#if i let shisui and deidara date
mixelation · 7 months
Obsessed with shisui and tori's friendship, if you can call it that. They dont even like eachother but theyre bound by their bond to this one freak. They go on double dates and are in the same book club. ....the double date concept is hysterical. i could see tori deciding out of spite "yk what i WILL go on this double date but its gonna be NORMAL bc i am a fun and pleasant person!! Shisui can do his own dirty work!" She tries to 'cover' for itachi's social ineptitude and manages to make it so so much worse
yes yes, you get it!!
the worst part is that at no point does tori consciously go "i care about/like itachi." she just realizes shisui is trying to take advantage of his Freak Behavior and she's like NO HOW DARE YOU HE TRUSTS YOU. ignore that tori regularly just aims itachi at people she doesn't like. it's only okay if SHE does it
tori and shisui are in each other's spaces for forever and they do not like it
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ubeetlebum · 3 years
Obidei 33 and it will be a gift for you (?
As soon as Obito steps into the shower, he starts humming a tune. The mirror above the sink reflects his smile. A smile that has barely left his face since he started dating Deidara five days ago.
Obito still can't believe that the most beautiful guy in the world has agreed to go out with him. It's like a dream.
He grabs the sponge and adds some shower gel. Then he starts scrubbing his chest, thinking about Deidara. He's not only beautiful but also a talented artist and Obito admires how passionate he is about the things that are important to him. He is also funny and witty and intelligent. Obito lets out a long sigh.
Deidara is perfect.
Obito sniffs the sponge after noticing that his usual gel doesn't smell like it always does and realizes that he has been washing his body with shampoo. Noticing the blush on his face, Obito rinses the sponge and makes sure he has the correct bottle this time.
The good part about seeing each other at work is that it solves the problem of what to wear. Obito irons his jonin uniform sweater, trying not to think too much about Deidara. The last thing he needs in life is to burn his house down, as he nearly did once already.
"Hello Obito!" His neighbor greets him when he leaves the house.
"Hello!" Obito waves his arm with a smile.
Obito locks the door and jumps away from roof to roof. Passing through the busiest street in the Uchiha neighborhood, Obito looks towards the kiosk. In one jump, he lands in the middle of the street. A group of old ladies greet him and Obito wishes them good morning before approaching the counter.
"A small bag of these, please," says Obito, pointing to a jar of round candies, some of them pink, the rest yellow. "Sorry, make it a big bag."
The old man behind the counter laughs and exchanges the brown paper bag for a larger one. "They're not the ones you usually buy," he says."
They're the favorites of a fr-" Obito stops. He is not his friend. Not anymore, he reminds himself. "Deidara."
The man doesn't ask who Deidara is, he just keeps filling the bag and then seals it with a sticker and weighs it. When Obito goes to take out his wallet, his cousin Shisui dressed in the Konoha police uniform stands next to him, frowning. Obito looks at him with a raised eyebrow.
"What's the matter?" He asks.
"I already found out. So you're dating the enemy," Shisui says, sternly. So unlike him. "I can't believe I always stood up for you."
Obito gives him a hurt look and then stares at Itachi, who is waiting for Shisui a few meters away.
"He is not the enemy. The war ended many years ago and if I" Obito points to the scars on his face, "ended up like this because of the war with Iwa and I don't care about Deidara's country of origin, neither should you care what I do with my life. It's because of this mentality that our diplomatic relations with the Land of Earth haven't progressed much, but this nonsense..." Obito curls his lip. "I would have expected this nonsense from anyone but you!"
Shisui's frown deepens. They both glare at each other until his cousin covers his mouth with his hand and laughs. Obito looks at him with wide eyes.
"You got so mad I couldn't stay serious," Shisui says still laughing.
Obito watches him return to Itachi, unable to react. There is a faint smile on Itachi's face.
"I'll take revenge," says Obito and he smiles too.
The Hokage tower looms into his view and near the entrance, he fins Deidara. Obito smiles and stops, staring at him. The rest of the world has ceased to exist for him. When Deidara turns and sees him standing there, he smiles at him and Obito thinks that nothing in his life has ever seemed so beautiful to him. His boyfriend. His. He has yet to get used to calling him that.
Obito walks up to Deidara and opens his arms wide. "Dei!" He says and when Deidara jumps into his arms, he wraps him in a hug. "My baby angel honey bun sugar plum."
Deidara chuckles. "I hope no one hears you call a member of the Iwagakure Explosive Forces your baby angel honey bun sugar plum," he says.
"To the world you are Deidara of the Explosive Forces. To me you are my baby angel honey bun sugar plum best artist ever," Obito replies squeezing hard.
"Best artist ever? I like that." Deidara's hands go down his back, until he finds the bundle in his pants pocket. "What could this be?" Deidara asks and takes the brown paper bag out of his pocket.
"I bought them for you," says Obito. "The other day you told me you liked them."
"Awww." Using his fingernail, Deidara tears off the sticker, pulls a pink candy out of the bag, and eats it. "Thank you," he says, chewing and reaches into the bag again. "Want one?"
"How about a thank you kiss?" says Obito, puckering his lips. Deidara takes out a yellow candy and puts it in Obito's mouth. He eats it without complaints. "But Dei, I wanted-!"
"Do you want another one?" Deidara asks, smirking.
"No, I-" Deidara presses another yellow candy against his lips. Obito eats it. After chewing and swallowing, he sighs. "What I want is-"
"A pink one?" Deidara asks, sticking his hand in the bag once more.
Obito pouts. "No! That's not what I meant!" He says. Deidara lets out a gasp when Obito grabs him around the waist and lifts him up. Ignoring his complaints, he starts kissing him all over his face.
"Okay!" Deidara says. Obito doesn't stop. "Okay! I get it! I was just joking!" After a few more kisses, Obito sets Deidara down again. "You...!"
One last kiss on the lips cuts off Deidara's sentence. Obito beams at him. Deidara forgets what he was going to say and smiles back.
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whereisnardo · 3 years
Love Languages: (Some) Akatsuki + Shisui
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Shisui: Aw this baby, he absolutely adores his partner. He shows his adoration through physical touch, words of affirmation, and gift giving. He's a true romantic, he loves to spoil his partner and give them all kinds of physical affections. He feels the most loved when he's in bed with his partner, and in their sleep they curl up into him. It makes him happy to know that they want him, even in their sleep.
Itachi: Itachi is very covert about his affections, but that more his concern for his s/o's safety. When he's alone with his partner, and he feels they are both safe, he just likes to lay with them. His ultimate love language is quality time because his time is the most valuable thing he can give to them, and he doesn't have very much left to give. He lets his s/o lavish whatever kind of affections they wish upon him, he is so deprived of affection that he will take it all and cherish it.
Kisame: He doesn't have much experience in romantics, but when he finds a person he finds himself missing them. He doesn't get to spend as much time with them as he wants, but when he gets to visit he shows his affection through gifts. He's fairly nonchalant with his words, and you know that you're special because he doesn't waste gifts on anybody else.
Sasori: Sasori doesn't like to waste his words, he isn't very keen on physical touch (it doesn't do a lot for him), and he prefers to spend most of his time with his puppets. He's sparse in his affections, but when he's feeling obliged, he crafts small gifts for his s/o and will do small things like repair their furniture or make them a snack. He will, in more tender moments, tell his s/o they are his most prized piece of art.
Deidara: It shouldn't come as much of a surprise due to his age, but Deidara is fairly immature. And he can be one sided in his affections. He likes to receive more than he likes to give, and he likes to hear words of affection and to be touched and kissed, he wants his s/o to cherish him. He doesn't give as often, but when he does, he stammers out words of affection and might indulge in a forehead kiss.
Yahiko: In a perfect world, Yahiko would be a dream boyfriend. He shows his partner he loves them by lavishing them in affection and spending time with them. He plans unorthodox (but fun) dates and gets them flowers whenever he can. Yahiko appreciates a partner that he can talk to, and that will tell him that they cherish him. Kind words are few and far between in the shinobi world, and he cherishes every sweet thing they say.
Konan: She is poetic in her affections, and relies on words of affection to appreciate her partners. She also likes spending time lounging around with them. She receives love best through acts of service, and she loves when her partner does little things to make her day better. She prefers consistent small affectionate gestures over sparse grand gestures.
Nagato: He's pretty new to any kind of romantic partnership, and his clunkiness with words shows that. He's not the most confident so he relies on gift giving to express how he feels when his words fail. He gets better at expressing his feelings over time, and he appreciates a partner that can read between the lines and verbalise what they feel back to him.
Kakazu: He likes gifts and acts of service, I don't think he'd ever actually love someone, but he would certainly take advantage of it. To keep them hooked, he returns the gestures with physical touches.
