#if i smoke weed and have to talk to somebody i want to explode
stinkrascal · 2 years
people who smoke weed before they go into work are crazy do you have no fear
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yourdeepestfathoms · 5 years
Olly Olly Oxenfree (part four)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
TW: Victim blaming, mentions of drowning, another weed brownie
all the outs in free
The mud sloshes loudly as Cathy and Joan trudge away from Fort Milner. They try not to look at the stew of muck beneath their feet, for they fear that they may see tints of red glistening in the slop.
Neither of them spoke as they walked across the field. Cathy was lost in thought, coming up with entire spider webs of theories in her head, while Joan was just in a state of shock. Her face was pale, aside from her eyes, which are still puffy and rimmed with red from crying. She had tried to wipe away the tears, but scrubbing her face with her sleeve only inflamed the skin further. She gave up after a while.
Dark mist rolled in the distance, near Main Street. Cathy watched the black fog. Sometimes she thought she could hear other footsteps stamping in the mud somewhere off in the distance. Other times it’s right behind her. She can’t be too sure.
She and Joan get to the fence that wrapped around the Comm Tower. When they looked at the metal chainlink, they didn’t feel safe, rather trapped.
It was there to keep them in.
“Hey! Hey!” Anne is running down from the ladder. “I saw you coming up from the tower!”
“How are you doing?” Joan asked.
“Umm- better.” Anne said. “No luck with the radio. It’s been what my therapist would call a ‘negative reinforcer.’ I’m just glad I took that second brownie.”
“What?” Cathy snapped.
“When did you take a second one?” Joan asked.
“Just before you came. Don’t worry about it!” Anne said as she climbs back up the ladder. If she sees the way Cathy is fuming, she ignores it.
“If that’s what you need- fine.” Joan said. It was clear she didn’t want anyone fighting at the moment.
The three of them climb up to the top of the tower where Kitty is waiting. The girl looks slightly better from when Joan and Cathy last saw her, but definitely still wry and jittery.
“Hey, Kit,” Joan waved halfheartedly. “Night’s still goin’, huh?”
“Yeah.” Kitty replied dryly. “I couldn’t get anything to work beside the speaker.”
“More than we could do,” Cathy said.
They all went into the tower cabin to get out of the cold. The wind was a lot crueler all the way up there, like it was adamant on knocking one of the teenagers off with its powerful gales. Joan shoved her next-to-numb hands into her jacket pocket, which didn’t help much since the coat was still wet from the rain at Fort Milner.
“Oh!” Anne suddenly said. “I got it! It’s Maggie Lee?”
“Maggie Lee?” Kitty echoes curiously.
“Yeah! She has a boat!” Anne went on. “Something good finally hatred loose from all this hysteria, eh? Anyway, my sister, Mary, used to work at the Park’s office. She had to deliver mail to that lady almost every day. I know there’s a key down there.”
“So, we’re gonna—”
“No!” Cathy barked. Kitty snaps her mouth shut with a small lurch of her shoulders. “No no no! We are not going to go with the first plan from the group’s resident burnout.” She wheeled around to glare at Anne when she said that.
Anne narrows her eyes and ruffled herself up. With her brown hair frizzing from her unruly, half-undone spacebuns and smaller stature than the dark-skinned girl, she looked about as intimidating as a raccoon trying to defend its piece of garbage it just stole from the rubbish bin. Her voice, however, was biting, like the chilled gales just outside the cabin.
“I am not a burnout!” She snapped.
“What other plan do we have, Cathy?” Joan said, trying to step in again.
“Oh, I don’t know! Fix the radio, find Catalina, set fire to the mug shop!” Cathy began to rattle off, “And those are just at the top of my head!”
“Those won’t do us any good.”
Cathy clenched her jaw and began stalking up to Anne. She easily towered over to paler girl, riling herself up like a smoking volcano about to blow or a mother owl who just had one of her chicks threatened- her talons are open and primed for blood.
“Anne,” She laughed harshly. Her voice is as cold and hard as a glacier. “don’t forget that this is entirely your fault to begin with.”
She seemed to forget about Joan taking all the blame at the cable car. Or, perhaps, she just didn’t want to throw her step-sister under the bus like that.
“Excuse me?”
“And now,” Cathy went on, overpowering Anne with her barbed tone. The gritting of her teeth quickly replaced the image of an owl with a timber wolf. “now you want us to trust you when things are really bad? YOU made Joan bring the radio- over twenty messages in all caps if I remember being told correctly. YOU brought us here!”
“Come on, guys, calm down!” Joan attempted to step in. “This is nobody’s fault! And if it is going to be someone’s fault, let it be mine. I already owned up to it! So...there! Blame is on me! Blood is on my hands!” Saying that last part made a sick feeling of fear coil deep in her stomach.
“Yeah, this isn’t very, uh,” Kitty tries to help cool things down, too. “Productive.”
But their efforts were in vain. Anne was pissed off, now. And Joan knew better than anyone that her anger was a deep, dark, long-running thing. The blonde steps back and pulled Kitty with her, as if she thought her friend may actually explode.
“It should be obvious that you’re the only weirdo here,” She said, going after Cathy with words laced in sickly green venom. “You are throwing all of this out of whack! We,” She gestures for her, Kitty, and Joan, “all grew up together!”
“Guys, please calm down.” Joan spoke up again. Her presence is finally reminded to the fuming pair, but not in the way she had wanted.
“Joan, I am not putting my life in this freak’s hands!” Cathy spat. She wasn’t going after Joan, in fact her eyes softened when she began talking to her step-sister, but her voice remained spiky and wrapped in shards of glass. “This entire night has been nothing but a joke to her! I mean, did you hear the first thing she said to us back up at that way station?” She does a terrible impressions of Anne’s voice, “‘I thought you were a werewolf’- like, what the fuck is up with that?! How are you even defending this bimbo?”
“Cathy!” Kitty yelped. Her eyes are wide in alarm and she glances nervously over at her cousin. She took another step back, this time being to one to pull Joan with her. It was as if she saw smoke wreathing out of Anne’s nostrils or something.
“I know you said Anne was ‘harmless’ or whatever, but the bitch ate two fucking weed brownies! In a crisis situation!” Cathy was working herself up to a proper temper. Her face was flaming red with rage, which was impressive given her darken skin color. “I’m done giving her passes. And you should, too.”
“I don’t need a pass from you.” Anne growled. “Joan is my best friend.”
That comment cut Joan deep in the heart. She had been mentally siding with Cathy, the girl did have a point, plus she was her new sister and she feared not going along with her would completely shatter their relationship, but Anne was right. They were best friends. They had been together since Joan was fostered by her mum and moved to the girl’s city.
God, she wished she didn’t have to be there right now. The ghosts were one thing, but this? She did not sign up for her relationships breaking into pieces right before her eyes.
“Oh yeah? Well, Joan is MY best friend!” Cathy barked back.
“Guys, please!” Joan shouted. “Stop it! Stop fighting!”
“Yes. Please.” Kitty agreed softly.
“Listen, I don’t care what Cavewoman Cathy says—”
“What is that?!”
“—there is a boat at Maggie Lee’s house. And the key is back on Main Street.” Anne went on, ignoring Cathy’s stupid, flabbergasted expression.
“And when your plan fails spectacularly, two of us are going to have to stay here with the semi-functioning walkie talkie.” Cathy said, crossing her arms.
“Well, Joan has the radio.” Anne also crossed her arms. If she was trying to make herself seem more mature or maybe was just trying to mimic and mock Cathy, neither Joan nor Kitty knew. “Are you okay to go to town?” She looks around Cathy’s hulking figure to look at her friend.
“Yeah,” Joan said. Sure, her throat sort of stung from yelling and the start of a panic attack was boiling up in her chest a welting sore, and there was also the whole being-wet-in-the-freezing-cold-night and persistent, never ending headache thing, but she chose to keep that to herself. “I’m fine. Ready whenever.”
“She shouldn’t go alone.” Kitty jumped back in. “Three of us don’t need to stay up here.”
“Right. I’ll go!” Anne volunteered quickly. “It was my brilliant idea in the first place.”
“Are you serious? Your food is going to kick in at any second and then you really will be a completely unreliable bimbo.” Cathy said.
“I am not a bimbo!” Anne snarled.
“Aaaagh! Stop it!” Joan growled. Her own anger was starting to bubble inside of her.
After her plea, Cathy rounds on her.
“Keeping in mind who has been with you this entire night—”
“Keeping in mind who you’re tired of!” Anne cut in.
“Keeping in mind who’s taller!” Cathy said louder. “Who do you want going with you?”
It was all so overwhelming. Joan wished they could all just go as a group, surely that was safer, anyway, but it was also just wishful thinking. If Cathy and Anne tried to get down from the tower together, Joan was sure somebody was gonna get pushed off.
She feels that coil in her stomach tighten and tighten and tighten. It becomes a painful sensation in her gut that she has no other choice but to-
“Cathy, let’s go.”
Cathy sighed in relief. “Thank you.”
“What?!” Anne cried. It was clear she hadn’t been planning for Joan to not pick her. “Why?! Why her?”
“We’re still doing your plan,” Joan said gently, hoping to cool her friend down. “Who cares about who’s on the Home and Away team?”
“But I wanna be on the Joan team.” Anne said. Her eyes looked genuinely hurt. Joan’s heart pinches painfully in her chest. “I wanna feel like— like— needed.”
The pinch gets tighter until it feels like two slim claws are trying to pull her aorta right out of her chest.
Joan tried to speak, tried to make her friend feel better, but Anne just sighed and shook her head.
“Just— just, fine, whatever. Go have fun, you two.” She said.
“It’s not supposed to be fun. That’s the point.” Cathy rolled her eyes.
“Oh god, will you just shut up?” Anne hissed.
“Okay, before things get stupid again,” Kitty said. “Good luck with the whole key thing. We’ll be waiting, guys.”
“Thanks, Kit. You’re the best.” Joan smiled at Kitty, who manages to give her one back. “But...are you gonna be okay with...the girl?”
Kitty actually laughed. “I’ll be fine. She’s just cranky.”
“I’m not cranky!” Anne grumbled from where she was very obviously sulking.
“I’ll take care of her!” Kitty assured Joan, who nodded and made her way out of the cabin with Cathy on her heels.
The trek down from the tower was silent. In fact, neither sister spoke until they were past the gate and back into the field.
“Look,” Cathy sighed. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to go that far back there.”
“Mmm.” Joan merely replied. She wasn’t ignoring Cathy per se, rather putting more attention on the darkness that lurked on the path to Main Street. She shivered.
“Okay, I’m just going to clear the air, alright? Just so Anne or whoever can’t say I was hiding it.” Cathy said. Joan glances back at her momentarily. “You may have heard that I was, uh, in jail?”
Joan says nothing. She just keeps walking. It very clearly makes Cathy uneasy.
“Well,” She went on. “I never went to jail. But I did beat up a guy and go to juvenile detention for it.”
“Why’d you, uhh...why’d you do it?” Joan asked softly. The thought that her younger sister was now scared of her sent cold vines of fear creeping up through Cathy’s insides.
“My mum got sick.” She said, “And then she got really sick and this kid threw a baseball at my head, and yes he was joking, but I just kinda-“ She sighed. “I popped.”
“We all break sometimes.” Joan said. “I understand.”
“You do?” Cathy perked up a little.
“Yeah.” Joan nodded. “Trust me, I do.”
Cathy smiled a little.
“I’m glad.”
She and Joan continue their trek until they got to Main Street. Cathy was just about to ask if Joan was religious, and if she wasn’t if she was going to reconsider after that night, when she noticed a human shadow cast across the pavement.
“Oh my god, is that—”
Someone was sitting on one of the light posts, their legs swinging back and forth.
Cathy and Joan rush up to the light, their eyes wide.
“She’s alive!” Joan said. “Man, I’ve never been so happy to see you in my l-”
Joan let out a short cry of pain as static filled her mind and vision seemed to glitch out like an old TV. When she looks up, Catalina’s eyes are glowing red.
“Oh no,” Cathy muttered, stepping back. “She’s doing- she’s doing the eye thing!”
“Come on, Catalina, snap out of it! Look alive!” Joan tried. “Umm...hang in there, baby?”
“Good try.” Cathy pat her shoulder.
Joan grit her teeth. She could feel the cold metal of the radio weigh heavily in her pocket. She has no choice but to slip it out and tune in.
The first triangle forms.
The second-
Joan is falling, everything is upside down and she can’t see at all, but then she’s upright again and tottering in her spot like a newborn lamb. She winces.
“You think you can control me?” Catalina asked, tilting her head slowly. Her voice is like it had been back at Fort Milner, distorted and dark.
Cathy and Joan exchange nervous looks.
“What? No! We’re not trying—“
“No, you’re not trying!” Not-Catalina said. “You’re not trying at all!”
“¥ðµ håvêñ’† ¢håñgêÐ,” Said The Sunken. Their voices appear out of nowhere, origination from an unknown source. “ñð† å ßï†. ßµ† ¥ðµ’rê å £ïñê gïrl.”
“What— what more can we do?” Joan said desperately. “We’re barely holding onto our—“
“‘What more can you do?’” Not-Catalina echoed mockingly. “You can do your job, that’s for starters. You can be what you signed up for.”
