
“I haven’t seen you for weeks, I - I just wanted to make sure-”
“No, Jungkook,” your nose flares, your fangs bared and your eyes, they must mirror your anger: a sheen of gold and red, “don’t - don’t use me as an excuse to feed on your obsession for bloodsuckers.”
He doesn’t say a word.
He doesn’t need to when he throws his gaze to his feet and clutch and un-clutch his hands on his sides.
“You were begging for one of them to bite you.”
“What if I were? Fine, I want to be changed and...” he pauses, the twinkle in his eyes almost seem like sorrowful, and yes, begging, tears - almost, “...and if you weren’t going to I -”
The claws elongating from your fingers can almost cut the tension in the air as deathly silence fall between the two of you. For once, you wish there are windows in your chambers so you could have a view of the cityscape even though you would sneer at the poor taste of music blaring from the pub 9 blocks away or laugh at what seems empty words of admiration shared between the couple from across the street - anything except having to look at him in the eye and tell him another painful, hard ‘no’.
“What you do is not my business but it becomes mine when you come into my territory, luring my people to you. There’s another coven over in the neighboring -”
All of a sudden, the room is filled with a scent of sweet, sweet blood. You find yourself taking a long, pleasured whiff before realizing that you’re in a lair full of bloodsuckers and none of the chambers are smell-proof. It takes less than one millisecond to cross the room and a few more for you to lick the cut on Jungkook’s arm clean, all the while glaring at him as he meets your gaze steadily.
You lick the corner of your lips, gaining your other senses and cursing how much of a shitfest is going on outside - some have begun biting one another from the various smell of blood in the air. Some have left to hunt and there are two traipsing behind your doors back and forth as though they would aim for his neck the moment you call for them.
He watches like a curious child as you tear a strip of your nightgown and wrap it around the cut but not before tearing the pocket knife off his hand and giving him a warning look.
“It has my scent on it. Least it’ll do is make them back off cause they’ll think I’ve marked you which I don’t.” You add the last part when you hear his blood rushing faster through his veins.
“So you’re kind of a big deal around here?”
“If you call being forced to take up the right hand woman job to maintain order in this shithole that, then yes, I kind of am a big deal around here.”
Throwing on some jeans and a suede jacket, you beckon him to follow you through the door with a side reminder to ‘stay close to me’ until you see hard set of eyes looking back at you.
Sighing, you let go of the door handle and face him, arms crossed, “this isn’t a place for mortals. The longer you’re here the higher your chances of getting sucked the life out of you and I kind of got this post because I’m Namjoon’s... menial-”
“...that’s just another word for a servant.’
“Us vampires have preferences like you mortals do but a little less complicated,” you almost roll your eyes, “Anyway there are a few vampires who are looking to start shit up just so they can get me kicked, so do me a favor and listen to me for once: get out.”
There’s a fight within himself initially but the rational one - the human part - of him won when he sighs and nods as though coaxing himself that there will be another time and day for adventures.
The two bloodsuckers outside of your chambers are gone by the time you’re done reminding him to not go wandering off on his own. Pushing away the nagging feeling in your chest, you keep your face cool and stoic as you walk with him all the way to the brighter side of the city where mortals are still bustling around, chatters and car engines filling the air, couple walking arm-in-arm, children crying and no the night creatures in sight.
An arm wraps around you just as you’re about to turn to him and a pair of warm lips press on yours. He tastes like mint and cheap beer which is an indication of what could have given him the balls to look for you through the not-so-secret tunnel beneath the city hall.
“I want-” 
You place a finger over his lips, shushing him softly. Then, he’s grasping onto thin air, eyes blinking rapidly as though he dreamed holding you in his arm while you watch, standing over the 39th level of the building a block away. He tries to look for you in the crowd for a full two minutes before cursing, hands running through his fingers before realizing you’re gone for good - or so he thinks, as he mutters underneath his breath what he failed to say.
“You, I just want you.”
check out my masterlist for more of my writings! :)
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orlha · 5 years
Kakashi/Sakura - Romantic ♡ 3. Where character B is their soulmate Please♡♡♡
Notes: SOOOO This is supposed to be a drabble. But heeeey SURPRISE it’s not? Hope you like it anyway, I might add that it’s not terribly fluffy either.
Civiliansconsidered themselves adults when they received their soulmarks at eighteen.Shinobis didn’t care too much about their soulmarks or tried not to at least.Not all soulmates meet, and if they do, not all of them meet on friendlyterms.  
Kakashiknew that the chance of having an out-village soulmate was rare, yet he hadseen how Rin had reacted when Obito died, seen how his father had chosen deathover him, seen Sensei picked death over living without Kushina. His soulmarkappears, “No, you stupid man. You are not dying under my watch!” curvingdown his palm. Cursive and almost unreadable words. 
Inanother world without shinobis, without pain and the ever-hanging death,Kakashi thinks he might have been loved and loved back. But he’s not in anotherworld. He’s here, where the people closest to him have chosen to die, wherethey had died leaving him alone. 
Gaiassures him that soulmates always meet each other. It’s fate and no matter howfar he runs, he’ll always come back to the same fork. It leaves a bitter tastein Kakashi’s mouth. He doesn’t someone, doesn’t want someone else to die onhim. Gai… Gai is the only one he trusts not to die on him. Too much energy andoptimism, too much youth. 
So hedistances himself. 
FromTenzo who pursued his friendship, from Asuma who tried to rekindle their‘broship’ after his long absence, from Team seven who was a mockery of what hisown team had been. 
Hebarely trains his genin, barely cares when Naruto was apprenticed to Jiraiya orwhen Sakura is apprenticed to Tsunade. They were barely his students. 
Yethere they are again. Tsunade refusing to let him fade into anbu, forcing him toreform his team. 
Hehates it, hates how people push him, with supposedly comforting words that hissoulmate was out there somewhere.  
Hedoesn’t care. He tells himself that every time. His soulmate is probably dead,or out-village and he doesn’t care. 
Theyare all lies. 
Becausehe does. 
He’sjust abandoned. 
Inspite of people’s popular beliefs, Sakura worked hard to get top kunoichi. Sheknew it wouldn’t matter in the long run. Academy scores didn’t matter in thereal world, but that was all she had to prove to her next superiors that shewas competent. Never mind that she didn’t have a senior shinobi to train herlike all the clan kinds, never mind that some days her parents ‘forgot’ to feedher.  
Sakurais good. 
She hasto be. 
She’snot like Ino who had parents to fall back on after graduating. Sakura had neverhad that kind of affection. She imagines that when she gets her soulmark, meetsher soulmate that they would fall passionately in love. She’d be tucked intohis arms, she would be loved. 
It’sthese thoughts that keep Sakura going even when her jounin sensei turns out tobe a distant and barely teaching them anything beyond referencing books to readon.  
Sakurareads these books voraciously. No one is going to help her if she doesn’t helpherself. She summons her own courage to request for an apprenticeship with Tsunadeand spends her next few years proving herself that she is competent, that sheis worth teaching. 
Becauseno one else cares if she doesn’t.  
Shishousends her on a mission with her former Team Seven just near her birthday. Anddespite it being a fairly low ranked mission for shinobis of their status,Sakura thinks that Shishou hadn’t counted for the Team Seven luck. 
Whatshould have been an almost idyllic mission turns into a shitfest. Turns out theperson they were escorting was some long-lost prince who now inherited thekingdom and by mandate was returning to ascend the throne and the councillorwho had looked after the kingdom for twenty years was disgruntled enough tosend Iwa-nins to kill him.
That’s not important. 
Sakurawas busy fighting off Iwa-nins and their stupid explosive jutsu when Kakashitakes an almost fatal hit for Yamato. Quickly, with Sai’s help, she disengagesand flickers to Kakashi, hauling him to the side where Naruto’s clonessurrounded them in a protective circle. 
“No,just leave me,” Kakashi says even as she fights to manually pump his blood andheal that hole in his torso.  
“No,you stupid man. You are not dying under my watch!” she snarls. She presses on,leaving Naruto to deal with anyone attempting to interrupt her and divesin.  
It’smaybe minutes or hours later when she wakes from her healing trance,disoriented by the lack of veins and cells in her vision. A hand helps her up. 
“Kaka-senseiwill be fine.” Hands press food into her hands as soon as she’s seated by thefire. 
She blinks.  
Thestars above have bloomed across the dark twilight sky, the Iaw-nin bodies hadbeen burnt or sealed away, a small smokeless campfire had already been startedand Kakashi was tucked under a blanket next to Yamato, his half-lidded eyewatching her. 
Shedoesn’t care if she saved Kakashi against his will. Only stupid man does stupidthings like that. He can hate her for all she cares. He wouldn’t be the firstor the last to do so. Sakura forces herself to eat the stew Sai had given her.Tomorrow she’ll need to check on him and considering how he chose to dieinstead of being healed, she already knows it’d be a fight. 
To hersurprise, Kakashi doesn’t put up a fight the next day. He lets her press hermedical chakra in, check his torso and even his eyes.  
Andwhen everything checks out, Naruto heaves their long-lost prince onto his backand starts the trip to the Kingdom of Stars. Now that they’re aware of actualthreats, they’re more cautious about leaving traces behind.  
Sakuratries not to recall the way Kakashi refused to let her heal him. So it seemsthat her choice of people to have crushes on always are people who areemotionally unavailable. She’s been down that way once, abandoned at thevillage gates. It wouldn’t surprise her if her soulmate would be equallyuninterested in her.  
Themission ends successfully, and they’re invited to stay in the palace for a fewdays. The Kingdom of Stars is gorgeous. Unlike the Kingdom of Moon, the mostpicturesque thing about the Kingdom of Stars is their sky. The trail ofnorthern lights dancing across the sky, beset with shimmering stars.  
Sakurastares out into the sky, the light wisp of smoke escaping her mouth as shebreathes. It’s a place she wouldn’t mind retiring to. The placid lifestyle ofthe people here, their earnest laughter.  She thinks she could be happyhere. 
She hadfinally gotten her soulmark during the mission. It’s across her hip and shedoesn’t care what it says anymore. It’s stupid yearning for something she’llnever get or even brooding over it. When this mission is over, she’ll go backto the hospital where no one cares, back to her one room apartment.  
Sakuraisn’t meant for happiness or love. 
She’sso lost in her thoughts that his voice almost startles her off the roof.Kakashi grabs her, his hand lingers on her arm before he sticks it back intohis pockets. His shoulders are slumped, radiating the feeling of exhaustion. 
“Areyou okay?” The weapons that the Iwa-nin weren’t likely to be poisoned. She wouldhave noticed if it were, but there’s always the chance for human error. Sheputs a hand on his, double checking his system for any infection or poison. 
That’sweird, his hands are bare. Kakashi always wears his gloves. 
Sheturns his hand and gasps. There are thick calluses across his palm, especiallyon the fingertips and across the palm, almost down to his wrist is undeniablyher handwriting.  
“No,you stupid man. You are not dying under my watch!” it says.  
Sheslowly looks up at him. His mismatched eyes look back at her nervously.  
“Ibelieve these are your words,” he says carefully.  
Sakuracan hear her blood pounding in her ears, the colour in her face bleeding out asshe processed the situation. She pulls her shirt up, wrenching part of herpants down. Splayed across her hip, the narrow but neat writing are the words “no,just leave me.” 
“Those…are definitely my words and handwriting.” His hand curls up to grip hers.  
Shebarks a mirthless laugh and shakes his hand off, stepping back several steps.“So…” she starts in a quivering voice and hates herself for the weakness. “…I’m marked with your suicidal words.” 
Sheturns away and the frustration of the entire situation, the helplessness feltso overwhelming that she couldn’t stop tears from gathering in her eyes. 
She wasright.  
Thepeople always had crushes on were emotionally unavailable and that apparentlyincluded her soulmate, the man she had a crush on for the last two years. Also,the man who is suicidal and had such a blatant disregard that shishou forcedthem to have a medic at all times. 
Underall her doubts and sarcasm, Sakura had hoped that her soulmate would be someonewho loved her, where she could finally be love and be loved in return. 
“I’mnot…” he murmurs behind her. “…suicidal…” 
Hereaches out to clasp her shoulder.  “Sakura…” 
“Don’tworry, I’ll be fine even if you leave,” she tells him. She had seen shinobislike Kakashi. She knows what would happen. She won’t cry over this, or so shetells herself as she ignores the tight clenching in her chest.  
Becauseno one would care if she isn’t alright and her parents would be smug in theknowledge that they were right; that even her soulmate didn’t want her. 
“Let metry, please.” His fingers tightened and she looks up at him. Hissharingan still spinning slowly, his hair almost fey in the dimmoonlight.  
Shepulls a shuddering breath from her lungs, schooling the trembling in herhands.  
“Youdidn’t care to teach any of us anything. Didn’t care who I went to or if I hadto go to genin corps. Why? Why should I?” 
“I’mnot suicidal. I just… There’s a point where you don’t care because you’ve beenabandoned by everyone that loved you and I know I fucked up, but please.”His eyes are desperate. 
“Atleast you’ve been loved,” she says, scrubbing the tears furiously away with hersleeve. “I’ve never even once!” 
