#i kinda hate it but at least whenever i do smoke when we go back to bf’s parents house i get so high. tolerance breaks really do work
stinkrascal · 2 years
people who smoke weed before they go into work are crazy do you have no fear
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rubydubydoo122 · 6 months
Jason gets de-aged because I've seen fics of Tim or Dick being de-aged, and Bruce losing his memory, but no one has realized the potential for angst if you de-age Jason.
Zatanna had something come up. So of all people she could have sent to replace her, she sent Constantine. Bruce really didn’t know if his luck could get any worse. At least 15 year old Jason liked his accent. 
Constantine was a really capable sorcerer, he was just really hard to work with. Worse than Hal Jordan. Though, if they wanted to get Jason back to normal, they would have to accept Constantine. 
“Hey, Batman! Go back down into the cave, and send Bruce up. I want him instead of Brood and Gloom.”
Bruce was suddenly brought back to the breakfast table. In all of his 41 years of living, he had never seen Alfred smile this big, “That’s my boy.”
Jason beamed at that.
Bruce’s phone pinged. He didn’t even have to look to know it was Dick sending him a ‘Rule #2’ . That’s all his messages with Dick consisted of. Mostly rule #2’s, some rule #3’s, and the occasional rule #1. All in all, Bruce was doing relatively good. He was definitely avoiding Jason more, but if he was around him too much, the only thought that started to fill his brain was his cooling body in his arms. So he toed the line. And he doesn’t think Jason noticed all that much, because whenever Bruce wasn’t with him, one of his children was.
“Constantine’s coming instead of Zatanna.” Bruce finally said, “I think I should be allowed to brood a little bit.”
“ Don’t get your knickers in a twist , old man.” Jason actually had a really good Liverpool British accent, “Mr. Constantine’s not that bad.”
“I just hate magic.” Bruce didn’t grumble. He was too old to grumble like a toddler.
Jason looked himself over and then put a hand to his chest in fake offense.
Bruce’s phone pinged again, “Dick, will you stop that!” 
But it wasn’t Dick, because Dick was holding a fork and knife in his hands and mid-bite.
Bruce dug out his phone.
“ Is the bloke with the sparkly fingas here? ”
That earned a snicker from Duke, Dick and Tim.
Bruce stood up at the same time Tim said, “I’ll give you five dollars if you say that to his face.”
“Oh! Abso–”
“..Lutely not, Jason. To the cave. Let's go.”
Jason slid out of his chair without noise and followed.
Constantine was already in the cave, and smoking a cigarette. 
“Hi, Mr. Constantine!” Jason practically glided down the stairs, as Bruce strode down at a normal pace.
“Hello there, Jason. I reckon you were a bit taller the last time I saw you. Bruce.”
“Constantine. I’m assuming Zatanna filled you in?”
“Yeah yeah yeah. I’m offended you didn’t call me first. I thought we were mates.”
Bruce just raised an eyebrow. Constantine squirmed a bit, and Jason shot Bruce a grin. A grin that was so reminiscent of the way Jason used to look at him after he cuffed a bad guy. Before Fellipe Garzona had fallen off that roof. Before Gloria Stanson had hung herself.
“Alrighty! Let's check out what kinda curse you’ve got going on. Brucie, would you mind taking a couple steps back, love?”
He did, and as soon as Bruce was out of range, Jason was surrounded in a dome of golden runes. Bruce didn’t miss the way Constantine frowned.
“What’s wrong?”
“The little birdie here has a lot of magic knotted all up together.” Constantine started searching through the runes, “Was it you or the Demon child that– Aha, knew it was you. Your soul’s got dimensional ripples.”
Jason frowned, “Heh?”
Bruce blinked, Dimensional ripples? Clark, Lois, and Jonathan had somehow been transported to this dimension before their souls had merged with their counterparts… who had died. Was that what happened with Jason? Maybe he should talk to Barry when all of this is over.
“And you’ve got some leftover Lazaru– Blimey! You have access to the All-Blade?”
Jason shrugged, “I don’t really like beyblades.”
“That’s not what the All-Blade is. It’s–” A set of runes began to glow, and the borderline fangirl look on Constantine’s face immediately dropped. “Jesus...”
“I have access to Jesus?” Jason touched his forehead, then his left shoulder and then his right, “Thank you, father, son, and the holy spirit. Amen.”
Bruce ignored Jason’s prayer, “What’s wrong?”
The dome of runes disappeared, “...I’ve got good news and bad news?”
He gave Constantine a look.
“Um, good news is, the spell looks like it’ll wear off on its own…” Constantine tried for a sheepish smile, but immediately dropped it, “bad news is, it isn’t supposed to? The magic is interacting with the dimensional ripples, and I can’t touch any of it because it’d be like…”
“Disarming a bomb?” Jason supplied. And Bruce had to suppress the urge to flinch at that analogy.
“Yes. Yes exactly, but one wrong move–”
“Boom.” He mimicked an explosion with his hands. ”But you said it’ll wear off on its own, so it’s fine. Right?”
Constantine winced and a ringing was starting to form in Bruce’s ears as he grabbed Constantine by the tie and started dragging him up the stairs.
“Stay here, Jason.”
“I said stay !” Jason flinched at his tone, but Bruce and Constantine were already in the study. “Explain.”
Constantine fixed his tie, “Whatever magic he got hit with didn’t just affect him physically, it also affected his soul. I think, if we’re going off of what happened to Clark and Lois, his soul merged together with his soul from an alternate dimension, causing it to be all… rippley. I can’t fully tell what it’s going to do, but in a couple of days, it looks like it’ll in about two or three days? There’s a 50/50 chance– or I guess, a 25/25/50 chance– that he’s going to either go back to normal, stay this way or…”
It was the 25th. two days from today would make it…
The 27th of April.
It suddenly felt like the ground underneath them was turning or tilting, or hell, both.
Bruce had gotten him back. He’d gotten him back, he can’t leave again. He can’t lose him again, he can’t die again.
Jason found it very rude that Bruce and Constantine were obviously leaving him out of the conversation about him. It completely baffles him how Bruce was raised by Alfred, yet had no manners. He wasn’t even subtle about it. 
Constantine said the spell would wear off. So why did he look like he was about to say something was wrong. Like really wrong. Sure, trying to tamper with whatever was going on would be… bad, but they weren’t gonna mess with it. They would just wait for it to wear off.
Would he physically go back to normal, but he would never remember the past five years? Or was he slowly going to become younger and younger until he was just a literal fetus flopping around on a table? 
Why won’t anyone tell him anything? It would be so much easier if they did. 
Jason eyed the Batcomputer and then the stairs. There was no one else here, no one to stop him from learning by himself.
He opened up the batcomputer, and the first thing he noticed was that everything was filed differently. Instead of being alphabetical, the missions were sorted into who had the mission and the date. For some reason, Jason’s folder had the least amount of missions under it, even though the folder itself was older than Duke’s. 
Still, he clicked on it, only to find that the oldest mission was less than a year ago. Not helpful.
Maybe if these were sorted recently, some of the older mission reports that he did with Bruce would be in Bruce’s folder.
Bruce’s most recent mission was called “Fun Sized Jason”. Guess that would be him. Jason clicked on it and… Bruce is a much sadder man than Jason had given him credit for. And Jason was currently upset at Bruce for snapping at him, and Bruce had obviously snapped because he was being broody. This man. Couldn’t even follow his own rules.
Rule #3 Don’t let Jason know something’s up between your relationship with him 
What was ‘up’ between him and Bruce? If anything, Bruce has been a lot more patient with him.
Unless Bruce was acting. And Bruce could act, Jason had seen him at Galas.
No. He couldn’t have been. Bruce had said he’d give him the world. And he said it in the way that made Jason know he was telling nothing but the truth. 
But that first night Bruce wouldn’t even look at him.
No. Bruce had to have been telling the truth.
But the longing and the guilt and regret… Maybe Jason had done something to Bruce, the same way he did something to Tim and Damian. Jason still didn’t know what exactly that was, just that he felt bad about it.
Jason exited out of that mission statement and started scrolling down to April of 2018. And there were a lot of cases. A part of Jason was glad they were re-organised by date because it would’ve taken a lot more work to try to figure out the name of the file, and then find the file.
Ethiopia: Sheila Haywood, the Joker, and Jason Todd – 4/24/2018- 4/27/2018
Bingo. The first date lined up with the last date in his notebook. He double clicked on it, when a locked symbol came up followed by a space for a password.
Great. Just perfect. 
He tried the password Bruce used on most things.
Bruce’s birthday?
Wrong again.
Jason’s Birthday. Since the file seemed to be about him.
Oh yeah! Who has the best guessing skills? Jason does. He did a little victory spin in the chair, but when he went to look back at the computer, there was a Tim shaped wall blocking his view.
He tried to look around him, but Tim shifted to block him again.
“Timmy, Timbooo, my favorite brother-o. You’re blocking my view, Hermano.”
Tim gave him a look that was scarily similar to Bruce’s bat-glare. 
Jason tried to look around him again, but suddenly, he was being tossed over Tim’s shoulder, and they were moving farther and farther from the computer.
“Hey! I was obviously in the middle of something!”
Tim snorted, as he started up the stairs. “I could bring up a spreadsheet of all the times you’ve done this to me. We’d be here for hours.”
Jason licked his finger and twisted so that he could stick it in his ear. Good news was, it made Tim let Jason go. Bad news was, it made Tim let Jason go, and sent Jason tumbling down the cave’s stairs.
Lucky for Jason, he was a fast recoverer, and made an immediate beeline to the computer. 
After escaping Arkham Asylum, The Joker had made his way to Ethiopia. Jason had come across the information that Sheila Haywood was his birth mother. Haywood had been a doctor who was working at a refugee camp, also located in Ethiopia. Without my knowledge or Alfred’s, Jason traveled to meet up with his mother. 
Jason and I had managed to cross paths in Ethiopia, when we soon learned that Haywood was being held ‘hostage’ by the Joker. I went to go check on some other thing that had come up, and I had told Jason to stay put, but instead he had gone to attempt to save Haywood. Which led to Jason getting hurt by the Joker.
Jason started to scroll down more, the screen went black.
Tim was standing next to the outlet with the power cord in his hand.
Suddenly all the scars on his hand looked interesting, “Is.. Are most of my scars from the Joker?”
Jason heard Tim’s feet shuffle across the flood of the batcave, “I don’t think I’m the person you should be having this conversation with.”
“But it was bad enough to the point where I needed a Lazarus pit to get better. It was bad enough to the point where I had to stop being Robin.” Because why else would Tim start hanging around the manor when he was 13? Why else would Bruce adopt him? “And you were Robin after me?”
A beat, “Yes.”
He thought back to the conversation he had in the bathroom with Tim, “So, I didn’t grow out of being Robin. I was… forced into retirement. By the Joker.”
“That’s… the easy way of putting it.” Tim took one of Jason’s hands, “I want to show you something.”
They both went over to the locker area and Tim opened his locker and pulled out a shoe box from the top. “I guess since you knew I was a little stalker back in the day, there should be no reason for me to feel embarrassed for showing you these.” He moved to the bench and opened the lid. 
Inside the box were a bunch of photos of Batman and Robin. Of Bruce and Jason. Tim handed him a couple. The first one was of Jason when he had just become Robin. He was talking animatedly while walking with a teenage girl. He remembers that night.  Her name was Angela, and she had been followed for a couple of blocks by a bunch of older guys, and Jason couldn’t let her go home alone. Not with how cruel the streets could be. 
The next one was of Jason cradling a baby. The mom had been separated from the baby during an Ivy attack. 
The last one Tim had handed to him was of Batman and Robin in an Alley. They had just taken down a bunch of thugs, and Jason was talking with the two kids, Gavin and Evan, while Batman was farther off, with a fond smile on his face, looking at Jason. 
“Robin is the light to Batman’s darkness. Hope to his fear. Every Robin gave light, but out of all of us, you shined the brightest. You were the people’s Robin, you cared about them so much, like each and every one of them are your brothers and sisters.” Tim pointed at the picture in Jason’s hand, “Your light was so bright, you made Batman smile. And that isn’t the only picture I have like that.” He put his hand on Jason’s elbow, “I could never come close to the Robin you were, but I always tried. You were like the Sun. And I could never take your place. Not really, but I tried my best to do what I thought you would. To make you proud. Even though… you didn’t really like me when you found out.”
“No. I like you. It’s just…” Jason could feel his eyes burn, “If I got hurt, really bad, bad enough to the point where I couldn’t be Robin anymore, why would Bruce let there be another one? When- When it could happen again? Or even worse. ”
Tim closed his eyes, “When the Joker did what he did to you, it sent him down a dark path. He was barely holding back his punches and he was barely dodging them either. Batman needed a Robin and—“
“I wasn’t there.”
“No! Jason, it wasn’t your fault. You were going through some of the worst moments of your life, it wasn’t your job at that time to be Robin, or emotionally babysit Bruce while he fought crime to deal with his trauma.”
“But you were, what? 13 at the time with no legal obligations to him. It shouldn’t have been your job either.”
Tim blinked, “ah, fuck.” He sat criss cross on the bench and turned so he was fully facing Jason, “point is, it was just a bad time. Bruce kicked Dick out of the Manor, The Joker had diplomatic immunity, which still does not make sense to me, but then he was sent back to Arkham. Bane broke Bruce’s back, some psycho took over being Batman and would not let Dick and I in the cave, but then Bruce got better and became Batman again. Superman died, but then he came back. Then Bruce got framed for murder, and then the riddler and clayface teamed up with this whole convoluted plot which involved Clayface showing up as you and trying to kill us and Bruce probably needed therapy, but he was too much of a stubborn ass to ever actually go.” Tim finally took a breath. 
Jason blinked, “That’s a really rough five years.”
Tim groaned and leaned his head on Jason’s shoulder, “That was only two.” 
“Then it was probably a… shittier five years.” Jason patted his head, “Thanks, Tim.”
Tim glanced at Jason, “For what? I literally just trauma dumped on you.”
Jason shrugged, “Yeah, but you also gave me more information about what the hell is going on around here than anyone has in the past two days. Maybe a lot of the things that happened sound horrible, but it’s better than not knowing. Ya know?”
Jason felt Tim nod, “I’m sorry we’ve been keeping it all from you. It’s not something Bruce likes to talk about, and for Dick being the next adult who isn’t emotionally constipated, he evades certain topics like the plague.”
Jason snorted, “Wanna know something I’ve been completely baffled by?”
Tim sat up, “What?”
“Dick isn’t… wallowed up in angst. Him and Bruce haven’t had a single argument, and Dick…he’s a lot different. So is Bruce.” Jason thought about it for a moment, “Am I different too?”
Tim smirked and dug out his phone, “Mentally, Emotionally, or Physically?” Tim angled the phone so Jason could see, and it was a picture of a man, kneeling and talking to a little girl. There was a red helmet on the floor, but the man had a domino that covered his eyes. Tim swiped to the next one, of older Jason helping an old lady across the street. He swiped again to a photo of him holding Damian in a firefighter’s hold. “You might be a lot rougher around the edges, but everyone changes with time, especially with the things you’ve gone through. Yeah, you might be different, but I think you’re still the same in the ways that it counts.”
Jason looked at the photo. Without the domino, or the helmet he could really see how he had grown into his features, “I look a lot like my papi,” He looked back at Tim, and then pointed upwards to where Bruce had gone, “But I think I learned how to help from my dad.”
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nerves-nebula · 8 months
Sorry bout this thing but I kinda wanted to tell my thoughts about your stuff. Im kind of hoping this will get drowned in your inbox honestly, since this is just a really long unsolicited rant of mine.
Sometimes when i scroll through your account and I encounter csa, incest and mentions of suicide in your posts I get uncomfortable but then I remember that one phrase that goes something like "Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comforted" and I just feel kinda bad bout myself.
When I was a kid my nannys bf forced me to kiss him in the lips whenever we met. I was 6. It was uncomfortable. I never did tell my nanny about it. My parents are both police people and my mother had long explained the concept of rape and how unconsensual touch is bad and you shouldnt allow that but something prevented me from telling anyone what was happening. I dont know why. I know they would immiedietly jail that guy if they did but somehow it felt like no one would believe me. I never told them until now, then when I was what, 6-8 years old? I cant even remember. Yeah somewhere around that, he molested me when my nanny was few feet away and asleep and for the next 4 years of my life i felt dirty. Desecrated. Stupid. I couldnt even look down at my naked body when i shower back then, but somehow I managed to trudge on living by trying to forget the fact it happened. Its been 8 years since Ive last seen him. Ive told anyone who I knew who doesnt care enough to be friends with me but cared enough to listen about it but my Parents are none the wiser and i plan on keeping it that way.
Also. Im a year away from being legal now. Ive thought about killing myself or just generally not wanting to exist anymore many times since then, cuz lifes equipped with motolov cocktails of "get fucked dumbass" and i somehow managed to get a coupon for at least a million of them.
(I hope that line made you laugh if you read this).
Coming back to the phrase i mentioned earlier, it feels weird whenever i feel something similar to the feeling of being triggered while looking at csa being depicted. By definition, i would be considered a victim, and id of course would be comforted by seeing similar experiences happen to people because relating to something usually induces a positive feeling. I dont. I see your art and it guts me. It guts me and the fact that it does also guts me, because what does that mean? I am supposed to be the comforted? Despite the fact that I was taken advantage of as a child and spent night after might thinking how stupid i was and why I let that happen to me even when I was equiped with the information that makes me less vulnerable than other children? So i do I correspond more with those who are defined as comforted then, was i not disturbed after all? Was i victimizing myself all along? Am I a bad person for thinking i was? No wait, that doesnt make any sense at all. Its all wrong. Why am I so guilty about this? Why am i subjecting myself to this?
And then it repeats.
I still go through your blog because well, i love tmnt, i love your artstyle, i love the way you tell stories, I love how you dont sugar coat csa, incest and other darker topics like body horror, erotism and sadism, i hate how much it haunts me, i love the fact i can relate, i hate how much you hurt them, i love the fact that you dont hold back, i love how you show the ugly sides of healing, i love how you depict how much people can change and struggle. Its comforting to me. Its discomforting to me. I stick hand into the fire knowing I would be burned, then I do.
And i like it. I like it somehow, like taking a nice smoke break when you have mild asthma, but like, better. Its a nice change of pace to feel so conflicted like this, its a nice change of pace to feel anything at all really.
But yeah. Tldr. Sorry for the trauma dump and your art makes me feel complicated. Its neat 👍
lot to reply to here! also, unfortunately for you, i check my inbox obsessively and dont get nearly as many asks as you seem to believe i do.
so firstly, no snappy saying is meant to encompass all of human experience, and you certainly shouldn't judge yourself for not fitting into it. easier said than done, i know, but still. i'm gonna try to address some things here, not gonna touch on all of it, but just know that i appreciate you sitting down to write me this.
