#if i was held at gun point i would choose coney island
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lovlydovlyjaycie · 3 years
Ævi - Frontlines
Hey again! This will be a continued series. The first Ævi series is in my masterlist and is only four parts. This is going to be a ongoing series, so there is going to be a lot more of Ævi to come. :)
Summary: Y/n or also known as Ævi has lived through varies of world events. Now it is 1941, she has excepted that some things cannot be changed so Loki has convinced Y/n to go to New York and live a normal life, a life Y/n always wanted. Or as normal it can be, because new introductions lead to events that didn’t go down in the history books.
Characters: Bucky Barnes x reader, Loki, Steve Rogers, OC Vera
Warnings: Fluff.. Idk let me know if I’m forgetting something :)
Series Masterlist
Part 5
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Today I was gonna go to Coney Island. Haven’t been before it was some kind of theme park. I had just picked out a green dress to wear. Any moment now Bucky would come and pick me up. And I heard a knock on the door. It must be him. I gathered myself and walked over towards the door. Taking a glance in the mirror that was next to the door, checking if everything was in place and it was. I was excited to see Bucky again even though I had just seen him. I loved being around him. I don’t know how else to describe it, but he felt like home. Bucky was my home. I reached for the door and went to open it with a big smile excited to see him. But my smile immediately dropped. It was Loki. “Hello, Love.” He said as he invited himself in. “Loki I kinda got to go. So..” I told him as I pointed towards the door with my thumb. “Right. Your going on a date with that Midgardian.” He said with some slight disgust. “Bucky, and I’m a Midgardian too smart ass.” He smirked at that. “The best one there is.” He told me and I narrowed my eyes at that. “What do you want?” I asked him. 
“Nothing I just have something you might want. Vera sent this addressed to you.” He held it up, but gave it to me immediately, not playing some weird game he usually does. So I raised an eyebrow at him. “What?” He asked like he didn’t know how he usually acted. “You’re being nice.” I noted. “Well.. Am I not allowed to be nice?” I crossed my arms at that. “Usually you don’t act nice.” I went on to say. “Usually I trick people.” “So this is a trick?” I asked him. He stepped closer towards me. “Love, I could never fool you.” I uncrossed my arms and looked at the envelope. “Did Vera write you something? I that why you’re being nice. You like her right?” I asked him. “She is tolerable, But not as tolerable as-..” And there was a knock. Bucky. I put the envelope on the table and walked towards the door eager to open it.
As I opened it there was Bucky. In a nice suit. A very nice suit. “You look handsome. I thought we were going to Coney Island. Am I underdressed?” I asked him looking at my dress. “No, we’re going to Coney Island. And you look beautiful doll.” He said as he kissed my cheek. Then he put his hand forward that was behind his back to show me some flowers he had gotten me. Roses. Pink roses. “Ahww, this is so sweet, Bucky. You didn’t have to do that.” I told him as he handed me the flowers. I walked back in the room to put them in some water. Behind me I heard short words of hello being exchanged between Bucky and Loki. 
“Alright. I’m ready to go.” I told Bucky as I grabbed his left hand and walked out of the apartment. “Bye Loki.” I said not looking back.
Bucky had been so sweet the entire night to me. He won me a stuffed animal. We went on the carousel together. Steve had been there also, but he had been kinda avoiding us for some reason. I felt like I did something, but I didn’t know what. As Bucky was trying to win me another stuffed animal I stood a little closer to Steve. “Is everything ok?” I asked him. I really hope I didn’t do anything wrong. “What? No. Why would you think that?” He asked me. “Well, you have been kinda avoiding us since we got here.” I noted as a matter of fact. “Sorry I didn’t mean to-..” “Don’t apologize. Here I’m gonna win you a stuffed animal.” I interrupted to make light of the situation. I gave Steve the stuffed animal I had been holding and walked over next to Bucky. You had to shoot the ducks that were moving. Bucky was really good a few were already down. 
