#if i ever watch im gonna go 'where the fuck is aqua'
rhythmmortis · 5 months
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icyfox17 · 1 year
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they lost :(
do you want to write about them being friends?
I KNOWW I SAW IM SO SADWAJOIWE R:(( wails BUT HEY it was pretty close to 50/50 so im happ B)
also ty for the prompt i haven't written orphanduo in so long this actually made me really happy eueueu
It’s pouring outside. Absolutely pouring. A torrential one if you will. The wind is howling, and Techno worries for the safety of their house from the massive tree in their backyard. 
Techno looks over to where his dog is sitting perfectly at the front door, tilting his head back and forth. “No, Floof. We are not going on a walk in this weather. Are you crazy?”
Floof whines, before jumping up and down in a circle and barking. 
Techno gives him a deadpan look. “You are. You have finally lost it.”
Floof ignores him, and continues to bark. There is no way Techno is giving in to this tiny demonic ball of white fluff. 
Techno stands up, and instead of going towards the front door, he moves to the back one. He unlatches the lock, and waits for Floof to come running. Floof does, without hesitation, and Techno can hear the clitter clatter of his nails hitting the hardwood. When Floof reaches the door, Techno slides it open, and all of the sudden the pouring rain and rushing wind become much, much louder. 
Floof sits in front of the door, and turns to look at Techno. Techno is pretty sure he can see the despair in his dog’s eyes.  
“Yeah. Thought so. You’re just gonna have to wait it out bud,” says Techno as he closes the door, latching the lock.
Floof this time doesn’t argue, and instead lies down in front of the door whining.  Techno gives him a pat twice on the head before, going back to where he was gaming on his computer. He was mining for his new faction on the (twentieth) Minecraft server Skeppy had forced him to join. 
A flash of thunder rocks the house, and he looks back out at the stormy world outside. Really, he can’t see anyone going outside in this weather. He pauses, looking back at the Minecraft world on his computer screen. Unless…
The Blade
can u come over rn
Annoying Dumbass #1 whtat?!??!
The Blade
floof knocked over the bookshelf downstairs
can u come right away
i cannot pick it back up myself
Annoying Dumbass #1
how the hlel did floof di taht?!?! isnt he tiny?!?!?
The Blade
you underestimate how much force is in that tiny body of his
Annoying Dumbass #1
ur fcuking w me
The Blade
im not
ill give you the first piece of netherite i find on this server
Annoying Dumbass #1
fine, but istg if this is a troll techno—
It is. But Skeppy doesn’t need to know that until he gets here. Plus, Techno wasn’t lying when he told him he would give him the netherite he found. Techno isn’t that cruel.
Techno prepares them hot chocolate and popcorn, planning on gaslighting Skeppy that the whole reason he tricked him over was so they could watch a movie together, and definitely not because he just thought it would be funny to see him get soaked.
As Techno is mixing the powder into the heated milk, he hears a knocking on the door and grins. He finishes stirring, before grabbing one of Floof’s towels and walking to the door.
He opens it to reveal a completely soaked Skeppy. His hair is dripping into his face, and the thin wind-breaker he’s thrown on has been changed from the light aqua colour it normally is, to a dark blue. 
“You are so lucky I only live five minutes away,” Skeppy says, glaring at him.
“Oh Skeppy, what would I ever do without you?” Techno replies, taking a step back so Skeppy can enter his house. 
As Skeppy is taking his shoes off, Techno closes the door behind him, locking it before throwing the dog towel at Skeppy’s back.
It drops to the floor, and Skeppy picks it up. He’s about to rub his face with it, before he squints at it. “Is this Floof’s?”
Techno shrugs. “Maybe. You got a problem with that?”
“I’m not a dog, Techno!”
Skeppy throws the towel at Techno’s face, laughing. “Fuck you, Techno!”
Techno cackles back, before making his way to the kitchen, grabbing him the clean and human towel he had prepared before, and giving that one to Skeppy. He then goes to finish the popcorn he was making.
Skeppy follows him all the way through, and when he gets to the kitchen he pauses, scanning the living room where the singular bookshelf that Techno’s family has downstairs is. There’s silence for one moment before, “Oh, you’ve got to be shitting me.”
“You really have to get better at not being gullible, man. You give Bad shit all the time for it, but really man? You thought Floof knocked that down?”
Skeppy laughed. “Shut up, man! I hate you so much.”
“I’m still going to give you the netherite.”
“...Okay. I hate you a little much.”
“That’s not grammatically correct at all.”
“Fuck off.”
Techno finishes with the popcorn, and hands Skeppy the mug of hot chocolate he’d made him. “Let’s go watch Megamind.”
Skeppy takes it without hesitation, and follows Techno to the couch in the living room, with the very clearly knocked over bookshelf. “You could’ve just asked me to come over.”
“This was funnier.”
“You are the worst.”
“I made you hot chocolate and popcorn, and this is how I’m treated? Fine, next time you’ll get nothing in return.”
“No, no no no no— It’s great. Thank you, Techno.”
“That’s more like it.”
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meikostan · 1 year
OK finally watching oshi no ko anime, it turns out all i needed was to go outside for like an hour and im normal again
my thoughts under the cut (writing as i watch) (long) (lots of thoughts) (beautiful and true?) (manga reader) (don't read if anime only) (spoilers) (seriously) (i talk alot) (lots of thoughts)
at this point i've reread oshi no ko enough times that even if i didnt already know japanese i could probably make it without the subs SDJLF but its so cool to see lines and panels that im so familiar with brought to life!! i also liked goro's death scene, especially the way they used static and cut between shots. i keep on pulling out my physical copies of onk (well mostly vol 1) and pointing at my screen and the corresponding part of the book like
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2. AIIIII little known fact about me is that ai is genuinely my favorite character... WHICH SUCKS BECAUSE SHE DIES IN THE FIRST VOLUME. seriously we only ever get to see her after this when a. her name or demeanor is invoked by another character b. aqua has his numerous mental breakdowns or c. flashbacks (including but not limited to aqua's mental breakdowns). i am always down for ai content!!!
3. its so much easier to ignore the weird vaguely sexual stuff from their babyhood because i know the rest of the series is normal and cool and not into that sort of stuff👍
4. speaking of normal yayayay it's aqua back when he was actually normal and not "normal" :D like he is just a baby. do you think now that oshi no ko is popular people will get into internet arguments about whether you can ethically have aqua as your favorite character post-normalification. actually wait this may already have been happening in the dark depths of some discord server out there.. but i dont use discord so im blissfully unaware
5. OH i dont think ive seen all of the OG b komachi before? or at least not in high detail. epic!
6. infant ruby telling people on the internet "kys" before age 2... truly a model twitter user
7. not gonna lie i havent really ever liked the way babies are drawn here (including manga)... idk their heads just look way too big like adult heads drawn on toddler bodies then ""cutified"". but this is a personal gripe
8. do you think because of infantile amnesia the twins forgot about the whole pretending to be amaterasu moment. do you think miyako still remembers. can you imagine being the foster mother of two kids who you believe to be gods sent to earth. do you think she remembers that she was "charged by the gods with keeping ai's secret" and then aqua. you know.
9. imagine: you married the ceo of a mid production company because you want to date hot men. there are no hot men in sight. you have to watch over one of the idol's twin infant babies. they reveal to you that they are divine messengers of god and also they can speak normally. there are no hot men in sight. you tend to their every need because you don't want divine retribution. you explain the intricacies of the idol industry in detail every couple of days when they complain about the injustices of the world. there are no hot men in sight. you become their foster mom after they witness the traumatic death of their mother, whose secrets you where charged with keeping safe. at least 12 years pass. they never mention any of this again. you manage the idol group one of them is in. there are still no hot men in sight. your name is miyako. every day you wake up.
10. i like how gotanda gives his business card to a toddler. whats he gonna do, call you on his fisher price dial phone? well actually nevermind aqua is probably the only other toddler (alongside ruby) who could make use of a business card
11. KANAA LETS FUCKING GOOOOO but also nothing will ever top 'lick a lying snitch/flick a crying switch'...... nothing ever... :( also taking the opportunity now to say ive always found it hilarious she assumed 'aqua' is his stage name and not his actual legal name, that's how ridiculous it is DSKLFJ
12. sobbing at the ruby ai dance... dont even have that many words i just really like it.. do you guys think ai was thinking about her own mom [& abuse/lack of relationship thereof]? not even just in this scene but in her more serious moments when she's thinking about her kids it's like "i want to make millions so they can go to the nicest schools and have the nicest things" "i want my daughter to dance freely and happily and i will support her in this" which ig can also be excused as 'thats just what a normal parent wants' but idk i like taking into consideration her own past and lack of parental support when looking at the way she tries to raise her children (not that she exactly got a chance to, even while still alive)
13. also i realized at this point that ep 1 is like an hour long not just because of the whole 'we gotta make sure no one drops this before the reveal that shows what this story's actually gonna be about', but also because it would be kinda awkward to have cut any of these scenes out? or not like out completely but like from each other. like if we had ended ep 1 at for example where they do their silly baby dance and go twitter viral (chapter 5 aka the midpoint of vol 1). that wouldve been terrible. but we can't cut it any earlier, or any later. ai's death feels like the natural conclusion to this problem. also i can't really see much of the other sections being stretched out to fit a full episode length being done very well. having ep 1 be a full 90 minutes lets them be as long as they need to be, aka a 1:1 adaptation of the manga.
14. oh boy chapter 9 time
15. i don't have anything to say about ai's outlook that has not already been said but this is the scene that made her my favorite character. not being able to tell at what point your lies become reality.. not really knowing if you've ever loved or been loved truly because your entire concept of 'love' was based off insincerity necessary for survival.. and now not ever being given the chance to explore what 'real love' means to you. FUCK
16. aww i love all these little family moments they added! very cute ^_^
17. yayy go kids get traumatized ^_^ also for some reason i remember the stalker as having really light hair o-0 fascinating. i remembered his name though!! just like ai fr
18. speaking of hair i also did not realize saitou was blond i thought he had brown hair..
