#if i'm the only perosn who needs this
Assorted thoughts on culture, generational trauma, racism, queerness and where they intersect for me
My family is from Bangladesh. Or they used to be. All of my great-grandparents were born there. At least 3 of my grandparents were born there as well. My mother travelled there on the back of trucks transporting hay. The town, practically the village, my father grew up in, is in Bangladesh.
There's this story my mother tells me. When I was around three years old, we were in a Bengali restaurant in New York and I was so happy to meet fellow Bengalis that I immediately started to speak Sylheti. They gave us a discount for that. called me Khuki and told my parents how nice it was to speak in the language of their home with someone once again.
Another time, another restaurant. This one is in London. I'm not three anymore. I don't speak Sylheti anymore either. They say I forgot because I had no one to speak it with. I don't even speak proper Bangla. It's now Bengali with a dash of Hindi. This time when we enter the restaurant, I don't approach the servers. They approach us and say how nice it is to find a fellow Bengali in the wild. We complain about how we're tired of white people food. My mother wishes she had macher jhol. The servers tell her to wait and bring out a plate of their own dinner. She cries as she eats it. Tears of joy and solidarity.
I'm twelve years old and for the first time, I decide to relearn my culture. I join a summer class, pencil in hand, ready to learn how to read and write all over again. I want to read my mother's magazines, the Feluda comics that she read out loud to me as a child. It paid off, but not in the way I expected, my mother fighting with my father, grabbing hold of my hand two days later as we boarded the aeroplane back to her father's house.
I'm 13 years old, on anti-depressants that I forgot to take some days, neurodivergence diagnosed, and learning more about myself each and every day. I come out as bisexual to my mom but do not tell her about my genderfluidity. Afraid of what she'll think when the daughter she always desired turns out to not be her daughter at all. We call my brother in Canada. He tells us about the people who shout slurs at him in the metro. We do not tell him that we are afraid that someday the slurs will turn into bullet wounds.
I'm fourteen years old, and my father's come to visit. It's his birthday so we travel to his parents' house. more than 4 hours away from ours. They greet us with barbed wire words on my grades, my brother's weight, my mother's inability to be a good wife. We smile through it all. I wonder how they can be so cruel. The people who cared for me when I was a child. The woman who named me now my worst enemy.
I'm fifteen years old now. My Bangla is clearer. Sharp vowels and clear consonants. It will never be rounded syllables of my childhood ever again. I learn of the Bengal partition in school. Learn how people killed each other in the name of freedom. I want to scream, "Amra shobai ek." We are all the same. We share the same culture, the same language but in different dialects, the same history. Stop killing, please. I'm tired of the violence and hatred, I say. This war started before I was born, will it continue after I'm dead as well?
I gathered the courage to google LGBTQ+ laws in Bangladesh today. And I realised something. I love my culture. I love my roots. I love this language, my ancestors, and every family member, even though sometimes I feel like there are too many to count. But I do not love what they have made of it. I saw the words splashed across the newspaper headlines, Anti - Queer laws still in place, Being gay is punishable with a life sentence in prison, a gay man is stoned to death in public and no one does anything to stop it. I do not cry. I've been doing nothing but crying for too long now.
Instead, I'm writing this. I'm writing this to tell everyone that it isn't over. I'm writing this to tell everyone that if I'd been born 413 km to the west exactly, I wouldn't be alive to write this post right now. I'm writing this because I am tired of our stories going untold, buried under layers of propaganda and zealotry. I'm writing this because people think my being Hindu, my being Indian, my being Bengali means that I cannot be queer.
Well sorry to prove you wrong. Because I'm still here. And I'm still kicking. And as long as I'm alive, I'm not going to stop. Neither will the thousands of others like me, telling their stories in a thousand different ways, fighting for their people in a thousand different ways.
So this one is for those still kicking.
We're Here
We're Queer
And we're ready to fucking fight.
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luuvprincess · 17 days
Deacon Kay 🏌🏽‍♀️ (3)
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Summary: Desiree stops by HQ for a visit
Warning: SMUT ⚠️‼️ (public sex)
Words: 920
Please excuse any mistakes 🫠
3rd Perosn prospective
Desiree walked into HQ. She knew deacon was gonna be here for a while and her brother. So she decided to stop by with some dinner.
Bake Mac and cheese, steak ,collard greens and white rice with gravy.
"Look who showed up." Hondo said with a huge smile happy to see his little sister. "Well what do we have here?" He asked.
"I figured since you guys would be here all night I bring dinner so nobody has any excuse to miss dinner." Desiree tells him. He leads her to kitchen on the way there Deacon spots them while he's talking to a recruit.
"Hey good work today Harlow." Deacon says as he shakes the young girl hand.
"Thank you Sergeant Kay." She says then they walk their separate ways. Deacon caught up Desiree and Hondo.
"Hey what are you doing here?" Deac asked walking over to his girlfriend of 3 years."Hey I was just stopping by I brought everyone dinner." Des tells him with a smile.
"Imma go ahead and leave you two lovebirds thank you again Des for the food. Deac I'll come get you if we get anything." Hondo says before leaving the room leaving the couple alone.
Desiree bite down on her lip as she eyes her boyfriend. She always loved the way he looked in uniform the way his black swat compression shirt hugged his muscular muscles.
"I want you." Desiree said as she grabbed onto his belt pulling him close. "Sergeant." She wishpered in his ear.
"I hate to break it to you my love but I'm on call." He says. She pouted kissed him softly on the lips. "Please Sergeant Kay. Isn't it your job to help a civilian." She said trying to seduce him.
"I-no I could get into serious trouble not only with the commander but also with your brother." He says.
"David lift up my dress right now and tell if your really gonna deny this piece of art." Desiree said. Deacon shook his head stepping back a little.
"Honey no I'm not taking that risk of someone walking in here and seeing what's mines." He said.
"What if I want to take that risk?" She asked slightly her head to side slightly. "I want you and I want you now not later when your home tomorrow right now." She demanded rubbing on his bulging print.
"Come on baby let me take care of you." She says giving him the puppy eyes. She kissed him as she unzipped his pants slipping her hand into his jeans and rubbing on his hard dick. He let out a small grunt allowing her to continue.
"Hey Deac we got hit on a suspect we're rolling in 30." Hondo called out causing the two to pull away.
"Roger that." Deacon said clearing his throat at his fixed his zipper. Desiree continued to look at Deacon with lust in her eyes. She was ready to risk it all.
"I only need 10 ." She said as she got low in front of him and unzipped his pants she wasted no time and pulled his dick.
"De-fuck." He moaned as he felt her wet lips wrapped around his tip. Taking as much of him as she could down her throat bopping her head slowly as she stroaked what didn't fit.
She pulled away making a pop noise in the process she jerked him off sucking on his balls and kissing on the base of his cock.
"Oh fuck Desiree shit." He moaned as he looked down at her. She was staring him in the eyes. She pulled away leaving soft kisses from his balls to his tip.
Eventually Deacon had enough of her teasing and yanked her up and bent over the counter . Desiree let out a soft moan happy that she finally got what she wanted.
Deacon pulled her dress up her body and her black lace thongs down her thick brown thighs. He looked down seeing how wet she was just for him he stroked his cock a few times before he slide in.
"Fuck Deac yess." Desiree moaned quiet as she possibly could.
"If we weren't in public right now I'd have you screaming." Deacon says in her ear as he picks up his pace with his strokes.
"Ahh Deac right there baby. Yes fuck this pussy up."  She moaned as deacon hit the right spot. He grabbed onto the back of her neck pulling her back his chest.
"Who does this pussy belong too Desiree?" Deacon asked. "Mmm fuck ahh David I'm close." She moaned. Deacon smacked her ass fucking her hard Desiree gasped gripping tightly onto the counter. "Answer my question first then you can cum." He demanded.
"It's yours Deac fuck baby please let me cum." She moaned. He groaned feeling himself also close to his high.
"Come with me gorgeous." He said placing a kiss on her shoulder. Desiree eyes shut tight as she came hard over his cock. He then came after her pulling out and finishing in her thongs.
"That was so much fun we should definitely do that again." She said as she pulled her panites back up her thighs she fixed her dress as he fixed his pants.
"I love you I'll see you at home." He said kissing her "I love you Sergeant Kay be safe." She smiled into the kiss watching him walk out the door.
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I have no words for this one y'all 😭
I hope y'all enjoyed this one
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6rookie-writer0110 · 1 year
Oh, it feels like ages
Hailee Steinfeld x Male Reader
Request - Hailee Steinfeld x male!reader where y/n is an important soldier who was honorably discharged and sorta becomes a cold perosn because he lost his parents and a few of his friends and he is now in the lowest point in his life where he hate everything and doesn't give a damn about anyone except his friends that he still have. His friend stand by him and helped him get into drama school and he was really good at it. He then makes it into the MCU as the oldest son of Clint Barton. Then he meet Hailee during his time in set in Hawkeye. He develops a soft spot for her and make him feel like happy in a long time.
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You went out to drink and you blacked out. You hear a sound and you start to wake up, you take the hat off your face. You sat up and you have a terrible headache.
“Morning princess,” Steve said
“Why am I in jail?” You asked.
“Yeah, you blacked out. You drank so much and you became a total asshole. So, they left you here for the night now I'm here to bail you out” Steve said.
“My head feels like I'm being hit with a hammer. I don't remember anything” You said.
“Let's get something to eat. And you owe me thousand dollars for bail” Steve said.
“Whatever” You mumbled.
Your best friend Steve takes you to a small diner to eat. He has been your best friend since the eighth grade and he never left your side. He supported you when you joined the army.
“Bro, you need to change. They won't hang out with you if you keep being a dickhead” Steve said.
You just keep eating and don't say anything.
“Y/n, you are like my brother but what happened to your parents is terrible, you need to speak to a therapist. You being honorably discharged sucks but you need to speak to someone about it” Steve said.