(I hope that line made you laugh if you read this).
it made me smile, but i laughed at this, because it's a very sweet look into you writing this. puts into perspective how, even though this is public, it was written TO me. like a letter in victorian times or something. that's sweet, i like that.
and id of course would be comforted by seeing similar experiences happen to people because relating to something usually induces a positive feeling. I dont.
you're making a lot of assumptions here that are kind of wild in that "this thought process was clearly designed by your mind to upset you specifically" sort of way. I mean, would you say this to literally anyone else when they feel uncomfortable or triggered about viewing media that relates to their trauma? There's really no telling what a survivor will feel comforted by and you aren't Doing It Wrong by having a different reaction.
there's a reason i tag it as "csa tw" and that's so people can AVOID it as well as search it up.
how stupid i was and why I let that happen to me even when I was equipped with the information that makes me less vulnerable than other children?
i know you recognize at the end of the thought process that this is not true, but i feel the need to reiterate: there is no such thing as being less vulnerable than other children through your own actions. you can try to equip kids with knowledge that might protect them, but that doesn't make them any less vulnerable.
my dad told me about rape and molestation all the time, but he never accounted for the kinds of scenarios i was actually the most likely to fall victim to, partly because i don't think he actually knew much about childhood sexual abuse, and partly because he was more obsessed with the idea of me being kidnapped and raped/murdered than he was about forms of sexual abuse he'd consider more "mild"
No wait, that doesnt make any sense at all. Its all wrong. Why am I so guilty about this? Why am i subjecting myself to this?
i can't answer that one, unfortunately. personally, i like to feel gutted, it's cathartic to me. might be something like that to you, based on how you go on to describe it, but you might also be doing some kinda self harm.
I stick hand into the fire knowing I would be burned, then I do.
saaaaame. i triggered myself into a breakdown in class once cuz i'd been reading fucked fanfiction before class and i got SAD lol.
Its a nice change of pace to feel so conflicted like this, its a nice change of pace to feel anything at all really.
we are shaking hands over this.
anywho, no need to apologize! i am glad, if nothing else, to provide you with a strange and upsetting experience that is not entirely bad.
I really do adore hearing how my stuff makes people feel. it's like, a solid one third of the reason i do this. i still make stuff that doesn't exist to be shown off but WOW showing shit off and getting a response feels FANTASTIC. like, i'm in your head now!! you have been CHANGED by my ART. it's maybe the best part of being alive.
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myriadof-fandoms · 1 year
harringrove week - day 5 - one look at you and i can't disguise
prompt: outsider pov
"wait, talk me through it again?" chrissy is really trying to keep up but occasionally her best friend has a habit of talking in riddles.
billy sighs, lighting another cigarette but holding it away from her so the smoke doesn't hit her, "harrington's making fun of me."
"right, because-"
"because he smiles at me!" billy is only mumbling now, looking away from her.
they're parked on a dirt road with a view of one of the countless fields surrounding hawkins. it's become a habit of sorts, when basketball and cheer practice end at the same time they say they have to study for their spanish class together. instead of doing any such thing they drive past the town sign, park somewhere quiet to sit on the hood of billy's car and talk.
"billy, i promise i'm trying to understand but how does that mean he's making fun of you?"
he huffs and repeats himself, "because he fucking hates me. i beat him up, i was generally not the nicest person around him and then he ignored me for a year. now everytime i have to drive max to that stupid video store he smiles at me like- like that's normal."
"it kinda is what people in service jobs have to do?" chrissy throws in while picking at her nail beds.
"chris, i've seen him with other customers though. the other week max dragged me there to get breakfast club again and tina and her new boyfriend were at the counter when we came in. harrington did not smile once."
"so do you watch him the entire time you're there?"
the thing is that billy's told her he likes boys. only once and very quietly and with bated breath like he expected the worst from her. she just hugged him instead.
"of course not."
chrissy wonders if he knows that he's blushing.
their friendship had developed over shared classes and projects and her being around the basketball team due to jason. though what really made her and billy talk was jason himself - specifically his inability to leave her alone when she told him to. billy only had to witness her having to tell jason no more than once before he even considered listening to her one time before he stepped between them.
billy stuck around her whenever they were in the vicinity of jason and so they talked. a shitty home life, albeit differently so, brought them closer and billy's trust sealed it all.
that was the last time jason ever tried to convince her to do anything and when she ended their relationship, with billy only some feet away, he went away without much arguing. how he called her a bitch and only left because he was scared of billy not because he respected chrissy herself still tastes bitter in her mouth but having gained a best friend out of the whole mess makes that easier to bear.
and though he never said it explicitly again, he's mentioned a few guys from california. he trusts her enough to do that.
and he mentions steve harrington. in fact billy talks about almost nothing but steve harrington without ever realising that himself.
"i ran into harrington."
"harrington wore different jeans to work."
"steve helped me find a movie."
"max says the rumours aren't true. harrington and wheeler are not back together.
and as of recently "harrington hates me because he smiles at me."
"king steve has a new haircut."
"maybe steve wants to be friends? maybe he's ready to move on from what happened," chrissy says hesitantly though she can guess how billy's reaction will look. not once has any hint to steve wanting to be nice actually helped.
so just like chrissy knows that it's not his sister max who likes watching breakfast club, she has come to realise that max's not the one who wants to go to family video at least twice a week. chrissy doesn't quite know how to get billy out of his denial though.
"yeah, right." he scoffs at her and smokes the last of his cigarette before flicking it on the gravel.
it's always the same, sheer and immediate denial of the chance that steve might like billy. if chrissy has to hear another story that involves steve staring at billy with "weird bambi eyes" while he's trying to act nonchalant she might simply have to tell billy that he's being idiotic though. she's reaching her limit.
for the time being she lets billy believe what he wants since her curfew is coming around quicker than she wants.
billy seems to notice their time running thin just like she did, "c'mon, we should head back."
while they drive the rest of the way billy teaches her one spanish curse word as usual, a little loophole that makes their afternoons less of a lie.
billy helps her off the hood and then turns on her favourite tape of his in the car. they both sing along with stevie nicks until they enter hawkins again.
the familiar anxiety starts to grow in her stomach when he parks in front of her house. so as usual she stalls at least for another moment.
"oh, i picked up your weed from eddie." chrissy leans down and picks through her backpack for the small bag she collected for billy during break.
when she hands it over billy is grinning at her and chrissy knows what to expect.
"you know if you just ask munson out on a date you don't have to to pick up my drugs as an excuse to see him anymore, right?"
now it's chrissy's turn to blush while she gets out of the passenger seat. billy's cackling lightly behind her, sounding way too self-satisfied and so before she closes the door chrissy leans back inside to look at him.
"maybe if you get your head out of your ass and ask out steve i'll ask out eddie."
billy's flushed, shocked face makes her giggle all the way to the door.
perhaps they're both useless when it comes to boys but at least they're hopeless together.
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emilyssky · 2 years
Chapter 4: City Lights And Past Lives.
Tumblr media
PAIRING: Lee Know! X fem!reader
GENRE(S): college au, smut, angst
WARNINGS: Mentions of violence and abuse, depression, self harm, eating disorders etc.. mentions of blood, swearing, smoking, smut [ dirty talk, oral; giving and receiving, chocking, spanking, praising, degradation, pet names, sometimes Minho is a dick :)
SUMMARY: "Do you remember what you told me the first time we met?"  
"You said; Always leave people a little better than you found them" he looked at the floor with a small smile for a few seconds and then his eyes found mine. "You really annoyed me when we first met. I envied your optimism and excitement for life. But each time I saw you, I felt a certain thrill. You made me angry, you made me laugh., you made me feel everything. Something about you made me feel a little more alive each time. I know I fucked up and I know I'm an asshole but I'm also brutally in love with you."    
Minho's POV:
1 year ago.
I solved my phone back in my pocket, choosing to ignore Jisung's messages. I know I'm probably being a dick right now, but he's used to it and he understands. That's one of the things I like about him. He doesn't ask much, he simply knows. He knows when he has to push me and when he has to let me push myself. I take another puff of the remaining bits of my cigarette and throw it on the ground. I lift my hood, trying to protect the sides of my face from the cold, but I keep shivering. My brain is so numb right now that the physical pain is the only thing that I can feel. On days like this, I honestly miss being 16 and getting my ass kicked by my dad, cause at least then the pain in my body was stronger than the voices in my head. As the years went by I found other ways though. As much as I hated him, I got addicted to the pain. I used it as my own personal punishment. The self-loath that he caused me made me crave it. I found similar pain in things like drugs and alcohol and started getting off by inflicting pain on others. Girls I would use and dump, friends I would treat like shit, people that would try to help me that I would lie to. I did anything to remind myself that I had power. That I wasn't the scared little boy he would beat the shit out of. I wasn't someone who was only capable of kneeling and taking beatings. I was strong. I was in control. I wasn't the one in pain.
I didn't wanna deal with anything. Or anyone. And I know that running away from you're problems is not doing shit. I know that I have to go back and deal with this but right now, I just want the world to be quiet. I want everything to go away for a few minutes so that I can have some space to fucking breathe. I jog up the stairs that lead to the roof. I've been coming here whenever I wanted to just get away for a little. This place was already at the top of my 'fuck everything, I wanna be alone' list, but since that night, I've been coming here kinda hoping to see her again. I know that that's not actually what I want. I can't deal with another confrontation, but I want the silence that came with her. It was like all my walls were replaced with mirrors and as she talked my mind backed off more and more, leaving me completely alone, listening. I was listening. For the first time, someone didn't force me to talk about anything or explain myself. All I had to do was sit and listen to her comforting me. Reminding me that; it's going to be okay. After that night, her words lived in my head rent-free. You know how most people have a song that, whenever everything goes to shit, they just put their headphones on and simply listen to it, and for these 3-4 minutes everything else fades away. That's how I kept her in my mind. Like a comfort song that I've been having on repeat ever since then. I force my legs to climb the last flight of stairs, finally reaching the top. I tilt my head a bit, looking at the half-open door with confusion. It's almost 4 in the morning. I place my hand on the door handle, and just as I'm about to pull it even more open, a figure flashes through the small gap of the open door. I move my head further into the door's opening, narrowing my eyes, trying to spot the person again, but the moon being the only source of light, doesn't help. They step into my line of vision again. The long hair makes me realise that it's a girl. She extends her foot and lifts herself up in a fouetté,  which I instantly recognise. Her turns are surprisingly clean. Her body keeps moving around the roof, occasionally leaving my limited line of vision. Her back is facing me, not allowing me to see her face. I stand there behind the door, completely magnetised by her dance. She must be a student here. I lean a bit forward trying to catch a glimpse of her face as she jumps and turns. She bends her back backwards, her head and hands handing beautifully and I freeze. I realise that the huge amount of weed that I've smoked hasn't made me completely numb after all cause I swear I just felt my heart skipping a beat. Her eyes are closed as she stays in position, rolling her head and hands to the music that's probably coming from the Air-pods that are now visible in her ears. Her face twitches with emotion and my hold on the door tightens. It's her. Questions, questions, questions. So many questions run through my head. So many emotions overwhelm me. Fuck, I must be so too high right now. I've thought about her way more than I like to admit. Now she stands here, in front of me. And I don't move, I stay hidden behind the door, watching her dance with tears on her face. I don't wanna talk to her. I don't wanna know her name or why she's crying. I just wanna watch her. And the more I do the more my heart tightens cause the memories that she awakes hurt. She dances so much like Mia, that it's ridiculous, I swear I see her face at some point. I know that I only hurt myself more by sitting here and watching her but I'm completely mesmerised by the way she moves. She's the perfect combination of uncontrollable passion and technique. She's using so much power in such a tender and light way, that I'm jealous. I miss dancing like that. I miss the emotional freedom that I felt whenever I danced. I let myself slide down the side of the wall soundlessly, and rest my head against it. There she is again. My little mirror.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Y/n's POV: The next few days went by in a blur. Wake up, go to class, come home, practice, and go to sleep. Every day is basically the same but I'm not really bothered by it, routine is good, I like having a routine. It's safe. It doesn't make me anxious and everything is scheduled. Dance has been hard though. Correction after correction, my annoyance grew. I was making no progress.
"I don't know y/n. Isn't it a bit short?" Emma is standing in front of the mirror, tugging her tight blue dress down, unsuccessfully.
"Em, you look fucking amazing. Blue is the perfect colour for blondes, and you're boobs look incredible." I praise her in an attempt to boost her almost nonexistent confidence as I put my hoops on. "Seungmin is going to be hard from the minute you walk in, bet" I stand beside her in the mirror, taking a look at myself. We look completely different. She's wearing a blue strapless dress with white heels that make her almost as tall as I am. Her long blonde hair falls in loose curls down her bare back and her light makeup looks almost flawless. On the other hand, I'm wearing leather pants that are tight around my waist but a bit baggier around my thighs and a simple strapless black top. I've straightened my naturally curly hair and kept my makeup the same as every time with black eyeliner and a dark red colour on my lips.
"You're one to talk." She bumps her hip to mine "You're hot as hell"
"Stop" I roll my eyes, smiling at her.
"Is Chan picking us up?" She asks as she fills her purse with makeup and other stuff.
"Um no, Hyunjin's picking us up." I grab my jacket and walk to the living room. Emma follows shortly.
"Great, are they going to text you when-"
My phone interrupts her and we smile at each other. Hyunjin's name flashes across the screen. Wow, he's actually on time, that's a first. I answer and put him on speaker.
"We're here bitches." Hyunjin yells.
"We'll be down in five." I say and hang up.
"Let's go." Emma says with excitement and we walk out the door.
Felix rolls down his window from the passenger's seat and lets out a loud whistle. "Damn." He yells.
"Hello ladies," Hyunjin says as we enter the car.
"Hey," I say. "You're exactly on time. I'm proud of you.."
"Okay, you're both hot" Hyunjin comments as he drives off.
"You sound surprised. " Emma says and I giggle.
"You know what I mean" Hyunjin's eyes are focused on the road as he speaks.
"Is Jisoo not coming?" I ask.
"No, Seungmin only invited us, and since I don't really know them that long I didn't wanna push it and ask to bring someone else. Plus, we're not 'together ' together anyway." he shrugs.
"Come on now, you've been seeing each other for like, a year and you're completely obsessed with her." They've been fucking around for so long but even though they never made it official, we all know that they have feelings for each other.
"I'm not, shut up" Hyunjin tries to contain his smile.
After a few minutes, we pull to an apartment complex.
"It's not far from our apartment. " Emma comments as walks to the door.
"We could stay over at your place if we get too wasted and none of us can drive. It's like 10 minutes away." Hyunjin says.
"Sure, we'll probably have an extra bed anyway 'cause Em will hopefully not come home tonight."  I wrap my hand around her shoulders.
"If you're anything like that in front of him, I'll physically hurt you." She attempts to threaten me but both me and the boys just laugh.
The music can be heard from down the hall, and we had to ring the bell at least 5 times before a guy opened the door.
"Hi" he smiles at us.
"Hi, Jeongin" Emma gives him a quick hug. The guys simply nod at him and follow Emma inside the apartment.
"Hi, I'm y/n" I shake his hand.
"I know, Chan told me you were coming. It's nice to meet you, I'm Jeongin" He has a nice smile. He's tall, with dark hair, brown eyes, and perfect eyebrows. He looks like he could be a model.
I take a step to his left, inside."Is Chan here?" I lean into him a bit cause it's so crowded in here that I could easily get lost.
"Yeah, I think he's in the kitchen." He says, closing the door. Emma, Hyunjin, and Felix have already disappeared. There are more people than I was expecting, Emma made it sound like it was a private party, but there are at least 60 people here.
"The kitchen.." I trail off as I look through the crowd, trying to find it. I hear him laugh from behind me.
"Come with me" He touches my back lightly before moving in front of me, guiding me to the kitchen. I instantly spot Chan's blond hair. He's with Changbin and some other people pouring shots.
"Hi" I go up to him from behind and he instantly smiles when he sees it's me. His hair is a mess and his cheeks are flushed.
"Oh my god, heyyyyy" He pulls me into a hug and I giggle.
"Are you drunk already?" I love drunk Chan. He hardly drinks that much but when he does he's one of the funniest people ever.
"Tipsy," he corrects me pointing a finger at me "Tipsy is the right word dear"
He pours two more shots and he gives one to me and one to Jeongin who's still standing beside me.
"Let's get it" Changbin yells and we all drown our shots. . . .
The energy in this house is crazy and at this point, everyone is pretty much drunk, including me and I'm loving it. I found myself dancing on tables, playing games, chatting with people, and actually smiling. For a moment I felt like my old self again and I wanted to keep that feeling for as long as I possibly can. So I drank more and danced more until the thoughts in my head about what I should and shouldn't do were gone. Currently, Emma and Seungmin are nowhere to be found, Felix has been following Hyunjin's drunk ass around cause he has thrown up 2 times already, Chan is playing beer pong with Changbin and some other girls and I'm dancing with Jisung and Jeongin. Turns out Jisung is a really good dancing partner and has been filling up Hyunjin's spot all night. Well, I did threaten him not to leave my side. Jeonjin is also a really nice guy, super funny, and easy to be around. Even if I don't wanna admit it, my eyes have been searching for Minho ever since I got here but he's nowhere to be found. I know I shouldn't really care, he hasn't been particularly nice to me but that doesn't really stop my growing curiosity about him. The temperature in the room is incredibly hot. My hair is sticking to my back and I feel like my whole face is on fire, the amount of alcohol that I've consumed doesn't really help. My breaths are getting shorter and sharper as I push my body to move to the music between Jisung and Jeongin. The minute I feel my stomach turning I knew I had to slow down for a bit. I needed air.
"I'm going to get some air, I'm sweating so fucking much." I yell over the music to both of them. Jeongin pulls me closer to him by my elbow.
"Do you want me to take you?" He says to my ear. Jeongin has been my guide through the house the entire night. He's taken me to his room to leave my stuff, and to the bathroom, and he showed me around the kitchen and the rest of the bedrooms. Emma was right, this place is huge.
"No, I got this one." I reassure him. I make my way upstairs and walk down the hall, to the last room, where we left our stuff. I remember that there was a small balcony and when I open the door, I'm happy to see that I remembered correctly. I carefully pull open the small balcony door oven and step out, letting the cool air hit my skin. My ears are ringing from the loud music, my eyes can't really focus on anything and my mind is a blur, unable to think about anything. In this moment I find myself smiling, cause in this moment everything is silent. The apartment is pretty high up, giving the guys access to an incredible view. I notice a small flight of stairs to my left. I look at them curiously, before slowly walking up, my drunken state not making it easy for me. When I reached the top, I looked around only to realise that I'm on a small rooftop. My eyes light up at the sight and a giggle escapes me. Rooftops make me happy. I wish our apartment had one.
"Okay, now who's stalking who?" A low voice says and my head snaps to the left. Minho's sitting on the floor with a cigarette between his lips. There he is. Has he been up here this whole time?
"I didn't even know you were here." I protest, taking a step forwards but stumbling a bit on my own feet.
Minho let out a low raspy laugh. "How come every time we meet on a rooftop you're always drunk? " He snorts "Is that like a thing? Whenever you get drunk you search for a rooftop?"
I keep my eyes on the sky in front of me. "I like rooftops," I smile as I begin to walk aimlessly around. "Something about being so high, no walls around me, a clear view of the sky, makes me feel like I'm on top of the world, it calms me down." I grab the railing and take a look downwards to see how far up are we.