19. hey the bandana (? i forget the word) guy holding the ai fan sign during the news montage is from one of the intros to the vol 1 chapters where hes like 'oh yeah i wonder where those dancing babies are now'!
20. another part of that montage shows a house with a wii in it, which came out november 19 2006. characters are shown using twitter which started earlier that same year; it was a pretty popular website even in 2008, but the mobile app only became a thing in like 2010. i'm seeing a mix of flip phones and smart phones so this has gotta take place sometime around 2010. it's kinda difficult to tell exactly what age the twins are in the main story because like the first page of vol 2 has ruby listing her age as 14, but - and the proof is not at my finger tips rn - i swear to god they're like 16 at this point. i have legitimate reasons to believe this but i need to grab exact proof adding to that we also have 15 years of lies, which if im remembering right would be referring to the twins age? i was trying to logic out exactly what year oshi no ko takes place in even though i already know the answer is 'in the modern day' but anyway yeah i'll just finish my episode and move on
21. THE IPHONE RUBY IS HOLDNIG HAS A HEADPHONE JACK. i want so badly to say that's an iphone 4 but there's like a separation between that and the power button. i also dont have an iphone 4 with me so i cant check it irl :( but anyway the iphone 4 was released in 2010, meaning the evidence is piling up for this part of the story taking place some time around 2010. or maybe i'm looking too deeply into this and should go back to actually watching the episode.
22. this is reminding me i was gonna write a fic specifically about this time period where the twins go to therapy and have to adjust to life without ai, having miyako graduate from fake mom to actual mom, aqua faking being fully recovered from the incident so he'd be released from therapy (fic concept was inspired from him stating this in like vol 6), etc. i never did because i spent like 3 hours researching play therapy and never got anywhere with it.. but maybe...
26. MEM!!!!
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27. AHHH POST CREDITS AI MAKING HER VIDEO FOR THE TWINS "i don't think i'll still be an idol by then" YEAH BUT AT WHAT COST 😭
FINAL THOUGHTS: i liked it alot ^_^ i dont really watch that much anime anymore (not that i watched an incredible amount before, but i am familiar with it) but i really liked this. i think they did a very good job of adapting the first volume! i know the rest of the episodes will be not-film length which does make me a bit sad because i think it would work out well, or at least not badly, if they were. it does also make me really excited for the future, seriously i will actually explode when i see the theater arc in full. cannot wait to see aqua mental breakdowns and ruby evil arc and and and and
the only thing i would've liked is if they could somehow have found a way to incorporate the pre-chapter intro scenes from the manga where they're talking about 15 years of lies, interviews with their pre-school teacher, etc. though both the pre-school teacher and the aforementioned bandana guy appear which may have been their way of doing it? like adding a fun detail for obsessives like myself to point at like 'my god it's those guys from exactly 2 panels in the manga'
tumblr ate my post and erased everything up to #2 while i was writing it and i was about to flip but it turns out that it automatically saves posts while youre writing them now and it was in my drafts safe and sound soooo crisis averted ^_^ anyway those were my thoughts on ep 1
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businessbois · 3 years
business! did u see the mcc teams? no prime boys (ive gone dark) but beeduo and dreamnap! also queer team aka scott, one of his husbands (wisp), antfrost, and 5up! tommy is teamed with dad, funds, and conar
- mr scandalous
okay so i was so ready to answer this yesterday but people showed up at my house right as i was about to so i’m getting to it now! i’m just gonna use this to get a lot of my mcc thoughts out
one day we’ll get those primeboys. one day. but like omg this red rabbits team is so cool? like dreamnap is an op duo but also with quackity and michael they’re gonna be so fun!!
bee duo is obviously so freaking exciting! the only reason i’m hesitant to root for the pink parrots is that god himself seems to be working against wilbur soot especially during mccs. i’d be so pleased if this team won though
i think i heard a while ago that 5up was on the mcc waitlist but completely forgot about it until now, but super super cool that he’s in the event now along with ant. wisp i of course adore with every bone in my body and there’ll be a lot of flirty banter on this team with him and scott. i wouldn’t put them super high on rankings just because of the new completely new players, but they’ll for sure be a good time.
i’m so fucking excited for the green guardians. like unimaginably excited. tommy and connor is such a nice duo to watch work together. i remember the mcu they did together and they were so good as a duo even if they didn’t place high in the event. i actually think these guys have such a good shot at winning, fundy, phil, and tommy are all super super good players, like top ten, high a tiers all of them. connor has only been in one mcc, because of pete having to drop and the fact that he was teamed with james charles, im not gonna really say that his performance there is indicative of how he’ll perform in this mcc though. and anyways, quackity was completely new to the event in mcc11 when he was with tommy, fundy, and wilbur and they were nearly in dodgebolt. so super high potential for this team, they’re not only solid but very good in every aspect of this tournament except i’d say possibly buildmart where morale might go down, but even that would hardly damage them overall. not to have an obvious favorite team, but i could talk about these guys forever.
orange ocelots is a super strong team i can already see getting overlooked. any team with pete on it is a strong team, and he and grian’s mcc13 team got 2nd and their mcc14 team got 3rd, i can for sure see these guys in the top three.
yellow yaks is another super strong team. i’m very excited to see the dynamic, punz, the captain, jack manifold, and cpk is not a combination that would ever come to me, but i’m interested to see it. punz is a really good player especially in pvp and that’s where callum’s strength is as well i’d say. maybe that and the sheer power of jack manifold will get the captain his first win?
i don’t wanna underestimate the lime llamas either. obviously mr. gaming is on fire as of late, copping a win in the last canon mcc. oli’s been improving in these last few mccs, his individual coins have gone way up from where they were back when he stopped at mcc6. fruitberries is obviously fruitberries. kara’s a solid teammate and very experienced. they just don’t jump out to me as a top three just because all the other teams are also insanely strong, but they’ll definitely perform well.
i just look at aqua and think “good team.” i wake up to krtzyy notifs that are always “doing some mcc practice,” he and krinios are a tier players. they’re friends with puffy and i think everyone on this team will work super well together. very excited about the puffychu duo on this team and im super happy that niki is feeling good about competing again, especially after she did so well in mcc14.
okay so the only things i know about prestonplayz is that my ten year old cousin watches him and he missed the other mcc he was supposed to be in because of a wedding. he did win an mcm week though i do vaguely remember that. anyways, he seems like a lovely guy, happy he’s finally able to play. fwhip and joel are both like around the top 20 range, i’d put them 25 at the lowest. quig is as always an amazing individual player.
purple pandas kinda insane? illumina’s just coming off his pride win and is always an amazing player. ren and false are both very solid and a good duo. the chemistry and communication on this team will be really great, i believe 3/4 of this team all know each other and i can’t imagine illumina having trouble getting along with them. he’s a great leader and i think they’re gonna be really good
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ravenaveira · 5 years
Just wanna clarify a few things after my long review/rant at the end for KH3 Re:Mind
My comments about the Sokai stuff I stand by, but I wanna be clear because I see Sokai shippers claiming antis complained about the lack of Sokai for it to be a believable relationship and now that Sokai has more moments we’re complaining about them shoving Sokai down our throats.
I cant speak for all antis on this, so I’ll be strictly speaking for myself on this issue and anyone else who feels similar to me. Warning it gets long again so be ready.
Yes Im one of those antis who complained about the lack of Sokai which made it underdeveloped and unbelievable, and yes I am also complaining about them now shoving Sokai down our throats.
Why? because Kingdom hearts is not a romance, and throughout every single game so far romance has taken a severe back seat and handled very subtely. For example Sora’s drawing in the cave of him giving Kairi the Paopu fruit, Riku teasing him about wanting to give one to Kairi, Sora saying hes always with her and promising to come back for her, Roxas calling Kairi ‘the girl he likes’ etc
All these moments were very short, subtle, and to the point. It was not a primary focus nor was it blatantly shoved in your face like
I mean in almost EVERY shot they were together Sora was holding her hand, which isnt something he usually does? keep in mind Sora and Kairi’s feelings have been known to eachother since KH2 and Sora still didnt behave the way he is now. He was always very awkward and uncomfortable/shy when it came to romance.
In KH2 Sora didnt hug Kairi, nor did he hold her hand, it was KAIRI who initiated the hug out of relief and happiness to see Sora again and that hes ok. Sora did not show the same sentiment and treated her like he always has, just casually walking up to her and just nonchalantly saying ‘You are different Kairi, but Im just glad your here’ as if she wasnt kidnapped and being held hostage this entire time. He should have showed the same concern for her as he did for Riku and Kairi for him but he did not, he just said that and then turned away and apologized.
But in KH3 Sora/Nomura pull a complete 180, Sora hugs Kairi to shield her from Terranort with his body instead of pulling out his keyblade and blocking his attack. Him hugging Kairi there was not only stupid, but it doesnt even defend her, Terranort will just kill Kairi AND him now. That was just a forced out of place Sokai moment for the sake of shoving a Sokai moment that was completely unnessecary and could of easily had the same impact by having Sora do the common sense thing and BLOCK with his keyblade like he did for Riku when they were in THE EXACT SAME SITUATION.
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See the difference? good, then I need say no more.
This is only one of many situations where they would shoehorn in a Sokai moment that was completely out of place, didnt make any sense, or just forced in trying way too hard to convince you how much Sora cares for Kairi and how much they love and want to be together forever etc etc
Another example being when everybody ‘dies’ in the keyblade graveyard being swept away by heartless. Sora only loses his mind and breaks down emotionally after Kairi is the last one swept away, he then says the most inconsiderate line he could have ever said.