Hidan: It strokes his ego when someone is interested in him, but like Kakazu, I don't think he would ever actually love someone. He likes it when the person does things for him though, and if it could be useful he would keep them around. He'd probably end up keeping this poor person more for housework and domestic things he doesn't like doing. He tries to keep them interested with some unorthodox gifts and physical affection (though he will admit that the physical aspect is as much for him as it is for them).
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ladykissingfish · 3 years
A Date with an Angel // Part Three // Sasori and Itachi
“Do you like this place? It’s really colorful, isn’t it?” “It’s alright.” “These nachos are delicious. Do you want some?” “No thanks, the cheese would upset my stomach. I’m mildly lactose intolerant.” Konan just sighs to herself and picks her drink back up, slowly sipping as she tries to think of a good topic for conversation. Earlier, when the redheaded house member Sasori had invited her to spend an evening with him, her surprise had been greater than with any of the others so far. When she’d first been introduced to the household back when she moved in, she’d taken one look at Sasori and had been shocked; later on she sat in Nagato’s room and demanded to know why he was employing children to do the type of work that they did. “Children?”, he’d responded, shaking his head. “Sasori is no child; he’s 35 years old. He’s older than me and you, even.” 35?? With his short stature, smooth, unlined face and vibrantly colored hair ... it was simply unbelievable. The more she got to know him, however, the more she realized that he was indeed very mature; maybe too mature. He never smiled, never laughed, and made even less conversation than Kakuzu did. Whenever Konan made meals, he never joined any of the others at the table. “Don’t worry; it don’t have anything to do with you or your cooking,” Deidara had told her one night when she questioned it. “The guy just never eats. Hardly sleeps, either. It’s like he’s not human or something.” Considering his quiet, serious personality, his choice of venue to take Konan to tonight was entirely odd. “A comedy club?”, she’d asked, as he guided her through the doors. “Mm. They’re amateurs but really quite good. I’m sure you’ll laugh a lot.” And laugh Konan did — but not Sasori. His facial expression didn’t change once all evening, and he didn’t so much as crack a smile through even the most hilarious of acts. Now it was the interlude between sets, and Konan was trying to find something, anything to make conversation about. Before she can, the next guy comes on. It’s a man with a small dummy that he sits on his knee, that “tells” the jokes for him. Konan happens to glance at Sasori and is startled; for once, he seems interested. His eyes stay fixated on the little wooden toy throughout the man’s set, and when he’s done, it’s the first time that Sasodi cracks any kind of a smile. “Are you a fan of ventriloquism?” Sasori turns towards her, and unleashes more words than she’s heard him say in the entire time of living at the house. Sasori is gesturing, he’s vivid and animated as he explains the process of creating dummies and puppets, and the finer points of ventriloquism. “I didn’t know this was a hobby of yours.” He raises an eyebrow, and tells her it goes far beyond a hobby. The show is over so he takes her back home, and brings her straight to his room (which she’s never seen the inside of before). She gives a little gasp upon entering; Sasori’s shelves are filled to the rafters with various wooden constructs, some unfinished, some painted, some clothes, some with hair and jewelry and —
Konan goes to pick up a smaller one laying on a bench, gently turning it this way and that. “This is so realistic,” she says, softly. “I wish I had the patience for creating art like this.” “What do you mean? Your art is amazing as well.” She blinks when he says that; surely he’s not referring to — “I’ve been in awe of your origami for quite some time. The things you create are very beautiful. I’d love it if you could teach me your technique sometime.” Konan blushes; nobody except Yahiko had ever complimented her origami hobby before. She sees a piece of paper laying on his desk, and begins slowly folding and teaching him how to make a basic flower. After observing and asking questions, he’s able to replicate the simple lotus. She then asks him if he could walk her through the process for creating one of his pieces, which he does, from sanding to sculpting to painting. “Things like this are better than humans,” he tells her, quietly, at one point. “These you can create, and you can control. But you never really know what a person is thinking, or feeling, or what they’re going to do next.” At the end of it, Konan glances up at the clock on his wall and gasps: 1am?! Where had the time gone?? She gets up and thanks Sasori for (what turned out to be) a lovely evening. He hesitates, then takes her hand and gives it a light kiss. “You are welcome to come back any time you wish,” he says, as he walks her to his door. “I’m a night owl so if I’m not out on a job, I’ll be awake and working.” She nods, smiles, then returns to her own room. Before she falls asleep she thinks of another flower to teach him: the campanula. These bright blossoms offer beauty, and intricacy ... and are a symbol of new friendships.
“Oh my Goddd.” “What’s wrong, Konan?” “Nothing; it’s just, I haven’t felt this relaxed in a while. Itachi smiled and took a sip of his lemonade, before answering, in his quiet way, “Me, too.” When Konan had been approached by the dark-haired Itachi earlier in the day and asked if she wished to spend some time with him that afternoon, she’d been excited. Itachi was somebody that mostly kept to himself within the house; always quiet, very soft-spoken but when he DID speak he always said the most profound things Konan had ever heard. He was one of the most calm and mature members of Nagato’s team, an Konan’s shock upon discovering that he was only 21 years old was immense. One night she went into the kitchen to cook everyone a meal, and was pleasantly surprised to find Itachi there ahead of her, doing prep-work for the dish she had said she was going to make. From then on, the two developed a slow, lovely friendship, punctuated mostly by them cooking together and occasionally watching a movie in the living room. Today however was the very first time she went anywhere with him in public, and she was nearly flabbergasted when they pulled up to a well-known luxury spa. “This — Itachi this kinda stuff is expensive. I can’t let you —“ but he just waved her off, took her inside, and told the lady behind the desk that they both wanted “the works”. A slow, soothing full-body massage, manicures and pedicures, eye and hair treatment, mud masks, as many desserts as they wanted (Itachi especially seemed to have a thing for the sweet dumplings), and now, a hot tub. “I wouldn’t have thought a guy would be into stuff like this,” Konan commented, reaching for her sweet tea. “Man or woman, everyone needs the chance to relax, don’t they?” Konan nods, and then says “Well I’m sure that all of you that work for Nagato do. But me? What am I doing that I deserve something like this? MY job isn’t nearly as stressful, and —“ “You take care of all of us. You’re there for us. That may sound simplistic, but that’s no small feat, my dear.” The two are quiet for a while, listening to the relaxing nature-esque background music of the spa, before Itachi says, quietly, “If — if you ever feel like talking about HIM, you can talk to me. I don’t know if you’re ready but I want you to know I’ve experienced loss, too.” Konan closes her eyes; while she appreciates Itachi’s kindness, she’s NOT ready to talk about Yahiko. So she asks instead, “You lost someone close to you?” He nods, faces her, and tells her the story about losing his parents in a car accident when he was 12. His voice wavers when he tells her that they were coming home from a parent-teacher conference for HIM, and how, for the longest time, he blamed himself for their deaths. “Me and my younger brother Sasuke were taken in by my older cousin Shisui,” he explained, now smiling. “Nice guy but definitely not father material. I guess it’s just the Uchiha curse; you lose someone and have to go to someone else. It happened to me, to Obito —“ Konan stops him, and is REALLY surprised to learn that Itachi and Obito are distant cousins. “But anyway, I just want you to know I get it. If the day ever comes when you want to talk, I can be there for you.” She scoots over in the water and hugs him; she blushes when she realizes her towel has slipped, and for a brief few moments their bare chests are touching. “S-sorry about that,” she says, backing away and covering up. “Don’t worry about it,” he replies; but he’s blushing quite hard as well. The drive home is quiet, each feeling comfortably invigorated and relaxed. When they get to the front door, Konan leans up and kisses Itachi’s cheek, thanking him for a lovely day. He tells her that she made the day even lovelier. They go inside and all of the boys make it a point to go up to Konan and tell her how great she looks after her day of pampering, which she appreciates. She goes into the kitchen to start dinner, and once again finds Itachi there ahead of her. She smiles and ties on her apron, and the two create another delicious meal together.
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hyuuchiha-a · 6 years
     [ Okay, so...I’ve been a little too busy / sick to really be considering this blog like I wanted (great timing on my part), but I thought I’d give a very honest rundown of ALL the muses on this blog, how I view shipping them, and both IC and OOC ship biases. I’ll warn you now: there’s very little wiggle room. That’s both because I really don’t see many of them as someone to ship, but also mostly because these muses come from an established verse I wrote before Tumblr, which has been heavily plotted. Sorry not sorry, but it’s the only canon verse I feel like writing them in. I’ve also plotted a lot in regards to my AUs. It’s just how I do things. If you want canons who aren’t so rigidly written...find another blog!
     Under a cut for length. Also please bear in mind these are all my opinions about the characters - it’s not gospel, it’s preference.
     First, however, a few general rules:
Respect the headcanons I have for my characters genders, and sexual / romantic orientations. If a character is written as straight, they WILL NOT ship with a character of the same gender. Same for any other conflictions.
In general, I do not ship anything a generation gap or more. No sensei / student relations, and no parents with those their kids’ age, even as adults. It’s just a personal squick. 