“I don't need help. I'm fine” You said.
Steve sighed.
“Feels like I'm talking to a child. I'm leaving, I need to go to work” Steve said.
He paid for the food and you watched him walk away. Before going home, you buy beer and went home. Your boss called because you are late for work, but you don't answer the call. You start to drink the beers then you fell asleep on the couch.
There is a house party, Steve convinced you to go. You start to drink a few beers but you are not completely drunk just yet. Some friends attempted to talk with you, but you didn't bother to talk to them. But someone is getting on your nerves but he keeps going.
“Come on, Y/n have fun. You are not in the army” Martin said.
He pushed your shoulder and you didn't like that.
“Stop it,” You said.
“Stop being serious have fun,” Martin said.
He pushed your shoulder again and you snapped. You punched him in the face and he fell, you blacked out. People are telling you to stop and you keep punching him. Someone called the cops and Steve dragged you away from Martin. But the cops arrived fast and they arrested you and take you to jail.
The next day, Steve bailed you out. He drives you home, you don't say anything to him.
“They don't want to be friends with you anymore,” Steve said.
“I don't care,” You said.
Steve followed you into the house and you grabbed a beer from the fridge. He noticed empty beer cans and bottles in the living room. He opened the fridge and you only have beers and no food.
“You need to change. When is the last time you ate?” Steve said.
“Stop with the questions!” You yelled.
“Don’t tell yell at me! All you do is drink. Now you are this cold person, you changed” Steve said.
“People change. I don't want to hear your stupid speech about how I changed!” You yelled again.
“Whatever, asshole” Steve said.
He left and you start to drink your beer. Throughout the night, you start to drink more beer.
-Later, you go to the liquor store and buy strong liquor. You didn't buy food. People start to talk behind your back and you don't care. Someone said hi to you, but you just ignored that person. You and Steve stopped talking to each other. You hear a voicemail from your boss...
“Y/n, this is your boss Jose. I have to let you go because you haven't been to work in almost two weeks. I will send you your last paycheck” Jose said.
You deleted the voicemail. You start to drink your truck in the parking lot.
You are throwing up in the bathroom. After you brush your teeth, you go back to your bed. You haven't paid your bills and late notices are on your table. On your nightstand, there is a picture of you and your parents. You stared at the picture for a little bit then you turned around and went to sleep.
You haven't spoken to Steve in a while. But he noticed it's the anniversary of your parent’s death. He went to your house and he noticed the door is unlocked. He walks inside and it's still a mess.
“Y/n?” Steve said.
He walked towards the bedroom and noticed the gun on your nightstand.
“Y/n...” Steve said.
“I have been staring at it for a while now,” You said.
Steve moved slowly towards you.
“I know you miss them. But they wouldn't want you to hurt yourself” Steve said.
“Nothing else matters. It really doesn't. Everything is so... Dark” You said.
“Yes, the world can be dark but there are good things to live for and see. How about you give me the gun” Steve said.
Steve sticks out his hand and waits for you to give him the gun. You don't move and Steve grabbed the gun, and he takes out the bullets. Steve sits next to you and you start to cry and he gently rubs your back. He doesn't say anything, for now, he lets you cry.
Since that day, you haven't stopped drinking. Steve would bring you food and you barely look at him. You don't talk to him like before, he does let you know that he is worried about you. You would go out to drink and you would black out. Steve would bail you out again and you haven't paid him back.
“Get dressed but take a shower first,” Steve said.
“Why?” You asked.
“Just do it!” Steve yelled.
You glared at him and he glares back at you. An hour later, you took a shower and got dressed. You get in the car with Steve and he starts to drive.
“Where are we going?” You asked.
“Y/n, you need something else to do besides drinking yourself to death,” Steve said.
“Acting school?” You asked.
“Yeah, acting school. You should join the class with me. It won't be painful, let's go inside” Steve smiled.
“No,” You said.
“Y/n, get your ass inside before I drag you out of this car by your shirt,” Steve said.
You and Steve glared at each other, you or Steve didn't blink. But you blinked first and he starts to smile. You go inside with him, but you don't talk to anyone. You watched Steve act in different roles, you're impressed with his acting. But you didn't act, you just sat down and watched everyone.
For weeks, Steve would force you to go to drama school. You didn't slow down the drinking and you haven't paid your bills.
“Y/n and Sara act out Romeo and Juliet scene. It would be an easy exercise for him. Act out the scene where Romeo confesses his love for her” The drama teacher said.
You sighed and you stand up.
“You got this, bro” Steve smiled.
You start to act out the scene. Steve and the drama teacher are impressed with your acting skill. She tells you to take acting seriously and you're speechless. Steve gave pat on your back and told you how good you were.
You stopped drinking and it's hard for you. But you keep going to acting school with Steve. But you are still cold with everyone, some people from the class invited you to go out and you said no. You and Steve went to New York to audition for a Marvel Hawkeye.
✫ ✯ ✬ ✫
You got the role and you are on the set of Hawkeye. You are reading your lines while heading to your chair, but without looking you bumped into Hailee.
“I’m sorry, I wasn't looking,” You said.
She smiled at you.
“It’s okay. Wait are you going to play clint’s son?” Hailee said.
“Yeah, I will play Cooper. And you will play Kate?” You said.
“Yeah, I will play Kate. Looks like our first scene will be next” Hailee smiled.
“Cool,” You said.
You and Hailee start to film the scene with Jeremy. Jeremy and Hailee did mess up their lines and they are being goofy, but you don't laugh or smile. You are just being serious and you wait to start the scene again. Hailee noticed that you don't smile or laugh a lot, when you aren't looking she is staring at you.
“You don't smile a lot, Y/n” Hailee said.
“Just when I have to do my scenes,” You said.
“You know what I mean, Y/n don't be a smartass,” Hailee said.
“I’m not,” You said.
You and Hailee have to do more scenes together, but you are starting to work with her. She does ask you a lot of questions and you do answer them. On your breaks, you tend to be alone while Hailee spends her breaks on her phone or talking to other people.
You and Hailee have to do an interview for the show.
“Nervous?” Hailee asked.
“Little bit. My manager told me to show emotions and smile” You said.
“I saw you smile on screen but off-screen you don't smile a lot. So try to smile” Hailee said.
“Why do I need to smile?” You asked.
“To show at least you are having fun, I'm not that boring,” Hailee said.
You and Hailee didn't know that camera is on and recording.
“Y/n you need to smile,” Hailee said.
“No” You teased.
“Do it” Hailee said.
“Or what?” You said.
You are sitting down then She starts to touch your face. She is pushing your cheeks up so it would look like you are smiling. You start to move your face away but she doesn't stop.
“Stop being a baby,” Hailee said.
“Stop being a baby” You mocked her.
You keep moving your face away from her but she doesn't stop.
The next day after the interview, the video of Hailee trying to make you smile went viral. Everyone is liking the video and they think it's funny. She saw the video and sent it to you and you thought it was funny.
You and Hailee do work together for long hours on the set of Hawkeye. Hailee does try to get to know you better but you don't talk about yourself. But you did tell Hailee you were in the army and you have said it in interviews before, but you didn't go into details.
Hailee walked on set and sees you sitting down drinking water. She smiled and she likes spending time with you. She walked towards you and gave you lunch.
“A salad?” You said.
“I don't know what you like to eat because you don't tell me anything about you. You sure like to play the mysterious guy” Hailee said.
“It's like you have a mission to make me open up,” You said.
“Yes, I do Y/n” Hailee smiled.
You have a soft spot for her and you like how she tries to make you open up about yourself. You find her attractive and you do want to get to know her better, but you think she won't feel the same way about you.
“Oh, I was told we have to go to a party and do another promo for the show. And there will be an open bar” Hailee said.
She is hoping that you will go. She wants to spend more time with you but not talk about the show.
“I will go,” You said.
“Great!” Hailee smiled.
You start to eat the salad and she starts to talk about what she will wear.
You and Hailee arrived for the party and took a few pictures together for the promo. But she did tease you about why you need to smile, you didn't smile. She brings you a drink that has alcohol
“What is it?” You asked.
You grabbed the drink but didn't drink yet.
“Passion fruit martini,” Hailee said.
“Oh... Umm... I don't drink, I'm an alcoholic” You said.
“Oh? I'm sorry I-I didn't know” Hailee said.
“It’s fine. You can drink around me but I will stick with water or club soda” You said.
“Oh okay,” Hailee said.
She does drink it but you put your drink on the table. Then somehow she convinced you to dance with her. She is telling you to let loose and how to move your hips.
✫ ✯ ✬ ✫
You are doing a scene with Hailee. Your character and Kate have to come up with a plan fast and Kate starts to ramble on about something.
“Kate focus!” You yelled.
Suddenly Hailee grabbed your shirt and pulled you into a kiss. You start to kiss her back and she starts to think...
Holy shit! I'm kissing him and he is kissing me back!
You two moved away from each other.
“Cut!” the director yelled.
Now the director is talking to the producers.
“Why did you kiss me?” You whispered.
She tried to come up with a lie but couldn't, she just walked away. You are confused about what happened but you liked the kiss.
Later, you sat in the makeup chair so they can put fake scars on your face. And Hailee walked in but you two are alone and she tries to play it cool.
“Y/n... Sorry about the kiss. I know it wasn't in the scene... But I like you and I want to know if you want to go on a date?” Hailee said.
“Wow... I never had a girl ask me out. This feels strange but in a good way. I'm surprised you like me” You said.
“Yeah, me too... I don't mean that in a bad way! But yeah, I like you” Hailee said.
“I like you too. So, yeah I will go on a date with you” You said.
She starts to smile and you feel happy around her.