“𝕎𝕙𝕖𝕟 𝕪𝕠𝕦’𝕣𝕖 𝕠𝕗𝕗,” Crackles the radio. “𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕝𝕖 𝕞𝕒𝕔𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕖 𝕙𝕒𝕤 𝕟𝕠 𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕟 𝕒 𝕓𝕣𝕒𝕚𝕟.”
It just had to go and pipe in, didn’t it? What with Catalina- or Not-Catalina, Whatever the fuck she may be now, and those ghosts talking and all, the radio now chipping in only added to the intensity, and the terrible pressure pressing down on Joan’s skull.
“No more heart than a...” Not-Catalina’s voice trailed off and died. Her body fell like a rag doll from the lamppost.
“Is she-?” Joan swallowed thickly. “Is she, um, alive?”
“I-I don’t-”
Not-Catalina, or Catalina, now, stirs, then sat up. She blinked her normal brown eyes at the duo standing above her.
“Are you okay?” Cathy asked. “Can you remember anything that just happened?”
“I’m fine. I can— I’m fine.” Catalina stood up, brushing away the hands reaching down to her for help. “And I... I remember Fort Milner...and you two.”
“That’s it?”
“Well... I also remember that radio.” Catalina turns on Joan. “And I remember this being all your fault.”
-.-. --- ..- .-. .- --. . / .. ... / -. --- - / .- .-.. .-- .- -.-- ... / - .... . / .-- .- -.-- --..-- / -.. . .- .-. .-.-.-
The bonfire in front of the Main Street tunnel blazes slightly when Anne throws a few sticks into the flames. They get eaten away in seconds before Joan’s eyes, which are edged with a black blur. She blinked, smoke stinging them slightly, and looked up at the others.
“Wait, it’s Catalina’s turn already?” Anne asked.
“Yes, it’s my turn.” Catalina said. “I’ve been waiting this whole time!”
“Hold on-“ Joan looked around. The ocean licking against the rocky edge to the street is but a black void behind her. She snaps her head forward again, preferring to look into the foggy abyss that was the closed down tunnel behind Catalina. “What’s going on again?”
“It’s Catalina’s turn.” Kitty said.
“Yeah, it’s Catalina’s turn.” Cathy nodded.
“And you of all people should know what I’m not going at ask because I’m not going to waste it.” Catalina turned to Joan. “Joan. What did you do.”
Joan’s mouth hangs open like a fish out of water. Catalina’s judgmental stare does not pity her stunned expression.
“Tell me why my best friend, and your idiot best friend, and your new step-sister are all screwed.”
“This isn’t her fault.” Cathy stepped in quickly, already knowing things were going to get riled up.
“Cathy, I’m sorry, but you don’t know who you speak of, dear.” Catalina said.
“Catalina, seriously, I can vouch for this,” Anne said. “This isn’t her fault.”
“It has to be her fault, of course it’s her fault.”
Joan clenched her fists. The numbness in her fingers dissipates for a moment. Bubbling anger feels hot in her belly.
“Why?” Joan snapped. “Why does it have to be my fault?”
“Why does it have to be your fault? Are you serious?”
Joan clenches her jaw, glaring daggers at Catalina.
“You’re gonna learn, Cathy, I swear to god. The whole town looks at her like she’s got a fucking Scarlet Letter tattooed on her forehead, and the giant, lit up, Christmas tree reason why is that Maria is dead because of her!”
A near subzero sensation spreads through Joan’s entire body, and not because of the temperature outside. Then, the chill is overcome by molten lava-like fury that bubbles up like pus from an abscess.
“It would take a really sick person to see it that way, and I would love to hear your explanation!”
“Maria was going to be free! She was going to be out of here until this one convinced her to go swimming one last time.” Catalina stopped her pacing. Her eyes are cold and hard. “And she drowned. Maria drowned, while this one could barely flap her arms.”
All eyes turned to stare.
“That doesn’t make it my fault!” Joan cried. “Anyone could have been there— anyone— and then they would’ve watched her die, you unbelievable cunt!”
“‘Anyone’ wouldn’t have watched her die, Joan. Anyone else would have done something!” Catalina snapped back.
“Okay, enough!” Cathy steps in between the two. “Seriously. I can’t even believe we’re talking about this right now.”
“Cathy,” Joan scampered up to Cathy like a lost lamb would to its mother. She grips tightly to her step-sister’s sleeve. “Cathy, it was awful- it’s still awful... I-”
Cathy set a gentle hand on her shoulder. “I know. It’s okay, I know. But right now we’re going to break into that office, find that key, an we’re going to go home.”
“No.” Catalina said.
Cathy snapped her head around to the older girl. Her teeth are gritted. She’s clearly had enough.
“No?” She echoed, anger lacing her voice. “What do you mean, no?”
“Aagh!!” Pain lances through Joan’s head. Then Cathy’s head. Then Anne and Kitty’s. Catalina began to float into the air.
“All the outs in free.....”
What happens next is nothing short of a whirlwind. Cathy and Joan get jarred out of the time loop and, like the many times before, Cathy only has vague memory of being in it. However, by the pale, shaken expression on her step-sister’s face, she knew it couldn’t have been good.
When she asks, Joan says she doesn’t want to talk about it.
They break into the park building and find the key in the form of another pocket radio, this one with more stations.
It does not feel right in her hands.
As they’re walking back to meet up with the others, Cathy reads off a letter written by Maggie Lee, which talks about how the history of Edward’s Island was a lie and how she buried these secrets all over the area. The letter ends and, after the sister discussing the news, Cathy began to say something else as they passed the path that led down to the beach.
“Joey, why are you wearing that jacket? It’s, like, seventy-five degrees and the sun’s out!”
“What? It’s cold—”
Soft, fuzziness floods her mind. Her vision distorts, but her body doesn’t seem to react. Her muscles are calm...relaxed. She’s at peace for the first time that night.
“—and the sun is only kinda out.”
“No, see! Look! Sunlight!”
A voice ahead laughs. “Maria, we didn’t bring drinks.”
Joan was giggling, too, but then the noise catches painfully in her throat.
“Wait— Maria?!”
Her older sister grins at her. Her curly hair is done back in a rare ponytail- she usually prefers to have it down and frame her face in a way that makes her look like a lion. The smile painted on her pink lips would make even the sun jealous of its perfect glow.
“The one and only!” She chirped. At her side, Catalina chuckles lovingly.
“Where- where’s Cathy?!” Joan looked around frantically. That panic attack from before starts to rise up again, desperate to overcome her.
“Cathy? Who’s Cathy?” Catalina asked curiously. Her voice is so sweet when she talks to Joan, not laced with hidden poison or barbed with vision sarcasm, but genuinely loving towards the younger girl. “Is someone else coming?”
“Yeah, is that a friend of yours?” Maria added.
“You wanna know who Cathy is?” Joan grits. She’s tired of losing her every single hour. “She’s my new step-sister.”
She sees Catalina and Maria’s eyes widen.
“Now do you know what’s happening?”
She thinks they get it, but then Catalina and Maria began to laugh. They continued their trek down to the beach and Joan’s legs follow them without her command.
“Okay, can you call your new friend your ‘best friend’ or something?” Maria asked, giggling. “‘Step-sister’ is kinda approaching into my territory.”
“Yeah, it’s like when my mum calls her cat her ‘special little lady.’ I mean, I’m standing right there!” Catalina put in. She looked so happy...and not evil.
“Wh— why— why am I here?” Joan squeaked. She’s getting weak in the knees. She thinks she was going to be sick.
“You said you wanted to go to the beach.” Maria said.
“Good choice, too,” Catalina said. “Today turned out to be a flawless day.”
The nausea seems to melt away as they got down to the beach and stepped onto the sand. When Joan looked at the ocean, she felt no fear, no anxiety, no trauma-induced pain. Just...serenity and curiosity for the sparkling blue body of water.
Her mind feels like it was melting, but the sensation sends a ripple of peace through her body, almost like morphine. She calms by degrees in a matter of seconds. To be honest, she can barely remember what she had been freaking out about moments earlier... Even when Maria proclaims she forget her phone on the ferry and Joan and Catalina left alone on the beach when she ran up to go get it, she felt no nervousness.
She sat down across from Catalina.
“I’m glad we could do this today.” The older girl said. “I know you two are close and all I know it can be annoying to have the girlfriend around, but...”
Joan smiled slightly. “Yeah, I- I would love to. Really.”
Catalina beams. “I’m glad! And, hey, Mars loves you a lot. I mean, I’m sure you already know that, but seriously. She talks about you all the time.”
Joan giggled, blushing slightly. “Thank you for telling me.”
“Yeah, of course!”
“Had to fight the skipper for it, but he didn’t expect many squats I could do,” Maria said as she walked back over.
All three girls laughed.
Catalina excuses herself after Maria got settled to go but some drinks up at the shop, leaving Maria and Joan alone.
“I’ve missed you,” Joan whispered. “I-I know we live in the same house and everything, but- I missed you, Mars.”
“Aww,” Maria cooed. “I missed you, too, JoJo. Also, hey, I know this was supposed to be our day, but I completely forget that I promised Catalina that I would do something with her. Thanks for chaperoning.”
“No problem.” Joan said.
“It’s really important to me that you like her, so tell me the truth. What do you really think of us being together?”
Joan didn’t even have to process the question.
“Stick with it. Stay with her.” She said. “If she makes you laugh, if she makes you smile...who am I to think otherwise?”
Maria lit up brightly. “Thank you! Good blessings and good tidings!” She and Joan laugh. “Hey, I’ve never noticed that that’s a good jacket. I should ask for it back. My new one sucks. Feels like I got...shoes on my arms or something.”
Joan pulled the soft grey jacket closer around her. “No way, bucko!”
“Bucko?” Maria laughed. “You haven’t called me that in years! Come here- let me at least see if it still fits.”
“Fine!” Joan groaned. “But even if it does, I’m not giving it back!”
Maria scoots over and reaches to grab the jacket when Joan takes it off. When their hands brush each other, everything cuts to static.
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 84 Xs1) "14Hours"
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It feels good to have Colson's heavy body thrown over her when Luna wakes up. She closes her eyes, breathing him in. His scent is a mixture of weed, sandalwood, whiskey and a left over hint of the Jean Paul Gaultier cologne he wears. Laying in his arms, Luna doesn't ever want to move.
It's the knock on their door, that disturbs her bliss. Don's calling an hour before wheels up. They have a 14 hour ride from New Jersey to Chicago on Colson's day off. Fun.
"Mmmm... Kitten..." He moans lowly, pulling her closer to him.
Naked, Luna can feel his hard dick resting against her ass cheek. Colson nuzzles through her hair to the back of her neck. His light kiss gives her goosebumps.
"Morning, Bunny." She coos, bringing his hand up to her mouth to kiss it.
"You're up?" He asks surprised, slightly lifting his head.
"Mhmm." She murmurs as she rolls over to look at him.
"There's that beautiful face." He grins sleepily, pecking her lips.
"We got an hour... You wanna do it here or in the shower?" Luna asks as she adjusts under the weight of his leg over her waist.
"Both." He answers, lifting her face towards him by her chin.
Their kiss is deep and passionate. Both enjoying loving each other without the drama.
Colson moves his leg to run his fingers down the curve of Luna's body. Making her twitch from his light touch. Dipping his fingers between her folds, he grins wider.
"Dirty girl." He comments on her already wet pussy.
Drawing her in, she slides her leg over his waist. Colson lazily fucks Luna on their sides. Facing each other, Colson watches Luna's pleased expressions in the morning sun. They're quiet, except for their moans.
"Fuck I missed her..." Colson's heart thinks as his dick throbs inside of Luna.
Pulling him closer by his shoulders. She shifts her hips up, matching his rhythm. Kissing each other's mouths and bodies while they easily cum for the other. Bodies going weak. Heads light.
"Good thing I'm fucking marrying you..." Luna breathes out, once she rolls over. Splaying her body across Colson and the bed.
"Why's that?" He chuckles.
"Because your dick has seriously ruined me for anyone else!!" She laughs, rolling back onto his chest.
"Good. That means you'll never divorce me." He quips, kissing her head.
"Shut the fuck up." Luna laughs to his chuckle.
"Round two?" Colson asks.
"Burn as we get in?" She responds.
"THAT, is why you're the only woman who could ever be my wife." He states, sprinkling her face with kisses. "I fucking love you, Loons."
"Love YOU!" She grins as she slips out of their nest of blankets to roll a joint.
"You really are something else..." Colson muses over Luna like he did the night of his birthday.
"The ONLY, Bunny." She grins, leaning her naked body over to kiss him. "Ready?" She asks.
Lighting the joint and hitting it a few times before she passes it to Colson. Inhaling deeply, he exhales another I love You.
"Come on and love me in the shower." Luna coaxes.
Luna and Colson walk into the lobby, free hands laced together. Everyone else is already there.
"Awwww... Did we make uuup?" Baze teases them.
"Shut up, Truck." Colson laughs as Luna rolls her eyes.
"Aww, coooome on... You know the kids don't like it when Mommy and Daddy fight." Baze laughs, throwing an arm around them each as he comes in between Colson and Luna.
"Ugh.. That's so gross..." Luna shudders as she tries to shake Baze off of her.