In addition, NO incestuous ships, and NO ships between someone over eighteen, and someone under. Agebending is fine - I just can’t do those kinds of ships.
     To avoid having to list a LOT of nOTPs, any that breach these rules won’t be listed. If it says N/A, odds are there ARE some, they’re just covered by default by these rules, so I won’t list them. Some of these rules do have grey areas - feel free to ask, but also respect my decisions when I make them. Thank you~ ]
     [ CANON MUSES ]
[ Uchiha Itachi ]
     Ship biases: None      nOTPs: N/A      Info: Cis male, demisexual / heteroromantic      Established ships: Suigin Ryū (kusunokihime) (singleship)      In regards to canon, I don’t ship Itachi with anyone, really - he’s just too closed off, and his personality just...doesn’t really mesh with anyone’s in a romantic way. In regards to his most popular ships: Kisame feels much more like a friend to me; Izumi I don’t regard as canon due to being implemented after the manga ended; Deidara...hates him? Admires him sure, but doesn’t want anything to do with him. And anyone else...I just can’t see. His personality (which again, is just my opinion) makes him a very picky guy. The only canonxcanon ship I’ve ever written him in was Ita///Hina, but I don’t really enjoy that ship any longer...and again, I write him as singleship.      And no, my ship isn’t out of nowhere - it came from literally hundreds of pages of RP from before Tumblr. Just because no one here wrote it doesn’t mean it’s an asspull =P This also plays into his own bias - he’s been written in this ship for about seven years. He’s a lil dedicated.
[ Uchiha Sasuke ]
     Ship biases: Sasu///Hina      nOTPs: Sasu///Saku      Info: Cis male, greysexual / heteroromantic      Established ships: My Hinata, tentative with gentlegracefulandfatal’s Hinata in ALAS, plotted with quietkunoichi’s Kimiko in OMaM (highly selectively multiship)      Sasuke is by far one of the hardest to ship (don’t let the two ships fool you). The way I write Sasuke is exceedingly mistrustful: of both others, and himself. He’s obsessive about his family after all he lost. And everyone he had connections to pre-defection? He’s either neutral, or negative with. Those like Sakura and Ino who fawned over him shallowly he has a negative connotation with. Naruto, too - his teammates are by far his biggest obstacle due to their treatment of him after he left. He considers their insensitivities to his decisions and struggles - even AFTER learning what Konoha did to him, and STILL trying to drag him back - a huge offense. To start, he has a very negative view of any Sakura or Naruto muses, just as a warning. Most others are either lightly negative, or neutral. That doesn’t mean he can’t come to get along with them, it just takes work. And ships a LOT more so. Partly due to his impressions of other characters, but also heavily due to his own nature and view of himself.      Due to my own bias, I pair him by default with my Hinata, BUT THAT DOES NOT MEAN he’ll get along with EVERY Hinata besides my own. He’s had one make him the angriest I’ve seen him in RP, and I’ve RPed him for seven years. It’s NOT a guarantee. Even so, the other Hinata he’s written with now has taken a lot of development. Bias =/= autoship.
[ Uchiha Shisui ]
     Ship biases: None      nOTPs: N/A      Info: Cis male, heterosexual / heteroromantic      Established ships: arranged marriage AU with wanderingmelodies’ Rin (highly selectively multiship)      Shisui, despite his flirty nature, is actually really hard to pin down in a relationship. He’s personable, and that might show as him being playful or flirty. But he rarely has any intentions behind it. In ALAS, he spent a decade completely alone. His social skills beyond his family are a combination of how he was as a kid, and mimicry as he adjusts. For the moment, he’s not really interested in actually BEING with someone. He’s got too much to think about in his canon: both in regards to threats against his family, and his own psychological well-being. He might LOOK functional, but he’s got work to do on himself before he’s anywhere near ready to approach someone romantically.      Rin is a special case, as she’s written in a VERY rarely used non-mass AU, where Shisui lacks these attributes. Personally I don’t like to use the verse much, but this was an exception.
[ Hyūga Hinata ]
     Ship biases: Sasu///Hina, Naru///Hina      nOTPs: N/A      Info: Cis female, biromantic / demisexual      Established ships: My Sasuke, but none in RP yet (selectively multiship)      Hinata, while not as psychologically impaired as the previous two, still has her share of traumas. In ALAS canon, Naruto does not acknowledge her love for him. At first this is quite painful, especially after her fight with Pein and Naruto’s subsequent silence. It leaves her feeling both unlovable, and like a fool who then shuts herself off from others romantically to keep from being hurt again.      But post 699, Hinata has grown exponentially in regards to her emotions, and no longer pines after him. That said, I do still enjoy Naru///Hina, just...with more outside-canon development. It’s really the only other ship I’d say has a very good chance of happening.      In ALAS, Hinata is paired with my Sasuke by default after a lengthy epilogue arc development. That doesn’t mean she’ll ship with any Sasuke, just like my Sasuke won’t ship with just any Hinata. It’s just a bias I have, but it - again - does not equate to autoshipping.      While I don’t have any nOTPs with her that don’t fall under aforementioned rules, I don’t really actively ship her in anything else, either. I used to ship Ita///Hina, but...not so much anymore. It could happen, but it’s not a bias.
[ Hyūga Neji ]
     Ship biases: Neji///Ten      nOTPs: N/A      Info: Cis male, demisexual / heteroromantic      Established ships: NPC Tenten, but none in RP yet (highly selectively multiship)      Neji isn’t one I’ve thought about shipping much beyond with Tenten due to his role in ALAS, and their creating Hinode, their son. That’s not to say he’s completely cut off from shipping, but Tenten makes the most narrative sense for the verse. That being said, he’s a very prudish / conservative fellow - he values tradition highly, and it’s not easy to get with him. He wants to do things right, and slow. And his personality is, admittedly, a bit hard to get on with: he’s prideful, snobby, and stubborn to a fault. People he finds superfluous or risque might rub him the wrong way due to these values / traits.      That said, I don’t have any nOTPs for him that aren’t covered by the above mentioned rules.
[ Hyūga Hanabi ]
     Ship biases: Kono///Hana      nOTPs: N/A      Info: Cis female, heteroromantic / heterosexual      Established ships: None (selectively multiship)      Hanabi isn’t one that’s actually shipped in ALAS - while the story runs until she’s about 32, her romance hasn’t been established yet in the plot, but I do have a bias for shipping her with Konohamaru. There aren’t a lot of established characters her age, so canon options are a bit limited.      My Hanabi is a bit precocious and maybe a little flirty, but also takes her role as Hyūga heiress very seriously. She won’t actually date anyone too easily - Konohamaru is from a notable clan, and has a very good reputation as both a shinobi and person. So if she’s to ship with someone, it’d have to be up to her own standards. Doesn’t mean she’s above being playful, but playful doesn’t equate to serious.
[ Uchiha Obito ]
     Ship biases: Obi///Rin (as kids)      nOTPs: N/A      Info: Cis male, heteroromantic / greysexual      Established ships: None (probably unshippable)      Obito might actually be first in how difficult I view a muse to be shipped. Admittedly, I write very little Obito in ALAS, and he’s pretty much strictly canon. And as in canon, he’s entirely dedicated to his plan. Any notion of romance or bonds is pretty much dead in him up until his change of heart in the war: and he dies as in canon, so...not exactly shippable in those few hours. It would take an an astronomical event to shake him out of his dedication and determination enough to both take that risk, and break that feeling of numbness and isolation. I really don’t know if it would be possible the way I write him.
[ Uchiha Mikoto ]
     Ship biases: Fuga///Miko, Kushi///Miko      nOTPs: N/A      Info: Cis female, bicurious (but claiming to be heterosexual / heteroromantic)      Established ships: My Fugaku (selectively multiship)      By default, I write Mikoto as pretty happy in her marriage to Fugaku. A little strained as he favors Itachi and she favors Sasuke, but she does still very much love him, though also finds him overly strict.      That said, I do like the idea of her having a confused crush on Kushina that she very much denies due to personal and clan-related bias of heteronormativity. In an AU where she develops this before her marriage, I could see the ship working with chemistry. Otherwise, I really don’t ship her beyond that, and she’s married by default and would NOT be interested in infidelity. 
[ Uchiha Fugaku ]
     Ship biases: Fuga///Miko      nOTPs: N/A      Info: Cis male, heterosexual / heteroromantic      Established ships: My Mikoto (highly selectively multiship)      As with Mikoto, I write Fugaku by default in his marriage with her, and really don’t have any other ships for him. MAYBE an AU where his arranged marriage to Manami pans out, but...that would change a LOT as it would mean no Itachi, Sasuke, or Shisui. So it’d be a major AU, but maybe one to pair with a Kushi///Miko ship. Otherwise, he’s a taken man by default.