"Get away from the railing, you're drunk." Minho's voice comes out louder than before. I look at him over my back. He's now standing, his cigarette rests between his fingers and his eyes are set on my figure.
I turn around, resting my back on the trailing, my hands still gripping it tightly.
Deja vu.
"Or what?" I giggle and lean backward just a bit more. He takes a quick step forward, his free hand extended towards me.
"Y/n, I'm not fucking around, get away." His tone is demanding and his eyes are hard, jaw set. My drunk mind finds his face funny.
"You're funny." I smile at him. He takes a few more steps, carefully.
"I'm not joking." His voice gets low again.
My eyes spark with excitement. "Oops" I lean back furthermore, but his hand comes around my waist pulling me away.
"Do you wanna die?" He says, staring down at me. I know he's half joking but my mouth opens before my mind can think.
"That would be a good way to go." I half smile.
His eyebrows draw together "What?"
"I mean it would be easier right?" I tilt my head at him "It wouldn't be entirely my fault. She got drunk and she fell off the roof sound better than anything else that would make me look weak right?" His face is unreadable, or maybe shocked I can't really tell. He drops his hand from my waist but doesn't say a word. "But either way, I'm weak right Minho?" I say, waving my hands. He clears his throat and looks away from my eyes.
"That's not what I meant I-"
"Cut the bullshit, I know what you meant." A sudden wave of emotions runs through me and I raise my voice slightly. "But let's get one thing straight, you don't know anything." I move closer to him. "You don't know anything about me or what happened. You're so quick to judge me and call me weak and stupid but you don't know shit."His expression changes slightly. A flash of emotion in his eyes that wasn't there before, he opens his mouth and then closes it again. His lips turn into a line and then he exhales loudly.
"It's not like that. I was just trying to help."He finally says.
"I don't need your help Minho. I don't want your fucking pity." I say through my teeth.
His eyebrows furrowed at my words. "I don't pity you y/n" He grabs my hand and without realising it I flinch lightly. He takes a sharp breath, his eyes widening only for a second before he drops his grip on my hand and turns around. He starts walking back and forth, hands on his head, through his hair, over his face, and finally set on his waist.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" I begin to apologise.
"Stop," His tone is sharp. He shakes his head. "You're- You're pissing me off."
Pissing him off? "What did I even do?" I honestly ask, frustrated.
"Why are you apologising?" He spins around. I stare at him, no words are coming out of my mouth. I simply stare at him. My chest feels heavy all of a sudden and my eyes fall to the ground.
"What happened to you?" His eyes are searching my face. "I remember a year ago, I met a girl on a rooftop. I was just sitting there when she stumbled through the door, wasted. She was smiling and she talked about life, kindness, and shit. Her eyes were wild and her voice loud and powerful. Her presence was so incredibly bright and I hated it. It pissed me off. It pissed me off because she was everything that I wasn't. The way she viewed the world and the way she talked about people and life made me jealous. I was jealous of her light. It reminded me of a lot of things I missed. I hated it." My eyes can't keep eye contact with him as he speaks. My stomach is a knot, my heart is beating fast, and my head is spinning.
He remembers me.
"Now here we are," He waves his hand around. "A year later, on a rooftop and you're once again drunk. But you're different. And I don't know why, but it makes me mad." My eyes are glued to the ground. My whole body is tensed and I feel more exposed than I should.
"You were right" I finally find my words.
"About what?"
"I'm weak," I nod several times. "And stupid. And I don't have the courage to say to anyone that I was in a shitty relationship. That I was weak enough to be manipulated and lied to and treated like shit. None knows about my childhood or my past in general. I'm scared that everyone would look at me differently. I'm scared that everyone will judge me. Like I did to my mom." I confess. "I promised myself that I would be stronger than she was. Braver and smarter," I laugh. "But of course, I met a guy in my first year of college and I thought I could fix him. I wanted to help him, so I stayed. I made excuses every time something would happen. And he played me. " My eyes begin to burn, desperately holding back the tears. Minho's gaze is hard. From the way he's looking at me, I can tell that he wasn't expecting me to share that much.
"I'm sorry," I sniff and try to look anywhere else. "I tend to overshare when I drink." I laugh awkwardly.
"Was he hitting you?" His question makes me freeze. This is a question I wished I would never hear anyone ask me. It sounds almost unreal.
"In the beginning, it wasn't so bad. Not enough for me to realise I guess. But he did at some point, yes. " My voice falters. "He would get mad often. He would yell. He would throw things, a lot of times dangerously close to me. At times I would try to calm him down, but he would push me, not caring to look where I would land. It wasn't like he was beating me up, we were fighting all the time. It was pushing around, slamming into walls, choking, throwing things. It was the type of beatings that in my mind I could justify cause I wasn't exactly innocent. If I had slapped him and then he had pushed me against the wall and choked me until I begged him to stop, I couldn't blame him completely cause I was the one who had started it. In the beginning, it was sort of exciting, the fighting and the toxicity gave me the kind of rush that made me go back, wanting more. But things started to change and the realization of the situation hit me as hard as the first time he actually slapped me. I would fight, I would yell at him but at some point I became mentally drained and I couldn't really fight back." The words come out of my mouth without me even thinking about them. Like a secret, I was dying to finally say out loud. "Even during sex he was-"
"That's enough" Minho looks at me, disgusted almost. He shakes his head and turns his gaze to the night sky.
"He had a hard childhood. His father treated him like shit. His mother passed away when he was young-" His laugh cuts me off as he turns to look at me.
"I'm not defending him," I whisper." I-I..." I take a deep breath. " I left him. It turns out I was a joke to him. He was supposed to fuck me and move on to the next girl. He had made bets with his friends and I was so naive that I fell right into his little game. The day I found out was the day he lost it and he ended up choking me. When it got to the point that I couldn't really breathe, he snapped back to reality but it was too late. I left him that day"
Minho shakes his head once again, smiling at the ground. His hands are crossed.
"The day we met, I caught him having sex with a blonde bitch at a frat party," I giggle. His eyes shoot up at mine. I drop to the ground and bring my knees to my chest. "And you know what's the saddest part?" I look up at him and smile a little. "I don't even miss him. I feel anger and pain whenever I look at him. I miss who I was before him. I'm mad at him for making me feel this weak and I'm more mad at myself for letting him." I honestly say. "I didn't realize it at the time but now looking back, I can see that the more I stayed, the more pieces of myself I was losing. Until it was too late. Now I feel like everything was taken away from me. All that I built myself to be, came crumbling down after him." I let out a breath of relief. I've been keeping all this inside for so long, never having the courage to say anything out loud. Maybe it's the alcohol or maybe I'm too emotional right now. Either way, even if he doesn't really care about anything I said, even if doesn't even like me, the feeling of this huge weight finally lifting off of my shoulder is incredible. He takes a seat beside me. His shoulder brushes mine. He smells like vanilla and cigarettes. He doesn't look at me but I keep studying him. His jawline is sharper than a knife and his nose is perfectly straight. His eyelashes are probably longer than mine and the curve of his lips looks almost fake. His side profile is close to perfection.
"The urge to go find him and just beat the shit out of him is so strong right now." He exhales.
"Why? You have already expressed how much you don't like me and how I piss you off, many times." I giggle at his statement.
"Yeah but people like him piss me off more. " He says. I don't replay, instead, I rest my head on my knees and stare at him. His eyes are still looking forward. " And it's not that I don't like you."
"How did you know?"
"You told me about it the first time I saw you and I've seen it happening too many times." He says. I don't speak. I can't think of anything to say and I don't wanna overstep any boundaries by asking questions. "My father was abusive too," He breaks the silence. "He was an alcoholic. A piece of shit. It was only my mother at first but as the years went by he became violent towards me and my sister. I would fight him off as much as I could, but it would never end well. I remember begging my mother to leave him. 'I love him,' she would say. 'He said he won't do it again' "
He smiles at himself. "I was 17 and my sister 18 at the time. My dad came home drunk as usual. Me and Mia were in our room when we heard the sound of glass shattering. I rushed down the stairs and found a guy that I'd never seen before on top of my mother. He had his hands around her neck, choking her. Another guy was standing next to them, with a lamp in his hand and my dad laying on the floor." He clears his throat. "Um, long story short, he owed them a lot of money, and when he couldn't pay they came to find him. I did everything I could to protect my mother and sister but I was just a kid, I couldn't do much but I gave my sister enough time to call the police. My dad along with them ended up in jail." He finally turns to look at me. The emotion in his eyes is noticeable, for once. "It was supposed to end there." He continues. "We were finally free." A pause. "Until my sister started dating this guy."
I can feel my heart tighten, knowing where this is going.
"He was okay. Everything seemed okay, she looked happy so I didn't give it too much thought. They were dating for almost 2 years when they moved together. That's when shit started happening. We were dancing together ever since we were little so both of us decided to study dance naturally. We were practicing together every day so it wasn't easy for her to hide her body. Random bruises on her arms and legs started appearing, her mood started to change, she started skipping classes, and not going out with her friends." He shakes his head almost as if he's trying to shake the images out of his head. "She was this bright person, such a joy to be around. Always smiling." He smiled in such a sad way that my chest tightened. "When she came to practice one day with a bruise on her face, I put two and two together and completely lost it. I beat the shit out of him." He laughs a bitter laugh."She, of course, protected him. She pulled me away, and I yelled at her. I couldn't understand but I saw it in her eyes. She looked at me the way my mother looked at me whenever I would tell her to leave my dad." A pause "She was supposed to be better," His voice tightened, his tone a little louder. "I didn't understand. I still don't," He breathes. "I didn't speak to her for days, until one day she knocked at my door, late at night, crying hysterically." He takes a deep breath, held it for a few seconds, and exhaled. "Turns out she was pregnant with that bastard's baby." He says and I suck a breath. He stays quiet, the silence makes what he said sink in more and more and I feel my heart break at his story.
"I was going to kill him." He looked at me. His face holds no expression but his eyes are swimming with emotions of all kinds. "For real, I was going to end him but she told me she left. She choose the baby over him and she left." I stare at him. That's all I can do honestly. What can I possibly say to him right now? His pain is all too familiar to mine. And I know that there's not much I can say.
"I understand," My voice comes out a bit louder than a whisper. " I understand.  I was supposed to be better too." I offer him a small smile.
He opens his mouth to say something but Jeongin bursts through the door before he has the chance to.
"Oh my god, there you are" He releases a breath, his hand over his heart. "You've been gone for over half an hour." I rise to my feet.
"I'm sorry." I apologise "I wasn't feeling that well. I think I drank too much." I quickly mask my face with a smile.
"You think?" He smirks and I push lightly at him.
"Smoke break?" He looks at Minho and I turn to look back at him as well. Any emotion that was there, has left Minho's face. His expression is entirely natural. Like our talk never happened.
"Yeah." He takes a lighter out of his pocket and lights again the cigarette that I forgot he was holding.
"You should come down, the party is crazy. " Jeongin says, excited and clearly drunk as well.
The corners of Minho's mouth lift a bit ."I'll be there in a few minutes." He reassures him and lets his eyes trail to me for a few seconds before focusing on his cigarette. Jeongin nods, grabs my hand, and leads me down the stairs and back into the room.
"Oh, by the way, Hyunjin has been throwing up nonstop and Felix is panicking."
"What?" I yell.
"Yep." Jeongin's mouth turns into a thin line. He leads me towards the bathroom, where I see Hyunjin with his head on the toilet and Felix leaning against the door frame, his fingers resting at the bridge of his nose with his eyes closed.
"I left you for less than an hour." I run to Hyunjin's side. I sit down beside him, brushing some hair out of his face. His eyes are closed, head resting on top of his hand.
"Babysitting Hyunjin feels like my full-time job at this point." Felix jokes, frustration written in his voice.
"You can go back down, I'll take it from here."
He hesitates. "You sure?"
"Yes Felix, go have fun. I'll find him a place to sleep and I'll be down in a few." I reassure him.
"Alright, if anything happens come and get me." He says and basically runs down the stairs.
"Hyunjin? Are you awake?" I say lightly. No respond.
"We can put him in my bedroom if you want. " Jeongin scratches the back of his neck.
"Are you okay with that?"
"Yeah, sure" He shrugs and helps me lift Hyunjin. We walk just a few steps down the hall, into a bedroom, and gently drop Hyunjin on the bed. I scan the room, searching for a trashcan. I spot one under the desk, I place it beside the bed just in case he throws up again and turn him to his side before lowering the lights a bit.
"I'll come and check on him in a few. " I say as we make our way out of the room and down the stairs. The party is still going strong. I force myself to forget about Minho and what we talked about, by throwing myself back on the dance floor. The music gets louder and we get drunker. I lost count of the number of shots I've done, All I know is that I'm having a fucking great time. My body is on fire and my mind is numb. Unable to think, or panic. I move freely, I'm not thinking, I let the music guide my body and I let the alcohol take over my head. I spot chan coming out of the kitchen.
"Channie" I run to him, stumbling over my own feet. Thankfully, he catches me in his arms.
"Wow, you're really drunk." He laughs, helping me find my balance. I wrap my hands around his neck, refusing to let go.
"I've missed you so much" I slur.
"Okay, I know where this is going, and I don't want you to cry in front of everyone. How about we get you home?" His hand rests on my waist, as he leads me to the living room. Seungmin is sitting on the couch with Emma straddling his lap. They're making out as if their life depends on it. On the other couch, I spot Jisung and Minho talking.
"Em" Chan yells over the music, trying to get her attention. Her head snaps in our direction, breaking the kiss.
"She's drunk isn't she?" She sighs, a smile playing on her lips. I try to move away from Chan's grip but he won't let me
"I'm not drunk," I point my finger at her, trying to focus my eyes "I'm wasted." I smile.
Everyone laughs. Well, everyone except Minho.
"Okay, maybe we should get going." She climbs off of Seungmin's lap. "Where's Hyunjin?"
"Yeah, about that.." Chan trails off.
"He's blacked out drunk in Jeongin's room" Felix and Jeongin appear beside me, red cups in their hands.
"Jeongin," I squeal, as I break free from Chan's grip and run towards jeongin. "Let's dance." I attempt to grab his hand and drag him to the dance floor, but he sneaks a hand around my waist pulling me back, my back slamming into his front. I giggle.
"Nope," He laughs. "You've done enough dancing" I cross my hands and pout like a child. Felix laughs at my reaction.
" I haven't seen y/n drunk in so long, I've forgotten how funny she gets" he pats my head.
"I've not drunk Felix" I sigh dramatically, still in Jeongin's grip.
"I'm wasted," Chan and Emma say at the same time and everyone bursts into laughter. Everyone except Minho, again. I turn to look at him, and he's already looking at me. He's sitting on the couch, legs spread wide open, a red cup in his hand, and his head resting on the back of the couch. His free hand plays with his bottom lip and his eyes are focused on my figure, not moving. Not gonna lie, he looks hot. Minho is undeniably handsome. Something about his whole presence is attractive....until he opens his mouth. He can be a total ass. But right now he's not talking, he's simply staring at me, and he looks hot doing it.
"Wait, so if Hyunjin can't drive us back, how are we going to get home?" Emma's question breaks me from my thoughts.
"I can't drive, I've been drinking a lot" Felix giggles. His blonde hair is a mess and his cheeks look like they're on fire.
"I can drive." My hand goes up.
"No" jeongin brings my hand back down. I roll my eyes and rest my head against his chest. From the corner of my eyes, I see Minho lean forward. He places his elbows on his knees, the red cup now hanging from his hand between his legs. His eyes burn the side of my head.
"I can drive you," Jisung offers. "I've only been drinking water, all night"
"Yayyyy" I throw my hands in the air. Jisung flashes me a smile.
"Okay," Emma says and turns to Chan. "Please help me drag Hyunjin's drunk ass to the car." She stands from the couch and turns to Felix. "I'll grab all of our stuff, just take Y/n and Jisung to the car." She points a finger at him, her voice slow and loud as if she's explaining something to a child. Felix nods and takes me by the arm.
"I like them bossy." Seungmin wipes his lips with the back of his hand as his eyes follow Emma's back.
Jisung gets up from his spot beside Minho.
"Do you want me to come?" Minho looks up at him.
"No, I'll manage" He pats his back and Minho just nods.
"Okay then," He rubs his hands together. "Let's go kid." He says to me, placing a hand on my lower back, guiding me through the sweaty bodies, while Felix leads the way. Emma and Chan arrive at the car a few minutes after us, holding a very grumpy, half-asleep Hyunjin. Emma unlocks the car and gets into the passenger's seat while me, Hyunjin, and Felix get in the back. Hyunjin immediately lays his head on my lap, closing his eyes once again. Chan appears at my window.
"Text me when you guys get home, okay?" He says to Emma.
"Sure thing dad." She smiles at him.
"Goodnight Channie" I wave at him as Jisung starts the car.
"Bye." He waves back. I rest my head on the back of the seat, letting the cool air hit my face as my fingers run through Hyunjin's long blonde hair. Silence fills the car and my eyes begin to close until finally, sleep takes over me.
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tokifanclub · 2 years
Venture Bros Road Trip Hc
-100% the driver
-somehow never has to pee
-when he's not in a car chase he's actually a very good responsible driver
-doesn't react to any of the shenanigans going on in the back seat
-OR he plays that graveyard cows game we see him play with hunter gathers
-blasting led zeppelin
-I feel like his favorite road trip snack is slim jims
-Gatorade enjoyer
-he can drive all night alone if needed but only for a night, maybe two maximum
-might initiate The Quiet Game with the boys if they're still young enough to fall for it
-I think if Brock needs to sleep they're pulling over and getting a hotel because he can NOT sleep in a moving vehicle. He's too alert and om guard the whole time
-smoking cigarettes the whole time so if you don't like it better stick your head out the window
-actually pretty good with road trips. He acts like he hates it tho
-either has to pee constantly or constantly complains whenever anyone else has to pee
-he's 100% sitting up front next to Brock (he has to fight hank for this)
-he actually kinda likes long road trips because it gives him a good excuse to just sit back pop pills and do nothing for a while. No problems to be fixed or life threatening emergencies or standards to live up to, just a couple days worth of empty boring road
-he doesn't like being stuck so close to the boys for so long tho
-he sleeps really easily in cars he just curls up in his seat and he is Out
-honestly rusty seems like a sparkling water bitch. If not a docktail in the passenger seat bitch
-i think he's kind of a picky eater and doesn't like a lot of greasy junk food (not as a health thing just as a sensory thing) and I don't think he'd like most typical Gas Station Snacks. But I think he'd like trail mix a lot. He'd especially like the mnms.
-he doesn't particularly like car games, he just likes to stare out the window and Think and listen to the music. He's open to having some calm conversation tho
-I feel like especially when the boys get older he's able to have a lot of good conversations with them while in cars
-will definitely try to initiate the quiet game on the boys whether or not they're old enough to fall for it
-SOOOOOOO excited for a road trip
-he'd really thrive if he had a Gameboy or something but I feel like he doesn't. I guess he could play tetris on his communicator watch
-he LOVES car games
-I feel like early series hank would just NOT stop talking and playing games and fighting with his brother. The kid just could NOT sit still!