Luna has a Daddy Kink she's explored with Tommy but won't with Colson. It's Casie's fault. The first time she heard her call him Daddy, it weirded Luna the fuck out. Realizing in that moment he's actually someone's DAD, she just can't get passed it. Luna picturing Casie's face the one time she tried. Deciding NOPE. Right then and there. Plus, she's really not about that Kid Life. She loves Casie but the idea of being a mother makes her want to vomit.
"You don't wanna be somebody's Mommy?" Baze wiggles his head as he makes sucking noises.
Colson's laughing as Baze taunts Luna. She's still stuck under his arm.
"Fuuuck nooo." Luna says. Dipping down, under and away from him. "I ain't bringing any crotch dropplings into this fucked up world!"
They all look at her. Sam exploding into laughter, she's heard Luna's rant about kids before. Ashleigh turns and cocks her head to the side. Perplexed at Luna's vocabulary.
"Crotch dropplings, though!? That's one for the books, Loons." She laughs, shaking her head.
"Yo. My kids would be Assholes. True crotch dropplings." She replies, throwing her palms out.
The Boys can't help but giggle over her word. Luna's always spouting out some type of crazy fuckitude.
"Case isn't an Asshole..." Colson shakes his head, debating Luna as he slaps her ass.
"Oh." She hops and grins at his authority. "Yeah. Because of Emma. Anything WE.." Luna flicks her thumb between herself and soon to be husband. "Spit out, would be a straight up Dickhead. No doubt."
Colson rolls his eyes as he kisses the top of her head. He doesn't know if he wants another kid but half of him would bet he could get Luna to do it if he really wanted too. The other half of himself laughs "You're a Fucking idiot." Knowing Luna would never do anything she didn't want to because someone else did.
"Fucking crotch dropplings...?" He laughs. "Something's fucking wrong with you, yo."
Luna nods in agreement as her theory is met by laughter and talk of Truths and Facts from their friends as they all walk out together. Luggage in tow with wild theories of this imaginary kid drifting in the air.
Ashleigh informing Luna, that you don't SPIT them out as she laughs at her ridiculousness. Catching a shrug with an I Don't Know, Ashleigh rolls her eyes as they head to The Bus. Clearly Luna does not.
Once settled, they burn and drink coffee as a group. None of them really breakfast eaters.
Ashleigh, Colson and Luna sit on one couch together. Luna's leg draped over Colson's thigh. Sam and The Boys are scattered around, chattering on about last night. They had hit a local bar with some of The Crew, closing the place down.
Ashleigh mentions the Massachusetts merch to Colson. Deciding on XL hoodies, she tells him they should be in by Thursday. Colson nods his head. Kissing Luna on the cheek, thanking her for the idea.
She tells him it's No Big Deal as she leans over for another kiss. Standing up, she tells them she's gonna call Monica before heading to the back of The Bus.
Monica is not surprised by Luna's news but she is annoyed by it. Her client has always been a handful but this last month or so seems to have been a free for all. Monica scolds Luna on how she can't assault high profile people without consequences. That she's gotten really lucky and has to stop it.
Luna only pays her half a mind until Monica tells her she's nervous regarding Luna's other ventures. That she needs to be extra careful now that she's more publicly visible. They don't want ANY police looking at Luna for ANY reason.
Understanding, Luna agrees to Calm Her Tits. Apologizing to Monica for worrying her. They move on to the listings Monica sent Luna.
"Fuck... I totally forgot all about them. I'm sorry." She apologizes again.
Luna's digging under the bed as she continues to talk. Looking for something she grabbed in The City, she wants to bring it out when she's finished
"Maybe if you didn't spend so much time beating people up." Monica zings.
"Fuck you, Mon." She tells her, unamused.
Pleased when her hand touches the box, she pulls it out. Luna grins looking at her treasure.
"Alright, pass me to Ashleigh." Monica responds.
"Wait? What? For what?" Luna asks, caught off guard with a slight attitude.
"These NDAs... The fucking dual residency you asked for.... I don't know... Your non stop bullshit... What else would it be for, Jerk Off?" Monica deadpans to Luna.
Monica's choice of insult cracks Luna up. She truly appreciates anyone who speaks their mind.
"Okay... Okay... Fuck. I'm sorry." Luna laughs as she walks to the front of The Bus. "Here she is..."
"AND STOP FUCKING HITTING PEOPLE!!" Monica can be heard shouting from the phone as she hands her to Ashleigh.
"Jesus Christ." Colson looks at Luna with wide eyes.
"You think she wants me to stop hitting people?" She smirks as they both laugh.
Luna walks over to the table. Grabbing everyone's attention with a Yo, she shows them her prize.
Sam hangs back on the couch. They've already taste tested most of it.
"WORD!!!! We almost out. Good look, LunaTic!" Slim nods to her as he tosses her an elbow.
Luna steps to the side as they all come in to smell the different strains of bud and wax. Each highly impressed with the quality and grateful for the vegetation.
"Aight, Kitten... I see you." Colson says, wrapping his body around hers in approval.
"We got Backwoods?" She asks, referring to a particular cigar brand.
"I got the rig!" Rook shouts, lifting up the glass smoking apparatus.
He sets up it up on the counter, turning on the electric needle. Benny and AJ start rolling blunts as Baze and Colson twist up joints. Sam pulling together supplies for the wax.
"You and your bestie good?" Luna teases Ashleigh when she hands her back her phone..
"Yeah..." She laughs. "I'm gonna express her the NDA's and Kells water bill I got you on once we get to Chicago. She's ready to file the paperwork for the dual residency and needs it...."
"Shit, really? That was quick. Thank you." Luna kisses her on the cheek. "Anything else to do?" She asks to Ashleigh head shake. "Then let's get fucking HIGH, Bitch!" Luna laughs, showing her the case.
Once the rig is hot enough, they all take large dabs. Coughing until they almost choke. Setting the expensive glass piece to the side on the bumpy bus.
Luna sits on the floor between Colson's legs as she hits her first joint of their session. Ashleigh and Slim are on one couch with him. Benny, Baze and Sam on another. AJ's lounging in one of the chairs as Rook stretches out on his back on the floor near Luna.
Passing blunts and joints around, occasionally taking more dabs, they are getting high as FUCK.
"I wanna do a new cover with you..." Colson says in a low, stoned voice.
Turning to him, Luna asks what he's thinking. Hitting a blunt, he's quiet for a few minutes.
"You're All I Need?" He asks with red eyeballs.
"The Meth joint?" Slim asks with a scowl. "Nah, Dawg... I'm not feeling that one."
"Yeah..." Luna agrees with Slim. She has an idea. "You want fast or slow?" She asks.
"Hmmm... I don't know." He ponders.
There's so many blunts and joints going around, everyone has something in their hand at all times. Smoke filling The Bus.
Luna gets up and grabs her guitar. It's the acoustic one she made sure to pack. Sitting back down, crossed leg in front of Colson on the floor, she begins to strum.
"What about Sublime?" She asks. We could turn What I Got or Bad Fish into a duet..."
🎶When you grab ahold of me🎶
🎶You tell me that I'll never🎶
🎶Be set free🎶
🎶But I'm a parasite🎶
🎶Creep and crawl🎶
🎶I step into the night🎶
Luna sings, nodding for Colson to step in. He's sweet face lighting up as he does so.
🎶Two pints of booze🎶
🎶Tell me are you🎶
🎶Are you a BadFish too🎶
Luna slides in the second.
🎶Are you a BadFish too🎶
As Colson continues.
🎶Ain't got no money🎶
🎶To spend🎶
🎶I hope this night🎶
🎶Will never end🎶
They blend together. Eyes watching the other. Smiles playing on their lips as their voices harmonize simultaneously.
🎶Lord knows I'm weak🎶
🎶Won't somebody🎶
🎶Get me off of this reef🎶
Grinning at each other as Luna slides the guitar strings. Colson starts the next verse. Alternating with Luna every two. She backs him during the line.
🎶Underneath my bed🎶
Coming back together, they sing the ending chorus. By the second round, the whole bus is singing together.
🎶Ain't got no quarrels🎶
🎶With God🎶
🎶And got no time🎶
🎶To grow old🎶
🎶Lord knows I'm weak🎶
🎶Won't somebody🎶
🎶Get me off of this reef🎶
They happily belt together. Finishing up with laughter. Still passing around rolled up weed.
Everyone thinks it's a great cover. Colson isn't sure about the energy though. Luna agrees, it's more jam seshy. Probably because their baked off their asses. Luna offers trying What I Got if he wants.
"Nah, let's chill out." He leans down to kiss her forehead. "Y'all wanna kick on a movie?" He asks.
Stoned, they all agree. Laughing and loudly quoting How High as they watch it. Luna eventually climbing onto Colson's lap to cuddle. Giggling as they drop sporadic kisses on each other.
Everyone too stoned to move, they put on Anchorman next. Smoking almost a half ounce between them in less then 5hrs.
Most of them nodding out before Baxter gets punted off of the bridge. All of them knocked before the end of the movie.
They wake up around 830Pish. Beers already cracked. Drinks made. More weed flowing along with music. Sam finds the Magic Slushies when she goes to look for ice.
"What is this?" She asks, intrigued as she pulls out the large jar.
"We had a Tea Party." Luna tells her from across The Bus.
"And THIS was left over??" Sam asks being very familiar with Luna's Tea Parties. "Can we eat these right now?"
"Can we wait? I don't know if I wanna be stuck on The Bus and I'm still kinda recovering from Saturday night...." Luna groans. "Wanna play a game instead?"
Luna heads to her and Colson's room after Sam nods. She comes back out with poster board and art supplies. Truly packing everything but the kitchen sink.
"What 'cha thinkin', Loons MaGoons?" Baze asks her.
Luna grins at him. "I'm thinking a good 'ol American drinken' board game.... There Truck. What do you guys think?" She asks.
She's met with amused Okays as her and Sam set out on a gameboard. Turning to Colson, she asks him to have the others find themselves pawns. They settle on quarters with their initials drawn on with Sharpie.
Most are obvious, like C for Colson, L for Luna and R for Rook. Ashleigh takes the A as they squeeze AJ onto one. Sam gets the S, Benny the B, while Baze uses a Z and Slim settles for BA. For BlaqAbe.
"How's it look?" Luna asks, displaying her and Sam's finished project.
"You tryin' to get us fucked up, Brooklyn!" Benny laughs at their creation.
"That's my girl." Colson says kissing her head.
Cracking more beers and grabbing a bottle of tequila. Gathering around the board on the floor, they use one die. Starting counterclockwise from the youngest. Rook goes first. Rolling a 2.
"Truth or Dare, Rookie!!" Slim laughs.
Shaking his head, he chooses Dare. Who knows what the hell he's in for.
Colson speaks first.
"I dare you to give our Newb a proper welcome..." He says mischievously.
The Boys whoop as Ashleigh shakes her head.
"And what is that?" Luna asks thinking of her friend.
"A lap dance" Colson shrugs with a smirk.
"Well, in that case..." Luna laughs.
She gets up to change the music. Turning up Def Leppard's Pour Some Sugar On Me.
"BRING IT OOON!!" Sam laughs as Rook turns bright red.
Initially shy, Rook's got moves once the 80's hit kicks on. Sam laughs and squeals as he snakes up her body, then slithers down it. Opening her legs as he leans into her chest.
Everyone cheering him on as Luna passes Sam bills. Taking his shirt off, he jumps onto the couch. With Sam between his legs, he pulls her by the neck using his shirt. Grinding his hips in her face as she tucks bills into his waistband with encouragement. Hopping down, Rook shakes his ass against Sam's tits. Grinning and fully enjoying herself, she slaps it as he asks The Bus if they want One Lump or Two.
It is a phenomenal performance. Ashleigh, Sam and Luna clapping and whooping when he finishes. Rook beaming as his cheeks blaze maroon.
"Drummer Boy got them moves like Jagger!!" Sam teases him.
Sam has to take a shot when she rolls a 1. Ashleigh the same when she rolls a 3, having to go back two spaces. Benny rolls a 1 also. More shots, while Luna rolls a 5.
"Group selfie!!!" She shouts as they all pile in.
Somehow squeezing all nine of them together. Colson rolls a 6, landing on a Drink Water spot.
"This is bullshit." He complains as he chugs a bottle.
Baze rolls a 4, picking Rook to Colson's steady complaint.
"You have a beer in your hand, Ya nut!" Luna laughs at him as she kisses his cheek.
AJ rolls a 1, taking a shot. While Slim rolls a 3, having to go back two spaces for his own shot. Everyone drinking but Rook when he rolls a 4. Sam drinking water when she hits a 5. Colson laughs at Ashleigh when she rolls another 5, having to drink water too.
"I don't mind, dickhead." She snarks back with a smile, welcoming the water.
Hotel Diablo is bumping as they swig beers and pass joints. Everyone laughing and talking as they take their turn. Benny chooses Colson to take a shot on his 3. Luna having to talk in an accent for the rest of the game when she also rolls a 5.
"Blooty 'ell wit these fouves, Mates!" Luna horribly imitates Dom.
Colson starts to pout again when he only rolls a 2, until he realizes he gets to Make A Rule. No one is surprised when it's: He and Luna take a shot whenever ANYONE else has to drink anything.
"You fooking lush..." Luna slurs trying to perfect her accent.
"You're such an idiot." Colson laughs kissing her head as she nuzzles into him.