[ Uchiha Madara ]
     Ship biases: None      nOTPs: N/A      Info: Cis male, heterosexual / greyromantic      Established ships: None (unshippable)      Madara is the only muse I write strictly in AUs: NOTHING canon, as I just...don’t really feel any pull to writing him in those verses. While he IS a character in ALAS, I don’t want to RP him in that verse.      So far he’s only been written in two AUs: Divine Light, and Of Monsters and Men. In the former, he’s an antagonist with no intention to be romantically involved with anyone. There’s really no narrative room for him to be in a relationship of any kind. In the latter, he’s also a bit of an antagonist. Though not as against being involved with someone, it’s hardly ever for romance. He’ll have flings, but only shallowly to get what he wants: he doesn’t have any intention to have relationships beyond the briefly physical. He has a habit of keeping interesting women around until he gets bored. A bit hard to spice life up when you’re been alive for as long as he has: his attention span has only diminished.      Otherwise, he’s mostly a background villain: the equivalent to Giovanni in the Pokémon verse; to Sozin in AtLA; etc. etc. So again...not really the type to have any real kind of ship.
[ Uchiha Tenkai (Sasu///Hina son)
     Ship biases: Uzumaki Akane (kusunokihime)      nOTPs: N/A      Info: Cis male, panromantic / pansexual      Established ships: None (selectively multiship)      Tenkai has been written very little yet, but has hints of a future relationship with Akane in arc three of ALAS. The story only runs until they’re about 14, so no real room for a full-fledged ship. He’s part of the so-called “golden generation” (aka Boruto’s class), so anyone of that age range could have crushes, but...not much point in full ships with kids.      That said, as a disclaimer: I don’t read / watch Boruto. But I don’t mind interacting with characters from it. Just know I know almost nothing about the story / characters. My muses will have to get to know yours from scratch. And as he exists in an AU ship, kids from ships that would “break” his parents can’t be written with him (aka Boruto, Himawari, or Sarada).
[ Uchiha Chikyū (Sasu///Hina daughter) ]
     Ship biases: N/A      nOTPs: N/A      Info: Cis female, biromantic / demisexual      Established ships: None (selectively multiship)      Chikyū has no established ship in ALAS, and only reaches age 12 by default. So again, mostly just for crushes unless aged up. She’s a little...difficult to get along with, but it’s entirely possible to ship with chemistry.
[ Hyūga Higure ]
     Ship biases: Uchiha Fugaku II (kusunokihime)      nOTPs: N/A      Info: Cis female, greysexual / heteroromantic      Established ships: Fuga////Higu (kusunokihime) (selectively multiship)      Higure is a very...special case. She’s by default paired with Fu II, and given her mental health, getting through to her isn’t easy, but...possible. She’s the same age as Mirai, but there’s very few characters in her age range.
[ Hyūga Hinode ]
     Ship biases: Uchiha Reika (kusunokihime)      nOTPs: N/A      Info: Cis male, heterosexual / heteroromantic      Established ships: HinoReika (kusunokihime) (selectively multiship)      Hinode has an established ship in the verse, but honestly is very open to be shipped with otherwise. He’s a kind-hearted kid and I think would get along with most others pretty easily. He’s in the same year as Tenkai, aka Boruto’s year.
[ Uchiha Manami ]
     Ship biases: OC NPC Uchiha Junichi, Fuga///Mana      nOTPs: N/A      Info: Cis female, biromantic / bisexual      Established ships: Juni///Mana (selectively multiship)      Manami, unlike her sister, was entirely accepting about her orientation, but also discreet about it due to clan politics. Though canonly slated to marry Fugaku, she broke it off to let her younger sister (who was in love with him) have her chance instead. Otherwise, she ends up with Shisui’s father, Junichi (Kagami’s son). But she’s honestly very shippable beyond that: could do an AU where she DOES marry Fugaku, or dates other people before / after / instead of her canon marriage to Junichi.
[ Hyūga Hanako ]
     Ship biases: Hia///Hana      nOTPs: N/A      Info: Cis female, biromantic / demisexual      Established ships: Hia///Hana (selectively multiship)      Though married to Hiashi in canon, Hanako could be otherwise shipped...but it would mean either having no marriage and therefore no Hinata and Hanabi, or possibly just Hinata and being disgraced after divorcing Hiashi. Otherwise by default she’s married (and dies a few weeks after having Hanabi due to postpartum complications).
[ Hyūga Hotaru ]      Ship biases: Hiza///Hota      nOTPs: N/A      Info: Cis female, heterosexual / heteroromantic      Established ships: Hiza///Hota (highly selectively multiship)      Honestly shipping with Hotaru would be VERY difficult. Though her marriage was mostly unhappy, it DOES end with Hizashi’s death. But I have a hard time seeing her marry anyone outside the Hyūga bloodline - she’s too traditional / proud to do so. It’d take a LOT to change her mind on that.
     [ And that’s it! ALL the muses on this blog. Major props to anyone who read it all: honestly that’s amazing and I really appreciate it. But yeah, this is the rundown of all the muses and how I feel they can / can’t be shipped. I know this probably comes off as really picky, but again: the verses I write are very heavily plotted, and just...between that, and my views of these characters, it’s not an easy thing to ship them. I know that’s disappointing cuz shipping’s a big deal in RP, but...I won’t write something I myself can’t enjoy.
     THAT BEING SAID, some DO still have wiggle room! And of course other kinds of bonds - family, platonic, enemies - are possibilities, too. I’d love to write something other than romance to see how these muses interact with others. Romance is just...a difficult thing for a lot of them. 
     Either way, thank you to anyone who respects these interpretations of these characters. To those who can’t...I hope you find other blog(s) who can give you what you want. But this is how THIS blog will be run. ]
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Layer Meme
Tagged by @bingo-book-shisui thanks!
Copy and paste with your own characters ‘Layers’ and let people get to know them!-
name: Karin Uzumaki
eye color: deep magenta
hair style/color: unintentionally I have a cowlick which causes my hair to naturally grow unevenly. I've learned to work with it. Otherwise it is sometimes wavy.
height: 5'3"
clothing style: I wear what I am comfortable in. Longsleeve zip up top with a collar, with short-shorts and knee-high stockings♡
best physical feature: my eyes, my lips, my thighs.
Your fears: getting too close to people and losing them all over again.
your guilty pleasure: I DO LOVE MY PERFUME COLLECTION
your biggest pet peeve:
Suigetsu ...just entirely
your ambitions for the future: To not just survive but thrive. Also I would like to expirament on my own. Perhaps find a cure for something... like a cure for Kimimaro's illness...
your first thoughts waking up: *blushes* w...w...well thats personal! Perhaps I think of someome BUT that's none of your business!
what you think about most: *blushes red*
what you think about before bed: *ferociously blushes like her hair color* 
you think your best quality is: determination, devotion and quick thinking.
single or group dates:  single.
to be loved or respected: to me love snd respect go hand in hand.
beauty or brains: Brains, but there's nothing wrong with enhancing your looks♡
dogs or cats: always cats.
lie: yes.
believe in yourself: yes, if I won't then who will?
believe in love: yes
want someone: .....maybe....
been on stage:  No but being in charge of one of the hideouts felt like I was running a circus if that counts.
done drugs: yes
changed who you were to fit in: not to fit in, but to survive, yes.
favorite color: pale lavender
favorite animal: for some reason I always liked foxes. Weird.
favorite movie: don't have one
favorite game: people
day your next birthday will be: a Thursday
how old will you be: never ask a LADY her age!
age you lost your virginity: 13, it wasnt consensual.
does age matter: yes
best personality: trait? I would say attentiveness and patience
best eye color: dark eyes♡
best hair color: dark hair♡
best thing to do with a partner: THAT'S PERSONAL..but... uh.. spend quality time together
i love: my perfume collection...my work..and....a certain someone♡
i feel: melancholy
i hide: my suffering
i miss: my mother
i wish: to see that smile again ♡
@bingo-book-sasuke-uchiha @bingo-book-kimimaro @bingo-book-deidara @bingo-book-suigetsu
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raendown · 7 years
Other Stories
This section organized alphabetically by pairing.
In Keeping With Tradition [Sequel to Love Done Right] - Rated T+ Paring: Hashirama/Izuna Word count: 5801 Summary: After watching his brother’s - unintentional - success, Hashirama sets out to catch an Uchiha of his very own.
As Many As It Takes [Sequel to In Keeping With Tradition] - Rated T+ Pairing: Hashi/Izu, Mada/Tobi, Touka/Hikaku/Uchiha OCs Word count: 2675 Summary: Wedding bells chime in the nearby future but who are they chiming for?
Eye Of The Beholder - Rated G Pairing: Hashirama/Madara Word count: 1754 Summary: In Hashirama’s opinion, Madara is the Cutest Thing Ever™. No one ever believes him when he says so but that just means he gets to keep these moments for himself.