-you know late series hank would be texting sirena the whole time
-LOVES greasy junk food I think his favorite gas station snack is Potato Chip (specifically barbecue idk why) but really he loves them all so it's really hard to choose
-he also loves soda
-stop for McDonald's it'll make his day
-I think just in general hank has no trouble sleeping. If hank is tired then hank is asleep in 2 seconds it doesn't matter where
-I think he'd reallyyyyy try his hardest to stay up all night to keep Brock company tho. Brock let's him try cuz he knows hank will be asleep by midnight
-he wants to stop everywhere and visit every tourist trap and novelty destination. "World's largest ball of twine" mf
-I think he likes road trips the least out of the venture family because his favorite thing to do is read and reading in cars makes him nauseous :(
-I think that does not stop him from trying to read anyways tho. Who knows maybe its even something he's grown out of
-early series dean was definitely as into car games as hank but I think late series dean has become a "stare out the window and Think" enjoyer
-definitely has to pee all the time
-I feel like sparkling water would make early series dean Cry but late series dean grows to enjoy it. But he'd still probably rather have soda
-I think he likes Potato Chip like hank :) (specifically original lays idk why)
-he doesn't like being Shaken Around by the car all night and he thinks car seats are uncomfortable to sleep in so he ends up waking up at like 4 am and talking with Brock for an hour or two before he can go back to sleep. Neither one tell hank about this because they know it would make him so jealous
-how the fuck did Billy get here
-Billy doesn't know either
-Billy is a HUGE fan of car games especially any that let him squeeze in some sort of pop culture reference
-has to pee ALL the fucking time
-loves gas station snacks SO MUCH he'd live off them if he could
-he loves doritos and those hostess mini donettes
-loves soda. Or if he can get away with it he'll drink wine coolers
-he LOVES going to those giant mega gas stations like Buc-Ees. More than the destination itself
-Falls asleep instantly and stays asleep effortlessly. It's a gift. It helps that being so small a car seat is more roomy for him
-how the fuck did PETE get here!
-Pete loves car games but not as much as Billy
-would probably also thrive with a Gameboy like hank, and pete might actually have one! If he does then hank is jealous and I feel like they'd end up taking turns on it
-Pete fucking LOVES doritos they're his all time favorite snack
-I think he is a sweet tea enjoyer
-Pete tosses and turns in his car seat for like 2 hours before he's able to fall asleep. This could be a good time for Pete and Brock to have some Deep Talk or they could just awkwardly ignore each other while knowing full well they're both awake right now. Then Pete wakes up at 11 am sore all over from the fucking car seat and he won't shut up about it all day
-he's addicted to buying corny tourist trap t-shirts
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kooktrash · 1 year
One thing ive always hated about smoking is the need to “normalize” it (at least from what ive seen my whole life) idk if ill be explaining well this enough lmao but we’ll see 😂 i have always seen/heard, whenever someone smokes (especially a celebrity), youll have a shit load of ppl going “it’s normal”, “everyone does it” etc. & it kinda pisses me off lol. Maybe i would feel a different way if i didnt grow up around smokers, bc of that, it truly ruined my health from the constant smoke growing up and it was just seen as normal?? Im 21 now and my health is still affected by it & evryone is just like “oh well 🤪” i even have friends who smoke and there will times where we all hang out & the few who do smoke will just do it right then & there & get a bit pissy when i ask to take it outside and once again the same remarks get brought up.
Now obviously not everyone is like this!!⬆️ but only ever being around ppl like that makes me think “do you just not care for the ppl around you??” . Im probably not making too much sense lmao & this isnt to bash anyone who does smoke. I was feeling this way bc of the armys im constantly seeing saying those same remarks regarding jk-“we all do it”, “it’s normal”. Idk, to me they are just as annoying as the armys who baby him doing this. Who cares if he smokes, let him make the decisions he wants. i just hate the normalcy of smoking as a whole & seeing it constantly now brought the feelings back for me lmao😭😭
idk it is a normal thing tho bc you’ll know at least one or two ppl In Your life who smoke. you might not like that’s it’s normalized but it is, always has been since it was invented and I hate to say it but not everyone is considerate of others and once again that’s just life. does it make it right? idk personally idk bc everyone I know who smokes never does it indoors and I have asthma so it affects me too but like I said it is normal
ppl are taking him smoking wayyyyy too personal [not you] and it’s never that deep I’m sorry
like I said you don’t have to support it but just bc you don’t like it or support it doesn’t mean you have to make people who do it feel bad [once again not saying but just ppl in general]
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khaleesiofalicante · 11 months
Okay I'm ignoring the quali at this point, not exactly happy with it because I wanted Lewis at least at top 3 and the car doesn't look great this weekend 😔 Also, what the hell is Stroll doing up there? Rain really is a factor that makes everything interesting in F1, overall I have a feeling it will be a very interesting race😎 Not Perez almost snatching sprint poll, I really want Lewis to be second so I'm kinda not rooting for Perez to stick. Also, the guy once said that women shouldn't race and belong in the kitchen so all my sympathy for his situation went up in smoke.
So, before the sprint race and the GP on Sunday, I present to you, a lot of Mavid thoughts
I'm dying to know how David felt when he asked Max to take his name again in IALS. I mean, I keep trying to picture his while internal dialogue about all the reasons he wants to have Max's name again but worrying that Nax may not want that anymore, and maybe a flashback of him signing as a LB after the divorce only to realize that he no longer is a LB, wow that hurts but it would also be such an interesting thing to see what he thought about the whole thing(since we already kinda caught a glimpse of how Max feels about the whole name thing)
Okay I don't know if you have seen La La Land but if you have (if you haven't you definately should), just imagine RWRB Mavid with "What a waste of a lively night" it would fit them so much! Beacuse I feel like in that scene Sebastian and Mia just start falling for each other but they're in denial about it and I feel like both of them will be in denial (maybe not David but he'll act like he is because if Albert?)
Also, RWRB Mavid with "City of Stars" from La La Land (but make it city if lights for Paris)
Just in case I wasn't obvious about it RWRB Mavid as La La Land would rule! (Yes I'm aware that we don't know anything about RWRB Mavid yet, my mind is a weird place)
I was watching this movie, "The Vow" for like the millionth time (a movie where a couple that is very much in love breaks up when the wife gets memory loss and doesn't love her husband anymore) and I kept trying to picture Mavid with it but I couldn't. Because I feel like there's no way those two wouldn't immediately fall for each other and I love that🥰
I was listening to Love Story by Indila last night and then I remembered it was the opening soundtrack for David's show in IALS, but it feels like it's also how David felt about Max the whole time they were divorced, it's a nice thought, the show is the past and the song is their present. Max really sat on a couch thinking David hates him while the TV was singing to him about how much David loves him, honestly these two. (Now I need to go back to every scene that there was in the show and think about it with the according soundtrack 😅)
Back in LBAF, Max should drop the whole time travelling business and figure out a way to make a portal that Lance can use by himself
Um also excuse me you can't just say the Rafe thing scene and not give us Rafe's reaction to David asking Theia to tutor Lance instead of Cami (I have so many thoughts about that but they are all over the place- much like Max and Rafael are)
Hear me out: You kept the David thoughts to yourself in FMF, and he turned to be Lucifer's son-who also kidnapped Alec. In IALS, you also weren't saying a lot of things about David's true thoughts and feelings about whatever was happening and it turns out he was just using Jaden to get Max back. I'm just saying, whenever you don't share David's thoughts, you're cooking something big. I'm scared.
Max cutting his hair in LBAF and Davida cutting his hair, whyy🥺
Also Max saying he is bad at communicating while fetus Mavid in LBAF were the most communicative babes there were hurts a lot
Are E and D major the keys that represent Lance and Theia? Is that why Lance kept playing them together?
Please leave the gays alone, they've been through enough 🫠(I mean everyone has at this point buy still)
Quali (both sprint and race) were big ew. But interlagos track is good for overtaking so let's hope lewis can make some moves! he really needs to do well here if he wants to get that p2!!! and bro, all these f1 drivers are problematic and said some weird shit (lewis included but i am wearing my sunglasses so i can't see).
Gonna think of mavid until sprint (hope i won't fall asleep tonight lmao) so thank you for the mavid thoughts!!!
A very good prompt!(?). There are many IALS scenes I wish I could write, both in the middle, and from the future. If inspiration strikes me, we'll definitely go back to it!
OMG??? listening to it rn.
omg this au though. I AM OBSESSED ALREADY. I've been recently thinking about journalist david (he writes movie reviews and art stuff) and idk max is doing but he's just there skjnjsk.
I love the vow omg. I think David would love it too!!!
There is a very cool scene where Max uses warlock math just for Lance. It was originally supposed to be part of the Max story, but I put it into lbaf 6, because of *Spoilers*
i basically envisioned the convo between rafael and anjali tbh. i can see rafael being mad at achilles for agreeing to send theia and then anjali (my queen) being like "are you mad Achilles agreed or are you mad David didn't ask you?".
You are right. everything i do has a reason, babygirl. You will find out why we don't get david pov when we reach the "interlude" chapter of part 6. remember it :)
cutting hair is something that can be so personal in daniverse :)
adults are useless smh
I WAS WONDERING IF SOMEONE WILL FIGURE THIS OUT. It's not blackbane. If you want to figure it out, use this online keyboard and press the keys. On your right hand side, it's the E (white key) and the black key that says D#. Play it over and over like Lance did and see if you can figure it out :)
shan't :)
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dirty-brainrot · 3 years
(Cat Cafe)
Oh god, first oneshot post... I proof-read this so many times.
Pairing: Jotaro Kujo³ x Reader
"Hey Jotaro, do you wanna visit a cat cafe?"
He didn't know why he agreed to his red-haired friend, he could've been doing something else like sleeping or smoking (anything that didn’t involve people, preferably). He doesn't hate exactly cats but he doesn't like them either, although he wished it was an aquatic-themed cafe instead.
After school had ended, Jotaro walked alongside Kakyoin who was pretty hyped about going to the cat cafe, he had not stopped talking about it since he mentioned it over at lunch.
The conversation was one-sided because of Jotaro's quiet nature. Sometimes he would hum or grunt in acknowledgment.
Finally arriving inside the fur-filled cafe, the two tall teens spoke to the store clerk and they went over some rules and guidelines.
Inside the cafe was decent-looking. Cute paw prints were decorating the cream walls, every object was cat-themed as expected but overall it had a vibe to it.
There were only a few people inside, talking and eating. The cat caretakers/waiters doing their job.
"Hey isn't that Y/N-chan?" Kakyoin whispered gaining Jotaro's attention and pointed at you, who was tending to a black cat.
You're friends with Kakyoin and he would sometimes invite you to have lunch with them. Jotaro doesn't mind it, as long as you're quiet and don't blast his ears off with squealing and fangirling. And of course, Jotaro intimidating the crap out of you, you barely talk with them. But there are times where you would get very talkative.
His cold gaze wandered to your figure who was indeed feeding a black cat. "Let's go find a seat, Jotaro." Kakyoin spoke and began dragging Jotaro to a table, littered with cats.
"Couldn't you at least picked a table with less cats?" He grunted, the table had at least 4 cats around it. But to poor Kakyoin's demise and Jotaro's delight, the cats started going away leaving Kakyoin to whine. "Look Jotaro! You scared them away!"
Kakyoin's whining was cut short to you arriving at their table with a black cat on your shoulder, making the cherry boy gasp.
"May I take your order?" You asked with a shy smile. It was rare to see the big bad delinquent visit a cat cafe but seeing his cherry loving friend, he was probably dragged along.
"You work here? And you have a cat on your shoulder!" Kakyoin asks along with stating the obvious that you indeed have a black cat on your shoulder. "Yes, I do. I don't know why but this lil' fella follows me everywhere." You scratched the cat's head.
"That's so cute, having a little cat follower." Outside the cafe, you would've looked like a witch but seeing that you were working in a cat cafe it was pretty normal. "Anyways, what would you like to order?"
They both looked at the menu on the table. "Do you have any cherry-flavored snacks here?" You chuckled knowing his love for cherries. "Sadly, no." Kakyoin pouted before ordering something else, Jotaro just ordered a normal latte.
"Alright, I'll be back with your orders." You said while putting down the black cat and handing them the brochure filled with information about the cute cats in the cafe.
Jotaro watched you walk away, his cold gaze never leaving your figure until he felt something soft and warm on his lap. "Oh! That one is called 'Qtaro'" Kakyoin stated with a chuckle while flipping the page of the book. "Huh, it says here that Qtaro is quite a distant cat and barely interacts with other cats..." The cat purrs on Jotaro's lap making Kakyoin smile. "Seems like Qtaro likes you."
Jotaro and the feline had a little staring contest, two ocean-colored eyes stare into each other. Soon later, you arrived with their drinks on a tray. "Here are your orders..." You trailed off, "Well, that's strange.." Whispering the last part while handing their beverages to them. "Qta never lays on people's lap aside from me."
"Oh? He kinda reminds me of Jotaro." Kakyoin took a sip of his drink, you giggled at his statement. Qtaro also reminded you of Jotaro, it was strange. Like Jotaro, the cat would stray far from people and wanted only peace, and sometimes you could feel Jotaro's gaze on you whenever you're in the same class as him same as the feline would do whenever you were working at the cafe.
"Also Y/N-chan, can you introduce some of the cats to me?" You nodded at his request. He quickly drank the rest of his drink, then stood up to follow you. The cat hopped off of Jotaro to follow you, while the huge man just watched from his chair. He doesn't know why but ever since you tagged along with Kakyoin he slowly became attracted to you.
He couldn't help but get jealous whenever Kakyoin made you smile or laugh or just get your attention in general.
Right now, you were introducing Toffee to Kakyoin. Nearly every cat ran away from him except Qtaro since he's following you but at a distance. Toffee, the most friendly and interactive cat in the cafe had rejected Kakyoin.
Kakyoin started sulking on the floor and you couldn't help but stifle your laugh. "D-don't worry Kakyoin. Pffbt- If it helps, if I ever turn into a cat I won't run away from you." Kakyoin only sulked more.
Unable to suppress your laughs, you busted out laughing. You tried to quiet down before gaining some more unwanted attention.
Unaware of the Jotaro looming behind you, you squeaked when you felt a rough hand land on your shoulder.
"Introduce me to some of the cats too." His deep voice notifying you that it was only Jotaro. He didn't know what he was doing, it just came out of his mouth. Confused at his actions, you still obliged.
"Follow me." You gently grabbed his hand on your shoulder and dragged him to the other side where cats had gathered, leaving the sulking cherry boy behind.
Both of you sat down on the floor, then you began introducing the cats to him one by one, all of them seem to have taken a liking to him. It was a cute sight, cats have gathered to Jotaro and some had even climbed onto him. Even Qtaro was on him!
"How did you manage to get their attention?! They all kept running away from me..." Kakyoin sat down beside you and pouted.
"Maybe Jotaro-kun is secretly a cat whisperer." You joked while petting a Siamese cat.
"So Y/N-chan, you never told us you work at a cat cafe!" Kakyoin said, trying to grab some of the cat's attention away from Jotaro. "Well, you never asked." You stated, grinning smugly at your sassy response.
"Touché. But when do you work here?" He asked, turning his attention fully on you since the cats won't even notice him.
"Every Wednesday to Friday at around 4:40 pm and my shift ends at 7:00 pm." You respond to him while helping Jotaro remove the cats on him.
"Oh, so that's why you don't hang out with us that often. I thought we might've scared you away." Smiling, you said "As shy as I look, you two don't scare me." Like a liar.
'Well, Jotaro-kun looks a... little scary...'
Kakyoin looked at the cute cat clock on the wall. "It's getting late... I need to go home before mom temporarily bans me from playing video games." You nodded and stood up with them.
"Oh don't worry about the drinks, I already paid for them. Think of it as a thank you for helping me last week with my math." You smiled at the cherry man, making the emo man jealous. Kakyoin rubbed the nape of his neck. "You shouldn't have..." He smiled and thanked you.
You accompanied them to the door, Kakyoin waved goodbye at you while Jotaro just nodded at you.
"Hey, Kakyoin, let's visit it again tomorrow."
Here's an alternate version. 🌚
"Oh don't worry about the drinks, I already paid for them. Think of it as a thank you for helping me last week with my math." You playfully winked at Kakyoin making him blush and stutter a thank you. From that little interaction, Jotaro had enough.
They walked outside the cafe, Kakyoin bidding you goodbye while Jotaro asked him to walk ahead. Confused by his actions, he nodded and walked away. 'He's been acting strange today... He's more quieter than he used to...'
Jotaro walked back into the cafe looking for you, your coworkers were nowhere to be seen giving him the perfect opportunity. "Oh hey Jotaro, I thought you left..?" You tilted your head in confusion as to why he hasn't gone home yet.
His cold gaze shifted to your figure and walks towards you by the cat feeding station. Unexpectedly, his hands were suddenly on the wall by your sides, trapping you. You felt your cheeks heat up "J-Jotaro..?" You whisper, starting to feel somewhat scared and intimidated by his height.
"I thought I don't scare you?" His deep gruff voice was deeper than before and his warm breath, that smelt faintly of coffee, tickled your face. "I- I-" You stuttered trying to form a sentence. He chuckled at your flushed state. You hugged the sack of cat food, trying to calm your burning face.
It was silent, besides some casual cat mewls here and there.
"Go out with me." He stated boldly which made your face much more redder than before. "H-Huh?!"
"Good grief woman, are you deaf?" His hands left your sides and went straight into his pocket, looking away he spoke again. "If you don't want to-"
"Yes!" You quickly interrupted his sentence. You could faintly see his ears turn pink as he pulled down his hat. You giggled, the redness of your face starting to fade.
"I would love to, Jotaro-kun."
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bisexual-horror-fan · 3 years
PLEASE omg if you have open requests could you do a female reader x Charles lee ray (in his human form) where he hires her for the night *wink wink* but ends up being kinda smitten by her so he keeps coming back to her?
Heyyyyyy! Alright this took a while but I poured a lot into this, I really loved this prompt and wanted to make it hit! This is my first time writing a full solo one shot for him so I really wanted to do this right. So I hope you like it, deff made Charles pretty soft in this and am very happy with it so let's get into this!
Rating. Explicit. Length. 4K. Charles Lee Ray X AFAB! Sex Worker! Reader. Warnings. Sex Work (Obviously We Respect Sex Workers In This House As Always.) Some Complex Feelings. Mild Angst. Charles Being Soft. Vaginal Sex. Blow Jobs. Fingering. Hair Pulling. Dirty Talk. Fingering. Interesting Relationship Dynamics. Smoking. Mentions Of Murder. Blood And Gore.
Reminders Of Her.
Tumblr media
She left.
She had been gone for months and he just wasn’t doing good. Nothing felt right. She finally had enough of his shit, he thought it was another stupid fight, he stormed out and when he came back home the next day all her essentials were gone, packed up and she left him a note. A fucking note for Christ’s sake. He was so fucking mad that he ripped that dear John letter into pieces.
He was mostly angry at himself. For being so blind to the signs, for thinking he could keep doing whatever, whenever and that she would always stick around, for foolishly taking her for granted. She was the best thing that ever happened to him and he ruined it. Had no one to blame but himself and that pissed him off even more. The fact there was no one to pin the blame on made it hurt worse.