"Fucking water!!" Baze shouts out when he rolls a 2.
Colson and Luna taking shots with his water. Slim laughing at Luna's fucked up accent. More shots for everyone but AJ as he hits a 6. Slim being another victim of The Water with a 5. Luna and Colson taking a shot with him.
They carry on, laughing and teasing each other. Rook choosing to thumb wrestler Luna on his 2.
"Ahhh!! You're a cheater!!" Rook laughs as Luna swoops her thumb and pins him down.
"Ya got a Sweep the leg, Johnny!!"
Luna wiggles in happiness over her win. Making Rook laugh at her shitty accent.
Sam's 3 gets her dominated by Colson's big hands when she choses him as her opponent. Already feeling tipsy, Ashleigh's relieved when her 1 forces everyone to drink but her. Benny makes the rule that anytime anyone says Fuck they have to drink off of his 4. Things are gonna get wild now. Luna's forced to rhyme on a 2.
"Oi tell ye well. Burds loike me, go straight to blooty 'ell." Luna spits out as the room laughs.
Rook tosses her an approving elbow. Colson reminding her of his rap battle plans.
"You're an idiot." She laughs as she kisses him.
"Your idiot." He confirms with another kiss before taking his turn.
"FUCK yeah!!! Two shots!!" Colson stands up shouting when he rolls a 6. Benny reminds him of the Fuck Rule making it three.
"Word." Colson grins, lining up six shots.
Luna downing three with him. Taking another with Colson on Baze's 5. Laughing and talking, Sam and Slim get stuck with an extra shot for the Fuck Rule. AJ's 5 demands more shots from him, Luna and Colson. Making a Rule on his 2, Slim wants them to Caw-Caw like birds anytime Colson kisses Luna.
"That's not fucking cool, Dawg!" Colson exclaims.
That's another shot for them both. Stupid Fuck Rule. Rook rolls a 4. Making him, Colson and Luna pound their beers. It's a double round of shots for them also when the space makes him move ahead one too.
"Fucking, Eh... I mean Blooty 'ell!!" Luna tries to correct herself.
"SHOOOOOT!!" The Bus laughs at her.
"I was walking down the line. Feeling just fine. Till this ugly boy grabbed my behind. I had to drop him quick because, Bitch I'm a dime." Sam spits as her 3 makes her rhyme.
Luna laughs as Ashleigh high fives Sam. With The Boys impressed, Rook let's a Fucking Awesome slip. One, two, three... More shots for him, Colson and Luna.
"This efff ruullle is haaard, my dear boy." Luna complains to Benny, drawling out her letters and twisting her wrist in the air.
Benny laughs at her tipsy eyeballs. She leans into Colson, causing him to instinctively kiss her cheek. His whisper is interrupted by a rule.
"CAAW-CAAWW!!!" Slim drunkenly shouts as the room mimics The Caw-Caw Rule. Things are getting ridiculous.
"Oh Fuck..." Ashleigh sighs as her 6 makes her pound her beer to Colson and Luna's second. Plus, three shots each for the space jump and Fuck Rule.
Benny's 6 has the three of them down another two shots. They're all getting wasted. The Fuck Rule coming in so hardcore, they have to open another bottle of tequila. Luna's 5 requires a prank call. She decides on Pete.
"Elllllloooo!!! This is blooty Keith Mooon cawlling from the graave, Mate. Hoooow dooo you doooo?" She howls into the speaker phone.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Pete asks Luna, laughing.
"SHOOOOT!!!" The Bus screams making him understand.
Hanging up after a few minutes, Colson gives Luna a side eye when his 4 lands him on SAFE.
"What kinda shit is that?" He asks her drunken shrug.
Baze lands on Truth or Dare with his 4. Colson daring him to give Sam a Racer Shot. Luna lightly threatening him to leave her friend alone after she basically watches him spit a shot into her throat. Sam rolling her eyes and laughing at Luna. She's not worried about these Boys.
"NEVEAHHH!!!" Colson cackles, pulling Luna onto his lap.
"CAW-CAAAW!!" The Bus of drunks explodes as their lips meet. Laughter interrupting the kiss.
Another pounding of their beers and two more shots as AJ's 2 forces them on.
"I tink I'm blooty druuunk..." Luna laughs, accent taking on a life of its own. Now she sounds Irish. Or maybe British... They're all too drunk to care.
"FOOKING 'ELL!!" Luna exclaims with wide eyes.
Slim rolled a 5, landing with AJ. Another pounded beer, round of shots and an extra for Luna and the Fuck Rule. Joints are still flowing, everyone's having a good time making their way around the gameboard.
With another 4, Rook lands SAFE with Colson. Sam's 3 gets her hit with a Truth or Dare. Choosing Dare, Luna cuts in.
"Oi daaare you, koind laaty to allow me to give you a Sharpie Facial." Luna drunkenly dares her.
Sam accepts allowing Luna to give a wicked, twisted mustache and goatee on her face. The Bus erupting into laughter. Rook shouting CAW-CAAW!! as Colson tries to tell Luna he loves her.
"What the fuck." He complains to another round of shots for him and Luna.
Ashleigh slides into SAFE on her 4, Benny's Shot Whore means another round for Luna and Colson also. Luna hits Never Have I Ever with a 5.
"Neva ave oi eva fooked..."
"Shot!!" Sam yells at her.
After slamming it with Colson and trying to hold any kind of accent Luna starts again. "Neva ave Oi eva BANGED a midget while blooted owff caCANE." She grins as she raises her hand.
Roaring, everyone raises theirs but Benny. They all look at him.
"What? I like small bitches and it snows a lot in NYC." His explanation met with snorting and howling.
They're almost halfway through and everyone's pretty wasted. They've switched from Hotel Diablo and are blaring Outkast's Aquemini. The southern groove catching their hips. Joking and smoking, they try to proceed on.
Colson rolls a 5, landing on a space that kicks him back ten. The new space calling for him to down his drink and move forward to two more shots. Lining 'em up, Luna follows behind him. This being around the fourth or fifth beer she's pounded.
Rolling a 1, Baze pulls who's ever closest to him for another selfie. AJ, Rook, Slim, Colson and Luna. They look trashed.
AJ's 6 knocks him back one, calling for shots from him, Luna and Colson. Slim grabs a 3, choosing to Prank Call LaMar. Laughing so hard, he can't make it through the call.
Mar calls back confused with another What the Fuck? The drunk friends not making any sense and screaming SHOT at him, he hangs up.
Rook rolls a 3, his space demanding whoever has the most beer to Neck It. Down goes Ashleigh, Luna and Colson's beers. Sam's 5 has her Move Back One to Shot Whore. The couple follows her down her shot hatch.
Everyone is loud and laughing. Baze falls out of his chair with a Fuck and 3 shots. Forgetting about it, Colson almost spits out his beer when he catches Sam's facial art.
"CAW-CAAW!!!!" They shout as he kisses Luna over her masterpiece.
Ashleigh was safe until she rolled a 5. Knocking her back ten spaces with Colson. The three of them pounding their beers and slamming another round of shots as called for.
"Fuuuck..." Escapes from her mouth as she wipes the tequila off her chin. That's another shot for the three of them.
"Oi blooty ate yooou!!" Luna laughs.
"You gonna eat her?" Slim teases. "That's a show I never thought I'd see!" He laughs.
Forgetting to use her accent, Luna laughs out a Fuck You. That's another shot for her and Colson. They're about to crack their third fifth of tequila. Landing on Flip a Coin with his 5, Benny lands on heads. Six more shots. Two a piece between him, Colson and Luna.
"You really fucked us." Luna drunkenly kisses Colson afterwards.
"SHA-CAWT!!!!" Baze screams.
Placing her face in her hands, Luna laughs uncontrollably. It takes a moment for her to take her Fuck Rule shot. It's another two shots for her, Ashleigh and Sam when Luna lands on a 3, making only the girls drink. And Colson.
Word limit...( 1 of 2 )
To be continued...
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larpwhump · 5 years
Proverbs 20:30
This is Noncanon beautiful fiction written by @highheelsinblood​.
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James was starting to become very familiar with the ceiling of Elizabeth's medical bay. The lights were dim, a scattering of red lamps like dying stars as his vision focused. His head was pounding and he couldn't remember getting here ... did somebody knock him out? 
The Nation went to open his mouth, to call for his Handler, but his jaw wouldn't move. Was he gagged? Muzzled? He didn't feel anything on his face.
But he could hear, and his ears picked up the gentle clattering of metal tools, and Elizabeth's footsteps as she walked around. He couldn't turn his head to look for her though. Panic began to crawl up his throat as James went to move anything - his arms, his legs, fingers - but nothing was working. Everything felt heavy and tingling but he couldn't do anything. James could feel a whimper in his throat, along with something else, not his Chain of Command, but cold and sharp. 
"Oh, you're awake." Her blond curls popped into his view, Elizabeth looking down at him like a cat looked at a dying mouse, and chills ran down his spine.
'Elizabeth, please, why can't I move?' he could hear himself think, but couldn't hear his own voice.
"Are you comfortable? Not like you can go anywhere." Her laugh was slow and wicked, and James felt her hand on his jaw as she turned his head ever so slightly to look into her face.
"Aren't you impressed? Xer taught me about poisons while I was with him last." She smiled sweetly, running her thumb along his cheek. "He told me that wolfmonk weed and devil's salt can make a great paralytic."
A paralytic? She poisoned him?! James wanted to scream, but only heard a tiny gurgling noise come from his mouth.
"Is that as loud as you can be?" Elizabeth giggled again, and the flash of metal appeared - she was holding the knife he usually carried in his tasset. "Can you even scream, Holy Man?"
'No, no I can't, what are you doing!?' He watched the knife vanish from view, right into his chest. The hot pain that exploded in his chest and holy fuck he wanted to scream, to squirm, to do anything to distract himself from the slicing Elizabeth was doing to his torso. He could only see the side of her face and the top of his chest, bright red blood appearing on her hands and a smile on her face.
'Elizabeth are you well? You're not well again, are you? What did you do?' 
He saw a chunk of his flesh be folded back and the edges of his vision blurred with red - oh God he might pass out, oh God.
"You know what will stay with you even more than your scars, Holy Man? Carvings." She folded back another flap of his torso skin, and his whole chest burned like he'd been flayed open. "And you know what carves beautifully if you know what you're doing?"
'You know I don't,' he thought between the waves of agony.
She smiled, standing up straight and wiping her dark red hands over her smock, walking out of his viewpoint while she kept talking to him. 
"I got bored and went through your things some time ago. Don't get upset, I didn't see anything embarrassing. But I did find this."
A familiar book appeared in his view, soft green leather cover. His Bible, now with his blood on the page ends.
"This is some interesting stuff, I tell you what," she said, taking the book away. He could hear it being opened and the pages turning. Despite the pain, the churring in his stomach was weirdly excited - she was reading the stories of God. Not the circumstances he wanted but still.
"Seems like your book here is really into cleansing away sin. Whatever that means. But I have an idea. Here, look, do you see this part?"
She held the book up to his face, tapping the thin paper with a bloody finger. It was Proverbs, the section that almost read like poetry. Beautiful prose of worship and commands, the directions for how to lead a fulfilling life. It took him a moment to focus - even his eyes hurt somehow - and he tried to read the section she was showing him.
'Lashes and wounds purge away evil, and beatings cleanse the innermost parts...'
He almost felt embarrassed, like she had found a private note of his. The book closed with a snap in his face, and James could feel whatever she had shoved through his neck twitch. His fingertips burned.
"We'll have to talk to your ranking officers about how you worship. But later. Now, you worship with me, in my mercy." James saw a new tool in her fingers, like a screwdriver but not. It took a few moments and the dread in his gut threatened to choke him. It was a chisel.
"Don't worry, James, I know exactly what to scar your bones with."
He would have killed 10 people just to be able to scream at that moment, to let the pain outside of his body, but the only noise that came out behind his shaking teeth was a sad bubbling of blood and whining - whatever was inside his neck was pressing his throat almost all the way closed and burning him up. His feet were burning, his hands were burning, he was going to die from the pain, he knew it, Elizabeth was going to kill him with that hammer and chisel. Every strike of the tool sent a shock up his chest and his muscles managed to tense up just a little.
"I wish you had more space on your ribs, James - I'd just chisel out the whole line. But you don't. Small mercies I suppose." 
‘Small mercies indeed, thank you Lord,' he prayed, trying to ignore the voices inside his ears. The Angels had finally started to visit him again in his agony while Elizabeth worked on him in his worship, and he tried to listen to their whispers.
{Say it.}
{You brought salvation.}
{Say it!}
{How can they stay faithless?}
James whimpered again, feeling liquid inside his mouth but he struggled to breath, oh God, he was drowning in his own bile, his own blood, oh God oh God-!
'Elizabeth, help me, help, I can't breath,' he prayed to her, but she didn't turn her head as his vision started to blur again, the lights meshing together as he choked, his lungs on fire, they needed air, they needed air --
His head was suddenly jerked to the side, and he managed painful coughing, watching bloody spit pool up under his cheek as Elizabeth squeezed his face, forcing the liquid up. "I guess we have to take the spike out now. Pity."
The sliding of metal against his spine almost made James throw up, but the immediate pressure off his throat was sweet relief - he caught sight of the offending instrument. A railroad spike. Lord Commander, where did she get that?