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He says this while RIKU IS RIGHT THERE BESIDE HIM, even if you were arguing he was just speaking figuratively thats still no excuse, he was NOT alone but at that moment he just completely disregarded Riku as if his presence there was the same as being alone.
Not only that but seconds later he does one of the most out of character things for him.
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Sora just WATCHES Riku risk his life holding back the heartless to protect him and Sora just WATCHES him fighting off this huge horde of heartless BY HIMSELF and not ONCE does Sora make ANY attempt to get up and help Riku despite knowing his life is at risk trying to hold them back alone.
Even if you wanna argue Sora was in shock, when has that ever stopped him before!? when have you EVER known Sora to just sit back and watch his friends put their lives in danger and NOT help them?
What makes this worse is thats not even the first time he does it, he sits back and watches AGAIN as Axel gets bodied right infront of him just to have him exhausted next to Kairi because you know, Sora’s never fought strong opponents and gotten right back up to protect his friends before.
Remember Terranort? Sora was overpowered by him and still made the effort to run over and hug Kairi to shield her from his attack, but Axel and Riku? nah just gonna chill and watch. This is BEYOND out of character for Sora.
When Axel told Sora to hurry and save Kairi, who was being held hostage by the organization and was in danger, Sora refused to leave him and stayed behind to help him fight. Sora chose helping Axel over Kairi, he put saving his enemy before his own friend/love interest.
When Neku betrayed him, Sora still helped and protected him when he was in danger
When Riku stole his keyblade and Donald and Goofy followed him and left Sora behind, yes Sora was discouraged but when he saw Beasts determination to save Belle no matter what, it encouraged Sora to do the same for the people he cared about
I could go on but you get my point, Sora saw Riku risking his life, literally dying and he did NOTHING, try to justify that all you want but that was incredibly out of character and was obviously put there to show how losing Kairi broke him.
I know your probably gonna argue it wasnt just Kairi it was everybody, and to that I say this, if it wasnt just about Kairi why didnt Sora snap when Ven and Axel got bodied? he froze for a few seconds but then snapped out of it thanks to Riku. After that everybody gets swept away, but the game made sure to put EXTRA emphasis, slow motion and all, to Kairi and Sora reaching out to eachother and then Kairi being swept away by the tide.
THATS when he snaps, if it truly werent just about Kairi they wouldnt have made sure to put emphasis on her being swept away, EVERYONE would have gotten the same treatment if it were truly their deaths also that made Sora fall apart. Im not saying he wasnt upset or heartbroken over them, Im pointing out how they made sure to single out Kairi as the most DEVASTATING loss out of all of them.
Yet again, he has Riku one of his closest bonds if not the closest right beside him yet he doesnt even acknowledge him? he says hes alone even though Rikus right there? you cannot justify that as anything other than downplaying Riku to boost Kairi up.
You do not see the other trios treated this way, every trio has equal focus for ALL of them and even the romantic hints for some of them [Roxas/Xion, Terra/Aqua, technically Namine/Repliku] have all been treated equally and did not feel forced or out of place but very natural and they still made sure to focus on the friendship bond between them overall.
Axel doesnt get played down in importance to Roxas just to boost Xion up, their friendship and bond with eachother are equally important to one another despite whatever ‘romance’ there might be. Same applies to Terra and Aqua, Ven is not played down in importance to them. As for Namine and Repliku they arent a trio but their romance was still handled well and it didnt overshadow their platonic bond or attempt to play down the real Riku or vice versa to boost the other, Namine was equally important to both of them.
So balancing romance and friendship CAN be done in their trio, but for some reason Nomura insists on pitting one against the other and playing down one over the other, in Sokai’s case thats Riku, which is an insult to his and Sora’s bond. The same way Sokai shippers felt the over-focus on Sorikus bond was a disservice to Sora and Kairi’s bond, its the same issue.
But lets get back to Re:mind because besides a few bad moments, overall KH3 was atleast passable with the Sokai nonsense. Then comes Re:Mind and oh boy...the damage control was strong in this one.
Again as I said earlier the Sokai moments in this game were very forced and out of place and in many ways out of character for Sora.
For starters the excessive hand holding, why? to convince us their a thing? but Sora suggests otherwise
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Even after all the excessive hand holding, the hugs, the forced moments etc, in the end Sora still calls Kairi a friend. After aaaaall the forced Sokai bs they shoved down our throats Sora still friendzones her, which is it Nomura? you either want them together or you dont, stop playing games and pick a side already.
Dont get me wrong Im glad he hasnt made it official yet but after all this its like enough is enough, either follow through or cut this shit out and go back to being subtle like before.
Another huge insult was Sora constantly saying how his journey started with Kairi, since when? I remember Sora losing Kairi AND Riku that day not just her. I recall Sora not going back to Destiny Islands with Kairi BECAUSE he wanted to continue his journey to find Riku, but apparently in Re:mind it was just all about Kairi, nothing about his journey involved Riku no it was only Kairi that was his main motivation, gtf outta here man.
You can say something over and over but that doesnt make it true, Sora’s journey started with BOTH of them, lets stop playing down Riku’s importance to once again boost Kairi up.
That hug when Sora finally reunited with Kairi after restoring her was so obviously trying to make up for all the years of people complaining about Sora’s lack of reaction to Kairi in KH2 in comparison to Riku, so having him hold her for several seconds floating in the sky should rectify that right? you believe he cares about her now right? fuck off man. If your gonna do damage control than atleast dont make it so obvious that thats what your doing because then it comes off disingenuous, forced, and fake.
But my biggest issue is the ending where they really shoehorned Sokai where it didnt belong, literally stalking everyone else with the exception of returning Namines heart and Sora helping to reunite Chirithy with Ventus. But in Twilight town, why were Sora and Kairi there? they werent with Roxas but just sitting above them
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Why were they at Mickeys castle? again their just in the background sight seeing.
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These scenes were completely unnessecary and completely out of place and made the ending WORSE rather than better. Why? because these are Sora’s final hours ALIVE whether you argue only for a day or a couple days, in all of these ending scenes only one thing matters to Sora and thats Kairi.
Before we assumed everything that was shown all happened the same exact day and we didnt see Sora with any of them. But now we have confirmation Sora WAS there yet he only spent his last remaining time with Kairi in the background while quietly stalking everyone else? even if he didnt spend time with anyone else, he should have spent his last remaining time with Kairi AND Riku, after all hes his best friend and would like to spend what little time he may have with Sora too but we dont see any of that. Hell this contradicts Soras own danm words to Chirithy prior to this.
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Instead of just shoehorning a bunch of Sokai in the background why not show the three of them FINALLY all together again like the old days? this is wtf Im talking about. We saw ALL the other trios together but the Destiny trio? hell naw fuck Riku lets have Sora spend all his remaining time with Kairi, thats the only one who REALLY matters here. After being separated from eachother constantly, now they finally have the chance to be together again and spend time together as friends and they DONT.
Instead Sora decides to take Kairi around the worlds hes visited, something he said he wanted to do with Riku as well, and just spend all his remaining time with her, even though in the base game before the final battle Sora was concerned why Riku was all alone and not spending time with them together. But here? nah fuck Riku. I remembered how important it is to share moments with friends only applied to Kairi.
So personally idc that theres more Sokai moments, my problem is the execution. It doesnt feel genuine, it feels forced and awkward and just doing damage control to pander to the rabid fanbase thats been screaming for this type of content for years, well congrats, you got it.
My problem is Kingdom Hearts was never about romance, it was always subtle and not shoved in your face, it felt natural and not forced and like there was atleast SOME heart behind it, but this? just felt hollow and forced.
Just stop, Im glad in the end Kairi just sleeps for a whole year and probably still will be sleeping when the next game comes out and the focus will shift to Riku and his search for Sora along with the other keyblade wielders doing their part as well.
So Im thankful it seems like we’re done with this crap and getting back to what ACTUALLY matters and what people really wanna see from this series.
Notice how nothing in either of my posts had to do with Soriku as a couple but about their bond as friends, enough said.
So dont try to twist this into just being about pairings because its not, its about what this series has always been about being forgotten for the sake of a fucking trash ship that nobody cares about besides rabid shippers and Sora’s bonds with his other friends being completely thrown out the fucking window to shorehorn in a bunch of unnessecary Sokai moments as a desperate attempt to convince people that these two love eachother which at this point if you have to try so hard to CONVINCE people of your pairing its obvious your doing a very shitty job at it.
Im done, this is my last long post about this for a while but I really needed to get that all out there since nobody else seems to be calling it out for what it is. My anger and frustration is still very fresh and it shows so I really need to stop talking about it because at this point? Re:Mind just ReMinded me why the Destiny trio is the worst out of them all, it is the most unbalanced and quite frankly feels more like Riku is a third wheel at this point and not even a part of the trio anymore. Before Kairi, it was always Sora and RIku yet hes the one whos being pushed aside and forgotten about in all this. That pisses me off.
So Im done with this topic, I need to cool off for the next couple of years till the next game comes out where hopefully Kairi stays asleep the entire time and NOT ruin another game.