He knew that he was really fucked up over her leaving when he was attempting to tape the note she left back together. The fact he saved the shreds of torn paper was already embarrassing enough. When he was sitting at the table and halfway through taping it together it hit him and he said quietly, “What the fuck am I doing?”
He snatches his coat and scarf up on the way out of the apartment. Keys and wallet in one pocket, smokes and a lighter in the other. He needed to get out of there, the apartment felt too big, too empty without her. He kind of hated how much she had gotten under his skin, caring so much about someone, relying on another person, ugh, when did he get so soft?
To say his feelings were complex on Tiffany and her up and leaving like this was an understatement. He was walking aimlessly downtown through the cool night air, hands stuffed in his pockets, mind unable to stay still, pouring over it all over and over.
He was so cold to her, he should have noticed her pulling away, how she was less excited to see him, wouldn’t engage the same way. That fight they had, her asking him not to go and the last thing he said to her on his way out the door, pulling his arm out of her grip as he spat, “Get the fuck off me.”
She looked so hurt and he should have stayed but he left. And when he got home he realized that she left too. Guilt and regret weren’t emotions he usually indulged in but she always had a tendency to pull all sorts of things he didn’t think was capable of feeling. Too many fucking mood swings but he finally settled on thinking that she deserved better. Hell of a lot better than him.
He let out this small laugh, a sad and broken thing, seriously, when did he get like this? He felt like a total idiot. He should really just let her go.
He had some misguided thought that she would come back. Was even a little confident and cocky about that but as the days turned to weeks he realized that no, she must really be done. He felt sad, he felt lonely, he felt a lot of things.
He didn’t want to be.
He had been taking walks like this out of the house more and more often, desperate for something to distract himself. He had been walking for God knows how long, well over an hour at least.
What was he supposed to do with himself now? He felt the pack of smokes in his jacket pocket and decided a cigarette was as good enough a place as any to start. He dug the pack out and stopped his stride, pulling one out and putting it between his lips, pocketing the pack and pulling his lighter up. He clicked it, nothing, clicked it again, still nothing.
Annoying. He clicked it again and still nothing, “Fuck.” he rolled his eyes and after nother few unsuccessful clicks he threw the lighter away from him, pissed and just wanting a damn bit of relief and then you spoke up.
“Need a light, stranger?”
It startled him a little, had no idea that you were there, eyes immediately looking over to you and hot damn. Look at you. Leaning against a brick wall, and the first thing he thought, couldn’t help it, you reminded him of her. The shade of purple you were wearing was something she would wear, and the lipstick you had on, the black heels, even the look in your eye, just something there that screamed her. You were looking at him expectantly, a small smile, holding a metal zippo lighter out, offering it up to him and before he realized it he was stepping closer to you, hand out to take it as he said, “Thanks.”
He was still a bit thrown, trying to subtly look you over and just it was wild the feeling you gave him that reminded him of her, he took the lighter and you responded, “No problem.”
Another click and the flame came alive on the first try and he lit his cigarette with a deep inhale and that felt better. Relief personified, whether he meant the cigarette or you was still up for debate. He flipped the lid closed and handed it back over and you asked, “Long night?”
He pulled his smoke back with a laugh and exhaled, “How could you tell?” You gave a non-commital shrug and said, “Not the first person I have seen with that look. Won’t be the last either.”
“So you see it a lot?” He asked as he watched you digging into your own pocket, you pulled out your own pack and fucking hell, of course you smoked the same brand she did. “In my line of work? Absolutely.”
He looked a little harder, another inhale of smoke, letting what you said hang there before he asked, “And what is your line of work exactly?”
You were looking him up and down, a wide smile before you asked, “Oh want me to open up and share?”
A nod from him, a bit unsure, he was wondering why you were being so cagey about this, and you said, "Alright. Might be willing but it depends. Are you looking for a good time?”
Well shit.
The meaning obviously was not lost on him.
He thinks why the fuck not? What has he got to lose? He is sad, lonely, feeling rather pathetic and this might help him feel a bit like his old self. He was dying for a distraction and this seemed too perfect to pass up. The long and short of it is he didn't want to be alone. You asked what he wanted, started to talk about prices as you both smoked and he asked, “How much for the whole night?”
The whole night? Well fucking hell that sounded good to you. You weren’t sure if he had that kind of money, clothes were kinda nondescript, he wasn’t dressed shabbily or anything like that but if he did have the money to back that up he didn’t show it through how he dressed. Either way if he did have the cash to burn you were in for a good night. You told him and he didn’t blink at that, just agreed. If only you knew it was because he killed someone the night previous and got a hearty stack of money off him. On the way to the hotel you couldn’t help noticing that he certainly wasn’t bad looking, okay that was underselling it, he was pretty attractive, different then the usual clintell you had.
On the way up names were exchanged, he assumed it wasn’t your actual name and didn’t press, why would he? And he was unlocking the door as you said, “I’m curious, and normally I don’t ask this, but have you done this before, Chuck?”
Chuck? Huh. He wasn’t sure how he felt about you calling him Chuck so he decided to leave it for now and he pushed open the door, “Does it matter?”
“No, suppose not.” You mused with a smile and soon cash upfront was in your hand and then it was tucked away and the night got started.
Any small lingering doubt was washed away easily and quickly. You just made him feel so at ease, conversation was light and fun, you were absurdly hot and obviously very good at what you did. Your mouth wrapped around him felt heavenly, made so much of the stress and tension he had been holding release from his muscles, your enthusiasm was too good, the way you pulled off of his wet cock, lipstick smeared and damn that was a good look on you.
His back to the headboard of that hotel bed, you in his lap, rolling your hips, riding him, hands threaded in his hair, tugging as your hips rose and fell, enveloping him again and again, he couldn’t keep himself quiet. His hands on your waist, helping pull you down to meet him, hard breathes and sounds of pleasure spilling from his mouth alike, unbidden. He asked you to keep talking, he wanted to keep those pesky thoughts at bay, fill all of his senses with you and you did as asked right away.
Dirty talk was a strong suit, a frequent request and you gave it to him as you rode him, your nails raked over his skull before you wrapped his long hair around one hand, a hard pull as you uttered filth to him. Another roll of your hips that almost made his eyes roll back with a quiet, “Fuck.” Oh yes if all of that was anything to go by he liked it very much.
It was a good night. Like a really fucking good night, more than worth it, the head you gave and the way you fucked just fantastic. In between rounds you and he would talk, both smoked on the hotel room balcony, even ordered some food at one point, some late night movie on the tv. The lights were off, just the light from the tv illuminating you both as you shared fries, he caught himself looking at you as you watched, riffing off the bad movie, making some joke and fuck this was nice. He knew he had felt lonely but didn’t realize just how much until getting to spend this close more personal time with someone. It was the best night he had in a while.
In between the sex and conversations and the rest he eventually fell asleep. He woke up to see it was light out, checked the time, it was ten in the morning. He rolled over and the bed was very empty, the other side was cold, you were long gone. It wasn’t like he expected to wake up with you, actually he wasn’t sure what he expected, he sat up and snatched up his pack of smokes from the nightstand and found it empty, shit that is right he finished it last night.
He leaned over and threw it in the trash and in doing so noticed something on the opposite nightstand, folded paper. He picked it up and unfolded it, a note, a much different one then the last one he had received, not just that as he unfurled it a cigarette fell out, you left one for him.
He couldn’t help it, the smile that spread across his face as he lit it, still in the warm bed sheets as he read what you left. You told him it was a good time and that he was more than welcome to call you and hire you again anytime, left a number to reach you at, and shit he might just have to take you up on it. He reclined in that hotel bed and enjoyed that smoke you left him, reluctant to leave the room he spent that great night with you, knowing he’d have to go back to that lonely apartment. The note you left smelt like the perfume you wore and he carefully refolded it and when he checked out and headed back home his hand was on it in his pocket.
He thinks he got too invested too fast. It was a one time thing, a bit of fun, a distraction and it was a hell of a good one. So even though he held onto the note, even though he thought of it, he didn’t call you.
Well. He didn’t call you for two weeks. He tried to last longer, he really did but fuck even that? Meaning to last longer? Instead of never ever fucking calling you or seeing you again? He was in trouble. He raionalized it that he just needed to fuck you again, get you outta his stystem, yeah that made sense, he tried to tell himself as he called you.
You were happy to hear from him. He was a fun time, you didn’t have many clients who wanted to have you for the whole night, not because they didn’t like you, far from it, but you just knew your worth and charged accordingly. You were damn good at what you do and knew it, were confident in yourself.
You agreed to meet him up. He only wanted an hour this time and that was more than fine with you, while he apparently had money to back himself up not having enough to blow on a full night every time he saw you which made sense. You made easy conversation on the way to the room, a very different one than the last, the kind that you could have a deal with to book it for an hour at a time. As soon as you were both in the room he was on you. Seemed he was really in need. You didn’t complain as you were bent over the bed and the obscenely short skirt you had on was pulled up and you panties pulled to the side, rushing, he was rushing and the second he was inside you the moan of his name left your mouth, rushed and sounding almost full of reverie. How did you fucking do that? So well? It was utterly intoxicating.
Which was a massive fucking problem.
He tried to get his fill in that hour. Fucked and touched and took, really fucking took, and hoped and prayed this would be it, that he would be able to stop thinking about you.
After parting that night he felt good, really fucking good about it. Thought it just might have worked. It didn’t. It really, really didn’t. He still kept thinking about you, still kept wanting you. He was lamenting it one night and then the thought struck him, “Who fucking cares?”
Like legitimately who cares? So what if he keeps wanting to see you? Why was that such a problem? Again he was trying to rationalize to get what he wanted, and what he currently wanted was you, and so even though he should definitely be questioning all of this he wasn’t, couldn’t bring himself to.
So he kept seeing you. Here and there, spending his extra money on getting to be with you and it just kept getting better, you liked seeing him, happy he became a regular, the conversation was nice, the shared cigarettes and the vibe was just good with him, he could be pretty funny too. Not to mention the physical stuff you got up to was definitely a fucking hell of a lot more enjoyable than some people you had visiting you.
And so it became a regular thing, and faster than you would like to admit he became your favorite client, a little routine and schedule was formed, it was great. It had been weeks upon weeks of this, he was on top of you, fucking into you and the view of you below him, it was impossibly hot. Looking at the way your head fell back and exposed more of your throat, lips parted and your hands on his shoulders, just looking at you, shit. He was struck with this feeling, this longing ache in his chest, this deep and visceral want.
Not the usual want he experienced with you, one to let go and have fun, to losing himself and forget his actual life outside hotel rooms, to fuck. This want was one he hadn't felt in months, since her. At first this was about the fact you reminded him or her but now? Oh my God now it was because he actually liked you.
The compulsion to indulge himself was too great, he ignored every reason why it was a bad idea and made his move.
He leant down and you caught on immediately and put a stop to it. One of your hands dropped from his shoulder and came between you and him, two fingers pressed to his lips and prevented him from kissing you, stopping him short, you teased him. “You know that costs extra Chuck. You sure you can afford it?”
The sound he made, one of disgust and he rolled his eyes, he grabbed your hand and ripped it away as he spat, “I can fucking afford it.”
You wanted to laugh. You recalled the first time he hired you and you were talking all about what you offered and when you told him kissing cost extra he scoffed with a laugh and said, “Yeah that won’t be necessary.”
You were fine with that and let it go. Not everyone had such a rule but you liked to, kissing could be such an intimate and personal thing, you felt like it helped keep more of a barrier between you and your clients, keep some of the risk of them getting too attached at bay. He apparently has since changed his mind.
So you taunted him, looking for proof for him to back up his claim that he could to quote him, “-fucking affored it.” and you said looking up at him, all hot and defiant, just how he liked it. “Then what are you waiting for?”
He didn’t hesitate after that, leaning down, his mouth meeting yours, kissing you hard and you returned it with ample enthusiasm. It felt far too good, his mouth sliding against yours, he didn’t stop, was still fucking you this whole time, but now the pace picked up. Getting to have this after all this time was absurdly good, getting to kiss you after fucking you so rough well over ten times, it got to him terribly, he kissed you harder, his hips slapping against yours, balls deep, his hands slipping behind your knees and pushing your legs up.
He gripped harder, pounding into you, his mouth never leaving yours, heavy breathes and tongue and teeth and it was the best fuck he had with you so far. “God! Chuck-” You breathed against his mouth. Shit it elevated it and made him finish so much quicker.
He came so fucking hard, unable to stop the moan he let into your mouth, hips stuttering, pace faltering as he hit his peak, holding all the way inside and even though you thought of it you decided to not tease him about how he trembled during his orgasm.
He lingered, untangled and pulled himself away slowly, like he didn’t want to yet and you picked up on that. Neither of you commented on it and it wasn’t weird, it was all fine, a shared smoke and more easy conversation before he and you parted ways again. A casual wave with a smile and you vocalizing that you hoped to see him again soon.
Too deep. He was in far too deep. He knew that but he couldn’t tear himself away from you, just couldn’t bear it, so he decided to keep it going, continually throwing himself into this, losing himself in you. He was still trying to be careful with who he killed and took money off of, you on his mind and consuming his thoughts as he used some poor sap as his own personal ATM to continue to feed his habit of spending time with you.
Normally all that would be on his mind was the kill as it was happening but even as he watched sharp steel slide into that man's throat and the thick warm red pour out all he could think of was burying himself inside of you.
The next time he visited you and he told you what he wanted is when you realized he had feelings for you. More than just friendship or wanting to fuck and relieve stress, it was more, deeper than that. But what made you realize this? It was him, sitting on the bed and looking over you, something a bit vulnerable in his gaze but still laced with unmistakable heat as he told you what he was craving, “I want to get you off.”
You were a bit confused by that, not exactly a very usual request you got. You were about to try to question it but he was still going, “Want to know what makes you feel good, show me?” He wanted to fucking pay to make you cum? Again you liked him, had a good time but usually, other than the last time you hooked up, was rough, rushed, filthy, and that was fine with you. This was very different but not unwelcome. You agreed, excitedly.
Clothes stripped away and you were on your back, leading and letting him touch you. He took direction well, on his side beside you, hands roaming until one of his hands settled between your legs. His fingers slowly starting to work you over, fingers finding your clit easily, pressure even and steady and more importantly, consistent, once he had it just so and you gasped out, “Chuck! Just like that.”
When you first started hooking up he wasn’t sure how he felt about you calling him that but it has grown on him immensely, and how could it not when you moaned it like that? Just so sweet, every time he got to have you he couldn’t peel his eyes away but now especially, wanted to commit every little sound and move to memory. He didn’t let up, fingers kept pace as your hips started to squirm, as you got more vocal, he paused only momentarily, his hand came up, he wet two fingers in his mouth and fuck did you enjoy that particular view.
No time to linger on that, hand back down, those two same fingers inside of you making your hips roll as his thumb pressed to your clit. Fingers rocking back and forth inside of you, pressing to that sweet spot, thumb drawing circles onto that most sensitive part of you, and that urge was back, overwhelming and he kissed you again which caused you to moan against his mouth. You lost track of time after that, fingers in his hair, kissing him back, your tongue made the first move that time and that pulled a hum from him, hand not slowing and it felt so good. Pleasure making you feel almost boneless, totally at his mercy even with you breaking apart at points to give directions, and before you knew it you were breathless panting out his name, over and over until you came. Pleasure washing over you as your thighs tensed and walls clenched around his fingers, clit throbbing under his thumb as your head fell back with a curse.
Christ it was good. You were catching your breath, reveling in the afterglow and he pulled his hand away, and when you opened your eyes back up, looking up to him, taking in his expression, something warm in his gaze. “How much do I owe you?” he asked and you gave a small hum before tugging him to you with the hand that was still tangled in his hair, kissing him.
He was a bit surprised by that but returned it, after a minute of luxuriating in the shared affection you tugged him back and answered his question with a smile. “That one is one the house.”
Least you could do for such a loyal client.
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twinklelilstarkey · 4 years
Good Girl [HC] - Part 2
Words: 1.4k+
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol consumption. Rafe is a protective mess. Kinda Rafe vs JJ.  
Part 1
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Your first date would start with a simple dinner out;
And end with a small walk on the beach;
Rafe would hold your hand as you two would walk silently through the empty beach that circled the island;
And not even with a complete second date, you two would start dating;
Your relationship, right off the bat, would be sooo envied by everyone in your school;
Like, you two are absolute perfection;
The island’s good girl and the island’s bad boy?
Now that’s movie worthy;
As your relationship evolved, the love you two share grew insanely;
You two would have everyday activities that were done so many times that became routines;
Rafe would always pick you up to go to school and to go home;
You two would hang out every afternoon together;
His nights would usually be reserved for his boys;
Who, by the way, love you like a sister;
Whenever Rafe couldn’t go to school, for any reason, they would hang out with you the whole day so you wouldn’t be alone;
Even though you still had your other friends;
Have lunch with you in the cafeteria or even take you out to lunch;
Those boys would always make sure you’re happy;
Once your relationship with Rafe reached a few months, he was finally able to take you to a party;
And you hate that he was able to do it;
Your parents were shocked when you asked them to go to a party at a Friday night;
And since it’s so rare, they let you go;
Rafe would pick you up and take you to the kook’s house that would end up trashed at the end of the night;
Whoever was sober enough was in shock when they saw you in there;
Like, 5 whole minutes of staring at you in shock;
Rafe would have his arm over your shoulders the whole time;
And it took you a while to actually start enjoying the party;
Since the first few minutes were filled with seeing people grinding on each other and smoking into other’s faces;
Topper would be the one grabbing drinks for everyone and he even got you one;
Rafe was the one that actually talked your way into taking a small sip to finally try alcohol;
Topper was nice enough to get you a sweet drink but the after taste of the alcoholic drink made you cringe at Rafe;
He laughed with you the whole night;
Even more when you decided to ignore the aftertaste and just enjoy the drink;
Bad way to find that you’re a light weight in your first time;
But even though it was hilarious to him, he still took care of you;
You had a good time;
You danced with some girls that you met through Topper and they also were one of the reasons why it was so much fun;
A lot of friendships started that night;
And as it got later, you started running out of energy;
Leaning onto Rafe’s chest as he talked to his friend, his hand running through your back in a comforting way;
You had to admit, it was hard not to fall asleep right there;
Rafe didn’t take you home that night since he didn’t want to make you do the silent walk of shame through the house that would surely end up in your parents waking up;
So he took you to his;
The headache on the next day wasn’t as fun;
For you at least;
Rafe finally understood why you would laugh when he was suffering in the mornings;
After that night you started going to parties more frequently;
You would still, sometimes, stay home to finish homework or just to watch a show;
But Rafe’s friends started to ask him many times when were you going to come party with them again, so that was one of the reasons why you went a second, a third and a tenth time to a party with them;
Your parents were slightly worried in the beginning but since they trusted Rafe, it was easier for them to see you walk out of the house on a Friday night;
The only night Rafe didn’t have as much fun was in a party between the Cut and Figure Eight, where the two rivals of the island joined in for a beach party;
He still doesn’t know why the party still happens on a monthly basis, since it’s just a simple, and sometimes boring, bonfire party that would always end with fights;
Quite hypocritical of Rafe, since he would usually be involved in them (when you weren’t with him);
And he disliked it more on your first time in one of these parties;
He had decided to stay (mostly) sober for the night, just in case something would go down;
You hanged out with his group most of the night, but as soon as you started talking to Kiara Carrera, Rafe tensed up;
The Pogues had no idea who you were when Kie brought you to their group, including who you were dating, since they don’t go to the Kook Academy;
And even though Kiara does go to that school, she never cared enough to check who the popular kids were dating;
So yes, this is just the perfect opportunity for all to turn shit;
“Hey Rafe, where’s Y/N?”