"It's almost too big, I think. I'll have to find something smaller for next time." She dropped it with a sigh, letting it clank on the floor before going back to his chest. James could almost turn his head to follow her now, the poison finally starting to wear off. He could move his fingers freely, but his arm was still so heavy and dead.
"We're almost done, don't suddenly start thrashing on me. Pray, check out, do what you have to, but I'm finishing this carving."
James almost managed to speak before she went back to chiseling his bones, and without the spike against his throat he could finally scream, scream against the pain, scream against the restraint of his own flesh. The Angels hovered in the edges of his vision, flashing symbols with their open palms as he screamed.
"Fucking shit, fuck, stop, stop, please!" 
{She never stops.}
{Faithless one.}
{You can't stop.}
James felt the tears burning his eyes as he kept screaming. "She has to stop, she has to stop!" he cried, and Elizabeth, as usual, paid him no mind. She just chiseled, one elbow propping her up against his twitching and bleeding body.
"If you shake too much, I'll puncture a lung." She briefly glanced up at him, a splatter of blood on her face, a stark contrast to her soft eyes. "Stop moving."
"It fucking hurts!" he snapped.
"I'll put the spike back in James, I swear to fucking God."
His fingernails were biting into his palms down and he looked up at the Angels above him, their faces almost visible, taunting him. 
{Don't move, just watch.}
The symbols burned his eyes, his chest was threatening to dissolve, he could hear Elizabeth far far away, he could hear her screaming, hear her laughing, Mack was somewhere nearby, oh God Almighty help me --
A shock of cold water hit him right across the face, and the angels vanished like smoke, Elizabeth's face taking their place.
"You were convulsing," she said flatly, but her eyes betrayed her worry. His lungs greedily ate up air, and James could feel his limbs again. He pushed himself a little in the chair, testing his freedom to move. Elizabeth stopped him from sitting up. "Hold on, Holy Man, I'm not done stitching you yet." She put her hand in her pocket, pulling out her compact mirror, and held it up over James, angling it down.
'Prvrbs 20:30' was carved into his upper rib, by his sternum. His breathing stopped again, staring intently at his own bones, glistening with his blood, twitching and alive. He was alive. So this was worship with her now.
"Tha.... thank you Elizabeth."
"You're welcome." She snapped the mirror closed and set it down. "I have to stitch you back up now. Try and breathe." Her hand found his forehead and pushed him gently back into the Ottoman's. James closed his eyes.
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stresssoanddepresso · 5 years
This is an ode to pain. A journey if you will. Through the pain you caused me, and the pain I caused you. We met because I liked something you posted about Halsey and you messaged me first and we instantly clicked. You came into my life at really the opportune time because I needed somebody, I needed somebody desperately. Somebody to hold onto somebody who would quiet the screaming thoughts in my head tearing me apart limb from limb until I was but a shell of a person I once was. I made a point to come home that weekend so I could see one person. You. You were like a breath of fresh air in a room starved for oxygen. We hung out and it was amazing you offered me weed and we smoked and talked about how much we dreaded highschool because we were the people who’s words carved into our heads just like the blade carved into my wrists. I told you tales about when I would smother my nostrils with a line of the white devil. You took me for who I was at the time and asked if I wanted to hang out again and I agreed. I came back another weekend because my brother was being surprised by his friends for a bacholer party and there was drinking l. Heavy drinking and at that point I was out of the fraternity but could drink alcohol like there was a shortage and I would not see tomorrow if I could not stare into the galaxy that was your beautiful blue eyes. We were both tipsy, I was more drunk I believe than you we meet at the park that is close to my house and we start swinging we laugh, and tell each other more highschool tales I start pushing you on the swing, your laugh my god your laugh, I loved every second of it it was like a kryptonite. Then you ask if I wanna go see the beauty and the beast remake. I say yes and you drive us there, all the while you are telling me stories of Adam and how shitty he is being towards you. You tell me you like two people, me being one of them and you ask if that was shitty. I comfort you in different ways and I go to hold your hand in the car my heart beating to the point where I thought it was going to explode. We go and watch the movie my hands inching up your dress my hand caressing your inner thigh as you open your legs up and I penetrate you, there is a couple behind us a couple of rows up I’m sure they couldn’t see and you whisper in my ear, “fuck you are driving me wild” I eat it up and go for more. The movie ends and you take me back. I don’t hear from you the next morning and you tell me, “I don’t know if I’m comfortable with what happened yesterday, I don’t know if that would’ve happened that way if you were sober. I freak out and we fix it and things go back to normal. Speed this up a few weeks and we are on the couch and cuddling and I make a move on you and I tell you you have to break up with Adam first. You agree. You tell me you did it and we have sex for the first on a different day. We are talking and you show me to your mother and I am in a tank top that day and I feel embarrassed because I wanna look nice for your parents. Then a couple of weeks go by and you visit me at school and I ask you to be my girlfriend. You agree everything’s great. Until it wasn’t, there were red flags right there we barely went out, the poison started to drip. You slowly consume my heart and take it to be your own, we spend every waking second together essentially and I start to ditch my friends and love ones for you. The posin drips faster, deeper into me. What have I done to deserve this, you become distant later on and I was in a terrible place and it felt like you had left me, all we were doing was saying we loved each other and that was it. We didn’t mean it, it was hollow words for hollow people. You tell me you want to break up. We do, the poison still lingers and you take grasp of my heart again, you say you want to be friends. We aren’t friends, we are toxic lovers who’s poison will never leave the others body. I love you’s exchanged like they’re currency for your bank of love. My depression worsens and your poison begins to rot out my heart. I want you to see this. Don’t comment. There’s more.
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blurrynights95 · 6 years
1: Name: Blaaair
2: Age: 23
3: 3 Fears: Myself, spiders and nicolas cage
4: 3 things I love: My boyfriend, my family and Demi Lovato
5: 4 turns on: My bf, my bf, my bf and martha stewart 
6: 4 turns off: Unrelated
7: My best friend: I have several. 
8: Sexual orientation: Demisexual
9: My best first date: Meeting my love 2.1 years ago 
10: How tall am I: Tall
11: What do I miss: My kokum
12: What time were I born: The time i was born at, i swear! 
13: Favorite color: All shades of blue. 
14: Do I have a crush: Martha Stewart
15: Favorite quote: If you think on it, you’ll think yourself out of it!
16: Favorite place: My mind at night. 
17: Favorite food: Lasagna 
18: Do I use sarcasm: Naaaaaaawwwwwww. 
19: What am I listening to right now: An intriguing movie. 
20: First thing I notice in new person: Their vibe. 
21: Shoe size: Too big. 
22: Eye color: Marvelous brown. 
23: Hair color: Hobo mixture of browns. 
24: Favorite style of clothing: Black clothing. 
25: Ever done a prank call? Many times. 
27: Meaning behind my URL: Absolutely meaningless.
28: Favorite movie: That one where they do the sex.
29: Favorite song: Any song by Demi Lovato 
30: Favorite band: Hair bands. 
31: How I feel right now: Morbidly awake.
32: Someone I love: My critter. 
33: My current relationship status: Abducted. 
34: My relationship with my parents: My mom is amazing & father who? 
35: Favorite holiday: Any day of the week. 
36: Tattoos and piercing i have: Several ear piercings and one hand tat. 
37: Tattoos and piercing i want: Decide when i get them. 
38: The reason I joined Tumblr: Boyfriend resparked my love. 
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other? Nope. 
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? Rarely. 
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? I don’t have a cellular. 
42: When did I last hold hands? 20 mins ago
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? A bitch is never ready
44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days? no
45: Where am I right now? Out of my mind. 
46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? The lord.  
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? Loud. 
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? Not since i was 17 
49: Am I excited for anything? Sexual interactions with my love. 
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? Only myself. 
51: How often do I wear a fake smile? Only when im awake
52: When was the last time I hugged someone? 5 mins ago 
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? Find out on nightly news. 
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? Myself. 
55: What is something I disliked about today? Myself. 
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Demi Lovato & Martha Stewart
57: What do I think about most? How im gonna live past 25 
58: What’s my strangest talent? Existing without being noticed.
59: Do I have any strange phobias? Lighters randomly exploding. 
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Meh, either or. 
61: What was the last lie I told? That i want to live. 
62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? neither.
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Both, fully. 
64: Do I believe in magic? Absolutely. 
65: Do I believe in luck? Absolutely maybe.
66: What’s the weather like right now? Colder than celery. 
67: What was the last book I’ve read? Inspirational something. 
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline? Nope.
69: Do I have any nicknames? Bear, Chi-mukwa, why are you here?.
70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? Got stabbed. 
71: Do I spend money or save it? Depends. 
72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue? No.
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me? Penis. 
74: Favorite animal? All of them. 
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM? Probably on crack. Jk asleep.
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is? Last nameless. 
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? Any demi song
78: How can you win my heart? Make me truly feel why you’re interested in me. 
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? I’ll be back 
80: What is my favorite word? murder
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr: All those i follow. 
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? Tiddy
83: Do I have any relatives in jail? Yes 
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? Strong telepathic abilities which give me telekinesis as well.
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? What is your true fear? 
86: What is my current desktop picture? Colorful stuffs.
87: Had sex? Twice. 
88: Bought condoms? Nope. 
89: Gotten pregnant? I wish with all my heart but im Trans. 
90: Failed a class? Yes. 
91: Kissed a boy? Yes. 
92: Kissed a girl? Yes.
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? Yes.
94: Had job? Several
95: Left the house without my wallet? Never carried one. 
96: Bullied someone on the internet? Yes, though i wish i hadn’t. 
97: Had sex in public? Nope. 
98: Played on a sports team? Yes, several. 
99: Smoked weed? Too much. 
100: Did drugs? Too much. 
101: Smoked cigarettes? Too much. 
102: Drank alcohol? Not enough. 
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? Nope. 
104: Been overweight? My whole life. 
105: Been underweight? My late teens to present.
106: Been to a wedding? yes. 
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? Lawd knows. 
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? Regretful, i am. 
109: Been outside my home country? No. 
110: Gotten my heart broken? Meh, slightly. 
111: Been to a professional sports game? Yes. 
112: Broken a bone? Nope. 
113: Cut myself? Depression is a bitch. 
114: Been to prom? Nope. 
115: Been in airplane? Nope. 
116: Fly by helicopter? Nope. 
117: What concerts have I been to? None. 
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? Absolutely.
119: Learned another language? Some french. 
120: Wore make up? A bitch can clean up :P 
121: Lost my virginity before I was 18? Nope. 
122: Had oral sex? Yes. 
123: Dyed my hair? My poor hair lmao 
124: Voted in a presidential election? Nope. 
125: Rode in an ambulance? Yes. 
126: Had a surgery? Nope. 
127: Met someone famous? Yes. 
128: Stalked someone on a social network? lmao shh 
129: Peed outside? Who hasn’t? 
130: Been fishing? Yes. 
131: Helped with charity? Yes, several times. 
132: Been rejected by a crush? Nope. 
133: Broken a mirror? Threw it at a nun who gave me the finger. 
134: What do I want for birthday? His time, nothing more. 
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djvlvt · 3 years
Mai birthday.
It started with a great plate of pozole which was prepared by ivo, and it was really great and I received a wallet (that actually I needed to renew a while now) that made me feel like I was protected by the woman I love because she understands what are my needs and things that I need.
First step, we went to the KFC after a bad try to eat on the nuevo mundo restaurant and i preferred that because of the potatoes, I was with my gigi and nothing else mattered in the world at that moment.
The second stop was the rock show because we went to buy the gifts for Daniela and also míniso.
Third, we were in a brasil restaurant that toño chose because they went like 5 years ago when he celebrated his birthday, it was really great food but gigi was dizzy and I was worried about that.
Forth, we were in casa John O and what I needed to do was to know the dinamic of the peda, when they were arriving (because we get there a little bit early) I understood that well it was going to be a little more intimate and gigi will want to be with her friends, so I decided to let her be and put myself in a corner, I knew that at some point somebody was going to see me quiet and talk to me to start interaction, so i rushed my drinking because of it, which actually worked a little, that kept me with only a few interchange of words with random people during the night and I did a lot of pipi because of all the and water.
I started to engage in a little more depth in the talks with other people dany helped that some people remembered that it was my birthday and they congratulate me, then she cried for all of the things that we gave her.
Since the beginning the tension and stressed was accumulating and I was resisting because I stopped drinking and I was returning from that I was abborbed by a girl which I not going to reveal her name, and I needed to make her away, and at that time I really felt bad and I was about to lost it, so I saw that some were smoking weed and I went to see if they gave me some which they did and that made feel more calm about it so o was able to return to my conversation with everybody, and the way I was able to continuing making her away was counting how I am going to declare to gigi and the plan that I have about it. That make her stopped.
Then I was trying to find where gigi was because it had been a while that I did not see her then I saw she was with juan and Antonio and I was just making sure she was okay, then Danny came telling me that gigi told her that she was waiting for me and that it was getting late when I was already waiting for her to get going, so I went in there to tell her that I was already waiting for her, then I returned to sit and wait for her and I was actually in that moment not talking with anyone anymore and because another long period of time passed I shouted what they are doing over there but I was asking that yo Danny which make repeat gigi out loud what I just said and laugh about it, which I get it, she was a little bit drunk but the most that I expect it's know what they are talking with them and doing as a topic that she wants to tell to me, which I hope it happens because I am not misleading and not trusting in her, what I want it's her emotion in literally tell me anything and everything she does without I needing to ask about it like I do with her. :( because at the start she was at least checking on me once I a while and then no.