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nobodies-png · 6 years
tbh i think square/disney really wanted the organization to be bad™ and irredeemable™ but they shot themself in the foot after they sprinkled in the various moments where its established that the individuals of the org arent inherently evil. which means that them having ienzo be a child originally makes it strange to have such malicious hate aimed at him in the same series where characters are expected to grow and learn and sympathize. but idk lol
h o n e s t l y ? y E Ah
im taking this chance to ramble under the cut , wh e e z e. Warning for KH3 spoilers and Mod Demyx rant rant
in my humble ass opinion, it really just feels like Nomura had a bunch of cool ideas in general, but then the train went rogue and they started adding a shit ton of plot twists (that they’d later have to explain and make relevant to the main plot) for the sake of continuing the saga and milking more money bc KH was part of so many people’s childhoods
like, it’s one of my fave games and sagas ever but to be honest, i’d love for some other company to fucking remake the entire plot without the pretense of “we gotta be kid friendly bc Disney is here uwu”. Like, you can’t really be dramatic and make any important events when every character is just gonna come back, only killing off those that you don’t know how to continue.
and it’s such a weird fucking ? amalgamation of stuff too ? not even the fact that we’re mixing talking animals,disney princesses and final fantasy shit into it, but like - sometimes it shows scenes that are too dark for Disney and sometimes it just skims over shit that it should have some proper closure because o h it’s too dark for a kid’s game. And then even deeper shit is hinted in the novels and manga bUT TYING BACK TO MY PREVIOUS ANSWERED POST, YOU CAN’T EXPAND ON LORE TO MAKE YOUR CREATION MORE STABLE LIKE THIS - IF YOU WANT TO EXPLAIN OR EXPAND UPON SOMETHING, HAVE B A L L S AND DO IT IN THE GAME, WHICH IS THE MAIN FOCUS 
Like, in KH3 they wanted everyone to get redeemed and “close off a chapter of this story” but honestly ? it was fucking rushed and done in a pretty shitty way, in my opinion. 
Ienzo just shows up wanting to help and there’s no repercussions to his actions as a nobody, he’s just like “uwu hi” and everyone’s too caught up in Sora having a phone to even care that this was one of the guys that gave them h e l l in Castle Oblivion. Same with the other apprentices, Aeleus and Dilan get no spoken lines, just a line explaining how they also wanted to be better tossed in all carelessly. That’s their redemption. 
And don’t get me wrong, I fucking adore Zexion/Ienzo, he was my crush as a kid, but ? he’s just used to show that Nobodies can be chill and they’ve been all controlled by a bigger evil, as well as part of Ansem’s own redeeming arc instead of having his O W N redeeming arc. He’s virtually useless despite all the protagonism they gave him in KH3, cause sure he calls Sora to let him know shit and he’s supposedly “working on Big Stuff for the Good Guys(tm)”, but all of this work and character development happens off-screen. Same with Vexen/Even - and he at least gets like two scenes showing that he actively works in the shadows to redeem himself. 
like I love the final battle part a lot because it’s ? ? ? so fucking badass and it’s the end of all this journey we’ve been on, it’s Sora vs Xenahort, it’s the light vs the darkness, it’s Master Eraqus’ legacy vs Xenahort’s army. 
but it’s just an easy cheap way to close off so much shit in a short time.
the sea salt trio ? reunited. the wayfinder trio ? reunited. the remaining Nobodies who still have no fucking backstories ? gone with a hint of “we’ll be back as good guys”. Like, they added fucking Ephemera as the “light from the past”, inviting the connection between the current timeline with KHux bUT THERE’S STILL NOTHING ON LAURIAM/MARLUXIA. AND THEN THERE’S A FUCKING CUTSCENE OF VENTUS HUGGING A FUCKING CHIRITHY LIKE, YOURE NOT EXPLAINING NOR HELPING ANYONE, NOMURA.
Like I get it that KH3 was supposed to be the ending of some things and the beginning of other new things and I get that there were a lot of setbacks and things involved, but even with it’s amazing graphics and fun gameplay, it’s still another trainwreck regarding plot. But we all just keep eating it up because we’re desperate to know how it ends and bc childhood nostalgia keeps us here at gunpoint
also i’m mad that out of all KH girls, only Aqua got her time to shine. Like sure, you can argue and say that Kairi took the spotlight after saving Sora again and being a good 70% of Sora’s strength, but as usual she was thrown back into her spot as “princess in distress”, with her training and character development happening off-screen in a place that conveniently has no effect to the current events. And speaking of training, she just immediately becomes besties with Axel despite all the shit they went through with him trying to kidnap her and whatnot. And sPEAKING OF AXEL, HE GOT WAY MORE DEVELOPMENT THAN ROXAS OR XION OR KAIRI OR AQUA HERSELF
AND THAT’S SAYING SOMETHING CAUSE AQUA GOES THROUGH A LOT OF SHIT IN THIS GAME - She finally succumbs to darkness, she goes out of it, she saves Ven, reunites with Terra and after sO MANY FUCKING YEARS, she’s back on the realm of light. And that moment when she asks where they are and they tell her she’s back home and she raises her head to look at the sun and she cries ? ? that made me S H I V E R and TEAR UP MYSELF - but still, after all of that she goes to pretty much doing nothing while Axel here goes through a keyblade training, seeing Kairi as Xion, making ammends with his best friend, reuniting with his two adopted kids after so much shit and hinting anOTHER SUBPLOT WITH HIM, ISA AND A “SECRET GIRL” FRIEND THEY HAD.
I hate that this entire saga is a wreck but it still has me grabbed by the balls. Like I bought the KH special edition PS4 just to play when KH3 came out
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d4c · 6 years
long list of kh3 thoughts as I was playing, spoilers of course
very pretty game
what are these attraction/form changes, did they just throw that in or was there something similar in an older game?
I miss drive forms
for just starting out I’m feelin pretty strong
fighting titans for your first boss pretty cool
this tornado sucks
oh NOW I’m in kh3
how will I even know if I’m even making progress to getting the power of waking back
twilight towns pretty small, cool theres people though
these people really love the bistro..
guess we’re not goin in the mansion
why are these food mini games broken up so much, the second it starts its over shoulda put multiple together or make them longer (I wont be coming back here)
toy story world looks cool, being small in a big world
being outside really looks nice
tell me where the lucky emblem is you goofy bitch (it was the leaves infront of the door
fighting these figures, gonna hop in one, hop in one at every opportunity cause why wouldn't you
dont really like fighting in these, lemme go back to pressing x
im not trying to form change or ride the teacups I just wanna open the chest
how tf did all the toys get away that fast
buzz being an asshole but I’m sure something will happen to him
oh the whole level is in here, man I wanna go back outside..
The doll boss is really nice looking, shout out to the designer
shooting star keyblade really doin work
the dialogue in this game is ridiculous
oh shit there goes young xxxenanort
I am really not tryna do this whole video game shit in the mech thing
woody you goin off right now but its still ridiculous
did I make any kinda progress in anything, dont feel like it
I’ve now realized that this list would be way too long so lets shorten this a bit
Kingdom of Corona: I should probably watch tangled
Monstropolis: can we please get this girl in her damn door, jesus
cant vanitas just teleport back
Arendelle: oh she’s singin the whole dam song, oh fuck she is too
get me outta here
“That sounds like olaf”
I didn’t even know Hans or whatever was the wolf with so little he was even in so I probably blinked and missed it. 
This wolf is waaay too cool for this guy.
The Carribean: *on the ship* oh they know people hated this place lmaoo
please get me outta this water
why am I collecting crabs
does whats goin on make no sense or am I just an idiot
these boat battles okay, could be a lot worse
how is this boat moving in this whirlpool thing
idk who any of you are and whats going on and I’m sure it doesnt matter
cool keyblade
San Fransokyo: nice fighting on the bridge
oo I can just run up all these buildings, wish I could just a bit faster
man baymax sucks
this cube boss really aint doin much but whatever
rikus here, whatever
I’ve never held r2 more in my life probably
The keyblade graveyard
this is where the game starts
I “die” and have to collect my pieces? ok, at least better than the crabs
okay round 2
“Looks like you need some help”
would probably not have known what was going on without that article I read. cool having the names from union x
at some point I could actually move, I didnt know and almost died
man, nier automata was great
I guess this is why no organization members fought me ever before
pretty cool, havent even fought everyone here before ive played very few kingdom hearts games
xigbars fine
wtf is your deal larxene
young xxxenanort and the boys
get fucked, kairi. (did she even do anything ever)
now to fight old man xenoblade, I went into his heart or somethin idk
oh I’m in that place
goat simulator 2019
am not fuckin with this gravity stuff, but mashing x and occasionally square and triangle has not failed me yet
I’m really fighting underwater again
oh he made me go into rage form
alright the part after this im not gonna lie I was dyin a couple times, my timing was bad
its finally over
TL;DR just general thoughts
game is very good looking, think that much is clear
didn’t feel like I was really doing anything until keyblade graveyard
“You never lost the power of waking it was just asleep” smh
wtf are they even saying most the time
wtf is demyx
cool bosses:doll,wolf,aqua
feels weird beating this on proud knowing there’s nothing harder and not having much trouble in general, even if I wouldnt tackle a critical mode myself
these were some long cutscenes
I forgot about summons most of the time but thats probably my own fault
forgot about the focus thing too outside of needing to airstep
all the keyblades coming to help was probably the coolest thing for me
I started off with some strong abilities, thought I wouldnt get anything cool til way later
I put in a good effort (to me at least) to play with a decent understanding of whats going on story wise and this shit is unnecessarily convoluted, but I’m also an idiot.
To sum up everything, game looks nice
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poly-pan-cakes · 6 years
found this thing on fb
I was tagged by @777-777-777777
1. Do you like blue cheese? .....uh FUCK NO 
2. Coke or Pepsi? Coke, specifically ero 
3. Do you own a gun? hell to the nope
4. What flavor of Kool-Aid! wtf is Kool-Aid? 
5. Hot dogs? im veggo so im gonna have to go with nope 
6. Favorite TV shows? Gilmore Girls, Battlestar Galactica, Adventure Time, B99
7. Do you believe in ghosts? I? Don’t? Know?
8. What do you drink in the morning? covefe or wada 
9. Can you do a push-up ? yep
10. Favorite piece of jewelry?  I have a necklace with a brain on it 
11. Favorite hobby? Singing 
12. Do you have ADD/ADHD? yepppp
13. Do you wear glasses? im supposed to 
14. Favorite cartoon character? Marceline
15. Three things you did today? Watched netflix, ate food, smoked
16. Three drinks you drink? blue powerade, covefe, water 
17. Current worry? i have generalised anxiety disorder i worry about EVERYTHING
18. Do you believe in magic? yep!
19. Favorite place to be? on my patio with music and my pipe 
20. How did you ring in the year? smoked, drank, slept 
21. Where would you like to visit? somewhere with snow 
22. Name five people who would most likely do this?   @letsrevince @julzthebrave @passionatelyyawning @lilac-literally @briennah (idk some of yall but you guys reblog most of my stuff the most) be my friend?