As soon as that girl would ask him that, as he talked to Topper, Rafe woke up to reality to notice that you weren’t meters away from him anymore;
He looked around the party to find you talking to Kiara and... JJ;
He was pissed;
But Kelce stopped him before he could go attack the pogues and snatch you away;
So, he offered to do the extraction;
Rafe stayed back as his best friend walked past the huge bonfire and kicked sand on his way to you;
If anything were to go south, Rafe, and, now also, Topper would be right there to run in;
“Hey, Y/N!” Kelce called out as he was close enough, making you end the conversation and look at your boyfriend’s friend;
“What could you want from her, Kelce?” JJ asked back;
You obviously didn’t feel the tense air building up, but everyone else from the group surely did;
As the two boys would bicker, you sipped your drink calmly and stayed lost in your thoughts;
“Rafe is looking for you, Y/N. Let’s go” Kelce would say, almost pleading;
Oh oh
That annoyed the crap out of the Pogues;
“Does he own her or something?” and “Last time I checked she’s free to be wherever she wants to be!” were just examples of what Kelce got as answers;
As soon as the tense atmosphere was more evident, Topper walked past Rafe and walked over there to try and help out his friend to not start a fight;
Leaving an annoyed and a overthinking Rafe with himself;
“Wow, does Rafe want to call any more reinforcements to get a girl?” JJ would bicker, making John B laugh at him;
“If she’s not leaving, it might mean that she doesn’t want to go hang out with your little leader, guys. Go annoy some other girl” Kie would add;
Pope would honestly just stand back and watch everything silently with you;
As they bickered the minutes away, you pat your pockets for your phone and you can’t find it;
Alcohol already affecting your mind enough to not acknowledge the argument in front of you, as well as why they’re arguing, you take a step back from the commotion;
“Wow, you guys really know how to scare a girl away” Kie would say to the Kook boys;
Both Topper and Kelce haven’t been able to say anything that would explain why they needed you to go back to the Kook’s side (example A: Rafe’s dating you), but it’s not like they didn’t try;
JJ would honestly not let them talk;
Same thing with Kie;
“Y/N, can we please go?” Topper would ask you, ignoring the girl beside him;
“Yeah, I don’t know where my phone is” You would murmur over the commotion;
“He has it!” Kelce would yell over JJ’s voice;
Everyone quiets down and you look over to the other side of the party to find Rafe glaring towards you;
You frown at him and walk away from everyone, drunkenly stumbling in the air as you made your way towards your boyfriend;
As he extends his hand towards you, you take it and lean in close to his body;
And that shocked everyone from the Pogue’s group;
Topper and Kelce would look at them in annoyance almost as if they would trying to say “We were trying to tell you this” with just their eyes;
JJ and Rafe share glares as his friends walk back to their side;
And as Rafe throws his arm over your shoulder to pull you in closer to his chest, JJ clenches his jaw and looks away;
Rafe, now satisfied, plants a kiss over your forehead and rests his chin on top of your head as you snuggle close to him;
This will be fun to explain to you in the morning.
- - - - - - - - - - -
Oh, I’m a sucker for rivalry between Rafe and JJ. Don’t judge me. 
(You can request more BadGuy!Rafe vs JJ moments if you would like to see that) Or just ask for more Good Girl x Bad boy.
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lizzy-williams · 4 years
𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐈𝐭'𝐬 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐎𝐮𝐭𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞
🎄Warnings: Smut, threesome, alcohol, drug use, language, mature themes, a tiny bit of dubcon but not much, mega age gap.
🎄Summary: After one of Colson Baker’s infamous adult Christmas parties, you decide to stay a little longer than everyone else and end up getting snowed in. One drink after another, things get interesting with one of LA’s hottest couples. 
🎄Theme: Jawbreaker, Machine Gun Kelly
🎄A/N: Sorry I had to sin during the season of your birthday, Jesus. (No I’m not.)
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“And that’s how we met.”
Megan had finished her story, the people that remained at the party all gathered around, sharing spiked eggnog in cozy sweaters and blankets, swapping stories. 
Colson held her close, and secretly, [ y / n ]’s heart would clench every time she would see them together. Because the fact of the matter was, was that she had fallen. For both of them.
But she knew that nothing would ever come of it. Because all you were to them was Rook’s 18 year old, alcohol-drinking, weed smoking cousin. A face that they would see everywhere, but never cared to meet or start a conversation with. Her infatuation with the two of them only grew, and she had always felt guilty for it. 
Rightfully so, because she was crushing on two people that were taken by each other. If that wasn’t guilt inducing, nothing else was. 
But nonetheless, she sat and listened, hanging on to every word they spoke, and she swore she could feel her heart skip a beat whenever one of them, or both of them, would look at her as they spoke. 
After a few more stories, the guest numbers started to dwindle. Soon there were only 8 people left, the rest of the party-goers not wanting to stick around and help clean up. 
Slim, Kells, Megan, Rook, Dub, Mod, Travis, and [ y / n ] were the only ones who were left, and it seemed as if Travis and [ y / n ] were the only ones sober enough to even start cleaning up. 
Everyone was in the living room, listening to music and doing their own thing, Kells, Rook, Slim, and Mod starting a game of pool while Megan hung on Kells like an ornament does a Christmas tree, cheering him on and helping him out, Mr. Baker drunk as all hell. 
When [ y / n ] and Travis were done cleaning up, Mod had already left, Rook and Slim already stumbling to their rooms, most likely passed the fuck out by now. [ y / n ] had to say, her cousin knew how to hold his liquor. How could he not with Colson as a friend?
Travis soon spoke up, “I think I’m gonna head out, there’s supposed to be a pretty bad snow storm. Dunno if you wanna get caught in that, [ y / n ].”
She gave a chaste nod in response, giving him a hug and wishing him farewell, before slipping into the kitchen. From the counter she stood at, she could hear the couple saying their goodbye to Travis, soon hearing the front door open and close, a chilly breeze sweeping through the house. 
[ y / n ] had already poured herself a drink, and usually she was a cocktail kinda girl. But after having to spend the whole night watching Colson and Megan literally being on top of each other, she needed something stronger. 
“Scotch on the rocks, huh?” 
[ y / n ]’s eyes flickered up, only to be met with Megan’s eyes as she leaned on the counter, looking at [ y / n ]’s drink as the young girl put the bottle of alcohol back into a cupboard. 
She flashed a friendly smile as she made her way back, “Yeah, just thought it would be nice to change it up a little bit.”
“I have to say that your cocktails are pretty good though,” Megan slumped in her position, looking at her with puppy-dog eyes, (obviously drunk), and [ y / n ] already knew what it meant. 
A Sex on the Beach was her favorite, and she knew by the compliment, she wanted the young woman to make one for her, and [ y / n ] let out a sigh, and Megan gave a pouty face in response. But [ y / n ] could never say no to her. 
Soon enough, she found herself with the needed ingredients in front of her, an orange-hued cocktail glass to add a little... pazazz if you will. 
Megan looked on in intoxicated wonder, watching as the other woman poured the cocktail, without even measuring anything. And after [ y / n ] garnished it with a cherry. 
Megan let out a sigh as she felt Colson slip up behind her, his arms around her waist, causing [ y / n ] to look up, looking right back down at the counter when she noticed the display of affection that just made her nauseous. It’s not that she found it gross. But more-so wishing that she was in both positions. 
“Ah, thanks for the drink,” Colson smirked, taking advantage of the whisky that sat there on the counter. 
[ y / n ] wanted to make a sound of protest, but when she caught sight of his fingers wrapped around the glass, the noise stopped half-way up her throat. 
God, his fingers are so sexy, fuck, I wonder with they could reach my cervix when he does it up to the knuckles- Wait, stop, [ y / n ], you’re being weird, stop. 
.”You know, you somehow even make a whiskey on the rocks somehow taste better. Dunno how you do it, you can’t even drink yet,” Colson praised, [ y / n ] wincing at the fact that he mentioned her age. 
It was true, she was the baby of the group. At only age 18, the boys were very protective of her, and it always made her self conscious, alway being treated like a baby. She liked to think of herself as a girl who’s mind was beyond her years, hating that she was born at the wrong time. 
She mumbled out a quick ‘thanks’ before sliding Ms. Fox her drink, a smile spreading across her face as she got giddy, squealing as she took a sip, a face of almost pleasure crossing her expression. 
“Holy shit, [ y / n ]. You’re the fucking best, fuck,” she admired, taking a long sip this time, Colson making childish grabby hands at the drink, the woman making a big show of presenting it to him, which of course included him rubbing her ass right against hit groin, making him let out a low groan, his head dropping in her neck. 
“You know, [ y / n ], we would love it if you stayed the night. Besides, there’s a really bad storm, we wouldn’t want you out on the road,” looking at Colson, nudging him as queue to agree. 
All she got was a nod. 
“Thanks, I think I’ll just crash on the couch or something,” [ y / n ]’s voice was barely audible, the pda in front of her making her slightly uncomfortable. 
“Nahhhh, you d-don’t need to, [ y / n / n ],” Colson was now slurring, “You can just sleep in our bed,”
[ y / n ] let out a small laugh, amused by his drunk offer. But after a few serious looks being thrown in her direction, she realized they were serious.
“Oh, y-you mean it, I couldn’t possibly-”
“Come oooon,” Megan wiggled out of Cols’ grasp, walking to the other side of the counter, grabbing [ y / n ]’s hands and guiding her away, dragging her up the stairs, Colson slowly finding his way behind them. 
When they finally made it to the master bedroom, Megan looked at [ y / n ] with a smirk, “Come on, you can’t sleep in that, you can borrow some of my things, just for tonight.”
“Are you sure, that’s not necessary, I-”
Megan shushed her, “Shh, it’s fine, it’s the least I can to. Besides, it’s Christmas Eve, ‘tis the season of giving,”
She suddenly pulled her in the bathroom, the closet connected in the back, but not before Colson suggested he slipped in the bathroom with them. [ y / n ] both scoffed and rolled their eyes, closing the door behind them. 
“Strip,” Megan said. 
[ y / n ] blinked, “h-huh?” 
“For the clothes, silly, you aren’t gonna put it over your clothes,”
Megan patted to the closet, rustling around, soon coming out with a shirt and some shorts.
“Here, go ahead ‘n get dressed,”
“What, like right here?” [ y / n ] asked, anxiety obviously shooting up. 
Megan let her hands rub over [ y / n ]’s shoulders, “Don’t sweat it, we’re both girls, we all have the same parts,”
[ y / n ] nodded shyly, taking off her dress-up shirt, then slipping off her pants, left in nothing but a bra and panties on. Megan then spoke up from behind her, making eye contact with [ y / n ] in the mirror, “You have a really beautiful body,”
[ y / n ] dismissed it as a drunk comment, and was about to slip the donated shirt on, but Megan stopped her before a second arm slipped into it. 
“Aren’t you going to take off your bra? Heard it can cause bad stuff for your chest. Besides, that bra is too pretty to ruin.”
She nodded slowly, now avoiding Megan’s prying eyes, getting behind her and unclasping her bra for her. Megan watched it was it dropped, starring at her breasts. 
The young woman cleared her throat, trying to get her tempting thoughts out of her head, slipping the rest of the clothes on, and was about to walk out of the door, before Megan once again stopped her.
“Hey,” she started, “You’re beautiful,” Megan then leaned over, leaving a soft kiss on [ y / n ]’s forehead, and if she wasn't red before, she was definitely red now. 
It was all so random. Coming out of nowhere.
Opening the door, [ y / n ] tried her hardest to forget what just happened, but it was all she could think about.
Colson already seemed like he was on the brink of sleep, the light from the TV being the only thing illuminating the room. But when his attention focused on the two women walking towards him, getting ready to slip into bed with him, he was wide awake. 
[ y / n ] paused for a second, stopping in her tracks, she wasn’t really sure what she was supposed to do next, let alone what she was about to do. What the fuck even was this? A drunken idea that will be discarded in the morning, the two of them dismissing it because they were too drunk to remember?
Or did this mean something? Was this a sign? What if they both-
“Come on, [ y / n ], I don’t bite, Colson smiled, patting the spot right next to him, Megan nodding in confirmation.
“Y-Yeah, sure, okay,” her words came out faster than anticipated, making her sound like she was babbling like a toddler. 
Before she could embarrass herself anymore than she already did, she did as she was told, [ y / n ] slipping into the covers as she made room for Megan on the king-sized bed. 
But when Colson pulled her in, her head now on his chest, she could feel her heart beating a million miles a minute. And at first, she thought that Megan would disapprove. This was her boyfriend we were talking about. 
But when she hopped into bed, she objected for a different reason than expected. 
“Hey, don’t hog her, I want some cuddles too,” she whined, latching onto [ y / n ] by wrapping her arms around her waist and nuzzling her face in the back of the girl’s neck.
But Megan could sense [ y / n ]’s heartbeat, and she almost smirked to herself because she was part of the reason. 
“Come on, [ y / n ], it’s just us,” she soothed, hoping it would help with nerves. 
Colson himself gave a small squeeze of reassurance, then reaching over to his bedside table and pulling out a joint, lighting it. 
“You want first hit?” he passed it to [ y / n ] and she nodded. If anything were to calm her down, it would be this. At least relieve some tension. 
Soon enough, the joint was burned up to the filter, the room smelling like weed as the three of them relaxed, watching the movie that was on the screen. Colson was now sobered up a little bit. But he wouldn’t dare change the situation that he was in. Not for a hundred bucks. Not even for a million. 
[ y / n ] was nuzzled deeply into his chest now, Megan playing with her hair as she gave a look to Colson. 
As soon as the movie ended, Colson looked over to [ y / n ] who was sleeping peacefully, she soft breaths enough to make the couple fall asleep. Megan let out a small ‘aw’ before gently kissing her forehead just like she did in the bathroom. 
“Goodnight [ y / n ],”
Colson imitated her action, doing the same as she whispered Megan’s exact message, before pretending to fall asleep. 
But both of them weren’t sleeping. They were just hoping that the other one wasn’t going to find out about what they were about to do. They couldn’t resist. [ y / n ] was right there, and the both of them had a connection to the girl, so how could they not?
Colson made the first move. He let his free hand reach over his body, letting his hand drift gently over her thighs, making her shift just the slightest in her sleep. Soon enough it reached her calfs, then right where he wanted it, her covered clit his next target, pressing lightly on it, knowing the pressure would get to her, maybe even enough to wake her up. 
But she was sleeping like a rock, and all he was getting was whimpers and mutters of profanity in her sleep. 
It wasn’t until he felt another hand down there that he stopped and froze in his tracks. He suddenly looked over and whisper yelled.
She had the same response, “Colson??”
They both had the same goal. But it was somewhat relieving. Because the other couldn’t blame the feelings they had for the 18 year old. And Megan thought that she was the only one who had the sinful thought of touching her and making her make sultry noises in her sleep, feeling the gratification that she, in fact, made them happen. 
But now things changed. Now she didn’t feel so indifferent about her displays of affection for the girl, and neither did Colson. Because there were always the intentional touches every now and again. Always having the excuse to reach over [ y / n ], his hand touching her lower waist, which also made her turn a shade of dark pink, goosebumps erupting in it’s wake.
Now things had changed. 
Megan switched on the lamp on her side, giving a knowing look to Colson, knowing what they wanted to do next. They just prayed that [ y / n ] would want to do it too. 
Megan leaned over, leaving kisses across [ y / n ]’s neck as she let her hands slip up her shirt, dragging her nails across her stomach. Once Colson saw that [ y / n ]’s eyes were fluttering open, he suddenly grabbed her, making her squeak, pulling her into his lap as the kissed her on her lips. 
It may have been the sleepy haze, or maybe the weed, but [ y / n ] found herself kissing back as he held her close, now shifting herself to straddle his waist, their tongues poking and playing with each other while Megan let out a huff of disapproval, for Colson, once again hogging the girl. 
Megan ended up leaning up to her neck once again, her hands drifting everywhere she pleased, [ y / n ] letting out soft noises. 
Suddenly, Colson flipped her on the bed, before stripping her almost completely, except for her shirt. 
“That’s my shirt, you know,” he smirked, knowing Megan might have done that on purpose. 
This time, Megan’s hand sliding farther up, touching her beasts, lifting up the shirt just above them, bringing her mouth to the nipples, sucking them. Colson slipped his clothes off, trying to match the girl in front of him, Megan soon following suit, deciding to take off Colson’s shirt, leaving [ y / n ] completely in the nude. 
Their hands were all over her, making her squirm, getting self conscious. She was in front of the two most beautiful people she knew, and somehow they wanted her, my some miracle. But yet, she was relived, because she didn’t need to hide such dangerous feelings. Here, she thought her thoughts would split the couple apart. But what was about to happen was going to strengthen their bond for all three of them. 
Colson waisted no time getting between [ y / n ] legs, making contact with her clit as she let out a whimper. So many times, she had pictured this. Every time she touched herself, she pictured him doing it and not her hand, and it was finally happening. 
[ y / n ] then decided to make a daring move, reaching her hand down to Megan’s clit, rubbing soft circles around the bud, making her feel perfect. Sure, Colson could make her cum. But [ y / n ] was a woman. She knew what a woman’s body wants. What a woman’s body needs, and soon enough, the two women were about to fall off the edge. 
And they did, and Colson didn’t know which one to focus his attention on. It was beautiful to watch both of the women who were closest to him reach a state of nirvana. Especially at the same time. 
He then kissed up [ y / n ]’s stomach as she was just then coming down to Earth, then hovering over her, kissing her passionately. She could taste herself on his tongue, and it was the hottest thing she thought she could experience that night. 
But Christ, was she wrong. 
“Let me have a taste, Cols,” Megan muttered, Colson eagerly complying, slipping his hand down to [ y / n ]’s clit to rub soft circles as he kissed his girlfriend, the afterglow of her orgasm somehow making her more beautiful. 
[ y / n ] turned her head, muffling her moans against the crook of Megan’s neck, her heavy breaths making the older woman squirm at the warm sensation. 
When the couple broke the kiss, Colson suddenly positioning himself at [ y / n ]’s entrance, kissing her neck, sucking dark marks all over her soft spots. But a wave of anxiety crashed over her as she pushed him back, stopping both him and Megan in their tracks, automatically concerned. 
“W-Wait, I’ve never... I haven’t-” she struggled to get her words out, Colson filling in the blanks. 
“You’re a virgin?” Megan suddenly cut in. 
“How are you even related to Rook- Ow-” Colson got a smack on the chest from Megan, giving him a look. 
“What better way to loose your virginity than to share it with more than one person?” Megan suggested. 