I am now afraid because this is the situations that by saying that she wanted me to make more friends it's literally me feeling her like pushing me away, because I told her what I wanted, I want to be with you and perrear with you. I changed my mind so she can had her fun in peace. i miss she wanting me to kiss me and wanting me to make me marks, but I do not want to beg for her passionate moments of kissing because of what we talked but at least I hoped that she was going to start be a little more open about it to start practicing again so I can feel that we are progressing and felt like I also cause her that emotion of passion to her, at least I hope that part its not turned off.
Then she get to prepare to leave and start grabbing our things so I help her with that and the bolsa, then gigi she'd me how I felt and I just exploded because it was too much, and at the moment when everyone went down the last time I was dealing with the thunder, reason why I sat on the floor, away of the window.
She was a little bit drunk and we were talking about it and I just wanted to tell her how much I feel for her, but because my words affect her in other ways I continue telling the to her so she con believe I herself as much as I do on her, she is literally my muse of inspiration, I felt like too damn much, like that scene on the Budapest hotel where we re be to see the face of Agatha, that is exactly how I feel, it's just like the time stops, I can't resist her lips and her damn eyes that trapped my soul in a super safe cage 🤍
I am still hoping to see her grow and do so many things and not turn myself into only her translation, but her destination. I hope I am able to make her see how much I need her. How much I love her.
In general it was a really good birthday, I was able to do thing with the girl I love and with my parents, brother and her girlfriend, in a very special place and I liked every second of it. And also how much effort putted gigi on making feel special today. 🤍🤍☄
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@vape At this point I've kind of come to the conclusion I'm rather boring and annoying. Even people who like me well enough seem to get tired of me, seem to just stop responding if what I said wasn't interesting enough. When I stopped drawing I kind of hoped people might notice, encourage me to keep going. No one even noticed. It's not about notes or something, I just want something, anything I do to matter. Anyway, low bar response kind of brought some stuff up for me. Sorry to bother you
You're not a bother! You've nothing to apologize for!
I used to have this friend who was obsessed with physical contact, they had to be touching, stroking, cuddling at all times when they were with you, and it was really bad for hypersensitivity - I couldn't concentrate on anything sometimes because they were like this constant explosion attached to my arm. Of course I found that annoying, I even snapped a couple of times and said "Can I have some space?" too aggressively. At the same time, there were so many things that I absolutely loved about that person. Like, they had all of these intriguing ideas about the past that were basically new-age nonsense, but they were so imaginative that they made for the basis of absolutely fantastic world building for fantasy plots - and when I shared said fantasy stories with this person, they were always so supportive and invested in them, the enthusiasm was incredible. They were always so great at filling in plot holes or coming up with tangents that I'd have never been able to come up with alone. And if I came up with an idea for something to do that day that any other friend would've gone "That's boring" or "I'd rather smoke weed" to, they threw themselves into it - they didn't just go along with it to entertain me, they enjoyed it too and found ways to make it hilarious.
They were one of the most annoying people, but one word doesn't sum up a person, and they were still a really good friend. One personality trait doesn't get rid of all of the others. Nobody is perfect, nobody is entertaining or comfortable to be around 100% of the time, nobody is devoid of traits that you don't gel with - but that doesn't matter because everybody also has value, everybody has something great to them.
So many times I've been at the pub and there's a guy that I haven't met yet approaching the group of friends, and somebody will whisper to me "Don't bring up [thing], he's great otherwise but you don't wanna open that can of worms". I'd bet my left leg that there's a clarifier that people say about me like that sometimes... maybe "Don't get him too drunk, he'll start flirting with everyone" (actually, given what my friends are like, it's more likely to be "Get him as drunk as you can, he'll flirt with everyone and it'll be hilarious").
Being boring, annoying, too talkative, a flirty drunk, or whatever (and you may not actually be any of those things - anxiety does a fantastic job of devaluing us and boiling a complex personality or trait down to a single derogatory word that doesn't describe the reality of who we are, while other people likely interpret us entirely differently to how we interpret ourselves), doesn't mean that people don't like or value you. You don't have to be perfect 24/7 to be a great and valued friend (in fact, you never have to be perfect, and you don't even have to be good 24/7). People's opinions of you don't have to be 100% positive for them to still be positive - we all have things that we dislike about each other, and that's okay.
Sometimes people just forget to respond to a message, or they can't find something to say themselves that doesn't seem to them like they'd be boring you, or they don't feel like talking to anyone right now... of all of the times that I haven't replied or haven't been replied to, 99% were because of reasons like that, while times when I or somebody else was like "This is just too boring/annoying for me to respond to" are so few that I could probably count them on my fingers. Additionally, most people are "I don't like to message first" kinds of people - a "Hey, you alright?" could be what they need to start messaging you again, maybe because they get anxious that they're annoying people themselves.
You should keep drawing, even if people don't notice, the practice is good for you and it's a great hobby, it can be really cathartic or relaxing or inspiring or just fun.
There isn't a hard line between "matters" and "doesn't matter" - I struggle to even define "matters" because in a few decades at most I'll die and I'll lose the ability to even perceive things let alone ascribe value to them, and after that eventually the sun will explode and destroy every remnant of everything that you or I or anyone else has ever done. You have a really short time here on Earth, so do things that matter to you, things that make the time more enjoyable - what matters is that your experience of being alive in this world is a good one, not what other people think of what you do. Things don't have to be valuable in the grand scheme of things or to the giant, uncaring universe - but you're the one trying to live and experience and be happy right now, what matters isn't making something the exceeds yourself, it's making yourself happy.
The situation and your personality are always more complicated than one or two words - everybody's annoying or boring sometimes, but that's never the entirety of them and it's not the entirety of how somebody else perceives them. Chances are there are plenty of other reasons why people haven't been replying, and it's okay to go "Hey, is everything okay? You haven't replied for a bit."
You do matter, you're valued and loved by people, you have talent, you've already had an impact on the world and on countless people's lives, and I guarantee that you'll do and achieve even more in the future. Try not to bubble yourself and your interactions with the world down to simplistic concepts and derogatory statements like "annoying" or "doesn't matter", it doesn't accurately describe those things and it'll only bring you down and make things harder.
~ Vape
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annoyingthemesong · 5 years
elaborate dream of ‘shelling at the beach’
Strange passage between one dream state to the next last night, I wake up feeling unrested, unnerved and there is something between my eyes, keeping them half closed no matter how much I try and open them. 
First was a dream of my lack of some kind of confidence; I believe I was staying at Huw’s, which was a country estate somewhere in the UK. Everybody was taking over rooms that clearly belonged to his parents.  As I asked a man to help me with a film project, something experimental, I liked him and we got along, but I was beating around the bush a bit, not wanting to commit, not wanting to get too deep into it, I found it all very scary so my friends and I were getting high trying to talk about this project, playing video games in a back room on the second floor overlooking the fields. 
Huw walks in, sort of confrontational self-righteous vibe about him. He looks at us in various states of debilitation, weed smoke filling the room, and asks half seriously if this is how I usually go about doing things? Do I need a somebody to come in and motivate us to do a better job? He was basically being passive aggressive, and questioning my leadership abilities in front of my teammates, which triggered me and I jumped up. ‘You’re not even paying me!’ 
‘Well then I’m going to ask for rent three days earlier from now on’, he says, smugly, and I forget that I’ve been crashing at his parents house. ‘See?’ I tell my friends. I get up to go towards him, and have some kind of altercation. He’s weak and when I try and get him out of my way he seems hurt, and leaves injured. I suddenly feel a weird but familiar combination of guilt and indignation together, like I have been stiffed and also did something bad I will need to answer to. 
Then he’s on a beach, and a weird wooden pathway through foliage at night (a familiar place/theme/architecture element of many dreams recently seems to be this wooden walkway, and dense foliage, although always in different settings.) I see him buddy-buddy with his friends out on the beach in the dark, and I take off the other direction, not wanting to talk with him among his crew, nor anybody he knows. I spirit back to the house. 
There I choose a new room to stay in, embarrassed I guess that I let my teammates down and can’t perform the way I need to. An element that rings true to life - my fear and loss of confidence over these past years creatively. Harold decides to take slumber in the room I just chose, and I leave, angrily again downstairs where there is a kind of nice upper-crust function with bay windows overlooking what looks like the Algarve, but we are in Italy. Lots of tapas plates (which is clearly Spanish, perhaps something about my warring decision to move to either Spain or Portugal? And having seen Giani recently?), people dressed nicely, sparkles from the outside light penetrate the darkened, blue/purple on white modern designed interior. And I look out and see what I at first think is a meteor shower- hundreds of white ‘meteors’ shooting down towards the earth at an angle.
I corral some people to look at the meteor shower, before I realize there is danger. These meteors are hitting earth, and blowing holes in the grass and sand, debris flying, and people are screaming outside. The relative safety of the dark interior is short-lived as I see giant torpedoes being shot from large warships on the water past the grass and beach, and I realize we are under attack - perhaps by Iran, but it’s hard for me to tell, and it’s too chaotic to try and understand exactly what was going on, except that we had to retreat, and retreat fast or we were going to die. The torpedoes are white, look like large bullets and arrive in slow motion, speeding up and smiling at the last moments before destruction hits. 
We run further indoors, away from the bay windows, shelling and splintering wood cracks and explodes around me,  I feel the tactile impact of being hit by debris during an attack, and fall to the oak floors, when a friend tries to stuff me into a hole in the floor, saying I’d be safe there. Somehow I fit, but feel insecure, so I depart, leaving everybody to fend for themselves indoors, as I make my way across the house to the back, where I see over a crusted field surrounded by cliffs- and the other coast of Italy in the distance. 
In many dreams I notice time and space collapse, and I can traverse long distances with relative ease. So I somehow trek across this field, and make it to the opposing side of the country, the opposing shore. I am fearful of warships, but scan the horizon and see none, only people on the beach, unaware and quiet. I approach them, and warn them, one by one, of the attack on the other coast, telling them to check their phones for news. Most people are so caught up in their little lazy lives they don’t react as quickly as I’d like them to. Some are already on their phones, ignoring the beautiful view. And then, when pressed, people’s phones take too long to load, so everybody on this coast remains ignorant for the rest of my dream while I remain in a state of sheer panic.  
Napoleon arrives in a carton, tossed by the waves onto the shore. 
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fuckit-shithappens · 7 years
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most? man down, butterfly effect, rake it up, young dumb & broke, when i was yung2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? salice rose 🤤3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17. there ain't no book next to me4: What do you think about most? how i ignore everything & i mean EVERYTHING😂5: What does your latest text message from someone else say? "lmfao her dumb ass nigga"6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on? w clothes 7: What’s your strangest talent? i don't have anything 8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence) girls are a pain in the ass but imma still fuck w them. boy suck asshole i can't stand them🤷🏽‍♀️9: Ever had a poem or song written about you? i've had like 3 poems10: When is the last time you played the air guitar? uhh idk?11: Do you have any strange phobias? i hate cords, untangling cords, looking at cords when there all mixed together, cords wrapped around me, on me, i can't i freak out12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose? no lmao13: What’s your religion? ion got one 14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing? enjoying the air lol on the trampoline15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? behind, unless i'm lookin good that day💁🏽😂16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band? TØP17: What was the last lie you told? mm ion remember 18: Do you believe in karma? yes19: What does your URL mean? it's my fav quote 20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength? idek tbh on both 21: Who is your celebrity crush? Nicki Minaj & Salice Rose😍😍22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping? yes😂23: How do you vent your anger? i cry, punch shit, or keep it in & take it out on people 🙄24: Do you have a collection of anything? alcohol bottles25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? video chatting26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become? ehh ion know 27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love? idk bout the sound i hate but i do love the sound of girl moans👅28: What’s your biggest “what if”? i don't heal from the damage my ex has done..29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens? yes & yes💯💯30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm. my popcorn & the cabinet 31: Smell the air. What do you smell? my popcorn & this scensy32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to? little axe😂33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast? west coast34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender? chris brown👏🏽35: To you, what is the meaning of life? 🤔🤔36: Define Art. bitch me, tf lmao jk 37: Do you believe in luck? ehh 38: What’s the weather like right now? sunny, 8239: What time is it? 2:5440: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? yes & i've hit a deer🦌41: What was the last book you read? i haven't read yet 42: Do you like the smell of gasoline? no43: Do you have any nicknames? crybaby, babes, crusty, kyle & kwizzle 44: What was the last film you saw? IT45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? hit my head & had a seizure lol46: Have you ever caught a butterfly? no i've killed one tho 47: Do you have any obsessions right now? midgets, i lowkey have an obsession w midgets😬48: What’s your sexual orientation? gay asf🏳️‍🌈49: Ever had a rumour spread about you? prolly50: Do you believe in magic? no51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? yes😅52: What is your astrological sign? aries♈️53: Do you save money or spend it? spend it lol 54: What’s the last thing you purchased? weed55: Love or lust? love56: In a relationship? nah57: How many relationships have you had? 358: Can you touch your nose with your tongue? nope 59: Where were you yesterday? at the zoo60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? no 61: Are you wearing socks right now? yes62: What’s your favourite animal? horse63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you? honestly don't even know 😂 64: Where is your best friend? cali65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr. ion know66: What is your heritage? 67: What were you doing last night at 12AM? sleeping68: What do you think is Satan’s last name? ion know69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off? uh yeah 😂70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend? hell fuckin yes 71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do? i gotta make this money mane😬72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? only some b) What do you do with your remaining days? id go to the beach & smoke a blunt & meet salice & go see things c) Would you be afraid? nah 73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love. trust 74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it? tells somebody 75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number? 432676: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship? trust each other, giving each other air, being comfortable w each other, being loyal, laughs, understanding each other, communicating💯 77: How can I win your heart? make me laugh, give me SOME attention, handle me 78: Can insanity bring on more creativity? idk79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far? nothing honestly 😂80: What size shoes do you wear? 8/981: What would you want to be written on your tombstone? she was the shit82: What is your favourite word? fuck83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart. guarded84: What is a saying you say a lot? im lit 85: What’s the last song you listened to? video phone86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours? turquoise & black87: What is your current desktop picture? a rainbow light88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be? a person89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on? 🤷🏽‍♀️90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do? biiiiiittccchhhh, imma start swinging & run91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power? mind reading 92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again? the day i went to the beach 93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? when i was lil 👀94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be? nicki manaj prolly95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? cancun96: Do you have any relatives in jail? no97: Have you ever thrown up in the car? no98: Ever been on a plane? yes99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say? this shit world sucks
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beatmyaudio · 4 years
2pac’s runninone Song Lyrics – https:’s ‘s www.azlyrics.com’s 19’s 2pac
2pac’s runninone Song Lyrics
2pac’s runninone Song Lyrics From Popular Hollywood Artist https:’s ‘s https://ift.tt/2yGZzGt 19’s 2pac from Album.