23. Favorite movies? the perks of being a wallflower 
24. Favorite color? aqua 
26. Can you whistle? ye
27. What are you doing right now? this
28. Where would you rather be right now? my dads grave 
29. Favorite food? pasta 
30. Least favorite chore? cleaning the bathroom 
32. What’s in your pockets? im at home, and home means no pants 
33. Last thing that made you laugh? i assume something on the internet 
34. Favorite animal? red pandas
35. What’s your most recent injury? welts from an allergic reaction 
36. How many TVs in your house? 1
37. Worst pain ever? i have chronic pain so im constantly in pain. But probably dislocating a new joint for the first time, and skeleton on fire 
38. Do you like to dance? yeah, i tend to just get lost in music 
39. Are your parents still alive? Dad’s dead, mum disowned me so .... no 
40. Do you like camping? im allergic to grasses, most bugs, have severe sleeping problems so nope 
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dewprisms · 6 years
kh3 spoilers idk tumblr keeps not saving them and idk what i was doing last :/ but this will be the last one unless there’s DLC or something
this terranort scene....everyone sure is taking their time to attack him
kairi where is your keyblade seriously??? maybe you should have it out???? why are they making her a fucking damsel in distress again
so Donald and Lea get hurt because Kairi’s too dumb to not have her keyblade out with monsters around what the FUCK was the point of her training if they’re making her NOT DO A DAMN THING EXCEPT BE A D-I-D
god is THIS why I saw posts about people being upset over kairi’s treatment? Because they don’t even have to do ANYTHING? or is it about to be worse?
....and Aqua just....doesn’t even try, she just drops her blade and lets go
this entire scene is suppose to be sad but I’m just getting pissed off at how FUCKING STUPID they all are
“where am i” looks like heaven, ur dead kid
....Chirithy def has Kairi’s? voice, def the voice of another character but higher pitched
oh shit Sora’s ACTUALLY dead
is....that xion?
...is this Chirithy....Ven’s Chirithy?
Lea never did change into his new clothes
oh, NOW I actually unlocked KG as an actual world
what....did time rewind? it’s the same scene...
LW!!!! Terra’s back!!
oh my god, THIS is where all the KHUX names come in? We help Sora fight the Darkness Tornado
aww, I didn’t see my name :( that didn’t seem like 300 tho
oh, so it IS KH1 Riku
there he is, my love!!! aand he’s gone
oh no, Mickey’s starting to lose hope
oh dang, Mickey knows Time magic? not Stop, but Time
man this is why he’s the most powerful magician in the series
oh shit there are 2 girls.....is it really xion?
mannnn Xehanort’s voice is sooooo bad and the accent just gets worse and worse like the dude isn’t even trying to hide it
where’s Terra? He’s not back yet
oh Luxord’s not dead
oh god, I have to fight ALL FOUR of them with Mickey
nvm, just me vs 3
nvm that was easy, just ignore larx and marly
oh, Luxord’s helping....and he dies again
where’s mar and larx tho. i didn’t kill them
oh, larx only helped to stay with marluxia....cause of their past in khux...
marly lost his memory too?
now i gotta kill my bf again....
yup, he never got one....xehanort lied to him....
they’re so mean to him :((((((((((( I mean he deserved it yeah but
im legit upset
oh no, it is repliku, not past riku....
the real repliku....is giving ups his chance of life for namine......
wow......kairi got hit twice and fucking passed out....she’s worse than donald.....she didnt do any damage and got knocked out way too fast...
xion :(
also-ran??? wtf is that
SSIC trio is back!
who the FUCK is “her” they keep talking about
so Saix was more bitter over over not just him but this mysterious girl they were searching for
nooooooo he died in Lea’s arms (also? apologize to Xion for how you treated her you fuck)
...so Xion’s hair is brown now....?
Also....why was Xion with them in the first place??? They NEVER said why
naturally, aqua vs terranort and ven vs van
JHBSJKKSD I killed Terranort and ALL he said was “ow??” like he hit his arm on a door
I don’t think they understand that Vanitas didn’t have a choice, he “chose” darkness because he IS darkness, that’s literally what he is, he never had a choice to be what he wanted, he can’t be with light because Ventus is his light
jfc Terranort shook them around so much they passed out
Holy shit IS THE THEORY TRUE??? The guardian is Terra’s Heartless!!!
so Guardian = Heart, Terranort = Body, LW = Soul, dude was literally split into the 3 states
fucking....they took Kairi to force them to fight the last fights....instead of LITERALLY ANYONE ELSE!!!! if Kairi is so fucking weak as they’re writing her to be, it would’ve been more beneficial to kidnap one of the stronger people (like Mickey!!) instead but no they gotta kidnap the girly girl who’s been a DID in every. single. main. game. so far. :))))))))
lmao killed YMX with the Magic Carasoule
ngl I was kinda expecting YMX to betray himself...
Xehanort just sit here and watches these little cut scenes after every individual defeat....
......oh....ansem sod was gonna betray them....but gave up hope he could change anything....
aww Mickey used Curaga on us right before he knew he was gonna get taken again also I forgot to equip Curaga for myself oops I still have Cura on my slots, why does it not automatically equip them now....nobody wants to ever use the weaker versions, lower magic cost or not
what, Xemnas actually regrets being bad to the org? why, it makes no sense from how he was written before
“Why her?!” because she’s a fucking girl in this franchise
im so goddamn pissed off, no WONDER everyone is so mad about the ending
....Xehanort’s VA is......so bad............he has no damn emotion..............like, people talk about Aqua and Terra’s VA”s being emotionless? Nah, this dude really sucks
so Riku and Mickey got Stop’d but Donald and Goofy didn’t (or Sora of course
oooooo Ven and Roxas noticed each other....that’s gonna be a convo.....
“Kairi will be alright.” Yeah after everything’s done and over with to keep her out of the action
............so he gets taken out because he’s too distracted to see the 11 people aiming for him? are you fucking kidding me
so Xehanort...is a portal...to Cable Town??
mannn so the guys in those gucci outfits aren’t even the new org, they’re all just old man xehanort himself
wait wait no, they have all the weapons of the org? so are they them or does he just have all their powers??? nvm they’re all him
god even his power-up scream was underwhelming........
yup, a goat, the sin of Lust iirc
.....that fight...was extremely underwhelming....is that it?
“there is one sky, one destiny” dude that’s kairi’s line fuck off
he just. straight up took the light from Sora and forced him into Anti-Form? ok
well, at least he actually sounds like he’s dying in pain
ERAQUS! at least he has his voice, that’s def mark hamil still
“that doesn’t mean that i can’t be there for you” you’re the one that fucking killed him you lying motherfucker
...so eraqus apologized to aqua and ven, but not to terra who he also attacked? ok
and so the boyfriends ascend to the afterlife together
where the FUCK is Kairi
so the game
fucking ends
with Kairi fucking dead
this whole ending is suppose to be sweet with all the reunions but I’m just royally pissed off
oh, it is Ven’s Chirithy....but he didn’t have his memory come back...
oh! Lea’s new outf- XION GETS ONE TOO AAAAAAAAAA AND ISA!!!!!!!!!!!
they just. found Kairi offscreen.........................................................................
whelp, SoKari def canon SoRiKai is way better tho, as is somewhat RepliNami and Terrqua and MarLarx
wait.....what happened to Sora? Is Kairi actually not back then??
omg, Drake Bell was young Eraqus??? what, it said the Foretellers in the credits....when was that?? I don’t recall ever seeing them.....
............what happened to the card Luxord gave Sora that he said could help turn the tide of the battle? It never came up as far as I can tell..
...uh.....did they forget that Frozen takes place in the summer.....why is the area still covered in snow? it stopped once Elsa controlled her powers.....
yup, there’s Luxu(?) and the KHUX hook, though I don’t see Ava among them
XIGBAR IS LUXU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’LL SEE HIM IN MORE GAMES AAAAAAAAAAAAAA THE THEORY WAS- wrong, cause everyone was saying he’s the Master of Masters
oh, I completely forgot about Maleficent and Pete lmao
oh, so Sora really was gone- oh what the fuck are they in the real world now????? no, what the fuck, the FF knockoff in Toy Box was real?? or is it a DLC hook?
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Tails, Boobs, and Second Dates ~*~ [Mersisters]
In which Attina has a second date and needs to share it with the troops
[feat. Andrina, Adella, Arista, Aquata, Alana. Ariel in spirit. <3]
@andrina-the-amazingsupergenius, @adella-the-romantic, @arista-the-musical, @aquata-the-bold, @alana-the-badbitch
Attina UPDATE: I GOT AN INVITE TO DATE TOO i mean he's calling them challenges but pretty sure that's the same thing. Attina also *two im excited dont judge me
Aquata is this the shit you guys were all talking about while I was gone?
Alana time to break out the lingerie
Adella oh my god atty do you own lingerie
Attina OMG AQUATA you don't know about paul wow okay where do i start.
Arista Ohhhh challenges I like it
Andrina wow is he going to make you walk a tightrope over fire
Attina of course i own lingerie it makes me feel pretty
Andrina or like a hot dog eating contest Andrina swallowing knives
Adella that doesn't sound as cute as hopscotch
Andrina hula hooping tbh
Aquata you all sent so many messages did you really think I was gonna be able to get through them all?