“I just... can you hold my hand?” she asked Megan like a child, and she automatically obliged, intertwining their fingers and placing a soft kiss on her nose. 
“Anything for you.”
“Are you okay to keep going?” Colson asked sensitively, and [ y / n ] gave a small nod before taking a deep but shaky breath. 
As she let a breath out, he began to insert the tip, making [ y / n ] gasp, a new discomfort in her cunt she had never felt before. And fuck he was big. But if there was one thing that was known about [ y / n ], it was that she wasn’t a quitter. She had made it this far. 
After a few seconds of whispered praises from the both of them, [ y / n ] bit down on her lip as she began to push in farther, the girl squeezing Megan’s hand like it was the last thing she would ever do. 
Soon enough, we was bottomed out inside her, giving her time to adjust, Colson kissing her collarbone as Megan kissed her jaw. After several minutes of cock-warming, [ y / n ] saw it fit to move, almost letting out a sigh of relief. 
Slowly, he started to move, trying his best to be as gentle as possible. Soon he began to go faster, and the ache in [ y / n ]’s core began to dissolve into pleasure as she felt every ridge and every vein as be slipped in and out of her. 
“Holy fuck, you’re so fucking tight, shit,” he cursed, beginning to go faster and faster, [ y / n ] feeling the coil inside her tighten. 
“m’gonna cum, can I please cum?” she asked desperately, Megan bringing their intertwined hands up to her lips, giving [ y / n ]’s hand a kiss.
“Of course you can, sweet girl, unravel on his cock,” her words leaving Colson speechless, her fingers slipping down to her clit, [ y / n ] letting out a yelp of pleasure. 
Soon enough, the coil inside her snapping like a twig as a mind-numbing orgasm, making her black out, passing out in pure euphoria, Colson pulling out and Megan suddenly lurching forward, her mouth on his tip, taking his cum in her mouth, swallowing everything he gave him. 
Tucking her under the covers, Colson smirked, letting it sink in that he was his first time, almost feeling as if she saved herself for this exact moment. 
And as [ y / n ]  finally slipped into peaceful sleep, Colson then went to his girlfriend, getting ready to give her a perfectly earned orgasm.
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amazingmaeve · 3 years
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atelophobia is the fear of imperfection. the fear of never being good enough
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request - hello !! i've been wanting to see more sam wilson fics so do you mind if i request a soulmate au one and y/n and sam are frenemies of somesort? 🥺
y/n and sam haven’t been the best of friends. he always annoyed her and she annoyed him. he hates how snippy she is, she hates how sarcastic he is. however some jokes of his make her crack a rare smile and sometimes he catches that. two people made for each other.
warnings - angst, fluff
word count - 3.2k
a/n - its an au so no endgame/infinity war stuff happened. also no thanos. it’s my first time writing for marvel so go easy on me! also a happy late birthday to sam as well!
marvel masterlist // sam wilson masterlist
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“Why did you assign me with Wilson,” Y/N seethed out questioning the man in front of her. Her arms are crossed on her chest with anger burning in her eyes.
The man before her, Steve Rogers, raises an eyebrow at her sudden outburst. Sure the meeting was already done but he didn’t expect her to be this angry about it. Steve thought that Y/N and Sam were getting along better now and this could help them get along even better. But apparently he was wrong.
“I thought you two were okay,” Steve asked, confused in his voice as she rolled her eyes.
She didn’t hate Sam. No one could really hate Sam. But sometimes he got on her nerves and she has a short temper and the conversation usually ends up in an argument with both of them stomping away. Y/N was always serious about the work so no one would get hurt.
So it irked her when Sam would be casually joking while on a rescue mission or a mission in general. While Sam hated how Y/N would never have any fun, yes Sam did take his work very seriously but he wanted to make the time more bearable for everyone.
So when Y/N snaps at him whenever he makes a joke or just laughs in general he gets kinda pissed off about it. She’s just so unbearable sometimes that it increased his anger even more.
For the past few months everything was fine between them. Of course not finding her soulmate was bad. She hated feeling alone while couples scattered across the Avengers tower. Y/N would roll her eyes everytime Wanda asked if she ever wanted a soulmate and she would respond no. She thought that all the time ‘I don’t need anybody’ but deep down she wanted to have someone to love her and to love someone.
At least there were some Avengers who haven’t found the one.
Sam this last month has been growing on Y/N. He’s been more nice and actually funny in her eyes. He would crack jokes at the right time which would make her let a little laugh out much to Sam’s confusion. It was common that Y/N didn’t smile often. But then everything changed.
One mission which was a rescue mission ended up real bad. It was a mission that only her and Sam attended since everyone thought it would be easy. But Y/N turned the corner and had a fist to the face, she attempted to grab the gun she dropped but the guy shot her in her stomach making her lay down on the floor, holding the wound. Blood was seeping out of it fast and she could feel her vision get real blurry.
Y/N thought she would die there on the floor and she was fine with it as long as Sam got the hostages home safe and him safe as well.
But when she felt herself almost get lulled into unconsciousness a figure appeared before her and soon she realized it was Sam. He looked down both halls to make sure no one was coming before kneeling down before her worriedness in his eyes.
“You’re gonna be okay,” Sam reassured, putting pressure on the wound. His words sounded like he was talking far away. Tears quickly blurred her vision as soon she realized he wasn’t going to get the hostages.
“You-you have to…..” Y/N began to say but flinched when Sam put even more pressure on the oozing wound.
“Don’t talk you can’t waste your energy,” Sam interrupted her and then picked her up bridal style and began to walk her out of the building. Y/N flinched and looked back to see if she saw the hostages anywhere but her vision was getting blurred again.
“The-the hostages,” Y/N stuttered though pain and biting into her lip from screaming out in pain.
“There fine I got everyone in there handled,” Sam reassured as they reached out doors and then lifted himself up and flew across the sky towards the Quinjet that got them there. Y/N closed her eyes and hid her face in his neck as her arms wrapped around his neck. Her heart was pounding as pain pulsed through her body. God she hoped the people were safe.
Then out of nowhere Y/N and Sam heard an explosion and Sam turned around to see the building that was just standing there was up in flames and smoke. Before Y/N could do anything she passed out in his arms as the pain began to get too much for her.
When Y/N woke up Steve was there with Natasha and he explained to her that the hostages unfortunately passed because there was the explosion.
Y/N felt tears fill her eyes as she sat up on the hospital bed. Steve and Natasha left to give her some space as she wondered where Sam could’ve gone. If she would’ve been more aware of her surroundings she wouldn’t have gotten shot and they would've got everyone out safe and fine. She failed them. And she failed her whole team.
Of course she was angry with Sam after this, he should’ve left her there so more people could’ve lived. But she was more angry at herself. She couldn’t face Sam or anyone for a few days. Y/N was awkward around Sam and had anger radiating off her while she talked to anyone. So people avoided her.
That’s why she didn’t want to be paired with Sam. She didn’t want to have history repeat itself.
“I’m sorry Y/L/N but you’re going to have to face him someday,” Steve apologized. He saw how affected she was about this and maybe Sam could help her get over it since he was there with her when it happened.
“Fine,” Y/N scoffed, bumping into his shoulder as she walked off to her room to get ready for this mission.
Her heart was beating as she started to get more and more nervous about this whole thing. She didn’t want anyone else to get hurt because of her. She didn’t want anyone to die. So she wouldn’t be having Sam’s jokes or his snide remarks this day, she needs to be on point.
Y/N got all of her weapons ready before walking out of her room and finally reaching the Quinjet where Sam was sitting down cleaning his guns out. Once he heard her enter the room a smirk graced his lips.
“Look who finally decided to show up,” Sam laughs, turning around to look at her but only finding her face clenching in anger. His brow furrowed in confusion not knowing what was going on with her.
“Let’s get this over with,” Y/N grumbled, taking a seat and getting all of her weapons in place. Sam snickered at her attitude with confusion all over his face.
Of course he knew that Y/N was upset but Sam thought she was over it by now, but he hasn’t seen her this past few weeks but he heard from Bucky that she was in a horrible mood. Sam sighed before going to sit next her which made her huff out of annoyance.
“Okay what’s your problem,” Sam snapped, turning to face Y/N who had shock written all over her face.
“Nothing,” Y/N lied straight through her teeth, not meeting Sam’s gaze which was burning a hole into the side of her head. She didn’t want to tell him that the reason she’s all broody is because of her own failure.
“I know you’re lying so just tell me the truth so we can at least tolerate each other,” Sam says frustration running through his veins as he rubs his forehead.
When Y/N didn’t respond Sam scoffed.
“Fine let’s just get through this and I’ll talk to Steve about us never going on a mission again,” Sam retorted then standing up and sitting on the other side of the Quinjet.
Y/N looked at him in shock, even though she showed signs that she didn’t like working with him, he was really fun. Now because of her own insecurities and failures she’s going to lose an incredible friend or enemy depends on how you see it. Of course Y/N knew it wasn’t his fault, it was her own. Y/N had to prove that she isn’t this failure that Sam or Steve sees in her.
She saw it in Steve's eyes when she was in the hospital and she believes that she just saw it in Sam’s eyes just now. Deep down she knows she’s a failure and it cuts to her deep to the core to even think about admitting it. The mission she failed just proves it to herself and everyone else even more. God she can’t even do her own job right.
Ever since Y/N was young she was all about being perfect. The perfect grades, the attitude, and eventually to try to be the perfect fighter. Imperfection haunted her as the people in her life, she believed were better than her and sometimes didn’t even like her. Steve usually didn’t talk to her unless it’s work, same with Natasha. Bucky never talks to her, Tony’s too busy in the lab, same as Bruce. Wanda was very sympathetic towards her though since she’s looked through Y/N’s mind. Wanda and Y/N are friends and Wanda is her only friend. Vision was more of an acquaintance.
Sam was different though. She felt the need to prove herself to him. Y/N didn’t know why she felt this since she never felt this towards anyone on the team so why should it matter what he thinks. Sam was an enigma to her, he was an amazing fighter and had this charming personality that made her want to smile but she was too stubborn to do so.
This fear of imperfection ruins things in her life sometimes.
The mission was a success and Y/N gave it her all as she got everyone out okay and the bad guys were all on the way to prison. But it filled that whole in her heart, it didn’t prove anything to her or to anyone.
So whenever she feels frustrated she goes to the gym and let’s all of her frustration on the boxing bag. Y/N is usually here often. She likes to stay fit and it acts as some sort of therapy to her. While she was too busy punching the bag someone entered the room and she didn’t even hear it.
“Damn what did that punching bag ever do to you,” Sam’s voice rang through her ears and she dropped her arms to her side and let out a long sigh before turning to face him. He was in his usual work out gear with a smirk spreading across his lips.
“It broke my heart and dumped a year ago,” Y/N responded, a sarcastic tone in her face as her arms crossed around her chest. Sam let out a laugh at her monotone voice and clearly didn’t seem amused.
“That is the first time I’ve ever heard a joke,” Sam chuckled.
“What are you talking about? I'm a very amusing person,” Y/N let out a tiny smile on her lips.
“Who told you that lie,” Sams’ eyes narrow in confusion.
“Piss off Wilson,” Y/N grumbled wondering why she was joking around with the man. But that conversation caused some butterflies in her stomach. She turned around and bent over to grab her stuff.
When she turned around it showed the soul mark that has been there ever since she turned 18. To Sam’s dismay and his eyes widened in shock as the soul mark matched the same to his on his shoulder. Before he could even mutter a word Y/N left the gym giving him a sarcastic smile.
Sam just stood there in shock. His soulmate has been there all along and he didn’t even notice it. He didn’t know how to feel about it, of course he found Y/N attractive and her attitude was sometimes tolerable. But she made it very clear she was all work and no play. Deep down he knew he felt something for her even before he found out about the soul mate crap.
“Sam you okay,” Steve waved a hand in front of his face trying to get his attention. Sam blinked, rubbing his eyes and nodded at Steve's question.
“Pair me with Y/N for the next mission please,” Sam bluntly asked and shock was written all over the captain's face.
“But you told me last night-,” Steve began to say as he looked at him confused.
“Just please do it and don’t tell her she’ll just get all pissy about it,” Sam asked with a pleading look on his face. Sam narrowed his eyes but nodded anyway.
“Your secrets are safe with me,” Steve promised.
Over the next few days Sam has been trying to talk to Y/N but she always seemed to be in her room and it was clear she didn’t want anyone in there. He needed to talk to her about this, he’s been looking for his soulmate for years and he has to do something about it. Sam’s sure that she has no idea about it since she probably would be more awkward around her.
For her next mission Y/N wasn’t sure who her team mate for this one would be. She was hooping it would be Wanda since she was more comfortable around her than anyone else. Though she wanted to resolve this situation with Sam but was too stubborn to do it.
As she walked to the Quinjet she felt her heart drop as she thought she knew that Sam was going to be there. Even though it was tough to admit she liked Sam’s jokes and his whole persona. He wasn’t even that annoying to her but she has built up so much walls to protect her heart from anyone so she wouldn’t get hurt.
“I thought you didn’t want to work with me anymore,” Y/N stated as she entered the Quinjet and saw Sam sitting there with his leg jittering. He jumped not knowing that she entered the room and relaxed when he saw it was her.
Y/N didn’t blame Sam that he didn’t want to work with her.
“I need to talk to you before we go to this mission okay,” Sam firmly stated, making her eyes furrow as she had no idea what he wanted to talk to her about.
“Okay,” Y/N stated she tried to shake the shock off of her body. She sat next to him since he needed to talk about something. “What do you need to talk about,” She asked fiddling with her thumbs.
“About your soul mark,” Sam softly said resting one of his hands on top of hers making sparks flow through her whole body. It felt weird and she didn’t know. She didn't even know why he wanted to know about her soul mark.
“What about it,” Y/N asked curious as the pad of his thumb rubbed comforting circles on the top of her hand.
“I have the same one,” Sam whispers looking directly in her eyes and at first Y/N thinks this is one of his jokes so she let’s a little giggle out at it. But when he wasn’t laughing with her she looked at him with an un comprehensive look on her face.
“What,” Y/N says as she tries to remove her hand from his but he caught and gave it a squeeze. With a sigh he released her hand and lifted up his shirt to show his shoulder that the soul mark was placed. He bent over the seat he was in a bit to let her get a good look at it.
She was shocked as she stared at his back. Her soulmate was Sam Wilson and man she thought she despised and despised her. Her fingers trailed across the skin and kept staring at the mark. It was identical to hers. Goosebumps fluttered across Sam’s skin as she caressed his skin.
“How,” Y/N whispered as she removed her hand and he sat up straight pulling his shirt down.
“Well everyone’s got a soul mark when they’re born-,” Sam smirked as he started to respond to her question.
“Not like that,” Y/N smacked his arm.
“You’ve been working out haven’t you,” Sam grabbed his shoulder faking a wince. “Okay okay I’ll be more serious,” He put his hands up in defense. “I just can’t believe that my soulmate has been here all this time,” He says in disbelief.
“You don’t want me,” Y/N blurted out as she stood up and walked to the middle of the room as Sam stayed sitting down for the moment. His shoulders slumped as his face was contorted into disbelief.
“And how do you know what I want,” Sam fired back, crossing his arms.
“I just do and you won’t want somebody like me,” Y/N snapped, used her hand and pointed to herself and rested her hand on her heart which was racing.
“Why are you so closed off,” Sam fumed, standing up walking in front of her, his stance matching hers. “Why won’t you let anyone in,” He snapped, glaring at her. He hated the way he was talking to his soulmate but he needed some reasons.
“Because I’m a failure,” Y/N shouted as tears brimmed her eyes. “I couldn’t help those hostages. I don’t even know why I’m an Avenger, I suck so bad,” She ran her hands through her hand and tugged on the roots.
Sam stood there flabbergasted as Y/N turned around and cupped her mouth to keep the sobs in. She knew this was gonna happen, this has been building in her for a long time and it was about time that the volcano exploded.
“You’re not a failure,” Sam says still in disbelief that she would think this about herself. He walked so that he was standing in front of her and cupped her cheeks in his hands. He wiped the tears that fell from her eyes. But she had them closed not wanting to give into him. “You’re one of the most badass women that I know. And even though you can have a snippy attitude I know that you want to help people,” Sam softly says pressing his lips to her forehead making her shiver from the electricity.
“How can you think that I’ve been horrible to you,” Y/N says her voice hoarse from crying.
“I also know how dedicated to work you are and that I can disturb that sometimes,” Sam smiles, removing his hands from her cheeks.
“That doesn’t make it okay,” Y/N nervously chuckles looking up at him as she feels heat crawl all over her body.
“How bout this you make it up to me by buying me a coffee,” Sam bargains a smile plastered on his face.
“Are you asking me out,” Y/N asks, feeling a bit of giddy in her.
“Depends on the answer,” Sam shrugs. She gives him a smile before leaning up and pressing her lips to his and putting her hand on his neck. His hands go to her hips as they stand there and kiss.
The Quinjet flying off breaks the two apart with smiles on their faces. The tears that were once there have been dried away and her heart was feeling better.
“I’m guessing that was a yes.”
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shortprince-cos · 3 years
More Truths Than Dares
Summary: After "The Double Closet Incident" as Patton so calls it, Patton and Janus have a talk at their friends' sleepover.
Ship: Moceit (Patton x Janus)
Warnings: Smoking, claustrophobia mention, truth or dare. Tell me if I need to add anything else!
Note: This is a direct sequel to "In A Closet"! You can read this without reading that, but it'll probably be confusing!
"Oh, I didn't know he was invited."
All Patton had done was walk in the door. He hadn't even said hi, or hugged Roman yet, he just walked in the door, and Janus was already on his back for just existing in his presence.
It was going to be a long night.
"Yes? He's my best friend, you know!" Roman defended as he brought Patton to sit on the couch with him and Logan.
"Wow, rude." Logan said.
Roman made a series of offended noises. "You're my boyfriend! So obviously Patton is my best friend!"
As the two quickly dissolved into playful banter, Patton stood to go put his overnight bag in Roman's room, hearing Janus whisper something to Remus and Virgil as he walked by.
Just ignore it, he thought, not really in the mood to argue today. Especially not after what Patton had dubbed ‘The Double Closet Incident’.
It was disastrous. Not only did Patton get locked in a closet with Janus, who has claustrophobia, he discovered that he may have a thing for men. Who knew?
Roman. Roman probably knew, especially after he had adopted Patton into their little friend group. And if being gay was a contest, Roman would be the judge.
But...it was normal to feel that way, right? It wasn't weird to feel embarrassed when someone got up in your personal space, was it? It wasn't abnormal to blush when someone said kind words to you, or odd to imagine yourself in different scenarios with someone you saw on a daily basis and they were-
Wait, what was he doing again?
Patton sighed as he set down his bag by Roman's bed. Those were thoughts for another day. He was supposed to be having fun at his best friend's sleepover, after all!
Patton put on a happy face and went back to the living room to join the others, finding that Roman and Remus were wrestling over something, Logan and Janus were debating, and Virgil was scrolling on his phone. Yep, it was going to be a long night.
After breaking up Roman and Remus' tussle, watching a couple of movies, and other various shenanigans, Remus decided to gather everyone up in his room to play truth or dare.