“Sir! Can I have a turn?” I asked the man that was behind the counter. He gave me a look. Most likely because not a lot of women do these. He was hesitant, but when I showed him I got money he gave me the gun. Bucky turned towards me. “You’re gonna win me a stuffed animal?” He asked with a smirk. “No, I’m gonna win Steve one.” I said as I was about to hold up the gun. “Alright here. This is how you do-..” He started as I started shooting at the duck and hit it. “You don’t need my help.” He noted smiling. The guy behind the counter was perplexed, not seeing a lady do this before. I had hit all of the ducks and got to choose the biggest stuffed animal. “That one I said.” It was a giant monkey. “Here you go Steve.” I said as I handed him the stuffed animal. It was almost as big as he was. “Thanks y/n. That was awesome.” He said laughing.
After that we moved on to walk around the park. In the distance I saw a phot booth. “We need to do that!” I exclaimed. “I’m pretty sure you don’t have any pictures of me.” I told Bucky. I grabbed his arm and almost dragged him towards the booth. “Slow down doll. We’re losing Steve.” He said laughing. In the distance it looked like there was a big monkey jumping around. I laughed at that. “He’ll catch up.” I said as we went to sit down inside the booth. “Alright. Four pictures. What should we do?” He asked. “Lets be spontaneous.” I said as I put the money in. For the first picture I put my head on his shoulder and smiled. The second I looked up at him smiling. The third I kissed him on his cheek. And the fourth he held my chin and kissed me on my lips. “Do you think they came out nicely?” He asked. “They came out perfect.” Already more happy about the moment than anything else. I got out of the booth, Bucky following behind me. I took the picture and looked at it. “I love them.” I said handing them over to Bucky. “Now its our turn.” I told Steve as I dragged him in the booth with the giant stuffed animal. The first picture I put up bunny ears and Steve put up bunny ears behind the monkey. The second I pushed the monkey to the ground to get it out of the way. The third is us laughing at my aggressiveness towards the monkey. And the fourth is us sticking out our tongues at the camera. “Perfect.” I said as I got out of the booth with Steve. Bucky was still staring at the pictures we just took. “You like them that much, huh?” I asked him. “I love them.” He said. Steve came up and showed me the pictures of us. They were really cute. “So where to now?” I asked them. “Lets go in that ride.” Bucky said as he started dragging Steve with him. “I’m not going in there. That will mess up my hair. You go.” I told Bucky and he nodded taking Steve with him.
Before the ride started Bucky was talking a lot. It almost looked like he was freaking out about something. I was very tempted to listen in, but I decided to not do it. Even though I was very curious.
After that ride it was time for us to go back home, Steve had thrown up because of the ride. Which for some reason made Bucky freak out in a not normal way. I couldn’t quite put my finger on why.
In the apartment Steve went straight to bed and took his monkey with him. Bucky looked very nervous. “Are you ok?” I asked him. “Yes? Why?” He said unsure of himself. “Well, for a start. First Steve looked really uncomfortable when we got to the park. Then it seemed like you were more freaked out by Steve throwing up at the park. Aaannddd. Your hands are shaking.” I said trying to figure out what was going on. I put the stuffed animal down on the couch and walked over to him. “Are you sure nothing is wrong?” I asked him again. He sighed. “Actually.. Alright, here goes nothing.” He took my hands which seemed to calm the shaking down. “Bucky?” I asked him. “I have been wanting to ask you this. For a while actually. From the moment I met you.. It felt like you had been in my life for as long as I could remember. It feltlike I loved you for a long time. And then two weeks later, when I saw you again, I knew.. I knew I wanted to be with you I wanted to love you, take care of you... Marry you. When I’m around you I feel like everything falls into place, like the world is right. And I would be a fool if I didn’t ask you this.” I was not expecting this. My heart was pounding so fast and loud I was afraid Bucky could hear. “Now I don’t have a ring. And I can’t offer you a lot. But I can promise you that I will love you and will fight for our love until I take my last breath. I promise.” Bucky went down on one knee. I felt one tear fall down me cheek. I took a deep breath. “Y/n Ironside, Will you marry me?” I went down on my knees and kissed him deeply. “Yes! I’ll marry you! I love you!” Bucky put his arms around me holding my tightly against his chest. “I love you y/n.” He told me.
Waking up for the first time in a long time I felt like I was truly living. I am Bucky’s fiancé now. I was looking at our hands that were intertwined. Me holding his hand felt like everything was right in the world again. It felt peaceful. I looked up and saw that Bucky was still fast asleep from the night we had. But I decided to get up and make him some breakfast, even though it felt so comfortable with him in bed. I quietly got out of bed and got a shirt from his closet to wear.