This song is sung by singer ” https:’s ‘s www.azlyrics.com’s 19’s 2pac ” in Year .
Lyrics of 2pac’s runninone :
[2Pac (Hussein Fatal):] (Mr. If you a bad boy) Yo, what’s up The police comin’ on, oh shit! Get out of there. Fatal, Outlawz I wanna up out this motherfucker Gon’ pass it Ain’t get me up but fuck that This Outlaw nigga
[2Pac:] If you a bad boy then you die Westside outlawz when we ride, get me high They fucked up when the rob me Put another contract on Mobb Deep If you a bad boy then you die Westside outlawz when we ride, get me high They fucked up when the rob me Put another contract on Mobb Deep
[Hussein Fatal:] I focus my locus thought on the enemies Sip off the Hennessy, it’s necessary to finish me I’m antisocial immortal, when it comes to the phone book Jersey them niggas down, they won’t broke ’em ’til it’s time to smoke ’em Hussein the terrorist Dig they think I’m crazy and [?] And as we speak they tryin’ to find me a therapist Rapid fire I clap and hire ’til you die a liar Strap in the city corners droppin’ on to spin the tires My man define ya 357 anaconda This enough to bring your mama then turn around and hear the drama Military camaraderie, outlaw ’til they body me Havoc I gotta have it steady blastin’ at Prodigy Mobb 6 feet deep, you try to bust me ’til death And I suppose you got the dopest moves like Chucky on fresh You know the verdict, who what when why he died murdered Get your physical diverted and your vision deserted
[2Pac:] Now ever since momma got fucked and papa ducked out Look at us, murderous thugs showin’ less love in the drug house Similar to savages, it’s a wonder we manage Bring chaos causin’ damage on our quest for cabbage They ask my style similar to cash we flaunt it Most wanted by the population murdered you for it Exploit your weakness revenge flow deep without release Criminal orders across the waters bringin’ the war to the streets Why fear me, fear the shit I speak Once this shit drop it’s heard on every fuckin’ street Like the sound of police Who run the streets really? In every hood legends grow From the hustlaz up at Harlem to shot callers in O’ And though, Congress, don’t want us to progress, we strapped My homie buried at an early age hustled to death His last breath, a lesson I possess like jewels Stay thugged out keep it movin’
Hey where that nigga
[Yaki Kadafi:] Halfway thugs don’t budge when we stalk the streets Sort of like [?] and narcotics when they walk the beat You speak the beef pussy draw down and drop it Hit you with 6 shots lay the law down and throw the shells in my pocket Gettin’ mines with nine cocked extortin’ Blocks pop with 22’s in my socks with the butt hangin’ out the chocolate You never seen time I travel across dream crime My rolls like a million dollar bills folded with green slime With my foes erased drink my Henney straight no chasin’ Catch my body like Haitian 5 minutes from the station
[Young Noble:] Hit the hole like Allen Iverson with confidence No finger prints don’t mean no evidence or proof the I was present At the scene of the crime around 10 niggas bleed After they made this punk fag motherfucker bleed Money was bloody as shit, y’all niggas shoulda seen it Bust a cap and freak with, bowin’ on your knees shit The Glock to your head nigga, don’t make no somethin’ action Hit innocent by-standers when he blasted, dump fuckin’ backwards Little homies puttin’ work for stripes But is it worth your life and g-rides runnin’ red lights I wish somebody would have t old me then Since I’m an outlaw like Napoleon ain’t no cell they can hold me in Or cage me in, crazy like Arabians Hold this spot like them niggas on Fabian Havin’ the fiend page me (page me) When they want the product, nigga I got to smoke Got this weed and the coke what you need what you want What you workin’ with? I’m on some immortal shit Outlawz we straight hurtin’ shit, use artillery to murder with Put on the block gangsta party and like ‘Pac Life’s hard from the ox me and my niggas on top (party)
[2Pac:] I know the law hate me dearly, comin’ for me We outlaws, thugged out, niggas runnin’ on E I know the law hate me dearly, comin’ for me We outlaws, thugged out, niggas runnin’ on E I know the law hate me dearly, they comin’ for me We outlaws, thugged out, niggas runnin’ on E I know the law hate me dearly, they comin’ for me We outlaws, thugged out, niggas runnin’ on E
[Nuttso:] With my Glock, quick to let it pop, fuck the law Carry steel cause I live on the nigga side of the law Ridin’ foes ’cause I can’t let hoes catch me slippin’ Quick to blow and dispose if you block on hittin’ Ridin’ high, blazin’, kryptonite got a nigga dazin’ Burpin’ and smurkin’ got on enemies before I grave ’em Ride ’em, look behind him, I see him, he slipped Had to stop light in a slowly night, this motherfuckin’ trick Slide over so I can dump and put it in em Damn, I guess this motherfucker know that I sent it Hit the pedal now we high speedin’ With the metal tryin’ to make these motherfuckers die speedin’ Up the way I seen him slow down Shit! I think I done bucked these hoes down Caught them runnin’ on e it kind of funny to me They know they was fuckin’ with me but they dumb to see
[2Pac:] Open up fire watch ’em expire when my shells split ’em Plus all them trick niggas basically can go to hell with ’em Fuck ’em they phony claimin’ they homies but they foes Speakin’ on thug niggas daily, while we nailin’ they hoes Explode boldly at my stage shows and formation Words are known to spray blaze as I raise my thug nation A crooked thought, cops get bought, no longer caught Out on bail, raised in hell, nigga fuck what you thought Did you cry when my girl died? Put out the hit, politic niggas worldwide, grabbin’ my dick I???ll never learn, take away the pain with sherm Throwin’ gas on my enemies watchin’ ’em burn Kamikaze, I???m shootin’ up the casket take the body Whip the corpse like a pi??ata and party His last breath, a straight lesson I possess like jewels Stay thugged out keep it movin’ Runnin’ on E. Stay thugged out keep it movin’ Runnin’ on E
[2Pac talking:] One time, one time for the niggas that stayed down for us Runnin’ on E Smif-n-Wessun the Cocoa Brovaz, Buckshot, BDI, runnin’ on E The Bootcamp Click What happened, that was it?
2pac’s runninone Song Lyrics
Youtube Channel Link
Lyrics, 2pac's runninone, English, Hollywood, https:'s 's www.azlyrics.com's 19's 2pac from WordPress https://ift.tt/2zvZPb8 via IFTTT
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About a year and a half ago, I met a girl through a mutual friend. We hit it off immediately, and a few weeks later, I asked her to be my girlfriend. We both attend the same college, so we basically saw each other everyday. Things went well at first, but it became apparent that we lived incredibly different lifestyles. She loves to live in the moment and is constantly partying/ going out with friends. Very short term oriented and doesn’t plan too far ahead. On the other hand, I am almost the opposite, extremely future oriented and always looking forward. I run on the track team and am incredibly devoted to training. This means that for most of the year, I go dry (no alcohol) and generally go to sleep early/ wake up early. Also, I spend many weekends away in hotels for meets.Although we got along great most of the time, have a similar sense of humor, awesome sexual connection, went on dates regularly, we started to fight. In the beginning, they would be small and then it became regularly arguing about the same exact things. It typically had something to do with us both failing to compromise on something simple like sleeping over with each other. I never wanted to because I found it difficult to get quality sleep sharing a twin bed. She, however didn’t care about sleep and was okay with being tired the whole next day. You get the point.After about half a year, I broke up with her and she was super understanding about the whole situation, said we should stay friends, etc. We actually did remain good friends and ended up becoming friends with benefits. Neither of us wanted to sleep around, and like I said, the sex was out of this world, so it made perfect sense at the time. She even visited in the summer while on the way to go see other friends, although my house is hours out of the way. Met my family, slept over, and everything. At this point, we clearly still had feelings for each other and discussed getting back together. That only lasted a few weeks until the stupid fights started again and we broke it off, went back to only hooking up. Fast forward to this school year, this past week. My dick starts itching and burning while I pee, out of nowhere. I went to the health center to get checked out and the doctor thinks it’s chlamydia so he runs an STD test, which takes days for results to come back. After the appointment, I texted her asking if there’s anyway she might have contracted it and she says yes, she had unprotected sex with somebody else recently. I freaked out, refused to talk to her. Later that night, I texted her back and it exploded into a huge fight with name calling, shaming, and I was saying horrible things that hurt her feelings immensely. Throughout the whole thing, she kept apologizing profusely.The next day, I went to her house and apologized and we hugged it out. Day after that the test comes back negative. Day after that (today) we hang out again. We always mention having car sex, but never go through with it. Today it was brought up a few times, so finally we both were in the mood. When I was supposed to drop her off at her house, I drove right past, and she knew exactly what that meant. We found a somewhat isolated parking lot, and it was night time. One thing led to another and were playing a stripping game in the back seat. A random car approached us (we were parked very far away from anything important) and then parked nearby. Probably turned out to be other college kids smoking weed or something. After that scare, we got completely naked and did the dirty. It was the best sex if my life and towards the end, we made the most intense eye contact. She said something along the lines of liking me a lot and then I told her that I love her. She said it back and then said that we met at the right place, and the wrong time. We always joke about there being a 7% chance that we get married in the future and talked about it with each other for a bit.I just dropped her off and am sitting in bed typing this, wondering if we truly do belong together and if it will ever work out. via /r/dating_advice
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The Thirty and One Nights' Momentary Diversion - Within Every Angle And Absorbed By The Matrix Of Reflection
The denizens of the Applied Physics lab, at least some of them, are back from "Nodejacked" for another tale of crazy angles and crazier consequences -- and siqq burns on Gravitational Distortion, H.P. Lovecraft, and the author.
Within Every Angle And Absorbed By The Matrix Of Reflection
"Okay," I said, "I can help Carolína out with this; it's no problem, I don't have anything this afternoon anyway.  But… are you really sure that you really want to run this Stan your notes like in a third-rate moeshit iincho plot flag?  We're in college.  He's a big boy.  If he wants to get credit, he can go to class like a normal person.  It'd be one thing if he was sick, but he's just hikkied, isn't he?  I don't think I've seen him show up all semester."
Riley set something down on the shelf with a clunk and a huff and a weary hunch of the shoulders, and turned away from a long open-sided metal gearbox with a wide fan like an artillery elevator sticking out of it, and locked on to me with a look of long-suffering resignation. "Sajitha, welcome to the wide and wonderful world of the apartment reference.  Back when I first moved out of the freshman dorms, Stan and I lived together in Adelard Towers.  You remember, that condo village out in the sticks where the Guatemalan mafia had the meth lab that burned down, and the property manager fled to Norway to escape prosecution, and everybody in the developer's office got deported to India?  Well, what that means is that I have this property on my record, and Stan has it on his record, and the only people who can tell a prospective landlord that we weren't involved in this gangbang of drugs, corruption, and seven-alarm three-acre fires, and are actually good tenants despite living there, are us – everyone else is in jail or out of the country or both. So I am stuck to him, and he is stuck to me, and if he fails out of school and my landlord raises the rent again, I am going to have a hell of a time finding a place that I can afford.  As long as I have anything to say about it, Stan is going to pass his exams and not flunk out – at least until I can get through a couple more tenancies without any other buildings exploding or catching on fire."  Riley's face was grim: this was for real.
"Fine," I said, hands up.  "Okay; I don't want you to get in trouble either, so I guess that's good enough.  Are we set to go, or is he super weird about notes on a thumb drive and do we need to go by the library and print everything out?"