On the first date, went bad. You went to pick her up at her house but it started to rain badly. You and Hailee decided to stay in and cook something together like pizza. You open up about your drinking problem and how you are getting help and some experience in the army. After dinner, you and Hailee start to play uno but you two for competitive.
You and Hailee are dating in secret. She doesn't pressure you to open up about everything in one night. You and Hailee got some days off, so she decided to take you to California to spend time with her alone. But you take her to your hometown, you wanted to show her your parent's gravestones...
“These are my parents, they passed away a long time ago,” You said.
She put her arm around your waist then you put your arm around her shoulders.
“It means a lot that you would bring me here,” Hailee said.
“I haven't visited them in a while. They would have liked you” You said.
“I would have liked them too,” Hailee said.
“I miss them,” You said.
She gives you a hug and you hug her back.
Later, you and Hailee get something to eat. You start to talk about your childhood and she does the same thing.
✫ ✯ ✬ ✫
When you and Hailee go to parties, she would make sure no one gives you alcohol. But when Hailee is drunk, she would be affectionate with you and she would giggle.
Today, you went to her house and she has a pool. Hailee pushed you into the pool but you grabbed her hand and pulled her in.
“You are a jerk, Y/n” Hailee giggled
“You pushed me,” You said.
You splashed water on her and she did the same to you. Her dogs jumped in the water and she gets out of the water. She sits on the edge and watches you play with her dogs. Then you swim towards her and she kissed you on the lips. You invited Steve to come over so he can meet Hailee.
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sasori-rp · 5 months
Roleplay Rules
Hi there and welcome to my blog! Please keep in mind the following rules, when interacting with me. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
General Information
This account has 3 different functions:
OOC Posts and Reblogs
Asks/Interactions/Reblogs/Posts in character
Roleplaying Semi-Lit/Lit/Novella
I will tag each of these functions accordingly. Keep i mind that my older posts (before 12.05.2024) have not undergone this change and may thus not have these tags.
OOC Posts and Reblogs
As the name suggests, this is just me having fun sharing memes, fanart, fanfictions and so on. These posts will be tagged as #Mod speaks and #Mod reblogs. If interacting with people via comments, I also use //mod to clarify who's speaking, as well as )) at the end of my messages in DMs. If you want to ask me a question/make a request for me perosnally, please address we with "Mod", so I know whom you're targeting.
In Character Interactions
A big part of this blog are my RP interactions with Tumblr users or other RP accounts in character. You will find a lot of One-Liner-Style Roleplay Posts on here. Character reactions will always be tagged with #Sasori RP. Additionally, all my answers/reblogs/posts in character will be written in red font.
As of now, there are no limitations to Asks. You can ask a question or hop straight into RP if you want. Keep in mind though, that if you wish to start a longterm RP, I'd prefer you to contact me via DMs, so that our back and forth doesn't clutter my feed for an extended period of time.
Feel free to tag me on any posts you'd like Sasori's reaction to.
The short-term interactions are open for anyone to reblog and interact with.
Don't forget, that Sasori is an impatient, rarely polite rogue who turns people into puppets for fun. He'll likely not be nice.
If I don't reply to you right away, that can include the following reasons: I haven't seen it yet, I need to think of a good reply (I value accuracy), I'm too busy with life rn, or I may have overread it. Please never assume I ignore you on purpose or out of malicious intent. I will get to you, I promise.
Roleplaying Semi-Lit/Lit/Novella
If you're interested in longterm RP, please contact me via DMs or send me an Ask, so that I can contact you. I'll discuss the plot and ideas with you, exchange requirements and will decide eventually, if I'm down or not. I don't have a lot of time, therefore I don't want to commit to too many Roleplays at once. I also only commit to Roleplays, that personally inspire me. For everything else, such as RPs that aren't fully my cup of tea, for crack interactions and similar things, I offer the short-term interactions I mentioned above.
As of now, this committed type of RP will be tagged as #Longterm RP for the time being. Perhaps I will come up with a better solution in the future. Despite it being RP, it will not be coloured in the before mentioned font colour, so as to increase the readability of long walls of text.
The Long-Term Roleplays are closed threads. Only the person whom I've agreed to RP with, is allowed to reblog the posts.
General Rules
Everyone is welcome on my blog. Regardless of gender, sexuality, ethnicity and age. Keep in mind though, that this blog may contain content for mature audiences, such as violence, cursing, sex and occasional (written) gore. I will try my best to tag sensitive posts as mature.
-> I know it can be annoying that all the fun accounts are minors DNI, so I try to keep this blog as open as possible, so that people under 18 get the chance to ask their favourite character questions as well. Be aware though, that I also post mature content. Interaction at your own risk.
I value open communication. If something is making you uncomfortable or upset, please tell me. We can then talk things out and work out a solution.
I'm not available for any hate speeches/angry rants/passive aggressiveness etc. If you try to involve me in any of these things, regardless of whether it is directed towards me, my friends or a stranger, I will block you. This blog is a safe space. If you have something important to share, you can do so in a constructive manner.
That said, for all those who have heard of the Anon Drama of the past few months: I am no longer involved with the people in question. I have cut contact with them for my wellbeing and sanity and do not want to be associated with them anymore. If you have questions on the topic, please contact me privately, I'll gladly give you a heads-up. Do not send me updates, screenshots or posts about things that may or may not have been said about me. I have moved on. Should you not have heard about the Anon Drama, thank your guardian angel and ignore this point.
I do not do Longterm RPs with OCs at the moment. That may change in the future. OCs are however welcome to send me Asks and make reblogs for me to react to in character.
Keep in mind that me and my characters are two separate people. Their actions and beliefs do not equal my own, neither do I hold grudges against anyone whom my characters may have insulted.
Lastly, have fun! This blog is meant to bring joy to both me and all those who love Sasori, so don't hesitate to interact. I love each and every question I receive and I am thankful for everyone who allows me to indulge in some fun and games with my favourite characters.
That's all from me for now! Thank you for reading my rules. I wish you all a lovely day and much fun with this blog.
- Your Mod
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shisui-uchiha-rp · 5 months
Roleplay Rules
Hi there and welcome to my blog! Please keep in mind the following rules, when interacting with me. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
General Information
This account has 3 different functions:
OOC Posts and Reblogs
Asks/Interactions/Reblogs/Posts in character
Roleplaying Semi-Lit/Lit/Novella
I will tag each of these functions accordingly. Keep i mind that my older posts (before 12.05.2024) have not undergone this change and may thus not have these tags.
OOC Posts and Reblogs
As the name suggests, this is just me having fun sharing memes, fanart, fanfictions and so on. These posts will be tagged as #Mod speaks and #Mod reblogs. If interacting with people via comments, I also use //mod to clarify who's speaking, as well as )) at the end of my messages in DMs. If you want to ask me a question/make a request for me perosnally, please address we with "Mod", so I know whom you're targeting.
In Character Interactions
A big part of this blog are my RP interactions with Tumblr users or other RP accounts in character. You will find a lot of One-Liner-Style Roleplay Posts on here. Character reactions will always be tagged with #Shisui RP. Additionally, all my answers/reblogs/posts in character will be written in blue font.
As of now, there are no limitations to Asks. You can ask a question or hop straight into RP if you want. Keep in mind though, that if you wish to start a longterm RP, I'd prefer you to contact me via DMs, so that our back and forth doesn't clutter my feed for an extended period of time.
Feel free to tag me on any posts you'd like Shisui's reaction to.
The short-term character interactions are open for anyone to reblog and interact.
If I don't reply to you right away, that can include the following reasons: I haven't seen it yet, I need to think of a good reply (I value accuracy), I'm too busy with life rn, or I may have overread it. Please never assume I ignore you on purpose or out of malicious intent. I will get to you, I promise.
Roleplaying Semi-Lit/Lit/Novella
If you're interested in longterm RP, please contact me via DMs or send me an Ask, so that I can contact you. I'll discuss the plot and ideas with you, exchange requirements and will decide eventually, if I'm down or not. I don't have a lot of time, therefore I don't want to commit to too many Roleplays at once. I also only commit to Roleplays, that personally inspire me. For everything else, such as RPs that aren't fully my cup of tea, for crack interactions and similar things, I offer the short-term interactions I mentioned above.
As of now, this committed type of RP will be tagged as #Longterm RP for the time being. Perhaps I will come up with a better solution in the future. Despite it being RP, it will not be coloured in the before mentioned font colour, so as to increase the readability of long walls of text.
The Long-Term Roleplays are closed threads. Only the person whom I've agreed to RP with, is allowed to reblog the posts.
General Rules
Everyone is welcome on my blog. Regardless of gender, sexuality, ethnicity and age. Keep in mind though, that this blog may contain content for mature audiences, such as violence, cursing, sex and occasional (written) gore. I will try my best to tag sensitive posts as mature.
-> I know it can be annoying that all the fun accounts are minors DNI, so I try to keep this blog as open as possible, so that people under 18 get the chance to ask their favourite character questions as well. Be aware though, that I also post mature content. Interaction at your own risk.
I value open communication. If something is making you uncomfortable or upset, please tell me. We can then talk things out and work out a solution.
I'm not available for any hate speeches/angry rants/passive aggressiveness etc. If you try to involve me in any of these things, regardless of whether it is directed towards me, my friends or a stranger, I will block you. This blog is a safe space. If you have something important to share, you can do so in a constructive manner.
That said, for all those who have heard of the Anon Drama of the past few months: I am no longer involved with the people in question. I have cut contact with them for my wellbeing and sanity and do not want to be associated with them anymore. If you have questions on the topic, please contact me privately, I'll gladly give you a heads-up. Do not send me updates, screenshots or posts about things that may or may not have been said about me. I have moved on. Should you not have heard about the Anon Drama, thank your guardian angel and ignore this point.
I do not do Longterm RPs with OCs at the moment. That may change in the future. OCs are however welcome to send me Asks and make reblogs for me to react to in character.