As I walked out of Bucky’s bedroom I saw Steve sitting at the kitchen table. “Good morning Steve.” I said cheerfully. “Good morning.” He said with a knowing smile. “Congratulations.” He said. “Thank you! How did you know?” I asked him curious. “We share the same wall.” He told me looking at his notebook in front of him. My eyes shot to him and I felt my cheeks getting red. “I’m so sorry Steve.” I said, that is embarrassing. “Don’t worry about it.” He laughed awkwardly. I needed to chance this awkward subject now. “So what are you doing in that notebook?” I asked him as I got some coffee. “This.” He said as he held up the notebook towards me. I turned towards him to look at what he made. “My ring?” I asked him. “Yes.” He smiled. “It looks good.” I told him as I went on to make the coffee. Walking past Steve to grab some cups I glanced at the drawing again, but a little too long maybe. “Is it accurate?” He asked me, probably wondering why I was looking for so long at the drawing. “It is.. It’s just.. It looks very similar to.. Never mind.” It looked similar to the drawing I got before I got sent back in time, but that doesn’t make any sense. “No what?” Steve pried on. “Well.. Someone once gave me a drawing like that as well.. I just looks very similar. Almost like a copy.” I laughed. I was impressed. Steve was a good drawer.
“Good morning.” Bucky said as he walked into the kitchen giving me a kiss. Steve and I said both our good mornings and I finished making our coffee. “What do you want to do today?” Bucky asked me. “Well I gotta go back to the hotel and get a change of clothes. After that I’m all yours.” I told him as I sat down on one of the chairs. “Alright. Let me get dressed and I’ll take you there. I also got to get a few things from the grocery store. After that I can pick you up again?” I nodded my head.
When I got back to the hotel I quickly took a shower and got ready for Bucky to pick me up again. I just put my hair up and put on a yellow Summer dress. I was looking for my white bag that would go nicely with the dress. Walking around the hotel room I was looking everywhere. In my closet, under the bed, the bathroom, the seating area, but of course I skipped the most obvious part of them all. The table by the door. It was right there. I looked to see if I got all my things in there that I would need for the day until I saw in the corner of my eye the letter from Vera. “Shoot, I totally forgot.” I said to myself. I put my purse under my arm holding it like that and opened the letter.
Dear Y/n Ironside,
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing you this letter in ask of help as Y/n, not as Ævi. I have been dreading putting this to words, because I have not yet accepted what has happened. 
The Germans have come to Borgheim and have taken over. This has cost a lot of pain and loss. We lost our fight and we lost a lot of people. My husband and Else have lost their lives because of this.
The last time I felt this alone was when I left Kattegat by myself. But Now I am asking you as an old friend to please be here. I miss you deeply and hope you are doing well y/n.
I closed my eyes Imagining the horrible things she had to endure, while I was here. Ignoring the fact that there is a war going on. How stupid am I. I felt bad by how happy I was here. I felt bad I was even forgetting that there was a war. I might not be able to change certain things in history, but I could’ve helped people where ever I could. I need to go back to Norway. 
How am I gonna tell Bucky this..
Let me know what you think :)
Let me know if you wanna be tagged!
@darkdragonphoenix @toribentleyva​
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stardancerluv · 5 years
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Reunion (Part 11)
Summary: Joe rescued a girl 14yrs ago, what happened in the 72hrs when they were together, what happens when they meet again.
Joe x Y/N, Joe x You
“Hey, I had an idea.” Joe said as he came out of the bathroom. “Have you ever been to Coney Island?”
You raised an eyebrow at him and shook your head no.
He clapped his hands together, “Then its decided, that is what we will do!”
“What’s on Coney Island?”
Excitement, raised his voice. “Rides, the beach...cotton candy hot dogs...games!”
He saw a smile tug on your lips. “Ok, let me go and get dressed.” He watched as you grabbed a few bags and headed to the bathroom.
When the door closed, using the motel’s phone he called his boss.
“We’re headed to Coney Island for the day. When is the pick up tomorrow?” He asked in a low voice.