“Thenlet us try. We’re soulmates right? There has to be a reason for it…” he says.His tone full of self-deprecation. “Gai said that its fate and that no matterhow far we try to run from it, if it’s fate, we’ll come back to the same fork.So since we’re at the fork now. It’s better to try. I… I am still terrified ofmaking have new people join my ring of important people…” 
Herlips twist and Sakura laughs a wet laugh.  
“Andprove them wrong?” she asks. “All the people who said that no one would loveyou.” 
“I’ll standback and watch you crush them?” He thumbs her tears away. 
“Okay.”She presses her face into his palm, his eyes softening. 
Andperhaps no one believed it would last. Some soulmates die young together, somesoulmates never quite work out. 
Betweentheir multitude of issues and age gap, no one believed Kakashi and Sakurawould.  
Butthey did. 
Curledup in each other’s arms, under the tall Sakura tree, watching the petals fallaround them, they finally found the happiness, peace and love they had longedfor.  
Untilthey were old and wrinkled, grey and aged.  
Kakashipresses a kiss into her greying hair and thinks of the northern lightsreflected in her pink hair then and he would have it no other way.
Prompts are still open all the way until New Year’s Eve if you want to send any in :)
Tumblr prompts list: here
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xxsanshinexx · 5 years
Chapter Two: The Pack
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Chapter 1| Jungle City | Chapter 3
Alpha and you ran, through crowded streets of manic pedestrians and through streets where not even the wind whispered. Yet the screams of the plaza were still there no matter how far you ran; the Mayor’s voice blaring through the speakers that covered the entirety of the city and through the announcement drones. It wasn’t until the pair of you made it to a district you had never set foot in before did Alpha slow down. Chain-link fences covered nearly every inch of the buildings, banners and graffiti covering everything else; but, yet the Jungle City flag still waved above it all.
“Just this way,” Alpha whispered, tugging you towards a cut in a fence, blocking off a dark building that looked like it had seen much better days. You followed him without hesitation, taking note of how weathered the fences were and how the door you stood before looked like it had been reconstructed several times.
“Where are we?” Your voice matched the scene, quiet and eerie, as you watched Alpha raise his fist to the door; knocking in a way too specific to be normal.
“This is district nine…. An abandoned district left for those in poverty or those who seek retribution.” He knocked loudly again, his regard for secrecy seemingly gone once he had pulled himself through the fence. You couldn’t lie, beyond the fence the world seemed different; lawless.
“Cub open the damn door!” He yelled, annoyance clear in his voice, “We’re gonna die out here if you don’t.”
“Oh shut the fuck up, Alpha.” A lazy voice drawled as the metal door swung open to reveal a pretty boy, with dark hair and a cat like glint in his gaze, “Cub’s out, went to salvage what he could from that shitfest to sell to The Raven.”
“Nice to see you too, Feline.” Alpha scoffed, hand tightening ever so slightly on your own but all you could do was be highly amused by the way the boys spoke to one another.
Feline rolled his eyes and opened the door wider for the two of you, “Oh just shut the hell up and get in here so you can stop using that stupid code name.”
Alpha stepped in before you and you went to follow suit, but a hand was slammed harshly into your shoulder. Feline raised his eyebrow at you, lips curling up in a sneer despite Alpha’s displeased sigh. “We don’t just let anyone in here.”
“They saved me from getting myself killed.” Alpha huffed, pushing Feline’s hand off of your shoulder with a tone akin to one in a leadership position. “They’re safe. Now let’s get off the street.”
Feline gave you one more harsh glare before fully removing his hand from you to shut the door, the room encased in darkness save for the few red lights. You had no idea how they could live in this, the complete darkness with only the steps illuminated; but it seemed it wasn’t their right to decide that. Darkness tended to accompany safety.
Alpha kept his hand on yours as he led you down the stairs. There was a faint radio playing from somewhere below, the only sound save for your clamoring footsteps on the cement stairs. Feline had disappeared somewhere into the dark abyss and you weren’t too keen on the idea of letting him out of your sight. The only thing keeping you from not trying to find him was the steady comfort that Alpha gave off, especially as your feet hit the bottom of the stairs; leading you into an open room much lighter than the stairwell you had been in. It was a meeting room of sorts, a large circular table with discarded chairs around it besides one where a boy sat, succumbed to the light of his laptop.
“What are you doing here?” Alpha asked, his footsteps louder than the news audio emitting from the laptop.
“Observing… quite the mess was made out their Ch-” the boy paused as he looked up, his once mellow demeanor replaced with a shocked one, “... Alpha.”
“They’re fine.” Alpha shook his head, running his free hand down his features. “Stopped my dumb ass from making a risky move.”
“Is that enough for them to join The Pack?” The boy at the laptop scoffed before he turned back to the screen, “You made me take like five tests.”
“That’s because you’re our only hacker.” Alpha sighed, pulling out a chair and gesturing you to take a seat which you gladly did so. The weight of the day was finally beginning to weigh down on your shoulders. “You needed to have all the best skills.”
The boy rolled his eyes and shook his head in your direction, “Anything is better than Felix and his computer skills, I suppose.”
“Do i get to know your names now?” You asked, your voice working for the first time since you had arrived, making both males turn their heads towards you. “Or do I still have to call you by those silly codenames?”
“See? What did I tell you Chan, they’re stupid!” Feline huffed as he stalked into the room from the shadows, his arms extended to the male who had taken you along with him. So his name was Chan? You looked over him once, taking in his amused expression once more, before nodding slightly. You liked Chan much better than Alpha.
“They’re safe. There’s a difference.”
“Not when your codename is fucking Feline.” He huffed and crossed his arms over his chest like a child.
The boy at the computer just scoffed at his antics, “Try being Beagle… God who let Jeongin pick the codenames again?”
“I think it’s cute,” you smirked, making sure Feline caught the amusement glinting in your eyes. “Kitty.”
“Even the newbie is taunting me.” He huffed, catching the way his friends lips quirked upwards at your remark. It was a nice thing to see after such a long day.
Chan reached out to touch your arm, bringing your full attention back to him. “What’s your name-”
“Oh what a fucking gentleman you are, Chan. Dragging them off without even knowing their name-”
“Shut it Kitty Cat,” Feline’s expression turned sour and Chan took that time to finally speak, his voice steady. “My name is Bang Chan, I did promise I’d tell you that. Now what’s yours?”
“Y/n.” You said, everything in you telling you not to say a single word but you couldn’t help it. Something about this place, with the dark red lighting and rooms in darkness, something about it felt right. “L/n, Y/n.”
“Well it’s nice to know the name of the person who saved my ass-”
“Because Chan has impulse problems, he sees something? Usually has to do it.” The boy at the laptop said with a grin, “He’s a great leader really just an idiot sometimes.”
“That is Seungmin, also known as Beagle; our hacker and resident smartass.” Chan rolled his eyes and drifted over to where Feline sulked against a pole. “Would you like to introduce yourself or are you going to sulk?”
He rolled his eyes and stood up, “My name is Minho. If you ever call me Kitty again I will shoot you.” With that he was off, gliding down the darkened hallways accompanied by Seungmin’s chuckling and Chan’s tired sigh.
“Minho’s very dramatic you’ll come to find.” Seungmin said as he continued to type away on his keyboard, but this time you noticed the way his laptop was connected to more cords than you had fingers; some of them running all the way up to the ceiling.
“How many of you are there?” You tentatively asked, eyes trailing from the cords on the ceiling to the plethora of chairs that littered around the table. There were seven you could count.
“Technically? Nine.” Chan started, his fingers beginning to absentmindedly bounce against the white wood. “We have two honoraries, they come and go as pleased. We can’t do too much about them though because their supplies are necessary to us. Ones that live here though, we have seven. The rest of them our probably out trying to… find and salvage what they can from the events of the plaza. Minho is the third in command and you know what Seungmin does. You’ll meet the others later.”
“So what are you guys?” You said, brows furrowed as you tried to take it all in, missing the way Chan stared at you curiously. “I get it, you’re some resistance or whatever. A small group of freedom fighters… so what are you and what are you trying to do.”
Chan couldn’t help but stare at you in that moment. No one ever asked what they were trying to do right away; what they were at their core. He could see you hadn’t had much experience with the resistance groups, but that didn’t matter to him. Woojin was their best man and he had started off clueless. Jeongin was innocent to the ways of war and politics and now he knew more than anyone in their crew. With the way your mind worked, the way you could spot things so easily and get to the point; they needed more of that.
“We’re trying to live.” Chan started slowly, capturing both you and Seungmin’s attention. “We’re trying to get the world out of the hands of people who aim to control it and into the hands of those who aim to make it grow… make it a place where we don’t fear one another… and where we live lives not of rebellion but of something more.”
You couldn’t help the small grin that began to take over you lips. You had waited half of your life to hear those words; the promise of something more than being scared to speak, to act, to live. Now it was being handed to you on a silver platter.
“So,” You said leaning back in your seat, looking at both of the boys who stared at you expectantly. “Do I have to get an invitation to join or do I just have to say yes?”
Chan laughed, a sound you wouldn’t have expected from someone you had just sprinted the entirety of the city with, and Seungmin just shook his head though you could see the glimmer of a smile on his lips. These bright boys weren’t who you thought would be apart of the rebels; not with the way they smiled or laughed despite the world around them. It only made you want to fight with them more.
“So, L/n, Y/n.” Chan said after a moment of laughter, eyes trailing up to meet your own in an intense gaze. One only needed for something that was in reality quite serious. “Do you want to join The Pack.”
You cocked your head to the side in thought, though your mind was entirely made up. “You’ll have to show me what you’re all about.”
“That’ll be easy.”
“And do I get a stupid codename, Alpha?”
Chan scoffed over Seungmin’s chuckles, nearly regretting the thought of bringing another sarcastic shit into the family. “Only if Jeongin likes you.”
@kwanismsworld @uwu-yifan
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ygsneglectedchild · 6 years
YG Treasure Box Rant ep. 2
yoyoyo! It’s ya girl and I am drunk and I am angry.. and sad and downright pissed. So here I am, ranting about everything that’s good and bad but mostly bad about YG Treasure Box.
YG Introduced J Team to his Korean trainees and Yedam, that intellectual Bang Yedam, commented on how there is already a bunch of trainees in the first place. Why in the seven hells of Kpop did he bring those trainees that are tbh in perfectly good condition on their own to debut in Japan? Why?
Team J was scouted in their early years and have been in the Japanese branch of the dungeon for ages. Did y’all know YG has trainees at YG Japan? I thought the deal was just to debut Korean artists via their partnership with Avex but boy was I wrong
They asked Team J to learn KOREAN... a Japanese group of boys to study Kpop in their own country where they could have perfectly debuted as a Jpop group with a Korean brand of marketing and promotion. What exactly is YG Japan’s Business Plan?
To be honest, YG Japan and YG Team A/Silver Boys should have been pitted against each other rather. Storylines that could have happened if Raesung and Noa are on the show:
Producing Battle - Millenium vs. Asahi
Japanese vs. Japanese - Noa vs. a fellow Japanese Trainee
Yedam VS. Keita - instead of Yedam X Keita
Haruto vs. BEX - Let’s be honest, GON was literally edited out of YGTB and was made a total nuisance :(
Junkyu crying in the corner after TEAM J’s bit was heartbreaking
Battle of the Visuals aka when all of Korea shat on the trainees for not being Kim Jinwoo level
These kids talking about their jawlines make me choke.
Choi Hyunsuk said that they only picked Junkyu to build his confidence is salty AF. I stan.
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I think Kim Junkyu’s personality is more attractive than his face.. tbh.
The moment when YG mentioned that Haruto’s mom is a Bigbang fan.. he is a shoo-in.. like seriously, guaranteed his debut right then and there. Side note: I want to grow up like his mom and I can’t wait till she meets G-Dragon, SOL, TOP and definitely D-Lite,
Seungri gave such mature advice to Haruto, I cry. Seungska for president!
Haruto’s rap: his palms are sweaty.. meeting Seungri was heavy, before heading to Korea, had Mom’s Spaghetti
Hartuto’s bit was supe long.. I wish they had equal screentime for everyone. Like who dafuq is Seokhwa and that guy who grocery shopped with Yedam in the XMAS V-live.. who???
Haruto’s confidence about his looks is a bit obnoxious but he ain’t lying so I can’t fault him for anything.
YG got a massive boner for Haruto’s rap. 
Kim Junkyu’s eye-rolling after YG made his assessment is a goddamn mood
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It died, along with that Mixnine debut group you said you will debut you bastard...
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Did he die? I bet this was Hyunsuk’s idea..
Also, just by watching this, I hope YG knows the mental effect that he has with people who look up to him. He is toxic.
Also, after the bullying that Junkyu got.. YG gave him a goddamn LANYARD? or was it a Belt? or Bag Handle? wtf
YG gave trainees breadcrumbs for working hard
Dance battle.........
Kim Doyoung is a prodigy that needs to be protected. The casting director got more screentime than him.
Kotaro is super light on his feet, but I like it better when he does the small footwork..
Rap Battle...
Show me the Trainee... 
Choi Hyunsuk is super good but I agree with YG when he said that Hyunsuk looks goddamn weird when he lowers his chin... in thew trainee days, and also YG was also right that the lyrics and the rap should go first before the gestures but damn.. the way YG said it was so frustrating.
Junhyuk - This kid has swag
YG has planned the Hyunsuk vs Junhyuk battle from this episode. YOU CAN TELL IT WAS A SETUP.