Keep in mind that me and my characters are two separate people. Their actions and beliefs do not equal my own, neither do I hold grudges against anyone whom my characters may have insulted.
Lastly, have fun! This blog is meant to bring joy to both me and all those who love Shisui, so don't hesitate to interact. I love each and every question I receive and I am thankful for everyone who allows me to indulge in some fun and games with my favourite characters.
That's all from me for now! Thank you for reading my rules. I wish you all a lovely day and much fun with this blog.
- Your Mod
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away-ward · 6 months
Hey KO, I'm new to dn, and just finished it today! I know that this is not a devils night confirmation info page or anything, but i just would like to know your interpretation of will's line of "she was hot in the shower, on the beach, on the wall, on the hood of his car under the rain, in his bed". By the end of nightfall, i dont even know which one is the truth or which one is the lie because will grayson lies so much. Like did he actually did all that? So how tf am i supposed to see him as a great romantic book hero? Like, idk im so confused rn. By the end of nightfall, i ended up only loving emory scott from this series, and hating will grayson. I was so disappointed when we didnt get enough banks by fire night. But shes my second favourite.
and what do you think were the things will lied about or the things he said the truth was? And wtf was he saying about alex being his safe place and port on the strom? Why did that sound like rika when she talks about kai, because michael was it for her, and only with michael, rika felt everything she needed and wanted to? Was that what will meant? That he still wnated emory because unlike alex who only made him laugh to forget his pain and enable him, emory was the one he wanted to feel everything with? Was that also the reason he said that emmy was the only perosn who knew what he felt always? Like the true him? The one not even damon, his bff knew?Because then pd sure as hell didnt do a good job executing this. They were too convoluted in their execution, these messages didnt stand out immediately.
ahhhh im so confused? Like whats going in nightfall? And emmy fucking alex? Huh? But tbh unlike other readers, i can see why emmy needed that moment though even though i was like? I cant see her bonding with damon like that hence why i thought its understandable she didnt go over the edge with will and damon in the locker room scene. Aside from pride and fear, i dont think she would want them to think that she would settle down for scraps and ONS in high school while she was still not free. But alex (and will and aydin) just pisses me off here in nightfall like how the horsemen pissed me off from the way they treated rika in corrupt.
and funnily enough i think even this point is recycled from hideaway. Like think about it yeah, in hideaway, when banks attacked rika, kai explained why he was close to her and he said something like "even after everything, she still befriended us, talked to us, forgive us" yada yada yada, so does that mean, IMPLICITLY, even after everything, emmy would still accept alex, aydin and will, even when they're being ugly like that? Because it felt eerily similar, yk. And that train scene with kai and michael, as much as they pissed me off, i can see why michael and kai said that because they were probably testing her loyalty and see if she's here in even for the ugly. When i put on that lense it made sense.
tbh i dont agree with a lot of weird shit in dn, but i can see why. But for some reason will's personality and characterisation + lies always made me second guess everything in nightfall. Because wtf? Sure, damon used to be his heroine (not a good thing) and alex was his port in the storm (not a good thing too) so wtf is he doing with his life then?? Only with emmy, his life starts? Is he dumb or something? 😭☠️ im so sorry im just confused wtfff? And not damon and alex being bffs and still cant read him outside of only knowing emmy was his everything, and the reason why he might even get out of blackchurch (oh and i theorise earlier that when rika asked michael what was his plan for will in conclave, i suspected he wanted tosend emmy there. I think he knew she could handle it. I mean she did lmao) and didnt even knew about his plans with grandpa? But emmy be figuring out everything (like a bloodhound will said), and the only reason she couldnt find out earlier was because 1. she wasnt beside him, 2. things were happening outside of her knwoledge, 3. She was lied to by will or manipulated by aydin? Uuh? How tf are these people even bffs and considered smart honestly? Wtf? Do they not have a brain? They have 8 people fgs 😭 emmy literally the only one with brain, wanting to ACTUALLY escape and not act like want to escape but actually want to stay and have hidden motives (cough alexaydinwill cough) dang, these horsemen be thick in the head eh?
KO, i would really like to know what you think of these. Like wtf is going on? How are they gonna build an empire with these brains? And rika being mayor at 22? WHAT IS GOING ON AHAHAHAHAH stop. Like i dont even hate dn, atp i only dislike some characters and some things, but its bad soap opera, im enjoying my confusion and having a good time weirdly?
its bad soap opera, im enjoying my confusion and having a good time weirdly?
If there was ever a tag line for Devil’s Night, it would be this.
Welcome? Congrats on making it through. It’s an accomplishment, for sure.
I’m definitely not a confirmation page or anything. If anything, I see the series totally different than a lot of people – especially Will. I’m not sure if I’ll say anything that makes the pain better, but I’m always happy to talk about it.
i just would like to know your interpretation of will's line of "she was hot in the shower, on the beach, on the wall, on the hood of his car under the rain, in his bed". By the end of nightfall, i dont even know which one is the truth or which one is the lie because will grayson lies so much. Like did he actually did all that? So how tf am i supposed to see him as a great romantic book hero?
Yeah, I absolutely think Will did all those things with Alex. All that and more.
But it wasn’t special. They were both sleeping with multiple people. Alex was sleeping with Michael’s father, for example. Sure, they probably enjoyed each other’s company more than they did with others, but I never saw any evidence of anything romantic between them. And in a series about characters that started having sex without commitment as early as 14 or 15, I don’t see this as odd behavior on their part.
For instance, it was odd behavior for Kai to NOT be having sex in Corrupt. That was his whole part of his storyline. So, Will carrying on from where he left off before prison was normal and expected.
I do agree that Will saying this is cruel. He’s intending to hurt Emory. But this isn’t the first time he’s done this. It actually echoes what he used to say in high school.
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He said something similar in her room the night he tried to end things with her. When Will wants to hurt Emory, he reminds her he has options. And Emory has no problem using his casual slutiness to try and hurt him in return, but that's besides the point. The point is the question this brings up:
Does he actually want those options?
I think we can all read that scene and know both of them are lying. Will says himself he doesn’t want anyone but her. However, when Emory comes back that she was just using him, seeing what all the fuss was about, and now she’s done with him, he’s hurt. He wants her in all ways, but she's saying she doesn't want him. So he tries to cover it up. He's lying. He doesn't care about any of the other "options", he just wants her to be jealous and hurt like he's jealous and hurt.
In Blackchurch the situation is slightly different. He wants to hurt her for other reasons, not just because she didn’t want him like he wanted her. However, I think apart of just how vicious his anger got was him frantically trying to build a wall to protect himself. If he didn’t manage to find a way to defend himself against whatever it is about Emory that draws him to her like a moth to a flame, he risked bearing himself to her cruelty again. I’m not sure if he was ready to do that. So he relied on his anger and the same old tactics that worked before. In the scene you mentioned, he's just giving his "options" a face.
I mean, if you don’t see him as a romantic hero, there’s nothing wrong with that. There’s not a lot about the Present timeline/Blackchurch arc that is romantic. But I do find both of these characters sympathetic in some ways, and I’m happy they found a way to happiness with each other after all this time.
i ended up only loving emory scott from this series, and hating will grayson. I was so disappointed when we didnt get enough banks by fire night. But shes my second favourite.
A completely normal reaction, honestly. I think it’s safe to say most have been there. I know that’s where I started at when I finished the series.
And wtf was he saying about alex being his safe place and port on the strom? Why did that sound like rika when she talks about kai, because michael was it for her, and only with michael, rika felt everything she needed and wanted to?
…no matter what anyone tells you, you don’t need to read the Rika and Banks bonus scene. Save yourself.
because unlike alex who only made him laugh to forget his pain and enable him, emory was the one he wanted to feel everything with? Was that also the reason he said that emmy was the only perosn who knew what he felt always? Like the true him? The one not even damon, his bff knew?
Yes, exactly.
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Damon and Alex indulged Will. They were so enamored with this boy with childish tendencies – this Peter Pan-like man – that they were willing to let him destroy himself rather than expect more.
Alex did it because she was also hiding from reality. Damon did it because he wanted Will to never lose what made him so enthusiastic about life. Will should never be in pain. Because Damon was completely consumed by the hatred and anger in him, and he’d placed all his happiness and what was left of his goodness in other people. It was important to him to protect that in Will. Of course, this means that both Alex and Damon see what they want to see in Will, and not necessarily what’s there.
Because Will wanted to grow up. When Emory was leaving him in high school, she said she didn't want to be someone he needed to take care of, someone pathetic with a lot of baggage he'd get sick of. What she didn't understand is that Will desperately wanted to take care of her. He wanted to hold that baggage, and he was patient enough to never get tired of holding it. He wanted to be a man, and to be important to people, and be dependable and relied on. He came from a world where no one needed him. He was just there. I recall how when Will was tucking Emory in after homecoming. The conversation they had about what Will's future looked like. It was joke, but apart of Will wanted to be the important man in the great suit for Emory. That's how he imagined their future - sans Heidi.
If he could get Emory to love him… if he could be special enough for her, and be the only one she went to when she needed something – love, affection, happiness, help… other people didn't need him like that, but he really wanted to be that for Emory. He wanted to be that important to her. Problem was he had no idea how much help she really needed. It was all a fantasy that was never going to happen, because Emory was not the girl he thought she was. Once he realized that, he was hurt that she wouldn’t even try to depend on him. He was that unreliable.
And then, when he gets out of prison, he finds out that Damon lied to him about who leaked the videos and then disappears, Kai and Michael are having their usual bromance, leaving him out of the plans, and who does leave him with?
Alex. So he hides in her. And Alex hides in him, but Alex also doesn’t need him to be anything other than there. She can take care of herself, she has a roster of callers. She's taken care of. He doesn’t have to be a man for her. They let each other be weak without judgement, but eventually even Will gets tired of that, and starts down that "inevitable road" to growing up without her.