“10:30 pm, Heckscher Park.” He could hear him clear his throat. “Are you sure you want to take her to Coney Island?”
He saw the door open. “Of course, yes we do! Maybe later tonight.” He hung up as soon as he saw you.
You came out wearing the purple t-shirt with a sunset and jeans those garish sneaks didn’t look too bad with the outfit. “I’m ready is this good?” You stretched out your arms. It was the first time you didn’t wear his hoodie.
He smiled. “That’s perfect.”
You couldn’t help but smile as he parked the car. “Joe, it looks like an amusement park.” You observed.
“You know, it kind of is.” He said, smiling himself.
You jumped out of his car and ran over to his side of the car. “What will be do first?” You ask excitedly, smiling up at him.
“Whatever you want.”
You pointed to the rides, “Let’s go on some of those!”
“Sure sounds good to me.”
For the first time, he heard you giggling and laughing as you went from one ride to the next. They zoomed you up and down and side to side. It was nice to see you like this. He was doing his job.
“Joe, let’s go get some of that food.”
Soon him and you were munching away on warm pretzels, popcorn, a huge fried dough and cotton candy. Together you shared, a very large soda.
As he strolled and munched away, you spotted the games. You grabbed his arm, “Win me, something!” There was small light in your eyes, that he had thought burned out. It was still there.
“I can do that!” He was the one who had always won prizes for his friends when he went there as a kid.
Soon, they settled on a shooting game. “Win your sister a sister a unicorn...win your sister a bear!” The carnie exclaimed as Joe took the gun.
He heard you giggle when the man called you his sister, it made you both share a look. “Good luck, big brother!” She joked, and he smiled.
“That’s my job your big brother.” He chuckled.
Taking aim. He began shooting at the targets the first round he won easily. “Third round you can win one of those.” The carnie said with relish.
That was where the better bears, unicorns or stuff dogs stared down at them. “I’ll get you one of those.” He told you pointing to one of the bears. He saw a shadow of emotion coming over you.
He easily hit the rest of the marks. “The bear, little sis?” You nodded. The man handed it too him, then he handed it to you. You took it quietly.
He began walking away with you. “Are you ok?”
You didn’t look it. “Let’s go take stroll on the beach.”
“Alright.” You held onto the bear.
You found a spot far away from many of the people. “Let’s sit here.”
“Take off your shoes, let your feet touch the sand.” He began to do it himself. His own past flashed before his eyes, gritting his teeth, he pushed it away since you were there.
“Oh...” He heard you gasp. “that feels interesting.” You wiggled your toes.
“Isn’t it?”
Nodding you then plopped down, next to him. Silence hung over the two you. The ocean, lapped at the beach not too far from the two of you and the sounds of the rides were distant.
“Joe, is the past always going to be there?”
He looked over at you, as you looked out at the ocean. “Sadly, yeah.”
“I won’t ever out run it?”
“No, but you can choose to not let it rule you.”
“Ok.” You said, and you looped your arm with his and then continued looking out at the ocean.
Soon you grew still beside him. Looking down, he saw that you had fallen asleep. It made him grimace, hopefully there would be no nightmares. The past seemed to always have visiting hours when sleep comes.
He cut the engine, “Here we are!” The rain was pelting the windshield hard.
You smiled at him. “We will have to make a run for it.”
Coming around to your side of the car, he waited for you, then together you both ran for his front door. You came up along side, breathing heavy, smile on your face and your wet strands of hair were everywhere.
He hurried and opened the door, ushering you in and he slid the locks in place. Turning on the light, he slipped out of his shoes, taking off and putting down his cap on a small table he shook his hair.
“Want a drink?” He asked as he saw you slip out of your shoes, you must have left your purse in his car since you didn’t see it.
“I’d love one.” He put on more lights, showing a very sparsely decorated place. A real bachelor’s pad though it was very neat. The kitchen was elaborate since he did love to eat and cook.
You were not surprised by how neat and clean the place was but you would have thought there would have been more furniture.
You saw all of gray and blue tones, it looked good. It reminded you of his eyes.
His kitchen pleased you, with the black and chrome. It was a very classy. Seeing a clear, island not too far from the refrigerator, feeling at home you hopped up.