Your Black And White Needs A Little Bit Of Red - Rated G Pairing: Hashirama/Mito Word count: 2133 Summary: Hashirama is the sort of person who believes in love at first sight. Mito isn’t but she can be convinced to take a second look.
Breaking The Fast - Rated T+ Pairing: Itachi/Deidara Word count: 780 Summary: This isn’t at all what Itachi thought working with the Akatsuki would be like. The day’s barely started but he doesn’t think he’s going to have any complaints at the end of it.
First Time For Everything – Rated M Pairing: Kakashi/Hana Word count: 3419 Summary: A continuation of Chapter 12 of the Soulmate Collection.
Try Try Again [Sequel to First Time For Everything – Rated M  Pairing: Kakashi/Hana Word count: 860 Summary: He always said he thought he could improve. Hana was more than happy to let him ‘practice’.
Of Beginnings – Rated G Pairing: Kakashi/Hana  Word count: 501 Summary: Beginnings are always awkward
Sparring Drabble – Rated T+ Pairing: Kakashi/Hidan Word count: 182 Summary: During sparring sessions both of them can get a little distracted.
Rainflowers In Return - Rated T+ Pairing: Kakashi/Naruto Word count: 1681 Summary: Naruto isn’t surprised when he coughs up the first petals.
Interlude – Rated M Pairing: Kakuzu/Hidan Word count: 632 Summary: Kakuzu and Hidan take a moment out of their search for the jinchuuriki to relieve a little tension.
Footprints In Ink - Rated G Pairing: KisameSakura Word count: 1127 Summary: Their first date is an unmitigated disaster - and Sakura could not be happier.
I Brought My Friends Too - Rated T+ Pairing: Madara/Kakashi/Tobirama Word count: 834 Summary: Kakashi goes back in to the past with Obito and Gai and they all make friends with the founders. Kakashi makes...more than friends.
Halves To The Whole - Rated T+ Pairing: Madara/Sakura Word count: 5083 Summary: A cautionary tale on why you shouldn’t play with things that don’t belong to you which doesn’t turn out very cautionary.
Memorias Decem - Rated T+ Pairing: Madara/Sakura Word count: 8323 Summary: She comes in to the world with a birth date already scrawled across the skin of her arm, signifying that her soulmate was born before her. What sets her apart from others is the date which tells her that they have already been dead for decades. At first she wants to know who it is - until she wishes she didn’t. For most of her life she is grateful they will never meet - until she wishes she could have him.
It’s Our Paradise (And It’s Our War Zone) - Rated E Pairing: Madara/Sakura/Tobirama Word count: 2895 Summary: They’d all agreed a long time ago that it was perfectly fine for Sakura to date them both. Now Madara’s taken it in his head to tangle their web even further and it surprised him how easily the other two went along with it.
Sick of This – Rated G Pairing: Minato/Kakashi Word count: 7299 Summary: Kakashi broke things off with the love of his life yesterday. So of course today he gets sick. The universe is obviously out to get him.
A Broken Soul – Rated T+ Pairing: Minato/Kakashi Word count: 10496 Summary: Kakashi was born with a counter just like everyone else. But his was different. His was broken.
The Cutest Tomato In Konoha – Rated G Pairing: Minato/Kushina Word count: 824 Summary: That would be Kushina. 
At My Worst And At My Best – Rated G Pairing: Naruto/Sai Word count: 785 Summary: “At my worst I worry that you’ll realize you deserve better. At my best I worry that you won’t.”
Blueberry Pancakes - Rated G Pairing: Neji/TenTen Word count: 1392 Summary: Just another morning full of softness and surprises.
Thankful Neji Drabble – Rated G Pairing: Neji/TenTen Word count: 544 Summary: Neji is thankful for many things in his life but his is most thankful for his wonderful wife. 
We’ve Already Begun - Rated G Pairing: Neji/TenTen Word count: 1286 Summary: Calm and poise go out the window as Neji grows nervous about their very first date.
Be You, For Me - Rated T+ Pairing: Obito/Kakashi Word count: 845 Summary: A werewolf au in which Obito calls him home.
Remind Me I’m Home - Rated T+ Pairing: Obito/Kakashi Word count: 2511 Summary: All shinobi are a little broken, that’s just a sad fact of life. When Kakashi falls apart he needs someone who is broken just like him to help put the pieces back together again.
Running Through My Head (Running Through My Head) - Rated G Pairing: Obito/Kakashi Word count: 1796 Summary: Listening to sensei is what got them mixed up in this stupid jutsu. He’s never going to listen to sensei again.
Speaking Clearly – Rated G Pairing: Obito/Kakashi Word count: 3048 Summary: Kakashi’s style of communication leaves a lot to be desired. It also leaves a lot of room for misinterpretation. (Read: Kakashi can’t flirt for shit)
Hello Drabble – Rated G Pairing: Obito/Sakura Word count: 321 Summary: Sometimes just a single words keeps you hanging on. 
Assassin Au Drabble – Rated T+ Pairing: Obito/Sakura  Word count: 890 Summary: Obito mastered the art of working and flirting at the same time a long time ago. 
Heart On My Sleeve - Rated M Pairing: Sakura/Ino Word count: 1879 Summary: Sakura wears her love for Ino in more obvious ways than she means to sometimes.
We’ll Build A Flame To Burn The World – Rated T+ Pairing: SakuraIno Word count: 3777 Summary: Empress of her realm, Ino finds her match in the woman she cannot outmaneuver: Haruno Sakura, an Empress in her own right. But a mind like hers can find opportunities everywhere and in offering peace to end the stalemates between them Ino finds so much more than she could have ever hoped.
Easy Beginnings - Rated M Pairing: Shikamaru/Sakura Word count: 1741 Summary: Sakura never truly expected a big romantic production for her first time. Good thing, too, considering who she’s dating.
Hearts Already Beating - Rated T+ Pairing: Shikamaru/Sakura Word count: 15111 Summary: An accidental bonding, a surprise marriage, and two people who refuse to see what’s right there in front of them holding their hand.
Warm Words – Rated G Pairing: Shikamaru/Sakura Word count: 969 Summary: Hot night, cool laughter, and words that mean more for what goes unsaid.
The Best Kind Of Afternoon (Lazy Of Course) – Rated G Pairing: Shikmaru/Sakura Word count: 1295 Summary: If only young Shikamaru had known how sappy and content he would grow up to be.
Leave Me Here To Die Drabble – Rated T+ Pairing: Shisui/Obito Word count: 1327 Summary: “Are you just going to leave me here? To die as if I’m nothing?”
A Polite And Proper Thank You - Rated T+ Pairing: Suigetsu/Karin Word count: 1347 Summary: She just wanted to drink the night away but he had to go and ruin all the fun. 
Parenthood - Rated G Pairing: Suigetsu/Karin Word count: 695 Summary: After the war they have a son name Mangetsu. He is a legacy of them both - and all the frustration that comes with that. 
First Meeting Drabble – Rated T+ Pairing: Tayuya/Itachi Word count: 508 Summary: The first meeting between them sparks some interest.
By Any Other Name – Rated G Pairing: Tobirama/Kagami Word count: 1148 Summary: Tobirama takes exception to being called “Snowflake”.
First Kiss Drabble – Rated G Pairing: Tobirama/Kagami Word count: 755 Summary: Tobirama’s favorite quote gets turned against him - and he doesn’t really mind.
Tattoo Soulmate AU Drabble - Rated G Pairing: Tobirama/Kagami Word count: 641 Summary: Kagami wakes up with new markings on his face on his 18th birthday.
Me, Myself, and Us - Rated E Pairing: Tobirama/Tobirama Word count: 2769 Summary: A sequel to Chapter 70 of my Soulmate Story Collection in which Tobirama learns that his soulmate is, in fact, his own clone.
How To Woo An Uchiha - Rated T+ Pairing: Can be read as Tobirama/Izuna or Madara/Tobirama Word count: 158 Summary: A Step-By-Step Guide From Senju Tobirama
Tsunade and Genma - Rated T+ Pairing: Tsunade/Genma Word count: 242 Summary: An arrangement begins. 
A Window That Won’t Close - Rated T+ Pairing: Yamato/Shisui Word count: 554 Summary: Yamato attempts to use a pickup line his friends gave him. 
This section organized alphabetically by pairing. 
Christmas Drabble [Sequel found here] – Rated G Pairing: Genma/Reader Word count: 924 Summary: ‘Tis the season for Genma to flirt.
Beautiful Face Drabble - Rated G Pairing: Kakashi/Reader Word count: 388 Summary: Kakashi’s blind S/O asks to see his face for the first time.
Kakashi Needs To See His Partner Drabble - Rated T+ Pairing: Kakashi/Reader Word count: 728 Summary: At a boring party, Kakashi just wants to spent a moment alone with his significant other. 