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The whole mood of the program tbh
Vocal Audition AKA the battle of YG’s favs
Jyunhao is so good and raw, YG shouldn’t ruin that. I will slap a bitch if they do,
Kim Seunghun’s Station of the Cross.. like this is where all the shitfest started for him.
Lee Midam had all the reasons to run away tbh. He flubbed a performance that he most likely got shat on for off cam. I used to sing in public when I was a teenager and I had a hard time adjusting with my lowered tone so my voice cracked numerous times in public. It was not a good feeling to have and I can’t fault him for fleeing.
Yedam vs. Jeongwoo is ANOTHER SETUP fucking hell. Yedam is a pizza that’s ready to go out of the oven.. you just have to put him in a pretty box. Jeongwoo still needs to have pineapples removed but he’s on his way. He is super good and the feeling that he gets when he sings is so evident even to the listener.
Blackswan should be a group song and should be included in Treasure’s debut album. 
Hearing Jeongwoo sing When We Were Young is just like that moment when Daesung sang This is the Moment in his drama.
When YG reviews Yedam it feels like he’s still in Kpopstar. He was so kind.. but if it’s Seunghun, it’s downright bullying.
This battle format is fun and all.. but should not have been used for the rankings. The ranking is retarded wtf. They didn’t even give us the criteria. 
This episode is where we found out that there will be no such thing as TRANSPARENCY in this whole program.
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britneyshakespeare · 5 years
thanks nancy @pavlovers for tagging me 💖✨🤧 now i get to talk to myself which is my favorite thing ever
rules– answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people who you want to get to know better
nickname(s): a couple, but i wish i had more epithets. the mysterious one. (the bi ace poetess)
zodiac sign: i blow in my tissue more personal information than this
height: 5′7
last movie I saw: uh i dont know but i got a bad movie night coming up w a bunch of my new College Friends (i became cool recently but only w a bunch of white improv guys so it’s... small prize i guess) and we’re gonna watch the room and a bunch of other shitfests like that. it’ll be. fun. two of them own matching tommy wiseau boxers. i hate to say it but i looked it up after and
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they’re kinda stylish.
last thing I googled: well, now it’s tommy wiseau boxers.
favourite musician: 💖💗💕💞💞✨ MARiANNE ✨💞💞💕💗💖 FAITHFULL 🐇🌸🌷😘😍😸 BARONESS VON SACHER-MASOCH 😸😍😘🌷🌸🐇
song stuck in my head: i was talking to kaily in the car on the way to barnes & noble, and i said something about DNCE’s cover of Do Ya Think I’m Sexy with Rod Stewart, and then when i was waiting in line to pay, it came on in the store. DNCE’s cover of Do Ya Think I’m Sexy with Rod Stewart.
other blogs: follow @creatediana if you want my body and if you think i’m sexy (come on sugar tell me so)
following: 839
followers: 2885
do I get asks: yeah a little. little asks. very small ones.
amount of sleep: certainly enough
lucky numbers: i almost bought paradise lost by john milton when i was in barnes & noble and i was really tempted to, because i’m an early-modern english slut, but i’ve been in the middle of the knight’s tale (from chaucer’s canterbury tales) for weeks now in between a bunch of other reads. but you know, paradise lost is comparable to canterbury tales, because they’re both long english poems. but i’m rereading frankenstein by mary shelley for the first time since i was a SOPHOMORE IN HIGH SCHOOL (which references paradise lost and it’s quite thematically significant), and it’s really fascinating. and i haven’t read paradise lost in full, i feel like i HAVE to do that at some point. no, i don’t feel like it, i KNOW it. i do have to read milton. perhaps after i read more of the complete poems of alexander pope i got for christmas, i’m still in the pastorals, but really, i have so many volumes of poetry. most of which are cracked, because, like, no one just sits down and reads an entire volume of poetry in a couple of days like it’s a novel. yuck. no. you let it sit. i’ve been reading the complete poems of w. b. yeats for at least like a year and a half (serially. i’ve read random pieces here and there since 2016ish). and i like letting a poet’s works be a slow burn. but then again, most of my volumes ARE complete works. such as yeats, pope, rossetti, anne sexton. and others are collected but not complete, just highlights, like shelley, plath, tennyson. truly i don’t own many volumes which were meant to be read all together at once, which were published purposefully together and written in accord. but i do have canterbury tales, and the knight’s tale, that’s an especially long tale. it’s like, 2000+ lines. i can’t even tell you how many i’ve read. i started it as something i’d read between classes at college but i just finished finals on friday and don’t go back till september. and whenever i told myself i’d read something at school i typically didn’t, because when i have a free moment at school to really dig into a nice long-form reading, i’d just rather write something myself. i need to finish the knight’s tale before long, though, so i don’t forget everything about palamon and arcite and emily. i’m so silly for thinking i should’ve bought paradise lost. i’m so silly! i haven’t even finished canterbury tales. no, diana, you can buy paradise lost another day.
(what i did buy was two volumes of maya angelou & margaret atwood because i was feeling very modern poetry & very feminist. i prioritize Lady Literature always, i tell myself whenever i buy books that it’d be a disgrace if i put ALL of my money towards men—yuck!)
what I’m wearing: oh it’s a total Teacher Outfit. 
dream job: siren perhaps. poet. unrealistically wealthy teacher. enjoyable and electrifying widow who lives in a big house w a private library and has regular wine and cheese tastings on the second floor, mingling with a bunch of intellectuals and dilettantes, all of whom have at least mild disregard for each other but come for the appearance of being a member of High Society.
dream trip: i don’t think much about visiting PLACES so much as EVENTS. i always think it’d be much better to travel through time than space. if i could take a vacation into, say, early victorian england and hang out w the bronte sisters. or if i could mingle amongst the preraphaelites and pose for rossetti or waterhouse. pop into the 60s and fiddle around a melody on some exotic instruments with brian jones. those kinds of fantasies amuse me more than going to just, places. patches of dirt. i don’t like dirt, i like art and people.
favourite food: i eat more chocolate than anything else. that’s barely an exaggeration.
instruments played: haven’t played much of anything in awhile, but i’m trained in guitar.
languages: english is the only language i feel so privileged as to say i can speak and write comfortably, but i can read/understand varying levels of spanish, french, latin.
favourite songs: poem 16 by catullus
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just a little taste.
no actually that reminds me awhile ago i found some guy who made a bunch of catullus lines into a bad rap song and i love it.
random fact: my dogs are very very good & i love them.
aesthetic: i’m standing on a sidewalk i see w my eyeball watchin all these couples pass me by like that’s what i want china (that’s me) why did you break away like taiwan thinkin bout you every night like sleepin w the lights on
kay i’ll tag some buddies now whom i love @laurenthelyricist @sneez @bohemian-brian @captainweirdboots @mylittlehappy and you know. anyone else who sees this & wants to do it. just tag me i’ll be happy. :-)
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angstofdestiny · 6 years
Spawn’s choice
I haven’t been around for a while, so here you have
Tavaris sat in the chair, with forlorn expression. “I need to tell him. I need to ask him,” he said, running his hand through his messy hair. There were dark bags under his eyes and he obviously didn’t find time for his daily brushing ritual.
And he didn’t come to bed last night. All of that broke Zevran’s heart — as much as glimmering earring in his graceful ear warmed it. “What are you talking about, amor?” He asked softly. “Spawn. We have everything for the Joining. I can’t give any excuses any more. They let him leave only because I said I would Join him.” He was biting his lip so hard Zevran was worried he was going to break skin. “You are a man of your word,” Zev observed. “What is stopping you?” Tavaris sighed. “You don’t get it. Joining… It’s bad, alright?” He huffed, tugging at his braid. “There were three of us Joining, I was the only one who made it. And it’s only the beginning of the whole shitfest of shit.” Zevran smirked, standing up and walking behind Tavaris. “I think your eloquence might be one of the things I fell in love with,” he teased, placing soft kiss behind Tav’s ear. “I would like you to elaborate one day on that, yes? But now tell me what do you want to do about Spawn.” Tavaris sighed. “I don’t want him to leave. I want him with us.” He leaned back, resting his head on Zevran’s chest and looking up at him. “But at the same time I want to wrap him safely and ship to the other end of Thedas. Or at least give him money, supplies and send him to run from Wardens and Templars. There must be somewhere he can be safe without poisoning himself.” Zevran’s ears perked in attention at the word ‘poisoning’. He and his amor would have a serious conversation about that in the future. “How about you talk to him and let him decide?” He asked. “Spawn, apart of being gorgeous, is a smart, strong man. I think you can trust him to choose right for himself.” Tavaris worried at his lower lip even more, finally closing his eyes and breathing deeply. “You are right, lath. I should let him decide. But I’m scared I won’t be able to tell him everything he needs to know. I don’t know everything about being a Warden and what I know scares the shit outta me if I think about it too long.” “We will have a long talk, you and me, I hope you are aware,” Zevran bend over Tav pressing soft, upside-down kiss to his lips. Tav’s lips twitched. “How about you join me when I go talk to Spawn? I could use some company and I’d be blighted if I’m going to ask Alistair.” He let out a humorless bark of laughter. “Perfect word choice,” he said more to himself than to Zevran. “You know that I will come if you only wish.” Tavaris stood abruptly, banging his head on Zevran’s chin. The Antivan hissed, too surprised with the sudden move to avoid the painful hit. “I am so sorry, Zev,” Tav’s eyes narrowed in worry. Zevran smiled, rubbing the painful spot and kissed the crown of Tavaris’ head. “Do not worry about that, my fair hunter. When do you want to go?” Tavaris gave him almost resolute look, even though his hands shook slightly. “Now. Before I lose my nerve.”
They found Spawn in the Eamon’s library, engrossed in something that looked terribly boring to Zevran. The book was too thick for a leisure novel and the assassin was fairly certain there weren’t any pictures in the tome. “Spawn,” Tavaris’ voice rung clear. “I would like to talk to you about something important.” The mage looked up from his book with a smile that disappeared quickly when he noticed Tav’s severe expression. “Of course, Tav. Do you want us to go somewhere?” Tavaris looked around with a flicker of confusion in his eyes — his man wasn’t accustomed to libraries, Zevran remembered. “It’s quiet here, my dearest, we are alone and I can keep watch at the door so we would not be interrupted,” he offered. Tavaris’ shoulders relaxed a tiny bit and he nodded. “Here will be good.” He said, sitting in the chair next to Spawn. Zevran leaned on the door, blocking it with his own weight. Nobody would be able to enter without moving him out of the way. “So, what is this about?” Spawn asked, closing his book and putting it on the small table next to him. “I have all the ingredients for the Joining.” Tavaris started. “And the recipe.” Spawn raised one brow. “That’s a good thing, I thought.” Tavaris bit his lip so hard Zevran was really worried he was going to break the skin. “Not really,” he admitted. “I mean, we could use more Wardens, but…” He sighed. “The Joining is generally a shitty thing to do someone. I wanted to let you know that if you don’t want to go through with it, I would be happy to help you run away. With supplies, money, diversion, anything you need.” “Why would I want that?” Spawn was genuinely surprised. Tavaris rubbed the bridge of his nose, closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. “Alright, let’s start at the beginning. Apparently I shouldn’t tell you these things before the Joining, I wasn’t told myself, but I believe you have the right to know. I think it’s asshole move to not say that stuff upfront. So you should know.” He was babbling, playing idly with his fingers as he spoke. “Tavaris,” Spawn interrupted softly, making the young elf look up at him. There was a tenderness in his gaze that caught Zevran’s attention not for the first time. “Just tell me.” “It’s… The Joining, it’s deadly,” he finally said. “Even if you survive it and not everyone does, it’s deadly.” He bit his lip and Zevran focused on him, drinking the new information. “What it does, basically, is to infect the Warden with a benign form of the Taint. You drink magically prepared darkspawn blood. Some die immediately and it isn’t pretty…” He sighed, running his hand through his hair again. Zevran’s fingers itched for a comb. “And then, if you survive drinking, you get ten to thirty years after that before the Taint activates in its potent form. We end up either dead sooner or as ghouls on the Deep Roads.” Zevran’s heart clenched at this revelation. He never wanted forever, but now that he thought he might have a shot at it, hearing that the man that took his heart and soul wasn’t expecting to live past fifty — if he was lucky — made something deep in him twist painfully. He must have made a sound, because both Spawn and Tav looked at him abruptly, both alarmed. “Zevran?” Spawn spoke first, while Tavaris looked at him with eyes full of worry. “I apologise, my dears. It is simply an unsettling image,” Zevran forced himself to say. ‘Unsettling’ didn’t cover it, at all. “Do you need anything, lath?” Tavaris asked softly, and Zev wished to cut short the upsetting conversation and wrap himself around his beautiful archer, hoping that his love can stop the progress of time. Instead he forced smile. “Don’t mind me, amor, you have important things to talk about.” The look Tavaris gave him was rather doubtful, but he turned back to Spawn. “The Taint gives us some abilities and immunity to its rawer form, but we end up connected to darkspawn for life. And during the Blight we hear the Archdemon just like the Horde does.” He sighed. “My own Joining was forced on me and while I’m glad to be alive, it was a horrifying experience. I don’t want to do to you what has been done to me, Spawn, so if you’d like to leave, I’ll help in any way I can.” Spawn gave him a long look. “Where would I go, Tav?” He asked solemnly after a long pause. “If I run, I will be hunted. I will have to spend the rest of my life looking over my shoulder. I will never see you again.” He shook his head. “That’s not what I want. Join me, I will be happy and proud to fight at your side.” “But…” Tavaris interrupted with a desperate look on his face. “Thank you for giving me this choice, Tavaris,” Spawn said gently, taking his hand. “I really appreciate it. I haven’t been given many choices in my life.” He squeezed Tav’s narrow hand softly. “But I choose to stay. I want to stay. I am willing to pay the price. Let me be one of your Wardens, Commander.” “I am not…” Tavaris sighed deeply. “I am not a Commander.” “But you will be,” Spawn answered with absolute certainty in his voice. “Now how about you show me this recipe? I believe you need a mage to mix it up for you.”