If Patton learned anything from watching the others' turns, it was to always choose truth when Remus picks you.
"Double D, Truth or Dare?" Remus asked excitedly, even though he already knew what Janus would say.
Remus grinned like a shark. "I dare you and Patton to stay in my closet for one hour together."
Both Janus and Patton went pale.
"I...lied. I meant truth." Janus quickly said, hoping that Remus would let up.
"Nope! Too late! Now, you and Patton have to get in there, have hate sex or something, and come out in an hour!"
"Uh- we can't!" Patton exclaimed suddenly, and then all eyes were on him.
"What, are you afraid of the dark or something?" Remus teased.
"Um- no- well, kinda- but no. I- uh- have claustrophobia."
Janus looked shocked, to say the least. Thankfully, everyone was still looking at Patton.
"Yeah, small spaces are absolute torture to be in, and I would prefer it if none of us did stuff that involves small spaces, because then I'll worry about them!" Patton rambled quickly, trying to get all attention on him.
Remus rolled his eyes. "Ugh, fine. But you guys still need to do something together."
Patton blushed a bit, and Janus sighed, looking relieved.
Eventually, Remus gave up, and just dared Janus to eat shaving cream.
The rest of the night went smoother, and Patton ended up telling a lot of weird secrets, but not very important ones.
Eventually, everyone was asleep in either Roman's room, or Remus' room. Everyone except Patton, who couldn't get his brain to turn off.
Patton reluctantly got out of his sleeping bag, and made his way to the front door, maybe some fresh air would clear his mind.
Turns out, he wasn't the only one who had that idea, because as he stepped outside, he found the one and only Janus on the porch, smoking a cigarette.
Before Patton could turn back around, Janus saw him, and nodded his head in acknowledgment. Well, no going back now.
Patton silently sat down in the wooden rocking chair next to where Janus was standing, staring off into space a little before speaking up.
"You-you know that smoking is bad for you, right?"
Janus' lips curled up in a small smile as he chuckled. "I'm aware. Don't worry your pretty head, I only do it when I'm stressed."
Patton decided to ignore the way being called pretty by Janus felt and focused on the other part of that statement. "What are you stressed about?"
Janus blew out a puff of smoke, and suddenly Patton was very distracted by his lips.
"You. You're...different than how I thought you'd be." Janus said solemnly, drawing in another breath.
"Is...is that a bad thing?" Patton asked quietly, looking down to the floor.
Janus glanced at Patton with an indecipherable look on his face. "To be honest? I don't know. On one hand, you're actually a decent person."
"Thank you?"
"And on the other," Janus continued. "I've treated you like s**t for no reason other than spite."
"...It's okay-"
"It's not." Janus interrupted.
They sat in silence for awhile, trying to figure out if the other still wanted them here or not.
"Why did you think I was a bad person?" Patton asked quietly.
Janus huffed. "It's complicated."
"I mean...we got all night."
"...true." Janus sighed. "I think it's because ‘nice’ people don't usually want anything to do with me, and when they do, it's usually for the wrong reasons." He explained. "So when you started talking to me...I don't know, you reminded me of all the wrong people."
Patton's heart broke. He reminded Janus of some probably terrible memories, and had probably been hurting him just by being around him! No wonder Janus frowned whenever Patton walked in a room!
"Janus, I'm so so sorry, I never knew-"
"What are you sorry for?"
"I- That I remind you of some terrible people in your life-"
"Patton," Janus rest a hand on Patton's shoulder, making him blush. "You don't have any control over who you remind me of. Please, don't apologize for that."
"Well- then you can't apologize for being reminded of those people either!" Patton argued.
"I didn't say that, I said I was sorry for treating you terribly!"
"Well, then, I guess you're forgiven!" Patton retorted.
Janus looked at him in shock, as if Patton had just said a bunch of profanities, before quickly looking back to stare off into the distance again. His cheeks were red, but Patton convinced himself that he was probably cold out here.
"You're...too forgiving." Janus mumbled softly, as if he was talking to himself.
"I think that's a good thing." Patton replied.
Janus huffed. "...Thank you." He said, looking at Patton with a small smile on his face. "For everything."
Patton blushed. "Y-Yeah. No problem."
Janus looked at him with a disagreeing look on his face, but let it go.
They settled into comfortable silence as Janus threw his cigarette away and Patton almost fell asleep.
The second time Patton had to force his head up, Janus huffed.
"You should probably get to sleep."
As if on cue, Patton yawned. "So should you." He said sleepily, rubbing his eyes.
Janus chuckled. "Fine. I'll go back to bed if you do."
"Okay, fine. You have a deal."
Janus had that stupid, self-satisfied smirk on his face that he usually wore that made Patton feel fuzzy inside.
"Good," He smirked. "See you in the morning."
"Yeah. See ya."
Janus ventured into the house, Patton following a few moments later.
Patton felt like he was getting into dangerous territory with Janus, but instead of feeling concerned, he felt more excited than ever.
Hi guys!!!! Its been awhile! So, this is an au that ive fallen in love with, so i wanna keep writing for it! If you guys have any name ideas, send em my way please!
General Taglist: @resident-crow-goth @macademmia @theantisocialghost @foreverfangirlalways @emo--nightmaree @moxy--sanders101 @quinnthequeer @gattonero17 @trashno0dles @tranquil-space-ninja @chaotic-murder-muffin @lugooble @sander-crossing @princess-rosie @sleepyysoot @hi-its-tutty @lookingforaplacetosleep @sarcasmremovedsoul @corkeecoderyt @drarrymalecsolangelo @private-snippers @girl-who-reads @emy-loves-you @reptilian-with-scallions
Ask to be added or removed!
Reblogs are appreciated!💖
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markleesthighs · 3 years
Can you make a part 2 for “Forbidden Moonlight”? I’d like to see some gun fighting, some car chasing, some actual mafia jaemin action with the “I would die and I would kill for you!” kinda spirit? I mean the one who requested it has great theme ideas, it is definitely chef’s kiss and I don’t think it should be left off in just 1 part. We gotta know what the ambassador offered to jaemin.
-i'm on a break, so i finally got a chance to write it! I Sorry requests have been taking long, haven't gotten a chance to write in a while. I hope you all enjoy!
read part 1 here
You missed school for the rest of the day. You didn't even have a chance to explain your situation to Jaemin, feeling guilty. In your limo ride home your dad kept scolding and yelling to you about Jaemin. He went on and on about how stupid you were. To be fair, you had no idea Jaemin was associated with the mafia as well as your dad so you brushed off his comments. When you arrived home you didn't bother to talk to your parents as you stormed up to your room.
"There you are, m/n."
Jaemin rushed to shut your mouth with his hand.
"How did you know where I was?"
"I have a tracker on your phone." "You psycho."
"But you love this psycho."
"What are you doing here?"
"I thought since you've had a pretty shitty day that you'd want to come with me to a drag racing competition."
"Jaemin, you know I'd love to but my parents-"
"God, have you never snuck out before? Just do the thing in the movies where you use pillows to make it seem like you're in bed sleeping."
You piled up your pillows and covered them with a blanket and added a wig to really sell it.
"Let's go."
Jaemin climbed down the lattice below your window that had vines growing on it. You rolled your eyes figuring that's how he got up here. You also saw the busted circuit breaker box, showing how Jaemin got past your tight security. Jaemin jumped over your gate and helped you up and over for your escape. He pulled you onto his motorcycle and you both rode off to the underground drag race arena.
When you arrived it was everything you imagined. Intimidating guys and girls left and right. The security stopped you (clearly since you didn't fit in with your preppy outfit) but Jaemin reassuring the guard saying you were with him. You were expecting Jaemin to be one of the top betters or backers behind a driver but Jaemin started to get changed into a racer uniform. Part of you was worried and Jaemin could tell.
"Don't worry baby, I've done this a dozen times."
You still pouted.
"And yes, I've won every time, and I'll win again for you."
He pecked your lips.
"You better."
He chuckled at your comment as he got into his car. You were standing among his mafia members will visibly worried.
"On your mark racers!"
You heard the loudest rumbling you've heard come out of a car, covering your ears.
"Get set!"
The smell of burnt rubber came towards your nose and the cars became even louder.
The cars sped off with a huge cloud of smoke blowing behind them causing you to cough.
"First time?"
A very tall handsome guy looked down at you that looked like he could tear you to pieces in a second. You nodded in response.
"You must be m/n. Jaemin's talked a lot about you, I'm Johnny one of his members in his...company."
"I know he's in the mafia business, you know?"
"Oh, well at least he told you the truth."
Your conversation was interrupted by the sound of the cars approaching you heard all the screams and cheers as you saw Jaemin's car approaching. But you also saw the other one not too far behind. It was intense watching the cars quickly approach the finish line, your heart was beating rapidly with adrenaline. Jaemin was leading before the other car caught up and they kept going back and forth it was causing you to have anxiety. But at the last second, you saw Jaemin pull ahead and crossed the finish line. You and the other members screamed loud cheering and hooting. Jaemin got out of his car and you ran up and hugged him.
"I was so worried."
"Aw, my baby was scared? What did I tell you I'm a professional."
You saw people exchanging money and people cashing out after betting on Jaemin, you assumed everyone bets on Jaemin. Suddenly gunshots were fired and you heard cop sirens getting closer.
"Fuck, which one of you called the cops?!"
Jaemin grabbed your hand along with the other members following you to the back alley where their motorcycles were. A few gunshots were fired in your direction and Jaemin blocked you from the shots. You saw a bullet hit Jaemin.
"Fuck!" "Jaemin! Are you alright?!"
"I'm fine, m/n, if it came down to it, I would die for you."
"Can you two lovebirds quit it for one second!?" Mark yelled.
You hopped onto Jaemin's motorcycle as he sped up getting ready to leave. Johnny and others were yelling at him to go ahead and that they'll hold the cops off. Jaemin thanked them and you two sped off into the streets and onto the highway back to his house. Luckily, you both arrived safely at the house with Jaemin's guards being attentive. You sat silently in his living room awaiting the other members who were slowly trickling into the mansion. You saw the maids rushing to give Jaemin a first aid kit before he brushed them off saying he could do it himself. Jaemin was struggling to reach the bullet on the back of his shoulder and he was cutely trying to reach to remove it. You giggled telling him you could remove it for him.
"Are you sure m/n?"
"Yeah, I'm studying to become a doctor so don't worry. "
Jaemin stared as you remove the bullet from his shoulder as he hissed you apologized kissing his cheek. He looked at you stare at his shoulder with such care as you delicately dabbed his wound with rubbing alcohol. As he thought about it he never had someone who cared for him this much, most of them wanted him for sex, money, or reputation. You'd always ask him if something hurt and warn him about you stitching up his wound for him. You wrapped his arm up and you looked up at him to make sure he was ok and Jaemin looked at you with pure love in his eyes. He smiled at you and softly kissed your lips.
"God I love you."
You laughed "I love you too, Jaemin."
He kissed you passionately, leading your kissing to become faster and deeper. As Jaemin was about to take off his shirt, one of his members interrupted the two of you.
Jaemin groaned screaming "What the fuck is it now?! Can't you see I'm busy?!"
"It's Mr. y/l/n."
Jaemin immediately froze, got off of you, and basically commanded that you stay where you were. But you weren't about to miss a showdown between Jaemin and your father, so you followed shortly after. You eavesdropped around the corner of the entrance where your dad and his associates stood along with Jaemin and his associates.
"I know you have him. I want my son back. I don't need someone like you to ruin his future."
"Funny, because last time I believe you offered me a lifetime get out of jail free cards, airway travels, and millions of cash whenever I asked."
"You know that wasn't the deal Jaemin, I told you to leave my son alone for those offers, but you don't seem to hold up your end of the bargain."
"What can I say? Despite you being a complete dickhead, your son is quite a lovely darling."
"Well, would your 'lovely darling' like to see this?"
Your father pulled up a video on a laptop his associates were holding, it was Jaemin and his buds in a club, but you can clearly hear what they were saying.
"Jaemin, I heard you 'found the one' you lucky piece of shit," Johnny spoke.
"Yeah, he's been treating him to everything, it's funny how those lovebirds act around each other," Taeyong added.
"There's no way Na Jaemin found someone to 'settle with', boss you're basically a god, you can get whoever the hell you want." Jaehyun drunkenly spoke.
"I can't believe you got lucky with m/n, he's basically the ideal leverage we need to take this gang to the next level," Lucas said.
Your heart stopped, leverage? What the hell was going on? Jaemin was still silent at this point.
Ten then jumped in "There's no fucking way you're actually in love with m/n right? He's not even that good-looking."
"Fuck yeah, the only thing good about him is his daddy" Haechan responded.
"Don't worry guys you know the only reason I'm keeping m/n is so I can milk out m/n's daddy of his money like a cash cow," Jaemin spoke.
You felt the tears starting to pool up in your eyes as they silently fell down your cheek. Is this what Jaemin really thought about you? What the fuck? So all of this was a joke? You were just fucking money to him? You hated yourself for thinking Jaemin actually loved you. Your dad was right, you didn't need a liar and manipulator like him in your life.
After Jaemin's words were played your father's laptop closed.
"What's wrong, Jaemin? Why so silent?"
"You can't do this."
"Who's going to stop me, think about it, it's my word against yours."
"Blackmail is a fucking cheap way to get what you want."
"How else did you think I got to this position? Beating those who get in my way. Now got get my son, get him for me, or else I'll send this to him to watch for eternity."
"...Yes, Mr. y/l/n."
"Oh and for the future Jaemin, do not think about seeing m/n ever again. You know the consequences."
"...Yeah yeah."
You quickly scurried back to the couch and wiped your tears off your face. You pretended to lie down and be asleep. Jaemin shook you to wake you up.
"Hey, baby?"
"Jaemin? What's up?"
"You...you have to go..."
"W-why?" You said trying not to break in front of him. You gazed into his eyes, is this really someone who didn't love you? You can't trust anyone anymore.
"Your dad is a ruthless man, and he has leverage on me, it's something that will change the way you look at me forever. To spare you the pain, I have to let you go now."
"J-Jaemin...fuck you."
You got up immediately but Jaemin grabbed your wrist.
"m/n...just know that I still love you, I sw-"
"You're just a fucking liar, I hope milking my dad's cash cow was worth losing the person who loved you most."
Jaemin realized you heard everything and was stunned. He watched you walk over to your father who embraced you in his arms with fake responses saying how he was so worried and other bullshit like that. Jaemin ran out to the front in hopes of you turning back. He wanted you to turn back, he doesn't want to lose the love of his life. He didn't want your dad's money, he wanted you.
"m/n! Please! I'm so sorry!" Jaemin was crying pleading on his knees.
He looked up at you, the full moon was behind you, beaming through your beautiful hair, reflecting off your soft smooth skin, just like the first night he met you. But this image was different. The moon shined on your tears and the streaks that fell down your cheek. He saw you with endless tears as each drop sparkled like a crystal in the light. You looked down at him and slapped his face.
"Fuck you Na Jaemin, I hope this was worth it."
You hopped into your car with the moonlight shining through your window as you took one last glance at Jaemin. He was broken and defeated. No wish on the moon could save him now.
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wasteofanarrow · 4 years
cowboys at da club
Thank you to @jelliebeansaregood for the prompt!
Remember, requests are OPEN!
Group Headcanon:
Lemme tell y’all, these motherfuckers go HARD to Friends in Low Places
I’m talking full on dancing with their arms around each other
Just the thought of this has me up in my feelings
Overdressed because he’s extra
Top shelf liquor ONLY because he’s def lying to himself
Works with Hosea to get into the VIP section
Chain smokes cigars in the comfy velvet seats
Chats up a few women and ignores Molly’s text messages
Only dances to a few songs
Dances way too hard to SexyBack...ends up throwing out his back
Didn’t really want to go because he’s “too old
But if he’s gonna go out he’s gonna do it right
Works with Dutch to get into the VIP section
These females are all up on him and he’s kinda shocked because he’s an old man—really boosts the confidence
Is up dancing until 4am...he feels like death the next day cuz he’s not used to this kind of life anymore
Arthur “stays at the bar until I’m sloshed” Morgan
Feels awkward at first but those whiskey shots tho
Once he’s good and drunk he’s super affectionate towards his friends—lots of “I love you, man” and slinging his arms around their shoulders
Dances super awkwardly on the outskirts of the dance floor but he’s having a great time and it shows
Chats with some ladies, and has a few dances but he doesn’t take anyone home—not the kind for one night stands after Eliza
Gets his ✨choice✨ ass slapped at least ten times by random people—he blushes furiously each time it happens
Honestly he’s happy he got to come out tonight, he wanted to chill with the boys
Abigail didn’t have an issue with letting him go...so long as he wear a cock cage (we stan Abigail as a dom)
She’s not afraid of him cheating, she just wants to make sure any women grinding on him on the dance floor knows he’s taken in a humiliating way
Don’t worry it’s all consensual
Goes ham whenever an emo banger starts playing
Definitely requests Welcome to the Black Parade
Very sweaty
Gets drunk super fast because he’s a light weight, Arthur has to carry him to the car...and he definitely feels the cage John has on (through his pants of course) and he’s 100% uncomfortable. Thankfully John won’t remember this the next morning
Sticks around Arthur and Javier
He doesn’t drink enough to get super wasted, just has a few and offers to drive the fellers home
Dances a lot
Buys people he’s attracted to drinks from across the bar
Hella phone numbers and people grinding up on that b o d y
Doesn’t do hookups too often because it’s not as fulfilling as a sexual encounter with someone he cares about, but he does ask a pretty girl on a lunch date on Sunday afternoon
He looks incredible as per usual
He even accessorized for this y’all
Tears it up on the dance floor
Legit getting so much attention and he’s living for it
Goes hard to despacito even though he claims to hate that song
Takes home a guy and a girl ayyyy
Is confused as to why men keep coming up to him and asking if he’s a “bear” what does that mean
Instantly regrets it when he asks Sean what it means
Orders Miller Lite even though he’s out on the town
A bit awkward at first, but he loosens up
Don’t even talk to him when the cha cha slide comes on because he’s ‘bout to risk it all on the dance floor
Requests Cotton Eyed Joe and goes HARD to that shit
Definitely took some mdma, he’s having a fantastic time thank u very much
He and Lenny fuck it up on the dance floor to the point where people gather around them to watch
Starts a bar fight when he gets overly fucked up, gets kicked out
Vodka shots every five minutes
Takes people’s leftover drinks because hey it’s a free drink (clearly has no regard for his own safety—the gang keeps tabs on him)
Tries too hard to chat up the ladies but manages to charm one woman enough to dance with her and take her home later
Super sexual dancing—if it weren’t for the clothes, it would look like he’s all up in them guts on the dance floor
When I say boy’s got moves I mean boy’s got moves
He also went ham to Cotton Eyed Joe
Took shots with Arthur so he’s super fucked up
Is embarrassed when people hit on him because he’s a sweet cinnamon roll who doesn’t know how to romance
Still manages to get a phone number or two as well as a few dances
Throws up in the Uber back home
Sweet, shy, anxious angel boy didn’t want to go out so he’s home in his softest pjs watching tv with Mary-Beth
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