Watching him, get your beers you were reminded on how good he looked. Hair all ruffled falling into his face. Looking at how his ruffled fell into his profile, it cut a great image. You could still taste the kiss, you wanted another.
Turning, he smiled. “I knew you’d do that.” He put the bottles beside you.
“Oh really?”
“Yeah.” He stepped between your legs opening them, allowing him to get closer to you. It relit the desire in you for him. He grabbed one of the bottles, “Would you like a glass?”
You reached out, grabbing the bottle you put it down, it gently clinked with the other one. Then turning your attention to him, you let your fingers drift over his wet hair.
He grabbed you hand, kissed your palm your eyes met.
@kat-o-combs @joker-flecked-me
@lettuceisvalid @niniita-ah
@sleepygal124 @cheyennejonas22
@memory-mortis @alwaysinsanire
@rasiel-hasu @syvellsworld
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poppinsx · 5 years
a comprehsive list of the best lyrics in each taylor swift song (my opinions <3) since fearless:
jump then fall: but i’ll hold you through the night until you smile
untouchable: untouchable like a distant diamond sky
come in with the rain: i know you by heart, and you don’t even know where i start
superstar: i’m invisible and everyone knows who you are
other side of the door: and the faded picture of a beautiful night
fearless: you take my hand and drag me head first, fearless
fifteen: when you’re fifteen and your first kiss makes your head spin ‘round (how did she know!!)
love story: i was a scarlet letter
hey stephen: all the other girls, well, they’re beautiful, but would they write a song for you? 
white horse: this is a big world, that was a small town
you belong with me: i know your favorite songs and you tell be ‘bout your dreams
breathe: but it’s killing me to see you go after all this time
tell me why: why do you have to make me feel small so you can feel whole inside? 
you’re not sorry: and you got your share of secrets and i’m tired of being last to know 
the way i loved you: and my heart’s not breaking cause i’m not feeling anything at all
forever & always: were you just kidding? 
the best day: don’t know if snow white’s house is near or far away
change: it’s hard to fight when the fight ain’t fair
mine: braced myself for the goodbye ‘cause that’s all i’ve ever known
sparks fly:  my mind forgets to remind me, you’re a bad idea
back to december: it turns out freedom ain’t nothing but missing you
speak now: i lose myself in a daydream
dear john: i lived in your chess game but you changed the rules everyday
mean: you have pointed out my flaws again as if i don’t already see them
the story of us: you held your pride like you should’ve held me
never grow up: remember that she’s getting older too
enchanted: my thoughts will echo your name until i see you again
better than revenge: no amount of vintage dresses gives you dignity 
innocent: today is never too late to be brand new 
haunted: something keeps me holding onto nothing 
last kiss: i never planned on you changing your mind // i’ll watch your life in pictures like i used to watch you sleep and i’ll feel you forget me like i used to feel you breathe (this song is too much of a masterpiece to choose)
long live: i had the time of my life fighting dragons with you
state of grace: we learned to live with the pain, mosaic broken hearts
red: moving on from him is impossible when i still see it all in my head
treacherous: i can’t decide if it’s a choice getting swept away
ikywt: and the saddest fear comes creeping in, that you never loved me
all too well: you call me up again just be break me like a promise, so casually cruel in the name of being honest (naturally)
22: it’s miserable and magical
i almost do: i can’t say hello to you and risk another goodbye
wanegbt: this is exhausting (hehe)
stay stay stay: you took the time to memorize me
the last time: all roads, they lead me here
holy ground: for the first time, i had something to lose
sad beautiful tragic: you’ve got you demons and darling they all look like me // silence, train runs off its tracks
the lucky one: you don’t feel pretty, you just feel used
everything has changed: all i know is pouring rain
starlight: we could get married, have ten kids, and teach them how to dream
begin again: thinking all love ever does is break and burn and end
welcome to new york: kaleidoscope of loud heartbeats under coats
blank space: stolen kisses, pretty lies
style: could end in burning flames of paradise
out of the woods: the rest of the world was black and white but we were in screaming color
ayhtdws: i’ve been picking up the pieces of the mess you made 
shake it off: and to the fella over there with the hella good hair 
i wish you would: i wish you knew that i miss you too much to be mad anymore
bad blood: bandaids don’t fix bullet holes
wildest dreams: someday when you leave me i bet these memories follow you around
how you get the girl: i want you for worse or for better
this love: this love left a permanent mark
i know places: love’s a fragile little flame, it could burn out 
clean: just because you’re clean don’t mean you don’t miss it
ready for it: burton to this taylor
end game: your handprint’s on my soul
i did something bad: you gotta leave before you get left
don’t blame me: i would fall from grace just to touch your face
delicate: are you ever dreaming of me?