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He can’t make a commitment to Alex, anyway. Because in his heart, he knows it’s still only Emory that he wants to be that man for.
and funnily enough i think even this point is recycled from hideaway. Like think about it yeah, in hideaway, when banks attacked rika, kai explained why he was close to her and he said something like "even after everything, she still befriended us, talked to us, forgive us" yada yada yada, so does that mean, IMPLICITLY, even after everything, emmy would still accept alex, aydin and will, even when they're being ugly like that?
There are so many recycled plot points and beats throughout this series, it’s a little exhausting to count. Still, I hadn’t considered it from this angle.
Emory as Rika, forgiving Alex, Aydin, and Will the way that Rika forgave the horsemen.
Wow. Galaxy brain.
Regardless. I still hate Aydin and refuse to accept him as part of their little family. He’s gross, and I hope he and Alex go off on one of their adventures and never come back, and the group just forgets they were ever there.
Unlike most around here, I don't mind Alex’s presence totally (I’m more irritated with her overall character execution than her role within the story, but that’s for a different time), except for the fact that she married that man. I do absolutely hate her for that.
that train scene with kai and michael, as much as they pissed me off, i can see why michael and kai said that because they were probably testing her loyalty.
I don’t think they were testing her loyalty. Well, maybe Michael was. Another anon several months ago suggested Michael was also trying to keep Emory close for Will. Which, that’s an interesting thought.
Kai, I think, was just salty and still consumed with guilt over getting arrested and needed to project a little.
“We didn’t deserve that?”
Oh, so Emory deserved to have her grandma ripped away from her and put in a home where she would most certainly be neglected and die?
You guys actually committed those crimes, regardless of whether they were for a good reason. Emory did nothing to deserve the way her brother was treating her. Please get over yourself.
tbh i dont agree with a lot of weird shit in dn, but i can see why
Honestly… same.
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i suspected he wanted tosend emmy there. I think he knew she could handle it. I mean she did lmao
I think this would have been a much better plot, though. Yes, because I hate Aydin and his storyline, but also because this makes more sense!
It makes more sense that Will would find the letter and disappear. Once they figured out he’s in Blackchurch, Kai would have more understanding of what that kind of environment would do to Will. I think he said that Will stopped eat? I could be misremembering though.
So to motivate Will, they could give him something he wanted, like coaxing a dog from a shed with a treat.
Or I could go on replotting the entire thing. I think what the point is, is that almost anything would have been better than what actually happened.  
emmy literally the only one with brain, wanting to ACTUALLY escape and not act like want to escape but actually want to stay and have hidden motives (cough alexaydinwill cough) dang,
While I appreciate Emory being unwilling to give up and continuing to fight, the truth is that she was being a little stupid. Just a little.
They were on an island, off the coast of Canada, in the middle of October. She had no clothes except what she was wearing (which was usually boxer shorts and a button up shirt?), and usually only managed to grab at most two days’ worth of food.
She was going to let her pride and inability to face Will get her killed.
Now, I don’t doubt for a second Emory’s drive for survival. It’s possible she would have figured out how to live in the wilderness. The best option, however, would have been to play nice with Alex and Will. Not be friends. Just Be. Nice.
If Alex was right and the team was coming to save them, great. She’ll be taken off the island. She can hit the ground running in the opposite direction as soon as her feet hit pavement.
If Alex was wrong and the team wasn’t on their way, when it got close to the thirty days, she could sneak away then, so she only had to plan on surviving outside the house for a short while until the supplies team came. At which point she’d have the freedom to move about. Either talk to a member of the team or sneak aboard whatever transport they came in.
But either way, she’d need to survive in the house, and getting as many people on her side as possible (which would mean stop antagonizing everyone who pissed her off) would have been a smarter move. Emory needed to be prepared to play the long or short game. Blackchurch was not Thunder Bay. Being a lone wolf was going to get her nothing useful.
However, if she did that, we wouldn’t have our beloved Emory, would we. Much like Will, I love that she never let the opportunity to snap at them pass.
This isn't to say that Emory isn't one of the smartest people in the group. I have no doubt that her and Banks run circles around them any day of the week. Just that in this particular situation, she was not doing her best. Understandable, though. She was only a little stressed out.
How are they gonna build an empire with these brains? And rika being mayor at 22? WHAT IS GOING ON AHAHAHAHAH stop.
Yeah, I don’t know. That whole “rule the world” thing really bugs me. One, why did Damon only include his sisters and not the whole family?
Two, why does Banks have to do everything Damon wants? When does she get to choose?
Three, I don’t mind the idea of Rika being mayor…eventually. But Rika has barely graduated college. What experience does she have to run the town. I’d have much rather they used someone like Katsu or Vittoria or Matthew Grayson as a placeholder until Rika was old enough.
If there’s anything that we learned from the Rika and Banks bonus scene, is that Rika still really suffers from insecurities and embarrassment too much. Why is she letting a 20-year-old bully her over something that happened 15 years prior, and for something that is completely normal in their social circles? I don’t trust Rika to run a PTA without falling victim to peer pressure. Who gave her a town?
Four, …they own an Inn, an amusement park that’s only open like one-three months a year, a dojo, and a humanitarian project. They’re rich kids playing with the money they inherited, doing a lot of nothing, and making more money for themselves. Exactly what empire are we building here?
Yeah… anyway. I don’t know why I’m still here. Other than, I love these stupid characters and want better for them. I wanna play with them like dolls. It's s all pretty dumb though.
Thanks for stopping by! Hope you have fun while you here. Come back and talk to me again sometime.
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firemandeanbuck · 2 years
what if...
(tribute to this post by father) (major character death, there will be pain btw COMIC SPOILERS)
Hob had a dream. Or was it...? A dream? Well, it sure was, or elsewhere would he find such fantastical creatures, Gods and Legends, mourning for the death of someone?
His body was flowing down a river, in a big black swan boat. The sky was the greyest Hob ever felt. It was like a shadow was casted over the entire universe by the wings of a Titan. They mourned the death of someone they knew very personally. Hob had a feeling he knew him too. He had not seen his face, but he knew him, he had not remembered his voice, yet he heard him saying goodbye one last time to his kingdom. Leaving everything and everyone behind, never to look back. This isn't a trick, or deception, or a play. No, this was real life.
No coming back from there.
Words were spoken in countless languages, unknown manners and with various level of emotions. The little girl with insane hair said nothing more than 2 words, she was clearly upset. The crow talked fondly, if a little harshly, of his boss. They went to hell together and challenged Lucifer, he said. Someone in the crowd scoffed loudly..
When the fire rose up into the sky as a phoenix, everyone was returned home. Gods and the funny creatures walked out the gate. But Hob woke up.
((1 month later))
Inside the barn, Hob sits around a fire. He is greeted by a familiar face. Familiar yet. Distinguished. He doesn't recall who she is, all he knows that she is someone he knows, or at least used to know.
She tells him about her brother, about life, about dreams and death. Hob tells her about his life, about his aspiration.
Death tells him about her idiot brother. A hollowness digs into Hob's chest, weighing him down. The final blow, while waking, comes when Death tells him Dream is no longer, he is dead. he attended the funeral. Hob needs a drink, he needs to get away, to be alone with his thoughts. No, no, this can't be true. The man with whom he met every century, the one who hears his stories about life and the ONLY perosn he had been genuinely open with, is DEAD.
He can't. Hob had lost so much over the corse of 6 centuries. he can't-
But he seemed immortal. Dream did. He seemed infinitely bigger than life, he seemed unreal, like a wild imagination running around unrestricted. Oh, so mighty and great. Even gods dont question him
Yet, in his heart of hearts, he KNOWS its true. That's the funeral he attended, and he saw her there, for she was also mourning her brother. Even now, as she is talking to him, grief is crystal in her eyes. She doesn't want to tell this story, yet, she feels like she OWES her brother to. It's what's proper, what's right
Then, she asks him to take her hands.
Hob hesitates. He asks her, "How did it feel?"
"Like death. A part of me went with him and forever shall be with him. I have no control over such matters", Death answers, rubbing her hands together.
"I'm sorry", Hob place his hand on her shoulder, "My condolences to you, Death",
"Y'know, I was his sister before I was DEATH", she told. Her head hung low, the curls were curtaining her face but the tears were unmistakably there.
"I cannot imagine the pain. To think that who WOULD NOT go away actually do, in front of your eyes. But... to be the one to take him there. I'm so sorry, Death. If I could, I would've changed our places"
"Thank you", she wiped her glittery tears, "So?" Once again, she had extended her arms.
They looked so inviting. No more pain, no more struggling to hide his identity, no more problems of the world, no more lost loved ones, no more changing times taking a toll on him, no more finding new love, no more grieving for the past.
But... GWEN. She will be alone. Hob doesn't want her to feel what he did. She is good she doesn't deserve such pain.
"Will I be forgiven?"
"No one is condemned in my realm", assures Death, her gentle smile reminding Hob of summer in the open country, warm breeze bringing the sweet smell of fruits. Oh, how much he wanted to go.
From somewhere far, far away, his beloved mother was calling him into home. His little sister running back to him, showing him her collection. The sun kissed his skin. He could feel the soil and grass under his feet.