Singing Soulmates Drabble – Rated G Pairing: Kakashi/?  Word count: 789 Summary: Kakashi’s soulmate sings their first notes at an inopportune time.
Flirting With Deaf Reader Scenario - Rated G Pairing: Minato/Reader Word count: 989 Summary: You never thought someone like the fourth Hokage would notice someone like you but when he does it isn’t the only surprise he gives you.
Romantic Date With Obito - Rated T+ Pairing: Obito/Reader Word count: 1216 Summary: Obito takes the reader on a romantic date and then things take a turn for the less innocent. 
Bad Dating Advice Drabble – Rated G Pairing: Tenzou/OC Word count: 1756 Summary: When Tenzou wants to get a special girl’s attention he trusts his friends to help him out with a little advice. He shouldn’t have.
All According To Plan – Rated M Pairing: Tenzou/Reader Word count: 7352 Summary: When Kakashi threatens to embarrass him publicly if he shows up to his wedding dateless, Tenzou asks you to accompany him as the good old “fake date”. He certainly didn’t expect to fall in love with you. You might have been hoping he would. 
This section organized alphabetically by title.
A Thousand Times Dead - Rated T+ Characters: Naruto Word count: 515 Summary: Naruto deals with the effects of the Shadow Clone Jutsu and the fact that he has the memories of each time one of them has died. 
Baby On Kakashi’s Doorstep Drabble - Rated G Characters: Kakashi, OC Baby, Tsunade, Pakkun Word count: 556 Summary: A baby is left on Kakashi’s doorstep. Amazingly, it belongs to him. 
Bloopers and Gag Reel - Naruto Style - Rated G Characters: So many Word count: 277 Summary: Just a list of possible bloopers from the gag reel if Naruto had been a live action TV show. 
By My Side – Rated G Characters: Hashirama, Tobirama Word count: 1095 Summary: Hashirama was quite used to having his own words come back to bite him but there were some things he had said that he would never regret.
Burning The Dust - Rated T+ Characters: Naruto, Kushina, Sai, Shikamaru, OC Word count: 16421 Summary: A coup hidden in the shadows for decades, a scroll with a seal he didn’t mean to activate; Naruto finds himself whisked away from Konoha to a destination unknown and meets a little girl who appears to be - his mom?
Cliff’s Edge Drabble – Rated G Character: Hashirama, Tobirama Word count: 314 Summary: Hashirama doesn’t like it when his brother is close to high places.
Coffins Can’t Hold The Past You’ve Broken - Rated T+ Characters: Tobirama, Kawarama, Itama Word count: 2677 Summary: The first human trial for the Edo Tensei jutsu is also the last before it is declared forbidden. 
De-Aged Drabble - Rated G Characters: Hashirama, Madara, Tobirama, Izuna Word count: 608 Summary: Two best friends battle it out over who had the cutest little bro.
Dirty Work – Rated G Characters: Iruka, Izumo, Kotetsu Word count: 4549 Summary: Midnight shifts at the mission desk can get a little boring sometimes. To keep themselves entertained Iruka, Izumo, and Kotetsu turn on the radio and sing along. None of them expected to be caught dancing on top of the desks while they were busting out their dirtiest moves, though.
Divine Detriment Drabble – Rated T+ Characters: Minato, Kakashi, Obito, Rin Word count: 285 Summary: Their reputation proceeds them.
Fanfiction Is Life In Every Universe - Rated G Characters: Sakura, Ino, Choji, TenTen, Neji Summary: In most cases, you never know who is hidden behind your most beloved usernames. 
Forward And Back (And Leave It There) - Rated G Characters: Madara, Hashirama, Kakashi, Tobirama Word count: 3420 Summary: Travelling through time was a complete accident. So was passing on the idea to someone much more dangerous.
Hashirama Dealing With A Stalker Drabble - Rated T+ Characters: Hashirama, Tobirama Word count: 751 Summary: Tobirama doesn’t take his stalker very seriously but Hashirama most certainly does.
Hinata’s Twin - Rated T+ Characters: Hinata, OC Word count: 1443 Summary: They were only 6 years old when Hiashi sent her beloved twin sister away. Since then Hinata has tried hard to be the perfect daughter. Now it’s time she focused on being a better sister. 
Home Is Yesterday - Rated T+ Characters: Kakashi, Obito, Rin, Minato Word count: 8284 Summary: Kakashi inherits some land he doesn't want, explores a jutsu he didn't know he was capable of, and learns a bit about letting go of the past.
How I Met My Best Friend - Rated T+ Characters: Ino, Sakura Word count: 676 Summary: Ino and Sakura’s first meeting was both memorable and awesome.
I Wasn’t Afraid (I Am Now) - Rated T+ Characters: Kakashi, Obito, Naruto, Sakura Word count: 1758 Summary: A role reversal of the Kakashi v Obito fight during the Fourth Great Ninja War.
Kakashi’s Daughter Drabble - Rated G Characters: Kakashi, OC, Team 7 Word count: 1479 Summary: Team 7 discovers Kakashi’s secret for the first time.
Konan’s Daughter Drabble - Rated T+ Characters: OC, Naruto Word count: 990 Summary: Konan’s daughter learns to move on with her life after her mother’s death at Obito’s hands.
New Puppy Drabble – Rated G Characters: Kakashi, Naruto Word count: 602 Summary: Kakashi gives little Naruto a gift.
Nostalgic Cuddling Drabble – Rated G Characters: Hashirama, Tobirama, Madara Word count: 664 Summary: Hashirama thinks wistfully of the past and his hands reach out for old memories. Literally. 
My Brother Drabble – Rated G Characters: Hashirama, Tobirama, OC Word count: 537 Summary: Young Hashirama cares for his brother and their mother observes the bond between them. 
My Kind Of Caring – Rated G Characters: Hashirama, Tobirama Word count: 1081 Summary: Hashirama doesn’t notice a lot of things but he does notice how much he loves his baby brother.
Rainy Day Drabble – Rated G Characters: Hashirama, Tobirama Word count: 513 Summary: It’s obvious how much Hashirama hates the rain. Tobirama has never figured out why but he hates it as well just the same. 
Reflections Of What Isn’t – Rated G Characters: Kakashi Word count: 810 Summary: The reflection that looks back at him has never been his own.
Rin’s Twin Drabble – Rated G Characters: Kakashi, OC Word count: 1327 Summary: Kakashi meets a ghost from his past but not in the way he thinks at first.
Sakura’s Sister - Rated T+ Characters: Sakura, OC Word count: 1255 Summary: Her sister left when she was still very young. She shows up again in the dead of night with a heavy heart and heavier explanations.
Sensei and Student - Rated G Characters: Tobirama, Sakura Word count: 853 Summary: As they get older, the student eventually must take care of the sensei.
Secret Paradise - Rated G Characters: Kakashi, Shikamaru Word count: 986 Summary: Kakashi discovers an unexpected legacy left behind by the very first Hokages for the leaders of the future to enjoy. 
Sixteen Years Later - Rated G Characters: Kakashi, Pakkun, OC Word count: 1019 Summary: A sixteen year old girl shows up on Kakashi’s doorstep claiming to be his daughter. He doesn’t exactly take well to the news.
Sneaky Doughtnuts Drabble – Rated G Characters: Madara, Izuna, Tobirama Word count: 1023 Summary: Tobirama likes to hide things in the fur around his neck. Izuna likes to take advantage of this. Madara isn’t sure why he loves either one of them. 
Terrible Haircut Drabble - Rated G Characters: Hashirama, Tobirama Word count: 481 Summary: Tobirama tried to give his big brother a haircut but it doesn’t turn out quite how Hashirama pictured it would. 
The Colors Of Choice - Rated G Characters: Sai, Tenzou, Kakashi, Sakura, Naruto Word count: 1783 Summary: In learning the meaning behind one of the festivals of Konoha, Sai discovers there is more meaning to Team 7 as well.
The Ones We Choose – Rated G Characters: Tenzou, Tsunade  Word count: 569 Summary: On having Hashirama’s cells implanted in Tenzou and what that means for clan and family.
To See That Smile Once More – Rated G Characters: Madara, Izuna Word count: 1178 Summary: Nothing will ever be as important to Madara as seeing his baby brother smile.
To Stop And To Go On – Rated T+ Characters: Kakashi, Sakumo Word count: 961 Summary: The only use for time travel that Kakashi ever considered was for fixing the mistakes of the past.
Toddler Kakashi Drabble – Rated G Characters: Kakashi, Sakumo Word count: 718 Summary: Sakumo teaches Kakashi something new.
Winter Wonder – Rated G Characters: Hashirama, Tobirama, Itama Word count: 833 Summary: An innocent memory of three young boys. 