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evis-cerate · 6 years
Past-Times Pass in Time...Or Not (w.i.p.)
^ working title Steve is bored. Bucky is desperate. They figure it out somehow. 
AKA Steve is a CDO who has everything except someone to call his own, and Bucky is a college student who will do anything to pay for his last year. Well, almost anything. Mostly. notes: bucky is a cat hybrid, first time sugar baby jitters, inexperienced as heck, etc. note for notlucy: you kept making Steve call Bucky all these sweet things in P.I. and described Bucky as a cat a lot, plus that underlying concern of bucky being used and idealized... it gave me ideas, man. 
ad posting: in need of someone to turn to for immediate physical and emotional comfort with the mutual understanding that there will be no feelings involved (it’s supposed to benefit us by both the release of inner frustration and desires away from the stresses of work and life!)  we will share affections in their purest forms: cuddles, kisses (even on the lips!), spoiling each other with little surprises. basically all things loving and fluffy but no commitment or attachment! playing pretend house or something. temporary is fine. compensation is OK, willing to assist.
Steve’s mouse hovered over the ad, contemplating for what seemed like the fifth time that week, the ad still a draft. Sighs. 
“A pet? Natasha, isn’t that a little low?”
“You need the extra cash, right? And it isn’t a crime to be a pet, Bucky. Not anymore, at least…”
“Maybe not, but fetishizing is pretty shitty.”
“True but it’s got its pros. Plus, there’s all these strict rules set in place, there’s screenings to make sure there’s no diseases or drugs or abuse involved. Completely safe.”
“Look, I’m not a. A prostitute or anything. And uhm I’m not completely healthy, pretty sure my liver is shit from all the smoking and drinking so if you...yea.”
Steve’s brows furrowed before it dawned on him. He takes in a deep breath slowly, rubbing his the side of nose, eyes closed as he decides between scoffing or seething visibly. Being accused of soliciting illegal services and organ harvesting was not how he expected his Sunday afternoon to turn out. “I think...there’s a been a misunderstanding.”
There was a soft, steady rumble erupting from his chest and, whoa, where did that come from?
“Is that--. Are you purring?” Bucky stuffs his face into Steve’s chest, voice muffled. “Shut up.”
“Can I talk about my day? I’m going to talk about my day.”
Steve would cut in and say no, that’s not how this works, but the kid is already going off about exams and other complaints about Menial Life Things. I mean, he could but it’s cute, how Bucky’s tail flicked in annoyance matching the intonation of his voice when he spoke of something that particularly irked him. So he indulged him this once. Maybe a few other times, too. And the ones after... And yea, he was screwed.
“I wasn’t looking to fall in love.” “No, just looking for a pasttime right?” And yea that wasn’t fair, considering Bucky signed up for money in the first place but fuck Steve Rogers, thank you very much.
“You know what, yes, yes I was. It would have been easier if it was but it isn’t and I’m glad it isn’t, Bucky, will you please get that through your head? I wasn’t going to just kick you to the curb once I realized what you were becoming to me, I’m not like that.” Not anymore, he thought. Stupid Bucky, why couldn’t he see? It’s his fault. Most pets had training, had understood what this contract meant, were prepared and usually didn’t get so attached, didn’t go on talking about their personal lives but Bucky was just so naive and clueless and endearing and stubborn and everything that made Steve weak and vulnerable and he hated it. No, loved it would be more accurate, mostly, because wasn’t that what he wanted? Companionship? Someone devoted to just him and whom he could devote his entire self right back? He could hear Peggy’s voice in his head replaying, be careful what you wish for, darling, that sounds an awful lot like something you’ve made a point to avoid. Damn that Carter and her infinite supply of perceptiveness and wisdom and borderline infallibility. She wasn’t wrong, which brought on his next realization.
He was the idiot. Not Bucky. And he was losing him. Fast.
“What did you expect? They’re human too, Steve, by a large percentage. They are not A.I.” No, that would be a different problem altogether and Steve had no intention of entertaining that thought, nope. Though Steve felt like he would rather face the shitfest of Singularity rather than this heartbreak.
Steve groaned into his palms. “When did you know?” She began carefully.
Steve, ever the grown ass adult falling back to pre-adolescent habits, played with his cuffs, eyes downcast and unfocused as his mind was taken back, words verbalizing his journey.
“I didn’t know, not really.” It might have started when Bucky let his walls down. No, that wasn’t right. Steve knew it was when Bucky first walked into the room, looking nervous but determined. He never backed down despite being so new to it all. Even with their fight, Bucky didn’t back down. Resilience. “I have to go.” Steve states without explanation, chair scraping just before he sets off. “There he goes...” --- “Leave it to you to fall for the first sugar daddy you landed a job with, you should come with a warning label, you yutz.” There was no bite in her words, Natasha’s attempt at scolding was more so to lighten the mood as she held a quivering Bucky in her arms, all six feet and 170 lbs of him. She was half his size but her ams were the warmest and most comforting. And it worked, sort of, when his strangled laugh came out like the first fizzle of a firework only to set off a fury of sobs.
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mahouproject-one · 6 years
"Too weird to live, too rare to die." | Farah | Trial 4-2 | [RE: Results, Joon-Young]
All things taken into the potluck of consideration, they had to admit they sort of saw this coming out on the endless stretch of the horizon.
The vote for Mitsuo-- it was a vengeance vote really, wasn't it? A vote of pragmatism more than of any real authentic confidence or balls. The flaws were all in the fixings, looking back on those seconds before in 20/20-- why would Mitsuo Ueno cut throats for this motive? Surely the composer would be doing well to be forgotten and go incognito, if anything. This was rooted in rue, all this. Joon-Young Myung made sense. Joon-Young Myung was  the answer. And now Joon-Young Myung would kill for the second time in short follow-through. (You just couldn't trust a nice boy these days, Aphrodite almighty. Them's the breaks, them's the breaks.)
Great googly moogly; once again, it had all gone to shit. Little surprises there, miniscule minutiae of 'em. But if there was one faint, rusted, buried-in-lint-and-aged-shimmer of a silver lining to any of this shitfest shebang, it was that Farah Fujibayashi-Beauregard had narrowly dodged the bloody bullet that would have been Catching One Whole Feeling. By gods above, it had been a close shave! But, thankfully, they believed they just might be able to damn well slip past it to freedom, far away from the ticking doom that was catching The Feelings. It was great! Everything Was Totally Fine! (It was not. Probably.)
Initially, they were inclined to hesitate before embarking back to where they had once been, but something-- perhaps just how irreparably, absurdly gonzo this whole thing really was, as it flung itself off the roadrails-- pushed them away from Joon-Young, the supermodel murderer, and back to the caustic cold comforts of their little black notebook. Oh, they could visibly react to this more, with a "fuck" or a "hm..." or a "goddamn it, what am I doing" or a simiple "crikes", but they needed some sense, some sensibility, some hushed observation-- and where, pray tell, could they contextualise things into such pristine shells and shapes the way they could with writing? That was their duty. They had little more left to spread; this was but another notch on their collective bedpost of surrealism and misery, surely. They were just here to record as they witnessed.
And, ah, wouldn't they have swayed down that merry way of the eagle eye, if only Joon-Young hadn't locked them in with that look and those words.
Dropping their journo's pen with a clack!, Farah immediately looks up to lock gaze with Joon-Young, and something flashes across their features-- quickly, swiftly, rapidly buried underneath that wry, witty, jovially doomsday manner of theirs, and yet...there's still a small, subtle sign of a knit to their eyebrows as they speak-- and their words cut in sharply, clean through the air. Has Joon-Young...perhaps touched a bit of a nerve? (Not that they'll let it show, of course-- they're not the angry type. Or the upset type. Or the rattled type. They are done with the feelings-catching for this particular day, thank you--)
"Ah, please don't let me be misunderstood, Myung-chi. You're off the markings on my musings entirely. Listen sharp, don't just lookit."
Their stare stayed steely, methodical yet merry, in a way that felt...off. Not in a drastic showing of such, just off. They just kept looking.
"Read my lips, Dash. I'll try an' be plain Jane about it. I cawed about death not matterin' much of a whit...here. The now-now, specifically. In this highly particular, reticular hellhole. The rhyme to my reasonings down this particular road? Hell, just look 'round the room, my friend-- at, say, Miyu Suzuki-chi, for an example! She killed, she suffered, she died. But...she hasn't left for any other plane but you and I's, has she? Sure, she's moved to a state of halfs-- semis-- almosts--" (Miyu has heard this before, and they wonder what it sounds to her ears in this modern context)-- "but she's still here, a voice among the haunted crowd, a vox most phantom! She's not alive-- but she is here. The state's the same with the girl you sent to th' spirit level. The sorry sucker you and our thorny Rose here are about to enable the unholy sacrifice of. Sure, you killed 'em. But you can apologise tomorrow, can'tcha? Now, if we talk in terms of what'll happen after the storm if we manage to break this establishment-- that's a tread into the murkier waters, I'll throw that to you. But 'tween all that jazz and a dash of the Labyrinths-- how y'can get eviscerated entirely and get away clean as they come!-- doesn't that render the mutual murderous aspect of Ouryuu and the sellout's game here...a mild range a'moot? In a world where you can greet your dearly departed 'fore their flesh and bones are even loosing their fresh, what are the consequences? It's death, but it's not Real Death, is it?"
It's 1:42 A.M. and Shiny regrets all of her life decisions, but unfortunately, Farah has opinions. They continue unflinchingly.
"Real Death, now-- that'd be something like my dear old gran! See, she's sailed down the river Styx-- been a good couple a'months since it being so, I'd say. But she doesn't get t'stick around. She didn't get the chance on her hands to come back, be here, stay. I'm never gonna get a note on the back of an embroidered napkin from some sleazy retro-riche old restaurant from her again. I'm never gonna watch her go on a passion-packed rant about a corp that's crooked down to its bones, or ride on the back of her motorcycle, or tell her about my history teach's hokey take on McCarthyism, or gag on a sip of that ghastly tonic she loved because it tasted like that on the tongue, or crawl int'her attic space t'look at all her old badges and posters, or-- or-- ooooor--" they were pausing, goddamnit, you're not talking about this, stop talking about it, they don't need to know, look sharp, Fan, for fuck's sake-- "...Y'get the snapshot, don'tcha? And I've known far younger cats-- younger than you an' I, even-- to croak the bucket, and they don't get those chances, either. That's Real Death, methinks. Maybe it's luckier t'be able to leave this level of existence! Or maybe it's as hot as hell wherever the rest of 'em are. But it's different. So are the cluster of consequences, too. That's what my mode is, Myung-chi. And, y'know..."
They didn't have to keep the chatter up, and they knew it. They could just stay vigilant. But there was something else, and they couldn't help but speak that truth loud, but God, couldn't they just...
"...If your personal path of ponderings ledja down the path that I think life's insignificant, I'll have t'throw in an objection on that measure, too. Life, insignificant? Not by any scale, my man! Life's a giantess, as gargantuan as the Reaper! Just 'cause my prerogatives don't add up to staying on this particular playing field for much time doesn't mean I don't place a price on it. It's a beautiful trauma! A euphoria apocalyptica! It's terrible, gorgeous, slimy, grimy, sleazy, seedy, twisted, absolutely fucked! And it's a riot! It's a privilege and pleasure t'be here, and t'have gotten the possibility to drift the continents and see all the wicked the rotten motherfuckers of this world have had t'offer up to me thus far! I wouldn't try spend it like I do if I didn't place as much fucking value on it as I do."
What were they doing? Why? Why couldn't they answer their own questions about it?
"Don'tcha think I have a life outside? Dreams? Plans? Don'tcha think I wanna write a few more pithy politicking exposés, have a few more rounds 'round the block, maybe wander a few more lands, maybe give my Julie the biggest hug I can and tell her I'd shoot a guy on-spot just t'see her crack a laugh, maybe find myself a beautiful wife with a mind like acid, maybe dismantle the capitalist machine, maybe throw a solid couple a'wrenches before letting the wax wings melt and going all Bolivian army and leaving the place a little more shook up when we plunge off Thelma & Louise style?" Their eyes got wider. "Don'tcha think I've seen the circus spectacle they saw and mused 'bout how to at least make it worth the gawk? Don'tcha wonder if I give it moxie just t'make sure it's seen? Don'tcha muse that I have that deep-down yearn to be as witnessed as much as I do my best to bear witness to this whole thing? Don'tcha think that motive might've got me by the balls just as much? Don'tcha think I would've cut throat for that motive they saddles us to if you hadn't gotten your lovely self to the game first? It's not that I 'spect you to-- I'm not looking for answers, I'm just trying t'give you this forsaken rat's idea on it. Think about it, brother. Just that alone."