There it was. Such a strong nostalgia, the bittersweet feeling that leaves a foul taste when its over. He doesn't want it to be over
"Okay, I'll come with you"
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zerobaseonefics · 1 year
OMG NOO NEXT WEEK ON THIRSDAY RIGHT IS THE FINAL EPISODE RIGHT (i think so im not sire tho) AND EXACTLY AT THE TIME THE EPISODE STARTS I HAVE THERAPY LIKE BRO I PREFER TO WATCH BOYS PLANET CRYING MY GUTS OUT AND ALMOST FAINTING INSTEAD OF GOING TO YOUUUU LIKE YOU DONT EVEN HELP ME MAN anyway i lied to my therapist 3 times already and i feel bad. im a pathological liar or whatever its called so i believe my own lies roght and tell them all the time and make up new lifes/perosnalities that way and i need to tell him about it but idk how because i dont want him to know that i lied to him👲 he thinks im smart, kind and everything but a liar, BADDIE🤭, actuslly dumb af and rude to almost everyone. i just hope soon i wont need to go to him anymore🫶🫶 oh and he forgets always everything sbout me so its easier for me to lie to him but i dont want to LIKE BROO??? this is the only place i can actually talk with no lies because im anonymous and everybody can think what they want but they dont know who i am ykykyk?? this should be a motivation to lie even more actuslly since its anonymous and NOBODY knows who i am but no its the other way around for me👍btw the only thing my therapist did what didnt helped me at all but was „okay” from him like the good „okay” was that he said fuck the prople that are racist to me💪💪
no look i'm going to try and advice you for the best as someone who've been seeing therapist for years.
BESTIE YOU NEED TO CHANGE THAT DAMN THERAPIST 🫵🏼 idk the situation in your country regarding this, in France where i live it's kinda hard to find another one. if it's not the case where you are, try and look for another one. when you don't get the vibe with your therapist, he will most likely not be able to help you because you're not comfortable enough to tell him the truth. you say it yourself, he doesn't remember shit about what you tell him, and i just think there is no point in going to him if it's like this.
don't get me wrong tho!! you shouldn't miss your appointements. i mean, i don't know if you're struggling with being a pathological liar or if you have other issues that just makes you feel worse. if that's the case, i'd recommand you don't miss your appointment and you'll watch the finale later 🫶🏼 as someone who suffers from mental illnesses as well, seeing my therapist (even when i have trouble with him...) helps me keep in touch with the fact that i can settle for something else than losing to my troubles. if you really have a illness that could be a danger to your life if you miss that appointment, please go. i insist on that and i wouldn't want you to end up feeling bad for temporary satisfaction. it's the worst feeling.
however, if you feel like you can go on without this week, just don't go! it's up to you, evaluate your situation to make the best decision. i care about you and i hope everything will be okay so update me about it baddie 🫶🏼
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blueharborhq · 22 days
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MAX MOHAN is looking for his PERSONAL ASSISTANT / CONFIDANTE. For more details about the connection, read below!
CATEGORY — Platonic/Professional
TYPE OF CONNECTION — Perosnal Assistant / Confidante.
SUGGESTED FACECLAIMS — Caitlin Stasey*, Aubrey Plaza*, Gemma Chan*, Lauren London, Im Jin Ah, Kang Han-Na, Alexandra Breckenridge, Shelley Hennig, Ana De Armas, Anna Diop, Dichen Lachman, Aimee Carrero, Odette Annable, UTP ('tired of your bullshit' vibes).
so the main inspo for this is pepper potts and tony stark (before they hooked up and got together lmao) and various other k-dramas with a boss/secretary plot to sort of just give you a vibe of the dynamics. and while this isn't necessarily a romantic connection, i'm not opposed to those ~feelings being involved though i'd prefer for that not to be our jumping point for this connection unless you want to do an unrequited crush thing on alex's end. i'd first like to see their chemistry when we plot and maybe it can unfold organically through threads -- who knows! i'd just like for someone applying for this connection to keep an open mind <3
alex (again, temp name!) has been working for max for 10 years. she was hired by max's twin sister, nadia, after max suffered a traumatic brain injury in 2014. although the incident that caused this happened in blue harbor, max was living in chicago when alex was hired.
max was already COO of mohan prime retail, a subsidiary of their family's multinational conglomerate, at this time, but because of his injury, was unable to report to his family's office in chicago for a few months. this didn't stop max from working during his recovery, as his father insisted that he wasn't 'crippled enough to not work' despite the fact that he could barely hold a fucking pen, let alone get through a single sentence without stumbling over his words.
alex's main role was to help max get through his day to day activities. opening doors for him when he forgets that there's a door or has trouble with the knob, helping him get dressed and tie his shoelaces, reminding him to take his meds, getting him to and from various therapy sessions, keeping track of things he needs to remember, and sometimes talking to people for him. often, these were important people, too.
needless to say, alex was running majority of max's life, something which she didn't get enough credit for at the beginning. in many ways, especially when she started getting into the rhythm of max's job, she could've even replaced max as a COO.
max wasn't an easy boss. he still isn't. he can be a bit of a bitch, he's picky and judgy and stubborn. he was definitely worse when alex was new, though, in part because he kind of wanted her to quit; max hated the fact that nadia thought he needed help staying alive lmao. alex was already the third person nadia had hired as the first two before her couldn't stand max. but alex, at the time, desperately needed a job (reasons utp!) and nadia, who was initially the one paying alex her salary, paid her an incredibly hefty sum for the job. although there were times, of which there were many, where alex questioned whether it was worth it, she stuck through it.
and thank god for it, because these two have become something like besties over the course of ten years. she was even a bridesmaid at max's wedding and she's only been working for him for a year at the time. max could have also helped with some of her personal problems, familial or otherwise. if you want, depending on how close you want her to be with her family, max could've also become friends with her parent(s)/siblings, if any!
these two spend more time with each other than anyone else, including max's husband andrew (when they were still together) which was one of the things andrew threw in max's face when they were fighting. it's gotten to a point where max denies the fact that he might be codependent with alex which is......scary for him tbh bc he's never needed anyone like this before yknow??
because of all the shit they've been through together, they're kind of a pseudo old married couple in that they pretty much know everything about each other (though if you want alex to have kept some stuff from max, i'm cool with that, too!) and thus, alex is one of the very few people, a list which probably only includes his sisters and mother, who can talk shit to max's face, who can tell him how it is. and max will probably listen.
potential future plots if you need any!
maybe alex is thinking of leaving to pursue a dream career of hers? or maybe for no tangible reason in particular -- perhaps she's having a bit of an existential crisis where so much of her life for the last 10 years has been dedicated to max that even her own love life has suffered? maybe she thinks max shouldn't need her anymore bc he's not as busy as he was when he used to be COO? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
unrequited crush. which might also tie up with the plot idea above and can be a reason for her wanting to leave, that she can no longer work for max because she's in love with him and she thinks she won't love him back? (adversely, the idea that she's For The Girls and they really just have old gay couple vibes is so funny to me if you wanna go that direction!)
maybe she's been hiding something important from him all these years? something to do with andrew or maybe his family?
as a sub-plot to the above: sabotage! maybe the mohans have unknowingly ruined alex's family's life because of their business (we can discuss details!) and when she heard about vikas mohan's son needing a personal assistant, she immediately jumped at the opportunity to ruin their life back. except.....it didn't totally work out the way she had planned when she later realized that max is nothing like his father, though there were times, especially when she was newer, when she'd successfully sabotaged some stuff, unbeknownst to max.
do you need to be contacted by the potential applicant? — yes please!
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kyopmi · 2 years
Hi! I would like to be put in your one line matchup, the preferred fandom is tokyo revengers.
My name is lily, my pronouns are she/her. My friends offen refer to me as aggresive, funny, loud, outgoing and honest. I really like fashion, like putting together outfits, but I'm not the best at organization. I can be serious when I need to be, but when I am, I dotn really get taken seriously because of my joking like perosnality.
And one line is - "and your point is what? Like what did I do to cause this? Nothing!"
you've been matched with :
♡ baji keisuke !
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“and your point is what? like what did i do to cause this? nothing!”
“baji, you literally tried to get all the sodas from the machine at once, broke said soda machine, tried to start a fight with the employee and got us kicked out of mcdonald’s!”
baji gapes at you in what seems like offense, sticking a finger in your direction. “you were the one who told me to!” he exclaims.
“it was a joke, baji!” you retort exasperatedly.
“how was i supposed to know that?!”
you really couldn’t formulate an answer to his question, so you just scoff at him, half-sitting on his bike parked in the parking lot. “now what?” you huff, “i got all dressed up for our date only for you to take me to mcdonald’s, and you got us kicked out before we even got any food.”
“i was craving some nuggets!” baji defends, “besides, we didn’t get nothing from there.”
you quirk an eyebrow expectantly as you watch baji stuff his hands into the pockets of his jacket and produces... five ketchup packets. you can’t help but laugh at his attempt. “baji, you really gonna make me eat ketchup for dinner? this really is the worst date,” you joke, lightly punching his arm.
baji shows off his toothy grin, satisfied that you’re at least entertained and no longer mad at him. “just kidding, babe,” he assures, “hop on!” he situates himself on the seat of the bike and waits for you to join behind him, heart speeding up when he feels your arms snaking around his waist and clutching the front of his jacket securely. “attagirl,” he praises, patting the back of your hand with one of his own, “ready to go?”
“yup. where are we going now?” you ask, shifting slightly into a more comfortable position.
“to a great date spot, don’t you worry!” baji replies, pulling out of the parking lot.
“wait — that’s what you said when you picked me up earlier. baji, don’t tell me we’re going to the other mcdonald’s across town” you warn, looking at him suspiciously. from behind him, you can only see the back of his head but baji can definitely feel your glare on him.
“... you know what, you can choose where we’re going for dinner, babe.”