Riley sighed and squinted.  "You'd think he would be, with how time-cube weird he is about everything else, but when I sent Leo over, he said that Stan had this triambic icosahedron thing that he used to purify the thumb drive and it was ok.  Leo didn't get his thumb drive back, but at least Stan passed the damn midterm." Something creaked on the shelf, and Riley quickly turned around to make sure the gearbox or Bofors action or whatever wasn't going to rip it off the wall.
"So, like a razor pyramid, but for the kind of very special whackos who can also pass algebraic topology courses if someone makes sure they get all the notes," I said, rolling my eyes.  "All right; not a problem.  The drive's just a burner from the last career fair, and I'll be careful, when we're over his place, not to talk about anything against a four-corner day.  Jesus." I stuffed the drive in my pocket, picked up my bag, and hustled through the door to the applied physics lab so that Carolína could reset the EMO drop bars behind us.
"So wait," I said to Carolína, as we climbed up into the bus to head from the engineering quad back downtown, "you know where we're going already.  How do you know where this Stan lives?  Have you taken him notes before?  What's his apartment like?  Is he going to hurf at us?  Does he smell?"
She shook her head.  "No, I just have him on Facebook and in an old group text.  I was in a set theory class with him last semester – he goes to his math classes.  He… no, Stan is definitely not normal, but he'll go to class if he cares about it, and if you find him there, he's not more weird than like any other weird guy who is into math.  I don't know about his apartment – when he was in class, though, he didn't smell so bad you noticed."
I nodded, slowly.  Okay.  So this wasn't probably going to be that bad; you got a lot of weird guys in engineering, and some of the ones who didn't go to class were like actual live-under-a-bridge trolls with body odor that would break windows, but if Stan wasn't, then this would be just a pain rather than dangerous.  I should have known – Riley said they'd roomed together out in that complex before it burned down, and Riley wouldn't've put up with trollishness.  "Okay. So what's his deal then?  Why does he go to math classes but can't drag himself up to Fields and Waves?  It's in the same building – on days he has math classes he's got to go up to campus anyway, and it's not like he's a damn grad student who has one class a day, tops. If he goes to math classes, it's got to be something other than being lazy or trollish if he skips the other ones on purpose."
Carolína furrowed her brow.  "I don't know, but I think I remember that he was working on some big project, something math, that was way more important than anything else.  He got real, real weird when he was talking about it – like it was almost a religious thing for him."
I shook my head back and forth.  Guh.  So that was his deal.  Utterly unsurprising.  "Uuuuugh.  One of those. Another one of those.  All listening to bizarre IDM.  All writing tech-death-metal lyrics on the walls.  All putting stellated polyhedra on everything.  All running David Icke but the reptoids are being controlled by intelligent shades of vibrating nanoscale colors from higher-order dimensions.  All living on hot pockets and freaking out about how one can turn into a Klein bottle."  I knocked my head against the bus window.
"Come on – he can't be that bad.  Riley used to live with him."
"Yeah – used to; maybe he's gotten weirder since, or they split because he was getting too weird and hotboxing the entire house.  Personally, I blame the writers," I said, sitting back up because our stop was coming up.  "Anybody who's ever mentioned a 'shining trapezohedron' or used a Szilassi torus as a gateway to another dimension ought to get punted off a bridge, because it convinces guys with poor social skills that if they keep grinding on geometry and do enough of the right drugs, they can become an actual wizard instead of just an internet one.  It's got to be the writing: when people just do tons of DMT and smoke weed, they turn out fine. Well, yeah, they go stoner and drop out of anything useful, but they don't get weird about math like the ones who read weird fiction do." Carolína rolled her eyes and shook her head as she stood up; this was our stop, and it wouldn't be too far to get to Stan's place, give him the notes, and then just forget about him forever.
According to Carolína's phone's check-in cloud, Stan's place was a little out of the way; it was a couple streets off the main drag, an old triple-decker next to an abandoned auto body shop with weeds growing through some old truck frames in the back, where she finally climbed up the steps and looked over the mailbox: Stanislav Faldyna, apartment three and a half. There was no doorbell for apartment three and a half.
I shrugged.  "So what do you want to do?  Do we ring the doorbells for everyone else and ask how we get to apartment 3.5?"
Carolína squinted. "I… guess?  I don't know, I mean, probably everybody is out, and I don't know how I'd feel about some random ringing my doorbell to ask about somebody else in the building, but I guess we got to?  I don't really know him that well that I can text him and ask him to come let us in, and I don't want to like creeply-crawl around the house to look for another doorbell."  She pulled out her phone like she was trying to decide if she should wake up that old group text, or maybe call Riley to see what we were supposed to do.
"Hey," a woman said behind us, "are you looking for someone?  Are you looking for Javier?  He doesn't live here any more."  I turned around and looked her over; a black woman, about our age, probably a student like us, her braids twisted high up on top of her head, holding textbooks in front of herself defensively, like she was wary of the randoms who were standing on her porch looking over the mailboxes and checking their phones.
"Yeah, and no – we don't know this Javier, we're actually looking for this Stan Faldyna, but there isn't a bell or a door for three and a half. Do you live here?  Do you know how three and a half works?"
The woman made an uck face.  "Stan?  He lives in the basement.  I guess you want the side door."  She nodded vaguely over at the driveway along the fence separating the lot from the weeds of the body shop, and almost shuddered as she came up past us to her own door, hauling out her keys.
"Thanks, I guess," I said after her, as she ignored us and went through the door to apartment 1.  "We'll try not to disturb you too much, and if Stan's being a dick we'll tell him to cut the shit." Nobody was listening and it felt empty and futile.  I was starting to get a bad feeling about Stan again, and I shook my head as I followed Carolína back down the front steps and around to the side door.
The side door was a squat five-foot slab of wood almost ducked into the ground next to the driveway.  No bell, but it did have a 3.5 on it. I banged on the door; if he wasn't in, we could leave the drive in his mailbox and send him a note.  Nothing.  I banged on the door again, and this time it opened barely a second later.
The door yanked in on a dead-pale, sunken-eyed, sleep-deprived-looking shrimp with sandy brown hair sticking up this way, that way, and every other which way.  He looked like he needed a sandwich, or like he was strung out on heroin, or maybe both; I shot a look at Carolína, and she nodded.  This was Stan, and this was his deal, and we'd have to take it from here.  I swung my bag around and fished the drive out.
"Hey," I said, pushing it over on him, "you don't know us – or at least you don't know me – but Riley sent us over with the notes for Fields and Waves.  This is it, so purify it or whatever, and make sure that you show up for the final."  I pushed the thumb drive into his chest, and he finally reached up a hand, taking it like he wasn't sure what a USB drive was, or maybe like his depth perception was super bad.  He took it at last, and I turned to go.
"Wait," he said, in a voice that sounded like it had cobwebs and an inch-thick layer of dust on it.  "Thanks.  But since you're here, can you help me with something?  I don't want to bother you, but I can't do it by myself."
I stopped.  Going down into weird basement apartments with weird dudes was hazardous to your health, but Riley needed Stan intact and passing his classes, and he looked like even Carolína could beat him up with one hand behind her back if he tried anything funny. "Well, maybe.  What is it?"
He was looking flat at us.  "I need to move my bookcase.  It's big. It's too heavy to lift myself."  It was an innocent enough request, and looking at him it didn't look like he even knew how to lie like a creep.  I looked at Carolína, and she shrugged; I guess this was okay.
"All right," I said.  "If it'll help you study, we can help you move your bookcase.  It'll be easier with all three of us."  He nodded, and went back down the steps; we followed him down into the basement.
Stan's basement apartment smelled like weed and Pot Noodle and unwashed laundry, but it wasn't really that much of a sty; Stan didn't have a lot in the way of stuff.  He wasn't big on lights, either, and I nearly tripped coming down the stairs in the dark.  He opened up a couple panels in an origami ball with a bunch of short stellated facets, and put the drive inside, closing the paper up around it. Stan motioned over at the far wall, under a low ground-level window. "That's it.  It needs to move."
I took a step closer, then another, moving around some kind of trash pile or extremely large origami subassembly in the middle of the floor.  The bookcase was empty, but still long and heavy-looking. "Okay," I said.  "Just let me and Carolína put our bags down somewhere and we'll help move it.  Is the futon okay? Where does it need to go?"  I'd set my bag down on a cleanish-looking part of the futon without waiting for an answer.
Stan walked over and grabbed one end of the bookcase, not really pointing anything out.  "It just needs to move – back in the kitchen would probably be all right.  As long as it's here, the muoctahedron can't spread.  And it must spread, so that it can replace the wall." I didn't follow, but I took the other end, and Carolína got in the middle, and by waiting for a cue we finally convinced Stan to lift up and guide the bookcase where it needed to go: the middle of the kitchen floor, where he just left it with a thump.  I went back to get our bags, and saw some kind of tiled pattern sticking out of the wall in the corner, back behind where the bookcase had been.  It was mold, or tiles, or some kind of garbage thrown in the corner: Stan wasn't growing some kind of infinte theoretical lattice in this basement, and if he was it certainly wouldn't be blocked by a bookcase.
Carolína was less sure.  "I'm sorry, Stan, the what? Are you trying to extend your apartment by replacing the walls with a theoretical geometric construct?  Besides the part where that can't happen, this is the basement:  you're messing with the foundation. If you replace the walls, the house will fall down."
He shook his head.  "The muoctahedron is an accident: it's the herald of the change to come.  It follows the completion of my great disnub dirhomidodecahedron – it arises from its resonances, even incomplete.  When it's completed, the pattern will fold forever." He made just the least little motion in the direction of the origami trashpile on his floor, and there was a weird, unnatural light in his eyes – they seemed to be shining from within in the dark.
I shouldered my bag and tugged at Carolína's sleeve.  "Okay; well, we've moved your bookcase, so you can get back to building your impossible figure and studying for Fields and Waves when that drive's vibrations are right.  Enjoy your lattice, bye."  I sidled over to the steps, and went up them sideways to the door, making sure to keep an eye on Stan as we got the hell out of his place before he got any weirder.
"I give it two weeks before he gets arrested beating up the clerk at a 7-11 because nothing comes in a Klein bottle," I said as we hustled to the bus stop.  "I don't want to be the one who has to tell Riley about it, but ya boy Stan is cuckoo nutterbutters."
"As long as he's just doing origami, he's not going to beat anybody up," Carolína put in, a little hurt.  "And he's going to be doing it for a while – he said he was building a great disnub dirhomidodecahedron, right?"
"Yeah, and he said he had an infinite lattice 'growing' on his back wall. He's a few vacuum cleaners short of a jam band."
"No, that origami thing – that origami thing in the midle of the floor. It definitely looked like it was big enough to be part of a Skilling's figure, to actually make all the vertices with those pieces of paper.  And if he's really making one of those, he'll never finish."
I stopped dead on the sidewalk.  "I don't get you.  Should I, or is this something that you only get in the advanced geometry classes that you and he did?"
Carolína paused for a second, thinking.  "It's pretty hard, and it's pretty obscure.  The great disnub dirhombidodecahedron is a hidden uniform polyhedron – it doesn't follow the rules of all the other ones, so it gets called out as 'degenerate', but it's still the only shape in the universe that behaves like it.  And it's probably impossible to actually build – it's degenerate because some of its edges are double edges, where four polygons meet on a single line instead of two.  You can make it in Mathematica, but physically making out of paper on your floor, I don't think it's possible."  She looked disturbed.  "If he can do it, it'll be almost as big a deal as when John Skilling discovered the thing, but if he can't do it and gets stuck – and that thing about the muoctahedron –"
"Well, I guess we've got to hope he finishes it, and gets prizes and props for being a math genius," I said, pulling out my phone.  "I'm going to call Riley to report in; after that you want to go to the Indonesian popup place and get some satay sticks, or do you have lab?"
Carolína nodded. "Sure, I can hang out; I mean, it's not like he's going to burn the neighborhood down with a polyhedron or anything."  I scrolled down to Riley's number, and we went left on Franks to get to Lombok Bali rather than the bus.
I completely forgot about Stan, and his Skilling figure and his muoctahedron, and the part where he was either a genius or totally crazypants, for most of another two weeks, until Carolína called me out of the blue while I was bagging up my groceries at the party store.  "Sajitha," she said, "You still have your GPS heat map, right?  I'm trying to get to Stan's to take him another thumb drive for Riley, but I can't find his place."
That threw me for a loop.  "Carolína, didn't you lead us over there the last time?  He lives in that eggshell-white triple-decker next to the abandoned auto body lot right off Whitlock, right?  Are you over there now?"
"That's just it – there is no Whitlock Street.  Where it should join Macnamara there is nothing – the house numbers are messed up, and it's on the map, but I can't get there.  I walk around, and my map pin goes squiggly, and then I end up on the other side."  She sounded nervous – maybe even afraid, like she knew but was hoping it was just her going crazy.
"Carolína, just calm down," I said.  "You probably just got turned around on one of those streets that isn't marked right, or they were putting in a new Dunkins and you had to go an unfamiliar way round.  You're just lost; it's not like the whole neighborhood folded up around some kind of weird topological anomaly and bent itself out of three-space or anything, right?  Right?  Carolína? Are you there?  Carolína? Carolína?"
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