Attina oh i hope not, i'd take the tightrope over fire over hot dog eating
Alana hula hooping on fire
Andrina walking on a tightrope Andrina while eating hotdogs
Attina WeLL what else are you going to do in your downtime Attina my love live is VERY IMPORTANT
Alana life
Attina thank you alana what would i do without you
Adella super important
Attina thanks dell
Aquata so are you going to give me the spark notes version of this or what?
Alana tldr, aqua: atty got a boys number they went on a date Alana it went well Alana woohoo
Attina a HOPSCOTCH date it was so cute
Adella lol
Alana each and every decision, of course, needs a conference Alana hence why we are here
Aquata ...hopscotch?
Attina of course
Arista He's got two kids. Have you met the kids are they cuuuute? Is the next challenge meeting the kids????
Aquata alright whatever not judging, let's dive in
Alana oh yeah he's a daddy Alana atty got herself a daddy
Attina oh goodness i hope he doesn't just spring the children on me.
Adella the children Adella he has more than one?
Arista he said challenge though and springing children is a challenge. They're kinda heavy
Alana super daddy
Attina he's got twins dell just like you! except a boy and a girl
Aquata alright so date two...?
Arista Dell has twins?
Alana oh you didnt know?
Adella wow how weird would it have been if one of us was a boy
Attina RIGHT get this!
Alana she keeps them in your closet
Adella ris jfc
Arista but like twin what?
Arista is she keeping twin puppies in my close--oh Arista riiiight
Attina /Simba/ came into the shoppe and had a note tied onto Bowie's collar asking me to the lakeside for idk hopefully a picnic or something! but i have no idea what. he said date two was goingto be an obstacle course but i'm like 70% sure he was kidding.
Arista aw it was a doggy note
Adella what's sim and bowie got to do with it
Aquata well I mean you did hopscotch so an obstacle course is in the realm of possibilities
Attina yeah i dunno if the whole collar thing was simba's idea or paul's, could be either tbh
Andrina best wear kneepads, elbow pads, and a helmet just in case t b q h
Aquata did hopscotch? play hopscotch? Aquata I don't know how the hell you say that
Attina play?
Alana wow
Arista oh what if its like one of those obstacles courses they had on the Bachelorette the other night where they test your kid skills
Attina my kid skills?
Aquata And the Waboom guy drowned the baby.
Adella oh my god
Arista and still won. Which was so UNFAIR
Alana extreme breastfeeding
Attina alana.
Aquata Kenny deserved to win tbh
Adella ew
Attina noT helPING
Alana that's a skill
Andrina oh yeah wear a really busty t-shirt
Arista he totally did. Wow Aquata we need to watch on Monday together
Alana hey can we breastfeed
Andrina it will activate his dad senses
Attina I'm not going to show off my breasts.
Alana i legit don't know
Aquata I had to make my roommates watch it with me in London, they were not thrilled.
Attina we're mammals of course we can breast feed
Adella wait what do you mean can we
Alana have you seen a mermaid breastfeed Alana because I DO NOT REMEMBER
Arista OH right! as I was saying on the Bachelorette they had like vaccumming races and like changing diaper races and stuff
Attina I /really/ hope it's not an obstacle course. hey aqua think you can go in my place? There is no way i'm getting through an obstacle course.
Adella i assume we were breastfed?
Attina we were della.
Alana nice good to know
Adella see atty remembers
Alana i hear some people are into adult lactation
Aquata Yeah, I'll just sneak in when it's time to run it. He definitely won't notice the change in appearance
Adella yikes
Alana wear a wig aqua
Aquata I'm not wearing a fucking wig.
Attina yes! exactly.
Aquata let alone running in one
Attina aw c'mon! true love could be at stake!!
Arista does anyone ever think that like... its super unnatural for us to drink milk because you're like breastfeeding from a cow like baby cows need that
Aquata just dye your hair
Adella wow true love Adella this escalated quickly
Alana tell me more ris
Adella no ris
Alana have you thought about becoming vegan
Attina dye /my/ hair no thank you. i love my hair.
Andrina i geniunely cannot concentrate on this conversation Andrina the fuck are we talking about cows
Arista I mean I have. I'm already a vegetarian
Attina ALSO it's not true love /yet/ but it /could/ be that's why i said /could/
Alana you mean it wasnt at first sight
Adella bummer
Alana *gasp*
Aquata I'm sorry but I'm still not wearing a wig
Alana ris if u switch to soy or almond milk then baby cows can have more cow milk!
Arista wait is it bad that I didn't like love Van at first sight, is that a thing guys
Adella almond milk is yummy
Attina ugh. fine. i'll just have to keep my fingers crossed for no obstacle course.
Alana i dont date anyone unless i fall in love wtih them on first sight
Aquata No it is not a bad thing.
Alana hence why i have not dated anyone
Adella lana's just being a jerk ris
Attina and it's not bad arista, sometimes love takes a while.
Andrina i only date cows
Arista okay, cause like I could definitely I'm just like not ready yet
Aquata just make sure that if it's a race it's in a pool because then I can wear a cap. Problem solved
Attina oh! well we'll be at the lake so, but i mean i could take paul in a race if we were just swimming pfft he's /human/
Arista I dunno, swim caps aren't cute. Like no offense Aquata but its like weird looking
Alana i think she looks rather fetching in her swim cap
Adella you could find a cute one i'm sure
Aquata They make fun ones Ris
Alana it brings out her cheekbones and face structure when her hair's not a mess
Attina though i mean wait what if he /does/ ask to go in the water that's like--i should pretend i can't swim or something right i just that freaks me out we shouldn't do that oh god i didn't actually think about this at all he wants to go down to the /lake/
Aquata thanks lana
Alana i read "he wants to go down" Alana and i was like "bow chicka chicka"
Aquata Do you want me to be on standby for the lake just in case?
Attina ugh i dunno is that weird? if you're just like...hanging around? though he hasn't met you yet so maybe that's a good thing he wouldn't know
Arista Maybe you guys should have like walkie talkies.... or text each other... but walkie talkies are more fun
Alana lurk in a bush Alana we also have phones Alana modern day walkie talkies
Attina walkie talkies /are/ fun but bulky but i can't be on my phone that's rude!
Aquata then just like send me a signal or something
Arista I dunno you could always say its a "sister emergency" he should understand what he's getting into with all of us
Andrina just do ur hair super nice and then if he's like dur dur dur lets go in the lake be all "but my HAIR"
Adella keep a pigeon nearby
Andrina then flash him some tit, you're good to go
Adella tie a lil message to its leg
Alana or make up mhm
Attina i don't want him to think i'm /vapid/
Arista I dunno his ex seems kinda like that, he's probs used to it
Attina also dell that's a brilliant idea know of any pigeons that'll help out? oh! what if i asked one of the fish! they could tell you aquata.
Alana or you can say you cant swim
Attina wait ris do you know his ex???
Andrina oh here we go
Aquata that's what I was kind of getting at? That I just like, stay in the lake and I'll be able to see you guys
Adella oh no
Arista I know Roger who is his best friend who knows his ex
Alana oooo spill the tea
Aquata oh god Ris why
Attina wait you know roger?! he mentioned him on our date. is he nice?
Alana that's that dog walker bloke with the hair right
Adella i think so
Alana he works at the record shop Alana i think?
Adella yeah him
Arista Yeah he's super nice! We've worked on some music together
Attina yeah yeah i've run into him once or twice but that was before i didn't really get a read
Alana he has a nice butt
Arista I didn't look at his butt. He's usually sitting at a piano
Adella wow
Andrina is it better or worse than paul's butt Andrina bc not too late attina could switch london blokes
Attina paul has a /very/ nice butt, i got to watch as he drew chalk for like three minutes.
Adella also wow
Andrina [highfive emoji]
Attina 😉
Alana okay back to Alana EX???
Adella dun dun DUN
Attina i dont think anyone knows her do they?
Andrina uk idk what's her name
Attina uhm i think it's like--perdita? some weird name though i guess we have weird names too so that's not saying much
Alana oi is she doing the play Alana is she /juliet/ in the play
Attina what how do you knwo that
Andrina i'd rather know why it ended is no one else curious about /that/
Arista yeah she's totally juliet
Alana bc i saw the announcement for the cast bc mags wanted to go for juliet and i noticed the name and like
Arista and he's romeo
Andrina why do we care Andrina oh
Alana how many perditas Alana lmao
Adella wow that's not good
Alana wow atty, time to flash the tits
Andrina ok my question is more relevant
Attina well maybe it's fine it's not like they did that on purpose or anything
Andrina now
Arista I forgot about that. You'd think I'd remember from all the music practice for the play
Adella that's just asking a question
Attina that's totally prying it's being /completely/ nerdy Attina NOSY
Alana idk when does one normally bring up exes
Adella wow called me nerdy Adella out of me and ris
Attina we aren't even official or anything it's not a big deal people break p all the time
Alana but kids Alana that's a whole other level Alana mhm
Adella right that's like
Attina what do you know about it alana
Adella extra baggage Adella more than normal
Alana i watch reality tv i know things
Andrina what if he's like divorced too Andrina you could be dating a young divorcee and not know it
Attina so what's that matter? they're not together anymore
Andrina i dunno i'd like to /know/ if the bloke i'm into was married before Andrina for how long Andrina when it ended
Attina this is the /second/ date that's like a DTR talk
Andrina if he ever wants to get married again like /some/ people do hint hint nudge nudge
Attina i dont want to scare him off
Andrina ok fair point Andrina new plan: sisters, dig. attina, charm. wear a busty dress.
Adella to the lake
Andrina she's got a sundress that shows off some cleavage that's appropriate
Attina what if he makes me do another ridiculous task
Adella then you'll show him more than some cleavage
Arista why is everyone showing paul boobs in their plan
Attina it's not in /my/ plan
Arista good boobs are for later
Attina i'm glad arista gets it. i'm in the same boat, sister.
Adella i didn't say i liked that plan!