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tsukinobherzhoka12 · 7 years
Ino Yamanaka to the rescue AU
This is as Modern AU fic where Ino and Sasuke are cousins 
"You what?! Sasuke be serious! I told you NOT to be caught by the police while Party-rocking!!" Ino scolded him in the phone. She was so angry to her cousin/pain in the ego cousin.She already knows that Sasuke was being dragged by Naruto to go on a wild party, she wants to go but changed her mind since she knew that it would be troublesome and a waste of time to go there .She have the insight that she would be caught in a police and besides she was busy trimming her bonsai and taking care for Momo, her koala from Australia at the same time
"Let's not talk about it, I am asking you a favor, please...please... release me here.bail me out.. I am your official most cool cousin in earth" Sasuke pleaded reluctantly, Ino knew that It was really hard for him to plead for himself in his sake. As an Uchiha, they really had a huge ego and pride.Gosh she really want to smack the shit out of him for interrupting her, As a Libra, she really had scheduled her activities on her list, following it in exact time. and everyone knows that she was easily being pissed off if someone interrupting her fine schedule and That was Sasuke is doing right now.
"Official the most egoistical you mean"she retorted then rubbed her temple in annoyance while talking to the phone " So why do you want me to bail you out? what about Itachi?"
"Itachi is on a date with Izumi-chan" he replied
"What about Shisui?"
" He was with her girlfriend number 18"
" Obito-san?"
"Out of town with Rin"
"Grand-uncle hippie Madara-san?"
"That old geezer is going to kill me,I have enough listening of how Uchiha is like this and Uchiha Like that and he will kill you if you say that nickname again"
"Uncle Fugaku? Aunt Mikoto?"
"Same reason as Great-Grandpa Madara, and My mother would look at me with her Horrifying disappointment signature look"
"Serves you right, how about Great-Grandpa Izuna? "
" Have you no mercy? you have to drag the old-man into his safe haven just to bail me out?"
"He will laugh at me and NO I won't"
"She's to aloof...and dont talk suggesting about Atsui, He also is in the lightning country"
"Fine! I will prepare myself,You owe me one big damn favor in this Uchiha!" She surrendered and prepare herself for her errand. Why oh why Kami-sama would gave her such troublesome cousin,Now she already have the reason to use Shikamaru's favorite word.
Sasuke should tell her the Damn right valuable reason why he got himself caught!
In The Konoha Police Station, Sasuke is with the others who had been caught in the Party because of the curfew, he was silently sulking in the corner while Sakura was beside him and apologized about what she have done " I'm sorry for what I have done Sasuke, You should just abandoned me and make your escape"
Sasuke raised his eyebrow" Why would I, is it wrong to save the girl who is unwilling to do what other men would want to do to her, I have a respect for women" He snorted " and besides Naruto dragged me into the party, I don't even know why I agree to come with him"She took a glanced at Sakura " and why are you in that loud party in the first place?" He thought Sakura was a bookworm kinda of a girl, she is beautiful in her own way and you can tell that she had a 'smart goody girl' vibe kinda thing but maybe he couldn't not judge someone by appearance,
Just Like his cousin from his Great Grand uncle Izuna. For the first place, Ino had been judged as a Dumb Blonde bombshell because of her looks but surprisingly she had a mind for memorize and can adapt in every situation and always focus on finding solution while complaining to the problems at the same time she also very competitive and a fangirl to everything related to Game of thrones and Phillipa Gregory. She was also the more understanding one than his other cousins,Unlike his other Uchiha relatives who always judge about how he chooses his friends
But she is also the most unruly of all Izuna-san Great-Grandchildren
"I'm with a friend,she asked me to come with her in the party since her parents didn't permitted her to go on the party alone but she abandoned me all by myself "she sigh and Sasuke raised both with his eyebrows, what kind of a friend who would abandoned her in a wild party? It's okay if they where all boys but girls?
"Hey Teme! did you have someone bailed you out?" Naruto loudly ask,who sat in front of him "We are the remaining one in the group, Chouji bailed Shikamaru already(He was just arrested because he just slept at the sofa all that time in the party) ,Kiba had been dragged by his sister outside by the ear Shino was bailed before us ,Lee was out already but it was quite disturbing when we saw him lip locking with kimimaro guy 'ttebayo" Naruto babbled then realization strike him like a wrecking ball in a wall "Shit!!! my kaa-san will kill me and Tou-san will let her do it!! " Sasuke just rolled his eyes and face palm
A pale-skin young man with black hair asked the officer a question about the where abouts of someone
" Sai-san?" Sakura recognized the person who was talking at the officer who was Yamato-san "Thank goodness"
"Sakura- chan do you know him?" Naruto bluntly asked Sakura just shrugged" Sai is my cousin, he lives with us."
Sakura sigh in relief and her eyes looks at Sai " Sai! thank goodness your here!"
Before Yamato unlocked their cell , Sai approached them with a panic and worry expression on his face" Ugly! WTF ARE YOU ARRESTED IN A WILD PARTY NO-LESS!! IF YOUR FATHER FOUND OUT ABOUT THIS HE WILL KILL ME IN A SLOW MANNER AND BE GROUNDED FOR LIFE!" He yelled at her like a brother reprimanding/scolding his younger siblings. Sakura winced, Sai only yelled at her like this when he's serious and angry
"I'm sorry Sai, I was dragged at that party, I didn't know she was really going there AND DON'T YOU CALL ME THAT NICKNAME BECAUSE WHERE NOT AT HOME! " Sakura hastly apologized but yelled back afterwards "Please Officer Yamato,let Sasuke-kun out, he was just arrested because he saved me" Yamato sighed but nodded he unlocked the cell and let Sakura and Sasuke out of the cell after Sai bailed them out
"Hey! I'm still here you know!" Naruto whined but the two just ignored the knucklehead because of relief , they where already out of the cell
"Good thing, you two are first timers so this will be considered warning "
Yamato sighed and looked at Sakura "you should stay away to the Uchihas if I where you "
Sasuke raised his eyebrow he was curious why he would tell Sakura to stay away from his family
"We get trouble with Uchihas all the time,those guys are the trouble magnet to begin with alongside with Izuna-san's children and Great- grandchildren in the Yamanaka side , that lad with you is the eighth uchiha who had been in jail,they are the regulars here since Madara-san " Sasuke widened his eyes Uchihas? Uchihas ? being arrested But Yamato-san babbled on
" Oh you didn't know? In his teens my grandfather told me he's the one who had been caught three times with Hashirama Senju-san they are being drunk in the streets,they have to be locked in a separate cells ,the last time they put the two of them in the same cell they are being rowdy and Madara always preaching about this 'infinite tsukuyomi".
His brother Izuna-san always fought against Tobirama Senju-san when they have to encounter each other, they are always being caught though, Fugaku-san also in his teens with Namikaze Minato-san have been caught drunk in the streets, his wife Mikoto-san is being arrested in a liquor party underage and the worse thing is she was driving on the streets drunk with a drunk Kushina no less, though Fugaku -san and Mikoto-san was reported to have Public display of affection, making out in the park while drunk" Sasuke was shocked he couldn't not imagined that his family really have that tendencies
Yamato sighed" Obito-san that mismatched-eye one, he had been reading one story of the Icha-cha paradise in a megaphone, on their flag ceremony at Konoha high,and he's drunk at that time,Shisui-san was being arrested because he faked his I.D and bought liquor underage, Itachi with his gang had been arrested because they are participating in riots in the streets and at drunk parties so does Deidara-san, Samui got arrested because she punch a police officer when she was fifteen and reported drunk, Atsui for climbing and trespassing areas he should not trespass and Tsubasa and Tsubaki, Izuna's spawn was arrested for annoying the neighborhood and drunk as a skunk also for acting like an exhibitionist. we still have their mugshots for memories"
The three of them are shock after what they had heard,while Yamato looked at them telling them" Be careful who you hang with"
Just then someone just barged in
"UCHIHA SASUKE! HOW DARE YOU TO CALL ME IN THE MIDDLE OF MY SCHEDULE AND COME ALL THE WAY HERE FROM MY WORK ZONE JUST BECAUSE YOU GOT CAUGHT BY THE BLOODY POLICE!!" Yamanaka Ino arrived at the scene with baby Momo the koala being draped around her shoulder, Sasuke always wonder when Ino found that lazy,greedy ass koala of hers who always steals Sasuke's tomatoes when he comes for a visit. he always doubted if that monstrosity who clings on her is really a koala or a monkey
"Ino, I'm sorry I'm-" Sasuke has been cutted out
"Have you learned nothing?!? I always told you that Do not get caught by the police while party-rocking!!?" Ino snapped " When you saw the blue and red sign that's the time you must run for your damn life!!"
Yamato smiled and greeted the new comer" The queen of prison! Yamanaka Ino , It's been a long time ! How have you been?"