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[ 111 event ] 
sorry for the wait but i hope you like it, lily! i had a lot of fun writing this one :)
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girlstalkmichael · 2 years
Just finished new gossip girl and here's my thoughts:
all the characters were unlikeable to me except max and i thought it was just me but after a deep dive on youtube it turns out almost everyone feels the same way
the characters were bland and boring and i tried so hard to get invested in these characters and their storylines but it was torture
i hated some of max storylines especially the teacher thing and the the relationship with audrey and Aki thing but atleast he feels like a third dimensional character and have some depth to some extent in this show which can't be said about many charactes plus Thomas Doherty's acting is great
julien does not give the it girl vibes and charisma at all and in general it did not make much sense for her to be the it girl in the new York private school rich kids community like i it made sense for someone like blair and serena in the og to be in that position hell even Monet would fit more than her
also obi does not give the vibe that he's the prince of new York like the show likes to say
in general the casting is so off except Thomas
none of the characters have any distinct or unique personalities like the writers just copy pasted all the characters' perosnalities except maybe Max to some extent and in the og that was not the case at all from the first episode their personalities were shown maybe the only one who was a bit bland was nate but even him had redeeming qualities
The teachers being gossip girl make no sense at all either they make them actual villains of the show or make gossip girl a student because trying to make them heros is just so weird and inappropriate since they are litteraly teachers who are bullying their teen students
The writing is just terrible and that reflect on the plots and the characters drastically
the fact that the teachers revived gossip girl just to teach the students a lesson and to make them better people makes no sense since gossip girl never ever made anyone change for the better
the show was trying so hard to be woke and politically correct that they did not allow anyone to be complex characters, villains or anti heros and just wanted the viewer to root for everyone that ever set foot in that show
julien for some reason doesn't know how to control her minions and i thought they were the sort of minions like the ones with blair in the og but they just keep doing things behind her back and julien listens to them so easily like some times it feels like she is their minion in a way if you get me and julien in some point in the show acts like they were her bffs even though they've never showed that they care about her at all and she just needs to ditch them
the show didn't even try to make the viewer understand why all the group would be friends when they barely have anything in common and the group just feels awkward and just don't have any chemistry together
all the ships in the show were meh at best
The fact that there was so many poc being from really really high social class doesn't feel realistic to me and i know it's good to have representation in the media I'm a middle eastern muslim myself and i would be part of the minorities if i was living in the us so i understand the importance of representation
the acting wasn't great either except Thomas really gave it his all and I've seen some of them in other shows and their acting was fine there so it could be a product of bad writing or directing for some of them
and what's sad about this show is there was potential for it to be great
i hope they fire the writers who wrote the atrocity that is s1 since for some reason hbo decided to renew it
I enjoyed milo surprisingly and i know that georgina is going to be in s2 so i will watch s2 just for her and i hope that somehow the show can get better
I talked so much & thanks for anyone who read all that
Anyway i don't what other shows I'm gonna do this with next but i did have fun doing the gossip girl ones
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lightningbastard · 7 years
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30 Days of Fairy Tail
Day 27: Favourite Kin of Purgatory - Azuma
(caps by @fairymangacaps)
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aslaton8-blog · 3 years
So all my closest friends know I'm a huge Jake Gyllenhaal fan. Sadly, I came across a news article talking about an Instagram post that I saw had been flooded with anti-Gyllenhaal fans.
And you know what I think this is a great opportunity to discuss one of the things I'm so passionate about. I can't stand stupid fans. How do you call yourself a fan while falling all over them with your greedy hands? Seems like most of you are still lost and clinging to illusions in your head. You're a fan of some bullshit diety you made up, not them. I am literally starting to feel guilty for listening to her music anywhere close to watching a Jake Gyllenhaal movie. Isn't that odd??? It's so bad I've even separated them on my media ventures. 😳🤦‍♀️
So yeah I'm a fan of BOTH Jake and Taylor. I love her music. She has touched me in so many healing ways. Their relationship was a literal fling. She was young and she knows it and doesn't blame herself for anything, or she shouldn't. He was lost and hurting somewhere and doesn't blame himself, or he shouldn't. I'm pretty sure they both are mature enough to know where they fucked up and move on like mature adults. Do you? I guess that's why you cling to them?
First off, to the anti-Taylor group, the woman is allowed to write about whatever the fuck she wants. It's her life. Be happy she isn't writing about being raped or beaten up. Or is that what you wanted instead? If so, you're sick and need to seek therapy.
And to the anti-Jake Swifties out there the man doesn't have to talk about his personal life to anyone. It's HIS PEROSNAL LIFE and he has expressed over and over again how much he just LOVES (jk) to talk about his personal life. So he doesn't owe YOU an apology. Leave the man alone.
Oh yeah, when I worked at Walmart as a teenager, I'll NEVER FORGET Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt all over the front covers of those God awful magazines. I used to cover them up with Time or something else with substantially more substance for knowledge because I couldn't stand looking at them. I can't watch any of their movies either.
My own fucking family. My OWN family made me sick to start. My mother left me with a sociopath who beat her up while she was pregnant with me to chase a fame lifestyle. She scored a record deal but then dropped it over cocaine, partying and lifestyle addiction. My father talked about making bank off my voice because I can sing too. Between you stupid fans and my stupid parents, I have avoided this industry like the plague.
So I guess I'm writing this to process and deal with it. My talents keep bringing me back here. I'm a photographer, graphic artist and I can sing. I have a very dominant personality which strikes people everywhere I go. It scares me LOL. I like regular attention but not the amount of attention I seem to bring to myself. I can't help it. I just have lots of personality and I've been through far too much for a person before the age of 25. While I'm loud, I am not one to get close to. I'm only fun at a distance. It takes special people to love me up close. Like I said I've been through a lot and I'm VERY OPINIONATED. Y'all don't like that too much. 😝
#fuuck #paparazzi
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ziracona · 4 years
Sorry if this has been asked before but, I'm really curious about how you would have written Max in the story if he were to be there? He's one of my personal favorite characters and finding redemption stories about him is kinda hard (You have no idea how happy I was when I read Claudette threw him a scarf to stay warm, like yes please; he's a feral child in a killer's body, but please stay warm)
I don’t think I have been, and no problem!
If Max had had a larger role in ILM, I am not 100% sure how I’d have written his perosnality, since I haven’t had to do it yet in-depth, but I know he’d be very angry and both defensive and aggressive towards everything, warry, skittish, hostile. Not bad necessarily, but humans will raise hackles and be ready to lash out and bite if they’ve all they’ve ever known is abuse the same way a mistreated cat or dog would, or like, most any living thing. I think he’s very lonely and unloved, and it’s hard for humans to survive without positive contact and affirmation and physical affection. I mean, if we’re left alone totally, we literally just die. But since his only experience with humans—and his parents/the people who should have loved him most no less—was nothing but danger and abuse and isolation and imprisonment, I think it’d be very hard for him to be approached. Not at all impossible, but man, it is really, really hard to convince someone who’s been through torrential rains of abuse that there’s something else to be given.
I do have ideas on how you could get through, but let me think about personality first. Well, aside from aggressive, defensive, skittish, warry, and hostile, like inborn traits to go along with learned, I think he is a very volatile person. He must be enduring and strong to survive what he did and live, and so determined and tenacious. —Oh! Hang on, big one before I forget. So, I am not a forefront authority in Disability as it relates to narrative, but I know quite a bit and was lucky enough to have a professor whose central areas were Disability, Horror, and Disability in Horror. I don’t know who exactly popularized the idea of Max as having basically a child’s mind in an adult’s killer body, though I think I’ve been told it was one person or story? Maybe it was just a big fandom take. But that’s one of the most prevailing and harmful disability stereotypes, especially for mental disabilities, and horror is a massive offender in general with both disabilities and disorders, and we need to do better & listen to the communities themselves more. I don’t mean this in a harsh way at all—I don’t even know if you meant ‘feral child in a killer’s body’ that way, or meant like, ‘this feral man in a killer’s body is my child TuT’—which is a totally different statement—and even with the former, I know people have had that idea of Max super popularized and are inundated with it, and most people I think just don’t know it’s a very harmful and prevalent stereotype period—I didn’t until I was in my 20s. But I think it’s important to bring attention to it when it’s brought up. Many of the bad things done to people with disabilities come from treating them as not fully actualized humans (I guess I should say ‘us’), and some of those ways are easy to spot, because they’re cruel, and some are harder, because they seem positive. The ‘child mind in an adult body’ is a huge one for disabilities that doesn’t seem awful at first glance, but actually is a huge problem. Unfortunately, human children also get treated by and large as not fully realized humans (as in autonomous & worthy of respect and self-determination—obvs there are some differences that are important, but a child is still an entire ass human & should be respected as such). The painting a physically and mentally disabled character as childlike or mentally trapped as a child is used to control and take autonomy and gravity from our opinions and lives. It’s also just like, not accurate. But the biggest thing is that it takes agency from individuals and paints them as less intelligent, less capable of wanting or pursing more ‘adult’ things [such as jobs or sex or protesting for their rights or having informed opinions on current events and doing something about it], and tries to paint that permanent, life-long dehumanization as a positive thing by making it cute or innofenssive at first glance. While still discounting disabled as kids, passing off autonomy and decisions to their caregivers, and ignoring our status as equal and actualized individuals. Stunted learning or growth or different ways of speaking, moving, and limitations understanding certain things don’t actually make disabled people like children. They’re just adults who sometimes have some very different ways of speaking or thinking or seeming or being. But it’s super important that we’re still adults and like, have the actualized self of adults, even if our speech patterns seem weird. There’s a huge and extremely important difference between an adult with social hangups around sensitive areas and social norms, and being a child. If you didn’t know any of that, don’t feel too bad, again like, people who aren’t disabled almost never talk about disability theory or issues, and I didn’t know this till I was in my 20s. But I feel really bad for Max and bad about how he is usually characterized, so it is important to bring this up.
Okay! That all said, I think personality wise, Max would be really fun to write. Because you have two levels—you have the taught things—fear, aggression, etc, and his inborn perosnality. There is very little canon about Max, but we know he never left home after freeing himself, he steals clothes from scarecrows or whatever he can find, and he’s probably in his early 20s or maybe to his mid 20s now. Since he never left home, I’d think he’s probably a little more cautious and anctious by nature, even with all that rage. I think he’d be sentimental if he ever was given something to love. He must have attachment to things pretty easily, and would I think have liked people a lot because of that, if life had been different. Would have been a shy but friendly and hopeful farm boy. Now, he’s kind of a broken mess, sadly. He’s had it super pounded in by family he is worthless and horrific and disgusting and a monster and an abomination, so I think he expects all humans to take one look and violently feel the same towards him. Taught humans are cruel, and he isn’t safe with them, and the only thing that will stop them and protect himself is unchecked aggression.