Attina oh, true. ahha. lOOK everyone else just keeps telling me to show my boobs and shit, so it's just my assumption
Arista third date material probably. I dunno I feel like Attina is a beyond third date kinda person. I mean I showed Van my boobs like before we were actually dating /officially/ but everyone has their own pace
Attina lord
Adella i wasn't gonna call her out on it Adella but here we are
Attina wow now i feel betrayed am i the oNLY CONSERVATIVE ONE ugh im a freak what if he is /expecting/ boobs
Adella AHEM
Arista Adella didn't show her boyf her boobs for a whileeeee
Attina at least that makes two of us della
Alana are we talking about boobs again
Attina nO no we are nOT
Alana bummer
Adella i'd rather not talk about atty's boobs
Adella or any of your boobs really
Andrina that's a shame, i've got great ones Andrina as does atty
Adella right okay we aren't all that blessed
Alana atty does have great boobs
Arista I have good boobs too
Alana so do u sells Alana **DELLA Alana sorry nails drying
Adella i mean i guess
Andrina we've all great boobs it's in the genes
Adella all boobs are good boobs
Arista I agree Arista I like boobs
Adella we know
Attina i dont think that's really here nor there to be perfectly honest because im /not/ wearing a dress this time
Alana write a song about boobs
Attina or pants because it will be hot and also they make my legs looks stumpy Attina though shorts kind of make me look fat so lose lose lol
Alana oh well U have lovely legs 2
Adella true
Arista ohh I totally should. Make it like Your Body is a Wonderland John Mayer type vibe
Andrina oi attina come off that Andrina where those high waisted shorts with the flowers you love those
Alana atty u r hot
Adella ooo those are nice
Attina i dunno they're kind of childish
Alana ^^ yes
Arista yeah and if you think you look stumpy that's what heels are for. Shoes solve everything
Alana not that they r childish I like them
Attina i can't wear heels down to the lake i'll fall flat on my face
Arista oh right. Well still you can get shoes that help
Andrina sides paul likes children he's a dad
Adella tbf you could do that anyway atty
Andrina wait Andrina not what i meant
Alana hot
Attina jesus andy
Attina also thanks della really great way to boost my confidence there
Adella i was just giving you a heads up
Attina it's already a miracle i didn't do it during hopscotch i guess he'll find out eventually how klutzy /all/ of us are
Adella no need to be snippy
Andrina um i'm the picture of grace Andrina but anyway: Andrina you survived hopscotch in a dress and he invited you to a SECOND date clearly stumpy legs don't matter
Adella i don't think you have stumpy legs anyway! Adella if they were as long as mine you'd just be /lanky/ and klutzy like me
Alana oh my god Alana I am drowning in your pity party
Arista snap out of it Atty you're being self-decapitating again
Alana look we are all hot and we all have our quirks and the key is being proud of them and owning them and boys eat that shit up Alana boys and girls and whatever
Arista ^^^
Adella thank u for the inclusion
Attina okay but /cleaning/
Arista but he DIDNT CARE because he LIKES YOU
Adella yeah but that's... Adella very adult of you?
Alana yah and andrina takes pics of strangers and she's gotten laid loads
Andrina when it doubt, tits out Andrina kidding
Arista I'm a nerd who sings at all hours of the day and hangs out in an arcade and I don't always say the smartest things and yet I have a girlfriend so
Adella no u arn't
Attina yeah but you've got like talents and shit like photography is great and alana u have your make up and arista you have your music and so do you della and i've got...cleaning. YOU KNOW WHAt it doesn't matter that's not the point, i'm just saying i don't like shorts but im probably stuck in shorts so we're goign with shorts, but not the flower ones.
Arista actually I'm a geek not a nerd. I was told the difference and I don't remember it
Alana I don't know a single boy who was ever impressed by make up lmao
Arista REGARDLESS you are talented you like keep a business afloat and stuff
Andrina ok seems like u got this then Andrina live ur life Andrina follow ur compass
Arista plenty of girls are Lans maybe you're looking at the wrong gender
Alana yah ur responsible Alana I'm like p sure I prefer dick
Arista prefer
Attina right yes yeah definitely, thanks ladies. i'm sure it'll be fine.
Alana we love u and u r beautiful and talented and awesome Alana 💗
Attina wow lana are you high or smth
Andrina 💗 rock it
Arista she was painting her nails, maybe she sniffed some remover
Alana why r u doubting my kindness
Andrina im proud of u lan
Adella srsly don't ask questions Adella i like when lan is nice
Alana it's bc aqauta is back and she's meaner than I am so whatever I say sounds lovely
Attina all of you are perfectly capable of being lovely
Adella some of us just have a harder time with it
Alana aquata most of all mhm
Arista I think she went to swim practice or something she hasn't talked in a while
Adella that or she's taking all of her clothes back out of your closet
Alana lmao
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pipedreamprayer · 6 years
ep 68
there was just...so much i wanted to think about after the episode was done that i wound up noting down my reactions and thoughts as I watched to get them straight and wouldn't forget anything
now I’m just...overwhelmed and curious to see if anyone has any thoughts to add to anything - hence me making use of the copy and paste function
Wait, Ai has had dreams before?! Well…I guess that answers the question of ‘’do androids dream of electric sheep’’ even if a fully sentient AI sans the robotic body is a bit far from android…
…why does the Cyvberse look like a set piece? With splits in the panels showing flat scenery and no movement in the smoke of the volcanoes?? IM SUSPICIOUS
Are you flipping serious, Yusaku perfectly serious and straight faced determined that Ai was definitely not present by using soap operas as bait. What is this episode and where has it been all my life
So it’s is now confirmed that none of the others have been to Yusakus house before….and still have yet to…still, I wonder if the whole helper robot situation is a part of the reason he’s allowed to live alone – he has a helper
Wtf what are the little noises she keeps making, her reactions to the butterfly were adorable but the one when she’s plugged in and has hearts in her eyes…Vrains is seriously pushing the robot sex agenda with her aren’t they?
Oh holy smokes they lured him in via his own vanity THEY DEFINITELY KNOW HIS PERSONALITY WELL
Yusaku is learning to be more cautious with his allies and im so proud! if...worried as hell that he’s going in alone
Oooh Flame’s kind of bitter about Windy being treated with suspicion…I can’t wait to see his reaction when he discovers how warranted that suspicion was…
Holy shit even for an insidious plot involving a fake Cyberse the Ignis are enough the comedy part of the show that they screw up faking Linkuriboh - and Ai still doesn't catch on!
Wait…wait the Cyberse was SPREADING before it was destroyed?? That…I worry that has some concerning implications that the Ignis COULDN’T have just…been left alone forever, that eventually their interests would clash with humanities bc they were taking over the network or something
Ahaha holy shit I totally forgot about the whole joke with Ai not understanding Linkuribohs language no matter how he behaves like he does, and now I cant stop remembering the joke at the starts of season 2, damn that was funny
Dear god they even programmed this fake Cyverse to look like corrugated cardboard around the hole rather than, you know, actually make it look more like a real imitation
Damn Ai is well animated this episide…
Dear god the Ignis have their own language and it sounds like speaking in electrofunk tongues straight from digital hell. Really puts that au i’ve been thinking about where the Ignis are demons into perspective…
Mmmmkay so literally every fiber of my being is screaming not to trust Windy at the sight of him. From how he appeared out of thin air (as awesome as that was) to the way he’s sitting to how casual he is about all this, all ‘yo!’ and everything…also, his questioning why Ai isn’t speaking Ignis anymore brings up a lot of questions…especially since the biggest difference between Ai and everyone else is that he’s had an extra 5 years wandering the network experiencing life outside of the isolated space the Ignis made for themselves – he’s seen more of humanity than any of the others by a long shot and he’s decided he prefers emulating them over following the lead of the rest of his own kind, and that’s why I think he’s gonna make a big difference to the war that's apparently inevitable. I even wonder if we’ll see a parallel to what he said to Yusaku about the Cyberse being his paradise at the end of season 1 – I wonder if we’ll see him talk about the good parts of the human world to the Ignis
Oooooh I am EXTREMELY uncomfortable at how the fake Cyberse is now clearly an enclosed box…its really such a small space compared to what it would be, and what ought to be big open spaces for everyone to roam about in have become walls of a container…
Kudos to Windy’s voice actor, he sounds like he has a constant smile on his face even without the character having a mouth…
Oh good, even Ai realises how creepy his associate is
THE SHADOWY MAN ISNT A PERSON AT ALL ITS ANOTHER HOLDING PROGRAM LIKE ECHO OR THE TREE MAN!!!! Fucking hell why did I not think of that before… Bohman and all were never talking to the figure itself, but the Ignis on its arm…
Also HIS EYES ARE DIAMONDS!!! We finally have the full appearances of all Ignis and…damn are they interesting – Lightening is so…sharp in every way!
Ooh wow Ai was so used to being in the real world or Vrains he didn’t consider that he wasn’t limited by physics here…
…Is Ai meant to have hands way bigger than the others?? Cause I just noticed his forearms expand way more than Windy and Lightening at least, I need to look at the others designs to check it i’m pretty sure Aqua and Earth have similarly human proportioned hands compared to the rest of their body
Of COURSE Ai is the one who named him – thinking about it, I wonder if it came from liking his own name and seeing Flame also take pride in his name that he wanted to make sure the Ignis all had names
Wait there was a SPY in the Cyberse that led to the attack?! That...changes a lot of things...there was issues WITHIN the Cyberse that led the danger there, not solely an outside force interrupting their paradise
Aaaw Ai cares about Aqua
Wait she went missing BEFORE the attack?! And Ai doesn’t believe she’s the spy damn I love his faith in her
Hahaha Ai is getting called out for his naming habits and acts like a petulant child defending himself saying it’s for convenience – if that’s not a metaphor for the writers answering questions they knew would come up, I don’t know what is
Uuuuuuhhhh I do NOT trust how much Windy is pushing for Aqua to be the spy…It feels like deflecting the attention from himself and Lightening…but Ai isn’t letting himself be lead about, and somehow the fact it’s out of faith in Aqua as opposed to realising they’re trying to manipulate him just makes me all the more proud of him!!