And suddenly-- all the built up intensity that their face had gathered, their knitted eyebrows, their hunched shoulders, their blazing blue eyes gazing, gazing, gazing-- all dropped. And they were just...
"...Just a glimpse onto my side a'the shimmering pane, Joon-Young Myung. After that, it's yours t'make the deducions on. And frankly, comrade..."
They shrug-- and they return, to their inscrutable, intensive, ever-extending journals.
What else was there that was close to real?
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That’s the point, it’s not supposed to be good.
You’re not getting any meaningful gesture that resolves the couple, no first glances after intents are made obvious, no first kiss or first touch, no undressing of each other and no getting in bed together, etc. You’re not getting anything that you’d read in 99% of the smut fanfics out where which are wish fullfillment. Instead, it cuts right into the business with Jon making the same face I do when I wonder if I locked my car when I’m already way too far away from it to check. This is also why every single Cersei x Jaime love scene is portrayed as icky and indecent as well. You’re not supposed to romanticise incest.
You’re getting Bran drumming over and over again in the background about how they are AUNT AND NEPHEW, so you won’t forget they’re AUNT AND NEPHEW while they’re doing the nasty (one of the nastiest of nastiests). If that’s not already horrifying enough on it’s own, they actually don’t know they’re AUNT AND NEPHEW so thats double the horrifying and come on, triple the horrifying because you’re already antecipating there will be a shitfest when they find out they’re AUNT AND NEPHEW (Daenerys because she’d lose her claim to the throne and Jon because he was raised with incest as a sin). Scratch that, four times the horrifying because YOU do know they’re AUNT AND NEPHEW, so you’re already throwing the awkward shitfest on your own in advance (or you should be throwing one).
You’re getting Tyrion looking at their locked door in a negative manner, so you’ll feel something isn’t right with this situation (yes, even after all that INCEST INCEST INCEST sirens going off while they jam it, they insert that Tyrion scene just to rub the wound one last time before they storm out for a two year hiatus). Some lot even thought it was jealousy, but that’s a negative feeling too and Tyrion is a VERY popular character, so the viewers are very prone to take his side and to mimic his feelings. The director has denied it’s jealousy, but worry about how this will affect Daenerys’ leadership, which is what you should feel too if you’re not too busy distracted by that abomination taking place.
You get a Rhaeger looking like Vyseris, so you’ll be reminded of that arsehole that nobody liked and all the bulshit he did way back in season one, to conjure negative feelings about it which goes well with REMINDING you that this marriage instigated a huge war with huge casualities. You are also indirectly being reminded how Targeryens most likely turn insane sooner or later and that leads to war, how breeding between them has led to all that insanity too (and all the talk about children will indirectly remind you of this as well). You even get the actors disgusted by it off camera, their reaction have gone viral. If it was supposed to be an epic love scene, that kind of reaction from the actors would have never see the light of day. That too ciments the feeling of DISGUSTING. Not to mention the framework of these last few episodes, which are filled with potential trolling from top to bottom, but also negative feelings towards these two.
In fact, the most common complaint about this abomination of a pairing besides the incest, is that A) they don’t have any development and B) they don’t have any chemistry (but their actors did fine with former lovers, so it’s not an acting problem here). So what better to illustrate their relationship than to frame their sex scene without any development as well? Just cut it to the shocking value moment. Don’t forget, that sex scene skips all romance that compromise 99% of every smut fanfic ever written. You really think they’d be that clueless to skip all that fanservice by choice when they even tried to fanservice rape? What better to show no chemistry but a scene where he looks like he just remembered he forgot to turn off his stove where he was preparing his favourite meal on? Honestly, only if lenght of it was shorter than his interaction with other characters (oh wait, IT IS)!
All the trolling, yes. There’s too much trolling. For example, Jon leaving the North to Sansa (and the same people who nominated Jon as King in the North, now want to nominate Sansa as Queen in the North). Jon has already done the honey love trap with Ygritte and then betrayed her in the end, all the book nerds expeting some videogame reveal about the final weapon Lightbringer.  The infamous ‘anything before the word but is bulshit’, the warnings of not doing the same mistakes as Ned (honour over reason) and Robb (this is interesting, because the book is also honour over reason, while the show literally makes Robb fall for a “foreign whore” who lead to his downfall) did. Daenerys and her emulating her cray cray father plenty of times beforehand, how Daenerys reacts when she’s put in a position where her goals are threatened (and Jon is the ultimate threat). All of that nonsense with Littlefinger (another can of warms by itself). That what resulted of Daenerys getting closer to Jon was his rescue and the switch o Vyserion alliances, the one weapon needed to bring down the wall.
The complete betrayal of both characters. Jon gave up the north, when the knows none of the Starks (his family, whom he always wanted to belong) won’t accept, nor will any northener. Daenerys (after a stint of emulating her father, the Mad King), put her goal of becoming Queen of Westeros (that she spent SEASONS preparing for) in the backburner, actually walking the path of someone else (shocking!). Tyrion is being forced to choose between Daenerys (who treats him like shit, you’re not supposed to agree with this treatment at all) and his family (and he was shown to be very conflicted at the Field of Fire episode as well). The Starks are all upset by Jon’s decision. Nobody is happy about it.
Even the scenes are shot with no beauty. They did this style choice over and over again at the Wall, beyond the wall, and Winterfell under Bolton rule. The environment was harsh, you could feel how that stylistic choice fit so well with those harsh scenes, invoking an uncomfortable scene. You cannot say this is simply because of how the north is, because when they wanted to add warmth to a scene they easily done such as Jon with Ygritte at the cave, or Jon with Sansa at Winterfell (or with her at the Wall, or Sam when they’re bonding).
There is the obvious pretty fanservice because by some retarded reason people really wanted these two to hook up, so they go for the obvious (Look at Kit’s pretty butt! Spend money on this ridiculous t-shirt praising incest!), BUT all of it’s framed in a negative manner so those who like the pairing are frustrated and unsatisfied (and be reminded how bad it is over and over again) and so those who don’t like it to be disgusted by the whole thing.
TLDR: #boatsex is bad because it’s supposed to feel bad.
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daddygraves · 7 years
Inktober Day 7. Confusion
Suuuuper late Day 7 submission!
WARNING: This fic contains mentions and explanations of intersex characters.
Also if you'd like to be tagged in all my future Inktober posts, just sing out! Hope you like this piece, it gave me so much trouble getting the tone and expression right! And I'm waaaaay over my intended word limit, this is close to 2.5K! Sorry!
The first warning sign that your partner is being unfaithful, according to The Truth About Cheating by M. Gary Neuman, is when the notion pops into your head in the first place.
There would have to be some happenstance to cause such a thought, to bring this niggling idea to fruition. Such an idea would not appear out of nothing. And this unfortunate truth is why Harry Hart cannot seem to shake this hankering suspicion.
Eggsy Unwin is the love of Harry Hart's life. The younger man is utterly perfect, a pretty face with a heart of gold, as well as one of the best Kingsman proposals in near a century. It hadn't taken very long for feelings that weren't very platonic to develop within Harry for his protégé, however outrageous and inappropriate those feelings had seemed.
The two men had their fair share of drama, to put it lightly. Harry had been lying comatose in the Infirmary for a good portion of their acquaintance, and then, not long after he awoke, after a horrible row with Eggsy, he'd been shot in the head by a megalomaniac with a lisp in the middle of redneck USA. That had put a damper on things, for a year. Particularly since Harry had woken up sans left eye in the headquarters of the American spy agency, Statesman, with a healthy dose of retrograde amnesia.
But Eggsy hadn't given up on him. He'd come back again, and again, until finally little Hamish the puppy had pulled the strings of Harry's memories back together again. There's a shitfest in Cambodia, a dead nostalgic psychopath and an antidote for the Dancing Disease. Then, the surprise return of a robo-legged quartermaster and much-missed Lancelot, a newly rebuilt HQ and a consensually annulled marriage (Tilde, Crown Princess of Sweden, was ever so grateful to Eggsy for helping her ailing father gracefully abdicate). 
Finally, agonisingly, there were no more barriers that stood in their way. So two backstage passes to Elton fucking John later, Eggsy Unwin ends up back at Harry's place. And this is not the sort of mentor-proposal sleepover that had occured last time. Martinis were still brewed, and a breakfast scene still occured, but there were far more confessions of love and a deal of heavy petting involved. The fact that Eggsy Unwin continued to come home with Harry every day and night since, and he was now fully moved in, was just a happy coincidence. No more wasting time- they were Kingsman, and in Harry's lover's words 'who fuckin' knows when one of us will get shot in the head proper this time'.
So with all of that to consider, Harry was firmly in the belief that they could survive anything the world threw at them. But then again, he'd never expected any dilemma like this to occur. Not even in his most haunting, wildest nightmares.
Eggsy was always so attentive, and never once failed to shower Harry with affection and reassurance. A casual hand looped with his at work, stroking acroos Hary's knuckles, and always a kiss and cuddle for luck before every op. At home, the boy was even more attentive, to the point that Merlin now actually refused to check the monitoring cameras at random, complaining that the sight of such 'excessive adoration, yeh twats' was giving him headaches. And then, of late Eggsy had taken up cooking in his spare time, meaning there was no short of oddly healthy, yet delicious food in the cupboards. Shouldn't Harry be over the moon? But M. Gary Neuman had taught him to see right through this glass window of false security. So unfortunately for the latest Kingsman chief, he was feeling anything but over the moon.
Because Harry Hart has a heartbreaking suspicion that Eggsy is cheating on him. 
"It's only possible explanation," he argues with subdued certainty to Merlin,as the Scot shakes his head incredulously in the guest chair in Harry's plush office. "He spends all day glued to his phone-"
"Like every other millenial in existence," retorts the quartermaster, poking at his clipboard dismissively. "They're all glued to the bloody things."
"But Neuman, the author of the book on infidelity I'm reading-"
"Neuman can shove it where the sun don't shine."
"He might be organising something nice, for all yeh know," the tech wizard suggests reproachfully. "Is yeh anniversary coming up?"
"Was 3 months ago," Harry answers glumly. "He took me to watch Madame Butterfly." With front-row seats, no less.
"Now tha' don't sound like a man who's cheatin' on his boyfrien'," Merlin remarks, raising eyebrows knowingly. "Yeh worry too much, Arthur."
"My instincts are uncannily accurate thank you very much, Merlin," Harry responds, a hint of huffiness in his tone as he fiddles with a pen on his desk. "I wouldn't suspect something without reason."
"I bet he is planning somethin' wonderful, an' yeh gonna feel sick with guilt at doubtin' him," Merlin declares. "Tha' boy is utterly mad for yeh, yeh twat. He's probably plannin' on proposing."
Harry chooses to rebut this argument with the information that he had turned the house upside down, looking for a ring. And the fact that when Harry brought up the possibility over last night's pasta, his young lover had laughed, no hint of nerves in his tone, and suggested maybe one day, but not yet.
"You're an actual headcase, Harry," Merlin sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. "For the last fookin' time, yeh boy isn't cheatin'. Now can I take some aspirin, and we get on with discussing the mission allocation for Mumbai?"
The concrete evidence comes several days later. As excruciating as the truth was, Harry simply had to know. He'd been taken for a fool before- he wasn't about to let it happen again.
When he hears Eggsy on the phone, calling someone 'love', his heart finally splinters in his chest. The bowling ball drops into his stomach, and Harry hovers outside the ajar office door, hand over his mouth to stop a cry escaping his clamped lips.
"Ta, darling. I'll see ya tomorrow, as planned? 11:30? Amazin'. See ya!"
M. Gary Neuman had been right.
Eggsy was cheating on him.
Harry hovers around the house for the rest of the night, brushing off Eggsy's various attempts at advances with soft, subdue rebuttals. Whose lips were crushing against Eggsy's when Harry wasn't around, when thise very same lips wrapped around a forkful of spinach quiche across the table from him? Whose wit was making Eggsy chuckle to himself on his phone as he curled down one end of the couch, Harry sitting rigidly up the other? Whose love was making Eggsy's cheeks pinker, and his skin glow, like it never had before with Harry?
"Come in, Lancelot."
Roxy takes the seat Harry proffers, waiting patiently as the man himself takes his own seat behind his expansive mahogany desk.
"You asked to see me?" The brunette offers, eyebrows quirking imperceptibly in apparent confusion.
"Indeed," Harry replies, taking a moment to steel himself as he stares down at the grains of wood beneath his fingertips.
"This is difficult of me to ask you, Roxanne, but it has been giving me a fair amount of grief these past weeks. And as Eggsy's closest confidante, and best friend, I trust you will be able to aid me."
"Anything you need, Arthur." Roxy's tone has more than hint of concern into it, and Harry doesn't need to meet her hazel eyes to know she is utterly focused on him.
"Let me be brief," he sighs heavily, wishing his next words would not bring him so much aching agony.
"Is Eggsy having an affair?"
Roxy appears to be choosing her words carefully, and a calm kind of numbness settles over Harry. It's all the confirmation he needs, the final nail in his lover's coffin.