So, when it comes to like, getting close enough to him to redeem him, it’s rough, because again, he’d be very very aggressive. I mean, even after killing his parents, he mutilated the animals on the farm in rage, and continued to viciously hurt and then kill anything living he could find on the farm, so he’s got a lot of danger, and he really leaned into violence to protect himself. It’s what he knows now. I think he’s still lonely — like, so lonely he’s sick with it — but unlike Anna and Michael, he’s never known love, so I don’t think he’s even aware of that, and it’s on a pretty subconscious level. Plus, he has even less understanding of human communication and rules and gestures than the other feral killers, so it’d be really hard to get through to him. I think about the only plausible way is really, really, really fuckin slowly, through repeated gifts and kindnesses for no reason (like Claude with the scarf but every day for three years)—the same way you’d try to get through to a feral cat, since like other living things, humans also are wary and mistrustful when hurt, but can be socialized into new situations and do have a pretty set list of gifts and actions we appreciate. I mean, if I was feral, I would start to soften if repeatedly left chocolates and big warm coats and picture books to look at, pretty rocks. I have a crow heart.... >.> Or, the much more likely option, you’d have to catch him or find him captured and helpless, and then be kind instead of doing anything bad at all, and help him for a somewhat extended period of time, nurse him back to health or such, so he’d be forced to actually realize this person isn’t trying to hurt him—they’re trying to help.
I think Max would get less hostile slowly and cautiously because like, if you’ve ever been horribly abused you know you’re afraid to be hurt again. But also, if you’re alone, there’s a battle between wanting some kind of constact and love, and the fear of trying to trust someone only to be brutally torn up again and cast aside. It’s a painful place to be. But I think once he made it over that initial trust hurdle, and could bring himself to stop shuddering at a touch and to believe the person helping him was just trying to give him food, not poison or something to choke on, he’d be absolutely overcome, becuase if you’ve never been shown kindness and then are, overwhelmingly, it’s really hard to process. There’s a lot of psychology stuff about how we form our understandings and processing of each other and the world that I’m not gonna go into much bc convoluted, but it’d be like the opposite weirdly of a Just World break. The realization some things are less awful than your cemented life understanding structure. It would feel wrong and be hard to process (and rewireing a brain takes some time), but he’s been so alone for so long, I think the longing for people would get through, and he would cautiously start to trust and be just bowled over and kind of intimidated by the strength of like, the love and affection and gratitude and belonging he’d start to feel. I think he’d be afraid, becuase it’s not how life is meant to go, and jumpy, but he’d also just be lost to the happiness of actually having some kind of positive human connection, and become fiercely protective of whoever (or whichever people) was/were helping him. Got something he doesn’t want to lose now.
He’s young, so he’s going to still be figuring stuff out, and he had an awful upbringing, so lots of confusion and anger and un-learning too, but I’m really glad you liked that scene!! 😭 and that you like Max too, because he needs more love. I like him a lot too, that’s why he ends up with an undetermined fate instead of, like, dead in ILM. I’d like to give him a fully story role sometime, when there’s more space for it. He’s such a complex and unfortunate guy, he deserves a chance to grow more right and find people who are different and have a better future. TuT. It ain’t fair how his life was.
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archived-dawn · 4 years
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Theo's kind and sweet and caring and loves easly but that seems to be it. The bases of a person barely anything thier truly. Someone who loves to much and to easily. But theo is monstrous and fake...at least thats what she thinks.
You know something that hit really hard me recently with theo is how she thinks shes to broken to be human. How she is horrible for at one point wanting people to suffer just like she did. And after words she sobbed her heart out finding out the world did die.
And ill be honest at least once eveyone has had one negative thought about another be it envy or anger. And for a girl who's been abused her whole life ? With only glimpses of the sun and sky and who has no idea how to write her own danm name ? Who believed her own danm mother didn't care enough for her because she died and left her ? Who dosn't remember anyone saying her own name since she was six.
Yeah I'm surprised it took her thirteen years to get to that point.
Theo down to her core cares. She cares for others and cares for people who she's never truly meet. Cares for the timelines that are displaced and loves people not because shes good and not because she is a 'protagonsist' but because shes understands pain and loneliness and wouldn't wish that on anyone. Because she understands that loneliness ,she lived through that loneliness. Because that loneliness was her only solitude and sanctuary from the pain. Because being alone meant she was safe. Theo understands how it can be comforting but also understands its negative effects. So she dose her best to love others and help them feel just a little less alone.Their are exceptions but no one wants to hear that know do they ?
And the fact that theo before chaldea barely even under stood and remembered what it meant to be loved kinda just hurts. The last time she was held was the day everything started and that was when she was five. At five kids should be learning the alphabet , sould be in school and crying about wanting candies and staying up just a little longer. Five year olds should not be covered in head to toe in bandages and in rags that barely count as clothes. Theo barely remembers what it was like to be loved. But she remembers what its like to love someone.
But Loveing someone or something isn't always a good thing.
Remember: Love is just as dangerous as hate, for it consumes you just the same. Love is not a gentle thing. Love is a all consuming and all encompassing thing.
Ive said time and time again theo loves to easily , cares to easily. She loves others. Other people's safety and wellness has always been something shes intoned to. Caring and loving someone has always been a driving force for theo in the nasu verse. Tsukihime verse coming soon
But just because she loves someone doesn't mean it'll fix everything ...no in fact it'll make a lot of Theo's problems worse. This is a girl who doesn't understand boundaries. This is a girl who has no view on her own self worth and doesn't understand what it means. This is a girl who will die if it made someone she loved happy.
Theo dose her best to be reliable and nice and the image the master of chaldea presents. But she can't. She's barely a person with the life she lived wich was five years outside a hell hole. Everything she learns at chaldea is a first. Her first true look at love was rama's love and devotion to being with sita even if it was a futile indever. And then her first true look at the madness love can and dose bring is brynhilder....brynhilder who mistaken people slightly simaler to her beloved seigird because of her sin's she committed in life.
The grand order is a one human war. The master of chaldea is the only one who will truly remember it and that's something theo agonizes over. All those people and memory's lost and just fixed like it was nothing.
Theo died in that war and relieved that war. Watched as her chooses meant nothing, watched as a unbearable outcome took place and she moved forward to try and fix it. Because if she doesn't do it then someone else is suffering through this hell and she would hate that.
War ,loneliness , death and love shaped theo. It shaped her into something resembling a girl. And it's those aspects that theo hides.
She hides the hate and anger her war left her feeling. Hides the the apathy her loneliness and death has drilled into her over her own well being. Hides the madness her love will dive her into. She hides aspects of herself that are horrible because they don't befit a master of chaldea. She hides the bone crushing soul destroying sadness she feels as she tries so desperately to smile and be a piller of support she knows other's need. Not because she wants to be a hero but because she can't stand the idea of another perosn being alone.
And this is why her loving someone hurts. Because if she loves someone she'll try more. She'll try and live. Try and be genuine, try and be open with what shes feeling even if she doesn't understand it. She'll try and shoulder her loves ones burdens with them. Theo loving someone means she'll stop trying to make everyone happy and try her best to make someone she cares for happy and sometimes that means she'll have to be better and improve herself.
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survivor76612651041 · 2 years
Murder in the black ghetto
Murder is caused by frustration for the most part . Years of economic frustration and race haye has drive the black community mad. The slums, the ghettos were built like prisons..peope had very little room and the communities plan for success is non existent. Ots the dysfunctional part of town. Their aren't many jobs, peope can't afford transportation, and many peole are on government subsidies. The ghetto is preparing you for prison. So they created the slums on.purpose to put all the undesirable peope. The ghetto is doing wht its designed to do. Enslave and kill poor people . They didn't care about our success they are banking on our failure. This is racist for sure and it's government sponsors. The government created the projects!! They made these neighborhoods hoods , then they hired the cops, then they built the prison. They did everything except plan to give us decent jobs or a healthybl community they did everything expect that.
Thsi is out real problem whynwe keep killing each other. We get a little dark mkneynfro. Drugs the only lucrative jib we knwi ir can get the.n we are crabs in a bucket. Trapped and turi.g on each other out of iambikty , to change things goig wro.g j. Ourwotldd ..instead of learning and growing we get white liberals meddling in.oyr affairs offering. Horrbke solutions for real problems. To the po.t they eliminate the male in.prisn or death . The. Leave the woman aloentonraie children umdefefsd. Black can't even verbalize or take action against thsi problem and fall.int the depressed state of feeling they ca t or don't control their lives or wealth anymore
Stop taking your failures perosnal you gotta remember it's unfair. And you just do the best you can and cope I know it's frustrating the inability to grow , yiur being teased by things yiu could have and feel like 6our not a real pat of the culture. Hold up we gotta love each other still even through all of this or we all die . Ot seems hopeless but it isn't.
I'm here recruiting men to come join my movement we are unorthodox commit crimes and more to even the score and create a place where we can enjoy lofe and living thrive. Without the ebemybinvooed..om helpig.britherd and sisters over come thes obstacles and set or .just one vision that will heal us and make us all happy.
I'm kt a billionaire I'm god !! Thisncsn change the lives of 1 million balck me. And women over nogr
We need a miracle and deserve a miracle I'm waiti.g to se who can be a apart of thsi with me
Hoe to see yiu all.soon giving us a mother changce right now thisnyiur next chance today!!
Recruiting from.the slums to join. My menwvemt to free us all.from.orrsions !!
God the balck man
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