Ai is asking the real questions here…
FUCKING LINK SENSE IN ACTION RIGHT THERE!!! Uuugh this raises so many more questions though….how does he know how to do that?! Has he had practice with it, or is it some sort of unexplained instinct? Why hasn’t he done it before?! Like, I dunno, to find Bohman!!
Mmmmmmmmm I don’t like the superiority complex coming from Lightening…it reminds me of Kogami tbh, both how highly they think of themselves and how they’re of the belief that Ignis are superior but vulnerable enough to be destroyed. Except Kogami thought humans needed to attack before the Ignis wiped them out, and Lightening thinks they need to escape humanity’s reach before humans wipe THEM out
Wtf wtf WTF WTAF nonononono you guys weren’t supposed to actually take Kogami’s crazy lessons on board, you were supposed to have left his control bc you DIDN’T want to do as he said!!
Fucking hell a flaming Kogami bc of how the Ignis were named and…GAH I CANNOT HANDLE THIS INSANITY
So…they’re so high and mighty above the humans, but are utterly dependant on them for survival, as their whole world exists on the manmade network…and they’re going to enslave mankind to ensure they don’t get cut off…writers what on earth...
Oh sweet Jesus humans won’t even have THAT reason to keep existing fairly soon...I am VERY afraid of these 2
Wait, does that imply they’re making robotic bodies or something in order to affect the real world and be able to keep making hardware?? Cause…that could mean IRL duels against robots…
…wha, Ai? Wise? And what the hell is this about evil wisdom?? If that’s a jab at the dark element of monsters leading to fiends and whatnot, I don’t get what evil wisdom actually…implies. You could potentially stick evil in front of anything to joke about the dark ignis if that were the only reason, so there’s something I’m missing…though it’s nice to see that Windy and Lightening aren’t…like, 2 sides of the same coin, they’ve got their individual personalities and quirks and aren’t constantly on the same page
Oh…oh fucking hell he has a good point. I hate to admit it, but he does. Even if Ai believes Playmaker wouldn’t delete him, Ai will outlive Yusaku and then…there’s billions of humans out there, but that’s no guarantee that there will always be at least one capable person willing to defend him from those who DO want him dead. Trying to count on humans when you’re immortal and inhuman is…so risky it basically comes down to blind faith. And, frankly, the acceptance that things will probably one day go wrong. Humans accept the inevitability of death, but damn that must be difficult to face for creatures who’d been promised immortality from the get-go. They’ve been making plans for the long-long term future, so the threat of destruction must be…infinitely more terrifying and unknown to the Ignis than to us…
PLAYMAKER!! Interesting that the other 2 knew he was coming and didn’t…hinder him in any way
Wait, they were waiting for him?! Ooooh that does not bode well…
I’m so fascinated in how they are, for the most part, repeating themselves to Playmaker yet are going about it so so differently from how they treated Ai…
Also, the way the flashback reminded me that Kogami thought of humans as vulnerable while trapped in the real worlds dangers is a parallel to how the Ignis are vulnerable while they don’t have control over the hardware that runs the network they exist on
…DAMN that’s an interesting response from Yusaku! He isn’t denying that the Ignis might well be the closest thing to humanity’s successor, and we know he’s going to be honest about that sort of thing. This is his actual opinion. But, furthering that opinion, that possible label doesn’t give them the right to hurt people as though they don’t matter in the grand scheme of things, like how Kogami treated the kids and their families. And…he’s right, or at least I believe so. The Ignis are functionally immortal and have such power in the way of the network, the thing that humanity is so dependent on nowadays, but that’s not…the most important part of the situation. Yusaku just…wants people to stop suffering, whether by the Incident or the network being destroyed or this whole debacle…god I love this character
Ooooh no Windy took that very wrong…it sucks, bc that’s such a…childish argument! its all ‘’If you agree with me great, if you don’t, then you’re lying about your motivations and you’re an enemy and we shouldn’t listen to you’’! Like…dammit you guys are based off of 6 year olds and despite the whole ‘our mission’ this and ‘enslave humanity until they have no further use’ coming across as big important serious decisions made by big important serious people, they’re not the most mature
…fuck that’s even MORE sinister than I expected! They just…don’t care about humans enough to give a shit whether they’re suffering or have lives of their own, they just see them as a resource that will eventually need to be annihilated before they become a threat to their own existence…dammit, it’s not far from how we treat animals!! In fact, that’s exactly what it is! They consider themselves above humans even though they only exist because of them and are still dependant on them, but don’t see them as worth the same consideration they’d give one of their own (though even amongst themselves they’re pretty harsh given how they’ve talked about Aqua) so they’re willing to use them then throw them away like they…have no inherent value, no right to their own lives! Dammit, this feels horrible being on the other end of that…I might need to go vegetarian after this…
Ooooh Ai you sly fox…as much as I love more validation that Ai is a manipulative ignis and they know it while humans and us watchers have been assuming nothing but idiocy is in that head of his, I wonder how much was…genuine. I mean, wanting to try to find a solution with Playmaker seems…in character for him, particularly after that montage of him remembering all they’ve been through together. Still, the way he said goodbye without looking at them makes me feel like he’s trying to hide how nervous he is…and with good reason since they know what he’s up to. I’m starting to get why they call him wise, which is something I never thought I’d think
Dammit these 2 are really scaring me with how they’re just..so causal about chatting as they let Ai drift farther and farther away, fully aware they can cut him off whenever they feel like it and without a doubt are going to do so…
HAHAHAhahahaaaaa*whimper*…at least Windy is aware how sinister they’re coming across, even if he doesn’t seem to care…these guys are reminding me of Revolver and Spectre WAY too much
t-t-take over his programming?? Wouldn’t that…be like an Ignis lobotomy?!
‘’his opinion is 1 in 8 billion – you think that will change everything?’’ uuugh I mean he has a point but also this is a card game anime so…hopefully the answer is yes? Hopefully…this IS a very unconventional YGO after all…
Goddammit they don’t have to be so snide about it! Ai was trying to pass on what he’s learnt in his time with humanity – not to underestimate them! Especially his partner!! God I can’t wait for Playmaker and Ai to defeat them and ruin their plans like they did Kogami’s, it will somehow be even more satisfying to see these 2 learn how wrong they are about humanity…
…HE’S ONLY JUST NOW REALISING HE SHOULDN’T BE OUT OF HIS DUEL DISK?!?! dammit, he really is still our lovable dumbass, isn’t he?
HOLY SHIT A MOTHERFUCKING JOJOS REFERENCE this show has no shame and I can’t get enough of it
‘’After I’ve broken down everything that makes you your own person and absorbed you into myself I’ll fix what I don’t like about you’’ FUCK OFF WINDY
So Lightening is too fast for anyone to follow, and Windy has the best control of the Data storms, Earth is the best duelist, Aqua can tell truth from lies…I wonder what Flame and Ai’s specialties are…Ai’s might be monster making since he gets on so well with Linkuriboh and created Storm Access
Revolver, welcome ba-HE HAS EYEBALLS?!?! And eyelashes even prettier than Playmakers…what
‘’were you able to predict that I’d show up?’’ FUCK YEAH, GIVE THEM A TASTE OF THEIR OWN SASS!!!
Ow…my hands hurt bc I couldn’t refrain from slapping the palms together like an excited seal’s flippers…dafuq is wrong with me, I don't even regret it I was too invested in the new developments!
AaaaaAAAAGGGGHHH THEYRE DESTROYING THE FEEBLE CYVERSE IMITATION like it’s a fake probably meant to lure Ai more than anything but the fact they’re going to all that trouble despite that…damn they look so sinister lit by the fires of their own attack on a defenceless…place. I dunno what to call this area tbh. But it’s such a good way of showing how dedicated they still are to the cause by replicating the destruction of the real Cyberse, and to remind us that, well, they’re not good guys by any stretch of the mind. Revolver might have swooped in and saved the lives of our protags, and may have even intended to interrupt the process, but it wasn’t out of the goodness of his heart, it was most certainly bc of the same reason he’s avoided targeting Playmaker himself – he wants to duel him again and cant if he’s dead. Jeez…here’s hoping at least SOME of him just plain wanted to, just simply didn’t want him to die (even though he still definitely wants the Ignis dead).
And on that note…he kind of has a point, much as I hate to say it. These 2 are literally aiming to enslave and wipe out mankind after all…but goddammit I want to be on Ai’s side and say that there’s hope for a peaceful resolution! I just…don’t know if it’s possible with both sides containing such stubborn, angry parties…is it even possible for beings so long living to change their mindsets from what has apparently been their thoughts since creation? I can’t imagine Ignis commonly being open to change…
Uuuugh my god that preview though…Ai and Playmaker are caught between a rock and a hard place, 2 sides riling for a genocide of the other while the ex-emissary of revenge tries to talk peace and acceptance, co existence and letting go of one’s rage in order to have hope for the future…and that…kind of feels like what this is really about? As in, the future. Both Hanoi and the Ignis (not just these 2 but all of them sans Ai) are concerned with the future, with making sure they survive to EXIST in that future no matter the cost. And then there’s our protagonist pair – one who fought so hard to be able to move on from his trauma, to have a future worth living at all, and the other who spent his time in the Cyverse idling and enjoying life one moment to the next with no real regard for his duty as a leader there…who has now learnt so much from these transient humans in regards to taking risks and working hard for what is worthwhile. They’ve certainly got the best chance of anyone in the 8 billion strong population of the world of getting through to these guys, of changing their minds about how to consider the future.
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