"He's not,-"
"Please, Roxanne, your silence says enough. You may be a wonderfulasset to the Kingsman team, but when it comes it your loved ones, I see what Eggsy means when he says you cannot lie."
"Arthur, wait-" there's sheer panic in Roxy's eyes as Harry gets up from his chair.
"If you will excuse me, Lancelot. I have matters to attend to."
If only every step down HQ's halls did not feel as though Harry's legs were crumbling beneath him. If only every breath did not feel as though his lungs were stuck with thousands of needles as he strides on. If only the sheer suffering that wracked his body didn't hurt so much worse than when Valentine's bullet pierced his skull, as Harry stalks closer to the Galahad office. It's ten to eleven. If Harry catches Eggsy just before he leaves to see his mister, mistress, whoever they may be, it will give the boy several hours to collect his things from Harry's before Harry returns home for the night.
The first thing he had felt was sadness, just as Neuman had explained on pain 263. Misery that he, Harry, was clearly not enough to satisfy the boy's needs, even as a traitorous voice within whispered it was to be expected. That his love would never be enough for someone so young and beautiful. That Eggsy had never loved Harry as much as Harry had loved him. The tears he had shed in private, while Eggsy was half a world away, mourning what had and what could of been.
Then, there was the wondering. The questioning of why the boy had strayed. What had Harry done, or not done, that was not enough for him? The constant thinking of how long it had taken the boy to meet someone who held his eye, who wasn't Harry, and if he loved them. Of exactly who had made Eggsy so withdrawn, engrossed in himself, yet putting on a sunny front for Harry, hoping he wouldn't notice.
And then, last of all, Neuman had warned there was anger. Anger that Eggsy would think him so gullible, an old fool to be taken advantage of. To have the audacity to expect kisses goodnight, and the same level of intimacy, when he was taking a dip in another's pond. And fury, but mostly with himself- for falling in love so deeply and wholly with someone who had been destined to destroy him.
"Hey babe." Eggsy looks faintly surprised to see him, standing at his office door. He steps back, allowing Harry to stride inside.
"I think we need to have a talk, Eggsy." Harry is surprised by how calm he sounds, despite the rushing cyclone of emotions inside of him, ripping through the fabric of his consciousness.
"Uh, yeah, I think we do too," Eggsy says a tad guilty, rocking back on his heels. Was he about to confess?
No. Harry wouldn't give him that courtesy. It was time to cut the cord. Then retreat, pull back before salt could be poured on his deep emotional wounds, and hope he would heal.
"Eggsy, I know you've been having an affair."
"And quite honestly," Harry continues, tone still mild, "I don't want to know who with, or why. I just want your things out of my home by eight o'clock tonight. Are we clear?"
Why was his heart hammering so painfully, and his throat swelling?
Eggsy stares, clearly dumbstruck. Before-
"What in the actual FUCK?!"
Harry's own anger swells exponentially at Eggsy's own furious expression. "Don't play dumb with me, Eggsy. I know. You can't hide it, I'm not entirely oblivious-"
"Are you actually fucking serious?!" The younger agent shrieks, eyes slits, body rigid with indignance. "What the fuck?! You actually think I would do that to you?!"
"You've been glued to your phone relentlessly," Harry splutters defensively, finding his flame. "I heard you talking to your mistress or mister, I don't know, last week, calling them darling for fuck's sake, you've been taking more pride in your appearance-"
"You're an actual fucking idiot, you know?!" Eggsy spits, grabbing Harry by his upper arms. "What the fuck."
"Stop trying to deny it. Just get out-"
"I'm fucking PREGNANT, you massive wang!"
The oxygen is promptly sucked from Harry's lungs.
"You're what?" He manages, rather faintly, immobile.
"Yes," Eggsy's face is irritated rather than angry, but there's a slow, teary smile creeping across his face. "Pregnant, you fuckin' cockwomble. With your, our, child. Since April."
Eggsy's pregnant. Eggsy's fucking pregnant. His beautiful, beautiful unique boy, was just on 3 months with child. The parts he'd spent so long convincing the boy to love, that he was no less of a man because of what lay between his legs- those pieces of Eggsy, pieces of Harry, had made something wonderful.
Oh my god, oh my god, a dream come true- it's a miracle. Their little miracle, nestled inside the fleshed walls of a womb, slowly blooming to life-
"If I've been on me phone a lot, it's cos I've been Googling like mad," Eggsy explains, eyes meeting Harry's beseechingly. "When I first did the test I was mad scared, ya know- I was in fuckin' Osaka for tha' intel op, I called Rox an' cried my eyes out.
"I was freakin' out so bad, cos I didn't know if intersex people could even have kids- would the baby develop proper, be born ok? It was so fuckin' scary-"
"Why didn't you tell me?" Harry doesn't mean to sound accusing, but he's just had an atomic bomb dropped on him, quite frankly.
Cos I knew you'd freak out even more'n me, dickhead," Eggsy says pointedly, but there's not much bite in his words. "Ya worry enough as it is. Let alone a pregnancy in a womb tha's not sposed to be there- you'd spontaneously combust, you would."
And as shell-shocked as he is, truthdoes register in Eggsy's words. But there's still a question burning a hole in Harry's larynx.
"Then who were you calling darling on the phone?"
Perplexingly, Eggsy barks a laugh, smile stretching his mouth. "Darling is my gyno's last name, you twat." He rubs Harry's arm absently.
"Louise Darling, she specializes in intersex pregnancies. She's been having appointments wif me every couple of weeks, to check up on Bean."
"Bean?" Harry quirks an eyebrow.
His young lover blushes, seemingly embarrassed. "S'just what I'vd been callin' the baby," he murmurs quietly. "Cos it's so small still. Like a li'l bean."
"An before ya ask, I've been cookin' a shitload of stuff cos' it's all good for the baby, see? Gives me the 'pregnancy glow' All the stuff I been cookin has lots of vitamins in it, an' folic acid, cos Bean needs loads of that-"
But the words die in Eggsy's throat as Harry pulls him in for a crushing cuddle.
It all makes sense, all of it. Every single detail, that Harry blew utterly out of proportion. He'd been so blinded by his own stupidity he hadn't seen what was right in front of him all along. What an absolute fucking fool he had been.
"I'm so sorry, my dear boy, for ever doubting you-"
"An' I'm sorry for not tellin' you, love." Eggsy's voice is muffled into Harry's shoulder, but the tearful emotion in his tone is evident.
After a long moment, the pair break apart, and concern clouds the younger man's sunlit features.
"Wait. Ya do want this, him or her, right?"
Harry drops to his knees without a sound, onto the lush dark carpet of HQ and kisses Eggsy's belly firmly through the fabric of his bespoke, clinging to his partner for dear life.
"There is nothing, absolutely nothing, that I want more than this," Harry says thickly, a solo tear sliding down his cheek, as Eggsy's hand caresses through his pomaded hair."
"It- Bean- is ours. Our little one, a little piece of you and me and I am going to love it and you forever, my dear, dear boy."
He's going to come to meet this Dr. Darling, and see his little Bean fluttering away on the ultrasound screen, hear the sound of it's heartbeat. He'll rub swollen ankles, and run out at all hours of the night to sate whatever weird and wonderful pregnancy cravings plague Eggsy. He will hold tiny, designer, cashmere onesies to his cheek, and imagine the feel of a tiny little body wearing them, who will soon be resting in his arms. He can hardly wait.
"I fookin' told you he wasn't, Harry," a familiar Scottish brogue declares smugly over the office's intercom. "Told yeh. But congratulations. I formally reserve the title of Godfather."
"Noted, Merlin. Now do piss off."
But in fact, Harry isn't even bothered by the interjection. Because all he can do is hold Eggsy close, and cry happy tears into his boyfriend's smiling, equally tear-streaked face. He isn't being cheated on. He's going to be a father.
Let's see what M. Gary Neuman has to say about that.
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spnroundrobin · 7 years
Masterpost: Round Three - Ship Round
Prompt: Newly human Cas has been staying at the bunker and helping the boys with research while they are away on hunts but has been feeling lonely being in the bunker by himself. During one of the lulls between hunts, he broaches the subject of getting a pet. Dean isn’t very excited about the idea. (established Destiel)
(Remember: This is the ship round so ship to your heart’s content. We’d like to keep this Teen rated so no sexual acts on screen. Innuendo is allowed. Sam is in the bunker so he can be included but side characters will have to be over the phone or on Skype.)
Schedule and Posting Instructions
(As submissions are made, they will be posted here by the mods.)
#1 @deadlykittenkay - Submission: 1
Cas was sitting at the table with books spread out before him and Dean’s laptop. He had decided to take a break from his research on how to get Mary back from the other universe. He always enjoyed watching videos online the featured little kitties and puppies playing. Sometimes Sam would try to find one that he hadn’t seen yet and send it to his phone while he and Dean were hunting.
Cas muted the current video of a cat pretending to be the famous Pokemon character when he thought he heard the bunker door open. After several beats of silence, Cas let out a heavy sigh. The bunker was such a lonely place without another living presence there, whether it be the Winchesters or Jody and Claire. Cas needed a companion, especially if Dean continued to be the over protective boyfriend, insisting that Cas stay behind on the bigger jobs.
#2 @zolaliz - Submission: 1
Of course, Dean would never agree to a pet.
“Who’ll feed it when we’re away, knee deep in some world-ending shitfest? No one. And then it’ll stink up the bunker.”
Cas scowled, recalling the conversation. As much as he hated to admit, Dean did have a point.
He mentally ruled out cats and dogs, glancing longingly at the muted laptop screen. Most mammals would need the same amount of care. Cas had learned over the past few weeks that humans were included in that category of high-maintenance, as he struggled with remembering to eat and sleep. This only added fuel to Dean’s runner-up argument against getting Cas a companion.
“You gotta start taking care of yourself before you go off trying to take care of something else, Cas,” Dean would say, in that highly hypocritical way of his (though Cas highly doubted that was intentional). But Cas reasoned he could work around that argument once he found a way to make Dean’s first one void.
He clicked open a new tab, and tapped “pets that don’t need to eat” into the search bar. Unsurprisingly, it heeded no helpful results.
“Maybe I’ll try to refine the search,” he mumbled, and bounced his fingers over the keys again.
#3 @ravenscat-tumbler - Submission: 1
Cas spent hours trying to find the perfect pet that would be low maintenance but that would still keep him company. He finally decides on a hamster. He knew that it would be easy to care for and not very costly. The little guy would also keep him company when Dean and Sam were away for cases.
The only thing now was to convince Dean to let him get one. He knew that Sam would be open to the idea and he also knew that Sam would help him convince Dean. So, he just had to bring up the idea with Sam first.
Perfect, now all he had to do was wait for the brothers to come home, hopefully safe and in one piece. He sits back and stretches on his chair. He does some more research and finds some useful things to help the brothers speed up their hunt. He picks up the phone and before he can dial he gets an incoming call from Dean.
He answers with a smile.“Hello, baby. I was just about to call you.” Cas answers.
#4 @blue-reveries - Submission: 1
“I just wanted to let you know that Sam and me are on our way back,” Dean said. Castiel could hear the rumble of the Impala in the background as Dean paused. “You sound like you’re in a good mood, any particular reason why?”
Cas scowled; was he really that transparent? He was going to have to seriously up his game if his plan to bring Dean around on the pet front but he knew it was going to have to be extra devious. His eyes widened and he smiled as an idea occurred to him.
“Nothing really but I was going to ask if you were going to be home tonight?” Cas replied smoothly, standing up to wander into the kitchen. He opened the fridge and started taking inventory.
Dean hummed in the affirmative. “Yep, we’re only about an hour out now. I was going to ask if what you wanted for dinner, we’ll stop somewhere on our way in.”
Smiling, Cas pulled his chosen items from the fridge. “Actually, since you’re almost home, I was thinking I could make something,” he said, grinning to himself. “I need something to do anyway and you guys are probably sick of take out.”
“That sounds really freaking good,” Dean sighed happily. “We’ll see you in a bit, babe.” This was followed by a quieter, “love you.”
“Love you too,” Cas said, smiling and shaking his head. All this time and Dean was still shy about saying that when Sam was nearby. It didn’t bother him since he knew it was just a fear of brotherly teasing, not that Dean was ashamed of them. “See you soon.”
After Dean hung up, Cas sat his phone down and looked at the pile of ingredients in front of him before glancing at the clock. He calculated carefully and smiled as he started peeling potatoes.
An hour was plenty of time.
Almost exactly an hour later as Cas was putting the finishing touches on the food, a familiar metallic clang echoed through the bunker and signaled the boys return. He worked quickly to clean up and wash his hands, hurrying out to the main area to see Dean and Sam’ booted feet clomping down the staircase.
“Oh my god, what smells so good?” Dean groaned as he walked over to drop his bag on the map table. He smiled brightly and pulled Cas into a tight hug, giving him a quick peck on the lips at the same time.
Sam rolled his eyes affectionately. “Hey, Cas,” he said as he walked by to place his armful of books on the table. “I’m gonna go clean up before I eat. Don’t let Dean eat it all. He’s been whining for the last half hour about how hungry he is.”
Stepping back from Dean but not dropping his hand, he chuckled. “Don’t worry, Sam. I’ll make sure to save you some.”