look what you made me do: i’ll be the actress starring in your bad dreams
so it goes: you did a number on me but honestly baby, who’s counting? 
gorgeous: whiskey on ice, sunset and vine 
getaway car: but with three of us, honey, it’s a sideshow
king of my heart: say you fancy me, not fancy stuff 
dancing with our hands tied: i’m the mess that you wanted
dress: even in my worst of times, you could see the best in me
tiwwchnt: feeling so gatsby for that whole year (bonus points for the haha i can’t even say it with a straight face)
call it what you want: i brought a knife to a gun fight 
new year’s day: please don’t ever become a stranger whose laugh i could recognize anywhere
i forgot that you existed: it isn’t love, it isn’t hate, it’s just indifference
cruel summer: he looks up grinning like a devil (!!)
lover: with every guitar string scar on my hand
the man: they wouldn’t shake their heads and question how much of this i deserve
the archer: i’ve got a hundred thrown out speeches i almost said to you
i think he knows: lyrical smile, indigo eyes
miss americana: american glory faded before me
paper rings: the moon is high like your friends were the night that we first met
cornelia street: that's the kind of heartbreak time could never mend
death by a thousand cuts: but if the story’s over, why am i still writing pages? 
london boy: don’t threaten me with a good time (also the intro, ofc)
soon you’ll get better: desperate people find faith, so now i pray to Jesus too
false god: you’re the west village
you need to calm down: shade never made anybody less gay!
afterglow: fighting with a true love is boxing with no gloves
me: i know i never think before i jump
it’s nice to have a friend: you’ve been stressed out lately, yeah, me too
daylight: the luck of the draw only draws the unlucky
(update 1/14/21)
the 1: you know the greatest loves of all time are over now
cardigan: trying to change the ending, peter losing wendy
the last great american dynasty: and in a feud with her neighbor, she stole his dog and dyed it a key-lime green
exile: you never gave a warning sign/i gave so many signs
my tears ricochet: when you can’t sleep at night, you hear my stolen lullabies
mirrorball: the masquerade revelers
seven: please picture me in the weeds before i learned civility
august: you weren’t mine to lose (but also, just the entire song)
this is me trying: you’re a flashback in a film reel 
illicit affairs: a dwindling mercurial high
invisible string: one single thread of gold tied me to you
mad woman: it’s obvious that wanting me dead has really brought you two together
epiphany: sir, i think he’s bleeding out
betty: i don’t know anything, but i know i miss you
peace: all these people think love’s for show, but i would die for you in secret
hoax: you knew you won so what’s the point of keeping score?
the lakes: i want auroras and sad prose
willow: life was a willow and it bent right to your wind
champagne problems: she would’ve made such a lovely bride, what a shame she’s fucked in the head
gold rush: at dinner parties i call you out on your contrarian shit
tis the damn season: to leave the warmest bed i’ve ever known
tolerate it: i know my love should be celebrated, but you tolerate it
no body, no crime: good thing his mistress took out a big life insurance policy (honorable mention to the way taylor says “just” in “she thinks i did it but she just can’t prove it)
happiness: i hope she’ll be a beautiful fool
dorothea: you’re a queen selling dreams, selling makeup and magazines
coney island: do you miss the rogue who coaxed you into paradise and left you there? 
ivy: your touch brought forth an incandescent glow, tarnished but so grand
cowboy like me: forever is the sweetest con
long story short: long story short, i survived
marjorie: you loved the amber skies so much
closure: i’m fine with my spite and my tears and my beers and my candles
evermore: barefoot in the wildest winter
right where you left me: she’s still twenty-three inside her fantasy
it’s time to go: that old familiar body ache that snaps from the same little breaks in your soul
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