" Oh Shut it Yamato, You know I stopped getting caught after I turned fifteen" she said in a mocking voice
"Only because I stopped trying to get a grip on you and save your father all the trouble and shame. I think he totally thought that you and your siblings tendencies and schemes comes from the Uchiha side , I stop telling him that his children causing trouble in his Free time on Sunday in the Konoha Private clan leaders club"
"Oh Come on Yamato, you stop telling him because you got tired chasing me when I cause ruckus, no matter how hard you tried. Dude, you don't even bother look under your car or in the roof either" Ino smirked "Here I brought the usual" she said before lifting a paper bag the guy took to his desk, it was filled with doughnuts, a burger with fries, soda, chocolate chip cookie,green tea , two box of takoyaki, and two bento of sushi rolls
"Ahahahaha the Uchiha -Yamanaka bailing system , You can get your cousin out since it's his first time, he saved the girl from being harassed though and I will not book him because its his first time.His responsible enough, I hope he wouldn't not follow his family's footsteps" He addressed the two people with them and he was out of the scene while carrying his goodies
Sakura was shocked to know that Ino Yamanaka and Sasuke Uchiha are cousins! she thought they where dating because they where closed to each other and she never thought Sasuke would react so sheepishly when he was in front of his loud and proud cousin ,And she really was the queen of prison ,she saw how she was greeted respectfully by the other officers passing by
" Wow, Sasuke! You got arrested for saving a girl?" she patted and messed his hair "Nice move cousin!"
Sasuke sighed" Any decent man will do it Ino" then take his step slightly away from her "Don't go to near to me when your with your devil creature " he retorted
Ino mocked " after saving your ass, you would treat me like this? and My Momo is not a devil, he is the most cutest mommy's helpful angel in the world" she huffed and her attention is now on the two people, she grinned at them " Sakura! goodness gracious are you alright, thank god you are being saved by my cousin even though he is not really good at having conversation with women generally" she literally bounced at them and Sasuke just scoffed
Sakura chuckled " I am thankful for that , You didn't tell me that Sasuke is your cousin!"
Ino just rolled her eyes and snickered "Darling you didn't asked and besides I'm always get irritated when people assume me and him are a couple, or Itachi and I as a couple" she puffed
" and besides I'm not Cercei Lannister even though we may have the same blond hair , I'm not into cousin incest or any kinds of incest" she cackled then suddenly she saw Sai who had just being silent in the entire time just stared at her and admiring the blonde beauty who is talking to his cousin.
Ino let a flirty smile and winked at the man beside Sakura " Hello Handsome, I'm Yamanaka Ino, and this is my koala momo and you are?" she raised a hand and appears that she wants a handshake
"Sai, my name is Sai Shimura, Im Sakura's cousin" he returned the handshake "and I heard you say a character from Game of Thrones?" he asked
" Oh yeah that's a reference, do you watch the Television series?" she asked ,she was filled with interest
"That's my favorite Television series and I have read the books" Sai answered with a grinned on his face
" Oi Ino stop flirting already, I want to go home now" Sasuke distracted them
"Shut it Uchiha, You are just jealous because you don't get a move to Sakura because you're to embarrassed to talk to her " she laughed when Sasuke was as red as a tomato while Sakura pouted
Ino let out a calling card with a pink font of lipstick on it " Here's my number Handsome ,call me if you needed anything, I hope this encounter will make your interest of me worth it.." she kissed Sai's cheek
" Hey Ino stop flirting with my cousin, he is so easily getting flustered " Sakura said with an amused expression on her face
Ino giggled and said " Sakura-chan, how I wished to joined you for your errand but our schedule is packed so call me when your free?"she kissed Sakura in each cheeks " Hope you seduced Sasuke on your bed sooner darling, if I want to have an addition in this crazy family , You already got my attention. Your strong enough to endure many threats from angry fan girls I'm sure" She winked
"INO! WE NEED TO GO" Sasuke said annoyingly
"Bye handsome, bye darling " she gleefully as she followed an embarassed Sasuke out at the Police Station
Leaving a blushing man and a flustered woman
"Sai, will you tell mom and dad about this?"
"No, I won't, but do it again or I will let uncle and auntie bailed you out of prison and be grounded for life"
"I can't believe this, they where judging me for having a wild and reckless friends while they are also been troublemakers in the past" Sasuke complained " Hypocrites"
"Well that is what we are, but seriously I can't believe this, Great Grand uncle hippie is a wild emo teen in the past? Jeez, I'm going to use black mail on him to let him buy me new clothes and build a green house for me " She said jokingly as she drove her SUV car in order to drive Sasuke home" and also you can use that in order to to lessen your punishment when they knew you where being arrested"
" I don't appreciate what you did with Haruno" Sasuke said
" Oh Come on, I know you are having interest in her and besides its now the time to awaken your Uchiha sexual virility, Its been a while since you and Karin" she commented "hey don't do that, You'll wake Momo up!"
Sasuke slap her shoulder teasingly with a blush of embarrassment on his cheeks " I don't even bother waking your koala up, tsk, you really spoke up as if your going to get laid"
Ino rolled her eyes" Her cousin actually, he interest me, he watches my favorite series and read the books, I really need someone else talk about it besides of Itachi and Kisame, even though Kisame always freaked out every time someone died brutally" she smirked " and besides he got that dominant vibe on him in bed that I'll thought some kinky stuff in my dreams with him so yeah, It interest me "
"Really, Ino you are the most perverted woman I have ever encountered " He commented dryly
" Killjoy, and Besides You owe me a favor Sasuke, be a man and asked Sakura a date and stop judging my appetites" she huffed
Ino always teased him by voicing up her sexual preference, when discussing about it, she only talks to Sasuke she always enjoys the flustered face of his
"Besides, I wonder what will happened if I call him Daddy in bed"
"That's it Ino Im Out!!"
AN: I always Ship Sasuino in the past but know I slowly recovered and accepted my defeat but it will also good if they have a BROTP ship and it is them ;)
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zilveninde-blog · 8 years
HELLO to all your guys
HELLO FROM THE OTHER SIDE... ( dei / shi / sas ).  ll  @leafmedic​  ll  accepting !
If we kissed:
[] This wouldn’t happen.
[] Oh disgusting.
[X] Again, again.
[X] Kiss you back.
[X] Let’s take this to the bedroom.
[] Slap/Push you away.
[X] Be perpetually confused, bc let’s face it sakura lmfao u could have ... not me ?????  p sure u’d like that better BUT HEY.  I’LL TRY NOT TO ARGUE WITH A GOOD THING.
If you asked me out I’d say:
[] Um no.
[] I’m taken-
[] Sure.
[X] Yes. But where are we going why are we going why do you need this cover of a date do you need me to have your back??????  this an undercover mission obviously why are we ... at this ... ramen stand ... what??????  WHERE IS THE THREAT ???!?!?!
Can we cuddle?:
[] No.
[] Ew.
[] Sure.
[X] in H A L E S ......... yes.
[] YES.
[X] Let’s do it.
[X] No. You can’t handle my d.  ;)))
[X] growled yes yes yes yes yes while pushing you up against a wall ---
[] No.
Should you reblog this?:
[X] Yes. I want to send you one.
[] Yes.
[] No.
If we kissed:
[X] This wouldn’t happen ??
[X] Oh disgusting.
[X] Again, again.
[X] Kiss you back.
[X] Let’s take this to the bedroom.
[X] Slap/Push you away.
[X] Be confused.
If you asked me out I’d say:
[X] Um no.
[X] I’m taken- lmao.
[X] Sure.
[X] uuuuhhhhh ... me ?? with you ?? on a DATE ?? why thakuwa-tjan why would you do this to me i am not - i only LOOK like a social butterfly ---
Can we cuddle?:
[] No.
[] Ew.
[] Sure.
[] YES.
[x] ................................................... i suppose.
[] Let’s do it.
[] No. You can’t handle my d.
[X] hnngghgngh, yes, PLEASE ---
[X] No.
Should you reblog this?:
[X] Yes. I want to send you one.
[] Yes.
[] No.
If we kissed:
[X] This wouldn’t happen ( oh. wait. ho, guess i was wrong ).
[X] Oh disgusting.
[X] Again, again.
[X] Kiss you back.
[] Let’s take this to the bedroom.
[X] Let me take you ( that wasn’t a request ).
[] Slap/Push you away.
[X] Be ( eternally ) confused.
If you asked me out I’d say:
[X] Um no. why would i go on a date. i have shit to do. you have shit to do. i need to go on a date. you don’t need to go on a date. if you want to see me you’re seeing me. if you want to spend time with me, do it. what is the point of this useless excercise in conformation to social norms ----
[X] I’m taken by a life of celebacy && ... lots of ... hard ... wood ......
[] Sure.
Can we cuddle?:
[] No.
[] Ew.
[] Sure.
[X] ................
[] YES.
[] Let’s do it.
[] No. You can’t handle my d.
[X] FUCK YES. right here, right the hell now, give it to me let me t------
[] No.
Should you reblog this?:
[X] Yes. I want to send you one.
[] Yes.
[] No.
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