“Speaking of food,” Dean interjected not so smoothly as Sam disappeared down the hall to his room. He draped himself over Cas’ back and wrapped his arms around his waist. “What are we having?”
“I may have made homemade bacon cheeseburgers and fresh cut french fries,” Cas said innocently; happy that Dean couldn’t see the smug smirk on his face.
Dean squeezed him into a quick hug and kissed him on the cheek. “Mmmm…my favorite…”
Exactly, Cas thought, internally preening as everything fell into place as he planned as he and Dean trooped to the kitchen. And just wait until you see the peanut butter pie.
#1 @Deadlykittykay Submission: 2
As expected, Dean showed his appreciation for the burgers with gusto. He would moan appreciatively with each bite, his cheeks filling like that of a chipmunk, or better yet, much like the hamsters videos Cas had seen on YouTube. Castiel couldn’t help but smile at Dean fondly every time he did this. Even Sam was enjoying his meal, despite his brother’s unseemly manners.
Cas had missed the brother’s terribly and watching them bicker and interact with each other, even throwing stray fries at one another, filled Cas’ chest with warmth. Between this, the feel of Dean’s knee knee against his own, and listening to Sam retell the story of the latest hunt, Cas nearly forgot about his mission behind tonight’s dinner.
“So,” Sam started, pushing his plate away and smiling at Cas. “What were you up to while we were gone?”
Cas just shrugged, glancing at Dean before redirecting his attention to Sam. “The usual. I’m still trying to find some lore about alternate universes. It’s a bit trickier than I had imagined.”
“Come on, Cas,” Dean nudged his knee with his own, giving him a found smile. “Don’t tell me you were a nerd the whole time.”
Cas rolled his eyes and reached for the brother’s empty plates. “No, Dean. I did more than research. I watched Netflix and YouTube videos. Pie?” he asked quickly, internally kicking himself when Dean groaned at the mention of the videos
#2 Submission: 2
#3 @ravenscat-tumbler - Submission: 2
“Pie?” Dean’s face lights up at the mention of pie. “You made pie too? God, you’re perfect.” He says and then immediately blushes.
Sam snorts into his cup as he tires and fails miserably to hide his laugh. Dean glares at him and rubs the back of his head in embarrassment.
“I’ll go get that pie now.” Cas says.
Dean nods not meeting anyone’s eye.
“I’m gonna go put these plates in the kitchen.” Sam says, grabbing the dishes off the table and heading after Cas.
“Hello, Sam. Do you have a minute?” Cas asks as Sam walks into the kitchen.
“Yeah man, what’s up?” He asks, putting the dishes in the sink and leaning back against the counter. He looks at Cas and waits patiently.
Cas takes a breath, “I would like to get a hamster.” He says in one go.
“A hamster?” Sam tilts his head.
“A hamster.” Cas repeats again. “I need someone to keep me company when you two leave to go on long hunts.”
“Uhm, Ohhkay. So what’s the big issue?” Sam says, scratching the back of his head.
“And I need your help to convince Dean.”
Sam groans, “Dammit, that’s gonna be hard but alright, I’ll help you.”
Cas smiles warmly at Sam.
#4 @blue-reveries - Submission: 2
A quick and rough plan was quickly established and it all started with an extra large slice of peanut butter pie and Netflix.
“Wow, that was so freaking good,” Dean groaned, leaning back in his chair and patting his stomach before letting out a contented belch that had Sam scrunching his nose. Cas picked stood up and collected their plates. Dean tugged him down and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, a sure sign that he was in an extra happy mood. That would make the next stage of the plan easier.
Sam pushed back from the table and stood up. “I think I’m going to get into some sweats and watch some Netflix, you guys in?”
Dean replied in the affirmative and, while Cas quickly washed up the dishes, he and Sam went to change since Cas was already comfortably dressed. Fifteen minutes later, Cas and Dean were on the sofa in the room that had become the unofficial den after they’d picked up a couch at a second hand store. Sam was booting up Netflix from his armchair.
They settled on a light comedy show since Sam and Dean weren’t really interested in anything heavy after being out on a hunt. Cas curled up next to Dean and rested his head on his shoulder but he wasn’t really watching the show. He was waiting for his opportunity.
Three episodes in he enacted phase two.
Over the course of the next episode, Cas slowly and carefully situated himself so that his head was pillowed in Dean’s lap, one hand resting on his knees. According to plan, Dean began absentmindedly running his fingers through Cas’ hair while he continued to watch and Cas pretended to fall asleep.
“You know, I kinda feel bad for him,” Cas heard Sam say after about twenty minutes of ‘sleeping’. “Cas seems like he’s been sort of lonely while we’re gone.”
Dean grunted. “What makes you say that?”
“Oh, he just mentioned how nice it was to have people moving around in the bunker again,” Sam said, his voice appropriately casual. Dean continued to toy with Cas’ hair, a sign that he was still relaxed. “I have to admit, it does get boring here when you’re by yourself.”
“I mean, we could probably take him on a few extra hunts,” Dean said though he sounded extremely reluctant, “but it’s really been working out for us to have someone here at home base.”
Cas heard Sam shifting in his seat. “Oh, yeah, I agree,” Sam replied before letting the conversation pause for a little bit. Cas had to work really hard to keep his body relaxed. “I don’t think it would hurt to have a pet around here though.”
The hand in Cas’ hair froze.
Dean sighed heavily and Cas’ stomach twisted in anticipation. “Sam,” he said heavily, his hand starting to move again, “you know my stance on pets, man. Cats hate people and dogs are just too high maintenance for a bunch of dudes who routinely get stuck on the road for weeks at a time. It’s not like we can call up the neighbors and ask them to pet sit.”
Cas felt his stomach start to sink. Dean wasn’t going to go for it; having Sam talk to Dean first wasn’t going to help his case. He had just decided to ‘wake up’ and forget the whole thing when Sam spoke up.
“But what if it wasn’t a cat or a dog?”
#1 @deadlykittenkay - Submission: 3
“Then what, Sammy?” Dean asked his voice sounding much more tired than Cas had ever heard come from the hunter. “A fish? So that way we can come home to it bloated and floating upside down? Think of how he reacted when you accidentally killed the bee last year. How do you think he’s going to react to a fish dying. Not just any fish but his fish.”
Sam sighed and leaned forward, bracing his forearms onto his thighs. “Not a fish, Dean.”
“Well I’d rather go to Hell again than have a snake or glorified spider in the bunker.”
“What about a hamster?” Sam tried.
Dean wrinkled his nose in distaste. “I don’t know, Sammy. They’re rodents.”
Sam’s eyes connected with Cas’ from across the room. Cas opened his mouth to say something but closed it when he saw the flick of Sam’s hand, motioning for him not to say anything.
“Dean,” Sam said softly, a tone that Dean knew as the one Sam uses when he pulls his lawyer card on someone. “You love Cas, right?”
#2 @zolaliz - Submission: 3
#3 @ravenscat-tumbler - Submission: 3
“Of course I do!” Dean says a little too loudly. He bites his lip and looks down at Castiel, who stirs in protest.
Castiel keeps calm and tries not to open his eyes.
“Of course I do.” Dean says again, a little quieter this time.
“Then don’t you want him to be happy?” Sam asks.
“I do,” Dean says, looking down and carding his hand through Cas’ hair. “but I don’t see how a stupid hamster is going to do that.” He grumbles out.
“It will Dean, trust me. It will.” Sam says. “It gets pretty lonely here when you are alone.”
Dean sighs softly, “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
“I know.” Sam says smugly.
Castiel opens his eyes and looks in Sam’s.
Sam smirks down at him and Castiel mouths ‘Thank you’ at him.
#4 @blue-reveries - Submission: 3
When he’d “woken up” from his nap, Dean hadn’t said anything at first much to Cas’ disappointment. Maybe Dean had taken the time to think and decided that he’d changed his mind. It actually hadn’t been until they were getting ready for bed that Dean had haltingly admitted that he had been wrong and that it wouldn’t be a horrible idea for Cas to have a pet.
“So I guess, if you wanted, we could go to the pet store tomorrow and you know, look for some sort of critter…but only one.”
Cas tried extremely hard to receive Dean’s acquiescence towards getting a pet with grace and dignity and felt he succeeded…barely. Instead of jumping up and cheering at finally achieving his goal, he beamed and leaned in to kiss Dean silly before moving on to other ways to show his gratitude.
It would be well into the later part of the morning before they left their room for breakfast the next day.
After breakfast, which definitely seemed to take longer than normal to Cas, they left the bunker to head into town. Cas had the directions to the pet store pulled up on his phone; he’d spent days upon days while he’d been on his own researching the best places to find pets and had bookmarked marked them.
“Turn up here,” he said, pointing to the last turn that should take them to Pet-topia. Excitement had him practically vibrating in his seat as Dean pulled the Impala into the parking lot and maneuvered into one of the store’s parking spaces.
Dean looked vaguely grumpy as they got out of the car but Cas suspected that he was just trying to pretend to be upset that he’d caved to save face or other such nonsense. He trailed behind Cas as they entered the store.
There was a bored looking teenager standing at the register when they entered who sighed heavily and didn’t straighten from his slouched position over his phone when he asked in a flat voice, “welcome to Pet-topia, is there anything I can help you with today?”
“No, thank you,” Cas said, noting the teenager went happily back to his phone.
Keeping his and Dean’s discussion in mind, he forced himself to pass the rabbits and other larger animals despite the fact of how much he wished they were an option and walked on until they found themselves in front of the hamster display.
Looking down into the massive cage, he saw oodles of small balls of fluff; some of them scurrying around on the wood shaving covered cage floor or on the wheels while other’s nibbled at the food and water or laid sedately in their chosen spots. Cas looked down at the hamsters, his heart sinking ever so slightly.
How was he supposed to pick just one?
#1 @deadlyangelkay - Submission: 4
Dean could tell from the slightly panicked look in Castiel’s eyes and the frown etching it’s ways at the corner of his mouth, that he was over whelmed. Hell, Dean wasn’t even the one picking the damn rodent and he felt over whelmed.
Dean’s heart broke when he heard Cas mutter that he should just get a fish. He hated hearing the defeated tone in his love’s voice and was determined to make this easier.
Dean draped his arm around Castiel’s shoulder, pulling him closer and placing a kiss to his temple.
“How about this?” Dean suggested. “You spend some time with these little guys, see which one grabs your attention and I’ll go look at the cages and crap for his new home.”
Castiel gave Dean a small smile and nodded. “That is agreeable.”
“Awesome. Text me when you’ve found the one.” He gives Castiel another kiss, to the forehead this time and smiles at him before heading off to cages.
Dean had no idea that there were so many options for a hamster to call home. As if picking the perfect one was hard, Dean could only imagine how Castiel would feel about selecting a cage. Dean selected a colorful plastic monstrosity that had a Ferris wheel looking thing attached to it.
Of course, Dean turned down the wrong aisle and was accosted by the site of adorable balls of fluff. He would never admit it, but he had a soft spot for rabbits. The little balls of fluff with floppy ears and twitchy noses made Dean give pause every time. And this time was no different than any other time. Especially when one of the dwarf rabbits happened to be interested in his movements. Dean would be a bold face liar if he said that the damned ball of fluff hadn’t already set it’s hooks into him. And how could it not? It’s black fur contrasting with the bright blue eyes. Dean was so captivated by it that he hadn’t even noticed he had company.
“I thought you said no rabbits,” Castiel’s voice was soft and teasing.
#writer 2 drop
#3 @ravenscat-tumbler - Submission: 4
“I did not say that…” Dean starts, “And I’m not saying that now either.” He finishes. Castiel just smirks at him, eyes glinting.“Don’t give me that look.” He says, turning back to looks at the dwarf rabbit. “We can get the rabbit if you want to Dean.” Castiel says. He stands slightly behind Dean and places his hand on his lower back, looking at the rabbit with him. “He is a cute little fella, isn’t he?” Dean ask. “That he is.” “Alright, let’s get em.” Dean says, making up his mind. Castiel smiles warmly at Dean and then goes to talk to the person at the counter.The lady helps them pick out the necessary items they need to take the rabbit home. They leave the place with loads of bags and a lot less money than they came with. They come home and Sam is instantly taken to the little guy.“Hey, his features look like Cas’.” Sam says with the bunny on his lap. He scratches behind his ear and the rabbit wiggles his nose in content. Castiel smiles mischievously looking towards Dean, who had adverted his gaze and was pretending to read the bag of the food.“Is that why you wanted to get him, Dean?” “What?” Dean asks, looking up and pretending to hear them for the first time. “Did you want to get the rabbit because it had similar features to me?” “What? No! Don’t be ridiculous.” Dean says. “Anyways… what do we name the little guy?” He asks changing the topic.
#4 @blue-reveries - Submission: 4
The debate on what to name their, and Cas maintained that this pet belonged to all of them now after seeing Sam and Dean’s faces, rabbit raged on for the rest of the day until a decision was made just after dinner.
And so the rabbit was dubbed Bruce in honor of the Hulk and so that he had a “manly” name.
(Though Cas suspected Dean only agreed to the name so he could go around saying “Hello..my name is Bruce…” in an entirely inaccurate Australian accent despite his previous insistence that Finding Nemo had been boring.)
Originally when they’d been hammering out the details on where the hamster they’d been planning to get would reside, Dean had been adamant that “the critter” would be staying in the room next door to his and Cas’ room. He’d argued that he didn’t need a rodent in his living space. So Cas was surprised when Dean picked up the rabbit cage they’d purchased and carried it past the room they’d prepared only to enter their bedroom.
As much as Cas wanted to ask why their new pet was suddenly allowed to be in their room, he refrained. Today had been a big day for Dean what with agreeing to not only having a pet but changing that pet to a slightly bigger animal so he didn’t want to risk pushing his buttons too much. He cuddled Bruce to his chest as he watched Dean clear off a space on the one dresser for the rabbit cage; the little ball of fluff burrowing into the fabric of his t-shirt. Running his fingers through Bruce’s hair was extremely soothing and this pleased Cas.
Bruce wouldn’t be a substitute for actual human interaction but he’d definitely be a comfort and a fitting companion for when Sam and Dean needed to leave for extended hunts.
“There,” Dean said, stepping back to brush his hands off.  He stood there, examining his handiwork for a bit before turning to face Cas. “Bruce’s place is all set.” Dean reached out and scooped Bruce out of his hands, cooing at him. “Here you are, big guy. A home just for you.”
It took every ounce of control that Cas had cultivated over millenias of existence to not burst out laughing at his self-proclaimed “macho” boyfriend turning into a puddle of goo in the presence of a small bunny.
#1 @deadlyangelkay - Submission: 5
A few weeks had passed since they had brought home both Bruce and Peanut. The brothers hadn’t found a case and it gave time for all three to bond with the animals. Cas’ favorite part was watching the rabbit and hamster interact and Dean’s reaction to it. At first Dean was hesitant, having his precious Bruce and the rodent near each other. But once Sam pointed out that essentially the two were brothers, Dean begrudgingly relented.
Now, it’s as if Dean looks forward to their play time. Castiel smiles fondly at Dean as he laughs at the way Bruce and Peanut play. More like the way that would climb over Bruce and Bruce would twitch his nose at the hamster. The best part about watching “their boys” – as Dean has started to call them – was the Dean would periodically lean against Cas. Happy, content, and peaceful.
Before Castiel knew it, it was time for the Winchesters to go off to another hunt. Dean gave Cas the familiar speech about how it was just a simple salt and burn and they would be back before he could miss them. And as always Cas would roll his eyes because after all this time, when has anything been easy for the Winchesters? A quick kiss goodbye and a promise to call when they got to the motel, Castiel was once again left in the large quiet bunker.
He scooped up Bruce into his arms, the little guy nuzzling into his shirt as he carried Bruce to the bedroom. “You know, there’s an excellent documentary on Netflix that you might like,” Castiel says softly, happy to no longer be alone.
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thorne93 · 7 years
What Are We Gonna Do? (Part 15)
Prompt: Imagine that you’re Spencer Reid’s wife, and you get the news of his arrest in Mexico. But you’ve been keeping something from him and the team. How will it affect Spencer?
Word Count: 2100
Warnings: Language, violence, anger, drama, angst
Notes: This picks up right at the beginning of Season 12, episode 13. Spoilers from here till then. Thanks to my beta @like-a-bag-of-potatoes​
Tags: @ultrarebelheart @cocosierra94 @marvel-imagines-yes-please @demongodess @brooklhyn
JJ left to call the team as you stood there with your husband. How you were going to get over all of this...shit, was beyond your hormonal, pregnant, extremely sleep deprived self. Spencer took a minute to derive a new plan and walked in there, but you could hardly focus on the words. You were reeling from everything and until you found Diana, you didn’t care what Spencer said or did. A small part of you knew he couldn’t have done this, that he didn’t have control. But did that change how you felt? No. Regardless of being under the influence, Spence had...possibly...been pleased by another woman. Sure, it was nearly rape but...in your mind, he had inadvertently impregnated another woman. This was to top off his attitude in jail, letting himself get in this mess in the first place, him not being there for the baby appointments, the reading and work you’d gotten done to get your baby here, and every other strain that had faced your relationship since this shitfest had happened.
 Spence stared at you, horror snaking its way through his body. He was losing you, his unborn child, and all in the midst of possibly losing his mother too. All in the blink of an eye. He wanted to reach toward you, wanted to make things right, but how could he? How could he justify any of this?
 After a minute, he finally composed himself and went back in.
 “Let’s pretend for a minute that you’re telling the truth. That means I guess it, right? The secret, the one I don’t want to admit to. It’s my child?”
Those words stabbed into your chest with a cold pang but you tried to ignore it as JJ entered the room again.
 “Is that your guess?” Cat questioned. “You only get one, remember?”
 “No, it’s too easy.”
 “Believe me, getting pregnant with your baby was not easy,” Cat affirmed. “At least not as easy as it was for Y/N. Right, Y/N, all you had to do was lay there, after all!” she called through the one-way glass but she no longer affected you. All you wanted was for this god damn thing to be over.
 “You misunderstood. It’s too easy emotionally. Because I can take your child from you. The child i had absolutely no role in creating, but a child I would care for better than you.”
 “That’s rude. What would you do? Have little siblings?” she asked.
 “It’s true. You can’t be a mother, Cat. I’m not trying to insult you. It’s your psychological makeup. You literally do not have the emotional skills to care for another human being. You’d lose interest in your own baby the way a six year old loses interest in a hamster. This baby is simply a means to an end, which is to keep me here, playing your game guessing like a fool, assuming something I never should’ve assumed in the first place.”
 “And what would that be?” Cat wondered.
 “My mother’s already dead. She was dead before I even walked in here,” Spencer suddenly said.
 You wondered if that was true, but for some reason, you knew that this was part of a plan he had.
 “She’s not dead,” Cat argued.
 “Yes, she is.”
 “No, because that would be cheating and I don’t cheat. You cheat!” Cat yelled.
 “I’m done playing,” Spencer said as he started to walk out the door.
 “Get back here!” Cat ordered.
 “Goodbye, Cat.”
 “I’ll let you talk to her!” Cat suddenly said, slamming her hand on the table. Ah, there it was, the reason he said that. His end game. He glanced to you, his expression not changing, except his eyes. His eyes held a sort of...promise. You weren’t sure what that promise was but it breathed life back into your rocky marriage in that moment and your faith in him was slowly restored. As soon as Spencer turned, JJ called Garcia, telling her to set up a trace. Finally, there was light at the end of some tunnel here.
 Lindsey said, “you’re early.”
 “Yeah, I know.”
 “Did he guess?”
 “No, not yet. We need proof of life.”
 “All right.”
 JJ and you held your breath as you waited.
 “Spencer!” Diana's voice suddenly rang out, making you both relieved and horrified in the same instance.
 He grabbed his phone. “Mom! Mom, are you okay?”
 “I don’t...know,” she answered, clearly confused. A noise that sounded like an explosion sounded on the phone and your heart plummeted in your chest.
 “No,” you whispered.
“Mom!” Spencer shouted.
 “Gotta go,” Lindsey responded.
 As soon as she hung up you knew Spence was going to snap.
 “What the hell  was that?” he demanded as you and JJ ran into the room.
 “I don’t know,” Cat tried.
 “You don’t know? Lindsey said you were early, was that a signal? Was that a prearranged signal to kill my mother?!” Spencer demanded as he slammed his fist on the table. “Tell me the truth!”
 “I am!”
 “Tell me the truth!”
 “I am!” Cat insisted. “You want to know the truth? Your mother is an alzheimers -ridden moron, who's getting dumber day by day and if she’s dead it’s your fault.”
 You immediately became speechless as Spencer shoved the table and pushed Cat against the wall, strangling her. You were motionless to watch him become violent towards Cat.
 “Spence!” JJ cried.
 “I’m going to kill you,” Spencer said as he choked her.
 “Spence!” JJ said again, trying to pry him off her. But you couldn’t help. In fact, you didn’t want to. It would be amazing if that bitch would drop dead.
 “She’s pregnant. She’s pregnant!” JJ repeated.
 “Really, JJ?” you demanded angrily. “Really?! Who gives a flying fuck if she’s pregnant! It’s not like it means anything to her or whoever the father is!”
 “Y/N, not now!” JJ screamed back.
 “Not now?!”
 Spence continued to choke cat as he promised to kill her. JJ tried to pry him off while fighting with you. As soon as they were separated he stormed out of the room. You and JJ were quick to follow but you had to turn to Jennifer.
 “What the fuck is wrong with you?” you asked JJ.
 “Me? What about you? Your husband was just strangling a pregnant woman!”
 “Oh, don’t act like she’s miss innocent! She’s killed people and she may have just killed Diana! and you’re concerned about the bastard child she might have?!”
 “Yes, I would think you would be too. If it’s Spence’s, it’s your responsibility.”
 You stepped toward her. “If you think I’m having anything that ever came from that psycho fucking bitch in there, you’re just as god damn nuts as she is. Whoever’s kid that is, it can go into foster care.”
 “How cold can you be?” JJ asked, suddenly judging you.
 “VERY!” you screamed. “No one was fucking compassionate when Spence was innocent. Half of you didn’t even fucking believe him! Meanwhile I’m dealing with a new baby and a woman who is violent and forgetful! So no, I have no fucking compassion for that bitch in there who wants to play fucked up mind games. If you want the kid, be my fucking guest. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.”
 With that, you took off to find Spence. They reported the gas station explosion and that the only victim was male.
 “Hey,” you greeted softly as you came up to him sitting in the hallway. You gave him the news and that you could assume Diana was still alive. All he did was nod though.
 “Whats up?” you questioned.
 “I never wanted you to see that. I didn’t even know I had that in me….”
 “Oh, honey, I’ll never judge you for strangling a psychopath, pregnant or not. We both know given the chance that I would do it.”
 He didn’t even crack a tiny smile.
 “What is it?” you pressed. Upset with him or not, you knew your husband.
 “I’m really scared this is who I am now.”
 “Spence, that’s impossible,” you said simply.
 “But...you don’t know what…”
 “I do though. I know about your friend getting killed in front of you. I know you stabbed yourself like a genius but a fucking idiot to get away. I know you had to do things that makes you worry I’ll see you differently.”
 He just looked down, not looking at you.
 “But I don’t,” you said softly.
 His head snapped up to look at you.
 “I don't see anything different.” You pushed his hair back out of his eyes. “You know what I see? A man who would do anything for his mom, his wife, and his baby. I see a man who does anything to survive. I see a man who I am so proud of.”
 “But you would never do that,” Spence challenged lightly.
 You laughed. “Oh, honey, I love you but you clearly underestimate me. I would do anything and more to make sure I wasn’t fucked with in prison. But that doesn’t make you or me a bad person. It doesn’t make us a psychopath. But you know who does think that? That in order to do anything to survive you’re somehow a psychopath -- she does.”
 Then it hit you both.
 “She does…Because...because she knows.”
 “That’s the secret. What I don’t want to admit about myself.” He stood up, ready to leave.
 “Wait, babe, hold up. We need to make sure this is airtight. She will not want to lose to you again.”
 You started to talk it out and he suddenly said, “I got it.”
 You wanted to wait, to have him explain, but you held yourself back. You followed him to the room, where you stood pretty far from JJ. You were still pissed at her. How could she even want to protect Cat and that bastard kid of hers?
 “Guess that’s one way to get you to put your hands on me,” Cat sneered. And just like that, your bloodlust was back for her. Your fist clenched as your nostrils flared and daggers flew from your eyes.
 “Dance with me,” he suddenly requested and you felt as if you’d fall forward or stumble backward. You weren’t sure except that you knew you didn’t fucking like what he just said.
 “Why?” Cat asked.
 “My thoughts exactly,” you thought, anger racing through you.
 “Because I don’t want the people watching us to hear what I’m about to say next.”
 “Oh that’s always good,” you sarcastically said as JJ just glanced sideways at you before calling the team. Cat took his hand and you thought your heart would cave in as they got in the same pose you stood in for your wedding. The same fucking pose you got in for every time you randomly grabbed Spence to have a fun, quick dance...It was something intimate between you two...Now, that was ruined.
 JJ warned everyone about the pregnancy thing. Spence deduced that someone was watching him in prison that would report back to Cat. Garcia worked to find overlap for both Spencer’s prison and Cat’s. Spence went on to talk about how someone was sent when he was at his lowest. He pretended to enjoy poisoning other prisoners, all to trick her into thinking they were alike. Garcia found an address of the guard that worked at both prisons and the team took off. Cat rubbed her hands on Spence and you inched forward, ready to punch through the fucking glass if you had to.
 “They’re walking into a trap,” she suddenly said.
 “What?” you and JJ gasped in unison.
 “And the only way out is if you give me your phone,” she continued, “and your guess, right now.”
 He handed her the phone and he went through the whole ordeal.
 “You’re not pregnant with my child. You’re pregnant with Wilkins. But it should be mine, I wish it were mine.”
 At that, you stumbled backwards so far, you hit the opposite wall.
 “Y/N? Y/N?!” JJ called out as she raced toward you but you were so dizzy and sick to your stomach, you didn’t know how to respond.
 Somehow, Spencer’s voice continued to ring out.
 “Because you and I, we deserve each other. Y/N? She doesn’t understand me. She thinks she does. But no...You do. That is the real secret. That I wish you were my wife.”
 With that, you passed out, unable to take any more pain or heartbreak or anger or stress on your body. You blacked out.
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